mimimarilynart · 1 year
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@toastedbuckwheat Happy birthday my love🥰🥰
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mystar-girl57 · 2 years
𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐲𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐮𝐦
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞
𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 || 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱
Pairing: widowed!jake x fem!reader
Warnings: reader has Thalassophobia (phobia of oceans/deep and large bodies of water), mentions of drowning
Comments: in the italicized bit Neytiri and Reader are about 8 years old also only skimmed over after writing so only some what proof read
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“Hurry up you slowpoke!” Neytiri giggled not too far away as you struggled to keep up. It was late, too late to be away from Home Tree. Eclipse had come and the clan slept. You and Neytiri however were too busy chasing each other along the illuminated forest floor, your feet leaving footprints in your wake.
“I'm coming as fast as I can!” You huffed hopping up onto a branch so you were above her. Running and bouncing over objects in your barked path you managed to make it so you were caught up and standing right above the young girl.
Neteyiri stopped at the top of the hill and turned around looking for you. She grinned when she didn’t see you. “Get lost back there?” She called down the path expecting you to come panting.
“Doing just fine actually!” You called before leaping down on her and tackling her to the glowing floor sending fireflies up as the two of you began to roll around rough housing.
It was a storm of arms flailing and tails getting tangled as the two of you laughed trying to pin the other down. But what neither of you noticed was how close you were coming to the dangerously steep hill.
You pinned Neytiri down with a triumphant laugh right their on the edge. “Ha! Got ya!” You exclaimed, your tail flitting behind you.
“Oh yeah?” Neytiri questioned with a smug look and in one swift motion she grabbed under your armpits and flipped your body. When you felt your body be moved in the air you expected to just be pushed to the grassy earth but instead you felt a sharp corner hit your back before you went tumbling down.
You were not able to stop the fall; there was nothing you could grab onto as rocks scraped your back. You heard Neytiri screaming your name before everything was muffled as you fell into the rushing river below.
Your body was tossed around like a rag doll as it dragged you down stream, you could not even try to move your limbs to get above water to see where you were going let alone catch your breath.
You felt a tightness in your lungs as the little bit of air you had started to slip from you. The current dipped, slapping you down on an especially sharp rock and you opened your mouth to gasp, that small breath you had escaping as water filled your lungs. Everything became fuzzy, your ears were ringing and you started to desperately gulp for air until eventually it became too much and your eyes closed, your body going limp.
You sat up quickly, your eyes wiped and your mouth opening as you panted. Your body was drenched in sweat and you patted yourself down to make sure that you were truly there. You let out a teary sigh and hugged your body tightly. On all the days that Ewya had to show you that memory it had to now in the midst of everything.
It took you a few minutes to get yourself to calm down to stop your body from shaking and to get your breathing back to normal for you to assess your surroundings. It was early, the sun had not yet awoken and everyone around you still slept. Even Tuk who got cold in the night had crawled into bed with you and Jake acting as your barrier was still asleep. You sighed sharply and rubbed your eyes before pushing the blankets off of you and getting up off the pallet.
Walking out of the marui you were not surprised to find that none of the villagers were awake, it was too early for even hunting parties to go off. You could see in the distance the sky slowly turning a deep red and fading to orange. The ocean crashed loudly in your ears at the tide came in and you glared at it.
You followed the woven walkway until it was met with the sandy beach fed into the forest. Not that you could really call it a forest, it was a few shrub trees and prickly bushes. No trees and vegetation that you were used to could grow here; the sand would not allow it. That was another thing that you found you did not like about the coast of Pandora, the sand. You hated the way your feet sank with each step you took making it difficult to walk unlike the firm soil you use to run on.
You let your feet carry you around the island as the sun peeked over the ocean. At this point you knew that the village was starting to wake up and the Sully family would to. So you turned around and followed the footprints you had made back to Awa’altu.
You were about half way there when you noticed a figure up a head standing about hip deep in the water. They stood with their arms raised at the elbow on either side of them, their face turned towards the sun. As you drew near you realized it was Ronal. Your body prickled telling you to go the opposite direction but she had heard you long before you had seen her.
“Stay.” She spoke, not turning to face you. “You do not have to come into the water but stay.” You looked around making sure that she was not addressing someone else but upon seeing no one you knew she was talking to you. You felt a rush of nervousness wash over you as you stepped closer, staring at her back from her spot on the beach.
“The Ilu told me about last night.” Ronal spoke and you tilted your head, ‘the ilu?’ You questioned in your mind as the Tsahìk turned around. “And Ewya. She granted me visions of what happened in your youth.” You felt the blood drain from your face and your body became clammy. That was why you had that vivid dream the night before. “I understand that you are afraid of the water.” Ronal continued turning around fully and coming up out of the water. “And I would say that I can help you but I can only offer so much. This is a battle that you need to face yourself.” She put a hand on your shoulder and squeezed it. It was a surprisingly gentle gesture and her eyes showed nothing but earnesty with the words that she spoke.
Ronal pulled away and took a step back, “I will come by your home after you and your family have had time to eat breakfast.” And with that she turned away fully and started her walk up the beach back to the village
You could not help but stand there feeling stumped. How was she so calm? So trusting of Ewya. After everything that had happened what you had been forced to do you found yourself losing your faith in your deity more and more. You shook your head and sighed. A familiar clicking and splashing sounded making you tare your head back up and to your surprise there was the same smiling ilu as the night before. A smile made its way onto your face and you walked a bit closer to the water where the ocean barely touched your toes.
“I see you went and spilled my secrets last night.” You grinned and the ilu clicked patting its fins on the ocean surface before diving down into the water. You waited for it to come back up and when it did it had a fish in its jaws which it threw up into the air and caught it in its mouth swallowing it whole.
“So much for chewing.” You chuckled. Your attention however was pulled away once more when you heard chattering coming down the beach. The first hunting party had been sent out. “Well, I guess I have to get going.” You sighed looking to the ilu who lowered its head. “Oh do not give me that, I know you will find me again,” the ilu responded with what sounded like a laugh before diving under and swimming away while you began to jog up the beach hoping to get back before everyone woke up.
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You did manage to get back and only Jake and Kiri be awake, Neteyam starting to stir. No one questioned your abcense, you and Jake did not even look at each other as you wordlessly got to work making everyone a subtantial breakfast before going out to their lessons.
Like the morning prior the kids ate quickly and Tsireya came to get them. Tuk gave you an extra tight hug and made you pinky promise that you tried to have a good day. Jake and Tonorwari left not long after.
You were in the middle of washing off the shell plates when Ronal arrived. “Are you ready to start the day?” The tsahìk asked. You eyed the water behind her and she followed your gaze before shaking her head, “We will not be getting in until you say you are ready. Today I will show you clan life and ask for your help with Tsahìk duties.”
You felt your body physically relax at her words and you wiped off the final plate and stored it away before getting up and joining Ronal outside the marui pod.
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It was a nice day to say the least. The heat of the sun was filtered out by the wind making the weather pleasant and bare able as you followed Ronal through the village. She showed you the main areas of Awa’altu, where the community weapons were kept, then where the food went that the hunting parties brought back. She guided you around little shops where the Metkayinan women had laid out several beads and baskets that they had crafted. One woman in particular had two amber beads carved, one big and one little and Tuk went to your mind.
Ronal noticed you eyeing it and smiled. “The Metkayina use the form of trade and service when giving items to one another.” She explained and you put your hand on your hip as you hummed in thought. What could you trade or give that would equal these two beautiful beads. Ronal put her hands on your shoulders and looked at the woman. “What would you like for the two beads?” She asked the older woman. The graying woman looked up at you and Ronal and shrugged. She did not speak, but made motions with her fingers. You frowned confused and looked at Ronal who put her hand up telling you to wait for the woman to finish. When she put her hands down the tsahìk cleared her throat, “She wants to know what you would do with them.”
You sucked on your bottom lip, “They are for my daughter and I.” You explained. This was your first time calling the kids one of your own out loud to someone and it a wonderful feeling spread through your body and you nodded turning to the woman. “They are for my daughter and I. She likes it when we have matching beads in our hair and I have not been able to put any in her hair for several moons.”
The elder’s face seemed to light up with Joy and she hastily put the two beads into a soft threaded pouch and handed it up to you.
“Oh but I have nothing to give at the moment,” You began to say but the woman shook her head and took your hand. She flipped your palm up and placed the pouch on it before folding your fingers onto it.
You watched as she leaned away and began to sign, Ronal translating.
“I lost my daughter at a very young age,” the woman explained, “She always wanted beads in her hair and so I taught her to make them. She was my only child and I am alone now so I have no more use for these beads. Please, the only payment I ask is that you keep loving your beautiful children. I hope to see you and your daughter with those beads in your hair one day.”
You felt tears come to your eyes at her sweet words. That was the first kind thing anyone had really said to you in regards to your relationship with the Sully kids- No, the first kind thing someone had said about you and your kids. You got down on your knees and hugged the elder tightly, your tears dripping down onto her shoulder. When you pulled away she gently wiped your tears and gave you a sweet smile and signed once more.
“Thank you syulang.” Ronal spoke in translation and you had to keep yourself from crying more as you said your goodbyes and continued down the path. Syulang, flower, that had always been Neytiri’s nickname for you. She was the last one to call you that name right before she died and hearing someone else say it brought you a sense of comfort.
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The next few weeks went by quicker and you found yourself starting to enjoy the village a little more. You did not love it by a long shot but you were growing comfortable to say the least. But you still had not gone in the water.
Assisting in Tsahìk duties with Ronal was what consumed your days and you had already learned so much. Their methods were quite different from from Mo’at had taught you. They had learned to adapt to their environment and found different ingredients for the same uses that you had treated. It amazed you. For the first time in a while you dared to say that you felt happy.
On this particularly day you and Ronal were working outside in the sun, the rays warming your skin as you dried the sea weed out on the sand and crushed up some beans into a fine powder.
“May I ask you something?” Ronal asked, glancing at you. You hummed a “sure” in response not looking up from you work as you poured the powder into the bowl between you and grabbed another handful of beans and disposing them into the large mortar and started to grind them up. “What is going on between you and Toruk Makto?”
Her question caused you to stop twisting your hand. You shook your head and kept grinding, a bit more aggressive this time as you tried your best to act normal. “What do you mean?” You questioned.
Ronal eyed your movements and your change in body language. You had gone from being lax and peaceful to now tense and worried. She reached out a gentle hand and put it on yours to make you stop. It was effective as you took your hand off the pestle letting it lean against the mortar’s rim.
“Jake and I are fine.” You sighed, shaking your head. “I promise you we are fine.” Ronal raised a brow. You knew she knew the truth about the two of you, you and Jake had not really tried to act like a couple in the longest of times which gave you a sense of relief.
Ronal tsked softly looking back at her work. “Ewya and I see otherwise. She tells me that the two of you are not even mated.” Her words were calm, she was not accusing or even angry she just said it as if it was a common fact.
You let out a breath of defeat, your shoulders sagging as you finally stopped grinding up the beans and rubbed your face with your hand. “You are right.” You admitted softly, “Jake and I have ever even willingly touched once. I am just with him to look after his kids.”
Ronal frowned, “So when you came-” “Yes, him pulling me to him, acting as if we were a true mated pair was just an act that we have put on often for our clans. He is the husband of my best friend. She was killed in battle. Neither of us are in love, and we never will be.”
Saying those words struck a pain in your heart. It was odd, you had said this countless amounts of times, to yourself and to Jake, that the two of you were not lovers and it would stay that way. So why did it hurt this time?
“But something tells me that you and Toruk would like that to be different.” Ronal looked at you expectantly as you stared at her with a mix of confusion and maybe a little bit of disdain. “What? No! He is mated to Neytiri! I would never do that to her and after how he has treated me I cannot just give myself to him! That would be like giving up. If he wants me then he has to show it.” And just like that your anger for him had returned. You went back to grinding up the beans showing that the conversation was over.
Ronal sighed softly looking out the water hoping that Tonorwari was having a far better time Jake than she was you.
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And the answer was, he wasn’t.
Tonorwari stood beside the omatikayan man, the two casting their nets and waiting before pulling their catch in. “So,” the leader cleared his throat, getting Jake’s attention. “You and your mate. How is she? I hardly see her around the village with you.”
Jake glanced at Tonorwari before shaking his head and heaving the now heavy net onto shore, a few fish leaping out. “She’s fine, just adjusting to Awa’altu.” He shrugged, knowing that didn’t answer the question why she wasn’t with him specifically.
“From what Ronal tells me is that she is doing just fine. Still timid around water but that is to be expected from what she has gone through.” Jake’s head snapped to Tonorwari. “Gone through? What do you mean gone through?” The metkyinan man chuckled. “I figured you being her mate JakeSully you would have been aware of what happened when she was about your youngest’s age.” When Jake still looked at him clueless Tonorwari nodded, that was all he needed to know to confirm his suspicions on them not being true mates. “She almost drowned when she was about eight back in the forest that you came from.” The leader explained, “The current was cruel to her and she was almost returned to our great mother. But Ewya deemed it was not her time and saved her. I imagine that is why she does not want to go in, she does not want to experience that again.”
Tonorwari deposited the fish into the basket before bunching up the net while Jake stood there speechless. That’s why you had been scared. Not because you were angry at him (you were) or that you thought you were too good for this place you were genuinely scared. His ears lowered some as Tonorwari watched his movements closely. Unlike Ronal, he did not have to come right out and ask what was wrong or call someone out one something. He could say certain words to get certain responses out of people, which is how he knew his son was lying most of the time.
“Was anyone else with her or was she by herself when this happened?” Jake questioned. Tonowari shrugged slightly, “Ronal mentioned something about a woman, or a girl at the time of accident named Neytiri but nothing further.”
Neytiri. His Netytiri was that close to you? He knew that she knew of you and had only seen you speak a number of times but he didn’t know that you two had known each other since childhood. His eyes widened slightly, you were also there when the RDA attacked Dr. Agusustine’s school. Just how much have you gone through? Jake wondered, but a better question was, how were you dealing with it.
Jake was so lost in his thoughts on you that he didn’t hear Tonowari calling his name. “Jake?” Tonowari waved his hand in front of the man causing him to blink back to reality. “Yes! Yes?” Jake looked at him, “I was just going to say that I am leaving to help Ronal with Lunch and to make preparations for the feast coming up. You may stay if you want but I am going to go.”
Jake nodded, still somewhat disconnected. “Okay, I’ll see you around sir.” And with that Tonowari left with new information to tell Ronal.
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It was getting later in the day as you made your way through the village. Tonowari had come not too long ago and left with Ronal leaving you on your own. You did not mind it though you were enjoying exploring. This was your time of freedom, no kids to monitor, no “husband” to put up with, you were free.
You came around a corner and just as you went to step a pair of arms snatched you up and right where you were about to walk fell and axe slicing through the walkway and the weapon fell into the water with a splash. You stood there (well hovered there) your eyes wide and panting slightly as you were thinking how it could have been you to go in the water. It then registered to you the pair of strong arms that were holding you. Their hands were calloused but gentle and soon they set you down turning you to face him.
It was a metkyinan villager. You had seen him around Awa’altu, he was usually heading the early morning fishing parties. He had wet curly hair that went down a little past his shoulders, a part of it was up in a bun on his head. A tattoo was etched into his skin starting from his shoulder coming out onto his chest. He looked very apologetic as he checked you over from cuts. His touches and looks as his eyes raked along your body were not at all sexual or malicious you could tell he was genuinely concerned.
“I am so sorry.” He apologized, his voice smooth like honey, “My friend Aluk’un is known to have slippery fingers.” He nodded over to where the axe use to be and you noticed another man collecting the fallen weapons and he gave you an apologetic smile. “You are not hurt are you?” He asked. You took a moment to look yourself over despite him having already done it and you found no cuts or bruises. “I am unscathed.” You chuckled.
Hearing you laugh his ears perked up some and he let out a sigh of relief. “I am Kaiman.” He introduced and you gave him your name. He said your name to himself and smiled at the sound of it. “That is a very pretty name,” he complimented. A grin found its way to your lips and you did your best to conceal it while the two of you stood there bashfully eyeing each other.
“Well, thank you again for saving me from the axe Kaiman.” You said taking a step back. “I hope to see you around.” The warrior nodded, “I will be sure to watch out for more axes when you are in the area.” He teased. You kept your eyes on him, feeling like a teenager again as you walked backwards which you ended up bumping into someone. Your face went dark with embarrassment as you quickly helped pick up what fell and gave him a final wave before disappearing into the crowd. Kaiman turned to his friend. “She is cute.” He hummed before going back to his tasks
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By the time you got back to your marui pod you rubbed your face hoping that would soothe it of the color in your cheeks. You had never felt that way before when speaking to someone. Your heart was racing, you were stumbling over your words, you had never done that. You had always taken pride in being sure footed and knowing exactly what you were going to say and saying it with confidence. But with that interaction it was the complete opposite. You felt giddy. But no, no, it was just one interaction, it was not like you were going to see him again.
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© 𝐦𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫-𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝟓𝟕 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐬
🏷: @fanboyluvr @mashiromochi @newjeansbonnie @cleverzonkwombatsludge @atxara @jakesully-sbabygirl @ducks118 @ssc7514 @squidalapobre @anxietydrogz @myheartfollower @misscaller06 @itzyahgirllkita1 @saltedcoffeescotch @eskamybeloved @agustdeeyaa @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @julijalhowskaja-blog @supercoolusernamesblog @iamparou
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find-roronoa-zoro · 5 months
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Zoro X CisFem Reader
It had been a long time since you'd even visited your home town. College and then running one of the foreign branches of the family business kept you away and plenty busy. Recently your adopted father was diagnosed with cancer and the family decided it would be best to send a trusted friend to take over your branch while you moved back home with your brothers to help take care of the old man. It was extremely hard for you to accept that he wouldn't be around forever, and you were only in your early thirties, too young to say goodbye to your only parent.
Stepping off the train platform your eyes combed the small crowd awaiting arrivals until you spotted a familiar tuft of blond hair. His lopsided smile grew when he caught sight of you.
"My twin!" you called wrapping your arms around his neck.
You weren't actually twins or even related by blood, but you were close in age and your birthdays were in the same month, so they were always celebrated together. You'd known Marco since the orphanage, he refused to be separated from you which deterred a lot of potential parents until Pops came along.
"I missed you too, yoi." he murmured returning your embrace, "Are you ready to see the babies?""Yes!" you practically squealed, "I can't believe they are all men now."
'The babies' was an annoying term of endearment you had for your three younger brothers. They hated it, so of course it stuck.
"Luffy just started second year at uni, Sabo aims to graduate in December and well you know Ace wasn't cut out for school, so he's been helping Thatch and I run things." the blond explained ushering you into his truck.
"I'm so excited to see everyone." you breathed, "How's Pops?"
"He has good days and bad days, yoi," he glanced at you with a soft smile, "today's a good day."
It was just a fifteen-minute drive to the house you more or less grew up in. The willows that lined the long driveway had gotten fuller in the time you'd been away, and the breeze here always seemed sweeter.
"I'll grab your bags, you can head inside, yoi." Marco instructed.
You hopped out of the truck and made your way up the path that led to the from porch. A mixture of excitement and nerves churned in your gut. You were ready to be reunited with your family but also nervous to see what state your father might be in.
Before you could even get to the first step the screen door burst open slamming against the side of the house as your youngest brother threw himself at you.
"F/N!" he cried tackling you to the ground.
"Oi Luffy!" another voice called from the house.
It was too late of course, you were flat on your back with your little brother wrapped around your torso.
"You could have seriously hurt her. F/N is no spring chicken ya know." Ace scolded pulling the youngest away from you.
"You really shouldn't point out a lady's age Ace." Sabo added sauntering up to help you off the ground.
"My babies!" you squealed grabbing all three males.
Ace and Sabo groaned hugging you back stiffly while Luffy chuckled and nuzzled into you.
They hadn't changed one bit.
"Quit hogging F/N!" you heard Thatch call from the porch.
No one made you feel as loved as this group of idiots. You released the younger brothers and bounced up the steps to the brunette.
"It's so good to see you. How many years has it been?" he stepped back to look you over.
"Eight." you replied sheepishly, "Sorry it took so long."
"You're a busy woman, don't worry about it." he opened the door for you.
"Do I hear my lovely daughter?" your father's deep voice rumbled through the house.
"The one and only!" you chimed back making your way to the den where he spent most of his time.
Pops sat in his big leather armchair situated so he could see the entire room, including the perfect view of the back yard through the large bay windows that lined the wall in front of him. He smiled so wide the corners of his eyes crinkled as you entered the room. You let out a soft sigh, relieved that he didn't look as ragged as you'd imagined.
"Well don't you look handsome." you smiled leaning in to kiss his cheek.
A soft chuckle rumbled through his chest, "Too kind as always lass."
"How are you feeling?" your eyes trailed down the oxygen tubes resting above his snow-white mustache.
"Good enough to give these lads a good whooping if needed." his huge callused hand moved over yours.
You sat with Pops in the den catching up until the sun went down. Most topics were light, memories of your childhood, comparing your younger brother's antics to you, Thatch and Marco.
"So tell me F/N, when do you intend to settle down and give me some grandchildren?"
You frowned.
"C'mon old man. I know you wouldn't be having this conversation with Thatch or Marco."
"Only because no one will want kids with those brats."
"We can hear you, old fart." Marco called passing by.
"I wasn't trying to hide it." Pops called back and turned to you, "You know I won't be around forever and I'd like to see you happy."
"I am happy." you pouted.
"You know what I mean, lass." he tipped your chin up to meet his golden gaze, "I know Shanks will be excited to see you've returned."
"Awe come on Pop's," you groaned, "I'm not going back to that drunken man-child."
"He was the best boyfriend you ever had." Ace commented from the doorway.
"And the coolest!" Luffy added.
"I hate all of you." you grumbled.
Red: Running late!
You groaned staring down at your phone, how very like him.
Red: I can't wait to see you!
Red: ... Please actually wait for me this time.
Me: Just this once and only because you're paying
Red: That's my girl
Me: not your girl sir
With that you slipped your phone into your back pocket and entered the pub. It was rowdy but not too loud. You scanned the room for a comfortable place to wait for your idiot date. Your eyes stopped abruptly at the bar, breath halting as you made very brief eye contact with the most gorgeous specimen the gods had possibly created. Messy green hair complimented his tanned complexion and chestnut iris. A scar cut through his beauty (and left eye) only adding a rugged finesse you were positive no one else could pull off. Before you knew it, you'd floated right up to the counter waiting quietly as other customers stole his attention.
He turned back intending to take your order, right eye widening a fraction as his gaze swayed over your face.
A slight blush adorning his cheeks he cleared his throat, "What can I get ya?"
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
[2k12 Rasey - pff i meant to send this last night xD]
It would be incredible, if not a little bit pathetic, to see Casey tipsy after half a bottle of booze he and Raph had managed to get their hands on. He'd find something to blame in the morning for him being drunk so quick, of course, but right now, he was too out there to give a second, or first, thought to it.
Casey snorted as he laughed to himself, lanky arms wrapping around one of Raph's own as he cuddled up to them, dopey smile on his face,
"Yer ever think' like, yer know how sometimes you're like 'shit I wish I was gay'...?" Casey slurred, pressing his face to their shoulder, "Like seriously, seriously fuck we shoul' be gay t'gether Raph."
Casey said, clinging to his boyfriend. Droopy eyelids, flustered face and a little giggle to his lips. When it was pointed out that they were already together, Casey gasped,
"We are!" He exclaims, "Babe that's awesome!"
He began to squirm, managing to get onto his knees as he scrambles forward, attempting to climb onto Raph's lap, not quite understanding how his limbs worked. He ended up just collapsing on them,
"Mmh, I wan' kisses," Casey demands, attempting to press wet sloppy kisses to Raph's face, "Gimme."
| Muse interaction
Combined laughter bounced off the city building as Raph held tight to the handle bars of Casey's bike. Casey working the peddles hard and faster, pumping his legs best he could despite the added weight from the mutant turtle in front of him. Can't blame how the sight might look to the pathetic Dragon they tracked down being chased down by the pair of them opting to just book it like their life was depending on it. Slowly as they drew closer Raph moved to stand uncaring how that sudden shift of weight was bound to thrown Casey's balance off. Kicked off against their bike not going to help the situation anymore as he launched himself forward to tackle the guy to the ground. The force of 179 pounds of mutant turtle thrown out their way. Easily knocking them out as Raph simply cheered out from the rush of his act.
Slowly moving up to his feet ready for more, as hopped up to the heel of his feet and twisted around to face the thug. Only to soon let a pout fix over his beak as he looked down to them clearly knocked out. Simply letting a slight 'aww' of disappointment escapes him. It been a a bit of bust this night. Bearly anything going on and it was leaving Raph to feel more restless than being stuck in the lair did. Huffing as he idly poked the guy with the end of his foot seeing if he maybe would budge just a little bit. Only to find something roll away from their side.
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"hmm whats that?" Kneeling down he picked up the glass bottle and turned it in his hands, smirking a little. "Hey Casey? I think I got an idea how to end the night."
They made their way up to the rooftops so they could enjoy the little prize as Raphael went on to claim the find of the booze out to be. Or hey compensation for knocking that lame brain dragon guy out. As they both hunkered down against the air conditioning unit behind them. Though now? with half a bottle being shared between them Raph felt like the real prize was just how out of it Casey was with the little bit he had to get him like this.
Raph had never seen Casey drunk himself, but maybe blame alcohol buzzing in his own system at the moment but they were kind of adorable when drunk? Least how quick they seemed to get effected by the stuff was pretty cute. Casey was just a giggling mess at the moment Raph wasn't even sure what had the fit of laughter erupting out of them at the moment. Slightly blushing watching them as they hooked a lanky long arm around one of Raph's now. He just chuckled a bit himself. What a dork, a bit more sober himself so he was going to tease the ever living fuck out of them for this once they were sober. As they cuddle in against him only to roll their head and smile at Raph, dopey grin and flushed face.
"Ya good there bud?" Raph offers clearly amused.
"Yer ever think' like, yer know how sometimes you're like 'shit I wish I was gay'...?"
Raph just tilted his head a littler when Casey went to press his face in against his shoulder. He didn't remark on that cause far as Raph was concerned Casey was pretty gay. He loved Adam Lambaert hell Raph wouldn't be surprised if Casey wanted to try and mimic their looks since they were getting into make up and what not. Not to mention Casey wrote all his sappy thoughts about Raph into a dairy. So yeah clearly Casey turely was far gone right now. Oh hes so hazing them over this.
"Like seriously, seriously fuck we shoul' be gay t'gether Raph."
Casey suddenly says as he clings to Raph. Who was already his boyfriend. Raph just looked at how their eye lids droped more and their face got a nice dusting of red across it and they giggle a bit at the suggestion just now. Raph rolled his eyes a bit, though he did have to admit even with Casey drunk and out of his mind. It was kind of touching he still made it clear where his own heart laid. With Raph. His own face burned a little hot with that as he playful lift his free hand forgetting the bottle he was holding as he gave a flick of his fingers against Casey's empty skull.
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"Space Case, 'ere already datin' can' be more gay than 'hat." When Casey simply gasps at that Raph slightly flinches at the sound but doesn't move away.
"We are!"
Heart seemed to flutter seeing just how excited that bit of information got Casey in the moment as they couldn't control the volume of their tone.
"Babe that's awesome!"
Soon after they go from happily content holding to his arm to scrambling on to their knees bony limbs suddenly all over Raph as Casey seemed to take their chance to move into his lap Raph simply moving his arms back trying to make it a bit easier for them to scramble onto him, laughing as they seemed to forgot how to work their limbs at all. It was a pretty ridiculous sight watching the guy who seemed decently coordination being reduced to a scampering raccoon. Soon just knocking the pair of them back as he collapsed right on top of Raphael.
"What are you doin' dimwit?"
"Mmh, I wan' kisses,"
Raph finding himself soon victim to wet sloppy kisses being pressed to his face seemed Casey forgot how their lips worked away well.
Raph simply took hold of their face as he chuckles softly "damn you can' handle your liquor." letting his thumbs gently stroke over their face, easily smudging up their black and white face pain. Unable to help how his heart cant seem to settle in his shell over their display of affection his way. Soft smile curling over his beak as he just looked at his idiotic and drunk boyfriend.
"Come here" Leaning up, he presses his beak against their lips, uncaring that he was going to get coated in the same greasy mess of paint Casey slapped all over his face in turn Before slightly pulling back from it only to laugh softly himself as he broke the kiss. "Geez ya gonna swear up an' down I'm lying 'bout how got tonight." Hmm, kind of shame he kind of liked having Casey all over him like this. Capturing their mouths again. Sucking softly against their bottom lip as he pressed his fringers against their jaw. He doubted they would remember to know to open thier mouth in the moment. Easily able to pick up on the mixture of Casey's usual taste with the alcohol heavey in their breath. Raph still savored the sloopy kiss as he moved a hand back to tangle his finger into Casey's hair. Letting them idly comb through the strands before part a little from them when he needed breath.
"There that helpin' ya remember any?" He simply teases them with. "Orrr" a slight churr when he stretches that out "do I need to teach ya some more?"
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Hawks, Bakugou w/future children
Request:  Hey I love your writing so much 💕 can you do future children with Bakugo and Hawks? - @toshiiiiiiiiii​
Writing the last future children prompt was amazing. I like writing about them so much. Sonce I’ve already written for Hawk’s kids before and I’ve given them names we’re just going to roll with those names. Hope I don’t disappoint. Love ya.💖💖💖
warnings: fluff and maybe some crying.
Hawks/Keigo Takami
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-He was on patrol, just flying around when he was hit by something square in the chest.
-It knocked the air out of him and he began coughing....and falling....pretty fast.
-Realizing that he was about to hit the side of a building, he spread his wings and maneuvered his body, shielding the thing clinging to his coat with his arms.
-He landed on a nearby roof and let out a scream when it wiggled in his arms.
-Looking at the CHILD in his arms for the first time, he immediately noticed to the little red wings on their back.
-A giggle erupted form the ball of golden locks and it looked up at him with large e/c eyes. 
- “You didn’t dodge daddy! I’m faster than you!”
-He almost dropped the small girl at the word ‘daddy’.
-Eyes like saucers and with no oxygen in his lungs he looked at the girl more closely. 
-A mini you with some of him sprinkled on top. 
-She ruffled her wings, leaning back into his chest and nuzzling his jacket, her small fists grabbing the flaps.
-Keigo didn’t know what to do for the life of him.
-He was standing on a roof with a kid that literally fell from the sky and looked like his lovechild, how couldn’t he NOT panic?
-He looked at the little girl again only to find her fast asleep, her thumb in her mouth and it made Keigo’s heart flip in his chest.
-She was just so adorable.
-Wrapping his arms tighter around her in order to shield her from the cold air, he took off again heading for your shared apartment. 
-He forgot everything about his patrol, the only thing on his mind was you.
-The family you would create, judging by the girl currently using him as a bed. 
-And the little girl he would eventually have.
-Oh he couldn’t wait.
-Landing on your balcony, he found the door open -as it always was when he was on patrol- and slipped inside. 
-He was met with a really messy living room and happy squeals coming from the bathroom.
-Readjusting the child in his arms as she stirred slightly, he walked to the bathroom door and opened it. 
-There you were, ruffling the hair of a h/c boy who was sitting on the sink, giggles emitting from both of you as the boy tried to grasp your wrists.
-The boy was the first to notice him and he shouted an excited ‘Daddy!’ as he hopped down and ran to him.
-Right on cue, the girl opened her eyes and looked around, her eyes landing on your form and making grabby hands at you.
-The two kids switched adults in a matter of seconds.
-They both nuzzled into the respective ‘parent’.
-You look at Keigo and just winked at him, scooping the little girl up and taking her to the bedroom.
-All four of you cuddled on the bed for about an hour after which Keigo had to return to the skies.
-The next morning you were the first to wake up and so you made breakfast for the three of you.
-You knew that Keigo would be home soon and you would have to figure a way to undo the affects of the quirk that sent the twins here.
- Kai, the eldest of the two, had explained through his sobs that they were both hit by a time travel quirk during a villain attack that happened nearby.
-You had also learned that him and Daia, always got into trouble and Keigo always told them to be extra careful while out in public. 
-They didn’t listen of course and so they ended up here.
-As they ate you patiently waited for Keigo to come home.
-You had much to talk about.
-Exciting things will be said and done.
Bakugou Katsuki
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-He was returning to the dorms after an intense work out.
-He was sweaty and gross all over and he couldn’t wait to take a cold shower.
-Maybe make something to eat.
-And maybe cuddle you.
-He was so invested in his daydreaming of you that he didn’t hear the sounds of explosions approaching him.
-That was until those same explosions were by his ear and the figure just passed him with ease not sparing a glance his way.
-He was taken aback so much that he had to stop walking and stare as the relatively small floating figure drifting further and further away from him.
-Did-did that lil shit just?...
-Boy is running after that arrogant nobody like there’s no tomorrow.
-However it turns out that they’re fast and shit hits the fan when they starting making fun of him again.
-Katsuki swears he can see red.
-They chase each other for about an hour.
-After that the smaller figure starts losing speed and finally Katsuki tackles them to the ground.
-That’s when he realizes that they are way smaller than him, almost like a child.
-Not almost....it IS a child.
-The little boy groans as it rolls off of Katsuki and shakes his ashen locks to get all the dust out of them. 
-He was panting heavily, sweat running down his forehead as his arms were wobbling dangerously.
-Katsuki could tell that he would soon fall flat on his face by how much his arms trembled, so before he could collide with the ground he wrapped an arm around the boy’s stomach and lifted him up.
-He began to walk towards the dorms with the boy in his arms like a satchel. 
-The boy had gone limp, mainly due to the overuse of his quirk and because it was wayyy past his bedtime.
-Bakugou made a beeline to his room once inside, ignoring Kirishima’s greetings and texting you to meet him in his room.
-Laying the boy on his bed and throwing a jacket over him, he quickly used the bathroom and changed into something less...sweaty.
-After that he waited for you to arrive. 
-It wasn’t curfew yet so you could roam freely so it didn’t take you long.
-You hadn’t managed to knock twice before Katsuki opened the door and yanked you inside. 
-You were about to scold him when you noticed the small lump on the bed.
-Your gaze switched between Bakugou and what you realized was a sleeping child. 
- “I have to take a shower. Stay here with him...please.”
-Okay now Bakugou saying please is even weirder that the child currently sleeping on his bed.
-He promised that he would explain what he could after his shower.
-And like that you were left alone with a sleeping five year old. 
-You were scrolling through your phone when you heard whimpers coming from the little human. 
-Immediately, you sat on the bed and brushed some of his hair from his forehead and rubbed small circles on his back.
-He woke up shortly after with tears in his e/c eyes and he looked at you, absolutely terrified. 
-In a flash he lunged at you, wrapping his chubby arms around your neck and his little legs around your waist, more whimpers and sniffles coming from him. 
- “I-I’m s-sorry mommy! I-I don’t know what happened!!”
-You were shocked at his words but pushed all your questions back, opting to whisper sweet things in his ear and rocking him back and forth. 
- “It’s okay baby. I got you.”
-His whimpers turned into sobs and he began trembling in your grip.
-You kissed his head and stood up, bouncing him and trying to calm him down.
- “I-I’m scared mommy!”
-Katsuki was outside the door, resting his forehead on the door frame as he heard every single word.
-He could hear your soft coos and reassuring words as well as his...son’s?? cries. 
-He could barely keep up with everything but he managed to grasp the door knob with trembling hands and twist. 
-He was greeted with your back facing him and a pair of watery e/c eyes. 
-Wordlessly he closed the distance between you and he placed one hand on your shoulder and another on the boy’s head.
-Surprisingly, he made grabby hands to Katsuki who *shocker* obliged, taking the boy into his arms and whipping away the tears. 
-After Tatsuo calmed down, you two managed to get some information out of him.
-You decided to take him to the recovery girl in the morning. 
-Until then, all three of you snuggled together on Katsuki’s bed.
-You on the left, Bakugou on the right and Tatsuo in the middle, securely in his parents’ arms. 
@brattyquirks , @the-arcana-fan-fic
3K notes · View notes
tsuki-xoxo · 4 years
One Day At A Time
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Overview: The moment you first saw Shinso’s performance at the first year Sports Festival set off a chain of fateful interactions and an unrequited declaration of rivalry. Now, as you stand hand in hand with your husband-to-be, you can’t help but think back to everything that brought you here. 
Pairing: Shinso Hitoshi x Reader
Word Count: 3741
Genre: Scenario, Fluff 
A/N: I had so much fun writing this for the POCuties Server Collab: ‘A Wedding to Remember!’ My heart went binkie boom doom. I hope you all enjoy best boi Shinso!! And thank you to @tui-lah​ for beta reading, I appreciate it! You can find the rest of everyone’s amazing works here.
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The flowers entwined between your fingers twinge with sweat from your palms as the beating of your heart ran a mile a minute. Exhaling a breath, you briefly glanced at the bouquet of beautifully arranged flowers before the double doors broke you from your reverie. On either side stood your best friend, Mina, in a beautiful gown that accentuated her figure, and Kaminari, your husband-to-be’s best friend. 
Mina beamed, the black sclera of her eyes twinkling as she caught onto the small sigh of contentment that left your lips as you basked in the physique of the love of your life in a tuxedo at the end of the peddle-filled aisle. The light reflected from the vibrant bouquet, which made you look dazzling in the spotlight. Carrying on an otherworldly trance before the two left your side, not before the blonde sent you subtle thumbs up. 
Facing your groom, your eyes roamed his figure, giving him a once-over. The tuxedo hugged him perfectly, highlighting his broad shoulders and slim build. The black of his suit had a velvet quality to it, and brought something out of him, a self-respecting pride and confidence that had you nibbling your bottom lip. 
“Oh, hello, Mr. Bond,” you whispered with a cheeky grin. You couldn’t help yourself, Shinso looked like the perfect action man with a license to thrill. His typically messy indigo hair was slicked back, or at least tried to be, you had to give him an ‘A’ for the effort. You peaked at the tips that were haphazardly pushed back, intertwining into a beautiful chaos-- you’d fix it later into his naturally ruffled tufts. 
You heard a breathy snort from the man across you. Looking up, your eyes latched onto an all-too-familiar pair of glaciers that resembled hyacinths and the lazy-smirk that had the corner of your eyes softening. 
Shinso reaches out to you as soon as the one to wed you both begins to speak, his calloused hands holding yours. It’s funny actually, as you gaze at your intertwined hands and the paleness of his skin of how the two of you ended up in the aisle together, rings readied to be worn, and a life promised to spend together forever.
You remembered it like it was just yesterday.
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After his fight with Midoriya during the first year Sports Festival, you left the stands to find the General Studies student in the hall. Luckily for you, you saw him in no time, the striking lavender hair and familiar U.A. uniform that he wore was hard to miss. You quickly fell into step with his languid steps.
“Shinso Hitoshi, right? I’m (L/N) (Y/N), nice to meet you.”
With his ashy lilac and deeply sunken eyes, he faced you with a bored expression on his face. “Okay.”
The two of you walk in silence for at least a few minutes, his hand coming up to scratch the back of his neck before he speaks. “Uh--” he clears his throat a little awkwardly, “why are you following me?” It was a simple question, not one that harbored an accusing tone, and you were almost shocked by the fact that he made no effort to chase you away.
“Oh shit,” you cursed, smacking your forehead, having forgotten to announce the reason why you followed him in the first place. “My bad, dude, I can’t believe I forgot. You’re my rival.”
“What?” he asked, furrowing his eyebrows, his pace slowing even more until they stopped. 
“Rival, y’ know where two people compete for the same objective or superiority.”
He clicked his tongue, rolling his eyes, “I know what a rival is, but why are you declaring that you’re mine.”
Your eyebrows furrowed. You thought that at this point, it was obvious enough for him to catch on. Maybe he was a bit slow; the bags under his eyes may have killed a couple of brain cells over the years. “‘Cause we have the same goal,” you shrugged your shoulders nonchalantly. “We want to prove everyone who doubts us wrong.” Mich like him, growing up with an ‘evil’ Quirk, you’ve had a fair share of gossip surrounding you. That’s why you wanted to be a hero, to end the discrimination against labeling Quirks as villainous. 
“Really?” he paused, “what would a student from the heroics course know about being deemed as a criminal.” One look into his eyes, and you already knew. The bitterness in his orbs was unmistakable.
“More than you know,” you murmured, refusing to break eye contact. 
The mauve haired boy’s uninterested expression softened at the dispute in your eyes, the corner of his mouth tugging into a small grin. Looking at you properly this time, like he really saw you as a person, not just some random stranger that decided to follow him around.
“Sorry, but no,” Shinso stated, the usual indifference lacing his tone, the smile falling from his face. “I’m not looking to make friends or rivals.”
You giggled mischievously at him, the purple of his eyes side-eyeing you with weariness. “You’re cute,” you state bluntly, bouncing on the balls of your feet. His expression is replaced with a gawk at the pure boldness from you, red splotching on the apple of his cheeks. “You actually think you have a choice! See ya soon, rival!” 
With that, you turn on your heel, searching for your homeless-looking homeroom teacher. You have the perfect recommendation for an intern.  
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“(L/N)?” he demanded, stunned by your sudden appearance.
You turned your head from your position on the floor, stretching, glancing toward his direction. “Hey, rival.” The boy looked slightly different from the last time you had seen him, with a bandage-like material wrapped around his neck, similar to Aizawa’s.
Hopping onto your feet, you brushed the dust off your hands, walking onto the mat placed in the middle of the gym as Aizawa spoke up. “Shinso, you’re training with (L/N) today. It’s a joint training to access your weaknesses, first to get knocked down or pushed off the mat loses,” he said, his expression never changing.
Bending down a bit, you prepared to make a move before the boy with lavender hair stopped you in your footsteps. “How the hell did you get Aizawa-sensei to agree to this?” he asked with an amused look in his eyes. 
Smirking, you peered up through your lashes, looking at him with faux innocence. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Yes, you do. At the Sports Festival, you told Aizawa about the general studies student, but Aizawa was already aware of the male since he had taken note of him. Unsurprisingly to you, your teacher decided to mentor the student, and it took a lot of bribing and coaxing for you to convince him to join just one training session, but that’s all you needed. 
You stiffened immediately, your eyes glazing over as you become immobile, not even able to process or think properly. You watch the white of your rival’s teeth move, and the next thing you know, you blink, conscious, and off the mat. The stoic male wore a bored expression on his face as your eyes widen in realization, he just brainwashed you. 
It was as if a match sparked over you as you glared at him. Lunging forward instantly, taking the purple-haired boy by surprise, you brought your leg up to kick him in the shin as he lost balance. Without giving him a chance to catch his breath, you pounced, both arms wrapping around his torso as you tackled him, or at least tried to. It seemed that Aizawa had been training his student well because the tackle didn’t do anything besides move him backward. Quickly, you leaped back, creating a space.
The boy’s ruffled hair from his night’s sleep and current fight had strands sticking together, slick with sweat. “What, that’s all you got?” Shinso asked, but you bit back a sharp remark, refusing to take the bait again. 
Failing to evade the knee that came straight for your abdomen, the impact knocked you back slightly but lacked to knock you down. You were taken aback by his speed and accuracy, and for a second, you wanted to smile at the growth of the male that stood in front of you, it was like he wasn’t the same boy that had lost to Midoriya. 
Focusing on the match at hand, you dodged his next onslaught of attacks, moving efficiently to evade them with the slight knowledge of his fighting style from the Sports Festival. Thanking yourself for forcing all those hours you spent training your physical abilities, you moved forward the moment you noticed Shinso starting to take labored breaths from his never-ending assaults. However, before you could even register what was happening, Shinso loosened the material around his neck, effectively capturing you amid some ridiculously strong bandages. With the help of the capture tape, he swung you around, gathering momentum before releasing you. Before you were thrown off the mat, though, you grabbed the white scarf and pulled yourself safely in bounds. 
With record speed, you raced across to meet Shinso, the capture material moving forward to shield its wielder from an attack, but you abruptly shot your arm up, tensing the male’s muscles you pushed it out of your way, continuing your route to the lilac haired male. Using your remaining strength before your sight dotted from vertigo, a drawback to your Quirk, you used both of your arms to grasp onto his, crouching you flip him over. 
Falling flat on the mat, you heaved a breath and closed your eyes to regulate the spottiness surrounding you. When you heard shuffling, you peaked an eye open, pointedly-eyeing the hovering male. 
“You’ve gotten better,” you commented. 
Shinso let out a soft chuckle. “You’re not half bad,” he countered, crossing his arms before adding, “besides when you became a sore loser and just hopped back in here without a word.”
You gave him a non-threatening pointed look, “hey! I forgot about the brainwashing bit for a second there. Can you blame me?”
Scoffing, you took his outreached hand and pulled yourself up with his combined effort. 
“I mean for a rival, that was just sad,” mused Shinso, running a hand through his hair, tufts of purple sticking out in random directions, suiting him. 
The corners of your mouth lifted up into a smile, a slight stinging sensation from the cut on your lip from the fight somehow, but you didn’t care as your smile widened into a brilliant grin since Shinso finally acknowledged you. “Rival, huh?” you laughed, feeling absolutely delirious. 
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After Shinso acknowledged you as his rival, you both became training partners and soon enough close friends. Before either of you knew it, you were already in your second year at U.A., and your purple-haired friend had been accepted into the hero course. 
You’re not exactly sure when you started developing feelings for the boy. Maybe it was the moment he exposed his perfectly aligned teeth, glowing with happiness and hope. Or it was his innate ability to spark a conversation with anyone, despite having a reserved and calm attitude. Even stating that he had no interest in making friends, yet you swiveled your way in and surrounded him with support, along with Kaminari, the greenette, Midoriya, and even the cerulean blue-eyed Monoma. Or it’s his aspiration to usurp anyone who walked the same path as him to become a Pro. Either way, there was no denying the flutters roaming around in your stomach. 
As you heaved, trying to catch your breath,  your exercise friend was doing the same, but talking about something, you weren’t really paying attention to his words. Just hearing his voice made your stomach tingle and your heart beat erratically in your chest so hard that it felt it’d burst. You followed the beads of sweat trickle down his face and run onto his lips, focusing how the red of his tongue would peak out to catch the salty droplets. 
When your eyes met, you swore that your heart thumped so hard that it was audible, even for him. His eyes, those deep magenta orbs that could tell a whole story just by looking at them, felt like you were injected with liquid adrenaline into your bloodstream, and the entire zoo grew rampant in your chest. Shinso’s cat-like eyes felt like looking into the sun for too long-- a maze you could get lost in and soon enough be blinded by. He was so effortlessly looking handsome. 
And his hands. The same slender ones that have been on you time and time again, training after training. The image of his hands brushing against your own as you walk flickers throughout your mind, growing into a daydream of your own intertwining. Suddenly you speak, “Hitoshi, I like you.”
His eyebrows rose in surprise at your confession, mouth ajar, and hand frozen on his capture material. The intensity of his gaze put a crack in your steely disposition as you glance the other way. “But don’t worry. I don’t expect you to say anything, I just wanted to get that off my chest. 
You watched as Shinso grinned, shaking his head in disbelief, his arm rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. He wasn’t one to smile much, never having much reason to and the fact that it took too much effort. But every time you spoke, you somehow made the corners of his mouth tug upwards each time. You didn’t merely speak words with no meaning behind. With every word you spoke, they were curt, straight to the point, and your conversations didn’t need the time-consuming falsehood of small talk. So, it was no surprise when you bluntly admit your feelings to your crush. 
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Like you promised, you never forced Shinso to speak up about your confession, not once asking if he felt the same way. You guys’ relationship continued to grow without a hitch, but that never stopped you from making flirtatious remarks with the male from time to time. A cheeky grin permanently painted across your face every time you were with him. 
Scrambling up to your feet, you hurriedly made your way over to him despite your aching muscles. Clasping your hands around his neck in a chock-hold, you used your legs, dropping him on the ground right then and there.
“What were you saying about beating me?” you asked, laughing in between pants. 
After three years of regular quirkless and quirkful combat with Shinso, you both had improved drastically every battle with one another. It took you everything to drop him over your shoulder like before, but you collapsed on the ground next to him, panting as soon as you did. 
“I’m going to kick your ass,” Shinso retorted, looking at you. Picking up on your exhaustion, he rolled over, immediately entrapping you with his weight as he grabbed both arms with his own, pinning you down. 
“That’s not fair! The match was already over,” you pouted, however made no effort to push him off. He grinned, breathing out, his breath fanning over your face. It took mere seconds for him to realize the close proximity of your two faces, his own heating up, instantly taking on a rose hue. He hastily scrambled off of you, looking away as he tried to calm his face. 
“Damn, I was hoping to be wrapped in your arms for longer,” you teased, whipping a fake tear delicately from your face. 
He coughed at your words, choking on the water as his head snaps at you from the comment, hints of pink still present on his cheek. “Huh? Wha--”
“Relax,” you scoffed, propping yourself up with your elbows. “I’m just fucking with you.” As you made your way to your bags that were thrown onto the floor, you patted the male’s toned back as to acquiesce that everything’s alright. But before you can maneuver around him, Shinso’s hand latches itself on your wrist.
“Wait,” he murmurs, pulling you toward him. You make no move to pull away, feeling safe and secure in his arms, not the edge of intensity that comes with dancing with danger in your daily life as a hero-in-training. Subconsciously, you find yourself leaning into Shinso’s embrace, even more, an affectionate smile on his face. 
He tugs your cheek softly. “I like you too.” You stay silent, holding your breath as the pad of his thumb brushes against the skin he just pulled, and fingertips lightly grazing your jaw, you find yourself leaning into his palm, the ends of your lips tipping up slightly. You two focus on one another’s eyes, and all your common sense shuts down because the attention he’s giving you his startling, the vibrant violet of his orbs near closer, stealing your breath. 
You brought your hands to the back of his neck, and in an instant, his lips found yours with a content sigh. Your eyes flutter shut, and even in darkness, you see light exploding. Although his movements were gentle and slow, his lips were firm, the two of you moving in perfect sync, sending shivers down your back. With each move, the blurred lines of your friendship beginning to clear, forming something new entirely. Parting your lips, you sighed as he slowly pulled away from the kiss, his lips plump and red. 
Fluttering your eyes open, you find Hitoshi wearing a sweet smile on his face, filled with affection. His smile was one of happiness growing, much like spring flowers. You could see how it came from deep inside to light his eyes and spread into every part of him. While your heart was pounding, and your lips were still pulsing from the way he kissed you, the silly smile never fell from your face.  
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You and Shinso have been dating for five years now, debuting and growing as Pro Heroes. As time passed, your love for him got even stronger. Whenever he looked at you, it was like every ounce of air was taken from your lungs, floating in the sky like a midnight smoke cloud. Every time your lips tangled, the world would stop, leaving just the two of you wandering the earth together. When the two of you cuddle, and he holds your face between his hands, it’s like he’s keeping you in an eternity of security.
When the two of you were patrolling the streets, you came across chaos and panicked citizens. In the distance, there were flickering flames that hinted something deadly. 
“Stay near me, (Y/N), and be careful,” Hitoshi announced as you catch up to his hurried pacing, nodding in acknowledgment, walking right into the heat of battle. The scene you were met with was unlike the disarray clues you had witnessed from the running citizens earlier. 
All around, you could see the burning of bright orange flames as they devoured everything in their path. Your nose scrunched up in alarm from the smell of charred concrete and ash as they dusted the air. The moment you observed your surroundings, you wished you hadn’t. You narrowed your eyes as a menacing creature hovered around a horde of panicked civilians that desperately tried to scramble away. The beast had an ugly beak head with wings and extra limbs, and bloodlust radiating out of its beady eyes. It’s what every Pro has been acquainted with, a Nomu.
“Ready?” he grunted, quickening his pace to match yours. 
“Always,” you answered, reaching out an arm, and in an instant, you immobilized the Nomu-like creature grasping hold of one of the unfortunate bystanders, your boyfriend running by you with his capture scarf in tow. 
You rushed over to the person ungracefully falling with its captor. Grabbing the man’s arm, you slung him over your shoulder as you hauled him to safety. The man gasped out a thank you, slumping over a wall a fair distance away from the fighting, trying to catch his breath. 
When you ran back into action, you and Hitoshi captured villains, the Nomu, and protected citizens. Multiple other heroes had arrived at the scene at this point, and the creature had been dragged out of by policemen, sirens echoing down the streets.
You had been rambling to your boyfriend about your costume, mentioning that you’d need to see Hatsume soon for some upgrades, but as you glanced over at him, you recognized the far offness in his eyes. 
“Hitoshi?” you ask with furrowed brows, snapping your finger in front of him.
He blinks, his hands finding purchase around your waist. He pulls you closer as he nudges his head between your neck, and you wrap your arms around him. “I love you,” he whispers into your hair. Pulling back slightly, he reaches for your hands, interlocking them. A light smile adorned your face as you looked into his unblinking dark purple eyes.
“Will you marry me?”
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Now, as you stand in front of your soon to be husband, you feel the way your heartbeat picks up while your lungs fill with more air, but at the same time, you feel incredibly light. This is it. You’re seriously going to marry the love of your life. 
There is so much to admire about him like his raw honesty. The way his words spill out real slow as if the truth can take its time. There’s like a force behind them, yet the kind that is respectful and quiet-- an observant and patient determination. He supports your pure, unadulterated personality, the good and bad. But of everything, it was looking in his eyes you loved the most. That’s all you ever needed to connect, just you and him, eyes, no words.
“You may now kiss.”
Shinso ran the tip of his tongue along his lower lip, gently drawing you closer to him, placing both hands on either side of your face. You two share a brief but deep kiss, yet you two are still grinning afterward as cheers from friends and families surround the two of you like magic, causing you to shiver in complete pleasure and ecstasy. 
In a world of chaos, the two of you find a place where togetherness means peace, where savage winds cease, and no clouds can block the warmth of the brightening rays. 
And neither of you would want to have it any other way. 
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iliumheightnights · 4 years
Let Me Make You Proud [3] | Tony Stark x Son!Reader
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Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Tony Stark x Son!Reader
Summary: (M/N) is forced to face his past to save his friends and family. However, sometimes the skeletons in the closet are too much to face.
A/N: The Final part of the let me make you proud series. A long time coming too. I’ve been writing this for months and yet it still feels like I rushed it. So I’m not TOO happy with it but I hope you all enjoy it. Lots of Stark Reader stories in the future, cause I’m a ho for dad Tony and son.
Read from the start
“So let me get this straight- or as straight as I can with you here. The Kree general Hala came and kidnapped all the avengers, plus Kamala and Doreen and now you’re here asking for my help?”
“Yeah that’s pretty much it.” (M/N) sat on Gwen’s beat up couch in her garage, his father next to him. The two still very much in an awkward stage. 
“Also the zoo was destroyed.” Everyone looked towards PRYSM. “What? I figured that was big news too.”
“I did like that zoo. So what’s the plan? We can’t just go without a plan.”
Tony stood up. “Woah woah woah. Plan? No, there is no plan for the two of you. I’ll get with shield and we’ll save the avengers. You-” He points at (M/N) “Will go back to the tower and wait for us to come back.”
(M/N) let out a chuckle before standing up. “Tough shit. She took my friends and family. I’m coming and putting her in her place. Gwen get your things, We’ll think of a plan on the way..first we have to find the ship.”
“Oh! Oh! I scanned the ship's heat signatures during the fight. I can try my best to track it!” PRYSM spoke up, bouncing a little as they said it. “Good. We’ll need that to find it...now we just need a way to get to it…” (M/N) looked at his dad. “I KNOW the avengers have a space ship. We’ll need that.”
Tony sighed and pinched his nose before looking back at the other three. “The avengers don’t have a space ship.” The three seemed to be at a loss. “I have a spaceship. I just let them borrow it.” That immediately made the other three perk up. “I guess if I can’t stop you...I better help get us there in one piece.” (M/N) patted his shoulder. “It’s the least you could do. Alright, let’s get going then shall we?”  (M/N), Tony and PRYSM moved to the garage door. “You guys go ahead. I’ll meet you at the tower. I need to get suited up.” (M/N) only nodded understanding and Tony looked confused. “Who exactly are you again?” His son quickly pushed him out of the garage. “Later, later. Let her do her thing.”
Exiting the garage the two were greeted by the sight of Happy, who seemed genuinely surprised to see (M/N). “Hey happy. Love what you’ve done to the hair.” Happy stuttered before smiling and opening the door for the boy he had known since he was born. “It’s good to see ya kid.” (Y/N) helped PRYSM into the car and hopped in. The car ride back to the tower was...intense to be sure. Tony looked like he wanted to talk to (M/N), but the boy was looking everywhere but him. PRSYM was the only one in the car really saying anything and that’s because they kept saying “oo’s and ah’s”. Happy was the one to break the silence. “So...kid. Where’ve ya been?” (M/N) smiled at him. “All over. I’ve only been back here for a couple months. My favorite place I went was Alaska. Might go back there someday.” After that the ride was quiet again. The car pulled into the tower's garage and everyone got out. Happy gave (M/N) a hug before going back to his normal routine. Tony, (M/N) and PRYSM entered the elevator and returned to the common area. Once the elevator opened Tony watched as (M/N) slowly took in the tower after the years he had been away. “I’m...I’m going to prep the ship.” Tony said before taking the elevator down a few floors to the hangar. (M/N) chuckled as the elevator doors closed. “It’s been years PRYSM and yet...he still can’t talk to me like I’m his son.” The little robot rolled up next to him. “It’s just awkward. Like you said it’s been years and he’s trying to figure out how to find the words.” The boy nodded and walked to his room.
His room was just like how he remembered it. However he noticed that dust was collecting on lots of things and it seemed like someone had been in it recently based on his journals left on his bed. He sat down on the bed and began looking through his notebooks. He looked at his old drawings and smiled, ever since he left he’s returned to drawing for himself instead of blueprints. He got lost in the books he didn’t notice when Tony entered the room. “Hey. The ships getting ready for take off we still have a bit.” He looked around the room and smiled at his son. “The rooms just like you left it. I didn’t want to mess anything up. It’s ready for whenever you’re ready to move back in.” (M/N) squinted at this. “What is this?” Tony looked at him with a confused look. “What’s what?” (M/N) stood up from the bed. “This! All of this! Are you just going to pretend like everything’s okay? That somehow after two years I’d just magically forgive you for the lifetime of neglect you put me through?” Tony was about to say something but (M/N) stopped him. “You know...I thought about what I’d say if I ever saw you again. I tried to put the words to how you made me feel...but I can’t. When I see you all I can see is how much I love you, but that I was never enough for you. When I see you, I see myself as a failure. All I ever wanted...was for you to love me like I loved you.” Tears began to form in (M/N)’s eyes. Tony closed his eyes and when he opened them he looked his son in the eyes, his own also glittering with tears. “(M/N) I know it doesn’t mean anything but-” At that moment he was interrupted by the voice of the A.I. “Sir. The ship is ready for launch.” (M/N) shook his head and pushed past his dad. “Later. We’ll talk about this after we rescue everyone.” Tony only nodded. “Yeah. you’re right.”
Walking into the hangar, (M/N) smirked at the ship. “Well, that’ll do. Now…” (M/N) typed into his phone and not long after the sound of webshooters could be heard. With a flip, Gwen landed on the hangar deck through the door wearing her spider gwen suit. “Hey guys. Ooohhh shit! Look at that!” She started freaking out over the ship. Tony was at a loss for words. “What...uh? Who are you?” (M/N) smirked. “Remember how I said I wanted one? This is Gwen, you met earlier. She has the same powers as Peter. Maybe a couple different things.” Gwen waved at him before turning back to the ship. “Well let’s GOOOO! I want to see space!” PRSYM grabbed (M/N)’s hand and pulled him toward the ship.
The ship was more like a modified quinjet able to travel space. (M/N) took the co-pilot's seat while Tony took the pilots' seat. PRYSM and Gwen got situated and Tony began the launch sequence. “You sure you want to do this?” He looked at everyone who only nodded. “Absolutely. Let’s go.” Tony let out a sigh and flew the ship out of the hangar. It wasn’t long before the ship had broke the atmosphere and the group starred out into space. “Alright PRYSM. Tell us where we need to go.” PRYSM was staring out into space. “Oh! OF COURSE!”  PRYSM’s eyes lit up and a holographic map appeared. “That way!”
Tony did exactly as PRYSM instructed and it wasn’t long before Hala’s ship came into view. “Ladies, Gentlemen, and PRYSM. We’re here.” Their small ship was slowly approaching the massive one. “Okay so what’s the plan exactly?” Gwen asked. “Easy. Board the ship, rescue the avengers, Kamala and Doreen, Then blow the ship to hell and back.” (M/N) said. “As for Hala. We’ll deal with her if we have to.” His dad looked at him with concern. “That’s not much of a plan.” (M/N) crossed his arms. “Well there really isn’t anything we can plan for this. Unless you have any ideas?” Tony was about to say something but stopped when he couldn’t think of anything. “Exactly. So let’s just do our best and be careful.”
Boarding the ship was surprisingly easy. All they did was connect their to the hull and cut their way through. Once on board the group made their way towards anything that seemed like a prison ward. The hallways of the ship were...eerie to say the least. It was like any generic ship you see in scifi movies with the creepy hum of engines. “I’m detecting lot’s of life signs from not far ahead.” PRYSM said. They followed the little robot until they found themselves in a large room with many cages. They found the prison, however there was something off. “Something’s not right. Where’s all the guards at?”
“HELLLLLOOOO!? IS ANYONE HERE!?” PRYSM yelled out. “Prysm shhh!” (M/N) tried to shush them. However nothing came after they expected some retaliation, instead they heard. “Hello? Who’s there?” That was Steve! “Steve!?” (M/N) ran towards the voice and found Steve and the other avengers. “(M/N)! Tony! What are you doing here?” Prysm hacked into their cell and shut off the energy door. “Rescuing you.” Peter got off his seat and smirked. “Aren’t you a little short to be a stormtrooper?”  (M/N) smirked at him. “I don’t know where you get your delusions laser brain.” Peter let out a laugh at the star wars quote. Of course Peter and (M/N) had started off rocky, but travelling made (M/N) realize it wasn’t the boy’s fault. He was tackled by someone. “(M/NNNNNNNNNNNNN!), I’m so glad to see you!” Doreen. She pulled back and (M/N) saw the look in her eyes, the worry. “They took Kamala.”
There wasn’t any time to waste. No hesitation. Once he heard Kamala was taken (M/N) started making his way towards the command center. Gwen, Doreen and Prysm followed close behind. Tony and the other avengers hadn’t even noticed they left. Typical. It really wasn’t hard to find the Command Bridge. The one with the big door on the end of the ship. “You guys ready?” Everyone got into fighting stances. “Yep.” “Yes.” “LET’S DO THIS!”
The door of the bridge was blasted open and the group rushed in. Rushing inside they found Kamala already in her own fight with Hala. “Guys!” Hala looked over and became distracted enough for Kamala to land a punch and knocked her out. “Ugh...that was a pain.” She shook out her hand and ran to her friends. “Guys! (M/N)! Gwen! You’re here!” The sound of footsteps brought the group out of their small victory. Tony and the other avengers ran in. “Oh god. You’re alright. Don’t EVER run off like that again.” Tony panicked. “It’s alright, we’re alright.” (M/N) laughed. “We’re alright for now. But Earth isn’t.” Kamala said, everyone listening to her. “She said she’s ordered the ship to head to Earth and to begin destroying anything it sees. She’s ordered it to raise the planet!” Everyone looked absolutely horrified. “How do we stop it?” Gwen asked. “What about the self destruct? There has to be one on here?” Peter asked. “IT’S BEEN TAMPERED! THE AUTO SELF DESTRUCT HAS BEEN ERASED!” Prysm shouted as they looked through the ship's computer. “There isn’t anything we can do.” (M/N) looked over the computer with Prysm. “That’s not true. The engines. We can set off a detonation and this whole place will blow. Kaboom.” Everyone agreed that sounded like the best plan. “You all get back to the ship and get out of here. I’ll set off the detonation.” (M/N) said making everyone look at him. “No. Absolutely not. I can’t lose you. I just got you back.” (M/N) shook his head. “There’s no time to argue. You all get out of here, I’ll blow this candle stick and escape on one of their ships.” (M/N) began walking towards the engine room but was stopped by Tony. “No. We’ll find another way. It’s too risky. I can send the su-” “DAD!” Tony stopped talking. “Just this once...let me make you proud.” It was then that (M/N) saw it. The love, the worry, everything he ever wanted, in Tony’s eyes. Not looking at Peter...looking at him. Tony relaxed his grip. “Okay...just come back to me. I love you.” (M/N) smiled, tears running down his face. “I love you too. Don’t worry. I don’t plan on dying.”
(M/N) made his way to the engine room, however he was stopped by a group of Kree guards. “Of course you come AFTER.” He didn’t slow down. Using his powers he lifted them up, slamming them into the ceiling then slamming them to the ground. “Welcome to Earth.” He passed them and continued to the engine room. The engine room was large and VERY loud. “Alright...explosion. That’s easy.” (M/N) ran to one of the computers that helped control the reactor. “If I set this to full power and overload that… There. That should do it.” He didn’t need to check anything because as soon as it was locked an explosion from a lower deck shook everything. “Shit. Gotta go...get off the ship, get off the ship!”
Luckily he had checked that the hangar was nearby. Arriving there he discovered all of the ships had been taken. “Great!” Another explosion shook the ship. Was this it? Was this the end? At least he stopped the ship before it could do anything to Earth. He thought of his friends. Gwen, Doreen, Kamala. The avengers, Clint. His dad. At least they were safe. Then the sound of a ship pulling into the hangar brought him out of his thoughts. The ship he arrived on was turning around and Peter and Gwen were on the ramp. “(M/N)! Come on!” Peter called out to him. He didn’t need to be told twice. He began running and used his powers to launch himself up. Peter and Gwen used their webs to to pull him in. They closed the ramp. “He’s in! Get us out of here!” Gwen shouted.
As the ship got safely away from the Kree ship, they watched as the reactor overloaded and the ship exploded into a ball of fire. “You did it. Good job...even if I wasn’t needed.” Gwen said to him. “Hey. To be fair, I thought it would be more of a fight then it actually was.” Gwen lightly punched his shoulder and went to talk to the others. (M/N) was left with Peter. “Hey…” (M/N) spoke. “Hey. Look (M/N) I just wanted to apologize. I didn’t realize tha-” (M/N) stopped him. “Pete. You’ve got nothing to apologize for. I know you weren’t trying to do anything to hurt me. In fact I should probably apologize for smashing your lego death star.” Peter grimaced at the thought. “It’s alright. I got to rebuild it so that was alright. If you’re sticking around I’d love to hang out...maybe be friends?” (M/N) smirked and patted his shoulder. “I’d like that.” Continuing through the ship. He was greeted by the avengers, each embracing him after all of these years for the first time. Clint walked up to him. (M/N) could feel his heart skip a beat. He hadn’t kept in good contact with Clint in a while and he felt bad for it, after all it was him that helped him. “H-hey Clint. It’s good to see you.” Clint glared at him making (M/N) sweat before he broke into a smile and pulled him into a hug. “Oh god...it’s so good to see you kid. You’ve grown up. It suits you.” (M/N) hugged him back. “Thanks dad.” He said in a sarcastic voice. “But for real, thank you. You really helped me discover who I am.” Clint rubbed his head. “Anytime kiddo. Now...I think someone wants to talk to you.” Clint pulled back and turned him towards Tony who was waiting for him. “Dad.” Tony didn’t say anything just quickly pulled him into a hug and held onto him tightly. After the shock wore off, (M/N) held on just as tight. “I really thought that was it. I was going to die there.” Tony let out a laugh, but there was no humor behind it. “I wasn’t about to let that happen.” He pulled back and looked his son in the eyes. “I promise you kid. I’m going to do everything I can to show you how much I love you. I can’t change the past, but I can give us a future. Please let me-” He didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence as (M/N) pulled him into another crushing hug. 
“Let’s go home.”
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writtenonnapkins · 4 years
The New Girl
Credit for Universe goes to @lumosinlove
“So, Loops is moving in the new girl today, huh?”
Sirius looked over at Harzy to respond and noted that the rest of the team seemed interested as well. They were all nervous about the new PT honestly, having gotten close with Remus. It helped that knew Remus and came with his recommendation, but still.
“Yeah, she’s probably there by now I assume.”
“What’s she like you think? I mean she was friends with Loops, yeah, but what kind of friends did he have in college eh?” James asks, looking over from the weight bench he was sitting on.
Everyone once again looked over and, Sirius. The only problem was that Sirius didn’t know. They hadn’t really talked much about Remus’s college years apart from hockey and Greyback. Now that he was thinking about it, they probably should have, it was five years of his life.
Sirius shrugged and went back to weight training with Dumo as his spotter. “You guys could come over tonight if you want to meet her I guess.”
“I’ll be there, just tell me a time,” Dumo says with a look that says he can tell Sirius was going through a mini-crisis about Remus having college friends. The rest of the team agreed as well before going back to their training.
That night when the team was about to head out Sirius got a text from Remus telling him that of course, everyone could come to meet “Dora” whenever. They were making dinner and would just need a headcount. 
“Alright, Rem says Dinner will be served at 6:30, he and Dora, I guess, just need a headcount.”
“Dora? Is that her name?” James asks, already on his phone presumably texting Lily so she can get Harry ready. James didn’t even have to say he was coming, obviously neither he nor Lily liked to be left out of anything.
“Yeah I guess, that's the name in this text anyway. Re usually called her Tonks though so I’m confused.”
“Maybe wait for her introduction boys,” Dumo said diplomatically, “We’ll be there Sirius.”
After a brief headcount including most of the team, Sirius texted Remus back and headed out. He was nervous to meet someone from Remus’s college days. They had only really been around the team and Sirius hadn’t been introduced to any of Remus’s other friends. He knows he must have some since he hadn’t started hanging out with the team a lot until they started dating. They had just been busy I guess, with Sirius’s ribs, then the cup and James and Lily’s wedding, Remus getting recruited to the team. 
They had only been living together for two months, and those two months had been busy. 
It was time he met Remus’s friends honestly, and the one who would be living with them for the next months would be a perfect start.
When he pulled up to the house and saw an old minivan that looked like it had been painted aqua blue by someone who was not a professional. It was probably Tonks/Dora’s Sirius assumed and it only made him more nervous. For some reason, he had assumed that Remus was more of a quiet nerd in college, if a student-athlete, and figured his friends would have been the same. But if his college friend that he still talks to felt the need to paint their car bright blue themselves, Sirius was thinking his assumptions might have been wrong.
Suddenly the door burst open with a yell of “SIRIUS!!!!”
A tiny pink blob ran towards him and tackled him into a hug talking rapidly at him the whole time. “Ihavebeensoexcitedtomeetyouweneverthoughtremuswouldeverhaveaseriousboyfriendnopunintended.”
Once Sirius got over his shock he put together that this must be Tonks/Dora that would be living with them, though he still struggled to make sense of her rapid-fire words. We? Who was we? And why did they never think Remus would have boyfriends? How did they know he wanted a boyfriend, not a girlfriend? Was Remus out in college?
Despite the thoughts running through his mind, Sirius gathered himself enough to say hi and introduce himself. The girl had let go of him at this point, though she still bounced with energy. 
“Nymphadora Tonks,” She stated, “But you can call me Tonks. Come on Remus is inside, he couldn’t step away from the cream sauce or he said it would burn.”
She turned away from him and flounced inside, expecting Sirius to follow her; which he did of course but she was a bold personality to be sure. 
He took off his shoes and walked into the kitchen in a daze. Remus was in fact stirring a large saucepan full of cream sauce looking relaxed and unfairly attractive in gray sweatpants and a loose-fitting maroon Lions shirt. Tonks was perched on the kitchen island mixing a large salad. It looked very domestic. Sirius’s gut twisted, just how well did they know each other?
But then Remus turned around beaming at him, beaconing Sirius over. 
“Hey baby, I missed you.” He said before pulling Sirius into a loving, heated kiss, that was perhaps a bit too long in the presence of others. Tonks didn’t seem to mind though, as once they released each other, Sirius turned to see her looking incredibly fond before turning back to her salad. 
Sirius cleared his throat. “The team said they would be here around 6:30, so about thirty.”
“Perfect, thanks, Sirius. Dora was hoping to meet everyone casually before professionally anyway.” Remus said.
“I love it when you speak for me,” Tonks said suddenly, “Makes me all squishy inside.”
Remus turned to her saying, “Jeez, you promised not to be too weird Dora.” She responded with a  shrug. 
Remus seemed to accept that and turned to Sirius, motioning to some lemons and oranges near him along with a cutting board and knife. 
“Dora and I made some punch. Cut these up to float on top?” Sirius nodded and got to work. They all went about their tasks, Tonks asking all sorts of questions about him, their relationship, the team. Nothing too deep, but Sirius could tell she was holding herself back a bit, probably because it seemed Rem had asked her to. 
The doorbell rang and Tonks hopped up to answer the door before Sirius could even stand. Remus seemed to anticipate Tonks rushing to meet everyone and hadn’t even moved from where he was mixing the noodles and sauce together. Sirius could hear Tonks making introductions similar to his own, if a little more formal, to the rest of the team in the foyer. Almost everyone was there except James and Lily. 
Remus looked in the direction of the foyer and then at Sirius, a fond look on his face. “She’s a bit excitable when it comes to new things, always has been. Best to just let her go at it than try and reel her in.”
“You seem close?” Sirius questioned just a little bit.
“Yeah, I know I said I knew her in college, but we were actually roommates, best friends even. It’s a bit complicated.” Remus said apologetically. “I thought it might be best for you just to meet her.” 
But then everyone was in the kitchen, and they couldn’t talk about it anymore. Finishing touches were being made and food was moved to the table. 
James and Lily walked in right as everyone was sitting down, but instead of introducing herself as she had with everyone else, Tonks ran to hug Lily. 
“Lily! I missed you so much!”
“I’ve missed you too Tonks, I’m so glad you’re here!” Lily responded with equal enthusiasm before introducing Tonks to James. 
“Wait, how do you two know each other?” Finn asked. 
Lily, Tonks, and Remus explained that Tonks had taken a gap year between undergrad and her PT masters, during which she came and stayed with Remus for two months. Remus had introduced his college best friend to his Gryffindor best friend and they became fast friends. 
The whole team seemed to be a bit shocked at the news that Tonks didn’t seem to be only a college friend of Loops, but a friend who had stayed with him and met other friends of his in a new town. They hadn’t really thought about Loops having other friends than the team and their families. It made sense that he would have friends they hadn’t met yet, after all, they had only become so close within the past nine months. 
“Well,” Leo cut in breaking the slight tension, “Got any fun college stories to share about Loops here?”
“Can’t imagine Loops left the library or training center much, Harzy,” Talker teased.
“Oh Remy left the library alright,” Tonks threw out, “Would never catch him there longer than he had to be!”
“Tonks,” Remus said a bit warningly, if softly.
“No no no, Remy. I don’t know how you convinced these people you’re the calm and studious PT, but don’t you worry I’m here to tell all your wild tales.”
 Remus rolled his eyes but turned back to his plate. The rest of the room looked equally baffled and eager. Remus a wild child? Loops who had always been sure to never get too drunk at any team party? Who was always level headed and responsible? It didn’t fit.
“Oh yes. Please, please, PLEASE. I need to hear about Remus’s wild days. PLEASE,” Natalie begged Tonks looking like Christmas had come early.
“What’d ya think Remy? Should I start with the drag shows at Madam Puddifoot’s, drunk stories, cursing and fighting, or New Year’s Sophomore Year?” Tonks said.
Everyone burst out with questions while Remus put his head in his hands, laughing quietly to himself.
“Drag shows,” Sirius said over everyone else, looking right at Remus before turning to look at Tonks. “Definitely drag shows.”
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arya-skywalker · 4 years
One man’s trash is another man’s treasure (Sanders Sides Oneshot)
Soulmate September Day 3 - You have an animal that only you and your soulmate can see.
Ship: Dukexiety
AU: generic human soulmates AU (the animal companions here communicate telepathically with their human, but not their human’s soulmate)
TW: spiders, oversized spider, tentacles, unspecified tentacle creature
Virgil turned up the volume of his music as he wandered to the docks, drawing his jacket close to ward off the brisk sea breeze. The seaweed stench was stronger than usual, but he couldn’t resist the allure of the mist rising from the water.
Except he wasn’t alone. The young man scowled and took off his headphones, turning to look at the source of splashing.
A weird dude was throwing fish at the end of the dock. “Eat up buttercup! Yeah there you go!” he cheered.
Virgil blinked, then walked closer, curiosity overcoming caution for the moment. He had heard rumors of the village idiot— that the man would eat anything, that he was a werewolf, that he had a basement full of bodies, that he talked to ghosts....
He froze once he saw what the man was feeding. There was terrifying tentacle creature catching the fish. Octopus? Giant squid? A kraken? Cthulhu? Virgil’s jaw dropped as he stared. And the creature waved.
The man turned and grinned. “You see him too, huh? Guess I’m not crazy after all! C’mon, he doesn’t bite. You can help feed him if ya want.”
“I... you.... crazy, right,” Virgil stammered, shaking his head. “Uh, no thanks. I’ll stay back here.”
“Well, I’m Remus! And if you can see Duke, then I’m pretty sure that means you’re my soulmate!” He stuck out a slimy hand to shake, his grin broadening.
Virgil blinked. “Wait... what? He’s your....?” He took a small step back. “No, no, no... fuck no!”
Remus shrugged. “Well, where’s your buddy? Your animal companion? If I can see them, then the bond goes both ways, right?”
“Uhh.... I guess....” Virgil ran a hand through his hair, then sighed. “*Ara? You wanna come out?*”
“*Coming!*” her voice chimed in his mind. A rather large but fuzzy spider skittered over and stopped by his side, nuzzling his hand. “*So he’s the one?*”
“Oooh a spider! That’s rad, dude!” Remus bounced up and down.
Virgil groaned and dropped down to sit on the edge of the dock, guiding the cat-sized spider onto his lap. “Soulmates are a flawed concept anyway,” he muttered, stroking Ara’s bristles. “Some ‘higher power’ playing match-maker for us poor mortals.”
“Well... I’m not strict or anything.” Remus sat down a few inches away. “A lot of people don’t really like me. So if you don’t, I don’t blame you. And if you wanna leave, I won’t stop you. But, well, something wants us together so that’s gotta mean something, right?”
Virgil didn’t answer, staring out at the waves. He never wanted a soulmate. He never tried to find his. And yet... here they were. Stuck together forever.
“*Breathe. In for four seconds, hold for seven, out for eight,*” Ara’s voice chimed in his head, one of her legs tapping rhythmically on his arm to keep count. Virgil closed his eyes, grateful for her grounding presence as always. The soft roar of the sea and distant call of gulls were the only sounds to break the silence.
Eventually, Virgil looked back at his new-found soulmate. Bright green eyes stared at him, concern and curiosity shining through. “Don’t look at me like that. It’s weird,” Virgil grumbled.
Remus shrugged. “Well, you got a name? Or should I just call you emo?” He giggled a bit.
“Emo is fine.” He hesitated a moment, then blew his bangs out of his face. “But my name is Virgil.”
“Virgil eh? Cool name.” Remus smiled and stuck out his hand again. “Nice to officially meet my soulmate!”
Reluctantly, Virgil shook the weirdo’s hand, then quickly wiped his hand off on his pants to get rid of the fishy slime. Shower tonight, definitely. “So.... I guess if we’re stuck together for eternity, we might as well get to know each other,” he said after a few minutes.
“Ask away! I’m an open book.” Remus grinned and lay on the dock. “We can take turns asking stuff if you want.”
Virgil rubbed his arms. “Uh.... alright.” He glanced around for ideas. “So... what do you do? Like for a job.”
“Fisherman mostly,” Remus said with a shrug. “Duke helps.” He smirked and sat up. “And I pick up trash and stuff, then turn it into art. Wanna see?”
“Guess it couldn’t hurt.” Virgil grunted and stood. “Is that your question?”
Remus giggled and hopped to his feet. “Nope! But either way, you asked a non-question too, so we’re even! C’mon, c’mon!” He jogged down the dock.
A few minutes later, they arrived at a rather run-down shack overlooking the bay. Buoys were tied to netting along the walls and a chipped sign read, “Kraken’s Grotto: tack, art, and treasure”. Remus held the door open, bouncing up and down again. Virgil rolled his eyes and stepped inside, then blinked and looked around.
The place was a mess. But on closer inspection, it was an organized mess. Sculptures made of scrap metal in one area. Other recycled art in another. Shells and sea glass by the window. Bait and tackle and other fishing gear near the counter. Virgil stopped by a metal dragon with eyes of sea-glass. “You... made all this?”
“Yepper-doodles!” Remus grinned. “All from stuff Dukey and I find around the area. You like art?”
Virgil shrugged. “Uh, yeah. It’s cool,” he said. “Sometimes I sketch stuff. Doodling helps me focus.”
“Doodling is the best, man. What kinda stuff do you doodle?” Remus sat on the counter, kicking his legs out.
“Just... stuff. It’s stupid.”
“We don’t like using that word here,” Remus said, suddenly serious. “Nothing is stupid. Just different.”
Ara bumped up against Virgil’s leg. “*I like him. Give him a chance.*”
Virgil reached down to pet his animal companion with a sigh. “Whatever. Not stupid.” He looked back at the sculptures, noticing that most were monsters of some sort— skeletons and tentacle creatures, grotesque mutations, grim reapers. “Umm... you like horror stuff?”
“Hell yeah! The darker the better!” Remus hopped off the counter. “What’s your favorite monster?”
“I’m a sucker for vampires,” Virgil said, then blushed heatedly and coughed. Stupid pun. Terrible. Corny...
But before he could stammer out an apology, he realized Remus was laughing. Full on belly-laughs. Pounding the counter with his fists and crying tears of mirth.
Virgil swept his bangs out of his face. “You... uh.... like puns and stuff?” he asked tentatively when it seemed like Remus had gotten himself under control.
“Dude I love that kind of humor!” Remus giggled again, then looked down at the spider. “Hey, can I pet her? I promise I won’t be rough.”
“*I don’t mind,*” Ara said, nuzzling Virgil’s hand.
“Uhhh.... sure. But go wash your hands first! They’re gross, dude. And I’ll show you how to pet her without hurting her.”
“Yay!” Remus clapped his hands, then ran off, presumably to the bathroom.
Virgil lowered himself to sit on the floor, running a hand lightly against the worn wood slats. Ara curled up on his lap, chittering softly.
It wasn’t long before Remus returned, sitting across from with a grin. “Squeaky clean!” he said, holding up his hands.
Virgil rolled his eyes, then sighed, stroking his spider gently. “Alright, so, you need to stroke along the bristles. If you try to go against them, you’ll get pricked and it might hurt her. Got it?”
Remus nodded excitedly, then reached out and repeated the motion, as if afraid he’d break her. “Like this? Is this good?” he asked.
Ara leaned into their touch, making happy purr-like sounds. “*Tell your soulmate he’s doing well.*”
Virgil coughed. “Uh, yeah, that’s right,” he said, feeling a ghost of a smile. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad.
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apricuscity · 3 years
Cheshire Hounds Vs Apricus City Freelancers!
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“Good afternoon Apricus! Augustine Cornelius Eckerman here. Are you ready for an exciting afternoon of Hecaball?! We’re here live from Solis Heights as the Cheshire Hounds take on the Freelancers! Despite it being one of those rare “early” games we’ve got a packed arena and the crowd is just as lively as ever!”
“As many of you know, back when I played I was with the Hounds. My jersey was actually retired and currently resides right here is this very arena alongside those of other notable Hounds players! Enough about me though, the teams are taking the field! Hounds have the homefield advantage so you know Jaime Baskerville is soaking all of this in..”
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“And here we go! Hounds will start with the ball. As you know, both the Hounds and the Freelancers have been trying to recruit some new players and I’ve heard a few signings have happened but not in time for this game. Hounds making some progress up centerfield but the Freelancers defense is preventing any advance toward the goal. Wukong showing some agility with a steal and a pass to Blackfoot.”
“Blackfoot passes back to Wukong who slams into an unsuspecting Hounds player. If I didn’t know any better I’d think these two are just trying to antagonize their opponents. They need to focus on trying to score...and just like that Ayana steals and passes to Baskerville. Baskerville a bit cocky as he shows off some fancy footwork. Baskerville hops to a platform but Blackfoot kicks it, spinning it around..Baskerville looking like he’s about to lose his lunch..ball is loose!”
“Wukong recovers it, tosses it into the air and propels off of Blackfoot’s shield..wonderful overhead kick! Hounds goalkeeper has no trouble deflecting the shot though and passes back to Ayana. Ayana jukes past Wukong and bashes another member of the Freelancers aside as he heads up the left side!”
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“Ayana looking for a chance to score but the Freelancers defense is holding strong. Ayana with no choice but to get rid of the ball rather than risk getting tackled by at least three of the Freelancers! Wukong with an arguably late hit on Ayana..and the ref is calling that one. Wukong has to spend some time in the penalty box.”
“Freelancers have the ball, Blackfoot kicks it off a platform right to a fellow Freelancer, they manage to intimidate Baskerville and kick it back over to Blackfoot. Blackfoot with a headbutt into the goal! Freelancers up 1-0!”
“We’re at the half now. Please welcome your halftime entertainment, pop sensation Kay.Dee!”
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“Gotta tell ya folks, still a bit strange watching a concert performs by virtual singers. Hologram technology has come a long way! Anyway, let’s get right back to the action!”
“Both teams have already decided to empty the benches so this is gonna be a chaotic second half! Wukong doesn’t look too happy about being sent to the penalty box earlier and might be looking to take it out on some unlucky opponent!”
“Hounds making their way down the field but we’ve got bodies flying everywhere! Wukong spins between two Hounds players and causes them to crash into each other, steals the ball and goes to pass to Blackfoot. Intercepted by Ayana who slams into a Freelancer before jumping up to a platform. Wukong goes to knock Ayana off but Ayana sees it coming and springs off of Wukong’s shoulders through the air!”
“Ayana fakes a kick but passes, teammate tries to score but it bounces off the goalpost! Ayana with the recovery and instantly takes another shot! It’s good! Hounds are on the board at 1-1!”
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“Time is starting to tick down and it’s getting more chaotic out there! Freelancers are playing a little dirty but sometimes that’s the nature of the game! Freelancers with the ball, Blackfoot spinning around the Hounds defense and taking a bit of a long shot. Hounds goalkeeper deflects it and kicks it back out, Wukong through the air with the steal and tries to shoot..NO Ayana there with the save!”
“Ayana in trouble again, looking to pass..OH gets slammed into by both Wukong and Blackfoot, we’ve got a loose ball! Hounds manage to recover for a moment before the Freelancers launch one of their own through the air to steal!”
“Freelancers trying again but the Hounds defense is holding! Hounds have the ball. Ayana using a sizeable frame to knock some Freelancers aside! Ayana with the ball now, passing to Baskerville who actually makes some progress! Baskerville ducking under Wukong and passing!”
“Blackfoot looks to steal but Hounds pass back to Ayana! Ayana baits Wukong into charging and moves, sending Wukong right into a platform! Blackfoot going at Ayana who’s looking for options!”
“Ayana with no choice, passes to an unsuspecting Baskerville! Baskerville with a..somewhat unintentional headbutt but it sends it right into the goal! Hounds are up 2-1 and that’s time!”
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“Hounds take this one with a score of 2-1! Someone needs to tell Baskerville he scored a winning goal, after he comes to that is. Thank you all for joining me this afternoon! Next Monday we have The Solis Scarabs Vs The Bureau Behemoths closing out round two!”
“Have a great day everyone!”
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An Ending Within-Ch. 14
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Chapter 14
           “Whips,” I said sitting on the top turnbuckle at Black and Brave. In the nearly three years I’d been with the school, my training routine had fallen into a comfortable pattern. The women trained with the men most of the time to learn the fundamentals. But a couple nights a week, they spent their time with me. Learning how to apply the fundamentals as a woman.
           “Start in the middle of the ring. Whip your partner to the rope, spring off, wrist and pivot, exchange. Do it again.” I counted them off in pairs and called out the moves. One by one, the pairs went through the steps, sending their partner running into the ropes. The ring shook as they bounced off them and ran back to the center.
           Over and over, one after another, they did it until they could execute the motion perfectly. When they’d mastered it, I hopped down from the turnbuckle and tested my leg. A glance at the clock let me know the class was almost over. I had twenty minutes before I had to close the building and pick up Sefina from Seth’s mom.
           “Alright,” I said, rubbing my hands together. “One of the best counters to the Irish Whip into the ropes is to lock your arms around the top rope. Do it wrong and you will get hurt. Jackie, help me demo.”
           A tall woman with strawberry blond hair and wide black eyes stepped forward. She had a few inches on me, but she was so nervous that she often forgot to use her height to her advantage. She wiped her hands on the side of her leggings as she got close.
           “We’re going to do the whole sequence. You lead.”
           Before she could reach for me, I heard the door swinging open. I held up my hands and dropped down, sliding beneath the bottom rope and landing on my feet. My phone was on a chair on the far side of the practice ring. Marek was already gone.
           “Llane? Where are ya’, lass?”
           I grinned and practically sprinted across the room. “Becks!”
           Becky Lynch walked in the front door of Black and Brave with a grin on her face. She grabbed me up in a hug that rocked back and forth. I was crushed with the weight of how much I’d missed her.
           “How’ve ya been, girl,” she asked, holding me by the shoulders. She laughed. “Other than lookin’ pretty for Jericho?”
           I laughed in return and took her by the hand, pulling her toward the ring. A few of the women stood in awed silence as the two of us rolled beneath the bottom rope. Becky was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt with high top sneakers and her red hair hanging free over her shoulder.
           “We were just working on whip counters.”
           Becky made a face and leaned into the corner. “Well, ladies, you’re learnin’ from tha best. Llane’s got a great counter.”
           A thought. An idea. A desperately fun, slightly reckless idea.
           I grinned. “Let’s show them, Becks.”
           The redhead laughed and dropped into a quick succession of squats. She rocked her neck side to side and back and forth. Rolled her shoulders. Did a twist or two.
           “Alrigh’, but remember you asked for it,” she teased.
           The women around me crowded out onto the apron. Becky and I ran the ropes, moving quickly from one side of the ring to the other, bouncing off the ropes to propel us back across.
           “Take it easy,” I said playfully. “You aren’t stretched.”
           She looked out at the women on the apron and winked. “Already askin’ for a break.”
           I cocked my head and jutted out my chin. We fell into a rhythm we’d known when we were in the ring together. For a moment, we faced each other across the ring. As one, we ran toward the center. I grabbed Becky by the wrist and planted my feet, pivoting on my inner leg to push her past me into the ropes. She bounced against them and pelted toward me. I softened my knees, automatically expecting her to throw her shoulder tackle.
           Instead, she snatched me smoothly by the elbow and tugged me past her. She twisted her hips and shoved me toward the ropes. I turned and took the impact on my shoulders. My arms hooked back around the top and I pushed off from the canvas. Momentum carried my legs up and my core strength brought them the rest of the way over my head. An instant later, my feet were on the apron and already moving toward the turnbuckle. I had climbed to the second one before reality caught up with me.
           Becky leaned against the ropes on the other side of the ring, a bright smile on her face. She nodded in approval.
           Rushing white noise. The thump of my pulse in my ears. Vertigo swayed me.
           Before I could blink, I was somewhere else. Back in that December night in an arena packed with screaming people. I saw the ladder rising up in front of me, the red and white of my title hanging just out of reach. I felt the hand around my ankle, the yank that set me off balance. The world swam in slow motion as I fell, my chin hitting the rung, twisting my neck unnaturally. A heavy, burning pain shot down my spine. And then… nothing.
           It was over as quickly as it began. My fingers were wrapped around the turnbuckle pad so tightly that my knuckles were white. The skin stretched tight until I worried that the bones would split through the flesh. The air caught in my lungs, and I was suddenly reminded of the panic of being unable to control my own breath.
           “Llane?” Becky said quickly, her tone serious and sharp. The ring rumbled as she raced over. “Sophie?”
           I froze. Panic. Terror. A dizzying numbness.
           “Alrigh’ ladies,” my friend called over her shoulder. “Class dismissed. Go!”
           Becky stayed right in front of me as the women filed from the room. Shame settled in my gut. They paid for training. They should get it.
           Once everyone was gone, Becky stepped through the ropes and wrapped her arms around my waist. “Le’ go now, lass,” she cooed. “I’ve got ya.”
           My entire body trembled as she guided me down to sit on the apron. We stayed there for a moment before Becky helped me onto the floor.
           I fell onto my back, barely keeping my head from cracking against the mats. Becky sat down cross-legged beside me. “Wha’ was tha’, Llane?” Her accent got thicker in the midst of her worry.
           It took me a few moments to catch my breath. Air seared down my throat and into my lungs. The ache was almost enough to shove the oxygen back out again. No matter how hard I tried, I could still see the mat rushing up toward me. I could feel the crack as my chin hit the rung.
           “I was back there,” I replied quietly. Every moment since that day replayed in my head at lightning speed. I relived every injury, every scare, every moment when I wasn’t sure if I was going to walk again. “I was back in that ring that night.”
           Becky propped her chin on her knees. “There’s talk of her comin’ back,” she said slowly.
           My eyes seared as if acid had been poured into them. All the fines in the world, all the medical bills paid for… none of it made up for the months of my life that had been ripped away from me. It wouldn’t soothe the terror I’d lived with in those days when I wondered if I’d ever walk or if Seth would be willing to stay.
           “Of course. She’s licked her wounds from a loss like she always did. Now, they’re desperate to make up for the star power they’ve run off,” I spat. I thought of everyone who had walked away from WWE since Jon had gotten himself free. First Jericho, then Jon and me. Luke Harper, now going by Brodie Lee, and Gallows and Anderson had followed not long after. “Vince is hemorrhaging talent. Of course he’s going to throw his money at lady Lesnar.”
           Becky snorted. “The locker room is rioting. Everybody. All three brands. People are threatening to walk if she shows up.”
           “Don’t you dare, Becks,” I said, forcing myself to sit up. “You know how Vince is. He’s still being petty about the four of us who went to AEW. Don’t give him an excuse to go after you.”
           “Easier said than done, lass. Seth and Roman are on a mission. They’ve whipped up everyone.” She grinned lopsidedly. “And, of course, I’ve been runnin’ the girls myself.”
           The tears that beaded on my lashes this time weren’t from pain or fear. They were from gratitude. Becky was steadfast in her devotion and her friendship. Even though I’d walked away from WWE, Becky Lynch had refused to turn against me. In my absence, she’d done everything to prove her loyalty and her care.
           “We’re not going to tell Seth about this,” I whispered. “Not right away. I’m going to call my therapist first. See if I can get in to talk to her. Maybe it’s stress.”
           “My lips are sealed, Llane. But don’t wait too long.” Becky grinned sympathetically. “You know he gets.”
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loyally-unfaithful · 4 years
—; now i know i have met an angel in person
word count: 2329
pairing: kara/gn!reader
genre: fluff
summary: winter in canada was cold. beautiful, but cold. it was the perfect time to tuck back in bed, warm mug of hot cocoa on one hand and a good book on the other. the plan was to spend the frigid day in the warm indoors, but there was last minute change: there was a frozen lake that looked relatively safe, so you, kara, and alice decided to ice skate while luther supervised. but hey, if you got to show off while spending time with your loved ones, then who are you to complain?
a/n: figure skating is my guilty pleasure uwu lmfao to be quite honest i used to be able to skate quite good and even managed to spin (badly but hey i spun) when i was younger, but it’s been such a long time that i’ve forgotten how to even move forwards lol so if it wasn’t clear, reader is a figure skater and they’re going to enjoy the winter wonderland w their wonderful girlfriend: kara.
also alice is a human because i said so,,
any and all feedbacks are appreciated ^^
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you laid reposefully in your bed, wrapped by a multitude of blankets, as you unhurriedly flipped the pages of your book, taking full advantage of this uneventful day. you were leisurely reading when a weight plopped itself on your abdomen, pulling a small « oof » out of you. lifting your book, you found alice sprawled on you, grinning from ear to ear. she called out your name repeatedly, excitement clear in her tone. you couldn’t help but smile with her as you addressed the young girl: « hey kid. what got you so excited? you chuckled. – kara said we could go out ice skating today! she beamed. – oh yeah? sounds fun, you mused, diving back into your book. not the answer she was looking for so the brunette pressed on. – will you come with us? please, please please? pretty please with a cherry on top? she begged, puppy eyes conquering you every time. – okay, okay. i’ll come with. you chuckled, slipping yourself off of the bed. » the child bounced up cheerfully with a gleeful « yay! », and scurried off somewhere, probably to get ready.
after putting on a warmer set of clothings instead of your pajamas, you made your way to the living room where you found luther who was making sure that alice was fully protected from the elements. you walked to the kitchen where you found kara. you sneaked behind her and wrapped your arms around her waist, placing your chin on your shoulders, startling her. « hey. you greeted. she exclaimed your name, commenting how you startled her. – sorry, sorry, you laughed. so, we’re going ice skating? – uh huh. you’re coming too, right? – you know i’m weak against those puppy eyes! you defended yourself. » you snuggled into the crook of her neck, asking her if there was anything you could help her with. to which she replied that you could make sure that alice didn’t forget to wear her gloves and then wait for her outside while she gathered the equipment. you complied, placing a quick kiss on her cheeks before peeling yourself off and went to search for young girl. once you did and made sure she was properly dressed, you corralled her to the shoebox to grab your respective footwears (you  also grabbed your figure skates along with your boots from the shoe box) and went to wait for kara outside.
shifting your weight from one foot to the other, you fiddled with your beanie as you watched over alice, who’s playing with the snow. « so… your first time ice skating ever? – uh huh. will you teach me how? i wanna learn how to do cool stuff like you! she hopped excitedly. you smiled, her enthusiasm endearing. – i’m sure you’ll do just fine kid. you’re a fast learner. » you both turned your head towards the front door as you heard it swing open, luther and kara emerging from the house, meaning it’s time to head out.
on your walk there, alice scampered up ahead with luther no too far away behind her, while you and kara walked unhurriedly at the back. « so where are we going exactly? you asked. – luther and i found a frozen lake a few days ago and we thought that we might as well bring alice. she seems really interested in ice skating these past few weeks. – are you sure it’s safe? you wondered worriedly. she nodded her head. – i’m sure. » you hummed and you two walked in silence once more, the soft crunching of snow under your boot the only sound audible. once at your destination, alice quickly plopped down and rushed to put on her ice skates, while the three of you settled down to put your belongings. you casually caught up to her and sat down, clearly not in any hurry to put on your skates which prompted her to rush you (you complied). taking a few moments before standing up, you asked luther if he was planning to join in, to which he declined. you didn’t press further and glanced at kara, nodding your head towards the frigid lake. she told you that she’ll join you briefly so you decided to lead alice unto the ice, calm facade hiding how excited you truly are.
gliding on the ice, you swerved slightly to turn and face the brunette. the girl carefully treaded the ice, wobbling slightly before regaining balance, and looked at you expectantly: « ooh, are you going to teach me how to do tricks? please, please, please? – slow down there kid, you chuckled, you gotta know how to move forwards first. – and when i do, then you’re gonna show me how? she looked up hopefully. » you were sure that alice would pick the sport up quickly, but you were hesitant about teaching her the tricky stuff during her first time: you didn’t want her to potentially hurt herself. you responded with a final « we’ll see. »
with that, you went to teach her the basics: first, learning how to fall correctly to minimise the pain, « because you’re gonna fall at some point kid, everyone does. – even you? – yes, even me, you reassured her. », and how to get back up. next, the correct stance: « bend the knees slightly. lean slightly forwards, don’t put your weight back or you’ll fall on your bum ». it was quite comical how she quickly bent down and shifted her weight forward as soon as those words left your mouth. « oop, not that far forwards. » once satisfied with the position, you beckoned her to start trying to move forwards. seeing that she was a bit hesitant—nervous? we’ve all been there you told her—you reached for her hands and told her that she could hold on to you as you moved around until she felt confident enough to try and go on her own. you slowly started moving, making sure to not scare her off by the speed, while she gets used to the feel. at some point, she started to push forwards on her own and you slowly slipped your hand out of hers, a few metres behind her just in case.
she stopped and simply glided—you didn’t even have to teach her, you thought proudly. though she wobbled slightly, she quickly recovered before turning her head to find yours, wide smile etched on her face: « i can skate!!! she announced, delighted. – you sure can kid! » you caught up to her and taught her how to stop, which she did as easily. « see? told ya’ you’d take it up quickly. just like a duck to water! you hummed approvingly before continuing. now for the last and most important lesson… she watched you attentively. – it’s to have fun! so enjoy your time here, you admitted. »
she dashed away, energetic little sport. judging from the wows and the cheering from your right, she was showing off her new skills. understandably so, she had the right to be proud of herself. you let her have her fun as you found your way to a small space quite a distance  away from them: close enough that you could still see them and hear the more raucous cheers—luther—but far enough that you won’t accidentally run into the little girl. you were feeling a tad lazy earlier in the day, but being on the ice felt so right, so natural. it wouldn’t hurt to practice a bit, right?
you took a few moments to warm up before you decided to start the performance. you stood still for a few moments. inhale, exhale. hands in position, feet ready. you’re poised for action. you breathed in slowly, visualising the rink, the people watching and the multiple spotlights on your form. you imagine the music in your head, a rhythm, a tempo, that you could follow as you recounted the choreography. the violin hummed ever so softly, the show started, time to impress the judges and give it your all. you let the ice guide you, the movements flowing out of you instinctively. a series of elegant movements, one move after the other, so fluidly it almost looked easy, serene, passive. step. death drop. you have to focus on the connecting steps as they are the backbone to the artistic quality of your display. spiral. lutz. the wind on your face and against your clothes feels amazing, the speed, everything, it’s exhilarating. a  series of quick jumps. you faltered slightly but quickly recovered, moving past it as you focused on the next half of the choreography. step. this is it. you were nearing the end of this dance. you preparers yourself for the coup de grâce. you did it once. you can do it again you tell yourself. building momentum, you take off: triple axel, 31/2 turns. the spin feels so natural, so incredible. 31/2 revolutions. you landed gracefully, letting go of a breath you didn’t realise you were holding in, and smiled wildly. you felt like you were on top of the world. step. a series of flamboyant spins as the violins from the musical piece you chose would swell, before you dipped and kneeled, arms spreaded out, as the majestic swan would extend its wings. brilliant as the creature’s shimmering white feathers. you took quick breaths as you slowly rose up, a huge smile splayed on your face. you really did it, huh?
accomplishments of the day: teach alice how to skate and execute the choreography.
you casually glided your way back to the group and was tackled by an excited alice. « that was so cool!!! can you show me how to do that? pretty please? she grinned, missing teeth and all. – it was very beautiful, kara vouched. you were incredible there, love. you were about to respond modestly when alice brought back your attention. – you promised you’ll teach me a cool trick? – ehhh… i’m not sure… you fumbled. you were still unsure about the whole safety aspect. what if she got injured? your mind could only imagine the worst case scenarios. – it’s fine. kara assured you. we got her the proper skates, a quick glance reveals that the skates did have toepicks, and she has a reliable teacher. – see? kara says it’s fine! – trying to butter me up? you laughed. tell you what, if you can prove to me that you can go around from here to that tree i’ll think about showing you a cool trick. – okay, so just here to that tree right? – going forwards and going backwards 5 times each. and then i’ll show you a cool spin. – okay! she exclaimed jovially, before she zoomed off. »
you both watch her dash back and forth, kara holding on your arm in a death grip—though you didn’t pay any mind. « i wonder why she’s so interested in figure skating all of the sudden… you thought out loud. – you inspire her. your partner revealed. – but why? you chuckled, surprised. i’m not that impressive. – don’t sell yourself short, she scolded. you’re incredibly talented, and she looks up to you. – not as amazing as her mother though! you claimed. » you turned around to face her « so, what about you? any good on the ice? » you started. she shook her head with a sheepish smile. « no, not at all. ».
« oh come on, you can’t be that bad. you smiled. come on, i’ll guide you. you said, as you held both her hands and slided her forwards. »
just like alice was at first, she was hesitant and let herself be carried around. she didn’t however, start stepping on her own, so once you were both at a good distance away from the edge, you carefully took your hands from hers and stepped a few metres back. you didn’t miss the quick panic that etched on her face as she jerked up to stay upright. she swayed gently, seeming somewhat balanced, before you extended an arm towards her.
« ok, now slowly side forwards, push back almost like your pushing on a scooter, see if you can get to me. – i don’t know about this... she admitted. – it’s okay, i’ve got you. i’ll catch you if anything happens ok? she still looks conflicted. – i believe in you, love. i’ve got you. she took in a shaky breath, one she technically didn’t need. – okay… here i go… »
just as quickly she took an uncertain step, it quickly fell apart. she slipped almost immediately and you rushed forwards to try and catch her which caused carnage. you both tumbled down onto the ice, heads were hit against each other and you knew your ass was gonna hurt come next morning. but you’re concerns are currently on the person splayed on top of you: « are you okay? you gasped concernedly, hands coming up to support her back. she giggled as she playfully slapped you. her quips meant that she was perfectly fine. – thanks for getting us into this mess! – you’re too adorable! you cooed, pressing a soft kiss at the top of her head. – you’re really dumb sometimes, you know that? she choked out between laughs. » you answered her with an affirmative « yup! » as you wrapped your arms tighter around her, holding her as you nuzzled nose on hers. her skin was cold and tinted a slight pink due to the cold temperatures, while yours was warm. you both relished in the action however, her pleasant laugh making you feel fuzzy inside.
alice soon rushed over to where you both fell down, concern on her face but was soon relieved when you told her that you were both okay. once back on your feet, alice gave you back your beanie (that must’ve fallen off during the altercation) before she swooshed around between you two, proudly telling you how she did exactly what you asked so can you please teach her a spin now? you complied, keeping your promise.
« alright kid, here’s how you do a two-foot spin, you introduced. if you can do it before school starts again, you get bragging rights for the entire semester. »
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thelastspeecher · 5 years
Recoil - Chapter 3: Collateral Damage
Chapter 1   Chapter 2   Chapter 3   Chapter 4   AO3
Whoops, this went up a little late.  I was busy eating too much food for Thanksgiving and then traveling yesterday; I didn’t get a chance to post it.  But here it is!  And here, I’m beginning to unravel a few of the plot threads I spun up.  Hopefully this chapter answers a few questions and raises a few more.
(Again, this fic was inspired by “1 Step Forward, 20 Years Back” by @infriga)
Collateral damage (noun): damage that is unintended or incidental to the intended outcome
              The kitchen was filled with a surge of hyperactive energy so strong that Stan could feel his own fingers and toes buzzing from merely being in the room. The source of the energy was Ford, who couldn’t seem to decide what exactly he was doing.  He manically rocketed from the table to the counter to the stove to the fridge.  Stan managed to grab Ford during one of the short sprints.
              “Okay, here’s the deal,” he said firmly.  “You’re at twenty.  I’m gonna need you to dial it back to about three.”  Ford wriggled in his arms.
              “But Fiddleford is-”
              “I get that you’re excited your friend’s coming over, but you’ve gotta calm down.  I swear, I’m gonna trip over you if you keep this up.”
              “The best way to rein in an out of control child ain’t exactly calm discussion,” a voice said.  Ford froze. Fiddleford appeared in the entryway to the kitchen.  “A sit’ation like this is resolved by threatenin’ to withhold the thing the kidlet’s excited ‘bout.”  Fiddleford fixed an analytical gaze on Ford.  “Of course, my experience comes from dealin’ with actual children, not scientists what landed themselves in hot water.”
              “Uh, hey, Fiddlesticks,” Stan said.
              “Fiddleford,” Ford and Fiddleford corrected.
              “Yeah.  That.”
              “Hope ya don’t mind that I let m’self in.  Still had my old key.”
              “Your old-”  Stan frowned. “Did you live here with Ford?”
              “Fer a while, sure,” Fiddleford said vaguely.
              “You guys really need to fill me in on your history,” Stan said.  He looked down at Ford.  “I’m gonna let you go now, but if you try to tackle Fiddle…ford, I swear, I’ll lock you in your room.”  Ford pouted.  “Don’t make that face at me.  Are you gonna be calm now?”
              “…Yes,” Ford mumbled.
              “Good.”  Stan released Ford, who, after a split second of standing completely still, bolted out of the room.  “Son of a- he better not break anything.”  Stan looked at Fiddleford.  “I think once he runs off some of that energy, he’ll be ready to talk.” Fiddleford merely nodded silently. “Last week, he caught something that put him in bed for days.  I forgot how wild kids get once they bounce back from being sick.”
              “Mm-hmm.”  Fiddleford looked in the direction Ford had rushed off.  “Say, has he been actin’ like a kid a lot?”
              “Uh, depends.  Some days, he seems more like a kid than others.  Like today, he-”  Ford ran into the kitchen again and skidded to a halt in front of Fiddleford, papers in his arms.  Fiddleford looked at Stan meaningfully.
              “We’ll have this conversation later,” he said.  Stan nodded.  Ford looked back and forth between Stan and Fiddleford.
              “What conversation?”
              “Sharing parenting tips,” Stan said, playfully ruffling Ford’s hair. Ford shoved his hands away.
              “Fiddleford told you about his son already?  Did he show you the pictures he keeps in his wallet?” Ford asked. Stan frowned.
              “What?”  He looked at Fiddleford.  “You’ve got a kid.”
              “…Yes,” Fiddleford said quietly.  He cleared his throat.  “Tate’s in California with his mom right now.”
              “Oh.”  Stan looked at Ford again.  “What you got there?”
              “Data!” Ford said cheerfully, holding up the papers in his arms.  “I thought that once we convinced Fiddleford to help, he could go over the data with me and we could work on coming up with a cure.”  Fiddleford raised an eyebrow at him.
              “Well, the first step there is convincin’ me to help.  So we best start with that step, ‘cause I ain’t leanin’ in yer favor quite yet.”  Ford grinned.
              “Right.”  He gestured at the kitchen table.  “Please, Fiddleford, take a seat.  Stanley and I will make our case.”
              Despite – or maybe because of – Fiddleford’s protests that he still might not help, Stan didn’t believe it for a second.  Fiddleford kept watching Ford with a fondness that Stan guessed came from having a son of his own.  Every now and then, Fiddleford’s expression sharpened, like he’d remembered who Ford was, but overall, Fiddleford seemed much softer than he’d been in the library when he’d cursed Ford’s name.
              “So, like I said, Stanley has done a remarkably good job at assisting me in general care, but he lacks the scientific expertise to assist in the discovery of both the cause of my regression and the potential cure,” Ford finished.  Fiddleford sat back in his seat, feigning a thoughtful demeanor that Stan could see right through.
              “I see,” Fiddleford said slowly.  He took a breath.  “Well, I ain’t exactly the kind of person who would turn down such an eloquent request from a child.”  He looked at Stan.  “Though I’d like to hear yer perspective on this, Stanley.”  Stan blinked, surprised.
              “Uh, basically, just what Ford said.  I can reach things for him and take him places, but I can’t do anything in the lab.”
              “Hmm.”  Fiddleford steepled his fingers.  He let out a small sigh.  “I’ll help.” Ford jumped up in his chair.  “I ain’t goin’ near that portal, though. I’ll look over the data you’ve collected, see if there’s somethin’ Stanford missed.”  Ford beamed.
              “Excellent!”  His stomach rumbled.  “…Oh.” Ford looked at Stan.  “Stanley, would you-”
              “I can see about doin’ something for dinner,” Stan said.  “Why don’t you and Fiddlewhatever start going over some of that data of yours while I whip up some spaghetti and meatballs, huh?”  Ford beamed again.  Out of the corner of his eye, Stan could see Fiddleford’s look shift to contemplative.
              “Will do.”  Ford gathered the papers he’d brought into the kitchen.  “Fiddleford, we can talk in the living room.”  He shot a glare at Stan.  “Stanley claims he needs silence to cook well.”
              “I can’t help it.  Gotta be able to focus,” Stan said airily.  Ford rolled his eyes and hopped off his chair.
              “If you say so.  By the way, his name is Fiddleford.  Say it correctly.”  Ford marched into the living room.  Fiddleford glanced at Stan as he followed Ford out.  Their eyes met.  Stan felt a shiver run down his spine at Fiddleford’s expression.  He shook the feeling away and began gathering what he needed for dinner.
              That bag of skin and bones is damn perceptive, isn’t he?  He won’t be as easy to fool as Ford.
              Most engineers had the reputation of being better with machines than people. Fiddleford considered himself an exception.  Sure, there were days that he felt more comfortable with nuts and bolts and scrap metal, but he’d never been one to struggle to understand people.  Growing up with five siblings and more cousins than you could shake a stick at would do that.  So he knew from the second he walked into the eerily clean house that something odd was going on.
              Luckily, after bein’ in Gravity Falls fer so long, I’m experienced in oddities.  Fiddleford sat silently at the kitchen table while he watched Stan attempt to get Ford into bed.  A process that began with verbal commands, then progressed quickly to Stan physically picking Ford up and taking him somewhere else.  Fiddleford pursed his lips.  Stanford’s never particularly enjoyed sleep, but I haven’t seen his protests be so immature before.  He looked down at the data spread out on the table.  That fits with what I’m seein’ here.  At some point during his visit, it had begun to rain.  The distinct drumming of raindrops soothed his frazzled, frantic mind.  This data tells me what happened, but not how.  How did the portal malfunction in this way?
              “Sorry about that,” Stan said, walking into the kitchen again.  “Ford hates that I make him go to bed at 8:30, but if he doesn’t, he turns into a gremlin the next day.”  Fiddleford waved a hand.
              “That ain’t no problem.  Children need their sleep.  Even if they’re really in their late twenties.”
              “Heh.  Yeah.” Stan sat down across from Fiddleford. “You want something to drink?  Ford had a years’ supply of coffee when I showed up. Or if you want something stronger, I’m pretty sure there’s some liquor around here somewhere.”  Fiddleford shook his head.
              “No need fer drinks.  I’m a bit surprised ya haven’t just tossed the coffee out, though.  Stanford’s addicted to it somethin’ fierce, and it ain’t good fer children.  It’ll stunt their growth.”
              “Well, I tried hiding it at first,” Stan said, “but then he found it and made some while I was out.  For some reason, though, he didn’t have more than a sip.  He said it tasted terrible.”  Stan shrugged.  “I tried some.  It wasn’t the best coffee I’d ever had, but it definitely wasn’t the worst.” Fiddleford nodded, not surprised by this.  Again, it seemed in line with the readouts from the portal that Ford had showed him.
              Immature tastes to match an immature body.
              “I have to say, Stanley, I’m impressed,” Fiddleford said.  He clasped his hands together and tried to ignore how his fingers were far too thin.  Stan eyed him suspiciously.
              “Really?”  Stan’s tone was doubtful, bordering on incredulous.
              Almost like he don’t believe someone would be impressed with him. Fiddleford chewed on that thought for a moment.  That’s somethin’ to pursue later.
              “Yes.  You seem to have taken to this like a fish to water,” Fiddleford replied calmly.  Stan blew out an impatient breath.
              “With what? The weird shit here?”
              “Well, yes, though that wasn’t what I was referrin’ to.”  Fiddleford met Stan’s eyes.  Stan stared determinedly back.  “I was referrin’ to fatherhood.”  He’d expected Stan to either brush off the compliment or soak in it – that was how Ford tended to respond, after all.  Stan did neither.  Fury clouded his eyes.  Stan shot up, the force of his movement tossing the chair he’d been sitting in. It slammed against the wall.
              “Listen, Fiddledork,” Stan snarled.
              “Ford’s not my son.  He’s my brother.”
              “I know.  I wasn’t tryin’ to imply otherwise.”
              “Then what the hell were you implying?”
              “It’s just…”  Fiddleford trailed off.  He glanced down at his worn and stained clothes.  “I mentioned my son, Tate.  He’s ten now.”  Fiddleford looked up again.  Stan locked his gaze with Fiddleford’s once more.  “I know from experience how difficult it is to be in charge of a young boy. Sure, the circumstances here are dif’rent.  Stanford’s technically an adult, after all.  But just judgin’ by the few things I saw earlier and the information you’ve given me, I get the feelin’ it’s not quite as dif’rent as one would expect.” Stan reddened.  His gaze immediately dropped to the table.
              “…Fine.”  Stan rubbed his face.  “It- it feels like I’m taking care of a kid more and more.  Ford refuses to take baths, won’t eat vegetables, and fights with me when I try to get him to go to bed.  At first, he did those things without arguing.  He knew that he needed to in order to stay healthy.  Kids can’t run on fumes all the time like Ford had been before I showed up.  And he knew that.”  Stan grabbed his chair, brought it back to the table, and sat down.  “But lately, it’s like he’s forgotten all of that.”
              “He hasn’t forgotten.  He’s just slippin’ into a more childlike mindset.  It’s more difficult fer him to think rationally and logically right now.”
              “Why?” Stan demanded.  “He was fine at first.  What-” Stan’s breath caught in his throat. “Is it my fault that he’s becoming more of a kid?”
              “No!  No, not at all,” Fiddleford said quickly.  “It has to do with the source of his regression.”  Stan straightened.
              “You figured out what caused it, then?  Already?”
              “Yes and no.”  Fiddleford clasped his hands.  “Luckily, Stanford has been runnin’ some tests on himself from day one, usin’ equipment I designed myself.  He wasn’t able to interpret the data, but I could.”  Fiddleford began to shuffle through the papers on the table.  “The output from the portal on the day this whole thing started indicates that the energy you saw hit Ford was from another dimension.”
              “Another dimension?”
              “Another reality,” Fiddleford said.  “Multiverse theory holds that there’s an infinite number of universes, some similar to ours, some drastically different, all of ‘em theoretically accessible if one punches a hole in the fabric of the space-time continuum.” Stan furrowed his brow.
              “That’s what the machine in the basement does?” he asked.  “It rips the fabric of the universe?”
              “Essentially, yes.”  Fiddleford cocked his head.  “Have ya heard of multiverse theory before?”
              “Uh, no, not exactly.”  Stan rubbed the back of his neck.  “I read a lot of comic books when I was a kid, though, and this sounds like some of the stuff that happened in my favorite titles.”  Stan let out a small, dry laugh.  “Of course my brother would be making the stuff from comic books real.” Fiddleford smiled slightly.  “How do you know the lightning I saw was from a different dimension?”
              “The sensors in the basement recognized it as havin’ a dif’rent energy signature than things in this universe.”
              “What do you mean by energy signature?” Stan asked slowly. Fiddleford hummed.
              “How familiar are ya with quarks and wave-particle duality?”
              “…I don’t know what either of those things are.”  Stan looked away.  “I dunno if Ford told you anything about me when you two were nerding out earlier, but I didn’t even graduate high school.  I’m not a genius like Ford.  I’m not smart at all.”
              “I highly doubt that,” Fiddleford said.  Stan snorted.  “There are dif’rent forms that intelligence takes.  Fer example, my pa, he didn’t graduate high school, either.  But he knows how to run a farm and manage a fam’ly. Two things that Stanford, fer all his brains, would have no idea to do.  I have the philosophy that everyone is smart in some way.  It’s just that all ways of bein’ smart don’t get recognized as such.”  Stan was silent.  The sound of rain hitting the roof filled the room.  Fiddleford cleared his throat.  “…Anyways, if yer not familiar with the concepts I mentioned, ya prob’ly won’t get much out of my explanation.”
              “Probably,” Stan mumbled.
              “Just know that the energy what hit Ford wasn’t from this universe.” Stan nodded.  “And right now, Ford isn’t from this universe, either.” Stan’s eyes widened.  He whipped his head back around to stare at Fiddleford.
              “What?!” he yelped.  Fiddleford held up his hands.
              “Maybe I should’ve phrased that more delicately.  The lil boy sleepin’ right now is still the Stanford we both know.” Stan relaxed.  “But at the same time, he’s not.”  Stan pinched the bridge of his nose.
              “I’m not in the mood for riddles,” Stan said, exasperated.
              “Okay.”  Fiddleford took a breath.  “He’s currently givin’ off the same energy signature as the electricity ya saw. Every part of him is.  I’ll see ‘bout runnin’ some tests tomorrow to confirm this, but it seems to me like every cell was rewritten to match the Stanford of the dimension that energy came from.”  Fiddleford drummed his fingers on the table.  “That would account fer the behavioral and mental changes both you and Stanford have told me about.”
              “He’s essentially a child again.  Just with the memories of bein’ an adult.  A lot of skills can only be developed once yer brain finishes properly developin’.  An eight-year-old don’t have a well-developed brain, so Stanford doesn’t have access to those skills he used to know.  Skills like logical reasoning or emotional regulation.”
              “That might explain why he’s been acting like a kid, but why has it been getting worse?” Stan asked.
              “I don’t have a definitive answer, but I think it’s ‘cause he’s beginning to adjust.  Initially, I’m assumin’ he struggled against his new body’s limits, and that new body also fought against him a bit, too.  But as he’s gotten used to this, his mind is adjusting to fit his body.” Fiddleford shrugged.  “That’s my theory, of course.  Could be completely wrong.  I ain’t a psychologist or a biologist by any means.”
              “Does that mean the longer it takes to fix Ford, the more difficult it’ll be?” Stan asked hoarsely.  “The longer he stays a kid, the less likely he’ll be able to act like an adult when he’s back to normal?”
              “I doubt it.  Once we figure out a way to turn Ford back into the Ford from this reality, his mind should follow suit.  The mind is more malleable than ya think.”  Fiddleford pursed his lips.  “The bad news here, though, is that I don’t have the foggiest idea of how to fix this. My, uh, my mind ain’t quite what it used to be.”
              “Why?” Stan asked.  Fiddleford tensed.  “Does it have to do with why you and Ford are on the rocks?”
              “I’d rather not get into it,” Fiddleford mumbled.  “It ain’t relevant to this.”
              “You just said that it’ll make it difficult for you to fix Ford.  Sounds relevant to me.”
              “I can handle it.  Especially with Ford to help here and there.”  Fiddleford eyed Stan.  “While we’re alone, I have to ask ya somethin’.”
              “Stanford never told me he had a twin brother.  Why’s that?”
              “I-”  Stan tensed, just like Fiddleford had moments ago.  “It’s a long story.  And one I’m not gonna tell if you don’t tell me about your history with Ford.”  He smirked slightly, like he’d won some sort of argument.
              “Fair,” Fiddleford said.  Stan seemed a bit disappointed that Fiddleford hadn’t fought back further. He cleared his throat.
              “We know how Ford got turned into a kid.  But why?  Why did the portal do this to him?”
              “Honestly?”  Fiddleford looked out the window.  He could see a few gnomes scampering at the edge of the woods, despite the rain.  “I have no idea.”
              Over breakfast, Fiddleford told Ford what he had discovered.  Ford pushed his plate of toast away angrily.
              “Hey, it took me forever to figure out how to turn the toaster off of the ‘possessed’ setting,” Stan protested.  Ford glared at him.
              “You spoke about important matters while I was sleeping.  Sleeping, might I remind you, because of your inane rules that I currently lack the physical capability to circumvent,” Ford spat. Stan picked up one of Ford’s slices of toast and took a bite.
              “Now I get why you’re not hungry.  You ate a dictionary for breakfast.”
              “I-”  Ford crossed his arms.  He turned to Fiddleford.  “F, are you sure of your conclusions?”
              “‘Bout as sure as I can be,” Fiddleford said gently.  He’d left the previous night after talking to Stan and returned in the morning.  Stan assumed he had gone to his own home, but wasn’t completely sure, since Fiddleford was dressed in the same rumpled clothes as the day before.  Despite that, he had clearly showered or bathed, judging by his damp hair, something Stan was relieved by.
              I had to literally drop Ford fully clothed in the tub two days ago. Stan took another bite of the toast he’d made for Ford.  He doesn’t need to get any ideas about not bathing.  For what seemed like the millionth time, Stan felt the irony of the current situation beating at him.  Of all the people in the world, I’m the last one who should be telling someone else to shower or eat or sleep.
              “Effectively, the portal used the Stanford Pines of this alternate reality as a blueprint,” Ford said slowly.  Stan shook away his thoughts and focused on what Ford was saying.  “And for materials, used me.”
              “It also used that blueprint to remake my clothes, using what I was wearing at the moment,” Ford said with a small sigh.  He rubbed the fabric of his pants – the same pair the portal had created weeks ago – absentmindedly.  “I have to admit, I’m rather relieved by that.  Dealing with being a child again is bad enough.  It would have been even worse if I had been left without clothes that fit me properly.”
              “Or without your glasses,” Stan said.  Ford grimaced.
              “Yes, it would be remarkably difficult to find the appropriate eyewear for me, had the portal not provided it.  I dare say that even you would have difficulty stealing glasses with my prescription without knowing what the proper prescription was.”
              “Hmm.”  Stan frowned thoughtfully.  “I’ll have to think about that one.”  Fiddleford raised his eyebrows.
              “I certainly hope yer not plannin’ a heist, Stanley.  After all, Stanford’s perfectly fine with the glasses he’s got now.”
              “Yeah, yeah,” Stan said dismissively, still trying to work out how he would handle stealing glasses for Ford.  Fiddleford sighed.  He looked at Ford.
              “Do ya have any questions fer me?” Fiddleford asked.  Ford shook his head.
              “I understand everything you’ve told me.  I- I’m still struggling to understand how you interpreted the data, but I don’t need to in order to understand the results.”  Ford slouched forward in his seat, resting his arms on the table.  “I’m not looking forward to the gradual loss of my adult behaviors and skills that this seems to entail.  I wonder if I’ll even notice when it begins.”  Stan silently raised an eyebrow at Ford.  Ford’s eyes widened.  “Has- has it already started?”
              “Yep,” Stan said.  Ford swallowed.
              “How do you know?” he asked, his voice small.
              “Remember two days ago?  When you wouldn’t take a bath?” Stan asked.  Ford’s eyes widened further.  “Or last night when you refused to eat a single vegetable?”
              “The- the taste is-” Ford started.  “And- and bathing isn’t- current research suggests washing your skin every day is harmful to-”
              “Yeah, that was your third day in a row without taking a bath or a shower,” Stan said.  “And you know that eating vegetables is important when you’re a kid.  Even if it tastes bad, it’s good for you.”
              “I- yes, I know that, I just-”  Ford fell silent.  His head fell to the table.  “My immature urges are getting the better of my logical mind,” he said, his voice slightly muffled.  Fiddleford gently rested a hand on Ford’s back.  Ford’s head shot up.  “Son of a bitch, that’s why I thought the coffee tasted horrible!” he gasped.
              “Language,” Fiddleford said immediately.  Ford glared at him.  “That was on instinct, okay?  I didn’t think ‘fore I said it.”  Fiddleford removed his hand from Ford’s back.  “But it wouldn’t hurt ya none to clean yer vocabulary up a bit,” he muttered. Ford let out a loud groan.  His head hit the table again.
              “Even if I purchased coffee from a high-end establishment, I wouldn’t like it. Children have a higher sensitivity to bitterness than adults.”  His words turned into a whine near the end of the sentence.  “And I like coffee!”  Stan rolled his eyes and began to gather the plates from breakfast. Fiddleford got up to help.  They met at the sink.
              “Is he goin’ to be all right?” Fiddleford whispered to Stan.  Stan glanced back at Ford, who hadn’t moved.
              “Probably.  Why? Do you think he’s not?”
              “I mean…”  Fiddleford chewed on his lip.  “He seems genuinely distraught.”
              “He’s just being a drama queen,” Stan insisted.  “Kids do that.  He’s not even crying.  If he was crying, I’d be concerned.  But he’s not.”
              “He might be forcin’ himself not to, to prove he’s mature,” Fiddleford pointed out.  “I’ve seen my son do that ‘fore.”  Stan rested his hands on the counter, thinking about what Fiddleford had said. “He’s been given some rather distressin’ news.  Not only will he continue to act more childlike, but the process started without his knowledge.”
              “That’s a fair point,” Stan mumbled.  He sighed.  “Fine. You’re the one who’s actually a dad. You know kids.  If you say he’s upset, I- I-”  Stan grimaced.  His mouth was coated in a sour film, his stomach churning, like when he’d drunk spoiled milk on a dare in high school.  “I’ll trust you.”
              “Thank you, Stanley.”  Fiddleford’s soft, gentle tone took Stan by surprise.  He resisted the urge to look at Fiddleford.  “I ‘ppreciate it.”
              “…Whatever.”  Stan took a breath.  “So, kid expert, what should we do to cheer Ford up?  I don’t want him to be upset for ages.”  Stan thought back to Ford’s sensitivity to stress when they were children, which he grew out of by the time they were teenagers.  “He’ll get a stomachache.”
              “Well…”  Fiddleford pursed his lips.  “If it were Tate, I’d take him to the park.  Tate likes nature.  He’s a Boy Scout, actually.”
              “Good for Tate,” Stan said under his breath.  He ignored Fiddleford’s frown.  “Ford likes going in the woods and seeing the spooky weird shit in there. Maybe we take him on a hike?”
              “It ain’t safe fer a child to go in the woods ‘round here,” Fiddleford hissed.
              “Yeah, which is why I haven’t let him go look for fairies or whatever,” Stan shot back.  “But if we’re there with him-”
              “I ain’t exactly bodyguard material.”
              “Good thing I am.”  Stan flashed a cocky grin at Fiddleford.  “Don’t act like you haven’t noticed my arms yet.”  To his disappointment, Stan had lost some of the fitness he’d had in high school, when he was boxing almost every day.  But one thing he’d been determined to maintain was his right hook, so when other forms of exercise had fallen to the wayside, Stan still found time to go a few rounds with whatever he could use as a punching bag.
              Fiddleford rolled his eyes.
              “And like I said, I haven’t let him go in the woods.  Honestly, that’s the thing that would cheer him up the most.” After a moment, Fiddleford nodded. Stan turned around to face Ford. “Hey, Sixer.”
              “What?” Ford asked, lifting his head.  Stan felt a slight twinge in his chest.  Like Fiddleford had said, Ford was evidently more upset than he was attempting to let on.  Unshed tears shone in his eyes.
              “Wanna go for a hike in the forest?” Stan asked.  Ford looked down at the table.
              “You’re trying to placate me,” he mumbled.
              “Well, I was plannin’ on bringin’ some equipment, tryin’ to see if anything gave off energy similar to the kind you are,” Fiddleford said.  He inspected his raggedy nails idly.  “Thought that it might be nice to look fer a natural cure, since I ain’t settin’ foot near that portal any time soon.  But if ya don’t want to come with ‘cause yer sure we’re only doin’ this fer you…”
              “No, I want to come!” Ford blurted out.  Fiddleford shot Stan a sly grin.  Stan raised an eyebrow silently in response.
              He really does know kids well.  Another reason he’ll be good to have around.
              Ford might have been eight, but he wasn’t an idiot.  He knew that Stan and Fiddleford were talking about him when they stood at the sink for an awkwardly long time.  And he knew that Fiddleford’s reasoning behind the hike was thin at best.  But as he tromped eagerly through the forest, hot on Stan’s heels, he was willing to let it slide.
              Few things agitated him as much as being confined unwillingly.  Yes, on his own, he’d been known to hole up “like a mouse”, as his mother used to say.  Those instances, however, were of his own volition.  He’d wanted to hide away for hours on end.
              Stanley forcing me to stay cooped up with him in the house is almost as bad as being a child again.  Being outside is wonderful.  The fresh, cold air being brought into his lungs was revitalizing.  Every step landed on the snow-scattered ground with a satisfying crunch.  Ford beamed at the sound.
              “So, uh, how long do you guys usually go on research hikes or whatever?” Stan asked.  Ford shrugged.
              “For however long until we make a discovery.”
              “Great,” Stan muttered.  Fiddleford cleared his throat.  “I mean, um…that’s…neat.”  Ford looked up at Stan.  Stan’s face was contorted in a wince at his own subpar phrasing.  Ford let out a small giggle, amused.  Stan looked back at him and smiled before returning his attention to the trees.  “Ford, can you identify any of these trees?” Stan asked in a light tone.
              “Some of them, yes.  The deciduous trees, however, are more difficult to identify, as they’ve lost their leaves.”
              “If you were a botanist, you’d know,” Stan said.  Ford punched his leg playfully.  Stan’s grin widened.  A faint beeping sounded in the mostly still forest.  Stan came to a stop.  “What the hell is that?  It sounds like a bomb.”
              “It’s not,” Fiddleford said.  Ford and Stan turned around to see Fiddleford take something out of his pocket. Fiddleford looked down at the object, bemused.  It resembled a brick made of some kind of dark blue metal, with a few lightbulbs attached to one end.  The largest lightbulb was flashing a green light.
              “You didn’t answer my question,” Stan said, crossing his arms.  Fiddleford tapped the brick a few times.  The lightbulb flickered but remained lit.
              “This is the equipment I was referrin’ to,” Fiddleford replied.  “It can detect energy abnormalities due to interdimensional interference.”
              “And in English, that means?”
              “It can locate pockets of energy leaking from other dimensions,” Ford said eagerly.  Fiddleford nodded.  “I knew that the oddities of Gravity Falls were due to interdimensional leakage, but I never brought a device into the forest to measure it.”  Ford hit himself in the forehead.  “Why did I never do that?”
              “You, uh, you built that pretty fast,” Stan said.  Fiddleford shook his head.
              “I built this ‘fore Stanford and I…parted ways.  All’s I had to do to adjust it fer this trip was to install an interference shield to keep it from pickin’ up on Stanford’s current energy signature.”
              “Okay.  What do we do with this, then?” Stan asked.
              “Locate whatever is being registered, of course!” Ford said, exasperated. He grabbed the device out of Fiddleford’s hands and rushed off into the forest.
              “Ford!” Stan shouted after him.  Ford ignored him, instead watching intently as the green light grew brighter and the beeping louder.  He could hear Stan and Fiddleford crashing through the undergrowth after him but didn’t care. After what felt like ages but was probably just a few seconds, he arrived in a clearing.  In the middle of the clearing was a single plant, green despite the surrounding snow and glowing faintly.  Ford came to a stop.
              “Stanford, ya can’t run off like that,” Fiddleford said as he and Stan caught up.  “This forest ain’t safe!  You know that better than anyone.”  Fiddleford caught sight of the plant in the clearing.  His eyes widened.  “That’s an odd lil plant.”
              “Yeah, it’s glowing and not dead, even though it’s winter,” Stan said shortly. He put a hand on Ford’s shoulder. “Ford, give Fiddleford back the thing, we’re gonna head back home.”
              “Not without gathering that plant,” Ford said firmly.  
              “Hell, no.  I don’t trust it.”
              “It should be fine,” Fiddleford said reluctantly.
              “It’s glowing.”
              “A lot of things glow,” Fiddleford said.  “As plants in Gravity Falls go, this one seems harmless.” Ignoring the bickering, Ford handed the device to Fiddleford, shook Stan’s hand off his shoulder, and strode forward determinedly.
              “Stanford,” Fiddleford sighed.  Stan also let out a long sigh.
              “Fine, you can get the plant, then we’re heading back.”  As Ford approached the odd plant, he could faintly hear Stan and Fiddleford talking.  “So what’s the deal with this plant?”
              “If I can observe something that has a lot of dimensional energy in it, particularly interdimensional energy, I’ll learn more ‘bout how it affects living things and can try to reverse-engineer a cure.”
              “I haven’t figured that part out yet,” Fiddleford said quietly.  Ford carefully plucked the plant from the snowy ground.  “Stanford?”
              “It smells amazing,” Ford whispered.
              “Sometimes plants do that,” Stan said.  “C’mon, we gotta go back.”  Ford plucked a single leaf from the plant.  He brought the leaf to his nose and inhaled deeply.
              “It smells like cinnamon donuts,” Ford whispered.  Crunching sounded behind him.  Stan crouched by his side.
              “That’s nice, but we’re gonna go now,” Stan said firmly.  Ford looked up at Stan.  “What?”
              “It smells exactly like the donuts we used to have on snow days,” Ford said, his voice still soft.  “When Mom would take us to the kosher bakery down the block and we had our pick of the first batch they made.”  Stan’s eyes softened.
              “I remember that.  Okay, lemme smell.”  Ford held out the leaf.  Stan took a cautious whiff, then recoiled.  “Ugh, that doesn’t smell good at all.  Your nose must be screwed up from the cold or somethin’.”  Ford shook his head.  Holding this plant, he felt calm, but at the same time, a slight fizzing sensation spread across his skin.  He looked down at the leaf again and brought it up to his mouth, unsure of why he was doing it, just knowing that it was the right thing to do. Stan’s expression broke into panic. “Ford, don’t eat that!”
              “It smells good,” Ford said.  Stan attempted to take the leaf from him, but before he could, Ford popped it into his mouth. It tasted just as good as it smelled. Ford was transported back to the first time his mother had taken him and his brothers to the bakery, when he was too small to have formed any coherent memories.  He only remembered warmth, safety, and the sweet taste of cinnamon. Ford swallowed.
              “Stanford, you little shit, you don’t just eat random plants you find in the woods!” Stan scolded, shaking him.  “Especially if they’re glowing!”  Ford merely smiled at Stan, feeling content for the first time in weeks.
              There was a flash of light.  The fizzing sensation now permeated through his body.  The last thing he heard before darkness overtook him was more crunching of the snow, a sucked in gasp, and a southern voice.
              “Oh, Lord above, we’re in big trouble now.”  
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tcockwood · 4 years
From Lockwood to Cockwood
Hi, My name is Tyler.                
I have Schitzophrenia and am a wolf/vampire hybrid.  Growing up, many people knew me as Tyler Lockwood. I was your normal teenage, jock asshole. I had an air of confidence about me that told people I didn’t give two fucks. I had a girlfriend, well two that meant anything anyway. I had friends. I had parents. The usual shit. I also had the Un-usual shit. A family curse of sorts that triggered physically painful transformations. In case you haven’t figured it out yet, I am a werewolf. But wait..There’s more. I am also part vampire, but I won’t bore you with too many details about that. I have this really bad habit of jerking off into coupons and will basically fuck anything living or inanimate when the mood strikes.
[I look around the room at the widened eyes and blank expressions on the faces of those around me. Reaching into my jacket pocket, I locate the small flask of moonshine and lift it to my lips for a swig. I feel the cool metal touching my warm lips as the liquid slides down my throat in a slow hot burn of comfortable heat.]  
Where was I? Oh! That’s right.. So anyways, I snapped and the mental illness kinda took over. I started drinking more. I mean, who the fuck in this town hasn’t started drinking? Am I right? Half of us started before we were 17. Elena was probably fucking half of them.
[A cackle belts across the room, echoing off the walls.]
Any of you tried coke? Holy fucking shit that stuff will have you bouncing off the walls. I remember this time I snorted a line off this random chick’s ass and…
[I heard a few gasps and someone stood up. “That is ENOUGH! You need to leave right now.” I took another sip of my moonshine and looked around again before I realized where I was.]
Ah shit. My bad, Father Thomas. I thought this was the compulsive masturbators support group.
[A heavy sigh leaves my lips as I stand up and put my flask back into my pocket. Walking toward the door, I turn toward the church goers and shout back.]
You guys ever see a man urinate into the holy water?
[I cackle maniacally, reaching into my pants to pull out my dick and let the stream of piss pour out into the holy water bowl near the door. When I had finished, I Tucked myself back in and ran from the church laughing while a security guard chased after me. The next morning I woke up hung over as usual, Some random chick passed out in the bed next to me. Her blonde hair sprawled across the pillow as I shove her shoulder with a groan.]
Yo. Whatever your name is.. Get the fuck up.
[I give her another shove till she rolls off the bed with a loud thud, groaning before she gets insulted. “What the fuck?” I pull the sheets around me and stand up, locating her clothes and tossing them at her.]
I didn’t say you could crash here. Obviously I was drunk as fuck. Maria will give you Uber money on the way out.
[I wave my hand dismissively then hold my head as I shuffle across the room. My fucking head was throbbing as if there was a high school marching band. Didn’t this chicken head realize that Cockwood doesn’t do Velcro? I’m a one and done kinda guy. Relationships only fuck you up in the head. Look at me. It triggered massive Schitzophrenia the last time I even thought about it. Nope, one and done was how it would be from now on. I climbed over the scattered beer cans and bottles, noting the cocaine left over from my adventures last night on the night stand. I waited for the random bitch to pull on her clothes and leave the house with her purse in tow and the cash Maria gave her for a cab home.  Once the coast was clear and I had showered the headache right outta myself, I had a bloody Mary and scarfed some day old donuts I left on the counter.]
When will I learn? ((That you are an asshole and always will be one?)) Oh here we fucking go again.
[The voice in my head always chimed in with her annoying New Jersey accent to remind me how fucked up I was. Yes, my voice was female and she didn’t care for me much.]
((How’s that head? You sick?)) [I could hear her thumping the walls of my head, speaking loudly in that ridiculous voice of hers.]
Actually, My head feels fine, bitch. Thanks to the Excedrin I took before my shower.. ((Ya know what would be fun? Huh?? Do you wanna know, Fuck face?)) [I took a bottle of tequila from the freezer, lifting it to my lips. Cold liquor was gliding down my throat, warming my insides. This was always a welcome feeling when the PM would start her shit.] ((You should see a therapist and work out your stupidity so I would be able to rest for a change. Dick.)) Nah. That wouldn’t be fun at all. I have a better idea..
[I looked around for the usual stash of booze but each hiding place I checked the bottles were empty or just about empty.]
Fuck. Ok...A liquor run is needed.
 [I tossed my backpack over my shoulders, knowing I would need something to carry my haul home in then made my way to the front door. I stumbled over the top step because let’s face it..I was hung over and not fully awake. ((You don’t need more of that shit, Asshole. You are already fucked up.)) She was tapping her foot against my skull, arms folded across her chest in annoyance but I ignored her. I groan, slipping my hand into my back pocket to retrieve one of the joints I rolled up for my outing. Using my Hello Kitty lighter I ignite the flame and take a drag, inhaling the smoke into my lung and holding it for a few beats before releasing the smoke.]
That’s a good fucking batch!
[I could instantly feel the high start to cloud my brain and I loved every second of it. I was relaxed as fuck and ready to tackle the day. When I stepped off the front porch I saw a shiny red tricycle on the lawn next door. My eyes grew wide and I decided I HAD to have it. Not even sure why, but I wanted it. I looked around to see if anyone was watching and I acted like a ninja, hiding behind bushes and ninja rolling across the lawn until I had been within reach of my intended target. I waited until the mom had gone inside, making my move. I shove the little boy off the tricycle and laugh hard, running off with it tucked under my arm. Halfway down the road I could hear the mom yelling. “TYLER LOCKWOOD! What are you doing?!” I could only laugh as I hopped on the trike and peddled away.]
I shall call you Betsy! We will be great friends, won’t we?
[I peddle Betsy through town, terrorizing the town’s people. I rode through the grocery store, picking up a bag of apples.  I would randomly toss an apple at people who were in my path of destruction, cackling at the top of my lungs. I knocked over produce, used a broom from the cleaning aisle to drag across shelves and pull everything off. The best part was, I didn’t give a shit. ((Oh my God, Tyler! Stop it! What are you doing?!)) The voice tried to stop me but to no avail. I was having FUN for the first time in a while. The security guards tried to catch me but I was really fast peddling that little thing around. I headed toward the doors, the automatic door triggering open. I watch as one guard stands in front of me and I grin darkly, holding up the broom like it was a lance and I was one of those medieval times knights charging at the enemy. His eyes went wide as I peddled closer, hooking the broom under his dick.]
YEAH! Take that ya little dick BITCH!
[A victorious roar belts from my lips as I peddle around the man who dropped with a squeal, out on the sidewalk I peddle past Old man Jenkins and toss an apple at him before laughing. ((You just hit an old man you jerk!)) Up ahead I spot the newsstand in front of the deli, the newspapers being my next target. I peddle by and grab a stack, shredding them up like confetti only to sprinkle the bits of paper all over the ground. The voice in my head started playing music from the Benny Hill show.]
OH Shit! I almost passed the Liquor store!
[I screech to a halt and spin the Tricycle around to go back. I ride through the door, hearing the tiny chime of a little bell above me. I look around in thought, wondering which bottles would be mine today. The owner behind the counter gives me a side eye glance. “Tyler don’t you start any shit in here today, young man.” I wave a hand dismissively.]
Yeah, yeah..
[I stand up and start shoving bottles into my bag, Vodka, Tequila, Rum, Whiskey and others, popping some airplane size bottles into my pockets as well.]
Oh snacks!
[I jam a few bags of chips and a box of Hoho and Funny Bones snack cakes into the bag. My head turns when I spot a gorgeous ass in a tight pair of jean shorts, tattoos all over and fire red hair. I could feel my dick get hard behind my jeans, grunting like a true animal.]
Dayum, baby..How have I not had you in my bed before?
[I smirk, using the sharpie I kept in my pocket to write my name and number on the bottle of Margarita mix she held in her hand then lift my finger to my lips as if this was our secret when I take it from her and slip it into to her purse. The owner steps from behind the counter. “Lockwood, what are you doing?! Get over here!” I laugh hard, grabbing Betsy and starting to run. I call over my shoulder at the pretty Red head.]
For a good time, call me! Tyler COCKwood.
[I jog over and grab a handful of scratch off tickets before I make my exit to the outside once more, maniacally laughing my ass off. My new friend Betsy and I peddling our way back home to have some much needed drinks.]
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boshaw-manor · 5 years
‘Some people call this wisdom.’
Rook’s head lolled, her chin running against her chest. What the fuck had happened? One minute she was driving, the next she was knocked out.
‘Agh my head...’ Her blood ran cold at the sound of that voice. She knew it too well.
‘You’re fuckin’ tellin’ me.’ That one too. How the fuck had this happened?
‘What kind of sick joke is this?’ Rook choked, tilting her heavy skull to look over her right shoulder. Just as she thought, there was John Seed. And as she moved her head to the left, Jacob. Excellent. This was fucking excellent. The three of them were tied together on chairs, heads touching.
‘National guard.’ Jacob coughed, a fleck of blood dotting onto his bearded chin.
‘They did this?! But I’m a good guy!’ John gave a bitter laugh at my protest.
‘They don’t care which side you’re on. Wanna clean out this cess-pit of a county for good by the sounds of it.’ Jacob started to writhe under the grips of his bonds.
‘Yeah and in all honesty Deputy, you’ve killed just as many people as we have. Your hands aren’t exactly clean.’ John retorted, his arms swaying a little as Jacob wriggled around. Rook’s own wrists jangled as the solider tried to free himself.
‘S’not happenin’. They got us good and tight.’ He grunted, ceasing his movement and slouching in his chair. Sighing, Rook racked her brains for a way out.
‘Oh! Jacob, can you reach my back pocket?’
‘Can try.’ His fingers grazed the fabric of my jeans. ‘Nothin’ there.’
‘Dammit. They must’ve frisked us.’
‘Go figure.’ John said sarcastically, tilting his head back and smashing it into Jacob’s. Nibbling at her lip, Rook looked down at the legs of the chairs and the bonds keeping them constrained. Her gaze rose to a small table on the corner, where a pair of small scissors lay beside a pot of pens.
‘Hey look.’ She nodded towards the desk and the Seed brothers turned. ‘Scissors.’
‘They’re way too small to cut through ropes these large.’ John sighed.
‘It’s better than nothing.’ Rook looked down at the chair legs again. ‘Unfortunately not everyone is as stupid as you and we’re tied to chairs without wheels. We’re gonna have to jump it together.’ John scoffed at her comment but said nothing.
‘Could work.’ Jacob agreed. He appreciated that Rook was smart and was willing to try whatever was needed to get free.
‘Okay. Okay. On three we’re gonna shift. One, two, three!’ The chairs hopped in unison and they landed wobbly on the ground.
‘Huh.’ John seemed surprised that it had actually worked.
‘Some people call this wisdom.’ She said smugly at his astonishment. ‘One, two, three!’ Rook instructed again but this time the chairs wobbled a little too much upon landing. With a crash, they fell and Rook felt her ropes loosen. It was just enough for her small wrists to escape. Struggling upright, she stumbled a little and had to brace herself on the desk. Head swimming, Rook had to take a few long breaths to steady herself. Now she had the next problem to tackle. What to do with the two Seeds lying on the floor behind her?
‘Deputy-‘ John started to speak, his cheek pressed against the wooden floor. She studied the two of them and then sighed.
‘I’ll let you both free if we can call a truce. Just until we get out of this mess.’
‘Fine.’ Jacob grunted, his normally neatly quaffed ginger hair sprawling over the side of his head. Rook turned her attention to John who begrudgingly nodded, using his bottom lip to spray his unkempt hair out of his eyes. Kneeling beside Jacob, I untied his ropes first and helped him upright. Dusting himself off Jacob then helped John and we stood in a triangle, unsure of what to do.
‘Right.’ John strode to the door and tugged on the handle. It shook tightly, clearly locked. ‘Worth a shot.’ He mumbled, standing back and surveying the room. His blue eyes trailed up the wall and landed on a vent. ‘Up there.’
‘It’s too high.’ Jacob stated, walking over to stand beside his brother.
‘What if I sat on your shoulders Jacob?’ Rook joined them, peering up at the metal grate.
‘I don’t think you’ll be able to reach-oof!’ Before he could finish speaking, she flung herself onto his back and was scrambling up him like a tree. Swinging her legs over his shoulder blades, she stretched for the grate but couldn’t quite reach it.
‘John, climb on me.’ Rook instructed and the baptist recoiled.
‘I’m not going in there!’
‘Yes you are, c’mon.’ She sighed and he frowned, clambering up Jacob’s back and then up onto Rook’s shoulders.
‘Can... we... fucking... hurry... this... up?!’ The soldier huffed, struggling to hold everyone’s weight.
‘I’m trying!’ John griped, pushing his hand down on Rook’s head to balance himself as he tugged at the grate. It fell away in his hand and he dropped it to the floor with a loud clang.
‘In ya go.’ Rook bounced him forward and John recoiled a little at the sight of all the dust.
‘But these are new jeans!’
‘Just... go!’ Jacob growled, wheezing a little as a sweat broke out on his forehead.
‘Alright, alright!’ Bracing himself, John clambered into the vent and began to crawl along. Rook jumped off of Jacob’s back and he let out a sigh of relief.
‘You’re heavier than ya look.’ He heaved, bracing his hands on his knees. Rook patted him on the back sympathetically and half expected him to bite her hand off. But he didn’t, pulling himself upright and shifting his hair back into its usual style. The two of them waited in silence until they heard a thud from the other side of the door.
‘Okay I’m through.’ John’s voice crept under the crack of door.
‘Is there a key or anything?’ Rook asked openly. There was a lot of shuffling and opening of drawers until footsteps approached and the lock turned. John opened the door, his hair dishevelled and clothes coated in a thick layer of grey dust. He was not impressed.
‘Right let’s move.’ Jacob marched ahead, leading the way. Rook chuckled as she walked past John, the grimace painted on his expression a priceless treat. Walking in a line, they snuck through the coridoor and crouched beneath a nearby window.
‘So what’s the plan now?’ Rook asked Jacob as he scanned the land outside.
‘We seem to be in some sorta compound... there.’ Jacob pointed at a slightly crumbled wall. ‘If we can get across the courtyard we could jump out over there.’
‘You seem to be brushing over the small matter of all of these guards.’ John hissed, pointing out the various snipers and gunmen patrolling the ground.
‘A small bump in the road.’ Rook cracked her knuckles and Jacob chuckled.
‘Like the way ya think Deputy.’
‘Uhm, hello? I’m not exactly the fighting type.’ John smoothed his hair back under his sunglasses. But Jacob wasn’t listening, his eyes drawn to an open door down the hallway. Shifting past both Rook and his brother, Jacob darted into the room and his eyes grew wide with wonder. Picking up an assault rifle, he ran his hands over it neatly before tossing it Rook’s way. She caught it and grinned at him, hanging the strap over her shoulders.
‘Nice toys.’ She mused, grabbing some grenades and hanging them from her belt. Jacob took a sniper rifle, flicking his tongue over his teeth excitedly. He loved the feel of a weapon in his palms. It fuelled him. John meanwhile was turning a metal baseball bat in his tattooed hands, practicing swinging it with some ‘oomf’. This was the first time they’d been armed but on the same side. In this moment, they could kill each other. Within seconds actually. But instead, Rook took her place between the two brothers as they strode out onto the compound. Reeling her arm back, she threw a grenade onto the ground.
‘Get back!’ One of the guards screamed as it exploded, sending a sea of bodies flinging into the air. Jacob hoisted his sniper up and started to take them out one by one as John flanked us. Spraying bullets across the compound, Rook clenched her teeth hard. She caught sight of one guard running full throttle right at her in her peripheral vision.
‘John to my left!’ She instructed, unable to stop firing in time to take him out.
‘On it!’ He replied, darting round and battering the guard down until his skull was a bloody mess. An alarm started to blare, almost shattering Rook’s eardrums.
‘We gotta move. They’re callin’ fuckin’ reinforcements!’ Jacob commanded, ushering John to run towards the fallen wall. Rook continued to shoot at the oncoming wave of guards. ‘Deputy, now!’ The soldier grabbed her by the back of her neck and dragged her towards the wall, shooting over his shoulder. John scrabbled up the debris, balancing on the column and dangling an arm down. Jacob thrust Rook forward, covering her as she grabbed onto John.
‘Got’cha.’ He murmured, tugging her weight up to safety. They hopped down onto the other side of the wall in unison. In one movement, Jacob hoisted himself up and over the barrier, bursting into a sprint straight away. Rook and John jogged alongside him until they were a few miles away from the compound. Resting against a tree trunk, Rook paused to get her breath.
‘Y’know,’ She huffed, looking at a sweat covered Jacob and John who was crouching on the forest floor. ‘We make a pretty good team when we aren’t trying to kill each other.’
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pointedly-foolish · 5 years
[ nσw í knσw í hαvє mєt αn αngєl ín pєrѕσn ]
word count: 2329
pairing: kara/gn!reader
genre: fluff
summary: winter in canada was cold. beautiful, but cold. it was the perfect time to tuck back in bed, warm mug of hot cocoa on one hand and a good book on the other. the plan was to spend the frigid day in the warm indoors, but there was last minute change: there was a frozen lake that looked relatively safe, so you, kara, and alice decided to ice skate while luther supervised. but hey, if you got to show off while spending time with your loved ones, then who are you to complain?
a/n: figure skating is my guilty pleasure uwu lmfao to be quite honest i used to be able to skate quite good and even managed to spin (badly but hey i spun) when i was younger, but it’s been such a long time that i’ve forgotten how to even move forwards lol so if it wasn’t clear, reader is a figure skater and they’re going to enjoy the winter wonderland w their wonderful girlfriend: kara. i decided to join this old idea w the [ 100 wαчs tσ sαч í lσvє чσu prσmpt chαllєngє ], using dialogue n. 93
also alice is a human because i said so,,
any and all feedbacks are appreciated ^^
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you laid reposefully in your bed, wrapped by a multitude of blankets, as you unhurriedly flipped the pages of your book, taking full advantage of this uneventful day. you were leisurely reading when a weight plopped itself on your abdomen, pulling a small « oof » out of you. lifting your book, you found alice sprawled on you, grinning from ear to ear. she called out your name repeatedly, excitement clear in her tone. you couldn’t help but smile with her as you addressed the young girl: « hey kid. what got you so excited? you chuckled. – kara said we could go out ice skating today! she beamed. – oh yeah? sounds fun, you mused, diving back into your book. not the answer she was looking for so the brunette pressed on. – will you come with us? please, please please? pretty please with a cherry on top? she begged, puppy eyes conquering you every time. – okay, okay. i’ll come with. you chuckled, slipping yourself off of the bed. » the child bounced up cheerfully with a gleeful « yay! », and scurried off somewhere, probably to get ready.
after putting on a warmer set of clothings instead of your pajamas, you made your way to the living room where you found luther who was making sure that alice was fully protected from the elements. you walked to the kitchen where you found kara. you sneaked behind her and wrapped your arms around her waist, placing your chin on your shoulders, startling her. « hey. you greeted. she exclaimed your name, commenting how you startled her. – sorry, sorry, you laughed. so, we’re going ice skating? – uh huh. you’re coming too, right? – you know i’m weak against those puppy eyes! you defended yourself. » you snuggled into the crook of her neck, asking her if there was anything you could help her with. to which she replied that you could make sure that alice didn’t forget to wear her gloves and then wait for her outside while she gathered the equipment. you complied, placing a quick kiss on her cheeks before peeling yourself off and went to search for young girl. once you did and made sure she was properly dressed, you corralled her to the shoebox to grab your respective footwears (you also grabbed your figure skates along with your boots from the shoe box) and went to wait for kara outside.
shifting your weight from one foot to the other, you fiddled with your beanie as you watched over alice, who’s playing with the snow. « so… your first time ice skating ever? – uh huh. will you teach me how? i wanna learn how to do cool stuff like you! she hopped excitedly. you smiled, her enthusiasm endearing. – i’m sure you’ll do just fine kid. you’re a fast learner. » you both turned your head towards the front door as you heard it swing open, luther and kara emerging from the house, meaning it’s time to head out.
on your walk there, alice scampered up ahead with luther no too far away behind her, while you and kara walked unhurriedly at the back. « so where are we going exactly? you asked. – luther and i found a frozen lake a few days ago and we thought that we might as well bring alice. she seems really interested in ice skating these past few weeks. – are you sure it’s safe? you wondered worriedly. she nodded her head. – i’m sure. » you hummed and you two walked in silence once more, the soft crunching of snow under your boot the only sound audible. once at your destination, alice quickly plopped down and rushed to put on her ice skates, while the three of you settled down to put your belongings. you casually caught up to her and sat down, clearly not in any hurry to put on your skates which prompted her to rush you (you complied). taking a few moments before standing up, you asked luther if he was planning to join in, to which he declined. you didn’t press further and glanced at kara, nodding your head towards the frigid lake. she told you that she’ll join you briefly so you decided to lead alice unto the ice, calm facade hiding how excited you truly are.
gliding on the ice, you swerved slightly to turn and face the brunette. the girl carefully treaded the ice, wobbling slightly before regaining balance, and looked at you expectantly: « ooh, are you going to teach me how to do tricks? please, please, please? – slow down there kid, you chuckled, you gotta know how to move forwards first. – and when i do, then you’re gonna show me how? she looked up hopefully. » you were sure that alice would pick the sport up quickly, but you were hesitant about teaching her the tricky stuff during her first time: you didn’t want her to potentially hurt herself. you responded with a final « we’ll see. »
with that, you went to teach her the basics: first, learning how to fall correctly to minimise the pain, « because you’re gonna fall at some point kid, everyone does. – even you? – yes, even me, you reassured her. », and how to get back up. next, the correct stance: « bend the knees slightly. lean slightly forwards, don’t put your weight back or you’ll fall on your bum ». it was quite comical how she quickly bent down and shifted her weight forward as soon as those words left your mouth. « oop, not that far forwards. » once satisfied with the position, you beckoned her to start trying to move forwards. seeing that she was a bit hesitant—nervous? we’ve all been there you told her—you reached for her hands and told her that she could hold on to you as you moved around until she felt confident enough to try and go on her own. you slowly started moving, making sure to not scare her off by the speed, while she gets used to the feel. at some point, she started to push forwards on her own and you slowly slipped your hand out of hers, a few metres behind her just in case.
she stopped and simply glided—you didn’t even have to teach her, you thought proudly. though she wobbled slightly, she quickly recovered before turning her head to find yours, wide smile etched on her face: « i can skate!!! she announced, delighted. – you sure can kid! » you caught up to her and taught her how to stop, which she did as easily. « see? told ya’ you’d take it up quickly. just like a duck to water! you hummed approvingly before continuing. now for the last and most important lesson… she watched you attentively. – it’s to have fun! so enjoy your time here, you admitted. »
she dashed away, energetic little sport. judging from the wows and the cheering from your right, she was showing off her new skills. understandably so, she had the right to be proud of herself. you let her have her fun as you found your way to a small space quite a distance away from them: close enough that you could still see them and hear the more raucous cheers—luther—but far enough that you won’t accidentally run into the little girl. you were feeling a tad lazy earlier in the day, but being on the ice felt so right, so natural. it wouldn’t hurt to practice a bit, right?
you took a few moments to warm up before you decided to start the performance. you stood still for a few moments. inhale, exhale. hands in position, feet ready. you’re poised for action. you breathed in slowly, visualising the rink, the people watching and the multiple spotlights on your form. you imagine the music in your head, a rhythm, a tempo, that you could follow as you recounted the choreography. the violin hummed ever so softly, the show started, time to impress the judges and give it your all. you let the ice guide you, the movements flowing out of you instinctively. a series of elegant movements, one move after the other, so fluidly it almost looked easy, serene, passive. step. death drop. you have to focus on the connecting steps as they are the backbone to the artistic quality of your display. spiral. lutz. the wind on your face and against your clothes feels amazing, the speed, everything, it’s exhilarating. a series of quick jumps. you faltered slightly but quickly recovered, moving past it as you focused on the next half of the choreography. step. this is it. you were nearing the end of this dance. you preparers yourself for the coup de grâce. you did it once. you can do it again you tell yourself. building momentum, you take off: triple axel, 31/2 turns. the spin feels so natural, so incredible. 31/2 revolutions. you landed gracefully, letting go of a breath you didn’t realise you were holding in, and smiled wildly. you felt like you were on top of the world. step. a series of flamboyant spins as the violins from the musical piece you chose would swell, before you dipped and kneeled, arms spreaded out, as the majestic swan would extend its wings. brilliant as the creature’s shimmering white feathers. you took quick breaths as you slowly rose up, a huge smile splayed on your face. you really did it, huh?
accomplishments of the day: teach alice how to skate and execute the choreography.
you casually glided your way back to the group and was tackled by an excited alice. « that was so cool!!! can you show me how to do that? pretty please? she grinned, missing teeth and all. – it was very beautiful, kara vouched. you were incredible there, love. you were about to respond modestly when alice brought back your attention. – you promised you’ll teach me a cool trick? – ehhh… i’m not sure… you fumbled. you were still unsure about the whole safety aspect. what if she got injured? your mind could only imagine the worst case scenarios. – it’s fine. kara assured you. we got her the proper skates, a quick glance reveals that the skates did have toepicks, and she has a reliable teacher. – see? kara says it’s fine! – trying to butter me up? you laughed. tell you what, if you can prove to me that you can go around from here to that tree i’ll think about showing you a cool trick. – okay, so just here to that tree right? – going forwards and going backwards 5 times each. and then i’ll show you a cool spin. – okay! she exclaimed jovially, before she zoomed off. »
you both watch her dash back and forth, kara holding on your arm in a death grip—though you didn’t pay any mind. « i wonder why she’s so interested in figure skating all of the sudden… you thought out loud. – you inspire her. your partner revealed. – but why? you chuckled, surprised. i’m not that impressive. – don’t sell yourself short, she scolded. you’re incredibly talented, and she looks up to you. – not as amazing as her mother though! you claimed. » you turned around to face her « so, what about you? any good on the ice? » you started. she shook her head with a sheepish smile. « no, not at all. ».
« oh come on, you can’t be that bad. you smiled. come on, i’ll guide you. you said, as you held both her hands and slided her forwards. »
just like alice was at first, she was hesitant and let herself be carried around. she didn’t however, start stepping on her own, so once you were both at a good distance away from the edge, you carefully took your hands from hers and stepped a few metres back. you didn’t miss the quick panic that etched on her face as she jerked up to stay upright. she swayed gently, seeming somewhat balanced, before you extended an arm towards her.
« ok, now slowly side forwards, push back almost like your pushing on a scooter, see if you can get to me. – i don’t know about this... she admitted. – it’s okay, i’ve got you. i’ll catch you if anything happens ok? she still looks conflicted. – i believe in you, love. i’ve got you. she took in a shaky breath, one she technically didn’t need. – okay… here i go… »
just as quickly she took an uncertain step, it quickly fell apart. she slipped almost immediately and you rushed forwards to try and catch her which caused carnage. you both tumbled down onto the ice, heads were hit against each other and you knew your ass was gonna hurt come next morning. but you’re concerns are currently on the person splayed on top of you: « are you okay? you gasped concernedly, hands coming up to support her back. she giggled as she playfully slapped you. her quips meant that she was perfectly fine. – thanks for getting us into this mess! – you’re too adorable! you cooed, pressing a soft kiss at the top of her head. – you’re really dumb sometimes, you know that? she choked out between laughs. » you answered her with an affirmative « yup! » as you wrapped your arms tighter around her, holding her as you nuzzled nose on hers. her skin was cold and tinted a slight pink due to the cold temperatures, while yours was warm. you both relished in the action however, her pleasant laugh making you feel fuzzy inside.
alice soon rushed over to where you both fell down, concern on her face but was soon relieved when you told her that you were both okay. once back on your feet, alice gave you back your beanie (that must’ve fallen off during the altercation) before she swooshed around between you two, proudly telling you how she did exactly what you asked so can you please teach her a spin now? you complied, keeping your promise.
« alright kid, here’s how you do a two-foot spin, you introduced. if you can do it before school starts again, you get bragging rights for the entire semester. »
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