#... dude. sunshine. darling dearest.
icryyoumercy · 2 years
i love when academics who are great in their very specific fields claim things that are so easily and simply disproven by even the most rudimentary understanding of a field that is, on the surface, completely unrelated to it
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bigsoftmarshmallow · 2 months
Honestly, I'm trying to find a very specific sort of shipping dynamic picture that I just eat up like, yum.
It's kinda like this:
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Only, in a:
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Sort of way.
Like, dude's yandere af, but & this totally befuddles him beyond imagination, but she basically just sort of *deep heavy sigh* "Okay, I can see that there's no getting outta this & I am legitimately concerned for your mental health, so I'm gonna just accept that this is my new lot in life & do my best to try to get some therapy into your ill-socialized head."
But also, "Damnit, you call me your Darling/girlfriend/fiancée/wife & keep me locked up?!?! Bitch, you better start treating me like a damn Darling or I will make sure you regret it!!!"
Like, she gets so flipping pissed that he's trying to keep her inside like a dang housepet & will make this fact known!
He gets upset about her trying to escape & she just looks at him like, "TO TOUCH GRASS & FEEL THE SUNSHINE ON MY SKIN!!! Where exactly do you think I'm going??? You have miles of monsters out there!!!"
And, if he insists on keeping her inside, she's just very passive-aggressive about telling him how his "prisoner" needs enrichment. Ya know, books, art supplies, cards, SOMETHING to hold off the slow encroachment of insanity. But in that jilted lover sort of way.
So, like, she's intelligent & perceptive & cunning & even manipulative & is receptive to his advances, but she basically says, "Listen, man, you wanna relationship with me, then fine. But I'm gonna make this the healthiest freaking relationship you've ever had, if it kills us both."
Like, she takes no bs & demands the respect due a wife/girlfriend/queen/whatever.
And I just have no clue what one would call that ship, but I wanna read a dang fiction about it with Ganondorf or Vlad Masters as the yandere.
Like, just imagine all the typical yandere tropes, but the victim is just sort of approaching it the way one might socializing a spicy kitten.
And... I just desperately want this relationship. Even just a scene would do! 😭
I have this daydream all the time, so I am so happy to hear you love this plotline too! I have trust issues, so having a man that is obsessed with me and only me? I can fix everything else, just don't betray me, dearest <3
Wind Waker Ganondorf
Setting: A grand, dimly lit chamber within Ganondorf's fortress. His lover, defiant and resolute, faces him.
Lover: (sighing heavily) "Alright, I see there's no getting out of this. But if I'm going to be stuck here, I expect to be treated like the precious Darling you claim I am."
Ganondorf: (frowning, confused) "You think you can make demands of me, woman?"
Lover: (crossing her arms) "Yes, I do. You want me to be your queen? Then treat me with the respect a queen deserves. I'm not a pet to be caged."
Ganondorf: (grudgingly) "And what do you propose?"
Lover: "For starters, I need books, art supplies, something to keep my mind sharp. If you want a sane queen, you'll give me the means to stay sane."
Ganondorf: (muttering) "Very well. But do not think this makes you free."
Lover: (smirking) "I wouldn't dream of it. But you'll see, Ganondorf. This will be the healthiest relationship you've ever had, even if it kills us both."
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf
Setting: The throne room of Ganondorf's dark castle. His lover stands before him, determined.
Lover: (sighing) "Okay, Ganondorf, if I'm stuck here, we're doing this my way. You call me your fiancée, but keep me locked up like a prisoner. That ends now."
Ganondorf: (scowling) "You dare speak to me this way?"
Lover: "Yes, I dare. I need sunlight, fresh air, and mental stimulation. You have an army of monsters outside. Where do you think I'm going to run off to?"
Ganondorf: (pausing) "What do you want?"
Lover: "Books, art supplies, something to keep me from going insane. And if you ever truly cared for me, you’ll respect my needs."
Ganondorf: (reluctantly) "Fine. But do not test my patience."
Lover: (smiling) "Deal. Now, let’s work on making this the best relationship you’ve ever had."
Twilight Princess Ganondorf
Setting: A dark, foreboding hall in Ganondorf's castle. His lover confronts him with fierce determination.
Lover: (deep sigh) "Alright, Ganondorf, you win. But if I’m your wife, I demand to be treated like one. Not a housepet."
Ganondorf: (smirking) "You think you have the power to demand anything from me?"
Lover: "Yes, because if you don't, you'll regret it. I need books, art supplies, anything to keep me mentally stimulated. I won’t be a passive prisoner."
Ganondorf: (intrigued) "You are bold. Very well, you shall have what you need."
Lover: "Good. And if you really care about me, you’ll start treating me with respect. This relationship will be healthy, or it will be hell."
Ganondorf: (chuckling) "You amuse me. Perhaps this will be interesting after all."
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf
Setting: The war room of Ganondorf’s fortress, filled with maps and strategy plans. His lover stands resolutely before him.
Lover: (sighing) "Ganondorf, if I’m going to be your queen, then start treating me like one. Keeping me locked up is not how you treat someone you care about."
Ganondorf: (raising an eyebrow) "And what do you propose?"
Lover: "I need books, art supplies, something to keep me sane. I’m not running away. Your army of monsters ensures that."
Ganondorf: (nodding slowly) "Very well. You shall have your distractions."
Lover: "And start respecting me. If you want a relationship, we’re doing this right."
Ganondorf: (grinning) "You are a fierce one. This will be... enjoyable."
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf
Setting: A grand hall with windows overlooking the vast landscape. His lover faces him with determination.
Lover: (deep sigh) "Okay, Ganondorf, if I’m going to be your queen, then treat me like one. I’m not a prisoner."
Ganondorf: (thoughtfully) "What do you want?"
Lover: "Books, art supplies, anything to keep me sane. I’m not trying to escape; I just need mental stimulation."
Ganondorf: (nodding) "You shall have what you need."
Lover: "And respect me. This relationship will be healthy, or it will be nothing."
Ganondorf: (smiling) "You have spirit. Very well, let us see where this leads."
Setting: A dark and foreboding throne room, filled with the aura of darkness. His lover stands defiantly before him.
Lover: (sighing) "Alright, Demise, if I’m stuck here, then treat me like the queen you say I am. Not a prisoner."
Demise: (glaring) "You dare demand anything of me?"
Lover: "Yes, because if you don’t, you’ll regret it. I need books, art supplies, something to keep me from going insane. Your minions outside ensure I’m not escaping."
Demise: (considering) "Very well. You shall have your distractions."
Lover: "And start respecting me. If you want a relationship, we’re doing this right."
Demise: (grudgingly) "You are bold. Perhaps you are worthy of being my queen."
In each scenario, the Ganondorfs and Demise are initially taken aback by their lover’s demands but ultimately agree, intrigued by her spirit and determination. This dynamic creates an interesting and unique take on the yandere trope, where the captive actively works to make the relationship healthier and more respectful.
Title: "The Gilded Cage"
Scene: The Castle of Twilight
The sun set beyond the horizon, casting long shadows through the tall windows of the castle. Within its imposing stone walls, Ganondorf paced restlessly, his fiery eyes occasionally flicking towards the grand oak door at the end of the hall. His “darling,” as he fondly referred to her, was beyond that door, where he kept her safe from the dangers of the outside world. The very thought of her escaping or being harmed filled him with a primal rage.
Inside the room, the atmosphere was markedly different. She sat by the window, the cool evening breeze rustling her hair. A heavy sigh escaped her lips as she looked out at the world she once freely roamed. Turning back to the room, her eyes narrowed at the sight of the gilded cage she now called home.
The door creaked open, and Ganondorf entered, his presence commanding and filled with dark energy.
"My darling," he greeted, his voice a mix of adoration and possessiveness. "Why do you sigh so? Are you not happy here, with me?"
She turned to face him, her eyes sharp and unyielding. "Happy? You call this happiness, Ganondorf? You keep me locked up like a prized possession, but refuse to treat me with the respect and care you claim I deserve."
His brow furrowed in confusion. "I keep you safe. The world outside is filled with monsters and dangers that you cannot even imagine. I protect you because I love you."
She took a step forward, her stance defiant. "And in doing so, you’ve made me your prisoner. If you truly loved me, you’d understand that I need more than just protection. I need freedom, sunshine, and the feel of grass beneath my feet. I need books, art supplies, something to keep my mind from withering away in this cage."
Ganondorf’s expression softened, but his resolve did not waver. "You think I can simply let you roam free? The risk is too great. I cannot bear the thought of losing you."
Her eyes flashed with determination. "Then meet me halfway. You call me your darling, your fiancée, your wife. Treat me as such. Provide me with what I need to keep my sanity, to feel human. If I am to be yours, then you must learn to respect my needs and desires."
He stared at her, his mind racing. The idea of compromising, of bending to her will, was foreign to him. Yet, her words struck a chord deep within. She was not just any captive; she was intelligent, perceptive, and strong-willed. She demanded more from him than he had ever been willing to give.
"Very well," he finally said, his voice low and measured. "I will provide you with what you need. Books, art supplies, whatever you desire. But remember, you are still mine, and I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe."
A small smile tugged at her lips. "I accept your terms, for now. But understand this, Ganondorf: I will continue to push for more. I will make this relationship as healthy as possible, even if it means challenging you every step of the way."
He stepped closer, his eyes locked onto hers. "You are a peculiar woman, my darling. Most would cower, yet you stand and fight. Perhaps that is why I find myself so drawn to you."
She met his gaze unflinchingly. "And perhaps that is why I will never give up on making you see reason. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a request for a library to make."
As she walked past him, Ganondorf couldn’t help but feel a mix of admiration and frustration. This was not the dynamic he had envisioned, but it was one he found himself reluctantly respecting. His darling was not a mere possession; she was a force to be reckoned with, and he would have to learn to navigate this new reality.
BONUS BONUS: The room was opulent, furnished with the finest antiques and draped in luxurious fabrics. A grand chandelier hung from the ceiling, casting a warm glow over the scene. Vlad Masters, dressed impeccably in a tailored suit, paced back and forth, his usually confident demeanor faltering as he glanced nervously towards the locked door. Behind it was his "darling," the woman who had unexpectedly turned his life upside down.
Inside the room, she sat on the edge of an overstuffed armchair, her arms crossed and eyes narrowed. Her expression was a mixture of frustration and determination. She had been in this gilded cage for too long, and her patience was wearing thin.
Vlad finally gathered the courage to enter, his eyes meeting hers with a mixture of longing and apprehension. "My dear," he began, his voice soft and almost pleading, "you must understand, I only want to keep you safe."
She let out a deep, heavy sigh, her gaze unwavering. "Safe? You call this safe, Vlad? You keep me locked up like a prisoner. I can't even step outside to feel the sun on my skin or touch the grass. What do you think is going to happen to me out there? There are miles of monsters, yes, but I'm not planning an escape. I just want a semblance of normalcy."
Vlad's face twisted in confusion and hurt. "But you are my precious darling. I can't bear the thought of anything happening to you."
She stood up, her posture strong and defiant. "If I'm so precious, then start treating me like it. You want to call me your girlfriend, your fiancée, your wife? Fine. But I'm going to make this the healthiest relationship you've ever had, even if it kills us both. You want me to stay? Then I need books, art supplies, something to keep my mind occupied. You can’t expect me to sit here and go insane."
He was taken aback by her boldness, but there was something about her strength that only made his obsession grow deeper. "I... I didn't realize how much this was affecting you," he admitted, his voice trembling slightly. "I'll get you whatever you need."
Her eyes softened just a fraction, seeing the cracks in his otherwise impenetrable facade. "Vlad, I understand that you're... different. But if you want this to work, you have to trust me. I won’t run away, but I need my space, my freedom within these walls. Treat me with the respect I deserve, and maybe, just maybe, we can make this work."
He stepped closer, reaching out to take her hand. She didn't pull away, but her eyes were still hard, watching him carefully. "I promise," he whispered, "I'll do better."
She gave a small nod, squeezing his hand slightly. "Good. Because I won't settle for anything less."
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orionchildofhades · 1 year
I use love, honey, darling, sweetheart, bro, girl, man, dude, babe, baby, sweet sunshine and dearest platonicly and gender neutraly
if it makes you uncomfortable, please say it!
my AO3
I post about several fandoms including
hxh - aftg - stranger things - d20 - good omens - my hero academia - marvel - Tolkien related content
and other stuff
link to my steddie soulmate au ff
my non-fandom post account
have a nice day loves :)
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shlutnutt · 3 years
Evans X Nicknames
~ nicknames the characters would call you, both on a daily basis and during intimacy
w: little smut names on kai's part, rest is fluff
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Tate Langdon
Kit Walker
kyle spencer
"my girl"
jimmy darling
"darlin' "
James March
Rory Monahan
"cutie pie"
Kai Anderson
"pretty slut"
"loud mouth"
"needy bitch"
Luke Cooper
"mommy" definitely
Warren Lipka
"my bitch"
Peter Maximoff
colin zable
"my property"
"love bug"
tags// @divineruler @copy-of-a-cheeto @evanmybeloved @billyhxrgrove @sinnersblood @crssjjh @mossybank @the-hotel-cortez @undeadcortez
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txdoroki · 4 years
pet names i think they’d use
words: 407
bakugou probably uses some shit like baby or babe or whatever.  maybe something like princess buttttttt idk. i see him more using dumbass than anything else≧◡≦ i imagine it’d be like “babe, c’mere and see how fucking stupid deku looks in this. i said come here dumbass, hurry up,”
todoroki hits me as a darling, love, baby, princess, angel, dear, type of dude. i dunno those are the easiest for me to see him saying. honestly, he could call me his dumpster whore and i’d still be like 🥺💗
deku would probably use sunshine or love bug or sweetheart. something like that for sure. he’d use them the most when waking you up in the morning, trying to remain patient and everything so you don’t wake up and whack him. “goodmorning, love bug. rise and shine!!” and he’d always pair the wake ups with soft kisses all over your face. some ppl say he’d use puppy but thinking abt that makes me cringe I’M SORRY AHHAHAHA
denki uses less known ones like sugar or sweet pea. but he also likes testing how far he can go with the pet names, so sometimes he’ll be like , “hey cutie patootie, what’s poppin?” “the fuck did you just call me?” “something wrong, snookums?” and then you chase after and tackle him to the ground.
kirishima loves to use the ones that he associates with different things that he loves. he calls you pumpkin, and sweetheart. the occasional beloved or honey as well. maybe even a darling if he’s feelin real affectionate (which he always is anyways) ALSO recently he’s taken up calling you sunshine or buttercup a. lot. you just go along with it cause its sweet
iida really doesn’t use pet names. he keeps things formal and prefers to use them behind closed doors if ever, but even when he does he normally just uses sweetheart or babe and that’s it.
i have a feeling aizawa uses sweets/sweetheart and precious, he just likes reminding you of how you’re the reason he smiles everyday.
dabi uses doll, sweetheart, dear, and darling a lot. mainly doll though, no one knows why. not even me. i just know he calls his s/o doll constantly and for WHATTT
hitoshi likes to use dearest and angel. would never admit this but it’s because he lowkey feels like you were a gift from the universe for him. you didn’t hear that from me though....
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hwkhs · 4 years
Terms of Endearment
summary: what the bnha students calls their s/o with a little imagine to go with it
pairings: midoriya izuku, bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto, shinsou hitoshi, kirishima eijirou, kaminari denki, tokoyami fumikage x gn!reader
warnings: none
style & genre: headcannons; fluff
notes: very very self-indulgent man i’m lonely but i don’t really care and yes maybe i’m a little biased for shinsou
Part One | Part Two | cont. soon...
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Midoriya Izuku
what he would call his s/o: honey, love, dear
i feel like the names he would use are so wholesome and domestic he’s just really sweet oh my god
like just imagine him calling you honey
im soft
The sun’s rays are what cause your eyes to open, your vision slowly adjusting to see around the room. You look towards the bedside table to see the digital clock just turn to 8:32 am. The body next to you shifts and an arm is thrown over your waist, pulling you closer to him. Izuku hums, the sound rumbling in his chest as he kisses your temple. You turn to face him with your noses touching. His eyes flutter open and he immediately smiles seeing your face so early in the morning when he has a day off. 
“Good morning, honey.”
Bakugou Katsuki
what he would call his s/o: babe, PRINCESS/PRINCE, idiot/dumbass
such a romantic i know
he would call you the last ones teasingly because that’s just how he acts
HE WOULD TOTALLY CALL YOU PRINCESS/PRINCE in a way where it could be both teasing yet endearing
You huff in exasperation and spin on your heel. Katsuki rolls his eyes but follows you down the hall regardless. He forgot that you two planned a date that day and he didn’t show up after you waited in the lounge for over an hour.You weren’t really mad at him knowing that he was training hard, but you wanted to hear him say he was sorry as he never did it often.
“Y/N,” he says from behind you and you can hear the sigh of annoyance when you continue to walk forward. He clasps his hand around your wrist and turns you to look at him. Your eyes don’t meet his, mock anger dancing about them. He lets go of your wrist and holds your face in his hands. 
“Look, princess/prince, I’m sorry.”
Todoroki Shouto
what he would call his s/o: my love, darling, sweetheart
i love todoroki
he gives off a more mature and elegant vibe so these nicknames fit so well
he’s gentle with his words and you always melt when he whispers it in your ear
The wind blows past you making you shiver despite the many layers you had on. It was nearing winter but the snow just started coming along. Shouto is walking beside you and felt the shiver you gave off. 
“Are you cold, darling?”
His hand reaches into your pocket to engulf your own, leading you to his left side. He puts your intertwined hands in his own coat pocket. With his temperature regulation your body is suddenly overcome with a comfortable temperature radiating from him.
“Thanks, Sho.”
Shinsou Hitoshi
what he would call his s/o: KITTEN end me now, your name
he won’t have many nicknames for you because his favorite is calling you kitten,,, he just loves how flustered it makes you look
the red face you had when it rolled off his tongue the first time was the reason why he decided to keep calling you it
he also really likes your name how it already is
You were cramming late into the night and Hitoshi made himself comfortable in your bed hours earlier. He came over to your dorm with an intention to hang out, not watch you stress over the latest lesson in mathematics. 
“Y/N.” He calls your name for the hundreth time but you simply hum to let him know you were listening. He waits a few seconds before pushing himself off the bed and behind you. You didn’t notice him standing there before his arms wrap around your middle, his unruly indigo hair tickling your cheek as he buries his face into your neck. He lifts his head up so he lips graze your ear.
“You’ve been at this for hours. Come take a break, kitten.”
Kirishima Eijrou
what he would call his s/o: angel, beautiful/handsome, sunshine
the perfect™ boyfriend
honestly he would respect and love his s/o so much and would want to make them feel so loved 25/8
compliments you whenever he can, that’s why he likes these nicknames because there’s a compliment in each one
Eijirou loves when you wait go up to him during lunch break. Seeing you in general just makes his day. You were feeling rather content and when he saw you he couldn’t stop himself. 
“How are you, beautiful/handsome?” He smiles widely, spiky teeth showing when your face turns red. He doesn’t even hear Bakugo trying not to gag behind him.
Kaminari Denki
what he would call his s/o: dude, bae, hotstuff
these are so him
i can see him calling you dude because you guys have a pretty playful relationship
bae would sound so natural coming from him
You guys were just chilling in the dorm’s common area watching a movie on your laptop. It was a cheesy horror film you guys liked to poke fun at, especially when the characters did dumb things that they were killed off for later on. 
The typical “make-out even if there’s a killer coming for us” scene comes up and Denki nudges your leg to get your attention.
“Wanna go recreate this scene later, hotstuff?” He wiggles his eyebrows and you can’t help but laugh as you push his shoulder.
Tokoyami Fumikage
what he would call his s/o: dove, dearest, my dear
one of my faves
he reads poetry and literature and is kinda emo he has a way with words okay
classic romantic
He was leaning against his wall with you laying back against his chest between his legs. Fumikage turns the page of the book when he notices you were falling asleep, your head lolling to the side as you tried to keep your eyes open.
“Are you tired, my dear?” You hum softly before allowing the sleepiness to overcome you, laying comfortably on him. He closes the book and places it gently to the side. His hands find the blanket and he pulls it up to cover you both. He takes the book to finish where he left off, occasionally running his hands through your hair just the way you liked it.
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lokislastlove · 2 years
2. If you had to give up your keyboard and write your stories exclusively by hand, could you do it? If you already write everything by hand, a) are you a wizard and b) pen or pencil?
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true?
6. What is your darkest fear about writing?
7. What is your deepest joy about writing?
8. If you had to write an entire story without either action or dialogue, which would you choose and how would it go?
9. Do you believe in ghosts? This isn’t about writing I just wanna know
12. If a genie offered you three writing wishes, what would they be? Btw if you wish for more wishes the genie turns all your current WIPs into Lorem Ipsum, I don’t make the rules
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy?
15. Do you write in the margins of your books? Dog-ear your pages? Read in the bath? Why or why not? Do you judge people who do these things? Can we still be friends?
16. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?
20. If a witch offered you the choice between eternal happiness with your one true love and the ability to finally finish, perfect, and publish your dearest, darlingest, most precious WIP in exactly the way you've always imagined it — which would you choose? You can’t have both sorry, life’s a bitch
21. Could you ever quit writing? Do you ever wish you could? Why or why not?
27. Who is the most stressful character you’ve ever written? Why?
28. Who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? Why?
29. Where do you draw your inspiration? What do you do when the inspiration well runs dry?
31. Write a short love letter to your readers.
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens?
37. If you were to be remembered only by the words you’ve put on the page, what would future historians think of you?
38. What is something about your writing process YOU think is Really Weird? If you are comfortable, please share. If you’re not comfortable, what do you think cats say about us?
39. What keeps you writing when you feel like giving up?
Ok some of these I have already answered so I’m just gonna skip those 😊😊 thank you for always making me feel loved sunshine!
4. There are probably so many… but the first one that came to mind is “darling”. Maybe it’s because I always hear it in Hiddlestons sexy sonorous voice. But dude if anyone called me darling I just melt and then wanna jump them. 🤤
5. I don’t think I do have any writing superstitions except maybe that if I’m tempted to add another sexy man to a story it’s inevitable that they will try to take over. Loki is particularly adept at ruining my plots. Haha
6. Oof I mean I write for fun so I don’t have big expectations for it, but I am terrified people who know me will read it and realize how fucking nuts I am. 😬
8. OMG only action or dialogue??? Ahh!!! That’s so horrible. I mean I think only action might be easier for me… but I have no idea how I’d do that… 😱
9. LOL! I LOVE ghosts and supernatural shit, but until I see or experience anything in real life, I maintain my skepticism. I’m definitely a Scully personality.
12. I’d wish to never get writers block! I’d wish that I could write well enough to make it a career. I’d wish that writing stays a joy in my life. 💕
13. Hmm I mean smut is always difficult for me in general but more troubling to write? Hmm I guess I just don’t write things that make me uncomfortable which is probably odd considering what I write 😬 none of the writing is easy to be honest. Hahaha it’s always a challenge, but a fun one.
16. My brother gave me a tiny dream catcher when I was a kid that I loved and used as a bookmark for a while. Kinda bummed I lost that thing.
20. Hahaha Life is a bitch… um I’d probably still pick love over a career. I’m a romantic bitch.
21. I mean I haven’t been writing that long so I could probably go back to life without it.
27. Stressful character?? Hmm I can’t think of a good answer. I feel like Loki is a struggle for me sometimes.
28. I mean I do think that Ransom and Lloyd are the most fun to write for. I don’t know why but I love them.
29. I don’t really have any one place I go… it just kinda hits as I’m reading or watching tv or whatever. Then I just write the idea down and develop it in my head.
31. I really am at a loss for words when it comes to how much I appreciate this community and all the readers here who have been so welcoming and encouraging to me. Fanfiction really has saved me. And I cannot express my gratitude toward everyone here who have given me an outlet and an escape from the stress of my life! I love you all so much. 💕
35. There are rules for this?! 😬
37. HAAAAA!!! Omg could you imagine? People would be terrified about how horny and dark my brain is.
38. Uhhh I mean we all probably write similarly… right? I do find it weird I keep writing everything on my phone rather than using my computer. 😅
39. Uhh well I haven’t reached that point yet. I mean sure not all my stuff gets a lot of feedback but it doesn’t bother me cuz I already wrote it and I enjoyed the process. I guess I just like the feeling of getting these fantasies out of my head. And I actually enjoy being able to go back and read something I wrote and going “oh I like this” hahaha it’s a pleasant experience even if I find things I wish I could have written differently.
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could i get some headcanons for what the THH cast would call their s/o? yknow like babe, darling or sweetheart stuffs like that please & thanksss!!!
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... Hewwo <3
Aaa, this is so cute!! I know I said my character limit is five, but I just couldn't resist doing this one! I wasn't sure if you wanted the male cast or female cast, so I did both!! I don't write for Hifumi, Despair!Junko and Mukuro though, so I'm sorry if you wanted them to be here too. I wrote for Junko in a non-despair AU, so she's still in this, just not despair-crazy.
I hope you enjoy it, my buttercup baby! <3
- 🌺💖Mod Rantaro💖🌺
HCs for what nicknames the THH cast use for their S/O!
The guys :
Makoto Naegi :
Now this boy.
This boy is very pure.
He likes calling you kinda generic, but still sweet stuff like honey, baby, sweetie, dear, etc!
He usually just calls you by your first name though, and uses nicknames when he's being super romantic. It's either on purpose or totally on accident, and there's no in-between.
I can just see you two being out on a date, and you catching him staring at you-
You ask him what's up and he hits you with the:
"It's nothing! You just look amazing, as usual, honey."
How can he be so smooth and yet easily embarrassed? No one knows I-
Byakuya Togami :
He calls you dear, darling and honey a lot!
Only when you two are alone though, like Makoto he usually just calls you by your first name.
He likes to keep any sort of intimacy private.
He sometimes uses very teasing nicknames.
Yeah he's a jerk like that.
Like, if you're short he WILL call you pipsqueak, no I don't make the rules-
He never wants to hurt you though, and he will stop if you ask him to!
He just likes teasing you because your reactions are cute. <3
Mondo Oowada :
Babe? Babe.
He calls you babe a lot.
He also uses very?? Pure and cute nicknames!
Like angel, babydoll, bunny, all that sweet, tooth-rotting jazz.
His favorite is angel though.
Angel, angel face, angel baby, any variation, you name it!
Like, you can be as nice or as mean as you want and he would still be calling you angel.
OH and if you're chubby he would 100% call you marshmellow!! Because you're just so fluffy and cute!!
You're so so precious to him and he wants you to know that!
Leon Kuwata :
This dude calls you nicknames more than your actual name.
He's probably used every nickname in the book for you at least once at this point.
Your name don’t exist no more sorry-
His nicknames range from cute stuff like boo, sunshine, cutie, gorgeous, love, etc
To him calling you dude, man or bro, mostly as a joke.
He also likes calling you things like hot stuff and good lookin’!
He also 100% called you a smurf once. No matter your height. You are now a smurf.
He also called you nicknames before you started dating (if you were comfortable with that, of course!).
Kiyotaka Ishimaru :
Now, Taka's a little shy when it comes to nicknames.
He's shy about relationship stuff in general to be honest-
But he REALLY likes calling you honey, precious, dearest or my love when he feels super lovey-dovey or romantic.
He also calls you sunshine every time you wake up.
Expect a "Good morning, sunshine! How was your sleep?" from my mans right here like every morning-
He's just a precious boi. <3
Chihiro Fujisaki :
He calls you such cute stuff!
Like tater tot, sweetheart, darling, lovely, cinnabun and many more!
He also sometimes uses nicknames related to his talent, to joke around a bit.
Like pixel or byte, especially if you're short like him!
The tone of voice he uses whenever he calls you a nickname just makes your heart melt.
He's just,,, so smol and happy,,,
*mod Rantaro crying noises*
Yasuhiro Hagakure :
Ok so hear me out-
He names you after conspiracy-related stuff.
Mostly cryptids.
Like he also uses regular nicknames like babe, hun or baby-
But like,,,
He also calls you Ness/Nessie, Yeti or Bigfoot, and he sometimes calls you my fortune when he’s being all lovey-dovey.
Maybe Chupacabra when he’s especially chipper, because Chupacabra’s just a fun word to say.
The girls :
heehee chupacabra
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Kyoko Kirigiri :
She really likes giving you nicknames, but is often too shy to.
So she usually just calls you by your first name, like Makoto and Byakuya.
She really likes calling you sweetie, though.
You may’ve expected something that sounds more elegant, but she likes giving you super cutesy nicknames!
Some other examples are muffin, my lovely, fawn, and more!
When you’re in a more public setting she does tone down the cuteness though.
Usually goes for my darling or hun.
Aoi Asahina :
Also someone who uses nicknames more than your actual name!
And hot take-
All of Aoi’s nicknames for you are based on sweets and/or things you would find at a bakery.
She loves sweets, and she loves you, so why not combine the two?
She calls you sugar, honey buns, cookie, and sometimes my little powdered donut.
She also sometimes uses those overly-affectionate, annoying nicknames just to see how hard you’d cringe at them-
Sakura Ogami :
She’s super affectionate and modest with her nicknames!
She usually adds “my” in front of the nickname she’d give you.
My love, my darling, my treasure, my precious, my dearest, etc.
She feels like it’s more intimate by adding the “my” at the start.
Like she’s closer to you when she does that.
Whenever she uses a nickname, you can tell how much she adores you by just her voice alone.
And she also likes using the nickname blossom (heehee).
Because Sakura... Blossom... 👉👈
It sounds cute to her-
Celestia Ludenberg :
Celestia’s very passionate whenever she calls you something that isn’t your name.
She usually uses the names of flowers or fruit to nickname you.
Peach, cherry, plum, daffodil, rosebud, peony... Stuff like that!
She thinks it sounds pretty.
She also likes calling you kitten!
It has a similar sentiment to Aoi’s nicknames (nicknaming you after something they love), and besides you’re as cute and precious as a kitten too!
Her voice is very soft when she calls you something romantic, and she likes taking your hand when she does!
Sayaka Maizono :
She LOVES nicknames!
She thinks they’re just so cute!!
And she uses cute nicknames too-
Like baby, gumdrop, lovely, the list goes on.
She just likes cooing at you and calling you something cute!
“You’re so sweet, lovely!” 
“Baby, you look amazing in that!”
So she usually compliments you, then adds a nickname to give it a more affectionate kick!
Junko Enoshima (non-despair) :
Dear buttercup, I’m warning you.
Junko has literally no concept of shame-
She loves pointing out just how hot you are!!
You could be in the middle of a giant mall and she’d just be going OFF-
She likes using nicknames like hottie/hot stuff, sugar lips, luscious, tasty, all that.
And if you get flustered, get ready because it’s only getting worse.
But sometimes, she goes soft and calls you stuff like cutie or sweet cheeks.
Toko Fukawa :
Toko’s nicknames aren’t exactly endearing all the time-
And she’s very reserved, so most of the time she doesn’t even nickname you.
When she does though its usually something like dummy, stupid, idiot or even egghead.
She doesn’t want to insult you, but it is a defense mechanism of sorts.
Like, you compliment her and her self-hatered just goes “no❤️”
So she tells you: “S-shut up, stupid!”, or something like that.
But way further into your relationship, when she gets comfortable and knows she can trust you, she calls you dear or honey.
Maybe cutie but shhh it’s only when you can’t really hear it
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Woo, that was super fun!  Make sure to drink some water, take any meds you may need to, and maybe eat some fruit or candy! Lotsa love from me, my buttercup baby! <3
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the-night-writer1 · 3 years
Spicynoodles with Ember and Xiaoyun as twins except with Xiaotian carrying them?
Got you my dude)
Red son paced around in a panic what should they do? Where would they go to be safe. He had to think of something. Somewhere to go anywhere.
"Cherry calm down" Mk said, calling Red son out of his head for a moment. Mk was leaning against a tree.
"but but your-" Red son started to say as he rushed back to his beloved's side. Offering any support he could give his expecting partner.
"calm down I'm going to be alright we just need to take a break okay?" Mk said as he gripped Red's hand. He was trying to stay calm things could be worse. What was worse than being in early labor days away from where they were heading, he didn't know but it could be worse.
"love you are way too optimistic" Red son said as he kissed Xiaotian's cheek," do you want me to carry you? Would that help with the contractions? You shouldn't be walking"
"that would help greatly" Mk said after he took a deep breath in and out. Red son then scooped him up and kissed his forehead. Mk rested his head on Red's shoulder as Red son looked around. There was a spring not far from here right?
He could take noodle boy there right? That at least be comfortable from what he'd looked up before they booked it. Damnit if the truck hadn't gotten stuck they wouldn't be in this situation. He took a deep breath and started running towards where he remembered the spring was.
Thank the gods he ran in the right direction. Stupid fucking idiots should have let him take the ship but no they needed to distract the fucking bone demons. They could have used the truck!
Red shook his head as he approached the the spring. He needed to focus on Mk right now.
"it's going to be alright love. I'll keep you safe" Red son said as he entered the water with Mk. Mk nuzzled him and gripped Red's shirt as they got partly submerged in the water. He rubbed Mk's cheek and set him against the edge of the spring," how are you feeling love"
"I've been better" Mk said as he shook a bit. They were definitely getting closer together from what Mk could tell. He was trying to stay calm though. Red son rubbed his cheek and Mk grabbed the comforting hand," you excited?"
"of course I am noodle boy but you stay focused alright. I'm right here with you." Red son said reassuringly. To say the least the next few hours only felt like minutes. Red son doing his best to provide his beloved support and any possible comfort.
"I can't I can't do this" Mk mumbled as he leaned back. He felt like they'd gone no where and he could barely focus anymore.
"yes you can you're almost done love you're almost done" Red son said reassuringly trying to encourage him to keep going."I promise"
Mk let out a scream of pain before he heard some soft little cries. He laid back panting, in a daze as he heard two sets of cries? Was Red crying? He didn't know or care he was exhausted.
He heard a full happy chuckle as he closed his eyes to take a much needed nap.
"finally you arrive. I sent that call hours ago!" Red son scoffed at someone as Mk started to wake up," I barely got them all here"
"sorry We came as soon as we could darling. How are they?" A voice asked as Mk noticed he was in a bed. He could hear footsteps but he wasn't quite able to open his eyes yet.
" all three of them are healthy thank the gods. My beloved noodle boy passed out shortly after the second baby was born" Red son said as he brushed some hair out of Mk's eyes. Mk opened his eyes in surprise, second baby? He had two babies?!
"oh hello love" Red son said as he gave Mk a gentle kiss," no need to fear we're all safe. Mother and father arrived with aid."
"yes you are safe dearest." Iron fan said sweetly as she fixed Mk's blankets," we'll take care of the little gifts while you two get some much deserved rest."
"thank you mother" Red son said as he got on the bed and laid next to his ray of sunshine. Mk softly smiled as he nuzzled Red son.
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jangofctts · 4 years
I think you answered what the boys will most likely call their s/o...but what do the boys like to be called??
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blanche: idk it depends! like if you’re strangers he doesnt mind just his name/title. if youre in a relationship he do be melting a little when you call him baby/honey OR blanchie boy/baby
blue: baby, blueberry, angel, honey HE LIKES THOSE ONE A LOT but he doesn’t have much of a preference
jaws: REALLY SAPPY ONES LIKE my star, my lovely man, dear, honey bunny, sugar bear shsjsjs honestly like he always goes over the top with pet names for you so he likes it returned dhdjdnd
sweets: baby boy, angel, sweetie, darling, good boy, LITERALLY ANYTHING YOU CALL HIM HE’LL ADORE. he especially loves when you call him pet names in mando’a
kami: bastard bitch, asshole, stinky, your dumb baby. IM KIDDING EHEHEB I MEAN he does like those ridiculously mean sounding ones filled with only love but he does like the occasional baby, sweet cheeks, love of your life
fuse: will blush at ANY pet name and will pretend to hate it but he lOVES IT. his absolute fav is when you call him your lover boy or your good/pretty boy
void: darling, dearest, sunshine, my sweet little doctor man, baby HE LOVES THOSE ONES. but he also thinks it’s hilarious when you call him things like “hello my sweet pencil shaving” he’ll respond with something equally as weird dhsnsn
bruiser: babe, bro, dude, big guy, thickums ebdndn. honestly he’ll respond to anything shsjssbsn he just likes hearing your voice regardless
max: alSO loves the bro, dude, homie, my mans, cowboy, babe anD LIKE VOID, he likes those really weird drawn out ones that are either really sappy or just make nO sense dhdjdjd
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cosm1ckun · 6 years
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happy-radio · 6 years
A 5am message to my beloved and cherished boy, my Dude, darling kitty, sunshine of my life and owner of my heart, best friend and my only cuddle partner, dearest pet, beautiful boy, cutest of all cats:
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Shut the fuck up.
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plus-ultra-trash · 7 years
is there a character limit? if not, what are your hcs for what class 1-a (and shinsou because oh boy) would call their s/o? like if they would or wouldn't use some kind of nickname or pet name, and if they would, what would it be? and what would they like to be called?? ah, and if there is a character limit or this is just a lot, feel free to just do whoever you want! I hope you're both doing well ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
So for something small like this, I don’t mind doing a whole group. However, I will only list what pet names they would use and what they would like to be called, if that’s okay!! Things that a “no go” can be requested in a different ask, but for this one I’ll just focus on what they would be called!!
This is also going in their class number order, by the way!
Yuga Ayoma
Pet names for s/o: mon amour, my love, sweetheart, sugar plum (if it’s sickly sweet, he’s saying it).
Pet names he likes: love, darling, dear, my Yuga (again, anything sickly sweet). 
Mina Ashido
Pet names for s/o: babe, honey, sweetie.
Pet names she likes: Mina-darling, my fuzzy little alien.
Tsuyu Asui
Pet names for s/o: wouldn’t use them, honestly. Would probably just use a nickname she gave her s/o, and that’s it.
Pet names she likes: Tsu-honey/dear/darling/love (any combo of a pet name after “Tsu”).
Tenya Iida
Pet names for s/o: my love, darling, and any nickname he’s given his s/o (that nickname is a special thing).
Pet names he likes: Tenya (no one but his close family calls him that, so in a way it’s a pet name).
Ochaco Uraraka
Pet names for s/o: s/o’s name plus the following - darling, love, dear, honey, hun.
Pet names she likes: “Ocha,” gravity-babe.
Mashirao Ojiro
Pet names for s/o: dropping the formal endings (such as “sama,” “san,” ect.)
Pet names he likes: doesn’t. Just drop the formalities as well as he’s happy.
Denki Kaminari
Pet names for s/o: babe, my prince/princess.
Pet names he likes: anything goes for like electric boy. He’s especially weak to being called “babe” though. He loves that pet-name.
Eijiro Kirishima
Pet names for s/o: he just shortens his s/o’s name and just says really sweet things (”You look so beautiful, ya know?”).
Pet names he likes: “Eiji,” “Ei,” “Kiri.”
Koji Koda
Pet names for s/o: “my little ____” (this can be a mixture of his s/o’s name or a bunch of cute animals. Either one is plausible).
Pet names he likes: he likes being called “Koji,” or “my little bunny.” Boy loves him some rabbits.
Rikido Sato
Pet names for s/o: my sweet (says this to mean that his s/o, but also to say they’re a source of power).
Pet names he likes: “Riki,” lover boy.
Mezo Shoji
Pet names for s/o: baby, “____-chan.”
Pet names he likes: doesn’t, so don’t try. Just call him “Mezo-chan” and he’s blushing (won’t see it under that mask though).
Kyoka Jiro
Pet names for s/o: her melody, babe, dear.
Pet names she likes: “Kyo,” “Jiji,” love.
Hanta Sero
Pet names for s/o: babe, baby, shortening of s/o’s name.
Pet names he likes: “Hana,” or just his name. Not really a sappy dude, he really likes writing romantic poetry though. That’s where the sweet stuff comes out.
Fumikage Tokoyami
Pet names for s/o: “the light to my dark,” his rose, sunshine.
Pet names he likes: “my raven,” “Fumi.” He also likes it if you would write him cute little notes. He saves them.
Shoto Todoroki
Pet names for s/o: my love, or just his s/o’s name. Nothing too special.
Pet names he likes: he’s not used to them, so I’m not sure he would have a preference. This means his s/o can get creative and they would both have to go through a trial and error process (please shower this boy in lovely pet names, he needs them).
Toru Hagakure
Pet names for s/o: honey, darling, superman/woman, sweetie, sweetheart, love (she’s super sappy).
Pet names she likes: sugar, baby, love, sweetie, darling, wondergirl (not sure why, but she likes it!).
Katsuki Bakugo
Lmao you think he would? That’s where you’re wrong.
Pet names in general: hates them. Unless the moment was SUPER intimate, just would not even attempt them. If his s/o calls him “Katsuki” he’s in heaven because no one ever does. He’s always “Bakugo” or “Kacchan,” never “Katsuki.” If he uses his s/o’s name rather than a nickname (usually something related to their quirk or striking feature), then that’s the best pet name his s/o could ask for. (Side note: he probably wouldn’t even know his s/o’s full name until years after they were dating. He’s just so bad with names).
Izuku Midoriya
Pet names for s/o: he would prefer to give a personalized nickname, usually a play on his s/o’s name or their hero name. Sometimes he will call his s/o “love,” “darling,” or “babe,” but this is only when he’s asking quick questions and he is alone with them.
Pet names he likes: Izuku, love, darling.
Mineta Who? (adding to FAQ no Mineta. Can’t do it).
Momo Yaoyorozu
Pet names for s/o: my dear, love of my life, “___-chan,” darling dear (if it sounds kinda forced/formal, Momo probably says it. Hopeless romantic).
Pet names she likes: “Momo,” my love, sweetheart, lovely.
Hitoshi Shinso
Pet names for s/o: he would just use a nickname that he picked for them. The basis of this nickname would either lie in him shortening their name, adding their quirk plus their name, or poking fun at something they always do (not like a nervous tick or anything, but a habit). These things are a lot more personalized, and he would like them more.
Pet names he likes: just the same, he would like it if his s/o gave him a personalized nickname. It feels more intimate and that’s all Shinso craves.
Extra Bonus Round!! Class 1-A Teachers!!!
Shota Aizawa
Pet names for s/o: darling, love, kitten (not in a weird way, he just loves cats and he finds it cute).
Pet names he likes: “Sho,” dear. (that’s it. He’s a simple man. He’s just happy to be around his s/o).
All Might (Yagi Toshinori)
Pet names for s/o: beautiful/handsome, angel, pumpkin, cutie pie, love, darling, my only one (it can get annoying, since he tends to use these names A LOT, but he’s just so ready to shower his s/o in affection all the reigns are off).
Pet names he likes: “Yagi, my love,” dearest.
~Admin Kaz
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snarkyowl · 7 years
Masterlist of Nicknames
Mad @ Nate- "Shadowbaby" "Comet" Nate @ Mad- "Tinker" Nate @ Bim- "Bell" "Butter" Bim @ Nate- "Chickadee" Bim @ Mad- "Crow" "Honey" "Goofy Goober" Mad @ Bim- "Sunshine" "Raybim" "Stardust"
Wilford @ Dark- Darkipoo, Darkie Darling, heart thief Dark @ Wilford- Bubble, Sweet, Dearest,
Doc @ Host- "My little sunshine," pumpkin, mystery "my sweet mystery" "you're lovely, mystery dearest" Host @ Doc- Doll, sweetiepie, cutiepie, prince
Chase @ Anti- Glitchy dude, Glitchson, kiddo, floof Chase @ Schneep- Sneeze, Sheep, Doctor dude, Docson, Doc bro Chase @ Marvin- Marv, Magician dude, Magicson Chase @ Jackieboy man- Jackie, Hero dude, Hero son, poppy Chase @ Jack- Sean, Green bean, creator dude, creator son
Red @ Bing- Honorary Fifth Google, Fiver Green @ Bing- Bingy-boy Oliver @ Bing- Bingo Blue @ Bing- My favorite annoyance
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sweetie and pastel for aizawa?
aaaa im so blushy today asdkjbasd
pastel - Name three colours that best suits your F/O, and three colours that best suit you. Now, pick one from each list that accurately suits your relationship! [I just really like me some metallics]
Shouta: metallic dark blue, pastel pink [ironically lmao], yellowPrince: red, like a rlly deep indigo, burnt orangeShip: hhh like a pastel blue or yellow, relaxing and comforting
sweetie - Does your F/O give petnames? Do you give them petnames? What petnames are they? [i just,,,, rlly like being call baby boy, big boy etc etc my dudes]
Shouta’s Petnames: Sunshine, Love, Dearest, Darling, HubbyPrince’s Petnames: Kitten, Angel, Babe, Honey, Lovely, Baby Boy, Big Boy
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