#*rocking back & forth mumbling in the corner*
topazy · 12 hours
Tomorrow's promise
Pairing: Daryl Dixon × oc, Rick Grimes × sister
Warnings: Swearing, mention of past assault
Chapter: 4.03
You rock back and forth on the floor in a daze, unable to tear your eyes away from the blood beneath your broken fingernails. You wince when the sound of gunfire pierces the air, followed by a thud, and then a few seconds later it happens again.
Your heart pounding in your chest, you listen to what sounds like something heavy being moved, scraping the wooden floorboards.
As you try to process what just happened, you hear Rick’s voice through Shane's radio. You were unsure how much time has passed, but Rick was asking Shane to respond and for his location repeatedly.
This can't be real.
Hearing footsteps approaching your breathing becomes more difficult. Shane kneels down in front of you, and when he attempts to wipe blood from your cheek, you flinch. “Oh baby, what can I do? What can I do?”
“I just want it to stop.”
When you start sobbing uncontrollably, Shane pulls you in for a hug, your face buried in his chest. “You’re safe,” he mumbles. “I promise I’ll never let anyone hurt you, never again.”
As you toss and turn in your sleep, your stomach churns uncomfortably. The smell of death seeps into the cell, making the wave of nausea worse. You try to ignore it, but eventually you can't hold it in any longer.
You start to gag, and you’re suddenly rolled onto your side, and someone quickly moves to find you a bucket or something to puke into. You retch for a few agonizing moments, but nothing happens, aside from sweat dripping.
Everything is strange. Someone brushes hair out of your face and dabs at your forehead with a damp cloth. But when you open your eyes, your reality and past start to merge.
You’re no longer in the prison; you’re back in that goddamn apartment.
“Shane… get him off of me.”
The room spins around you as you try to sit up, your body weak from being ill. You groan, clutching at your throat as a coughing fit overtakes you. Glenn, whose sitting on the floor stirs from his sleep on the other side of the cell.
Glenn stretches his arms and gives you a pained smile, “glad to see you no longer resemble a walker.”
You go to laugh but end up coughing. When you’ve stopped, Glenn helps you sit upright, and you see how poorly he looks. He was sweating profusely. You go to ask how he is, then it suddenly hits you. Jace isn’t here. “Where’s Jace?”
Glenn brings a cloth to his mouth and coughs into it. “He’s fine. Beth’s been looking after him and Judith.”
“Who else is sick, aside from us?”
You try to get out of bed, but Glenn keeps you back. “Hey, hey, easy. You’ve been out for days.”
Ignoring him, you swing your legs out of the bed and put your head between your thighs. “Carl, Daryl, Rick, Maggie...”
The list was endless.
“A few people who stayed in this block have died. Hershel made tea with the elderberries he and Carl collected, and that’s helped a lot of people. There was a supply run to get antibiotics, but they only managed to get a handful.”
“What else has been going on? Anything about that bastard Philip?”
Glenn shakes his head.
Dealing with walkers was one thing, but knowing the governor was still out there makes everything feel more dark and ominous, like something more dangerous than the dead lurking around each corner.
“I-listen,” Glenn lets out a deep sigh. “I don’t know exactly what's going on with you and Daryl, but I know something changed after Woodbury. He cares about you.”
“I care about him.”
“I know,” Glenn nods his head, agreeing with you, but his tone would suggest otherwise. “I’m only saying this so you're aware; I don’t want to be involved—”
“Whatever you’re trying to say, just say it.”
“Daryl came to see you, and you called out for Shane.”
Your stomach drops.
“Nobody else was supposed to be in this block, but when Daryl heard you’d become unconscious, nobody could stop him. He said if we didn’t let him in, he’d find a way to break the door.” Glenn lets out a small laugh. “Of course we knew he would, so we let him in, and when we reached the cell, you were covered in vomit and had blood coming from your nose. Hershel didn’t know if you’d make it.”
“Oh my god,” tears threaten to spill, but you manage to hold them back. “I don’t have any memory of this.”
“It was touch and go; Hershel had to crush up the antibiotics and put them in water so you could take them. And then about a day later you started to wake up, and Daryl was by your side, and you started calling for Shane, telling him to make whoever was touching you stop. Daryl, he looked crushed and hasn’t come back to see you since then.”
“I need to find him.”
“That won’t be possible.” Hershel steps in front of the cell and slides the door open. “I need to make sure you won’t pass out again before you go anywhere.”
You’re lost in your own thoughts when Glenn gets up and leaves; you don’t even hear what he says to you. Hershel clears his throat loudly, gaining your attention. “It is known that a severe case of the flu results in a disoriented state of mind.”
“I wasn’t here.” You look down at the dirty ground, your heart heavy as you try to hold back the tears that threaten to spill. “I was somewhere else.”
By nightfall, you felt stir crazy. Staying away from Jace was hard, but you knew it was only temporary; once the flu had passed, you got to hold him again. And knowing you hurt, Daryl was weighing on you heavily.
You felt defeated.
Before the outbreak, you went to Atlanta to catch up with some old friends, and you desperately missed Shane because you were alone and wanted to feel safe. But with Daryl, it was different; it was small things you missed about him. From the way he hummed while kissing you to the sarcastic manner in which he’d roll his eyes.
You jump slightly when Glenn suddenly appears; he looks sicker than he did before. “Hey, someone wants to talk to you.”
“Just go to the visitation room.”
You had no idea what Glenn was talking about, but having nothing better to do, you get up and go.
Your nostrils flare as you let out a deep breath, and your fingers shake as you pick up the phone. You try and wipe the thick layer of dirt off before bringing it to your ear. There was a glass panel separating you from your brother, meaning you could speak to him without making him sick.
“You look like hell.”
Rick chuckles; his hair was wild and untamed, and dark circles hung heavy beneath his eyes. His skin is paler than normal because of how tired he is. “I’ve not seen you look this bad since the first time you tried alcohol.”
A heaviness lingers over you both.
Rick’s voice cracks, “I thought I was going to lose you.”
“But I’m still here.”
He swallows thickly, tears glistening in his eyes. “Hershel told me you've been calling out in your sleep. He thinks you're hallucinating, but you’re not, are you?”
“What the governor did put my back in that place. Back in that apartment.” Almost in a whisper, you say, “I should never have let them in.”
“What Rivers and Young did wasn’t your fault.”
“It wasn’t your fault.”
“I need to explain-”
“No,” he shakes his head. “You did nothing wrong.”
Rage flickers inside you as you try and explain three more times, and each time Rick cuts you off. What happened that night was a sensitive subject for both of you, but certain things needed to be said.
“Just stop!” You smack your hand on the ledge in front of the glass, startling him. “You need to let me talk about it, Rick. What happened to me wasn’t my fault, but everything that happened after was.”
He tilts his head to the side. “What do you mean?”
“I knew Shane was lying about Randall.”
“We both did.”
“I—” you cut yourself off trying to think; you’re unsure as to what to say next. “I think Shane was right when he said I’m just as fucked up as him. That’s not the first time I’ve seen him do something bad and not say anything.”
“Lil,” Rick’s voice is softer than before. “When was the first time?”
“That night…I just went along with everything Shane said, even though I knew he was lying.” You lean back in the chair. “The cops who attacked me didn’t have his gun on him when Shane killed him, but when he said they tried to shoot first, I didn’t say anything.”
Rick rests his head in his hands. “You were in shock.”
“But if I had said something, then maybe Shane wouldn’t have become so good at lying, and things would have been different at the farm. He wouldn’t have killed Otis or tried to kill you.”
Rick puts his hand on the glass. “I need you to hear when I say this. What happened that night wasn’t your fault. What the governor did wasn’t your fault, and anything Shane did wasn’t your fault. You were a victim—”
“Please, don’t call me that,” you squeeze your eyes shut. “I hate being called that.”
“Is that what you were seeing when Daryl was there?”
“I thought I’d moved on,” you sob. “But after what happened in Woodbury, it’s been on my mind all the time, and I keep thinking how different things could have been if I’d just done one thing differently.”
“You’re looking for ways to blame yourself.” He sighs, “I know you made me swear to never speak about it with anyone, but have you ever thought of speaking to anyone else? Maggie, Carol, Daryl?”
“I don’t want Daryl to know. I don’t want him to look at me as if I’m broken.” Deep down, you didn't think Daryl would think less of you, but it was much easier saying others would think that than admitting that’s how you felt yourself. “I care about him a lot, more than I ever thought I would, and I know Daryl would never hurt me, but when I felt someone's hands on my hair, I could see Shane bursting through the door while that asshole was dragging me by the hair.”
“If you don’t want to tell Daryl everything, at least tell him how you feel. Once you’re out of prison anyway.”
You laugh at the last part and wipe tears from your cheek. “How bad is the walker piling up at the fences?”
Unbeknownst to yourself and Rick, Daryl had just heard everything you said before changing the conversation.
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eddiesghxst · 22 days
Hi there! I just discovered your Cruel Intentions fic and it's so amazing! Will there be a part three?
HIIII thank you so much for reading🥹 yes there will be a part three!!
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his-tamine · 1 year
idk if it’s just me but facial hair is so fucking weird???
Like I remember just waking up one day with a decently-grown mustache, and it comes back stronger no matter how much I shave it off,, however a BEARD on the other hand……. I have one singular fucking beard hair. One. And nothing else.
either there’s a genuine explanation for this, or it’s another one of God’s sick jokes. That bastard knows I want a beard more than a mustache… he’s toying with me… >:(
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fabled-fiction · 1 year
Hiiii!! Can I request a hobie brown x fem reader where the hobie swings by the readers room and just cuddles with her because he’s tired from patrol and the reader loves it because he only has a soft spot for her! And it’s just very fluffy!
Open Window (Hobie Brown x Reader)
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Summary: Hobie didn't realize how strung out he was until a certain someone crosses his mind.
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: I tried writing in a fem reader and then realized as I was writing I neglected that. I tried going back it but it felt forced, I hope this still suffices!
It felt like he never slept.
When could he afford too? It seemed like every step forward he took in taking down Osborn and his regime, they took three. Every running start he had they moved the finish line.
It was exhausting to be honest.
And now on top of his own problems on his earth, this stupid watch wouldn’t stop beeping with anomalies that needed taking down and tethering back to their Earths.
Hobie could feel the bags forming under his already painted ones.
His head had been reeling recently. Jumping back to his Earth after coming from the Spider Society was never easy no matter how much radioactivity was coursing through his hardened veins. He had a theory that despite having the wristband that helped him jump back and forth, he needed one for his head. The shift in perspective, and what could be perceived as art styles of the different Earths were making his vision hazy. 
Perching himself onto the top of a billboard, Hobie hit the side of his head with the edge of palm. Maybe if he hit his head hard enough or in the right spot he could knock the buzzing in his brain out long enough for him to make sense of where he was. 
On occasion it almost felt like he was back in that stupid spider tower, or another unfamiliar Earth.
Shaking his head, he took a glance about the neon lit streets of his Earth.
Wait, he recognized this street…no wait. No yea he recognized where this street lead to. 
Pulling the edge of his suit wristband back, he pulled up the time on his watch.
Hobie knew exactly what he needed to rejuvenate, to put the rock back in his roll. 
Standing from his perch, he felt his bones begin to ache as they realized where they were about to be. Pulling his mask back over his head, he was about to flip when his watch started to buzz.
The holographic face of Gwen popped up.
“Hey! Hobie, Im glad I caught you. You got a seco-”
“Sorry Gwendy, can’t talk right now.”
“Wait! I n-”
He couldn't swing fast enough.
There was a warm purple light coming from your window, leaking through your curtains like a holy light.
He’d have to lecture you about leaving your window unlocked for anyone to crawl into later, it didn't matter that you were on the 14th story of your building. But as of right now, as he peeled your window open he saw it as a blessing as he tumbled head first into your room.
Hobie hadn’t realized how long it had been since he had seen you.His spider work had always been number one, taking down the rising regime of fascism in his city. Even the Spider society jobs have seen more of him than his own bed. It almost felt like he was more Spiderman than Hobie Brown, his heroism taking priority over everything else.
Well, almost everything else.
But now as he stumbled about, throwing his sneakers and guitar in the corner of your room the only thing on his mind was you. More specifically crawling into your bed that seemed to always be WAY more comfortable than his.
He hadn’t realized how much he missed you.
Hobie was so preoccupied with getting out of his Spidersuit that was growing increasingly more annoying by the second, he hadn’t even realized you were now leaning against your doorframe.
Sometimes you thought he played up these so called spider senses. There was no way he let you sneak up on him as many times as you have.
“Where..I know you ‘ave it somewhere in ‘ere.” He mumbled to himself, digging through your drawers with little regard to your neatly folded clothes there were already in there. 
Placing your cup of water on your nightstand, you perched on the edge of your bed and watched as your once clean-ish room transformed to match the thought process of the sleep deprived Spider in front of you.
You knew what he was looking for, Hobie had a tendency to leave shirts in your room whenever he stayed over. He said it was for convenience, it made it easier to switch from Spiderman to Hobie Brown. You couldn’t count the amount of times on your fingers when you had done laundry and realized nothing in the basket was yours. He almost had a full drawer in your dresser.
“Try the very bottom drawer.” You yawn, a few joints popping as you stretched out whatever you could stretch out.
Hobie turned his head to look at you for only a moment, and you hadnt even realized that he had discarded his mask somewhere into the clothed chaos that was hurricane Hobie.
Falling back onto your bed, you let out another big yawn as you made yourself situated. You could hear Hobie shuffling about your room, making himself more than at home as he slammed the window shut. A very loud click of your window lock followed by a thunk of a thwip made you chuckle.
“You seriously need to considah lockin’ your window. Could’a been an unsightly fella.” He muttered as he reached to fully close your curtains.
“Well I know who to call if I see one of these so called unsightly fellas.”
There was a grumble that came closer to your bed, and what you swore you was the gulping down of YOUR glass of water followed by the creak of your mattress.
It was like a second nature to the both of you even though you hadn’t physically seen eachother in what felt like months (in reality it was only a week but you too were too clingy to admit to each other it had felt longer). Molding into one another was easy for you too.
Hobie’s arm easily found its way over your waist, pulling you as close to him as he physically could. The minute he had his head resting on your chest he swore he could feel the color coming back to him. Feeling your hand run over his wicks, and eventually come to rest on the nape of his neck made him break into a hazy smile.
But then his stupid watch started buzzing. Didn’t he take it off?
He tried ignoring it for a moment, hoping whoever was calling him would get the message.
When you had started to pull away was when he had enough. 
Ripping the watch off his wrist, he threw it across the room and webbed it to a random wall. Before you could even protest that he had yet again left webbing that would take months to come off, he wrapped his arms around you and flipped around so that you were laying ontop of him. His arms basically locked around you, and solidified that you two would not be moving for the rest of the night.
He needed this, and he could tell based off the way that you melted into him that you needed this as well.
“Hobie shouldn’t you have answered that?”
He could deal with the consequences later, right now he was exactly where he needed to be.
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as much as i crave fucking him into the mattress and hearing him cry from both overstimulation and my cock being too deep in his pretty little cunt, i genuinely want to just make love to him for hours and hours on end.
i wanna kiss every inch of his skin tenfold. starting from his right hand. i’d kiss each finger, each knuckle, his palms, the back of his hands, then his wrists, front and back. every part of him until i make my way to his shoulder. at that point, i’d tip his head back a little and kiss across his collarbone until i’m at his left side. then i’d start from his fingers once more. repeating it all until i’ve kissed my way up to his collarbone once more.
from there, i’d kiss down his chest, focusing tenderly on each nipple, taking one in my mouth as i cup his breast with one hand, squeezing gently to keep it stimulated before swapping sides, taking the other in my mouth and sucking it eagerly as it hardens against my tongue. until his back’s arching into me from how good such a simple touch is making him feel. my free hand would move to his hip, rubbing it softly as i mumble praise and comforting words around his nipple. telling him how much i love him and how good he’s being for me. how patient he is.
after a few minutes, once i’m sure he’s going to be completely and utterly soaked, i’ll slowly kiss down his stomach, leaving marks all the way down until i reach below his belly button. i’d slowly pull down his pants while holding eye contact with him, enjoying how pretty he looks all blissed out and desperate from my attention. i said i wanted to worship him, and that’s exactly what i plan on doing.
once his pants are off, i’d lean in just enough so he can feel my breath on his pussy, opening my mouth like i’m about to take a swipe at his clit, only to turn my head and kiss his thigh. letting out a soft chuckle as he lets out a choked whine, clearly desperate for any friction.
“patience, sweet boy. let me savour it.” i’d whisper as i kiss down to his ankle on each leg, only to kiss my way back up to his face. moving to straddle him as i kiss his neck, taking my time since i know he’s extra sensitive there. focusing on all of his sweet spots. the spots i know’ll drive him crazy. while of course leaving marks all over. claiming him in a way everyone’ll see.
by this point, he’d be panting. his face bright red and his eyes half closed and rolled back as beads of sweat drip down his forehead, creating a soft shine over his skin. my poor boy so deep into his happy place as i savour every inch of his perfect fucking body. my beautiful boy.
i’d kiss down his jaw, both sides receiving equal attention before kissing his chin. then both cheeks, his temples, his forehead, his nose, both corners of his lips before finally kissing him deeply. my tongue swiping over his bottom lip, asking for permission before i go deeper. all the while my hips rock back and forth as my fingers run through his hair.
finally, after a few more long, long minutes, i’d pull back. his lips and chin covered in our spit, but i’d just leave it there.
“such a sloppy boy, honey.” i’d mumble. a whimper in response, nothing more. knowing he’s too blissed out now to even think i’d move back down to the foot of the bed, gently spreading his legs to get a good look at his dripping cunt.
“oh sweet boy…” messy would be an understatement as i look at the sight between my lovers legs. “you’re so pretty like this, honey. so so fucking pretty. so nice and wet for me.”
after what would feel like hours at that point, i’d finally press a kiss to his clit, enjoying the almost guttural moan he’d release as the sudden contact jolts him back to life before licking and sucking as my tongue laps at his pussy. instead of holding his legs open, i’d let his thighs squeeze my head for once as he moans almost pathetically, too overstimulated to make any noise.
“that’s it honey. cum for me, just like that sweet boy. such a good boy. i’m so proud of you.”
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chrispleasure · 18 days
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summary!: chris cant sleep without apologising to his girlfriend, afraid it might be her last night.
not proof read!
the air became heated, you didnt want to shower with chris, which caused him to yell at you. “what! are you afraid of seeing a dick or something?!” he yells, stepping out of the bathroom.
he didnt want to argue, but he felt hurt that you wanted to be alone and not with him. “its not that— im not afraid. i just want some peace.” you stood by the doorway, watching as he undressed himself.
chris took a few blankets and one of his pillows and left the room, carrying the argument further. you decided now was the best time to have your shower, knowing he wont bother you.
as the water become heated, you undressed and stepped under the square shower head. soft hums escaped your lips, “hmm..” you mumbled, leaning back.
the bathroom lights werent on either, which spiked your mood to feel more flirty and sexy. your hand traveled near your wet pussy, hesitant to touch yourself.
you decided against and brought your hand back to your chest, crossing your arms and letting the water take over.
downstairs, chris lies down on the couch cuddled up in his blankets and pillow. silently hoping you would come down stairs and apologize.
it was stupid, you werent the one who needed to apologise. he did. but he was too immature to be the bigger person.
small tears escaped his eyes and went onto the white pillow, he sunk deep intonthe couch. chris wanted a hug, a gesture of love.
he didnt mean to act out like this, part of him was still angry for yelling at you like he did. little did he know he was the last thing on your mind.
you were near the end of your playlist on spotify, the song ending. which meant it was time to get out of the shower and apologise.
which you dreaded, not wanting to see his pretty face. the tears which were most likely streaming down his cheeks.
as you stumble out of the shower, you slip and hit your head on the counter. “fuck!” you wince, letting out a small sob as you sit up.
you instinctively cover the corner of your head with your hand, causing blood to drip down onto it. “mmph- shit, shit..” you sob, rocking back and forth.
you wanted chris’s comfort instantly, but he wouldnt give it too you, you did definitely say some hurtful things too and about him.
after a few minutes of crying, you pull yourself off the ground, getting used to the feeling of your head feeling as if it’s about to fall off.
you scurry and put on the pajamas you left on the counter, stumbling to the bedroom. you didnt even bother going downstairs to say goodnight.
immediately, without a thought, you get under the blankets. moving your body to adjust to the feeling of the sheets.
it feels like heaven, closing your eyes and relaxing. part of you wanted chris cuddling into you, speaking reasurring words into your ear, touching around your breasts to calm you down. but he was all the way downstairs, probably pissed off.
as your thoughts drifted to random things, you fell asleep quickly. your body relaxing in a comfortable position.
but chris on the other hand, couldnt shut an eye. he stayed on the same couch for hours, hungry for cuddles or even a kiss.
he tried, tried and tried, but nothing. just black, no dream, nothing. he couldnt sleep angry with you, or you angry at him.
he sat up, grabbing his pillow. he walked upstairs, tears wet on his face. he was shaking and sobbing quietly.
a few quiet knocks were heard. when he got no response, he decided to walk in. after all, it was also his room.
he walks in, walking to his side of his bed. “baby? you ‘wake?” he asks, his side of the bed sinking a little as he layed down.
you slept peacefully, not hearing anything he was saying or asking. he shook you, moving closer for comfort. “ma, wake up..” he sniffles, pressing a kiss to your shoulder.
without question, you woke up, thinking their was an earthquake. you looked to your left, seeing chris’s figure shaking you.
once he saw you were awake, he stopped. looking at you with a frown. “what do you want, chris?” you asked tiredly, resting your head on the pillow.
“im sorry for getting angry.. i just wanted a shower with you, i feel a need to always be close to you at all times.” he apologised, cuddling close to you.
a soft smile played on your lips, feeling happy he apologised. “i also jus’ couldnt sleep without saying sorry. you couldve died in your sleep.” he says in a worried tone.
you chuckled, turning to face him fully. “hey, hey.. im okay. im healthy enough that i wont die for a while.” you rub his cheek, met with the now dried tears that stayed there.
“you cried?” you asked, frowning a little. he nods, putting his hand on your wrist. “can we just cuddle and sleep? i need comfort.” he whines, moving closer.
your body pressed against his, pressing a kiss against his neck a few times before drifting off. “i love you.” you say.
the end!!
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peachsukii · 7 months
You carry Bakugo back to his dorm room. 『 ♡ - k.bakugo x fem!reader 』 -`✧ katsuki bakugo masterlist 
A quiet night at the dorms of UA, you're sitting in Midoriya's dorm room with Bakugo. The three of you are studying for an upcoming exam while sprawled out with notebooks and text books haphazardly all over the floor.
The time is slowly creeping up to 10:00pm - way past Bakugo's "normal" bedtime. He's leaning on his elbow while annotating a paragraph in his textbook, eyes slowly drooping shut. The pen in his hand grows looser as his arm rocks back and forth, about to collapse at any moment and let his head rest on the pages.
Midoriya shoots a glance your way, silently acknowledging how exhausted Bakugo looks. You both had attempted, multiple times, to get him to go to bed. He refused.
"I can fuckin' finish this. It's only a few more pages."
Bakugo was determined, and stubborn, to get his work done - just like anything else in his life. You peer out of the corner of your eye as he shifts, crossing his arms over the textbook and laying his head down on his forearms.
"Kat, you can go to bed if you're wiped out," you say, patting him on the shoulder. "Studying on top of sparring is enough to kick anyone's ass."
Bakugo grunts, sighing into the papers beneath him. " 'm fine."
You look at Midoriya and mouth, 'he'll be out in five minutes or less.'
And like clockwork, Bakugo passes the hell out, snoring atop the open textbook.
You gently stroke his back to get his attention. "Kat, come on. Let's get you to bed."
He doesn't stir at your voice or touch but rolls over on his side. You shake your head, chuckling to yourself as you cast a smile in Midoriya's direction. It's a good thing you're a hero in training or you wouldn't have the strength to do what you're about to.
In one fluid motion, you bend over and scoop Bakugo into your arms and lift him from the floor. He's much lighter than you expected him to be - you always assumed he'd be dense from the sheer amount of muscle mass that adorned his figure. He still doesn't wake and lulls his head against your arm, mouth hanging open and snoring peacefully.
'Wow, he must be exhausted if this isn't enough to wake him.'
Midoriya opens the door for you and follows you upstairs. He opens the door to Bakugo's room for you as well, considering you - quite literally - have your hands full. He waves and mouths 'good night!' as he shuts the door to leave.
Making your way over to Bakugo's bed, you carefully lower him onto the cool sheets and maneuver your arms out from underneath him. As you're pulling away, he sleepily grasps at your shoulders and pulls, causing you to come crashing down on top of him.
'Damn, even in his sleep he's strong,' you think to yourself, flustered and afraid you'll wake him up.
He swiftly turns over, snaking his arms around your waist, intertwining his legs with your own and nestling his head above yours.
"K-Katsuki...?" you mumble, confused as your cheeks flare with heat by the sudden close body contact. You hope that your face isn't as scorching hot as it feels when it squishes up against his chest.
"Mm...don't go," Bakugo slurs, still halfway in dreamland. "Stay."
"...did you let me carry you to bed just so you could cuddle with me?" you ask, perplexed. He grunts in response and squeezes you tighter.
"You son of a bitch," you curse playfully. "If you wanna be carried like a princess to bed, just ask."
" 'm not a princess," he murmurs as he's nuzzling into your hair like a cat begging for attention.
"You just didn't wanna ask to go to bed in front of Izuku, didn't you?"
"...Nuh uh."
You snort as you shimmy in his hold to get comfortable. By the time you settle on a position, he's fallen back into a deep slumber, chest rhythmically rising and falling with hushed breath. He looks so angelic when he's dreaming.
It's too bad he turns into a devil the second he's awake.
i just wanna hold him tight and squish his cheeks - ya know??
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iluvpjo · 7 months
Imagine you play a role in pjo maybe silena or something and ure at the pjo premier with everyone else (ure dating charlie) n you and charlie dissapear for a bit and when you come back everyone is confused and is whispering like 'why is she walking so wierd?' SKSKDKDKFK IM SORRY
Also can i be 🌻 anon??
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𝒲𝒶𝓁𝓀𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝐹𝓊𝓃𝓃𝓎 𝒲 / 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓇𝓁𝒾𝑒 𝐵𝓊𝓈𝒽𝓃𝑒𝓁𝓁
(Walking funny w/ Charlie bushnell)
Synopsis: (read the request basically for a longer version) basically u n charlie hangout n when u come back ur walking funny 😋
Warning(s): NSFW! MDNI, I don’t think um there has to be anymore warnings…
Pairing: Charlie Bushnell x fem reader
Word count: 1,315K
Note: HEHE hi 🌻 anon!!! Welcome n ily, also ur brain is so smart n sexc for this!!!
*also guys just so yk if u can’t tell I write fics differently to how I write THIS kinda stuff beforehand 😭 like I write silly here but not during my fics ^^
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Send me a request! Here’s my req rules :)
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There were loud yet hushed noises echoing around the bathroom that shielded the two of you from the rest of your cast mates, hiding you both away so you could get a quick quickie in before joining everyone. Inside the bathroom stall the two of you were on each other, your teeth clashing as your skin slapped against skin. It was hot and it was lewd, and you were sure you’d die of embarrassment if the two of you ever got caught like this.
“C-Charlie, hurry.. we’ve gotta get back to the premier!” You complained through your teeth, pouting your makeup covered lips. You were sure that your stylist would kill you for ruining your makeup and hair, your mascara was slightly smudged in the corners from your eyes watering — you couldn’t help tearing up a little when Charlie would stimulate you like this. Your lipstick was also a mess, and Charlie knew he’d have to wash your kiss marks off of his neck at the sink before leaving the bathroom together.
“I know sweetheart, but you wanted this remember?” He asked in a bit of a condescending tone, his lips curling up into a smirk as he kept standing there in front of you between your legs. “I- I know..” You huffed and crossed your arms over your chest, pouting your lips and furrowing your eyebrows at him like you were upset at him. But he knew you weren’t, he simply chuckled and shook his head at your pouty reaction, scoffing and mumbling that you were very ‘cute’ when you acted like this.
“I’m not cu- ah!~” Your complaints were cut off by Charlie when he thrusted deeper inside of you, pressing harshly against your cervix and making your stomach ache a little “Hold that thought sweet girl. Unless you don’t wanna cum?” Charlie tilted his head at you as he asked that with this smug smile on his face. “Of course I do!-“ He cut you off again “Tut. Tut. Then be quiet for me sweet girl, I don’t want anyone catching us like this..” Charlie chuckled a little to himself as he watched you accept and grumble to yourself a little.
Charlie moved you carefully so that you were in a better position for the both of you, you were bent over and your arms were holding yourself against the wall. Charlie was standing behind you, his hands gripped tightly on your hips as he rocked himself back and forth inside of your tight pussy. You weren’t the best at taking it from behind, the position would always be a little too much for you— but Charlie wanted you to take it today. He knew you’d have a harder time staying quiet but he wanted to challenge you, plus he found it really cute how you were trying your hardest to stay quiet (even if you were failing!)
“C-Charlie..~” You groaned out, your legs trembling underneath you as his cock kept hitting against your fleshy insides. Your wet slick was dripping onto him, covering his large cock as well as dripping down your thighs a little. “Yes, my love?” Charlie asked you with a hushed voice, “f-feels good..” You whined out and bit down on your bottom lip to muffle your moans. “Yeah sweetheart? It feels good does it? Let me help you feel even better..” You didn’t have any time to question what he meant, he lifted your right leg up and started hitting inside of you at a different angle which had you close to seeing stars.
You removed one of your arms from holding onto the wall, having to use it to cover your mouth. Your moans were muffled, but it didn’t mean that they were silent “mfhh!~ ah!~ fuckk’” You cried out as Charlie’s cock ruthlessly pounded into you from behind. “Fuck.. Sweet girl, I’m gonna cum..” Charlie warned you and you just nodded at him, encouraging him to just keep going. Charlie hissed under his breath as he had to keep quiet as well, letting out a soft gutters groan when he began to cum.
His cock twitched before spurting out his hot seed which painted your insides white, a bit of his cum dripping from your cunt. Charlie took a moment as he had a breather before he then slammed back inside of you, he felt a little more sensitive but he had a goal to make you cum as well. You threw your head back in pleasure, squirming against him when the tip of his cock entered you deeper and got pressed to the hilt. You couldn’t control yourself anymore and you began to cum, your eyes teary and your legs shakey as your pussy clenched tightly around him and came.
“Fuck’ C-Charlie I love you!~” You cried out as you came, your orgasm hitting you roughly like a huge wave. “I love you too sweetheart.” Charlie helped you as you began to recover from your orgasm, helping you sit up against his chest. Your legs wanted to give out, shaking and hurting from just standing there but luckily Charlie was holding onto your waist now. “Don’t worry sweet girl, I’ve got ‘ya.” Charlie reassured you as he slowly helped you clean up a little and get dressed, pulling your panties up and pulling your dress back down etc..
“T-That felt really good.. L-Let’s get back to the premier before they realise we’re gone!” You told him and tried to hurry, Charlie paused you for a moment as he had to quickly use the sink to wash off the lipstick marks. As he looked in the mirror cleaning himself he replied to you and said “I think it might be a little too late for that dear.” He spoke “What? No.. it’ll be fine, I don’t think they even noticed!!!” You were lying to yourself and Charlie could see it, but he wouldn’t say anything because he didn’t wanna embarrass you.
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(There’s more writing btw)
“Hey, where’s Y/n and Charlie gone? They’ve been gone for a bit now and the premier is about to start!” Leah complained and began to fidget in her seat as she looked around for them, her head turning and trying her best to look behind the rest of the people sitting around hoping to find them each somewhere in the crowd. “It hasn’t been that long, has it?” Walker asked her and squinted his eyes a bit, Leah huffed and pulled her phone out to show him the time.
“Didn’t we get here almost an hour ago?” Walker questioned as he saw the time “Like around five I think. They’ve both been gone almost the entire time we’ve been here!” Aryan joined the conversation as he heard the two of them talking. They were all discussing about where they thought that you and Charlie would be that they didn’t notice when the two of you actually joined them, only turning their heads around to see you two when Dior spoke up.
“Wait— why’s Y/n walking like that?” Dior whispered to herself, blinking in confusion as she watched. Walker and Leah leaned forward to look past Aryan and Dior, Walker letting out a bit of a laugh “Haha! She really is walking weirdly. Why do you think that is?” Walker gossiped to Leah and Aryan “No idea.” Aryan shrugged his shoulders.
“Sorry we were gone guys! I uh— we got held up.” You excused yourself and sat down beside Dior, Dior looked over at you and was about to say something until she noticed your flushed face and messed up hair. She shut her mouth, turning away and gigging a little to herself, she knew exactly why you were walking weirdly now. Aryan heard her laughing and looked over at you too to figure out what was going on, and he sorta got a bit of an idea too but wasn’t quite sure.
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hencheri · 1 month
Mark and cock warming. Maybe he slaps the reader 🫶🏾
18+. mdni.
hard dom!mark :(
mark doesn't fuck slow and steady. he fucks like he can never get enough — fucks like his dick is going to fall off. it never ends without a mess either, whether it's his cum everywhere on your body or the bottom half of his face covered in your arousal, there's always a mess.
but there are those days where mark wants to be intimate, where he needs you as close to him as possible. sometimes he's very tired and he just needs to relax with some cuddles — and in mark's book, cuddling means cock warming.
he swears he doesn't have any dirty intentions, but he's still rock hard just at the thought of having your walls tightly hugging his cock (though, to his defence, he has to be hard to slide inside of you).
so you reluctantly agreed, letting him play with your pussy a little bit to get you wet enough for him. your back is facing him, his pelvis totally flushed against your ass with his arms wrapped around your waist.
surprisingly, mark is very silent, and you're the one who's bothered, face burning hot and teeth sinking into your bottom lip. his cheek is laid on your shoulder, eyes closed, listening to your breathing that is clearly irregular.
you shift a little, creating some friction and getting mark out of his slumber.
he tightly grips your hips, pulling you back on his cock. "stop squirming around," he groans, his breath hitting your uncovered neck, making you shiver slightly.
"sorry..." you mumble back in response, feeling a little embarrassed for not being able to just relax. how is he so calm with your pussy around him? he'd be pounding you down onto the mattress by now.
and just thinking about that has you clenching around mark involuntarily. he definitely felt that.
"baby." he warns you, his fingers digging into the fat of your hips, so, so close to your crotch.
you clench again, and he doesn't like that.
"what did i tell you?" he growls, delivering a sharp slap to your pussy, making you flinch out of surprise.
he takes a hold of your jaw, turning your face to the side so he can look you in the eye. you're speechless, only gulping down as mark looks really pissed off.
"you speak when talked to," he says through gritted teeth, glaring at you with angry eyes, eyebrows frowned. he presses down on your cheeks, and you wince out of pain, forcing your mouth open. "i'm not repeating myself ... what did i tell you?"
"to- to not move!" you say, trying to wiggle your face out of his painful hold, but mark follows your movement, steadying your head in place.
"why are you being a little brat? d'you always need me to dick you down?" he asks, his hand still remaining on your hips inching closer to your heat, nails sinking into your soft skin. "can't think straight with a cock in your stupid, little pussy, huh?"
that's rich coming from him when he's fucking you every chance he gets, but you won't comment on that if you don't want to be in more troubles.
"n-no," you manage to croak out, but it sounds a little sloppy due to your strained neck and mark's hand around your face.
"what was that?"
you inhale, taking in your breath, "no, i can't think straight, so you better fuck some sense into me."
and he chuckles right in your face, the corner of his mouth lifting up into a grin. he eyes you down, looking at your lips before going back up to your eyes.
"want it that bad, huh? little slut."
and he finally pushes you onto your stomach, holding your head down against the pillows. he immediately starts moving his hips back and forth, hard cock sliding between your walls, hitting all the right places that make you scream his name.
he spanks your ass, too, the sound of his skin hitting yours echoing in the room. mark doesn't go easy on you, and he doesn't hold back either, especially not since you quite literally asked him to fuck some sense into you. which he will gladly do.
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cimmanonrowl · 3 months
Your father’s best friend is a man of principles. And as much as you want him to be your very first, Aaron Hotchner couldn’t bring himself to corrupt you.
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Pairing: dbf!aaron hotchner x virgin!reader
Theme: smut mallows
Contents: age gap, gentle first-time sex, unprotected sex, size difference, praise kink, sweet!aaron, angst somewhere, cliffhanger (?)
You barely managed to suppress a squeal of joy as you frantically smoothed your disheveled curls and checked your appearance in the hallway mirror. From where you are standing, you can hear the boisterous laughter of your father mingling with the deep and soothing voice of Aaron Hotchner talking animatedly downstairs.
It only means one thing.
He’s visiting.
And your heart almost exploded at the idea.
With light and careful steps, you bolted down the stairs, quickly trudging towards the spacious living room where your father and his best friend were talking. Your anticipation rose higher with each step, and by the time you reached the staircase landing, your face was flushed with excitement. Eagerly, you rounded the corner, your eyes scanning the room until they landed on a certain man whose sight alone was enough to knock you off your feet.
Aaron Hotchner was standing near the fireplace, absorbed by the conversation he was having with your father, his tall frame and commanding presence impossible to miss.
“Aaron!” You called out, your voice bright and laced with obvious adoration.
Aaron whirled instantly at the sound of your voice, a warm smile spreading across his face. 
“Oh, hey there,” he greeted back, mirroring your wide grin.
You crossed the room in quick strides and flung your arms around him, which he returned with an amused chuckle. His arms wrapped tightly around you in a familiar, comforting embrace. And the first whiff of his scent threw you off-guard. It feels like falling in love with him all over again. The very same way you felt on your 25th birthday when he asked you for a dance and wrapped you in his gentle warmth in the middle of the dance floor.
The closeness now was making you dizzy; the heavy scent of his perfume, the firmness of his body, and the feeling of being held by him after so long.
“It’s so good to see you!” You chirped, your voice muffled against his shoulder. You clung to him a moment longer than necessary, enjoying the contact. “It’s been a while since you dropped by. I thought you forgot about us!”
Aaron chuckled at your whiny voice.
“It's good to see you too,” He pulled back from the hug but kept his hands on your shoulders as he stared back at you. “I’m sorry, work’s been keeping me busy. How have you been?”
You smiled up at him. “Great. You know, same as always. Just busy with work and everything.” 
You tried sounding casual to not appear too excited. You felt his rough hands squeeze your shoulders gently before finally letting go.
“I’m glad to hear that.”
As he released you, a pang of disappointment swirled down your stomach, but you quickly masked it with another bright smile. 
With a tentative step back, you clasped your hands behind you and rocked back and forth in your heels, still staring at him. Aaron chuckled softly at your innocent gesture, a sound that sent a chill through your spine. 
“Aaron’s just in town for a bit, sweetheart. They just finished a case,” Your father chimed in with a smile, watching your usual interaction with his best friend. “Thought he’d drop by and catch up.”
“Well, I’m glad you did,” You mumbled, your gaze never leaving Aaron’s face. 
Aaron replied quietly, smiling at you. “Me too. It’s always nice to be here.”
Your heart hammered against your chest almost painfully. Jesus Christ, this man is aging like a fine wine. You doubt you’ve seen anyone as handsome and attractive as he is. He always looked so good in your eyes. And it seems like he’s getting hotter and hotter every time you get to see him. Is it even possible for someone to look this good? Shouldn’t this be a federal crime?
Before you could even stop yourself, the words slipped out of your lips.
“You really should come by more often, Aaron,” You suggested out of nowhere, a hint of hopefulness in your tone. “I mean… you know… it’s just me and Dad here. It’s not like we have a lot of friends who come over.”
Your heart soared as he continued staring at you. Heat rushed through your face because of that. You started panicking in your head. Was that out of line? Was that too much? Oh God, maybe that’s too much. He must be thinking you’re desperate for company- his company. Or maybe he thinks you’re weird for asking th—
“I’ll try, angel,” his expression remained soft as he nodded. “Promise.”
You let out a soft sigh.
Seems like he didn’t mind too much.
The late afternoon sun casted a warm glow over the backyard of your home. Aaron and your father stood by the grill, occupied in a seemingly humorous conversation, the smell of grilled meat wafting through the open air. Both of them had cold beers in hand, laughing and chatting as they tended to the meat they were grilling.
It was a quiet afternoon. 
By the pool, you decided to lounge on a large swan floater, enjoying the last hours of the day. You were clad in a white bikini adorned with soft pink ribbons that fluttered slightly in the gentle breeze. A pair of oversized sunglasses shielded your eyes from the sun as you sipped on a mango smoothie, humming quietly to yourself.
A thick book lay open in your lap, but your attention was divided. Aaron would often catch you glancing up, watching him and your father with a small smile on your lips. He’d only mirror your smile and go back to their conversation, leaving you to your own thoughts and your fluttering, little heart.
The sight of Aaron, relaxed and at ease, filled you with a sense of relief and contentment. He was wearing a navy blue shirt and denim pants, all casual and handsome from where he was standing. You couldn’t help but admire the way he laughed at your father’s terrible jokes, his eyes crinkling at the very corners. 
The sound of his deep, hearty laughter echoed in your ears.
How you wish you could always have him around.
Despite the book in your hands, you couldn’t focus so much on reading. Your thoughts kept drifting back to Aaron: the way he looked, the sound of his voice, the warmth of his presence. You could barely remember the first time you found him attractive. Maybe somewhere deep down, you’ve always known he’s the most attractive man you have ever met.
You took another sip of your smoothie, savoring the sweet, tangy flavor as you unconsciously let your gaze linger on him… again.
“How’s that book?” Your father called out, glancing over at you with a smile.
You grinned, raising your voice slightly to be heard over the water splashing. “It’s good. But I’m enjoying the sun more.”
Aaron looked over at you, a soft smile playing on his lips. “You look like you’re having a great time,” he said, his eyes briefly wandering on your bare legs before returning to your face.
Crimson red dusted your already flushed cheeks.
“Well, I am...” Your voice trembled a little, your heart fluttering at the attention. “And I’m hungry. That smells good I can’t focus here.”
Your father chuckled, flipping a burger on the grill. “Just wait until you taste these burgers, sweetheart. Aaron here has some secret grilling tips.”
“No, no. I’ll be the judge of that, Dad.”
You laughed, leaning back on the swan floater. And as Aaron’s gaze landed in your direction again, he took a swig of his cold beer.
“We’ll make sure to save you the best one,” he said, his voice warm and teasing. “I bet you’ll forget your own name.”
“Oh, that’s cocky!”
He chuckled at your reaction. “Just a little fact.”
“As I said, I’ll be judge of that." 
You beamed at him, feeling a ribbon of happiness twirling in your stomach. 
The evening eventually settled into a comfortable night. After a delicious dinner Aaron insisted on preparing, the three of you moved to the living room. The television was on and cast a soft glow in the dimmed space as a series played.
Aaron and your father sat on the large couch, sipping on their brandy. While you occupied the solo couch, your legs tucked beneath you as you watched the scenes intently, munching on the red velvet cupcake Aaron brought for you earlier.
“Oh, oh—” You shrieked, covering your eyes quickly as you reached an intense moment between the main characters, the tension was so thick that you felt uncomfortable watching it with your father.
Aaron glanced at you and chuckled, licking the bitter alcohol left in his lower lip.
“You okay?” He asked gently, amused by your reaction.
You shook your head while laughing. “That’s not— that shouldn’t be allowed. They look so good together!”
Aaron laughed in agreement, nodding his head in accord. But it quickly died down when your father joined the conversation.
“You know, it’s inappropriate, isn’t it? An old man with such a young woman,” your father suddenly commented, sipping on his drink before shaking his head.
You felt a slight flush of embarrassment. You found yourself darting your glance at Aaron to see his reaction. On his seat, he remained silent, his eyes focused on the screen, but you noticed the subtle tightening of his jaw.
“Really, Dad, that’s your concern?” You tried sounding playful, clearing your throat a little. “That’s literally her uncle. Doesn’t that freak you out?”
“Silly girl, of course, it does!” You chuckled awkwardly at your father’s dry reply. “It’s already wrong from our moral standpoint. What I’m saying is, that’s a grown man hitting on a young woman. That’s highly inappropriate.”
Aaron took a slow sip of his drink, still not commenting, but you could sense the discomfort radiating from him. You shifted in your seat, feeling a mix of curiosity and unease.
“It definitely makes you think,” your father continued, oblivious to the tension. “I mean, what could they possibly have in common?”
The scenes continued with you and Aaron both silent. After a few more moments, your father turned to Aaron with a more cheerful tone. 
“So... have you been on any dates lately? You never talk about your love life.”
Aaron finally looked away from the TV, a slight smile tugging on his lips. “I’ve been busy with work, you know how it is. Haven’t had much time for dating.”
Your father’s interest was piqued, and so was yours. “Come on, there must be someone. You’re not getting any younger, you know.”
Aaron chuckled, shaking his head. And suddenly, the red velvet cupcake no longer taste appetizing. It turned all bitter and dry against your tongue.
“I’ve had a few dates here and there, but nothing serious.”
“Oh, right. What’s her name again? Beth, right?”
You felt a pang of something you couldn’t quite name. Jealousy, maybe? Aaron dating other women was a topic you actually didn’t like to think about. And who the hell is Beth?
“Maybe you should settle down,” your father suggested, leaning back in his seat. “Find someone who can put up with your crazy work schedule. You know, after Haley divorced you because of that…”
Aaron laughed softly, but there was a hint of resignation in his tone. “Easier said than done.”
Your throat dried up as their conversation continued. It feels like you’ve been eating sand. You fidgeted on the cupcake box perched on your lap as you unconsciously glanced over the kitchen, thinking of getting yourself water. But Aaron’s eyes met yours briefly, and you felt a spark of something electric pass between you.
Which made you look away.
You tried to focus on the television screen, but your thoughts kept returning to Aaron, wondering if he ever thought of you as more than just his best friend’s daughter. Maybe not.
Definitely not.
The tension in the living room had become palpable you had to excuse yourself to the kitchen. As you walked away, you felt Aaron’s gaze lingering on you, sending a trail of shivers down your spine.
You let out a deep breath you didn’t know you were holding as you reached the kitchen. You filled a glass with cold water and took a slow sip, letting the cool liquid soothe your nerves. The silence of the kitchen contrasted with the awkwardness in the living room.
“Hey,” Aaron’s deep voice jolted you out of your thoughts.
You turned around to see him standing in the doorway, his expression unreadable. As always, your heart skipped a beat, wallowing from his very presence.
“Hey,” you said back, trying to sound casual, “you need something?”
“I just wanted to check on you.”
You forced a smile and didn’t say anything. Aaron took a step closer, the space between you shrinking until he was only a foot away. You could feel the warmth radiating from his body, his presence and scent overwhelming your senses.
“I’m good.”
“Are you sure?” His voice was low, almost a whisper.
You swallowed hard, trying to keep your voice steady. “Hmm. Just too much cupcake. Too sweet.”
His eyes softened as he reached out, brushing a strand of hair from your face. The gentle touch made you blush, and you found yourself leaning into his hand, craving for more.
“Aaron,” your voice trembled as you whispered the words, “This... I don’t know what to do with this.”
He sighed, his thumb caressing your cheek. 
The world seemed to have gone quiet. The hum of the refrigerator, the distant sound of the TV in the other room— all of it faded into the background. All you could focus on was Aaron, and the way his attention narrowed down on you. Like you’re the only one that matters in his world.
Almost as if in a trance, you pushed on your tiptoes, leaning in to Aaron’s lips. Blood rushed through your head with your own action. You could feel his breath on your lips, the hint of alcohol intoxicating.
But just as your lips were about to meet, Aaron pulled back abruptly. His jaw clenched when he glanced down at you.
“We can’t do this.”
He shook his head, stepping back further. “It’s not right. You know that.”
“I don’t understand. I thought... I thought you felt the same.”
Tears welled up in your eyes.
“This is inappropriate,” He said instead, his voice strained. “I’m sorry.”
You looked away, biting your lip to keep yourself from crying. Aaron sighed as he saw you keeping your tears at bay, his eyes filled with regret.
Silence enveloped you both for a moment, while the weight of his words was crushing your young, hopeful heart.
“It’s okay. It’s not your fault you don’t feel the same…” your smile trembled before you finally walked passed him.
The night had grown late. After finishing the episode, your father called out it was time for bed. You quickly made your way to your room, bidding them both quick goodnight, trying to push aside the pain and disappointment from your earlier encounter with Aaron.
You slipped into your pajamas, a simple tank top, and silk shorts, and climbed into bed. The silence was comforting, allowing your thoughts to slowly drift away. You tried to focus on anything but Aaron, the silence of the night, the coldness of your room, but his face kept appearing in your mind, his words echoing in your ears— and the fact that he’s literally in the guest room next to yours.
Just as you were staring mindlessly at the ceiling, you heard a quiet knock on your door. Your heart leaped as you stood up, your breath caught in your throat.
“Who is it?” you called out softly, not entirely sure if you were dreaming.
The door creaked open, and there Aaron was, standing in the doorway. He looked hesitant as he stepped inside, his expression unreadable in the dim light of your room.
“Can I come in?” he asked cautiously, his voice barely above a whisper.
You nodded in silence, unable to trust your voice. He closed the door gently behind him as he finally stepped inside. The room felt even smaller with him in it, the air thick with tension.
“What are you doing here?” you finally managed to ask.
Aaron took a deep breath, running a hand through his hair. “I couldn’t sleep. I kept thinking about... earlier.”
A bitter smile rose on your lips.
“I know I said it’s inappropriate,” his deep voice sounded strained as he went on. “But I can’t stop thinking about you.”
“What are you saying?”
He moved closer, his eyes never leaving yours. “That this is tearing me apart. I know it’s complicated, and I know I said it can’t happen, but... I can’t keep pretending that I don’t feel anything for you.”
The room filled with the quiet sound of your breathing as you both stood there, just staring at each other. You felt tears prick at the corners of your eyes.
“Come here,” you said softly, pulling him closer.
Aaron hesitated for a split second, then stepped forward, wrapping you in a tight hug. You buried your face in his chest, inhaling his comforting scent. Being in his arms felt right. You know that no matter how complicated this is for you both, this is exactly where you want to be.
With him.
In his arms.
You tilted your head back, meeting his eyes again, and for a moment, the world stood still. 
“Take me, Aaron…” you said in a whisper, blood rushing through your cheeks. “I want you to be my first.”
His body stiffened with what he heard. 
“What? No, no. I can’t do that.”
“Why?” You leaned in slowly, testing the waters. 
When he didn’t show any sign of resistance, you carefully closed the distance, capturing his lips in a tender kiss. Which Aaron didn’t respond at first…
Until he did.
It started slow, gentle, tasting Aaron’s hesitance from your insistence.
“I ca—” He broke the kiss, shaking his head. “I can’t do this. Not— no.”
You cupped his cheeks with both your hands. “I want this, Aaron.”
“Do you even know what you’re asking me to do?”
“Yes,” you cut him off by chasing his lips again, staring up at him. “Please, Aaron? I want you to fuck me.”
You stared back at him with the same intensity.
Aaron let out a deep sigh as he closed the distance between you, capturing your lips in a searing kiss. His big hands slid down to your waist, pulling you closer as he guided you to the bed. 
Both of you broke apart for a moment, breathing heavily. And when he looked down at you, a mixture of adoration and concern flickered in his eyes.
“Are you sure about this, baby?” he asked, his voice hoarse.
You nodded quickly, your grip tightening on his arm. “I’ve never been more sure about anything, Aaron.”
Aaron’s lips trailed down your neck, inhaling your scent as he left a soft trail of light kisses. “You smell so good, angel. God, I don’t want to hurt you.”
He was murmuring against your skin. With his hot breath fanning on your neck, you felt like you were on fire. Every touch sent tingles through your already wet core. You tugged at his shirt, eager to feel the warmth of his skin against yours.
“Off, Aaron, please…” you pleaded softly.
And so he obliged, pulling the shirt over his head and tossing it aside. You ran your hands over his chest, marveling at the hard planes of muscle beneath your fingertips. Your cunt clenched at the mere sight of dark hair trailing his stomach down to the fabric of his shorts.
“Tell me if you want to stop, alright?” He murmured breathlessly.
“I’m yours, Aaron. I don’t want to stop.”
“My sweet girl...” He sighed softly, placing a soft kiss on your collarbone. “Promise me.”
You buck your hips to get some friction on your neglected cunt.
“Alright, okay, I promise. Just please do something…”
Aaron’s hands expertly moved to the hem of your tank top, his eyes seeking permission. You nodded again, and he lifted it over your head, revealing your bare skin. His lips found yours in no time, hungrier and so much messier, as he explored your body.
His calloused and rough hands cupped your tits, rubbing your taut nipples with the pad of his palm.
“Aaron,” you whispered, your voice breathless. “I need you. Feel so hot.”
“I know, baby. But we need to slow down.”
He shed the rest of your clothes deftly. His touch was gentle yet insistent, his hands exploring the softness of your skin like a map. And you felt like drowning in him, his kisses, his touch, your desire to be taken.
Your breath hitched as you felt his hand traveling down your thighs.
“Do you touch yourself, angel?” He asked softly.
You let out a shaky breath, nodding. “Yes, yes. Just my fingers.”
“You do?” He seemed interested, perking his eyebrows teasingly. “And what do you think about while doing that?”
You arched your back as you sucked in a breath, feeling his finger rubbing the sensitive nub of your drenched pussy. Fuck, why is he teasing you?
“You, Aaron… wanted you…”
Your jaw almost dropped as Aaron entered two of his fingers in his mouth, wetting them profusely as his eyes lingered on yours. Right after, he settled himself in between your thighs, while you blushed hard and fought the urge to hide your wetness from his hungry eyes.
“It might hurt a little, sweetling,” He said quietly. “Be a good girl and relax for me, alright?”
You nodded quickly, your cunt clenching in anticipation. Just a few moment, you felt Aaron’s middle finger prodding your entrance, his eyes focused on you— searching for any sign of discomfort and that he needs to stop.
Instead, you gave him a nod.
He dipped his head in between your legs, his hot breath directed at your clenching pussy. He gave your cunt a few teasing licks, nibbling on your clit before running the pad of his tongue on your wet entrance. All the while, his finger found a rhythm that felt both new and familiar to you. 
You bite down on your hand, muffling the moans threatening to escape your lips. And once you started getting accustomed to his finger and his tongue assaulting your cunt, he prodded the other finger, while his thumb rubbed gentle circles on your aching clit.
“Aaron… oh god…” You shut your eyes tightly, your legs trembling. “Feels so goo- oh! Oh my god!”
A smile appeared on his lips as he glanced up at you, his voice rough as his fingers continued abusing the spongy spot inside. “Right there, angel? That’s it?”
“Yes, yes, ye– oh my god, Aaron!”
“Shh…” He chuckled quietly, “You’ll wake your father, baby. You have to be quiet for me, alright?”
You nodded frantically even though you didn’t fully understand what he was saying. The lewd sound of your pussy squelching echoed in the silence of your room, accompanied by your quiet whimpers and Aaron’s heavy breathing.
“There you go. Good girl, angel. Good girl…” He whispered encouragingly, diving back again on your pussy. “Come for me, sweet girl. Be good for me.”
The world crumbled as your orgasm racked your body. Your legs trembled, your back arched, your lips hung open into a silent scream. But Aaron didn’t stop, his fingers pummeling in and out of your wet cunt until you whimpered and held his wrist, stopping him fully.
“Good?” He asked hoarsely, making you nod as you catch your breath. “Do you still want to do this?”
“I do, yes. Inside… I want you inside me, Aaron.”
He sighed softly before finally taking off his shorts. Your eyes followed the slow movements of his hands, alternating your gaze from the the plain of his veiny arms to his face.
Once off, he wrapped his big hand around his hard and leaking cock, pumping it slowly, then rubbing his thumb at the tip. You heard him hiss at the contact. He was big; both in girth and length. And for the first time that night, you felt unsure for a moment.
Aaron gave you a reassuring smile.
“Would it fit?”
“I’ll be gentle, sweet girl,” He chuckled hoarsely at your question, taking his place in between your legs again. “Spit on my hand, darling.”
“W-why?” You blushed, confused by the request.
“Alright, I’ll do it then.”
You bit your lip as you felt the tip of his cock on your entrance. Aaron knelt between your legs, and you watched how he spat on your desperate pussy. Just after that, he rubbed the tip up and down your cunt, spreading his saliva messily on your pulsing core.
“It will hurt, baby. I need you to relax.”
You nodded unsurely, your eyebrows tugging to a frown. “I’ll try, Aaron– oh, ouch!”
Aaron held you close, his fingers tracing gentle patterns on your hips. Your room was filled with whispered words and soft moans.
“That’s it, angel… just relax for me… Good girl, look at that.”
“Ouch–” You whimpered quietly, gripping his arm for support. “It… it hurts. Aaron—”
“I know, baby, I know,” he whispered sympathetically, peppering your cheeks with soft kisses. “You’re doing great for me, angel.”
You hummed shakily as you let him bury himself deeper, feeling more of his pulsating cock deep down your cunt. Aaron propped himself above you, scanning your face with obvious worry. His hand was gentle as he caressed your cheek, brushing the strands of hair away from your sweaty face.
“You look so beautiful, baby…” He gave you a sweet smile before placing a featherlight kiss on your forehead, then the tip of your nose, down to your lips.
You keened at his softness. “You can move now, d-daddy. Please... I can take it…”
“Of course you can, sweetling. Daddy just wants to be careful.”
THE ENDING AAAAAAAAAA! This is originally a request but I accidentally deleted the first draft 😅 Hehehehe sorry, Anon! Hope you like this! 🫶🏼
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sunasbon · 3 months
toji finding out we have a choking kink
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୨୧ sum : toji finiding out you have a choking kink.
ઉ warnings : 18 + content, choking, mating press, overstim, slight mean toji , dumbflication etc, toji has a tounge piercing..🙂‍↕️
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“. . filthy cunt suckin’ me in already . ?” toji kissed his teeth, having you laid against the mattress. your legs leant back behind your head trying to desperately hold yourself upright resting your calves onto his board shoulders, toes all curling up. the faint smirk spreads across his face as one his free hands latch onto the back of your thigh, steadily rocking his hips back and forth feeling the warmth of your walls greedily clasped around him, squeezing him in tight every single time — your fairly certain starting to think your going stupid on his dick, precisely what he wants.
“. .toji . .wait..!” you chewed onto your bottom lip whining feeling the length of his fat mushroom tip massaging your sopping pussy invitingly, thawing his hips up against your ass feeling your tummy flutter. your nails dragging upwards on the flat of his back feeling your vision fuzzy as the he shifts his body urging your legs folding squeezing against your chest, leaning his board body into yours pressing his chest into you. that arrogant smirk paints his face, his piercing gaze never faulted basking in your figure haulting his pace of hips—shortly he puffed out his chest, rolling his eyes sharply peering downward at you . “. . what little girl. . .? . .you that already dumb on my dick? . . or somethin’. your head resting to the side, exhaling a sharp breath rising and falling from your chest trying to muster up enough courage to ask him — the simple question on the tip your tongue swallows hastily biting the bullet of things.
“w-well . . could you . maybe..— um choke me .?” you finally mumbling off the words roll off your tongue smoothly. toji quirks a brow, the flat of his tongue licking a stripe up towards the side of your neck tasting your tingly skin, feeling the cool metal of the tongue piercing slightly brushing fairy over your feverish form — not enough to actually hurt you. your body quavering underneath his posing form, candid eye piercing into you — a raspy chuckle deep within his chest, he firmly let go one of your thigh, sliding his free hand toward your throat, squeezing it lightly.
“. mm . . wonder how tight.. y’er pussy gets with my hand around you like this . . ?” toji coos, continuing driving his hips into yours, feeling the familiar sensation in the deep pit of your tummy, you arched your back dragging your nails against his beefy forearms — jaw clenched tight as he felt the quaint sting form the starches of your nails, the clear sheen of sweat across his forehead pressing against yours as the friction of your nipples rasping against one another — his prominent hand, squeezing down on your throat.
the clear sheen of sweat across his forehead pressing against yours as the friction of your nipples rasping against one another - his prominent hand, squeezing down your throat. the warmth of your walls of your cunt gushing around him tittering you on edge — a glob of drool spills out the inner corner of your mouth. gaping open feeling your throat becoming parched, with the way his mushroom tip jerked against your form shifting his weight around, legs writhing as your muscles tightened, sucking him in by the minute. the sheer clear of your arousal coating at the base - you pressed a hand against your tummy, the bulge of his dick hitting into your sweet spot, your starting vision a hazy- a blisstul sight. "'. .toji!.s'close..shitshit..!"
“..yeah . . y’er pussy likes when i hit this spot doesn’t she. . .? the scent of musk and sweat waffling in the air, feeling your body arch upward into his body, the prolixity of skin slapping, his back muscle tenses up— a dry groan slipping from glossy his lips, feeling his balls tightening and draw up into a frenzy grasping your tightly ensuring you wouldn’t run —brows knitting together. “ that’s . . it want me to stuff this tight pussy . ? yeah? . .” toji hissed, the faint grin splayed across his face — your shut your eyes tightly clamping down onto his base, body shuddering out and jerking in his hold, dragging your hips against his pelvis, his body shuddering chest heaving up and down— feeling his hips slowing as you tensed up slowly against the mattress, basking in toji muscles tensing up, the white ring of his cum forming at the base —not pulling out of you just yet, the bed still creaking underneath the weight of you both, the legs of the leaning to side, snapping leaving just the mattress standing. “ . . fuck . . toj that was expensive . .!
“heh . . im not paying for it . .good luck.”
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slytherin boys or mattheo riddle as a dad please?
Slytherin Boys as Dads
Request: slytherin boys or mattheo riddle as a dad please?
Hi! So sorry for the wait, this one took me a while for some reason. I was kinda vague with these, but hopefully you like them. Thank you for the request :)
(Warnings: mentions of bad home lives, insecurity, let me know if i missed anything)
Theodore Nott:
deathly afraid of being anything like his own family or father. he’d be a little apprehensive about having kids in the first place, but he’d eventually be more open to the idea once you promised to be there every step of the way and take things slow. 
the proudest dad ever. the type of dad to clap and cheer once they use the bathroom on their own for the first time. he literally wouldn’t care (within reason) how good they’re doing at a sport or in school, he’s just proud that they’re putting in effort.
he’s got a short temper. i think he’d get a little snappy, and then immediately regret it once the tears started or they got angry and snapped back. he’d put on a brave face in the moment, but he’d for sure cry about it later to you.
he has such a way with words, and he’s so imaginative. they’d ask him kid shit that makes no sense, and he’s just deadpan answering them without hesitation. and it would be like that even when the kids were grown and moving out of the house. he just knows the right thing to say.
wouldn’t want a lot of kids. he’s too easily overwhelmed, and although he’s got the love to go around, he just can’t stomach the idea of being responsible for that many lives. one or two is enough for him, and he’d love them with all of his heart.
Every milestone your little girl met had Theo in shambles. No matter how big or small, he treated every single one of them like she had cured cancer or won an Olympic gold medal. When she started growing more independent and wanting to do things on her own, it wasn’t any different.
Theo came into your room after saying goodnight to your daughter, tears welling in his eyes. 
You stumbled out of bed to approach him, holding him steady by his shoulders when he wavered. “What happened? Are you alright, love?”
“She made her own bed,” he said, letting out a shaky breath. “She didn’t want me to tuck her in. She said she wanted to try doing it on her own this time. And she did it so well.”
You could feel your heart warm, wrapping your arms around Theo’s shoulders. You gently rocked him back and forth, running your hand through his hair. He pulled back, quickly wiping under his eyes.
“Sorry,” he mumbled, a sheepish smile on his face. “She’s just so smart.”
“Don’t be sorry, love. Just wait till she gets to Hogwarts. She’ll be top of her class, just like her Dad was.”
Your words sent him spiraling again, his cheeks paling. You chuckled, bringing your hand up to hook a finger under his chin, turning him to look at you. You spoke gently, giving him a warm smile.
“But that’s not for a long time. We’ve still got years with her before she does something substantial for us to fawn over her for. Let’s not worry about it yet.”
Theo groaned, shaking his head. “I’m always worried.”
You smiled, wrapping your arms around his middle. You rested your cheek against his chest, listening to the faint thump of his heart.
“Did you ever see this coming for us?” He mumbled, resting his cheek on the top of your head. “Back at Hogwarts, I can remember wanting a life with you. But this isn’t what I was picturing. I used to not even want kids—Merlin, how could I have not wanted kids?”
You shrugged, closing your eyes and breathing him in. “I always knew you would be a good Dad. I pictured some sort of family with you.”
Before Theo could respond, your little girl came around the corner into your room, immediately running for Theo’s leg. She wrapped herself around him, playfully hanging from his pant leg.
“What are you doing out of bed, silly girl?” You asked, bending down to scoop her up.
“I have a question,” she babbled, absentmindedly reaching her hand up to squeeze your nose.
You laughed, passing her over to Theo. “Ask your Dad. I’m sure he’s got an answer.”
She wrapped her arm around Theo’s neck, tiredly rubbing her eyes. Theo looked down at her adoringly, patiently waiting for her to ask her question. 
“Why can’t I see my eyes? I can see your eyes and Mum’s eyes, but not mine. Why?”
You had to stifle a giggle, turning your face so your little girl wouldn’t see you laughing. But when you looked back up, Theo was just smiling down at her, like it was the most normal thing she had said to him all day. 
“I’ll tell you, and then it’s off to bed with you, darling,” he explained, brushing his thumb across her cheek. “You see with your eyes—through your eyes. That’s why you can’t normally see them themselves. But technically, you can see your eyes. Do you want me to show you, pretty girl?”
She looked up at him with wide eyes, nodding excitedly. Theo grinned, chuckling as he looked over at you. He nodded towards the bathroom where the mirror was, shifting your little girl on his hip. 
“I’ll be right back,” he said to you, before whisking your daughter off to the bathroom.
They giggled together all the way down the hall.
Lorenzo Berkshire:
the sweetest most dedicated man in the early stages. he would NEVER let you do more work than him. you’re not climbing up high, you’re not lifting something heavy, you’re not doing anything that keeps you on your feet. he’s BOLTING to beat you to it.
would give no fucks about gender. i think he’d absolutely adore having a little girl, but a boy is just as good. because he’d get to raise him up into a man the both of you are proud of.
gets overwhelmed easily for sure. would absolutely stress about not doing enough or upsetting the kids, and you’d have to remind him that he’s an incredible dad, and how he’s only human. making mistakes is gonna happen, there’s nothing you can do but keep going and try your best.
100% going all out for any sport/extracurricular they get involved in. he’s their number one fan.
probably the gentler parent. he’d try his best to be stern with them, but he just doesn’t have it in him to upset them. tears would literally break his heart, so you’d probably have to take on the more serious role.
You had two kids with Enzo, a girl and a boy. They adored their father—as they should. He was sweet and loving and hardly ever said no. But that was the problem…he hardly ever said no. 
And it got the best of him today.
The kids came bursting through the door, running into the kitchen with Enzo hot on their heels. He was carrying bags from the new toy store in Diagon Alley, a distressed look on his face as your children ran up to you to show you their new toys. You gave them a tight smile, faking enthusiasm.
“Very cool! How about we help Dad take them to your rooms, yeah? You need to eat before you play with them.”
“No,” your little boy whined, trying to dig in the bags Enzo was struggling to carry. “I wanna play now!”
Enzo let out a sigh, his voice strained. “Listen to your Mother—”
“We wanna play!” Your little girl screamed, her little cheeks flushing.
She turned around to root through the bags with her brother, when one ripped and the toys clambered to the floor. They scattered, and Enzo finally reached his limit. 
“That’s it!” He shouted, hoisting the bags up to set them on the countertop where they couldn’t reach. “That’s enough. You’re going to eat your dinner, and you’re never allowed to yell at your Mother again! Do you both hear me?”
Your kids stopped in their tracks, looking up at him with wide eyes. He might as well have slapped them—that was how they were looking up at him. Like he had hurt them worse than he ever had before. They were being dramatic, of course. You had scolded them far worse than that in their lives. But Enzo was never one to yell. He hardly ever raised the voice around the kids, it hurt him too much to do it. You looked up from their faces to Enzo’s.
And the look on his face was heartbreaking.
“I’m sorry,” Enzo stuttered out, unable to say anything else.
You could tell he felt terrible. His eyes were glazed over, and his hands were shaking at his side. You quickly scooped the toys off the floor, shoving them back into their bags. You bent down to speak to your children, grabbing each of their hands.
“Alright…everyone breathe. You two, I’m going to take you to your rooms. I expect you to be ready for dinner in ten minutes. And if you behave—and you apologize to your Dad and I for not listening to what we asked you to do—we’ll let you open up a few toys and play with them later. Your Dad was very nice to get you all of these things, and you both need to act like it.”
Your little ones looked up at the both of you, batting their eyes. You could feel your anger slip away as they watched you, their little cute faces scrunching up. 
It wasn’t fair—they were too adorable to be mad at.
“We’re sorry, Mum,” your little girl said.
Your boy nodded. “Yeah, we’re sorry Dad. We didn’t mean to yell.”
“I know, my loves,” you smiled, squeezing their hands. “Neither did Dad. It’s alright…everyone is just a little tired. Thank you for saying you’re sorry. Keep that attitude up, and your Dad and I will be happy to play with you after dinner.”
Your children giggled and ran off to their rooms with bright smiles on their faces, like nothing had happened at all. 
Your husband, however, was steel reeling. As soon as they were out of the room, you turned to him. His face was full of regret, his eyes sad. You frowned, opening your arms.
“Come here, sweet boy,” you murmured, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. “You did so good. You’re okay.”
“I didn’t mean to yell,” he choked out into your shoulder, holding you tight.
You just shook your head, shushing him. “You had every right to. I love them to death, but they can be brats—and they know their Dad loves them too much to tell them no. You saw them, Enzo. They’ve already gotten over it. Don’t beat yourself up over this, love.”
Enzo sniffled into your shoulder. You held him tighter, gently rocking him back and forth as he leaned into you. It was quiet while you looked over his shoulder to the bags still on the counter, toys spilling out of the top of them.
You chuckled, pressing a kiss to his shoulder. “You’re such a good Dad. They’re gonna be glued to you for weeks after they open all of those.”
“I’m sorry you had to take the lead. I should be better at this by now. I just can’t handle it when they look at me like that.”
You heard a clattering, and looked over to see your kids in the next room, politely sitting at the table. They were giggling to themselves, on their best exaggerated behavior so that they could earn back time with their toys. It was adorable, and it brought a smile to your face. You looked up to see Enzo smiling as well, despite his anxiousness.
“How do they look now?” You asked, reaching for his hand. “Because to me, it looks like they’re on their best behavior so they can play with their lovely toys that their even lovelier Dad got for them. It looks to me like they want to play with their Dad so bad, that they endured—Merlin forbid—washing their hands and setting the table just to do it.”
Enzo chuckled, squeezing your hand. “It does look like that, doesn’t it? Well, let’s not keep them waiting, darling. We have bags full of toys and two lovely children waiting for us.”
Mattheo Riddle:
girl dad girl dad girl dad
absolutely gonna have a meltdown raising little girls because it means he’s gotta start kicking some little shit’s ass for hurting one of his daughters. you’d seriously have to hold him back once they start showing interest in dating, because he’s not ready for them to be that grown up.
absolutely an affectionate parent. hugs and kisses before bed, he didn’t make the rules he just enforces them. he’d want his kids to feel like there was never a point in their life where they were too old for a cuddle.
deathly afraid of fucking them up. he’d rely on you in the early stages to help him along, but he’d really get the hang of it fast. later on in their lives he’d wonder what he was even so worried about.
would absolutely adore you after you give him kids. he would never whine about being stuck with diaper duty or homework because you already did so much giving him his girls. it’s only fair that he takes care of them—including you.
During Christmas break, your girls came home giggling. It took you days to get them to finally tell you what was going on, and you made them swear not to tell their Dad what happened. They had both met someone they liked over the term and had asked you to help them owl them.
“As a woman, I’m thrilled,” you explained, speaking in a hushed whisper in the kitchen. “And I want to hear all about it. But as your Mother, I’m begging you not to tell your Dad. Do you remember what First Year was like and you two came home talking about all the cute boys at school?”
Your eldest groaned in her chair, looking at her sister. “We’re silent till summer, got it?”
“Got it.”
You woke up the next morning to shouting coming from the kitchen. You rushed out of bed to find your two eldest sitting at the table, their heads in their hands. Mattheo was standing across from them, your youngest in his arms innocently looking up at him.
Your eldest looked up once you walked in. “Help. I’m begging you.”
“Mattheo,” you scolded, giving him a stern look. “They’re our girls—they’re smart, and they’re ready for this. You should be happy they came to one of us first.”
“But they’re my little girls,” he whined, shutting his mouth when your eldest piped in. 
“We’re not little, Dad. Not anymore.”
You watched his face fall, his chest tightening. You gently took your youngest from his arms, passing her to her sisters. You motioned to the living room, nodding your head. 
“Go sit down for a bit, girls. We’ll be right out, yeah?”
They nodded, filing out together. You could hear them whispering as they sat on the couch, giggling. You turned back to Mattheo, gently guiding him backwards until he fell into a seat. He looked up at you with a pout, heaving out a sigh. 
You smiled down at him, brushing your thumb across his cheek. “Do you remember when we met at Hogwarts? We were so lucky that I was smart enough for the both of us. Who knows what kind of trouble we could have gotten into if I let you lead.”
“We got into enough trouble,” he murmured, his tone sour.
You rolled your eyes, reaching down to grip his hands. You leaned forward, your knees knocking with his. 
“Listen to me. Our girls are smart—they’ve got their Mother’s intuition, thank Merlin for that. And one day, they’re gonna grow up. But that’s a far day from today. They’re not getting married, love. It’s just a crush. They want to send an owl.”
You squeezed his hands, nodding for him to turn his head to look out into the living room. He turned to see your girls all sitting on the couch together, the youngest in the eldest’s lap. Your older girls were making faces and sounds, trying to get the little one to laugh. She was looking up at her sisters with wide eyes and a bright smile, breathy chuckles pulled from her chest. You smiled, turning back to Mattheo. 
You hooked your finger under his jaw, turning him back to face you. “They’re still your little girls, Matty…they’ll always be your little girls. But we have to help them grow into women. And they need their Dad to help them do that.”
Mattheo sighed, leaning forward to rest his forehead against your stomach. You threaded your fingers through his hair, holding him close to you.
“You’re my best girl, you know that?” He murmured into your stomach.
A warm feeling spread through your chest as you smiled. Your daughters interrupted you before you could speak, the middle one shielding hers and the youngest’s eyes. 
“Ew! Stop being gross, Dad!”
Mattheo chuckled, leaning back to look up at you. He glanced over at his daughters, absentmindedly reaching for one of your hands. He interlaced your fingers together, letting out a—this time, content—sigh.
“You’re right. It is going to be a far day.”
Regulus Black:
i feel like regulus would be a very chill parent.
i don’t think he particularly likes children, but he would love his own. he’d adore them when they were all little and cute.
he definitely would be really good at disciplining them. he never has to raise his voice or get physical, he just gives them a look and calmly explains to them what he expects, and they’re content to listen to him. it’s so different than how he was raised, and he would promise you that he’d do better with them than his parents did with him.
he’d be really afraid of hurting them like his parents did. you’d have to assure him every time he felt like he was doing a bad job with them.
when they’re older, they’re totally momma’s boys and girls. when they’re children they couldn’t get enough of him, but as they get older they’d start leaning towards you. he wouldn’t even mind the favoritism, because you’re his favorite too, of course his kids would be smart like their dad.
You and Regulus had a little boy and a little girl together, the boy a few years older than the girl. Sometimes your little boy would play a little rough with her, not understanding that he was too big to be getting that excited with her. 
You’d catch them in the yard, him chasing her around while she dawdled and squealed. You watched through the window, calling Regulus over to come watch. Regulus smiled as he came from your bedroom, rubbing sleep from his eyes as he peered out the window. But your little girl tripped after a while, and your boy was quick to tumble after her, laughing as he fell. He was still giggling when he sat back up, but she sat up with tears streaming down her face.
You quickly rushed out the back door, panic settling in your chest. “What did I tell you about playing rough with your sister? She’s too little, darling!”
You tried your best to remain calm, but you just couldn’t do it. Regulus, however, was as calm as ever. He followed you out the door, walking over to scoop up your daughter. He sat down in the grass with her, cradling her in his lap.
“What happened, sweetheart?” He asked her, gently shushing her. “You’re alright, it’s okay. Just breathe.”
While you were too busy calming yourself down, you failed to pick up on the shock on your little boy’s face. He was wide eyed, taking rapid breaths. Once your girl was calm, Regulus held his arm out for your boy.
“It’s alright. Everyone is fine. We just have to be careful, yeah? Can you remember that?”
Your boy nodded, and Regulus gave him a grateful smile, pulling him in for a hug. You watched in awe, finally pulling yourself together. You took a breath, sitting down in the grass next to your kids. Your little girl was quick to switch to your lap, wrapping her arms around your waist. You hugged her tight to you, smoothing your hand over her hair.
“I’m sorry for snapping at you,” you said, reaching your free hand for your boy’s. “You just scared me. I know you didn’t mean it.”
Regulus nodded, giving you a smile before grinning down at his kids. “Lots of excitement this morning, huh? Barely nine in the morning and we’ve already given your poor mum a heart attack. I vote we spend the rest of the morning inside, yeah?”
Your kids nodded, standing up and running inside like nothing had happened. Regulus stood after, offering his hands to you before pulling you up and into his chest. You pressed your cheek into him as you hugged him, letting out a breath.
“You’re a good dad.”
Regulus smiled to himself, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “You’re a good mum, darling. The best.”
A/N - Hi! Hope you liked these! Thank you again for the request, I really enjoyed writing this :)
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rainydayathogwarts · 3 months
"please, please, please, don't bring me to tears when I just did my makeup so nice."
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"Come on baby, I know you can do better than that." Eddie grunted, caressing your cheek as he softly thrusted his hips into your open mouth. You whined, blinking away tears as the tip of his cock hit the back of your throat, your hand resting on his thigh, weakly stopping him from pushing deeper into your throat as saliva gathered in the corners of your mouth.
"Love it when you're a wreck." He mumbled, shutting his eyes softly when you pressed your tongue onto the underside of his dick. Eddie's hand snaked through your hair, closing into a fist so he could push you closer to his pelvis, your nose now grazing the trimmed hairs at the base of his balls. Squeaking, your nails unconsciously dug into your boyfriend's thighs, knees starting to burn from the carpet's inconvenient pattern. Your eyes watered again, a single tear drop rolling down your cheek at the burn in your throat. "All dolled up for me, and for what?" Eddie groaned, rocking his hips back and forth as you made doe eyes up at him.
A calloused thumb wiped the tear on your face, smudging the mascara on your bottom lashes, leaving a trail of black on your cheekbone. Your hand wrapped around the base of his cock and you pushed your mouth off his dick, sucking weakly at his sensitive tip. "Wanted to look good for you Eds." You mumble, eyes fixed on where your red lipstick has left a print on your boyfriend's cock, before taking him in your mouth once more.
"Yeah, well you should know better to do your makeup so nice around me. Only makes me want to ruin it." He says one last time before roughly starting to thrust his hips again.
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bustedshit · 5 months
I had like some ideas on what kind of stims I'd think the Tf2 characters would have
Scout - vestibular stims. rocking back and forth even in chairs that don't rock. This will cause him to fall over in his chair often. Also Head banging like he's playing music in his own head and waving his fingers around like he's playing drums
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Medic - random biting and chewing. Doesn't care if there's blood on him or not that's considered a bonus. Also doesn't care if it's another team mate. Chews on his lip quite often which results in bloody torn lips. All of his pencils and pens are probably ruined
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Soldier - he's a pacer, he can not sit still for the life of him. Even sitting down hes got to bounce his leg and or tap his knees.
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Engineer - rearranges things a lot. Nothing will ever be in the same place for long. If he has a breakdown he will turn his whole workshop upside down and make it look like a whole new place.
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Heavy - huge bone cracker. Knuckles, neck, back. Does it countless times during the day even if they don't manage to crack everytime.
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Demo - Def a hair twirler. Mostly when he's working and tinkering at his bombs he's just twirling curls around his finger. I think it helps keep him focused.
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Spy - HAS to keep his hands occupied. Hints the whole fiddling with the butterfly knife thing. Even by himself when he's reading he will just fold the corners of a page back and forth because he has to move his hands.
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Sniper - subtle but makes mouth noises. Like clicking, bird calls. Even when he's concentrating on a kill he's clicking away or mumbling about.
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Pyro - more obvious ones, like clapping and tapping thier feet when they're overly excited. Probably has a severe texture problem. Hates the feeling of cotton and engineers oil rags
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allaboutsturns · 4 months
christopher sturniolo x reader
content/warning(s): fluff, lego building, kissing, tickling, swearing.
summary: you bought a flower bouquet lego set and were struggling to figure out how you were meant to build it when your boyfriend chris walks into your shared room and offers to help.
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you stared at the scattered array of orange, yellow, white, and green lego pieces that decorated the hard wood floor of you and your boyfriends shared bedroom with an annoyed expression painted across your face, “ugh!!” you groaned, impatience starting to boil through your veins.
you had been trying to put together this lego bouquet for probably thirty minutes now, but with each attempt came failure. you just couldn’t figure it out and you were too stubborn to ask for help. you knew if someone offered help, you’d take it without hesitation.
“this is really starting to piss me offfffff!” you huffed. you heard footsteps walking down the stairs towards the bedroom that you were in. instead of getting up to greet whoever was approaching, you placed your head in your hands allowing defeat to cast a shadow over your body.
you rocked back and forth in your criss-cross position on the floor. you heard the door open which was followed by a little chuckle, “baby, what are you doing?” a familiar voice asked. you groaned before throwing your hands up into the air as a surrender.
“i can’t figure out this damn lego set,” you mumbled as you jutted your bottom lip out into a fake pout, finally looking up at the boy who had entered the room. it was your boyfriend, chris. he was wearing a black hoodie and grey sweatpants.
“well i don’t think you’ll be able to figure it out without the manual for one,” chris said with furrowed brows as he grabbed the manual out of the small garbage can that resided in the corner of the room. you rolled your eyes at him, too stubborn to fully admit he was right, “well… yeah..” you grumbled.
“and two, the pieces are scattered everywhere, ma,” he paused as he scanned the floor, finally continuing, “you have to keep the pieces organized.” he said with a small laugh as he walked over to you, patting your head gently before sitting down next to you.
“can i help?” he asked before planting a small kiss to the tip of your nose. you felt a smile tug at the corners of your lips as you nodded, “yes please,” you answered, finally letting the smile take full control of your expression.
chris smiled back, planting another gentle kiss to your lips. you smiled into the kiss before pulling away and looking at the unorganized mess of lego pieces in front of the two of you, “okay so… organize?” you asked. chris nodded his head as he hummed a response, “mhm!”
the two of you began organizing orange with orange, yellow with yellow, white with white, and green with green.
after you finished organizing the pieces, chris picked up the manual that he had placed on the floor next to him a couple minutes previously. he flipped it open to the first page of instructions and you leaned over, laying your head on his shoulder as you looked over the page with him.
“okay so these pieces,” he started, pointing at the green pieces, “go like this,” he continued, now pointing at the picture representation on the instructions. he placed the manual down, in front of the two of you this time, leaving it open to the first page.
you both began grabbing pieces and connecting them together. sometimes you would pick up a piece he needed and would hand it to him, vice versa.
after about thirty minutes, you and chris placed the final lego piece onto the build together. with one final click, you guys had finished.
“we did it!!” you cheered. chris laughed and pulled you into him, kissing your head and face excitedly. you couldn’t help but giggle at how cute he was.
you laid in his arms as you both looked at your completed lego masterpiece. after about five minutes of just looking at your hard work, you felt chris’s body shift and you looked up at him. he looked down at you and a mischievous smile crept across his face. you shook your head and tried to escape his grasp but it was too late, he was already tickling you.
“chris! shit- no! please! stop- oh my god!!” you screamed through a laughing fit. you tried to wiggle free but couldn’t escape his grasp. you were both laughing uncontrollably.
all that could be heard from your room were squeals and screeches and laughter, “baby, stopppp!!” you begged, laughing so hard that tears began to form at your waterline.
“fineeee,” he sighed with a fake pout as he stopped tickling you, “your laugh is just too damn cute,” he mumbled. you rolled your eyes and playfully punched him in the arm, “you’re the worst!” you said with a giggle. he smiled and kissed your forehead.
“i love you so fucking much, ma.” he whispered, pulling you into him as close as he could. you nuzzled into his chest and wrapped your arms around his waist, “i love you, baby.” you replied as you closed your eyes.
chris ran his fingers through your hair gently as you both sat on the floor tangled in each other. it was moments like these that you both held so close to your hearts. this was a memory you would never forget, “i wish i could just freeze time and stay in this moment forever,” you whispered into his chest quietly. him playing with your hair was lulling you to sleep.
“me too, gorgeous, me too,” he said quietly, “but i’m also glad that we can’t freeze time here because that means i get to make more memories like this with you, more memories that we won’t ever forget.” chris said as he kissed the top of your head. you smiled and nodded, “you’re right.. i love you more than anything.” you spoke the words ‘i love you’ again. you couldn’t help it, you really did love him more than anything and if you could say it to him a million times in a day you would.
“i love you more than anything, ma.” he reciprocated.
eventually you fell asleep in his arms on the floor. he noticed because your breathing slowed and your grip on him loosened a bit. he gently stood up and picked you up bridal style, walking you over to your guys’ bed. he placed you in the bed gently and tucked you in, walking over and turning the lights off before grabbing the lego bouquet the two of you built and putting it on his desk, “i’ll find a little vase for you tomorrow.” he whispered quietly to the bouquet, giving it a little boop before walking over to his side of the bed and climbing in.
he gently pulled you as closely into him as he could and kissed the back of your head before closing his eyes and falling asleep. your breathing synced as you both slept peacefully, dreaming about more memories you hoped to make with each other.
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divider by: @/Kafekitsune
MORE CHRIS FLUFF!!! i’m obsessed w him he’s js so cute (IM A MATT GIRL 4LIFE THO!!) i love building legos so i js had to make one about the reader and one of the triplets building a lego set together. HOPE YOU ENJOYED! (writers block has been kicking my ass btw so i hope this isn’t like… terrible LMAO)
- ace <3
taglist: @whoisabbyysblog @mattyblover07 @b2cute @samandcolbyfan22 @h3arts4harry @nickgetsmewetter
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therainywriter · 9 months
Missed You 18+ (Smut/Fluff)
Pairing: Mike Schmidt x F!Reader
Abby had you on the floor, coloring with her as she simultaneously watched an old cartoon. She kicked her feet back and forth, eyes slowly growing heavy as she fought back sleep.
You suppressed a smile, knowing she was waiting for Mike to come home, she always did. It was an endearing thing and showed just how much she loved him. Even if he sometimes thought otherwise.
You were growing drowsy yourself and stood with a yawn, “Let’s put you to bed kiddo,” you mumbled to her sweetly, having adopted the nickname from Mike.
She seemed to ponder over your words for a moment before she reluctantly gathering her things. You put her papers and crayons away as she snuggled into bed.
You tucked her in and turned off the lights, pausing when her voice called out to you, “Will you leave the door cracked.. please?”
You nodded, “Of course, sweet dreams Abby,” you said softly, heart melting when she whispered goodnight.
You did as she asked and left the door cracked before you made your way back into the living room. You cleaned up what little mess the two of you had made and curled up on the couch.
The house was quiet aside of mumbling voices on the TV, you were warm and cozy, cuddled so snugly in the corner that you hadn’t even realized you’d fallen asleep.
You awoke just as Mike was closing the front door. He gave you a tired smile as he took off his boots and joined you on the couch.
He pulled you onto him, letting you stay tucked within your fluffy blankets. You hummed, laying your head on his chest, pressing a kiss there as he sighed.
“Rough night?” you asked with a gentle frown, looking up at his pretty brown eyes.
“Yeah,” he said quietly, voice weary. He pressed a kiss against your forehead, working his way down until he met your lips.
“Missed you,” he whispered, pulling you closer as his mouth moved slowly against yours.
You gripped onto his shirt, moaning softly in response. You missed him too, terribly so.
He’d been gone more often than not recently, you’d even debated driving down to that old pizzeria just to see him.
He grabbed your legs and positioned them around his waist before grabbing your hips to rock you against him.
His head fell back, lips parting from yours as he moved you how he pleased. You hid at his neck, one hand grasping arm as the other griped his shoulder.
You whined when he thrust his hips up against you, jeans hard against your soft pajamas. The friction had you squirming, a familiar throb forming between your legs.
“Wanna fuck you,” he groaned, reaching down to slide his hand in your cotton shorts. He swiped his middle finger along your wet folds, rubbing at your pussy a little before slipping his finger into his mouth.
“M’ gonna fuck you,” he said, voice strained in a hush, “right now.”
You whimpered at the promise, letting him lift you up and carry you to his bed. He carefully kicked the door shut behind him, the action silent and swift before he laid you onto his bed.
He stripped you of your shorts and panties, leaving you in only his large, plain shirt. You bit back a moan when his hand went back to your cunt, middle finger pushing into your slick heat.
Mike cursed to himself, dick straining in his pants as he fucked you with his finger, soon adding another, rubbing and pushing into you.
Your body was hot and aching, walls clenching around his digits. You were close, oh so close when he stopped entirely.
“Please,” you nearly cried, pleas silencing when his cock replaced his fingers. The stretch of it both painful and pleasurable.
He hadn’t even bothered taking his jeans off, wanting too badly to feel your warm, wet pussy around him.
He moaned into your shoulder, “So, so good baby.”
His thrusts were slow but rough, each pushing you further into the mattress as he intertwined his hands with yours.
It didn’t take long for him to speed up, fucking you just as he’d said he would. You were a flustered mess, holding back moans after each meaningful drive into your cunt.
You squeezed around him, eyes shutting as your hands tightened their grip on his. Your hips moved up into his, needy and wanting.
He leaned down, lips pressing against your ear as soft huffs escaped his mouth, “That’s it princess, want you to cream on my cock.”
His words sent you over the edge, pussy milking him as you came undone. He ground down onto your clit, thrusting into you until he pulled out and shot hot ropes of cum on your stomach.
He let his body engulf you as he rest on top of your smaller form, the weight was comforting.
“Wish I would’ve done that weeks ago,” he mumbled, kissing the soft flesh of your neck.
You yawned, fingers playing with his as a smile crept onto your lips, “Me too..”
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