“If buying isn’t owning, piracy isn’t stealing”
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20 years ago, I got in a (friendly) public spat with Chris Anderson, who was then the editor in chief of Wired. I'd publicly noted my disappointment with glowing Wired reviews of DRM-encumbered digital devices, prompting Anderson to call me unrealistic for expecting the magazine to condemn gadgets for their DRM:
I replied in public, telling him that he'd misunderstood. This wasn't an issue of ideological purity – it was about good reviewing practice. Wired was telling readers to buy a product because it had features x, y and z, but at any time in the future, without warning, without recourse, the vendor could switch off any of those features:
I proposed that all Wired endorsements for DRM-encumbered products should come with this disclaimer:
Wired didn't take me up on this suggestion.
But I was right. The ability to change features, prices, and availability of things you've already paid for is a powerful temptation to corporations. Inkjet printers were always a sleazy business, but once these printers got directly connected to the internet, companies like HP started pushing out "security updates" that modified your printer to make it reject the third-party ink you'd paid for:
Now, this scam wouldn't work if you could just put things back the way they were before the "update," which is where the DRM comes in. A thicket of IP laws make reverse-engineering DRM-encumbered products into a felony. Combine always-on network access with indiscriminate criminalization of user modification, and the enshittification will follow, as surely as night follows day.
This is the root of all the right to repair shenanigans. Sure, companies withhold access to diagnostic codes and parts, but codes can be extracted and parts can be cloned. The real teeth in blocking repair comes from the law, not the tech. The company that makes McDonald's wildly unreliable McFlurry machines makes a fortune charging franchisees to fix these eternally broken appliances. When a third party threatened this racket by reverse-engineering the DRM that blocked independent repair, they got buried in legal threats:
Everybody loves this racket. In Poland, a team of security researchers at the OhMyHack conference just presented their teardown of the anti-repair features in NEWAG Impuls locomotives. NEWAG boobytrapped their trains to try and detect if they've been independently serviced, and to respond to any unauthorized repairs by bricking themselves:
https://mamot.fr/@[email protected]/111528162905209453
Poland is part of the EU, meaning that they are required to uphold the provisions of the 2001 EU Copyright Directive, including Article 6, which bans this kind of reverse-engineering. The researchers are planning to present their work again at the Chaos Communications Congress in Hamburg this month – Germany is also a party to the EUCD. The threat to researchers from presenting this work is real – but so is the threat to conferences that host them:
20 years ago, Chris Anderson told me that it was unrealistic to expect tech companies to refuse demands for DRM from the entertainment companies whose media they hoped to play. My argument – then and now – was that any tech company that sells you a gadget that can have its features revoked is defrauding you. You're paying for x, y and z – and if they are contractually required to remove x and y on demand, they are selling you something that you can't rely on, without making that clear to you.
But it's worse than that. When a tech company designs a device for remote, irreversible, nonconsensual downgrades, they invite both external and internal parties to demand those downgrades. Like Pavel Chekov says, a phaser on the bridge in Act I is going to go off by Act III. Selling a product that can be remotely, irreversibly, nonconsensually downgraded inevitably results in the worst person at the product-planning meeting proposing to do so. The fact that there are no penalties for doing so makes it impossible for the better people in that meeting to win the ensuing argument, leading to the moral injury of seeing a product you care about reduced to a pile of shit:
But even if everyone at that table is a swell egg who wouldn't dream of enshittifying the product, the existence of a remote, irreversible, nonconsensual downgrade feature makes the product vulnerable to external actors who will demand that it be used. Back in 2022, Adobe informed its customers that it had lost its deal to include Pantone colors in Photoshop, Illustrator and other "software as a service" packages. As a result, users would now have to start paying a monthly fee to see their own, completed images. Fail to pay the fee and all the Pantone-coded pixels in your artwork would just show up as black:
Adobe blamed this on Pantone, and there was lots of speculation about what had happened. Had Pantone jacked up its price to Adobe, so Adobe passed the price on to its users in the hopes of embarrassing Pantone? Who knows? Who can know? That's the point: you invested in Photoshop, you spent money and time creating images with it, but you have no way to know whether or how you'll be able to access those images in the future. Those terms can change at any time, and if you don't like it, you can go fuck yourself.
These companies are all run by CEOs who got their MBAs at Darth Vader University, where the first lesson is "I have altered the deal, pray I don't alter it further." Adobe chose to design its software so it would be vulnerable to this kind of demand, and then its customers paid for that choice. Sure, Pantone are dicks, but this is Adobe's fault. They stuck a KICK ME sign to your back, and Pantone obliged.
This keeps happening and it's gonna keep happening. Last week, Playstation owners who'd bought (or "bought") Warner TV shows got messages telling them that Warner had walked away from its deal to sell videos through the Playstation store, and so all the videos they'd paid for were going to be deleted forever. They wouldn't even get refunds (to be clear, refunds would also be bullshit – when I was a bookseller, I didn't get to break into your house and steal the books I'd sold you, not even if I left some cash on your kitchen table).
Sure, Warner is an unbelievably shitty company run by the single most guillotineable executive in all of Southern California, the loathsome David Zaslav, who oversaw the merger of Warner with Discovery. Zaslav is the creep who figured out that he could make more money cancelling completed movies and TV shows and taking a tax writeoff than he stood to make by releasing them:
Imagine putting years of your life into making a program – showing up on set at 5AM and leaving your kids to get their own breakfast, performing stunts that could maim or kill you, working 16-hour days during the acute phase of the covid pandemic and driving home in the night, only to have this absolute turd of a man delete the program before anyone could see it, forever, to get a minor tax advantage. Talk about moral injury!
But without Sony's complicity in designing a remote, irreversible, nonconsensual downgrade feature into the Playstation, Zaslav's war on art and creative workers would be limited to material that hadn't been released yet. Thanks to Sony's awful choices, David Zaslav can break into your house, steal your movies – and he doesn't even have to leave a twenty on your kitchen table.
The point here – the point I made 20 years ago to Chris Anderson – is that this is the foreseeable, inevitable result of designing devices for remote, irreversible, nonconsensual downgrades. Anyone who was paying attention should have figured that out in the GW Bush administration. Anyone who does this today? Absolute flaming garbage.
Sure, Zaslav deserves to be staked out over an anthill and slathered in high-fructose corn syrup. But save the next anthill for the Sony exec who shipped a product that would let Zaslav come into your home and rob you. That piece of shit knew what they were doing and they did it anyway. Fuck them. Sideways. With a brick.
Meanwhile, the studios keep making the case for stealing movies rather than paying for them. As Tyler James Hill wrote: "If buying isn't owning, piracy isn't stealing":
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Alan Levine (modified) https://pxhere.com/en/photo/218986
CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/
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spicyddrawing · 9 months
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Happy Birthaday Bakugou 💣🎂💥
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toskarinarchive · 7 months
Toskarin Database
Last updated: 2024-08-25, 23:02+00:00
Current Toskarinlike Count: 44
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helveticablanc · 5 months
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From the Archives — 2021 04 07-20
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thealieninhiding · 4 months
The Katie McGrath Archives (WIP)
A repository of my ongoing digital archeology & archival work please contact me if you have anything to contribute and buy me a coffee if you value my content
message me if you want a link to her complete filmography 🤫
(last updated 2024-07-03)
2014-02-07 London Times - Dracula sets
(Un)likeminded 2x02 How to Survive The Apocalypse
2017 Katie McGrath interview [CW|KMcGsource]
2017 Supergirl Season 3 Sweet dreams (are made of this) Music Video
2017 CW SDCC Promo Supergirl and Arrow
2019-01-01 The CW Promo Open To All
2021-04-25 Supergirl Season 6 Katie McGrath Lena Luthor
2021-09-15 Supergirl Season 6 Katie McGrath Reflecting on Supergirl
Interview - 2009-07-17 Katie McGrath Mr Media interview
Interview - 2009-10-15 Geek Syndicate Merlin BTS special
BTS - 2008-10-08 Blue Peter Merlin BTS
Events - 2009 TV Choice Awards Digital Spy interview
Events - Getty Videos of 2009 TV Choice Awards, 2010 Merlin Series 3 launch, 2011 W.E. premiere, 2017 King Arthur Premiere
Archived interviews
2008-12-07 Tribune Magazine - What Katie Did
2011-10-14 What's on TV - Merlin's Katie McGrath- 'Bad girls have more fun!'
2012-12-03 Fanhattan Blog - Colin Morgan, Katie McGrath and Bradley James on Season 5 and The Series Finale
2018-08-01 The TV Junkies - Supergirl SDCC 2018 Interviews- Lena’s Impractical Lab Outfits, the Return of Reporter Kara and a More Grounded Season 4
HHush samples
Interview - 2009-2011 Sci-fi Talk rewind merlin the series specials episode 1
Interview - 2011? Merlin S4 Sci-fi talk byte katie mcgrath on morgana
Interview - 2013 BBC Radio 1xtra part 1 & part 2
(Un)likeminded 1x02 While You Were Dreaming
Trees a crowd- Irish folklore segment
Magazine scans
2008-09-20 Radio Times
2009-06-08 TV Week (Aus)
2010-09-05 Sunday Express
2010-09-30 Totally Merlin Magazine
2011-12 Total Film
2012-03-14 Sci-Fi Now
2012-10-06 Radio Times
2013-04-06 Irish independent
2013-09-02 Marie-Claire (UK)
2013-12 Instyle
2013-12 Total Film
Fans - 2012-04-16 Merlin4 [carlospyrrhus]
Fans - 2017-08-30 Supergirl cast together on set [Joyce Law]
Interview - 2009-09-?? Merlin S2 audio interview with Katie McGrath [BJsRealm] part 1
Interview - 2010-09-06 Merlin Series 3 - BBC Radio 1xtra Interview with Angel Coulby & Katie McGrath [BJsrealm]
Interview - 2011-10-14 Merlin S4 Colin Morgan, Eoin Macken Katie McGrath on The Late Late Show
Interview - 2012-07-15 Colin Morgan and Katie McGrath at SDCC 2012 - innerSPACE [merlinnetwork2]
Interview - 2012-07-18 Katie McGrath Talks Merlin At Comic Con 2012 [ThinkHeroTV]
Interview - 2012-10-25 BBC Radio 1 Breakfast - Colin & Katie part 1 & part 2 [BJsRealm]
Interview - 2012-12-03 Merlin S5 Katie McGrath interview international press day [BJsRealm]
Interview - 2012-12-03 Colin, Bradley, Katie phone interview [BJsRealm]
Interview - 2013-11-09 Katie McGrath on BBC One Saturday Kitchen [BJsRealm]
Interview - 2019-07-22 ENTREVISTA SUPERGIRL Elenco fala sobre a nova temporada [Warner Channel Brasil]
Interview - 2019-07-23 Melissa Benoist Teases Directing An Episode Of 'Supergirl' [ET Canada]
Interview - 2020-02-21 ‘Supergirl’ Celebrates 100th Episode [ET Canada]
Panels - 2011-07-28 Merlin Comic Con 2011 Panel [ThinkHeroTV]
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calderacitylovers · 1 year
Zutara SlowBurn FanFiction: Personal Favs, part I
·        I AM STILL HERE by owedbetter Published: 2017-10-09 | 77K words | 7 Chapters
After the Last Agni Kai K heals Z with the help of bloodbending. Very sweet.
 ·        THE SUMMIT by AJLenoire
Chronicles post-war years, as Gaang and other characters gather for annual summits to keep peace and build relationships between the Four Nations. Katara yearns for a bigger purpose than the Avatar’s companion and slowly grows into a shrewd diplomat. Very sweet slow burn ZK story. Has mature scenes.
 ·        CLOTHE ME IN SEASONS, DRESS ME IN SNOW by sadladybug Published: 2015-01-05 | 62K words | 7 Chapters
Follows old Zuko as he reflects on his life and what would have been if he kept Katara closer. Absolutely beautiful, but also a devastatingly heart-breaking story about loss and pain.
 ·        SILENT DECLARATIONS by Megara Pike (Megara_Pike) Published: 2021-01-20 | 2,6K words
A short story based on animation by Hayley Wong. Z finds K asleep in her study and carries her to bed. Very sweet, gentle story.
 ·        COVERED IN YOU by evergreenonthehorizon Published: 2021-04-02 | 55K words | 14 Chapters
Eight years after the war Z convinces K to take on a role of a Southern Water Tribe ambassador in the Caldera city. Both are completely clueless about each other’s feelings. Features political talks, big gestures, and a ball. Very cute, sweet slow-burn story. Has mature scenes.
 ·        TEN STRIDES IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION by evergreenonthehorizon Published: 2021-04-03 | 29K Words | 12 Chapters
A collection of short stories filling in the gaps between some of the events of ATLAS3 and up to the Last Agni Kai. Features accidental cuddling, embracing in the rain, sharing a bed for warmth, post-Ember Island Theater discussions, being discovered, waiting to be kissed, Suki & Katara being good friends, battle plans, Zuko & Sokka getting drunk, slow burn & angst. Very sweet.
 ·        THE SWAY OF THE SUN by TheBlackBriarSparrow Published: Published: 2019-10-14 | 102K Words | 27 Chapters
Two years post-war Gaang reunites in Caldera city for a secret party in honor of the overworked Fire Lord’s birthday. Rebels attack the palace setting a thrilling consequence of events in motion. Adventures, investigations, and fights ensue. Z & K work together and enlist old friends to help find missing people. Beautiful slow-burn story with an exciting plot.
·        A WARM EMBRACE by ewinkie Published: 2020-10-06 | 19K Words | 7 Chapters
An ATLAS3 rewrite from Southern Riders to the Last Agni Kai. Katara and Zuko have to hide in a cave following their encounter with Yon Rha. Comforting turns to cuddling, which turns to waking up on Appa's tail in each other's arms. Katara is shocked at how comfortable she is. Zuko is shocked that Katara doesn't hate him for it. Features sharing a bed, being discovered, slowburn, and lots of teenage silliness.
 ·        FOLLOWING BLUE by Boogum Published: 2018-11-07 | 39K Words | 10 Chapters
ATLA S2 rewrite. After Katara falls from Appa’s saddle during a pursuit, the Blue Spirit becomes her reluctant companion and helps her reunite with her friends. Ba Sing Se scenes are completely rewritten, and Z ends up joining the Gaang much earlier. Thrilling beginning, sweet middle, average ending.
 ·        ANOTHER WORD FOR ALCHEMY by FanPanda13 Published: 2014-08-19 | 108K words | 24 Chapters
Five years post-war Aang summons old friends for a summit and invites them on a trip to investigate mysterious locations where he experiences loss of bending. Features Gaang setting Z & K up, travelling on Appa like in the olden days, lots of sparring, royal courting, magnificent navy ships & war ballons. Thrilling story with fun banter between old friends. Slowburn, mature content.
 ·        CONSUME ME WITH FIRE, FLOOD ME WITH DESIRE by Dacamia Published: 2020-08-14 | 86K words | 24 Chapters
Steamy ATLAS2 and ATLA S3 rewrite. Z & K accidentally meetup on their way to Ba Sing Se and decide to travel together. Features aged-up characters, lots of intimate scenes, staying in a beautiful cave, helping villagers, betrayal in Ba Sing Se, reunion, forgiveness, etc. Explicit mature content.
 ·        ROOTS AND WINGS by zukoscomet Published: 2020-08-14 | 250K words | 25 Chapters
A series of short stories of Z & K as they grow closer, confess their love for one another and start a family.
 ·        THOSE WHO FAVOR FIRE by hiwasseelane Published: 2021-05-02 |29K Words | 13 Chapters
An ATLAS3 rewrite. Sweet, teen-appopriate.
Here’s a link to Part II of my personal favs.
Here’s a link to Wholesome Zutara Short Stories.
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olivianyx · 7 months
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It's Olivia, welcome to my blog! 🤍🤍
I've realised that I haven't yet introduced myself.
♡ I'm olivia nyx
♡ you can call me olive or nyx
♡ medical student in Sydney University of medicine 👨‍⚕🩺💉
♡ I'm South Asian born in Sydney, Australia 🇦🇺 and raised in Canada 🇨🇦 and currently living in Sydney.
♡ 20 ('04 liner)
♡ wish me happy b'day on September 8
♡ been in the loa community since 2021 (law of attraction since 2020, we all have been in this phase (T_T)) shifting and respawning community since 2022, and non dualism since November 2023
♡ I love animals alot like they know what's humanity than humans ( ͡°Ĺ̯ ͡° )
♡ I'm 5'7" Tall, and pretty curvy though ✌
♡ I do swear alot in my head lol, not outside. Bc if I start to swear in front of people I might get cancelled 💀
⚠️⚠️ Warnings: anti loa/shifters or whoever tf you are, you'll be blocked. Any nonsense hate comments will be reported cus I won't stand any useless drama and stop doing to other users too. I won't entertain any sexual comments, racism, homophobic acts, discrimination, plagiarism or any inappropriate comments except swearing (bc I do, like alot)
♡♡ MY MASTERLIST • Anon asks • success stories (coming soon) ♡♡
♡ I do answer all asks, and will take things into consideration what y'all suggest me to, cus we need to keep learning no matter how old we are. But sometimes I won't answer them soon cus I'll be busy with the bitch of my medical school lol, but! I will answer them for sure. So no worries, you can proceed to ask me whatever.
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puckpocketed · 2 months
"I look back at it — it’s pretty nuts. Going from never really having a full season in the NHL, playing here and there, to having 50 games is pretty incredible."
20/04/2024 - Kraken goalie Joey Daccord looks to better days after breakout season. x // x
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18/07/2024 - Sports Cinematography Reel 2023-2024 by Ian Portmann
14/03/2021 - Joey Daccord gets his first NHL win - excerpt of Kyle Bukauskas' post-game interview:
We'll get to those final few minutes here in a moment, but first; you come to the rink here tonight thinking you're gonna be watching this one from the bench, and you will leave here with your first career win in the National Hockey League. Tell me what you're thinking.
Uh — I'm gonna get emotional. Yeah, definitely not the way I drew it up, you know, in my head, but... Against the Leafs, y'know, at home — obviously a crazy situation and that's why you always gotta be ready. I just tried to get in the game, and get myself going as fast as possible, and the boys played unbelievable, like, what an effort out of our group.
I'm — I don't even have words right now, honestly. I just — I wanna thank my family for everything they've done for me.
It's, uh — yeah. Pretty special.
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bad268 · 1 year
Writing Inktober 2023
300 word minimum and no repeats are the challenges this year. Maybe. Hopefully. Probably. (haha yes)
BTW the medal emojis are the winners from the polls :)
01/10 Dream
Sebastian Montoya X Reader (W.C. 386)
02/10 Spiders
Seth Borden X Reader (W.C. 338)
03/10 Path
Max Verstappen X Reader (W.C. 367)
04/10 Dodge
Benny Rodriguez X Reader (W.C. 348)
05/10 Map
Sebastian Vettel X Reader (W.C. 338)
06/10 Golden
Justin Herbert X Reader (W.C. 342)
07/10 Drip
TMR Newt X Reader (W.C. 342) 🥈
08/10 Toad Sacrifice
Andrea Kimi Antonelli X Reader (W.C. 338)
09/10 Bounce
Marcus Armstrong X Reader (W.C. 384)
10/10 Fortune
Johnny Cade X Reader (W.C. 485) 🥉
11/10 Wander
Peter Parker X Reader (W.C. 402) 🥇
12/10 Spicey Scandal
Pierre Gasly X Reader (W.C. 391)
13/10 Rise Tonight
Colby Brock X Reader (W.C. 370)
14/10 Castle
Oscar Piastri X Reader (W.C. 370)
15/10 Dagger Nightmare
Lando Norris X Reader (W.C. 419)
16/10 Angel
Mick Schumacher X Reader (W.C. 395)
17/10 Demon
Kimi Raikkonen X Reader (W.C. 327)
18/10 Saddle
Daniel Ricciardo X Reader (W.C. 318)
19/10 Plump Wet
Ollie Bearman X Reader (W.C. 365)
20/10 Frost
Paul Aron X Reader (W.C. 389)
21/10 Chains Bouquet
Charles Leclerc X Reader (W.C. 369)
22/10 Scratchy Flight
Joe Burrow X Reader (W.C. 390)
23/10 Celestial Redeemer
Corpse Husband X Reader (W.C. 400)
24/10 Shallow Chosen
P! SBI X Reader (W.C. 358)
25/10 Dangerous
Callum Ilott X Reader (W.C. 310)
26/10 Remove Shots
Dennis Hauger X Reader (W.C. 348)
27/10 Beast
Christian Lundgaard X Reader (W.C. 339)
28/10 Sparkle
Dino Beganovic X Reader (W.C. 406)
29/10 Massive Approval
Felipe Drugovich X Reader (W.C. 358)
30/10 Rush
Clement Novalak X Reader (W.C. 386)
31/10 Fire
Pato O’Ward X Reader (W.C. 343)
Bonus: Break
Tadashi Hamada X Reader (W.C. 363)
Average W.C. 369
Want to read other years’ Inktober stories, check these out:
2021 // 2022 // 2024
On a side note, I looked back at last year’s entries, and I definitely thought Bouquet was Banquet, so instead of admitting I was wrong, I did it as a sub this year. If you noticed, no you didn’t :)
Also funny story about Shallow, I kept reading it as Swallow, so I couldn't do it
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djuvlipen · 2 months
07/04/2024, Chief Saidou Kabore ousts child marriage from his community
In Burkina Faso, in 6 years, child marriage rate fell from 51.3% to 38.2% among women married before the age of 18, and from 8.9% to 7.8% among women married before the age of 15.
“If we had three or four young women from the village in the civil service, our village would be more developed. Women would care about our well-being more than men. This is my vision of girls’ empowerment,” says Saidou Noom Kaboré, community leader in Bagma, some 20 kilometers south the Burkina Faso’s capital, Ouagadougou.
The 65-year-old man has always worked to ensure that girls from his village go as far as possible in school. For several years, he has been resolutely committed to end child marriage, a scourge that could prevent his community from thriving.
Chief Kaboré is on crusade against child marriage
Whenever he has the opportunity, the charismatic community leader brings men, women, boys and girls together under the palaver tree in the middle of the village to discuss girls’ education, which he easily contrasts with child marriage.
“My wish is that our girls succeed because the success of a girl, of a woman, benefits her entire community. That’s why nowadays no girl at school age stays at home. We support them as best we can after they enroll in school,” says Kaboré, standing in the middle of the circle.
At the audience in awe Chief Kaboré explains how to protect girls up to the age of 18 and even beyond, for them to have a happy marriage.
“A girl should not be given into marriage early, much less by force. Even if she is old enough to get married, she should not be given into marriage against her will. Girls are sometimes forced to marry old men. We must let the young girl choose her husband. Thus, her marriage will be filled with love and happiness,” he explains. 
In Burkina Faso, the efforts of the government, civil society, communities and community leaders like Kabore have yielded good results. From 2015 to 2021, the proportion of women aged 20 to 24 married before turning 18 fell from 51.3% to 38.2% and that of women aged 20 to 24 who married before the age of 15, fell from 8.9% to 7.8%.
Chief Kaboré works with the NGO Voix Des Femmes [in English, Women’s Voices], thanks to funds from the UNFPA-UNICEF Global Programme to End Child Marriage. The programme was launched in 2016 in 12 of the most high-prevalence or high-burden countries, including Burkina Faso. It promotes the rights of adolescent girls to avert marriage and pregnancy and enables them to achieve their aspirations through education and alternative pathways.
In Chief Kaboré’s village, everyone, girls and boys alike, understand the risks of child marriage and the consequences that result from it. Veronique Nikiema, a 14-year-old girl, is keen on her studies and believes that getting married before majority means jeopardizing your future.
“In my opinion, early marriage has many negative consequences. You can't do long studies. At this age, you are not able to carry a pregnancy, nor take good care of yourself, or a baby. You will no longer be able to obtain a degree that will allow you to have a good job,” she explains. 
Chief Kaboré’s success is recognized outside Burkina Faso
Saidou Noom Kaboré has saved many girls from child marriage, and his success is known beyond the borders of Burkina Faso. In 2019, Nafissa Ouedraogo fled neighboring Cote d’Ivoire to Bagma to escape child marriage, knowing that Chef Kaboré, who is also her uncle, would protect her.
“I was 14 when I was introduced to a 42-year-old man who already had two wives. I refused his advances. My parents therefore decided to forcefully marry me to this man they had chosen,” says Nafissa, now 19 years old.
When Nafissa's parents went to the village of Bagma to bring her back to Cote d’Ivoire, Kaboré made made them aware of the dangers of child marriage. Later, the man who tried to marry Nafissa was prosecuted for child enticement and sent to jail.
Kaboré's message is heard and assimilated by members of the community and relayed by the young people. For Thomas Kaboré, a young man of 30, thanks to awareness raising, no one will agree to give their daughter into early or forced marriage.
“Some of our aunts and older sisters fled forced marriage. They no longer speak with their families and have never come back to the village. Their children won’t know their maternal families,” he complains.
With UNICEF’s support, Nafissa Ouedraogo followed training sessions and strated her own business, a very popular one with young girls in the village.
“The NGO Voix Des Femmes helped me get started with saponification. I produced and sold liquid soap. I wasn't making huge profits. So, I gave it up and learned how to do henna tattooing,” she says.
Building on his succes, Saidou Kaboré will continue his fight against child marriage. He wants the girls of Bagma to complete their higher education, have university degrees and contribute to building the Burkina Faso of tomorrow.
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jetix · 1 year
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The CFPB is genuinely making America better, and they're going HARD
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On June 20, I'm keynoting the LOCUS AWARDS in OAKLAND.
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Let's take a sec here and notice something genuinely great happening in the US government: the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau's stunning, unbroken streak of major, muscular victories over the forces of corporate corruption, with the backing of the Supreme Court (yes, that Supreme Court), and which is only speeding up!
A little background. The CFPB was created in 2010. It was Elizabeth Warren's brainchild, an institution that was supposed to regulate finance from the perspective of the American public, not the American finance sector. Rather than fighting to "stabilize" the financial sector (the mission that led to Obama taking his advisor Timothy Geithner's advice to permit the foreclosure crisis to continue in order to "foam the runways" for the banks), the Bureau would fight to defend us from bankers.
The CFPB got off to a rocky start, with challenges to the unique system of long-term leadership appointments meant to depoliticize the office, as well as the sudden resignation of its inaugural boss, who broke his promise to see his term through in order to launch an unsuccessful bid for political office.
But after the 2020 election, the Bureau came into its own, when Biden poached Rohit Chopra from the FTC and put him in charge. Chopra went on a tear, taking on landlords who violated the covid eviction moratorium:
Then banning payday lenders' scummiest tactics:
Then striking at one of fintech's most predatory grifts, the "earned wage access" hustle:
Then closing the loophole that let credit reporting bureaus (like Equifax, who doxed every single American in a spectacular 2019 breach) avoid regulation by creating data brokerage divisions and claiming they weren't part of the regulated activity of credit reporting:
Chopra went on to promise to ban data-brokers altogether:
Then he banned comparison shopping sites where you go to find the best bank accounts and credit cards from accepting bribes and putting more expensive options at the top of the list. Instead, he's requiring banks to send the CFPB regular, accurate lists of all their charges, and standing up a federal operated comparison shopping site that gives only accurate and honest rankings. Finally, he's made an interoperability rule requiring banks to let you transfer to another institution with one click, just like you change phone carriers. That means you can search an honest site to find the best deal on your banking, and then, with a single click, transfer your accounts, your account history, your payees, and all your other banking data to that new bank:
Somewhere in there, big business got scared. They cooked up a legal theory declaring the CFPB's funding mechanism to be unconstitutional and got the case fast-tracked to the Supreme Court, in a bid to put Chopra and the CFPB permanently out of business. Instead, the Supremes – these Supremes! – upheld the CFPB's funding mechanism in a 7-2 ruling:
That ruling was a starter pistol for Chopra and the Bureau. Maybe it seemed like they were taking big swings before, but it turns out all that was just a warmup. Last week on The American Prospect, Robert Kuttner rounded up all the stuff the Bureau is kicking off:
First: regulating Buy Now, Pay Later companies (think: Klarna) as credit-card companies, with all the requirements for disclosure and interest rate caps dictated by the Truth In Lending Act:
Next: creating a registry of habitual corporate criminals. This rogues gallery will make it harder for other agencies – like the DOJ – and state Attorneys General to offer bullshit "delayed prosecution agreements" to companies that compulsively rip us off:
Then there's the rule against "fine print deception" – which is when the fine print in a contract lies to you about your rights, like when a mortgage lender forces you waive a right you can't actually waive, or car lenders that make you waive your bankruptcy rights, which, again, you can't waive:
As Kuttner writes, the common thread running through all these orders is that they ban deceptive practices – they make it illegal for companies to steal from us by lying to us. Especially in these dying days of class action suits – rapidly becoming obsolete thanks to "mandatory arbitration waivers" that make you sign away your right to join a class action – agencies like the CFPB are our only hope of punishing companies that lie to us to steal from us.
There's a lot of bad stuff going on in the world right now, and much of it – including an active genocide – is coming from the Biden White House.
But there are people in the Biden Administration who care about the American people and who are effective and committed fighters who have our back. What's more, they're winning. That doesn't make all the bad news go away, but sometimes it feels good to take a moment and take the W.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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destinymanticor · 2 months
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↓damn this has been in drafts since March
Well, I’ll post it without editing
So I haven’t posted anything here for quite some time. That's why these sketches Some AU headcanons for Morro
-I'll add links later-
1 Morro-Kitsune This is what he looks around season 11 I don't know what to do with Wojira here 😆 I’m in 2021 (there is a file with the date 04/21) I’ve still started this
The skin seems greenish, it seems to me, but no The team will come to terms with him between season 10-12 I'm wondering if it's possible to do a funny scene with Akita/formlings
2 Morro the Wizard Was a man - became a ghost, not entirely because of death Somewhere there was a list with changes to the order of seasons for AU Technically a 2-3 character, but co-main in his arc/season
Yes, I didn’t bother with the skin in this AU. Burned a bunch of old Talmuds, stole and lost a bunch of artifacts 1 of 5 "brothers" (+ Bansha), but they soon got sick
Chronologically over 70, physically-hormonally-emotionally 19-20 For loved ones, the type of idiot brother/That uncle responsible for the fact that artifacts are lying around everywhere, like in Rapunzel
3 Morro fairies Blah blah blah, fairies and specialist girls The Smiths are definitely specialists, and Zane and Nelson are fairies Lloyd will still have dragon features
Older than he looks, oh, an overgrown teenager again Abnormal pallor, normal eyes are not green I don’t know what to call it, but the closest thing is cracks
The same meme Morro in normal transformation  Preeminent: Young man, are you going out into the world? Morro in evil fairy-witch form P: Oh yes bitch
4 Morro associated with Wojira In Seabound he will go to the depths Another AU where Wu much selfishness and doesn't let go of the idiot
He has a lot of scars, like from burns, but I understand that they don’t look like that The color is normal, but may tan more Nya once cut her hair like this (before season 8)
I just left my eyes like that
If you're interested in listening I can draw and write notes again
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jiminjamms · 2 years
sex therapy :: 14. sucker for pain
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chapter tags/warnings: misogynistic! naoya. pet names ("bimbo"). dirty talking. nonconsenual undertones. infidelity/adultery. strong language. humiliation. classism.
word count: 3.8k
notes: i published this story for the first time in october 2021 on wattpad, and i'm so thankful for and overwhelmed by the support and love that sex therapy has received over the past year. thank you for watching me and my story grow. xoxo
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fic masterlist | 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.
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Eat. Sleep. Fuck. Repeat.
This would be the mantra Naoya would live by tonight.
The little date he was taking you on was merely a prequel to the chain of bedroom events he had schemed for the evening. Because warming up first was important, no?
As a wonderful husband, Naoya took his precious wife out to dinner at Shibuya’s Cé La Vi, a top-floor restaurant that may not be as vertigo-inducing as its famous Marina Bay Sands counterpart in Singapore, but offered a menu and skyline views second to none.
He had even requested an outdoor table under the fairy lights for the romantic atmosphere, where both the amber hues and soft jazz washed the vicinity with warmth and peace. Exactly what Naoya also needed after his last twenty hours filled with hurried negotiations with publishers, a long flight back to Tokyo, and many private lectures from his outraged father.
At least that was all done now.
Sighing, Naoya gestured at a nearby waiter, who disappeared and returned with a glass of expensive tequila several minutes later. Eight in the evening might be far too early for Naoya to down his third shot of Don Julio, but he needed to reward himself for completing a hectic itinerary without a wink of shuteye in between.
With the drink, he quietly soaked in the low hum of chatter that mingled with the gentle clinking of cutlery. The ambiance was so miraculous that Naoya didn’t know why he hadn’t taken you here earlier.
Now that he thought about it, when was the last time he had taken you out on a proper date anyway?
Oh, when he took you out two weeks ago to skydive in…
No, wait that was with Mari.
He was only two and a half glasses in, but the liquor was already messing with his memory.
So when…?
“We haven’t done anything like this in a long, long while,” you commented when you must have noted his extended silence at the dinner table, although Naoya found it quite funny that you seemingly read his thoughts instead.
He swirled the liquor in his glass but decided against another sip. “You think so?” he asked as harmlessly as possible. “When was the last time?”
Cutting into a scallop on your plate, you bit your inner cheek. “Our…honeymoon.”
Holy crap, that Caribbean trip was months ago. “Are you serious?”
“Yeah,” you deadpanned.
Okay, he might have thought a lot more about spending time with his mistress, and he hadn’t exactly been keeping track of every single date he went on with you, but he certainly did not expect to have such an abysmal track record with his own wife.
Not that he felt guilty about his absence in your life.
Besides, you had the money to entertain yourself as you wished. Whether because you were blinded by sheer stupidity or his bank account, you thankfully didn’t complain much either. All Naoya had to do was to keep you happy and ignorant because—to paraphrase his father’s own words—if Naoya flopped this marriage with the COO's daughter, he would not be welcomed in the Zenin household again.
The difficult part, however, was that you were hard to please.
That was what happened to little girls who grew up spoiled by daddy’s money, Naoya supposed. Mari, on the other hand, would have absolutely been overjoyed in your position. Hell, even Naoya himself—who merely grew up as a spare heir—would have shown some gratitude.
“Sorry that I’ve been so occupied.” The Zenin CEO had to inject whatever sympathy and sincerity he had into his apology before sampling his risotto. “I’ve been buried in work ever since I joined the executive suite earlier this year. I’ve had a lot to catch up on.”
“I know,” you responded very matter-of-factly. “And I understand. You’ve been busy with meetings.”
Right. Meetings with his board in addition to his, well, other more discreet ‘meetings’ where he pounded his paramour into oblivion (but let’s not talk about that, shall we?).
As he pushed the thought away, he placed his fork down in exchange for his drink. “That’s why I invited you for dinner—to spend extra time with you. I’ll make things up to you even more later.”
You glanced up from your meal, blinking rapidly but the ambivalence apparent in your gaze. “Really? Like how?”
Sex, you motherfucking dimwit.
How much more obvious did he have to be?
Of course, he instead replied with, “You’ll see.”
He hadn’t told you his idea to rail your brains out because he didn’t feel obligated to, but if he wanted to a) get his father off his ass and b) be a baby daddy by morning, he had quite the mission to accomplish. Besides, if he calculated the numbers correctly in his head, today was still within your fertility window. A later day in the schedule, but still a fertile time for his wife, nonetheless. This was the perfect time to focus on you, particularly since he wouldn’t be distracted by Mari for some time. Perhaps arriving early from Mexico wasn’t too much of a bad thing.
Tonight, the deed didn’t seem too difficult to do either, thanks to how provocatively you dressed. Since when did you wear off-the-shoulder mini dresses? Was this from your New York fashion haul three months back?
“It’d be nice if you could apologize to me first.”
Naoya froze with his glass by his mouth at your unanticipated comment. What were you even going on about? “Didn’t I already say sorry for not spending time with you?” This was what he meant by how ungrateful you were.
Curling your lips inward, you inhaled sharply. “That wasn’t what I was—”
When the conversation was unexpectedly interrupted by a buzzing at the table, Naoya reached for his phone only to be greeted with a blank screen. Rather, he looked up to see you wiping your hands and staring at your device, mirroring Naoya’s own confusion as your brows creased at an unsaved number.
“Spam,” you concluded and pushed the device away once the caller eventually reached voicemail. “What I was saying,” you began even as your face contorted momentarily with reluctance, “was that you never told me you were away from Japan. I didn’t even know where you were or when you would be back had I not called your secretary.”
Wow, that was what you wanted an apology for?
What an entitled brat.
Admittedly, Naoya should have texted you before he vanished into thin air, but a homemaker like you certainly had no business in his personal schedule. Had he truly had an investor conference to attend, Naoya was certain you would have been just as meddlesome, which was why he found the situation even more sardonic when you confirmed his suspicions by adding, “Sending me a text isn’t too difficult, you know.”
Just who the hell did you think you were?
Don’t think he had not noticed how confrontational you had been as of late, criticizing his actions and then dishing out instructions as though you were anywhere near the place to do so. This change from your typically submissive nature was uninvited, to say the least. Like, at the bare minimum, you could look at your own husband as you spoke, and Naoya wondered if your actions were simply a phase in the relationship or a reveal of the real you. Whatever the reason, he wanted his good and obedient wife back.
“Well then, my apologies." His eye twitched as he spoke, and nothing now could hide the contempt rising in his tone. “Next time, I’ll make sure my assistants send you my entire itinerary from when I sleep to when I use the restroom to—"
Naoya couldn’t even think through his annoyance because, at this point, your phone was ringing for what must be the third time and that irked him even further.
“Please!” he scoffed, his vexation bursting through his voice. “Just excuse yourself and pick that shit up, good lord!”
At least that much you listened to. You pardoned yourself, stepping away just as Naoya pinched the bridge of his nose. On the one date he finally organized with his wife, you just had to ruin his mood with your shit attitude and table manners. Fantastic.
After one long huff, Naoya swung around in his seat and caught the attention of a nearby waiter.
The fuming executive then pointed at his glass.
“Another shot, ASAP."
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As much as you were guilty of self-deprecation, you were not masochistic enough to simply swallow your husband’s insults over dinner.
‘Sex, you motherfucking dimwit.’
Simply thinking back to that line sent tiny pricks to your chest.
Did Naoya really think that, just because he mumbled that to himself under his breath, you wouldn’t hear him? What made you even more upset was that, when you asked for an apology, he could not even recognize his wrongs. There was more that you hoped to confront him about, too—particularly about the rumors of his extramarital affairs—but you had half the mind to shut up given his splenetic fury.
Whoever called you, however, thankfully provided you with a reason for reprieve.
You rushed out of the main restaurant venue as you curiously stared at your phone, noticing the missed calls from an unknown number. When the same contact information appeared on your screen in its fourth ring, you pressed the ‘Accept’ button only for the other line to greet you first.
“I still have your dress, kiddo.”
Only one person called you that.
“Choso?” you nearly shouted in disbelief, unintentionally garnering the attention of some bystanders.
“That’s me alright,” the therapist answered, his reply cool and composed as though he never questioned the fact that his hands landed on your phone number. “I was just about to give up on reaching you.”
Overwhelmed, you sighed. “Sorry, I’m rather busy at the moment.”
“Right, right,” he mulled, a faint rumble sneaking in his tone. Choso then clicked his tongue against his teeth, and you could almost picture the blasé manner in which he would recline in a seat as some shuffling echoed over the line, which would have normally been irrelevant until he added, “Well, I’m downstairs.”
“What?!” was your first reaction. Now, you were certainly getting weird stares. Downstairs, as in, where? “Are you in—”
“Yes, Shibuya. You’re at Cé La Vi right now, aren’t you? Take the elevator down to the first floor. My car’s parked right outside the building’s main doors. That Dolce & Gabbana outfit I made you change out of before the club, I didn’t have a chance to return that since you stormed out of the meeting last night.”
You shut your dropped jaw. “The dress I remember but,” your gaze then narrowed, “how do you know where I am?”
The call suddenly grew quiet, the lull stretching for what must be an hour as Choso carefully contemplated his next words. “When you’re in the right business,” he hinted darkly, no doubt making a reference to his underbelly occupation, “information isn’t hard to come by once you know the right people.”
An assassin with eyes all over the city, huh?
Well, that explained how he got your number as well, albeit you would not be surprised if he had dug through the therapist office’s database for that instead. Sometimes, you had to wonder how an upper-class lady like you got entangled with a man like him, but a five-minute round trip to the first floor could not possibly hurt, right?
“I’ll meet you, then,” you eventually replied and ended the call.
Catching the first elevator car down, you had no trouble spotting the iconic blue Corvette convertible that stood outside the building’s entrance. Upon your approach, Choso rolled down his window and stuck his head out. This evening, his jet-black strands were pulled back into one low ponytail rather than two, his prominent jawline appearing even sharper against the nighttime backdrop.
No wonder this man had a whole harem in the club.
“Hey,” he hummed as his inky eyes ran down your figure, his gaze lingering a little longer on your exposed collarbone before traveling down to your legs. “I like your style.”
At the compliment, you looked away, feeling a bizarre prickle in your stomach. “I’m on a dinner date.”
“With Naoya?” Given how the therapists have recently revealed their disdain for your husband, you were not surprised to see Choso grimace. “Why…would you do that to yourself?”
Great question. “He’s paying, so I can’t complain.”
Choso pressed his lips outward, nodding when he could not argue against that. “I see.”
During the silence that ensued, you clicked your heels together, too busy floundering in the burning presence of your companion that you almost forgot the reason you were here in the first place. “Do…you have my dress?”
Nonchalantly, the man pointed to the back with his thumb. “In the trunk. What? You’re in a rush or something?”
You nodded slowly. “Naoya doesn’t know I’m down here," you explained but, given the psychological pain that your husband had inflicted on you, there was no good reason for guilt to be tugging at your lungs.
Even Choso narrowed his eyes. “You’re going back to that asshole?”
Another great question.
Without saying much, Naoya already made clear that his intention with you tonight was grounded only in sexual gratification, that he viewed you as nothing beyond—as he had put it—‘a motherfucking dimwit.’ Despite the pain, you never failed to find a reason to crawl back to the husband that lashed at your heart.
“Naoya is already angry at me,” you eventually remarked, twirling the edges of your dress. “If I don’t get back...”
“Then what? Even more of a reason to ditch him, to be honest. Maybe that will teach him a lesson for all the times he left you.” Choso was not the type to talk much, but he inevitably had the uncanny ability to leave you dumbstruck once he did. Oblivious to your state (or not), he then casually adjusted the braided bracelet at his wrist. “Better things to do with your time than stay with him.”
Funny that your first instinct was to defend Naoya again. However, even if you were to dutifully return to your husband, he would internally welcome you with apathy, his only goal to leave you smitten as a kitten just so he would have a pussy to play with.
Abandoning Naoya also came with one other problem, though. “There isn’t much else for me to do.”
How pitiful was that?
Sure, you had a stack of invitations to various charity dinners and networking parties, but—even with all the riches and respect in the world—you found those events pretentious, repetitive, and dull.
You half-expected Choso to mock you. (Because, really, who were you to complain about first-world problems?) However, the man just paused slightly, a dash of sympathy running over his expression as he then motioned to the empty shotgun seat.
“I could take you out for a ride.”
Your brows shot up. Tempting. “Where to?”
“Since I’m free tonight, I was going to take myself somewhere by Tokyo Bay—one of my favorite spots around,” Choso explained as he ran both his hands through his hair. “Although, if you’re interested, I could show you the area, too.”
At the proposal, you tried not to smile too obviously. Who knew that a hardened part-time hitman actually had such a soft spot?
“Then I’d love to.”
Choso drove off the second you jumped into the Corvette, the convertible greeting you with its familiar ashy honeysuckle scents and a The Neighbourhood tune. With a long exhale, you sank into the red leather seat and stared out the window, watching the nearby scenery transform from skyscrapers to highway signs.
Quietly, you relished the soothing silence in the car that was a refuge from the charged cacophony over dinner, reflecting on the steps that brought you to this moment. What a twist of fate, how the man who had detested you weeks ago was now a warm beacon that offered light in the merciless sea, providing you more comfort than you'd like to admit.
When you unconsciously turned in his direction, you tried to not stare too obviously at the metal on his ears, the piercings gleaming as they caught beams from bypassing streetlamps. You might have had a rough start with Choso Kamo, but you still found him ridiculously attractive with his oversized white sweater and black jeans, hiding his athletic physique underneath.
“Need me to pull up Google Maps?” you asked upon realizing your extended ogling.
“No,” he shot back. “I know this city like the back of my hand.”
And Choso sure seemed like he did.
He was focused solely on driving, his palms clasped around the steering wheel as his fingers drummed to the bass of ‘Sweater Weather.’
This close to him, you noticed how his hands were rough and calloused—almost definitive sign of working out. Right where he rolled up his sleeves, veins also weaved beneath his forearm tattoos, the inked vines something you never had the chance to examine extensively either.
This time, you weren’t too discreet given that he caught your gaze. “What?”
Oops. “Nothing.”
You turned away to look ahead, trying to calm your frenzied heart by observing some uninteresting cars on the expressway. A proper lady like you knew better than to gawk at someone for a prolonged time, yet you still got caught red-handed. How embarrassing.
Slumping further into your seat, you pouted as your weird way in mitigating the internal humiliation. “Just…keep your eyes on the road.”
While Choso did as he was told, he held back a low chuckle. “And you could keep your eyes on me.”
“But I wasn’t—!" A complete lie, but you still shouted with flailing arms, defenses hopeless.
Yet, what really disarmed you was Choso’s faint smirk.
One minute, you were frustrated and flustered; the next, you were simply stunned at the amused tilt in his lips, all because his smile was so rare. There was something enchanting about the cocky way Choso grinned as he stepped on the accelerator, the maniacal gleam in his eyes as he stared ahead, the bright colors of the Tokyo evening that glittered behind him.
“Jesus, take the fucking wheel,” you muttered like a starstruck teenager.
“What’s wrong?” he asked harmlessly because this man definitely heard you over the music. He threw you a quick glance even as the smile on his lips stayed. “I mean, you could keep staring if you want to, bimbo. I won’t judge.”
Mouth opened to back talk, your ambitions immediately got cut short as Choso moved a hand from the steering wheel to your inner thigh. While you hid your gasp at the unexpected contact, you only hoped that he did not notice the way you tensed under his searing touch.
But Choso noticed, alright.
“Hm, why are you so quiet all of a sudden?” Choso pressed again, his focus still on the lane as though he was not caressing you, massaging you, his thumb running in hypnotic circles centimeters away from the dull throb between your legs,
How he managed to maintain his composure in such a situation was a mystery given that you, unlike him, gripped hard at the side of your seat.
“Because…” you hissed after mustering all effort.
Then, you stopped.
How could you respond while completely distracted by the tightening in your stomach, practically holding your breath as his hand crept up higher? It was not helping that his fingers were so thick, that he had a small dagger printed by a knuckle, that his scent was reminiscent of burning maple leaves during a New England fall.
“‘Because…?’ Because what?” Choso asked, knocking your thoughts loose momentarily because he—on the other hand—did not miss your incomplete answer. His nails dug into your skin, nearly making you yelp at the incredible burn. “What’s the issue? I don’t remember you being this shy with the other therapists around.”
The steeliness that underlined his tone…
Was Choso still hung up about your frisky flings with Toji and Sukuna? Even though you should have never gotten sexually involved with them in the first place, you never would have thought that Choso would hold such a grudge.
In response, you cautiously observed his side profile. “Are…you jealous?”
He closed his eyes momentarily at the question, indescribable salaciousness etched on his lovely face, and he shuddered slightly. His eyes opened back as a sharpened glare, Adam’s apple bobbing as the result of a drawn-out swallow.
“Oh, baby,” he growled, and it was the backward tilt of his head that left your mind spinning, “you have no idea.”
Traveling beneath your dress, his hand roamed a little higher, then higher again, his pinky finger brushing at your panties’ seam such that if he decided to travel up any further, he might just feel how miserable and soaked you were.
Just hurt me, you begged silently, legs squeezing together subconsciously as you feel a delicious heat churning through your body, biting back a moan when Choso gripped hard at your thigh before smacking at the flesh.
“Harder,” you accidentally pleaded out loud, immediately clamping your hands over your mouth.
Unsurprisingly, your insanely handsome driver turned to you. When you met his gaze, you only wished that you hadn’t because Choso had a gaze that left you weak in the knees, the murky pool in his eyes enough to leave you whittled to a frantic and blubbering mess.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to—"
“Well, I'm curious what your husband would say,” he interjected, debauchery bleeding in his tone, “when I send you home my handprints on your ass cheeks?”
Wow, that really took you aback.
“‘When?’” you bleated. Not ‘if?’
“Yes, ‘when,’” he confirmed with a hoarse thrum. His overflowing confidence clouded your head with something heady, something intoxicating. As much as you think you should tell Choso to stop, words were lodged in your throat once he forced your legs apart with one firm pull, and while you found pleasure in the pain, it was his next suggestion that sent sweet vibrations straight down your spine: “Because I wonder what would happen once I spread you over the car hood and took you right there.”
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last chapter || next chapter
taglist: @dissociatingdiva @httpsplanetmarsdotcom @pulchritxde-blog @huangfairy @shadowarchon @203steph @agentdedf1sh @cloudybabes @hinativity @lynn-writes-things @illicitwriter @7oji @kikuchimi @piqer @nobody289x @chaoticjojofan​ @musicisme333 @vvestwoodrose @kumocchin @s-guru @mwahilovemylife @hey-gurls69 @cloudsinthecosmos @moon-mumu-moon @kazscara @obitohno @tsukiyohanayome @tokyometronetwork​ @downtown-roponggi​ @the-cosmos-network
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black-arcana · 4 months
EPICA's SIMONE SIMONS Releases Music Video For Second Solo Single 'In Love We Rust'
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EPICA singer Simone Simons has released the official music video for her second solo single, "In Love We Rust". The track is taken from her debut solo album, "Vermillion", which will be made available on August 23 via Nuclear Blast Records.
Simone, who has been a pioneering force within the world of metal for over two decades as part of EPICA, worked on "Vermillion" with her musical partner and longtime collaborator Arjen Lucassen (AYREON).
Arjen is no stranger to Simone's soaring operatic voice, one that can stir even a gargoyle's stone heart to tears. Together they have crafted a sonic universe that befits the influential figure she is. "Vermillion" emerges as a gargantuan goose-bump generator, a universally touching, stellar tour de force.
Simone and Arjen state about "In Love We Rust": "The video was filmed in just one take to keep it as pure and raw as possible. We opted to keep it in black and white so as not to distract from the song or the performance.
"'In Love We Rust' is quite different from our first single 'Aeterna', which shows how diverse this album is. This is one of our favorite songs. We hope you love this as much as we do."
For more than 20 years, ever since she was a teenager, Simons has been carving her own path as a woman within the world of metal. As a lead singer, icon, and role model for a whole generation of female metalheads, the EPICA lead singer remains one of the most prominent key figures in all things metal. After eight albums and countless global tours with her band, Simone Simons finally found the time to release her first solo album — a moment 15 years in the making. Her breathtaking debut "Vermillion" is a stunning feat chronicling her storied past as well as her rise to fame, and showcasing her many different influences ranging from prog rock to film scores to metal to electronic elements.
Of the timing for her eagerly awaited foray into the realms of a solo career, the Dutch singer says with a disarming grin: "EPICA has my priority and I always have the liberty to do other musical projects besides my career in EPICA. Yet I never had the time to dive into a project to this extent."
When "Aeterna" was first released a month ago, Simone and Arjen stated: "'Aeterna' is the big, epic opener of the album and it comes with this amazing video too, directed by Patric Ullaeus. It definitely sounds the closest to EPICA and AYREON, blending powerful Latin lyrics with a touch of an oriental feel. We've tried to strike a balance between the mighty, bombastic sounds and the more atmospheric parts. Since it's the first track people will hear from this album, it's super important to us and we're really excited for people to hear it!
"'Aeterna' takes the point of view of a star about to go supernova to explore how everything in the universe is interconnected, like a cosmic web made from stardust. It deals our deep emotions, consciousness and other mysteries of life that science still can't fully explain. Essentially it's a reflection on our place in the vast universe and the connections that bind us together, as we're all, to quote Carl Sagan, 'made of starstuff.'"
"Vermillion" track listing:
01. Aeterna 02. In Love We Rust 03. Cradle To The Grave (feat. Alissa White-Gluz) 04. Fight Or Flight 05. Weight Of My World 06. Vermillion Dreams 07. The Core 08. Dystopia 09. R.E.D. 10. Dark Night Of The Soul
This past March, Simone told Mexico's Summa Inferno that EPICA's follow-up to 2021's "Omega" album will likely be released in 2025.
"I love the songs so far that we've written," Simone said. "There's more [songs that have been written] than fit on the album. So it's gonna be cool. And we won't tour that much this year. So we are focusing on the EPICA album and the 'Symphonic Synergy' shows [where EPICA will play alongside an orchestra], which is a lot of work."
In November 2022, EPICA released "The Alchemy Project" through Atomic Fire Records. The EP was co-written and performed with diverse guests ranging from extremists like FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE, Niilo Sevänen (INSOMNIUM) and Björn "Speed" Strid (SOILWORK) along with melodic masters like Tommy Karevik (KAMELOT),keyboard legend Phil Lanzon (URIAH HEEP) and Roel Van Helden (POWERWOLF) to a once-in-a-lifetime song with Simons, Charlotte Wessels and Myrkur.
Just one day after the release of its anniversary reissues "We Still Take You With Us" and "Live At Paradiso", EPICA celebrated 20 years of existence live in September 2022 at 013 in Tilburg, Netherlands, the same place where they played their first show (supporting ANATHEMA) back in 2002.
EPICA was formed by guitarist/vocalist Mark Jansen after leaving AFTER FOREVER in 2002, and the band quickly gained attention outside their home country, taking big steps towards becoming the leading symphonic metal superpower they have long proven to be. After their ambitious debut "The Phantom Agony" (2002) and the surprisingly eclectic sophomore work "Consign To Oblivion" (2005),the road took them to new heights via their first concept masterpiece "The Divine Conspiracy" (2007) and their global breakthrough "Design Your Universe" (2009). 2012's opus "Requiem For The Indifferent", 2014's bedazzling "The Quantum Enigma" and "The Holographic Principle" (2016),cemented their reputation as not only one of the hardest-working metal bands in the business but also as one of the best. With "Omega", the final part of the metaphysical trilogy they began with "The Quantum Enigma", they reclaimed the throne without so much as the blink of an eye, amassing three million-plus streams during the first week of the album's release.
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seoul-bros · 5 months
Jikook Week 20 Complete ✔️(23/04 - 30/04/2024)
Their twentieth week in the military is now complete and time to celebrate this milestone with a look back at this week in 2022.
BTS returned to Seoul from Las Vegas the previous week (18/04/2022). On the same day, Jimin posted photos from their concerts including this jikook snap on Instagram.
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On the 21/04 we were treated to a little reminder of their time in LV with the release of their Butter stage from the 64th Grammy ceremony. This stage was rated as No. 14 in the Rolling Stone 30 Greatest Grammy Performances article published in February 2023.
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Now they were back home, group activities had finished for the time being and, although we didn't know it at the time, the members thoughts turned to their solo projects. Jimin started working with Pdogg, Ghostloop and Evan to lay down the tracks that would later become Face.
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But Face was not his first solo project to be released. On 24/04 With You the first ever track to be included on Jimin's Spotify listing was dropped with very little fanfare . It was a beautiful duet recorded with his close friend Ha Sung Woon and formed part of the OST of the tv series Our Blues. Billboard later included it in the list of 25 best k-pop songs of 2022. It was an auspicious start to his solo career.
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Finally this week BTS began promoting the release of their Sowoozoo package which was recorded during this on-line Muster streaming event held on 13-14/06/2021.
It was an event that had gifted us these jikook looks and moments.
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TwiX 1, TwiX 2
As well as some memorable performances including this amazing ensemble stage of J-Hope's solo song Chicken Noodle Soup.
Post Date: 30/04/2024
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