#-chef's kiss- excellent
ptieuca · 20 days
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buffy & angel + season two part two
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thecrowslullaby · 1 year
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there is something about drawing the mercs as animals.
i'm trying to figure out which version i like best.
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triaelf9 · 1 year
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I haven't been able to watch a ton of animated things over the last few years for a multitude of reasons (reason 1 being they're VERY distracting while I work, but I jumped back on the TDP train today and HERE ARE SOME DOODLES.
Listen, Aaravos has no RIGHT being…that way with THAT character design and also being that terrible. Horrible little bastard man (affectionate). Anyway, these are the ones who jumped out to me after my watch through so, enjoy XD
It's been a long time, but wow, they really fit my style ahaha XD
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hereticaldetective · 6 months
Watson: “D’you wanna come for a walk?”
Sherlock: “…A walk.”
Watson: “Yeah. ‘Round Regent’s Park with me and Archie.”
Sherlock: “Can I wear sunglasses and ear defenders?”
Watson: “You can wear whatever you want, mate.”
Sherlock: “Fine.”
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princington · 6 months
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“I just… I want to feel you, Ava.”
She watches as her hand is lifted, meets a softness against the back of her fingers. Then a warm breath, and words that bring relief, “Me too.”
i see you clearly now (i hold you dearly now) by @jtl07
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filbuddy3 · 9 months
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kanerallels · 5 months
Why does season four of Star Wars Rebels have to be so good?
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zipadeea · 8 months
okay but I still can't get over Percy in the fight with Ares. Like, my boy wasn't even looking at that tidal wave. As I read the books, I think I always pictured him making waterbender motions a la the last airbender any time he used his sea god powers. But Percy fucking Jackson wasn't even looking at the wave he created as he washed away the god of war. Percy is so powerful, i love this show so much.
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meatmatician · 18 days
quite genuinely the rap task from the last episode of taskmaster nz series 5 might be one of the best tasks in the whole franchise
this show can't keep getting away with this!!!!!! (being better than all the others)
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notllorstel · 2 years
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saw my first proper DB content and love these guys
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adelrambles · 6 months
I am so sorry I promise I’ll stop spamming you about Bishop now (maybe.)
Do you think Bishop could ever be in a healthy relationship? What would the dynamic be like with evil Bishop versus Fast Forward Bishop?
And no I don’t mean Stockshop. 😭
Oh no worries at all I'm enjoying your questions!! Please feel free to spam to your heart's desire. Sorry it took so long to get around to this one, I have admittedly not put much thought into Bishop in romantic scenarios, so I had to think on it a bit!
So, could Bishop ever be in a healthy relationship? Short answer NO. NOT AT ALL LOL
Slightly longer answer, there is some potential depending on how you like to interpret Fast Forward!Bishop. I think it's impossible for Present-day Bishop to be in any sort of healthy romance (and I'll go into way more detail than neccessary about that below 👍) but if you take FF's presentation of the character at face value, there's certainly a possibility.
So long answer, Bishop is one of the single most self-centered, unexamined people to walk the damn earth. There are a lot of factors that go into why he would be just, the absolute worst in a relationship, but the biggest issue is he doesn't give a shit about anybody but himself. If we throw everything else out and consider a hypothetical where he enters a relationship for the relationship's sake, he is not capable or willing to see things from a partner's perspective. In any disagreement he will be unwilling to consider he could be wrong, and will go to great lengths to ensure the other person concedes or backs down. He is a paranoid control freak who would not stand for anything less than being agreed with and obeyed, and he is perfectly willing to break someone down to achieve that. And in a scenario where, indeed, his interest is actually in the other person, we know he has a terrible possessive streak. As long as his interest holds, there is no out for the hypothetical partner. He is going to be emotionally and mentally abusive at best.
Moving more to the particulars of what he'd want a relationship for, it's worth pointing out that Bishop is very single-minded and relentless in his ultimate goal. I find it very difficult to consider a scenario where any single person would be considered worthwhile enough to distract him from that. We've seen him willing to sacrifice personal friends in-canon for the sake of his experiments, (if you ascribe to the theory that J. Finn was mutated on purpose to some degree,) so his work is ALWAYS going to come first. But that's the nicer option, because there is always the possibility that he would consider a relationship if it benefitted his greater goal (OR fed his ego tbh.) In which case, he's only in it for what he can get out of the other person, and the second they've outlived their usefulness to him, well-- I guess it depends on how much sensitive information they know, by that point.
But, okay! Let's consider President Bishop. He's certainly less likely to lure in a partner just to use them and then dispose of them, so he has that going for him. With him, there is a lot of room for how you want to interpret his "change of heart." You could take it at as presented in the show, or read more into his actions based on what we know about his past. Personally, I prefer the latter, but I'll examine both for the sake of thoroughness, and also for funsies.
So let's assume Bishop is being genuine in how he acts, first. In this case, I think there's a decent chance he could learn to be a good partner, though I don't think he'd start out that way and I doubt it'd come naturally to him loL. His job requires a lot of time and attention from him, and he is always going to prioritize it; he is, after all, "a bigger picture kind of guy." Kindness does not come naturally to him, so in times of stress he may default to meaner actions. However, he is also pretty effective in learning and adapting, so with good communication he probably won't make the same mistakes too often. In this scenario I think time constraint really is the biggest obstacle, given his job.
Now, assuming his Good Guy act is just a mask for politics? He's still pretty damn toxic. Bishop's tactics have changed, but his personality remains pretty similar. I'm not sure his pleasant demeanor goes that deep, once you get into more than small talk. It's a necessity for his job, but he still appears to be cold and utilitarian underneath it. He still thinks he's right about everything, and based on the insidious ways he phrases his own backstory to always shift blame away from himself, (even throwing Stockman under the bus, STILL, just to look better in comparison,) he's gotten a LOT better at making it feel like he is always in the right. What you've got is a Bishop who can lie, persuade and charm better, who also still doesn't care about much beyond protecting his territory and using the people around him. This presents us with a partner who, unlike 2000s-era Bishop, is far FAR more subtle with his abuse. And again, heaven forbid he actually genuinely has an interest in his hypothetical partner, because now he has galactic-wide surveillance and public sway on top of the immortality, and they're never getting away.
I hope that answers to satisfaction! Honestly while it's not my cup of tea it is really interesting to examine this facet of his character, so thank you for the question!!
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facebook-stabber · 2 months
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davecumstaine · 5 months
I think the funniest thing about the Haifisch music video is the fact that they consider replacing Till with James Hetfield.
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xserpx · 4 months
If you want to be a new man you have to stay in new places, and do new things, with people who never knew you before. If you go back to the same old ways, what else can you be but the same old person? You have to be realistic. He’d played at being a different man, but it had all been lies. The hardest kind to see through. The kind you tell yourself. He was the Bloody-Nine. That was the fact, and however he twisted, and squirmed, and wished to be someone else, there was no escaping it. Logen wanted to care. But the Bloody-Nine cares for nothing.
— Last Argument of Kings by Joe Abercrombie
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ir-dr · 2 years
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Day 3395 - 23 October 2022
A commission for Mint! 
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thepringlesofblood · 1 year
aziraphale being shit at lying but getting away with everything anyway makes so much more sense during the fucking hilarious ass bildad the shuhite scene where gabriel not only doesn't give a shit but doesn't think it's possible for anyone to lie to him. like. i got it before but now i get it get it. the whole job extended flashback storyline is just so perfect.
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