rottnstrwberriez · 2 months
forgot to do this earlier but HAPPY LIBERATION DAY ITALIANS
che bello essere nato e cresciuto antifascista :3
spero che altri italiani vedano sto post pk ci tengo 🥹
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blyszczopies · 2 months
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commission for @sparklefurever thank you sm!!
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flowergirlsimo · 2 months
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Good morning Amity Park, I'm your ghostly weatherman, Lance Thunder. Today's Thursday, April 25, and there’s a 0% chance of rain. Highs are in the high fifties, and the lows are in the low thirties.
There have still been no attacks since Sunday, and with the exception of Danny Phantom and myself, no ghosts have been sighted since Tuesday.
A goat somehow entered the playground of East Amity Elementary yesterday and chased several children. Thankfully nobody was seriously injured. Children evacuated the playground area while animal control was contacted to remove the goat.
The Fentons will likely be driving today.
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zeldabecameaqueen · 3 months
if you missed it, here is a short clip from april, when Quackity and Foolish went crazy with Bad and Dapper
Content of the stream :
• museum opens for the first time
• restaurant customer rp
• Foolish flirts with Quackity then BBH
• drugs addict rp
• Foolish loses against a two-week-old egg
There are tons of timestamps so don't you worry about finding the right moment
↓ EN transcription+ FR translation ↓
Si vous l'avez manqué, voici un petit clip datant d'avril, lorsque Quackity et Foolish sont devenus fous avec Bad et Dapper
Contenu du stream :
• le musée ouvre pour la première fois
• rp scène de restaurant
• Foolish flirt avec Quackity et BBH
• rp addict aux drogues
• Foolish perd face à un œuf de deux semaines
Y a pleins de marqueurs temporels donc ne vous inquiétez pas pour trouver le bon moment
EN transcription :
Quackity: [announces the music title] 'Country road by Alvin and the Chipmunks'
[Quackity plays the music, we hear high-pitched harmonica play, Foolish and Quackity laugh in surprise]
Foolish: That's just the sounds of tortured souls in hell
[The song keeps playing and Quackity is laughing hard]
BadBoyHalo: What the fudge
[The music stops]
Foolish: What was that?
Quackity: It's a video called 'Chipmunks Country Road'
BadBoyHalo: What the fudge
[The music plays again, and Quackity and Foolish laugh harder]
Quackity: What the f*k, why is it [?] like that
Foolish: Did they actually- Did they actually just
FR translation :
Quackity : [annonce le titre de la musique] 'Country road by Alvin and the Chipmunks'
[Quackity lance la musique, on entend un harmonica jouer très aigu, Foolish et Quackity rient de surprise]
Foolish : C'est juste le son des esprits torturés en enfer
[La musique continue de jouer et Quackity est mort de rire]
BadBoyHalo : What the fudge
[La musique s'arrête]
Foolish : Qu'est-ce que c'était que ça?
Quackity : C'est une vidéo nommée 'Chipmunks Country Road'
BadBoyHalo : What the fudge
[La musique se lance de nouveau, et Quackity et Foolish ont un fou rire]
Quackity : Hein, pourquoi est-ce que c'est [?] comme ça
Foolish : Est-ce qu'ils ont vraiment- Est-ce qu'ils ont vraiment juste...
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
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Bungou Stray Dogs ↳ Ryūnosuke Akutagawa + 愚 (fool)
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xxinkyshadowxx · 2 months
mybrain was eating me alive i had to do it to him
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i still like the og one more lmao i wish coloring on actual paper was easier
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vhscorp · 2 months
Tu es mon idéal et mon plus beau poème et sur ma pierre tombale sera gravé : « je t’aime » en lettres capitales…
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jtl-fics · 2 months
Kind request for FF 🫨
5-1-24 WIP Wednesday | Fluent Freshman (FD)
“Who?” Smith asks.
“Neil. Why do you call him Captain Neil?” he asks.
“Oh,” Smith tilts his head, “he’s our Captain and I respect him.” Smith answers because it’s really that simple in the end.
“You respect him because he’s the Captain?” Del asks with a curl of his lip that makes Smith’s stomach twist into a balloon animal dog.
“No,” Smith answers with a shake of his head. “I respect him and he is also the Captain,” he answers as he pulls off his shirt and he can feel eyes on him for the first time in the locker room. Eyes actually taking in what he looks like without a shirt.
“Why do you respect him?” He hears Ollie ask and it doesn’t have the same derisive tone it usually does when talking about Captain Neil.
“I respect that he ran,” Smith answers, grabbing his towel and toiletries. “I’m going to hit the shower.” he says and heads to the shower room to do just that.
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is-hinata-good-today · 2 months
april 25th, 2024
come rain or shine, hinata is incredible all of the time!!!
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nicoscheer · 26 days
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The post
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lanwangjihouse · 1 year
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blyszczopies · 1 year
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bite bite etc
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flowergirlsimo · 2 months
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I wish your lips were pressed like delicate rose petals against the tender story of our lips entangling together, I wish my graceful heartbeat was holding yours in the sacredness of our interlacing divinity, I love you like mingling star fire wishes.
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mofffun · 3 months
not Taisei grabbing Masashi to hug like a life-szie plush and hide behind when he's embarrassed 😭😭
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faggotry-enjoyer · 6 months
new pinned
if you're here because i reblogged your post with an image description: please edit it into the post. make whatever modifications you want, with or without credit
if you know me in real life: please block me and stay away. i'm not joking, i'm not being hyperbolic. leave.
everyone else: hi
introduction: i'm some guy who hasn't picked a psuedonym. he/it, 18-24, disabled transmasc. goy, if you are too this post is required reading (archive link in case my beloved mutual OP deactivates or changes her url), and this post has a number of recommended readings and resources. these days half my blog is on antisemitism but i'm also here for queer stuff, disability, posting nonsense, etc.
DNI: not really my thing, i'll block you if i feel like it
tagging: i have a very intricate tagging system which i do not fully comprehend. most of my tags are primarily for archival and search purposes rather than filtering, and many of them are vibes-based. if you have anything you'd like me to tag, feel free to ask and i'll either tag it or tell you that i won't.
i take misinformation very seriously. if you see me share some, please let me know in good faith and i will either take it down or publicly correct depending on the exact situation (after verifying your correction, of course). same goes for any and all forms of bigotry and hate. "OP is a Zionist" does not count as good faith correction.
lastly: feel free to say hi, introduce yourself, or reach out in general whether in replies, asks, or DMs. i might take awhile to respond (or might forget...) but do appreciate it regardless.
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