#...👀how long are his fingers💩👀...
hazelfoureyes · 4 hours
A Doe in Fall (part 11)
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⟱HumanAlastor x FemaleBurlesquerReader - A Doe in Fall
A burlesquer with a penchant for conning men, you find your latest game interrupted when your next mark saves you from an aggressive fan— by killing him. The chance encounter left you curious, still half convinced you could complete your normal chase. Unbeknownst to you, you were the one being tracked.
Part 1 - Pretty in Red smut💩 Part 2 - Liar smut💩 Part 3 - A Tragedy smut💩 Part 4 - Enough Part 5 - Too Much Part 6 - Learning smut💩 Part 7 - Recognition smut💩 Part 8 - Trust sexual đŸ„” Part 9 - Shiny Things Part 10 - Good Deeds Part 11 - Caught 📍 (this bitch is getting long)
Horny? Not this story yet but
.Don’t worry, just wait a couple days
 👀 💩
Part 11 Caught
Taking time to cast out the line and wait for the big one to take the bait.
「Warnings/Promises: Human Alastor x Fem!Reader, jaws theme plays, fishing, sweet as fuck, and then not sweet, prostitution yelled into a crowd, rough hands, I won’t say the word ‘paddy wagon’ because the history seems to be targeted at the Irish in America so it’s called a wagon here」
Minors if you violate the MDNI I will toss you back into the river lie the pinfish you are đŸ’„ 🎣
Peaceful. Your head on his chest. Even breathes, strong heart. Corporeal. Real. There with you. A ritual to whoever brought you into his embrace, every morning you lied against him and you stared out the window. Past the greenhouse, where the woods were allowed to run wild and you knew the animals therein were safe to exist as they were meant to. Everything and everyone in their element.
His fingers would make little circles and pattern eights along your shoulder blade. Your gaze out and forward, his intently focused on the ceiling fan; then and there.
Occasionally he’d spell a word across your skin  to see if you were paying attention. Today: B R E A K F A S T ?
He didn’t want to interrupt the sounds of the radio on the dresser with the half hearted question.
He carried your plate out onto the front porch, the swinging bench as much a perfectly suitable place to eat as anywhere else. You both tended to enjoy the back porch, but he felt an urge for novelty.
As you nibbled, he stared at the car. He didn’t really want to leave, but he wanted to go somewhere with you.
“Can I take you to the water? We could fish. I’m in no rush today.” You were unsure, tilting your head a little when he asked. He had offered before but you admitted you didn’t know how. “You’ll have time to shower before work.” His index finger came over and waited for yours to hook into his.
Alastor was beyond smitten watching you and your trousers bound down his steps. Hand in hand, in the early morning breeze of the impending fall, he led you through his property to the water’s edge.
A small cup of earthworms he scrounged up while you changed, two poles from the shed, and a bucket he hoped would have fish soon enough.
As a child he often ran through the woods of his home and played pretend, and as he got older and his imagination shifted he would fish for his mother. When his friends began to date and pair off, he’d hunt animals in a parallel kind of chase. 
They took home gals, he dragged in rabbits.
And when his mother died, and the food he brought home was more than he needed, he stopped venturing past the clearing. That trek home to a bright house, his mother waiting on the back porch surrounded by the chirps of crickets was something he cherished.
But then her silhouette was gone. And the cricket’s song became one of loneliness. The walk to the house now a chore, a thing he had to do to get from Point A to Point B.
Pulling you by the hand past the field and its tall grass, into the shade of the trees where the air was so cool it bordered on wet, he wasn’t so worried about the return trip. No tedium in the navigation now.  
Alastor wasn’t loquacious as it were, but when he did feel like talking he talked. He could, and did, name every species of fish that lived in the river. The ones he liked to eat, the ones he liked to look at, and the fish he didn’t care for much at all. His mother’s favorite was bluegill, and he said it was the scariest fish when he was young.
“The fucker has spikes!” He said it like he was introducing a villain, “I grabbed one once and it flexed these spines and I dropped it. I broke a pole trying to beat one to death once because I was too scared to pick it up again.”
You’d never fished. Not because you didn’t care for it, it just wasn’t what you did. Your mother didn’t take you to rivers or the sea. You stayed in buildings and parks near people. You could see the water, just never really interacted with it. Luckily, Alastor was ecstatic to teach you. 
He saddled up behind you and explained how to cast out. It took a few tries to get it right, the release of the line a little tricky to get down at first. You could see the shine of the reels and could tell they were expensive and unused. Easily they were worth more than three dollars a piece. He bought two of them
 when? The thought brought a silly, crooked smile you couldn’t contain. 
“A friend accidentally hooked his own back once.” You watched the way his gaze seemed to soften as he was looking into the distant past.
“I hope he’s gotten better at it.”
Alastor shrugged. 
Oh, right
 Alastor had friends in a sense, but never had he really introduced you to someone that was remotely important. No one he lit up for, no one he invited over, no one he completely relaxed his put-on smile for. You had to wonder where they'd all gone.
“Do you ever see him?”
He shook his head, “He has a life now.”
Your chuckle wasn’t meant to be cruel, but it came off a little too incredulous, “Do you not have a life?”
He didn't look at you, which was the loudest indicator he wasn’t fond of the question. He cast out his own line, waiting to reply until he could settle, “Sweetheart, do you really think I’ve been living a life compatible with his? Or any of them?” He pulled back on the line a little to feel the tension, “Wives get uncomfortable inviting over single 40 somethings like myself. And I can only stomach so many surprise female dinner guests at such things.”
You felt like an ass. 
Being a single man at his age, with a good job, a car, and land, made people uncomfortable. A lifelong chosen bachelor is fine, a rake is expected, but someone who seemed to be disinterested in dating and in fooling around? You could imagine the looks on their wive’s faces, asking questions that were thinly veiled insults.
What do you do for fun?
Is it difficult to find respectable dates when you work in jazz?
So, you’ve never been married, is that right? Not even close?
A mood change. You waited a moment to let silence kill the topic and asked, “What is the catch you’re most proud of?”
He thought for a second before a lopsided grin spread and you felt your heartbeat relax. “A gull.”
“A gull?!”
Alastor cackled, doubling over at the memory. “I threw out my line and as it flew through the air, a gull passing by grabbed the worm. It fought me for a minute before managing to get loose.” He ended up squating, blue jeans rolled up at the ankles and covered in spurs you just now noticed. “It looked as confused as I was.”
The morning was spent reveling in new and useless information about each other. Your fear of dogs, his fear of armadillos (someone told them they had the plague). The time you accidentally walked into a stranger’s home, the time he startled an old woman because he was standing too still in a store and she thought he was a mannequin.
Moments of intimacy intermittently interrupted by a tugging of the fishing line and excited easing in of the prize.
The fuckers did have spikes. You reached out for your first successful catch and the barbs pricked you. With a hurried step back, your short heel sank into the dirt and you lost your balance. Your ass hit the ground hard, and you needed a breath before you could reply to Alastor’s worried questions.
“I’m fine”, just embarrassed, you assured him before picking up your shoe and throwing it, “I have to go home and change out these shoes.” Leftie smacked against the tree with a soft pop.
“Bring over a few pairs, if you have them. I’m sure a pair of mom’s could fit you, you can wear them home. We could toss these into the river. Shoot ‘em. Run em over.” He retrieved the thrown shoe before kneeling to remove the other one. He touched your ankle, eyes shooting up to monitor your face for any pained expressions. “Burn ‘em.”
“First my stockings last week and now my shoes? You’ve gone fire-happy.” You wiggled your toes for his peace of mind, “It’s okay, I don’t have many shoes. We’ll reconcile someday.”
Alastor sat down properly on the grass and dirt of the river’s edge and took off his shoes and socks. You thought maybe he was trying to commiserate somehow, until he shoved the socks into the toe box and slipped one onto your foot. 
You warned he didn’t have to do that and he flashed you a look, his smirk alone called you a hypocrite and made you go silent. “You can’t perform with tattered feet or a rolled ankle.” He laced them tightly, “I know where the stickers and ant hills are, I’ll be fine.”
Your eyes wandered over the bucket of water and fish, the worms in their cup, and his bare feet on the grass.
“Who taught you to be such a well rounded gentleman?” A rhetorical question, mostly. 
“My mother, of course.”
“Your father didn’t worry you’d be too soft?”
“Ah, apparently not. He left before I was born,” Alaster fidgeted with the straps of your shoes. “He hadn’t considered,” every word was measured, “the realities of,” you could see him searching for the words in real time; this was a conversation he had never had before, “of being with my mother before knocking her up.”
The ‘family planning’ conversation on the kitchen table fluttered back to you.
“Oh, can I have permission to hate him?” Always the easiest emotion.
He clicked his tongue, hands busy looping your shoes together by their straps and then attaching them to his belt loop.
“He left her the house and the land before going. Kept his promise to help take care of me, in that sense. So, no. I think indifference is fair enough.” He grabbed your fish by the tail and placed it into the bucket. “Kinda funny though, had he stuck around he’d have seen how the only thing I got from him was his biggest worry: my complexion!” A joyless laugh, “But I’m just like her in all the ways that matter.”
It came out before you could think it through, “He didn’t love your mother?”
He winced. “Cowards can love just fine, I think. Maybe they love the hardest actually.” You nodded, knowing this wasn’t a philosophical debate where your opinion was needed. “I mean, what kind of man just gives away his only assets?” Alastor leaned over to fix the collar of your blouse, “A scared idiot in love, of course.”
You wondered about ‘family planning’. In their age it was nothing short of guessing and lamb innards. It was impossible to pretend you knew what his father would have lived through had he stayed. But you knew very well what Alastor lived through because he left. New Orleans was different than many other parts of the country when it came to mixed children, but the attitude was less acceptance and more a baseline tolerance for their existence.
The conversation, and shoe change, brought a natural end to the morning. Alastor helped you up, taking the opportunity to brush off your backside. 
He led you until the clearing, he knew the land was flat there, and slowed down to let you walk a little bit ahead. The view of the house was much more inviting with you in it.
As promised, a shower. Originally alone, Alastor sitting on the toilet seat talking to you about dinner. Then he got quiet. He startled you a little when he peeked behind the curtain but everything settled when he got inside and his hands wrapped around your waist. Kisses for kiss’s sake. Skin on skin just to feel closer than you were before. A hum buzzing his chest as you hugged him tightly and wasted some water. Well, ‘wasted’ is subjective. The warmth radiating off his stomach rivaled the shower’s spray. You knew there wasn’t time for a nap, but the comfort was so deeply rooted you worried you’d fall asleep in his arms then and there. 
His mothers shoes did fit, a pair of her black double straps with a nice wide heel replaced your T-straps and their damned thin one. The offer and action of presenting them to you was bigger than could be acknowledged. It was clear in how he wiped them clean with drilled in focus and set them in front of the bed for you like the main course of a fancy meal. The way they’d been kept packaged and neat in the guest closet. 
“Throwing them away seemed a waste. Glad they could be of use.” He said it so casually but it was more than that. When she died he packed away her items and forgot about them. He couldn’t throw them away. It still felt like her house, after all. Who was he to change anything?
It was a little surprise to himself when he offered them to you. It seemed natural at the moment but as he said it his calm heart backtracked. Was that okay to do? Was it disrespectful to his mother? Was it rude to offer you a dead woman’s things? Would you be uncomfortable?
The little strings of worry all cut loose though when you did the straps and said, “I’ll return them in perfect condition.”
He had thought you’d take them forever. But no, that was better. “I’ll buy you your own just like them.”
You quickly buried the sincere sweetness of the moment with a joke, “Finally this long con is paying off!” What else could you do, threading the strap of your beau’s dead, dearly loved mother’s heels? It was like being on cloud nine with lead shoes. Confusingly wonderful and supremely daunting. You were literally walking in her shoes. The irony made you squeeze your arms to your sides to make sure your sweat pads were in their place.
Alastor thought if all you were getting out of this was a pair of shoes, you were definitely coming up in the red. 
Losing out. 
He knew it was a joke,  but had it been true he’d build a home on his land and fill it with shoes and dresses and whatever else you asked for. A stage all your own if you wanted. He’d clap and throw flowers at your feet nightly. If you’d let him. 
Maybe he could do that anyway. Every night, praise you with his mouth in all the ways he could imagine you’d enjoy. 
The analogy carried through as he drove you to work. What was the price of admission and had he managed to afford it yet? Again, he fretted over what he was giving you in all of
 whatever exactly this was.
He knew exactly what he wanted it to be and knew very well what you didn’t want. So, letting sleeping dogs lie, he instead considered what you were actually getting out of the arrangement as it stood now. 
He’d met women who just wanted a home to pretty up. You had your own space you seemed keen on so he doubted that was it. Sometimes women pursued him for his obvious disposable income. Images of you swiping the hundred off the hotel bar played across his thoughts. No, you seemed capable enough to earn more than your job paid. If anything you seemed to enjoy chasing down marks.
You’d made it clear your thoughts on marriage (“I won’t be bought by jewelry and promises of a pretty cage.”)  though he did consider what could ever make you want that legal lock. He’d had friends who would have liked the safety a husband lended their image. Women who didn’t have any need or want for men in general. But things like banking and ownership were easier with a husband. And if he was aware of their preferences, they could still enjoy their love lives as they always had tried to before marriage. Alastor had considered such an offer before. Seriously considered it. It seemed to solve all of the problems he and his lady friend had. 
His hands twisted around the steering wheel. He knew, deep in the marrow of his bones, he was always going to be alone. But the tiniest speck of desire to have someone love him and share his life remained buried in the viscera of his reality. So he turned down the sham marriage. What if he met someone inconceivable? Suddenly he would be an adulterer. Which was just hilarious to him. Such a thing could lead to a loss of employment and social shunning. 
Plus, his mother would shake her head if he opened her very deserved home to someone purely existing to make a pleasant lie for the world. Disappointment could leak straight from her grave and into the floorboards.
Everyone wants something, though. He wanted to be seen in his entirety and accepted as he was.
Well. All the things you seemed to want you had. Autonomy. Adoration. Attention. 
His mind conjured images of you sitting pretty in your trousers in Beth’s. Moments like those, before he knew you, you had all of the things you wanted and seemingly needed. It made you upsettingly attractive to him. 
Alastor didn’t want to be needed by someone, he wanted to be wanted by someone who already had everything.
As the car rolled over the bridge and you both made your way into the city proper, his thoughts wandered back to the notion of rings. His mother never had one, so he had nothing to hand down. Would you wear gold, like the necklace you hung on the mirror in the guest room? Or silver?
He suppressed an embarrassed chuckle, he was getting ahead of himself again. Daydreaming while he drove like he always did. But this time you were in the car with him. 
You caught him blushing, asking if he got too much sun by the water earlier. Alastor’s eyes went wide and he laughed a forced ‘ha ha ha!’, punctuated by a flat and low “No!”
All you could do was laugh in return when he didn’t elaborate. The way he was gripping the steering wheel made his knuckles go pale through the thin skin of his hands.  But the wonky smile he had told you he wasn’t angry. 
He gave you a peck outside the theater’s side door, promised to swing by yours after work so you could grab some shoes, and drove off. 
✩ .  âș   . ✩ .  âș   . ✩ .  âș   . ✩ .  âș   . ✩
“Excuse you, you’re not welcome here.”
You heard it but didn’t really register what that implied. Sometimes people tried to sneak in who’d been banned, but it was
not common. The list of people was quite short. You didn’t stop to think of them all, regardless.
You made a habit of calling Ruth by her stage name as early in the work day as you could remember, to avoid any slip ups. So when you called out to her as you worked the room after your performance, she knew to answer.
“Skye, could you bring me some water?” Leaning on the bar you watched her make her own drink, flashing you a wink. She always got tipsy and ended up behind the bar when she was in a good mood. Which was most nights. The staff didn’t mind, the real money to be made was in liquor and whatever could be passed off as beer. So the extra pair of hands was appreciated.
“You’ve been especially happy lately. Good sex?” The glass was slid to you. All you could do was nod. You’d hadn’t actually had sex in awhile, but that wasn’t anyone’s business.
Your smile barely had a chance to slip off your face, your senses too quick for your body to keep up. The awareness that something was wrong hit you fast and hard, but only milliseconds before you felt someone grab you.
Brady’s hand gripped your shoulder and pulled you backwards, something slipping around your wrists as a uniformed cop came around the corner of the atrium. You struggled to get away from him, shouting general protests to being suddenly manhandled. Your voice erupted, the first cannon shot of the war as women and men began to swarm and berate the detective.
Barely a shocked laugh could be choked out from your tightening throat. 
“You’re under arrest!” He yelled it, looking at you for just a moment before announcing it to the audience. An actor to his crowd.
“For what?!” Johnny pushed Brady with two fingers to the chest. 
A beat of silence as the room collectively gasped. Ruth was the first one to truly lay her hands on him, snatching his hat off and smacking him across the head. The other dancers moved like a school of fish, tucking Ruth into the safety of their numbers with a simultaneous jostling of the detective.
The cop leading you away stopped, “Just her? I thought-,”
Detective Brady dusted his hat off with the back of his hand and shooed the man away. “Just her.”
Before you had reached the glass doors of the theater, you tensed and pulled back. “What the fuck are you doing, Mr. Brady?”
But Brady wasn’t looking at you. He was scanning the room. Staring into the small but fierce roiling mass of regulars, dancers, and staff filling up the doorway in front him and flooding the atrium. 
Johnny sized up Brady, getting nose to nose with him, “Show your face here again and we’ll need an ambulance, not a wagon!”
Brady leaned into the confrontation, “Now sir I’d be careful. That almost sounds like a threat.”
“Sure as shit is!” Someone hissed. 
“Hey! Brady!” You tried again in vain to get his attention.
“Hush. You confessed to it already, no point crying now.” The cop’s voice was harsh, his disgust barely hidden. His palms were calloused and scratched at the exposed skin of your arms.
“Someone! Someone call-,” Ruth snapped her fingers as the syllables teetered on the tip of her tongue.
Goosebumps rose across your shoulders like little tombstones. Your autonomic nervous system came to a crawl. The grip on your arm tightened as you had to be wretched forward and out of the front doors.
Her eyes lit up, “Alastor! Does anyone have Alastor’s work number?!” Ruth was met with confused faces and shrugs from the others.
You didn’t feel yourself begin to cry, it was a reaction to the fact you hadn’t blinked since you became aware Brady didn’t seem too interested in your reaction to this.
This wasn’t an arrest. It was a trap.
⋅˚₊‧ àŹłâ‹†Masterlist.àłƒàż”*:
˖ ʁ𖄔.Summoning the Horny Little Deer Cult.đ–„” ʁ ˖
@eris-norwega @reath-solia @catticora , @angelicribbons , @xalygatorx
@cxrsedwxrlds , @nonetheartist , @tsunaki , @janchei , @moonmark98
, @readergirlstuff , @berry-demon , @chirimeimei , @fairyv-ice , @olive-frog ,
@thonethatflies620 , @tiredkiwiii , @ilikemyteawithmilk , @whateverlololo , @psipies
@howabouticallyou , @roxxie-wolf , @fizzled-phoenix , @star-kujo-platinum
, @a-case-of-attachment , @multifandomfanatic02 @watereddownmilk , @bontensbabygirl @smoky000
@hoebihoeshi , @pansexual-opera-house , @polytheatrix , @lorddiabigmommymilkers , @backinthefkingbuildingagain
@harley2223-blog , @poinappel , @midnightnoiserose , @spookieroz , @missmidorima ,
@ivebeenthearchersstuff , @downbadforfictionalppl , @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx , @sleepylittledemon , @aether-th3-enby
@dontfuckbutimfab @breathlessaura , @aperfectidiot , @certainlygay , @jth12
31 notes · View notes
redheadkittys · 2 years
...when you think you don't need a new li but then cybird drops him right into your face...
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...a friend: so another purple haired one!?...me:...
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57 notes · View notes
whiskeyskin · 7 months
Love and Longing
Premise: When Elminster delivers Mystra's blessing to reprieve Gale from the Orb's volitile nature, there's a certain something he's been denying himself for over a year and he's finally alone in his tent 👀🍆💩
‱ Gale x gn!tav ‱ 18+ ‱ E/M Rating
Gale's POV, reader referred as "you", no mention of specific pronouns or genitals, porn without plot, male masturbation, fantasising, oral both recieving, penetration, jealousy, love, longing, horny!gale, fluff, lemons, Astarion x gn!tav referenced, marking if you squint
1.9k words
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Gods bless you @wizardblood for this gifset we gladly receive đŸ„”âœš
Part 2 here, if you like that sort of thing?
A/N: Y'all are making me UGLY CRYY WITH JOY AT THESE LOVELY COMMENTS 😭😭😚😚 Thank you for over 800 notes!! You beautiful, thirsty creatures 😏💜
A/N: 1k NOTES?! đŸ„čđŸ„č I love each and every SINGLE one of you 😚✹
Gale looked down at the solid protrusion currently causing his bedroll to tent, attempting to keep his breathing even.
It had been what felt like an age since he'd allowed himself to indulge in arousal.
He lay under the blankets, naked as a babe, anticipation crackling in the air around him.
After removing the charm on his underwear to suppress such feelings, it had all come flooding back.
Especially with you around.
His attraction to you was undeniable, however much he thought it impossible; especially after his heartbreak with Mystra. Nevertheless, his feelings for you grew with each step you took, every kind word and all the good you sought to accomplish.
You'd spoken in his defense passionately when Elminster had delivered Mystra's word; the fire in your heart had rivalled that of Karlach.
You'd vowed that there was another way to be found. That you wouldn't allow him to sacrifice himself.
And he loved you for it.
Gods dammit, he did.
He'd fallen hard for you.
He tried to deny it, of course.
It wouldn't lead anywhere.
He had to die.
It was his destiny to end the Absolute, whatever the cost.
No matter stolen glances across the campfire. Ignoring the heated moment of magic between you, where you'd shown him how you felt for him.
Besides, you'd taken Astarion to bed multiple times since the Tiefling party. He couldn't compete with the sultry advances of the Pale Elf.
His paultry offerings of affection wouldn't stand a chance.
But still, a part of him envisioned what life could be like if it was spent by your side.
Hearth crackling, the day's sun swooping low in the sky across the water, two arm chairs and a bottle of wine.. candle light and the smell of strawberries, sweat and arousal. The sound of your voice against his ear, the feeling of your wet, ribbed warmth welcoming him home after a long and stressful day.
Gale licked his bottom lip, his breathing heavy. He reached a hand under the sheets, in the privacy of his tent, to indulge in thoughts of you.
Gods, he wanted to use his mouth on you, he wanted to drown in your heady scent. He would press kisses against your inner thighs, teasing and tormenting, languishing tongue and teeth.
Your unfettered arousal evident before him as he would glide his mouth up your sex, tasting your sweetness and salt. You'd moan his name and wind a fist into his hair, sending sparks through his scalp.
He took the tip of himself in his first fingers, pre-cum had already gathered between the slit and dripped onto his stomach.
Taking a deep breath, he began to gently pulse the head. He hissed as blinding pleasure seared across his vision and sunk low in his belly.
"Ahhh.." he exhaled, with a widening, sinful grin.
Finally, he could touch himself after all these months.
He gritted his teeth against another groan that tried to escape. The sensation of oanism foreign to him but welcome, thoughts of you flooding his mind, as he fell into an old, familiar rhythm.
Oh, you would moan so sweetly underneath him, as he filled you to the brim with his cock. You'd envelop him to the root, sensually clenching your walls around his girth.
Gale replicated the feeling by adding a second hand to squeeze, imagining you enveloping him.
He moved slow and deliberate, like you were taking him for the first time. Every rib of his fingers torture against his sensitive flesh. He pumped his hands in unison, along the thick, veined length of himself, building up the pressure constricting his erection, increasing the speed and fantasizing that he was entangled in your loving embrace.
He'd hold your legs aloft, parted just for him. You'd bray like a wild animal in heat, with the need for his throbbing length to ride you to climax.
One hand clumsily slid to cup his testicles, to massage them and drive him closer to the edge. His hips gyrated at nothing, rutting against the thought of you.
You'd climb to take control and ride him like a stallion through the night. He would hear the salacious slapping of your cheeks against his hips, as he'd watch you bounce yourself in wanton bliss.
He'd hold on to your waist, fingertips digging in hard enough to cause contusions.
He wanted to bruise you, claim you as his own. He wanted to sucker his ownership right over Astarion's bite marks.
He had no right to this ugly and repulsive feeling of jealousy, he knew this.. but he couldn't help himself.
They both vied for your attention and he couldn't stand that Astarion had tasted you when he hadn't.
He wanted to hear your cries as he fucked up into you, slamming your hips down on him harder. Gods, he wanted his name on your lips.
Gale licked the sweat gathering on his top lip; he imagined it was you tasting him.
He fantasied about you using your beautiful mouth on him. You'd cover his body in long, wet, trailing kisses before you'd take him in your mouth. You'd gorge on his cock until he couldn't breathe. Your skillful tongue needy to please him. Your hands wielding a very different kind of weapon, sheathing it entirely down your spectacular throat.
You'd look up at him through lidded gaze, his hard length completely engulfed. The contact would be searing, it would burn him to the spot, it would ignite his soul and turn him to willingly to ash.
There would be love and devotion in your eyes, blissful happiness in your heart.
Gale swallowed and shook his head from side to side.
He wanted to see you.
Wanted you to see him.
See him like this for you.
Helpless and desperate for just a moment of you.
He wanted you to look at him with adoring eyes that turn lustful, when you see him abusing himself, with your name on his lips.
Gale uttered the illusion cantrip and you appeared on your knees beside him. He gasped and smiled brightly at you. He knew it wasn't real but gods he wanted it to be.
You smiled back at him, infatuation shining in your eyes.
"Gale.." softly came the only word he'd been able to summon you to utter. It was warped but it was still your voice. It was still you.
He threw back the covers so you could see him. See all of him. Naked. So you could drink in the sight of him stroking his thick, alert and wanting cock to the thought of you.
"It's for you. Only for you. Going to come for you-just for you." He managed, his voice husky from lust.
"Gale.." You whispered, licking your lower lip and gliding your hands up your strong thighs. You cup yourself through your camp garb and palm yourself in circles, "Gale.." you moan, throwing your head back slightly as you ground against your hand.
His hips twitched unconsciously at seeing your image pleasuring yourself for his enjoyment. That you felt this joy together.
A rumble started to build behind his cock, it tightened around his belly and coiled itself around his legs. It rose through his chest, painfully electrifying his nipples to stiff points, as it wound it's way to the base of his skull. There it gripped him, held him, allowed him to go no further.
He whined in frustration. Gods he wanted to come, it had been so long, so very long.
"Gale..?" Came your voice, he looked at you and his stomach flipped uncomfortably in desire.
You looked spectacular; hair mussed, eyes glassy and wide, lips pink and swollen from lust. Still touching yourself through your clothes, rocking vigorously against the friction.
You placed a hand on your heart and threw your head back in ecstasy. His body began to violently tremble in anticipation.
Oh gods, you looked resplendent on the precipice of orgasm.
"Gale!" You whimpered, sweat glistening on your skin, "Gale.. Gale.. Gale.." you moaned between breaths, your image replicating the noises he'd overheard when you'd snuck into the forest, and committed to memory. The reckless abandon of your heady moans of pleasure. Your face tightened and released, your mouth falling open to gasp.
The desire at the back of his head suddenly pulled taut, every muscle strained, pressure swelling behind his erection. His eyes rolled back in his head, before he came undone.
He jerked and thrashed on his bedroll, trying and failing to keep his ministrations to himself. Thick spurts of cum shot over his stomach, chest and neck, as he came hard for you.
"For you-all for you-only for you." He whimpered, his jaw tense, teeth bared.
He pumped raggedly, squeezing every single drop of his seed from himself. It was almost to the point of pain but the pleasure balanced it perfectly to make the suffering delicious. His muscles seized and toes curled to their fullest extent, as he huffed out a breath and lay feeling weightless on the carpeted interior of his tent.
Gale lay there breathing heavily, sweat damp on his brow. His softening cock still pulsating with after effects, within his loose grasp, as his brain buzzed with static.
His heart felt twice it's size and his entire being was in total elated relaxation, with a doltish smile plastered across his face.
He could quite happily lay like this forever.
It had been so long.
He couldn't remember release being like this.
It was.. dizzying.. violent.. euphoric.. transcendent.. monumentous..
"Oh no." Gale groaned, as he looked down on his masterpiece.
Your image had disappeared; there was no way he couldn't have concentrated through that kind of orgasm, even if his life depended on it.. and Mystra's eyelids, the mess he'd made of himself.
His cum lay heavy on his stomach and chest, spattered up to his neck and jaw. Hells, it was even on the floor!
He internally grumbled to himself.
This was the not so fun part of masturbation.
The sharp thud back to reality and the clean up.
He sighed. Well, that was short lived.
Lucky for a Wizard, clearing away the stains of his growing shame, was painless.
Gale waved his hand and the evidence of his debauchery disappeared.
He suddenly felt empty and hollow. The euphoria of release gone all too soon. Slumping back on to his bedroll and bringing the covers up against the chill, he frowned to himself, a cavernous feeling in his chest.
Gale waved his hand, using his last spell slot to conjure your image again.
You appeared laid down with him, tucked closely, your stunning eyes soft and content.
His heart ached; he wanted this.
It didn't matter how much he denied it, he knew what love felt like in the beginning and this was it.
This wasn't because of a covetous, lustful haze from the urgency of ejaculation.
It was comfort.
It was safety.
It was love.
And it terrified him.
More than the thought of ending as a small blip in the farest reaches of the realm. More than dying alone in excruciating agony.
Falling in love with you scared him because it meant that now, he had something to live for.
You smiled sleepily at him and readjusted yourself to get comfortable beside him.
"Night." You whispered, blowing him a slow kiss, closed your eyes and curled in nearer to him.
He stared longingly at your resting form; you looked so peaceful. Wet stinging burned his eyes and he sniffed dryly.
He needed to get to sleep.
He really should..
You'd only last a minute.
He couldn't bare the thought of opening his eyes again without you there, laying beside him..
Tears fell from his eyes and dripped to his pillow, as he shut them tight, "Goodnight, my love."
Part 2
Or.. I've got a Masterlist.. yuh know.. if you like this sort of stuff 👀😏
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galacticseonghwa · 2 months
If you wanna post more vampire yuta..well
I would absolutely most certainly not be complaining 👀 💩
(this is a formal request, pretty pls say yes)
i was planning on itđŸ€­ i hope this lives up to your standards! <3
maybe two? - Yuta Nakamoto ft. Mark Lee
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INCLUDES: dom vampire!yuta x fem!human reader ft. switch!mark, swearing, smut, spitting, poly relationship, cuckolding(?), degrading, oral (f receiving), daddy kink, mention of blood, squirting, just A LOT of things tbh wc: 1k a/n: not proofread, ALSO I AM SO SORRY FOR HOW LONG IT TOOK FOR ME TO REPLY TO THIS ASK
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one night wasn't enough for him, he needed you constantly with all the strings attached.
but you were spoken for shortly after he last saw you.
"be a good girl for me and let him use you, yeah?" yuta's voice was low as his hands held your legs open for the male in front of you.
"open your mouth for me." yuta whispered and held your face towards his own, his thumb caressing your bottom lip.
immediately obeying, you open your mouth for yuta, him bringing his face closer to yours, only for him to spit into your open mouth.
yuta raised an expectant eyebrow at you and watched as you swallowed. "that's my good little slut" yuta praised with a smirk, his fangs glistening as he runs his tongue over his teeth.
"you think you can do that, doll? let him use you? like the dirty whore you are? hmm?" yuta hummed and bit at the crook of your neck softly, licking at the blood that had bubbled from the small wound.
mark stared at you with his head tilted as he awaited for you to answer yuta. "y-yes." you groaned as yuta ran the tip of his nose along your jawline, eyes piercing into the brown-haired male before him.
"yes what, baby?" yuta gripped at your thighs tighter, making you hiss in a breath, knowing his strength he was bound to leave a mark.
"yes, daddy." you could feel your face redden at the pet name that yuta loved all too much.
yuta nodded his head towards mark who almost instantly dropped to his knees in front of your glistening core.
yuta smirks and sinks his teeth into his bottom lip as he watches mark's eager body moving so fast for a taste of you.
he looked up at you and watched as yuta pulled your hair away from your neck and face. yuta's eyes bore into mark's as he watched the younger males movements.
"go on, use her like the slut she is." yuta urged. nothing else needed to be said to the younger brown-haired male, as he quickly pushed both his middle and ring fingers on his left hand into your entrance.
a gasp left your lips as the brown-haired male, curled his fingers in just the right way. "oh fuck!" you hiss and grip yuta's arm tightly.
mark looks up at you with his bottom lip between his teeth, and eyes dark with lust, he had yearned for you since he had last seen you.
"put that mouth of yours to work pretty boy" yuta spoke lowly, his hand moving from your left thigh to rub his hardened length that was restricted in his black jeans.
moans leave your mouth endlessly as mark's mouth latches onto your clit, his tongue quick to tease you in the way he knew you liked.
"fuck! mark!" you huff and arch your back, falling helplessly back onto yuta. yuta wraps his free arm around your waist, his teeth sinking into your neck again drinking from you, giving you more pleasure than mark was already giving you.
within a few minutes you reached your high, screaming mark's name.
the brown-haired male stands up from between your legs, his mouth glistening with your release, a dazed look in his eyes.
yuta pulls the younger towards himself and smashes their lips together. yuta let's go of you, letting mark climb onto the bed and on top of yuta.
you hear yuta chuckle at this. "you're ours now, baby boy." yuta flipped mark onto his back and straddled his waist.
the younger male watched yuta, with his chest heaving up and down. yuta quickly pulled his black shirt over his head and ripped open mark's black button-up.
yuta's hands were quick to run over the younger's abs. "you wanna taste her again?" yuta asked lowly, his pointer fingers hooking the hem of mark's dark blue jeans.
mark nods eagerly, looking at you while licking his lips. you smirk towards the brown-haired male before turning to yuta.
"fuck that pretty face of his, baby." yuta raises a pierced eyebrow and watches you hover over mark's face while gripping the bed frame in front of you.
yuta was quick to move away from both you and mark to the chair conveniently placed towards the end of the bed.
you moan quietly as mark grips your waist in his hands and lowers your hips onto his face.
mark groaned, sending vibrations from your core and up your spine, as he gripped his length through his dark blue jeans.
yuta rested his left arm on the chair arm and watched as you continued to rock your hips against mark's face.
with your left hand gripping onto the bed head and the other gripping mark's hair, you feel the brown-haired male below you whimper into you as his own hand stroked his cock, the way he liked all too much.
by the time you felt the coil in your stomach, yuta and mark had both came into their own hands.
just before the coil snapped, you moved away from mark's face and used your right hand to vigorously rub your clit.
mark's eyes lit up, he situated himself onto his elbows and opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue.
yuta watched on with curious dark eyes, he hadn't seen you react like this to his own touch.
in almost an instant you squirt all over mark's face.
coming down from your high almost instantly sent you to sleep. if it wasn't for yuta ushering you and the youngest male into the bath as he showered by himself.
he would never admit it, but he loved watching you with another man that wasn't him.
a few days later, you and yuta had both welcomed mark into your relationship.
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TAGLIST: @wonwootakemyheart @sinisxtea
request to be in my taglist here
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acapelladitty · 1 year
It's been a hot minute since I posted Dano Riddler smut. Please enjoy some overstim and pathetic sub Eddie with a f!reader 👀💩
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Also posted to AO3 Commission Info
Tugging the small chain which lay within your grasp, it forces his collared neck to jerk forward an inch as he gives you his full attention.
"You're getting so good at this game, Eddie. Last time you almost made it to two minutes before making a mess."
Seated on his long legs, your knees pinning his lower half into place, the position gave you wonderfully free access to his aching cock as it lays hard against his stomach.
"Do you think you can try to last three minutes for me today?"
It's a mean ask; one which you both know will be almost impossible given how riled up he already is from your earlier teasings but his head nods with enthusiasm as his eyes meet your own.
Palming the chain with open threat, you give him a slight frown.
"Words, Eddie. Remember?"
"Yes, Mistress." He agrees, a bit too quickly.
His words are low and almost pained with how aroused he is and the unashamed need in his tone makes your core clench around nothing as it remains pressing against his legs.
Keeping your left hand wrapped around the metal chain of the leash, the fingers of your right hand dance along his hardened shaft with a teasing softness as you smirk.
"Let's see how you do."
It is pleasant cruelty at its finest, the way you run your hand along his shaft; teasing and pulling at his skin in the many ways you know drive him absolutely wild. With barely two minutes passed, you force him over the edge again as his cock twitches within your grasp and spurts a pathetic release across your fingers.
"I am very disappointed, Eddie.
Shame burns in his face as his arm comes to rest across his nose, blocking his eyes from your gaze.
That won't do.
Bringing your thumb and forefinger to his cockhead, you rub along the skin there with a pressure which is borderline torturous against the ultra sensitive skin. It has the desired effect though, as his arm drops from his face to fist into the sheets while his body jerks under your touch; bucking both into and away from your fingers as they torment him, a pleading whine slipping free of his bitten lips.
"There's my handsome man." You purr, enjoying the mixed look of arousal and desperation which is playing in his watery eyes. "But you know the rules, Eddie, and you didn't last the whole time. So what does that mean?"
"I deserve to be punished." He answers without hesitation.
"Yes. But given just how lovely your little show was, I'll go easy on you."
Snatching up the small rubber cockring which lay on the other side of the bed, you bring it to his lips.
"Get it nice and wet for me."
His tongue is messy, sliding along the material as he also brushes the tips of your fingers in his eagerness to do a good job; pulling away after a moment as a string of saliva connects from the ring to his lips.
Slipping the cockring over the head of his cock, he stiffens in place as he forces his body to remain still to allow you to slide it down his length, all the way to the base as his eyes crinkle at the discomfort. The ring does its job, keeping his cock swollen and hard as you run a finger along it playfully, letting it bob against his stomach as you press at it.
"There. Now, let's see. Three minutes." A look of alarm crosses his features. "Three minutes and I will not be stopping."
Cutting off his spluttering reply before he can vocalise it, your hand wraps around his cock and strokes along him with a rough finality. The velvety weight of him within your grasp, mixed with the keening noises which slip from his lips as his fingers scramble desperately against the bedpost, is intoxicating.
Three minutes.
And you are merciless in your punishment.
After all, a lesson had to be learned.
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divine-misfortune · 1 year
❛ you’re soaked. let me grab you a towel. ❜ and a pairing of your choice with a water ghoul or ghoulette 👀💩
Mist and trans masc water dew, because I make the rules-
"That's it, just keep your legs open for me."
Dew nodded shakily, both hands covering the lower half of his face. He sunk further down into the couch, heels pressed to the back of his thighs, toes curled over the lip of the cushion.
From between the gaps in his fingers he dared to watch the slow in and out motion of Mist's digits. Every time they disappeared inside of his cunt he found himself painfully aware of how wet he was. Sure, he could feel how his body leaked like a fucking faucet but the sound was what really reminded him of it.
Dew felt filthy.
Sat in a growing puddle of his own desperation. Legs opened and on display to the water ghoulette before him. He was shaking, he'd been shaking since she got him undressed - however long ago that was now.
"Don't go shy on me now minnow." Mist ran a cool palm along his inner thigh and he shuddered. "You're doing perfect, wet as a water ghoul should be. I'm so proud of you."
A third finger pushed into him in time with her praise. Dew's eyes went unfocused for a minute and he dug his nails into the meat of his cheeks, some poor attempt to distract himself from the mounting pressure in his gut. The stretch, while gradual, pulled a loud moan from him. Louder than he would have liked and absolutely whorish.
"You like that?"
Mist's question was met with a slightly garbled uh huh and she smiled coyly. The rough pads of her fingers crooked upwards and Dew's mouth fell helplessly open, he didn't think to shut it.
"J...Just like that, yeah," his voice came out unsteady and soft. He didn't trust himself to speak any louder without breaking.
"What? Here?" She asked innocently despite rubbing directly on the softer spot on his inner walls. His legs just about spasmed.
"Mhm, thought so. Good boy."
Mist sat forward on her knees and gave his clit an experimental kitten lick that left him feeling dizzy. The brief caress of her tongue sent electricity throughout his nerves. His body went tight around her bony fingers. If he could think to uncurl his claws from his cheeks he'd have found a new home for them in her hair. Loose beach waves that he'd give anything to tug on, to use to selfishly drag her closer.
He thankfully didn't have to though. She got the hint, and he was grateful she didn't think to make him beg, he couldn't have formed a coherent plea if he tried.
Her lips sealed around his swollen clit and every inch of his body felt it. Felt her lapping away at his little cock. She'd stop occasionally only to drag her forked tongue through his folds, swallowing him down like she was dying of thirst.
It was like his brain clicked off. The combination of her fingers and alarmingly skilled tongue proved to be too much for him.
He felt the telltale flare of heat in his belly and his eyes fluttered, threatening to cross. He hardly registered the foreign weight that accompanied it, too busy choking on the pathetic little whimpers bubbling out of him.
Dew came with a full body sob, knees trying to draw together to stop the endless flood of stimulation but Mist's fingers continued to stroke inside him. Dark spots obscured his vision. Too much, too much for the poor water ghoul.
And that pressure, that pressure became unbearable.
"Oh fuck, wait, wait-"
There was barely a chance for him to babble out a warning, too hazy brained to realize it before his body responded with a gush of wetness. Mist jerked back with a surprised gasp that Dew could hardly hear through the ringing in his ears.
He uncoiled from himself slowly. Boneless against the couch cushions. Dew couldn't catch his breath.
"Shit, guppy..." Mist sat back on her heels and Dew cracked an eye open in time to watch her wipe her mouth on her arm. "Didn't think you were this messy."
It was a fight to get both eyes to open and focus on her. He almost curled up in on himself again, but in absolute shame. She was covered in his cum. Droplets beaded and dripped from her chin to her bare chest.
"You're...Sweet hell, you're soaked, I'm sorry. Let me get a towel or something, I'm, fuck, I'm sorry Mist." Dew mumbled and pushed himself off the couch onto unsteady legs. His knees were practically knocking together, wobbling.
He folded easily when Mist took his wrist and tugged him to the floor with her.
"Seems like a waste...You taste so good droplet, why don't you clean me up properly, hm? Bet you're good with your tongue."
"I, um, oh...I can, yeah, I can do that."
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pocarinapyon · 2 years
[Chilis] Naughty Journal - Sumeru Edition
Imagine having a journal dedicated for jotting down all [lewd] fantasies about that certain hot guy. But then one thing led to another and now mister certain hot guy learns of your indecent thoughts towards him. What happens next?
The delicious fantasies, of course!
Starring : Alhaitham, Cyno, Kaveh, Tighnari, Wanderer (Separate)
Tags / Warnings : đŸŒ¶đŸŒ¶ïž [Chilis] Actual seggs; Stray cuss words; Petnames (if it bothers you); Sadistic Tendency (Alhaitham, Tighnari, The Wanderer); Slight Yandere Tendency (Cyno); Masochistic Tendency (you); Orgasm Denial (Alhaitham - self-inflicted, You); Oral / Fellatio (receivers: you, Alhaitham, Kaveh); Overstimulation; Breeding kink; Dumbification; Cervix kissing; Filming; Sweet Cyno (at first!?); Sort of sub Kaveh; Sort of Feral Tighnari; Mentions of being affected by posion mushroom (please, do not carelessly approach, eat, or touch mushrooms unless confirmed they are safe!!); Mentions if over exposure to Aphrodisiac; Knotting; Derogatory names (receiver: you); Fingering; etc.
Edited but not beta read. Sorry if there are grammatical / spelling errors. đŸ„ș
Future Plan : Mild Naughty Journal Inazuma Edition; But what happened to "Just a Toy (The Wanderer)"?? Uhm.... I am still polishing it but I thought I'd move on to a project I'm more comfortable with;
Links : Pinned Post, [Mild] Naughty Journal Sumeru Edition, [Mild] Naughty Journal ft. Albedo, Childe, Diluc, Kaeya (Separate), [Chilis] Naughty Journal ft. Albedo, Childe, Diluc, Kaeya (Separate), [Mild + Chili] Naughty Journal Scaramouche Request
Note : [W/N] means Wanderer's Name.
Target audience is female (bodied) reader.
To whoever is reading, please enjoy and look forward to other Naughty Journals in the far future.
📚 Alhaitham
Contrary to Alhaitham's previous warnings, he himself actively recorded your scandalous love-making in his Akasha 😳👀💩
"Ahh~ S - so good! I can't get enough! Alhaitham, your cock feels sooo thick and sooo good....!" you shamelessly squealed
In one forceful thrust, Alhaitham's manhood reached your deepest parts and kissed the entrance of your cervix
"Ahh! Archons, Alhaitham, breed me already, please!!" đŸ„”
You kept pleading for him to cum inside you but he's being stingy đŸ„ș
Alhaitham had you screaming and dumbed for hours now (since he knows his housemate won't be around today)
"H - Haitham, please...! Want you to cum inside me...!" đŸ„”
"Ahahaha... No."
He knew exactly how to pleasure your body as if he already had you memorized
Alhaitham smirked. He was frankly pleased the data in your Naughty Journal about your body was accurate
He was even more amused to know your theory about what his preferred sex positions and masturbating techniques were spot on đŸ‘ŒđŸŒ
Thus, in the guise of testing the correctness of your data, he kept enjoying himself using your pliant body đŸ€đŸ˜
"N - no more...! Haitham, please...!"
"Oh? But didn't you mention in your journal that you wouldn't mind me breaking your mouth and pussy?" 😏
His sheets were already stained by your creamy cum, pretty tears, and watery drool yet he continued to abuse your poor cunt
You loved it though 💩
"Tch...!" Alhaitham grunted as his thrusts were getting sloppy
He had been denying himself of sweet orgasm the whole time 😳
He eventually caved in since your warm snug pussy was just that good 😏
Alhaitham immediately pulled out then grabbed a fistful of your hair and nudged your head towards his about-to-burst cock
"Don't waste a single drop." 😠
He forced his manhood all the way inside your defenseless mouth, making you almost gag and your eyes crossed
Inside your throat did he finally allow himself the taste of orgasm. His thick cum continuously spurted inside you as he had been holding back the whole time.
"Hah... Hah... Tastes good, pretty girl?"
He watched your quaking form, your eyes already rolled up in too much pleasure
After the long tiring yet satisfying sex, you lost consciousness on Alhaitham's bed
When you woke up, he gave you a modified Akasha Terminal that contained your sex scandal. 👀
"I have verified all that was written in your journal and only few needs to be corrected. As promised, I've provided you with actual data, including the actual size of my erected penis."
đŸș Cyno
Laying inside your shared tent under the scorching desert sun, Cyno hovered on top of you and gently caressed your face đŸ˜â€ïžđŸ˜˜
"... My love, this is my first time as well. Let me know immediately if it hurts," Cyno warned.
"Don't worry. I trust you," you encouraged
Cyno would've thrown a pun but he was too focused on making sure you were ready to take his length and girth
Who would've thought your previous unfortunate incident in the desert would lead you to date the General Mahamatra? 😍
Being a sweet lover, Cyno entered just the tip of his cock inside your womanhood and immediately checked with you
"I'm in... How are you?" 😳👀
"I'm fine. Don't worry," you whispered in his ear, cajoling him to penetrate you further. "I don't mind if you put it all the way in. Thrust me, I can take it." 😏
"Heh...," Cyno chuckled before giving you a nod and slowly sinking his hips towards yours
The sex you had with Cyno was sweet and gentle at first ❀
But when you got comfortable with his length and girth, he threw his care away and didn't hesitate to fuck you like crazy 💩
"Hah...! Hah...! My love, your pussy is divine...!"
"M'love...! I - I'm cumming...!!" đŸ„”
"Keep cumming for me, my love...!"
Cyno loved how your snug pussy squeezed his cock
You were begging to milk him dry!
"You want me to cum inside you?"
"Y - yes...! Inside, please!"
Cyno was a generous man so he did cum inside of you
But he wasn't satisfied yet. Despite cumming in your pussy, he continued to snap his hips to and fro yours
"Cynooo~!" â€ïžđŸ„”
You swear Cyno would make you crazy from overstimulation
After a few more thrusts, he pulled out and painted your body with his cum 💩
His crimson eyes ogled at your shaking cum-stained body basking in afterglow
"Hah... Hah... That's proof that you are mine in body, heart, and soul."
Cyno leaned his forehead onto yours, your hot breaths fanned each other's lips
He gazed into your hazy eyes with an intent to make a vow
"[Your Name], you're mine and mine alone, as I am yours and yours alone. I promise to make you my wife; to protect you from any harm; to purge all that try to hurt you even if they are of your own blood. I will love you and cherish you forever. [Your Name], I love you."
đŸ›ïž Kaveh
"Archons, [Your Name], you don't know how long I've dreamed of seeing you all over me like this. Ah - shit...! Y - you're going to make me cum, baby girl...!" đŸ˜đŸ„”â€ïž
Kaveh couldn't help but spew out praises as he watched his erected cock disappear as it entered your pretty mouth
Your enticing eyes glanced up to meet with Kaveh's lewd face
Archons, you looked so cute! 😍 Kaveh swears one look from you could make him cum
"Mmph... Hah... You're lucky I'm in love with you," you said after the lewd pop from removing his cock in your mouth.
"Aw, [Your Name], baby, I'm really just glad you're my girlfriend now! Do you want me to eat you instead? C'mon, baby. I shouldn't be the only - Archons, baby girl!" â€ïžđŸ„”
You shut Kaveh up by giving him oral again
Kaveh swears this felt better than what he imagined or dreamt
"I'm in charge during sex, got it?" you demanded while still giving your now boyfriend head 😠
"Okay, okay -!" đŸ„”
"You'll only cum when I tell you to cum, got it?" 😠
"You're making this hard for me, baby girl. How can I not cum when you looked so cute stuffed with my cock?" 😍😏
Kaveh did the best he could not to cum
You then switched positions and rode Kaveh in a cowgirl style
"Relax, baby. Take it nice and easy. Just enjoy it."
"Shush...! N - nh... Ah~ You're too....big...!" đŸ„”
"Do you want me to help, pretty little baby?"
"No...," you declined as you tried to fit Kaveh inside your untrained pussy
As he internally promised, Kaveh let you decide the rhythm of your love-making
Why wouldn't he give you the honour? He was on cloud nine to know you loved him too, albeit he found out in a not so romantic way.
"I love how your cock stretches my pussy, my Kaveh~" you chimed with lust-filled eyes and a jaw locked up in a smile - it stung but it was totally worth it.
My Kaveh. Kaveh loved that đŸ˜đŸ‘đŸŒ
To compensate for the classless way he "courted" you, he swore he would do everything to make you happy as your pretty smile meant everything to him.
You were a crying mess as Tighnari abused your pussy in a mating press đŸ„”đŸ˜­â€ïž
"So what if you have a Vision? Because of your carelessness, you still got poisoned! It's one of the basics, [Your Name]! You shouldn't approach anything in the forest mindlessly!" Tighnari reprimanded you as he punished you by massacring your poor little pussy with his cock. "Do you know how worried I was when you didn't return yesterday??" 😡
"'Nari! S - sooo good!! Want you to fuck me with your knot~"
"You aren't listening, are you??" Tighnari immediately pulled out and slapped your delicious thighs
"Ah!! Tighnari, please! I - I'll be good, I promise!" you cried while shaking your hips to encourage Tighnari to fuck you again đŸ„”đŸ„ș
"Oh yeah? Did you even listen to what I said?"
Slap! Slap!
Tighnari knew you were overdosed with aphrodisiacs
He knew the only thing on your mind right now was to have his hard cock fuck your wanton cunt and he intended to take advantage of that
Because he was tired of getting off from eavesdropping how you masturbated to him
"Tch! You weren't even listening! I guess you don't deserve my cock after all."
"No, please, Tighnari! Want your cock inside me, please!" 😭
Tighnari kept teasing you as he enjoyed watching your pretty face with desperate tears and hearing your cute voice beg
Eventually, Tighnari gave you what you wanted because he couldn't resist you as well 😏
He even knotted you up and stretch you deliciously
"'Nari, breed me, please!"
"You're so desperate."
Tighnari then started to fuck you with his knot, making your already mush brain turn dumber
"'Nari~! Want your babies please!!" you squealed on your nth orgasm ❀
"Heh! Shut up! I'll cum inside you when I feel like you deserved it!"
"Come on. I want to hear your voice. Scream for me, [Your Name]," The Wanderer chortled as he buried two digits inside your warm moist pussy 😏💩😠
"[W/N], I - Haah~!!" đŸ„”
Without letting you finish talking, The Wanderer leaned on your neck to suckle on your sensitive flesh
"I'm waiting, [Your Name]. Scream for me and tell me how this feels."
"[W/N]! I love it! I love you! More, please~!!" â€ïžđŸ„”
With eyes rolled back from The Wanderer's skillful fingers and tongue, you inched your hips towards your lover to encourage him to finger-fuck you deeper
"Heh... Hahaha! You're a desperate slut, aren't you?"
"I'm only desperate for you."
The way you earnestly declared your longing for The Wanderer made his non-existent heart race, dusting his cheeks pink in the process 💓💘
The Wanderer clicked his tongue and turned his head away. He wasn't used to being loved let alone as deep and sincere as this
"I'm exclusively yours. I love you, [W/N]," you gently whispered as you cupped his cheeks
You were hoping to hear him say he loved you too đŸ„ș
"Heh...," was all The Wanderer uttered before sliding his tongue inside your mouth in a wet passionate kiss 😏
The Wanderer made you cum multiple times from just his fingers đŸ„”đŸ’Š
But he never forgot to give your other lady parts attention ❀
Especially your lips - he loved muffling your moans with a kiss đŸ€
Because he was afraid
He melted hearing how his name beautifully rolls off your tongue, and he feared it
Your sweet caress made him feel a peculiar fluttering sensation in his stomach and chest, and he feared it
*I love you, [W/N]." ❀
Hearing you say I love you compelled him to reciprocate, and he feared it
"I love you too, [Your Name]."
The Wanderer finally admitted before hushing you with another kiss as he gave you another glorious orgasm
To whoever read this, thank you for your time. Here, have some avoes. đŸ„‘
Links : Pinned Post, [Mild] Naughty Journal Sumeru Edition, [Mild] Naughty Journal ft. Albedo, Childe, Diluc, Kaeya (Separate), [Chilis] Naughty Journal ft. Albedo, Childe, Diluc, Kaeya (Separate), [Mild + Chili] Naughty Journal Scaramouche Request
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jayvikbrainrot · 5 months
I shouldn’t be starting another chapter fic, but maybe I could do a really long one shot?
Basically I really really want to write about Viktor teaching Jayce the four relationship “F’s” and slowly falling in love with him, because I’m cheesy AF
Teach Me
He wasn’t sure how they got here. He and Jayce sitting on the floor, alcohol in hand and stomach. They were celebrating a successful pitch meeting that had finally resulted in an investor stamp of approval to start prototyping.
They had raided their meager stash for drinks and hadn't stopped at just one. His brain, a little fuzzy from the cocktail of whiskeys he’d had so far, heard something so unacceptable he was at a loss for words.
“Ehm what?” He asked, perhaps hearing it again it might start to make sense.
Jayce flashed a small smile around his beer bottle, “It’s true, I’ve never been kissed. Or I guess done the kissing either.” He looked away shyly before taking a swig.
” his mind went through a quick succession of words all of which paled for how he felt. Eventually settling on
Jayce chuckled, “Thats sweet. But still doesn’t change anything.”
Viktor’s mind, a constant churn of problem solving blurted out, “Ech I should just kiss you and get it over it.” Em, wait that wasn’t right, “
over with
Jayce was looking at him with a wary sort of awe, and then Viktor realized he must have said something odd. His ears caught up with his mouth and he could feel his face blush furiously. He and Jayce had only been partners for a little shy of a year. Definitely settled into a comfortable enough friendship, but not like this. He couldn’t look Jayce in the eyes.
“I mean
 if you wanted to I wouldn’t stop you.” Jayce said slowly. “It’s actually something that weighs on me quite a bit.”
Viktor looked at his partner. What an odd predicament. He certainly thought Jayce was handsome enough, clever, and if he was being honest, totally adorable. He had that rare pure hearted optimism that had been quashed by so much of Zaun. And now he was saying, admitting, he wanted to be kissed by Viktor? Huh. Well, he could do that.
“Come on, then.” Viktor said, gesturing him over with a finger.
Jayce looked a little shocked, but put his beer aside and crawled over on hands and knees. He sat obediently in front of Viktor. A shy sort of excitement present on his face. Oh this beautiful boy, how had no one else been tempted?
He sat up, and because Jayce had still not moved close enough, grabbed his tie, and pulled him in. Up close Jayce was a little trepidatious, eyes roaming Viktor’s face, his tongue darting out to wet his very lovely lips.
He pulled Jayce the last bit forward, their lips unaligned, but easily fixed. His lips were warm and soft, and the barest hint of hops and bitterness clung to them. He stayed that way for just a moment longer before letting Jayce go. Done. Not perfect by any means, but at least Jayce was no longer hung up on something so trivial.
Jayce didn’t pull back right away, lingering, starry-eyed, and blushing. That felt like an accomplishment at least. Viktor leaned back, till his shoulders hit his desk with a thump. A giggle escaped him, here he was, in his late twenties acting just like a school boy. But then again Jayce had only just left university hadn’t he? School was school, so maybe not so strange. At least for one of them.
Jayce sat back, swiping a thumb over his lip, smiling. Jayce was a good one, maybe this would be good for him. Especially if his only references had been books and film, oh speaking of

“So, have you finished that book I lent you?” Viktor ventured.
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zabimarushoney67 · 1 year
Hello, I'm having thoughts about Jushiro again.
Giving blowjobs but making it dominant and overstimulating. Gripping his thighs and putting them on my shoulders as he tries to squirm away. Indents of fingers on the skin.
I'd make him hold my hair back, so he has to watch closely to do a good job. Leaning back and stopping if he looks away.
-@dragon-anon 🐉
Bruh I love your requests so muccchh đŸ˜­đŸ™đŸŒ Your requests let my freak to come out and run wild in these streets!! you got it! 💖😍💩 Also I am so sorry this took so long I be fuckin around too much💀 I made up for it by making this my best work - enjoy a whole smut fic ❀ Dude lowkey you're making me a simp for JĆ«shirƍ I be thinking bout this man a lot now 👀
✹Just the tip💩
JĆ«shirƍ Ukitake x Fem Reader!
Summary: It’s gonna be a long night with JĆ«shirƍ Ukitake so buckle in, it’ll be the ride of your life.
Warnings: Oral sex, blowjob magic, dom/switch reader, sub/switch JĆ«shirƍ, rough sex, v@ginal penetration, biting, deep throating, overstimulation, edging, orgasm denial, multiple orgasms, light bruising.
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The scent of fresh rain filled the spring night air. Leaving it damp, breezy, and oddly refreshing outdoors.
The pavement gleamed with rippling puddles under the starry night sky. The sudden weather had significantly dropped the temperature, as you two walked back to your quarters after a party broke out in Squad 8’s barracks.
Huddled tight together, fingers interlaced, as warm clouds of breath left your parted lips. The clouds swirled and drifted apart while y/n hiccuped through her words. “Shunsui really knows how to throw a “get-together” doesn't he?” She said, swaying a little and tipsy from the few glasses of sake she had shared with JĆ«shirƍ. “He's always been like that, very eccentric when he wants to be,” JĆ«shirƍ laughed, smiling down at you. “Let's get home babe, it's freezing out here,” he said hastily. Shivering, he huddled inwards towards your body for warmth, JĆ«shirƍ was slightly concerned about catching another cold the longer he stayed outdoors.
JĆ«shirƍ’s sickness has been incredibly forgiving to him the last few days. It's been pleasant, being witness to him glowing beyond recognition, happy, and lively. Compared to the usual confinement to your shared bed, coughing with tissues shoved up his nose. Tonight, JĆ«shirƍ was looking mighty fine underneath the clearing night sky. Smiling to herself, y/n nuzzles closer to him, admiring his warm body and his handsome features as they glowed underneath the moonlight.
Seeing him so relaxed, and carefree always awoke something deep inside of y/n. The heady mixture of love and lust, genuine devotion, and feminine domination swooned her brain with endless scenarios for the night's end. Waves of need had started to roll around in her belly. Each wave forced her already shaky legs to wobble some more with the surmounting desire. It's been weeks since JĆ«shirƍ has felt well enough for anything more than just the occasional cuddling and hand-holding. Maybe tonight can change that, y/n thought hopefully.
Arriving back at your barracks, JĆ«shirƍ opens the door for you. As you enter, he generously smacks and grabs your butt on the way in. His perfect smile grinned at the way you let out a tiny yelp, laughing when he peeked at you squinting at him from behind your shoulder.
“I'm gonna have a shower,” “Would you like to join me, my love?” he asks warmly, extending his hand toward you.
Taking his large hand in hers, y/n kissed each pad of his fingertips softly. “I had one this morning already honey,” “I'll be waiting in the bedroom,” y/n says allowing his middle finger to trace her soft plush lips.
Her vague smile hinted at a slight promise of “I want more,” the night wasn’t over just yet. JĆ«shirƍ’s ears perked up at the sound of your voice, his head started to swarm with all the possibilities y/n could be thinking of. His body slowly roused awake with want, the more he let his brain ponder.
Grabbing hold of your wrist quickly, JĆ«shirƍ pulls you into a close embrace. His long fingers cup your chin, pinning your head up toward his. Smiling gently down at you, he kisses both of your cheeks, then your lips passionately. The weeks of pent-up sexual energy started flowing between your bodies, as that one sweet kiss you shared, turned into the devouring of each other's lips.
Wet tongues collided, slipping and sliding with ease. Saliva-covered lips and warm gripping hands compelled the two rabid, touch-deprived bodies close together. Whining softly y/n bites on his bottom lip, tugging and compelling JĆ«shirƍ to let out a husky growl. Wrapping her arms around JĆ«shirƍ’s neck, y/n tip-toed against him, squishing her braless breasts into his relaxed, but chiseled chest, refusing to let him go.
Releasing his lip to speak, “Can't your shower wait babe?” Y/n pouts quietly, sporting her best pair of puppy eyes. “It can... But,” JĆ«shirƍ’s warm eyes glinted with a longing hunger but his devilish smile told a different story. “But what,” she protested in earnest, rolling her eyes to the heavens with a scoff. “I just love making you wait,” he chuckles as y/n’s jaw immediately dropped, “you're gonna regret this Ukitake,” she said pointing her finger at his shoulder. “Go take your shower, I’ll be waiting for you,” y/n says standing on her tiptoes once more, leaving kisses on his jaw.
The sound of the shower knobs turning, and the water squeaking off signified that the fun was just about to begin.
Making y/n wait for what she truly wanted, had her feeling increasingly horny, her poor mind was in the gutter and her body was angry because of it.
Assuming a position in the middle of their bed, Y/n sat on her knees. She could feel her sticky arousal drip between her folds, sensitizing her whole body.
Fidgeting nervously, she modeled JĆ«shirƍ’s captain's coat, covering up her nakedness. Her heart pounded, making the pumping blood feel warm and thick in her veins. Growing ever impatient, JĆ«shirƍ needed to come back now and end this malicious waiting period HE forced on her. ‘Damn him, who does he think he is??’ y/n thought, huffing outwardly.
Fleeting seconds felt like precious minutes passing by. Every exhale of y/n’s breath excited her senses until finally the bathroom door was ultimately pushed open.
The fragrant, hot steam poured out of the bathroom and rolled into the bedroom. Like something from a movie, JĆ«shirƍ steps into the room with a small towel tucked around his hips. His image left nothing to the imagination, but he looked sexy all the same. His muscled thighs refused to be contained by the fluffy towel and peeked through the slit of the fabric. His cock left quite an impressionable imprint underneath, elevating y/n’s need for him.
Once fully in the bedroom, JĆ«shirƍ holds a separate towel to his head and lightly squeezes water from the sopping tips of his hair. Droplets of water fell to his freshly dried chest while he scrunched. Y/n watched captivated as the beads drifted down, flowing perfectly with the muscle lines of his stomach. Thoroughly mesmerized by the shiny trails of moisture they left behind and how they accentuated his robust structure.
Licking her suddenly parched lips, y/n glimpsed up at JĆ«shirƍ. Her eyelashes fluttered once they landed on his steam-heated face. Raking a hand through his wet hair, JĆ«shirƍ peers down at you from under his towel. His pupils dilated at the mere sight of you. Tracing every inch of exposed skin, he ate you alive while scanning you, head to toe. JĆ«shirƍ admired how languidly draped you were within his captain's coat, hiding just enough from his view that he quietly begged to see more.
“You...” “Are...” “So...” “Remarkably beautiful, my dear,” he says appreciatively. Raising his eyes to your face, he flushed even further. Studying your complexion in that instant, he quickly comprehended what your darkened stare meant for him, and for his cock.
Going on all fours y/n crept to the end of the bed, studying JĆ«shirƍ in the process. Stretching out a hand, she hooked a finger in the waistband of his tucked towel.
Tugging him closer to the bed, y/n placed another hand on his body, feeling him up before relaxing her hand on a strong buttcheek. With a soft grunt, he swayed toward the bed until his knees pressed against the front of the mattress. Humming softly at your touch, JĆ«shirƍ places a hand over the explorative hand of y/n’s and holds it in place over his butt. Smiling down at y/n, the finger she sealed in his waistband, kept him in place for her.
Moving her face close to his stomach, y/n kisses both of his hip bones and the vein that runs down his navel. Smooth lips meeting his pristine skin, her eyes dart up to JĆ«shirƍs face. After meeting his lustful eyes and making sure he's watching, y/n licks a water bead from his lower naval up to his abdomen, leaving a kiss on his sensitive skin once her tongue reached its destination. Gasping out, JĆ«shirƍ held his lip captive between his teeth. He observed her hypnotized while y/n continued to taunt him, reveling in the feel of her tongue against his skin, and the way her delicate lips instilled a kiss after every lick.
Nibbling his skin just above his hip bones, y/n’s hand slithers up and around to his strong thigh, gripping it under her palm. Moving the slit of the towel further away, y/n exposed more of his beautiful flesh for her eyes to feast on.
Looking up at JĆ«shirƍ with a sly smile, the finger that was lodged in his waistband runs along the fabric, loosening it. With one swift motion, y/n yanks the towel free and allows it to fall to the floor. The soft cloth pooled around his feet, as y/n placed both of her hands on JĆ«shirƍs thighs, steadying herself. Standing completely bare before you now his cock rose freely, unrestricted and unconfined. Dropping his separate towel to the floor, JĆ«shiro smirks at you from above with a raised eyebrow.
Watching his cock grow harder by the second, y/n chewed her bottom lip as she salivated at the sight of the gorgeous man that stood in front of her. Placing his large hands over yours, he held onto them. Taking one of your hands, he placed it over his shaft enticing you to grab ahold of him. JĆ«shirƍ watched as you gripped onto his stiff cock with him, slowly he moved his hand up and down his throbbing girth. “Hmm, Yes.” “That's it, baby,” he praised you, smiling as your hand mimicked his rhythm.
Unleashing a stifled moan, JĆ«shirƍ gently directed you on how to stroke his cock, loving the way your hand felt rubbing him. The foreplay turned him on immensely, he had silently started wishing to bury himself in you already. Running up and down the length of his cock, the both of you pumped him until precum dribbled from his slit.
The mixture of teamwork and watching JĆ«shirƍ enjoy himself encouraged more saliva to fill y/n’s mouth. “You seem dazed,” “My love,” he said with a gentle smile, one that quickly turned into an ‘O’ shape as your hand gripped his cock head tightly. “I stand...” “Corrected...” “Ugh, fuck,” he murmured forcibly.
Smiling deviously, y/n’s hooded eyes flashed something fierce and untamed. She had wished to please her husband all evening, and her wish was soon to be granted.
Dragging her tight fist down his hard length once again, y/n positions his swollen tip on her tongue. The taste of his pre brought back fond memories of, driving JĆ«shirƍ completely mad with lust, and an incredible urge to cum only to deny him. The sounds, the curses, and the frustration he’ll feel and demonstrate... Y/n sorely missed the way he would take it all out on her when she eventually had her fill of teasing him. It's a side of JĆ«shirƍ only you have seen, and you love to bring out anytime you get.
Licking it away, saliva had started to string down from her tongue. Dripping and connecting to the skin of her thighs, all while she recalled her memories. A red shade of blush painted JĆ«shirƍs face as y/n slowly and teasingly moved her head down his length. Finally, she encased the first few inches of him in her warm, wet mouth. Y/n’s lips tightened around his head, sucking him sweetly and letting her tongue swirl around his sensitive gland. All the while, massaging the base of his shaft. JĆ«shirƍ’s mouth dropped while he observed Y/n in amazement. By the time her tongue rang around him the third time, his thighs had already started trembling from the feeling.
Throwing his head back at the intense pleasure, and his mouth agape his long hair fell down his back. Closing his eyes, JĆ«shirƍ groans loudly and started thrusting his hips in time with the fervent moving of y/n’s tongue around his cock. Relishing in the eager sucking of her mouth, JĆ«shirƍ was quickly losing all of his composure. With one hand on the back of your head, he pushed your head down forcibly, making you gag.
Refusing to be told what to do, a loud pop sounds out and suddenly her precious touch ceased. Y/n sits back on her knees, wipes her mouth, and smiles sweetly at the super horny but now confused JĆ«shirƍ. He seemed very troubled by the sudden removal of your mouth, gripping his cock he stroked himself slowly, wondering why you stopped.
“Something the matter babe?” y/n asks with fake concern, “Yes, actually,” he said panting, and rubbing himself. “It seems my beautiful, loving, caring, and endearing wife has stopped touching me.” JĆ«shirƍ’s eyebrows furrowed as an amused smile placed itself on his face.
“My, my,” “What a shame, huh?” y/n gasped back at him innocently. “A tragedy, really,” he responded curtly.
“Whatever shall we do my sweet, loving husband?” y/n hummed sing-song-like. “You mean,” “What do I have to do,” he huffed. “C’mon, out with it woman,” the sexual frustration already rearing its head. His cock twitched angrily from the sudden lack of stimulation.
Replacing his hand, y/n softly gripped the base of his cock, riding her hand up his length. Her thumb pressed against the underside of his cock, forcing it to curve while she stroked him. Mumbled moans and sweet curses started to fall from JĆ«shirƍ’s mouth as his eyebrows furrowed some more. “Please, y/n-sama,” he begged desperately, fiending to feel her welcoming mouth swallow him whole again.
“I'll give you what you want, don't worry baby,” “You're just so...” “impatient,” Y/n said in a hushed and warning tone. “I told you, that you were gonna regret it, didn't I? My love?” She looked up into JĆ«shirƍs eyes, scanning his seemingly stoic complexion for any hesitation. “I vaguely remember you saying that,” “Yes, darling,” he said through smiling but gritted teeth. “Such a good boy, for remembering” y/n said in admiration.
“Now then,” “you are gonna stand here, and look real beautiful,” “while I make you feel so, so good,” y/n said with closed eyes and a killer smile. “What's the catch?” “I know your games babe,” JĆ«shirƍ said with a raised eyebrow.
“Awh,” “You know me so well honey,” y/n says graciously, clasping her hands together. “For starters, if you would be so kind,” “Hold my hair back for me, please sweetheart,” “and secondly,” y/n’s tone dropped. “Secondly, you will not force me. Don't be pushy,” she said sternly, glaring slightly at JĆ«shirƍ.
“You know, I’ll have to punish you now for being so greedy,” Y/n sighed, shrugging her shoulders. “Here’s the deal,” “You, take a single eye off of me, and I will start over.” “From the very beginning.” “Do not cum unless I say so, got it?” y/n says in finality, raising an eyebrow in his direction.
Clutching his chest as if you shot him JĆ«shirƍ sucked in a long breath through his teeth. Hissing it out, he silently agrees, nodding gently in your direction.
Looking into your eyes, JĆ«shirƍ jokes, “You can be so cruel to me sometimes my love,” he says with a smirk. “But if it means I get to play with you, I’ll do whatever my baby tells me,”. Flashing him with a genuine smile, “I love that answer,” Y/n says with a giggle. Resuming her position, she beams back at JĆ«shirƍ for being such a good sport.
JĆ«shirƍs gentle fingers push your hair behind your ears so he can gather it all, holding it in a ponytail style. Glancing up at JĆ«shirƍ, and then back at the task at hand he cheekily comments, “My eyes are up here, babe,”. With a quick shake of her head, Y/n squint's at him before spitting on the tip of his dick, spreading it, and using it to lube him up.
Grunting and clenching his jaw from your moving fist, JĆ«shirƍ’s hips thrust and tense with each stroke. Once satisfied with the squelching noises that came from roughly stroking his cock, y/n takes him back into her mouth and starts sucking. Closing her eyes, y/n savored the flavor of his clean skin and the faint taste of fruity sake, that somehow mixed perfectly together.
“Hnnng...” “Oh, shit... yes..!” “Fuck...” “Mmm... baby,” “You just...ugh,” “Fucking love sucking this dick, huh?,” JĆ«shirƍ moaned peering down at y/n. His jaw went slack, “so pretty, sucking me like that...” he said, panting with each movement of y/n’s head. His eyes studied her while she deepthroated his length with ease. Tiny explosions rippled throughout his body whenever his dick touched the back of y/n’s throat. Accompanied by the cute, slutty sounds she made while pleasuring him, JĆ«shirƍ’s head floated blissfully in the heat of it all.
Drool carelessly leaked from the crevices of y/n’s mouth, down his shaft, and over his balls making a mess in his trimmed, white pubes. JĆ«shirƍ’s grip on your hair weakened, and his gaze began to waver.
His body ached and jerked, screaming for some relief. Unfortunately for JĆ«shirƍ, y/n kept sucking and stroking. Instinctively, she just knew when he was about to look away, her movements would slow, moving damn near to a stop each time. It was unfair, JĆ«shirƍ thought. A thought that was soon eased at the feel of her wet tongue wrapping around his throbbing shaft. Y/n could feel his thighs begin to quake uncontrollably under her palms while she toyed with him.
Y/n’s body sang with each of his frantic moans, making her vibrate with desire. JĆ«shirƍ’s body tensed up every time she bounced her head. With his fast-approaching orgasm, y/n smiled internally ‘Now the real fun can start’ she assumed to herself.
Looking up at JĆ«shirƍ’s face with his dick still in her mouth, she maintained eye contact with him making him blush a deep red.
His whole body was awkwardly hunched due to the naughty torture he had subjected himself to, it had started to take a toll on his body. “I know you're... Fuck,” “Having fun... ” “But would y/n-sama...” “Be kind enough to let her sweet, loving husband sit,” He said grunting, peering down into your eyes. “I think I’ll pass out if don’t,” JĆ«shirƍ chuckled before his knees slightly buckled while y/n forcibly sucked his tip.
Pulling off his head sharply, y/n giggled at the face JĆ«shirƍ made when she popped off his sensitive cock. Smiling cutely at him, “Well,” “You've done a great job so far,” she said in praise, “I don't see why not,” y/n nodded, patting the mattress and inviting JĆ«shirƍ into her space.
Y/n watched as JĆ«shirƍ made his way to the headboard, sitting against the wall he sighed, looking so relieved to finally sit.
His cock stood rigidly hard, pulsing, and sore from the overstimulation. JĆ«shirƍ couldn't remember the last time you had him this worked up, but this has been a wonderful reminder as to why he married you. The sex life you shared was and has always been incredible. Sex wasn't an answer for everything that went wrong, but you could always find one another in it, bringing you closer with each encounter.
Crawling to his feet y/n pushed them apart with her hands, before moving between his legs. Once comfortable there, y/n’s hands grip under his thighs lifting them so they sat on her shoulders. Holding them in place, she kissed his inner thighs before playfully biting the fleshy inside, making JĆ«shirƍ yell out in shock. “AH!?” “Ow...” “What’re you doing down there?” he sighs with a chuckle and a slight look of horror on his face.
Y/n peered up at him with a mischievous grin, “Just having some fun that's all,” she said matter-of-factly. Kissing, and running her tongue over the red welt she left, y/n made her way to his other thigh repeating her ritual there as well. JĆ«shirƍ’s breath would hitch in his lungs while his body shook with every soft smooch and bite y/n left on his skin. After playing with him, y/n’s hands gripped JĆ«shirƍ’s thighs. Holding them hostage against her shoulders, until her fingertips left little half-moon indentations on his sensitive flesh.
The fun she had planned, was about to fuck her husband up and she could hardly wait.
Grinning to herself y/n’s playful thoughts were soon interrupted, “I don't like that look on your face,” JĆ«shirƍ murmured, his remark only making y/n cackle with glee. “I love you, so much,” she declared, that evil temptress look never fully leaving her face only failed to lessen his sudden worry.
‘Oh boy, here we go,’ JĆ«shirƍ thought to himself, swallowing hard as he knew he was in for it now, he rioted quietly with himself, praying he could last. With no hands, y/n lowered her mouth to his aching cock. Sucking him softly, she moved a hand to stroke his member in tandem. With clenched teeth, JĆ«shirƍ groans and pulls your hair out of the way, his hands shaking the entire time. Fully in view now, he dared not look away from you as he knew that simply postponed his orgasm further. Flashing her eyes at JĆ«shirƍ y/n slowly pushed him to the back of her throat.
JĆ«shirƍ watched, inch by inch as y/n wrapped her warm mouth around him, your plush lips looked so perfect around his shaft. The image had burned into his mind until, “Ooh, my fucking...” “God!” “Wait!” “Wait... Stop!” JĆ«shirƍ cried out suddenly, his hips convulsing helplessly away from you. “I'm gonna..” “Cum... If you don't stop!” he pleaded. Y/n moaned with his dick still down her throat from his begs, the vibrations from her voice only outed more of his pathetic cries.
Swirling her tongue around his shaft slowly while lifting her head, JĂșshirƍ’s cock pulsed in her mouth, throbbing in time with his quickened heartbeat. Pulling off of him, y/n’s tight fist replaced her mouth stroking him slowly to a point of no return.
JĆ«shirƍ’s face was shiny with sweat, he gasped and sucked a breath in every time y/n’s fist passed his cock head and back down his length. “Y/n-sama, please..” He said through his moans, “Can I please cum?” “Hnnnng... Fuck! Please?!” “I can't hold out much longer...” JĆ«shirƍ said in a hushed tone, tensing his whole body to keep himself from cumming too soon.
Giggling, y/n shook her head from side to side real slow-like. Refusing to let him cum, but continuing the torture y/n licked the base of his dick up to his tip before gently kissing and sucking the sides of his shaft, taunting him further. “Ah, Shit!” “I'm gonna-...” was all JĆ«shirƍ could say before his cock twitched hard in her hands. Quickly releasing him y/n watched as milky cum poured from his cock, and down his shaft. Blinking up at JĆ«shirƍ, who had not only disobeyed her orders but also stopped looking at that moment, received a hefty look from y/n.
“That's just a shame,” y/n signed, “I was just getting started,” trying and failing to hide her dissatisfaction, she released his thighs and sat on her knees. “I'm..” “I'm sorry my love,” JĆ«shirƍ said weakly, “I couldn't last, you felt too good.”. Sitting up he grabbed your face and kissed you all over before his lips lightly touched yours.
Instantly and swiftly he moved his body behind you pushing you face-first into the mattress. With your ass in the air, JĆ«shirƍ moved his coat out of the way to smack your ass hard. Calmly, he soothes your heated skin, rubbing it softly before matching the sting to your other cheek.
Gasping out in shock y/n laughs at his rapid movements, almost forgetting that he is a Captain in The Gotei 13. “It's my turn now,” he grumbled, his cock never growing soft JĆ«shirƍ presses it against your ass. The cum from his ruined orgasm earlier smeared all over your ass the moment he smacked his cock on your skin there.
Running his cock head up and down your slit to tease you, he gripped your waist tightly readying you to take him, all of him. “I have been waiting all goddamned night...” “Correction...” “Fucking weeks!” “For this, for you, babe,” JĆ«shirƍ said his voice sounding tired and strained. “Tit for tat baby,” He said just before plunging himself into your dripping cunt.
Pushing all of his weight onto your body, your back arched until your ribs lay flat against the bed. JĆ«shirƍ leaned close to your ear, close enough that y/n could feel his breath against her skin. Completely submerged in your depths, he could hear you whimpering below him.
Smacking your ass, he thrust his hips harshly into you. “Goddamn...” “Uhhg, fuck princess...” “Your pussy is so tight,” “Bout time I fix that, yeah?” JĆ«shirƍ said with a chuckle. Y/n lay totally dazed underneath him, not sure how she ended up in this position but wasn't gonna complain about it otherwise. “It's been far too long baby,” y/n said whining, “Don't ever make me wait again, JĆ«shirƍ Ukitake,” she said still trying to front her dominance before crying out at the sharp feeling of his cock dragging against her G-spot.
“But you're so sweet... And wet,” JĆ«shirƍ grunted in between thrusts. “So worked up,” “and all for me,” “I think I'll make you wait more often, baby,” He grinned down at you. His brown eyes gazed lovingly at your form and how it splayed out underneath him. The way your hair curled and stuck to your sweat-slicked skin, and the way your legs were spread just right; that every time he shoved himself into you, your ass would jiggle against his hips. You were a sight worth beholding, and he wasn't going to let a single moment pass him by.
The sound of your ragged breath and the way you cried out every time he collided himself into you, was like music to his ears. Gripping your waist with both hands now, JĆ«shirƍ held you in place as he lazily pulled his cock out to the tip, then drove it right back into you with force.
His balls noisily slapped against your messy, soaking-wet pussy. A cacophony of “aahs...” “mmms...” curses, and groans rang around the room as you two continued to make vicious love together.
JĆ«shirƍ’s soft hands groped your skin and roamed around your body voluntarily. Gripping your ass he spreads your cheeks and peered down in between. “Fuck...” “I love the way your pussy grips my cock baby,” “Why don't you cum all over it for me, huh?”.
His pussy-drunk words fell from his mouth, dripping like sweet honey and calming y/n’s heightened senses. Clenching her muscles and surprising JĆ«shirƍ with a kegel, y/n was greatly rewarded with a forceful moan coming from JĆ«shirƍ. “I'm not that easy...” “Captain,” Y/n said with a teasing laugh, clearly poking at his failed attempt at lasting earlier. “We’ll see about that baby,” JĆ«shirƍ taunted. Pulling out, “Flip over,” his voice was demanding, deep, and warm. They sang through your ears and traced your skin softly, rousing goosebumps all over for just a moment.
Doing exactly what she was told y/n lays on her back but with her knees touching, refusing JĆ«shirƍ access to enter. “C’mon, don't be like that baby girl,” he heckled urging y/n to behave. “Make me,” y/n grinned brattily. With a look of pride on his face, JĆ«shirƍ gripped under your knees and pushed your legs up towards the headboard. “I'll be taking this, thank you,” he said, admiring your glistening lips as they shone plump, wet, and shiny under the bedroom light.
Taking his cock in hand, he slips his tip in between your slit and collects your wetness, rubbing slowly up and down. Once adequately lubed up he smacks his thick girth across your pussy. JĆ«shirƍ chuckled at y/n with every smack, as her legs quivered and toes curled from the quick sensation of his cock smacking against her clit.
The tables seemed to be turning quickly as y/n so badly wanted to shout at JĆ«shirƍ to quit teasing. Sensing your eagerness, JĆ«shirƍ presses his tip into your entrance. “This is what you want right?” he said breathily, “You want my cock inside of you baby?” “You're looking needy, my love,” he smiled prettily down at your flushed, frustrated face.
Y/n huffed in annoyance, because ‘obviously yeah,’ JĆ«shirƍ became her least favorite person any time he would tease her. He always gave y/n what she wanted until he doesn't. It happens most often when she’s horny, and that was just cruel. “I don't know what to do unless you tell me, babe,” he pressed into you further. Shallowly thrusting the tip in and out, over and over. “I was supposed to be the one... Hah... Teasin’... You! Fuck...” y/n whined, trying to wiggle against him to push him deeper, all in vain of course. The grip JĆ«shirƍ had was perfectly placed, he could do whatever he wanted to Y/n and she would be at his mercy.
“Use your words, my love,” JĆ«shirƍ cooed gently, y/n squirmed against him frustrated as ever, and cried out, “Just fuck me already!” “Please!”.
“Whatever my princess wants,” he sighed, sliding himself deep into you, “God... Your pussy is... So fucking good!”. JĆ«shirƍ’s body shuttered at the feeling of your slick walls sheathing his length, throwing his head back in a deep growl his hips started rolling ferociously into your core. Spreading your legs, JĆ«shirƍ pushed your knees up toward your chest, folding you. His strong thighs encompassed your hips for leverage, drilling his cock against your G-spot. The obnoxious squelching that ensued from his movements, was enough for y/n to become embarrassed by her intense arousal. Blush covered her face, contorted in pleasure her pussy twitched and tightened with each thrust.
The JĆ«shirƍ Ukitake y/n was being faced with now was entirely different from his usual friendly, personable, nerdy self. His demeanor changed in an instant when he got control of you, pounding you into oblivion. Y/n screamed out as JĆ«shirƍ showed zero signs of slowing down.
Effortlessly he slid in and out, and deep enough that y/n could've sworn he was fucking her guts. Feeling full to the brim, y/n’s pussy seized and released uncontrollably from his intense rhythm. Falling silent, y/n gasped for breath and rolled her head back onto the pillows. Her mouth gaped but no noise came out, her body convulsed hard as her orgasm flooded all of her senses. “Oh fuck!,” “Ugh... Yes!” “Great job, my love” “I fucking love it... When you cum all over me, like that.” JĆ«shirƍ praised you, his eyes full of passion and lips slightly parted. The rolling waves of y/n’s orgasm had her pussy pulsing around his swollen cock, pushing JĆ«shirƍ to the edge.
“Shit!...” “I’m gonna fucking cum!” “Fuck! So hard!” JĆ«shirƍ thrusts got sloppy as he reached pure bliss. His cock throbbed as his orgasm washed over full force. Moaning loudly just as the first wave took over him, JĆ«shirƍ grunted and clenched his jaw with sweat rolling down his temple. Pulling out he pumped out a few ropes of cum that messily covered your mound, and lips, dripping toward your sticky entrance. Taking his tip, he smeared his mess all over, inserting some into your cunt and marveling how it decorated your lips so nicely.
Releasing a deep breath, JĆ«shirƍ’s whole body relaxed. His head fell with his shoulders as his lower body jerked with the aftershocks. Opening his eyes, he released his grip from your thighs, y/n’s legs dropped heavily as she heaved for breath. Swallowing thickly, she peered up at JĆ«shirƍ whose face was just as red as hers. Beaming at him y/n couldn't help the fit of giggles that roused from her while she stared at her thoroughly fucked out husband before her. Chuckling confused at your reaction, JĆ«shirƍ raises a questioning eyebrow at you, “What's so funny? Mrs. Ukitake?”. “You.” she said smiling satisfactorily, “You’re funny. Sexy, and beautiful,” “I love you so much, my sweet husband,”
“I love you to my beautiful, loving, darling wife,” he declared, his brown eyes resting happily in yours.
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This was longer, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed working on it! I took a little different take on JĆ«shirƍ’s character so I hope that was okay! The story was really short with just a blowjob scene, can't say a lot without it sounding the same after some time! I worked really hard on this so I hope it shows lmao đŸ˜©đŸ’•
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laceyamethyst · 11 months
ngl i feel ever-so self conscious about writing such a long comment (it's long long) but i haven't enjoyed a fic this much in what feels like forever, so if the comment brings you even a fraction of the happiness that you've given me with the mission universe, then i'm glad 🧡
now to invade your inbox with more bad ideas 👀 oscar and lando are absolutely down bad for one another, It Is Knownâ„ąïž, but oscar's also notably very calm, and very good at clearing his head of distractions. so talking to a friend about f1 padel made me think of mission! padel, and poor logan trying to get a normal game in...
then it veered hard left and became 'charles & oscar vs max & lando', but its really just charles & oscar against max because every time oscar combs his fingers through his hair, or lifts his shirt to wipe sweat off 💩, or bends over 🍑 to pick up his water bottle then pours the water over his head a la qatar, or bites his lip in concentration, lando misses the serve because Oscar đŸ˜łđŸ„ŽđŸ€Ż
(charles is 100% the mastermind behind this. he will stop at nothing to win, including slutting oscar out. oscar agrees because is secretly a gremlin, and has a very good poker face. logan bemoans yet another ruined padel game because lando's being horny on main the next court over)
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kthxbye đŸ§ĄđŸ’œđŸ©·
asjdsfskl okay firstly i just read your comment and i just??? đŸ„șđŸ€ŻđŸ˜­đŸ„Č thank you SO MUCH?! it makes me happy beyond words that you took the time to send me all your thoughts about the fic, i'm honestly speechless, so please allow me A Moment to respond to it on AO3, because you deserve an oscar piastri-level big brained response.
but in the meantime let me scream at you about this padel headcanon because I LOVE IT. listen charles will be victorious and he doesn't care if he has to strip lando of his dignity to do it. charles just stands there and refuses to pick up the ball after every round, which forces oscar to bend over each time 🍑, and lando is suffering.
at first max is exasperated at lando but then he realizes what his fiance is doing, and remembers that he's max fucking verstappen and he wrote the book on how destroy your rival. cue max telling lando there's a bug in his shirt, which makes lando yeet the shirt off his body. and listen even oscar's composure has its limits -- he misfires his next serve, which goes flying and hits logan in the next court over.
logan debates taking the L and transferring to indycar.
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yeenybeanies · 1 year
also been a while since i posted this preview lmao. repost from my patreon!! so i saw this image a long while ago, & it's lived rent free in my brain ever since. & now the inspiration from that image is here in words. mind, the size difference isn't as extreme as depicted there, but the big fella's still 358ft tall 👀💩 OCs | ivy of paesaal & the warden 3,475 words mentions of death & vomiting thanks for reading!! reblogs > likes!! patreon ✹ ko-fi
There were many words for the giant beings. Sentinels. Guardians. Watchers. Keepers. Most called them Wardens. They were gargantuan, towering beings, standing taller than most buildings. They wore armor like that of a knight, made of an unknown metal that could not be dirtied, that no conventional weapon could pierce or scratch. What they looked like underneath that armor, no one knew. A brave few had tried to slip in through the gaps, hungry for knowledge that seemed so within reach, but there were no gaps to be found. Not even the helmets far above, where there were slots, presumably for the beings to see through, granted any entry. Some invisible barrier kept even the light from penetrating into that armor.
Be it legend or history, it was said that the Wardens were gifts from the Gods, sent to protect the land and its people from otherworldly threats. They were mighty, unbreakable warriors, able to repel the worst evils any realm could produce.
Or so it was said.
No one could remember a time when any ungodly monsters ever descended upon the land. No one could remember the Wardens ever waking from their slumber to fight and defend. No one could even remember the last time a Warden moved. Believers claimed that they were simply dormant, and only came to life when truly needed. Nay-sayers thought the whole tale was a crock of shit, that they were nothing more than huge, decorative statues that royals used as symbols of their egos.
It was true that royalty in Palendra regarded the Wardens highly. Monarchs of the past few centuries liked to claim the Wardens’ as their own, though they had no means of actually harnessing their would-be power. Royal crests and seals depicted the Wardens, and the royal guard donned shining armor styled after them.
One such guard in Warden armor sighed loudly. He stood at attention as he was supposed to, but there was a laziness to his posture.
“Princess Ivy,” he said, doing his best to temper the exasperation in his voice, “there are storm clouds gathering from the south. We should head inside before they let out.”
Seated on the wall against a stone pillar, Ivy continued with her charcoal, scraping it across the parchment in her book. She regarded the new strokes for a moment, then smudged at them with her blackened fingers.
“Princess,” the guard said, sounding more annoyed. “Princess.”
Ivy rolled her head back and groaned. “Ugh. Golrin, you’re interrupting my process! If you have to go take a piss so badly, then by all means! You’re dismissed!”
Though his face was hidden under his helmet, she could tell that Golrin was rolling his eyes at her. He’d been her personal guard for nearly ten years now, almost half of her life; she knew how to read him through his armor.
“Oh, pardon my interruption, Your Highness,” he said, speaking much less formally than he would had they not been alone. Ivy liked it better when he talked to her like this. All of those fake, flowery manners that people were supposed to use around her got so exhausting. Golrin continued, “Much as I would love to do just that, I’m afraid your parents would have me drawn and quartered if I dared to let you out of my sight. Dismissed or otherwise.”
Ivy snapped her book shut, the charcoal piece held between the pages, and slid off of the wall. She tucked the book under her arm, and gestured to the towering metal form behind her. “Nothing’s gonna happen to me while he’s around. You can go!”
Golrin snorted. He crossed his arms over his chest and tipped his head up, regarding the Warden. Where they stood, on one of the highest rooftops of the castle, they only just barely reached the middle of its chest plate.
“You don’t actually believe that,” he said. “That Warden’s never moved before. And it certainly isn’t going to move for you if you decide to take a tumble over the wall.”
Ivy looked over her shoulder at the Warden, a gentle smile on her lips. No, she didn’t actually believe that the Wardens were guardians of royalty. But she did take comfort in this one’s vigil. Whether they were actually ancient protectors or not, it made her feel better to at least pretend like someone was watching over them.
She’d spent countless hours up on these rooftops over her lifetime. She liked to talk to the Warden sometimes. She didn’t feel like a princess when talking to it, and it would listen to her without judgment—at least, none that she could perceive. Over the years, it had heard many a rant from the Princess, and confessions she dared not tell another soul—not even Golrin, nor her parents. In a sense, the Warden knew her better than anyone else did.
A small stone bounced against the Warden’s armor with a sharp ping, making Ivy jump. She whirled around to face Golrin again, who remained at attention, though he stood properly now. She glanced down at his feet, noting a gap in the cobble that looked suspiciously like it had just housed a stone a moment before.
“That was rude,” she said. “What did he ever do to you?”
“Not a damn thing,” Golrin replied. “That’s the problem. That thing’s nothing but a shiny waste of space.”
Ivy shot an apologetic look to the Warden, then turned a sour face to Golrin. “We’re lucky to have a Warden here. There aren’t that many of them in Palendra, you know.”
Golrin shrugged. Ivy could picture his face, brows raised and lips pressed together, like he couldn’t care less. He was allowed to feel how he did about the Wardens—after all, no one really knew where they’d come from or what they did—but she didn’t understand how he could look at one and not feel the same awe she did.
“Princess, those clouds are right over us,” he said, changing the subject. “I insist we get inside. It’s looking like it’s going to be a nasty storm.”
The sky was growing noticeably darker, Ivy couldn’t deny. The wind was picking up too. She looked up to the clouds in question. They roiled angrily in the skies, like the heavens themself had a grudge against the land. The first drop broke free, splashing down right in the center of her forehead. She blinked in surprise, lashes catching some of the smaller droplets. Golrin reached for her wrist, armored fingers wrapping fully around it, and gently tugged. She took two steps to follow him, but paused when movement caught her eye. Her head snapped back up to the Warden. A sharp gasp left her, her free hand dropping her book to cover her mouth.
The Warden looked different. Its head was turned, tipped upwards towards the clouds.
“Golrin—the Warden! It moved—!”
An explosion of green light shot down from the clouds, striking the land with a force so violent that it shook the tower Ivy and Golrin stood upon. It tossed them to the floor and knocked the air from their lungs. Ivy could feel herself screaming, but couldn’t hear over the new ringing in her ears. She curled in on herself, knees to her chest, arms over her head, book forgotten. Golrin threw himself over her, shielding her further from—from whatever madness was happening.
When the shaking stopped, Golrin wasted no time. He was on his feet in an instant, dragging Ivy up with him. He half-carried her to the door, into the spiral stairway down the tower. She stumbled down the first few steps, her heart pounding in her chest. A look through one of the windows made it stop altogether, though. Her whole body went rigid and numb, frozen in place.
“Princess! You need to—” Golrin started to shout at her, but he too froze when he saw what she saw.
In the explosion’s crater, opposite of the Warden, stood another titan-sized being. It wore armor not unlike the Warden’s, but it was much more jagged and asymmetrical. The being was hunched over, its arms hanging limply, its head moving left and right in unnatural, jerky movements. A sound—what could only be described as a guttural growl—rumbled from somewhere deep within the being. It rattled Ivy’s bones, made her teeth chatter. Seeing, hearing, witnessing this creature struck a fear deep within her that she’d never experienced before. That thing
 was no Warden. It was something else. Something sinister. Dangerous.
Golrin gave her a rough shove, snapping Ivy from her trance. “Keep moving!” he shouted, pushing her along. With her blood flowing again, the princess sprinted down the stairs as quickly as she could, her guard hot on her heels. By the time they were nearly halfway down the tower, she heard—no, felt—movement beyond the stone walls. She caught a glimpse outside, just a moment’s look, to see the new titan tackle the Warden. The crash of their metals, louder than any thunder, brought another ring to her ears. The Warden and the intruder fell to the ground only feet away from their tower, the impact creating another wave of tremors. Golrin pushed her again, hard enough this time to send her tumbling down the stairs until she collided  with the curve of the wall. She cried out, but her pained wail quickly turned to one of horror and anguish. Just as she looked back to Golrin, a massive, metal-clad fist tore through the stone like it was paper. The entire upper section of the tower fell away, like a stack of toy blocks being knocked over by a careless toddler. Golrin was there one second, and then he wasn’t. Ivy shrieked his name, her throat already raw.
Another jolt shook the tower—an impact from the wrestling titans at another wing of the castle. More rubble rained down around Ivy, spurring her into a half-stumble half-sprint down the stairs.
Distant screams reached her ears over the cacophonous clashing of metal & brick. The thought of people getting crushed under the titans made Ivy’s stomach roil. It was a miracle in and of itself that she hadn’t yet vomited.
Her shoes hit the ground floor tile, where her legs gave out under her. Ivy collapsed to her hands and knees, head bowed, lungs straining.
Run. Keep running. Her brain shouted, but her limbs wouldn’t move.
Golrin was gone. Where were her parents? The castle staff? The citizens? How many were d—
Her stomach lurched painfully. Ivy’s shoulders shook as she heaved, the contents of her gut spilling out through mouth and nose onto the floor. She was going to die here. The tower was going to fall on her, or she’d get caught underneath a titan, and all she could do is sit here and throw up until it happened.
That wasn’t how she wanted to go. Ivy balled her hands into fists and spat out the last of the bile in her mouth. If she was going to die, it wasn’t going to be in a pool of her own vomit. Despite the wobble in her knees, she pushed herself to her feet, and ran. She shoved the tower door open with her shoulder, and stumbled out onto the road, where she could once again see the Warden and the intruder clashing. The intruder wailed on the Warden viciously with punches, kicks, headbutts—any part of its body it could strike with. The Warden held a defensive stance, arms up, deflecting and dodging when it could. Whenever it did strike out, the intruder slipped out of the way. Clearly it was the faster of the two titans.
Ivy felt like she couldn’t breathe. Seeing the Warden not only move, but fight, filled her with an emotion she couldn’t place. All her life, she’d known the Warden to be silent and still. But now, seeing it fight with another otherworldly being, there was no doubt in her mind that it really was a godly warrior sent from the heavens.
But where had the intruder come from? And why was it here? Why now?
The intruder tossed its head back and let out a piercing shriek. Ivy’s hands flew to her ears, and her knees buckled under her. She may have screamed, but she couldn’t be sure; she couldn’t hear anything over the horrible noise. It felt like every cell in her body, every molecule, was being shaken. Violently. Blood sprang from her nose and her ears, dripping down onto the ground beneath her. She felt like her brain was going to burst inside her skull, and the rest of her organs soon after.
She felt more than she heard the noise stop. For several seconds, Ivy remained curled in on herself, clutching her head between her hands. She couldn’t hear. She couldn’t think. She couldn’t move.
A crash shook the air from somewhere up above. Ivy forced her eyes open to see the Warden stumble, reeling from the intruder’s assault. It stepped backward, its massive boot sailing over Ivy’s head. She felt herself scream as the Warden started to fall, and thrusted her hands upward, as if she alone could prevent the tower of metal from crushing her flat. Its knee slammed into the ground a few yards from her, and then its fist, both stirring up dust and debris. Once the dust settled, the princess found herself staring up at the Warden, and it staring right back down at her. She couldn’t see any features through the openings in its helmet, but she knew in her heart that it could see her—that it was aware of her. Her blood turned to ice.
For several long moments, neither of them moved.
Then a bright flash of green light grabbed both of their attentions. The intruder produced another horrible shriek—one Ivy could no longer hear through the blood in her ears. The seams in its armor started to glow and flicker with a ghastly, green flame that steadily grew brighter. More intense.
The Warden looked back to Ivy, and she to it. “You’re supposed to protect us!” She yelled. It was surreal to speak and not hear her own voice, but she continued, “Get up! You have to get up!”
It had to get up! It had to get up and fight that—that thing! That monster!
The Warden stole another glance at the intruder, now almost fully engulfed in flames. Its face stayed hidden—if it even had a face—but she thought she could see determination surge in its body language.
Its hand moved. To Ivy’s horror, the Warden’s hand moved towards her. Fingers extended, palm open.
It was going to crush her.
She threw her hands over her head, screaming so loudly, so hard, that she was sure her throat was bleeding by now. The light vanished, blotted out by the Warden’s hand. Ivy squeezed her eyes shut, and waited for the violent end to take her.
Dizziness overcame her. In the last moments, her consciousness faded.
The hand pressed into the ground, then its fingers curled in, leaving deep gouges in the dirt.
The intruder let out one last shriek before it exploded into a shockwave of green. The Warden turned its back to the blast and braced as flames swelled around it, incinerating everything.
Ivy breathed in with a start. She gasped for air, and pawed at her throat as if she were being choked. She couldn’t see anything. She couldn’t—
No, that wasn’t right. She could see herself. She held up a hand and inspected it. It looked as if she were standing in the midday sun, but there was nothing around her but blackness.
She realized too that she wasn’t actually standing, nor was she lying down. It felt almost like she was suspended in water, or floating in the air.
Was this a dream? It had to be a dream. Or perhaps a nightmare. Or
 or the afterlife. Ivy grimaced. She was dead. She had to be. The Warden
 the Warden killed her!
“That bastard hunk of—ah!” She binked, and gingerly touched the lobe of her ear. She could hear! There was no blood crusted on her skin, either, nor on her clothes. In fact, she was completely clean.
This had to be the afterlife.
 why was it so dark? And empty?
Would Golrin be here
Nervously, Ivy called out. “Hello
?” No response. “Um. Hello
? Golrin? Is anybody here? I can’t see anything. Hello? Hey—!” Her body lurched, like it was being lifted. She flailed her limbs, trying to fight off whatever had ahold of her, but there were no hands, no ropes, no chains—nothing tethered to her. “Hey! What are you—let me go!”
A low, rumbling noise echoed all around her, stilling her movements. It almost sounded like the noise that the intruder had made, but somehow
 gentler. Kinder. Ivy studied the darkness, and listened until the echoes faded. She couldn’t see anyone, but she could swear that she felt a presence nearby.
“Where are you? Where am I?”
The rumble sounded again, this time with softer, lighter notes interlaced. Ivy’s brows furrowed. There was something to the sound. It wasn’t a voice, per se, nor were there any words, but there was something in it that she could understand.
 ‘sorry’?” She said. There was sorrow in the rumble, and emotions in her head that did not belong to her. “Are you
 talking to me? Who are you? Why can’t I see you?”
Far up above, Ivy noticed light pouring in through what looked to be several tall openings. Windows, perhaps. As the force carrying her brought her nearer, she shielded her eyes until they adjusted to the brightness beyond. Once she could look, she leaned forward to peer through one of the openings.
And her jaw dropped.
From somewhere high up, she looked down upon the charred remains of a kingdom—her kingdom. The earth was blackened, everything reduced to ash and dust. Much of the fire was gone now, though she could still see a few patches of burning green on piles of rubble. At the center of the explosion, there were charred pieces of shrapnel and debris. Remains of the intruder?
Again the
 chamber rumbled.
 I’m having trouble understanding. Are you saying that I’m alone? What does that mean? Where am I?”
The view outside swung to the left, then to the right, like whatever this place was was mounted on a swivel.
Ivy shook her head. “What do you mean ‘you’ll protect me’? Please, I don’t understand! Let me out of here!”
“I don’t care that it’s not safe! I don’t feel safe here!” She tried her luck with flailing again, to no avail. “I am Ivy of Paesaal, Princess of Palendra! You will let me out of here immediately!”
Suddenly, Ivy was pulled down. The windows vanished, leaving her blind once more. She shrieked and thrashed, kicked and clawed at nothing. So busy was she in her frenzy that she failed to notice when her feet touched solid ground, and the sensation of being suspended left her. Only when she spotted cracks of light in long, straight lines overhead did she realize that she was somewhere else. And she could see! At least a little bit. The room—if it could be called that; it was far too cramped to be a proper room—around her looked like it was made of metal. The walls were unusual, like segmented pillars that curled over her. The floor was a mesh-like material.
The pillars jolted with a soft groan, startling Ivy. She fell onto her backside as they shifted, and slowly unfurled, revealing the ash-filled sky beyond.
One, two, three, four pillars
 and a fifth one off to the side
 Ivy glanced down at her hands, then back at the pillars. The four had three segments, and the fifth only two
 just like

Ivy whipped her head around, and felt her heart leap into her throat.
She was in the Warden’s hand, high above the kingdom—or what remained of it. The Warden stared down at her, watching her through the black openings in its helmet.
Openings that looked like the windows she’d been looking through only moments before

By the Gods
 had she been inside the Warden’s head?
The Warden rumbled.
 no one else
” she echoed. And it was sorry. Through her fear and adrenaline, the princess felt another surge of anguish. Moisture welled in her eyes, threatening to spill over onto her now cleaned cheeks. She crawled nearer to the edge of the Warden’s expansive palm and peered over, her shaking hands pressed to its thumb for balance. Just as she saw before, there was nothing but ash down below. All of the buildings, statues, roads—everything was gone.
 No, there
 there has to be someone else
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tiressian · 10 months
You know what, it was my very first time I watched jjk and when their first scene together came in (in the morgue), I genuinely thought Shoko was his ex or like, something goes on between them lmao. I just felt there was a tension? There was just something on the way she curled her hair while talking to him? And how gojo spoke to her that I CAN'T EXPLAIN.
I DUNNO I just felt there was something something. 👀 I think it's valid cuz, yeah, I saw it long way before I became their shipper (and not just out of delusion). 😌
When did you start shipping them anyway? God bless that scene for putting you into this fandom. 💩
OMG FRIENDDDD. I've been a shipper (or as the kids would say 'truther') since that scene too! I think it's the whole context leading up to it, because you have this "Cool-thinks-he's-funny-but-everyone-else-doesnt-think-so-super-OP character who seems unruffled at anything, at first glance. Then the Eishu Detention Centre arc happens, Yuji 'dies' and he's very ruffled and emotional and raging. You have Ijichi, nervous as hell bearing the brunt of that rage. And then she just shows up, chill, dark circles under her eyes but somehow able to smile despite the hour, and her first lines are that he hasn't been this emotional since they were students/kids. And then my brain seizes on the subtext: old friends. And then she does the hair twirl and smiling in the face of his rage, just completely chill.
And i've been in rarepair hell ever since lmao. Like body language 101: Hair twirling in That Way has always had a flirtatious/playful energy to it, i'm taking no criticism, if i look like i'm wearing a tinfoil hat for saying that then so be it.
But also with Shoko's intro comes an inside look at Gojo's motivations. Off the top of my head she's the one present when he talks about students experiencing the best years of their life speech. Even if you don't ship them romantically. the intimacy of an old friendship/trust is there. He knows hers is a sympathetic ear.
Also. He's polite to her when he asks her for that favour in delaying yuji's autopsy report. First scene i ever saw that guy say please after seeing him do as he pleases. Equals. But also i cackle when she's like "stop giving Ijichi a hard time" and he's like wagging a finger "i'll give him a hard time if i want idc"
Thanks for stopping by! I'm just one of many paddling our little raft it's been a chill time so far â˜șïžđŸ’›
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acapelladitty · 2 years
sandman prompt: corinthian getting his mouth-eyes played with
Well...well...well...what a truly wretched ask! I absolutely love it 😈👀💩
His shirt long discarded in a messy heap on the floor, the hands which glided along Corinthian's chest only served to make the slight tan of his skin appear deeper due to their unnatural pallor.
The owner of those hands, his beloved creator, appeared engrossed in the simple task as he mapped out the flawless torso which he had carved from the void.
"I debated making you much broader." Dream confessed, his words low and intimate. "I thought to give you a physicality which would strike fear into their hearts."
The soft weight of Dream atop his lap as his back pressed roughly against the comfortable high-backed chair left an almost rapturous sensation in his chest which made cognitive thought a little difficult as Corinthian swallowed heavily.
"And why didn't you?"
"I though this was much more appealing. The sleekness of a serpent with a coiled strength which could move with the quick strike of a dagger. And these-"
Soft digits, the skin as cool and unyielding as marble, trailed up his chest and past his jaw to press their fingertips into his temple. Dream's focus, now having shifted to the sets of teeth which passed for his sight, caused a fresh shudder of arousal to wrack his body as the faint appraisals continued.
"These were a labour of love. So much time dedicated to making each set as perfect as could be. Beautiful yet uncanny."
Not quite trusting his voice, Corinthian took a moment to clear his throat before whispering his response, the single word coming out with reverence.
"My little dream. A beautiful nightmare."
Gasping in surprise as cool thumbs brushed against his eyelids, his hands were quick to tighten their grip across Dream's hips and press into the silken shirt there.
And, without hesitation, his mouths followed the instruction as a wicked heat pooled within his gut.
Exploratory fingers pressed against his teeth for only a moment before pushing forward; trailing across the ridges of his teeth as the sides of the fingers brushed against the skin within his mouths.
His chest perfectly still, the intimacy of the act stoked the familiar arousal which his makers touch ignite within the Corinthian's groin and he felt himself harden even further as Dream shifted in his lap.
It was a torment which he knew the other man enjoyed, no matter how much he would deny the accusation, and he often wondered just how much his creator viewed him as little more than a toy to play with for his own amusement.
The thought did nothing to lessen the pressure of his slacks against his groin as his cock twitched in response to the concept.
As his fingers continued their familiar exploration of his creation, a serene expression graced Dream's features. Only the slightest hint of lust gave his eyes a slightly darker appearance than usual and the intensity of his gaze made Corinthian's throat dry.
A darker part of his mind, one which he regularly indulged without too much consideration, whispered at him to bite down. To punish the fingers which would trust him so brazenly, even if he knew he held no power in this little exchange.
"I can feel you doing that, you know." Breathing the words out as he ignored the violent impulse, Corinthian rolled his hips against Dream's weight, alerting him to the affect he was having. "Every slight touch is electric."
"Of course you can." Dream replied, as though it were the most obvious thing in the world. "And I will see fit to reward you for your submission once I am finished."
With the promise of satisfaction at hand, Corinthian flexed his hands against the thin hips and allowed a lecherous smile to curl the very edges of his lips.
Also posted to AO3
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sakumasmut · 2 years
Thank god you are still taking requests!
May I have Tsumugi teaching his girlfriend who he had been dating for a while how to stroke his little probably not actually it just sounds cute that way "friend" 👀💩? She loves him very much and is very willing to help but never touched or even seen up close a "friend" before so she is a very, really and estremely embarrassed and nervous? And if you don't mind I would prefer the setting to be in the bedroom for extra comfort. Thank you!
Tsumugi Aoba x Inexperienced!Fem!Reader
tags/warnings: handjobs. that’s it
You did your best to mask your nervousness as you fiddled with the buttons of your boyfriend’s pants, though Tsumugi still managed to pick up on it. He gave you a few reassuring pats to the head and an unseen awkward smile while you focused your eyes towards his crotch, gently biting your lip and avoiding his gaze. You didn’t want to meet his eyes, for fear that the sight would make your face burst into red hot flames.
You managed to get the last button off and zipped his pants down, tugging the loosened garment past his waist and down to his ankles. Now only his underwear remained, a bulge visible between his thighs. Your hand hovered over it hesitantly, unsure if you should pull it down too.
“You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to.”
He spoke softly; the way he reassured you made him more attractive by the minute. Tsumugi wasn’t doing much aside from leaning his back against the headboard, and you wanted to keep it that way. He deserved some rest and relief.
“It’s fine. I want to try doing this.”
You mustered up enough courage to finally tug his briefs down, pulling it past his knees where gravity finished the work for you. As expected, what awaited you was his unerect cock, attached to his crotch and joined with a ballsack dangling below it. A few long veins protruded along his length, leading up to a red tip with a flat head.
“So, uh, what do you think?” Tsumugi chuckled, and you blushed at the question.
“It’s my first time seeing a
penis.” You muttered that last part quickly, embarassed at even saying the word. You had seen diagrams of them in health class, but those weren’t anything compared to the real thing.
“Is that so? I hope my little friend’s not disappointing!”
You cringed at his wording, but decided not to scold him, knowing he was just trying to ease your nerves. You really wouldn’t call his cock little, or even average length. Just from eyeing it, it was maybe 6 inches, and you knew it grew longer when aroused, so clearly Tsumugi was being humble.
“So, uh, what should I do now?”
“Oh, um, you can hold it. Here, let me
His hand overlapped with yours and guided it to his crotch, where he pressed your fingers down into his cock and curled your fingers to grip his length. You were probably as red as a tomato by now. Was this really a normal size for a dick? You could barely wrap your fingers around it. It was so girthy, and didn’t feel like anything you’ve touched before.
“So what you want to do is stroke it slowly. You start at the base, then you just kind of slide your hand to the tip.”
As he spoke, he guided your hand to do as instructed, your fingers gliding against his skin and feeling the small bumps of his veins under your pads. Tsumugi moved your hand until it touched the tip, then he brought it back towards the base.
“Um, the tip of it is the most sensitive part, so you can, uh, play with it if you wanna
make me feel good.” He spoke with a blush. You brought your attention to it, the coloration of it slightly brighter than the rest of his member. You exhaled softly, your warm breath hitting his cock and making him shudder quietly.
“T-That’s all, really. You can take your time touching it.”
You nodded, and Tsumugi let go of your hand to give you full control of the situation. You started off slow, remembering the way he told you to stroke his shaft. Your fingers danced on his skin, hand going up and down as you set a pace. He let out quiet moans, which hopefully meant you were doing a good job.
“Do you do this often?” You asked curiously, getting a nod in response.
“Maybe every other week, b-by myself of course! I just get a little pent up sometimes.”
“Poor baby.” You murmured softly. “Let me take care of you then.”
His cock began to stiffen as your hand movements continued, and you stroked faster, eager to see it at full mast. It twitched slightly in your hands, and when your thumb brushed over the tip, you felt something sticky leaking from it.
“Ah, t-that’s normal. Just keep going.” He urged you on, slightly out of breath now.
You swiped some of the precum and rubbed it along the skin of his cock, making it easier for you to quickly slide your hand up and down. His cock grew fully erect as the friction between your palm and his skin increased. Tsumugi’s pants became more audible, his fingers clutching the sheets underneath them. The reaction you were getting was pleasing, but you wanted more. He needed to be fully satisfied. Your other hand made itself useful by fondling his balls in time with your strokes, causing an erotic groan to escape his mouth.
“Y-Yeah, that’s good. M-More
You happily obliged, letting your hands continue to move up and down his throbbing member. His small moans became louder and harder for him to muffle, and he began to buck his hips up, desperate for you to touch him more.
“/Name/,” He gasped, “C-Close! I-I’m going to—“
“Let it all out, Tsumugi.”
He moaned softly, shoulders stiffening up. You held onto his cock firmly and watched as spurts of white liquid shot out from the tip, coating the bedsheets and your hand in stripes of cum. His breathing was heavy by the time his orgasm was finished, chest heaving as you pulled your hand away.
“Was that good?”
“Yeah! You did wonderful.” He reassured you with a smile, glasses fogging up slightly from his sweat and panting. Tsumugi crinkled his nose up when he noticed, taking it off and setting it aside to check the mess he made on the bed. His eyes were drawn to his seed staining the sheets, and he sighed.
“Whoops, should probably clean that up.”
He stood up to go grab a towel, leaving you alone to rub your thighs together longingly. That was just your first taste of what you could do to him in bed, and you were eager to find out what else you could do with him.
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vampirewalterskinner · 7 months
Can’t remember exactly what ones you’ve already done but A C W and Y for the poly fluff asks? With the ot3 of courseđŸ„°đŸ„°
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Oooooo this one is tricky. Idk if any of them are more affectionate than the others because they all show affection differently. None of them are verbally affectionate, not typically (I mean, come on, Walter is the sass master and Fox is snarky while Dana is a split second away from turning feral) but they are all very physically affectionate. I think Fox and Dana are tied for overtly physical affection. They like to touch what’s theirs. Feel the people they love under their fingertips. Walter likes the same but I don’t think he’s outwards obvious about it. Not until he can see Fox and Dana need it, or he’s alone with them đŸ„°
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They all have different tactics depending in who they’re comforting!
When Dana is feeling down, there’s nothing she likes more than being held. It’s cannon! Snuggling up with her boys gives her a chance to be vulnerable and makes it easier for her to open up to them. Fox often lays in bed with her while Walter typically holds her in his lap đŸ„°
I think Fox likes to be babied and cared for 😂 He absolutely loves how Dana immediately holds his face with her hands and asks what’s wrong, what she can do for him. If he doesn’t answer, she’ll just cover his face in kisses until he can’t help but laugh. Walter is more direct. He’s careful, his voice gentle and kind as he asks what’s wrong. He’s always ready to give Fox a hug, in fact, Fox normally initiates it when he’s not in a great mindset. Walter will tease him for it, call him needy or a brat, but he never pushes Fox away. Just combs his fingers through Fox’s hair and pretends he doesn’t hear those little sobs. Sometimes their hugs end with a beer. Other times Walter surprises him with his favorite brand of sunflower seeds.
Walter is very non-communicative. He doesn’t like to show emotional vulnerability. When the relationship first started out, I think it was difficult for Fox and Dana to notice when something was wrong, much less what to do about it. They’re afraid to give him space, worried he won’t feel loved and supported, so they try giving him little gifts here and there. Presents of food and beverages they’ve noticed him consume. A shot in the dark, frankly. It helps, but it’s not enough. When their relationship with him turns physical, however, I think that’s when they finally figure him out. He lets himself go during sex. He relaxes and opens up. It’s also a way for him to vent. A little heavy petting and a hot make-out session later and he’s fine 😂 And if that’s not enough, they lure him into something a bit more
intense 👀💩
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They’re all so fucking insecure lmfaoooo 💖 Dana and Walter worry about their appearance like crazy while Fox is terrified the two of them will get tired of him one day. Walter especially, I think, would struggle with their age difference. Not realizing Dana and Fox eat up old men like college students and ramen lmao
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I think Fox and Dana win this one 😂 They’re attached to their lovers like parasites (said with love) while Walter is more of a
quiet, long suffering yearner. He misses them every second they’re not by his side BUT he kinda of
forces himself to get over it. I think he does it to prepare himself for if the two ever leave him. Fox and Dana never will, but it’s that little speck of self doubt that keeps Walter from lowering his guard completely.
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avocadoguru · 1 year
hnnnnggg i'm speechless đŸ˜¶ you two did it again i'm so horny for wolfrry. i would be his cum hole for him during his rut. i would let him knot in me all day long. 💩 cum on me. cum in me. let me eat it đŸœïž, bathe in it 🛁, moisturize with it 🧮. i'm losing my mind after that update.
if i can't have wolfrry in real life i'm gonna just re read every chapter every week until you update. i'm so obsessed. and i know i just sound like some horndog but you two actually write it so well - so fucking detailed and real and gritty. your style is very very high quality and distinct. and its seamless. i'm amazed at your skill. phenominal.
now back to horny days the feedback `` leaving us like that at the end was cruel but i love that you did it because that whole chapter was porn for me and anymore and i'd have combusted and passed away. i'm feral over his rut but if the next chapter is going to start like i think it is i'm going. to. lose. my. mind. hear me out đŸ‘‚đŸŸwolfrry goes in like a caveman. he's still on his rut so he's gonna absolutely destroy her pussy with his mouth and his fingers. he's not gonna let up. it's gonna make her cry and squirt, and beg, and shake, and elevate to a new existence. he's actually going to make her fall in love with him. the moment he's done with her she's going to sit up and look at him and realize this is the man she's going to spend the rest of her life with.
back to the actual chapter -sorry i got off track there, *ahem*- that blow job nearly ended me. the necklace tapping his balls??????? i'm never going to be the same after reading that. and their chat on niall balcony was really nice to have in there. i liked harry's thoughts about himself, and how he interprets y/ns concern. his character is so interesting and complex -bravo there ladies. and i forgot about the chip she put in eddie đŸ€­ that's so funny but it also shows she's hiding a secret from him too. even though he's definitely doing a lot more lying and keeping secrets, but now we really understand why! he's protecting her in a way.
i'm super curious about the chick who was supposed to be harry's mate. i know that's going to be coming back around and i can't wait to see where that goes.
and then there's eddie who was really going through it when he missed his uncle harry. i love that he had her watch him during his rut. he's really trusting her when he couldn't trust anyone else in his pack. i feel like that's very big in the story actually. harry not feeling like his pack is trustworthy and then add in niall's advice 👀 i'm thinking you two are setting us up for him leaving the pack for yn, but how does that work? can he just abandon them? will the pack elect a new leader? i feel like it'll be a lot more angsty than that. i'm so curious to see how it will happen.
i'm also wondering when she's going to realize he's got her panties! i keep thinking maybe it'll be brought up again and i'm sure you have plans for it but i can't get that out of my head either.
guhhhhh this chapter was just so thoughtful, sexy, funny, and informative. just amazing.
(@gurugirl here) WOW. LoL!!! Thank you, anon :) And you do totally sound like a horndog but that just means you've come to the right place 😂 Your theories and ideas are very interesting actually, you bring up some very good points and these are all things Dreea and I will make sure are unveiled in time. And I have a feeling we'll be seeing more of that female alpha 👀
Eddie was going through it wasn't he? Poor guy. He just misses his uncle Harry, but don't worry. He'll perk up the moment he sees him. But you're spot on about Harry trusting her with his nephew.
I'm so glad you can see how complex Harry's character is too! He's definitely not just your basic hot headed beast man (lol) - he's got deep feelings and is still learning about himself and working to fit into Y/N's world the best he can. And yes, he's lying to her a lot, but now you see why. He's not just lying to lie and to get her into his bed (well, part of it is for that đŸ€­) he's protecting her! This will be important to the story.
Thank you so so so much for your amazing feedback and compliments too. It's really an ego booster when we see things like this.
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