#... craft better gear
imerian · 6 months
Aaaaand i decided to post more of my f1 crafts here so here landoscar edition (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
Onse again photo without doodles under cut and some rambling in tags
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kitcat-void · 2 days
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piecesofchess · 16 days
Well. That's enough of my use out of the free W101 membership. Time to never play this game again for another few years!!
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fisherrprince · 3 months
hi! I know you're probably busy with dawntrail right now, but I was wondering. in your tips for new ffxiv players, you said to always select the recommended option for gear. ignoring glamours, at what point would you recommend to start like. manually picking for stats instead of going with the recommended?
sorry if this is worded confusingly I tried my best to make it coherent,,
Um, never, unless you start savage raiding. Your “stats” are always going to be sufficient enough to do big damage and keep yourself competitive in normal content. The reason why is the listed stats (determination, skill speed, piety, etc) make such a tiny difference on your gameplay that it doesn’t matter until you’re getting really in the weeds with materia, potions, food for stats… and by that point, there’s tons of guides out there for what you want. What’s really important for MSQ and combat is item level! Which is what the recommended button prioritizes.
How I’ve played normally is I/the automatic button picks the gear with the highest ilvl I can, and then all of my materia (you’ll unlock materia if you haven’t yet) is the red kind. I like to add critical hit and spell speed. Is that savage/ultimate raid viable? Iunno. But you really don’t need to be worrying about it unless you’re hardcore lol
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c0rpseductor · 6 months
i crafted a bunch of copper ingots in ffxiv to level goldsmith last night and i kept thinking to myself “Of course it goes without saying i am hopelessly dependent on the ingot”
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impossible-rat-babies · 2 months
if anyone needs my I’m gonna be laying face down in a half an inch of water
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movedtodykedvonte · 2 years
Surv and Spamton are the only two ads that can drive and that’s the actual reason the addisons broke up. Once they both left there was no way for them to get to each other. Tragic
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seaseren · 1 year
Anyways anything to do with Elidibus instantly gets me fucked up
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bonjour-ho · 2 years
Tried playing Horizon Zero Dawn again as an effort to clear my backlog and damn they made some shit choices for an open world game when the market is so populated
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neolunanocte · 10 months
On a different note, I want to get to where I can make the Spring Dress for my boy's white mage glam. The frills are the part that dye on it which is imo just perfect for the look I want.
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man i still have to finish the loporrit quests
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snekdood · 1 year
moccasins are the best shoe and i cant wait for the rest of the world to catch on
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Mandragora Mom Mount and its lil cousins
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theelvishfiddler · 3 months
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No, sorry it's actually not an artist's guide to drawing hands. Those are just warmup studies (which I'll talk about in this post.)
This is a guide to Your Hands and how to take care of them when making art.
No one ever sits down and teaches artists how to take care of their hands. They didn’t even teach me this while I was in art college. This is just what I've learned myself through years of pain and scouring the internet for advice.
This is going to be a long one and geared towards illustrative traditional/digital/pen/pencil artists specifically, but artists of other mediums and crafts should take care of their hands too! Well, we all should take care of our bodies in general, but this is about hands.
(advice is below the read more)
First off I'm not a professional or anyone with actual medical advice. I'm just some guy with chronic hand pain who makes art. This advice is free for you to use or discard.
Ever sit down in the morning to draw and wonder why your art is so stiff and looks so much worse than what you were drawing last night? It's because you didn't warm up!
You know how for physical sports they all warmup and do stretches before getting into the actual sport. To prevent injuries and all that? Yeah, it's good to do that for art too.
One way to warmup is to just draw lines. Try to keep them as straight as you can. Going up and down and diagonal. Draw squares. Big squares. Small squares. Circles! You are warming up, keep it loose and relaxed! Basically just scribble away.
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(examples. I usually keep going until there is no paper white left. This can double as practice for drawing straight lines without a ruler, which is a great skill to have when freehand city drawing.)
Before hopping right into drawing people you can try doing some quick gesture drawings. Line of Action has timed sessions with a large variety of clothed or nude models. I usually do the 30 min class as it has a nice balance of short and long timed poses. The point isn't to draw nice art, but to warm up. Try to get the basic form down, not the details. I find that doing a full class session can really help my drawings feel more loose and grounded in reality for the rest of the day.
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Some examples I found in my folders. I suggest looking into what a line of action (not the site) is and giving it a try with some of the studies!
For sports it's to return your body back to your everyday baseline after a workout.
Example; you are working on a big project! A masterpiece! It's detailed and cool! You have been focusing on this for hours and drawing so intensely. But you need to stop working for the day.
A cooldown is for winding down out of the go go go mindset. Put away the big project and do a couple small doodles and sketches. You are relaxing your hand and letting it stretch out. Keep the sketches loose. Let the art happen slowly. Don't polish anything, that can happen another day. Just ease yourself out of drawing.
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Cool! Now we get into the meat of this thing.
How to avoid it and how to manage it if you already have it.
I love you artists and creatives, I am begging you to please take care of your most important creative tools. I really don't want this to sound like scare tactics like "oooh you better do this or blah blah!" Nope. I just had to learn all this the hard way and I'm extremely passionate about it.
Take this advice or don’t ╮(゚~゚;)╭ I can't tell you what to do, I'm not your dad
Adjustments and Small Solutions
If you are feeling physical discomfort while drawing there are many different solutions to try! Here are some suggestions that may or may not work for you.
Hold your pencil more loosely. Stop gripping that thang so tightly!!! Relax that hand! They make these… squishy pen grip things... I think they are called Adaptive Pencil Grips or Adaptive Writing/Drawing Aids? They stop your hand from being all cramped up by making your drawing tool wider. It's going to take a bit of time to adjust to drawing with it, but it's worth it for those who hold pencils too tightly.
Don't press as heavily. For traditional art, if you find yourself pressing really hard to get darker lines try moving to a softer pencil. Most standard pencils are HB, the B pencils have softer graphite. Experiment until you find the right one for you. For Digital, adjust your pressure settings so you don't have to press as hard to get thicker lines. You should not be pressing so hard all the time, it wears out both your hand and your tablet! It takes a bit of time to adapt to pencil or pressure changes. Try doing some unimportant sketches, they don't have to be good. You are just training your hand and mind to adjust using less pressure.
Draw with your arm and not your wrist! It's small repetitive motions that cause the most strain. You probably hear this one a lot, what does it even mean? It means moving your arm with the motions of your line, and trying not to make too many tiny movements with your just your fingers or wrist. This one is hard! It takes time and conscious thought to change the habit. Tips? Work bigger. Zoom in more. Use bigger sheets of paper.
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(Motions exaggerated for a clearer example)
Change the angle of your drawing surface. They make angled tablet holders, angled desks, angled desktop raisers. Experiment, find and angle that is comfortable and the one that causes the least pain. (It's also good to make sure you don't have to hold your head at an uncomfortable angle when drawing. Staring straight down or hunching over a paper flat on the table can cause pain!)
Compression Glove? Wrist brace/tensioners? Some folks use them and I've been thinking of getting one for years now. I can't give advice on this one, because I don't have experience with it. Look into it if you want!
Managing Pain
First things first.
IF YOUR HANDS START TO HURT WHILE YOU ARE DRAWING. STOP! Put the pencil/pen/paintbrush/whatever down. The art will still be there for you to continue tomorrow.
I know from experience that it's extremely hard to pull away when you are hyper focused on an art piece. It's hard to remember all sorts of basic needs like food or bathroom when hyper focused. But you Need to stop when you feel that pain. (Preferably even before the pain…)
Take Breaks! Let your hands rest when you can. Just like a machine, if you don't schedule maintenance, the machine will schedule maintenance for you. Often that means having to wait a few days for it to return to functional. Best to take a day off from heavy usage or take an occasional 30 min break throughout the day to let your hands rest.
Stretching is important! Full body stretches are good; your arms, shoulders, neck, and spine are all connected, but I'm specifically talking about HAND and wrist stretching. There are a lot of stretches and massages for carpal tunnel and arthritis out there. I find they work for hand pain in general. Move into and out of each stretch slowly. Do not push a stretch if it hurts!! Be gentle!!
I am not a qualified professional and I will not be giving out specific stretches (that is beyond my personal comfort level). There are other artists out there who have made helpful stretching info-graphics which are cool, but I will not be because i don't want to be responsible for someone accidentally hurting themself. Ask your doctor for stretches & advice or look some up on your own.
Don't feel bad about forgetting to stretch frequently! Of course it is good to do it regularly and frequently, but I would be a hypocrite if I said that I remember to stretch daily. Setting timers for stop and stretch sessions can work for some people, but also doing stretches whenever you remember is fine! If you are sitting on the toilet you can idly do some hand stretches. On the bus? Laying in bed? At the beach? Do a couple stretches! Even just once a week is better than… nonce a week.
Using Cold or Heat to treat pain. If you really overdid it, put your hands in some cold water or wrap a cloth around an ice pack and apply it to your hand. Cold works best for me, but warmth works for others. This is just pain reduction and reducing inflammation from overuse! This is not a permanent solution.
If your hand hurts a lot! Frequently! Talk to your doctor? Idk mine has never given real advice. Just gently poked my hand and told me there isn't much to be done about it :/ but there are really good doctors out there who will care and give helpful advice!
Again. IF IT HURTS TO CONTINUE DRAWING. STOP DRAWING! This is not a "no pain no gain" type situation. Drawing so much that you hurt yourself isn't noble, it's just… limiting yourself. You only get one set of hands. These things are very handy to have.
Other Advice
Things I couldn't figure out how to fit into the earlier sections.
Your other hand can't handle the strain! Lets say you hurt your drawing hand... the other hand is right there free to use for art. Right? Wrong. Your other hand can't keep up with the demand, it hasn't been trained to the same extent as your dominant hand, it does not have the built up muscle. If you want to use that hand for drawing you are going to have to use it s l o w l y and train it bit by bit over a long period of time. When I tore a tendon in my right hand I decided to just keep drawing with my left and I got Really Good at it. It only took like two months before my left hand hurt too much to move. Then I had 0 functioning hands to pull up my pants. Not fun!!
People who draw on phones. That is extremely impressive! I'm amazed by the things people can create on such a small space. But phone artists are the ones I see most frequently mentioning hand pain. please please please make sure you are taking breaks. Would a stylus work instead of using a finger?
Outside of Drawing. Sometimes it's things outside of drawing that are causing the pain. For me there are multiple sources, but I also have tiny baby hands. Holding a phone too long causes pain. The handheld mode for my Switch causes A Lot of pain. The way my hand rests while typing on my laptop hurts! Playing tense videogames for too long hurts! Find the source of your pain and make some changes. The same things will apply to most; take regular breaks, do some stretches, and find soft things to prop up or rest your arms on.
Change your Artstyle. This one is more of a last resort. You might have to change your art style if you are getting sharp pains every time you draw. I loved drawing tight clean lines and many small fancy details, but drawing like that left me in so much pain at the end of the day. In 2023 I had to take the better part of year off from illustrations just to learn how to sketch and draw more loosely. I had to learn how to be gentle. To stop gripping my pencil so tightly. Learn! Adapt! You might discover a new style that you love even more!
A lot of this stuff gets more complicated in a work setting where you have to draw fast and long in order to get paid. Things like reducing your workload can help, but that can be... financially rough. But outside of that, it’s ok to be a slow artist. Going full steam and hurting yourself is not worth it.
Aaaaaanyway, thats all folks. Today's rant brought to you by me! The guy with chronic hand pain who always forgets to stretch! The guy who got frustrated with a sketch yesterday and decided to push to keep drawing for just one more hour! The guy who woke up this morning and had to spend 2 hours massaging and stretching their hands. The guy who probably shouldn't have typed all of this out because ooww ow ouch
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If your hands do hurt, it's going to be ok! You don't need to be a speed demon who draws all the time. It's ok to take your time and take frequent breaks. You are going to do great things! Just be gentle with yourself...
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phant0mth1ef · 3 months
last part of bakugou x support course reader
it’s routine at this point, having the spikey haired boy sitting down and occasionally talking with you as you worked on your craft after school. it became something that he’d come to enjoy. and after class, despite your constantly nagging that you were safe by yourself, he walks you back to the support course dorms, claiming that you have to pass 2b’s dorm and monoma gives him weird vibes.
but bakugou arriving late to his own dorm doesn’t go unnoticed by his classmates, they watch as he walks in about three hours later than everybody else, and they also notice that kirishima is already back, so he couldn’t have been with him.
he’s also become easier to be around, hagakure stated that she was glad to not have to walk on eggshells around him anymore.
“i think he’s just trying to get in some extra training. he’s super manly.” kirishima started the conversation as they watched the blonde haired boy retreat to his room.
“i think he’s got a girlfriend!” mina exclaims with excitement, happy that someone finally got bakugou to take the stick out of his ass.
“nah, he’s way too harsh for a girl to like him. they tend to go for the sweeter dudes.” kaminari was hunched over the couch, finally putting in some input.
almost on cue, the boy walked out in a pair of sweatpants and house slippers, a calm look on his face as he sat down on the couch next to kirishima.
“bakugou?! you feeling alright?” mina spoke as she reached a hand over to feel his forehead before he swatted it away, curling up into a ball simultaneously.
“i’m fine! stop touching me.” he was like a little kid who had just been told no for the very first time.
“where’ve you been man? you always get back here super late.” kirishima turned to bakugou, who gave the man a side eye.
“none of your damn business.” he spat, although his friends knew his intentions weren’t malicious, they actually snickered at the boys defensiveness.
“if i didn’t know any better, i’d say you’ve been spending a lot of time with the support course. you always got some new gear on everytime we have to spar.” kaminari interjected.
bakugou looked away.
“you have been with the support course! is it l/n? tell me it’s l/n, she’s like you as a girl!” mina gushed, happy for her friend.
again he didn’t meet their gaze as they watched his every action intently.
“oh my god. he’s got a crush!” kaminari begun to gush with mina, jumping up and down like schoolgirls once they uncovered their friends secret.
once bakugou whipped his head back around, the slight pink tint was evident on his cheeks.
“s’not that. she’s just not that bad to be around. s’all.” he spoke lowly.
“oh my goshhh! bakugou’s in love! someone finally matched his freak.” mina was over the moon when she uncovered this newfound information.
“when are you gonna ask her out man?” kaminari gave him a hard pat on his back, causing the unprepared boy to move forward slightly.
“i dunno. nothing. first time i’ve ever actually tolerated someone this much.” nonchalant king enery!! go and give us nothing!
“you gotta go big! she’ll love that.”
and so he spent the rest of the night listening to his friends suggestions, he really had gotten nicer since meeting you.
the support course had a mailbox for every student located in the faculty office just in case someone needed their gear tweaked and couldn’t get in contact with whoever made it.
when you checked your box, you saw only one note sitting there, so you quickly grabbed it and walked away, reading it in your head.
would you ever wanna grab some food with me? not a date. don’t think that. but i want to get to know you better.
- Great Explosion Murder God : Dynamight
you snickered at his name, in disbelief that he’d actually chosen that to be his alias for the rest of his career.
you looked up, the boy peering at you from a corner, watching your reaction.
you smiled at him.
“yes.” and he felt his breath return to his body.
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untitledgoosegay · 2 months
re last reblog I do see fanfic culture pushing/replicating a certain model of "what trauma looks like," "how trauma works"
this is a problem across all areas of society obviously, but transformative works are, well, transformative. they're about crafting and modifying narratives where the fan-creator sees a flaw or a lack -- often for the better! don't get me wrong, I've done my fair share of "I take a hammer and I fix the canon," it's the main thing that gets my creative gears spinning -- but what happens when that "flaw" is simply a narrative not conforming to popular expectations?
some people just don't get PTSD from events that sound obviously traumatic. they're not masking, and they're not coping; they just straight-up didn't get the permanently-locked stress-response that defines PTSD. they walk away from a horrible experience going "well, that sucked, but it's over now." some people do get PTSD from events most people wouldn't find traumatic. we don't really know why some people get PTSD and others don't. but fandom has an idea of events that must be traumatizing, of a "correct" way to portray trauma. you see the problems with this lack of understanding in e.g. fans pressuring the devs of Baldur's Gate 3 to add dialogue where the player character badgers Halsin about his own feelings on his abuse -- because he must be traumatized, and his trauma must fit a certain mold and presentation of sexual trauma, under the mistaken impression that anything outside that narrow window is somehow "wrong" and disrespectful or even harmful to survivors.
take, for another example, the very common trope of a traumatized character who hates touch or sex "learning" to like touch or sex as a part of their healing process. certainly that can be healing for some people; other people will never like, or want, touch or sex, because of trauma or because they just don't. the assumption that someone who doesn't want sex or doesn't like to be touched must be traumatized, must be suffering from this perceived lack, is seriously harmful -- to asexual people, to people with sensory issues around touch, and to people for whom healing from trauma means freedom to refuse sex or touch.
and there's a secondary trope, one that's slightly more thoughtful but ultimately repeats the problem -- that once someone has learned that their boundaries will be respected, they'll feel it's safe to soften those boundaries. once they feel safe refusing touch or sex, they'll feel comfortable allowing it on their own terms. but many people don't, and many people won't! many people will simply never want to be touched, and never want sex, and they are not suffering or broken or lacking because of it. the idea that proving you'll respect someone's boundaries entitles you to test those boundaries -- the paradox is obvious, and yet this is something i've seen hurt (re-traumatize) people i care for.
people are imperfect victims. people don't heal in the ways you expect. many people have positive memories of their abuse, of their abusers. many people hurt others in the course of their trauma, in ways that can't easily be unpacked in a 5k oneshot. very few narratives of trauma and recovery actually fit the ones put forward by popular children's media and romance novels -- which are the ones I most see replicated in fandom spaces, because they provide the clearest narrative and easiest catharsis, and so they're easy and soothing to reach for.
that's not necessarily a bad thing! i am not immune to goopy romance tropes. i am not immune to teary catharsis. not every fic has to grapple with ugly realities. but there's a problem when these narratives become predominant, when people think they're accurate and realistic depictions of trauma, when the truth of trauma is unpleasant and uncomfortable, and doesn't fit any single narrative, let alone one of comforting catharsis
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