#10/10 recommend for the pain 🥲
raeathnos · 14 days
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animehideout · 7 months
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Gojo Satoru x Fem! Reader
check out part 11 here ✨🆕
W.c: 3.4K+
not proofread ⚠️
a/n : Hi everyone, I'm back with another part yaaay, I hope you enjoy it. I need a good cry so I wrote this, where are my Angst enthusiasts at? this part is for you, but no worries I'll make it up for you I promise 😭🩵.
Music Suggestion 🎧 I highly recommend The Neighborhood - Softcore to match the sadness 🥲
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You gradually regained your consciousness; you felt a dull throb in your head. You blinked slowly, struggling to focus, your surroundings initially a blur of shapes and colors that gradually sharpened into clarity.
You tried to move, to rub your temples but your heart beats quickened when you realized you were bound to a chair, your limbs securely tied with coarse ropes. Panic surged through your veins, your eyes widening as you struggled against your restrains, each tug to break free was met with resistance. Ropes tightly wrapped around your wrists and legs, a burning sensation, only serving to deepen your sense of helplessness.
“Fuck, fuck” you muttered.
Breathing heavily, your chest rising and falling in wild rhythm. You scanned the dimly lit room, searching for any sign of escape. But there was none, and you found yourself trapped in a nightmare worse than your reality.
Suddenly, a deep voice cut through the silence, coming from behind. A tone that sent shivers down your spine,
“No need to struggle princess”
The words dripped with menace. You were too scared to look behind not knowing what to face. You bit your lips that were quivering. From the shadow, he emerged. With hesitation you looked up to see the tall figure that concealed the dim light from you. His muscles taut beneath his shirt, a sly, dirty smirk tugged at the corners of his scarred lips. His dark black hair fell on his face gracefully, looking directly at your soul with his narrowed eyes. for a split second, you thought it was a more aggressive version of Megumi.
His presence, the way he stood in front of you, looking down at you sent a chill to your whole nervous system, making your breath hitch up.
“W-who are you? What am I doing here?”
He reached to grab your chin with his long fingers, forcing your head up to look at him.
“Shh-hh, don’t ask questions! Lemme introduce myself first” he paused, bringing another chair and sat right in front of you. “I’m sure you’ve heard about me…they probably warned you, I’m-”
“You’re Toji Zenin?!” you interrupted him
With a mocking tone, he leaned forward and said,
“I go by Fushiguro now! So don’t say Zenin ever again…so? Did you sleep well”
You stayed frozen in place, each inhale felt like shards of glass scraping down your throat. Consumed by fear, realizing that the man who’s been searching for you all around Tokyo, just to take your life away finally found you and was comfortably sitting in front of you. Your world narrowed, maybe it’s the end.
*flash back*
With a heavy weight in your heart, you left Jujutsu High in the dread of the night. Spending the night stargazing in the balcony wasn’t enough; you wanted to get completely detached so you left for some fresh air away, far away from Gojo.  The echo of what Gojo said to you still ringing in your ears. “you failed your family and now you’re failing everyone else in Jujutsu High” those words never left your mind.
“He’s right..I even failed myself” you muttered to yourself.
You walked through the streets, each step was a painful reminder that you’ve got nowhere to go, completely lost, nowhere and no one to turn to, feeling that you don’t belong anywhere. The darkness of the night enveloped you like a cloak. Your feet carried you to an unexpected place, standing in front of the big wooden door, you didn’t dare to knock, you just stood there in front of your parent’s house, memories flooding your mind. Maybe your parents were right for keeping you locked inside. Maybe someone like you was never meant to leave the safety of their house, maybe your parents knew that you would get hurt. But your family, who spent their life keeping you in the darkness of your room pushed you to marry a stranger, a man you never knew, never met; Gojo Satoru, just because of his good reputation, because he’s the strongest, maybe your parents thought he would keep you safe and will protect you, but he ended up slit opening a deep wound within you, once again awakening your trauma that you worked hard to learn how to live with.
“I was only a burden to everyone” you said to yourself,
You heard giggles so you stepped closer, peeking through the window. Your heart sank as you saw your family again, after so long. You didn’t know whether to feel happy or sad at their sight. Your parents and siblings, gathered together in the warm glow of the light. Carefree and content, laugher filling the air, a bittersweet melody to your ears. Their faces illuminated by smiles as they talked together.
You stood there, a silent observer on the outside looking in. A tear rolled down your cheek , a broken smile drawn on your face,
“They look happy without me”
You felt a sting in your chest,  loneliness washing over you again and again, it actually never left, loneliness was the only companion you had. It was as if you were peering into a world you had once knew, yet now felt completely disconnected.
History repeating itself, once again your family managed to make you feel like an outsider, a complete stranger. You felt as if you were a completely forgotten fragment of their life, a faded memory lost in the depth of time, as if you never been a part of their past.
Tears welled in your eyes as you turned away from the window, unable to bear the ache of being invisible to them your whole life. As you turned, you were met with a pair of glowing eyes looking directly at you, a tall masked figure that made you gasp , but before you could react, you got hit on your head with a metal bar…falling unconscious.
*End of flashback*
“Was that your parents house?” asked Toji
But you completely ignored his question, looking away from his intense gaze,
“What do you want from me?”
“Kill you, obviously… now answer my question..Was that your parents’ house?”
“Why does it matter to you?”
“As you can see, I feed on other’s suffering .. so it would be nice to learn more about your miserable past”
You frowned your brows in confusion,
“I had a normal, not miserable past" you lied, keeping your traumas to yourself,
“Oh hoho, let me guess, abused? Discriminated? No no ignored? That’s the right word… no one ever recognized you right? No one made you feel welcomed cuz you were different and people are scared of things that are different” he started
How did he know that? How did he know about your past? How could he describe what you've felt so accurately?
“N-no!” you lied again
“Come on don’t lie to me.. I know very well the face of someone who’s been discriminated their entire life for being  different”
“Have you met someone like that to judge so confidently?”
“No, but I look in the mirror everyday”
You looked at him in disbelief, you didn’t dare to say a word. Whatever he was trying to do, was successfully making you feel uncomfortable. Is he trying to torture you before taking your last breath away? But you already gave up, there’s no way you can escape this place, tied hands and legs, him sitting right across you., and probably no one would look for you.
“If you’re gonna kill me then do it already, and spare me from talking about the past”
“Woah, so you give up already? Who pushed you to your limits to the point that you greet death as an old friend?” he asked
“No one, just do it. This is what you captured me for.. SO DO IT” you yelled.
“Hm, interesting! I think I know where all of this is coming from..Gojo Satoru? Did your husband add to your trauma?”
“enough” you whispered weakly
“What? It must be hard to live with him; especially that he’s the strongest. Lemme guess! He made you feel weak at any given chance, reminding you again and again that you’re nothing” he said offensively pushing you to your edge.
“That’s what sorcerers do, they claim they protect the normal, oh I’m sorry the monkeys like us, but in reality they use their power to belittle us…and you’ll soon be like them, soon you’ll turn into your real form; a sorcerer with an immaculate power but ugly usage..and this is my chance to spare the world of the normal from your ugliness”
“What are you talking about? I’m no turning into a sorcerer-”
“It’s been weeks and nothing happened, that prophecy they talked about was nothing but a big lie”
“But your curse-”
“Fate is my only curse” you said, your eyes blankly staring at him, completely worn out.
*Back at Jujutsu High*
Satoru’s eyes blazed with fury as he walked towards Mei Mei and grabbed her by the arm, his grip tight and violent. He yanked her aside aggressively,
“You! You’re the reason she’s gone” he spat with anger.
Mei Mei’s face etched with annoyance, narrowing her eyes at him,
“Don’t you dare blame me for this! It’s  your fault Gojo not mine” she fought back.
“You did that on purpose didn’t you? Leading me to your room cuz you know Y/n will be there, you’re trying your best to have me, but you can’t and you never will” he spoke through gritted teeth.
“You started this in the first place. You asked for my help to push Y/n away, and when I succeeded in giving you what you wanted, you started blaming me? Is this your way to say thank you?”
“I already told you to stop, I said that I no longer in need of your help that you got paid for, but you kept pushing, you wanted more than pushing Y/n away, you wanted me to be yours, but too bad for you, I don’t want you Mei Mei _ and if something happens to y/n I’ll end you! Do you understand ?” he threatened and turned his back to leave.
“Do you love her?” asked Mei Mei making Gojo stop in his track. “There’s only explanation for this, you fell for her Gojo: you fell for Y/n!”
A moment of silence washed over the place, making a hundred of thoughts flow in Gojo’s head. But he ignored her; he doesn’t have time to think about his feelings, when the one he has feelings for is missing because of him. So he started walking away to join the others and start their mission to find you.
“We’ll split into three groups and cover as much ground as possible” suggested Gojo and all of them nodded in agreement.
“Megumi and Maki come with me” he added
“I’ll take Yuji-kun  and Panda” said Nanami
“Inumaki and Nobara you’ll go with principal Yaga” ordered Satoru
“What about Mei Mei, where is she? Isn’t she coming with us to look for Y/n-sensei?” asked Maki with suspicion, she never liked her anyway.
“I’ll go with you” said Mei Mei as she joined them in the common room, “Let’s find y/n”
Satoru ignored her presence and left the room, the rest of them walked outside. Spreading across Tokyo streets, searching everywhere for a glimpse of you. Ready for any possible encounter with Toji Zenin.
Satoru walked with powerful step, determined to find Toji’s hideout and save you from his deadly grasp.
“We’ll find her..don’t worry Y/n is strong, she can definitely handle it” said Megumi in a comforting tone, after noticing how stressed Satoru was.
“I know… she’s strong” he finally admitted.
Hours stretched on into the night, Gojo and the other sorcerers students and teachers combed through each and every corner of the city.. every alleyway, every secluded spot that Toji could possibly use desperate to find her, but for nothing.
Despite their exhaustive efforts, the outcome remained unchanged; you’re nowhere to be found.
With heavy hearts and weary bodies they got back to Jujutsu High as principal Yaga called off the search.
*2 days later*
“The higher ups called for an urgent meeting” said Principal Yaga
“We’ll join the meeting!” said Yuji
“No it’s only for the teachers”
“NO! we care for Y/n-sensei, and maybe more than all of you! If this is about Y/n-sensei then we’re joining” said Yuji with a sad tone
With a sigh, principal Yaga nodded, guiding all of them to the meeting room.
*At the meeting room*
Tension hung in the air, faces drawn and expressions grim as they waited for one of the higher ups to speak,
“Any clue? Any hint? Any progress?” asked one of them.
All of them shook their heads in defeat, their silence spoke volumes, conveying their helplessness and the frustration of their failure.
“We expected nothing less from Toji Zenin, it’s already crystal clear-” he added coldly, his words cutting through the silence once again.
“We won’t give up! We’ll go back tomorrow and this time we bring her home and bring Toji to his trial again” said Gojo in fraustartion, his words dripping with venom.
“You’ve been looking for two days but for vain, there’s no point in wasting any more time and effort, once she’s captured by Toji we knew she’s already gone, she’s already dead” said one of the higher ups.
“SHE’S NOT DEAD” yelled Satoru slamming his fist on the wooden table,
all heads turned at his direction at his sudden rage.
“I know it’s hard to swallow, but it’s your fault for letting her wander outside without keeping an eye on her, it’s your fa-”
Without further words, he left the room. Nanami followed him trying to help him,
“Gojo stop…hey stop” said Nanami “Where are you going?”
“To find her”
“Gojo you know you won’t find her…” said Nanami apologetically
“You once told me to treat her as a real wife, so here I am doing , let me for once care for her like a real wife”
“Gojo don’t do this to yourself, I know you still have hope, we all do but the higher ups won’t allow it”
“Well fuck them the higher ups..I won’t rest till I bring my wife home”
“Alright I’ll come with you”
*At Toji Zenin’s hideout*
“Wakey wakey…” said Toji splashing cold water on your head
You gasped for air, completely startled, completely drenched
“W-what the hell!!” you exclaimed
“Someone wants to meet you”
Confusion clouded your thoughts as you glanced towards the door in anticipation. Who could possibly come to meet you? Is there someone else in the dirty game that Toji is playing?
Your heart skipped a beat as the door creaked open, revealing a familiar silhouette that slowly emerged from the shadow to the light.
“M-Mei Mei?” you said in shock
Your mind raced trying to make sense of the whole situation, your eyes didn’t leave hers as she looked down at you. But the smirk on Mei Mei’s face offered no answer,
“I hope you had fun these two days here with Toji”  
“W-what?” your voice almost inaudible.
“Did you think I’d let you win huh? Poor Y/n!”
“You!- you did all of this? What’s your problem with me huh?” you asked your voice trembling with anger.
“The thing is, you are the problem Y/n! I won’t let you have Gojo, I won’t let you turn into a sorcerer and become the strongest..I won’t let that prophecy come true”
“You’re insane!” you shook your head in disbelief
“Well call it whatever you like, but I won’t let you steal my dreams away”
“So you think that stealing my life away is the right thing to do?”
“YES YES” she leaned forward “I can’t bear to see Gojo look at you with much love in his eyes, I can’t bear to see him giving his heart to you-”
“What are you blabbering about? You know well what kind of relationship I have with Gojo, I already know that both of you have an affair”
Suddenly she started laughing hysterically,
“That’s what I wanted but that dick didn’t want me and never did, since you’re going to die so yeah lemme tell you truth, I got paid to do what I’ve done, he never touched me…it was all lie, all of them, I made that up to push you out of the frame, he wanted that at first but then he started to push ME out of the frame, maybe he’s got a liking into you, a liking that I didn’t like, when I noticed the way his heart started to beat for you, when a spark was born I had to intervene, I couldn’t help but release Toji out of prison, pay him a big amount of money  to abduct you and kill you”
“I’ve never thought you’ll get to this level of low” you spat
“Now you’re out of the frame, I succeeded, you’ll die.. Toji will kill you and I’ll work on making Gojo forget about you, I’ll comfort him when he mourns your death, I’ll be the shoulder he cries on and that’s how I’ll win his heart…to the higher ups you’re already considered dead and shortly you’ll truly be” she said happily, playing with her hair
Disbelief washed over you like a tidal wave, leaving you disoriented. You struggled to voice your thoughts, lost in the overwhelming emotions so you started screaming at her,
You struggled to break free from the ties that restricted your movement to a minimum, completely going crazy, you hair falling on your face. With each tug and desperate lurch you felt your anger growing more and more, your heart hammering against your chest, redoubling your efforts, till you crashed on the ground, the chair toppled over with a resounding thud, hitting your head on the hard concrete. You laid there, disoriented and dazed, pain pulsed through your skull, world spinning around you. If you managed to break free you’ll make Mei Mei vanish from existence.
You saw in slow mo how Mei Mei was walking towards the door leaving the room, Toji crouched down, brushing strands of hair off your face, placing it behind your ear,
“It’s okay, it won’t be painful…but before I kill you, I’ll do terrible thing to you that will make you beg me to kill you”
You were too weak to answer him, you can feel yourself fading into the background, into the nothingness…losing touch  with what’s real. As you closed your eyes, seeking solace in the silence. His face emerged, Gojo’s features etched in your mind with crystalline clarity. Amidst the chaos, the threat, you were somehow happy and relieved that he did not cheat on you, that hadn’t touched Mei Mei  and that all what she said before was a lie to offend you that’s all. A smile tugged at the corners of your lips, with each passing moment, your thoughts dived deeper and deeper in the memories shared between both of you, the closeness of your faces when both of you bickered, the way he was sleeping  next you but disturbed by his night terrors, you wished that you be there for him, comfort him and put him back to sleep in your arms, maybe you’ll be his dream and replace that ugly nightmare that haunts him every night. Maybe you can try again and be a real husband and wife.
You realized in that moment that you needed him, that you have already fell for him but that feeling needed something to be noticed, and this something is being far away from him. But is there a way back? A tear run on your cheek, a weak smile drawn on your tired face, fate is indeed your curse.
“It’s too late…I’m already gone”
With that you closed your eyes, drifting to sleep, your dream filled with visions of Gojo is your only companion.  
“Are you sure about this Maki?” asked Nobara
“I don’t know, but she’s been acting really suspicious, maybe we can find something?”
“You sure we won’t get caught?”
“No…but I’ll do it, if you’re not sure about this you can go I’ll handle it alone!”
“No I’ll be here, I’ll guard the place”
Both of them walked through the dark corridor like ghosts, gently turning the door knob, sneaking into Mei Mei’s room.
Taglist ✨:
@smolbeanzzz @khaleesihavilliard @tqd4455 @black-swan-blog27 @certainduckanchor @haitanibros0007 @goldenjoyboyy @lorako123 @kunikuzushisbeloved @saiyara05 @numblytemporary @soulofendlessbook @bookswillfindyouaway @sukunasleftkneecap @ryumurin @twitabread @f1uveryysblog @sleepyyammy @olivianyx @animechick555 @allofffmypeaches @inlovewithlondonn @tw0fvced @markleeisdabestdrug @blvckxb3vutii @bol0-de-morang0 @ghostfacefricker6969
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floofeh-purpi · 3 months
Getting Isekai'd?! (Part 4)
Sagau! Genshin Fatui x Gn! Reader (ft. Your bsf)
『Beloved fluffball/s mentioned below! 💜』
@justmare @mc-cos-charm
Warnings: Cursing, grammatical/spelling errors, my delulu-ahh brain forgot to write english isnt my first language and im too lazy to edit the other warnings again, me probably switching the povs alot because... yeah, filipino reader maybe speaking tagalog and bisaya, mentions of you having a wound on one of your feet, blood, author's shitty attempts at making you laugh.
【Part 3】
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You eventually woke up from your nap coma with a sore ass throat and a somehow still fully batteried phone. "Ok, how the fuck is my phone still 100%?! 😰 But atleast I dont have to wait 2 hours to charge my phone lmao." You mused out inside your head cus you'd say it out loud ur throat would even more sore than it already fucking is.
"I should've bought a water bottle with me earlier... ☹" You thought as you putted your phone inside one of the pockets of your pajamas and slowly went downstairs and went to the kitchen.
You sneaked into the kitchen undetected by guests. Because all you wanted to do right now was sleep again rest. Anygays, you gobbled the entire glass of water within one go and putted the glass into the sink. "Nah, y/b/f/n's gonna wash them dishes today lmao." You thought before you plugged your earphones into your phone and listened to your playlist while humming softly to the song before going upstairs.
The harbingers heard someone humming in where they assumed is the kitchen before someone passed by the living room still humming and with a tiny-ahh smile going upstairs. "Oh my~ Who was that beautiful person~?" Asked the Damselette. Its true though, you were the prettiest person y/b/f/n met. "That was Y/n. :)" The harbingers and the Tsaritsa's eyes widened at that name. But are still in denial because they need to confirm just one more thing. Denial, denial, denial IS a river in Eygpt 💀🙌
You eeked mentally when your playlist started playing 'Good Looking by Suki Waterhouse' (Recommend listening to it 10000/10) since you dont have spotify premium and you ran out of skips. 😔
You sat down on the chair infront of your desk, which was messier than dogshit. "Omfg im too lazy to clean it up rn 😭🙌" you thought before you grabbed some paper that you totally didnt rip out from y/b/f/n's notebook like 2 days ago before yall were isekai'd and started drawing basically a city. Aka the city you lived in before this fiasco happened.
*Insert your drawing here cus I cant find anything that was close to my imagination 🥲*
After you finished drawing, you gave your arms a very well needed stretch you desperately needed that shit after sitting down with a posture looking like a fucking shrimp if you looked at what you looked like in the side for 3 fucking hours while your earphones were still playing music, "Finally done, im tired again lmao" you thought before you slept on your chair like when its math class 💔 because you were too fucking sleepy to even get out of your chair its comfier that those damned armchairs you'd sleep on during math class. 💀
But then, your foot accidentally hitted the leg of the table so fucking hard, that it caused the sleepiness in you to go *poof* "PUTANG INA NING LAMESA 👹" (Fuck this table) you yelled loud enough for only yourself to hear you held back your tendency to scream out filipino curses loud enough for the entire damn universe to hear you because... well, the people downstairs... Are downstairs...—
You felt your atoms and dna coursing inside you still shaking at the collision of your foot and the table, whats even worse is that the foot was the one that was wounded, which made the pain all the fucking worse.
"Bandages be damned. I need to fucking change these little shits. Bweshet nih. 😔" You cursed out loud as your throat wasnt as sore as earlier we call it mineral water for a reason /jk, you made your way into your bathroom while not walking normally.
You were just drinking some water in kitchen peacefully, and of course your clumsy ass hand somewhat slipped and you accidentally dropped it onto the floor... and your foot. You winced at shards of bloodied glass digging into the flesh of your foot as sat on the nearest chair while y/b/f/n tended to your wound/s OHMIGASH KILIG NAKO AYIEEEEEEE!!!!!
♤ (End of flashback)
You got some bandages which were fortunately on the sink from the last time you changed your bandages and forgetting to put it back to its original place AGAIN, but you didnt give a shit rn. But as soon as you unwrapped your bandages, instead of the crimson blood you were expecting to see on your wound, the blood was... golden.
"...What the fuck?"
YEY FINISHED PART 4!!! My hands are tired from holding the phone but its ok ❤
Filipino readers where u at? 😭
【Part 5】
Published: June 30 2024. 10:38pm.
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meowzfordayz · 1 year
when your gut hurts — kyojuro, sanemi, giyuu
Author’s Note: wasn’t sure how to title this in a way that would accurately communicate the subject matter and show up in tags. 😅💩
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when your gut hurts — kyojuro, sanemi, giyuu
Rengoku Kyojuro x Reader, Shinazugawa Sanemi x Reader, Tomioka Giyuu x Reader
Word Count: ~500
CW: explicit language, poop, vomit
Emergency Request Fulfilled: Hi i’m not sure what this constitutes as a pick me up, emergency or wtv- i’ve been having a lot of abdominal pains and a lot of bowel issues(I haven’t gotten off the toilet in 10 minutes and I keep going between pooping and throwing up) recently and I was just wondering if I could get a HC List on how the Hashira’s would deal with their s/o being stuck in a similar position. I totally get if this is a bit too gross- and it’s 100% ok if you don’t do it but I hope to see it 🙏🤞
Since this is an emergency request (aka ~shorter than “normal” fanfics), I’m going to focus on Kyojuro (fan fave) ❤️‍🔥, Sanemi (my fave) 🤍, and Giyuu (also my fave) 💙
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Very methodical and attentive ☺️
Genuinely unbothered bc he approaches your situation as
“They’re sick, and I get to take care of them.”
Remember how well he handled Tanjirou’s abdominal injury?
That’s him w/ you and your pain + bowel movements 🥺
Among other things, Kyojuro: makes sure there’s plenty of toilet paper in the house 🧻, cooks a simple broth to replenish lost fluids and nutrients (dw, it’s hard to mess up a recipe that’s primarily water), happily unclogs the toilet if/when need be 🚽, willingly takes on emptying-the-vomit-bucket duty 😅, and constantly switches between rubbing your stomach or playing cards/watching shows w/ you — in other words, keeps you company 💞
Depending on how long your symptoms persist, he’ll eventually gently recommend taking you to the hospital
But if you decline his recommendation, then he’s content to continue monitoring you at home instead ❤️‍🔥
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Worried out of his fucking mind 😖
Gives zero fucks about how “disgusting” you currently are
Will immediately shush you and kiss your forehead/nose/cheeks 😤🤍
Altho, Sanemi’s equally likely to tease you, “Whoa, that one sounded especially wet 😏🥴💩,” if you seem to be in the right headspace for banter
Mostly, he’s attempting to lighten the mood so he doesn’t slip back into worrying 😃
Anticipates + takes care of your needs (i.e. liquids, meds, toilet paper, etc) before you do
But in a sort of stoic-nearly-grumpy manner 🙃
*cue Sanemi unceremoniously handing you a glass of lukewarm water*
*cue Sanemi staring at you until you take at least a couple sips*
Again, he isn’t upset
Just worried 🥲
Has to resist asking every other min, “How are you feeling?” bc obvi you’re feeling shitty ☹️
And he trusts you to tell him if you’re approaching the get-me-to-the-hospital lvl of concern
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Ngl, Giyuu’s a lil lost 😵‍💫
He doesn’t mind the pooping and vomiting
Albeit part of him winces every time (he wishes he could take on your pain and discomfort 😓) 
But he is bothered by how ill prepared he feels 😕
Like, is holding your hair back while you puke really helpful? 😕
Does sitting outside the bathroom as you poop—to keep you company—actually comfort you? 😕 Or is it just weird of him? 😕
Should he prepare something for you to eat, or would that prolong your symptoms? 😕
At what point does he insist on taking you to the hospital? 😕
Ofc, he doesn’t voice his self doubt 🫠
Instead, Giyuu does what he would want you to do for him 💓
Admittedly, it takes him a long moment to think about what he would want in your position… he’s used to taking care of himself, and gets a lil emotional when he realizes he gets to lean on you now — and you on him 😭💘
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jayteacups · 6 months
✍️ Fic authors self rec!
When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to other writers you know. Let's spread some self-love! 💛
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Thank you Val @youre-ackermine and Kat @humanitys-strongest-bamf for sending these! (I’m only reccing 5 today, sorry to disappoint you Kat 😂) Here's my five favourite pieces of work! Tbh I haven't been writing as much lately so this list probably won't have anything new to anyone, but hey.
It's A Wrap! (Tumblr | AO3)
A one-shot featuring Actor Levi and Makeup Artist Reader, friends to lovers and mutual pining 👀
I've written multiple Actor AU pieces (I love reimagining the AOT characters as actors, 10/10 would recommend as a way to cope with the pain of canon 😂😭), but this is in its own separate universe and I'm planning on writing a couple more fics set in this specific universe!
I had so much fun writing it (I hope it showed haha), and that's why it's on this list as one of my favourites!
The Absence of Warmth (Tumblr | AO3)
Gen one-shot centred around the No Regrets trio (with Levifar crumbs because I love them)
I also had a lot of fun exploring the trio's dynamic here, I'd like to go more in depth again with these three someday
My most underrated fic for sure haha
My piece for Levi Week 2023 - Day 3 (Tumblr | AO3)
All the fluff and softness you could ever want. Will never stop writing sweet and soft fics for Levi because he deserves it 😌😌
This was partially based on a dream I had, actually, which makes this more personal, and therefore, one of my favourites.
Me remembering what I dream about is a very very rare occurrence, and rarely do those dreams include fictional characters, funnily enough 😂 so it was an extra special occasion when I woke up and actually remembered the dream I had of walking on a beach with a blushy Levi whilst the sun was setting and it was all sickeningly cutesy and romantic. I wrote it down, fully intending on writing it, and never got around to it, until I saw the prompt for Levi Week Day 3, and was like... hang on, this could work 👀
Gentle Touches (Tumblr | AO3)
Levi experiencing affection for the first time is a trope I can't get enough of, and it seems the two anons who sent me the request are the same hehehe
Fluff and softness, emotional hurt/comfort towards the end! Also this was a fic that made me realise how touch starved I myself am 🥲 I've been told that this made people quite emotional too, which is reassuring, as I was aiming for that! So yeah I'm quite proud of this one ☺️
At Ease (Tumblr | AO3)
Definitely one of my more creative premises! I genuinely don't remember how I came up with this though, but yes this role-reversal AU was very fun to write and I'm so pleased with the outcome :3
Some emotional hurt/comfort, pining, all round softness (are you beginning to see a trend here)
This was really fun to look back on my fics and pick out favourites! Will be sending asks to people tomorrow because I'm quite sleepy rn and will be heading off to bed now. Hope everyone has a lovely day/night!
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thesuperiorrobin · 1 year
Hey lovely!!
Are there any blogs or fics that you recommend currently??
I’ve read ALL of your works and I’m DYING for some Damian content 🥲
Lots of love xoxo
@rapz-rites makes some amazing damian Wayne fanfic.
@glittering-moonlillie has some too
@glorified-red they have some as well and they also right for Jason Tim and Dick but some of their writing is NSFW so stay away if you aren’t 18 and older, and I’m only saying that bc I know writers don’t like minors looking at their NSFW context.
I do have stories on Wattpad (yeah i know cringe cause I still use it 🙄)
Sanctuary by callmebyyourmango. It is a Damian Wayne x OC situation, it’s also finished.
I know I said I have a list but I have to look for it. It’s somewhere in my google docs account💀😭
Also i know this is related to Damian but
AMAZING jason tops fanfic. It has six parts and it’s ongoing I recommend it 10/10
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theysangastheyslew · 2 years
I want to share more suffering with you, homie haha *crying*
What do you think of the episode? Especially 132 part ofc!
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Hi friend! :'))))))))) Ooooooh honey that gif is such a mood XD I’ve been trying to collect my thoughts and this is the best I can do atm. Sorry it’s kind of wordy but here we go 🥲
Ok! So ever-present pacing issues aside, the overarching story made for a solid episode and the animation was incredible. Hell, even the things I disliked objectively looked well-done out of context. Overall, that was no small feat to pull off, especially in such harsh working conditions. I truly do want to acknowledge that.
But in regards to 132, you guys already put into words how I feel better than I could. I may not have anything new to add, but I’ll say what I liked first and then put my issues under a cut.
As someone who actually really likes Yams’ art style, I loved that they consistently kept Hange’s face accurate to the manga. It was really inconsistent throughout the final season and they struggled to not make it too short a lot of times. Hange was always still stunning of course but the difference always stuck out to me. Here everyone was drawn well, but you can tell she got some extra attention.
The way they inched Levi closer to where Hange was sitting while talking with Yelena. Insignificant yeah but consistent with their past behavior. Also I’m glad they tweaked the position of his bandages so it looked less like they were painfully tugging upwards on his nose.
The pained expressions of the kids and Hange watching Levi struggle to even hold his gear
The “unrequited love” exchange. It had most of the softness and emotion from the manga even though the weight of that line will never be realized in non-written form. The camera lingered on each frame in a way that conveyed the sentiment. This is what got my hopes up that they would stay truer to the source material with DYH.
I'm so glad they left in Hange's lines to Flochroach about not giving up. Helps show—once again—that they wanted to live
The choked way Levi said “Devote your heart” + Hange’s widened eye and soft gasp at his words. Though not tearing up like in the manga, the shot still looked lovely for the half second it lasted. He doesn't pause halfway through saying it though so this one I'm still wrestling with.
Of course, the last stand. Onscreen, Hange took out at least 16 colossals (including the ones we see trip and get trampled) and definitely more offscreen (when they cut away to show other characters) and for the last few, did it while in the most pain a human body can feel. 7/10 for combat, my ass. Idk about y’all but I can’t stop hearing Romi Park’s screams in my head. I knew it would be nauseating and brutal but dear God. At the same time I cannot put into words how proud I am of them. That's my commander 💜
Ok “like” is definitely not the right word for this but I had wondered when I first read 132 how Hange’s gas tank was so well-insulated that it didn’t ignite, and.. well I got my answer.
I’m thankful that they didn’t show a glimpse of Hange’s bloody, crushed remains the way you see in the og panel. That at least felt respectful to me. This is wishful thinking I know but the defined charred outline makes me choose hope they fell more off to the side from where the titans were walking so at least there was maybe still a body left to recover someday.
The afterlife scene, the kids all sobbing their hearts out, Levi holding his own hand in the aftermath trying to process what just happened, and Onyankopon confirming the plane’s significance all really were appropriately gut-wrenching.
I really recommend taking a little break between The Rumbling and Sinners. It definitely makes the shift in emotion less jarring and less
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When I did that with my rewatch it helped with the flow of things.
Ok, now twist me up and call me a pretzel bc here there be some salt :|
I’ll try to leave out my og issues with the manga chapter itself (like how painfully obvious it was all just to make Armin commander and how unnecessary Hange dying was IN THE FIRST PLACE and IF it had to happen at all how it could have been done at the final boss skelepalooza showdown, etc.) and just focus on the episode.
Goes without saying but it bears repeating: pacing. 75% of my issues with the execution of DYH would be gone if they just slowed down a bit. Just let the weight of it sink in a little. That this moment —all shreds of shipping aside— is the end of the line for these two heroes who have been supporting each other for ten years while bearing the weight of the world on their shoulders. But Mappa completely reversed the timing of the sequence of events. In the manga we had a longer, more intimate farewell followed by a last stand that was so short even when you knew it was coming it left you reeling from how fast it was from start to finish. Whereas here they hurried it along to get to the “main event”. Hell, it flows better in gif sets than it does in the actual show.
To me, it felt like Hange’s demeanor didn’t really change from talking with the kids to speaking with Levi, making their false bravado seem like less of a front. I know their tone was meant to sound like they were keeping up appearances, but with how often Hange just gets reduced solely to being a titan freak the way they had Romi say the lines made it sound like actual excitement, especially with the way they drew Hange's facial expressions (more on that next)
Hange’s little smirk after the salute. I kinda get what they were trying to do here but to me it came off as very flippant and dismissive of Levi’s choice of words, especially since they all but got rid of their lips trembling and eye beginning to well up with tears. I wish we’d gotten the big fake smile and laugh because that would have shown better that Hange was overcompensating by trying to put their brave face back on after starting to lose their composure. Their fear is obvious in the manga but it just simply didn’t come through as well throughout this entire exchange.
Sooo Hange almost tears up when Pieck said their words inspired her yet minutes later when their Best Friend tries to say goodbye there’s nowhere near that kind of reaction? Sure, Jan
Levi’s face. Ok look. It’s not a lack of emotion on his part that bothers me. It’s that it’s an entirely different one to begin with. He looks bummed at first yes, but then that changes to what I’m guessing is supposed to be determination which comes off as anger or annoyance (kinda like what changed with his scene with Armin on the stairs). They removed what made this parting different from previous ones, which was the sense of open vulnerability and the dawning realization that now he’s going to have to let Hans go too. See it's not like they were in the middle of the battle just yet. This situation came on suddenly and unexpectedly; it wasn't "supposed" to happen. One second they were on track and the next Hange is being torn away by fate. And yes, the highlights play a part in that transition. Anyone who draws eyes knows the importance of placement and intensity and the major impact they have over the final expression. And when drawing a comic you certainly don’t take up valuable page space with three panels focusing on the hope draining out of someone’s eyes if it wasn’t supposed to be the focus. I mean for fuck's sake, even the Final Season!Nendoroid Levi got it right. Plus, if they could make a point of getting Eren's eyes right during the raid on Liberio they could have gotten it here.
When the camera cuts to the kids watching the titans fall the angle doesn’t let you see that Levi can’t bring himself to watch for more than just a second
NOT MAPPA’s FAULT but since I’m being whiny right now I’m going to add that while ACWNR is a mixed bag to begin with, WIT’s adaptation not including Levihan’s introduction saddens me bc Levi asking Hange to keep watching loses a bit of extra oomph.
Really it just comes down to the fact that there was nothing wrong with the original page. It wasn’t overdone or dragged out by any means but considering many other scenes got shot-for-shot depictions I don’t think we were asking for anything outrageous by wanting a faithful adaptation. The couple frames we got that were almost perfect were so freakin fast you barely had time to process them before it cut away.
I wanted to like it, I really did. Especially since MAPPA did so many things so incredibly well as a whole. My expectations weren’t high, and I did want to give it the benefit of the doubt. But when it came to DYH, it felt both watered down and disjointed, like a completely different scene.
But so it goes. At the end of the day, Hange still dies a horrifying death for plot convenience, and Levi is left behind to suffer once again. It was always going to hurt and I was never going to be ready for it, no matter how it was done.
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jechristine · 1 year
I had an IUD for 6 years, and it was mostly great and only mild to moderately frustrating. I had a Mirena (hormonal) and am lucky to not have negative side effects when on hormonal bc. I was on the pill for a while but being in my early 20s, I was forgetful and would miss doses. An IUD really let me just not have to actively worry about pregnancy for years, which was honestly such a luxury. Such a godsend for sluts like me. 😜 😇👼🏻The first 6-10 months after insertion was weird. I would bleed and spot at random times, which was the biggest negative. But after my period basically disappeared. The main 3 issues I had with it were insertion, random bleeding the first year, and sudden shocking pain if a penis-having partner went too deep and bumped up against my cervix. 💀 Insertion pain was a bit intense but only for a second. I wasn’t on any painkillers but I took an advil after and felt perfectly fine. Even went out right after and stayed out late. Removal was painless. Overall I had a really good experience with my Mirena 🥲 she was a real one. Highly recommend. I’m not using an IUD atm and am back on the pill. The reason being (sorry for TMI stop here if you’d rather not) my current penis-having partner hits really deep to the point where my favorite positions were really unpleasant and painful with the IUD. That’s the ONLY reason I don’t have one. I do miss my Mirena but I like this dick more, so 🧎🏻‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ #unintentional h hours
On topic, informative, entertaining, all-around excellent review work, Anon! Thank you!
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melis-writes · 3 months
Would you mind teaching me how to create gifs? ♥️ Like what program do you use, how to adjust their sharpness or things like that because your gifts are both beautiful and high-quality! I am still an amateur when it comes to editing. 😭
Hellloooo, sweet anon! Of course I can give a mini tutorial on that for you! :3 PHEW, honestly I haven't made GIFs in a fucking hot minute (since early May!). I put that on the back burner to focus on crunching away that writer's block. 🥲🙄 BUT... Making GIFs is like second nature to me because I've been at it for 2 years now, so allow me to tell you all I know! ❤️
I use Adobe Photoshop 2023! My GIFs are started, edited, cooked and finished all up in there. I know there's plenty of cheaper/free alternatives, but I've literally only ever used Photoshop so I have zero experience with those alternatives. 🥲
Remember, a huge part of how smooth and high quality your GIFs are gonna be is 95% where your GIF source is coming from. Stay away from 720p quality files! You want your GIF screencaps to be pulled from the most HD, crisp source material. At least 1080p unless you absolutely can't get your hands on anything else.
Once you pop open Photoshop, you want to follow...
Click "File"
Click "Scripts"
Click "Load files into stack..."
Now select all of your GIF screencaps. I would recommend a maximum of 85 screencaps otherwise your GIF will be longer/beefier and Tumblr for some reason hates GIFs over 10mb.
Wait for it to load! If your computer is older/slower, this might be a pain in the ass and will be 2x a pain in the ass if you have a high screencap amount.
CROPPING YOUR GIF: Select W x H x Resolution on the top bar.
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It's honestly best to crop out as close to the edges as possible for the sharpest gifs. A general rule of thumb I like to follow for cropping/GIF sizing is:
One gif: 540 px x 400 px.
2 gifs side by side: 268 px each.
3 gifs side by side: 177 px, 178 px, 177 px.
Hit enter twice to crop!
Once your GIF screencaps are loaded in, click on "Create Video Timeline" on the "Timeline" option. If you can’t see the Timeline > Window > Timeline.
Click on the stack of 3 small lines on the far right of your Timeline and click "Convert to Video Timeline".
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8. Click on those 3 lines again and click on "Make Frames From Layers".
9. Click on those 3 lines again and click "Select All Frames".
10. Click on the 3 lines again and click "Reverse Frames" otherwise your GIF will play backwards!!
11. Then you'll notice all your frames like this showing 0 seconds.
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Now you get to decide how fast or slow you want your GIF to play, but we're not using whole numbers like 1 2 3 4. Those will make your GIFS incredibly choppy and slow. Instead, we use numbers like 0.01. I would recommend sticking to 0.05 or 0.06. The higher the number, the slower it is. 0.06 feels just right to me, but 0.05 is more like watching the clip live from the movie. I also use 0.07 and 0.08 when I try to GIF a screencap that's very short so unfortunately you have to slow it down otherwise your GIF zoom replays and if you're making a GIF set it'll look horrible next to the other ones going at normal speed LMAO. 0.08 is a good, sensual slow motion type of GIF. Definitely play around with the speeds until you feel comfortable with how your GIF plays out. Not all GIFs are made with equal speed!
For my example, I'm choosing 0.06.
12. Next, go to the far right where your screencaps are all layered and select every single one of them from top to bottom. Then, right click on any random layer until this menu pops up. Click "Convert to Smart Object".
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13. On your Timeline, you'll get your smushed chunky little GIF looking like this.
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Now with my extensive experience in navigating Tumblr's hellish rules for GIF size and keeping my GIFS clean, smooth and not too long or not too short, I can easily eyeball this every time but I can see why a beginner with Photoshop GIFs might struggle. You see how big that purple block, AKA your GIF, is? It basically needs to be half of that. The bigger that block, the longer/beefier the GIF.
Slowly drag your mouse over that purple block from start to finish to watch your GIF essentially manually play out in front of you. Then you can decide what parts to trim out using the scissors option.
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You can then click anywhere on the Timeline to unselect those now 2 chunks of purple. Then you can select just the one piece you want to delete and either hit the backspace key on your keyboard (Like I do) or right click it and click delete.
14. Next, make sure you drag that little blue arrow thing that lets you comb through the GIF all the way back to the beginning. We're going to edit the actual GIF now and we want to edit the whole thing from start to finish, not have effects randomly playing right before the GIF ends or in the middle of it.
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15. Time to sharpen up that GIF as the first part of our editing and make it pretty!!
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Click on lower left convert button to Convert from Frame Animation to Video Timeline.
Select > All Layers.
CTRL + click on any Layer > Select Convert to Smart Object.
16. Filter > Sharpen > Smart Sharpen.
A little menu will pop up and you can select/input these defaults I use for my crispy GIFs:
Preset: CUSTOM.
Amount: 500%.
Radius: 0.4 PX.
Once more...
Filter > Sharpen > Smart Sharpen again only this time for the second Smart Sharpening, make the attributes:
Amount: 10%.
Radius: 10 PX.
17. Colouring the GIFs!
If you don’t have Adjustments tab > Window > Adjustments.
Adjustments > Exposure.
Another little menu will pop up, and you can use my defaults:
Preset: CUSTOM.
Exposure: 0.99
Offset: 0.0000
Gamma Correction: 1.00
Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast.
Brightness: *anything you want* Drag your mouse around to play with how you want this to look, there are no set numbers however you might want to note down the amount of brightness you put or took away if you want all of your GIFs to match this one!
Contrast: *anything you want*
18. Colouring GIFs when skintones or scenes are too orange/red:
Adjustments > Selective Color.
Colors: REDS.
Cyan: +6.
Magenta, Yellow, Black: 0.
The reds result in the orange color to begin with, but remember each color has its own counterpart. To decrease red tones, increase the cyans!
Example: Making a blue dress more vibrantly blue à Adjustments > Selective Color.
19. Adding text.
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Remember, text layers should be on top of the rest of your layers, even if you have several pieces of text on the GIF. It doesn't matter in which order you stack text layers on top, they just have to be up there.
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Click Text Tool on the lefthand bar and then click wherever you want to add the text.
To change text settings on a panel > Window > Character.
18-20 pt font is suitable for 540 px gifs! It's to use Calibri font in italics for text talking or Myriad Pro. Those are GIF text classics.
Right click on Text Layer > Blending Options > Stroke > + Stroke.
Size: 1 px.
Position: OUTSIDE.
Blend Mode: NORMAL.
Then hit OK.
Right click on Text Layer > Blending Options > Drop Shadow > Drop Shadow +.
Once again, right click on Text Layer > Blending Options > Stroke > + Stroke.
Blend Mode: NORMAL.
Angle: 30 > Use Global Light.
Distance: 1 px.
Spread: 17%.
Size: 3 px.
Noise: 0.
Layer Knocks Out Drop Shadow > OK.
To center and move the text, just press Y on your keyboard to use the move tool.
20. Finishing up the GIF!
File > Export > Save for Web (Legacy). Check bottom left corner of save screen for GIF size.
Do not go over 10MB EXACTLY! Otherwise Tumblr won't let you post it. You'll have to go back and shorten your GIF as a result, even if that means just splitting the clip off at the very end or very beginning.
Happy GIF making!! :3 ❤️❤️❤️
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chuluoyi · 9 months
noooo 😭😭 who you gonna use the s-chips on then 😭
UNHOLY BLOOD!!! It's my 1st Vampire-related manhwa and it's so good!!! Hayan is such a GIRLBOSS! I LOVE THE MAGICIAN DUDE AND HIS LION 🥹🥹🥹 But yes Euntae and Hayan's relationship was too slow I couldn't take it... But at least they had such a cute relationship at the end 🫶🏻
do you know the manga artist has a new webtoon? I'm not sure what it's called but I heard it's good! I've yet to read it myself... On another note, I love the art so much it's so unique and different from other manhwas!
And hmm few of my faves are "Death is the only end for the villainess", "No longer a heroine!", and "The Couple breaker". The last 2 are by the same artist! The 1st is a regular "I died and was reincarnated as a villainess" kind of story, BUT It has a twist! It's in an otome game instead of a storybook! Quite interesting... The 2nd is based on the life of an actress. It's pretty realistic and is a little dark... Not much romance tho...The last is really drama HAHAH It's crazy like the name says it all. As for childhood friends to lovers, I recommend "The Secret Bedroom of a Dejected Royal Daughter". It's a little bit enemies to lovers too. And it has 18+ Scenes 😁🤭 That's a bonus.
For status?! Honestly I don't get how that works LIKE you don't feel anything for him? And yeah! I agree that we definitely want the real thing. Woahh but 23 isn't that bad! Exactly I don't wanr boys I want men.
And HAHAHA don't worry bae you're not lecturing at all! I kinda like it when people give me advice.
It's not hot but it's too rainy 😭 I love the rain but I'm on school break now and I wanna go out with my friends 🫠
HAHAHAH I FEEL YOU OMG! Like its so gut-wretching and painful but IT FEELS SO GOOD TO READ!
Impulse buying HAHAH Makeup ain't Impulse buying it's a necessity 🫶🏻 WOAH 10 EPS IS A LOT- My best was like 4 eps maybe HAHAHHA
Omg You're so right my Twitter was always untouched until I started receiving notifs of Gojo being alive theories... And Gege continues toying with us till the very end...
AHHAHA To be fair I started Aot cause of Levi like PLS HE'S SO HOT idc if he's like 8cm shorter than me- But it's really ... complicated.... Too complicated for my liking...I understand where your girl friends are coming from ...
HAHAHAHA Karma hitting him hardddd
Also Karma is the guy on the screen (Gojo) coming straight home to youuuuu [If you listen to Taylor Swift you'll understand haha]
Also I flunked my excel exam... Idk why I have this module it sucks cause I'm not tech savvy... I think I aced my accounting test tho so that's good! Thanks for believing in me tho 😭😭😭 so touched rn..
We'd PAY to be Suguru's monkeys 🐒 🙈
Lmk once you read it omg I wanna know what happens I LOVE this AU it's so cute!
And hang in there, Chu!!!! You can do it!! Ik its already Saturday but still!!! Atb for next week babe!!
p.s. so sorry I took so long to reply, I'm overseas now...
hii disco anon!! sorry for the late reply too i was just back from my weekend break!🥹
for christmas event?🥹 there must be a christmas event… right? i haven’t checked the chinese server yet but there must be! (#trust💁🏻‍♀️)
RIGHT it was so good and i’m glad i found people who also like them bcs my friends don’t seem to be interested😭 i know it’s so slowburn but the story is so great too. I KNOW I LOVE HIM TOO but wait i also forgot his name😭 but euntae is so hot i can’t—
really?! i’m looking into it now!! i really love her story and art so it must be good🤭
oooh i never have much affinity for isekai manga but now that you said it’s good then i’ll def check it out!!👀 i read no longer heroine too!! aaah that was so good i was on the edge of my seat every chapter🤧 and hey couple breaker seems interesting?? i’ll eat that up this weekend and oooh what’s that in the end👀👀 okay thank you sm for the recs!!🫶🏻
i have a rec too!! must be a happy ending! have you read it? the art is soooo majestic and the plot got me like 😩🥲🫣🤭 many times i love it so much from the start to the end!!
honestly i don’t really understand to till this day actually, but yeah she didn’t seem to like him that much because as she said it herself it was all out of “curiosity” which is a big red flag in and of itself💀 mind you not even a year later they broke up 🙄
(aww i’m glad you feel that way <3 when we’re close i tend to run off my mouth so…)
ahh school break!! i used to sleep in most of the time🤭🤭
it’s necessity for us but some boys are just too nosy *sigh* they be like “i love natural look!” and then be 🙃 when they see our bare face 😩 HAHAH yeah back when i had so much free time i spent it all on binge-watching🥲 do you have any show recs?? can be anything, even anime too!!
HAHAHHAA omg there’s this one twt account that always makes points about how gojo will live until this day 😭😭 i have accepted it by this point but evidently twitter nation is still going strong🥹
OMG SAME like i know levi but i didn’t know eren at firstt🤧🤧 he seems so cool and so fine (my bf 🙄 again at me when i mentioned that) even with one eye missing in the recent last part of aot too!!
OH YEAH I LISTEN TO HER THESE DAAAYS omg i must make a confession; her songs are the inspiration for my fics these days🥹🥹 like everything is so relatable and the tune are so easy to remember i love her songs 🫶🏻
ohmy i’m sorry🥺 i used to be sooo bad at excel (esp macros) too but ever since i’m following some yt tutorials i started getting better! and let me give you some shortcuts too:
chat gpt. believe it or not it works on codes! my friend who is a programmer cheats from chat gpt sometimes🥲 not totally recommended but it can be your last resort
excel forum. whenever i get confused regarding codes or formulas, i drop by the forum to ask. there are many kind people there! and most of their codes and formulas work too
whaa accounting!! i used to be so bad at it like i would tear my hair out to find “why are they not balanced?!” 😭😭 i love science subjects better🥹 and aw you’re welcome!!
i haven’t read the bakerlon card yet but i will tonight!! will update you once i do!!🥹
awww thank youuu disco anon!!😭🫶🏻 you’re so sweet thank you for interacting with me!!! and it’s totally okay! waaa i hope you enjoy your vacation!!✨
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wheelie-hurting · 2 years
Hey I was wondering if I could ask you for your opinion as a physically disabled individual? I have a hard time believing I'm truly physically disabled, mainly because my family treats me like it's all in my head. I have IIH (idiopathic intracranial hypertension) and I also have chronic fatigue. I can't stand for more than 5-10 minutes without pain in my lower back and legs, I have such bad balance I use a cane most days, especially when I know I'll need to stand for long periods of time. My doctor even agrees that unless my balance gets better I should continue to use my cane. Yet my family make me feel so fake? Like I'm supposed to just be able to push through all of this, or it's somehow not real and all in my head. I'm having such a hard time accepting that I need the cane and I get so embarrassed when people see me use it. Do you have any advice for feeling more confident while using it? I'm sorry this was long 🫣 I really admire your blog and appreciate you taking the time to read this 💜
you are definitely truly physically disabled, but i completely understand the feeling of feeling fake though. id recommend making it look nice, like stickers or stuff like that, and also that it takes time. i’ve been using my cane over a year and i still feel embarrassed sometimes when using it in public, and it sucks that confidence builds up with time. it’s annoying to not be able to control it🥲 but using it often anyways will help! and about your family.. i know it’s hard but you have to try to ignore them, you need to prioritise yourself and your health. but i really hope they realise that you are disabled, and that you have limits. i hope it works out💜
and i’m glad you like my blog!!
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gerinurse · 2 years
Week 1…..
In the past when I track calorie intake I’ve had trouble. I’ve been doing allot of reading and one of the reasons I think I had so many issues is that I have always had so few calories to consume that I am always over. I become dejected constantly seeing myself fail and quit. I’ve also found in my reading that most of the tracking programs calculate caloric intake as far lower than is recommended. So I read enough to find out what my actual recommended caloric intake should be and set that as my number in the tracking app. I’ve been faithfully tracking every bite and I’m always under my calories. I know that typically the first week there is allot of water weight loss but I haven’t been perfect and I still ate takeout twice this week. I weighed myself this morning and I’m down 6.4lbs. I’ve never had a first week loss like that ever.
I also said I would do some basic gentle stretching which I haven’t been great about. I’m going to have to do some this week as I spent an entire day doing yard work and my poor body feels I went 10 rounds in a boxing ring. I realized just how far I have slid backward and I don’t like it. My mobility is horrible for a 53yr old woman. I actually move more like I’m 80 🥲.
I’ve also realized with the reading I’ve done that I am not recovered from my ED. That even though I’m not in a binge starve cycle anymore and I don’t weigh 99lbs, I am very much still actively using ED behaviours by binging and then punishing myself by restricting certain foods for days or weeks. I also cut foods out as I consider them “unhealthy” or “unsafe” for me to consume. This has to stop as I’ve always said I am one thought away from a full blown anorexic episode.
So what are my next steps?
1. Continue tracking my food daily
2. Start that stretching
3. Keep reading and learning about my behaviours and my disease processes.
4. Give consideration to starting a journal about my thoughts each day, pain levels, weather notes, to see how things affect pain, autoimmune disorders and headaches.
5. Above all else be kind to myself.
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books-and-cookies · 2 years
Knee pain is no fucking joke. I have some issues with one of mine (from an old sports injury) and yeah... 0/10 would not recommend.
Take care of yourself ❤️❤️
I know :( i probably wouldn't have stopped for something else, but if i fuck up my knee, i know it's game over 🥲 sending hugs, hope you're well 🤗
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introvertedeviant · 1 year
Update on my program/internship:
I got strep throat LMAO 😭
It's my first time working with preschoolers and yeah they're little germ factories. Snot, coughing, etc. But hey at least I caught it in time and got put on antibiotics and feel better now. I literally could not stand the pain after only 2 days. Next time someone tells you how bad their sore throat is believe them. I never thought it was possible for your throat to hurt that much. It literally felt like I was swallowing razor blades whenever I tried to swallow or drink water. 1000/10 do not recommend.
Anyways, the internship is going pretty good (aside from the strep infection lol). My supervisor is a little intense but she's good at her job. Kinda scary too. Though I'm not going to lie, I thought it would be a little different. I was just sort thrown into it, not much time for any kind of training or observations. So it feels like I'm kinda lost sometimes but she said I'm doing good and getting better at interacting with the kiddos and well, I do ask her questions when I feel like I truly don't know what I'm doing. It's mostly trying to figure out their goals and which type of activities I should do to match those goals. But hopefully as time goes on, I get more comfortable.
Also, working AND doing the internship is a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. I'm practically just waking up, going to the internship from 8-2:30 and then getting home like at 2:50ish and going to work at 3:30 and getting home at 8:30ish. It's pretty fucking tiring. But luckily this week I'm only going one day instead of 3 days back to back. But starting May I'm going 4x a week 🥲 so rip to my rest.
But I GOT this. It's only for a couple more weeks and then I get my certification!
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sluttyminghao · 2 years
can you rate the pain of getting your tattoos from 1-10? im thinking of getting a tattoo but the only thing holding me back is the pain and healing process 🥲😭
honestly if you're looking to get your first tattoo my recommendation would be to get it somewhere where there's lots of muscle! the forearm is a really good starting point as there is lots of muscle, and not a lot of bone (which really fucking hurts to tattoo over), another good area to tattoo is the thigh!
in saying that, everyone has different levels of pain tolerance. my pain tolerance is pretty high so I didn't really feel anything! it honestly most of the time just felt like a rubber band snapping against my skin.
my least painful tattoo was definitely my forearms, which I would rate a 1/10. my most painful tattoo was probably my back, more so along the spine area, which varied between 4-7/10. i'd recommend starting small, and something with not a lot of white shadowing because in my opinion, that's the worst part alkjdslk
the healing process is okay, you just have to make sure not to pick any scabs off (because they will scab) and scratch around the area, keep them clean and rub cream into them! do your research on your tattooist too, that's definitely very important.
all the best though, i hope you can make a decision!
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prettybillycore · 2 years
tag 10 people you want to get to know better!
(I’m so sorry if I tag you and You’ve already done this, not on purpose I swear!)
tagged by: @whoringrove 💗
relationship status: taken by @rubybinxx in a polycule (aka we are polyamorous!)
favorite color: blue or green
song stuck in your head: currently “Be Gay, Do Drugs, Hail Satan” by Super Cassette. It came up in my recommended and my brain went 👁👁
time: 2:51 am
dream trip: I really want to go to California again. I have been once before and it felt like the home I was supposed to have. I also wanna go there so I can finally hug my bestie @dontbelasagnax. I’m not good at traveling though so it would have to be a road or train trip. I can’t really fly at this point in my life 💀 the one other place I really want to see is the palace of versailles in france
last book you read: Margret and the Mystery of the Missing Body by Megan Milks. I actually just gave a talk on this book for my MFA program. It is deeply painful yet weird as all hell. Highly recommend if you like fantasy and are in the mental place to hear about mental health issues from the perspectives of fictional characters
last book you enjoyed reading: I feel like I need to break out of the “books I read bc school” category but basically all the reading I do at this point is reading for school. During my undergraduate studies, I read “Homie” by Danez Smith. I think about it almost everyday. It is an incredible poetry collection about race, gender, sexuality, family, and overarching queer experiences. A must read in my opinion.
last book you hated reading: also for school (who’s surprised). It was “dreams of being” by Michael J Seidlinger. I got the chance to meet the author and he was fantastic! His book was just wayyyy out of what I normally read and didn’t keep my attention.
favorite thing to cook/bake: top of the stove cookies!!!
favorite craft you like to do in your free time: genuinely crafting sims is so fun to me I do it a lot. I also like to write and paint.
my most niche dislike: based on peoples reactions when I’ve said this in the past, I’m going to take this as my most niche dislike— I hate Metatron the most out of every supernatural villain. I would rather sell my soul to both Crowley and Lucifer (and have to watch them fight it out) than be in a room alone with Metatron unsupervised for 5 minutes. I would feel more safe with Chuck in a room. I fucking hate this angels guts and I could write a full length academic paper on why.
opinion on the circus: clowns and such are alright but the way circus animals are treated sits so wrong with me
do you have a sense of direction: absolutely I do not. Ask literally anyone I’ve ever driven. I can’t find my way anywhere without help 🥲
@dontbelasagnax @rubybinxx @bilqis-of-sheba @ratboydefenselawyer @biillyhargroves @billyhargroveficrec @billys-bitchh @eddiethehero85 @harringrovepeach @sunsetpixels
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