#.& hello my old heart . don't you leave me alone [HEADCANON]
suddencolds · 2 months
sending u a star!! ⭐️ sorry i wanted to go thru and pick a specific fic but im too sleepy lol but any yvescent piece u had thoughts on :D
[from Fanfic Writers - Director's Cut]
I also realize am responding to this like 2 months late :') I thought for a long time on which fic to comment on, and now that I've posted Atypical Occurrence pt. 2, I thought I might as well write out my thoughts on it while they're still fresh and bc it's close to my heart (I hope that's okay hehe)
⚠️❗️ Warning that I will be attaching snippets from my deleted drafts below!! Please read the published installment before you proceed to read this post. This is a little embarrassing... all I can say is that those drafts were deleted for a reason 🥴
There’s a grocery store that’s a ten minute drive from Vincent’s apartment. 
I rewrote this scene... 3 or 4 times? It gave me sooo much trouble 😭 I think in the first draft Vincent actually tears up tasting Yves's cooking. (I know, Vincent, I want Yves to cook for me too 😭❗️)
Terrible (ugh 😭) first draft screenshot under the cut (screenshot = old draft, indented quote = current draft):
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(Yves pulling up a chair at the end... you can tell he is totally at a loss on what to do 😭 and I, too, was at a loss on what to do)
I wrote this ^, and I was like... this moment just feels unearned? I personally despise outlining + I love going in (mostly) blind. Sometimes the first draft works out of the box, and in this case, the first draft (and the second draft, and the third draft) were all soooo bad that I literally had to take a month-long break to regain my confidence 😭
Anyways! I knew right away that Y was going to cook something for V (it's mentioned here and there throughout the series that he is a really good cook 😭 And in part 3 of Fool Me Twice, Yves promises to make Vincent something more ambitious than hot chocolate. He's finally kept his promise now, 12 installments later 🙇‍♀️ )
From draft 2, there was only one scene which I was sure I was going to include in the final draft, aka, spared from the recycling bin. (But I just checked the final draft and it's nowhere to be seen?? Interesting.)
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I would have managed fine on my own.
On this (deleted) scene, and more broadly: I think it's important to me that Yves recognizes that Vincent is self-sufficient in many ways: when Vincent says he will be fine alone, he is telling the truth. Yves doesn't have to stay—he recognizes this too, when he heads for the door in the published draft.
Still, Yves stays, of course—initially, because he insists, and later, because Vincent asks :)
“…You won’t leave unless I eat, then,” Vincent says. He says it evenly enough that it barely registers as a question. Yves smiles at him. It’s not a wrong conclusion. “Exactly,” he says.
It was really, really fun writing the differences between caretaker!Vincent (in Fool Me Twice pt. 5) and caretaker!Yves 😊 I usually don't like to say too much on the end of character analysis, bc I like my work to be interpreted as it is: the text is canon, and everything I'm saying here is just me yapping on about my headcanons. (I have been roasted for saying this by a dear friend of mine, probably rightfully so:)
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With that disclaimer: Vincent to me (I can only speculate, etc) is a very no-bullshit caretaker (he likes to enforce whatever will lead most directly to the person's recovery; he actually worries a lot, but his worry often manifests as frustration/snappishness), whereas Yves is a lot more permissive and, for the most part, manages his stress—he is the eldest sibling, after all! I think he does what he can to make it a more tolerable experience :)
“So this is just a Yves thing.” “What? Showing consideration for my friends?”  “Showing consideration is one thing,” Vincent answers. “You could have left after dropping off the files. You would still have been showing your consideration.” “I guess that’s true. But at that point, I was already here,” Yves says, with a shrug. “It seemed logical to check up on you.” “Well, now you’ve checked up on me,” Vincent says. “So you can go.” Yves supposes this is true.
Vincent takes things very literally (and I think he's actually quite aware of the social niceties around these kinds of things, which is in part why he is so skeptical to assume that Yves means anything more.)
There’s a hand on his sleeve, tugging. Yves goes very still. When Vincent notices what he’s done, alarm flashes through his expression, and he pulls his hand away as if he’s burned.  “Sorry,” he murmurs, again. And just like that, he’s back to how he always is—his expression perfectly, carefully neutral, in a way that can only be constructed. “I’m sorry.” But Yves doesn’t forget what he’s seen. “You can go.”
This scene means a lot to me!! It took a loooot of editing to hammer into place (the doc I wrote it on is titled "fixing this scene would FIX ME" haha). I think this is the first time Vincent has actively sought out Yves's comfort 😭 And he regrets it almost as soon as he's said it, because he does not do things without a good justification, and wanting something—even wanting it badly—does not feel like a sufficient justification to him. But give Yves an inch and he will take a mile!! He will take a hundred miles!! That is just the kind of person that Yves is.
I was talking with some friends previously about how I wanted to write Vincent reaching out for Yves. How I wanted Vincent to, through the haze of fever, cross a line that he'd previously not allowed himself to cross :') I think it is a time-old trope to have someone, in their feverish delirium, utter something embarrassing and utterly uncharacteristic of them, or divulge something that has been difficult for them to say.
This whole time drafting, I was thinking, how can I set up a moment like that and have it feel earned? How badly would he have to be feeling? What kind of setup would justify getting past his 590859 mental defenses? (I do not like to outline, but sometimes I do have an emotional beat that I have in mind, and then I have to work backwards to figure out the setup. This took SO much working back from, and I really thought about it for very long). I was almost sure that Vincent would regret it immediately after too 😭
Yves opens his arms out in offering, tries on a smile. “I’ve been told I give good hugs. Good enough to cure all ailments, obviously.”
Ahh, so Y offering V a hug is inspired by a fic I read 6 years ago, where a character offers another a hug as a joke and then the other character surprises them by taking it. Yves is really offering here, but I think he recognizes that joking about it will make it easier for Vincent to accept 😭
Yves has hugged a fair share of people in his life. He doesn’t think he’d be able to list them all if he were asked to. It’s different, though, being so close to Vincent—so close that Yves can reach out and let his hair fall through his fingertips. He can lift up his palm and feel the rigid line of his spine, the slope of his shoulders; he could reach out and trace the dip of his wrist, the form of his hand. Vincent’s chin digs slightly into his left shoulder. His nose is turned slightly into Yves’s neck—like this, he is almost perfectly still. Yves can feel the warm brush of air against his neck whenever Vincent exhales. He is so close that Yves is afraid, for a moment, that he might hear how badly his heart is racing.
I have nothing to say about this paragraph except that I edited it for like 40 minutes straight.
Last thing!!
“We had a habit of keeping the heat off, in the winters, and closing the windows.”
The scene near the end (where Vincent tells Yves about his childhood) is actually the scene which came the most easily to me. I also did not write it last; I jumped around. It took me around 1.5 hours. (By comparison, simply editing the scene before it took 11 😵‍💫)
I did always intend for Vincent to disclose... well, /something/ about himself. (You can tell that when I plan, that's really as far as I plan LOL)
Anyways, when Vincent wakes Yves up (after Yves falls asleep at his desk), I initially wrote it so that Yves wakes Vincent from a nightmare.
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But (as direct a link to vulnerability as that might have been,) Vincent would not talk about his nightmare 😭 So I switched gears.
I also specifically wanted to write about Vincent's experience being cared for growing up. I think something that's culturally resonant with me (as an Asian American, and the eldest daughter to immigrant parents) is like, the ways families can and cannot say I love you—the quiet things that are done in place of a more direct expression of it. The way that while unspoken consideration can speak volumes, it can just as easily be invisible. But even now, writing this post, I feel like it's difficult for me to untangle the feelings and experiences I've had into something that feels sufficiently multifaceted.
Vincent has a different childhood from I do (it is probably worth noting that I do not project onto any of my characters, nor do I use them as a vessel to get my own experiences across). I think I'm just drawn to writing tricky/non-straightforward expressions of love, in general :) Sometimes that is the kind of love that resonates with me most.
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lowkeyrobin · 7 months
Hii, can you write some dating headcanons of Stevie? Nobody writes about him 😭
hello, and yes! ik on my masterlist/characters I write for I have it as platonic only but most of these could be read as platonic if you're older, I kept the more romantic ones at the bottom if that's cool so yeah 👍 I kept him & ruben as such bx I'm a little too old for them and I see them as like babies compared to me so yeah 💀 but I got you dw lol
STEVIE ; dating/platonic headcanons
warnings ; language, talk of familial abuse & neglect, alcohol, substances, use of f-slur (I can say it guys PLEASE)
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protecting him on the streets is a must
he's newer to this skating shit and "running around with thugs"
if he can't go home for whatever reason, he's got a home at your place or on the couch at motorz
ray locks you guys in and you're good for the night, he just can't give you the keys cause he doesn't wanna get fired
he vents to you whenever he needs to
at a point he gets all "wannabe hard boy" and shoves you away while he becomes a fucking hard-core alcoholic
"Dude, what the fuck did I do to deserve being shoved away?"
"Go away! Don't you ever fucking listen? Shut the fuck up! You're just like my mom!"
damn okay moody ass bitch
you stay up at night thinking about how you thought you were grateful for the whole 'fuckshit wrecking the car' thing because it changed both him, ruben, and fuckshit (and their relationships) for the better
for a while he forces you to just let him watch you skate and stuff because he's super unmotivated too and doesn't wanna spiral like before
but in time, he warms back up to it
he's the one borrowing your clothes tbh
the only thing you ever touch of his are hats that you steal to tease him
romantic stuff below!
you put stickers on his forehead 24/7
putting random braids in his hair for no reason in private
he's scared he'll be called a fag or smthn but yk he won't
he just has a touchy partner , it's normal lol
your relationship is purely wholesome, yall r like 13 so chill
nothing happened between him n estee either bc wtf was that scene jonah
you hand him a mixtape before you leave to go home titled "for stevie <3" and when I tell you he crumbled when he accepted that he was finally learning that he could trust you and let you in
like his family issues always had him fucked up but Ray was like "Dude that's not pussy shit??? they really like you, man"
he just sat there for a moment like "omg holy shit this isn't just some fake shit that'll last a month tops they actually give a shit"
he listens to it when he's skating alone and shit
always reminds to kiss from a rose or wonderwall
he learns a lot from you and takes it to heart, like he learns to just be a normal, functioning person in society and how to behave and act and shit
like he hasn't had anyone to rlly be there to correct his mistakes or beat his ass til you LMAO
like he learns actual life skills and shit from you like how to write checks and and how long to boil noodles it's honestly sad
mostly the hug-you-from-behind kinda guy bc he's still learning how to show his love and shit
gives you puppy dog eyes without even knowing it
he's just so mesmerized by you sometimes
idk this is all I got
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holeynightsky · 2 years
overthinking albums: midnights pt. 1
welcome back, lovelies! today's Long Rant is brought to you by all the beautiful RWBY art i've been seeing as we get hyped about vol9.
today, we'll be thinking way too hard about the lyrics and general vibe checks of taylor swift's midnights album, and how each song was specifically written with a RWBY character/relationship/arc in mind. this is going to be split into two parts, because i, ahem, hit the character limit for a text block post on tumblr.
(what's that? sorry, i can't hear you, but if you're suggesting the album was not in fact written about a niche animated show, i'm replying with shhhhhhhhh.)
the album can be found here on spotify, if you're interested in listening along.
lavender haze - okay guys we gotta start with a bumbleby song. and this one--whoo boy. are you kidding? hell yeah! you don't really read into / my melancholia.... i just wanna stay in that / lavender haze. i mean come on. can't you just see blake singing about yang? staring into her eyes? the epitome of sapphic love??? also, obsessed with the way adam didn't scare yang off in conjunction with the line they're bringing up my history / but you weren't even listening. i know it's not a one-for-one match but i'm gonna die on that hill.
maroon - bear with me for this pain, but: a jaune-grieving-pyrrha song. the visual of the two of them over time, all those shades of red... the tension just before and during the vytal festival arc (how the hell did we lose sight of us again? / sobbing with your head in your hands / ain't that the way shit always ends).... jaune in the forest during vol4 (and i wake with your memory over me / that's a real fuckin' legacy)... him standing in front of her statue, finally putting his ghosts to rest (the rust that grew between telephones / the lips i used to call home / so scarlet it was maroon)
anti-hero - a hot take, but i feel like this is a song for oz/oscar/ozma. i have this thing where i get older but just never wiser is him struggling under the weight of everything he knows and all the ways he's fucking it up anyway. not to mention this whole thing: i end up in crises / tale as old as time / i wake up screaming from dreaming / one day i'll watch as you're leaving / 'cause you got tired of my scheming / for the last time. i--i don't even think i need to explain this one? are we good to move on?
snow on the beach - a qrow/clover song. you might think this is qrow thinking about clover, because of lines like you wanting me / tonight feels impossible--but ohoho, slow down there my friend. i will die on my headcanon hill that clover was just as traumatized as qrow, just with different coping mechanisms, and that he was absolutely whipped within hours of meeting him. plus, qrow just deserves at least one (1) nice thing--and don't you want to see him getting all flustered and happy when someone else looks at him and thinks of the lines i searched 'aurora borealis green' / i've never seen / someone lit from within / blurring out my periphery? akjsdbfkasjfh and the pause after can this be a real thing, can it? with their hands gently brushing.... hello? my heart?
you're on your own, kid - yang. yang alllllll the way. am i maybe projecting the oldest-female-child-syndrome? yep. but i mean--oh my god how could it not be??? i didn't choose this town / i dream of getting out / there's just one who could make me stay doesn't have to be romantic. that can be her thinking of ruby. my friends from home don't know what to say / i looked around in a blood-soaked gown / and i saw something they can't take away is living at the dorms in vale and leading up to the fall of beacon, 'cause there were pages turned with the bridges burned / everything you lose is a step you take is her recovering her confidence in vols 4 & 5. you're on your own, kid / yeah, you can face this / you're on your own, kid / you always have been is that moment where she steps past raven and ventures into the spring portal alone...... i'm simply not okay.
midnight rain - raven and ty. we were all thinking it, right? i mean. i mean. how could it be anything else? my town was a wasteland / ... / my boy was a montage / a slow-motion, love potion / ... / i broke his heart 'cause he was nice. the way she left but didn't feel guilt that we really see at any point in the show? he wanted it comfortable / i wanted that pain / he wanted a bride / i was making my own name pretty much sums up that dynamic. ty is a himbo and i love him but as soon as we met raven i was like "oh, obviously that wasn't gonna work." also, i peered through a window / a deep portal, time travel / all the love we unravel / and the life i gave away is so perfectly on the nose it's not even funny.
question...? - blake and ilia!! blake! and! ilia! specifically, ilia being bitter as she watches blake move through various relationships with various levels of health, and never once look at her. good girl, sad boy / big city, wrong choices / we had one thing going on / i swear that it was something / 'cause i don't remember who i was before you. or, or!! she was on your mind / with some dickhead guy / ... / it was one drink after a another / fucking politics and gender roles / and you're not sure and i don't know / got swept away in the gray. i simply cannot. i shall pass away before i ever make my peace with this level of pining.
stay tuned for part two, coming soon! <3
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ribellaione · 5 years
if Blake feels comfortable enough around you she will absolutely use you as a pillow and just pass out on you in the weirdest of ways half the time and it's great why would you even try to wake her when she does
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nightkarmaqueen · 3 years
Hello! Can I request an MC who is quiet most of the time and sings songs to herself when no one is looking? Ikevamp Comte Leonardo and Shakespeare?
Melodies Behind the Blinds
----- Melodies Behind the Blinds || Ikemen Vampire (Comte, Leonardo, Shakespeare) x F! Reader (MC)
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Summary : Maybe only heaven knows how the angels sing. But when they heard the voice of an angel they loved singing behind the curtain, they couldn't help but fall in love even more.
WC : 772 Words (Comte), 683 Words (Leonardo), and 802 Words (Shakespeare).
Warning : Grammar errors, mischaracterization, etc.
A/N : Please ignore how I put Taylor Swift songs and various disney songs in this story. By the way, I found my old post with the same theme as the request. So I decided to add a bit of short fiction after the headcanons, I hope you don't mind. I also want to apologize since I haven’t finish both Comte and Shakespeare route so I’m afraid I would ruin the characterization of the suitors. Also, My shakespearean is suck, I really am sorry. Thank you for waiting and please do enjoy what I write below.
Comte de St. Germain
Comte knows best that you’re not the type of person who talk a lot.
He can't force you to talk and he can't shock you either because you'll have a heart attack and have more trouble of speaking.
He even talks about this to the other resident of the mansion and forbids them to surprise you or force you to say something you don't want.
On the other hand, however, Comte was very grateful that you would at least open up to him. If you talk to him, he will listen carefully with a warm, gentle smile on his face.
That day, the mansion was very quiet somehow. You didn't even hear Dazai and Arthur making a fuss at Isaac.
But one thing you know, Comte was attending one of the tea gathering that other noble vampires are holding. He won't be back any time soon.
At least, that's what you think.
Since Sebastian was taking care of Blanc and Rouge supplies in the town, the kitchen was completely yours.
You made the kitchen your hidden stage, remembering that you were alone.
If you look at the clock, it's still far from dinner time. So there is no harm to sing a bit, isn’t it?
You were singing with a sweet smile, circling the kitchen from the stove to the counter. You danced around like in a fairytale movie.
Without you knowing it, your singing was heard all the way to the dining room.
As if captivated by the sweet sound of sirens, Comte tilted his head, curious at the source of the voice he had heard.
"Oh dear, she often sings secretly like this?"
After you finish the song, the Comte gives you a round of applause, leaving you blushing in embarrassment and surprise. You have to be careful next time.
     You hummed softly to yourself as you cleaned the kitchen you previously used to cook lunch. Every now and then you release your voice and sing a few lines of lyrics from a couple of songs.
     You stopped singing when you're done wiping the counter and see your reflection on the marble surface. You chuckled to yourself before you finally humming again and doing your other chores.
     Meanwhile, Comte stepped from the foyer into the dining room. He knew Sebastian was in town, so he looked for other creatures in the mansion to at least welcome him back.
     Comte did return a bit early as the health of the host that hosting the gathering was not good. He didn't really mind that. In fact, he's glad he could at least get back to you soon.
     As soon as he opened the dining room door, Comte immediately heard a very beautiful singing voice. Of course, he immediately recognized the voice. It's your voice. She’s hiding this beautiful singing voice from me? he thought.
     He thought, perhaps because you were alone, you were more freer to express yourself and sing with your hidden yet beautiful voice. "Oh dear, she often sings secretly like this?"
     Comte walked slowly to the kitchen, not letting a single footstep be heard. He peeked a little to see you, found you sweeping the kitchen floor while humming to yourself.
     “I’ve been dreaming of a true love’s kiss, and a prince I’m hoping comes with this~”
     Hearing the lyrics of the song you sing, Comte tried hard to contain his chuckles. For a moment, he lets you continue your private concert, knowing you haven't noticed his existence.
     “So to spend a life of endless bliss, just find who you love through true love’s kiss~”
     Seeing your pretty smile after you finished the song, Comte couldn’t help but remain silent. He came out and stood in the kitchen doorway.
     You jumped when you suddenly hear someone’s applause. You automatically turned around to see who it was. It could be dangerous if it was Arthur or Dazai.
     "Comte?!" Your eyes widen and heat begins to rise to your cheeks. But at least you're grateful it's Comte. "I-I thought you were at the Comtesse de La Motte's mansion with the other noble vampires?"
[ Learning While Simping With Me : I’m searching some history figures to match this story and I think Comtesse de La Motte was the most suitable figure to be a noble pure blood vampire. And she’s an adventurer like rl Comte de St. Germain. ]
     “Ma cherie, I have no idea you have such an enchanting voice.” Instead of answering your question, he makes the blush on your cheeks worse.
     "I-I didn't mean to hide it from you," you muttered shyly.
     Comte simply nodded, knowing that it was the truth. "By the way, do you still want to get your true love's kiss?"
     You jolted once again and looked up to meet his majestic golden eyes. "Comte!" you whined, didn't think he would continue to tease you after knowing your beautiful singing voice.
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Leonardo da Vinci
Everyone in the mansion knows you don't really talk much.
Every time you speak, your words sound soft and gentle.
I mean, who wants to talk about something unnecessary? Save your energy, dearest!
Even so, Leonardo is the one who hears your voice more often than the others. Even your nagging voice that almost no other vampire in the mansion could hears.
"Cara mia, I'll be back at 5 for dinner, The instrument shop owner in town needs my help."
Well, he's the Jack of All Trades after all. There wasn't a person in town who didn't know Leonardo. That's the greatness of your lover.
After giving you a bye-bye kiss, Leonardo immediately went out to the town. As for yourself, you took a deep breath with the cleaning utensil in your hand.
For what? Of course, to clean your lover's room which is always messy, no matter how many times you tidy it up.
One thing that even Leonardo didn't know was your beautiful singing voice.
Soft, gentle and sweet.
You'll always be singing to yourself every time you're alone and doing long works that will bore you.
Songs from the 21st century? Songs from the 19th century where you live now? Or just the tunes of the song you often hear from Mozart's room? You name it! You're like having your own concert when you're alone.
And when Leonardo accidentally heard your singing voice he immediately fell silent as if enchanted by your voice.
Leonardo will not interrupt your song. He will continue to wait for you, listening to you until you aware of his existence.
     A smile on his face, Leonardo can't wait to see you again and hug you after half a day apart. His steps down the hall of the mansion felt light. Of course, nothing can make you happier than being with the person you love after a tiring day.
     “When it’s my turn? Wouldn’t I love, love to explore that shore up above~”
     Just as he was about to push the door to his room, which was not completely closed, Leonardo immediately halted when he heard the voice of a woman who was none other than you singing beautifully.
     Wanting to confirm that it was your voice, Leonardo opened the door slowly. There, he sees you singing the song with his books in hand and tidying them up on the shelves.
     Leonardo knows you don't talk much because you're shy and stuff. But when he heard the soft golden voice coming out of your more often locked lips, there was a certain euphoria in his heart. He knows you only sing to yourself because your singing voice is low but very sweet to his ears.
     You paused for a moment when you reached the climax of the song you were singing. You lowered your voice which even Leonardo could barely hear. “Out of the sea. Wish I could be part of that world…”
     You finished arranging the last book in your hands as you finished singing, smiling faintly and sweetly to yourself. You turned around, intending to go out and help Sebastian prepare dinner. You're sure Leonardo will be back soon to—
     “Goodness!” You jumped in surprise when you see the figure of your lover already standing in the doorway, smiling at you. "Leo?!"
     Realizing the possible reason Leonardo was there, you blushed furiously. “S-since when were you there?!”
     "Who knows? It's not that important, yes?" Leonardo chuckled in his seductive voice. "Won't you give me a welcome kiss?"
     You walked up to him with your burning cheeks. “I-if you heard something earlier… uh, forget what you just heard, okay?” you plead.
     "My, why? I was so surprised when I heard you sing alone. Do you do it often? I thought an angel came down from heaven in my room. Apparently the angel is my compagna."
     Feeling your face about to explode from the heat, you immediately buried yourself on his chest. You thought it would cool your cheeks, but it didn't because the sweet smell of cigarillos clinging to him made you blush even more.
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William Shakespeare
If Shakespeare wanted to, he could get anything from you.
If you're willing to give it, you'll give it. But if you don't want to, then Shakespeare has two options.
He can let you be and choose to give in. Or he can force you in various ways. That's one of the reasons why he's called a yandere, isn't he?
Including your voice when you're singing so beautifully. All the tragedies that were in his mind seemed to be erased for a while. Because there is only heaven that he saw when he heard your voice.
Like an addiction, this is one of the reasons that triggers Shakespeare's heart to be able to hear your voice again.
Shakespeare may brag of it to his acquaintances  proudly or he may make your voice for yourself and for himself.
For the second option, if Shakespeare doesn't let other people hear your beautiful voice, then he will use your shyness as an excuse.
That day, the household had a visitor. But since you have no very important business with the guest, you choose to return to your lover’s room after preparing tea for the two.
To kill some times, you pulled one of the play scripts that Shakespeare wrote in his human life from the shelf.
You pulled a script with the title "Romeo and Juliet". There is nothing happier than being able to read the original script of the most legendary story, right? You sat yourself on the bed and enjoy your time reading the script.
Before you know it, you started to sing a song you've known from your time. You deliberately lowered your voice so that it wouldn't be heard by those in the living room and disturbed them.
Even so, Shakespeare can still hear your faint voice. After he escort his guest to the door, your lover immediately came to find you who was peacefully reading in his room.
Just like Comte and Leonardo, Shakespeare will let you finish what you sing and let you notice his existence yourself.
You only realized Shakespeare was there when Puck jumped into your lap.
"Let the seven heavens beest the witness, how can a story full of tragedy like yond beest did maketh into a very quite quaint tunes as if it have a joyous ending?"
Hang in there, your cheeks will be really blushing afterwards.
     "It's an honor to beest able to talk over tea, gentleman. I wilt ponder the giveth thee hath't did tender me," Shakespeare said with his knowing smile.
     After his guest disappeared behind the gate, Shakespeare immediately closed the door of his residence. He was silent for a moment, trying to hear the very, very small and hard to hear tunes. " I bethink, the curtain yond hath been did close for a long time is opening again but with a quite quaint ending."
     In the playwright's room, you're still enjoying your reading session of the script you found on the shelf. Even in various versions of Romeo and Juliet, you always like the ball dance part where the two main characters meet. It triggers your memory of a song from your time.
     “Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone. I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run. You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess. This a love story, baby, just say, “Yes”.” You sing in a very low and gentle voice. There's no way you jump around and sing the song. You can't even imagine it.
     "Oh? Puck, what's wrong?" you asked when a rabbit suddenly jumped into your lap, where you put the script of the play you were reading.
     After getting your attention, Puck jumped back to the floor. Your eyes followed his movements until he rubbed his body with his owner's feet.
     In shock, you raised your eyes, realizing that Shakespeare was already smiling warmly at you. "Will?! S-since when—?”
     "Let the seven heavens beest the witness, how can a story full of tragedy like yond beest did maketh into a very quite quaint tunes as if it have a joyous ending?"
     Noticing your still surprised figure and your blushing cheeks, Shakespeare chuckled. “Ah, i'm mine most humble apology for surprising this lovely nymph. I didn't expect thee to sing so beautifully like yond. Do you always hide your lovely voice behind the blinds, dearest?” Shakespeare asked you.
     “I-I just remembered a song from my time, so I sang it,” you reply, whether it's a truth or a lie. “I'm sorry if it bothers you.”
     Shakespeare nodded. He walked over and sat beside you. His cold hand caressed your cheek warmly. “Don’t be, darling. Thither is nay sweeter tragedy when it is sung by thee. Even a tragedy can be heaven for me.”
     Like I said, hang in there. The day after, he will continue to tease you.
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Have a nice day/night. See you at the next work!
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Midnight Quidditch Games | Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry Potter x Gryffindor!Reader (written with a female reader in mind, though the gender is not stated)
Wordcount: 3800 words
Warnings: none, just fluff and friends-to-lovers
Summary: Fred and George come up with the idea of hosting illegal Quidditch Games for all four houses every Friday night. Harry convinces Reader to play with him and they end up on the same broom.
a/n: No Voldemort Au, set in Harry's fifth year. English is not my native language, so there might be spelling/grammar mistakes. (Based on a headcanon by @/ murphcooper on tumblr)
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Friday was my favourite day of the week, and there were two reasons for that: One, it was the start of the weekend, and two, we played Quidditch.
Up until fifth year, the most I had to do with the popular wizarding sport was cheering at the official school games for the Gryffindor team and attending the Quidditch World Cup in 1994. Then Fred and George came up with a very illegal, yet very exciting and fun idea, which was to host unofficial Quidditch games in the middle of the night that any student could attend. Whether it were First Years who could barely fly, or simple people that never made it onto their house's team, anyone was welcome.
The twins had planned it the first two months of their sixth year together with Quidditch fans from the other houses and had created lists for every common room, which wouldn't be readable by the teachers or Filch.
“It's illegal! What if something happens? What if someone gets hurt, how do you want to explain that to Dumbledore, or worse, to Professor McGonagall,” Hermione argued as soon as Fred and George had prompted their idea to us one Sunday evening.
“I'm disappointed. Do you really think we would work that sloppy?”, Fred asked.
“The house elves are in,” George explained. “Which means free food and free healthcare, all in one!”
“Awesome,” Ron said, and he should be proven right.
The only rules to attend were the duty to remain silent and to come in your pyjamas, just for the sake of it. Gryffindors and Ravenclaws would be playing against Hufflepuffs and Slytherins, Lee Jordan would be commenting as always and because Madam Hooch wasn't available, Hermione would be our judge. This was decided unanimously.
The first two games had occurred at the end of November, and they had been a complete mess. We had to raise the number of players on each team so everyone who wanted to play fit in, which led to three Keepers, six Chasers, four Beaters and two Seekers for each house. Furthermore, there had been a dozen of first years who couldn't fly yet and who had to be taught by voluntaries.
Those first two Friday nights I had spent with Lee, Hermione, Luna and Dobby on the commentary stand, cheering and eating chocolate biscuits. Once in a while, I had thrown a biscuit in the air for Harry to catch.
Because of the bone-chilling cold and pitch-black darkness brought by the Scottish winter, Fred and George had invented glass bulbs which carried bright orange, warm fire and hovered over the Quidditch pitch.
With the first Friday of December approaching, the excitement grew bigger and it was basically the only topic during every meal. Now that the rules and positions had set and the First Years could fly, we were awaiting the first serious game – as serious as playing Quidditch in pyjamas with Hermione as a judge could be.
“You have to play, too,” Harry said to me during lunch on Friday. My friends had tried all week to persuade me to play instead of only keeping Hermione company, while I had constantly declined.
“Yes, come on,” Ron agreed. “We know you can fly, you played with us this summer.”
“No, no way.” I shook my head and pulled the pumpkin juice jug closer.
“Why not?”, Harry asked, covering my glass with his hand. I raised my eyebrows, but he only grinned, which made my stomach tingle. But I glossed over the unwanted feeling and shoved his hand away.
“Because all positions are filled. And besides that, I would be a terrible Chaser,” I answered. “Or a terrible anything, really.”
“You could play as a Seeker,” Hermione suggested and poured herself a drink. “You're good at noticing details.”
“But Harry and that boy from third year are playing as Gryffindor Seeker,” I reminded her, cutting my toast in half.
“You could fly with Harry,” She said plainly. I stared at her with wide eyes. I should had known the moment I had told Hermione about my not-so-tiny crush on Harry that it had been a bad idea. Now she did what I should had expected: Trying to set me up with him.
“No, I – no.”
“But I wouldn’t mind,” Harry said. “And if you don't like it, I can drop you off at the stands again. Come on Y/N, say yes.” He nudged my shoulder, looking at me with sweetest puppy eyes. I couldn't say no to him, he knew that. I sighed.
A content smile lit up on his face. “Brilliant.”
Around half past nine, we made our way out of the castle and down to the Quidditch pitch. Harry, Ron, Ginny, Fred and George, as well as a dozen other Gryffindor students had their brooms shouldered, following me and Hermione through the dimly lit corridors.
“I solemnly swear that I am up to no good,” I whispered, tapping the Marauders Map, which soon revealed Hogwarts’ grounds, ink lines flowing over the parchment. Filch was strolling around in his office, and so was Snape. McGonagall’s ink dot hovered in the East tower of the Fourth Floor. “Everything’s clear, but keep quiet,” I informed the others.
Hermione linked her arms with me.
“How are you?”, She asked, a knowing smile on her lips.
“Shut up. What was that at lunch?”
“Oh, come on, I just said what you were thinking. Everybody knows you have a thing for each other,” She said, and I quickly turned to make sure Harry was still talking to Dean and Ginny. Hermione chuckled. “I made a bet with Ginny that you will kiss after catching the Snitch together,” She added.
I swirled back around. “You what?”
“But Ginny thinks you'll snog in a broom closet afterwards.”
Before I could reply anything, Harry had caught up with us.
“What are you two whispering about?”, He asked, leaning closer so I could smell his deodorant.
“Nothing,” I said and was glad that the darkness hid my tinted cheeks. Hermione let herself fall back, leaving Harry and me alone at the front of the group.
“You're a terrible liar,” He said.
“Says you. Remember last year when we had detention with Snape –”
Harry wrapped his left arm around my shoulders, pulling me unintentionally closer, and placed his hand over my mouth to stop me from talking any further.
“You promised you'd take that to the grave.”
I grinned and pulled his hand away, though his arm stayed around me.
We made it out of the castle without any inconveniences, thanks to Peeves, who – on orders from the twins – created some chaos in the trophy room and distracted McGonagall.
We were the first to reach the pitch, and Harry unlocked the door under the stands with the key on the necklace around his neck, which led to the changing rooms and the spare brooms. Fred and George had stored the fire bulbs under a loose floorboard and were now freeing them so they could fly over the pitch. Hermione directed her wand towards the sky, sending out a Muffliato Charm, then winked at me and climbed up to the commentary stand with Lee.
In the meantime, the other houses arrived; the Hufflepuffs were followed by a tiny body of house elves carrying fast food on tablets over their heads. They spread over the stands, consorting with the students watching the game and providing them with hot meals and drinks.
“Welcome back everyone!”, Lee's voice echoed over the pitch and the crowd cheered. “And also welcome to everyone new here who wants to play or just likes to break the rules.”
“Hello from me too. We have some new players I want to introduce,” Hermione continued. “Marina Florence playing Keeper for Slytherpuff, Arthur Mitchell deputizing for Gryffinclaw’s Chaser Demelza Robbins, who is currently stationed in the hospital wing, and Y/N playing Seeker for Gryffinclaw together with Harry Potter.”
“That's ridiculous! Since when are we playing in pairs?!”, Draco yelled out of the crowd of Slytherin players.
“Since I'm making the rules, you daft idiot!”, Hermione called back, and laughing echoed over the field. Ron's language was clearly leaving a mark on her. “Now get on your brooms, everyone!”
“Make sure you don't slip off your broom in those silk pyjamas, Malfoy, ” Fred snickered loudly, and Draco held up his middle finger.
Slowly, the huge crowd of players on the pitch flew up into the air, positioning themselves on the right spots. I turned to Harry, who climbed on his broom. That was the part I had avoided to think about all afternoon: How would we fly on that thing together?
My heart drummed so loudly against my ribcage it was a miracle he couldn't hear it. We were friends, I reminded myself. And I would not ruin this friendship for the sake of some stupid feelings.
“Come on, Y/N,” Harry said, stretching out his hand. I grabbed it, and he helped me to climb onto his Firebolt, so that I was sitting in front of him. His fingers gripped around the broom stick, not very far from where I had placed my hands.
“You alright?”, He asked and I nodded.
“Brilliant,” I said, and he chuckled. He then wrapped his left arm around my waist before he kicked us off the ground and the Firebolt shot through the cold night air. My back got pressed against his chest, his knees squeezing my thighs, and out of shock, I held onto his arm around me.
I hadn't flown since last summer, and even then it had only been on Ron's old broomstick a few feet above the earth. This here was the complete opposite: Harry's Firebolt was a hundred times faster, and it barely took us three seconds to be the ones flying the highest over the stadium.
“I got you, everything's fine,” Harry said somewhere close to my ear as he had noticed my hand clenched around his arm, and a warm shiver ran down my spin. I looked down on the Quidditch pitch.
“It never looks that high when I’m down there,” I said.
“Are you afraid of heights?”, He asked, but I shook my head.
“No.” Not with you. I could feel his heart beating against my back and absently stroked over his hand on my waist, until Hermione's voice ripped me out of my thoughts.
“Okay, I want a fair game and no injuries, is that clear? And show some respect to the youngest players! Now ready, steady, GO!” With a wave of her wand, the trunk with the Quidditch balls snapped open and the Quaffle flew high into the air, followed by two Bludgers. For a short moment, I saw the Golden Snitch, then it rushed off into the darkness.
“So, what do we do now? Any secret strategies?”, I asked.
“No,” Harry answered, placing his chin on my shoulder. “We just wait and watch.”
A tingling warmth spread through my body at the subtle touch. Gently, Harry steered the broom around the pitch, while the others beneath us played.
“Katie wins the Quaffle – passes to Montgomery – Rick close to score, come on – YES, Gryffinclaw scores 10 points!”, Lee bellowed and loud applause erupted. “And Slytherpuff in possession – Blaise with the Quaffle – Josephine Gordon from Hufflepuff takes over, excellent Chaser that girl, and rather attractive – OW, I'm just stating facts!”
Hermione had smacked Lee on the back of his head.
“Anyways, Blaise in possession once again – now First Year Conan Ivory – Smith overtakes – and he scores. Ron, look at the Quaffle, not at Hermione – OW! – But Gryffinclaw still leads – Ginny overtakes – fights off some Slytherins – hey, careful Harry, Bludger coming your way –”
Harry quickly leaned over me and the Firebolt dropped a few meters, dodging the Bludger rushing over our heads. George (or Fred?) darted after the ball, calling a quick “Watch it, lovebirds!” at us, and hit the Bludger towards a Slytherin Chaser.
The other twin was close behind, shouting “Less snogging, more seeking!”
“Shut it!”, I yelled. For Merlin's sake, did everyone knew about my crush? Was it really that obvious for everyone except Harry? Not that I wanted him to find out – he would be embarrassed, he didn't think of us as anything other than friends.
Harry's arm slipped from my waist and he cleared his throat, but a broomstick did not provide much space, wherefore his chest was still pressed against my back and I could feel his rather fast heartbeat.
“Do you, uhm... want me to drop you off?”, He asked.
“Oh. Uh, no,” I said, trying to turn so I could face him, “I like it, but if you want to –”
“No! No, I just thought...” Harry’s eyes danced over my face like they had never before and we were quite close.
“ – Applebee has the Quaffle - and that's a score! Sixty to sixty!”, Lee called, and Hermione blew her silver whistle. I ripped my eyes off of Harry and looked down to the commentary stand. “Now, we’re gonna have a short break, because Dobby thinks you're gonna starve otherwise. All the first and second years are asked to go back to their dorms, because it's almost midnight – don't complain to me –”
Harry carefully steered his Firebolt back to the ground where he landed near Ron and Ginny. I climbed off and was glad to be spared an awkward conversation, because Ginny grabbed my arm and pulled me to the side of the pitch. The sudden loss of Harry's warm chest made me shiver.
“Now, have you ever thought about making out in a broom closet?”, She asked, a mischievous grin on her reddened face. I rolled my eyes at her.
“Hermione told me about the bet, so don't even try! No one's gonna make out in a broom closet,” I said.
“Except you and Harry,” Ginny replied. I opened my mouth to talk back, but was interrupted.
“What’s going on with you and Harry?” Cho had caught up to us, snatching a plate with fish and chips from a tablet an house elf carried through the crowd. “I have watched you, it's adorable, honestly.”
“First off, there's nothing to be adorable,” I said and stole a fry from her plate, “and second, you are supposed to watch the Snitch, not us.”
“So is Harry, but he only has eyes for you.” Cho smiled and tapped my nose with her finger. Ginny giggled and ate a piece of fried fish. In the same moment, Hermione breathlessly jogged up to us.
“What – were – you – waiting – for?”, She panted. I furrowed my brows.
“Huh?” Hermione sighed and shook her head.
“You were this close to kiss him, why didn't you do anything?”
“Is my love life this much more interesting the Quidditch game?!”
All three girls answered “Yes” in union.
“But he doesn't feel the same way for me!”, I argued. “We are friends –”
Ginny grabbed me by the shoulders and turned me around. “Do friends look at each other that way? I don’t think so.”
Harry stood a few feet away with Ron, Seamus and Dean, though he seemed not to listen to their conversations and instead stared over at us. At me. When he realised he had been caught, he waved shyly and almost spilled his pumpkin juice. I waved back at him before turning to the girls again, all of whom were looking temporising at me.
“Oh, I – I don't know. Even if you're right, I can't just kiss him out of nowhere on his broom.”
“No, you gotta snog him in a broom closet so I get my Galleon,” Ginny said smugly, and Hermione nudged her with her elbow and looked at her watch, before blowing her whistle again.
“Everyone back on their positions, break's over!” Then Hermione shot me a serious look. “Get the boy, we're all done of you pining over one another. Ron can get the other boys to crash somewhere else, if you need the dorm.”
“Hermione!”, I gasped, but she was already rushing back to the commentary stand.
“Good luck,” Cho said, and Ginny winked. I glared at them before making my way over to where the Gryffindor boys stood. I saw how Ron said something to Harry, patted his shoulder and flew off.
Harry turned to me, smiling. His hair was even messier than usual due to the wind, and he had put on a black hoodie over his pyjamas. He looked cute and hot at the same time, and I couldn't quite believe that he was supposed to like me back.
“Do you want to – or?”, He asked.
“Yeah,” I smiled and he got on his Firebolt, making space in front of him for me.
“Good. I mean –” He cleared his throat as I climbed on his broom. The next second, we were high up in the air, his chest against my back again.
“Okay, guys, game's on again! Go!”, Hermione shouted and waved her wand at the Quaffle, which flew upwards and was caught by Ginny instantly.
“And we're back – Katie passes the Quaffle to Valentina – She flawlessly dodges a Bludger – Back to Peters, almost made it onto the Ravenclaw team – and he scores! SEVENTY TO SIXTY.”
I took a deep breath and leaned back against Harry, watching the game unfold. He propped his chin back onto my right shoulder, like an unspoken routine.
“I think I'm gonna play again next Friday,” I said out of the blue.
“Really?”, He asked, sounding surprised. I smiled. The crowd underneath us cheered.
“Yes. If you save me a place on your broomstick.” I turned to look at him, and he smiled brightly at me. We were as close as earlier, maybe even closer. I held my breath, until I noticed something small and golden buzzing through the air behind Harry, illuminated by one of the fire bulbs.
“There!” I pointed at the Golden Snitch, and Harry's head spun around to assure himself.
“Do you trust me?”, He asked.
“Of course,” I replied. Instantly, his hand was back around my waist and he yanked the Firebolt around.
“ – Seamus throws the Quaffle to Dean – Dean passes Nott – and he scores! NINTHY TO EIGHTY FOR GRYFFINCLAW! And Potter seems to have spotted the Snitch, Draco, Cedric and Cho close behind – Come on, show them what that Firebolt can do!”, Lee's voice roared from somewhere deep down, but my eyes were glued onto the Snitch: It whirred through the ice cold December air and up to the left ring of the Slytherpuff team.
Malfoy had almost caught up to us; even though the Firebolt was the fastest broomstick on the market, it was obviously slower when carrying two people instead of one.
The Snitch twirled around the pole, then dropped down and headed for the floor. Harry followed, and now we where almost vertically flying downwards. Because of the sudden shift of direction, I swore loudly and clenched my hands tighter around the broom.
“I won't let you fall, I promise,” Harry called over air rushing past us.
“I know, but a warning would have been nice!”, I yelled back, and he chuckled.
The weight of two people on one broomstick also meant that we got dragged downwards way faster, which meant we were outdistancing Malfoy. The Golden Snitch took a sharp right turn and now buzzed two meters above the ground to the other side of the pitch.
“You have to catch it!”, Harry yelled.
“WHAT? No, I can't –”
“Yes, you can! I have to steer!” And hold you. But he did not say that. I swore under my breath and carefully loosened one hand from the broomstick, stretching it forward. The Snitch was inches away from my fingertips and I pushed myself up, Harry's grip around my mid tightening. The silver wings touched my fingers, I stretched my arm further and in the same moment my hands clasped around the tiny, golden ball, we fell forward.
“ – And that doesn't look – Oh, Potter and Y/L/N are on the ground. I can't really see, if someone caught the Snitch –”
As one tangled mess, we landed on the frozen lawn, rolling over one another and stopping with Harry half on top of me. My whole body ached and I would definitely get bruises from the fall, but that was something I could worry about later. I caught the Snitch!
“Shit, sorry, fuck. Y/N, are you alright?” Harry's face hovered over me, a bloody scratch on his cheek. I grinned happily and held up the golden ball.
“Yeah, more than alright.”
“Y/N caught the Snitch! TWOHUNDRED AND FORTY TO EIGHTY! Gryffinclaw wins!”, Lee bellowed and the crowd cheered and applauded loudly. Harry held out one hand to help me up, and I took it.
“I'm sorry, I know I promised, but I couldn't hold you any longer and –”
“Shut up.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him full on the lips. My hands found their way into his raven hair, and he hugged my waist, pulling me so tightly his fingers almost touched his own rips with the opposite hand. I kissed him, and he was kissing me back; it felt like someone had lit a firework in my heart, and for one marvellous moment, we were the only two people in the whole wide world.
Then the other players landed on the field, and we broke apart, catching our breaths. We were both grinning, and I felt drunk from the cold night and catching the Snitch and kissing Harry.
The raven haired boy bent down to kiss me once more, this time softer, and he intertwined our fingers before leading us over to our friends, where Ginny flicked a Galleon into Hermione's open hand.
“Took you long enough,” Ron said, who had both his and Harry's broomstick shouldered.
“Well, they got around in the end,” Cho added, leaning against Cedric, his chin propped on her head. “Sleepover at the Ravenclaw dorm?”, She added, and we all nodded in agreement.
While Fred, George and Lee collected the fire bulbs and Quidditch balls, and the house elves cleaned up the dirt with a snap of their fingers, we made our way back to the Hogwarts castle:
Ron alongside Hermione, followed by Seamus and Dean arm-in-arm, Cho with Cedric, one arm around her waist, Ginny carrying a tired Luna on her back, and lastly, Harry and me, holding hands.
“You know, I'm glad I agreed to play with you,” I said. Harry smiled.
“Yeah, me too.” He pressed a kiss on my cheek. In spite of the shivering cold, I had never felt more warm and comfortable than in this moment.
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idv-marythefairy · 3 years
Is your request open ? If yes, can I request for Naib general relationship headcanon ? (Like that Eli and Luca one)
Thank you and keep up your hardwork, don't forget to stay healthy and hydrated ❤️
of course you can!! requests are always open!! you too stay health and hydrated!! take care of yourselves, guys 😍!!
WARNING: the way i interpret naib’s personality is MY personal opinion and the vibes i get from his character build are MINE. whether you, guys, agree or not is your opinion and i respect that. please, don’t attack me in the comments!
naib was a very closed-off guy
it took everyone a bit of time to get him out of his shell and make him more sociable, approachable
he stuck around you because you offered him a sense of comfort
he always made you smile and laugh, that he considered -not his job- his duty his smile is SO freaking bright and suit him very much
this is one of the reason you fell HARD (i mean, me too and everybody else like-)
he can be very childish but knows when to be serious
you can sometimes hear him cheer for everyone in the lobby including himself and you
he’s never actually fell in love before and the things you made him feel kind of... scared him
one day, you didn’t notice his cheerful and bright presence... actually you didn’t even see him at all
he had locked himself in his room and refused to get out
no, but, like, why did he feel like this when he was around YOU?
what is this feeling he is unable to explain?
you thought that maybe he hadn’t woken up yet and let it go for the time being but noticing how time passed and there was no sign of the mercenary with that big and beautiful smile on his face made you worry a lot
you approached norton who only told you that he was just as worried as you
you two went to confront him 
when you reached his room, you knocked three times but unfortunately you received no reply
what was going on?
“naib? are you sleeping?” 
he refused to reply... how could he when you made his heart pulsate so fast and his mind go blank?
he just tightened the blanket he had wrapped around his skinny silhouette
“naib, are you in there?” 
“go away!”
he finally shouted
“naib, it’s me, norton. we came here because we’re worried about you! open the door and come outside to grab food!”
“i said: leave me alone!”
did you do something to him that may have caused this behavior?
you started rolling old memories to remember whether you actually said or did something to upset him but no, there was nothing...
“did we do something? please, answer us this at least!”
“no, now go! leave!”
norton put a stop to your outburst, it would only make naib feel worse
naib’s nature is quite complicated so the best thing to do was to just give him the space he needed
you really hoped that ou didn’t mess anything up for him to feel this way
“i’ll go talk to him later, okay? don’t worry about it, you know how naib is. i’m sure he’ll come out eventually! he wouldn’t want to miss out on the cake.”
a few hours later, you noticed that norton had disappeared which made you assume that he was talking to the moody mercenary
norton and eli were in naib’s dorm 
the two males could tell, from what naib told them, that he was... in love?
he didn’t take it well... he was... scared...
he decided to come out of his room (he was extremely anxious about it), ready to do the one and only thing he knew best: avoid you
eli and norton tried to get him to talk to you but naib was set on never speaking a word about his feelings towards you... he was scared that he would hurt you one way or another
but... he loves you so much...
no, he must remain strong, build walls and the feelings will eventually fade away
but NOPE :) the more he saw you the “worse” it got 
so he tried to avoid the matches in which he was paired up with you but norton and eli knew before naib could leave the Grand Hall and dragged him all the way to the lobby
well, he felt... awkward...
you tried to approach him and noticed that he was stiff and replied in a dry and cold manner and you decided to bug him no more about it
although you did feel very bad about leaving him at that and not conversing his behavior further
in the match you went to decode with him, hoping that he would talk to you about what’s on his mind but instead he... left...
“help me!” you shouted at him, thinking that he would turn to help you decode but he didn’t budge... he just left and didn’t look back
you had been crushing on him for a while now and this behavior upset you a lot
it was the worst thing he could do to you and i’m not going to lie, he thought of the same thing 
his plan wasn’t to hurt but he guessed that this was all he was good at: hurting others
he just wanted to return back to normal, eliminate his feelings for you and instead of just allowing them, leaving them be and just tell you already, he just chickened out, he let his fears overtake him
norton and eli had a plan... a good one too
they insisted on naib telling you how he truly felt but seeing how the mercenary refused to do so, they decided they were going pull a little trick on him AND, unfortunately, you too
norton handed a note to naib that requested a place and time to meet him
the same note was passed to you too
you two came to that spot at the same time and trust my when i say that you both didn;t want to be there at that time
norton tricked you... didn’t he?
“naib, please don’t leave.”
before he could make a move, you grabbed the back of his jacket and prevented any possible attempt of him running away for the billionth time
“just tell me what’s going on!”
he was pretty emotional about it but eventually told you
well, that was... unexpected...
he’s not a bad lover, he embraced you and your relationship a tad bit slow but he did in the end
he’s not a big PDA fan but will show affection when he thinks it’s needed
don’t expect long and passionate kisses in front of others, he reserves those for when you two are alone
he can get a bit jealous and possessive and all you need to do is cuddle him
he’s a small spoon for the most part, he doesn’t mind being the big one though, don’t get me wrong on this one
his love, i imagine, is this pure and sweet type of love that can make angles cry
naib is a very soft and sweet guy
he can switch to being intimidating and cold when he feels that either of you or your relationship is being threatened and will do anything to remove whatever is blocking your guys’ path
big fan of giving you head pats, lifting you up and spinning you around and playfully pinching your cheek
“look at that baby face, your cheeks are so squishy!!” “STAHHHHHP!!!!”
he takes you out on very cute dates, he takes you stargazing, for a walk in the forest, you guys make flower crowns for each other (you showed him how to make one bc my baby was so clueless </3)
you guys have MANY inside jokes and can make a pretty chaotic duo once you get used to your relationship
you two are just like me and my best friend: laugh ALL the time at the most childish thing, SUPER chaotic and the dumb type of funny (hi eve, i just wanted to tell you η μάνα σου :) <3)
you two bully the hunters (depends on who it is actually)
you listen to music together, hang out together a lot and play video games together
he lets you play with his hair and style them as much as you wish as long as you let him play with yours too, ofc
he tries to bake your favorite sweets and meals but he gets to a point where he just feels as he’ll burn the kitchen so you can guess that he requires assistance, YOUR assistance when it comes to using the kitchen to make something
you two can’t sit in one place for not even a second so you take this opportunity to do a lot of crazy things
you dye each other’s hair, paint each other’s nails and do each other’s make-up
you introduce him to whatever you’re passionate about and that helped him not only open up to you more but, also, share his very own interests with the only person he’s truly close with
if you say “no”, it’s a no, he won’t even think about pushing you into something you don’t want/don’t feel comfortable with
he just wants to keep you safe and make you feel good 24/7
999/10 would recommend this guy, he’s dating material for me
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strawberry-nugget · 3 years
Oddly specific bnha headcanons
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Characters: Deku, Bakugo, Kirishima, Kaminari, Jirou, All Might, Endeavor, Hawks, Dabi
A/N: I'm finally back from my mini hiatus and I finally finished a part of my never ending cursed head canons and I also hit a new milestone so I feel like you all deserve this attempt of mine at comedy for the love I've been getting...I'm also sorry, this is a wild ride, and as you're reading you might wonder why did I make these? And the answer is, simply, because I can 😭, no lol though true... I'm soft so if these made you laugh and you leave an LMAO comment I'll think about it forever uwu. I've talked about most of these with my dear friend @aichiin, who is an amazing artist whom should support in all platforms uwu bye
Warnings: some of this content is NSFW, 18+, so if you're under 18 DO NOT INTERACT
Disclaimer: everyone is at least of 18 years of age
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• I can't explain why, and we've seen Endeavor texting shoto in canon but... I feel like probably his texts look like this: …..shoto why aren't you Answering your phone… 
….tell fuyumi to make you soba… . 
… ……are you still friends with that rude boy from school.. 
…I don't want any take out dont get any for me tell natsuo that I'm sorry and try to ask him if he's changed his mind about forgiving me.… 
• All might opens a Facebook account a month before the beloved class graduates as his way to keep on touch with everyone after they're off to fight crime and lives his life as the ultimate Facebook mom and thinks he's texting people but apparently posting on your Facebook wall isn't texting. He has probably made a thousand posts asking midoriya how it works until people just, they just, accept it, I guess, there's nothing else they can do. He uses the Facebook mom tulip emoji and writes in all cap. Give him credit for being so sweet tho. 
And probably it goes like this: "💞🥰🌷🤣WHAT AN AMAZING SUNDAY. GOOD MORNING YOUNG MIDORIYA HOW HAVE YOU BEEN" Ofc he will not hesitate to use all these emojis unironically, in fact, he doesn't know that is the ironic use of an emoji, leave him alone
Denki: mister al mght do we have english tomorrow ? 
Momo: @denki, no but we have literature, hello mister all might sir, have a nice day too
• I'm sorry for this but.... Midoriya, Denki and Kirishima probably lick their finger after they absolutely drill it in their noses but here's the deal
Midoriya inspects what he fished out like thoroughly, Denki dissociates while staring at it, and Kirishima does so straight out of his nose
• Someone told Shoto that Saiki K is based on true events and he genuinely believes it and tries to find Saiki K, claiming that he is the answer to all of his problems. Is very subtle about it tho.
• I think that in part one of these atrocious head canons we established that Keigo would willingly put effort to find the clit, right? Listen he probably asks what's the concept of the clit, like why is it outside and not inside- wait you have another spot inside, yeah? He's is so confused and for what? Won't stop for it mid sex but he searches reproduction organ anatomy later on on google because he brought some questions in his brain that need answers. On the clit. You heard me right.
• Dabi looks like he once had a break up that was so rough that he opened a Twitter just to drag the other person down. For once, I won't go into detail and will let your imaginations run wild. 
• I have to do a a cursed one for Bakugo right? Well yeah uhm, he probably was caught flexing his muscles in the mirror during vacation, totally naked too, by one of his friends in his group and screamed in a high pitched voice and picked up that little hotel room fridge to cover himself up and chased them around the hotel room until he just crushed the poor item. To the floor? Because he tried to use it as a cover up and it just slipped... It's even worse if the friend was a potential s/o. He'll scream like one of the screaming/simping TikTok sounds.
• Bakugo also really hates chairs. Idk why I have this headcanon, but I know it in my heart that this man, as an adult, only has those round weird- ish IKEA stools around the kitchen table that's all. No more chairs. Nothing.
• this is too self indulgent but Kirishima and Deku look like the people who, while washing forks, spoons etc they create whole stories about them and treat them like characters, and others would just look at them so confused as to why it takes 16 minutes to wash off a spoon and why are they also crying but you wouldn't understand. This spoon is Cinderella. Back off and let. them. finish. their. stories.
• I feel like Jirou has phases where she only wants to wear black but then she sees a nice pair of jeans and buys it, and then buys some more and then she gets mad about having blue jeans and she dyes them, but then she grows out of that phase for a few months and she tries to find ways to make the fabric paint fade away
• I also think that she, after spending a little time with Momo, spends money on a lot of clothes, and it's not like Momo buys too many clothes, but Jirou always wants to upgrade her wardrobe and ends up feeling lost on what she wants to wear
• Denki and Kirishima turn into the same person a little more every single time they hang out together. You'll listen to Denki say 'manly' all the time and Kirishima starts trying to find leather jackets that look cool on him, and just adopts Dennis speaking habits.
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sillydreamer · 3 years
Hello There! I'm so glad to have found your tumblr! I love your headcanons so much! Your writting is great and I can really imagine the characters doing/reacting like that in the canon! You got them pretty well! 💕
I hope you get more apreciation, because you truly have a talent for this! 💖
Now, about my request... I always wonder how would the Moonlight Lovers boys react (and possible relationship headcanon) to a Female MC that is an Assassin/Hitgirl? A woman that knows how to fight with weapons, shoot and stealth ways off eliminating/killing people?
If you don't mind doing this, of course!
Hope you have a nice day and take care! (And don't forget to drink water) 💙
ML boys with an assassin MC
That's a good idea tho, in any case here's the request and please don't forget to drink water too <3
PD:It's a little bit long so click more if you want to read :3
He had heard about these type of jobs, he had lived for a long time and probably has spoken with people that worked on these; but his girlfriend?
His first reaction is to hold her shoulders and shake her while his voice shivers with fear "Are you okay? That's a dangerous job!"
Vladimir is very protective and he'll ask her to quit and do anything but be safe. If he can't do it he'll just sigh and stay quiet.
It takes a while for him to get used to the idea but once he does it Vladimir gives her some advices about how to be safe and handles her some bandages just in case that things are out of control.
He doesn't go with her though, Vladimir just waits for his girlfriend to return but always asks for time and place, if Eloïse doesn't return by the time that she said he'll go out personally to take her back, without minding if the job is done or not.
Anyway Vladimir will listen to every work day (or night) that she has. They would sit at Vladimir's bed and he'll listen without interrupting (maybe he'll make a face of displeasure if Vladimir hears something that he doesn't like).
Every time he'll beg her to leave the job, it's dangerous and doesn't want to loose her one day.
When she told him about her job Belaith only felt curiosity. Like "Oh yeah? What type of guys you slide off? Have anybody discovered you?"
Indeed he's curious and wouldn't hesitate to make questions about the job. He's like a proud parent (somehow) and really feels good to see his girlfriend being strong enough to protect herself.
But don't confuse this with ignorance, he knows that is a hard job and over all; dangerous. He'll ask his girlfriend if she's doing good and when Beliath sees any type of injury he runs to get an aid kit and take care of everything himself or he'll ask Ethan to do it.
Wants to know everything about the jobs and if he sees that they are very dangerous he'll ask Eloïse if he can go too, just to make sure that everything's okay.
Beliath wouldn't intervene in any case, he just looks at her with a proud face, however if things are getting a little bit out of control he wouldn't doubt on getting involved, getting to the point that he doesn't mind on getting dirty if that means to protect who he loves the most.
He would ask Eloïse to train together in hand to hand combat, just to make sure that she can handle everything. As I said he cares about his girlfriend and believes that she's a strong woman, is just that sometimes he can't but worry a little bit.
He has a mini panic attack but hides it very well. it's a dangerous job and sometimes it doesn't end well by both parts...
Like Vladimir he heard about this job and felt that it was needed a strong mind to take someone's else life or that's needed to have a cold heart to don't think about the loved ones of the person's life that she just take away.
Now Raphael is all the time worried about your safety, his reaction in very similar to Vladimir but is more persuasive and gives some hints to indicate how much he wants Eloïse to quit and to be safe.
Sometimes he'll cry while hugging her because he's very worried and scared about what could happen if someday someone discovers her job.
If he can't make her quit Raphael will teacher her other ways of fighting or how to use her senses to be safe, also giving some advices about how to act without being suspicious.
Raphael needs to know when she's leaving and when she's coming back, not to be toxic is just that he needs to be prepared when the worst happens. If she doesn't return he'll ask for Aaron to seek her and bring her back, reminding him to don't risk himself too much.
When she returns he'll be the happiest person in the world, while making sure that she's alright Raphael's voice will ask gently if she needs anything.
Eloïse can tell him about her day/night of work without the fear to be interrupted, once she finishes a soft kiss will land at her lips, followed with a hug.
Aaron isn't scared or anything, he's just curious about how she ended up in that job. He used to be a mercenary and has quite experience in similar jobs and knows that something must happen for someone to end up in there.
He's more about asking questions like "How did you find that job? How you work?" Aaron understands that there's a difference between Eolise's job and his old occupations and wants to understand it. Once he does it then he'll start to worry about her safety, knowing that being a hitgirl involves a type of risk.
Unlike others this guy knows that he can't do much to stop her, instead of putting his energy in convincing her to quit Aaron just decides to help her and even train Eloïse.
Aaron might go with her sometimes and serve as a guardian, watching her back and kind of working as a team. Of course he doesn't want to get in the way and leaves his girlfriend be, just entering into action when it's really needed.
Don't get fooled; that Aaron leaves her be and helps Eloïse it doesn't mean that he's really pleased with the job.
If things are out of control he'll transform into his wolf form and scare the shit out of that person, perhaps Eloïse needs to ran behind them but at least she's alive (or at least that's what Aaron thinks).
He's more surprised than scared. She takes the bad guys? Like the videogames?
Then Ivan realizes that this is the real life and now the baby is worried "Has something happened? Are you hurt?" He hasn't live long enough to face these type of risks and acts more like a normal human would do.
Once his girlfriend calms him down or at least answers his questions he'll be impressed and proud; knowing that she's able to manage things by herself and being able to be cool makes him smile.
In any case Ivan doesn't go with her at the missions/work. First of all because he believes that he'll screw things up and that can put you in danger. Also Ivan doesn't want to control her life, if she's sure that she can do those things then he trusts her.
Really enjoys hearing the work experiences, it makes him feel like a child hearing someone else's stories. Still he's very worried but glad that she make it out without being hurt.
I have the feeling that Ivan would ask to be trained with these weapons, just in case that he needs to use them and also to spend some time together with his girlfriend.
Literally his response would be something like "What the fu-"
Ethan can't imagine the girl that pulled him out of his depression shell to be an actual killer and is paid for that, getting into dangerous situations but then turns into the sweetest person that he has ever met.
Doesn't make questions about how she get the job, some people´s past may be dark or with things that shouldn't be revealed. However if she wants to speak about it Ethan is pleased to hear everything.
Since he knows how to use guns it will be a new couple-thing to train with it and see who makes the best shots (until Vladimir gets mad with them for breaking a window lmao)
Doesn't mind getting a little bit dirty if that helps, he isn't very sensible to these type of things and if he can help then is better.
In case that Eloïse gets hurt he'll heal her right there and when they return to the mansion Ethan becomes a protective guy, always making sure that she's comfortable.
Probably teacher Eloïse a little bit about medicine just if she's alone and needs some medical procedure.
She's a killer? Great. Want me to hear about how I make Vladimir kill your parents, Eloïse? No but he doesn't make a huge deal about the hitgirl thing. Like Ethan he's more surprised that the cute face that he saw was actually something very dark.
Despite being surprised Neil doesn't make a huge scandal and acts like nothing ever happened, just asking if the job is doing well and if she has any troubles with it.
This man is old and has learned to use multiple weapons (even if he prefers to fight with his hands) and doesn't hesitate to show his knowledge to her, always making sure that she's ready for the worst scenario even possible.
May go to the work with her, just to see how's his girlfriend doing but don't get in the way (usually) and if Neil sees that she's not doing that good now be prepared for him to turn into a trainer.
Does this because he really loves the freedom that she has, but he can't leave her in the real word unprepared (How could you leave a child in a pool without teaching it how to swim?)
It's very supportive and doesn't ask her to quit, instead makes sure that she's stronger and looks like a proud dad when she achieves anything.
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Hello my old heart How have you been Are you still there inside my chest? I've been so worried You've been so still Barely beating at all Oh, don't leave me here alone Don't tell me that we've grown For having loved a little while Oh, I don't want to be alone I want to find a home And I want to share it with you - The Oh Hellos's "Hello My Old Heart"
This song goes really well with this Striker headcanon I have. The reason Striker gives Moxxie so much flack is because Striker used to be a lot like Moxxie in his past. Eventually a turning point in his life drove him to hide away his heart from the outside world.
Enter Solrina, and suddenly his heart is out in the open around the angel. He hates it, but at the same time it felt... nice? Perhaps he found someone who he could confide in, and to think it was a fallen angel.
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roccinan · 3 years
I was struck by an idea last night after reading one of your posts and it just wouldn't leave me alone! So during the Mint Heist, the Professor is supposed to be in his early 40s and Tokio in her late 20s approaching 30. So I'd assume there is a 13-15 year age difference between them. We also know from the first episode that Tokio started doing robberies as a teenager, with her older boyfriend.
Now, suppose in an AU where the robberies don't work out quite so well and the boyfriend leaves Tokio to go his own way. Tokio is a teenager, she's left all alone, wanted by the police, she can't go home to her mom. She's lost and scared but she decides to try to manage it on her own. Unfortunately at that age she doesn't have the experience to plan her robberies well.
Cue to 30ish year old Sergio minding his own business and scouting out a location for a smaller heist for him and Andrés (the Mint heist didn't pay itself after all) and he stumbles in the middle of a bad robbery run by a teenager. Tokio gets hurt and Sergio wants to help so he manages to buy her enough time to get away. He tracks her down and more or less takes care of her wound. Tokio is mutinous about it but on the other hand it's nice that somebody takes care of her.
Sergio kind of interrogates her to find out the whole story and is in a big dilemma because he doesn't want to leave her alone to continue to live like that. As always when Sergio doesn't know what to do, he thinks of his brother and he remembers a very familiar scene : a younger kid, hurt and alone, looking mistrustfully at a young man who appeared out of thin air to take care of him, wanting to believe the stranger but at the same time knowing good things don't happen to him. So Sergio decides to adopt a 16-year-old Silene, like his brother before him.
So they just start to live together, and Sergio teaches her everything she wants to know, including how to plan/run a heist. He doesn't know what he's doing, but neither did Andrés and it all turned out all right in the end didn't it? Besides, she seems happier than before. Tokio is safe, loved and has found someone to trust who will never leave her. The heists are merely a bonus. Andrés hates Tokio the minute he sets his eyes on her. The feeling is mutual. For the first time in his life he's jealous because Sergio found someone to love...like he loves HIM. He even wants to get rid of her until one evening Sergio looks at him with his big eyes and says "Andrés she was just like me, and I could help her, like you helped me", and Andrés still hasn't figured out a way to say no to his Hermanito after 20 years. So now the 2 have an understanding where they don't stab each other because Sergio would be sad. They don't acknowledge that they might begin to like each other.
Just, all the father - daughter feels that Sergio-Tokio have in canon dialed up to 11.
Hi hi! Before I get into your idea (that I love btw!), just wanted to say hello!! You were the first person who ever commented on "Hermanito" and I remember being so stunned by your lovely review, especially because it was the very first lcdp fic I wrote and I was worried that it wasn't getting feedback because readers hated it. So you're a big part of why I kept writing for the fandom afterwards and I was so happy to meet someone who cared so much about the hermanos :)
re: the idea: OMG That is big brained, I love it. I think the professor was mentioned as late 30s early 40s during the Mint Heist so those numbers are definitely correct! The age difference between Sergio and Tokyo is what I always headcanoned as the difference between him and Andres, which just makes it fascinating.
I kept reading this ask, wondering where it was going, and it absolutely did not disappoint. YES, AU where Sergio adopts Tokyo early is not something I knew I needed so much until now. I just love his relationship with Tokyo so much (easily the second best platonic relationship in the show!). And I can see it- Tokyo too stubborn and afraid to go home, but also lost, scared, and afraid to show vulnerability :') This feels so much like her and it's such an interesting concept about what would happen if she and her boyfriend broke up early. Because I think she'd try to continue her life of crime, but like you said, without him around, she wouldn't know where to start.
And I love your idea for how Sergio would cross paths with her. It sounds like something he would definitely do for Tokyo, and yes LOL, Tokyo would be so resistant at first, but also secretly enjoy it so much because she's desperate for a safety net (not that she'll let Sergio know). And I love how this cements Sergio as even more of a father figure/guardian angel in Tokyo's mind than in canon, just by virtue of the situation and how much younger she is.
Of course Sergio would overthink it XD But you're really killing me here, this is the exact kind of content my heart craves asdfasf. This part especially:
As always when Sergio doesn't know what to do, he thinks of his brother and he remembers a very familiar scene : a younger kid, hurt and alone, looking mistrustfully at a young man who appeared out of thin air to take care of him, wanting to believe the stranger but at the same time knowing good things don't happen to him. So Sergio decides to adopt a 16-year-old Silene, like his brother before him.
PLEASE, that parallel just *gets me*. Because in very many ways, it's the same situation and I love that Sergio sympathizes with her from the start and it's fascinating how in that instant, he goes, "What would Andres do? What did Andres do? Imagine what my life would be like if Andres chose to walk away..." then he makes up his mind and takes Tokyo in :'D
I just love fatherly/big brother Sergio so much. And this is the perfect scenario where we get hermanito AND hermano Sergio at the same time, with bonus "daughter" Tokyo and I'm this close to screaming. LOL to Tokyo, Sergio looks like he has his so put together and he knows exactly what he's doing when in reality, Sergio is just winging it and hoping it turns out for the best like it did with him and Andres.
Andrés hates Tokio the minute he sets his eyes on her. The feeling is mutual. For the first time in his life he's jealous because Sergio found someone to love...like he loves HIM.
This is so in-character, I NEED it now. Andres is now a grandfather. In all universes, Andres and Tokyo will hate each other the moment they meet. But also in a hilarious way, this works so well now that we know he was the one who wanted her in the banda in canon. Like, all this time, the spiritual connection between Andres, Silene, and Sergio was bound by fate XD He hates her because she's literally the genbend version of him and she hates him because he hates her (+ he's just like, an annoying person). And I can so see it- Andres would be burning with envy over Sergio's attachment to Tokyo, but he wouldn't know why until Sergio spells it out for him.
Then he does the surprise pikachu face. Turns out it's just a jarring experience to see his hermanito, the one person he loves above all else, pick up his own hermanita and love her above all else. Once the brothers have that talk and Andres has this big epiphany, he Knows he can never get rid of Silene. Plus like you said, Andres can never deny Sergio anything, especially knowing how much he loves his "daughter" :')
Andres *through grit teeth*: Welcome to the familia, Silene. I will lie down my life for you because Sergio loves you.
Silene *also through grit teeth*: Thank you, Andres. I too will lie down my life for you because Sergio loves you.
asdfasdf They think they're just putting up with each other for Sergio's sake, and actively refuse to acknowledge the fact that they're growing on each other. But Sergio knows. Their "bonding" was all part of his plan and he just innocently sits between them with his milk and cookies while they all watch a movie that he picked because Andres and Silene couldn't agree on one.
Thank you so much for this ask omg. This is an AU I need with all my heart now. The funny thing is I actually really wanted to write a Tokyo & Sergio story, but could never settle on an idea. Now this idea with the father-daughter feels between Sergio & Tokyo dialed up to 11 set against the backdrop of extreme hermanos, is like a gift from heaven :'D
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musette22 · 4 years
As it's Chris' birthday today, what's your Evanstan headcon for how they are spending it? We don't know if Chris is still in LA (as far as I know), do you think he might be back in Boston to be with his family? That would mean Seb could easily visit him now that the lockdown in NYC is over. Or would he fly to LA to celebrate with his bf? (He hasn't been seen in NYC in the last couple of days either, right?) Or will the only hang out virtually? I would love to know what you are imagining 😊
Hello darling!! So yesterday, I said I probably wasn’t going to write any Evanstan for a while, but then I woke up this morning and had a lovely little Evanstan headcanon fantasy about Chris’s birthday - as you do - and then I thought screw it, let’s write this thing. So here’s a little drabble (well, it should’ve been a drabble) about how Chris might have spent his birthday 😘
A/N: This is just a nonsensical little fantasy scenario that doesn’t actually make any sense, but the idea made me happy, so I hope it’ll make you guys happy too! Don’t look too closely, please, there’s some overlap with previous fics and this was all written very quickly and hasn’t been edited properly because it’s late where I am and I need to sleep lmao 🙈 Sorry about that!
Happy birthday, Mr. America 
Chris likes surprises, generally speaking.
Not the nasty kind, like when a part unexpectedly falls through, or someone gets angry at him out of the blue and he doesn’t know what he’s done wrong. But he likes it when exciting things happen and shake things up a bit, like when he’s having a lazy day alone at home, and a friend suddenly shows up on his doorstep to tell him, change of plans, we’re going bungee jumping. When that happens, Chris will happily drop whatever he’s doing and jump in the car, because that’s the kind of thing that makes him feel alive.
So when he arrives at the Evans’ family house today, on his birthday, and is greeted by a chorus of Surprise! and Happy Birthdays from a bunch of people he hasn’t seen ages - literal years, in some cases - Chris is delighted and touched; excited to see familiar faces and catch up with his friends and family.
That excited feeling lasts for a solid few hours, until his Aunt Melanie corners him and starts telling Chris about her Pilates instructor. This isn’t the first time she’s tried to set Chris up with whichever wonderful girl she’s most recently met and feels would be perfect for Chris, but this time she’s really hammering on about how she just can’t understand why a good-looking, successful young man like him hasn’t found a wife yet. She no doubt means well, but that doesn’t mean Chris is about to go on a blind date with her Pilates instructor.
When he’s finally managed to excuse himself under the pretense of needing a bathroom break, he sneaks off to the back of the house, to his dad’s old study. As soon as the door closes behind him, he lets out a sigh of relief and leans back against it for a moment, catching his breath. He loves his family to bits, but there’s no denying they’re a lot. There’s a sofa in the study, a wide, navy blue one, and Chris lies down on it, stretching himself to his full length. He closes his eyes, hoping to nap for a couple of minutes, but no dice. His aunt’s comments play in his head on a loop, causing something uneasy to stir in his stomach.
The thing is, she’s right. He should already be married and have a couple of cute kids to dote on. He’s wanted to have a family and settle down for a long time, ever since he got done with sowing his wild oats and calmed down a little. He’s the long-term relationship kind, and there had been a few girlfriends with whom he thought he definitely could see a future.
That had been Before, though. Before Sebastian Stan had waltzed into his life and upended everything Chris thought he knew for certain, complicating everything in the best and worst possible way. After the initial shock of developing feelings for another guy wore off, Chris had simply accepted his infatuation as a fact of life, and it had become something he carried with him always, but never acted on or even spoke of. He wouldn’t know where to start. It was clear there was something between them, though. The way Sebastian looked at him sometimes… It had to mean something. For the longest time, they’d danced around each other, always just shy of outright flirting, and there had been a few times when Chris really thought something might finally happen between them. But it never did.
And now it never would. They’ve hardly even seen each other, over the past year, after they stopped working together. Sure, they kept in touch from time to time, but there is only so much keeping in touch two work friends can plausibly do before it gets weird or necessarily has to turn into something else. And Chris thought he’d accepted that, more or less.
But then last week, he and Scott had gotten drunk together – like really, stupidly drunk. At around 3 in the morning, Scott had put on The First Avenger so he could make fun of Chris in his skin tight leggings, and then suddenly Sebastian’s face had been right there on his TV screen: larger than life, young and handsome like he’d been when Chris first felt that tug in his gut when he’d looked at him.
And Chris, whose brain-to-mouth filter unfortunately ceases to exist entirely whenever he’s had too much to drink, had just blurted out, “I think I’m in love with him.”
Initially, Scott had thought Chris meant that Steve was in love with Bucky. 
“Well, clearly,” he’d slurred. “They’re soooo gay, oh my god.”
And instead of using the misunderstanding to cover up for his unfortunate drunken slip-up, Chris had slowly shook his head and corrected, “No, with Sebastian. ‘M in love with Sebastian. Have been for a long time, I think.”
He’d passed out not long after, possibly his subconscious’ way of trying to protect himself against the barrage of questions from Scott that Chris had been in no state to answer in that moment. Inevitably, Scott had tried to talk to him about it the next day, but Chris – hungover, embarrassed and annoyed with himself for opening his big mouth and spilling this secret that he’d managed to keep for close to a decade – had told Scott to leave it and that he didn’t want to talk about it. Nothing was ever going to come of this now anyway, so it was much better if they could all just forget it ever happened.
Scott and he had gone to dinner at their mom’s that night, and of course, Lisa had instantly sensed something was off. Unfortunately, Chris never did stand a chance in hell against his mother, so when she took him to aside after dinner and outright asked him what was wrong, he’d had no choice but to spill the beans. Besides, if he didn’t, Scott would probably have found a way to guilt him into telling Lisa, eventually - they’d always shared everything with her, after all.
Lisa had been so loving and understanding, just like Chris knew she would, and despite the aching in his chest, he was grateful and a little bit relieved to know he wasn’t keeping something this significant from her any longer. But in the end, it didn’t change anything. Of course, Lisa had asked him why he didn’t just go for it, told him to just go for it, call Sebastian and ask him out for dinner, but Chris had dismissed all her suggestions. It just wasn’t going to happen. Certainly not now, not anymore.
She’d dropped it, eventually, but Chris is under no illusions that he’s heard the last of it.
Since then, he’d tried to put the whole fiasco out of his mind, but then Aunt Melanie started badgering him about his marital status and it had all come rushing back again.
Just when Chris about to give up on trying to nap and head outside to get some fresh air instead, there’s a knock at the door.
Chris sighs, rubbing his eyes. “Come in,” he calls, not bothering to get up because it’s probably his mom coming to check on him. “Hey, mom,” he says, when Lisa’s head does appear around the door.
“Hi, sweetheart,” she replies, smiling. She opens the door a little wider. “There’s someone here to see you.”
“Oh?” Chris says, sitting up a little straighter for whatever friend or family member his mom wants him to meet so urgently, but then Lisa steps aside to reveal –  
Sebastian is here. In his mom’s house. Standing right there, looking a little apprehensive and unsure, but still so fucking gorgeous it makes Chris’s heart stop for a moment inside his chest, before it starts up again at double speed.
“Hey, Chris,” Sebastian says, and it’s his voice, he’s really here, in Chris’s dad’s old study, speaking actual words at him.
What the fuck.
Chris gets to his feet so fast he feels a bit lightheaded, lightly swaying on his feet before he manages to get some semblance of a reply. "Hi. What- Sebastian. What are you doing here?"
Sebastian’s eyes flicker to Lisa for a moment, looking at her a little uncertainly. She gives him an encouraging nod.
“Um,” Sebastian starts, turning his eyes back to Chris again. “Lisa, your mom, invited me to your surprise birthday party.” He licks his lips nervously. “So, yeah, happy birthday. And, um. Surprise.” The last word is accompanied by a dorky little wave, and Chris is just. Speechless.
Literally, can’t form any words speechless, which is highly unusual for him. When he just keeps standing there, staring a Sebastian like he’s some kind of fata morgana, Lisa rolls her eyes and nudges Sebastian with her elbow.
“Well, go on, then,” she prompts, nodding in Chris’s direction. “He won’t bite.” Then, the look in her eyes turns mischievous, and Chris has half a second to think oh no, before she adds, “Unless you like that sort of thing, of course, but then he'd ask first. I raised him well.”
Sebastian makes a strangled sound, but starts towards him nonetheless, and before he really knows what’s happening, Chris is holding Sebastian in his arms. Holding him in his arms and burying his face in the crook of his neck and breathing him in. Sebastian’s arms go around him, too, a little tentative at first, but growing tighter, more secure, the longer the hug lasts. 
And it lasts, much longer than a casual happy birthday hug between friends is supposed to last, but Chris can’t for the life of him bring himself to let go. He knows he’s clinging, that he’s got his nose pressed to the spot below Sebastian’s ear and that’s probably far too intimate, but Sebastian’s arms around are wound tightly around Chris’s waist and his cheek is presses to the side of Chris’s face, and he’s not letting go either.
Finally, after what feels simultaneously like forever and the blink of an eye, Sebastian inhales shakily, his chest expanding against Chris’s. With Herculean effort, Chris makes himself pull away. But, of course, that brings with it the complication of being able to see Sebastian’s face, flustered and glowing, eyes shining with something unnameable. They’re so close then, their faces only an inch or so apart, and when Sebastian’s eyes flicker down to Chris’s mouth for a split second, Chris’s restraint breaks.
He lunges forward, and Sebastian does the same, and their mouths crash together awkwardly and suddenly, they’re kissing. Really, actually kissing. 
Chris’s hands fly to Sebastian’s face, holding it like it’s something precious, causing Sebastian to make a small, desperate sound that reverberates throughout Chris’s entire body. When he licks at the seam of Sebastian’s lips, Sebastian parts them immediately, letting him in, and Chris is drowning. Drowning in the kiss, in Sebastian’s taste, his smell, the little sighs he’s making against Chris’s lips, like he’s just as overwhelmed and stupefied and happy as Chris is, while they cling to each other like they’re each scared the other’s going to disappear if they dare to let up for just one second.
Eventually, though, they have to break apart for air. Chris presses their foreheads together, unwilling to put any more distance between them than is strictly necessary, still breathing the same air. When Chris eventually opens his eyes, he finds Sebastian looking back at him in a way that makes his knees feel suddenly weak.
"Hi," Seb says, voice low and husky.
"Hey," Chris replies, his hands on either side of Sebastian’s face, thumbs idly caressing his cheekbones.
Sebastian giggles, a light, happy sound that makes his nose do that scrunchy thing it does, and Chris wants to die. He groans, pulling Sebastian back in by the back of his neck –
And then Lisa clears her throat. Sebastian startles; he’d evidently forgotten she was still there, or maybe assumed she’d have left to give them their privacy, but that just goes to show Sebastian doesn’t know Lisa very well – yet.
"Well,” Lisa says, a grin in her voice. “I'll leave you two to it then, let me know if you need anything.” She pauses, before cheekily adding, “Anything at all."
“Yes, thank you, mom,” Chris says quickly, keen to spare Sebastian any further embarrassment. Sebastian’s hiding his face in Chris’s chest as it is, arms still wound around his waist, and Chris is literally about to pass out from how fucking cute that is.
Holding up a placating hand, Lisa finally retreats, closing the door behind her.
Once they’re alone, Chris steers Sebastian towards the couch, sitting down and pulling him into his lap. Sebastian lets himself be guided, straddling Chris’s thighs and giving him a coy look through his eyelashes. Chris blows out a slow breath to center himself a little, bringing up his hands to settle on Sebastian’s waist.
He knows they’ll need to talk about this at some point, but right now he can’t think of a single way to express what he’s feeling, and what this means to him. Right now, all he can do is stare at Sebastian in wonder, relishing finally getting to look at him the way he’s always wanted to: unabashedly, fondly, and very appreciative of exactly how tempting Sebastian’s lips look – especially after having been thoroughly kissed. By him.
“Fuck,” Chris breathes, overwhelmed, leaning in again to catch those pretty pink lips in another kiss.
Sebastian responds beautifully, opening up right away, melting into him. His arms wind around Chris’s shoulders, fingers scratching gently through the hair on the back of Chris’s head, making him shiver.
It’s sweet, at first; lips sliding together lazily, slow and lush, but eventually, the kisses turn a little dirtier, with nipping teeth and teasing tongues. When Sebastian bites Chris’s bottom lip a bit too hard, pulling on it, Chris literally goes cross-eyed for a second. The hand that found its way into Sebastian’s hair tightens instinctively, pulling his head back just a little.
“Oh,” Sebastian breathes, eyelids fluttering, and Chris instantly feels all his blood rushing south.
He can’t believe it. He can’t believe he has Sebastian here, in his lap, looking like innocence and sin wrapped into one, looking at him through heavy lidded eyes like it’s Chris who’s something to be desired. And Chris wants. He wants so bad, with every fiber of his being, to have Sebastian right there and then, but he has just enough presence of mind left to know that they can’t rush this, can’t make any rash decisions they might later regret if they don’t talk about what’s happening first.
Words still seem impossible, however, so instead, Chris takes one of Sebastian’s hands in his and presses a kiss to the center his palm, hoping to convey with that one gesture everything he wants to say but can’t.
When he looks back up, Sebastian blinks at him, his eyes wide and stunned, before he suddenly grabs Chris’s face between his hands and starts planting breathless kisses on his cheeks, his eyelids, his forehead, and even his nose. Chris lets himself be kissed, basks in it, feeling like his heart might burst, and when Sebastian finally presses his lips to his mouth, Chris seizes the opportunity to deepen the kiss. Despite Chris’s best intentions, it turns heated again in no time. Without his permission, his hands slide under Sebastian’s shirt, stroking the smooth, warm skin of his back, while Sebastian mouths at Chris’s jaw, then trails a path of kisses down the column of his neck.
“Seb,” Chris groans, hands tightening convulsively on Sebastian’s waist. “Sebastian, wait.”
“Yeah, yeah, sorry,” Sebastian pants, lifting his head to look down at him. He’s disheveled, his hair a mess, pupils blown, his lips red and a little raw from mouthing at Chris’s beard. He looks stunning.
“Jesus, you’re beautiful,” Chris says honestly, touching Sebastian’s left cheek.
Sebastian ducks his head turning his face into Chris’s palm, but he’s smiling, which makes Chris smile, too, then they’re just smiling at each other like a couple of dorks.
Chris shifts their positions to get more comfortable, tugging at Sebastian until they’re both lying on the couch on their sides, face to face. Pulling him closer, into his chest, Chris swings a leg over both of Sebastian’s, and Sebastian takes the hint immediately, snuggling into Chris and tucking his head under his chin so they’re full on cuddling.
“Best fucking birthday present ever,” Chris mutters into Sebastian’s hair, his hand tracing idle patters on Sebastian’s upper arm. In reply, Sebastian presses a kiss to Chris’s chest, over his heart.
Somehow, they snooze for a little while, just drifting in and out of consciousness, neither of them seeming to want to untangle themselves from the other, until after an indeterminate amount of time, there’s a soft knock at the door.
Chris hums questioningly in reply, not wanting to wake Sebastian, and the door opens cautiously. Lisa pokes her head in again, and the moment she sees them, all wrapped around each other like that, she covers her mouth with her hands, cooing softly.
“Happy Birthday, baby,” she whispers, her eyes shining with affection and pride.
“Thanks, mom,” Chris whispers back, blinking back tears. “Love you.”
From where he’s half asleep on Chris’s chest, Sebastian murmurs, “Love you, too.”
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bokutouch · 3 years
Hi!!! I was wondering if I could get an eternal matchup pls??
- my names Olivia and I’m 17.
- I go by she/her pronouns and I want to be matched with a male character from Haikyuu!! please.
- My birthday is January 6th, 2004 and I’m a Capricorn Sun, Cancer Moon, and Libra Rising (my Mercury is in Sagittarius, my Venus is in Aquarius, and my Mars is in Aries if you wanted to know the rest).
- I’m 5’2, I have brownish-red hair and blue eyes.
- I spend a lot of time doing school work because I’m really driven by it and I’ve had good grades a majority of high school. When I’m not doing schoolwork I enjoy listening to music or going on a walk! I really like going on sunrise/sunset walks bc they’re always really pretty! I try to do community service in my free time because I really enjoy helping others out. I'm currently a summer camp counselor but I hope to be a lab tech one day :)
- If I were to go on a date with a partner I don't really mind what we do, but I like book dates, movie dates, and especially museum dates!! In a partner I'm looking for someone who shares the same interests as me, is kind, has a good sense of humor, and most importantly can understand and work through my emotions with me. I get really bad mood changes so if he can work with me through that I really value it. My love languages are acts of service and quality time.
- I think that one of my fatal flaws is that although I appear kind and respectful when I’m out in public, I have pretty severe anxiety, depression, and anger issues so I struggle with that a lot. I also get really defensive and stubborn when someone says something that annoys me so i kinda never stop talking lol.
- To finish off I’m an ISFP and Enneagram Type 9v1.
- I hope you have a great day! Ty if you do this! ❤
Hello olivia, thanks for coming to my brand new rocket ship!! 🚀
first of all I apologize bcs I'm not really educated about astrology,
so I'll just use your other description as best as I could okay??
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"why akaashi?" you might askㅡ
first of all, some part of you reminded me of bokuto.
and some part of you definitely reminded akaashi of bokuto too. it's not a bad thing really.
Akaashi looks at you and think, "ah, she is my home."
because "home" supposed to be comfortable, because home supposed to be familiar. Being with you bring him peace. You are his home, his tranquility, his safe haven.
Most people told him, "God- you are such a boring person, Akaashi." and as the time goes by, he is starting to believe that tooㅡ but thats until you come into his life.
You're one of his classmate. And not gonna lie, at first akaashi only know you as the quiet girl who always buried her nose in books. "If I am boring, she must be a lot more boring than me." that's what he thought of you, bcs really everytime he sees you, its always you and your books. He understands the importance of having good grades, but should you really be doing that everyday?
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The first time you two have a really long talk was when one day akaashi saw you still sitting inside your shared classroom, all alone bcs it's almost 6 pm and of course everybody left already. Nose buried deep in books like you always do, but this time he could hear you humming a song- it's a song that he also enjoyed listening to. He never sing in front of other people before, but for some reason he wanted to join your little secret concert at that time, so he did. He sing along to your little hummingㅡ 1 song turn into 2, turn into 3, and you still didn't notice him at all. He laughed a little because "what's so interesting in that clinical laboratory science book that she doesn't even realized I've been here for almost 10 minutes already."
He tapped your shoulder two times, and you jumped at that.
"H-hey? Um, sorry, I just.. I've been waiting here for you to finally notice me but I guess that book is really interesting, huh?" he smiled at you, feeling a little bad after seeing your reaction at his little tap tap on your shoulder.
"Oh, yes... I want to be a lab tech in the future, so um you know, just preparing." you awkwardly smiled back at him.
"Well, uh.. I know you definitely going to be an amazing lab tech one day. I saw you reading tons of books related to that job everyday in class, so... I believe your hardwork will be paid off."
"wait... that was so nice of him." you stared at akaashi who's currently fidgeting with his fingers.
"Thank you for saying that, Akaashi. That really means a lot to me. People have been telling me that my dream job is just that, a dream. Hearing you saying that someday my hardwork will be paid off really motivate me to prove them wrong. I swear I'm gonna rub it on their face once I got the job." you grins at him.
And at that, Akaashi heart beating a little bit faster than the usual. Was it your thankful speech for him? Was it your cute little grin? He doesn't really knowㅡ one thing he knows for sure though, he wants to keep talking to you. From today, tomorrow, and as long as you would let him.
"Hey, uh... it's going to get dark soon. Do you maybe want to go home together with me?"
You could see how nervous akaashi was after asking you that question, so you just nods and start fixing your books into your bag. Right before you zip up your bag, you remembered the main reason you are still in the classroom at that hour is because you were planning to see the sunset on your way back home, "Wait Akaashi, I actually want to see the sunset today..."
"Oh? I usually go home as the sun set due to my volleyball practice. The sight look really pretty if you see it from on top of the hills behind our school. Do you want to go there? I can show you the best spot."
Of course you accept his offer enthusiastically. So yes, that day is the beginning of your friends to lovers type of relationship with Akaashi.
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Akaashi confessed to you first.
His friend circle are full of annoying people. They all be like,
so during your usual study date day, he just decided to straight up ask you to be his girlfriend.
"W-what?" you just sat there for a whole minute because... what if things gonna feel different once you two put a real label to your not so friendly friendship? What if being friends with Akaashi is a lot more better than being his girlfriend? What if he ended up leaving you because he doesn't like the real you? There are so many ugly things that you hide from him, would he still love you the same after seeing all those imperfection? so many what if(s) going inside of your head, so little time to actually process each one of it.
"Umm, you can say no, you know...." all the messy thoughts inside your head stopped right away after hearing that.
"NO! wait, Keiji- I mean, not no to be your girlfriend, its no to me saying no to be your girlfriend." God, its hard to be in love. You can't control your heart, your brain, and now your tongue. God bless your soul, olivia.
"So.... is that a yes to be my girlfriend then?" Akaashi looks really small in that moment. He is still not sure if he can finally kiss you or not. Only being a friend to you for these past 6 months kept him from doing a lot of romantic stuff with you. Kissing you, holding your hands for no reason, hugging you any time he wants to, actually go on a study date with you instead of a childish study day. So now he really won't waste a single time if you answer his previous question with a "Yes" ;
After having a long talk about your imperfections, all your insecurities, and also tons of frustrated tears coming from your eyes, you finally say yes and there you have your new title as Akaashi Keiji's new girlfriend. He definitely got his long waited kiss from you too 🌻.
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Bokuto once joined you and akaashi's museum date and he broke a statue hand after trying to handshake the statue. He grabbed the broken hand and show it to you and akaashi with teary eyes. Can't do nothing but running for your life and never comeback to that one particular museum 😭
You and Akaashi have the same love language, "Act of Service" ; So the two of you enjoy giving each other little massage here and there.
Just like you, Akaashi love being helpful for others too, so he really enjoyed the time he spent accompanying you to all your community service agendas. People that you two have been helping together ship you guys so much, especially the elderly couple. They keep saying "You two will make it until old days like us two."
After a long time dating eachother, you two decided to adopt a cute siberian husky that you named "Bobo". Akaashi rejected that name at first, because "Honestly love, I don't like how you picked a name so close to Bokuto's name. Our dog deserves better." You gasped at that, "How dare you, Keiji. This is our son! And his name is Bobo. I don't take no for an answer."
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alright this getting too long haha.
I hope you enjoy the results, love 🦋
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ribellaione · 5 years
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 new tags in preparation for v7 hella 02
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Hello! First of all, thank you very much for this blog. May I ask about Leona and Malleus headcanons (or what you think is most appropriate) where s / o asks them to hear their heartbeat to calm down from a state of fear? I hope this request is not too strange. If you are too busy, don't worry about this. Thank you very much!
hello hello ! i would have loved to written a full on story for this but (embarrassingly enough) headcanons + scenarios are honestly easier for me to write with though i do have a tendency to write full on paragraphs for these hh i’m sorry (⸝⸝⸝ ≧ㅿ\⸝⸝⸝)/ it’s a little strange but that’s what makes it interesting ! i had a lot of fun coming up with scenarios for context and various reactions for this (with a little help from my siblings) ! here’s what i ended up liking the best hehe  (〃 ω 〃) unrelated but ffvii remake is wrecking me 
【 8- sometimes, home has a heartbeat 】
leona kingscholar
Leona never should have taken you with him.
It was after Azul had lost control and overblotted; the Octavinelle dorm entrance was in shambles and he had somehow lost sight of you in the midst of all the mayhem and fighting. 
The Leech twins, after letting everyone discuss things over, took Azul to the infirmary to rest and be treated. 
Now, he was wandering around the entrance in search of you. He was almost about to give up when-
“Leona,” a voice croaked out to him, soft and quivering. 
His ears twitched at the sound of it and before he could even fully register its closeness, he was whipping around in search of where it came from. “Y/N?” He calls out to you, eyes scanning the vicinity. It frustrated him that he couldn’t find you, especially since there was barely anything around besides a couple of rocks and underwater plants. When you say his name again, he gets a better sense of where you are and spots you a few meters away from him, sitting behind a cluster of kelp on the cold ocean sand with your arms wrapped around your legs and your knees pressed to your chest. 
He rushes over to you then kneels down in front of you. “Hey, are you okay?” he asks before gently taking your hands into his and holding them to his face. His thumb strokes the back of your hand, reassuringly as he waits for you to respond. You look up at him, your eyes distant and moist. Quietly, you mumble, “Can I… Listen to your heartbeat?” 
Your request surprises him and makes him meet your gaze. In your eyes, he sees something so broken and naked that he stills and lets himself panic for a moment at the intensity of emotion swimming inside the colour of your stare. 
“Of course,” he breathes out in reply as he brings you closer and envelopes you into his arms, letting you place your ear onto his chest.
His heart thrums steadily inside his chest, enfolding you in the rich symphony of its beating. It pulls you closer and closer until tears escape the corners of your eyes and you let out a sob. Your shoulders relax, making him sigh in relief. Slowly, he moves his arms and scoops you up, cradling you into his chest as he stands up and takes you away. 
“You’re okay,” he cooed as you drift off into slumber. 
“You’re safe.”
malleus draconia
Malleus knew you were getting worried over whether you would be able to go back home to your world. 
He hadn’t really let himself do the same, in fear that it would worry you even more.
He leaves you to your contemplation for a while until he finds you alone in the classroom after school.
You were staring out the window absentmindedly; eyes shaking and hands gripping the window frame tightly as if it was the only thing keeping you from breaking.
He comes up to you, fingers picking at the cuffs of his sleeve nervously unlike the stoic expression plastered on his face. You look back at him, eyes distant and glistening though not exactly unwelcoming. He knew you were thinking about home, he could tell by the far off look in your eyes that seemed to be searching for something beyond the blue of the sky.
“Do you think… that I could ever..” you stammered out, looking at him briefly before lowering your gaze. “Do you think that I could ever get back home?”
Your question is met with stillness. It was difficult for him to answer you. He didn’t want to give you false hope, especially for something as close to your heart as this, but he also didn’t want you to feel as if there was no hope at all.
Giving himself a moment to think about it, he exhales and replies, “There’s a possibility.”
You nod at this before turning back to the window to stare at the clouds. 
All seemed well. He didn’t think his reply came out too cold and, though you only nodded at him, at least you weren’t crying— 
until you were.
Tears swelled in your crinkled eyes and dripped down onto your cheeks. You tried your best to hide it from him; turning your head to the side before raising your hands to your face and wiping them away, sniffling with each swipe. He whispers your name, raising his arms and then dropping them— a false start— but then he carefully steels himself to it, curving himself around your body and pulling you close, letting you hide your face into his arm.
The two of you stand there for a moment; him, shushing you while stroking your hair and you, letting out all of your emotions onto the sleeve of his blazer. 
“Malleus?” you mumbled, making him bend down a little to hear you better. A sob distorts your words. “Could I- Could I listen to your heartbeat?”
He doesn’t dare speak. Instead, he lets you move to place your head onto his chest. His heartbeat was soft against your ears. The shape of the sound reminded you of an old lullaby with its continuous strokes and arcs, modulating slowly into an orchestra of reverberation. You listen to the melody pass and circle back, letting the sound flow into you until it makes you smile and chuckle into him with a heavy weight in your chest.
“Thank you,” you say as you wrap your arms around him tightly. 
“Thank you.”
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sweetchup · 4 years
Thanks for the last question! c: 💞 I Also love those two little spiders, they are just cinamon rolls; could you do some Hcs about that scenario? (Sorry, I don't know if I made the request in the right way, I'm a little stupid 😅💔)
“Family” Scenario General Headcanons
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Oh you’re not stupid! Trust me I get confused all the time, you should see me during class. Here’s an example for future reference. Ex: Hello! Can I have a Headcanon about what the two sons from your Chrollo fanfic Family think of the troupe? Or Hi Do the boys from Family know that the reader isn’t their real mother?
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Yay.... Perfect Family. Two Head spiders, Two itsy bitsy spiders and 12 Aunty and Uncle Leg Spiders that creates an amazing 16 person huge crazy family.
This will all seem super crazy to you. You had expected to be fighting for the boys from Chrollo grasps or, at the very least, forced to come up with some visiting plans to allow him to visit. But, this? The fact that you and your sons are now on the road with the troupe, the other members are now aunts and uncle spiders, Chrollo, your sister’s ex, is now your Husband and Chrollo is trying to get you pregnant.
It also didn’t help that you soon come to find out that Chrollo has been watching you all for 2 years before showing up. He even has pictures of moments of you and the boys such as them opening presents on Christmas and you all going trick or treating. Major creepy vibes. So, you basically wanna just get away with your sons from these psychos as quick as possible.
But, escape plans aren’t going to work out for you since Chrollo has full intentions on having you stay and making you fall in love with him.
So he comes up with a plan that has Kao and August each choose 6 uncles/aunty spiders to go train with and learn Nen off in the world. The boy’s first adventure! Yay... but that allows you two to be left all alone.
So, you’ll be forced to be locked in a room with only your basic needs. The fact you were chained to the bed made it easier for Chrollo to make love to you and isolate you until you experience harsh signs stolkhome syndrome.
Well....., that’s what you imagined he would do.
Chrollo actually wants your real affection, he knows stolkhome syndrome will likely take a small toll in making you fall in love with him but he wants to still try to make it as natural as possible. After all, he has spent the past 2 years watching you all from afar you all being a happy family. It makes his heart clench and his stomach turn every time he has to leave. But, he knew he had to wait. He had to wait until the troupe knew they could trust the new number 4 and 8.
So, while the boys are gone, Chrollo actually ends up taking you out on real dates, to intresting places and attempts to talk to you like an equal. The public would actually end up seeing you two as a michevious and bickering young married couple instead of the actual dark true side of the situation.
Chrollo isn’t in any rush on making you fall in love with him either. He has plenty of time. After all, learning Nen can take a long time, about 6 months to a year for the basics.
Though, even with all this nice things, this doesn’t mean Chrollo is still not a manipulative asshole. He still in charge of this relationship and has no intentions on stopping “making love to you”. He fully intends on getting you pregnant with his third child even if you aren’t in love with him at that moment. Such a doting husband...
Also don’t worry about Kao and August. He’ll take you monthly for a week to see the boys and Machi is doing regular check ups on them. He can’t have his family getting hurt or falling apart can he.
Truly, even if you didn’t like the fact of the boys hanging out with the troupe. You couldn’t deny it was cute watching them interact with the boys. Especially when it came to August trying to play fight Uncle Uvogin or watch Kao sit and play video games on Uncle Shalnark’s lap.
Soon, no matter how much you didn’t want to, you eventually warm up to these psychopaths in about 6 months. You even realize you have felled hard for Mr. Edgelord himself, Chrollo. But, being so stubborn, you fully intended on not wanting to show it. You wouldn’t give up so easily.
Well... not exactly.
It was an early Sunday morning and you were sitting against the old cobblestone wall of the current hideout. The reason you were currently sitting against the cold ground was because you were carefully and slowly attempting to fix Kao’s favorite scarf. It had gotten ripped during his training with Feitan and Phinks so you were trying to get it fixed so he would no longer pout or glare at the two. It was honestly scary seeing Kao so unusually upset.
“Mommy! Mommy! Can me and Kao have Pizza for dinner tonight?” August yells as he and his brother come running over from their play spot. Stopping and looking up at the boys, you sigh. Pizza, again?
“Well, let’s check with your father, okay?”
“Don’t worry. I’m sure the boss finds it okay, (y/n)” Nobunaga chimes in from afar, yawning and stretching from his spot on a tilted pillar. Of course nobu chimes in on this, Pizza is one of his favorite too.
“Well, this is the third time this week the boys have had pizza, Nobunaga. Too much isn’t good.” Franklin says, weighing the options. Thank goodness you have members like Franklin and Pakunoda who think of the logical side of things instead of giving the boys whatever they want. You were honestly worried they were getting too spoil from their aunts and uncles.
“Aww but Uncle Franklin! it’s so gooooood~~” August exaggerates, stretching his arms as far as he could to show that its super good.
Small chuckling and giggles echo around the room from the troupe at the boy’s silliness. You really wished you could give it to them but you really knew it wouldn’t be good for them.
“No buts August. And Kao, don’t huff. I’m sure you remember all the stomach aches you’ve had from not eating the right foods.”
Kao blinks rapidly and looks worried at his stomach. Kao has always had a very sensitive stomach that causes him a lot of pain. At first you thought maybe he had something like a gluten or dairy allergy but, after taking him to the doctors, it was just he had a weird stomach. Kao was actually really good on staying away from the things that upset his stomach but, he hasn’t exactly learn that he shouldn’t be eating too much or too often of greasy food like pizza.
You pat your son’s head, giving him reassurance. “Don’t worry Kao. I’ll find something else you’ll eat if you are worried.”
Kao seemed happy by that answer as he huffs and wormed his way into your lap. You giggle at him, you have such a silly boy for a son. As soon as determined Kao is comfy, you go back to sewing his blanket.
“Mommmm can I please have pizza? Pretty please with a shiny on top?!”
You just shake your head and let out a small laugh. Stubborn August wants what he wants and he’ll contunie to try until he somehow gets it. Though thankfully he isn’t too greedy and you can usually pick out what he’ll want next.
Not looking up from your stitching, you yell for the twin’s father. He’s been sitting on his perch and not doing anything all day so let’s have him deal with this. “Chrollo!”
“Yes? What do you need, my loving wife?”
You snort and shake your head. He’s still at it with that ridiculous nickname. The twins always gag and groan at Chrollo’s yucky nicknames for you. Though, you can’t help but feel your face heat up at them.
“August wants Pizza for dinner.”
You hear Chrollo close his book “Only him? Isn’t this the third time this week too?”
“Well, I really don’t want Kao to eat pizza again this week due to his sensitive stomach. August is fine but, you know, it...”
Chrollo finishes for you. “...it doesn’t mean it’s healthy.”
“Well I agree with you on that. I think August should eat something else for dinner tonight.”
“Aww but dad!”
“August.” You warned, playfully glaring up at him. “There’s many different things for you to eat. I’m sure there’s something else you’ve really wanted to try?”
It’s silent for a moment in the abandon building as August thinks. He pokes his chin, a habit he does when he can’t remember or pronounce the name of something.
“Buuu... Bugoli? Bowlgoog....”
You allow him to try it out for a couple of times to see if he can get it. It’s better for him to try and figure it out by himself since it helps him learn and grow. Though, sometimes you do have to help him. No one gets it right all the time.
“Yeah! Bulgogi! Bulgogi.... Bulgogi” August says it a couple of times to taste the new word. Probably trying to remember it for next time.
“Well then. I’m sure Feitan knows some really nice places and recipes around here for it.” You look over to Feitan for confirmation and he nods. You smile and give a small thank you before looking down at your other son. “Does Bulgogi sound good for you too, Kao?”
Kao blinks twice telling you a “yes”.
“Well that settles it then. Bulgogi it is.”
“Yay! Bulgogi!”
August runs off outside chanting Bulgogi. Kao wanting to go follow him, slips out of your lap and claps to his chant. The air in the room gets a lot more happier at the boys’ extra silliness and the other troupe members laugh and follow them outside as well. Wanting to see and play with the crazy itsy bitsy spiders.
You sigh at the boys’ antics but still go to stand up to join the others. Though, you notice something unusual. Chrollo wasn’t joining? This isn’t like him. He usually wants to see everything his itsy bitsy spiders are up to and will even sometimes join in on the fun.
“Chrollo?” You softly call out to the man up above and facing away from you. He turns his head at your call and looks down at you, waiting for you to continue. “You coming?”
“Ah yes I am. Were you—“
Chrollo cuts himself off with a hiss as he attempts to stand up. He’s able to move his body to a standing position but, unable to keep it any longer, he soon falls back down in pain.
You stood there in shock. Chrollo was injured? That’s never happened before. Well, atleast not anything major. What happened? Was he okay? Of course he’s not okay, he—
You cut your own thoughts off as you realize Chrollo was attempting to get up again. Quickly, you climb up the broken rumble to get to the higher area to stop him.
Finally, you reach him and grab onto his shoulders to get him to stop. “Hey. Shhh it’s okay. Here, just lean against me.”
Your coos and soft voice seem to work as you are able to make Chrollo lean against you. His back pressed against your chest and both of your pairs of legs tangled, as he heaves.
Slowly, you put a hand up to his forehead. It wasn’t that hot nor cold so he wasn’t running any sort of fever or chills.
“Hey. What’s wrong? What happened.”
“N-nothing. I’m fine.”
“You don’t look or sound fine, Chrollo. Did you get injured yesterday? I heard that was a pretty bad mission.”
It���s quiet as Chrollo doesn’t bother to answer you. For such a logical and bright leader man, he’s unusually very stubborn. You wonder if that’s where August gets it from. But, you need to find out what happened. If he can hardly stand that could possible mean he has something really wrong with his back or, worse, Spine.
“Chrollo. Can you please tell me what’s wrong?”
It’s silent again as you finish. Chrollo doesn’t bother to answer again. Letting out a soft sigh, you lay your chin on top of his head.
“Pleassssseeeee Chrooooooolllloooo.” You whine, making sure to specially exaggerate his name.
Chrollo doesn’t answer again. But, you wonder if he atleast has a small smile on his face. Actually, maybe trying to get him to ease up will be the best way to get him to talk to you.
“Chrrrrrrollllloooo Luuuuuuccilllllfferrrrr!” You whine causing your weird tone of voice to echo off the walls.
Nothing again. You guess you have to step it up a notch.
Bring up your hand you lightly knock on the side of Chrollo’s nogin. “Youuu whooo? Anybody home?”
No response but you, at the very least, get a small chuckle from him. Man, he’s so stubborn. Stubborn. Stubborn!! He’s glad you’re in a silly mood today or you would have just chose to smack him already.
You knit your brows in consentration. You were trying to think of a way to step it up from here to make him crack. But, how... what would get him to talk no matter what.
Oh! You could always...
Your face heats up at your train of thought. Was it really the best idea to finally admit your feelings for him? You honestly didn’t think so. Though, there were no reprocrusions for doing so.
“Awwww. Chrollo ain’t home. I really wanted to tell him something!”
Chrollo doesn’t do anything but you know, from experience, that he was definetly curious and was thinking intently on what you possibly wanted to say.
“Welp, I guess I’ll leave a message then. Dear, Chrollo Lucilfer.” You change to bubble voice as if you were writing a letter. “I wanna let you know that...”
You take a gulp due to you being nervous about what you were about to say next.
“... I love you. I really do and I’m not saying that to get you to talk. Or to get you to—“
You cut yourself off as Chrollo moves his head and presses a kiss to your neck. It wasn’t sexual. You could tell he kissed your neck, of all places, because he couldn’t reach to kiss your lips or cheek.
Slowly and Carefully, You move so you two were now face to face. You breath hitches as Chrollo puts his forehead against yours.
“Say it again. Tell me that my darling wife loves me.”
“I love you, Chrollo. I love you with all my heart.”
Finally, Chrollo impatiently leans in to capture your lips with his. You could tell based on the pure passion and need of the kiss that he had been waiting so long for this moment. The moment you would finally tell him you were actually his.
You two slowly pull away, not wanting to stop, but having to due to a stupid thing known as air. Your heart flutters at his next words and the small smile on his face.
“I love you too, (y/n).”
Flustered and face beat red, you attempt to hide your face in the fur of his jacket. You couldn’t help but finally get flustered at all this lovey dovey and fluffy stuff.
“Don’t tell me your embarrassed by just 5 words. I’m sure you remember the worse things we’ve done together?”
Never mind. Moment officially ruined. Damn it...., why did you have to fall for him again?
“Well, you still have to answer my question Chrollo. What happened?”
“You are doing the same as me. You avoided answering mine.”
“No, That isn’t even a question.”
“Sure it is. Not everything has to be answered in what, who, where, ho—“
“Please don’t go off on another rant.”
“Just admit that I’m in the right, my wife, and I won’t try to continue.”
“Right about what? The fact you don’t have to tell me you are in pain?”
“Not exactly. But, you have to follow what I, your husband, says. It’s in your best interests after all.”
“Yeah right. Exactly when has that actually happened?”
“Well, My suggestion of using a plug to keep my semen in has proven very effective so far. We are going to the doctors tomorrow after all to check if you are pregnant. It also was very helpful —“
“Chrolloooooo! Stop rambling!”
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