#2022 Ask game
5 :)
fuck OFF you know perfectly well that I only watched one TV show this year and it was Gotham 🤡
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amos-reviews · 2 years
Annual Tag Game for 2022.
tagged by @sunn-yim ♡
• three ships •
Takara / Amagi - Takara-Kun to Amagi-Kun. I loved the simplicity of the story of two boys in a first relationship, trying to learn to understand each other.
Cake / See-ew - My Only 12%. The ultimate friends to lovers story, where you got to watch their love evolve over the years.
Kinn/Porsche - Kinn Porsche. My first Thai BL that got me into the genre. I loved their dynamic as they fought their way to being together.
• first ships •
Probably dating myself with this, but my first ships came from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The queer ones I would have read back in the day were:
Buffy / Willow
Buffy / Faith
Spike / Angel
• last song •
Mr Brightside by The Killers. We were discussing a recent concert, and mum wasn't sure who they were.
• last movie •
Cherry Magic the Movie
• currently reading •
I'm currently re-reading MDXS (on book 1) while I wait for Book 4 to be delivered
• currently watching •
Sharing only those I am actively trying to watch as they are released:
Color Candy Paradox
I will knock you
The Director who buys me dinner
Between Us
The New Employee
My School President
Never Let Me Go
609 Bedtime Stories
• currently eating •
Pepperoni Pizza (I reached my limit on Holdiay leftovers :)
• craving •
Boysenberry icecream (it's bloody hot today)
I'm Supposed to repost and share with 9 others. I don't have many follpwers, so here are a few whom I have interacted with (don't feel obligated):
@discluded @thequeenofsastiel @gillianthecat @thewaywardgryffindor @bengiyo @ohmnific
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0nelittlebirdtoldme · 2 years
2022 Writerly Year Review
I was tagged for this by @frozen-fountain; I in turn tag the amazing @argyleheir, @bluecatwriter, @mikaharuka, @alpaca-clouds and @bleepbloopbotz.
Total number of completed works: 55, including the completion of Death's Sunrise (Was this really in 2022? It feels like it's been 84 years...)
Total number of WIPs worked on this year: Oof. Maybe like 5?
WIPs neglected this year: The same 5. Motivation to work on them honestly comes and goes in waves.
Fandoms I've written in: Anything Dracula-related, In the Heart of the Sea/Moby Dick, The Sandman, Interview with a Vampire.
Total word count: Published? Maybe like 120k? Chapters 42-67 of DS have been published in 2022, but I didn't note down the exact number, plus 26k and 10k for the Whumptober challenges. Written in total? Maybe 170-200k.
Looking back, did you write more than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you expected? More in terms of individual works (changing from just the one hella long fic (my first ever fic at all!) in 2021, to like 50 oneshots), rather than word count, but I am still happy with my results!
Did you take any writing risks this year? I always take writing risks lmao. The long fic was a risk - what if I am not good enough, what it it isn't well recieved, what if I don't pull through with it, what if the end doesn't pay off? But also the dark topics and whump I write at times. Speaking of whump; Trying for the Completionist title for Whumptober and Winter Whumperland was a risk, as well as trying to nail down 850 words every time.
Do you have any goals for the new year? Just the usual. Whatever I start posting (long fic, wip etc.), I finish. If I manage that, I'll be happy.
Biggest disappointment? Not getting through with the DS re-edit/re-write. Not even close.
Biggest surprise? The amazing feedback I got on my Whumptober series as well as the last few chapters of DS! Oh, and @argyleheir's surprise gift fic for my birthday and the loads of beautiful, stunning fanart I got from @mitsukatsu! (Thank you again, my dears, love you 🖤)
Most popular story of the year? Death's Sunrise will be properly my top 1 hit for another while. Apart from that, the Sandman oneshots did pretty well!
What's your own favorite story of the year? DS will always have a certain special place in my heart. But I am also currently really burning for the Dracula x Interview with the Vampire crossover The Gathered Night... which I started like 2 days before the end of the year, but still.
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: Honestly, I cannot really complain. I'd love to get more feedback on the Harkula Tumblr Prompts collection Touch as Soft as Ice, just to know if the promptees actually liked them. But apart from that, I have been usually pleasantly surprised by how much engagement I got (Sidenote; why are you guys reading my stuff?? It still seems surreal to me on some days)
Most fun story to write: Again, I loved writing DS, no matter its dark themes and am currently really having the time of my (un-)life with The Gathered Night.
Most unintentionally telling story: Not sure I get this question. But I swear, I am alright.
My favorite part of fandom this year: Everything going on with Dracula Daily this year! So many amazing (new) writers and stories emerging, fanart and essays being written, and I thank you all for it! What a year it's been!
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housecow · 4 days
I remember snow when I was 3 years old we had almost 3 feet in 1998 lol go on ;)
first time i saw snow was in 2011 at mount rainier national park 🥺 and the next time was when it snowed in TX back in 2021 loll!!
you’re so lucky though, i literally can’t even imagine 3 ft of snow??
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emurui arc ender (shocked face)
do you have everything about all of their parents? i for some reason can’t find anything about ichika’s mom, rui’s dad or emu’s mother (i may be blind, pretty sure emu’s mother was mentioned and ichika’s mom was aswell. i know she was mentioned in ichika’s introduction but i haven’t seen her in story yet)
The parents who don’t have physical appearances are generally less important and rarely show up or are mentioned (with a few exceptions) but we do learn some things about them from card stories and such. Here’s some stuff I can remember about the faceless/nameless parents
Ichika’s parents met because they liked the same song. It’s where her name comes from.
also her dad reads manga
We don’t know much about her mother. she's nice though.
Saki and Tsukasa’s mother is a piano teacher. Considering that she’s friends with Harumichi, she probably used to play professionally
We don’t know much about their father, but he has a tendency to spoil Saki (mentioned in Tenma Hinamatsuri)
Honami’s mother is a beautician (mentioned in an area conversation iirc) and her father is a hairstylist (mentioned in Petit SEKAI Episode 6)
Shiho and Shizuku’s mother is a koto instructor and their father used to be a guitarist in a band
We don’t know much about Minori’s parents but they show up in STEP by STEP!. They initially had concerns about her switching courses and being a full-time idol, but after seeing that Minori was prepared and determined to be an idol they let her go ahead
We don't know a huge amount about Haruka and Airi's parents either. Similar to Minori, we know they are nice parents and supportive of their idol careers and that's about it.
Haruka's mother is a nail artist. She was worried about Haruka when she was younger because she rarely smiled.
Kohane's dad is a photographer. He's also the one who bought Count Pearl.
According to Kohane, he has a penchant for coming up with weird names
An mentions in MEIKO's 1* card story that her mother, Yuka, is not a good cook.
I think it's stated somewhere that Yuka is a teacher but don't quote me on that
Akito and Ena's mother makes them eat their carrots because she thinks they should at least try to eat the things they don't like.
She's pretty laid-back and thinks her kids should be able to do whatever they want to do. She's meant to be the polar opposite of Mrs Asahina.
In Ena's fes card it's revealed that she kept some of the old art that Ena threw away in case she ever regretted it
Toya's mother used to bake him cookies a lot and that's why he likes them
She was also very overprotective of him when he was younger and basically wouldn't let him do any recreational games or activities in case he injured himself and couldn't play piano.
She taught Toya to play the violin. I'm assuming that she used to play professionally and that's how she met Harumichi.
We don't really know anything about Emu's mother iirc. She's mentioned occasionally but I don't remember her ever appearing off the top of my head. In Smile of Dreamer it's mentioned that she's abroad doing volunteer work in Cambodia.
Nene and Rui's mothers are good friends due to being neighbours. Nene even used to call Rui's mother "auntie" when they were younger. Her mother recorded a lot of her performances from when she was little.
Beyond that we don't really know anything. I don't remember Nene's dad ever appearing but he is mentioned.
Rui's mother is a biologist, as mentioned in Revival my dream. I have a theory that she mainly works in entomology (study of bugs), or maybe more specifically lepidopterology (study of moths and butterflies), because Rui talks a lot about a moth at one point and has books on butterflies in that event. He talks about some other bugs as well.
His dad is a robotics engineer, also mentioned in Revival my dream. He doesn't actually appear though.
Rui's mother had a very similar background to Rui. She was often called weird and eccentric because of her interest in biology and didn't have any friends until meeting Rui's father, who was really into robotics.
We don't know a huge amount about Mafuyu's father. He does push her to achieve as much as her mother does, but he seems to have limits.
We don't know a lot about Mizuki's parents either, but they are very supportive of them and were worried when they started skipping school
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☕ Do you do warmup sketches before drawing? (Bonus: do you have any to share?)
Yes! I always do warm-up sketches! Some of them stay sketches, some of them ended up with something kinda cool (´。• ᵕ •。`)
Here's one I did a few days ago! Warren Kole changed his Instagram pfp and with new hair and I was like-- "Graves woulda come back with that hair."
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Might draw more Post-Campaign! Graves in the future. Always fun to draw him (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ
ofc can't forget his cute dimples lol
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kritischetheologie · 4 months
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since I just got another ask about this... here's some c kritischetheologie lore.
almost exactly three years ago, in summer 2021, one of my irl friends told me I had to watch this show drive to survive because it had everything: hot rich boys with a death wish, psychological drama, etc. so I watched it, along with most of our friend group, which had been a watchgroup for the bachelor, and is now the "irl f1 groupchat" I sometimes mention. I was 27 at the time, and married.
almost exactly two years later, about a year ago, my now-ex husband and I agreed that we should file for divorce.
I hate every Personal Essay About Divorce except the one that's also a recipe for poached eggs, so I won't write one here. what I will say is that my experience getting involved in f1 fandom is inextricable from my path to divorce, for which I am unspeakably grateful. it likely would have happened anyway, in a world where I never found formula 1 or the fandom around it, but in this world, how it happened was that kritischetheologie became a version of myself who could be all the things I wasn't letting myself be anywhere else, an independent identity I liked a hell of a lot better than whoever it was I was pretending to be at home. writing fanfiction gave me a voice and an outlet to express desires and fears I had been afraid to admit even to myself. my mutuals became a community that I was a member of as a complete individual, rather than as half of a couple. and the other people going through similar experiences guided me, supported me, and put up with way too much of my shit, making what had always seemed impossible suddenly feel entirely possible.
(I make it sound like it was all great, but of course it wasn't, for me or for others. there's some people in this fandom I hurt during that time, in the ways that people who are desperately in pain often can hurt other people, and I'm so sorry to them.)
so anyway, that's the pipeline: dts to divorced.
and in case you're wondering, the friend who first suggested I watch dts is still an f1 fan, and a daniel girlie to boot, which is why I sometimes joke that "I'm daniel ricciardo and I'm a car mechanic" is the sentence ever spoken that has had the single greatest impact on my life.
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rosicheeks · 1 year
hmmmm… 7/25/22? 👀
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ficwip · 2 years
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2022 in review
What’s something new that you tried in a fic this year? How did it turn out? Would you do it again?
What’s something you learned about yourself as a writer?
What piece of media inspired you the most?
What fandom(s) did you write for this year?
What ship(s) captured your heart?
Did you write for a new fandom or ship this year?
What fic meant the most to you to write?
What fic made you feel the happiest to work on?
What fic was the most satisfying to finish writing?
What fic was the most difficult to write? Did you finish it?
What fic was the easiest to write?
What were you go-to writing songs?
What were your go-to writing snacks?
What was the hardest fic to title?
Share your favorite opening line
Share your favorite ending line
Share your favorite piece of dialogue
Share an excerpt from your favorite scene
What's something that surprised you while you were working on a fic? Did it change the story?
What did you use to write? (programs, paper & pen, etc.)
If you had to choose one, what was THE most satisfying writing moment of your year?
Did you do anything special to celebrate finishing a fic?
How did you recharge between fics?
If this were an awards show, who would you thank?
What’s something you want to write in 2023?
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torukmaktoskxawng · 7 months
Talk to me about Avatar
Idc if it's about the lore, the science, or even my fics. Anything and everything! Let's keep this fandom alive for 2025!
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 years
During the chess scene when claudia won. Why do you think made lestat so angry. Is it cuz claudia was smarter than he thought. Or was it cuz he was scared cuz she played him and he didn’t see it coming. Or maybe he is afraid of her winning and him losing louis?
Ohhhh ok, so... there are layers to this one once more.
And my personal theory re the "broadcasting" plays into that. Imho, obviously.
Now. Sam has said that by then he could hear what they said to each other - however, Claudia and Louis make a very important distinction during that chess game: Louis "says": "I don't like what you're feeling right now." There is a distinction between sending out thoughts, and another receiving them - and not doing that, and another reading your thoughts and feelings. That is directly from the books, too, from Memnoch. So lets get back to the chess game with this in mind.
Lestat and Claudia start the game, she uses the Immortal strategy, which ultimately defeats him. (Have I said how much I adore that they went and learned those matches?!)
Lestat and Claudia snipe at each other, while both think something else. The actual words are not that important here though. Claudia's thoughts we can hear.
Lestat we can only observe.
So let's observe. Claudia says to Louis (broadcasting): "I've been having a thought the last few days."
Louis: "Yeah? What's that?"
Claudia: "I think he killed Magnus."
And... Lestat looks up, with this look (actual slow blink up):
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There is nothing else for him to react to, but he quite clearly does.
I found the extra shot of his hands when the game continues quite interesting. He literally keeps them under the table, on his knees. In a way bracing himself. Extra shots are important and they always mean something. Imho they literally used those to show us his hands.
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This is Lestat looking up at her when she says: "If you're going to beat Lestat, you have to become Lestat."
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Again, there's not much for him to react to prior, but he does, if you rewatch. He's assessing.
And then his expression here, when she repeats that she is going to kill him - and Louis says that he will destroy her if she'll try. That's vague pride at Louis and some amusement.
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And then right after, when she says: "I can kill him."
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The amusement is gone, there is a vague worry, and possibly some abject pain. He wonders if she really can. This is prior to Claudia making her next move(!). The shift in expression is there, but it did not come from the game.
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And then, when the game goes on, and he is worried now, and she says: "And want to tell you something else Louis."
He looks up, again, after that comment:
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That's attention. To her. Not the game.
And this is his expression when she says: "The secret is, you want to kill him, too. And you will enjoy doing it."
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And Lestat is taken aback, by that.
And.... Louis... does not respond.
That must have been quite the sinking feeling, the abject rush of adrenaline. Louis does not object to her wanting to kill him(!)
And this is Lestat's comment, after that: "You've won." And he does not only mean the chess game.
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And Claudia's response is: "I'm tired."
Now, I don't know about you, but what kind of response is that to the previous statement? Except of course she knew that they were doing a layered game here, that it was all about more than the game itself.
Her saying "I'm tired." signals she is "done" with their game. With their life. With the shit game they've been playing the last few years.
His "Well, finish the game." after is as much prompt to do so literally, as it is a prompt for her to try.
Now. Here.
Because he knows she is planning to kill him now. And that she has pulled Louis in on it, at least enough.
His literal best chances are for her to try, now.
Him flipping his shit after is as much canon temper outburst as it is serious worry, which we know will then slip into paranoia after(!). He's also furious she would dare to rise up against him. He's furious that Louis just acquiesces. He is furious that he is in this position. He is furious she won. He is seriously worried she's won.
And we know that Claudia will stop talking to Louis like that, after, too. That she knows he can hear them if they do that. Which is why she stops doing it (for the most part, with a few very noticeable and planned exceptions, imho).
This is Lestat's face after he throws off the chess board and looks over to Louis, who ignores him (and his outburst).
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That's worry.
Not anger. Worry.
He knows. And he goes full blown paranoid after that. And tries to beat her at the game.
And loses.
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21 and 22 for the end of year asks?
What’s something new about your place of residence (room, home, or general location) now vs the start of the year?
we've got a new housemate, who's my best friend, who brought along her cat, who's now dating my cat!
Favorite place you visited this year?
bro Shedd Aquarium... take me Back I crave the creatures of the sea...
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sambambucky · 3 months
extremely curious about “Marie Laveau and her family of terrible witches”
hehehe soo this is something from a halloween bingo a couple years ago, but the prompt has long escaped me.
bucky's a loner with a vague crush on sam, who is always taking random guys to his room (across the hall from bucky naturally), never to be seen or heard from again. after hearing more concerning noises than ususal one night (Halloween??) bucky finds blood and broken glass all over sam's dorm room and follows him up to some fucking castle where sam's family is having some kinda goddam coven meeting .. here's a snippet!
“You didn’t know where I was? You came looking for me?” Sam asks in a rush, impatient, but something else too. “You were worried, that’s it?” “I guess,” Bucky shakes his head. “Yeah, I mean – yeah. I thought you might be hurt. There’s blood –” “Put the ring on,” Sam says, reaching up to turn the light out again. “Make it fit.” Bucky slides over his thumb, and Sam helps him into the robe. “Where are we, actually?” “Stay behind me and don’t say anything. No matter what, okay?” Bucky laughs. “What kind of fucked up costume party –?” He tries to step out of the closet and back into the drafty hallway, but Sam presses in close, shuts the door again. “Bucky,” Sam says, pleading. A few hours ago, Bucky didn’t think Sam even knew his name, and now he’s saying it like that, burning him up from the inside. They’ve barely been within six feet of each other in the last few months, and now their mouths are inches away. Obviously Bucky’s going to do whatever he asks.
idk ! there's blood magic and dance rituals and a sibling power struggle and if i ever figure out how to make the bucky pov interesting while sam is the one doing all the fun stuff it'll be over for you hos!!!
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Plum is The Forgotten Queen in her human disguise, which she uses to lure sailors to her cave.
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yaboi-weenis · 3 months
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⚡️ SPARK illustrated- Shapes and Colors (pt 3/6)
Making patterns work for you!
Featuring Beö by my lovely co-conspirator @mr-tree-snek 💚
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drivinmeinsane · 4 months
touching 53 with k/six? 👀
You're killing me, Sascha. Absolutely killing me. Thank you for giving me the excuse to write about these two!
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※ Prompt: Touching // 53. holding the other’s jaw // K x Six ※ Word count: 396 ※ Author's Note: Shamelessly thinking of my replicant Six AU...
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“You can look at me.” The words are said with a tenderness that feels akin to pressing on a bruise. It’s not a demand. It never is. Not with Six.
Unwilling to look up just yet, K keeps his eyes on the tile at his feet. On his lap, his thumbs worry at each other like fighting dogs. The replicant’s throat catches when he swallows.
There’s the scuffle of boots on the floor. Feet clad in brown synthetic leather step into his vision and then knees come into his line of sight as the other officer takes a seat on the low table in front of the couch.
“What happened today—?” KS6-2.8 asks.
K doesn’t miss the way that Six bites off the end of his sentence. It’s been happening more lately, the inhale to push out more words that never come. Both replicants know that the blanks would be filled with something too grounded in attachment to deny. K aches for him to just say it, but knows he can’t. They’re already flirting with the ending to their story without endearments being shared like confessions.
His eyes run up the lines of the other replicant’s shins to his knees. One of Six’s hands—the one with the sun perpetually hanging in the act of setting or rising—lays lax on his own thigh. The other, K notes, reaches out to him. The movement is slow, clearly telegraphing the owner’s intent. KD6-7.9 could move away from it if he wished. The officer sits still and waits. K was taught patience a long time ago.
The first contact between them is of Six’s fingertips on the underside of his jaw. They’re warm as they settle against the thin skin. The other replicant’s hand is as familiar to K as his own. It’s as though the connection eases the burden weighing down K’s body. He relaxes into the touch.
This hand has never hurt him.
Carefully, the Six’s thumb brushes over K’s chin, nail just skimming the underside of his bottom lip. The hold on his jaw isn’t firm. It could broken.
He trusts Six. That fact will be what kills him.
K meets the other replicant’s easy stare. “It was a day,” he says quietly.
Six’s eyes soften, crinkling at the corners in the way that makes his face look older, lived in. “It looks like.”
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