#*throws up hands* - please treat with understanding lol
lanwangjihouse · 2 years
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always-just-red · 3 days
Hii! I've seen some Pregnancy scenario with LaD's men, but I have this HC-- personally for Sylus. That when fem!reader got pregnant, he didn't really understand how the Pregnancy hormones work, until he experienced one and he got confused how he should act or react because it's feels like he's walking on landime, one wrong move/word, she'd throwing tantrum or being sulky at him
I've heard from my Friend who got pregnant before, when she craving something and her Husband showing any form that he can't fulfill what she's craves, she felt her heart broken, and she'd sulk and acted as if he just cheated on her. The problem is, she always craved something that didn't even exist at that moment😂, she's craving certain type of Mango while it's not even that Mango season, so nobody selling it. He literally being desperate to negotiate with her cravings
So... Can I request a scenario smiliar like that? It doesn't have to be mango, or any foods. Just... how Pregnancy hormones or Cravings could make Sylus got frustated lol
Aaaaa anon this is adorable, thank you! We love making Sylus suffer in cute and harmless ways. He's always asking for trouble, so let's give him some! 😌💅
Something Sweet
Sylus x Reader 🩸
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Summary: Sylus knows how to get what he wants. Getting what you want might be a little more tricky...
Genre: fluff!
Warnings/Additional tags: female!reader, IMPLIED pregnant!reader (pregnancy not actually mentioned or described- just hormones being hormones ✌), established relationship, canon pet names, a lil bit of roleplay because Sylus refuses to leave his Mystic Adventure era
| Word count: 2.1k | Masterlist |
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Love and Deepspace. All work is my own, so please don't repost or plagiarise!
“Sy, d’you know what I’m craving right now?”
“Always, sweetie.” Sylus doesn’t look up from his book. “Not now, though. I’m tired.”
Morning sunlight streams through the gaps in your living room curtains, casting pale yellow shapes over the floor. A shard of it has been inching over the sofa towards Sylus, the sharp edge now grazing the side of his face. He shifts, ever so slightly, away from its touch. His eyes are open but heavy.
“No,” you scold, leaning forwards to swat at him with your book. “That’s not what I meant, you narcissist.”
He chuckles with his usual low timbre— his gaze still not lifting— and the sound is deeper for how close he is to sleep. He wants to give in to it, you can tell. When he turns a page, the movement is languid, soft. You’re losing him.
“Sy,” you say again, then with more of a whine: “Sylus.”
His eyes flutter closed as he draws in a deep breath. His hand raises, his fingers stretching to pull his reading glasses from his face. They’re set down on the arm of the chair beside him, along with the book, and he turns to you with a smile. “What are you craving, sweetie?”
You rest your book on your stomach. Your legs are stretched out over Sylus’s lap, and his hand finds one of your feet, massaging an ache from it as you begin your speech. “Do you remember that café we used to go to? The one we found when it started raining in the park that day? We didn’t think it was open, but then the owner knocked on the window and said we could—”
“Yeah?” His hand moves to your other foot.
“Well, they make these—”
“You remember?”
His smile widens like he remembers vividly. “Kitten, how could I forget? I’m still jealous of that sweet little treat. You’ve never made that face for me, and believe me—” he wiggles one of your toes— “I’ve tried.”
That had been one of the only times you’d truly caught him off-guard, back when your feelings for one another were unnamed and uncharted. The rain had been drumming against the café window, and you’d heaved Sylus’s damp coat from your shoulders— giggled at the raised eyebrow and the sarcastic ‘…thanks’ he’d given in turn. One hot drink later, you were lifting a pastel pink macaron to your lips, taking a delicate bite and failing to stifle a tiny, almost euphoric moan.
You remember realising yourself: blushing profusely and expecting some remark, some ridicule, but none ever came. Sylus’s eyes were wide, dark, fixed upon your still parted mouth.
After a few of the longest seconds of your life, he’d dragged the plate with the rest of the macarons away from you and muttered something about how you had better not do that again.
“They’re still the sweetest things I’ve ever tasted,” you tease now, just as you’d wrestled him for that plate back then, set on eating every last macaron.
He makes a hmph as he idly runs a finger over the part of your foot he knows is ticklish. His expression is distinctly grumpy, but it falters as you laugh and try to writhe away from him.
You’re quickly out of breath. “Sylus?”
He glances up at you and you smile sweetly, head tilting. “Please?”
His coat on a rainy day. The entire plate of macarons in the end; he’s never been very good at denying you anything. For the first time since you’d stirred him from his book, however, he appears genuinely regretful. “You’re forgetting something, sweetie,” he murmurs gently. “Why did we stop going to that café, hmm?”
You shrug.
“It closed, kitten,” he sighs. “Months ago.”
Not only did you already know that— you actually visited the café on its final day. The owner was telling you stories: he was moving somewhere warmer, closer to family, and he needed all the funds he could get. Sylus had snuck an obscene amount of money into the man’s tip jar whilst you acted as a distraction. You both had fond memories of that place; it was nice to make one more.   
It's all coming back to you and you’re struck by a wave of nostalgia. You want to go back there. You can’t go back there. It doesn’t exist anymore, and you’ll never taste sweetness like that again.
Your mouth has gone dry.
“Sweetie?” Sylus prompts, because he notices you’re far away. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah,” your voice wobbles, “I just really wanted… I mean, I really needed one of those—”
“… Macarons?” he finishes for you.
You burst into tears, and one day, you’ll tally this as another time you took the man by surprise. His face drops instantly— lost, for a moment— before he slides your legs from his lap, allowing him to lean closer. “No, no, no,” he coos, “don’t cry, kitten, please. I didn’t mean to… well, I didn’t realise…”
He doesn’t know what to say, and he always knows what to say. He set you off with a single word and now he’s stuttering like sentences are all possible landmines. He tries his luck again, putting a foot forward: “Listen to me. I’ll go to the store. Would that be alright? Or perhaps there’s another café that could—”
You explode: sobbing even more viscerally. Your whole body shakes with it.
Sylus has frozen. He watches on helplessly as you cry, blabbering about the macarons you can’t have and the café you can’t return to. Across the room, even Mephisto has hunched down on his perch, though he issues a few, spirited squawks, maybe in solidarity with your breakdown, or maybe in protest of it.
It’s like a catalyst. You cry more: burying your face in your hands because what the hell is wrong with you? It’s not a big deal. It’s not a big deal, so why do you feel sick? And then there’s Sylus— your Sylus, devoted and adoring— and here you are, punishing him for something beyond his control.
You look up from your hands, desperate to apologise, but he’s gone. More shards of sunlight paint his empty seat and catch all that’s left of him: a few crow feathers, glistening like onyx. Mephisto is gone too, and the room is quiet, save for you snivelling and feeling sorry for yourself.
“Sylus?” you call out into the empty morning.
It isn’t his fault, not really. You wouldn’t want to be around you, either.
Something brushes over your cheek, and your tired eyes open.
The sun has ebbed back behind the curtains and the ceiling light has taken its place, casting artificial highlights over everything in reach: the coffee table, the closed-up flowers at its centre and a mug of tea that’s gone cold. Sylus is in front of you too, backlit and soft like a daydream, and he—
He left you.
“Sy?” you whisper warily, because the context is coming back to you slowly, piece by piece.
“Hey,” he coaxes, voice as honeyed as whatever’s turned the air sweet.
You blink, rubbing sleep from your eyes and relishing the warmth of his hand on your face. Then you slap his shoulder. “Hey, really? That’s all you’ve got— hey?”
He’s kneeling for you— on the floor, beside the couch— so you can meet his eyes. He settles his chin thoughtfully on the edge of the seat, his nose almost touching yours. “What would you prefer, sweetie?” His lips are close to yours too. “Good evening, my beloved? Greetings, my queen?”
“How about sorry?” you snap, because he isn’t cute and he isn’t charming.
He pouts. “Why sorry?”
“Because you left, Sylus!” You sit up straighter, and your phone tumbles out of your lap. Its screen is still lit-up from a few hours ago, showcasing a very one-sided conversation and a rant you never actually sent, because it’s still in the text box.
You vaguely recall writing it, so you try to snatch the phone from Sylus’s hand as he plucks it from the floor. He’s more alert than you. More co-ordinated. He keeps it out of your grasp as he reads the unsent message, an eyebrow raising.
It was a lot of things— colourful, creative— not entirely tasteful. “My, my, your highness,” he tuts, “so this is the treatment your valiant knight receives for undertaking your quest?”
“You’re not valiant,” you rebuke, and you manage to wrestle your phone from him. “You’re—”
“A heartless prick,” he finishes casually, quoting your message with a chuckle. He takes your free hand and kisses the back of it, refusing to let you pull away. “And whose fault is that, I wonder?”
“You can have your heart back.”
“Nope. You’re stuck with it, sweetie. With me, too. Now—” he sits back on his knees— “would you please ask me about my quest?”
The analogy is lost on you. You sit fully up, looking down at him. “What quest, oh valiant knight?”
His lips form a smirk; he just loves when you play along. “Close your eyes.”
You do— whether you’re queen or not. You hear him shifting aside, and then there’s a snap of his fingers. The air changes, warping like thick, liquid smoke, and you know he’s using his Evol. “Open,” he commands.
And there on the coffee table, freshly teleported, is a plate of macarons the colour of cherry blossoms. As if anticipating the comparison, Sylus pulls a handful of pink petals from his pocket and blows them up into the air so they can spiral down on the scene. He watches them. Then you. “Ta-da,” he proclaims, his tone dry but full of humour.
You’re prone to hyperbole nowadays, but this is without a doubt the best thing you have ever seen.
“Sylus,” you gasp in disbelief, “how did you—”
“It doesn’t matter,” he says; the story isn’t for today, and he’s very, very tired. A few weeks from now he’ll tell you about how he tracked down the contact information of the owner of the old café. How he spent an hour on the phone bargaining for a certain macaron recipe, and several more hours in the kitchen, trying to get them perfect. “Now, they might not be exactly the same, sweetie. But I did try to—”
You surge forwards, capturing his lips in a kiss. It’s so impulsive— so reckless— that you almost tumble down from the couch, but he catches you, steadies you, and your hand is gripping the soft of his hair as he kisses you back. Slowly, his mouth not leaving yours, he lifts you back into your seat.
“Easy, sweetie.” His voice is low as he pulls away, and though he turns his face from you, you can make out the blush on his cheeks. He settles back into his kneeling position on the floor. “I have one more surprise for you. Do try to control yourself.”
He retrieves a small, complete flower from his pocket, albeit one a little dreary from its journey. Sylus smiles triumphantly as he holds it out to you, and he was right; you do want to throw yourself at him. Instead, you take the flower and lean forwards, tucking it behind his ear before he can protest. He’d tilted closer to help you, and he sits back with an exasperated tsk when you’re done.
“It suits you,” you grin.
He yawns. “Everything does.”
You don’t want to get into trouble, so you shimmy to the very edge of your seat and carefully— showing tremendous restraint— reach out to take his face in your hands. “You’re amazing, Sy. Thank you for doing all of this for me, but…”
“I missed you. I like macarons, yeah,” you smile, “but I’d much rather have you.”
This time, he can’t hide his face and the way it goes pink, like the blossom behind his ear. His cheeks are warm beneath your palms. “You couldn’t have said that before I spent the whole day—”
His voice is strangled as you keel towards him— slow and deliberate— to thread your arms around him and pull him into a hug. He tenses for a moment, then wraps his arms around you too: holding you tightly, keeping you from falling any further. You can feel his hand stroking your back and he hums as you give him a gentle squeeze.
“Such a lovely moment, kitten,” he muses, your head on his shoulder. “I do hope it’s sincere, and not— say— an excuse for someone to get her paws on the macarons behind me.”
There’s another moment of quiet.
“Don’t be silly, Sy,” you retort, but your mouth is full, your cheeks are stuffed, and not a single word of it is intelligible.
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the-daily-dreamer · 2 years
can u explain why u dislike lucerys so much?
because atleast from my pov he was a 7year old child who thought his brother was going to die and retaliated against someone older and stronger than him with a weapon he didn’t even bring
also the bullying he was following his older brother and only companion as well as his much older uncle, an authority figure.
yes he should have apologised, but when should he have? when he was being treated by the maesters for his broken nose? when aemonds mother said to have his eye cut out? when he returned half a decade later and his uncle’s hatred was already there AND his own dislike likely pushed by his family?
lucerys definitely should’ve made amends but there are a lot of factors in it so i don’t rlly see the dislike? idk i just wanna have it explained, no hate just curious (:
Just going to preemptively say that I understand this isn’t hate, so anon, please know that if I have any sort of aggravated tone in this answer it’s not against you. I’m just very passionate about this topic lol
Also this is a crazy long post. Sorry y’all.
“…he was a 7 year old child who thought his brother was going to die and retaliated against someone older and stronger than him with a weapon he didn’t even bring”
When it comes to the fight, I’m mad at all four children who ganged up on an innocent kid and started beating him mercilessly. People love to focus on the fact that Aemond might have done something with that rock, but they completely erase the context, which is that he was tackled to the ground and being punched by four people.
The real context is that Aemond was on defense in that fight. He didn’t seek anyone out. He didn’t start the argument. He didn’t throw the first blow. All Aemond did was fight back to protect himself and grabbed a makeshift weapon to ensure he doesn’t get beaten by four people at once. He was in survival mode and doing anything to keep himself protected.
When it comes down to Lucerys in that fight. He had no business running in and joining in the group beating of another child. It wasn’t his fight. I understand he’s a child, but most kids understand that beating up someone is a bad thing to do. Even at 7. I knew not to punch people at 7, and I can guarantee most others did too. Age can excuse a lot of things but mercilessly beating someone who is on the ground being beaten by three others? I don’t think so.
But let’s look at why Luc cuts his eye out. From your perspective it’s to “save his brother’s life”. But is that really the case? Let’s really take a look. During the fight, Aemond pushes all four kids off him while he is being beaten on the ground. Once gaining the upper hand, he grabs Luc and holds a rock over his head, and…talks. He threatens to kill them and calls them bastards, but he doesn’t actually do anything. In fact, when Luc says his “father” is alive and Aemond realizes Luc doesn’t know he’s a Strong, he lowers the rock. At that point Aemond is no longer a threat. His weapon is down, and he’s speaking relatively calmly. It’s only after Aemond calls Jace “Lord Strong” that the knife is drawn. The knife isn’t drawn for self-defense or to save Luc. It’s pulled for the fact that Aemond called the boys bastards.
From there Jace keeps attacking him with a knife. Aemond gets the better of him in the fight once again, and Jace is on the ground. Here’s where the “saving his life” comes in. Aemond stands over Jace with the rock in his hand raised high and….does nothing. Again. I counted, and Aemond stands there still for about 10 seconds doing absolutely nothing. He breathes deeply. He looks at Baela and Rhaena who look back in fear. But he does nothing. In those ten seconds Luc scrambles to grab the knife, exchanges a look with Jace, and then Jace throws sand in Aemond’s eyes and Luc leaps at him and slashes his eye out.
Now, personally, watching that scene I really didn’t get the feeling Aemond would do anything. Every time he gets the upper hand and will supposedly kill one of the kids with a rock, he stops. He lingers. He doesn’t deliver the blow. By the time Luc gets the knife Aemond has been still and not hit Jace at all for quite a bit of time. He waits long enough for Luc to get the knife and for both boys to silently agree on a tactic to hurt him.
This also begs the question. If Jace had enough time and space to grab sand in his fist and throw it at Aemond to temporarily blind him and get away, why the fuck didn’t he do that before?! We see that Aemond yells and is disoriented by the sand in his eyes. Jace could’ve easily thrown it and kicked aemond and gotten away and they could’ve ended the fight by running away. But instead he waited until his brother had a knife and they could stab him. These boys weren’t doing this in self-defense. It was a coordinated attack with the intention to stab Aemond with a knife. They wanted to stab him. We saw that with Jace pulling it out first.
That whole fight is not Jace and Luc fighting to survive. It’s Aemond fighting to survive. It’s not Luc jumping to save his brother. It’s Jace wanting to stab someone for calling him a bastard (he is), and both boys working together to hurt him. I genuinely believe that the long pauses Aemond took are proof enough that he had no intention of hurting actually killing them. I think it was more of an act of intimidation to show they should leave him alone. So I hold all four kids responsible for what happened to Aemond, but most especially Jace and Luc because while the girls stopped beating Aemond and left after he pushed them off. Jace and Luc kept going because they got angry at the title they were rightfully called, and teamed up to deal a blow that resulted in permanent damage and blinding one eye.
“also the bullying he was following his older brother and only companion as well as his much older uncle, an authority figure”
As I said earlier. I understand seven year olds are dumb as heck, and they don’t always know what is an is not ok. However. Just as I would think most seven year olds know beating someone is bad, most seven year olds know bullying is bad. Hurting people’s feelings isn’t ok. At seven, I knew bullying wasn’t ok. All the boys knew what they were doing was insulting and mean. That’s why they did it. They wanted to be hurtful to Aemond. Yes, Luc was following Aegon and Jace, but that doesn’t absolve the fact that he fully knew what they were doing was mean and found it funny like the others.
yes he should have apologised, but when should he have? when he was being treated by the maesters for his broken nose? when aemonds mother said to have his eye cut out? when he returned half a decade later and his uncle’s hatred was already there AND his own dislike likely pushed by his family?
We can agree he should have apologized, anon. But you seem to be under the impression of how Luc simply couldn’t apologize because of everyone else or the circumstances. You seem to be incorrectly putting the blame on Alicent and Aemond for why he didn’t apologize. Even thought Aemond is the victim.
But let’s see, when should Luc have apologized? “When he was being treated by the maesters for his broken nose”? Sure! Aemond had to answer interrogations by his father and calmed his mother down while having his eye socket sewed shut. I’m sure Luc could’ve apologized then. A broken nose is not nearly as awful and having an eye gouged out, and he seemed pretty ok at that point so yeah. He could’ve spoken up and said he was sorry.
“When Aemond’s mother said to have his eye cut out”? I’m sorry but this reeks of Alicent anti. There was plenty of time before and after Alicent had a literal mental breakdown for Luc to apologize. Why even blame or bring up Alicent? She has nothing to do with this. Luc’s responsibility to apologize is not dependent on anyone else. Least of all the woman in the room who is the only person who cares that Aemond is hurt.
“when he returned half a decade later and his uncle’s hatred was already there AND his own dislike likely pushed by his family”? Absolutely. I assume you’re talking about the dinner scene, and yes, Luc absolutely could have and should have apologized. Yes, Aemond’s anger was pretty much set because it had been a decade of no apology for literally being maimed. But a late apology is better than no apology. During that dinner, Alicent and Rhaenyra, two people who had two decades worth of resentment between them, were heartfelt and kind to one another. Luc could’ve easily toasted to Aemond. He could’ve lifted his glass and said “To my uncle. Long ago I did horrible things to him, and I’ve carried the burden of resentment and guilt all these years. I am truly sorry for the pain I’ve caused, and I hope that my heartfelt apology can be a new beginning for us” or something else sappy like that. Team black may or may not have solidified resentment in Luc against Aemond (about what I wouldn’t know because Aemond didn’t actually do anything wrong). But that doesn’t take away from the fact he should’ve apologized.
You seem to be pushing the idea that because Luc grew resentment because of his family against Aemond, he couldn’t apologize. But he very much could. He just didn’t want to. Because he didn’t care. He didn’t think he was wrong and didn’t feel he had to apologize.
The simple truth of the matter is that Luc didn’t apologize because he doesn’t feel remorse. It’s not because he was too injured to apologize at first. Or because Alicent was mean for five minutes. Or because his family solidified resentment. He didn’t apologize because he isn’t sorry. And that is best exemplified by the dinner scene. Like I said earlier he could’ve apologized. But instead, what did Luc do? He saw a pig and began to laugh at the cruel prank and bullying he did against Aemond. He still relished in the mean things he did as a child. There’s no remorse there, only smugness and sick enjoyment in his past cruelties. That is why I hate Lucerys so much. The burden of responsibility to apologize was on Luc, and there is no excuse for him not apologizing. He just wasn’t sorry, and that’s not on anyone but Luc for being…just not a good person.
TLDR: Luc has had a long pattern of being cruel and mean and never felt an ounce of guilt. You are right that there’s many factors, anon. But they don’t take away from the basic facts. Luc intentionally hurt Aemond’s feelings and found joy in it, Luc intentionally maimed Aemond with Jace (instead of opting for a less violent conclusion), and Luc never apologized and never felt remorse for his cruelty instead opting to continue to take pleasure in his negative acts.
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crrepiest · 7 months
Yandere! Teacher x Student
♡GN reader♡
Pt 2.5 lol
Tw: age gap, pervy behavior, obsessive behavior.
This is a time skip from the main story line, this isn't part 3, just a one off story for valentines day. I hope you lovelies enjoy <3
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The chime of the convenience store door rings from behind me. The cool air from inside rushes towards my face, sending a chill down my spine. My eyes adjust to the fluorescent lights as they hum quietly in the background. A young man, barely in his 20s, stands behind the cash register. He doesn't seem to be particularly enjoying his job at the moment. I give him a pity smile as I make my way to the candy aisle. I couldn't blame the kid. Being stuck at your dead-end job at midnight and the most interesting thing being a grown man looking at candy, isn't the first place I would like to be either
  I internally scold myself for waiting so long to compile this Valentine’s gift for you. I wanted to give you more. A huge display of my love and affection is what you truly deserve. Albeit out of the realm of things I’d imagine myself ever doing, you bring out the romantic side in me. I initially wanted to get a gift weeks ago, but as February 14th crept closer and closer, nothing I came up with I deemed worthy enough for you, which led me here, trying to throw together a last-minute gift that was nowhere near my standards. I do hope you will understand, my love. 
I scan the shelves of sweet treats and set my eyes on (favorite candy). I swiftly pick up the packaged goody and make my way to the drink section. The cold air of the refrigerator nipped at my already cold hands as I grabbed some (favorite drink). I walk down the aisle, trying to search for a flower display. A small stand catches my eye. Thankfully, though, they had the ones I was looking for. I grab a small bundle of (favorite flowers) and make my way to the front counter. 
I send the young man a smile as he scans my items. “For the spouse, huh?” he says as he breaks the silence I was trying to maintain. My cheeks burned as I couldn't help the smile that crept onto my face. “I Uh…yeah.” he seemed to have noticed this but returned to scanning my items. “Your total sir is $15.48” I swiped my card and exchanged pleasantries with him. I grabbed the bag and spun on my heels, making my way out the door.
I shut the car door and place the shopping bag onto the passenger seat. I stick the keys into the ignition and the engine comes to life. Letting my head fall back onto the headrest, my breathing hitches when the thought of you comes to mind. A smile pulls to my lips as I put the car into drive and pull out of the small parking lot. My eyes rest on the empty passenger seat beside me. I envision you in place of the plastic bag. My heart flutters at the thought. My mind wanders—your smell, your smile, your laugh, the warmth that radiates from your presence alone engulfs me. Excitement fills me at the thought of your face when you receive my small sample of affection, in hopes it will keep my appetite satiated from the need to please you.   
I'm pulled away from my thoughts and back to my surroundings as the traffic light turns green. My neck cranes to the side. A twinge of pain runs through my heart when you aren't in my passenger seat, keeping me company, as I was so vividly seeing in my mind. Bright street lights zoom past the dark, tinted windows as I speed my way back home. 
A huff escapes my lips as I sit in my brown leather office chair. I cross my arms as I stare out at the empty desks, my gaze landing on one. The measly gifts I bought last night rest on the small wooden table. A pit in my stomach begins to form as the sound of the ticking clock fills my quiet classroom.
I rub my sweaty palms on my pant legs and stand up from my chair. I pace back and forth at the front of the classroom as I recite what I'm going to say when you walk in. “I was thinking of you at the store and thought I’d get you something.” too forward, I scolded myself. “Yeah, I just had these things lying around.” who just has a bouquet lying around? I let out a frustrated grunt at my thinly veiled excuses. My heart stops when I hear footsteps approaching my door. 
I rush to my seat and try to look as if  I’m busy when I see a figure entering the room. Our eyes met. You beam a smile toward me. “Good morning Mr. Roth.” Simply the way you annunciate the words makes me go feral. I could only dream that the first thing I hear in the morning and the last thing I hear at night is my name falling from your delicate lips. Your eyes lock on to your desk and confusion decorates your face. “Where'd this come from?” you say, gesturing to the Valentine's gift.  
My mouth hangs slightly agape as I try to remember the lines I previously practiced. However, the words get stuck in my throat. “I uh …uh, they were there when I… got here.” I stumble over my half-assed lie. You give me a weary look, but don't press any further. “Hmm. I wonder who put it here,” you say as you stare a hole through the flowers. “Must be a secret admirer I guess” My eye twitched as the words fell from my mouth. The thought of someone even thinking about you in that manner made my blood boil. 
I see you blush a little at this. I curse myself for not just telling you I did it. I bought the Valentine's gift and I need you to know how much I love you. Then maybe you would be blushing at the thought of me, and not some hypothetical admirer. 
You pick up the bundle of flowers and put them up to your nose, taking in their sweet scent. I watch and admire as you do, wishing that I could take a photo to capture the memory. More students begin to flood into the classroom.
A few of your friends come up to you, full of questions as to where the items came from. I observe the interactions and whisper softly to myself, “I hope you like it, sweetheart.”
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Haiii guys :3 I hope you enjoyed this, please feel free to give me any constructive criticism to improve my writing
Happy valentines day yall!! Im working on part 4 now so bare with me
I love every single one of you guys thank u for all the support <3
@darl1ngv1ca @rainnwolfenstein
@pneum4 @iwantsleepplz @bigstarshine @bl00dbag
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archer-kacey · 5 months
Secrets of the Machine (Bendysplaining)
(Full disclosure: both of the computers I have access to WILL NOT TRIGGER THE LIGHTNING CUTSCENE therefore making B:SOTM unplayable for me! Watched a couple walkthroughs to get the gist of things. I found ONE easter egg on my own lol.)
Secrets of the Machine is so out of place to me, seeming almost unpolished. I'll give it a fair shake and go over the pros and cons, but if you want a short Bendy game to play, PLEASE play Boris and the Dark Survival, not this.
This very important bird that makes me well up inside with a positive emotion.
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Ragtime Guffie. Cute character that I feel has a charm similar to the original Bendy cast. I wouldn't have been surprised to see this guy walking around in BATIM back in the day.
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This screenshot I can use for memes:
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This ONE scene/"jumpscare" was executed well:
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The Goofy ahh can dispenser laugh
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My personal favorite, this random ass arrow outside that you can follow into the darkness for about a minute until you're spat back out by the entrance arch (useless):
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And last but not least, the inclusion of Gaskette and an insanely niche nod to Nightmare Run?
FIrst off, Gaskette looks killer (pun intended):
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And secondly, there are at least a couple hands around the map that open and close when you click them in a very similar fashion to a hand that could be found on the menu of Nightmare Run. I was actually excited about this! (Why they didn't they just go full ham with the Nightmare Run characters for this game?)
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The first glaring issue I have is *checks watch* the FOUR Bendy advertisements thrown into the game??? What???
I'm not mad about hyping people up, but it is............LAZY?? What was the point of this? These ALL could've been Tweets!!
In fact, Lone Wolf's Announcement nearly WAS a Tweet!!
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I would feel differently if the presentation was better, but you literally throw a can at some flippable....plates(?) around a screen at random and get still images. I understand that this game is meant to be small like BATDS, but BATDS was more polished, more fun, and didn't throw four adverts in as gameplay/easter eggs.
This is also gives me a Bad Feeling because if you're willing to make your smaller content into a glorified advertisement, what are you going to do with your mainline games? How are you going to treat your content? Are you going to let things cook or serve it to us raw?
Riley's story itself is fine. Not amazing, not awful. Riley's parents die in a car accident when she's six. She starts drawing disturbing content, and the school counselor catches wind of this and brings it up to her guardian. Riley goes to work for JDS at the same age as Buddy (17), and is subsequently fired for drawing more disturbing material pertaining to the accident.
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While it sounds cliché, the way it was presented in-game was fine. There are obviously things that could be improved, but the point here isn't the story itself.
Let me ask the audience of this post a question.
Where the hell is Lacie Benton?
Or, more broadly, why aren't M+M fleshing out characters that have been with us since *checks watch* 2017?
I'm struggling not to start doing the Macarena, because adding new characters and slowly abandoning the old ones works in direct contrast with "caring about the lore", AKA what this franchise was built on, and it's something M+M like to bring up. When you remove that backbone, everything else falls apart. When you neglect the old characters, you're neglecting the heart of the franchise.
Riley having her story isolated to one game seems to be a blessing in disguise, I'll admit. However, this is ALL just BATIM: Red Flags. Disappointed, but not surprised. Scared for the future of this franchise, but trying to stay optimistic.
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ofc-vi-writes-too · 3 months
More Bucky Headcanons just because ✨✨
some are +18 so if that makes u uncomfy or u are -18 please scroll!! It is clearly labelled where they start, so if u only want one or the other the division is there!!
this got kinda long lol sorry
• He has a lot of old fashioned/outdated beliefs so sometimes he’ll say something and you just have to look at him and go 😀😄😀 “no.” and then have a conversation with him about why what he just said is objectively morally corrupt. He’s very open to it and it doesn’t happen a lot but when it does he’s willing to understand and he asks questions about whatever messed up thing he said. He’s very progressive for a man who was in his early 20’s in 1945.
• he has a lot of old fashioned/outdated beliefs so ur dates are literally superior and your instagram is filled with people commenting things like “if you look closely you can see me swinging in the background” or “hey god its me again” and you cant forget the classic “when will it be my turn.” He brings you flowers at least once a week, and chocolates are a MUST for him, and as soon as he found out about edible arrangements there is one on your desk at work at least once a month. you tell him your gonna get fat from all the sweets he brings you and he says “good” and thats the end of that convo.
• on the note of food, he’s a fantastic cook. Most of the time. He has tried on multiple occasions to feed you depression era foods (balogna caserole, jello molds, pea pasta, etc) one time he made you a jello mold with olives and tuna in it and you got physically sick (it was the first time he saw you throw up so he kinda just stood there like 😬 and patted your back like “there there, my bad ill never give you tuna+jello in the same dish again” which he STILL makes for himself) so he decided to stick with more modern recipes for actual meals (which are always delicious). But he swears on his life that dessert recipes were better when he was a kid, and he always bakes you the sweets his mom made when he was little such as, apple pie, wacky cake, water pie, prune pudding, frozen fruit salad.
• he really likes crispy cookies so he’ll take urs out when theyre cooked the regular amount, and he leaves his in the oven for like another 10 minutes at minimum. He likes it best when the edges of the cookies are literally burnt and when the chocolate even gets crispy. He dips em in milk though which i guess is slightly redeeming? But the crunch on his cookies should be punishable by law. It counds like crisps when he chews.
• Texts like:
Bucky ❤️❤️
hey?? u good?
Yes. I just wanted to say
I love you…
ilyt.. y r u being
so ominous?
I am not…
I just wanted to send you
this big long paragraph chunk
about how much I love you. It
has to be grammatically correct
because I’m old and it will take
me 15 minutes at minimum to
finish typing this text because
I am typing with one hand, and
I have big thumbs. Thank god
for voice memos. Also what
does OMG mean?
it drives you insane but he physically cannot comprehend any other way to text. He also had a flip phone until you forced him to get a new one. When he gets it he doesn’t send you texts anymore, and instead only sends voice memos (its so much faster)
• loves a sweet treat but is terribly embarrassed about it. Literally the trope where the big scary guy orders a black coffee “for himself” and his cute girly gf gets like a sugar unicorn rainbow suprise, and after they get their drinks they switch. He makes you order it with extra whipped cream and sprinkles. If you like sweet drinks too, he will still order the black coffee and not drink it. He will consistently order 3 drinks despite there only being 2 of you. Sometimes he drops it off w Steve because he knows he likes black coffee and he hates waste, but he is still too embarrassed to just order his drink.
• cried watching Up, Toy Story 2, The Princess and the Frog, Moana, The beauty and the beast (which was ur halloween costume the year he first watched it. His choice.) and Cars (you still don’t know why he cried about cars to this day and it has been YEARS.)
• despite being an ex assassin, when he’s not in fight or flight mode he’s terribly unathletic. He talks big game before a bowling date and he literally bowls a 45. You didn’t know anyone over the age of 8 could score that low in a game where you simply roll a ball. You also took him to In Shape to play tennis and he hit a car with the ball.
• his body physically cannot handle energy drinks. as much sugar as he consumes, energy drinks make him jittery and paranoid for some reason, and despite being a relatively quiet man, he doesn’t shut up when there’s a red bull in his system
• pro legalizing weed in all states. Tried an edible one time before bed because he overheard someone say it or read somewhere that it can help with sleep, and he swears he had never slept that good in over 100 years of being alive. Even pre super soldier serum.
• He’s a man of few words so in the beginning of u 2 going out there would be long periods of awkward silence. He took you on a lot of movie dates so he could avoid this problem as much as possible.
•Def doesn’t wear his arm to bed so you guys have an easier time spooning. You don’t have to deal with the problem that a lot of couples have where you wanna cuddle but his arm falls asleep cs ur laying on it. but for him theres no arm to lay on!!!! yippeee!!! Cuddling in bed typically looks like him being the big spoon with his right arm around your waist. His left shoulder is in whatever position his decides is comfortable that night. He also has a habit of not sleeping with his head on the pillow so you typically feel his nose/breathe against the small of your back. He often kisses you there while rubbing your side to put you to sleep
• cuddling is a little different when he has a bad nightmare tho. Sometimes he doesn’t want to cuddle so he’ll lay on the floor on your side of the bed and go back to sleep there, or at least try to. Thats usually what happens if you don’t wake up. If you do, you go and get him a glass of water, and a cold rag to wipe is sweat off. You give him a minute until he’s ready to lay back down. He lays on his back, and you suction yourself to his side. One leg over his and your arm on his chest, rubbing soothing patterns to try and slow his hammering heart. You kiss where you can reach, but he’s huge, so its usually just his shoulder and chest, and you tell him all your favorite things about him, and how much you love him, and how safe he is here in your arms. It works 95% of the time.
• its ur lucky day if ur a pillow princess! he likes being able to physically take care of his partner without them having to do any work. He feels like it’s his way of saying thank you for staying with him thru all his trauma and whatnot
• if his s/o is plus sized he will make the effort to be able to lift 2 times their weight bare minimum (which doesn’t take that much effort on his part), and he gets a little smug when he lifts his partner up against the wall the first time and they’re a little shocked because hey no one has ever been able to do that before what is happening oh noooo BOOM you’re in love
• usually not the one to initiate anything. He feels like he’s pressuring you when he does, but you can always tell when he’s in the mood because he gets clingy and cannot look you in the eye.
• in the same vein, he doesn’t really get horny that often but when he does… whew chile GOOD LUCK. Super human stamina is a gift and a curse with him!!
• he doesn’t like to mark you up, but he loves it when you do. He likes getting done and seeing the scratches on his back in the mirror, or having to cover up hickeys with turtlenecks. His favorite is when he makes you help him cover the harder to hide ones to his with makeup. (he bought the right color for himself but didn’t know how to use it). LOVE LOVE LOVES when you bite him.
• Again, he’s typically a man of few words but he will mumble random things “to himself” but loud enough for you to barely hear it too. a lot of “so fucking good,” “pretty girl” “all mine” “all yours” “tell me I’m yours” “say your mine” and other things of that nature
• I think I said this in the last one but I’m a firm believer that he wouldn’t wear his arm unless he had to/felt unsafe. and I would argue that he feels pretty safe if yall are doing the shaboingboing. SO holding you is a little difficult for your amputee bf. Getting into a good and comfortable position for both of you tends to bring a lot of laughs.
•He likes to touch you a lot while y’all are getting down and dirty. It helps ground him in a way. He struggles a little bit with dissociation, even when getting intimate so being able to feel your skin under his palms helps keep him on Earth and focused on getting his s/o off.
A/N: thank you if you resd this far. dont be shy and leave a note behind! i have more chapters of friends dont on the way i swear. Im genuinelu just slow IM SORRY AHH
anyways good night cuties 🌙💫⭐️✨
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mouwrites · 11 months
hi, can i rq the south park main four with a reader who has a phobia of hospital please? ik its kind of oddly specific lol
For sure!
South Park - Main Four When You’re Afraid of Hospitals
He’s not the biggest fan of hospitals either
While this is nice when you’re looking for someone who knows what you’re feeling, it’s not so nice when you’re actually in the hospital
He’s just as nervous as you; he’s not going to be much help
“Oh my gosh, that needle is huge…”
“Stan! Not helping!!”
He’ll hold your hand though (as much to comfort himself as to comfort you)
He also won’t let his own fear prevent him from forcing you to go if he needs to
“Y/n, I know it sucks, but we really should go.”
You can tell that he doesn’t want to go either
That compels you to comply in a weird way
Like, you know that you won’t be the only one that’s not happy to be there
When you leave you both go straight home to recover
You just hold each other tight, not speaking, just trying to process and forget the entire experience
Eventually one of you will decide you’re over it, and you’ll suggest doing some leisurely activity
Or having a snack together :)
You’ll share a knowing look, and that’s the most you’re going to communicate about it
Honestly you both just want to forget it though, so that’s not necessarily a bad thing
Understands that you’re afraid, but does not sympathize
He’s very brash when convincing you to go
“I know you’re scared, but you know what’s more scary? The stuff that’ll happen to you if you don’t get checked out.”
As much as you try to argue, he’s not budging
Your safety is more important to him than your happiness in such moments
He’ll literally pick you up bridal style if you’re too stubborn
Once you actually get there, he’ll attempt to comfort you as much as he can
Mainly in the form of watching YouTube on his phone with you
This is one of the rare occasions he’ll let you pick what to watch without complaints
Even if you pick something he hates, he’ll let you have your way
Anything to keep you from panicking
When you leave he makes sure to reward you with a treat
Whether that’s a meal from your favorite fast food restaurant or a new plushie, he’s willing to get it for you
Partly because he doesn’t want you to stay mad at him for making you go to the hospital
Cuddles are also an option if you’re not too upset with him
He’s very worried about you the whole time
From the moment you got hurt, he insisted you go to the hospital, but when he realized how scared you were of the place, his worry only increased
When you first arrived he wouldn’t stop talking
“Are you panicking? Is the bed soft enough? What can I do to help?”
“Kenny! Just… chill. You’re freaking me out even more.”
He claps his hand dramatically over his mouth as an “I’ll shut up now” gesture
That makes you giggle a little
He’ll try to keep amusing you to keep your mind off the situation
Showing you memes, telling stories, sharing his favorite dirty jokes, every trick he knows to get you to smile
Even when the doctors were in the room, he was making stupid faces
You had to bite your tongue to stop from laughing
When you leave, he’s way too eager to be able to hold you again
Or, if you’re staying for more than a “quick” visit, he’ll climb into the bed with you to snuggle
He makes sure to let you know how brave he thinks you are all the while
He forced you to go under the excuse:
“Why are you afraid? What’s the worst that could happen? Besides dying, I mean.”
“That’s exactly why I’m afraid, idiot!”
He literally dragged you halfway there by the wrist
If you’re particularly stubborn he’ll throw you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes
Once there, though, he unintentionally comforts you by being a dufus
Definitely goes through all the cabinets and plays with absolutely everything
“How many of these cotton balls do you think I could fit in my mouth?”
And he doesn’t even stop when the doctor walks in
“If you held the stethoscope up to my ear, would you be able to hear the song stuck in my head?”
You’re the one who has to tell him to cut it out and let the doctor do their job
Honestly, you mostly did it so that you wouldn’t burst out laughing
His blatantly idiotic behavior keeps you amused long enough that the anxiety doesn’t settle in
When you leave, he insists on going out for food
You’ll get takeout and eat at home with the TV on :)
Cartman’s ready to put the whole “boring” ordeal behind him, but you’ll never forget the confounding idiocy you saw in that hospital room
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Hope you enjoyed! Thank you for the request, and thanks for reading! Have a good one duckies <33
(divider by saradika)
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14buddy22 · 1 year
I’ll Spend the Rest of My Life Making It Up To You Series
Part 4! WC: 6.5K
Warnings: Domestic Violence, Engagements/proposals, bruises, scars, cuts, stitches, fractures, broken bones, mention of killing, beating, prison, abuse (physical, verbal, mental, and emotional), heavy angst, marriage, weddings, biting/bite marks, throwing up, rape, blood, mention of Foyet’s stabbings/Haley’s death
A/n: This part Is from the letters. It switches off between Aaron reading them and what the reader is going through. Italicized are the letters. If I missed any warnings... PLEASE LMK
Series Masterlist // Masterlist
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Aaron sat at his desk. Afraid to open up the evidence box of letters. Afraid to open up the case file. He didn’t know what to do. All he could think about was how he could let you get away, again. How was the universe treating him like this? Why did terrible things happen to the woman he loved, the woman he’s always been in love with?
Aaron was afraid of a lot. He was afraid of losing you, that’s what made him break off the engagement. Everything he was afraid of, was becoming his reality. As one of the better profilers in the FBI, how did he not notice the signs? He thought he was doing everything to protect you, to keep you safe, but staring at his desk, his thoughts proved him wrong. He could have kept you safe, and that’s his fault.
Aaron slowly took a deep breath. Shaky hands moved towards the file on his desk. When he opened it, he saw you. He saw you at your most vulnerable moments. He saw every single bruise, scar, cut, scratch, stitch, and possible fracture. He saw everything.
He wanted to kill Jake. He didn’t care if he sat in prison. What Jake did to you is something Aaron could never understand. He never understood why his father did it to his mother and him. He still doesn’t understand how someone could ‘be in love’ with someone, yet still, beat them, throw things at them, and be physically, mentally, and emotionally abusive toward someone. It’s just the one thing he couldn’t wrap his mind around.
When he slowly got through all the photos, he didn’t realize the tears that had fallen onto his desk. He was angry. He was upset. His heart hurt knowing that he ended the engagement to protect you, but instead, led you to your abuser.
It’s ironic that where Jake gave you bruises, cuts, and scars, are all the same places where Aaron had kissed and touched you when you two were together. He just prayed that if Jake did lay hands on you tonight, it wouldn’t be your face, where Aaron had held your face in his palms today.
After finally having enough and feeling sick to his stomach looking at what Jake had done to you, and finally having mentally prepped himself for getting ready to read your letters, he closed the file up, moved it over to the side, and then opened the evidence box.
There were a lot of letters. You can bet any money that he was going to read every single word you wrote in every single letter. He wouldn’t leave until he finished. He pulled out the first letter, looking at the date.
6 months after the engagement ended.
I met someone. He’s funny and kind. He dances on top of tables at the bar, and even though the bouncer keeps telling him he can’t, he does it. He’s got a nice smile. His name’s Jake. He’s run into me a couple of times at the bar within the past month. I think now he’s almost stalking me, lol. I can tell he’s trying to ask for my number, which he’ll get by the way.
I don’t know why I’m writing you this, maybe it’s my way of getting over you. He’s asked about you. He knew that I must have broken up with someone. We talked about you. He wasn’t very fond of you breaking my heart, but I took some of the blame because you don’t deserve to have this man hate you and he doesn’t even know you. I know this letter will never be sent, you’ll never read it, but maybe this is my personal diary. I guess I’ll keep you updated.
With Love, Y/n
Aaron wanted to tear the letter to shreds. You wrote to him about Jake to get over him. He continued to read the next few letters. Luckily they were still in the honeymoon phase. Jake treated you great at the start. He asked for your number, took you out to dinner, didn’t try to kiss you after the first date.
Aaron hated what he was reading, especially knowing what the outcome of this relationship is 10 years later. He hated it so much. If he could have gone back in time, he would’ve told you to run. He would’ve shown up at your apartment to say how sorry he was. He would have done anything to get you back. The nights he spent drinking, working, drowning in his sorrows, wishing he had you back in his life, you were going out with Jake.
It was about 5 letters later, he finally got to the first one, about 7 months in to dating Jake.
He called me fat today. Could you believe that? I was trying on a dress for a friend’s wedding and he didn’t like the way I looked. He didn’t even try to lie. I mean, seriously. What man does that? I know if it had been you, you would have said wow, you look beautiful. I know it shouldn’t be that big of a deal, but for someone to call their girlfriend fat, it just blows my mind. Even if I’ve gained 5 pounds, I guess I don’t look that good in the dress, that’s fine, but shouldn’t he try to hide it? Instead, he’s pointing out specifically where the dress made me look fat. I guess I’m missing your comments, even if you didn’t mean them, I always believed in them. I felt like the prettiest girl in the world when I was around you, but being with him makes me think I’m not. I know I’m not a model, but it makes you think, ya know?
Aaron kept on reading, intrigued by the verbal, mental, and emotional abuse that was beginning in your relationship. It tore him apart that you didn’t realize it then. He got to the letter he didn’t want to get to. Your wedding day with Jake. He had been dreading this letter. He actually didn’t even know if there would be a letter about your wedding day, but alas, there was, and he was holding it in his hands.
Hotchner, I’m really marrying him. Can you believe it? Well, maybe you can because you’re actually coming. Well, I hope you’re coming. You told me you were when we were having lunch. I’m not marrying you, god, I wish I had. We never got to have that dance that we wanted as we talked about at the wedding that you didn’t even want to go to in the first place. Hopefully, you’ll save a dance for me tonight. I hope Haley doesn’t mind if I steal you away for 1 song to dance to. Well, 2 hours until I get married. I know you’ll never read this, but, I hope you object to the wedding. We can run off, get married, and have 6 little Hotchner babies running around. It’s not fair to Haley because she didn’t do anything, but I think I’d be happier with you than Jake. Until the next letter, Y/n.
When Aaron turned to the next letter, he saw how much longer it was, there was a teardrop stained on it. He was afraid to read it. For once, he wanted to stop. To break his promise to himself that he wouldn’t stop reading until he was done, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t break another promise to you. He knew that the letters in his hand were a continuation from your wedding day because they were all stapled together, and the only date on the entire page was on the front paper, from your wedding day.
I saw the look you gave me today while you were sitting in the pew. I was trying to silently plead with you to stand up and say I object at the wedding. Had you done that, I would have run away with you. I mentioned before that Haley didn’t deserve it, but I saw the way you looked at me when I walked down the aisle. I saw the way your breath hitched when I made eye contact with you. I saw you slightly lean forward when the priest was asking if anyone objected to the marriage. Don’t think I missed it because I didn’t. I wish you would have done something because then I wouldn’t be in the situation that I’m stuck in.
When Jake and I shared our first dance, I wish that would have been you dancing with me. The entire night would have been better if you were the one I married instead of him. When you had walked outside for what I could only think to gather yourself at the end of the first dance, I wanted to follow you right when the song ended, to tell you that everything’s going to be okay, nothing would change between us, but boy, was I wrong. I couldn’t go. He told me I had to stay with him to say goodbye to those who were leaving, to stay for pictures. He had to have known I was going to go after you.
And I wish I did, because as the night ended and I hugged you, it was like I was losing my other half when you walked away. I know we promised each other lunch dates, but after what happened, which I will get to in a second, I’m not sure if there will be lunch dates, and that’s what hurts me. It hurts to know that I might never see you again.
I’m scared. What he did to me tonight, I prayed would never happen to anyone I know. After the stories, Sean told me about your father and your mom. The stories that you told about your father and you. I guess I was so naive to think that would never happen to me. I guess had I fought harder for you, I would have been right. You would have never hurt me the way he did tonight.
It started out with him being mentally, emotionally, and verbally abusive. He started saying that he didn’t like my wedding dress, although I absolutely felt like a princess in it.
Aaron took a moment to pause. He thought you looked absolutely stunning in that dress. It was perfect. You were a real-life princess. How did Jake not see that? If Jake wasn’t interested in you, why even bother to get married to you? He didn’t want to keep reading, but he had too.
He ripped the dress off me and got upset with me because I wasn’t in his favorite type of lingerie. I thought what I had bought was cute. What he likes is practically next to nothing and I didn’t want to feel bare underneath my wedding dress. The hard earned money I spent on my dress, ruined, only for him to rip it off to just get me naked. I wanted to cry right then and there. He was rough, throwing me onto the bed, I hit my head against the wall. He was possessive, dominant. I’m not saying that I wasn’t into that because you know I was, but he didn’t ask for safe words, he didn’t ask what was okay and what was not okay. 
He slapped me, hard. He called me a bitch. Who wants to be called a bitch on their wedding night? He ripped the lingerie off me and yelled at me because it wasn’t what he wanted. Then he got really rough. 
Leaving bite marks above my breasts, on my breasts, my thighs. He thought it was turning me on. I tried tugging him off, but he only got turned on even more. I didn’t want anything more to happen. 
I really didn’t. I tried to push him off before he entered me. I tried, but he just held me down and told me to be quiet. He said, “If I were Aaron, I know you’d keep quiet.”
Aaron threw up. Whatever he had to eat that day all came out into the garbage can. He couldn’t believe what he had just read. He was the reason you were sexually assaulted. Jake was jealous and it was Aaron’s fault to blame. This was Aaron’s fault, there’s no more denying that it wasn’t Aaron’s fault anymore. In Aaron’s eyes, it’s his fault that everything happened to you. As he thought that, he threw up again.
When he finally composed himself together, he picked up the letter again. Going to read the rest of your letter from that awful night.
Sorry for the tear smudge on this. I had to take a break. Crying in the bathroom as I’m writing this. I’m sorry. Anyways, I might as well continue.
When your name came out of his mouth, I knew he was jealous, he was doing this to me like I had done something terrible to him. When I told him that you weren’t into being dominant in bed, he slapped me again.
God, I never want to feel that pain ever again.
I had tears coming down my cheeks. I knew I was going to be raped and I couldn’t do anything about it. I was vulnerable, exposed to him. His father’s a lawyer. His father’s amazing, sweet, and super kind, but his son is polar opposite.
I remember asking Jake if we could stop. I told him I had a headache and that we could have sex right when we woke up in the morning. I begged him, but he just told me no. It was then that he entered me. I told him to stop. I tried to move, but he just kept going. I was frozen. I didn’t want this. I told him to stop. Tears were coming out of my eyes as he bit my. His teeth broke through my skin, I could feel the blood begin to drip down my shoulder.
Even after everything he did, he couldn’t even get me off. He finished inside me, rolled over, and went to bed.
Now it’s 2am and I’m writing this as I’m sitting in the hotel bathroom, trying to collect my thoughts, and figuring out if that really happened. I know it did. I didn’t make this up. I’m staring at the bite marks he left on my shoulder. The bite marks on my breasts, the redness on the one side of my face where he slapped me one time too many.
I’m feeling empty inside. I feel as if I’m worthless. I feel lost. I know I shouldn’t feel this way. I know you never would have made me feel like this. Even when our engagement ended, I never felt this way. What Jake did to me tonight is much worse.
I wish I would have fought harder for our relationship. I wish I would have ran away from the wedding today. I wish I had the strength to push him off of me and leave the hotel room before he assaulted me. All the things I could wish, I can’t go back in time to change it. That’s what scares me.
I just got married to what I thought was someone I loved, but instead, I was treated as a sex doll tonight. I was treated like garbage. I hope that I never feel the way I felt tonight. I’m sure it was just the alcohol that made him act out.
I’m just scared, but I should be allowed to feel that. I wish I had you so I could be in your arms. I could really use a Hotchner hug. Why does it feel like I’ll never be able to really tell you how things are between Jake and I? Like our lunch plans won’t actually work out? I’m afraid to think that way, but after what Jake did, I don’t know if it’s the same man I met at the bar 2 years ago.
I really, really miss you. And, I’m still in love with you.
It was like someone punched Aaron in the gut. He had lost all air he was holding. He wanted to throw up again but didn’t know if he could or if he should. This was like torture. He’d rather get stabbed 9 times again than read through the pain he put you through. This was only 2 years into your relationship with Jake, and there were still 8 years worth of letters to go.
He just wanted you in his arms safely. To help you get a therapist, to talk to someone so you learned to live with your trauma instead of shoving it deep down as he did. He knew all there was to know about trauma and he hated that you knew what trauma was too.
When you pulled into your driveway, you were met by Jake in the garage. You just needed to calm down. You couldn’t make yourself suspicious about what you had been doing. As you grabbed Mason out of the car, you walked into the garage.
It was a weird feeling. Jake almost seemed scared that you had left.
“I thought something had happened to you. I don’t know what I’d do if something were to happen to you or Mason. Hey, there’s my baby boy. Did you have fun with Mommy today?”
It was the little things like that that made you realize that maybe it wasn’t so bad to continue to be in a relationship with Jake. Maybe you overreacted going to Aaron. Jake wrapped you in his arms and kissed your forehead. Over the past 8 years, ever since your wedding, you got used to faking being in love with him.
There were some moments when you did love him. Maybe it was the way that he’d pay for a family’s dinner at a restaurant that you and he ate at, or it was the way he was looking at you now, when he realized that at any given moment, his wife and child can walk out on him.
“I’m sorry I scared you today. Aaron needed me. Jack’s going through so much. Sean hasn’t talked to Aaron. He just needed a friend. Jack just needed a mom figure. I should have told you but I didn’t want to bother you at work. So, I’m sorry.”
You got teary-eyed, you really had to play this up. You had to play it up so much that you almost believed it.
“How’s Jack doing?”
“He misses his mom. I don’t blame him. If God forbid something happens to me, I know Mason would be okay with you, but the trauma of losing a parent when you’re young. I don’t know how Aaron’s doing it. I hope Jack’s going to be okay. Aaron convinced Jack to start seeing the therapist that he had back when it happened and after, Jack finally agreed. So, it’s progress. I’m hoping to check in and take Jack out for a dinner, and spend some time with Mason. He was so good with him today.”
“Whatever Jack needs.”
How was Jake acting like this? Like he said he was going to kill you because he knew you were with Aaron. Maybe he just lost his cool when you told him. Maybe using Jack as a decoy was going to help you get out of your relationship with him. Well, at least an escape. Maybe you were overreacting.
Mason and I are starving, so, what do you say I cook us up something to eat?”
“Honey, you know I’m good with whatever you make.”
It was weird. He was acting like you and he had been in the perfect marriage for the past 10 years. He was playing on the floor with Mason, laughing, and smiling. He had come into the kitchen, walking over to put his hand on your hip and kiss your shoulder.
It made you smile, he did have loving moments, and maybe he had an eye-opening experience with you being gone for the day. Maybe something changed in him. Maybe everything was going to be okay now.
Maybe…just maybe
He hated it. He hated that you endured this pain for 10 years and he couldn’t stand the thought of you going through it tonight. He had to find you, but you promised him you’d be safe, and you always kept your promises.
If you really needed him, you would call. That’s what he was going to tell himself as he was finished with the letter. He kept that letter off to the side, in a different pile. When he reached into the box for the next one, he felt an envelope. As he opened it, he found more photos.
These were the photos you took of yourself in the hotel bathroom on your wedding night. He saw the torn wedding dress in the corner, the lingerie that was no longer on your body. He saw the way your lip was split. He saw the bitemarks on your shoulder. He saw your mascara running down your face. He saw the bruises forming, the red marks of his handprint on your face.
Rage consumed Aaron’s body. If he wasn’t an FBI agent, if he wasn’t a father to a little boy who had already lost his mom, he would’ve been a vigilante and killed Jake. Jake didn’t deserve you. You were an angel, yet you’d been through Hell.
Aaron put the letter and the photos back inside the envelope and then moved on to the next letters. The letters of your abuse were tearing him apart. He was sick to his stomach, literally. Just when he thought he had emptied his stomach contents, there was more. It wouldn’t stop.
Reading how he would hit you if you didn’t have his meal on the table when he came home, degrading you while you were getting ready for work, getting ready for a night out with him, degrading you during sex. The most intimate moment with someone and he was making you feel bad about yourself.
Aaron was in complete awe of you. How could someone who was in an abusive relationship be so composed? How could you get up for work every single day and go teach little kids? How could you be so good at hiding how what was going on in your life?
Then he got to a letter he didn’t think he could dread, but he had. The past few letters, you had been counting down until you were meeting with him for your first lunch date. Almost seeing him an entire year after your wedding, both of you just being so busy. He was dreading it, but he knew he had to read the letter.
Wow, you looked amazing today. Oh my gosh, I can’t believe I just wrote that when I’m a married woman. Well, I’m still in love with you. I don’t think I’ll ever get over you. I need to. I’m a married woman, you’re engaged to Haley. I can’t believe it. I hope she sees what an amazing man you are. The BAU seems to be going well for you. I’m glad. You were always great at putting others first before yourself. That’s what I admired about you from the start. You would take care of Sean before you took care of yourself. That was a small thing that hooked me from the start. But, I can’t believe I finally got to go out to lunch with you. It was amazing. I had such a great time from hearing about your engagement to how wedding prep is going. While I loved hearing about you, I wish you would have seen the way my heart was slowly breaking. I wish you would have seen the way I was nervously tapping my feet on the ground. I wish you would have seen the bruise that was forming on my ribs and how much pain I was in. He pushed me down the stairs today, Aaron. He found out I was having lunch with you and he got so upset. When I asked him why he did it, he said that I tripped. I KNOW I did not trip down the stairs, Aaron. He purposely pushed me because he was angry with me. He probably would have done a lot worse had I not left when I did and explained that we were in a public setting, having lunch at the local diner where his office was across the street. Gosh, it sounds terrible, but I wish you would have noticed what was going on with me and asked me. It’s not your fault. It’s my fault I didn’t speak up. I just don’t think I’ll ever be able to speak up myself, because… what if I’m crazy? He will lose it even more and hurt me even more than he has if he found out I told anyone what he does to me, especially if I told you. It was good to see your smile. I had this image of you from my wedding day and that’s not the Aaron Hotchner I wanted to recognize. I’m glad I got to see you today. It’ll be a memory and moment that helps me get through everything until our next lunch date. I hope it’s soon. Maybe the abuse from Jake will stop. I don’t know. Maybe you’ll recognize that I am being abused by Jake. You’re the world’s best profiler but you couldn’t profile me. Maybe I should play poker. You always said I was good at the game when we used to play, especially strip poker because I’d always have my clothes still on and you’d be down to your boxers before I even began to lose an article of clothing. (That’s because I felt bad and let you win). But, you always told me that I didn’t have a good enough poker face, but guess what Aaron? We were playing a game of poker today and you couldn’t even tell the cards I was trying to play tonight. My poker face was too good for you to see that I was broken, battered, and hurting. You saw a friend who you hadn’t seen since her wedding. You saw the woman you used to be engaged to now married to another man. Maybe you saw me smile and hug you right away so you convinced yourself that I had moved on, that I was okay without you. Damn it, Aaron, I got excited to hug you because I just wanted to feel loved for once since my wedding. I just wanted to be held by you because you brought me a little bit of safety and comfort. When you touched me, I couldn’t flinch because I knew you would have never done what he is doing to me. When you hugged me goodbye after our lunch, I didn’t want to let go right away because I didn’t want my time to be over with you. I just wanted to hold onto something good in my life for just a few more seconds, before I had to return to this hell. I’m hoping I get your wedding invitation soon, I owe you a dance since we never got to dance at my wedding.
Aaron remembered that day. He spent so much of that time talking about himself, you had rarely talked about you. He just remembers thinking about how beautiful you had looked. How you were smiling and laughing at whatever he was saying. You were intrigued at whatever he was talking about.
Thinking back to that lunch date and now reading the letter, he feels like a complete asshole. Why didn’t he just think to ask more about Jake? Maybe you were right. You knew he didn’t like Jake. You knew you weren’t going to talk about Jake with Aaron.
Rereading the letter again, he does remember the way your legs were bouncing under the table, he just thought you were really excited. He did remember the way you kept looking over his shoulder, like you were waiting for someone. He remembered the way you grabbed your rib cage and held it for a few seconds after laughing.
Then he remembered when you and he used to play strip poker, how he would always lose to you. He would be wanting to get you naked, yet he was always the one naked before you were. The more he would play poker with you though, he began to notice your tells, but you were right, you had perfected the poker face because he couldn’t pick up on the cards you were playing with at your lunch date.
He was an awful profiler. This was only the first lunch date you wrote about. How many other lunch dates did he miss the signs of a domestic violence victim that were right in front of him? Maybe he was trying to convince himself that you had moved on and that he had to be okay. He regrets it now. He regrets everything. Had he not broken up your engagement, you and he would be together, you wouldn’t have met Jake and he wouldn’t have married Haley. Haley was murdered because of his job. Two people he loved and both of them dealt with pain and suffering. Haley even lost her life because of it.
All because of him and his actions.
Aaron knew he couldn’t continue. He needed to get some food in him. He needed to go for a walk. He needed to cry. He didn’t know. He was hurting. He wanted to see you. He wanted to hold you in his arms again and he wanted to cry with you. He wanted to apologize to you.
As he stood up from his desk, he kept the letter folded up and placed it in his pocket. He grabbed the box of letters and grabbed his keys. He needed something to eat, but he was craving to read what you were going to write about next. He needed to get to the letter you wrote about your last lunch date together. He needed to know what lead up to it being the last one.
So, the only logical thing for him to do was to get in his car with your letters and drive to the diner that you two always met at. He sat in the booth that you two always sat at. He remembers asking you why you liked the booth and you said that you were far away enough from the front door but not super close to the kitchen. You liked being in the middle of everything, but you also liked to see everyone who was around you. Being in the middle, you could see everyone.
As he sat down at the booth, he ordered your favorite meal, not even his. He ordered what you would have gotten with him. Maybe he just needed to feel close to you. He didn’t know, but whatever it was, he was lost in rereading your first lunch date letter when the waitress asked him what he wanted and he just said your order, not realizing it until they brought it out to him.
Before he picked up the next letter, he was interrupted with a phone call from Jack. Jack was the best thing to happen to him. He was such a great kid. With everything he’s been through at a young age, Aaron was so proud of him.
“Mason’s asleep. Would you like to watch a movie?”
“I’m going out of town. Business trip. I’ll be out for two weeks.”
“Oh-okay. Um, when are you leaving?
“My flight leaves in two hours. Which is why, now that he’s asleep, I can have you all to myself.”
As you made your way over to kiss him, you felt him push you up against the wall. Full body covering yours. You didn’t realize your head hit the wall hard enough to put a dent in the wall.
When he grabbed your face, he said, “Do you really think I’m that dumb? Do you really think I didn’t know you went to see Aaron to see him and not his son? Your tracking device on the car was going crazy. You were at his place of work. You know what that means, huh?”
He slapped you and pushed you to the ground. As you yelped, he towered over you. You were scared. You didn’t know what was going to happen. Mason was upstairs sleeping, but you couldn’t protect him if something happened to you. You just needed to get Jake out of the house and then you were running away.
“Aaron has been a problem since our wedding. Do you remember that? Aaron’s name only ever seems to be the problem.”
“Jake. I promise nothing has happened between Aaron and me ever since Aaron and I were engaged. I can’t even look at him without wanting to yell at him. He broke my heart, but you. You saved me.”
God. You hated this. You hated lying to Jake but you were trying to keep yourself alive just until he was leaving.
“No. I’m done with this. I’m done with you running to him. No more lunch dates, ever. No more going to see Jack. No more helping Aaron. No more talking to Sean or anyone else that Aaron knows. From now on, it’s only you or I. I will hire someone to shop for us. I will get the dry cleaning if I have to. You’ll go to work, drop Mason off at daycare, and come home. That’s only where you’re allowed to go. I’ll know if you go somewhere and when I find out, I’ll be worse than I am now. I’ll really kill you.”
“Jake, please.”
“Shut up, bitch!”
Jake hit you harder. A punch that felt like you were seeing stars. You don’t know if you were knocked out, but you just closed your eyes and kept them closed, trying to fight off what else was coming your way from him.
You know you were bleeding, you could feel it coming down your head. You know you were crying. You know he was only getting madder. That’s why you were thankful that he got a phone call and that his friend was there to pick him up from their flight.
Leaving you behind, on the kitchen floor of your home, you slowly stood up, watching him get in his coworker’s car and watching the car take off down the street, you broke down crying. You needed to leave him. You had two weeks away from him. That was two weeks to get everything you and Mason needed out of the house and start a new life. You were doing it. You had finally had enough.
You grabbed your phone from the counter and called Aaron. Praying he would pick up as you were still trying to stop the bleeding from your head.
“Aaron, please. Please. Please pick up. Please, I need you right now. Please.”
You were saying a silent prayer, just waiting for him to answer.
“Aaron, I need you to get Mason and I. Please. I need you, please. My address is still the same. Please, come fast.”
He couldn’t even begin to read the next letter, just trying to make sure he was in the clear of throwing up before starting again. Then he got a phone call from you. It sounded like you were crying. He needed to get to you and he needed to get to you fast.
He threw money on the counter and placed the letter in the box, sprinting to his car, throwing the box in the back, and putting on his lights and sirens. He broke every law to make sure he got to you. When he pulled into your driveway, he got out of his car, and ran up to the door. He knocked on it. Probably, ore times than he needed to and probably way louder than you would have wanted him to.
When you opened the door, he saw your face. You watched the way he went from concerned to filled with rage quickly. He grabbed his gun and stepped inside your house, not caring if he had an invite in. From the looks of you, he had probable cause.
“Aaron. Put that away. He’s gone. He left. His friend picked them up, he’s going on a business trip. Aar-”
You broke down crying. All he could do was just grab your body and pull you into his. He was trying to take in everything that had happened to you within the very few hours you two had been apart. He was trying to see more cuts, bruises, and marks on you that he hadn’t seen before.
He saw the blood. He saw the busted lip. He saw the handprint on your face. He saw the way your body shook so hard in his arms. It killed him. Jake did this to you. Aaron wanted to console you for as long as he could, until you hadn’t mentioned anything about Mason.
“Where’s Mason, y/n? Where is he? Is he okay?”
“He’s. He’s upstairs. He’s sleeping.”
You began to control your breathing, just so you could stand up and begin to move upstairs toward Mason’s room. Aaron knew he had to get you to a hospital. This had to be documented. You were going to get full custody of Mason, he’ll make sure of it. But Jake had to be put in jail for what he did.
“I’m going to get you more ice and pack a diaper bag for Mason. I’m going to take you to the hospital. You need to get stiched and we’re going to file a police report. We’re going to do it together.”
“Aaron, no. It’s fine.”
“No, I’m not letting you tell me it’s fine when you call me to get you and Mason. I’m not going to let this go when you’ve just been beaten. You wanted help, please just let me help you. It’s going to be scary, but it won’t be any scarier than the hell you’ve been put through. So, please. I’m asking that you go get Mason. Pack a bag for him. I’ll get all his bottles. Grab some pajamas for yourself and some clothes for a couple of days. Some clothes for Mason. Once we’re done at the hospital you’re coming back to my apartment. I have an extra bedroom. If needed, I’ll let Jack sleep with me and you can put Mason in Jack’s room. I’m firm on this. Let me take care of you. Let me help you.”
You just wiped your tears and nodded at Aaron, which he nodded back, trying to hold his tears back from seeing you so upset. So broken. So vulnerable.
Aaron was right. You needed help. This was it. If Jake comes home tomorrow and apologizes, fine. But you cannot go back to him because you’ll be in that cycle that you’ve been in for the past 10 years. But how many times of that cycle do you have to keep repeating before enough is enough?
Aaron’s helping you break that cycle. That cycle of abuse is ending tonight.
Next Part
tagging: @8crazy-freak8 @angelmather1 @rousethemouse​ @lex13cm​ @mrs-ssa-hotch​ @camilahotchner 
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yeehawbvby · 2 years
In Too Deep (Arven x GN!Reader) | Ch. 1*
Rating: Mature/Explicit | Warning: Pokémon Scarlet/Violet spoilers!
Summary: "A rough yank whips my face past Arven’s. He lets go. I yelp, feeling my body drift away from the group for a brief few milliseconds. Then, two strong hands find my sides and pull, planting me down onto the Pokémon.
…Oh no, I’m horny. I could’ve died, but instead of being mad or fearful, I’m being horny."
Author’s Note: My headcanon age for Arven is that he’s a young adult, somewhere between 20-24 years old. If this proves to be wrong in the future, please consider him to be aged up to this range! Likewise, for the sake of the continuity (i.e. Little Buddy and whatnot), you have a similarly tiny stature to the main character in Pokémon SV. For the sake of all of us, your character here is not a teenager lol, but instead roughly the same age as Arven, give or take a few years.
Thank you for understanding!! ^^ Enjoy and take care x
Check it out on ao3!
There’s no way I can do this. 
I’ve ridden on the back of Raidon plenty — mostly on land, but sometimes soaring from high cliffs, and other times skiing on water. I trust this Pokémon with my life. 
But this? This is way too high of a jump. There’s no way it’ll work. 
I hear the bustle of my friends a dozen or so feet from beside me, climbing onto the motolizard in preparation for our flight. But in a daze, I kneel at the edge of the steel chamber, dreading the next few minutes. Unable to bring myself to move.
The drop into Area Zero begins high above the clouds, and ends on uncertain ground. We don’t know what’s down there, nor do we know what types of strange Pokémon might be flying with us on our way. Pokémon we could potentially crash into. Arven is the only one who can tell us what to expect, but he’s kept it vague, not wanting to have to recount his horrible experiences down there as a kid. 
The sound of metal clunking against metal echoes through my ears. Looking up and to my right side, I see the group all ready to go, Raidon inching forward. My eyes widen with panic. 
Oh… oh god, it’s time. 
I begin to shuffle over, but the upturn of Raidon's front legs tells me I don’t have as much time as I think.
Reaching out towards Arven’s outstretched hand, I sprint to him. His smile says he’s amused, but the glint in his eye shows determination. Behind him, Nemona laughs delightfully, and behind Nemona, Penny smirks. Analyzing the situation. As if she’s calculating how high of a chance there is that if they don’t die here, I will.
Before Raidon can plummet, Arven’s and my fingertips touch. Before I can grab his hand, he bypasses my fingers and firmly grasps my wrist. My heart skips a beat at the contact.
In the next beat, I’m airborne.
My friends howl and cheer beside me. Treating the plunge like we’re dropping down a rollercoaster at fucking Super Nintendo World. I, on the other hand, am screaming bloody murder. Cursing out Arven for prompting Raidon down so early instead of waiting two goddamn seconds for me to climb on. Cursing out Arceus, too, for fabricating this situation for me in the first place.
It feels like my shoulder or my wrist — maybe both? — are about to fall out of their sockets. I want to cry and throw up and most importantly I want to grab Arven’s forearm with my other hand for feigned security, but the wind is too strong against me, and my nerves are too high to do much of anything. 
After what seems like far too long, I feel a tug at my arm. My body glides forward as my teary eyes squint through the changing air pressure. A rough yank whips my face past Arven’s. He lets go. I yelp, feeling my body drift away from the group for a brief few milliseconds. Then, two strong hands find my sides and pull, planting me down onto the Pokémon.
How did he—??!
My hands instinctively grip onto Raidon’s horns, but my chest is still anxiously heaving, while butterfrees roam freely through my stomach. 
The past few moments play on repeat in my head, mentally removing me from the present.
Arven’s calloused hand consuming my wrist. Arven demonstrating borderline superhuman strength, as he tugs all [redacted] pounds of me through the air. Arven’s large hands finding my hips and positioning me against his body; the back of my ass to the front of his groin, the outside of my short legs spread almost fully against the inside of his longer ones.
Oh no, I’m horny.
I could’ve died, but instead of being mad or fearful, I’m being horny.
I gasp as I feel a warm breath against my ear, followed by a whisper: “I’ve got you, bud.” 
Arven punctuates the end of his sentence with a quick squeeze on my hips. The softness of his voice and sensation of his lips brushing my earlobe while he holds me like this sends a shiver down my spine.
Oh good god, that did not help anything!
A chirp from Raidon breaks me from my impure thoughts and reminds me to help it steer. I take a deep breath, sit up a bit straighter, and guide us down to safety. 
We quickly determine upon landing that Area Zero is much prettier than any of us could’ve ever imagined. It’s abundant with waterfalls, creating rainbows in the distant mist. There’s an absurd amount of tera crystals, all in weird places; coating tree trunks, and seeming to sprout from the rocky edges of the crater more than from the land itself. Each beam of sunlight peeking through the thick clouds above bends to make even the smallest particles of pollen drifting through the breeze shine beautifully, as though the air itself is shimmering around us. 
And the Pokémon – oh, don’t even get me started on how cool these things are. Before we could even find our bearings, Nemona was already running off to inspect them. Scared the shit out of Arven, Penny and I, sneaking away like that, but now that we’re seeing them for ourselves, nobody can blame her.
Some are made of metal, seemingly robotic in every sense of the word, just like Raidon. Others are only rarely found up on the mainland, such as Glimmora. Nemona and I have only ever encountered one prior to today because La Primera has one on her team, while Penny and Arven didn’t know it existed. The only downside to all of the cool Pokémon here is that one of them must have spooked Raidon really badly in the past. It returned itself to its ball earlier, and now refuses to come out, so we don’t have it as a mode of transport.
By the time the four of us come across the first research facility, as per the Professor’s instructions, we decide that’s a good stopping point for the day. With the sun setting and a bed and bathroom right here for our use – albeit they’re a bit worse for wear – it seems like this is the perfect time to rejuvenate our strength for the rest of our adventure.
Once we scope out the contents of the old lab reports that are scattered around, as well as decide on which direction to head the following day, Arven makes us some sandwiches. We use the last bit of daylight to remain outdoors, so as to avoid the stuffiness of the building we’re camping inside of. 
The little bit of downtime while Arven works allows my thoughts to veer from the tasks at hand, and unfortunately, I’m right back where I was on Raidon. I’m totally spaced out. I have a stunning view of the depths of the crater right ahead of me, yet the only images in my mind consist of Arven.
Can’t stop myself from thinking of how his hands would feel on my bare sides. I’m unable to avoid fantasizing about how his lips would feel on mine, rather than merely brushing the cold tip of my ear; or of his hand easily gripping both of my wrists, holding them above me while he uses his lips elsewhere.
Saving me from myself, Nemona hops over to where I’m seated, recruiting me for dinner. Thank Arceus. 
A few hours of eating, bonding, and bantering have passed, and now everyone is winding down for bed. Penny and Nemona bickered for the cot, only to settle on sharing it. Nemona knocked out almost as soon as she hit the old, mildewy pillow (eugh), while Penny opted to pop her earbuds in and play something on her Switch until she can fall asleep. Why she’d risk bringing that thing down here is beyond me.
That just leaves Arven and I to figure out where and how to sleep.
This is fine.
Everything is fine.
He’s seated on a ready-to-break office chair, and I’m sitting near him, legs dangling off of the crescent-shaped desk…? Work station? Whatever this is. Arven and I look at each other, look at Arven’s empty sleeping bag on the ground, look at one another again, squint, and then simultaneously speak up:
“You can take my sleeping bag,” he says, while I proclaim, “I’ll sleep on the floor.”
“What? No!” we – again, simultaneously – respond to one another. I deadpan him, while his brows furrow and he cocks his head at me.
“I’m not stealing your sleeping bag,” I quietly argue, not wanting to wake up Nemona or disturb Penny.
Arven rolls his eyes, then matches my tone. “It’s not stealing if I’m offering it to you. And I’m sure as hell not letting you sleep on the floor.” 
“Oh, sorry, let me rephrase. I’m not accepting your offer.”
“Alright, so neither of us will use it. Does that sound better to you?”
“Why the fuck would that sound better?!” I whisper-yell. He shrugs. I close my eyes, tilt my head back, and sigh. “I’ll see if one of my Pokémon want to offer themselves up as my pillow.” 
Arven sternly says my name. I hum inquisitively, grabbing a Pokéball from my backpack and inspecting it in my hand. I hear him sigh before he speaks up again. “We’re sharing it.”
My eyes widen and meet his. “P-pardon?” 
“My sleeping bag.” He stands up and walks over to it, then lowers himself in. “We’ll share.” Arven holds up the edge, allowing space for me to crawl in with him.
“Isn’t it a bit… uh…”
“Little? Yeah, just like you,” he quips. “Works out perfectly, if you ask me.” 
Heart ready to thump right out of my chest, I square my shoulders and look him in the eye. “...Fine!” I squeak. I hesitate before pushing off the desk, then meekly pad on over to him.
He snorts. “You’ve got the strength of a Champion, and have taken down four – technically five, if you count the lil’ sushi guy – Titan Pokémon. Pokémon that could’ve easily killed us both. What makes you so nervous about this?” he jests.
I feel my face heat up as I kneel down beside Arven. I grumble, “Shut up…” before sliding in next to him. “Should I… like…?” I ask, more to myself than to him, shuffling around to figure out which way to lay so that we can both comfortably fit. 
Seeming to have thought I was talking to him – understandably so – Arven takes matters into his own hands. 
Oh god.
His hands meet my hips again, except this time, the tee I brought down here to sleep in rides up a little. One of his fingers presses the skin of my side, sending Gooserene-bumps across my body. Then, he flips me around and pulls the back of my body flush against him. 
“C’mere, you little...” he trails off, pretending to be annoyed.
My brain takes a few seconds to process what’s happening. When I don’t zip up the sleeping bag right away, Arven reaches over me. There’s no way I’ll survive the night like this. The zipper makes it about an inch from its starting point before I put a hand on his arm to stop him. 
“Uh, actually, I’m gonna go get some air. Head kinda hurts.” 
I shimmy out from under Arven’s arm, and step out of the sleeping bag, promptly leaving the facility before he can say much of anything. There are enough lights planted on the building to ward off any pesky nocturnal Pokémon, so I know I’ll be safe as I wrap around to the side and sit down in the grass. I lean my back on the station, take a deep breath, and look out at the view I neglected earlier. 
I’ve gotta try to clear my head before I go back in there. I can’t spend the night in constant contact with the person who’s currently the star of all my perverted desires. What happens if I have a wet dream? What happens if I verbalize any of this hypothetical dream in my sleep? 
I’m so screwed.
My fingers fidget with the grass as a stupid thought crosses my mind. 
What if I just…? Y’know…?
I stand up to peek around the corner at the front of the building, knowing nobody is around, but wanting to play it safe before I do something reeeally fucking stupid. Then I look side to side. I look up and around for cameras, making sure the Professor can’t see what I’m about to do.
Sitting back down where I was, I think I’m in the clear. If I concentrate really hard, I can get off, and then I’ll go to the bathroom to clean up a bit, and then I’ll probably be alright to get back in that tiny little sleeping bag with Arven without combusting.
Giving myself a curt nod of encouragement, I reach a nervous hand into my sleep shorts. I’m embarrassingly prepared already… all this just from being so pent up all day. I feel like a monster. A horny, insatiable monster. 
Making quick use of my fingers, I’m forced to bite my lip to stop any sounds from escaping me. I’m never noisy while I masturbate, except maybe while I’m cumming sometimes. This is so embarrassing, even if there’s nobody around to see it. 
I shake the guilty thoughts from my head, wanting to simply get the job done and return inside. I can be as distracted as I want when I’m back in my dorm in Arceus knows how long. 
For now, I need to focus. 
Eyes shut and knuckles against my mouth, my imagination runs wild with some of the dirty thoughts I had earlier as I lose myself in pleasure. It honestly helps so much to have had those ideas ready to use, rather than having to conjure up new ones… and it immerses me enough that I haven’t noticed the soft footsteps on the grass just a few meters away from me.
The only reason I stop what I’m doing is because I hear my name being spoken cautiously, as if approaching a feral Pokémon, by none other than the man I was just fantasizing about.
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yunzzzcludd · 2 months
caged ˏˋ°•
woosan(ft woohwa)
ੈ✩‧₊“I was born to love you, to love you with all my heart”
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Pairing: angel!san x angel!wooyoung (ft demon!seonghwa)
genre: angst
side note: woohwa as a side ship,blood,sharp objects, contains killing, don’t expect a happy ending lol, idk if I missed smth.
A/N: Hiii it’s yun. My first ever oneshot is posted yayy. It was in my drafts for a while and I took inspo from a YouTube I watched idk hehet, yeah I guess that’s it. I will post more in the future but hope you’ll enjoy this! I enjoy writing bxb more butttt I’ll try writing readerxmember soon! Anyways hope you all have a great day <3 (and I wrote this at like 2am soooo I’m sorry for any grammatical errors :,(
“Till death do us apart”
the world of heavens took a downturn indeed. When demon Seonghwa came destroying that palace. Just to find one specific angel. Jung Wooyoung, he has been in love with him, or obsessed, to the fact that he captured him and trapped him into the midst of darkness. Inside a small cage, no one. Keeping Wooyoung to himself.
This day when the demon decided to surprise his “lover” with a bouquets of flowers, roses, hibiscus, sunflowers, all of Wooyoung’s favourites wrapped into a sweet bundle. Thinking that the angel would finally accept to be his. He flew off to the depths of hell.
In the dark, cold atmosphere, Wooyoung sat in his lonely cage, the silver bars reflected his face. The once beautiful and warm angel now turned into an emotionless, cold one. As if he’s never moved from his position, he didn’t even bother to look when Seonghwa’s footsteps slowly approached.
“wooyoung! I brought you flowers!”
Hell if he was going to accept them, Wooyoung thought.
“Leave me alone.”
“But those are your favourite!” The demon retorted. Wooyoung finally snapped his head towards Seonghwa’s direction. Face pale and angry.
“Do you understand? I’ll never love you! NEVER!” with a flick of his hand, Wooyoung slapped the bouquet away, leaving it flying across the room. The rosy petals started to withered. Like the colour of Wooyoung’s face.
Seonghwa stared at the scattered flowers, stunned by Wooyoung’s sudden outburst.
“You can’t just do that! I picked those by heart! Why can’t you just accept it?!” Seonghwa raised his voice, his booming voice echoing the room.
Wooyoung’s went silent. He knew he messed up, the demon is pissed. So pissed.
Seonghwa stood up, looking down at Wooyoung’s figure in the cage. His face darkens. “we’ll see about that.” With a snap of his finger, a loud thud was heard.
Wooyoung glanced, eyes widening and he saw the scene.
A boy with broken wings, bloodied and bruised. His black hair falling slightly, covering his eyes, hands bond behind his back.
It was no other than San.
Wooyoung’s love.
“SAN..!” Wooyoung yelled, clutching around the cold cage bars. He was trying to reach for him. He needed to hold him, be with him.
Seonghwa smirked at the sight, then held a sharp pendant in his hand. It was like a small knife-the hell’s gift. He showed it to Wooyoung, eyes flickered with hope.
“If you promise to be mine. He’ll be free.”
Wooyoung hesitated, he wanted San to be safe. But what about him? Will he ever see San again? Is his love life really over? His freedom? Everything?
Wooyoung was about to take the pendant when San’s raspy voice was heard.
“NO! No..Woo please-“
Wooyoung ached at San’s vulnerable state. He hated that he couldn’t protect him. He hated that he couldn’t be by his side when he most needed him.
The angel gathered his breath. Looking up at Seonghwa was cold determined eyes.
“I refuse, not in a millions times, will I ever promise to be with you.”
The angel really pushed his buttons, Seonghwa was enraged, throwing the pendant on the floor, splitting it into pieces.
“You dont know how much i can treat you better than him! You ungrateful brat!” Seonghwa spat.
On the other hand, San gave a weak smile, looking at Wooyoung.
“You’ll find someone better my love.”
“NO! SAN! I want to be with you! No one, only you.”
“Please be happy okay? Move on and do what you love. I’ll always be here. So don’t worry?”
Wooyoung chocked on his own tears, he can’t actually stop them.
“You idiot. You better promise that- you..promised to bring me to the white castle-“
San let out a weak chuckle.
“I did didn’t I? Believe me. I’ll bring you there.”
Wooyoung tears were uncontrollably falling. He tried wiping it away. But it wouldn’t stop.
“Till death do us apart Woo- I love you so so much”
“I love-“ San’s voice was cut off, he collapsed on the ground, blood soaking the floor, just under the dead angel’s cold lifeless body.
“San?…San wake up..this is not funny wake up! CHOI SAN!!”
Wooyoung banged hard on the bars, trying to break free, wanted to hug San’s body. He lost everything. Even the love of his life. Now he’s all alone again. Back in the dark void.
Seonghwa just watched the scene with a satisfied smile.
“No one can stop us now-“
Wooyoung glared at Seonghwa, a glare full of shattered, anger and hurt.
“You..took everything from me..everything. I hate you.”
Wooyoung snatched the pendant from the floor.
“Wooyoung what the hell are you doing?!” Seonghwa panicked.
“Till death do us apart.”
Wooyoung said before blood splattered across Seonghwa’s face. Looking down to see two angel corpses lying on the cold floor.
Wooyoung’s final tears spilled out, leaving a small smile on his face when his gazed landed on San.
“I’ll find you in my next life, my love”
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kayla-2 · 1 year
I’ll be honest. A post you made popped up on my dashboard so I went to your profile to see other posts you’ve made about ACOTAR.
After about 15 minutes of doom scrolling, I realized something. I never saw a post about what you thought about Nesta saving Nyx, Rhys, and Feyre is ACOSF.
I know you’re an anti-Nesta fan. But I find it hard to believe that any pro-Feyre fans couldn’t appreciate what Nesta did to save her sister and nephew. Especially after completing the Blood Rite and dealing with the Cassian/Briallyn situation like 15 minutes before getting to the River House. I’m pretty sure that would knock anyone on their ass.
Now I’ll be the first to admit that Nesta is no saint. She has said and done things I don’t agree with. I also understand, on a certain level, some of her actions. I think her plan with Thomas was to lighten the load for her family. As one less mouth to feed, it was intended to lighten the family’s load. I also firmly believe that Nesta’s mom was grooming her for the vast majority of her childhood. And that type of abuse is not so easily healed. Also, Elain and Feyre have had their own shares of nastiness.
- Elain’s reaction to how Nesta was not adjusting well after being taken to the HoW and being forced to detox cold turkey made me realize how truly childish and naive she was to her sister’s suffering. Also, the fact that Elain was “pretty” and “quiet” during her suffering was deemed acceptable and the fact that she never contributed to the family’s situation in cabin is just glossed over.
- The constant Nesta bashing carried out by IC when Feyre was present always grated on me. I think it bothered me most because Feyre never defended her sister, like, not even a little. I also find absolutely comedic that the IC are all 500+ but take Feyre’s POV as the gospel truth. Surely they know better than to only seek one version of a story…
Honestly, I like Nesta. I know it’s hard for some people to see and that’s totally fine. That being said, if Nesta was truly as horrid as some people make her out to be, she could have let Feyre die during childbirth and taken Rhys out too. But she didn’t.
I’m not looking to throw hands or anything lol. So please don’t take this as an attack. I’m just truly curious to see what your opinion was concerning Nesta’s sacrifice for Feyre, Rhys, and Nyx. And to see how you think it will play out in the coming books.
I can’t speak for all feyre stans, just me. N.esta “sacrifice” was nothing more than an answer to an already unnecessary plot moment. No one wants her to sacrifice anything, I just need basic respect towards her little sister. The pregnancy and all it’s complications only happened to move feysand out the way so n.esta can finally be useful and “go up the mountain”… it’s quite obvious since cassian was healed after having a worse injury. If the pregnancy was actually for Feyre and feysand plotline I would be much more appreciative
Its barely a sacrifice when n.esta didn’t care or train her powers. Feyre spent all her life sacrificing for n.esta so I would barely call it a favor. I do not care about the IC bashing n.esta the few times they did and Feyre unnecessarily defended n.esta on multiple occasions, please reread. She has the most nice things to say about n.esta. If n.esta can’t handle people not liking her maybe she should be nicer to their family (feyre) or don’t. I don’t get why everyone has to be nice and she can say whatever she wants.
N.esta also admitted to pushing elain away and literally blamed her for their fathers death. What is elain suppose to do? Again, why is she allowed to do these things but everyone else needs to be a saint. Since Feyre returned, Elain apologized, was happy to see her sister alive, and actually works to fix her relationship with feyre and don’t degrade her unlike n.esta so she would be treated nicer it’s common sense. People aren’t punching bags and she couldn’t get any friends or new “sisters” until she respected people which again.. it’s common sense
And point to the part of a.cosf where n.esta disagrees that she treated feyre poorly, how is the inner circle only taking Feyres side of the story when they see n.esta with their own two eyes. She confirmed Feyre story, added more, and truthfully admitted that she didn’t deserve Feyre.
Y’all have to admit that y’all wanted n.esta to be able to treat people however she wants and they have to remain dutiful and nice and patient while offering unlimited support.
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roykleinberg · 3 months
a couple unpopular tron opinions!! lmao
Tron '82 > Legacy, but idk if that's an unpopular thought loll
What that makes Legacy's story go from good to great is all of it's various companion pieces— The Flynn Lives ARG, The Next Day, Betrayal, Evolution, Uprising, etc etc. The best thing about the Tron franchise is how it uses so many different mediums (and technology that viewers interact with in different ways!).
The Flynn Lives ARG, to me, is still the most ingenious thing that has happened to this franchise. Is it a little sad that the deeper aspects of Alan and Sam (and sort of Lora and Roy)'s characters get sidelined to something that average movie-goer isn't going to seek out? Yes, extremely. But the ARG is such a treat for fans that I'm genuinely surprised that Tronblr of the 2020s doesn't pay any attention to it. There's so much character and world building, and so many little, little easter eggs— I think the ARG deserves so much more attention!!!!
Evolution does more for the main program characters of Legacy (Clu2, Quorra) character development than Uprising does 😭The existence of Abraxas makes Clu more sinister because we see him purposefully going behind Flynn's back, and as dark as it was, Quorra's personal losses almost felt more heavy in Evo than Uprising since Anon and Quorra work together through the game. But I'm also very biased because I liked Evo's story so much lmao
—— from @quorras :)
tron confessional with moss
alright let's break this down lol
1. 82 v Legacy
admittedly I have gone back and forth on this one a lot over the years. because I generally (obviously) love 82 to bits and it is my favorite part of the whole franchise. but at times I have questioned if Legacy is narratively the Better Movie(tm). and at the end of the day I think it's somewhat hard to compare because they're telling pretty different stories, once you get past the surface level sucked into cyberspace plot. 82 has a warmer fuzzier view of the potential of technology in the right hands compared to Legacy, which in my interpretation leans more into the idea that family -- human love and connection -- supersedes the more "alien" program way of life. 82 wants you to like the programs and see them as people just like us, whereas Legacy has more of a Basics kinda suck and only the more human ISOs are worth anything approach lol. and I think there's validity in both those takes, and I think the times and environments in which they were created has a huge impact on how they view and approach technology. but. yeah. 82 wins for me on its more optimistic hopeful vibe alone.
2. The Tron EU (extended universe not European Union)
100% agreeeeeeeeee. I sometimes catch myself lamenting the fact that it's such a small franchise, but when you add up all the comics and games and the ARG (Flynn Lives ARG light of my life we will get to you in a moment xoxo) and the show there really is a lot! honestly throw ElecTRONica in there too, there was lore there. half the reason I have such a hard time even recommending the movies to people is because I want to be like okay but you also need to watch/read/play all of this please you don't UNDERSTAND
the way Tron has been handled by some many creators and creative teams is honestly just.... really beautiful and special to me in the most unironic sense. it sucks that the mouse has never given the franchise the trust or the resources to grow, and I hate that so many projects are soured by this air of something being ripped away from people who clearly loved it and wanted to do more. but that love is so undeniable in all these bits and pieces of the franchise. there will always be people who love Tron as much as we the fandom do, and I would rather have a hundred of these one-off passion projects like Uprising or Identity than a bunch of soulless blockbuster movies
3. ARG my beloved <3
42 Entertainment I am kissing you on the mouth
I really can't even articulate everything that the ARG is to me, and I wasn't even involved when it was ongoing. when I was just getting into Tron after Legacy got the home release, a good chunk of the ARG sites were still live, and I remember digging into all of it and being amazed and obsessed. I still have the wiki site where everything is archived bookmarked. there's so much good background in there. and Roy! ROY!!!!!!! and the big reveals in The Next Day? OUR little operation, ISOlatedThinker???? I am not and will neve be normal about it, and it's sad to think the current iteration of the fandom doesn't know about or acknowledge it as much
4. Evolution v Uprising
I feel ya. don't get me wrong, I love the Uprising cast, but I was never completely in love with how the show handled the pre-established characters. like I was saying before I didn't like how Uprising made Clu a more detached / distant villain, so having him be a more direct bastard in Evo worked better for me. and Quorra ugh :( she really loses everything over the course of the game, and I think it makes her character in Legacy so much more poignant knowing that she went through all of that but was still so hopeful. Abraxas was such a good, tragic, fucked up antagonist. and Gibson oughhhhhh. again hard to say what would have happened in a second season of Uprising (pour one out), but Evolution is so deliciously bleak in a way the show never completely got to be. Uprising is mostly dark because we know or can infer what's going to happen, because we know where canon ends up. but Evolution has more of an opportunity to show us the dark and horrible things that went on after the coup, and it's a carries a little more weight as a result. rip Anon you will always be famous
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likesunsetorange · 9 months
i think eren would kind of enjoy it though even if he pretends to hate it lol he likes her attention!!!
Him trying not to react as she smooths his lapels, gives him another one over, all before telling no and to go back in the fitting room so she can go talk to an associate at whatever fancy store they’re at!
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omg anon this is so cute you gave me an idea for this scene i got inspired and i never write chronologically anyways so here's a mini drabble! (will this be the exact version idk, but hope you enjoy anyways!!!)
By no means had Eren ever been poor, his dad was literally a doctor. He had grown up living a comfortable life—one that consisted of the typical upper-middle class luxuries. His college had been paid for in full, he was treated to little luxuries like the newest gaming systems and trendy clothes, and there were certainly never any worries about finances.
But this was certainly a level of wealth he didn't think he would ever get used to. There were crystal chandeliers on the ceilings, glasses of thousand dollar champagne that were being offered to every patron, and suits and dresses lining the racks that cost more than a down payment on a house. When Mikasa told him she was taking him suit shopping, he assumed they’d go to Neiman Marcus at the most, not whatever this was.
He felt like a fish out of water as he stood around in the dressing room, waiting aimlessly for Mikasa and Petra, the sales associate Mikasa seemed to be well acquainted with, to return with their third round of suits. Eren wasn’t sure why a simple black suit wouldn’t suffice, but according to Mikasa, he couldn’t show up to a political event in a just any old regular suit, let alone a rental.
So here he was hours later being forced to try on suit after suit, nothing seeming to please her. His patience was starting to run thin and he was tired, but surprisingly, Mikasa was being oddly… nice? Given the word nice may have been him overreaching, but she was certainly withholding from the insults, and rather than speaking to him like he was a second class citizen, she was being friendlier than usual.
Eren assumed it was because, oddly enough, she seemed to be enjoying making him her own life-sized Ken doll. It was out of the ordinary for her to be directing so much of her attention towards him, let alone having her fuss over him and paying attention to something as small as whether or not the cuff links Petra brought out would match with the watch he always wore (he didn’t even think Mikasa had bothered to notice that he even wore a watch everyday).
He found himself fidgeting with his dress shirt sleeves, until he finally heard Mikasa’s voice growing closer. Eren could hear her laughing over what he assumed was something Petra had said—something he didn’t hear her do very often around the house. Before he knew it, there were three more suits being held through the curtain, the tiny peaking of her manicured hand holding up the hangers.
“Try on the blue one first, and show me once you’re done,” her voice direct, but less bossy than usual. “Please,” she added after, this time her voice almost inaudible.
As usual, he relented, but at least she had the decency to say please for once. Part of him was still annoyed he couldn’t just wear a black suit, but according to Mikasa, “all men wear black suits”, and he “needed to be different.” Why? He didn’t understand. He was just her bodyguard. But he had learned which battles to pick with Mikasa, and this unfortunately just wasn’t going to be one he’d win.
Eren was faster about getting dressed this time, after ten suits, it seemed to have become second nature, and also hoping this would be the last one he had to try on. He didn’t even bother to take a look in the mirror, throwing the curtain open and walking to where Mikasa was in the show room.
Her eyes flickered up from her phone, setting down the champagne glass she had in her other hand onto the table next her, standing up to inspect him.
Eren felt oddly vulnerable as she walked around, poking and prodding at the suit, making sure it was up to her (very high) standards. She stopped in front of him, fixing the lapels of his suit, smoothing them out. He could smell the floral of her perfume from how close she was, not used to her being in such close proximity before. Eren felt his ears growing out, but he was glad that she she took a step back before she could notice, a pleased look on her face.
“Hey, Petra! Can you bring me those two ties we picked out for this one, please?” Mikasa called out, Petra appearing with what seemed to Eren, two versions of the exact same patterned tie, placing them neatly in her hands before she scurried off to another customer. She looked between the two before settling on whichever she seemed to like more, before placing it in his hands. “Okay, put this one on.”
“Oh… Umm… I can’t tie a tie—I normally wear clip-ons,” he confessed, his ears turning red again.
“Tch, of course you can’t,” she replied, rolling her eyes. “Okay, lift your collar up, I guess I can help you. And bend down a bit—you’re too tall.”
He followed as instructed, Mikasa’s surprisingly gentle fingers working around his neck to make do with the tie. If they weren’t in public, he’d be a little scared she’d try and choke him or something, but she seemed to be in a good mood today. She hummed to herself softly as she quickly fastened the windsor knot, faster than Eren would’ve done even with help. When she finished, she lightly placed his collar back down, her fingers like ice as they brushed the skin of his neck in the process. She gave him one final pat down, fixing every little detail, before bringing him to the mirror.
“Do you like it?” The tiniest bit of excitement in her voice, almost as if she wanted to be validated in her choice.
Eren eyed himself, and he could admit that he felt like he looked nice. But it didn’t feel like it was that much different than the ten other suits he tried on. He was never one to care about things like this, but he could tell it mattered to her, so at the very least, he could give her the satisfaction she was seeking.
“Yea, think this one’s probably the best out of all of ‘em.”
A small smile flashed across her face, before she ushered him to the fitting room. “Okay, hurry up and get changed then so we can go check out then.”
Eren finally bothered to look at the price tag, his eyes growing wide once he did. “Mikasa, this is like a $7k suit, are you sure?” He asked as he walked into the fitting room.
“We’re using daddy’s credit card, remember?” She replied rolling her eyes. “Plus, this is technically a business expense—you’re an employee—and rich people just love a good tax write off.”
“Okay, fine, if you insist.”
“Of course I do. Now hurry up, we still have to go get you shoes!”
All Eren could do was sigh, hoping Mikasa wouldn’t be nearly as picky with shoes as she was with clothes.
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chimivx · 28 days
//spoilers for chapter 7 (please prep yourself for this)
NOT THE "good luck"
WOOYOUNG !!! MY MAN WOOYOUNG STEPPING UP !! I had the fattest feeling in the world that there was no way he'd hurt her for some superficial reason, like getting his dick wet ✋ Bro atp what's even the point of being in a greek life house if all they do is treat both of you like dogshit- and it's THE WAY woo thinks she's more important than a group of lowlives 😔😭 SET MY BOY AND GIRLY FREE !!!!! He just wants her to be happy :(( He just wants to be happy with her 🥹🥹🥹
On the other hand, despite him being my pookie, the Yunho disappointment is so real. Seonghwa disappointment is so real. This Joong disappointment is becoming real. It's like no one has any independent thought and its SO FRUSTRATING (props to you for writing their characters) !! As much as I was rooting for Yunho after his love confession, I cannot say with good heart that this man deserves our girly and good on her for exposing everything because— that is a LOT to keep bottled up for so long. Everyone needs to go back to therapy fr.
Mannnnnnn it just feels like the atz boys (old and new) are in cahoots just trying to find ways to make girly's life miserable one way or another. For WHAT REASON !!!
Me, gripping my hair and rocking back and forth like a maniac
I think I'm just the most mad at Yunho tbh (rant incoming). Even as a reader you can feel how sweetly he used to treat our girly and how much he probably loved her this entire time. Likewise the way our girly was so genuinely in love with Yunho that even Wooyoung couldn't deny it. Idk what's going on in yunho's head for him to feel the need to have attached himself to Mina on top of that. 100% the whole date event thing and girly's relationship with woo played a big part in how things turned out but it's just so fucking childish of him !! THAT'S WHAT THIS IS YUNHO IS JUST ACTING LIKE a child. He can't stand the idea of his favorite toy being in someone else's hands, but he also can't stand the idea of only having one toy to play with. And my girly is NOT A TOY!!!!!! To be real, as much as they connected, I don't think Yunho has the genuine capability to perceive Rory as anything but a possession for him to have and tuck away as he sees fit. What has even been the point of comforting her after the (what we know now as faked) woo and yeji affair??? IM JUST SO MAD FOR SO MANY REASONS BC I WAS ROOTING FOR HIM DESPITE HIM BEING SO WISHY WASHY !!! I was truly holding onto an ounce of hope that he'd clean up his act....!And of COURSE this mf stays silent the entire time everything went down. He cares too much about protecting what's left of his image (his fucking ego) than comforting or protecting the girl he supposedly is in love with.
Meanwhile we have MY MAN WOOYOUNG !! over here willingly throwing everything away for even a chance at fixing things with the girl HE never stopped loving. WE CHEERED !!!!!! 🥂🥳🎉
I hope everyone in these two houses rot fr (many complex emotions that i can't put into words).
I think what also rubs me wrong is what ever the fuck Seonghwa is doing but I don't have enough words to express the way I feel about it??? Like- can there not be ONE man in that house who doesn't fuck her and then fuck her over 😭😭😭😭😭
(Lighter note)
Also PLEASE the way San is obviously so whipped and down bad for Rory despite him being such a slut (i love you fictional san, never change) All it took was a single kiss and that man was rethinking all of his decisions and plans for the entire night. They're so cute when they interact with each other 😭🥹 But I understand that San is prob not a romanceable character route so we will take the light-hearted crumbs we can get ✋😔 I don't think we can handle an additional romanceable route anyways 😭😭😭😭😭😭
When seonghwa had to witness rory's interaction with wooyoung at the cafe, i was sitting here kicking my feet in the air like i'm the happiest girl in the world. We know youre an undercover asshole now hwa... I need more backstory interactions between wooyoung and rory bc 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 every single one we've gotten (e.g. library scene, beer pong) gave me a little spark of joy amongst all the angst we've been subject to 😔 But I'm also a hella sucker for angst so TRULY i win either way 🤪
Idk woo was so clearly and genuinely in love with rory without condition that it sucks for everything to have ended up the way it did.... I'm sure he regrets ever entertaining the idea of letting her go- and now's his time to try to redeem himself with (hopefully) pure intentions.
That is all from me for rn I !!!! Feel bad for the text wall LMFAO but pls know I'm looking forward to whatever happens next 🫶 Happy writing !!!
" I had the fattest feeling in the world that there was no way he'd hurt her for some superficial reason, like getting his dick wet ✋ "
" Mannnnnnn it just feels like the atz boys (old and new) are in cahoots just trying to find ways to make girly's life miserable one way or another. For WHAT REASON !!! "
If we're talking the piwon boys... they just want the reason above that Wooyoung didn't... LMFAO. They're simply sleazy frat boys.
YOUR MONOLOGUE ABOUT YUNHO. My darling dear. The boy does not know what he wants and its insufferable. I genuinely think hes got the friend/feelings thing going on. He can't figure out the feeling after sleeping with Aurora, so it manifests into this thing, like oh, I love you, I like you, I have feelings for you, when really it's simply just him loving her as a friend, but he still wants to fuck LMFAO. Which is unfortunate and he needs to sort that out.
I think I may plan to write little snippets of San and his adventures in ATZ, LOL. I'm obsessed with him and Rory, but they're absolutely 100% platonic... but they'd deff get it on. He's probably my fav ATZ boy at the moment, aside from our hero Wooyoung.
Thank you for always leaving your thoughts, your comments, I appreciate it SO much, it keeps me going!!! I'm sitting here laughing at this in real time, and sharing allllll the feels with you!
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creation-key · 1 year
Sober Realities
Part 1
synopsis: part 2 to drunken calls where the truth comes out
TW: None, mb light swearing?
WC: 1,253
a/n: hey guys, I know this has surprisingly been long awaited, so I hope this part is good enough lol. I’m currently on vacation but wanted to release this bc i felt bad 🥸 also i’m still debating on whether or not i want them to get together, so please comment and lmk if you want them end up together nor not 😏 k thanks byeee!
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It’s been 2 weeks since the incident. You had not talked to your sister nor Harry, afraid of what would’ve occurred as a result. Either giving into your heart and breaking your sister’s, Or standing by her side and cutting the love? no- you can’t think of him that way, that’s what got you in this predicament in the first place.
You sigh, looking at your phone realizing that your sister will be there any minute. After week one, which coincidentally was also the day Harry stopped trying to contact you, she messaged you asking to meet at your favorite books/ coffee shop. You had tried to ignore the message, but she had quickly texted saying,
“I know you’re reading this and if you don’t say yes, I’m telling mom.”
Not wanting to bother your mother, of course you had responded and said agreed setting up a time.
You sip on whatever watered down bean water you ordered, not really caring to remember the name of it, since your anxiety was through the roof. You tried to calm yourself down by taking a deep breath and reading the random book with the pretty cover you had picked up, but after you had read the same page 15 times, which was only the back cover, you concluded that you should put the book back and stare at the wall in dismay.
After 10 minutes pass by, you decide to get up, grabbing your bag, and start to head over to the register. You throw away your old cup, moving to stand in line to order a muffin.
You get your muffin and another cup of death, this one not iced, and start heading towards the door, your excuse being that she’s late and you totally have something else to do, not yet realizing that you make sure to update your schedule on your family shared calendar that she has access to.
You open the door about to walk out when, lo and behold, your sister comes walking towards you with bags on her arms, clearly from shopping.
“And where do you think you’re going?” She puts her empty arm on her hip, popping it out like your mother.
You grimace, knowing that she’s going to tell your mom that you tried to leave.
“Well, I was going to go home, seeing as how my coffee date was late from… shopping.” She rolls her eyes, now smiling.
“Now is that any way to treat your baby sister whose boyfriend you’re trying to steal?” You gasp, now fully outside the book/ cafe.
Your eyes well up with tears, vision now blurred, mouth opening and closing wanting to say words but nothing coming out.
Your sister immediately drops her bags on the floor and wraps her arms around you.
“Omg, bee I’m so sorry. I wasn’t thinking, you know I don’t really think that, I was just being a sarcastic smart-ass. Please stop crying! I promise I won’t tell mom you tried to run away.” You laugh at that last part, wiping your tears away, your muffin and cup of whatever long forgotten and cold.
“Are you ready to talk? There’s a park nearby that I passed earlier.” You nod at her, she smiles grabbing your hand, and leading the way.
You’re now sitting on cold metal bench, listening to the words coming out of your sister’s mouth, not fully understanding. You could’ve sworn she had said that she cheated, but you know her, she would never. She’s little bee, your big bee, she would never do anything that you wouldn’t, and you for sure wouldn’t do that, especially to Harry.
You guess she realizes your confusion because she stops talking and asks what you’re thinking.
“So uh- you.. you cheated on him? Harry? The same guy who attended your high school graduation. The guy who saved up to get you and your friends tickets to Taylor Swift’s concert? L Bee I love you, and I will always be on your side, but forgive me if I cannot understand or get behind … this.” You motion with your hands at the word this. She nods her head in understanding reaching out to grab your hand.
“I wasn’t happy with him.”
“So you resulted to cheating on him? L BEE, THAT IS NOT- I’m sorry for yelling, but that’s just not okay. I would never do that, so I just don’t-” She interrupts you.
“That’s the problem Bee! I’m not you. I’m my own person, and I knew that when Harry and I started dating, that he only asked me out because you were taken. I know he only made it “official” with me because I resemble you. And ever since we started dating, I started to become you, to feed into his feelings, and gain his approval. But after a while though, I couldn’t do take it anymore. Something changed, it was like a switch, it brought me back to life telling me ‘this isn’t you.’ So, I went to a bar, and I kissed a girl.” Your jaw goes slack, shock heavily prevalent on your face.
“So you’re, gay? bi? experimenting? I’m confused…”
“That’s the problem, I don’t know. Like you said, Harry and I started going out when I was just 18, I never went to college so I didn’t get to experience the party scene and experiment. You know, when I told Harry, he cried, but not because he was losing me, but because he thought he was losing you. Isn’t that sad Bee? And that was over a month ago-“ You interrupt her-
“A month? How’s that possible, just 2 weeks ago I “confessed” to him drunkenly and he shows up the next morning saying that he wants to make it official between us and that he’s already talked to you about it. I mean I didn’t believe, because you guys had not said anything about the breakup.” She shrugs her shoulders.
“I told mom.” You smack her leg, she laughs. You rest your head on her shoulder, looking at the tree canopy above you, swaying slightly with the wind. It’s quiet for a while, a nice silence while you try to think of what to do next.
“Are you going to call him, now that you know?”
“I don’t even think he wants to talk to me anymore, I didn’t respond to any of his texts or answer any of his calls. He even sent me an email, that I immediately flagged as spam…” She laughs patting the top of you head like a dog.
“He stopped reaching out because I told him that I would talk to you and smooth things out. I let him know that you would call him as soon as you got home.” You lift up your head, the patting ceasing, only to find her grinning creepily. She looks down at her , non-existent, watch and then back up at you again.
“Bee, I love you and you have my complete blessing and back up to date Harry. My only request is that you make me the maid of honor over mom.” She holds out her pinky, which you take with yours.
“Deal.” She gets ups, pulls you in for a tight hug, and leaves, taking all of her bags with her.
With this new found knowledge that you’ve learned, you walk to your car and head home. Filled with anxiety and excitement, mostly anxiety, so you try and rehearse how you’re going to call Harry and beg for forgiveness. Or rather just say hi and explain what you’ve been told. You’re definitely not sure what to do, but before you can ponder over it anymore, you pull into your driveway, and walk up your front steps and into your house, not even seeing the car parked on the street in front of your home.
a/n: guys this so crazy, this has been done for like 2 days, but i’ve been so scared that I wouldn’t be able to top the last one lol. Also this is not the last part ofc 😏
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twixtandshout · 2 months
I'm just thinking about him in the car. Watching movies with his hand around my shoulder. And I said "This is scary but I trust you, let's move slow" and he said "I don't need to worry about that, I want to go fast now." I said "You could destroy me with this if we're not careful but here's everything I can think of that would hurt," and he said "Lol okay" and then did everything on the list, and when I said "Can we talk about that?" he hit a few more on the way out. And I can't talk about it, any part of it, because it's been a month now and god, you're still upset about all this? He put a sun in his status and said he was moving on two days after everything was over, and I'm out here still throwing up from stress, but oh you can't say that because won't you consider it'd make him feel bad to know he hurt you? Don't you know opening your mouth is a violent act, that you can caveat and bubble-wrap yourself as much as possible but because it comes from your tongue it can be nothing less than calculated effort to some unseen conclusion of yours? I have been so much of his confidence and he has robbed so many words from me. "You wanted romance I couldn't give you. I would have rather been brothers." And you never said that with your face to me, I hate the words "led me on" but what am I supposed to think when you say you were addicted to using me, I would have been fine closing off any dream of romance so long as you put a hand on my head and said you cared, but I can't even say we "broke up" because even that is "pushing my agenda" and forcing you, offstage, into labels you never wanted. I have been turning myself inside out to understand you, to make myself less than the trauma nightmare you've made yourself to me, and god forbid my compassion be anything less than comprehensive when you only ever opened your mouth to tell me I've been grasping and needy and pathetic trying to apologize. I guess if you're not willing to come to the negotiating table every attempt at compromise is weakness. And when you pulled me close, arms around me – did you know, even as I said you felt like home? That if I said "Please treat me with basic consideration," you'd say "I didn't think we were serious enough for that"?
You said you'd hold me as long as I let you. I said I was terrified you'd throw me away as soon as I wasn't new or interesting anymore, and you spent weeks with "forever" as every other word out of your mouth in reply, swearing you'd wear my mark on bended knee. But I'm the one who was pushing too hard. Getting too many ideas in my girlish head. I was too invested, I shouldn't have been hurt by such a trivial thing; I didn't put enough effort into meeting your needs, I keep trying to fix things that should have just been given up on. You're getting me coming and going, you know? And forget all of that, every word you said and told other people but not me and everything you never said at all – the bottom line is, you treated me like I didn't matter.
And even if there was a way to tell you that anymore, I don't think you'd care. You said it already – I "wasn't that serious" to you.
(But none of this is the pristine immovitude expected of me. It's my job to stay steady, and saintly, and silent; we're not allowed to be a thing that hurts. Just think – if you have emotions, if you're allowed to feel and express things imperfectly, who could everyone else depend on! If only you'd just shut up and taken it, nothing would have had to change. You're so articulate. Surely, if you trip and grab for someone's arm – surely, if your nails dig in, if they unbalance under your weight, if you upend a buffet table – surely it must have been intentional, and never mind how many times you said you'd talk it out as many times as it took. What a kick in the pants, already out the door! "All you have to be is –" Perfect. Perfect, or nothing; or maybe just a fool for letting hope knock shyly in the first place.)
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