#- thrown away all the stuff inside it. like even the rearview mirror and the first aid kit and literally everything. and we couldnt rescue
assistancedogmischa · 3 months
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i haven't posted in a while & don't have much of an update, except to say that i was genuinely, strongly considering if i should wash Mischa - his anxiety in public spaces* isn't any better, though we also haven't done as much actual training as we should have (when we go someone, e.g. the supermarket, we're there to shop, not to train. but i really gotta make time to go there for training as well!). but he always surprises me - even though he's clearly not happy to be there, he's extraordinarily well behaved (except sometimes for some leash pulling...), and always does really well.
we've finally joined our local dog training club (now that we've moved and have access to one), we had our first session last week. we haven't been to a dog training class since puppy school, so i expected Mischa to be distracted and a pain, but he was so focused and did so well! the last ~5 minutes he was getting a bit antsy, but i'd run out of treats lol. and normally when we go to the dog park (where training is), it's to play and run around with other dogs, not to sit quietly and learn for 45 minutes. so i was very impressed!
(the training class is definitely too easy for us - sit, stay down, etc. - but i wanted to start with things we already know because its such a different environment than we're used to. i'm glad we did, i think we'd be ready to move up to the next class (Good Citizen) soon, but i think it's best to ease into it).
all that is to say, i'm more confident now that, with the exception of his anxiety, there's no real reason to wash. not at this stage, anyway. i'm moving interstate next year to go to uni, and i really, really want to be able to bring Misch with me. i just stayed for 2 weeks interstate for surgery, and i left Mischa with my dad because i knew i wouldn't be able to exercise him, and it was really hard! by the end of the 2 weeks i kept dreaming that when i got home he didn't recognise me anymore 😭. so if 2 weeks is that hard, i don't want to try 5 years!
*when i say 'public spaces' i mean things like shops, indoor malls, etc., not just out on the street or whatever. he's shy and doesn't like strangers, so i think a big part of that is the overwhelming, lots of people environment. (i get it, it makes me anxious too lol). but that said, he also doesn't like being in shops when we're the only people there - just the other day we went to a pet shop, we were the only customers, and all we did was walk around sniffing things and rewarding, but Misch was still very glad to leave.
my only solution i can think of is to keep training, gradual desensitisation, short visits only. but that's hard when you have limited energy - choosing between going to the shop for 10 minutes to train, therefore helping both Mischa and I for the long run, but feeling like i've "wasted" a trip (and energy) by not going shopping. or, going to the shop to do actual shopping, helping myself in the short term (by being able to eat lol), but overwhelming Mischa and using up all my energy for the day. i know that the long term solution is the better one, because it means eventually we can go to the shop to actually shop, and Mischa won't be overwhelmed because we did all this training. but the short term solution is also a necessity - i need to buy food to survive lol. (most of the time, i just leave Mischa in the car when I shop. we're not at a point where I can manage shopping (overwhelming and exhausting for me) and training a nervous dog at the same time). (i remember someone saying once that an ADiT becomes an AD when they're no longer a hindrance, but a help. at this stage, Mischa is still a hindrance!).
no one really talks about the struggles of training a dog when you're disabled, even though that's the whole reason why we have assistance animals!
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notlycheesden · 3 years
Rearview Mirror
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Heyyo ✌🏻 this is my first written piece for Endeavor , as a gift for my friend @kogo for the evil exchange. so I hope you like it my dude 👍🏻. A piece I will def be coming back to write more for sure.
⤍ Endeavour x reader
⤍ 3.6k
⤍ TW.incest, TW.dubcon, TW.father/daughter
⤍ Summary:
Enji was trying to be a better father, a better man.
And you never lied to him.
Guess it was a time for a lot of firsts.
Everything was always red between the both of you.
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It's past four when his phone rings.
He was awake. even on his day off -those becoming more frequent now- years of routine were still strong. His body alert and aware way before the break of dawn for hours of training before patrol, and later to go to his own agency, the literal empire that wouldn't run itself.
He was pretending to be asleep, unmovable laying on his stomach, face buried on his pillow. Deep breaths in and out in a rhythmic pattern. His massive frame takes most of his king-size bed that for more than a decade he slept right in the middle, no reason to let the right side of it unoccupied.
It was almost meditation-like. There in the quiet and calm of his bedroom between his sheets, he could organize -or at least try- his thoughts. A time in his day where he gets lost in self-reflection. The things he would have to do that day, what work in his agency he would have to supervise, and even stubbornly he would do a little steaming out, analyzing his “actions and emotions”, passing commentary from the resident agency therapist threw his way.
“A strict but good man, if not for some, mishaps, from your intense and fiery nature.” was his professional opinion about Endeavor. The man really lived to throw things his way.
It used to help calm his turbulent mind. But lately there was nothing in his head but turmoil.
It was something he would do until 6 AM, when he couldn't take any longer and had to get up, body and muscles aching from staying in bed for too long, the sun already rising on the horizon, painting the sky with yellows, pinks, and reds.
The silence of his room is broken by the ring of his phone. Instead of the familiar tone of the morning alarm, it was his normal ringtone. When he opens his eyes, the room was not bright as he expects, still shrouded by darkness. Endeavor sits on his bed at once, alert.
Getting it from the bedside table quickly, his posture falls when he catches the time and the already saved contact of who was calling him: Natsuo.
Enji picks up, but before he could question the call, the time, or even say hello, Natsuo speaks, voice grave and serious.
“You need to pick up your daughter right now.”
It’s a punch to the gut. One that makes all the air from his lungs escape at once. In a second, he feels like he is thrown into a rollercoaster.
The only thing he can muster in his shock is a guttural and deep bark of incredulity “What?”
Natsuo cuts Enji off immediately. His tone triggering him into snapping, memories hushing in -not the time for this- “She just called. She was a crying mess, begged me to come for her but I live two hours away-Shouto is on patrol and not picking up and Fuyumi is with her fiance's family at the onsen-”
Enji inhales sharply. Dread takes hold of him while he can't even see straight with the sudden rush of adrenaline, sirens blasting off in his head.
“She was supposed to be with fuyumi at the onsen.” His voice echoes back at him in his bedroom walls, he doesn't realize he is shouting.
“Look, this is really not the time. She has no money and her phone’s dead. I was able to get her to tell me an address before the call dropped. she's all alone there. Are you gonna pick her up?”
Natsuo calms his own breaths now after snapping and shouting back, and he can hear shuffling noises on his father’s side of the line. The older man was up in a second, not really seeing anything, rushing through his stuff picking his keys and wallet. He hates the way his father could make him snap so easily.
Enji was completely distraught.“She said she was going to be with fuyumi…” He mutters under his breath while running through the corridors, even forgetting the phone by his ear, his son still on the line.
But Natsuo hates even more the blatant difference in the way his father treated all of them and you in comparison. Always. Like he could fix his mistakes. Hide his sins.
“Well. Think your little princess lied to you old man.”
Enji didn't even register the venom in his son's words, nor when he hangs up on him.
He’s out of the house in a blink. He tries not to rip the door out of its hinges on his way out.
He drives fast, almost no other car in the streets making it easier to speed up in his nervous state. The GPS voice droning about the directions, a forty-minute drive that he would make in twenty.
you said you were going to spend the weekend with your sister.
You lied to him.
Enji’s heart hammers in his chest and his flames burst multiple times on his face out of control. His grip on the wheel tightens to ground his shaking hands, his jaw set with such force that he could feel a headache already forming.
Thoughts were flying through his mind a mile a second. Where are you? What happened to you? Who were you with? Were you safe? Why were you crying?
Why did you lie to him?
It was like his heart was being squeezed by dread and being broken at the same time.
You were his youngest. After he realized what he did to his children as a father, he tried his best to do better; connect, communicate, but he was emotionally and socially stunted -Thanks doc.- and by the time he tried to reach out, it was just a little too late.
Fuyumi was the pillar of the household, replacing their mother too much young and having to fit in a mould not meant to be hers, barely holding the treads of the family and house together. Natsuo was out of the front door as soon as he finished high school and got into med school, choosing to live in the dorms and work part-time rather than stay at the manor. Shoto was another history in itself.
And there was you, a couple of years younger than your now up-in-the-ranks pro hero brother, at the time just a pipsqueak. Too young to remember Rei, remember the worst of Endeavor.
And when he tried to connect, you were there. As if just waiting. Wanting your father to look at you. Frail and innocent and just in want of care, of attention, of love. You welcomed him into your life with open arms and heart.
Enji did try to make it right by you. And for some time things were progressing, even his other children were starting to turn their heads around his direction.
Until Touya’s incident.
The media cracked down on him and his family with a vengeance, almost nothing was left unturned or whole.
Natsuo was the first to cut ties. Shouto threw himself into his hero work, completely closing himself off. Even Fuyumi decided that she was done, took the next step, and went to live with her now fiance, completely ignoring whatever Enji tried to shout about costumes or honor.
Then it was just the two of you.
He tried to be a good father.
He was a quiet man in his private life, strict and with a violent nature, but he reached out for outside help to make it right. An older and trustworthy housekeeper to not chain his daughter down at the manor, guidance from therapist to help him become a better father, a better man, anything to do right this time.
Call it atonement, call it his redemption, call it hypocrisy, he didn't care.
He only cares that at the end of the day, you were there at his side, happy.
This morning he saw the note on the fridge.
Going to onee-san family trip,
Be back on Sunday.
You never had lied to him before.
Guess it was a time for a lot of firsts.
The music blasting through the night tipped him off even before his car's GPS tells him he arrived at the destined location.
He parks way down the street and assesses the place inside the darkness of his car.
Enji’s way out of the city now and inside the industrial district, the building seems old and falling to pieces, people are lingering all around the street, but it’s thicker there. At surface level the building was empty, but the music was definitely coming from there.
He dreads the worst.
Getting out of the car still in his sleeping sweatpants and tee, he throws the hood of his workout jacket over his hair to conceal himself. He’s going for discretion, get you and get out, no need to make this a public affair. Not with this, not with you, not right now.
He searches around but still can't find you. Half an hour has passed since Natsuo called. He's in a frenzy. Endeavor forces himself to calm down and think.
His son didn't mention music. He looks far into the street and he can see the entrance of an alleyway, he hushes there.
His stomach tied in knots when he sees in the dark your small figure crouched down beside a dumpster. your shoulders ate shaking with silent sobs holding your dead phone for dear life, trying to make yourself smaller than you already were, head down.
Enji barks your name and your head snaps to the entrance of the alleyway in shock, your body trembling and fat tears running down your smudged makeup.
In a second you were up and running, throwing your body against him and hugging his middle. He doesn't know what to do first, but he opts for following his instincts. Enji hugs your shaking form, shushing you lightly while petting your head. He doesn't know if it's him or you who's shaking more.
He doesn't remember how, but he manages to walk both of you to his car without being seen, his hulking form covering your smaller one.
He's shaking. When Enji puts you in the passenger seat and the car lights momentarily shine everything in an amber glow, rage fills his chest. You are in a dress he has never seen before, he knows it was not yours. He would never allow a thing like that or let you use it in public. Your makeup that before being ruined by your smudging and crying, was heavy and meant to seduce.
He closes your door and gets in the car.
He's shaking.
Enji can only control himself enough to not rip the wheel or step on the gas right through the flooring for only three blocks. and thank the gods again for the hour, because he could not quite see the streets in front of him. If they weren't deserted while he drives double the velocity permitted, it would be likely that the fears of his family being again under the cruel and ravenous judgment of the public eye would become reality, although for a completely different reason from the ones he has been dreading until this point.
When he reaches the fourth block, he makes a sudden stop, turning and parking harshly with the front of the car almost all the way over the curb, the tires skidding loudly into the quiet of the night and scaring you out of your still shell shock state. your small sniffles stop when you let out a muted yelp of surprise.
Enji quickly pries his hands that have a death grip on the wheel and smash the roof of the car to turn the lights on in such a way that later he’s impressed he didn't send the entire ceiling flying. As fast as he did that and the darkness of the car is now cast in warm gold, his hands are on your small frame like a striking snake, a big calloused one gripping your face between meaty fingers, squeezing your wet cheeks and the other one in your far shoulder, turning you in his direction with a barely controlled yank. Enji wasn't sure if the shaking was coming from your body or his.
He's frantic, hectic, eyes going up and down your body trying to find anything, something. “Are you hurt? tell me,” His voice is harsh, too loud into the small space. You jump startled, but his grip locks you in place, he doesn't notice.
Why did you come to a party? Why are you dressed like this? Why did you do this?
“Are you?? Someone did something? Gave you something, touched you?” He barks again louder, bending and twisting to be in your face now, eyes scanning all over your body. But again and again, they would be drawn to the too short hem of your dress, from your ruined tearstained makeup and down again to your soft and creamy thighs, trying to find a mark, a scratch, a stain. Anything, something.
“Fucking answer me!”
“Dad please!”
Enji lets you go as if you just slap him in the face. He blinks.
You are shaking. Looking at him in fear, silent tears running down your cheeks. Your jaw is set as you try to hold your whimpers back, his fingers make red marks bloom on your face and arm under his digits.
Memories come back rushing. Phantoms scourging in blue flames.
He releases you as if you burn him.
His hands hover in place, and he doesn't dare to move, still crowding you. Both of you staring at each other in fear and confusion as if something would break.
He slowly backs away, and you keep still. He turns the light off and stares at the road.
Enji couldn't take more things between both of you breaking.
He takes a deep breath. Starts the car again to drive back home.
Friday nights are your nights.
Enji doesn't really remember when it started. But he knows it wasn't something that was spoken of or agreed beforehand. It happened once, then twice, then his job got in the way, then thrice, and when he noticed, it was a routine between him and his daughter.
Like most things between both of you, it just… fell into place. And it just felt right.
Endeavor would arrange his schedule in a way so that his Fridays would be empty, any emergency at the agency could be easily solved that way, patrols and hero work set on the weekends so he could come home at a sensible hour, just by dinnertime.
He would be just taking his blazer and shoes off at the entrance when Enji would hear your running steps from the kitchen, your pinky apron-clad figure hushing to meet him with a bright smile, eyes shining.
you would get a hold of his tie and gently tug down for him to bend at the waist to your level, your arms were thrown in a warm hug on his neck and a sweet and lengthy kiss on his cheek after he steps through the threshold. you would giggle against his face from the tickles you got from his stubble while warmly welcoming him, the food still hot on the table.
It was one of your multiple habits together, just the two of you. And it felt right.
It was routine. And it felt so domestic, warm and right.
Friday nights are your nights. After he gets home, you guys have dinner, something you cooked by yourself, sending the older housemaid away earlier.
Sometimes it is a new recipe, sometimes something you already tried before. But it's always good, and when Enji compliments your cooking skills and how much he enjoys it, your cheeks blush red. You daintly try to hide your smile as you thank him, bashful behavior so alluring even when he knows is just a little act, playing coy. There's warmth in his chest.
The lights in the dining room cast everything in this whimsical warm glow and maybe it's the beer, but Enji thinks it reflects lovely on you and the color of your blouse today. He says so.
“Looking so pretty tonight, princess.”
The red on your cheeks grow stronger. From across the table, he hides his smirk behind his can at seeing how you fidget in place, trying to contain your coquettish smile while biting your plush bottom lip. The warmth spreads lower.
Only later it dawns on him. Enji was flirting with his own daughter. And it was a habit.
It was routine.
Enji is sprawled on the big sofa comfortably, already showered and in his sleeping clothes after dinner, the second movie of the night halfway through.
It was a period drama and he tries to pay attention to the main points for your quiz about it the next day, but he was mostly checked out, lulled by the comfy dark of the living room, the buzz of the beers he drank, sleep and your warm body draped over his.
He doesn't really remember when it started, but he knows it was gradually. One day in your Friday movie nights, he notices you were glued on his side, and on the next one you had an arm draped over his torso while both of you were laying on the reclining couch, and since then, you were always over him, arms and thighs and breasts glued to his body, but most of the time cutely laying on his chest.
That night was no different. You are laying on his broad chest, using your arm as leverage to look down and back at the tv in front of the sofa, and for you to not slip he has one big palm over your waist and the other in a secure hook on the slope of your knee, propping your bent leg higher across his stomach. Your breathing matches his, and if not by your little grunts and noises of surprise, the redhead would have thought you had fallen asleep on him. It would not be the first time.
The clothes you are using are small and had hiked up a long time ago, a loose tank top and booty shorts, both of them old and worn out, sleep clothes.
From where he was, he could see all your body over his. From the crown of your head to the slope of your waist as it dipped under his scarred hand. His gaze follows the curve of your thigh draped over his waist to the fat of your ass pointing high. He muses in a daze that he could see the inside of your tank top, the soft swell of a breast making an appearance. He leers.
You move a little, and this time, he can make out the shade of a nipple. It’s pert and small and pretty, and blood rushes to his clothed cock, but is late, and he's tired and buzzed out. It doesn’t connect in his mind.
You move. you are getting yourself higher on his chest. Enji feels small hands wandering under his shirt. Presses of lips on his neck. Wet kisses on the stubble on his jaw.
The soft touches pull him deeper. There's a young and wanton body over his. It’s been so long since he truly touched another, let himself be touched. Smooth lips and an uncertain tongue were kissing him, and he wants to devour them. It’s hot and burns and makes his insides coil, his cock hard and heavy inside his pants. A warm slit humping it.
Could have been the tiredness, the beer, the comfort of the situation, anything really.
Enji kisses you like a man starved. Head moving and ravaging your much smaller mouth with his tongue. His hand yanks your tank top down exposing your breasts, and now he’s pulling and pinching the sweet nipples in a way that makes you moan against his tongue with a voice he couldn't recognize.
His other hand was down at your ass, guiding your movements back and forth on his erection with vigor, the friction against your slit makes you weak, but he keeps you moving, his calloused hand encompassing most of your behind. At each needy thrust his fingers would slide down between the cleft of your ass more and more.
His meaty fingers push the bottons of your shorts aside with a flick of his wrist, and now he's touching directly your puffy lips that are messy and wet all over. Enji growls in your mouth as you moan louder when he starts playing with your pussy, a pitched whine as he flicks your clit up and down, a strong hold on your breast.
A loud bang from the TV is what snaps him back to reality.
It was his daughter.
His daughter was over him. It was his daughter that was humping his cock, that he was sucking her small tongue and tweaking her nipples until he made her squeal.
He jumps to his feet and throws you across the couch.
Different from him, you look wide awake. Flushed face and startled eyes stares up at him, exposed breasts still heaving. Nipples rosy and hard. Between your legs, a glistening trail of where his fingers dragged when he ripped them off of you. Your shorts are drenched.
There's a moment of silence.
Enji snaps. He sprints to his bedroom, leaving you alone in the living room.
He locks his door, drops to the floor, and whips his hard and heavy cock out. in three pumps, thick ropes of cum cover his hand and clothed middle.
Taking big gulps of air trying to calm his breathing, his eyes glancing everywhere in a panic state, he looks down, and spot the wet patch on his clothed thigh. Yours juices that leaked on him. Its still in his other hand, fingers wet.
Enji wants to cry.
He tried to be a good father.
He ruined it again.
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phantaloon-books · 3 years
All We Are is Bullets
AFTG songfic, Andreil centric, Andrew POV, inspired by Demolition Lovers by My Chemical Romance
Trigger warnings:  violence, graphic descriptions of violence, death, major character death, gunshots, guns, gunshot wounds, injury, angst, hurt no comfort, sad ending, blood, car crash, life on the run. This one’s on the heavy side sorry.
Relationships: Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard
I would drive on to the end with you, a liquor store or two keeps the gas tank full
It had been over 7 months since they last had an encounter with anyone from the Moriyamas or the remaining of the Butcher’s people. 
They had grown too comfortable, too soft. Andrew wasn’t even sure how that happened, considering both his and Neil’s upbringing, but it happened anyway. They were reckless and careless, jumping from town to town along the United States, jump starting cars and making gas station stops and robbing liquor stores, and they’d grown to feel safe.
What a ridiculous thing it is, safety. Neither Andrew nor Neil should be able to afford to feel safe.
But they did. 
And these are the consequences. 
Andrew shakes his head, pressing harder on the gas, willing the stolen sports car to just go faster. One hand on the wheel, the other hand hovering over Neil’s pressed against the bleeding wound on his stomach. 
Neil’s breaths are getting rougher, and Andrew tightens his hand on the wheel. Of course Neil notices, and icy blue eyes look up towards haunted hazel. 
“It’s fine, it’s fine, don’t worry, I’ve dealt with worse, it’s gonna be fine,” Neil’s words are supposed to be soothing, but his voice is too hoarse for them to work. Andrew snarls.
“Shut the fuck up, Josten, just stay awake, I’ll get us out of here, and we’ll stop soon to patch you up.”
“They’re gonna be on our tails soon, Drew, I don’t-”
He breaks off in a coughing fit, his lungs rattle, and when he pulls his hand away from his mouth, Andrew sees the red that paints his hand. Andrew swears his soul leaves his body.
“I’ll pull over on the next stop-”
“Andrew, we don’t have time to stop right now, you know we don’t, it’s fine, I’ll be fine, if we stop we’re dead.”
Andrew knows that’s true, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t hate it. Instead he holds on to Neil’s hand tighter, and Neil’s expression softens.
“Until the end, forever, remember?”
I will drive until the end with you. I mean this forever.
This isn’t supposed to be their lives. They were supposed to be done after the shitshow that was Neil’s freshman year. The Moriyamas were supposed to leave Neil alone. The FBI was supposed to deal with what was left of the Wesninski circle. They never should have trusted the feds to do their fucking job. Instead what was left of the Wesninski claimed war on the Moriyamas and Hatfords. Ichirou was beyond furious, with both Wesninskis and Hatfords out for blood and revenge. And he blamed it all on Neil. 
Andrew would never understand the Moriyama lord’s logic. To blame a mob war on a 19 year old kid, whose only crime was being born to two mob families, one of which was tied to the yakuza. 
But they were out for Neil’s blood then. Had nearly killed him outside the Court the first time, he would have been shot in the head if it wasn’t for his incredibly quick instincts. The shot hit his shoulder instead. They didn’t wait for a second time, Andrew just shoved their stuff in a bag, took Neil’s remaining money and together they ran. He only left a letter for Aaron, and he didn’t regret leaving their family behind. 
Neil had been upset with Andrew at first.
“You have no idea what you just did, Andrew! You have no idea what it’s like to run for your life every single day, not knowing if you’re gonna live long enough to see the next, you have no idea what you just did!”
“I don’t care about that, Neil.”
“You should! This isn’t a little adventure, this isn’t a road trip, this is fighting to stay alive, and bullets and knives and hiding and lying forever!” his voice broke, and dropped to a whisper, “I never wanted to put you through this.”
“You’re not understanding me here, I’m trying to show you but you don’t understand. You mean too much to me to care about all the things you’re saying, I’d end my days in a hail of bullets to keep you safe, I would drive on to the end with you, I’ll keep running with you to prove to you how much you mean to me.”
Leaving bought them 4 more years. 
Until today. 
Until the end of everything.
The sun is going down on the highway as Andrew floors it, going too high above the speed limit running from Neil’s demons. But he’d signed up for this, as Neil had so kindly put it. Neil’s hand trembles, growing cold. His blood is slowly pooling on the car seat below him. He fights to hide his grimace, but his face is pulled tightly in pain anyway. 
“I’m going to fucking stop, Neil.”
“Goddammit, Andrew! No, we can’t afford to stop, right now!”
I’m trying to let you know how much you mean.
“Andrew, we’re not stopping, I can hang on however long we need to get somewhere safe.”
“Nowhere is safe, Neil, we’ll never stop,” Andrew can’t help the snarl, anger is curling inside his chest and it’s too much, “You’re bleeding out, don’t you understand? We need to stop now.”
“I know this is frustrating for you, Drew, I get it, but we have to wait until we reach somewhere safer-”
“Goddammit, Neil-”
The car is thrown forward at once, and Andrew has to take both of his hands to the wheel to stop the car from veering sideways and crashing. With a curse, he takes a look through the rearview mirror, and he curses once more.
They’d been too busy arguing to notice the black SUVs and trucks on their tails. There’s a lot of them, nondescript, but obviously Moriyama. Andrew’s heart starts to race, as he wills the car to go faster, beyond its own limits. But there’s too many of them. There’s no way they’ll make it out this time. 
He glances at Neil, blank mask long forgotten, worry and dread and terror seeping out of him like it never has before. Because Neil is crying softly, despite the serenity of his entire posture. Tears are streaming down his face, eyes closed but body and face relaxed. 
The car is nearing 200 mph when Neil opens his eyes, tears flowing freely. The black SUVs are getting impossibly closer, caging them on the sides. 
“I’m so sorry, Drew,” Neil’s voice is a shattered whisper, and it breaks Andrew’s already shattering heart, “I never wanted to get you involved in all of this, I never wanted this life for you, I’m so so sorry, I ruined your life.”
“Shut the fuck up, Neil, I chose this, I chose to run with you, I wanted-” the words are stuck in his throat and he can’t get them out. I wanted to spend however much time was left with you. That’s how much you mean to me. That’s how much this means to me. “I meant it then, and I mean it now, Neil Josten, until the end.”
Neil’s eyes are pained, something like grief and sorrow shining through the icy blue. But he still forces himself to smile, as if he can read what Andrew thought, and Andrew knows full well he does. 
“We’ll show them all how much we mean.”
The first shot comes from Andrew’s side and he barely manages to dodge the bullet that cuts through the glass like it’s nothing, shattering the window at once. Neil crouches with a cry, and Andrew shoots a glance his way as much as he can as he attempts to keep the car under control. Neil’s right shoulder is bleeding, the window on his side just as shattered as his own. Andrew didn’t even notice the car getting close enough to Neil’s side, or the shot aimed his way. Neil feels his stare, the overwhelming alarm and horror that drowns Andrew from the inside, and turns pained yet calm eyes his way.
“It’s okay, it’s gonna be okay.”
Neil knows he’s not going to make it, they are not going to make it. This is going to be their last run. With a deep breath, Andrew buries all the fear and worry deep down, and stares at Neil with nothing but determination.
“I’m about to get us killed, but when it stops, we run in the other direction and into the city, we hide as best as we can.” The or die trying goes unsaid, but Andrew knows Neil understands, he always does. 
“I love you, until the end of everything.”
Andrew stares at Neil, and he wants to say I love you too, you mean everything to me, but instead what comes out is “Hang on, tight,” and he hits the brakes at once.
Despite Andrew’s eidetic memory should make sure that he remembers what happens next, but it’s all a blur, and when he can get to consciousness and focus his eyes, it’s to Neil half carrying him as he limps his way down the highway, looking frantically behind him. A quick glance behind them and Andrew sees the wreck he left behind; cars pile one on top of the other, some are on fire, including the one they were driving, and they set each other aflame, like pouring fuel on scarecrows. Moriyama men are dragging themselves out of the cars, and trying to find a way out of the wreck. Andrew can’t help the smile. He didn’t think they’d make it after braking a car going 200 mph, but he somehow manages to make his legs listen to him, as his ears echo. 
Neil notices when he feels Andrew take back some of his own weight, turns a bloodied and dirty face at him, and smiles back brightly. Neither of them have much hope of making it to the other side of the road and finding a place to hide, but in that one second, they begin to run hand in hand, and things are okay, despite Neil’s bleeding wounds, and Andrew’s aching head.
They both know it won’t last long, so Andrew pulls Neil for a kiss, as long as he dares to, it’s merely a brush of their lips, but it’s everything that matters. 
They’re about to reach the other lane when the first shot rings through the air, but Neil’s always bright instincts pull them both out of the way. They would be helpful if there were two or three men, but Andrew risks a glance back. There are dozens of men regaining their composure, readying their weapons, and before he knows what’s happening, both Neil and him are hitting the ground hard. 
Neil just pushed him.
And then the bullets come, lead rain passing through phantoms.
He’s too disoriented at first, but then burning pain lights his body, like nothing he has ever felt before. He gasps, but he pushes through the pain, and forces himself to look around. He doesn’t have to look far, he finds what he needs next to him.
“Neil! Neil!” His voice seems far, far away, but Neil is looking up at the blue, blue sky, breath coming in insignificant little huffs, more like sighs than breaths. Blood is pooling underneath them. “Neil, look at me, stay with me.”
Moving hurts, burns, but he makes himself push through it harder, until he’s somehow leaning on his side, with a clear view of Neil. Neil who’s bleeding too much. Neil who has too many bullet holes on his body. Neil who just pushed him to the side to protect him. Neil who is bleeding out. Neil who despite everything turns his head so he’s facing Andrew, even if his eyes are still looking up. 
Andrew’s own eyes are blurring with unshed tears, and he blindly reaches forward to grab Neil’s hand lying limply by his side. 
He feels like he’s falling.
Neil’s lips are turning red, and he’s coughing, choking, trying to force out words that can’t come out. He gasps and moans in agony, and Andrew’s own chest hurts, not just from the bullets he couldn’t escape. This is it, a pool of blood, falling and touching hands.
“Neil, look at me, look at me, it’s gonna be alright, we’re gonna be alright.”
Andrew’s own voice is cracking. He doesn’t understand how Neil remains awake, but his stubborn idiot rabbit is still breathing. With another strained whine and a choked sob, their eyes meet at last. Icy blue and deep hazel, one last time.
And Andrew is falling, falling, falling.
He squeezes Neil’s hand as tightly as he can, and chokes out a whisper despite the metallic taste flooding his mouth, “It’s okay, we’ll be okay, just let go, it’s okay.”
He feels the thuds of footsteps approaching, but black is already creeping at the edges of his vision, his eyelids are growing heavy, and Neil’s own breaths are coming slower.
Neil closes his eyes, and Andrew closes his as Neil’s shredded chest stops moving.
I’ll meet your eyes, I mean this, forever.
lol sorry
read on ao3
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ohmyjinsus · 4 years
that’s what friends do
kim hanbin x female! reader 
college! au (non idol) || 7.7k 
mostly fluff, quite a bit of swearing, some suggestive themes, pretty much just friends to lovers nonsense because I’m a sucker for that 
summary: you’re drunk and locked out of your apartment so what do you do? call your best friend hanbin, who you just happen to be in love with, and stay the night at his place, what could go wrong? 
“I’m not drunk.” 
“You definitely are.” 
You roll your eyes. You’re in your best friend’s apartment, with her partner and some of your other friends. It’s a Friday night, and you wanted to celebrate the end of the week. However, your best friend doesn’t drink, so she’s mostly been watching you and laughing at all the dumb things you say. 
“Are you ready to go home?” She asks. “I can drive you. I don’t want you wandering around in the dark.” 
“Are you trying to get rid of me?” 
“You know I’m going home for the weekend, I don’t want to get there in the middle of the night.” You can’t argue with that. You know she’s been missing her family recently, and you don’t want to take away from her time with them.
“Okay,” you grab your bag, pulling out your phone. “Let’s go.” She smiles and goes to get her stuff. 
When she’s ready, she leads you out to her car. You sit in the back, since her S.O. always gets to ride shotgun. Your single ass can’t relate. 
It’s a short drive, so you just hang out in the back while the two of them talk. You’re thinking about what to do when you get home. You texted Hanbin earlier, asking if you two could study tomorrow. He hasn’t replied yet, so maybe you’ll bother him. You hate being drunk and alone. When your friend pulls into your driveway, you reach into your bag for your keys. 
“It was lovely seeing you again, y/n.” 
“Yeah, you too,” you reply. You can’t feel them anywhere. You turn on your phone flashlight to get a better look. 
“What’s wrong?” Your friend asks. You shake your head. 
“I can’t find my keys.” 
“You’re joking,” she says.
“I wish I was.” She reaches out her hand so you give her your bag. She pokes around in there for a little while before coming to the same conclusion.
“You’re so dumb.” She’s not wrong. “Call your roommate, she’ll let you in.” 
“She’s at her boyfriend’s tonight...” You’re getting anxious now. You don’t know what to do. 
“Oh my god,” your friend hits the steering wheel. “What do we do with you?” 
“Can’t she stay with your roommates?” Her partner asks. The two of you shake your heads. 
“I don’t trust them to take care of her,” your friend says. “They’re good people, but y/n can be way too flirty when she’s drunk. I don’t want her sleeping with one of them.” That’s a valid point. 
“I don’t have any other friends-” you start to say when it hits you. “HANBIN.” 
“Who?” Your friend asks. 
“You know him!” You unlock your phone so you can call him.
“Is that the guy you’re always studying with?” 
“Yes!” You scroll to Hanbin’s contact icon and click it. “I’ve slept at his place before, he won’t mind.” 
“Is this a good idea?” Your friend asks. “Having you sleep at a boy’s house while drunk?” You don’t answer her because Hanbin picks up right at that moment. 
“y/n,” he says. “What’s up?” 
“Okay, this is going to sound weird,” you reply. Your friend laughs. “I’m a little drunk and I got locked out of my apartment and I need somewhere to stay so could I maybe sleep at yours?” You’re slurring your words a little bit, but you’re hoping he won’t notice. 
“Of course,” he says right away. You hear a door open. “Where are you? I’ll pick you up.” 
“No, it’s okay,” you tell him. “I’m with my friend, she can drop me off.” 
“Can I talk to him?” Your friend says from the front seat.
“Hold on, she wants to talk to you,” you say to Hanbin. “She needs to make sure you aren’t gonna murder me.” You can hear him nervously laughing as you give your friend the phone. 
You look out the window while she asks him a gazillion and one questions. She sounds concerned when she finds out he has 2 other roommates, both guys. You’re good friends with them too, thankfully. You can’t hear Hanbin, but whatever he says must be convincing. He’s the best person you know. But then again you’re drunk, and maybe a little in love with him. 
“And you’ll take her home tomorrow morning?” She asks. You turn your head and try to focus on their conversation.
“He’s not my father,” you say from the backseat. You’re tempted to make a joke about him being your daddy but you hold it in. 
“Make sure she calls me tomorrow as well, so I know she’s alive.” 
“For god’s sake,” you mutter to yourself. 
You’ve known him since you started university, but your friend has only met him once or twice. You and Hanbin are in the same program and the same year, so you have tons of classes together. In first year, you were thrown together for a group project. While working on that, the two of you quickly became friends. You started studying for all your joint classes together, alternating hanging out at each other’s apartments. Your study sessions usually turn into the two of you watching TV or ordering take out and just talking for hours on end. Sometimes Hanbin will share lyrics or songs with you and ask for your opinion. There have been a few times where you’ve been so deep in discussion, you don’t even realize it’s midnight. On those days, you crash at his place.
Your roommate is convinced the two of you are dating, but you constantly reassure her you’re not. Every time he comes over, you lock yourselves in your room, so she probably assumes you’re making out. You wish you were, but you’re happy being his best friend too. 
“If y/n gets hurt, I’m going to murder you, I hope you know that.” There goes any chance you had with him anyway. “Okay, I’ll give the phone back to her.” 
You grab it right away. “I’m sorry, I know she can be scary.” You say. Hanbin just laughs. 
“She cares about you, it’s a good thing.” 
“So I’ll see you in like 5 minutes then?” You ask. 
“Yeah, are you hungry? Yunhyeong made some food earlier, I think there’s some left.” You smile at that, he’s so sweet. Total boyfriend material. 
“That sounds lovely.” You glance at your friend, who’s turning the engine on again. “I’ll be there soon.” 
“Okay, bye.” 
“Love you,” you reply. “Bye.” 
After you hang up, your friend just stares at you in the rearview mirror. “Did you just say love you?” 
“Yes,” you say awkwardly. “That’s what friends do.” 
“You never tell me you love me.” She puts the car into reverse and pulls out of your driveway. 
“I love you.” 
“It doesn’t have the same effect now,” she says. “Are you sure he’s not your boyfriend?” 
“He’s not.” 
“Friends with benefits?” Her partner asks. 
“He’s cute though,” your friend points out. “Definitely your type.” 
“Yeah, I know.” You stare out the window again. 
“Wait, do you have a crush on him?” She glances at you in the rearview again. 
“I think it’s a little more than a crush,” you say, avoiding eye contact. “I might be in love with him, it’s fine though.” 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“He’s not interested.” 
“How do you know that?” She says right away. “He’s going to take care of you right now, while you’re drunk, what boy would do that if he didn’t have feelings for you?” 
“A nice one?” 
“Shut up,” she replies, turning right onto his street. “You’re drunk, you’re flirty, go get your man.” 
“Should we give her some condoms or something?” You and your friend both laugh at that. 
“No sex,” she says. “Not while you’re drunk.” 
“Hanbin would never,” you reassure her. “He always asks before touching me.” 
“He touches you?” She pulls onto his driveway. 
“In a platonic way!” You’re blushing now. You’ve been crushing on him for ages, but talking about it out loud makes it so much more real. You’re almost scared to see Hanbin now. You’ll wind up saying something dumb and ruining your friendship. 
“We’re here, so you can go touch him all you want.” 
“Stop it!” You take your seatbelt off and open the door. “I hate you.” 
“Do you want us to take you inside?” 
“I’m sure I can make it to the front door,” you say. “I’m not that drunk.” 
“If you say so,” your friend replies. “I’m gonna stay here and watch you go in.” Your roll your eyes, but you’re grateful for her. “Text me when you wake up tomorrow. I told Hanbin too, so you better not forget.” 
“I won’t.” You grab your bag. “Thanks.” She smiles. 
“You’re welcome,” you close the door, but she rolls down her window. “I love you.” 
“Oh my god,” you groan and run towards the house. You’re dying to get away from her so she’ll stop clowning you. 
When you get to the front door, it opens right away. Yunhyeong is there, smiling. He must’ve been expecting you.
“Hey,” he says. He notices your friend’s car in the driveway and waves. She waves back before reversing out and leaving. 
“Thank god,” you mutter, kicking your shoes off. You almost lose your balance, but he grabs your arm to steady you. 
“Hanbin said you’re staying over tonight.” 
“Yeah, and I’m drunk,” you tell him. He’s about to say something else but Hanbin comes walking down the hallway. You immediately run over and wrap your arms around his neck. 
He’s caught off guard, but he hugs you back. “Hi.” His arms are tight around you. 
“I missed you,” you say, before burying your face in his neck. “So much.” 
“Are you okay?” He asks, smiling. You nod and look up at him. You’re glad he’s amused. 
“You smell really good.” 
“You smell like vodka.” That makes you laugh. “You said you’re hungry, right?” You nod.
He untangles himself from you and walks towards the kitchen. You grab his hand without second thought. Since the two of you are usually pretty affectionate, he doesn’t think anything of it. You’re extremely grateful for that right now. You don’t want to act suspicious. 
Yunhyeong joins you at the kitchen table while you have some left over french fries from their dinner. Hanbin makes sure you drink some water too, even though you tell him you’re not thirsty. You ask where Chanwoo is. When they say he’s locked in his room gaming, you’re not surprised. You make a mental note to say hi to him in the morning. 
They ask about your night, and you explain how you forgot your keys and have nowhere else to stay. When they ask how much you had to drink, you genuinely can’t remember. 
“You better go to sleep soon,” Hanbin says. “I don’t want you to be hungover tomorrow.” 
“I don’t get hungover,” you tell him, yawning. “I’m not old.” He rolls his eyes at that. 
“You can sleep in Hanbin’s room,” Yunhyeong says. “He can sleep on my floor.” 
“Why can’t he sleep with me?” You two have never slept in the same bed before, but you don’t see why it would be a problem. Falling asleep in his arms would be amazing, especially since he smells so damn good. And waking up next to him in the morning? That thought alone makes you blush. 
“y/n,” Hanbin says, smiling. “What did you just say?” 
“I said you should sleep with me.” The two of them burst out laughing as you suddenly realize why. “Wait no, that’s not what I meant.” 
“Are you sure?” Hanbin asks, making eye contact with you. You know he’s joking but it makes you flustered. 
“Yes,” you mutter under your breath. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t thought about Hanbin like that. You know he’s got some tattoos hiding under there somewhere. You’ve definitely thought about them before, particularly while imagining yourself underneath him. 
“Are you finished?” Yunhyeong breaks your thoughts, pointing to your plate. You nod and he picks it up, heading to the sink. 
“Thank you,” you call out after him. You might be drunk, but you’re never impolite. 
Hanbin stands up and holds out his hand. “Let’s get you into bed.” 
“I bet you’d like to,” you say, trying to give him a seductive look. That’s probably not even grammatically correct, but he laughs and pulls you towards his room. 
“You’re ridiculous.” You sit down on his bed as he cleans up his nightstand for you. You glance at your phone quickly, no messages. 
“Go take off your makeup,” Hanbin says to you, “you don’t want to look like a raccoon in the morning.” 
“Raccoons are cute though,” you point out. 
“That’s true.” He heads over to his closet. “But you’ll complain if I don’t make you do it now.” 
“Fine,” you groan, getting up and heading to his en-suite. 
You grab the micellar water and cotton pads from under the sink and use them to wipe your eye makeup off. The last time you slept over, he gave you your own toothbrush, so you grab that off the bathroom counter and brush your teeth. When you’re done, you walk back into the room, pulling the scrunchie out of your hair. 
“Do you want a sweater or a t-shirt?” Hanbin asks, holding out both to you. 
“T-shirt, I guess,” you reply, pulling off your own and throwing it on the floor without second thought. 
“Whoa.” He rushes to cover his eyes, which makes you smile. 
“You’re allowed to look,” you tell him, grabbing the shirt. “I was hoping you would see me shirtless in a totally different context, but this works too.” 
“What?” He’s smirking. 
“Nothing,” you say. “I probably won’t even remember this in the morning.” Hanbin doesn’t say anything to that. 
“Are you still half naked?” He asks a minute or two later, with his eyes still closed. The t-shirt he gave you is a free one from one of your university’s events. He got the biggest size, which you’re grateful for right now. You decide to take your jeans off so you’ll be more comfortable while you sleep. 
“Hold on.” You take them off and attempt to fold them, but in your drunken state, it’s kind of difficult. “Okay,” you say, placing them on his desk. 
When he opens his eyes, he glances you up and down. You act like you don’t notice, but you’re pretty sure his gaze lingers on your legs for a moment. You haven’t shaved in a couple days, maybe he’s frightened. He clears his throat, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“I’m gonna get you a glass of water,” he says awkwardly, turning around and walking out of the room. You don’t know what to make of that. 
While he’s gone, you crawl into bed and grab Hanbin’s phone charger. He’ll have to steal someone else’s if he needs it. He comes back, placing the water and a bottle of Advil on his nightstand for you. 
“Do you need anything else?” He asks. You shake your head. “I’m gonna put the garbage bin closer just in case you do feel sick.” He grabs it from under his desk and puts it next to you. 
“Thank you,” you say. “Seriously.” 
“That’s what friends do.” He smiles at you and you groan. 
“I don’t wanna be your friend,” you tell him, yawning. You knew you were tired, but you feel like you’re going to fall asleep any second, now that you’re lying down and comfortable. 
“What do you want to be then?” He asks, heading over to his dresser. 
“Your girlfriend.” He freezes for a second. “I’m sure you’ve thought about it too.” 
“Maybe,” is all he says in return. He grabs the rest of his stuff as your eyes slowly close. “I’ll see you in the morning y/n, sleep tight.” 
“Goodnight,” you mumble, rolling over. 
You fall asleep soon after that, dreaming of god knows what. But you wake up when you hear a shuffling noise. You sit up and open your eyes. It seems like there’s a figure wandering around in the dark. 
“Hanbin,” you say. “What the fuck are you doing?” 
“Sorry, I thought you were asleep.” You turn his nightstand lamp on and both of you flinch at the sudden brightness. “Are you okay?” 
You nod. “Come here,” you tell him. 
“Are you sick?” He’s holding his toothbrush and a notebook. He was probably coming to grab some stuff before heading to Yunhyeong’s room. 
“No,” you reply, you’re still half asleep and you’re sure he can tell. “I just want you to come sit for a second.” He puts his things down, so you scoot over a little bit so there’s room for him. 
“Do you need something?” You shake your head. “Why are you up then?” 
“You woke me up, dumbass.” He blushes at that. 
“I’m sorry.” You smile and take his hand. 
“It’s okay.” He interlocks his fingers with yours. “Stay with me till I fall asleep again and I’ll accept your apology.” 
“Fine.” He glances at the time on your phone. “That might take forever though.” 
“Nope,” you tell him. “I have a trick.” 
“A trick?” 
“Yeah,” you say. “When I’m at home and I can’t sleep, there’s one thing I always think of and then I fall asleep no problem.” 
“What is it?” 
“What?” He looks confused and it’s the cutest thing you’ve ever seen. 
“Remember when I said you should sleep with me?” 
“How could I forget?” You laugh, and he does too. 
“You should.” His eyes go wide. “Not like that, but also like that, I guess...” You lose your train of thought for a second because you’re thinking about him shirtless. 
“y/n?” You glance at him. 
“Sorry,” you smile. “When I can’t sleep, I think of you, and falling asleep with your arms around me, and it helps.” 
“That’s the most adorable thing I’ve ever heard.” He takes your other hand in his. 
“But,” you say. “When that doesn’t work, I just think about kissing you.” 
“You do?” He asks. He sounds genuinely curious. Surely he’s thought about kissing you too. Otherwise you’re just making a fool of yourself right now. Although it doesn’t really matter, since you won’t remember any of it tomorrow morning. 
“I think about kissing you a lot,” you admit. 
“Oh really?” You brain suddenly realizes there’s not that much space between the two of you, and it would be really easy to just do it now but you hold back. 
“You should kiss me,” you tell him. “To help me sleep, I mean.” 
“Drunk you is so entertaining.” He reaches up to brush some hair out of your face, which makes your heart beat a little faster. 
“You’re not saying no,” you point out. He moves his hand down, pulling you in by the neck. 
“I’m not.” 
You blink. He’s looking at you like he does actually want to kiss you, but you might just be imagining it because you’re drunk. But you also really want to kiss him and now seems like a really good opportunity if you would just- 
Your thoughts get cut off because suddenly Hanbin’s lips are on yours. He gives you a quick kiss, but you shake your head, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
“Kiss me properly.” 
“You’re ridiculous y/n,” he laughs. 
You quickly shut him up by placing your lips on his again. He kisses you deeper this time, taking your comment to heart. You get lost in the kiss, leaning back onto the bed and pulling him down with you. You expect him to stop before this gets out of hand, but he doesn’t. There’s a small part of you that’s scared of what this means for your friendship, but god, it feels so good to finally kiss him that you don’t even care. 
When he pulls away, it takes you a few seconds to open your eyes. Looking up at him feels so surreal. You think you might be dreaming. You run your fingers through his hair and it’s as soft as you remember. Maybe not. 
“Better now?” Hanbin asks quietly, never taking his eyes off your lips. 
“Yeah,” you whisper. He glances into your eyes for a second, before leaning down for another kiss. This one’s softer, more gentle. 
“Good,” he says, sitting up. You miss him as soon as he moves away. “Go to sleep.” 
“I’ll try, but no promises.” He smirks at that.
“Sorry.” You shake your head. 
“Don’t be.” 
He smiles and kisses your cheek. “Goodnight y/n.” 
“Goodnight,” you say back, closing your eyes and drifting off to sleep again. 
The next morning when you wake up, you feel much better. You must’ve slept pretty well. When you grab your phone off the nightstand you almost knock over the glass of water Hanbin left there for you. 
Right, Hanbin. 
The last thing you remember is him leaving the garbage bin by your bed and saying goodnight. You vaguely remember making some suggestive jokes, but nothing too terrible. You didn’t totally ruin your friendship, as far as you know. 
When you check your phone, you see a text from your best friend. Instead of replying, you call her. She’s glad you’re still alive. She asks about Hanbin and whether anything happened overnight. She sounds kind of disappointed when you tell her you just ate and went to sleep. She’s got plans for the day so you can’t talk for long, but she promises to text you later. 
You stay in bed for a little while longer, scrolling through your socials. Hanbin knocks on the door about half an hour later. He asks how you’re feeling and tells you to take whatever you want from his closet. You decide to take a shower so he grabs you a towel. He tells you to come join them when you’re done.
Once you’re finished, you quickly pack up your things. Then, you grab your phone and head towards the kitchen. You’re walking down the hall, when you hear Chanwoo say your name. 
“I’m so sad I didn’t get to see drunk y/n, she sounds like a lot of fun.” 
“She’s very entertaining.” That’s Hanbin’s voice. 
“She was flirting with you too,” Yunhyeong says. You creep a little bit closer, staying close to the wall, so they don’t notice you eavesdropping. 
“Maybe.” Hanbin pauses for a second. “She said something in my room later on.” 
“She was in your room?” Chanwoo asks. 
“What did she say?” Yunhyeong asks, ignoring him. 
“After r I got her some water and Advil, she said thanks and I was like ‘that’s what friends do,’” you hear someone groan at that. Probably Chanwoo. “She said she doesn’t want to be my friend.” 
Your heart starts to beat a little bit faster. You’re praying you didn’t say anything too dumb. And if you did, you hope Hanbin will just write it off as you being drunk. 
“She said she wants to be my girlfriend.” You cringe. It’s not terrible, but you’re still embarrassed. 
“I knew it,” Yunhyeong says. “You’re soulmates.” 
“Shut up,” Hanbin replies. “She was drunk, she probably didn’t even mean it.” 
“I think she did.” 
“We’ve seen the way y/n looks at you.” You cringe at that too. Have you really been that obvious? 
“That’s not it though,” Hanbin says. You wish he would just shut up. You don’t want to know what other dumb shit you said. “I kissed her.” 
“You what?” Yunhyeong says exactly what you’re thinking. You and Hanbin finally kissed and you don’t even remember it? You’re never drinking again. 
“It wasn’t planned,” Hanbin sounds worried now. “I didn’t mean to, she was just talking about how much she likes me and I couldn’t help myself, and now I’ve ruined our friendship.” 
“What did she say about liking you?” 
“She said that when she can’t sleep, she thinks about falling asleep in my arms, and if that doesn’t work, she thinks about kissing me.” You roll your eyes. All of that is true, but you don’t know why your drunk self felt the need to share it with him. 
“She’s practically in love with you,” Chanwoo says. He’s not wrong. You are in love with Hanbin, maybe he’ll finally realize now.
“What are you going to do?” Yunhyeong asks. 
“I don’t know.” Hanbin sighs. “She doesn’t even remember it happened, when I said hi to her this morning, she acted like everything was normal.” You don’t know if you’re grateful for that. Maybe if you did remember, you could actually address it and somehow get him to date you already. 
“Maybe that’s what she wants,” Chanwoo says.
“But is it what you want?” Yunhyeong asks.
There’s a moment of silence before Hanbin responds. 
“I knew it.” Chanwoo sounds so smug. 
“What do I do?” 
“How do you feel about y/n?” Yunhyeong asks. This is what you’ve been waiting for. You take a small step closer to the kitchen. 
“What kind of question is that?” Hanbin responds. “When she said she wanted to fall asleep with me, I really wanted to get into bed next to her.” That makes you blush. 
“She’s adorable to begin with, but she’s like a thousand times cuter when she’s half asleep,” he says. You smile to yourself.
“Tell us more,” Yunhyeong says. 
“Does he have to?” Chanwoo groans. 
“I mean, y/n’s my best friend. She makes me laugh, she makes studying for the worst courses bearable somehow, I love spending time with her, I love it when she falls asleep with her head on my shoulder and I hate it when she cries,” he says. You’re shocked at how quickly he answers. “But I also love it when I can make her stop crying. I don’t know, I just really like her and I have no idea what to do about it.”
“You’re in love with her, we been knew.” Chanwoo sounds 100% sure. He’s not wrong, that is what it sounds like. “And we all know your lyrics are about her too.” 
“It does sound like you love her,” Yunhyeong says. 
“Shit,” Hanbin mutters under his breath. Your heart’s racing, waiting to hear what he says next. “Yeah, I think I do.” 
You lose your focus, ignoring whatever Yunhyeong and Chanwoo say next because you can’t believe it. Your best friend, the boy you love with all your heart, loves you too. You don’t know what to do next, but that’s a pretty good start.
“I should go see if she’s done,” you hear someone say, which snaps you back to reality. 
You rush back to Hanbin’s room and sit down at his desk, trying to act casual. There’s a bunch of notebooks piled against the wall, so you grab one, pretending to read it. Until something catches your eye. 
If feelings could be controlled, I would’ve thrown mine away a long time ago. I’m talking bout you and me, when I try to take a step forward, you take his hand and become distant. 
You’ve seen some of Hanbin’s lyrics before, but only the ones he’s shared with you. It feels like an invasion of his privacy, but you can’t help but wonder if these are about you, especially after what Chanwoo said in the kitchen. 
I’ve got feelings for you and you’re embarrassing me. Why are you so pretty if you’re not mine? 
Your eyes jump to the top of the page, looking for a date. He wrote this a year and a half ago. You try to go back in your memory to figure out what was happening around that time, when it hits you. 
You dated this guy in your English class that October. You remember he came up to you after one of your lectures and asked if you and Hanbin were dating, since you always seemed to be together. You laughed and rolled your eyes. He said he was glad he had the chance to finally talk to you, since that was one of the few classes you had without Hanbin. He asked if he could take you out for dinner that weekend and you said yes. When you told Hanbin, he didn’t seem disappointed, but he must have been if he wrote this. Your ex wound up leaving you after three months. He didn’t explicitly say it, but you suspect he was jealous because you spent more time with Hanbin than him. It was true, but that didn’t make it hurt any less. 
You never mentioned anything about your breakup to Hanbin, but he knows you too well. You wound up telling him about it when you were up late one night talking. He held you while you cried, but he never said a bad word about your ex. Later on, you realized you were crying more about how you’d never have Hanbin than the actual breakup. 
While thinking about that, you realize Hanbin hasn’t dated anyone in the time you’ve been friends. You know he has tons of other friends, and you know some of them also have crushes on him, but he never seemed interested. Now you know why. 
Yunhyeong appears in the doorway at that exact moment, smiling at you. You put the notebook down, trying to act natural. 
“Hey,” he says. “Have a nice shower?” 
“Yeah, it was great,” you reply, awkwardly. 
“You called your roommate, right?” You nod. “Are you going to head home soon?” 
“You trying to get rid of me?” You ask, jokingly. Yunhyeong immediately shakes his head. 
“Hanbin said you have some midterms and papers due this week that you seemed pretty stressed about. We just assumed you’d want to head home and work on those.” 
“That’s kind of both of you,” you say. “Perhaps you have a point.” 
“Do you want me to walk you home?” 
“Where’s Hanbin?” You’re scared to see him, but you’re also excited. You’re curious as to how he’s going to act around you now. You didn’t really have a proper conversation earlier. 
“I’m right here,” he suddenly appears next to Yunhyeong in the doorframe. You can’t stop yourself from smiling when you see him. He smiles back, which makes you a little flustered. “Have a nice shower?” 
You roll your eyes. “I smell like you now.” Hanbin raises his eyebrows at that, and Yunhyeong smirks. 
“I’m gonna go find Chanwoo,” he says. “I’ll leave you two alone.” 
“Are you gonna stay for a little while?” Hanbin asks. You can’t tell if he wants you to, so you shake your head. 
“I should probably work on my philosophy paper.”
“I should do that too.” You want to stay, and work on it together, but he doesn’t suggest it. You’re too scared to. 
“Text me when you’re done,” you say. “You can send it to me and I’ll edit it for you.” He smiles at that. 
“Thank you in advance.” You smile back. “I can drive you home as a token of my gratitude.” 
“Can we walk?” It’s only 5 minutes, surely the two of you can act normal for that long. 
“Sure,” he replies. “Have you got all your stuff?” You nod, grabbing your bag from the bed. Yunhyeong offered you one of his tote bags to put last night’s clothes in, so you pick that up as well. 
You follow Hanbin into the kitchen, where Yunhyeong and Chanwoo are still eating their breakfast. You say bye to both of them, and promise to see them again soon. Chanwoo laughs at that. Normally you wouldn’t think anything of it, but now it makes you feel slightly anxious. You ignore that feeling and go to put on your shoes. 
Once you’re outside, you feel so much better. Hanbin must notice, cause he’s looking at you with a weird expression on his face. 
“Nothing,” he says, walking down his driveway to the sidewalk. “They say fresh air is good for hangovers.” 
The second you get over to him, you give him a smack. “I’m not hungover.” 
“Sure you aren’t.” He gestures to the tote bag in your hand. “I can take that.” 
“Thanks,” you hand it to him. “And thanks for putting up with drunk me.” 
“It’s fine,” is all he says. 
“Sorry if I said anything dumb.” 
“You’re always saying dumb things, y/n, last night was no different.” You roll your eyes at that. 
“I didn’t do anything stupid, did I?” You ask quietly. It’s the perfect opportunity to bring up the kiss. 
“Of course not,” he says quickly, smiling at you. “You were actually kind of boring.” 
“Shut up,” you mutter. He bumps his shoulder against yours as you turn off his street. While you walk, you send your roommate a text to let her know you’re on your way home. She says she’ll leave the door unlocked. 
You and Hanbin talk about your midterms for the rest of the way. You’re slightly disappointed he doesn’t mention anything about last night, but you understand if he doesn’t want to ruin your friendship. You don’t want to bring it up because you don’t want to admit you were eavesdropping. 
When you get to your front door, he makes sure you get in safely before saying bye. 
“Thanks again,” you say, as the two of you stand in your doorway awkwardly. 
“That’s what friends do.” You groan at that, which makes Hanbin blush. You must’ve had the same reaction last night when you said you wanted to be his girlfriend. You wish you could remember.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, right?” He nods. 
“Of course.” 
You give him a quick hug and say thanks again before he leaves. Once you close the front door, your roommate pops out from her room. 
“So?” She asks, running over to you. 
“What?” You put your things down in the hallway and follow her into the living room. 
“Something’s up,” she glances you up and down as you sit down in the armchair. “You spent the night at his place, you’re wearing his clothes, your hair is wet - that only means one thing.” 
“It’s not what you think,” you tell her, pulling Hanbin’s sweater tighter around you. It smells so freaking good, you’re never giving it back. Even though you have like 5 other hoodies from him. 
“What is it then?” She raises an eyebrow. 
“How much time do you have?”
“More than enough,” she smiles. “Let me put the kettle on.” 
Things with Hanbin stay the same during the week. You edit each other’s essays and study for your midterms over FaceTime. He invites you over on Friday night to celebrate being halfway done with the semester. Apparently Chanwoo lost some bet between the three of them and he’s buying dinner. How could you say no? 
The day of, you’re about to leave when your roommate catches you in the kitchen. 
“Please tell me you’re not wearing that.” You glance down. You’re wearing one of Hanbin’s t-shirts and a pair of sweats. 
“What’s wrong with this?” You ask. “We’re not going clubbing.” 
“Yeah, but you want him to sleep with you, don’t you?” That makes you blush. “You should at least wear some makeup.” 
She grabs your hand and pulls you into your room. While she goes through your closet, you shoot Hanbin a quick text saying you’re running late. This better be worth it. 
In the end, your roommate lets you keep his shirt on. She says it makes you look more “fuckable,” whatever that means. You wind up changing into jeans and throwing a plaid shirt on top (which is also Hanbin’s, but you don’t tell her that). She brushes some brown eyeshadow on for you and picks out a nice shade of lipstick, which also happens to be smudge proof (“since you’ll be making out”). After you swipe it on, she finally lets you put your shoes on to leave. You’re unlocking the front door when she stops you again. 
“What now?” She drops a couple of condoms into your hand. “Oh my god.” 
“You and Hanbin would have adorable babies, but I don’t think now is the right time for either of you-”
“Why does everyone think I need condoms?” You say, mostly to yourself. You stuff them into your bag anyway.
“I just want you to be prepared.” 
“I appreciate that.” She smiles and opens the door for you. 
“You have your keys, right?” You roll your eyes but hold them up. “Good, now go get laid!” 
You feel bad about running late, so you speedwalk to Hanbin’s. You get there in less than 3 minutes, which you’re quite proud of. When he opens the door, he smiles at you. 
“Is that my shirt?” You blush. 
“Yes.” You push past him so you don’t have to look at him any longer. It wasn’t so bad in class, because the two of you had something else to focus on. But now that you’re back in his house, you’re feeling anxious again. He still thinks you don’t know about the kiss. 
“y/n!” Chanwoo appears in the hallway. “Pizza got here like 10 minutes ago, come have it while it’s hot.” 
You follow him into the kitchen, where he grabs you a plate. While he does that, you open the fridge to grab a drink. The second you pick up a can, Hanbin magically shows up and takes it from you. 
“I don’t think so.” 
“Don’t tell me what to do.” You go to take it back, but he holds it above his head so you can’t reach.
“Kim Hanbin,” you say, trying to use your serious voice. “Give me back my drink or else I’ll never proofread your essays again.” 
“I can easily find someone else to do that.” He keeps the can raised. You rolls your eyes but reach for it anyway. That makes Hanbin laugh as he tries to keep it away from you. 
“Can you two stop flirting?” You almost forgot Chanwoo was there. Whoops. You glance at Hanbin and he seems as caught off guard as you, which makes you feel better. You snatch the drink out of his hand while he’s distracted.
The three of you sit down and eat, talking about your classes and your plans for the weekend. Yunhyeong shows up about 15 minutes later. He walks through the door holding way too many grocery bags, so you immediately run over to help. 
“Thanks, y/n,” he says, handing you some of them. “I’m glad someone cares about me.” 
“Of course I do,” you tell him. Hanbin comes over to help you put them away while Yunhyeong has some pizza. 
When you’re done, you jump onto the counter. Hanbin gets a glass of water and sits next to you. 
“Have this.” He holds it out.
“Excuse me?” 
“It’s important to stay hydrated while you’re drinking.” 
“Shut up,” you tell him. “I’ll be fine.” 
“Fine as you won’t remember anything?” You freeze. It’s about time he said something, you just didn’t expect it to be like this. 
“Is that really such a bad thing?” You tease, but he doesn’t smile.
“Yeah y/n,” he says, running a hand through his hair. 
“Fine,” you take the water from him and have a sip. “I don’t want to forget anything that happens today.” 
“Good,” he says. 
“You better make it memorable then.” 
“Oh, I will.” You don’t know what to make of that. 
“What did I tell you about flirting?” Chanwoo says suddenly, getting your attention. You roll your eyes, but Yunhyeong changes the subject. 
“Who was that girl I dated in first year? I can’t remember her name.”
“Alex?” He shakes his head. “I have no idea then, sorry.” 
Yunhyeong runs through some other names, none of which you recognize. To be fair, you only became friends with Yunhyeong and Chanwoo last year. Sure, you spent time in their apartment, but they mostly left you and Hanbin alone to do whatever. 
“Wait!” You say suddenly, remembering a story Hanbin told you a while back. Everyone stops and looks at you. “Is she the one who said you were a bad kisser?” 
“Yeah,” Yunhyeong replies. “That’s the worst insult I’ve ever gotten.” 
“Can’t relate.” Chanwoo looks smug. 
“Have you even kissed anyone?” You ask him. “You’re like 12.” That makes Hanbin laugh. 
“Shut up,” He says. “I’m only 2 years younger than you.” 
“Hanbin’s probably the best kisser out of all of us then,” Yunhyeong points out. You bump your shoulder against Hanbin’s and he smiles. 
“Says who?” Chanwoo asks. “We should run a survey.” You roll your eyes. 
“What are you going to do?” You reply. “Make out with every girl on campus and ask who they liked best?” 
“Well you and Hanbin have already kissed so-” Yunhyeong doesn’t finish his sentence. All of you are staring at him. 
“I’m sorry, what?” You ask. You could just tell them you already know, but you decide not to. You want to see how this plays out. 
“When you were drunk,” Hanbin jumps in, turning to face you. “It was just a dumb kiss, it didn’t mean anything.” 
“It didn’t?” You ask. 
“Do you even remember it?” 
“No,” you shake your head, “but that doesn’t mean I don’t have feelings for you.” You hear Yunhyeong gasp. Hanbin just looks surprised.
“Did I say anything?” You ask him.
“You said-”
“Shut up Chanwoo,” Hanbin looks at you. “You said you wanted to be my girlfriend.” You could take a second and weigh your options, but you also know if you don’t say something now you probably never will. 
“Well, I do.” Your voice shakes a little, but you’re confident in your answer.
“You do?” You might be imagining things, but Hanbin looks happy. 
“Yeah.” He thinks for a second, then jumps off the counter. 
“Come on.” He holds out his hand, so you take it. Neither of you say anything to Yunhyeong and Chanwoo as you walk right past them, down the hall to Hanbin’s room. 
He follows you in and closes door behind you. Now that you’re alone, you don’t know what to do. You glance at Hanbin and he looks just as nervous as you. He’s leaning against the door. You wish he would come hold your hand or sit next to you or anything. 
“y/n,” he starts to say, but you cut him off. 
“I’m scared.” 
“What?” He looks so concerned. You love him for it. “What’s wrong?” 
“Come here,” you say without thinking. Hanbin sits next to you and takes your hand as you lean against him. It feels so natural. 
“What is it?” He asks quietly, rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand. 
“What if we fuck this up?” 
“We won’t,” he says right away. 
“Listen,” you reply. “You’re my best friend, and I absolutely adore you, but if we do this, and we fall in love and date and whatever and it doesn’t work out, where does that leave us?” 
Hanbin turns to look at you. “Haven’t we already fallen in love?” 
You answer him by leaning in and giving him a small kiss. You’re surprised at your boldness, but it feels right. When you pull away, the two of you smile at each other. You really do love him. 
“Is that what our first kiss was like?” You ask, breaking the silence. “I’m so sad I don’t remember it.” 
“It wasn’t like that, no,” he tells you. 
“Oh god,” you groan. “Was it like messy and weird? I wasn’t that drunk, was I?” 
“No,” he shakes his head. “It was actually really nice.” 
“Can we do a reenactment?” Hanbin blushes. “Oh my god, was it like something out of a R-rated movie?” 
He shakes his head again. “Maybe like 14A?” You gasp. 
“You’ll have to show me.” 
“Not today,” he says, “I have things to do.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You frown.
“Just, uh,” he looks down. “If I kiss you like that again, I’m pretty sure I know what’ll happen next.” 
That makes you blush. “Okay cool,” you say awkwardly. “We’ll save that for another time.” 
“Good plan,” he smiles at you. “Should we go back out there?” He gestures to the door. 
“What do we say?” 
“What do you mean?” He asks.
“We’ve been in here, alone, for how long? That’s not what friends do. They’re going to have questions.” 
“We’re not friends,” Hanbin says. 
“No?” You ask, trying to ignore the fact that your heart rate’s gone up. “What are we then?” 
Before he can answer, you hear Chanwoo’s voice outside. “If you two are fucking in there, let us know so we can leave.” 
“We’re not!” You and Hanbin yell back in unison. 
“Okay good,” Chanwoo responds. You both wait until you hear him walk away. 
“Let’s go, so they stop speculating about what we’re doing in here.” You get up. Hanbin doesn’t. “What?” 
“I love you.” 
“I know.” 
“Oh my god,” he groans. “Did you really have to quote Star Wars right now?” You smile, as he stands up. 
“Sorry,” you tell him. 
Hanbin kisses your forehead, taking your hand. You give him what’s mean to be a quick kiss on the lips, but he wraps his arms around you, holding you close. 
“I love you too,” you whisper once he pulls away. 
“Thank god for that.” You roll your eyes. “Come on.” 
You’re not ready for the constant teasing you’re going to get from Yunhyeong and Chanwoo, but you don’t mind. Hanbin’s yours now, so at least you’ll suffer together. That’s what friends do, right? 
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starrybumbles · 4 years
Home Sweet Home
CHAPTER 1: Riverdale
Sweet Pea x Reader
Summary: In a world so big, how were you stuck in such a tiny town?
Word Count : 1877
Author’s Note: Hi guys! This is my first piece of writing I’m putting out so hopefully it’s good lol. I’m not even caught up with Riverdale tbh, and that’s bc there’s so little Sweet Pea. Back to the point though, I would love your guys’ review on this (:
           Moving away from California was the last thing you wanted to do. It was your home- your safe place. So many good things happened there and now... it was miles away. The trees blurred into a green blob, right up until you decided to focus on one. Then it seemed to go in slow motion. A sigh escaped your lips, eyes flickering up to the rearview mirror. The backseat- along with the trunk- was filled with your bags. It left little room to actually use the mirror for what it’s meant for. But then again, no one was rushing to stay at the ‘town with pep’. (It was anything but.)
“It’ll be fine.” Your mom’s hand came to rest on your own. “Think of this as a fresh start.”
“I didn’t want a fresh start.” 
There was a pause. The words had flown out faster than you could stop them. They left a bad taste in your mouth- complaining wasn’t something you liked to do. This whole move wasn’t your mom’s fault; people were shit and liked to shit on others. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay. I know what you’re feeling. But I really do think you’ll be happier here.”  
As another silence hung over you both, you couldn’t help but wonder if that was true. Your life back in California was like a dream. You had a good group of friends, a best friend, and a place where you felt good and safe. It was a scene ripped right from the movie screen. But heading to Riverdale gave you a whole new perspective and you couldn’t say you liked it. 
The sun beat down your back as you pulled the rest of the suitcases out of the trunk. You could already feel the sweat building up on your neck. Even in Riverdale you couldn’t beat Summer’s heat- go figure. With three bags in your left and a suitcase in your right, you stepped back to let your mom shut the trunk. Your eyes wandered over to the park’s sign, dingy from years of standing. 
Sunnyside Trailer Park. Low Rates- No Pets- Swimming Pool.
A painted sun beamed with yellow and red rays right above the words. A line, the same shade of red, ran right through the second set below. 
Many times you’ve been here through the years and you couldn’t say anything has changed. A small smile spread across your face. The outside of the trailers were tinged with dust and dirt. Only one mattered, though, and that one was just a few feet away. A little wooden staircase leads up to the door. Trash bins were lined up on the left, while an isolated box stood on the other. It was familiar- so familiar you already knew what the inside looked like. But it wasn’t home. 
You walked up to the box and lifted a lawn gnome, grimacing at the rust on it. It was such an obvious place to hide a key. Your mother walked up behind you, groaning about how she should have thrown away more shoes. ( “You never know if I need them,” she’d said.) 
You trudged up the stairs and opened the door, settling your luggage to the side. To your right was the living room, set with all the essentials. To the left was the kitchen. You purse your lips before turning. 
“Hey, mom,” you called out. “You think uncle would mind if I munched on something?” 
Her voice echoed from the bathroom. “I don’t think so! Just munch, though. I think we should go to Pop’s and get something.” 
With that, you practically ran towards the kitchen. The cool air of the fridge hit you, a sigh of relief escaping. The feeling quickly fell as you saw nothing in there that would satisfy your hunger. You’d thought the fridge would be stocked considering your cousin was such a foodie. How did he get by like this? You closed the door, puffing out at the disappointment. Guess you’d have to wait for diner food. “So, uh.. when exactly are we going there?”
You watched your mom round the corner. “Soon. Uncle will be here soon.”
And, low and behold, your uncle walked through the door within the next few minutes. He wore a tired grin as he opened his arms toward you. Stepping away from the fridge, you wrapped your arms around him. His stubble scratched the top of your head. You murmured a little hello and your uncle returned it. That smile was still on his face as he greeted your mom. 
“It’s good to see you, Forsythe.” 
“Why don’t you ever use FP?” He groaned, holding her at arm's length. “I hate that name.” 
“Well, it's your name.” She rolled her eyes, patting his shoulder. Your mom was the older one out of the two and she made sure everyone knew. 
Despite the complaints from FP, you knew he wasn’t that bothered by it. Family was everything with you guys, even when you lived across the country. The constant contact with each other over the years kept that bond strong. It made you wish being here was under different circumstances. 
The two adults shared a look before nodding. Your eyes shifted to the half empty coffee pot on the stove, left untouched since the morning. Of course your uncle knew about what happened in California. You figured the talk would happen later- out of earshot for you. A part of you hoped you’d be included, while another didn’t want to talk about it. 
A buzzing noise reached your ears. You fumbled to get your phone from the back of your pocket. The screen lit up, soliciting a smile at the text. B/F Name, your best friend, had been texting you since you left. You missed her a lot. Never have you been so far away. Biting your lip, your fingers hovered over the keyboard as you responded. Maybe you would call her later if she wasn’t busy. 
“Y/n, fix yourself. We’re gonna leave.” 
You nodded without looking up at your mom and moved to the only bathroom in the trailer. The text was sent with a ‘ttyl’. 
Looking in the mirror, you locked eyes with your reflection. Bags hung under your eyes. They weren’t noticeable unless you were trying to spot them. You ran a hand over your face, taking a deep breath. Fresh start- that’s what this was. A new page to write whatever you wanted. You clicked your tongue, then sighed. 
Make the most of this, you thought, and nodded at your reflection before throwing the door open. 
The smell of burgers hit you as soon as the three of you entered. Despite its years, Pop’s looked as good as ever. The floor was checkered with black and grey, the booths a bright red with silver padding covering the top. On the walls were several decorations, many being old photos. Even the people here fit the fifties-esque aesthetic of the diner. 
At the register, your mom stood with your uncle, waving you over. A smile graced her lips, her hand reaching out to place itself on your back. Behind the metal table was a big man wearing an apron and a hat that had Pop’s Chock’Lit Shoppe printed on both. His smile reflected your mom’s. It took you a second before recognizing him. 
“Well, if it isn’t little Y/n L/n. Look at you all grown up.” His voice was as warm as an apple pie fresh out of the oven. 
You returned his smile, waving at Pop before shoving it back into the pocket of your jeans. “Hi. Been a few years,” you said. 
“It certainly has. I’m glad to see you back.” 
Pop nodded to both you and your mom before ushering you to find a seat. You followed the two adults down the line, feeling a bit awkward as you trailed behind. You could feel stares of other customers as you passed by. You kept your eyes trained ahead. 
Pop had come by to take your orders and within that time, you found that your uncle worked there in his free time. 
“So I’m hearing free milkshakes?” You grinned, eyebrows shooting up. 
Your mom snorted. “Or maybe she could get a job and pay for them.” 
FP nodded, pointing a finger at her. You gave them both accusatory glances. 
“I’d like an extra hand around here.”
“It’s not like I wouldn’t try to get hired, but we just moved here! I need a little time to adjust.” 
You slumped against the seat, and picked up a fry. Working at Pop’s didn’t sound like such a bad thing- you had at least a little experience under your belt. You glanced around the diner again, eyeing the empty tables. It shouldn’t be too hard. Turning towards your uncle, you continued, “I just need to get familiar with the place again. Adjust to life in Riverdale first before diving into being the town’s little go-getter.” 
FP snickered. “Alright, kid.” His eyes flickered to the door as the bell attached to it jingled. “Now’s your time to start getting familiar.” 
At his words, you swiveled around to meet Jughead. He looked a little stunned to see you. A second passed before a grin stretched across his face. You made your way toward him. Your arms wrapped around his middle with a squeeze.
 As you pulled away, a group started to push past the doors and stand behind Jughead. You nudge your cousin, then step to the side.  
“Jug,” you hissed when he didn’t follow suit. You gestured to the group, and when you made eye contact with the tall one you gave a smile. “Sorry for him.”
The one at the head narrowed his eyes at you. He crossed his leather clad arms over his torso, and you noticed that they all had the same jacket on. Jughead took a step back towards them, glancing at the tallest before switching back to you. It was then that you saw the same jacket on him that everyone else had. A small “oh” formed on your mouth as your brain connected the dots. 
“Are you guys having some sort of club meeting?”
Jughead scoffed, shaking his head at your ridiculous question. “No, it’s…” 
As he trailed off, his eyes shifted to something behind you. 
“A.. project.”
Right, you thought. A project for what?
You wanted to ask. It was so obvious that he was lying about whatever this was. Yet your lips didn’t move. And you knew why. There was a lot that happened back in your old town; stuff that you’d rather keep in the dark. Even from Jughead whom you were close with. Maybe this lie was his way of telling you he wanted to keep this to himself. So you’ll let it slide… for now. 
Two of the others looked to Jughead. The third one stared hard at you-- the tall one that you’d consider cute if he didn’t have such a mean mug. To avoid his gaze, you turned your back and waved the little group over. You all squished into a booth in the corner of the diner. Menus were passed around as Jughead grinned. 
“Let’s eat!”
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lauras-collection · 5 years
More Than I Know [Part 9]
Tom Holland x female reader
Summary: You discover that millions of people witnessed you being sick, Tom has to leave for a press tour, you meet up with a friend and things take an unexpected turn. (I suck at summaries i’m sorry) 
Words: 3.8k (oops)
Warnings:  fluff, swearing, mentions of throwing up, angst, drinking +  intoxicated reader, making out, a shirtless Tom, angst (sorry) nothing else I think (let me know if there is anything in there that I should add)
A/N: How is this already part 9? anyway. This is a long one. I got a little carried away 😅 I’d love to hear your feedback
I hope you enjoy!
Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
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The drive back to London was...weird. It’s not like it was uncomfortable. It wasn’t. You and Tom talked about all kinds of stuff. But the fact that this weekend - and your fake relationship - was coming to an end was looming over your head. Tom was leaving on a press tour tonight. That inevitably meant that he didn’t need you to go on fake dates with him anymore. You tried to find the perfect moment to mention it to Tom, to ask him what was going to happen now. But you couldn’t. You were too scared of the answer. 
When you arrived in London, Tom drove to his place first. Tessa came rushing towards the door as soon as Tom opened it. Tom put his suitcase down and greeted her, taking her head in both his hands. 
“Hi, Tessa. Did you miss me?” Tessa yipped before wriggling out of his grip, jogging over to you. “I guess that’s a no.” Tom laughed while you knelt down and started petting the excited staffy.
“Hey, pretty girl. You should be nicer to your owner, you know.” You smiled as she attempted to lick your face. 
“Tessa, get back here. Y/N has already washed her face today.” Tom lightly pulled her by the collar and you got up from your knees. You heard footsteps and Harrison appeared in the doorway to the living room. 
“Hey, Y/N.You feeling better?” He asked and you scrunched your eyebrows in confusion. How did he know? Did Tom tell him you threw up all night? 
“Yeah, a little, thanks...how do you know?” your eyes flickered between the two boys and you saw Tom’s face turn red.
“Uh, yeah...about that.” He rubbed his neck nervously. “Remember that live stream I did?” He looked at you and you nodded. “I uh, I kinda forgot to turn it off.” He what?
“What does that mean?” You asked even though you had a pretty good idea of what it meant. 
“That means, Tommy boy here live streamed you throwing up and him taking care of you. Granted it’s only the sounds but...” Harrison shrugged his shoulders and looked at you sympathetically. You felt your heart sink into your stomach.
“Millions of people saw that.” You muttered, your gaze fixed on the floor. While your mind was already coming up with possible tabloid articles and comments from fans. “Please tell me you can’t actually hear me throw up.” You looked pleadingly at Harrison who shrugged again. That was enough of an answer. “Oh no.” You covered your face with your hands. When you thought to throw up in front of Tom was bad, millions of people witnessing it was even worse. 
“I’m so sorry, love.” Tom expressed compunctiously as he walked over to you.
“But it’s gone now, right?” You removed your hands to look between Tom and Harrison again. Harrison took his phone out of his pocket and typed something.
“Well, if the video title ‘Tom Holland taking care of his girlfriend for 12 minutes straight’ is any indicator I would say it isn’t completely gone.” Harrison said after a moment making you groan. 
I guess it’s true what they say: the internet never forgets. 
“I’m sorry.” Tom said again, his hands now on your shoulders.
“For what it’s worth, the comments are mostly positive.” Harrison shrugged his shoulders. You ignored the fact that he said mostly but you had gotten so much hate already, you weren’t even bothered anymore. 
“Really? Let me see.” You moved away from Tom and towards Harrison, but Harrison took a step back, holding his phone towards his chest. 
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea.” 
“You can’t tell me the comments are positive and then refuse to show me.” You crossed your arms looking at Harrison accusingly. “You know what? I’m just gonna look at it myself.” You reached into the back pocket of your jeans, retrieving your phone. You typed the video title that Harrison had mentioned earlier into the search bar and moments later a few videos popped up. You clicked on the first one. It started with Tom talking to his fans on the live stream, a row of names moving from the bottom of the screen upwards. He was talking about how excited he was for his next project when his eyes suddenly lifted from his phone to look at something behind it. Most likely you on your way to the bathroom. You saw his eyes widen before he jumped out of bed and with a loud bang the phone was thrown onto the desk. All that was visible now was the ceiling of the hotel room and the comments that kept scrolling across the screen at a rapid speed.
-What happened?
-Who’s he with?
-Where did he go?
-Did he accidentally start a live stream? What’s happening?
-Is he throwing up or is that someone else?
Since there wasn’t anything to see you scrolled towards the comment section. You turned the sound down, not wanting to hear yourself heaving. Most of the comments were gushing about how Tom was taking care of you. And you were a hundred per cent agreeing with those people. A few comments, in particular, caught your attention.
-Well at least the girlfriend’s confirmed now lol
-You better treat him the way he deserves Y/N if you hurt him I’m coming for ya 
-Welp, that means he’s officially off the market I guess
-For anyone who can’t get enough of tom saying ‘my girlfriend’ you’re welcome 10:37
You turned the sound back on and clicked on the timestamp
“-but my girlfriend isn’t feeling well and I was wondering-” you turned the sound back down in shock. You hadn’t really realised that he’d called you his girlfriend on the phone. Hearing it now made your heart flutter. But that was part of the deal, right? Make everyone believe you’re a couple, that includes the hotel staff. While Tom and Harrison kept looking at you, sharing worried glances every once in a while you continued scrolling through the comments. There hadn’t really been anything too bad in the comments. You were wondering what Harrison didn’t want you to see. Was it the girlfriend stuff? You had no idea why he would have to hide that from you. 
But then you saw the comments that you’ve been dreading. 
-Oh fuck, what if she’s pregnant? 
-I mean Tom would be a great dad but he’s at the prime of his career now, a bit stupid to get a chick pregnant if you ask me.
-But y’all have to admit that baby would be super cute
Why did everyone’s mind immediately connect throwing up with pregnancy? You groaned and locked your phone again letting your hands fall to your sides. You looked at Tom who was eyeing you with an uncertain expression.
“I’m sorry everyone thinks you got me pregnant. Not only my aunt but your fans now, too.” you felt tears brim your eyes and you realised that even though you had rested a couple of hours today and didn’t have to throw up since last night, you still weren’t back at a hundred per cent.
“Hey, hey, it’s alright. It’ll blow over.” He came over and wrapped his arms around you. “We’ll just ignore it for now and if the comments don’t stop I’ll say something, okay?” He rubbed your back soothingly, just the way he had done it about a million times during the past 36 hours.
You spent the next couple hours with Tom and Harrison, Tessa curled up on the sofa next to you. The two boys tried their best to distract you from thinking about the live stream and the fans reactions. 
Around six in the afternoon, Tom excused himself to take a shower and pack his stuff for the upcoming press tour. Harrison was going to take him to the airport after taking you home. You were a little sad that you wouldn’t get alone time with Tom one last time but it was probably for the best. 
When Harrison pulled up in front of your building you thanked him for taking you while Tom got out of the car to get your suitcase.
“Thanks, Harrison. It was great meeting you.” You smiled at him through the rearview mirror.
“You, too, Y/N.” He returned the smile and you got out of the car. Tom was already waiting for you at the front door. You fumbled your keys out of your coat pocket and opened the door. You were about to say that Tom didn’t need to carry your stuff upstairs, but he had already ascended the staircase halfway. You followed him as quickly as you could opening the door for him. Once inside, Tom carried your suitcase into your bedroom. You stood by the door not sure what to say as he returned. 
“Thanks, Tom. For everything.” You couldn’t help the finality in your voice. Tom didn’t seem to notice though.
“You’re very welcome. It was a lot of fun.” He smiled and you tried to imprint the way his eyes crinkled into your memory. Where you ever going to see that smile in person again? "Well, except for last night. That wasn't so much fun." He chuckled and wrapped you in a hug “I’ll text you when I land, yeah?” His voice was right by your ear and shivers ran down your spine. You only managed to nod before Tom pulled away “See you soon.” and with that, he placed a kiss right on the corner of your mouth. You were too perplexed to say anything and by the time you found your voice he was already gone.
A couple days later you met your friend Marissa for coffee. You hadn't seen her in such a long time and you needed to get out of the house for something fun for a change.
“Hey. I missed you.” You exclaimed as you walked up to her in front of your favourite coffee shop. The coffee shop where you met Tom. You wrapped your arms around the petite girl and hugged her tightly.
“Missed you, too.” She hugged you back and squeezed you a little bit. “Thought you forgot about me ‘cause you were preoccupied with that boyfriend of yours.” She nudged your shoulder with a mischievous glint in her eyes. 
“No, of course not. He’s on press tour right now and I wanted to see you.” You cringed because it sounded like you were only seeing her because Tom wasn’t around. “I’m sorry that sounded… I wasn’t-“ you started to ramble but Marissa interrupted you.
“I get it, Y/N. You want to spend as much time with him as possible. He’s not around much is he?” She squeezed your hand, letting you know that she understands. 
You shake your head. “Not really. He’ll be gone for weeks at a time, either filming or doing press.” You shrugged your shoulders. This was the first time Tom was gone for such a long time since you met him. And since you realised that you’re in love with him. 
“That sucks.” She pauses for a moment. “I just wanted to tell you that I’m happy for you. I know that the others have been assholes about it but to be honest I think they’re just jealous.” She nudged your arm again. “C’mon let’s go inside. You need to tell me all about Kate’s wedding.”
You had a great time catching up with Marissa. It was nice to have some girl time again. You had both decided that a night out together was long overdue and planned to go to a club soon.
So a few weeks later, you found yourself standing at the bar of a club, Marissa next to you. You had already had a few drinks but the night was still young and you wanted to let loose for a while. After the bartender slid the two shots you had ordered across the counter, you and Marissa downed them quickly and moved back onto the dance floor. The music that was being played was surprisingly good and you had so much fun you didn’t even realise that it was past 2am already. 
You felt Marissa nudge you. “I need to go to the loo!” She exclaimed over the loud music and you nodded, following her out of the crowd of dancing people to get to the toilets. The room was busy when you entered and Marissa immediately queued up. You did as well thinking that it would be better if you took the opportunity to relieve yourself as well.
You were lightly swaying from side to side, a little too drunk to stand straight. But not too drunk to get your phone out of your bag and check instagram. You had unintentionally made it a habit to check Tom’s instagram story a couple of times a day. You told yourself it was because you were curious to see what he was up to. But in reality, it was more because you wanted to hear his voice. Even though you wouldn’t be able to hear anything among the chatter of the girls in the bathroom, you clicked on the little circle with Tom’s icon which was the first one that appeared at the top of your instagram feed. You were immediately greeted with Tom’s face as he said something that you couldn’t hear, a few seconds later Harrison appeared behind him doing a little wave. The next story started and showed Tessa curled up on the sofa in Tom and Harrisons living room and you felt your heart flutter. He was home. You checked the timestamp of the story.
19min ago 
You felt yourself getting antsy. Even though you had been texting with Tom a lot over the past few weeks you were wondering if he wanted to see you now that he was back in London. However, you were a little intoxicated and that made you think that it might be a good idea to just go and see him. Now.
Marissa noticed that you were somewhere else with your thoughts and poked you with a smirk.
“What’re you thinking about.” 
You let out a breathy laugh. “Tom’s home...” You trailed off, not sure if you should voice your idea. Marissa just raised her eyebrows knowingly. “I was wondering if I should go and see if he’s still up?” It sounded more like a question. “His place is nearby and he posted an instagram story about twenty minutes ago...” At this point, you didn’t know if you were trying to convince yourself or Marissa. She just laughed at you.
“Gosh, you’re so in love with him. It’s so cute.” You could only giggle at her words, temporarily forgetting about the whole fake dating debacle you had gotten yourself into. “Let’s get outta here.” She pulled you by the hand and manoeuvred both of you towards the exit. 
Not long after you were standing in front of Tom’s door. You weren’t so sure of your plan now. You decided to send Tom a text to check if he was awake. Your chances were good, he was probably used to a different time zone after such a long time in the states.
you up?
You cringed at your wording but couldn’t bring yourself to rephrase it so you hit send. A few moments later the message was marked as read and a new text bubble appeared. 
yeah, why?  
You locked your phone and knocked on Tom’s front door, not wanting to ring the doorbell in case you’d wake Harrison up. You heard Tom’s footsteps on the other side of the door before it opened. You were greeted with a surprised-looking Tom clad in grey sweatpants and a simple white t-shirt. How did he manage to look so soft all the time?
“Hi.” he breathed out, his brown eyes moving over your frame.
“Hey... I was in the neighbourhood so I thought I’d stop by... check if you’re home. Haven’t seen you in a while.” You purposefully let the fact slide that you had checked his instagram story. Tom eyed you with a look before opening the door wider so you could enter.
“Of course! Yeah, come in.” Tom smiled widely. “D’ you want something to drink?” He asked looking over his shoulder while you followed him into the kitchen. He looked so good.
“Yeah, do you have tequila?” You giggled giggled! and Tom raised an eyebrow at you. 
“Maybe you should stick with water.” He laughed a bit and walked over to one of the cabinets opening it to retrieve two glasses. You leaned back against the counter and looked around the room while Tom poured water into the glasses. “Where’s Tessa?”
“Asleep in the living room.” He handed you one glasses and you took a sip. “What’ve you been up to tonight?” He asked eyeing your outfit once more. “Seems like you had fun.” The corner of his mouth turned up into a smirk. 
You nodded “Went clubbing with my friend Marissa. It was a lot of fun. More fun than this.” you say and point at the glass of water in your hand, causing Tom to laugh. 
“Sorry, love but I think you’ve had enough for the night.” 
“Yeah? Why’s that?” You wonder with a cocked eyebrow. Tom takes a step closer to you, now standing right in front of you. His eyes roamed your face for a moment before he spoke. 
“Well, your eyes are glossy and your balance is a little bit off.”
“But only a little bit.” You protest with a pout and Tom chuckled. 
“Still, that means no more alcohol for you young lady.” There was a playfully scolding look on his face and you could only think how cute he looks. “Why are you looking at me like that?” he asked a curious expression on his face.
“‘Cuz you’re cute.” 
“You think I’m cute?” He arched his eyebrow and you traced the rim of the glass with your finger, only humming affirmatively. “What else do you think of me?” He took another step closer, you could now feel the heat radiating from his body. You sat the glass down on the counter and shrugged your shoulders.
“Well, you’re ridiculously hot, too. So fucking attractive.” You blurted out before thinking. You blushed immediately when you realised what you’ve said, but there’s no way to take back the words.
“I think you’re really fucking attractive, too.” He placed both his hands beside you on the counter, caging you in.
“You do?” You looked at him with big eyes. He was looking down at you and the expression on his face took your breath away.
 The two of you kept looking at each other for what felt like an eternity until his lips were suddenly on yours. You let out a surprised gasp but your hands immediately went to the back of his neck pulling him closer. Tom’s hands moved from the countertop to the back of your thighs, hoisting you up on the counter effortlessly. You spread your thighs and he stepped in between them while his arms wrapped around your waist. You were consumed by the feeling of his lips and his tongue. You’d been so sure that you’d never get to kiss him again, and now, here you were. All alone with him. There was no one else around. This wasn’t a show.   
You moved your hands from his neck to his hips, slipping them under his shirt, letting out a moan when your fingertips touch the warm skin under the fabric of his shirt. You move your hands upwards to take off his shirt completely, his lips losing contact with yours to get the fabric over his head before he returned, now kissing down your chest. Your hands roamed his body while his grabbed your thighs before they moved to the hem of your shirt, slipping it off and throwing it on the floor where Tom’s was already lying. Tom explored the newly exposed skin with his lips, kissing down the valley of your breasts. Your hands tangle in his curls pulling him closer as you let out a soft moan. Tom moved back up, sucking on the skin of your neck and you slid your hands back down his body slipping your hands under the waistband of his sweatpants.
“Tom.” You moaned his name and let out a whimper. 
All of a sudden Tom stopped kissing your neck, grabbed your wrists and pulled your hands away from his body.
“What-... What’s wrong?” Your eyes immediately widen in surprise.
“I can’t...” Tom shook his head, not looking into your eyes, your wrists still in his hold.
“You can’t..?”
“I can’t do this.” He took a step away from you, your hands falling to your thighs and it suddenly dawned on you. Tom didn’t want you the way you wanted him. You couldn’t believe this was happening again. You didn’t think that Tom would be the type to give you a little taste of what it could be like just to push you away a moment later. You didn’t think that Tom would be like Joe. 
“I see...” You couldn’t look Tom in the eyes. You hopped down from the counter bending down to pick up your shirt. You gulped and pulled the shirt back over your head with shaking hands.
“I’ll just…” You pointed in the direction of the front door. “I’ll just go.” You felt so… embarrassed? humiliated? There were a lot of feelings swirling around you at that moment but one was prevalent. Rejected. 
“Don’t worry. I won’t make this awkward. Let’s just forget this happened at all.” your voice was shaky as you turned around to Tom who was looking at you with big eyes and raised eyebrows. You couldn’t really read his expression. Tessa came running from the living room, jumping around your legs, yipping excitedly. You couldn’t pay her any attention though.
“Y/N. No, it’s not...” Tom stammered running his hand through his hair.
“Don’t bother.” You interrupted him “I won’t let you do this to me, Tom… Not you, too.“ You opened the front door and turned to look at him one last time. “Coming here was a mistake.” you mumbled to yourself and you were out of the door before Tom could say anything else. The door slammed behind you but you could still hear Tessa barking. You speed walked to the next street corner as fast as you could and then stopped to support yourself on a house wall, the tears finally falling.
How could you be so stupid to think Tom actually wanted to be with you?
And while you were crying on the corner, Tom was sitting at home, his head in his hands.
“Mate, what the fuck happened?” Harrison, who had been woken up by Tessa’s barking, stood in the doorway to the living room, his eyebrows raised in question.
“I think I really fucked things up.”
“What did you do?”
Part 10
Thank you for reading 💕
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afternoonteawithme · 5 years
Comfort and Lies
(read it on AO3)
Levi looked up from his laptop when he heard the apartment’s front door slam shut. He was about to call out, to let Eren know he was there, when he heard the slamming of a second, inside door.
Eyebrow arching, Levi eyed the wall dividing the kitchen he sat in from the bedroom. He glanced at the floor plans he’d been studying on his laptop, the unread messages on his cell phone, and the clock ticking away on the wall. He’d hoped to see Eren before he left so he was already running late. His ride was waiting impatiently – very impatiently – outside, but… he shut his laptop, tucked his phone into his pocket, and stood.
When he stepped into the bedroom, he saw Eren had thrown himself face down on the bed. He sat on the edge of the mattress, reached out a hand to stroke Eren’s hair. “Bad day?”
Eren turned his face and smiled weakly up at him, “I thought you’d be long gone already or I’d have come and said hello. Aren’t you supposed to be on your way to your booth at the trade show?”
“The flight was delayed, so I was killing time for a couple hours. What’s wrong?”
“It’s no big deal. My professor was just more of a jerk than usual.”
“What did he do now?”
“He’s an ass, is all. He just hates me because I helped Historia report him her first year, so he likes making real sure the whole class knows I stupid I am.”
Levi’s eyes went hard, but he kept his voice soft as he stroked Eren’s hair. “You’re not stupid.”
Eren laughed, and shot a brief, mischievous glance at Levi. “Really? I seem to remember you told me I was ‘the biggest idiot this side of the state line’, when you were driving me to the hospital last month.”
Levi pinched at Eren’s arm. “That was different, idiot. You almost gave yourself pneumonia, running around like that and pretending you didn’t have the flu.” He turned his fingers, stroked away the slight redness on Eren’s skin. “But you’re not stupid. Never that.”
“Thank you,” Eren turned over, scooted across the blanket until he could burrow against Levi’s side. “It’s ok, he can’t fail me because the exams are all externally marked, and I get decent marks there. But today he kept calling on me and asking me all these questions, and when I couldn’t answer he’d do that, you know, sneering thing, so I got mad and I…sorta told him what I thought of him. Because he was being an asshole, and I swear we hadn’t gone over half the stuff he asked about, and if we had then that just shows he’s a bad teacher, doesn’t it? Plus he’s a disgusting perv, even if Historia and I couldn’t prove more than we did.”
He pressed in a little closer, wrapping his arms around Levi’s waist. His voice was muffled against Levi’s suit jacket as he continued, “So then he tells me I’m ‘an embarrassment to my father’s memory’.” He said the words mockingly, almost managing to hide the hurt underneath. “He told me the only reason I passed any of my classes was because my dad’s estate promised the dean they’d donate lots of money when I graduate, and I know that’s not true, but…” Eren sighed, pulling away from Levi and flopping onto his back, staring up at the ceiling. “But the whole class was there listening, and I just…I know some teachers do sometimes treat me differently because of my dad. So I guess I couldn’t really be entirely sure he was lying.” He half laughed, ruefully. “Maybe I am more stupid than I thought.”  
If he’d been watching Levi’s eyes, instead of staring up at the ceiling, Eren might have been shocked at the flash of fierce rage that ran through them.
“And by the end he’s like two inches away from my face so his spit is just landing all over me.” Eren shuddered. “After class I went to the bathroom and scrubbed my face as much as I could. He’s creepy and gross.”  
Very, very carefully, Levi fought to calm himself. Lightly, he reached out, flicking a finger at Eren’s forehead as he spoke as casually as he could manage. “There, there. Want me to beat him up for you?”
Eren laughed, turning his head to grin at Levi. “As always, thanks for the offer. Right now I’m going to rinse off any spit left on me, then I’ll go do my homework like any other good, diligent student so I can graduate as soon as possible.” He pushed himself up, planted a kiss on Levi’s cheek before sliding to the edge of the bed. “And then we’ll move, far far away, and I’ll never have to see him again.”
Levi watched Eren disappear into the bathroom, and quickly pulled out his phone. Ignoring the many increasingly irritated messages telling him his ride was ready and waiting for him outside, he sent out a brief text.
Change of plan. Personal issue came up. Abort mission.
There was a short pause, and then someone replied Sex is not a good enough reason to abort mission. Get your ass dressed and out to the car. Furlan has been waiting almost an hour.  
Levi narrowed his eyes. Fuck you. Will require Furlan’s assistance with transport, equipment, possibly clean-up.    
The reply this time took even less time. I stand corrected, maybe it is a good enough reason. Sounds like you’re planning some amazing sex.
Again, fuck you. I’ll be out in a minute.  
Levi kept an eye on the bathroom door and tucked his phone away again an instant before Eren stepped back out, scrubbing at his wet hair with a towel.
“Levi, I just realized, didn’t you say you had to set up your booth today? Will you have enough time before the expo opens tomorrow?”
“It’ll be fine. Erwin is there already, he’ll set up most of it.” Levi stood. “I do have to go though, my ride should be pulling up outside any minute.”
“Ok, thanks for listening. I feel better already.”
“Good.” Levi stepped forward, wrapping an arm around Eren’s neck and pulling his head down for a deep, lingering kiss. “Now go study. I should be back late Sunday, but I’ll call you on my lunch break tomorrow.”
“Alright. Travel safe. Sell lots of vacuum cleaners.”
 Levi slid into the car waiting at the curb. As they pulled away, the driver threw a disposable cell phone over at him. “Boss wants to talk.”
“Boss can go fuck himself.” But as Levi met Furlan’s eyes in the rearview mirror, he sighed, opened the phone.
“What do you want?”
“Me?” The voice on the other end was rich, deep, amused. “You’re the one changing plans at the last minute.”
“This is important, Erwin.”  
“You sure you want to cancel? We might not have another go at this target for a while.”
“Let the client know we’ll get to it. Something came up.
“Uh huh. I’ll pass the word.”
There was a long, drawn out silence while neither Erwin or Levi said anything, and then there was a loud clatter as someone grabbed the phone from Erwin and a different voice yelled into the receiver, “Dammit, Levi, stop being a hardass and tell us what the hell is going on! I need to know. And do you need help? What’s happening? What do you need us to do? We can be on the next flight out there in…fourty-five minutes.”
Biting back a curse, Levi closed his eyes. “Hanji, calm down. And Furlan is enough, the rest of you can stand down. I’d like to handle this one myself.”
There was more clattering on the line, and then Erwin was back. “Then we’ll leave you to it, and give Eren my love when you next see him. Make sure to tell him I sold more…what is it you tell him we do these days? Oh, yes, tell him I sold more vacuum cleaners than you.”  
 Levi let himself into a large, empty bedroom. He sneered a little as he glanced at the fussy, oversized bed covered with black satin sheets and a leopard print rug, at the framed, stylized sketches of women wearing only artistically tied rope that hung along the walls. The man had a giant damned painting of himself, bare-chested and riding some unrealistically small horse hung over the head of his bed. If he didn’t already loathe his guts Levi would have been happy to kill him based on that smug, self-satisfied portrait alone.
But he wasn’t here to kill him today. After all, he hadn’t asked Eren if he could kill him, he’d only asked if he could beat him up.
And this time Eren hadn’t said no, the way he had every other time Levi had offered. He’d laughed, but he hadn’t said no.
Opening the closet, Levi gingerly searched through until he found a white shirt with the tags still attached. He spread it out on the bed and settled onto it. While he waited, he checked his guns, and unwrapped the kit he’d brought with him. It had been a gift from Hanji, and she’d slowly been teaching him how to use all the little tools.
He wasn’t anywhere near as good at torturing as she was, but he could get by.
As he laid everything out, Levi wondered, not for the first time, if Eren would enjoy coming along on these trips once Levi told him he, Erwin, Hanji and the rest didn’t really sell vacuum cleaners for a living, and told him the truth about what they did.  
Unless he was very much mistaken, he thought Eren would take to this world like a duck to water.
But not yet. He had to finish college first.
Levi heard a noise somewhere in the house and sat back on the bed. When the door opened and a man that looked a lot like the man in the insufferable portrait over the bed, if a lot smaller and a lot less attractive, stepped in and flipped on the lights, Levi shot him with the tranquilizer gun.
He watched as the asshole’s knees crumpled, and he landed on his ass on the ground, staring incredulously at Levi.
“Who…what’s going on? Why are you in my room?” The man’s words were already slurring.
“Hello, Professor.” Levi smiled coldly as he ran one sharp tool through his fingers. “I’ve been wanting to meet with you for some time. We need to discuss your teaching methods.”
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justlightlysedated · 5 years
one for sorrow, two for joy
dedicated to @bisexualalienblast and @fraudulentzodiacs ❤💜
Alex is too angry, too concerned about stopping the bleeding and getting himself together so that no one questions him when he gets to school, to notice anything else when he stalks into the tool shed to get at the supplies he hid in there, just in case.
He's stuffing cotton up his nose to stop the bleeding, thankful that at least his dad didn't slam his face that hard into the wall when he pushed him against it, when a light shines in his eyes distracting him.
He blinks a little and furrows his brow as he looks out the window and sees the source of the light.
His brow furrows even more in confusion as he stares at what can only be a wind chime, but a home made one, made with twine and bits of metal and glass.
Alex gets up from where he'd been sitting on the floor and goes over to the couch, kneeling on it so that he can prop his elbows on the window ledge and touch one of the pieces of glass.
It's smooth to the touch, but looks rough, like it was sand that had smoothed out it's sharp edges.
One of the hanging nuts has a rolled up piece of paper inside and Alex would ignore it as decorational but it’s the only one that has it.
He tugs the paper out, and unfolds it, and his heart starts pounding in his chest and he feels like he can’t breathe right when he recognizes the small, meticulous handwriting that belongs to Michael Guerin.
We’re studying corvids in Bio II, and the magpie, kind of reminds me of you, and how you’re black and white and decorate yourself with shiny, iridescent things, but I noticed that you don't really have anything in here that shows that part of you, and so I made this wind chime for you, as a thank you for letting me stay here. I really appreciate it.
Alex reads the note through twice and smiles, looking back up to the wind chime and reaching out to touch one of the glass pieces, where it's been meticulously wrapped in wire and hung, even the pieces of metal are shaped which speaks of a degree of skill that Alex didn't think someone like Guerin would have.
He bites his lip and touches the piece shaped almost like a tiny metal guitar, and thinks that maybe he should pull out his brother's old guitar and leave it here for Guerin to find.
(The ache in Michael's hand is ongoing and never ending, and by the beginning of the second week, he thinks that maybe he'll be dealing with that ache for the rest of his life.
He gets into his truck, slamming the door shut and ignores the paperwork he'd just gotten from the office and starts the truck.
He looks up to adjust the rearview mirror and freezes.
Hanging beneath it is a dream catcher. It looks a little worn, but well taken care off, the strings creating the design in the center are pure white, and the feathers hanging from beneath it are black and iridescent.
He knows that it's from Alex even if he hadn't found one of the pieces from the wind chime he'd given him hanging from it.
He remembers Alex telling him that the reason he painted his nails a black that glittered blue, purple, and green in the sunlight was because that's the color of a crow's feather, which were the feathers his mom used to make him a dream catcher to help with his nightmares.
Michael had joked that Alex didn't need to be afraid of his dreams with him around and Alex had laughed, bright and happy and Michael had thought that it was the only sound that he wanted to hear for the rest of his life.
His hand spasms with pain and Michael looks away from the dream catcher and shakes his head sharply once before he sniffs and puts the truck into drive.
Now the only sound that he can't seem to shake is the way that Alex screamed as his dad took a hammer to Michael's hand.)
Isobel wrinkles her nose and stares around the Airstream, "You really need to clean this place up if you're planning on entertaining company."
She gave a significant pause before the last word, letting him know that she knew all about Alex Manes, who had been sighted in town for the first time in three years. 
But Michael like always ignores her and slouches back even further on his bed, jostling the dream catcher that's hanging from the edge of the headboard.
"You don't really seem like the type of person who would be into that stuff," Isobel says, more a question than a comment.
Michael doesn't answer. He just reaches out and touches one of the feathers a strange look on his face, lost and wistful.
Isobel stares at him startled and incredulous.
When did this happen? When did this happen? And how did she not notice? 
She knew that he had a thing for Alex, Max had told her what happened at prom, but she had no idea that it had gotten this out of hand.
He was at Max pining for Liz levels of energy right now, and Isobel really didn't need another love sick brother.
She clears her throat loudly, "When was the last time you spoke to him?" She asks, sounding defensive which immediately puts Michael on guard.
He sits up, dislodging the mail that he had been going through when she arrived, and looks at her. "What are you talking about?"
Isobel wants to push the subject because she doesn't think Michael will talk about it otherwise, but the way that he looks at her stops  her short.
He’s pleading with her to drop it, so she does with a sigh.
“Max,” she replies, and gives him a look when he tenses up immediately and gets to his feet.
“I’m going to take a shower,” he says, and pulls his shirt over his head throwing the dirty shirt at Isobel.
Isobel scoffs as she catches it and throws it to the pile of dirty clothes he has in one corner.
She says, "One of you is eventually going to tell what actually happened between the two of you that night!"
Michael turns the water on in response.
Isobel rolls her eyes and stands up.
She looks at the dream catcher, at the shiny beads that decorate the strands in the form of a constellation, and the shiny black feathers that seem to shimmer in different colors.
She purses her mouth and looks over the piles of stones and glass and metal bits he has all over the counter. Her gaze is caught by something hanging right above Michael's desk on a small rig. A wind chime of all things.
Isobel shakes her head and grabs her purse.
She walks out of the Airstream and ducks her head to look inside of Michael’s truck as she passes and sure enough, there’s another dream catcher there, hanging from the rearview mirror, the pure white circle stained yellow by the constant sunlight, and hanging right next to it were a pair of dog tags that Isobel didn’t have to read to know who they belonged to.
She looks back to the Airstream, and sees the shadow of Michael through the covered windows moving from one side of the Airstream to the other.
Again she wonders exactly how long this has been going on, and why she didn’t notice before.
She pulls her phone out and texts Max to meet her at the Crashdown. Maybe he’ll know more, and maybe if he’s too busy that hot lawyer from the day before would be by for lunch again.
(Alex is tired, about to take a well deserved nap before he has to report for duty when there is something thrown on his chest.
He opens his eyes and glares at the airman, James standing in front of him holding the bag with their correspondence.
James grins at him. “You’ve got mail, and also,” he tugs another envelope and tosses it at Alex. “I got your replacement tags, just don’t lose them again.”
Alex nods his head and sits up to grab the envelope he’d closed earlier, a plain white paper with the Air Force insignia in one corner and Michael’s PO Box written meticulously on the front.
James takes the envelope from him and shakes it slightly. The stones and glass and shells that Alex picks up during his patrols rattle noisily but James just grins like Alex being predictable is the best thing to happen to him all day and continues down the line.
Alex sits up and puts the envelope with his new dog tags aside before he grabs the small package that James had thrown at him first and opens it eagerly as soon as he recognizes Michael’s handwriting.
He carefully pulls the wind chime out, and smiles at the metal stars and smooth marbled planets made from pieces of glass that Alex sent him.
He sets the box aside and gets up from his bed, and walks to the small window right beside the small bedside drawer.
He hangs the wind chime right beside the other two Michael has sent him.
He carefully passes his hand over it and smiles and the sound it makes and sits back down on his bed, grabbing the box and pulling out the note.
I missed you so much I sent the moon with a kiss from me to you.
Alex smiles, biting down on his lip as he puts the note aside with the others, and stands back up to look out the window.
The moon shines brightly in the sky, and Alex presses a hand against the glass covering the moon briefly before he presses his palm to his mouth and closes his eyes remembering the last time that he saw Michael.
Alex has no idea what he’s doing. He doesn’t know why he doesn’t just cut off all ties between him and Michael, but what he does know is that it seems like Michael seems to understand exactly what to do with whatever it is that Alex is giving him.
Alex just hopes that in the end, it’s enough.)
Alex makes it to the Airstream before Michael is done with his last car of the day.
He tells Alex that there is cold beer inside when Alex kicks at his shin to get his attention, and Alex stares at the strip of pale skin exposed by the way he’s stretched out beneath the truck.
Alex shakes his head and walks inside to get the beer.
He takes two out of the tiny fridge and sets them on top of the counter to look for a bottle opener.
He turns towards the desk and stops when he notices the small rig set up from where an incomplete wind chime is hanging. Alex looks back out through the window and he can see that Michael is still beneath the truck.
He walks over to the desk, and smiles when he sees the tools he uses and pieces of glass and metal shavings scattered all over the top of the desk.
He passes his fingers over the glass, and presses the incomplete metal figurines against the palm of his hand before he reaches up and makes the pieces attached to the wind chime hit against each other to make the twinkling soothing sound, and he closes his eyes and smiles lightly.
He feels hands brushing against his shoulders and sliding down to wrap around his wrists as Michael presses up close behind him, opening his mouth against the back of Alex’s neck.
“You get lost looking for the beers?” Michael asks, voice a low rumble right against Alex’s skin.
Alex shakes his head as he leans back into Michael. “I couldn’t find a bottle opener.”
Michael hums low in his throat and presses a kiss to the side of Alex's neck.
Alex arches his head to the side and Michael places another kiss, higher up, and then another right behind his ear.
Alex sighs, and Michael presses in even closer, trapping Alex's hands to the table as he presses another kiss behind his ear.
"You know," he breathes the words right up against Alex's skin making him shiver as his eyes flutter open and close. "I always wonder what you were doing when you find the pieces you send to me. If you were on patrol or hiding from an enemy or sneaking around with a local in the back seat of his car."
Alex smiles and tilts his head to the side to look at Michael as much as he can from the position he's in.
"If you want to know something, all you have to do is ask," Alex whispers back.
Michael pulls away a little to look at Alex's face, and Alex stares right back not hiding anything.
Michael's brow furrows, and Alex can see that there is a question that he wants to ask, but he's afraid of what Alex will answer.
Alex pulls against his hold and Michael lets him go easily, not moving back as Alex turns in the small space.
Alex leans back against the desk and puts his hands on Michael's shoulders.
"I mean it," Alex insists. 
Michael stares at him for a long second, and Alex thinks that maybe they're actually going to talk about this, but then something changes in Michael's eyes.
He licks his lips and leans into Alex, smirking a little. "I always wondered what you were doing when you found the dark green one with the gold flecks that you said looked like my eyes do when I'm about to come."
Alex licks his lips, smirking as he slides his hands up into Michael's hair dragging his short nails across his scalp.
Michael's eyes flutter close and his mouth falls open.
"Well," Alex says, and he tightens his fingers in Michael's hair. "I can tell you that or-"
Michael gasps and his eyes fly open, and he stares straight at Alex, whiskey colored eyes getting darker as his pupils expand rapidly, lips still parted, tongue pressed to his top lip.
"I can just show you," Alex finishes and kisses Michael before he can reply.
(Alex is gone when he wakes up. Not that Michael had expected him to stay. 
Especially after Alex tried to get him to open up and Michael had distracted him with sex.
It was a reflex, that always worked, and while Michael was the one to do it, Alex let himself be distracted.
Michael drags his hands across his face and heads towards the bathroom.
He gets ready quickly and heads for his truck.
If he hurries he'll make it to the Crashdown before the morning rush.
He gets in the truck and turns it on with a flick of his fingers, not really in the mood to search for his keys.
He looks to the rearview mirror and freezes.
He remembers how three years after Alex left he’d come back, had been seen in town by everyone and their mother, but not Michael.
Michael hadn’t known what to think about it. Alex had been sending him letters full of bits of metal and smooth colorful stones and sand or water smoothed pieces of colored glass and had obviously gotten his gifts and the notes, but he never replied. Only sent more things for Michael to keep in piles on his counters, that he would eventually use to make wind chimes that hang around the Airstream and wherever it was that Alex was staying.
Michael had felt lost and like maybe it was a sign from Alex that he didn’t want to continue whatever it was that they were doing. And then he’d gotten into his truck, and found the dog tags hanging from the rearview mirror, settled right in between two of the feathers as though they were always hanging there.
Today there is another necklace, one that he’s seen around Alex’s neck plenty of times.
Alex had told him that they’d been attacked en route to another base. He’d had all of his things packed into his duffel and the only thing that he’d been able to salvage where two charms that had been hanging from two different wind chimes. A golden star that Michael had burnt his fingers trying to get into shape, and the tiny metal guitar from the first wind chime he’d ever left for Alex.
Michael touches the pointed edges of the star, and shakes his head.
He has no idea what Alex is trying to say, but he’s willing to listen, as long as Alex keeps speaking.)
Maria sips from her lemonade and looks at Michael out of the corner of her eye.
He hasn't said much since he followed her to the stand in order to give Max and Liz some privacy, but he hasn't walked off to shoot his shot with someone else, either.
Maria wants to say something, but she's never really talked to Michael outside of the bar or without an excuse. 
It's not that she finds it difficult to start a conversation. It's more that being in this place surrounded by these people is making her feel hopeful that she might find something to help her mom, and she wants to share that with Michael, but he doesn't really seem like he shares her belief.
He seems a little lost, and Maria wants to know what it's about, but she always has more trouble reading Michael than anyone else.
It's part of the reason why she lets herself be vulnerable around him because she can't feel anything from him but sense of steadiness that makes her feel calm.
She looks at him again and there's a sad, far away look on his face and she decides just to talk, maybe she can get him out of his head.
"What are you guys hoping to find?" She asks and turns her head to look at him, but Michael isn't really paying attention.
She sees as something completely catches his attention, and even when she slows down, he keeps walking at the same pace, eyes locked on something only he can see at the moment.
She follows him curiously, and he stops in front of one of the stalls. She slows down and looks around him at the items sold and sees a whole bunch of different dream catchers, obviously meticulously hand made. Some with the same symbol from the flyer weaved into the middle of the hoop, others without it, and some with beautiful nature based designs.
“Did you make all of these?” Michael asks the vendor, a strange intensity to him that Maria can’t really explain.
The vendor shakes her head and gives him a smile. “I just sell them. My mom and some other ladies from her prayer group get together every Friday night and drink too much wine and make them.”
Michael nods his head and points out at one of the dream catchers, one that has the starry night sky weaved over sandy plain. “Do the weavers leave behind signatures like artists do?”
The vendor’s smile goes even wider. “Yes they do. It’s hard to notice because they’re made to blend into the actual weaving pattern. Is there something or someone specific I can help you find?”
Michael shakes his head, “I’ll buy that one, thanks.”
The vendor smiles nodding her head and takes down the dream catcher that Michael had been pointing at, carefully wrapping it in tissue paper and then putting it inside of a paper bag.
Michael gives her two crumpled ten dollar bills and tells her to keep the change before he turns and spots Maria, eyes going a little bit wide as though he’d forgotten that they’d been walking around together.
She gives him a smile from around her straw and then pulls the cup away from her mouth as they start walking towards the parking lot.
“I didn’t know you were into that stuff,” she says pointing towards the dream catchers with her chin.
Michael shakes his head. “I’m not,” he says, voice coming out a little tense like he really doesn’t want to talk about the subject, so she lets it drop, and starts talking about different methods she uses to get a good night’s sleep.
And feels a happy stab of satisfaction when Michael shifts away from his sad, contemplative mood to flirt with her. 
He leaves the dream catcher in the truck as they pass by it, and Maria’s brow furrows a little as she spots the dream catcher hanging from the rearview mirror.
She’s distracted by Liz, who hooks their arms together and drags her over to the tent where the faith healer was going to give her demonstration, and forgets all about it.
(Alex is tired and his eyes are burning, and it’s almost daylight by the time he makes it back to the cabin. 
Figuring out the cypher to crack the code in the letters Jim left for Kyle was one thing. It had taken the whole night to decipher the whole thing, and Alex still didn’t fully understand what the letters were trying to say.
Kyle had hustled them both out of the bunker sending Alex home to sleep for at least six hours, or he’ll be by with a syringe to knock him out.
Alex really hates to take anything to make himself sleep so he promised. It wasn’t like it was a hard promise to keep.
Alex really just wanted this day to be over and done with already.
He drags himself out of his car and up the steps of the balcony and very nearly misses the dream catcher hanging from one of the beams.
He looks at it for a long time, before he reaches for it, gently taking it down and touching the pattern woven in the middle carefully.
He finds his mom’s signature, and feels a pinch in his chest.
He knows that it’s not from his mom. And he knows of only one other person who would recognize it as something that she made. It’s not hard to take that leap in logic, especially when he knows that Michael was in Texas and the note that’s rolled up and pinned in place by two strings.
Alex tugs the note out, but he doesn’t read it as he walks across the balcony to the front door.
He opens the door, and the air rushes inside, making the wind chimes he’s got hanging, basically everywhere, move and make sound, a symphony of twinkling beautiful music that always makes Alex feel like he’s at home.)
Maria tells him that she’ll give him one shot, one date to prove that he actually wants to do this, and that he’s not using her as some sort of scratching post because he can’t have what he really wants. 
So Michael tries, he really does, and the date seems to be going well, even if he can’t really take her out anywhere, and they’re hanging out at the back of his truck by the firepit covered in a thousand blankets.
Maria laughs at his stupid jokes and drags him to try and dance to the low, staticky sounds coming from his busted up radio.
Which is of course when Alex drives up to the Airstream.
Maria notices him first, and moves away from Michael like she got caught doing something that she shouldn’t.
Michael tracks her gaze and his heart stops when Alex stumbles out of the front seat of his SUV and then goes around towards the trunk of the car without saying anything to them.
Maria leans back against the truck, wrapping a blanket around her shoulders, and Michael takes a step towards the car when Alex appears, carrying a box with him.
Michael feels the dread pool in his stomach.
Alex smiles at them both, with too much teeth and no heart at all, and drops the box right at Michael’s feet.
Michael doesn’t have to look down to see what’s in it. The sound of metal and stones and glass knocking into each other as it’s jostled is more than enough to tell him exactly what’s in the box.
Alex goes back and gets another box, and Michael snaps when he sees the dream catcher he’d gotten him in Texas right at the top.
“What are you doing, Alex?” he asks, and he can’t keep the fear out of his voice.
Alex looks at him, and it’s like he’s wearing a mask. “I’m letting go.”
Michael swallows hard and feels like the ground is falling beneath his feet.
“What?” Michael asks, and Alex’s gaze goes to Maria behind him, and Michael sees the way it cracks his mask so that when he looks back at Michael, all Michael can see is the heartache in his eyes.
It makes his chest ache, and it makes him feel like he’s got something sharp and bitter stuck in the back of his throat.
Michael never wanted to hurt Alex. He didn’t expect this to hurt Alex at all because Alex didn’t want him anymore. And now he doesn’t know what to do with the physical proof that Alex is hurting because Michael is trying to move on.
“I’m doing what you want,” Alex says, voice cracking a little. “You want to move on, so I have to let you go. But I can’t do that if every day I’m reminded of you.”
Michael looks down at the two boxes full of wind chimes and stones and crystals and metal figurines, and all of the things that Michael has left in Alex’s cabin in an attempt to make Alex’s new home more homely. And if he was being honest, also in an attempt to make sure that Alex never forgot about him, no matter what happened.
“Alex,” Michael says, swallowing hard and looking at him seriously. “I’m sorry-”
“No,” Alex says shaking his head. “No, I don’t want to hear an apology, especially because you’re not actually sorry.”
Michael takes a step towards him and Alex takes a matching one back.
“You talk about me, about us, like it’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to you, only concentrating on the bad stuff, like nothing good has ever come from us being together, and I can’t take it anymore.”
He blinks his eyes rapidly and looks away, and Michael tries to breathe, tries to think clearly, but he can’t, when it feels like his chest is caving in, and like he might never recover.
Alex exhales roughly and then looks back at him, shaking his head at whatever it is that he sees in Michael’s eyes. “If you don’t want to remember, then I don’t either.”
“Alex,” Michael says again, voice a little pleading, and Alex shakes his head, eyes darting to Maria and quickly back to Michael.
“I hope that you’re really happy together,” he says, eyes bright with tears, and a smile that he can’t keep on his face.
Michael can’t seem to find any words to say and Alex doesn’t let him anyway as he turns around and gets in his car and leaves.
Michael watches the dust trail his car leaves behind, feeling like he’s standing on unsteady ground, and only moves when he feels Maria come to stand beside him.
He turns to her ready to apologize, but she’s not looking at him. She’s staring at the boxes and the dream catcher that he’d bought in Texas.
“This isn’t going to work out,” she tells him, and looks at him with sad eyes and a small smile on her face. “Not because I don’t like you, or I don’t think we can make this work.”
“Then why?” he asks swallowing hard.
She closes her eyes and shakes her head. “You’re in love with him. It’s as plain as day now that I know what it is. I saw it over the course of the ten years you’ve been practically living at my bar, and I even saw it in Texas, but I didn’t know what it was. Now I do.”
Michael shuts his eyes tightly.
“Guerin,” she says softly and he feels a hand on his elbow. “I had a nice time. This was a great date. But the second Alex pulled up, I knew that it was going to be the last one. I could feel how much pain he was in from the second he got out of the car, and I don’t want to be responsible for that kind of hurt, especially not with Alex when he’s already gone through enough from people who claimed to love him.”
Michael looks at her and she smiles at him, sad and longingly. “I like you. I do. A lot. More than I was expecting if we’re being honest. I don’t regret what happened in Texas, and I don’t regret this date, but you’re settling for me, and I deserve much more than that.”
She leans up and presses a kiss to his cheek. 
“My bar is always open for you, but only as a friend.”
Michael inhales deeply, breathing in the sweet scent of lavender and honeysuckle that seems to always surround Maria, and exhales only when she steps away.
“Okay,” he says nodding his head.
She squeezes his arm and lets him go.
(Alex spends a week sleeping on Kyle's couch and avoiding everyone else.
He just couldn't stay in the cabin after getting rid of all of Michael's gifts. The place had seemed empty and cold and nothing like home at all.
It left him feeling empty and cold.
He stops the car right in front of the cabin and inhales deeply. He can't keep sleeping on Kyle's couch, and he'd been banned since Kyle had a date tonight, so Alex had to suck it up.
He gets out of the car, grabbing his duffel from the backseat and throws it over his shoulder as he slowly walks to the door 
The air is crisp and cold and there is hardly any wind, which is why he doesn't notice that there is something hanging right in his path until he almost hits it.
He stops short, brow furrowed, and stares as the dim light coming from a street lamp almost two miles away is caught by the shapeless glass and metal hanging from what has to be another wind chime.
He exhales roughly and pulls his phone out of his pocket.
He turns on his flashlight and gapes when he sees it illuminated, reaching out with one trembling hand to touch the glass and gasping as it lights up and shimmers in blues and greens and pinks.
It’s pieces from the spaceship, all manipulated in some way to create little glass figurines in the shapes of stars and round planets and even a guitar and a little cowboy hat because Michael is nothing if not predictable.
The other pieces are the gold star and tiny metal guitar that Alex had worn around his neck for months before leaving them with Michael, and even some nuts and bolts thrown in for the nostalgia.
There’s a piece of paper rolled up and pinned in place by a nut, and Alex bites down on his lip hard before he takes the note.
You’re not getting rid of me that easily.
Alex scoffs and crushes the note in his hand, and leaves the wind chime outside as he heads to the door stuffing his phone back into his pocket.
Like anything about deciding to let Michael go was easy, Alex thinks as he opens the door roughly.
The twinkling peaceful sound of the wind chimes as the pressure released from him opening the door sweeps through the room like a small breath of wind, stops him short.
Alex closes his eyes and inhales deeply.
He finds the light switch with his eyes closed and flips it on.
He takes another deep breath and then opens his eyes.
Everything is back in its place. 
The wind chimes hanging by the windows and high above the entrance to the hall, and by the back door. There were twelve in total, but Alex counts more than that when his eyes swept across the room.
The crystals and glass and metal figurines are back on top of fireplace, interwoven with pieces of the ship manipulated into tiny figures that make up little scenes that Alex vaguely recognizes as things that he and Michael have done together.
On top of the coffee table there is a model of the Airstream which makes Alex actually smile and pinned beneath it is a folded note.
Alex sighs and walks into the room, closing the door shut behind him as he does.
He drops his bag on the couch and the crumpled note from before and grabs the note from the table.
I never meant to hurt you. I didn’t think that you cared anymore, and I was trying to make it easy for you, by moving on to someone else so that you didn’t have me hanging around wanting something more, when all you wanted was to be friends. 
I think somewhere along the way we got lost in translation. It was much easier to understand and accept what you were trying to say when we were both thousands of miles apart and you didn’t say a word.
I’m confused and lost and scared, but there is one thing that I know for sure, and it’s how much I love you.
I don’t want you to let me go. I never wanted that. 
I’m sorry that I made you think that the only thing that I remember or want to remember about us is the bad stuff.
You’re one of the best things that’s ever happened to me and I don’t want to lose you, for any reason.
When you’re ready to talk, I promise I’ll be willing to listen.
Alex presses the note to his face and shuts his eyes, feeling the tears leaking out of the corners.
He exhales roughly and pulls the note away, reading it again and then putting it back down on the table.
He stands up and looks around at everything, and feels warm and whole.
He shakes his head and heads to his room, turning the light on and looking at the dream catcher that was rehung above his headboard. 
He walks to his dresser and digs in his underwear drawer until he finds the envelope at the bottom.
It the last envelope that he was supposed to send to Michael when they were attacked. It’s covered in dirt and rust colored stains that Alex really doesn’t want to think about, but it still has the Air Force insignia on it, and Michael’s PO Box scrawled in the front is still legible.
He taps the envelope against his hand and turns around heading towards the door.
His keys are still in his pocket with his phone.
It’s late, but he’s pretty sure that the post office has a mailbox for things left overnight.
Two days later there is a new wind chime hanging right in front of his door, and Alex can hardly contain his smile as he carefully picks it up and carries it inside.)
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magnoliawhetstone · 4 years
task eight - high school never ends
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Let’s start with the simple stuff first. what classes did you take in high school? which ones were you most and least excited for? did you have a favorite teacher that made the days more enjoyable?
Lia shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Talking about high school--especially after Jack and her’s conversation--was not her idea of a good time. The blonde played with her fingers and took a deep breath. “Classes? Uhm, well--I took all the usuals. Math, Biology, History--oh, English.” A smile slowly unfolded over her face. “English was always my favorite. Mrs. Buchanan--she was the kindest woman. I always thought I might end up like her one day. She had such a way of pulling you into the story. I remember one day, we were reading The Great Gastby and the way she was asking us to think about the story really...put me there. Like I was in the car with Daisy and Gatsby. I could feel the anguish they felt over Myrtle, the panic and the fear. It was...spectacular.” Lia shook herself out of her memory and cleared her throat. “I also took French mais ça n'avait pas de sens puisque ma famille n'est jamais allée en france.” She giggled slightly. “Ah, still have it. I didn’t much like math--I wasn’t really good at it. That had always been more of Bennett’s thing.” A sigh passed through her lips and she looked down. “I wasn’t going to college, so my momma and dad didn’t much care if I took harder classes or not, so I didn’t do many honors or AP. I convinced them to let me do English though--at the time I thought I could also convince them to let me to school for it too.” That fight still seared in her memory,  the embarrassment of having to be reminded her place still hot in her heart. “Favorite teacher? Mrs. Buchanan. She’s a special lady--I hope she’s doing well.”
and now, outside of the classroom. did you participate in any extracurricular activities like sports, band, or other clubs? were you apart of the prom planning committee or did your parent always sign up to chaperone field trips? or did you bolt home or to work at the end of the day?
Magnolia let out a hearty laugh at this question. “Extracurriculars--no ma’am. The Barnes don’t do extracurriculars. At least, not me. In fact, I do believe my momma once said that school was my extracurricular. Because if I wasn’t at school, you’d better believe I’d be practicing baton twirling, question and answers, pageant walks, doing some sort of philanthropy for the local community--anything that made me look more of a queen material. I’d practice for hours a way twirling that stupid...” She blinked, realizing the aggression that had taken over her voice. “I mean, no--no time. Momma said that a pageant queen has to be motivated and dedicated to her craft, so I spent a lot of time practicing.” Another smile found its way to her lips. “But, when I did have free time, I was usually hanging out with Jack. Maybe riding horses or learning to cook from his momma or--if Jack wasn’t around--hanging by the old oak tree behind our houses on the tire swing, just thinking. i couldn’t get a lot of thoughts out inside my house, so i had to find a place to do it outside. I loved that old tire swing, she and i had some mighty good memories.” She felt a few southern saying slipping in to her words and she took a deep breath. “But no, I wasn’t involved in high school very much. I mean, it was hard to be involved when you left halfway through, right?”
a night to remember. did you go to prom? if so, did you have a date or fly solo, and was it a good time where you danced all night, and what were you wearing? if not, did you have an ‘anti-prom’ party, or why else did you decide not to go? what about other school dances or pep rallies?
Lia swallowed thickly. She did not want to think about prom right now. Her mind flew to the pale blue dress in her closest and she closed her eyes. Prom. Prom was supposed to be the thing. Their thing--Jack and Lia’s. How much time they had spent coordinating colors, figuring out small little things, even way before they were even allowed to go. Lia had always been a planner and she had kinda pulled Jack in on the whole ‘planning from prom early’ train. She never showed him her dress though--partly because she was embarrassed she had even ordered it so early but also because she wanted it to a be a surprise. She hadn’t even told him she had gotten it yet. Lia had pages filled with ideas for what her hair could look like, shoes could be and even what kind of make up she’d do. The blonde was so meticulous at making sure prom would be nothing like the pageants she had been attending her whole life. Not a single thing matched the pagaents--her dress would be completely different, her hair? curled and loose--and no tiara at all. she wouldn’t even attempt to submit herself for royalty--she just wanted a night that was just...simple and fun. She wanted to enjoy music and dancing and just be a teenager for one four hour experience before she had to go back to the world she lived in.
The day she learned she’d be leaving--and not coming back, a part of her snapped. It wasn’t dramatic and it wasn’t explosive, but lia had changed that day. Her father had packed up her room, and already driven off to FedEx to have it shipped off. He didn’t seem to notice or care that the large garment bag was doing in her closet. It all just..went. No questions. No conversation. Her mother was stone cold like she always was. “I will not have a daughter who is bent on grabbing the wrong kind of attention in my household. Do you understand what it might look like if this got out? That your little charade could cost your father the speaker of the house, even. Do you know how that would make us all look. Perhaps Bennett will lose his full ride? Do you want that? How would you feel knowing you cost your brother Princeton? No, no that just won’t do. London will be perfect, no one will know you there and you can start over. Maybe chose to leave the dramatic’s behind? No one needs to know why you left, Magnolia. No one. Don’t cause any more damage than you already have. I’m tired of cleaning up your messes.” Lia closed her eyes, biting her lip at the memory of that day. 
 “I didn’t go to prom.” 
Some more of the hard hitting q’s. who did you sit with at lunch? did you keep the lock off your locker or decorate it? were your headphones always snaked through your sleeve? was cutting class a normal occurrence or would you never dare? did you ever get detention?
“Freshman and sophomore year, I ate lunch with Jack, Sarah Beth, Hannah and Lila. Probably some other people, and those girls kinda rotated in and out as they pleased, but Jack and I usually ate together for the most part. When I moved, I liked to eat alone. In my room mostly, probably reading a book or something. By the end of boarding school I had started eating lunch with Bex, which was nice. She didn’t like to talk a whole lot but neither did I. Though, in our small conversations, I learned she liked to blow glass and create really cool art pieces. She always promised to show me but we just never got around to it.” Fingers tapped on the table. “I was a boring high school kid--never skipped, never got detention and when I did go to the headmaster’s office, it was because I had gotten a good grade or impressed my teacher.” There was a time though, when she was asked about applying for colleges. Lia had told her teacher she wasn’t going and it had sent a wave of concern through the older woman. So Lia had gotten called to the headmasters office and she had to explain that she wasn’t to go to college, her parents wouldn’t pay for it and she knew her grades were good, but not scholarship level. Her headmaster kept telling her she had potential, but on the day that she was sent away, she had stopped really believing what people said about her, at least in that way. She didn’t think it really mattered. It was such an uncomfortable conversation because the tables had been flipped--but Lia was firm. College wasn’t meant for people like her. Luckily, she had found a job with Mr. Worthington shortly after graduating--and sometimes she thinks she’s learned more in her personal assistant role than she would have at school. 
upward and onward. what did you want to be when you were sixteen? was there a career path in mind, a certain college, another route worth taking? were you excited to see your high school in the rearview mirror or was moving on bittersweet?  if you graduated, was it scary or exciting or a mix of both? did you end up where your younger self expected you to?
What did she want to be when she was sixteen? “What did I want to be or what did my mother want me to be?” A humorless laugh escaped her lips and she felt herself lower her guard for a moment. “I wanted to be a writer. Or an English teacher--I really loved Mrs. Buchanan. But really, I wanted to write. Poetry, a novel, a screenplay, it didn’t matter. There was nothing I loved more than putting pen to paper and letting the words flow right out of me. It was so...” thereapuetic? “relaxing. But Momma wanted me to be a wife--even had a whole plan to get me there.” Her laugh was different this time--softer, more gentler. Her mind went to when Mrs. Barnes told Lia that she had already picked out the person she was going to marry. Lia had just come home from school, running up the stairs to throw her practice clothes on before her mother could yell at her for running late. But instead Momma stopped her before she could make it to the stairs, and pulled her in the kitchen. Lia tensed--kitchen talks were never good. When she had heard that her mother had picked out her future husband, Lia felt a rare sense of fight arise in her and she was ready to go off...until her mother expressed who it was. “Jack?” She blinked, completely thrown aback. “Like--lives right next door, rides horses and is like a cowboy, my best friend Jack?” What shocked her the most was how...well, how much she wasn’t bothered at all by the idea? Perhaps there was more to that then what she understood at the time, but for the first time in a long time--she wasn’t mad that her momma had made a choice for her. “Y’know, I think that was the one thing Momma did right.” She said softly, running a hand through her hair. “But no--I mean, college wasn’t in the cards for me and when I got sent away, it was up to me to figure things out. And looks like neither one of those futures really worked out, huh?”
and last but not least. if you could tell your younger self one thing - what would it be?
“Say no and don’t you dare get in that car Magnolia.”
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blackpaperwritings · 4 years
You're all mine
Chapter 1 ~ Found You
Conner was surprised, happy yes, but surprised. He had finally found Karl, a long lost friend of his from back in the park, when they were both still animated objects. It's been about a month since finding him, he was in the same city too luckily. Conner was currently preparing to go knab him. He had chloroform on him and a rag, stowed away in his satchel. He also had rope, a blindfold, and two cloths laying beside the chair in the middle of his room, for when he got back with the blonde. He quickly went out to his car and hopped in, having to take a moment to calm himself from the giddy feeling he had. He had lost Karl twice, and now he'll make sure he never loses him again. He pushed the key into the ignition and turned it, starting up the engine. He sat for a minute or two before pulling out of the driveway and driving down the street, keeping his eyes on the road. He had to drive all the way across town to get to Karl, which was fine. He didn't mind much. It felt like time was dragging on forever though, god he just wanted Karl in his arms right at this very moment, clinging onto him in his sleep... Conner couldn't help but blush a little bit, smiling softly.
"Beautiful..." He subconsciously muttered, licking his lips softly. He was getting rather impatient, and was thinking of speeding, but decided against that. If he got caught it would just take longer to get to his beloved. About ten minutes later, he reached the area that Karl lived in. It was one of the upper class neighborhoods, where the rich people lived. That made sense though, as Karl was the leader of an assassination organization. Conner dug pretty deep to figure that out. He parked his car behind Karl's home, a large three story house with a pool in the backyard. It was dark out so nobody would see him in these clothes. What about his eyes though?... He forgot about that, but remembered when he looked in the rearview mirror that they had a soft glow in the night. He thought it was probably just one of the side affects of Big Bad's magic, but it still was annoying. He pulled his hood over his head and pulled it tight, then grabbed his sunglasses from the glasses container thing on the ceiling of the car and put them on, then looked in the mirror. The sunglasses hid the glow of his eyes well enough, that should be good.
Conner got out of his car and quietly shut the door, trying not to be too loud. He made sure he had everything he needed; chloroform and a rag. He didn't need any restraints, as it wasn't like he was driving four hours away, no it was just half an hour. Plus it was less suspicious if anyone saw him carrying Karl without him being tied up. He picked the lock on the back gate and quickly entered, closing the gate behind him. He started towards the house, humming softly. He knew which room was Karl's. He knew pretty much everything about Karl, as he had dug up as much as he could about the blonde. He went over to the backdoor and started picking the lock, soon getting inside. He smiled and looked around, making his way to the stairwell. The hardest part was passing by the living room door without being seen, as Karl was sat on the couch, staring at the TV. He managed though and made his way to Karl's room, quietly getting inside. He went to one of the corners and hid, getting his chloroform rag ready. He had to sit there a while, but eventually he heard the door open and got into position, ready to grab Karl. He took his sunglasses off so he could see easier, although it made it more probable that he'd be noticed. Karl was changing at the moment, humming softly was he pulled his sweat pants on, singing softly to himself. He turned towards the mirror and started brushing out his hair, which is what he did every night to prevent knots.
"Undo my sad, undo what hurts so bad, undo my pain, gotta get out, through the-" Karl cut himself off with a gasp as he spotted Conner's eyes in the mirror, he started towards his nightstand, but Conner was quicker, he grabbed Karl and pulled him close, pressing the cloth up against his face. Karl started clawing at his hand, struggling against him, he managed to get free, but stumbled and fell to his knees, "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" He yelled, turning and looking at Conner.
"I didn't think you'd recognize me.." Conner quickly pinned Karl to the ground, sitting on his torso and trapping his arms to his sides.
"GET OFF OF ME YOU PSYCHO!! I DON'T KNOW WHO THE HELL YOU-" Karl was cut off by the rag being shoved against his face. Try as he might, he couldn't wriggle free.
"Awe... Do you seriously not remember your old friend Climber?..." Conner said in a mock sadness, just like Karl. Karl's eyes widened a bit in realization and he gasped a bit, before his eyes slowly closed as he passed out. Conner slowly pulled the rag away, then made sure Karl was actually passed out. He got up and walked over to where he had set his sunglasses, grabbed them, and walked back over. He picked the smaller male up bridal style and quickly exited the house, humming softly. He put Karl in the back of his car and then hopped in the driver seat, starting the car and driving home, "Well, that was surprisingly successful.." he was expecting the blonde to put up way more of a fight, "Oh well, I've got him now, and that's all that matters.."
Karl slowly woke up, groaning softly. He raised his head a little bit, but soon realized that he was blindfolded. He tried to move his arms, which were restrained behind him, then his legs, which were restrained to the legs of the chair he was sitting in. He went to say 'what the fuck?!' but it came out severely muffled. He was gagged and whatever he tried to say came out sounding like mumbles. He started struggling against his restraints, attempting to scream or something, but the gag severally muffled it. The gag seemed to consist of a cloth shoved in his mouth and something holding it in place, it felt like another cloth but he couldn't be certain. He continued to struggle, trying to get free. The way he was tied up was no normal kidnapper's type of tying up, from what it felt like, his kidnapper put hard work into making sure he couldn't escape, especially with his arms. He continued to struggle though, cussing into his gag. Soon he heard the door open, which made him stop.
"Ah, I see you're awake! Good morning sleepy head! Well, technically good afternoon but eh, who cares?" The person said. He sounded familiar... The man from last night!! CLIMBER!!
"hnger?" Oh right, the gag. Karl sighed a bit in annoyance afterwards, pulling at the rope a bit. Climber walked over and pulled the first part of the gag off, then pulled out the cloth.
"There we go! Now, what were you saying?"
"Climber?? Is that you??"
"Why yes, it quite is! Though I prefer the name Conner now."
"Riight. Now. WHY THE FUCK DID YOU KIDNAP ME?!" Karl struggled against his bindings, rocking the chair a little bit.
"Ask nicer and maybe I'll tell you." Conner said with a stoic expression, putting his hand on the chair to stop Karl from rocking it.
"Huuuuugh.... Fiiine.. Why did you kidnap me?" Karl asked in an almost mocking voice.
"I said nice, not mocking."
"You're a lot more angry than I remember.."
"And your a lot more psycho than I remember!"
"Calm down before you end up hurting yourself."
"Calm down?! CALM DOWN?! HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO CALM DOWN WHE-" Karl was cut off when he felt a sudden stinging pain in his cheek and his head was thrown aside, "D-Did... Did you just slap me?"
"Yes, and I'll do it again unless you calm down."
"Damn you've changed a LOT."
"I'm gonna blame that on Big Bad..."
"Big who??"
"Ah, nobody important, at least not right now..."
"Okay?? Either way," Karl shook his head, "Why the hell did you kidnap me?!"
"Because I... love you.."
"Wh- huh???" Karl was extremely confused, "I thought you hated me!"
"No, I didn't.."
"You could've just talked to me, you didn't have to fuckin' kidnap me!"
"I didn't wanna lose you again.. I lost you twice already... You died.. came back.. and then left...."
"You still could've just talked to me.." Karl sighed a bit, "Can you take this blindfold off??"
"Oh, yeah sure." Conner reached behind Karl's head and pulled the blindfold off, discarding it beside the chair, "There. I'm gonna go make you some food, I'll be back soon." He pat Karl's head and went to the door.
"See ya Climber."
"It's Conner."
"I can call you cloth guy instead!"
"Mm, no. Call me Conner."
"I'll call you Conney."
"Good enough." Conner closed the door behind him, shaking his head and chuckling, "Just as silly as ever..." He smiled and headed downstairs.
Karl looked around a little bit, "Nice room.." he muttered, "Though a bit bland..." He looked down at the ropes across his torso, "That's rather intricate.." he craned his head to look at his arms, "He really didn't want me escaping... This seems more for aesthetic appeal though..." He pulled at the rope more, "I wonder..." A blush crept onto his face as a few not so family friendly thoughts came to mind, he quickly shook off the thought, he didn't even know if Conner was into that kind of stuff. Though with this kind of skill... How did he even learn to do this? Does he take some weird class or something?? He sighed softly and leaned his head back, staring at the ceiling tiredly, realizing he still felt drowsy from whatever the hell Conner used on him. He just wanted to close his eyes and drift off again.. Suddenly Karl was interrupted by the door opening, "That was fast Con." He said as he looked, but then realized, "Oh, long time no see Clarice." The brunette stared for a moment before shouting down the stairs.
"Stop yelling, Jesus... You'll give me a headache." Karl grumbled, yawning a small bit. Conner soon came up the stairs, looking between Clarice and Karl.
"You've seen my search history-"
"I didn't realize you were going to kidnap him!! I thought you were just trying to find him to get in touch again!!"
"Well uh-"
"Is this why you've been taking those shibari classes?!"
"No not entirely-"
"Clarice." Karl said, though was ignored.
"Conner this is a crime!! Do you realize how much trouble you could get in?!"
"Clarice!" Karl said a little louder.
"Y-Yes, b-bu-" Conner went to speak, only to get cut off again.
"CLARICE!!" Karl yelled in anger and frustration.
"FINE!! Fine! ... I'm going to my room." Clarice turned and walked away, arms crossed. Conner stood there in awkward silence, luckily having it soon being broken by Karl.
"So uh... How about that food?"
"Ah! Right! I'll be right back!" Conner closed the door again and quickly went downstairs to grab Karl something to eat.
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Unforseen Chasm (part28)
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Part 28 of Unforseen Chasm
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together. Word Count: 4516 Warnings: language, fighting, arguing, jealousy, trust issues, torture flashbacks,angst
song for this part: Time-NF Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my other fic series). first major Collab with my best friend @thorne93 what was first a simple “what if” moment turned into a two year writing session and I’ve never been more prouder of myself than when i started my first series. goes through most of the MCU plots there are some changes to accommodate for what we wanted and there is a bit of a crossover between the MCU and other characters. I hope you guys enjoy reading this just as much as I enjoyed writing it.
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The day had finally come for you to leave the cell. When Shannon had told you she got all the obstacles tackled, you were in awe. How did she convince Fury to let you out? Then again, it seemed everyone did whatever Shannon asked of them.
But she had told you that you being out had to be a secret and to do your best not to be seen by anyone. This was strictly a need to know basis, and so far, only five people knew.
It was early morning when Shannon came down to receive you. She was on the phone with someone, when suddenly Kurt appeared in your cell. It made Loki jump slightly and frown. He probably wasn’t expecting it. You had to make the escape fast so no one would see it on the cameras so you kissed Loki quickly, and Kurt grabbed your hand, and you were suddenly in an SUV with pitch black tinted windows.
“Thanks, Kurt,” you said with a smile as you saw who was driving. “Hi, Steve,” you greeted with a coy smile.
“I will see you at the mansion, ya?” Kurt said, his accent heavy.
“See you there.”
And with that, he was gone.
Shannon was still in the cell room, talking to Loki. “I am not sure when we’ll be back, but if you could do your Loki thing and cast an illusion of Y/N/N while we’re gone…”
“I’m already ahead of you,” he stated with a smile as a carbon copy of you walked out of the bedroom, reading something.
“That’s… incredibly unsettling,” she commented. She shivered and shook her head, then gave him a beaming smile. “But, for our purposes, it’s great. Thank you.”
“Anything I can do to help.”
She grinned, nodded, and left, meeting you in the SUV, sitting in the passenger seat.
“Are we really supposed to trust you?” Steve asked, catching your eyes in the rearview mirror.
“No,” Shannon stated, and you started to feel disappointment run over you before she added, “You’re supposed to trust me.”
This made you smile quietly to yourself in the backseat.
Steve checked the traffic, and then pulled out. In order to alleviate some of the tension in the car, Shannon turned on the radio and the ride upstate was rather… pleasant. You stared out at the city the entire way, taking in people, the way they talked, moved, walked. It was amazing how several months without much human interaction could really make you go stir crazy. You were hungry for all the lights, the noises, the sights… Even watching people walking a dog, or grabbing coffee made you smile.
The ride upstate turned from the city, to the country and it was just as stunning as the city. Asgard was like a golden heaven, it truly was beautiful, but all you had known for nearly the past two years was one desolate, windy rock, and an isolated cell with four rooms.
As soon as you turned into the familiar drive, you were nearly like a kid arriving at Disney World. You could hardly contain the excitement. Once Steve parked the car, you jumped out, making him nervous.
“Woah,” he said, getting out and holding his hand up.
“What?” you asked, confused.
“Just...slow down,” he said, eyeing you.
“Yes, Captain,” you said with a polite smile as you folded your hands behind your back and stepped in front of him, so that he could keep an eye on you as Shannon went up to the door and knocked. Storm let the three of you inside, where you stood in the foyer, trying to remember the last time you’d come here.
In an instant, it seemed like the foyer was filled with X-Men. Kurt had appeared, Jean and Scott came up holding hands, Logan, Jubilee, and Marie were all there. Charles arrived only a second later, where he and Shannon traded a hug and he smiled to you, welcoming you back to the mansion.
“Thank you, Professor,” you said sweetly before glancing to Jean and bounding over to her. “Jean! Scott!” you greeted wrapping them both in a tight embrace.
“And just where is my hello?” A cajun drawl suddenly pulled your attention away.
Your head snapped up to the top of the stairs where Remy stood, a shit eating grin on his face.
“Remy!” you all but squealed, dashing up the stairs to greet him.
Without any warning, Steve launched into his super soldier mode and took off quickly. He hurled over the circular wooden table in the middle of the foyer, knocking over the vase full of flowers, before he bounded up the stairs and grabbed your biceps, pulling them behind you.
“What the--?” you asked calmly, looking to see what had just happened. “Steve? What the hell, man? Let me go. I’m just trying to hug my friend.”
The X-Men shared a look of strong confusion, but Charles simply waved it off.
“Steve, it’s okay, let her go,” Shannon commanded. “She’s known Remy for a long time.”
Remy gave Steve an incredulous look before Steve stepped back one step and let you go. Ignoring your perplexion over the event that just occurred, a warm smile spread on your face and you wrapped your arms around Gambit.
“How have you been?” you asked.
“Uh, Y/N/N, we need to utilize our time here,” Shannon reminded, making you turn around.
“What? Hmm, oh! Right! Point me wherever I need to go,” you said happily.
Charles spoke up. “Jean, Logan, and Remy, go with Y/N. Shannon, my dear, you can come with me and Scott.”
With that, everyone went their separate ways. Charles escorted Shannon to the large training room, while Steve, Logan, Remy, and Jean showed you to another training room underground in the backyard.
When Charles got settled in, he began questioning Shannon.
“So when did this start?”
“I think it was around the time I ran into… what was that kid’s name that had the emotional power? Where he could feel what people felt?” she asked.
“Ah.. Adam, the empath,” he remembered. “And you think that’s what’s wearing on you?”
She shrugged lightly. “It’s the only thing I noticed. When I use any of my powers, I get a little weak. But it’s nothing like what’s compared to when I have an emotional high or low,” she informed.
“Interesting… so the powers themselves aren’t bothering you, but your emotions are wearing on you?”
She bobbed her head side to side.
Just then the infamous Wade Wilson comes skipping in having heard that his favorite none avenger was in the mansion.
“ Spicy Buttercup!” he stops right in front of her and lifts her off the ground in a strong hug. “It’s been way too long since the last time I saw you.” he mock pouts knowing she wouldn’t believe it.
“Too tight….Wade” she gets out feeling light headed from his surprisingly strong grip. “Hah! Wow it has been a while also you never come by I told you, you’re always welcome.” she brushes her hair back and takes a deep breath in.
Steve had moved to stand closer unaware that the man in the mask was a friend of Shannon’s. “If you could not do that, it would be very appreciative.” he said in a stern tone noticing how she was taking a moment to catch her breath. “We’re a little busy at the moment, would you mind letting us get back to it?”
“Well hello to you too star spangled man,” he snorts and bumps his shoulder with her. “What’s up his butt?” he shakes his head and looks to Shannon for an answer. “Did stark finally get you a babysitter!” he laughs at his own joke.
“Hahaha very funny Wade, and no Steve’s just a little protective of me with my powers going haywire lately.” she bumps her shoulder back into his. “And Steve has a point there’s something that we are doing that's a little more important.” She makes it to move near Charles.
“Hey wait a darn damn minute!” he playfully scowls. “How come everyone else gets to hang with you and I don’t?” he cocks his head to the side. “I thought I was the fun friend.”
“Wade.. you are the fun friend.” she giggles at his expressions behind his mask. “How about this you let me do this and we can hang out and watch a movie or something?” she offers hoping it’ll satisfy the man-child
“Alright fine! But the moment they finish I'm stealing you away!” he claims looking at everyone to let them know he was serious. “Your treat by the way I’ll be in the background letting all you guys work.” he gives Shannon a peck on the cheek and moves to give them space.
“Okay doll you get your stuff done i’m gonna go keep an eye on Y/N make sure she’s keeping out of trouble,” he hugs his friend and walks off. “Call me if you need anything.”
“I will Stevie and be nice to her would’ya?” she smiles at the Cap but he was out of earshot. She turns to the professor. “Now where were we?” she motions to the man to continue where he left off.
“Lie back and let me run some tests,” he offered. With that, Hank entered the room and they began talking to her as if she were in a doctor’s office. They hooked up electrodes to her head and placed heart monitors on her.
“So tell me about these new powers,” Jean coaxed.
“Well… Long story short, I went to Asgard,” you began explaining.
“Mhm, and what happened there?” she urged, looking at her clipboard.
“Well, we found out that the longer I was on Asgard I got the same power Remy does,” you informed, glancing to your friend. “I could take the potential energy of any object, and turn it kinetic, as well as absorb energy that’s thrown at me.”
“And that’s bad?” she inquired, perching an eyebrow.
You shook your head. “No, no, that isn’t what the problem is. That power is a part of me, but… But I got pushed into a bad situation and someone gave me another power, a dark one. This one is just straight energy, but whenever I’ve used it, I’ve felt angry. It’s just so… dark.”
She nodded, frowning, looking at her notes. “Okay, let’s do this. Let’s get your blood going, get you angry, and let’s see what triggers this power.”
You bobbed your head.
“Why don’t you and Remy do some contact training? You did say you had the same power as his, right?”
Again, you nodded.
Luckily, the training room had a few objects you could use -- yoga ball, sports balls, weights, metal rods, vases, glasses, empty cans.
“Are you okay with that, Rem?” you asked, glancing to him.
“Whatever I can do to help, cher,” he said with a lilt and a wink.
The two of you took your positions opposite of each other, getting ready to spar.
“Begin whenever you’d like,” Jean sweetly instructed as she stood off to the side with Logan and Steve.
You picked up an empty can, charged it, and threw it at Remy, who deflected it easily. A grin popped onto both of your faces. This grin suddenly sparked something very competitive in both of you and the training quickly became rapid fire shots and dodges. The two of you were throwing anything you could get your hands on. You started out small, but Remy was building up impressively quick. One second it was empty cans and vases, the next, you were lifting entire gym machines and launching them. On the very last one, Remy had to tuck and roll.
“Y/N, have you used your dark energy, at all yet?’
You turned and faced Jean, frowning. “Uh, no, I guess I haven’t.”
“Go ahead and try that for me,” she suggested.
“Um… I don’t know. On Remy it might be too much,” you said, looking to your friend and shaking your head.
“Don’t worry about me, mon cheri,” he assured, nodding towards you, encouraging you. “We gotta find out what’s eatin’ away at ya, don’t we?”
“I suppose,” you said uneasily. You lifted your hands, ready to fire the dark energy, but when you did… it didn’t reach him. The dark purple, electric looking power barely fizzled out of your hands. “What the hell?” you asked, peering down at your hands.
“Interesting,” was all Jean could say.
“All that talk and no action,” Logan mocked from the back corner. You stared back at him, an unreadable expression on your face.
“Try again,” Jean urged.
You turned back, getting ready to aim the power at Remy. You lifted your hand, felt the charge under your skin, the tingling in your hand, but when you actually pushed it from your body -- it simply fell to the floor.
“I don’t know what’s happening,” you stated, staring down at your hands with worry. What if they thought you were lying about needing help?
“When was it at its peak?” Jean asked.
Her question made you think back to months ago when you were a monster, when you were hurting everyone you loved. You flinched involuntarily, it didn’t go unnoticed by the others.
“When I… when I was trying to take over New York,” you explained, shame entangling in your voice and body language.
“How’s everything going in here?” Shannon suddenly asked, stepping into the bunker style training room.
Seeing her felt like a wave of fresh air and sunshine. You instantly straightened up and smiled.
“We’re trying to get to the bottom of exactly what makes her dark power so powerful,” Jean explained. “She said it had to do with the terrorist attack on New York and her hand in it?” she said, looking a little puzzled as she turned to Shannon.
She looked to you silently asking if she could explain what had exactly happened and how you were involved in all of it. You nodded your approval.
“Well it’s a long story but to summarize her hand was forced into helping another Asgardian open up the portal to letting the creatures in. At the time she brainwashed and was completely unable to do anything but do as told or fear losing not only her life but seeing the lives of her loved ones taken one by one before her,” she said trying to keep it as clean and with little detail possible so as not to shed a bad light on you, she knew how much their opinion of you mattered.
You looked to her and silently thanked her for not telling them of all the horrible things you had done to her and the people that you cared about. You felt as if though they were looking at you in a different light and began shrinking in on yourself and she could see that this topic was beginning to bother you.
“There is one hint I will give you as to what happens to be a part of what triggers her dark energy,” she said looking at Jean.
“Well, what is the hint Shannon?” Jean asked, wanting to figure out quickly how to help you.
“Your hint is a who, rather than a what, that goes by the name Loki,” she went on to say.
“And who might this Loki be?” Gambit asked her, looking to you curiously.
“He’s a man that she is very connected to,” was all that Shannon had said. She really had no place in telling them of who exactly Loki was to you so she kept it at that. She also realized that there was indeed a connection between the dark energy and Loki, Shannon remembered how upset you got when you two had been fighting and she kept bad mouthing him and your powers getting stronger.
The very first session of testings were out of the way. Shannon had gone off to speak to someone at the mansion and told you she’d see you back at the tower later on. Not being one to waste time, she quickly went to look for her masked friend.
“Wade? Wade Wilson if you don't appear in the next 2 minutes I'm heading home!” she giggled feeling someone’s emotions were playful. She walked closer to where he had been earlier with her. “Hmmm, I guess I’ll have to find someone else to go eat some chimichangas with.” she shrugs her shoulders and makes to leave the room.
“Woah there! Now just wait a minute no one else likes chimichangas as much as I do.” He rushed to stand in front of her. 
“I got you!” She smirked. “Come on dork lets go catch up.”
“Hey no fair.” He mock pouted. “You used my weakness against me.” 
“That's what happens when you have a spy as a friend.” She smiled up at him.
He pulled her close and messed with her hair. “Alright off to go watch a movie what are you in the mood for?”
 The two had walked to the lounge area and spent the rest of the afternoon together. Wade had made a ton of questions about the event of New York, the issues that occured between her and you. She had left feeling a bit  better about what happened, she knew she could always count on Wade to help her.
Kurt popped you back into the cell and left instantaneously, as to not be seen by Tony or any other prying eyes. Loki dismissed his illusion of you that was currently sitting on the couch with a mug.
“Was she good company?” you asked with a coy grin before sitting next to Loki on the other couch.
“She was... Didn’t talk much, but then again, isn’t that a good thing with girlfriends?” he teased and you shook your head at him. “How was it?”
“It was… good, I suppose. They don’t know what triggers my powers. Well, we might know, but they need to run more tests.”
“So...you’ll have to go back?” Loki inferred.
“Probably. We’re thinking it will be in two days. Shannon can’t exactly keep sneaking out without raising suspicion,” you informed with a shrug. “I just hope it goes a little better than it did today,” you remarked, getting up to go make a drink and make Loki something for dinner since he couldn’t cook for himself.
“Oh? Why? I thought you said it went well?” he questioned, concerned.
“It was,” you answered, “until Steve almost tackled me.”
“The soldier? What on Midgard for? What could you have possibly done?”
You turned to face him. “It’s silly really. I was running to hug my friend Remy and--”
“Your friend?” he questioned, frowning at you, the slightest tone of anger in his voice.
“Well, yes.You remember Remy. I told you about him. We kind of grew up together in the same foster home,” you explained. “He’s a character,” you said with a laugh. “You may like him.”
Loki closed his eyes and held his hands up. “Wait… So while I waste away in this cell, you went and had brunch with friends?” he asked, his voice rising dramatically.
“What? No. It’s not like that. I was exhausting myself physically and mentally trying to figure out why I feel so different. Trying to find a way to feel normal. I thought you were fine with this?” you asked. “You told me to go find answers.”
He shouted, “Yes! Answers! Not off having mimosas with some man you used to know!”
“I wasn’t off ‘having mimosas’,” you mocked in his voice. “I was trying to figure out what the hell that asshole put in my head, in my body!”
“Okay so you just think Shannon was helping you out of the kindness of her heart?” he pressed.
“Yes, I do. What else would she be doing?” you challenged.
“How do we know she wasn't just installing more surveillance when she gave you that tablet?” Loki asked as you worked on making him tomato soup in the small kitchen.
“What? Loki, there are literally cameras in every room except the bathroom. What more could they install?” you asked incredulously.
“I’m merely saying… do you trust her?” he said as he stood close to you like a shadow.
“I guess,” you answered unsure. Sure, she got you out for the day, and she helped you, and respected your privacy about New York and Loki, but both of you had a long way to go before there would be full trust again. She was still on the side of the heroes, and you on the villains afterall.
“Your level of confidence astounds me,” he mocked.
You sighed, frustrated at you laid down the stirring spoon. “I don’t know, Loki. She says she believes us, she came inside the cell--”
“Romanoff, the spy? She fooled me on that helicarrier. Shannon did the same thing to me in this tower. She pretended to be you for gods’ sake, and stabbed me in the back.”
“And I threw Tony out the window,” you reminded with a gleeful, fake smile, sarcasm behind it. “We’re pretty even.”
Loki took a deep breath before he said, “All I am saying is that she doesn't exactly stand on moral high ground. We don’t know her intentions. Coming in here, saying she believes us, all of that could’ve been a ruse. Trust me, I’m a master of trickery.”
“Moral high ground? Have you forgotten what we did?” you asked, turning to him.
“No,” he told you flatly, his eyes cold. “But she stabbed me in the back, Y/N. Not figuratively, like I do, but literally. What if she does the same to you?”
“Stab me or betray me?” you teased.
He gave you a cold look. “Neither is a joking matter,” he chastised.
You rolled your eyes. “Lok, she isn’t going to do that.”
“Oh, you’re right,” he said, putting his hand on his forehead dramatically. “I forgot that humans are so prone to forgiveness.” He gestured to the cell around you, looking at the concrete walls outside the glass cell.
You pursed your lips. “What do you want me to do?” you asked in a huff. “Send her away? You want me to say, ‘Oh, no, Shannon, that’s fine. I only spent the better part of a year trying to get you to come and see me, to forgive me. But now that you believe me, you can go’.” You crossed your arms and stared at him.
“No, I just… I want you to be cautious. I don’t want you getting hurt by her. I can't bear to watch it,” he stated.
“You know, not everyone is a fucking snake, looking how to double cross someone. That’s pretty much your department,” you snapped, shoving napkins in his chest as you started to walk to the bedroom. “Your soup is done.”
Loki stood, hurt evident on his face, sighing in frustration before he turned around. “The last I checked, that was hers. She was raised to lie, to gather information on the enemy. Or am I wrong?”
You froze.
“Look me in the eye and tell me I’m wrong. That her background doesn’t lay solely in lies, betrayal, pretending…” He demanded. “I may be a snake. I may do what’s best for me, but at least all my friends and foes know that. I don’t pretend to hide behind some innocent facade,” he hissed.
You turned and slowly advanced on him, your eyes dark. “I thought you were happy for me? I thought you were happy for us? She’s on our side! Tony couldn’t care less if we rot down here. She might be our only chance at ever getting our freedom! She got me out today. She is trying to get me help! And even if she wasn’t, even if we never got our freedom, that’s okay, because we don’t deserve it. I’m lucky she even wants to look at me after what I did...Just her talking to me is just as good as freedom. Why can’t you see that?”
In low tone, he looked down at you and said, “Because I can never see the good in people. If you always expect people to betray you, you’ll never be disappointed.”
You flinched away from him. “Is that what you think about me? That one day I’ll betray you? That one day I’ll somehow leave your side?”
His wild blue eyes met yours for a long moment before looking away.
Tears sprang to your eyes. “Wow. How fantastic. Does nothing I did prove my love to you? I lost my freedom for you. I stabbed my best friend for you. I threw Iron Man out a fucking window for you. I jumped into a portal for you. I endured brainwashing and hellish conditions for you. And you still think that I could just turn on you?”
“You wouldn’t be the first,” he remarked with hatred. “If history has taught me anything, it’s that I will always end up standing on my own. Remind me again who got to leave this cell today and who didn’t.”
You pulled away from him even farther. In a whisper, you asked, “How could you even say that to me? I have been by your side through everything when no one else was. I never once said, ‘This is all Loki’s fault. I plea insanity, let me go.’”
“Ah, so there it is. You do think it’s all my fault.”
“That’s not what I said,” you argued through clenched teeth.
“It’s just a matter of time before you cast me aside like all the others. You’re already leaving without me, maybe one day you just won’t return.” A cold smile fell on his lips as he cocked his head to the side.
“Maybe this is why!” you cried. “Did you ever think of that? Maybe it’s because you expect the worst from people and eventually they’re tired of trying to show you that you’re wrong, so they just betray you anyway. It’s easier just to prove you’re right, rather than to constantly fight to prove you wrong!”
“Then it’s best I do it first, before they do it to me,” he said, his eyes narrowing as his voice got low.
You held up your finger, warning him, “Shannon is a good person. So long as she doesn’t hurt you or me, we will go on trusting her and believing her. Do you hear me?”
“Loud and clear darling,” he cooed darkly.
“Just… eat your soup,” you said finally before turning and going into the living room to read. You sat with your back to him, hoping he wouldn’t hear you crying. Of all the people you could fight with, you really didn’t want it to be the one man you were literally stuck with for the rest of your life.
Was this your life now? Constantly choosing between Loki and other people? Choosing Loki or freedom? Choosing Loki or a normal life? 
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Unforseen Chasm Tag list- @reigningqueenofwords @oldfreakything @weclassygirl @adefectivedetective​ 
Tag list- @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you @winchester-writes @winchesterenthusiast   @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog   @sammysbuttcheek @misz-adrii @sandlee44 @womanxofletters @natsuccs @childishhoebinoo @expecteddifferent 
@girl-next-door-writes @fanaticfanfiction @dakotapaigelove @sassy-spn-knight-of-hell
4 notes · View notes
anastasiaskarsgard · 5 years
Can I request a story about a girl that runs away from home angst angst angst! And then meets Andy and Bill but Bill has a gf but fights with her and he hits on the girl and maybe they even hook up but Bill is seen with his gf again and the girl feels stupid.... angst and smut and fluff. This might be like too much for one drabble. You are a 👸 and I 💕❤️😍🥰.
Gif is @godfreysteel
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This is a really involved request so I’m breaking it into 2 parts. Here’s PART 1.....
Randi has been my best friend since Junior High. We had been attached at the hip, right up to a little over a year ago, when her Aunt died and left her a house in Hollywood. She moved out there, begging me to come but I had a perfect boyfriend that begged me not to go, and since he was a new doctor, it wasn't as easy to move for him. As soon as Randi left, he insisted I move in with him since he was worried about me living alone and my lease was up. He had such a pretty house it was tempting, but i still was hesitant. He said he understood and just loved me so much that he worried. I was actually very flattered he held me in such high regard. He was a gorgeous wealthy doctor, from a prominent family, and I was nothing special.
When he bought me an Afghan Hound puppy I named Danger, I was overjoyed. Since my apartments didn't allow dogs and he was hardly ever home to keep Danger company, it was only logical to move to his home. I didn’t think twice about it. And he was being so accomodating and enthusiastic, I couldn’t help but get affected by it. He told me to donate all my old stuff, and we’d get all new stuff together to start our new life. He was from a really rich family, so money was not an issue for him. He actually called it a non-issue, which as time progressed I learned was his way of saying it wasn't up for discussion.
Non-issues could be positive or negative talking points where he had made the decision for us. Most of the time, they benefited me, or appeared to be for my best interest. For instance; my job.
I actually had met my boyfriend at my job. I worked at a gym checking people in, but considering our turn over, I was often called in to cover or train new hires. His time was limited and he felt very strongly about spending what little free time he had together. The entire month, I’d been forced to come in for one reason or another, and although he made it clear his displeasure, he still surprised me with a wonderful 1 year anniversary gift of two weeks in Hawaii. I was so excited to go until my job informed me it wasn’t possible. When I told my boyfriend the news, he told me to give notice and I could find something else when we returned. It was a bit crazy and irresponsible, but I threw caution to the wind and he was so happy I had chosen him. The trip also made me miss my first week of school, but my boyfriend said that a little time off wouldn’t kill me and I had thought he was kidding and enrolled anyway, willing to just make up my lost week. Not having a job or any bills, would make it that much easier to catch up on.
For the first time in my life, I felt like I had someone that was truly in my corner. My friends thought I was the luckiest girl in the world and even I felt like it was insane, driving up to my huge home on a golf course, that I had decorated with my doctor boyfriends money. The fact he looked like a model only made it that much more surreal, eventhough he was a bit intense. Intense might be the wrong word. Possessive maybe? But I didn’t think of it as a negative, more as a flattering positive trait.
He worries about me, and liked to always be in contact with me. Since he was often in surgery or unable to answer the phone, it was imperative I answered when he called. When he called while I was in class, I knew he’d be upset I ignored his call, but I was sure he’d be ok once I was out and explained why I pressed send to voicemail.
As soon as I got out, I tried to call him repeatedly, but got no answer. This wasn’t entirely unusual, although most Monday’s, he was more readily available since only emergency surgeries happened mondays. I was shocked when I arrived home and found his Range Rover home. The front door was open ajar so I parked behind him and wandered inside. I wasn’t ready for what I’d find.
It looked as though we had been robbed. Furniture was thrown about, the 75” flat screen had been pushed over and smashed. Several decorative items were smashed to pieces. The more I looked around though, the more clear it became that nothing was missing. Just broken. We’d been vandalized!
My poor baby Danger was hiding under the dining room table and upon realizing I had entered, was overjoyed to see me. I bent down and embraced him, giving him ear scratches and loving on him thankful he was unharmed. Things could be replaced, but not your loved ones.
I looked up to see my boyfriend storm out of the office.
”thats fucking rich! You greet the dog before me.” he spat.
”what happened here?” I asked cautiously, slowly rising to my feet to give him a hug and a kiss. He was acting rather aggressively but I was sure he felt violated in a way, by someone coming in our home and destroying it.
I froze. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know where this was coming from and he was looking at me like he expected an answer. When I didn't answer he grabbed a lamp and threw it against the wall, and then made a beeline straight for me. I still was in shock so I just stood there, staring dumbly, expecting to get slapped or pushed, when I heard a low growl.
My skinny little brave Danger was standing between me and my boyfriend, trying to protect me. My boyfriend froze, looked down and started to laugh like a maniac. This reaction was far more unsettling than it sounds, and Danger and I grew more restless if that's possible. I all of a sudden had an overwhelming urge to get out of there. I wasn’t concerned or interested in trying to understand my boyfriends words or behavior, I just wanted to be away from him.
”I’m gonna go. Come on Danger, ” I said as I slowly backed away. I didn't want Danger to bite him, or get kicked or something, and make an already volatile situation even worse.
”Hang on, just a moment. Can you answer me one question before you walk out of my life?” he asked me in a tone I’d never heard, dripping with sarcasm.
Normally I'd say you already asked it, but I didn't feel now was the time for jokes. I desperately wanted to leave but I wasn’t an idiot, and knew that playing along with an obviously bat shit ass crazy person, was safer than pissing them off more.
“Go ahead.”
”Do you know what the best thing about being a doctor is?”
I wasn't expecting that question and almost automatically answered with ”saving lives.”
He chuckled darkly, sending a chill up my spine. How was this the same man? How had I missed the potential lunatic that obviously was just beneath the surface? Lost in thought, I cried out when he suddenly lunged forward and seized Danger. Danger yelped, followed by the most awful crunching sound I’ll never forget. Dangers gangly little body, instantly fell limply to the ground and all I could do was stare in utter horror.
I looked up into his eyes and I didn’t even know who I was looking at. This was just incomprehensible to me. My mind kept spinning in circles, unable to grasp the situation at hand.
My boyfriend stepped over Dangers lifeless body and pulled me into a tight embrace. He sniffed my hair and growled in my ear, before biting me on my neck hard. I cried out and He chuckled before grabbing me by my hair, and dragging me in the restroom, where he made me flush my birth control pills.
“You’re going to marry me and be my perfect little housewife, and never hurt me again.” He cooed in my ear.
When I didn’t say anything he grabbed my chin and forced me to look up at him. I couldn’t get what he’d done to Danger out of my head and was terrified. He could see it in my eyes, but the look of concern and empathy he gave me made me want to scream. “I love that idea. I’m just sad about Danger.”
In reality, I wanted to vomit, but I let him lead me to the bed to lie down, trying to think of any way to escape. I was convinced I really would vomit if he tried to fuck me. He kissed me gently on the forehead and breathed a huge sigh.
“Will you feel better if I do something with the body? I promise to get you whatever dog you want to replace him, but with us about to have a family, we can’t have an aggressive dog. You understand right baby?”
I nod as he rubs my cheek, looking in my eyes adoringly. He tells me to sit tight while he takes care of Danger, and he’ll be right back.
I wait a beat and peer downstairs at him and watch as he puts Danger into a big black trash bag, and I wait till he goes into the garage before running downstairs. I didn’t care about any of my belongings, I just needed to get to my car.
I grabbed my purse, and I ran. I got in my car and pulled away just as he was running out trying to open my door. Thank God it lockswhen you put it into Drive. I drove off watching him in the rearview mirror running back inside. My phone started blowing up, and I became aware of location capabilities with cell phones so I threw it out the window. Looking back, that was a bit overzealous, but I was terrified.
Somehow I found myself on the highway and didn't stop till I reached Hollywood. I'd been to the house before, and thank goodness by the grace of God remembered how to get to Randi.
I told her everything and she insisted that I was home. She’d just been hired for a big horror film and she said I could be her assistant. She was supposed to meet the director the following morning and shed just bring me along, to introduce us. She was positive he’d hire me on too, so I was amped.
When she told me it was filming in Canada, I was even more enthusiastic. My ex knew Randi lived in Hollywood, so going away a few months to another country was ideal. That way when he inevitably went looking for me, he wouldn't be able to find me, and hopefully would give up.
The next morning Randi shared all her things with me to get ready. We are the same size shoe and since we are both thin, I can fit in her clothing for the most part. I’m taller and bustier, but for the most part, we can share.
I’m not very high maintenance, so the extent of my beauty routine is shower, brush my hair, light make up, and a spray of body spray or something, and I’m good. Randi said I could have a maxi dress since it had always been too long for her to wear, and was too form fitting for her taste.
I was surprised how close we were to the studios, and arrived in no time. Security gave us a little map and instructed us how to get to where we were supposed to go. I had never been to a movie studio, so I was as bad as a tourist looking around. We arrived at the proper building to find a photo shoot underway.
“There he is.” Randi said, pointing out a tall dark haired gentlemen in his late thirties, early forties, having an obvious problem with something. He turned and saw us and did a double take. He made a beeline for us with an enormous smile eventhough you could tell he was having a bad day. I liked him right away.
“Today has been a disaster, we have done all we can do without the model. She’s an hour late! Bill has limited time in LA, and it’s not like the man doesn’t have obligations.” He ranted at no one in particular.
I nodded with a sympathetic look on my face, although I had no idea who Bill was.
“Who have you brought us Randi?”
“Andy this is my best friend Liv. Liv this is our new boss, Andy. And this is a photo shoot for a magazine to promote Something Bill is doing, and Andy is his best friend so he’s here to complain.” Randi teased.
“I’m also good friends with the photographer and we are supposed to have lunch after this. Can you excuse me? Do not move. I’m serious.” Andy said and then rushed away
“He couldnt take his eyes off you! He’s not usually so obvious. He’s usually the most chill guy,” Randi mused.
“He’s just stressed out and I mean maybe I look familiar.” I guessed.
“Oh sure. It has nothing to do with being a living breathing Barbie. Old school big titty Barbie.” Randi chuckled.
Andy and a petite lady hussled over to us, and the lady grabbed me by my face and pulled me down to examine my features. She smiled and turned to Andy happily.
“Oh meu deus Andy! Como você encontrou um em tão pouco tempo? Ela é ainda melhor que a falecida! Ela é exatamente o que eu imaginava. ela é a mesma taxa? diga a ela para se preparar.” She tapped her wrist and rushed off.
“What just happened?” I asked.
“I hope you don’t mind, but you’re first job is right now. She said you were exactly what she envisioned for this shoot, and you need to go to hair and make up immediately.” Andy pleaded, putting his hands together in a prayer pose.
“WHAT? Oh no! I’m not a model. I never want to be famous.” as my stomach did backflips and I felt like the air had left the room.
“That’s something you don’t hear very often in this town but It pays $7500 and I’d owe you one.”
“$7500 to take a couple pictures? I’m wearing clothes right?” I have no desire to be in this industry, but I wasn’t crazy either! As long as I’m not naked, I’m game.
Andy let out a whole hearted laugh, “you’re wearing a gown even. Not that type of party. And you’re taking pictures with the star of the movie you’ll be working on with us. You did want to be Randi’s assistant correct?
I nodded vigorously, and got a thumbs up from Randi. Everything was falling into place! ”lead the way then sir!”
His face lit up and he led the way over to a room that had more make up in it then I’d ever seen. As soon as I walked in, three people pounced on me. One attacked my hair, saying they needed to straighten it, although it was straight. They set to work, raving about they could not believe I had so much hair, and that I was an actual natural blonde. When I told them I was growing it long to donate to cancer kids, they nearly fell over.
“Do you know how much thick natural blonde hair that reaches the lower back is worth?” The hairstylist exclaimed. “And your hair is silky and healthy, girl keep it.”
“I’ll just grow more. No biggie.”
“I think that’s very nice. Good for you, people should be so kind.” The girl working on my nails said, smiling warmly up at me.
“I can’t wait to see where your career goes!” The gentleman doing my make up surmised. “You are a true natural beauty.”
“I’m not doing any more of these. I don’t want to be famous, I just am doing it for Andy.” They all looked at me skeptically, but set to getting me where the photographer needed me to be. As the time pressed on, I could feel my self nodding off, but suddenly movement caught my eye. I couldn’t turn my head, but noticed a gorgeous man glaring at me in the mirror. I wasn’t sure how long he’d been there.
“If It were up to me, you’d never work again. Do you have anything to say for your disrespect?” The tall, statuesque man, with strikingly handsome facial features, and the greenest eyes I’d ever seen sneered.
”I literally just got hired forty five minutes ago and have no issue with never modeling again anyways. I'm doing this as a favor, for my new boss. Thanks for being a dick tho. Everyone has been such a joy, I was starting to think Hollywood had a bad rep for nothing.”
Everyone in the room was silent and all looked to the man for a reply.
”whos your new boss?” he inquired.
”I don’t feel comfortable giving his name to strange men, and since he’s a director it’ll sound like I’m name dropping and I’m not the type.” I said waving my hand dismissively.
He chuckled and rolled his bright green eyes. ”i think you're talking about my good friend Andy Muschetti. Does that sound right?”
”give this man a prize!” I joked. “Please don’t get me fired best friend. Are you Bill by chance?”
“You think I wear a tuxedo and bedazzle my face before i leave the house in the regular?” He asked incredulously.
I looked down at my lap so I didn't have to make eye contact with anyone.
I looked back up to the beautiful man, but he’d disappeared. I wasn’t surprised he was kind of an ass. Gorgeous men often are, I just hoped he wasn’t going to go talk shit.
A short time later they were done and had me put on a Zuhair Murad dress that was was worth more than my car. It was a beautiful charcoal velvet that looked like it’d been custom made for me. I couldn’t believe how awesome I looked, and ran out to find Randi, only being allowed to wave before they lead me to take my solo shots.
I looked around for the beautiful man, and found him standing next to a brunette woman, having a tense conversation, that was very quickly turning into an argument. He was trying to keep her calm, but she was not happy in the least, and I gasped when she struck him. Embarrassed, I put my full attention on the person translating instructions from the photographer, refusing to look back over at them, even as they began yelling at each other in some strange language. Did no one speak English here? He stormed outside with the woman hot on his trail.
“Ok someone go find Bill, we are just about ready for him.” My translator yelled, and I saw Andy and Randi, briskly walk outside to find him.
I felt kinda bad for snapping at him. I was going to be as nice as possible to him. Maybe I had judged him too harshly.
“Perfect honey! Sad confused, not sure look honey! Yes!” Several more people had shown up and were all talking about me like I wasn’t there.
Bill walked up looking like he’d rather be anywhere else, and looked down his cute little button nose at me. I know he was trying to be stuck up, but he was so fucking cute, I just wanted to boop his nose.
“Where do you want me?” He huffed.
“I need you to come up behind her, and embrace her around the waist, with one hand by her face. Sweetie you stand sideways with your back to Bill and look up arching your back a bit.” We were told as we got in our places. He was humming some unidentifiable tune in my ear. I was trying not to think about his hand on my waist, or his hot breath on my neck. I wasn’t sure if the bright lights were the only thing making me sweat.
“Touch up! They’re sweating!” Someone shouted.
“Do I make you sweat princess?” Bill growled.
“No.” I squeaked.
He firmly pulled me against him and when he felt me stiffen up, he chuckled mischievously.
I moaned sexually, causing him to sputter and cough a bit. I turned around grinning ear to ear. “Don’t start no stuff, won’t be no stuff.” I said playfully. I normally am not so confident, but his semi inappropriate behavior and the way he looked at me made me feel strange. Good strange I was pretty sure. He didn’t break our eye contact for far longer than was polite, before taking some hair and tucking it behind my ear tenderly.
“Bill stop giving this poor girl goosebumps! My Lord! And I’m not sure if you guys are aware of how obvious a moment you guys are having in front of all these people. One of them being your crazy girlfriend Bill.” He said as he touched us up. “I mean you’re both some of the most attractive people I’ve ever seen so I can’t blame either one of you, but thought I’d let you know.”
“It’s not me, its all the people staring at how gorgeous she is,” Bill scoffed.
“I doubt your girlfriend likes how you’re looking at her either. Normally I’d stay out of it, but you’re good people Bill, and I keeps it real with my people.”
“I told her it’s over, didn’t you hear us a few minutes ago?” He sneered. He winked and walked away.
“What a weird guy,” I mused aloud.
“Gorgeous though right? Every girl that meets him wants to fuck him but he’s always had a girlfriend. I’ve seen them fight a few times, but today is the first time he’s ever yelled. They’re Swedish so I don’t think they yell very often. ”
“I just got out of a terrible relationship yesterday so I feel his pain.”
“I’ve worked with him for years and have never seen him give anyone a second glance and yet today he can’t take his eyes off you.” He smirked.
“I’ve destroyed my lungs proficiently, she looks perfect, if you could just give me the once over, we can be done before lunch.” Bill said as he walked towards us. He plopped down in the chair beside me and squeezed my hand. “Please forgive my behavior up until now. It’s been a stressful day and flirting has never been my strong suit.”
I looked at him and he appeared to be sincere. I smiled weakly and told him I hadn’t even thought he’d been out of line. He’d put some space in between us when we returned to shooting, and was exceedingly respectful and careful. One of The last shots, they wanted me to be on my knees in front of him, reaching my hands up looking to the side, putting my face right against his crotch.
“I apologize in advance,” he drawled. At first I was confused why he was apologizing, but it became all too clear, the longer my face was pressed to his growing bulge. He shifted uncomfortably, and looked down at me as tho he was in pain. I mouthed the words ‘it’s ok’ and smiled up at him and that seemed to help him a great deal, although not so far as tame his prominent erection. I was actually firmly pressing my face against it now, to save him the embarrassment of his issue, and assuring we don’t have to stretch this out longer than needed. I’m sure It was all very artistic looking but it was hard not to laugh at how not artistic it felt. I looked to Randi, she was smiling with two thumbs up, blissfully unaware that I was battling Bills dick.
“Okay! The final shot is going to be her standing facing Bill but twisting her upper body away, facing the other way, while Bill I need you to press your body into hers with one hand at her chin with your thumb on her lower lip. Her eyes are closed and yours are fierce Bill. Determined but not angry.”
I felt my face heat up as we tried to do as we were instructed. This was all too much, I couldn’t help but giggle. I apologized and tried to look sexy again.
“No smiling honey. You’re a desirable sex goddess, and he wants you, but you know you shouldn’t.” The translator instructed passionately.
“It’s not too much of a stretch,” Bill said quietly so only I could hear. I felt my face flush and blush at the same time, if that’s even possible.
I heard that mischievous chuckle again, and it took all I had in me, not to knee him in his gut. I refused to look at him though. I don’t think I could handle it anyway. Far too much man-pretty had his body pressed against mine.
I’m going to kill this guy. I’m not looking.
“Are you ignoring me?” He whispered.
“Ok so then I guess that’s a yes.” He hummed.
He was impossible. I’m trying to maintain bitch face and he’s asking dumb questions and making various sound effects! I must say tho, for just having a pretty public break up, he was in a good mood.
When it finally was over, and Bill and I set off to change our clothes and get some make up off, I was surprised to see they’d all left already. The make up I was wearing felt more like ear paint, and soap and water wasn’t having too much of an effect on it.
“You look so helpless, can I help you?” I turned to see Bill standing there looking at me like I was pitiful. “I have make up remover pads.”
“Oh my goodness thank you!” I smiled. “You’re my hero.”
“Can I?” He asked, referencing using the pads on my face.
“Sure.” I said, eventhough I wasn’t sure why he wanted to do it. He was so gentle, I closed my eyes and waited till I was sure he was done. Europeans have way different personal boundaries than Americans, so this was probably normal.
“What’s your name?”
“What’s that short for?”
“Nothing. That’s my whole name.”
“Me too! I mean my name is Bill obviously but people always think it’s short for something but nope.” He chuckled. “You didn’t really even need any face make up. Your skin is flawless.i left your eye make up on but it looks pretty epic.”
I opened my eyes and we locked eyes for a moment, but Randi came bounding in the room, causing Bill to leap away from me. Randi didn’t appear to notice tho, as Andy and a few other people came in too.
“Everyone ready to eat. I insist that everyone let me buy them lunch at Morton’s.” Andy said.
Randi grabbed my hand and mouthed if I was ok, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. Ok maybe she had picked up on something. I looked at her like she was crazy, and avoided looking in Bills direction again.
“Let’s go eat! I’m famished!” I said.
“You girls are coming? Yay!” Andy said enthusiastically. “Most models aren’t big fans of food.”
“She eats whatever she wants and doesn’t go to the salon or have any work done. Just keep her fed and she’s beautiful and sweet. Try to starve her and she’s the definition of hangry.” Randi teased.
I laughed till my face hurt as she told everyone about a party in highschool where everyone brought their own booze, but I brought a gallon of milk and a pound of Oreos and actually finished them. Late that evening, everyone wanted Jack in the Box and since I was the only sober person, I got nominated to drive. It was pretty uneventful, until I turned to get everyone’s money and they were all nude. Randi did a perfect imitation of my total over reaction. Thank god she left out the part about me crying. I really thought we were going to get arrested and they refused to put their clothes back on, so I thought any minute I’d hear sirens. Luckily the drive thru people thought it was hilarious too.
We all made our way out to where everyone was parked, and found Bills girlfriend waiting there. As we pulled out, I looked back in time to see Bill march past her, climb in his car, leaving her standing alone in the parking lot yelling something after him.
“Did you see that? What’s their deal?” I asked Randi.
“Who?” She asked me.
“Bill and I guess that’s his ex-girlfriend or I don’t know...”
I look at Randi and she’s looking at me funny, “Are you crazy? You need a nice guy, he’s like foreign and he’s a celebrity. And I know you, you’re not a rebound type and both of you have no business looking at each other like you were.”
“Oh my gosh! I’m not even asking like that. Last thing I want is a guy!” I sulked. “Was it that obvious?”
“Mmmhmm.” She smiled knowingly.
“He’s around beautiful women all the time and probably has 9 million fan girls. It’s not like he’s gonna follow me in the bathroom or something.”
Randi looks at me doubtfully.
“Don’t look at me like that! If he does, I’ll kick him.”
“I’m kidding. Actors only go for girls that throw themselves at their feet. Their egos don’t allow the risk of rejection.”
“Perfect. I hate feet.”
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dawnpil · 5 years
corona borealis
summary: you and sungjin have been planning this road trip basically since you met each other, but it gets a little hard to concentrate on the grand canyon when you’ve got someone like sungjin standing next to you. pairing: sungjin x reader genre: friends to lovers, fluff notes: secret santa gift for @svngjins !! merry belated christmas and happy holidays!! i hope you enjoy it! 
sungjin’s got the windows down and your playlist blasting when he pulls up to your house. you kiss your mom on the cheek, throw your bags in the back of sungjin’s truck, and hop into the passenger seat to grin at him.
“ready?” he calls over the music. you give him a thumbs-up in the middle of pulling your shoes off, and he backs out of your driveway with a matching grin. as you leave the neighborhood you remember the story you’d been saving to tell him, and his laugh matches the sunshine gleaming off the hood of the truck.
the first hour and a half you drive sunday is filled with stories and a debate about who could actually beat who on rainbow road; sungjin appeases you by saying you’ll have to play a few rounds on jae’s console when you get to school, and you let it go. once you get onto i-40 it’s a straight shot to the grand canyon, so you settle back curled up with your arm resting on the open window, the wind whipping your hair into your eyes as it trails through your fingers.
the conversation dies off naturally after about the three-hour mark, but you and sungjin have been planning this road trip for years, so you prepared for it and pull out your nintendo to pick up where you left off in sun and moon. sungjin laughs at you when you yell encouragement at your pokemon during the battles, but he’s smiling softly as you look up to pout and tell him to stop, and maybe your heart skips a beat.
or maybe it doesn’t, you tell yourself sternly, and you grit your teeth as you focus on the trainer battle. you have no business falling in love with your best friend, so you shove the feeling away and sing softly to the music still blaring from the speakers and refuse to look at sungjin for a bit.
somewhere in arizona you find a rest stop and switch places, and while you’re waiting for him to get out of the bathroom you fiddle with the rearview mirror and sigh. it’s going to be a long week if you let yourself consider your feelings too much, and you’ve been wanting to make this trip almost since you met freshman year, so you start the car as sungjin jogs back over to you.
when you get back on the highway you focus on the black ribbon road and try to count cacti to avoid glancing over at sungjin where he sits in the passenger seat humming and continuing your game for you. it’s something you always do, share the games: when you’d found out over christmas freshman year that he was starting to go back through all the games you’d agreed to play them together, each taking the ds for a week and making whatever progress you could between classes and assignments.
younghyun says it’s a good metaphor for your friendship, all easy give and take and light-hearted competition. you’re inclined to agree, but you wish feelings were as easy to beat as boss battles, because maybe then you wouldn’t be so conflicted when you realize the cheap motel room only has one bed, and maybe you could sleep better curled up with sungjin’s arm thrown over your stomach.
for now, though, you sigh and examine his peaceful features and try to ignore the stupid desire to brush his dark hair out of his eyes and kiss him until it’s time to leave in the morning.
the thing about the grand canyon that you hadn't really considered is that you’re not the biggest fan of heights. other visitors are similarly hesitant to walk out onto the glass bridge over the canyon, but sungjin laughs.
“you’re the one who wanted to do this,” he says, a few feet away from you with nothing but glass under his feet. “it’s perfectly safe, you know that.”
you wrinkle your nose. “i know, it’s just—intrusive thoughts and all that.”
he nods, all too familiar with your active imagination and its role in the things you hesitate about. “come on,” he says, and then he’s at your side, lacing your fingers together, and tugging you toward the bridge.
you pause, just for a second; it’s not like this casual physical contact is odd, for the two of you, not when your habit of holding hands walking between classes and sharing the big chairs in the library has given you the reputation of a couple that’s been together for three years. you just hadn't quite expected the touch, but you let him pull you out onto the glass and try to get over your initial flare of panic.
“so what kind of stuff would make this hard to build?” he asks, running a hand over the handrail, and you relax. he’s trying to take your mind off the height, and of course he knows exactly how to do it.
“loads! i mean, all bridges have to deal with loads but in this case there’s a significant amount more wind load than most places. and with the way it loops back on itself dealing with the dead load gets more complicated, since it’s not quite as easy as when you can support it from both sides.” you glance around, examining the structure, and the combination of analyzing the engineering and the comfort of his calloused fingers grounds you until the last of your anxiety slips away.
you stay in the park for lunch, take countless pictures to put on instagram later, and early afternoon you’re on the road again, sungjin’s pleased smile as warm as the arizona sun. it’s too hot for anything other than tank-tops, and you do everything possible not to get distracted by the definition of his arms as he drives with one hand, the other resting on the open window. he’s gotten tanned, over the summer, the florida beach sun kissing his skin the way you’re trying to tell yourself you don’t want to, and it’s beautiful.
dinner’s at a tiny diner you find somewhere across the border into new mexico, spent debating the team to use for the final boss battle in sun and moon, the one sungjin will play when you finish eating. it’s your turn to drive for the rest of the evening, and when sungjin finally wins and you nearly swerve off the road as you cheer you both laugh, the warmth in your chest nothing to do with the heat of the climate.
just over the texas border you stop for the night, pull onto the shoulder of the highway and set up sleeping bags in the bed of the truck.
out here, so far from any cities, the sky stretches forever. there are more stars than you think you’ve ever seen, with so little light pollution to block them out. sungjin points out the constellations he remembers from introduction to astronomy until you’re yawning more than paying attention to him, his low voice lulling you to sleep.
you roll onto your side to see him already facing you, and your breath catches in your throat: his eyes reflect the sky, or maybe they just hold universes in them. either way you’re struck by how beautiful he is, with his star-filled eyes and his smile softer than silk when he notices you staring.
fuck it, you think. if you’re going to fall in love with a friend, it might as well be the one who’s been by your side the longest, the one who knows you inside and out, the one who knows you better than you know yourself sometimes. if it has to be anyone, there’s nobody better than him.
the thing about park sungjin is that he’s exactly the sort of boy you’re bound to fall in love with.
wonpil likes to tease you about the way you list the exact same traits when asked to describe your ideal significant other that you do when someone asks you what sungjin’s like, and that probably should have tipped you off about this happening sooner, but here you are flicking glances at him as he navigates the austin streets, your breath still stuck in your chest from last night. the realization is driving you crazy; you’ve texted wonpil you need to talk with him at some point today, and the second sungjin parks the truck in dowoon’s driveway you tumble out of the car and try to breathe, desperate to find air that isn’t filled with sungjin’s sunshine and familiar coffee order.
you look up to see sungjin watching you with concern in his eyes, but you wave him off and burst through the unlocked door to give dowoon an overly enthusiastic birthday hug and return jae’s dab. younghyun drags you into the kitchen to dig into the tacos they’d gotten when you texted that you’d run into traffic near the city limits and would be late, and in the bustle of six college kids and food you breathe a little easier. sungjin’s too distracted by jae talking his ear off about a new song he wrote over the summer to fill your space like he does when it’s just the two of you and the truck and the open highway, and somewhere between throwing presents at dowoon and yelling at him to open them and settling in for a ghibli marathon wonpil tugs you into dowoon’s bedroom and sits you on the bed.
“you wanted to talk?”
“i think i’m in love with sungjin.”
“you think?” wonpil raises an eyebrow. “sis, we know. took you long enough to realize.”
“no, like—” you sigh, run a hand through your hair, or try. you brushed it in the morning, but the wind has tangled it hopelessly again, and the knots stop your fingers before they get very far. “like, i’ve always loved sungjin, but now i’m in love with him.”
wonpil looks like he wants to reply sarcastically, but he looks at you again and something in your face makes him think otherwise, because he softens. “what do you want to do about it?”
“i don’t—i don’t wanna ruin our friendship or anything, so maybe nothing?”
“fer,” he sighs, “that’s maybe the worst idea i’ve ever heard, and i was there when jae suggested younghyun should just steal knives from the dining hall and tape them to his shoes and try to skate on the pond in october.”
you frown. “why the worst idea?”
“well, i have it on good authority that he likes you as well, and also unrequited love and the resulting sadness and jealousy and struggles with physical intimacy like you have is the quickest way to ruin a friendship, so regardless of his feelings you should probably just tell him.”
“yeah but like. how do i tell him?” you grab at wonpil’s hands, clutch his slender fingers like you’re back on the glass bridge above the grand canyon and they’re the handrail. you may as well be back there, since the idea of telling sungjin you’re falling in love with him makes your stomach drop just as much as imagining slipping over the edge of the bridge and tumbling into the canyon.
when the two of you emerge from the bedroom sungjin lifts the blanket for you to curl up at his side and wraps an arm around you, and even though he’s clearly curious he doesn’t ask, just offers you the bowl of popcorn. you smile hesitantly, take a handful, and resign yourself to figuring out how to tell your best friend the one thing you find most likely to mess up the easy dynamic you’ve established.
wednesday is just a driving day. yesterday, as you got close to dowoon’s house, you got tired of the noise and the wind and rolled the windows up, but today the air in the car is too thick for you to think about anything but keeping the windows down, your knees tucked up to your chest as you press your back to the car door and let your head tip back into the wind.
several times sungjin looks over like he wants to say something, but you close your eyes and let the breeze tangle your hair and pretend to nap, and then when it’s your turn to drive after lunch you concentrate on the road.
you stop for gas in a tiny town in arkansas and sungjin grabs snacks from the convenience store, and five minutes later you’re back on the road pretending not to be affected while sungjin feeds you chips the way you’ve done for years when one of you has your hands full.
tennessee has more trees than texas, and you park in their shade when you stop for the night. it’s impossible to ignore sungjin when he’s lying right next to you in the bed of the truck, one arm sprawled into your space so that his calloused fingers brush your elbow as you curl your arms into your chest, and as you slip into sleep you give up, so that your dreams are full of his rough voice and sunshine smile and eyes brimming with stars.
you’re starting to think you drastically overestimated your willingness to sit in a car for ten hours at a time by the time you make it into ohio thursday afternoon. you’re antsy, twisting in your seat every few minutes, and you’ve abandoned your books and the ds to the backseat after you realized you weren’t going to be able to focus on them for longer than thirty seconds.
finally you reach over and crank up the music and start singing, let yourself breathe only because you need to in order to sing.
the playlist reaches a queen song and sungjin joins in, harmonizing the gravel in his voice to the playfulness of freddie mercury’s. you falter and fall silent, letting his singing fill the car; you’ve always adored it, and the familiarity of his chocolate tone stops your shifting in your seat so you can take it in.
for a little he sings seriously, but by the second chorus he starts exaggerating his falsetto and making weird faces, and you pull your phone up and take a video, a laugh tugging at your lips for what feels like the first time in days. the ridiculousness continues for another two and a half songs, until he gets too into the performance and swerves a little in the lane.
the sudden motion surprises the two of you into silence and you blink at him, wide-eyed, as he grips the wheel and makes a face and readjusts, and there’s a beat and then you crack up, the tension of the day bleeding away.
you pull onto junhyeok’s campus early evening, follow the texted directions to his dorm, and yank him into a hug when he meets you outside. he’d transferred after freshman year, and you’d all tried to keep in contact but it was hard, when there was always so much going on and he’d started making new friends. seeing him again isn’t necessarily awkward, but it isn’t quite as comfortable as it had been when you were a group of seven sprawled on the grass of the quad outside your dorm.
he takes you to dinner at a little pizza place just off campus and he and sungjin talk music for a bit before he sits back and turns an observant eye on the way you’re trying not to stare at sungjin’s wind-blown, beautiful dishevelment.
when sungjin’s brushing his teeth in the bathroom and you’re setting up sleeping bags on junhyeok’s floor junhyeok grins at you. “finally realized your feelings for him?”
you stutter over a response before sighing. “wonpil said i need to tell him, but i have no idea how.”
“just don’t make a fuss about it,” junhyeok says. “let it happen. the two of you are as easy as breathing, and i doubt this will change anything.”
before you can reply sungjin walks back in, and you turn to straighten your pillow, mulling over junhyeok’s advice.
you get up early to drive to cleveland, and sungjin trips his way out of the truck when you get to the rock and roll hall of fame. he lights up, inside, grabs your hand and tugs you around the exhibits. with how much he knows you think he may as well be a worker at the museum, and one of the actual workers seems to share that idea, grinning when sungjin tells you about how stevie nicks believes she was guillotined in a past life.
the displays are fascinating, but you’re more captivated by the glimmer in sungjin’s eyes and the excitement in his voice, and you spend considerably more time memorizing his face than you do looking at the displays.
after lunch you go to the zoo, and it’s your turn to get excited as you point out animals from brazil, taking countless pictures of the sloths and tree frogs that aren’t common near where you live but are nevertheless a link to home. sungjin follows you as you hurry from enclosure to enclosure, taking pictures for reference later and already planning several drawings.
you make sungjin pose by the bears, laughing, because your group has a running joke about him and your teddiursa is named after him for a reason, and early evening you link hands as you walk back out of the zoo. you haven’t forgotten the awkwardness in holding his hand with your newfound feelings, but you’re determined not to let your hesitation ruin such an incredible day. the warmth of his hands is somewhat uncomfortable in the cleveland humidity but it’s familiar and grounding, and there’s something soft in both of your smiles as you head back to junhyeok’s dorm for the night.
there’s something bittersweet in getting up on saturday.
it’s the last day of the trip, the end of this weird in-between of you and sungjin existing together with nothing else but the truck and the highway, and no matter how tense you’ve been it’s still been nice to spend time with just him as best friends, without the rest of the group butting in and being constantly chaotic. and the road trip was something you’d wanted to do before graduating, so checking it off the list feels like one step closer to packing up your dorm for the last time and having to figure out where to go from there without the security of time to figure it out, so there’s something a little terrifying in the thought of arriving on campus in the evening.
regardless you say goodbye to junhyeok around noon and hit the road again, coffee steaming in the cupholders as you curl up with a book. today is quieter, the two of you tired from the adventures yesterday, but silence between you has never been a bad thing. it’s just as comfortable as talking nonstop, and you relax after an hour or two, sungjin singing just louder than the familiar rumble of the truck under your feet.
you’re the one driving when you pull up to the drive-through window for dinner, your surroundings finally things you recognize. you’ll get to campus in maybe fifteen minutes, but you’re not quite ready to finish your trip, so you park in the restaurant lot and suggest eating in the bed of the truck. sungjin climbs one step further to sit on the roof, pulling you up with him so that you’re sitting with your heels knocking against the back window.
the stars aren’t quite as visible here as they were in texas, but you can still see ursa major when sungjin points it out.
while he’s busy staring up at the sky, taking a bite of his french fries, you take the time to look at him instead, committing to memory the shape of his jawline and the way his eyes gleam dark under the streetlights.
“beautiful,” he says.
“sure is,” you agree, and he turns to you before you’re able to look away.
he pauses for a moment and then smiles softly and sets his food aside. you don’t quite have time to blink and question him before he’s wrapping an arm around your waist, pulling you closer, and kissing you. there’s a moment of shock as his chapped lips fit themselves over yours before you realize what’s going on and then it’s instinctual to reach up to cup his cheek and return the kiss. for a few breaths there’s only your heart beating against your ribs and the flutter of his lashes against your cheek and the warmth of his hand through your shirt, and you think this must be what heaven is.
he draws back far more quickly than you’d like, laughs when he sees the disappointment in your eyes.
“i just—” you sigh. “i can’t believe you beat me to that.”
he smiles, gentle. “is that what you’ve been worrying about all week?” when you nod he takes your hand, laces your fingers with his with more care than you’ve ever felt. “you can relax now, then,” he says.
he leans back in to kiss you again and you think this must be like kissing starlight, because he’s nothing if not a celestial being. in two days you’ll have freshmen to look after and he’ll be preparing the hall per his job as an ra, but for now it’s just you and the star you get to cradle in your hands and pull ever closer, and that’s enough for now.
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ramheavenandhell · 5 years
Getting out of a Parking Ticket
AN: This story was heavily inspired by this picture that was drawn by @naughtyorganic (many, many thanks for allowing me to use it as cover art!! <3) Warnings: RookieCopRick/MiamiMorty oral smut Summary: Miami Morty is forced to wait in the car while his Rick takes care of some business. His waiting time gets sweetened when Cop Rick is writing parking tickets and comes to his car. After all, he can't just sit by and watch while his Rick gets a ticket for parking in a no parking allowed zone…
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Getting out of a Parking Ticket The blond pouted as his Rick got out of the car. "I'll be quick and I make it up to you when I'm back, Princess. Just keep watch on the car, okay?" he said as he straightened his pink jacket. "Okay, but you better make up for it good." Miami Morty responded. As his Rick went off to make his little business deal, the Morty still pouted a little more. After all, he usually came along to most of his deals even when they were on the Citadel of Ricks. Morty opened the glove compartment and picked out a strawberry-flavored lollipop, removing the wrapper and popping it into his mouth as he still sulked. Meanwhile, a Cop Rick made his round, writing parking tickets for all the vehicles that were parked on the sidewalk. The poor guy had been reduced to being a meter maid for the time being, because of what had had happened to his Morty Partner. Well, considering that he had shot him, he would have actually expected a more severe punishment, so he should call himself lucky that he got away with it like this. He lifted one side of his eyebrow as he spotted a pink Cadillac. It was bit unusual to see an earth car like that on the Citadel, but not the weirdest thing that he had seen. Just as he stood next to the car with the tinted windows and began to write on his notepad, the door on the passenger side opened. "Oh, is there a problem, Mr. Officer?" the boy asked as he got out of the car. Cop Rick blinked a little in surprise. The boy was a Morty, but he had never seen a Morty that looked like this even though he had seen quite a few different versions of them. This teen had long blond hair, which was kept out of his face by a blue headband. He wore a short matching blue top, a brown leopard-print fur jacket and only pink speedos as well as some blue sandals. His tanned skin was also quite remarkable as well as his glitter make-up that was visible underneath his pink-tinted sunglasses. He looked like he just came straight from the beach. The boy pushed the sunglasses up to rest on his headband and gave the red sucker that he held in his other hand a quick lick while he looked at him with half-lidded eyes and a questioning gaze that looked… seductive? The Rick couldn't help but blush a little. "Your car is parked in a no stopping or parking allowed zone so I have to write you a ticket." He explained while continuing to scribble on his notepad. Morty's eyes widened and he instantly jumped to latch onto Cop Rick's arm and stop him from writing anymore. "Oh please, Mr. Officer. Can't you maybe make a little exception?" "I'm sorry, but either you drive the car away right now or I'll have to give you the ticket." Rick stuck strictly to the regulations. He wanted to be a good cop, not a corrupt one. Even though he had to admit, that the boy was quite distracting. Especially, as he started to press his entire body up against him and looked with pleading eyes up at him while his tongue twirled around that lollipop. It made Rick blush even harder. "But I'm not allowed to drive the car, Mr. Officer. My Rick would be really angry if I did and he's going to be back in a minute anyways." Morty batted his eyelashes while he tried to convince the cop. "I'm really sorry, but I can't ju— " Rick was interrupted as Morty started to tug on him. "No, really. He'll be back real quick and then we're gone. You know, why don't you just wait for a minute and see for yourself?" The boy said and kept pulling the police officer towards the car. "We can just wait inside for a moment." Rick knew that it wasn't a good idea, but stunned from surprise, he let the boy maneuver him in the passenger seat. "I can't do that. I still have more work to do." He kept protesting, albeit only verbally. Miami Morty climbed in after him and took a seat on his lap before closing the door. "You're a very hard working Rick, Officer. I think you deserve a little break." Cop Rick squirmed a little under the teen, seemingly uncomfortable with the close proximity. "No. I really shouldn't…" Morty trailed one finger over the collar of his uniform before letting it trail down Rick's chest. "It's really true what they say about men in uniform. I never knew that a Rick could look so sexy." He drawled as he fixed the other with a seductive gaze again. Rick suddenly started to feel a little too hot in his clothes. Even without checking in the rearview mirror, he knew that his face must have been glowing bright red right now. Morty giggled. It was cute to see a Rick getting so shy and flustered. It was certainly a rare sight for the boy. This may even be fun for him… "Jeez, you're so tense…" The boy said as he let his hand wander up again and lightly massaged the Cop Rick's shoulder. He stuck his sucker into his mouth so he had the other hand free to touch and massage the other with both appendages now. Rick couldn't hold back a groan as the nimble fingers dug into his stiff muscles and helped relax them. He instinctively bit his lower lip to stifle any more sounds from escaping him, but he did have to admit that it really felt damn good. Morty giggled again as he saw Rick close his eyes in bliss. If he was enjoying the little massage this much, how was he going to react when they came to the good stuff? Morty wanted to find out. "Hold on a second." he said as he turned around, showing off how flexible he was since he still straddled the Rick and grasped for the wrapper that he had blindly thrown on the dashboard earlier on. He rewrapped his slobbered up lollipop before placing it neatly back on the dashboard and out of the way. "My Rick just hates it when the interior of his car gets dirty." The boy explained as he saw the other's confused face. No sex without condoms in the car was one of the major rules, but Morty knew some other way to ensure that things won't get messy. He unconsciously licked his lips at the thought. The movement of the pink tongue didn't go unnoticed by the cop who gulped. His hands were then back on the Rick's upper body, nimble fingers stroking and kneading over the uniform. "If you like this I know something that you'll like even more." He hummed. As his hands ran lower and got dangerously close to Rick's belt, the old man began to sputter. In quick movements, Morty slid down from his lap till he was kneeling between the cop's legs, ignoring the stuttered protests. "Now, now. Just relax." The boy said with a seductive grin and reached to open the other's pants. Deft fingers quickly unbuckled the belt before Morty leaned forward to open the button and zipper only with his teeth and tongue, all the while looking up at Rick who blushed like crazy and eventually had to avert his eyes. To the blond's delight, the already stiff member, which was still covered by briefs, lifted to peek out of the opened fly. Again, with only his teeth, he pulled on the waistband and tugged the light-blue boxers down till the police officer's erection sprang free and slapped against his stomach. Morty thought that it was almost laughable that this Rick was already fully hard even though he hadn't done much of anything yet. Been probably a while. Maybe he should be merciful and not tease the poor thing too much… but it'd be no fun then, right? Without breaking his gaze from Rick who had been looking back at him again, he nuzzled against the hot hard flesh with his cheek. Morty looked as cute and innocent as he could while he did that, smiling up at the flushing cop who looked like he couldn't decide if he wanted to watch or not. It was amusing how shy he acted, averting his eyes every few moments, just to look back down again while his cock twitched delightedly. Not wanting to stop with the teasing so soon, Morty began to gently nose at the shaft now, still careful to avoid using his lips even if his mouth was already starting to water at the scent. After he decided that he had done enough worshipping, he moved his face back again to use his hands now. His left hand went to grasp the base of the cock while the index finger of his right trailed slowly up and down the shaft. As that digit finally reached the angry red tip, the other fingers joined in to dance around the head, but still carefully avoided the opening at which the first drops of precum already started to gather. Morty couldn't help, but giggle as he saw the tormented face that the Cop Rick made. Deciding to be a little merciful, he fully grasped the hard length in his hand and strengthening his grip, moving up and down to pump the shaft. Rick panted and some soft moans accidentally escaped from his mouth. It wasn't even a question if this was the first time that the boy was giving someone a handjob… or well, maybe it was and he was just really talented. When Morty twisted his wrist just the right way, as he still pumped him, Rick decided that he was very talented either way and clenched his eyes shut. He had to bite down on his lower lip in order to avoid letting any more embarrassing sounds slip. Morty was still amused as he constantly changed his focus between Rick's face and crotch where his hand was still busy slowly working him to completion. Man, he really wanted to see the cop's reaction to when he would start bringing his mouth into the game! Being the impatient little thing that he was, he decided to do just that right now. So, he brought his fingers back to the tip while his lips took over in taking care of the underside of the shaft. He mouthed at the length, all the way from root to frenulum and one of his fingers finally – mercifully – rubbed over the slit and smeared the precum all over the glans, inciting some barely repressed whimpers. With big smiling eyes, he watched Rick's reactions from his position. The view was downright delicious: lower lip being bitten almost hard enough to draw blood, eyes clenched shut tightly in concentration and head thrown back while a bright red flush was covering his cheeks and his face and entire body were twitching occasionally. Never before had he met a Rick that was this cute – or a Rick that he would even dare to label "cute" for that matter. Deciding that he had done enough teasing now, Morty removed his fingers and let his tongued glide over the wet tip. Moaning at the taste, he didn't wait any longer and took the member into his mouth. Expertly he relaxed his throat muscles and took in the entire length. Rick couldn't suppress a loud moan as he felt the wet heat completely envelope him. His left hand came to rest in the blond mane, as he looked down, but he only let it softly lay there without pulling at it or trying to guide the boy's head one way or another. Morty took notice of that, but wouldn't have minded it either way. He swallowed around the hot, pulsing erection that was lodged deep inside his throat, before he slowly pulled back and swirled his tongue all over the shaft. As he reached the tip, he gave one hard suck, before he dove back down again. Like this, he started a fast pace, literally fucking his face on Rick's cock. Cop Rick didn't even seem to by trying to hold his moans and groans in and his fingers buried itself in the blond locks and twirled them absentmindedly. His hips had also started to move in a matching rhythm to the boy's movements as he bucked into the tantalizing mouth. They both knew that Rick wouldn't be able to last for much longer. With one last hard buck and a loud groan, he finally reached his climax and filled the blond's mouth with his sticky cum. Morty dutifully swallowed everything that the other had to give. Panting heavily the cop fell back into the seat. "That was…" he drawled mindlessly. Morty smirked mischievously up at him now, still kneeling between his legs. One of his finger was trailing along his thigh as he said, "Well, Officer, I'm sure that you can overlook my Rick's little traffic offense now. If you do, I'll keep this to myself…" Those words rattle the police officer up as if he only now realized what he had done. He had just gotten a blowjob from a Morty and that while he was still on duty. With panicked movements, he stuffed himself into his pants again and then quickly exited the car. Grinning like the cat that got the cream – quite literally – Morty moved to sit back in the now empty passenger seat again and watched the officer walk off with still slightly trembling legs. Miami Rick just happened to leave the building in which he had met his business partners as he saw the Cop Rick stumbling out of his car. He looked briefly after the police officer before he darted over to his car and threw open the door on the driver side. "What did that cop just do in my car?!" Rick demanded, lifting his sunglasses as he looked sternly at his Morty. Morty just relaxed further back into his seat after retrieving his lollipop again and nonchalantly replied. "I just saved you from getting a parking ticket. You're welcome." Grumbling, Rick climbed into the driver seat. "Well, the guy had better not made a mess in here." He just hated it if the interior of his car got dirty.
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AN: I have plans to turn this into a little series. The next part would be MiamiRick/CopRick, but no promises when I'm done with the next installment.
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Part 1 of Getting out of Trouble
Part 2 of Getting out of Trouble: Convincing
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jerrychos-blog · 6 years
Love > Jealousy
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pairing: Gavin Reed x Reader
word count: 1618
requested by: @xxperfectionisdeadlyxx 
a/n: might as well kill two birds with one stone here! so sorry this took so long to put out, i’ve been overloaded with work for awhile and was busy getting ready for college as well!
You had been dating that DPD’s resident asshole Gavin Reed for a little over five months. It was… nice, but there were times when you felt he wasn’t all there. It had been a good first few months, your relationship tutting along without many issues. You had been through your “honeymoon” phase, other officers at the station being rather disgusted with it, and had almost gotten yourselves sent home multiple times for being too handsy. What were they expecting, though? You were dating Gavin Fucking Reed, and you’d be damned if you weren’t going to have a hand on him whenever possible.
Four months into the relationship, the phase had tided over and you two had settled into what could be considered a “normal” relationship. As normal as it could be with your weird hours, that is. Lately, though, you had noticed Gavin was a bit “off”. He was paying less attention to you, even when your schedules matched up well. He’d take the long way around the station to avoid you some days, and would even grudgingly take a coffee made by Connor if it meant avoiding you in the break room. You were worried the “magic” of the relationship was starting to wear off. That he was starting to not care about you anymore. However, with the recent case you’d both been put on, there was almost no time to talk about it.
You brought it up with the android one day while discussing said case.
“I just. God, I dunno Con, he’s just been avoiding me. Did I do something wrong?”
“When did you notice this started happening, Y/N?”
“Oh, maybe two weeks ago? I don’t really remember, stuff has been so hectic lately… Why do you ask?”
“Because I think I know exactly when this all started.”
“Really? Please tell me Con, I can’t do this much longer, it’s killing me, I-” the android cuts you off with a finger pressed to your lips.
“A couple days after we got this new case. We were going over the information we had thus far. Gavin saw us and, from what I could see, he wasn’t very happy about it.”
You squinted at Connor, processing what he had just said. “Wait so… Are you telling me he’s jealous of you?”
“That seems to be the case, Y/N. I don’t think he liked seeing us talking.”
“I’ve gotta go, Con. Talk to you later,” and with that, you were walking with purpose towards your boyfriend’s desk.
He didn’t notice you approaching, too busy playing on his phone as usual. So he jumped a bit when you cuffed him on the back of the head. Gavin stood up, rubbing the back of his head and turning to look at the prick who had done it, but his face turned pale when he saw you. You quickly reached out to grab his wrist before he could leave and he squeezed his eyes shut, knowing what was about to happen but not wanting to discuss it.
“You’re jealous of the android???”
He coughs, mumbling out a “Yes” as his hands drop to his side.
“The fuckin’ thing is better than me, okay? I don’t like to admit it but there’s a reason those plastic pricks are stealing our jobs.”
“So you’re jealous of Connor because you think he’s better than you, what does that have to do with me? With our relationship? That doesn’t explain why you’ve been avoiding me, Gavin.” “I see the way you look at him, Y/N. He’s better than me, better for you. I’m not fuckin’ good enough and I can see that now.” “Are you kidding me? That’s why you’ve been avoiding me, because you think I wanna fuck the android?” “Hey, that’s not what I said!” “It’s what you implied!” “Okay, listen, I-” Gavin’s shout was cut off by Connor and Hank rushing past.
“Suspect spotted!” The Lieutenant shouted over his shoulder, causing you and Gavin to forget about the fight and run after the two. Not even thinking, the four of you hopped into Hank’s car when you reached the garage, and he sped off in the direction of the call.
“What’s going on, what happened?” you ask, leaning forward in the back seat and looking at Hank through the rearview mirror.
“Officers got a call about a suspected break in, went out to look and whaddya know, there’s our suspect.”
“Is he armed?” “Not that they know of, but with this lunatic you never know,” Hank chuckles, turning his attention back to the road.
The quick drive there is tense, your fight still lingering, but all previous emotions are pushed aside when you pull up at the scene. It’s a small single story house with a fenced in yard and an empty driveway, but the front door is busted open. The four of you exit the car and approach one of the officers already on the call.
“My partner is around back, we haven’t seen him leave so unless he’s some sort of magician, he’s still in there.”
“Right, let’s go then,” you say, drawing your gun and making your way towards the open door. The boys follow, Gavin and Hank readying their guns as well.
You peek your head inside, taking a quick glance around and focusing on the mess in the living room. You turn to look and the three behind you and raise your eyebrows in an all too familiar question. The three nod and you make your way inside, heading towards the wrecked living room with gavin while Hank and Connor cover the hallway. You’re examining an overturned chair when Gavin nudges your shoulder. He jerks his head toward the kitchen.
“M’gonna go check it out,” he whispers, and you nod in response.
“I’ll take the hallway, then.”
You both head towards the kitchen, Gavin entering slowly and you continuing on to the left, into the dark hallway. You slowly check and clear the first room off to the right of the hall before heading further down. You stop for a moment at the sound of footsteps, going rigid. Two sets. You sigh when you realize it’s just Connor and Hank, likely heading upstairs to clear the area.
As you move to the next door, a noise behind you catches your attention, and you turn to see what it is.
He’s just checked the room you’ve been through, and his back is turned to you, his attention on Hank and Connor as they round the staircase. Behind you there’s a subtle click, but you’ve heard it too many times before: the safety on a gun being switched off. You turn, just as the man behind you shoots, and before you can think, you’re jumping in front of the bullet, in front of Gavin.
The three men tense at the sound of the gunshot, looking in your direction. When Hank sees you’ve been shot, he lifts his gun and shoots, chasing after the man with Connor in tow when he bolts. Gavin stands above you, looking down at your crumpled form on the ground. It takes him a second to process what’s happened, but when he does you’re up and out of the house in seconds.
He runs out of the house, phone in one hand with paramedics on the line and you hastily thrown over his shoulder and held in place by the other. Before the paramedics can arrive, you’re long passed out, the bleeding wound in the crook of your neck becoming too painful for you to handle.
The sound of a soft and steady beeping pulls you out of unconsciousness. You groan, pain coming back to you in waves, and slowly open your eyes. The first thing you notice is that you’re in a hospital. The second thing you notice is the tension around your hand. You glance down and stare at the hand tightly encasing your own, eyes tracing the small scars littered all over it. Your gaze moves up a well muscled arm to slumped shoulders and a tired face. You smile and lift your free hand to caress his cheek. The light touch causes Gavin to wake, and as soon as he sees the gentle smile on your face, his own is buried in your hair.
You stay there for awhile, Gavin in an awkward leaning position above you, his face buried in your hair and one arm draped gently over you, and you with one hand resting on his shoulder, the other unable to be lifted without hurting. When he finally speaks, his voice is hoarse, his throat sore from crying.
“Christ, I thought you weren’t gonna make it.” “Gav, love, it wasn’t really that bad… was it?” He sighs, sitting back down and grabbing your hand again.
“You lost a lot of blood and paramedics almost didn’t get there fast enough. Fuck, Y/N, you were barely hanging on when they got to you, I-”
“Hey,” you cut him off, resting a hand on his arm, “it’s alright, I’m here now, and I’m alive, and I’m ok.”
“But you almost weren’t,” it comes out barely above a whisper, and his voice cracks slightly.
You frown, and against your better judgement, sit up to pull him into a hug. It hurts like hell, but you don’t mind, his presence takes away from the pain. You rest your chin on his shoulder, leaning your head into his and close your eyes, squeezing him tight.
“You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me, Gav. You’re the best person for me, and no one will ever be better, ok?”
He just pulls you in tighter as a response.
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diinofayce · 6 years
Who You Selling For?
Pairing: Bodyguard! Steve Rogers x Musician! OFC! Addison Schmidt x Bodyguard! Bucky Barnes | Word Count: 3k | Warnings: Drug use, language, slow burn | THE HOUSE |  A/N: If you didn’t catch the memo in the first chapter, this whole story is an complete unedited and raw mess. It’s just something that gets typed out when I’m feeling down and raw.
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Hit Me Like A Man
Addison glowered at the two men as they led her to the elevators after the meeting. Right away Bucky took the lead out of the elevator to the car while Steve stayed just behind her. Bucky was anxious to put a bit of distance between himself and the musician as she had found yet another way to irritate him. Tony had tossed his niece a piece of gum to chew on during the meeting so she would quit grinding her teeth and it turned out that snapping bubbles really bothered the living hell out of Bucky. Bucky threw open the back door for Addison and waited impatiently for her to slide in. She watched as Bucky caught Steve’s elbow and he leaned in close to whisper something to the blond, Bucky’s hand staying firm on Steve’s upper arm.
Addison pulled her sunglasses down from her tangled gold locks to rest on the bridge of her nose. Reaching into her jacket she pulled out a pack of light blue American Spirits and a hot pink lighter. She watched as Bucky walked around the front of the car, his blue eyes flicking around to multiple points in the city block looking for anything out of the ordinary. As soon as he had turned the car on she cracked the window and lit her cigarette.
“Don’t care if I smoke, right?” Addison asked after already taking a long drag and blowing a thin stream of smoke out the window.
Steve’s nose crinkled but Bucky didn’t even bother to cast her a look. Quirking the corner of her mouth up she snapped her gum sharply and chuckled softly to herself when she noticed Bucky’s grip tighten on the steering wheel. Steve simply rolled his eyes and pulled a folder out the briefcase that Tony sent him out with. Addison watched Steve gently open the file and stroke his beard as his eyes moved over the lines of text. Licking her lips and trapping her cigarette between them she reached forward suddenly and snapped the file out of Steve’s hands.
Steve made a noise of protest but Addison held a hand up in front of his face to stop him. An irritated growl ripped from his chest and Bucky chuckled softly, pleased that Steve was getting the ass end of Addison’s shitty behaviour for once.
Addison’s stormy grey eyes roved the paper in front of her. She felt bile rise in her throat along with pure unadulterated anger. “This is literally my entire life consolidated into a fucking manilla file. Why the fuck is this a thing?” Addison spat angrily, flipping through the papers. It even had medical records in there, she felt her cheeks flush as the details of an OBGYN appointment stared up at her. Addison ripped that paper out of the file and tore it up, scattering the pieces on the floor of the car.
“Goddammit, Addison, stop!” Steve barked ripping the folder from her shaking grasp. “It’s just stuff that we need to know to keep you safe.”
Addison shook her head and flicked her cigarette out the window. “No. You don’t need the details of my doctors visits to keep me safe. Why the fuck does he even have that?”
“We didn’t read those,” Bucky’s baritone cut in softly. “Stark can be…disgustingly thorough. We only read what we needed.”
Addison raised an eyebrow at the men, Steve was watching her apprehensively while Bucky simply went back to watching the road. Addison raised her sunglasses back to the top of her head and narrowed her eyes at Steve. She held her hand out to him and he raised a brow back at her.
“If that’s true then let me go through it and keep all the things that are irrelevant,” Addison tried to compromise, her tone oddly sweet.
Bucky’s gaze flicked back to them through the rearview mirror. “Steve,” he cautioned with a warning tone.
Steve pursed his lips and shook his head. “Sorry, Addison, but you need to trust us to be good judges on what is and is not relevant.”
Addison scoffed, pulled her glasses back down over her eyes and crossed her arms across her chest. Steve’s eyes flickered from her face to her right hand. He had noticed the ostenatious ring earlier when she shoved her hand in her face but not as it caught the light and he got a better look at it he found himself reaching forward and taking her hand.
“Excuse you, you guys seriously have a touching issue,” Addison protested, trying to pull her hand back.
“Did Pierce give you this ring?” Steve asked, ignoring her and pulling the ring off of her finger.
“Yeah, why?”
Bucky stopped at a red light and actively twisted around to look at the ring that Steve was holding up.
“Buck, give me your knife,” Steve requested and Bucky reached down to hike up his pants leg and free the large hunting knife from it’s sheath before passing it back to Steve.
Steve set the ring down in the middle cup holder and twirled the knife in his hand so he could strike down hard at the large stone with the butt of the knife. What looked to be a large diamond shattered with a soft tinkling noise and Addison let out a gasp of disapproval. Using the tip of the blade Steve sifted through the shards before reaching and grabbed a tiny microchip. Rolling down his window, he flicked the little chip out into the New York streets.
“The stone was fake, I noticed what I originally thought was an imperfection in the stone but when it caught the light I noticed the stone was actually glass. He used it to hide a tracking chip. Did you keep any other gifts from Pierce?” Steve asked, handing the knife back to Bucky.
Addison noticed how every time Bucky and Steve passed anything to each other their touch would linger and how every time Bucky would use the rearview mirror he sought out Steve’s face before anything else. She licked her chapped lips and lowered her window fully, craving some sun on her face. Bucky, however, rolled the window back up to where it was barely just cracked again and flicked on the child locks.
“Don’t need you getting shot out of the car on the first day. Would look real bad for us,” Bucky commented.
“Yeah, and you two are all about appearances, right?” Addison quipped dryly.
Steve hesitated for a moment before levying you with the full intensity of his gaze. “Addison. We’re all about keeping you alive, whether you want to be or not.”
Addison hummed and went back to staring out the window. The rest of the car ride went by in heavy silence.
“So, Bridgehampton, huh? That’s pretty fucking fancy,” Addison commented dryly as she watched the giant sprawling mansions with huge lawns and pools zip by out the car window.
“Tony thought about your concerns for the rest of your band and decided that having you all under one roof might not be the worst idea,” Bucky noted, double checking the GPS and turning into the driveway of a beautiful house that looked to be paneled in unfinished barn wood.
The first thing that Steve and Bucky noticed about the house was how many windows there were, that was a huge security detail that they were irritated that Tony looked over. The first thing Addison noticed was what appeared to be another little house in the back, like a pool house. She was already making notes on how she could possibly convert it into a practice space and recording studio. If this was where the band would be living when they weren’t touring they would need something like that since they were so far out of New York City proper.
Bucky turned off the car and Addison reached for her door release, but Steve reached over her and grabbed her hand. He motioned to Bucky with his chin who was already out of the car, his eyes flicking over the terrain and a hand on the holster of his gun. Finally, Bucky opened the door for her and let her out.
“That’s going to get irritating real quick,” Addison grumbled and pushed her way passed the two men.
Bucky groaned at Steve who had to quick step to grab onto Addison’s elbow and pull her back. Addison shot a frustrated look over her shoulder at the men, she was going to have a hard time getting used to being grabbed and forcefully moved against her will like this. Her immediate reaction was to strike out with her free hand at Steve’s chest to push him away, but he simply rolled his eyes and grabbed her wrist pulling her behind him and releasing her when she was back between him and Bucky.
“You’re between us at all times,” Steve commanded, levying her with a heavy stare.
Addison huffed and ran her tongue over her top lip. “Well then, get a move on. It’s been a grip since I’ve been somewhere other than hotel rooms.”
“Whatever you say, princess,” Bucky murmured and gave Steve a tilt of his chin signaling him to get a move on.
Bucky was just as anxious to do a sweep of the house and settle down for a moment away from Addison. The blond girl was really starting to grate on him, not that he was the most patient person to begin with. He had spent most of his life cleaning up after Steve’s antics before both men took separate paths in college. Bucky hadn’t known what he was getting into when he started working for Alexander Pierce and by the time he had accidentally run into Steve during a job he had been a shell of the boy he used to be. Steve was the one that convinced him to quit and come work with him for Tony Stark, the transition had been difficult and Bucky still spends most nights laying awake wondering when Pierce was going to send someone after him. Now, being thrown directly into the opposing path of the man he once worked under left him with anxiety and dread. Bucky didn’t have any beliefs that this would end without an exorbitant amount of bloodshed.
Once inside the house, they made Addison stay with them while they did a quick sweep and when everything came up clear and safe they returned the pistols they had drawn to their holsters and relaxed.
“Okay, so, there’s two rooms on either side of the master suite. Steve and I will take those so one of us can make it to you quickly if there’s an emergency,” Bucky stated, undoing the side straps of his Kevlar vest.
Addison blinked at them in confusion. “Why wouldn’t you guys just share a room?”
Both men froze as if doused in a bucket of cold water and Addison quirked an eyebrow. It had been so obvious to her, the way they could communicate without speaking, the soft lingering touches when they thought no one was looking - like they were trying to reassure each other the other was there, the way they were absolutely in sync with each other never faltering or hesitating. Sure, good partners had those qualities but really it was more or less because they were good /partners/.
Bucky opened and closed his mouth wordlessly a few times while Steve just flushed a brilliant pink.
“Does Tony not know?” Addison asked and then a thought dawned on her. “Do you guys not know?”
“Of course we know,” Bucky snapped, finding his voice. “How do you know?”
Addison tsked and rolled her eyes. “You two aren’t exactly subtle. Listen, you guys are supposedly stuck with me for my contract length. That’s three albums, do you know how long that is when you factor in tours and actually like…making the albums? That’s like five years, minimum. Did you really plan to keep up the farce that long?”
Bucky and Steve looked at each other, Steve rubbed the back of his neck and Bucky ran his metal hand over his head effectively knocking strands of hair out of his ponytail and into his face.
“We hadn’t really had a chance to discuss it,” Steve admitted looking to Bucky for assistance, but it appeared Bucky had already mentally checked out from the awkward conversation. It was something he did frequently and it always left Steve to figure out a plan or pick up the pieces.
“Well, you two take the master and I’ll share the Jack-and-Jill suite down the hall with Wanda,” Addison offered in a moment of selflessness. She had never been lucky enough to have a non-toxic relationship, but she knew if she was in one that’s what she would want to happen.
Addison’s longest relationship had been two years of publicity and pain and anger. It had made sense to the P.R. manager over at Hydra that she should be seen together with the front man of a more well known rock band off the label. Addison’s band would open for them and then after all the drugs and alcohol were singing through her system he’d take her back to his bus. When they weren’t fucking they were fighting and what the public saw was a mess of violence and turmoil until it finally ended in a nuclear explosion that left both Addison and her ex bleeding on the pavement (figuratively). Addison wasn’t even sure what a healthy relationship looked like, but she could only assume that the two men in front of her had one - they looked like they had a relatively healthy life in general - and Addison felt nothing but jealousy about it. Which surprised her because she had given up on the idea of love long before she ever thought she wanted it.  
Bucky immediately shot that idea down. “No, if anything Steve and I will take the Jack-and-Jill. It’s not positioned the best to you for security reasons, but then at least we can keep up the guise of separate,” Bucky interjected. He wouldn’t make eye contact with Steve, he was hoping that he hadn’t hurt Steve’s feelings in anyway and didn’t want to look to find out.
Steve was in agreement with Bucky, but it stung how quickly Bucky piped up to interject. Steve never exactly kept who he was a secret, he just didn’t talk about it. Bucky actively went out of his way sometimes to make sure no one knew about their relationship. Hiding what they were to each other got exhausting sometimes and Steve was selfishly excited about the idea of having one more space where they could just be with each other and exist.
Addison shook her head. “No, I don’t like that. You don’t need to put on a guise here, no one in the band will care - fuck, Wanda will probably think it’s cute as hell. The room to the right the master is really big, why don’t the two of you take that then? Sam and Pietro can take the Jack-and-Jill and Wanda can be on the other side of me? There’s so many rooms in this house you could pick and not pretend whatever you want to pretend.”
Steve and Bucky sent each other a look, speaking without using words again.
“I don’t want to make you guys uncomfortable. But you’re effectively putting your lives on hold because Tony told you that you had too. I know none of us are happy about it so please just do one thing that will make you happy out of all of this.” Addison begged and the men nodded.
“Thank you,” Steve whispered softly and Bucky nodded, looking anywhere but at Addison or Steve.
“Don’t thank me yet, the guys are coming with a party.” Addison’s eyes twinkled in mischief and both of the bodyguards felt their stomachs drop to the floor.
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