#2022 cg jobs
24cgnews · 2 years
छत्तीसगढ़- सरकारी नौकरी: वित्त विभाग ने 3333 से ज्यादा पदों पर भर्ती के लिए दी मंजूरी…
छत्तीसगढ़- सरकारी नौकरी: वित्त विभाग ने 3333 से ज्यादा पदों पर भर्ती के लिए दी मंजूरी…
रायपुर। छत्तीसगढ़ में जल्द ही बंपर भर्ती होने वाली है। छत्तीसगढ़ सरकार के वित्त विभाग ने महिला एवं बाल विकास विभाग में 3333 पदों पर भर्ती के लिए मंजूरी दे दी है। इसकी जानकारी आज महिला एवं बाल विकास विभाग की मंत्री अनिला भेड़िया ने दी है। विधायक डमरूधर पुजारी ने मंत्री अनिला भेड़िया से प्रदेश में आंगनबाड़ी कार्यकर्ताओं व सहायिकाओं के रिक्त पदों सम्बंधित प्रश्न पूछा था। साथ ही एक साल से रिक्त पदों…
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krazyshoppy · 2 years
वेटरनरी असिस्टेंट सर्जन के पदों पर डॉक्यूमेंट वेरिफिकेशन और इंटरव्यू की तारीख घोषित
वेटरनरी असिस्टेंट सर्जन के पदों पर डॉक्यूमेंट वेरिफिकेशन और इंटरव्यू की तारीख घोषित
CGPSC Interview Date 2022: छत्तीसगढ़ लोक सेवा आयोग ने वेटरनरी असिस्टेंट सर्जन के पदों पर वैकेंसी निकाली थी. इन पदों पर दस्तावेज सत्यापन और इंटरव्यू की तिथि घोषित कर दी है. इन पदों पर दस्तावेज सत्यापन 11 जुलाई 2022 से 14 जुलाई 2022 तक आयोजित किया जाएगा. जिन अभ्यर्थियों ने इन पदों के लिए आवेदन किया हैं वे CGPSC की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट psc.cg.gov.in पर जारी इंटरव्यू कार्यक्रम को चेक कर सकते…
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So! The demo is finally out! Or, a bit of it is. What’s next?
Let’s run over a few questions, so hopefully everyone is in the loop!
Q: Why is it only a little bit after so long?
A: Development has been all over the place and a big reason is just how difficult it can be to mediate between artists, programmers, writers, etc.. Mental and physical health, personal emergencies, etc.. are also a big part of this— and it wasn’t anticipated that this would eat up so much time.
The original game was planned to have Sauce (presently speaking!) handling a large majority of tasks all at once. So— when health stalled, production stalled.
Of course, healing took a bit of time to. And even now, that’s why so much of the demo is left unfinished. Overall— it wasn’t possible to complete the demo in the same amount of time the original demo was completed because realistically speaking— that was extremely unhealthy and rushed.
Because of that tight deadline, 48 hours to a week, many significant errors or retconned elements made their way into the game. A huge toll was taken that resulted in extreme burnout after. Quality (as can be seen in the CGs) suffered. An emphasis on quality is currently being prioritized, but I can safely say that I am no longer able to work at my original 2021-2022 pace.
Q: Why are you (Sauce) working alone?
A: At this point in time— we had spent a while working on the GUI and design/function of the game. It is, after all, set to have some pretty hefty features.
Translation and dub settings
Censorship and Softcore modes
A VERY LARGE story map with several endings
An additional “one-shot” story mode wherein every ending you unlock, you then unlock additional content
That takes a lot more planning than we’d anticipated.
How do we make this efficiently run on most systems?
Are we able to make sure that the size of this game is compatible with older devices?
Are the assets optimized? ( A lot of time has gone into re-drawing and working out sprite systems )
What settings are accessibility necessary for impaired players? How do we implement those options?
How do we design a stylish and efficient system?
That was something we had figured originally would be pretty easy to work out! But multiple people here are wearing multiple hats.
The rest of the team is actively working on those portions. But at the moment— we’ve decided to shelve literal art development and scripting (which was where we were hovering for a while) until we got the programming bits truly sorted out.
That leaves little old me! While they worked on this, I’ve been spending time making sure we could serve you a sample of what’s to come. My job is doling out a taste of the narrative, style, etc.. That way, once they’re finished, we can consider any feedback in the implementation of these portions of the game in the final, official build.
Hopefully that makes sense! TL;DR - Everyone’s busy making the important program my bits and designing the menus. So I’ve stepped away to work on this so you all have something to see in the meantime!
A: The old demo— you’d think it would be easy to patch up. But it’s literally the very first build, sized up and fixed and stitched over. Unfortunately it was an unoptimized mess, even for what it was.
Hopefully a cleaner, more organized build will allow for better gameplay. But the key factor is just a desire for better quality!
Q: How often will you be uploading new additions?
A: Until all the bugs are fixed and the whole demo is rebuilt. This should be every week or so until then. Once it’s all done, the demo will see a re-release publicly!
In the meantime, please keep in mind bugs may be aplenty— and I personally apologize for this. Demos released are intended to show proof of work— but they may not be the best, most fun experience for narrative-seeking players. It’s advised immersion-prioritizing players wait until the build is fully finished and christened on our steam page!
Q: Will there be Mac support?
A: I will absolutely try!
Hopefully that helps give a bit more insight. Unfortunately it’s difficult to articulate everything that’s going on, but we’ll do our best! We’d like to have someone more verbally gifted helping us to write these posts, but until we decide how to go about that, you’re stuck with me.
We’ll do the best we can to answer any questions as clearly as possible. And again— we thank you all for your patience.
Making SDJ was clearly a messier experience than we had considered. It’s been a rollercoaster— and as Sauce speaking, I can actually attribute most of the delays to my own personal health and absence.
That— I am sorry for.
The rest of the team is working very hard to put something together that’s quality. I can promise with my whole heart that they’re doing their best. We’re all just people passionate about this project, and no matter the weather I don’t think it’s ever not on our minds.
I look forwards to putting out a large Kickstarter update soon, detailing our work and more! And I’m excited to open the airways for more and more communication.
But for now— we’ll see you next bug-fixing update.
- Sauce
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satoshi-mochida · 4 months
B-PROJECT RYUSEI*FANTASIA coming west for Switch, PC
From Gematsu
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PQube will release MAGES.-developed boy idols visual novel B-PROJECT RYUSEI*FANTASIA for Switch and PC via Steam in the west, the publisher announced. A release date was not announced.
B-PROJECT RYUSEI*FANTASIA first launched for Switch on September 30, 2021 in Japan, followed by iOS and Android on February 10, 2022.
Here is an overview of the game, via PQube:
Become the representative of the famous B-Project in this unforgettable idol visual novel. Support a group of 14 idols from their humble beginnings through to stardom. Befriend them, influence their music and help them through their turbulent lives as they follow their dreams.
Sparkling Visual Novel – Full of brightness and color, B-PROJECT RYUSEI*FANTASIA is a visual novel which follows the lives and careers of the idol group “B-Project.”
Become an Idol A&R – Support these idols towards their dreams in the role of an A&R (Artist & Repertoire) where you are their representative and the expert in their artistic development.
14 Different Idols to Represent – Each with different personalities, likes, and dislikes, but all with the same dream, pick your bias or stan them all.
Original Music – Enjoy exclusive B-Project music, with all the original songs by the very idol boys you represent.
Interactive Mechanics – Your phone is your gateway to nurturing your relationship with the idols, don’t miss your chance to respond to messages and calls!
Voiced and Animated – Voiced by famous seiyuu, let the idols beautiful voices take you away and watch their lively animated reactions.
Endless Magic – With two different possible endings, 14 character epilogues to explore, and many CGs to unlock, the replayability is high.
Sparkling Visual Novel
Put your headphones on and get swept away with this colorful visual novel experience. Do you love boybands, JPop? Have you ever dreamed of being the driving force behind a successful idol group? Well now you can experience it in visual novel form!
Become an Idol A&R
Step into the hardworking role of A&R (Artist & Repertoire) to the talented idol group, B-Project. Take 14 young members under your wing, each with different personalities and struggles. It’s your job to support them, help them grow, and allow them to flourish! Discover the beginnings of the different idol groups—KITAKORE, MooNs, THRIVE, and KiLLER KiNG. Learn about their trainee days and the struggles they faced on the path to success. Follow the story as they join together to become one group, B-Project, and stand on Japan’s brightest stage.
Interactive Mechanics
Your phone is your gateway to nurturing your relationship with the idols. Be sure to keep an eye on it—as responding to messages and answering calls will allow you to better understand the idols under your wing.
Watch the announcement trailer below. View the first English screenshots at the gallery.
Announce Trailer
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grumpybabybat · 8 months
The Batman/Bruce Wayne (2022) regressor headcanons/sorta scenarios with CG!Alfred cause, yeah.
(Also these are MY personal thoughts and honestly probably projecting, so if you don’t agree with them or think otherwise, thats fine)
The biggest brat, oh my god, Alfred would be so stressed over him, constant “Bruce, please do not put that in your mouth” | “Bruce no, don’t play with the Batarang it’s sharp!”
Fussiest baby ever, never wanting to eat anything, refusing bedtime, try and get him in the bath? expect attempted punches. If he decides to let himself play with toys, my gosh he’ll never wanna put them down.
I don’t know how I personally feel about time outs, but I think bruce would definitely need somewhere to calm down when he gets too upset or overwhelmed.
The rare moments of him being a little teeny without fussing, and Alfred just rocking him and humming lullabies.
Needing Alfred to help him with things but refusing to let him help.
Alfred having noise cancelling headphones, stim toys, and a pacifier on him at all times.
Attached to a very specific blanket and stuffed animal, carrying it around with him all the time, Alfred made the mistake of washing them while Bruce was awake, he had the biggest meltdown, Alfred never did it again.
Alfred is so gentle with Bruce, not matter how upset, fussy, angry, aggressive Bruce is, Alfred is just patient.
Reluctantly being Alfred’s little helper, saying he hates it (he secretly loves it and loves when Alfred tells him he did a good job on folding laundry or watering the plants).
They have plants, a bunch of plants, it started with one but now theres just so many plants.
I think his age ranges would maybe be about 0-7?
Since Bruce hates everyone and everything (/j?) Alfred has a playset set up in the backyard so Bruce can get some outdoor playtime.
I think Alfred has always had a feeling that Bruce regresses, especially after those long nights of patrol and he comes back all fussy and tired and Alfred has to bathe him, i think that Alfred actually did research on regression and then slowly introduced Bruce into it, since Bruce didn’t know what was happening, all he knew is that he felt small and hated it.
Alfred hangs up every. single. drawing on the fridge, every single one, Bruce scribbles all over the page with crayons, Alfred is praising him and sticking it up on the fridge.
Probably a huge crybaby but hates crying in front of people (Alfred is the only exception) all the ouchies and boo-boos have him in tears, with Alfred giving him kisses and little bandaids with bats on them.
Definitely whines, like all the time, over everything.
Hates to go shopping but Alfred doesn’t trust him being home alone, having to hold Alfred’s hand to cross the street and even while in the store, Alfred took his eyes off of Bruce one time for a second, and Bruce was halfway across the store and swarmed by people. (Bruce now wears a face mask and a little hoodie when they go out to hide his face)
Will put anything and everything in his mouth, Alfred has grabbed chewed up TV remotes from him before.
Follows Alfred around everywhere, Alfred pointed it out once and Bruce got so flustered and upset, saying he doesn’t, but he absolutely does. He loves being close to Alfred, feeling safe around him.
Probably chews his fingers and nails when upset, or scratches himself, Alfred tried to put lotion on him and mittens so he’d stop, but he refused it completely.
Nightmares, all the time. Alfred has woken up to screaming, crying, and a scared baby Bruce crawling into his bed. Long nights of rocking and bottles, with Disney movies (Bruce “hates” Disney but will willingly sit down and watch Frozen).
Chasing, Alfred has had to chase Bruce down so many times when he’s grabbed something that he absolutely should not have, or running from something like bathtime, Alfred has considered wearing tennis shoes from how much he has to chase after Bruce.
So fussy over naps but absolutely needs to take naps or he throws more tantrums than average.
Loves to play with and make things with Playdoh, tries to eat the Playdoh.
Calls Alfred ‘Papa, Dada, Baba, Alfred, Meanie, Alfred the Butt-ler/ref’
(Stopping here because I’ve written down way too much)
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adiabolikpastel · 6 months
Hello Everyone
I cannot believe we are here again all ready - honestly it feels like just yesterday I made the 2022 New Year post. Once more this year has been a ride, and while not much action has happened on the blog - Tumblr has been a buzz with new OCs appearing! I love seeing all the content of others and getting to know their stories.
This post will be a reflection of what's been going on here on the blog - fair warning there is not much, but I think it's good to look back at what's been done. That way we can look forward to what's to come!
As always, everything will be under the cut. Thank you all for a great year, and I look forward to seeing more from you, and giving you more of the story in the new year!
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January '23
8 post
Despite all odds, we started off really productive! This month began the Loren Family Character Inspiration Series; I'll link the other post as we come across them through the year. Honestly I loved being able to do this for Callista's Story, it helped me in working out the other members of her family, and how they would all relate to her and one another.
This month we also started Yuuki's official story posting, with the Prologue of her route. I love how it came together, and I cannot wait to finish getting all the CGs done for the rest of the story. If you want more info on the process or the progression let me know!
I also published a musing for the Wolf Kingdom for the [Excruciating Duplicity] involving the Full Moon. This was so fun to do! I think that the ED universe is where I'll really explore other Kingdoms - and this was a really fun way to do it.
February '23
4 post
No original content this month, all re-blogs. Big shout out to @madamesungalaxa for all their art!
March '23
12 post
@summercreolefanfictioner graced us with the ideas of a modern AU college Kanato this month. Which I loved reading and musing over, thank you for much for that! The triplets got a special birthday merch drop along with a Classic Bitter Sweets drop. Marking the first drop of the year!
Finished Yuuki's Prologue for her story, again, very happy with this. Cannot wait to continue, I have a lot of the actual parts mapped out, just waiting to get art done for the CGs. We got an ask about the existence of mytho/supernatural creatures in the universes. There was also a great ask about Callista's family dynamics and the role Yui could possibly play in the [Excruciating Duplicity] Universe.
April '23
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We had a few art re-blogs, and focused this month mostly on the illusive twin OCs that are in the works. An anon asked about their role in the universe, and how they fit in. I loved answering this, because it opened my eyes to how - self gratifying the twins were, and that I wanted to fix that. Each OC I make, I want them to be in the story, I want them to matter - not just be there for me to look at (Rose is like that, but she does have a place in the story I swear).
We also had the big life / blog update post. This is where I got to share my personal updates as well as the blogs - things are not too different now as they were then. Hopefully once all this school non-sense is finished and I only have a job to worry about I can get things done.
May '23
15 post
Shout out to @coldmoontea for their beautiful gender swaps of the boys and moms - they were all so beautiful and stylized. We got out second line drop for the Bloody 13 Knights. And the rest of our post were actually blog driven - yay us!
Should have spaced it out more, but we did finish the Lorene Family Character Inspiration post - pts. 2 | 3 | 4 . Again, I cannot express how much I loved doing these. It was such a great way to explore characters and think about how I wanted to them be - while giving you all a familiar way to associate them. If you ever want to see more for other OCs just let me know!
We got a lot of ask this month - and I cannot thank everyone enough for that. First, we got the big merge of the Carnelian Blood & the Excruciating Duplicity Timelines, and a follow-up ask about it, and then another after that!. Really love the ideas presented in these. Especially how through this fight would bring about the end of the old regime of Kings, giving way for the next generation.
The next was a very sweet ask, that took me way too long to answer - but I loved it. This anon asked about outfits and preparations for a ball for all the OCs. It is fun to explore and look at how all of them dress and experience the same event differently.
June '23
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Yuuki's birthday month! What better way to celebrate than a story dump of the darkest point in her story, yay! Joking aside, we looked at the Lost Kanuki Kid this month, and I finally got to give you all the details about them - and what that did to Yuuki.
Outside of that we did some fan art re-blogs, and were GRACED with the Dark Night Priest line drop. Good lords, wat that a good one.
July '23
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All re-blogs, except for a shout out to all of you! We got a little boom in followers, and it warmed my heart to see so many new faces.
August '23
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We were blessed again with another line drop of Night Pool Party - honestly I swear Rejet loves to keep us fed. The rest of the month was cute re-blogs for art. We did get one special ask about Callista and Reiji - how each celebrate the others birthday! It was actually from this ask that I ended up making the changes I did to her story.
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Another. Line. Drop. Darkness Familia. No words Rejet! You are spoiling us at this point. I also got to meet the adorable @hoshikoyuuki ~ So happy to have more OCs around, what's more another Yuuki!
October '23
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Rejet. Another one. Really!?!?! Charm Flavor came out and I just - the growth in the boys is so crazy. They look so mature in this line.
November '23
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Bloody. Bad. Longing. that's all I gotta say.
In blog news, we made the big announcement about Callista's story. I was really late for a Halloween Ask - it was so nice to write about their activities. It's so fun to see the characters change each year! There was a really fun ask concerning Yuki and Yui, which I loved writing about - my little stalker boy.
The biggest ask we got was one about the Academy in Tormented Reverie Another Daydream. Every time you guys ask about it I get so excited, because it's such a huge project to do. There are a lot of aspects that go into writing in general, but making an entire long standing Academy - it's a lot to think about. You guys help me make the school real, and I love to work on it with you!
December ' 23
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Secret Display & Bloody Banquet Rejet really said - these last half of the year we are feeding everyone each month.
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And with that, we bring 2023 to a close.
It's been a rather up and down year, but it's nice to see all that did get accomplished! While we didn't do all I wanted, we didn't do nothing - so that we can be proud of.
I want to give everyone a huge thank you again for sticking with me all year, and from years before and each year to come. You all are amazing, and I honored to be apart of the DL tumblr community - even if I am less active.
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husbandogoddess · 2 years
Nat(urally) Me
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What is Nat(urally) Me?
Made in two months for Trans Representation Jam 2022, Nat(urally) Me is a short and fun story about self-discovery and finding friends who will accept you for who you are.
"Recovering from their latest adventure, a group of misfit heroes decides to hang out at a tavern to celebrate a job well done. That is until they hear that there's a mission available in the Adventurer's Guild where if they complete the mission, they'll be able to get 10,000 gold. The catch? They have to slay a deadly dragon! Despite two of the wiser members of the group thinking they should skip the mission, the rest of the group—fueled by money and bloodshed—vote to go on the adventure. Democracy!
While at the Adventurer's Guild, the group meets a timid warlock dwarf who goes by the name of Borald who has something to prove. Together, they all go on an adventure that they won't soon forget."
You can download the game for free on itch!
Accessibility features:
Atkinson Hyperlegible font
Open Dyslexic font
Self-voicing (Press V to enable)
20k words (Roughly 2 hours of playtime)
Characters of different sexualities and gender identities!
Two endings to the adventure!
6 CGs to unlock!
Content Warnings
Nat(urally) Me contains cursing, gender dysphoria, references to blood (in text only), violence, and implied transphobia. Please be advised while playing.
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myucornerorg · 2 months
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So the other day I read the first volume of a manga called Magilumiere: Magical Girls Inc., which is set in a world where, kinda like MHA with superheroes, magical girls are a common sight, and being a magical girl is treated like a normal job. Basically, they function as exterminators for these monsters called kaii, and there are multiple companies, of all sizes, that employ magical girls for this purpose.
Anyway, the manga was really cool, but we all know that magical girl transformations (especially techno-magic ones like in this series) look best animated. So naturally, I looked it up to see if there was an anime adaptation. And there is - just not yet. This manga only came out in 2022 in Japan (and it's running in Shonen Jump+, no less), under the title Magilumiere Co. Ltd (Kabushiki Gaisha Majirumie in Japanese) and it only started being released in English by Viz in March of this year. And while an anime version is planned, it's not due out till Q4 of 2024. So I have to wait.
The cast and staff seem pretty good, though. The anime is being made by J.C. Staff (the studio behind many well-known animes, like Azumanga Daioh, the A Certain Magical Index franchise, Saiki K, Food Wars, Revolutionary Girl Utena, and Shakugan no Shana), alongside Studio Moe, which seems to be a pretty new studio with not that many credits. The composer, Makoto Miyazaki, also did the music for One Punch Man and Spy x Family. The script writer Shingo Nagai has also written for Symphogear (so he's no stranger to mahou shoujo). The director, Masahiro Hiraoka, doesn't seem to have much directorial experience (most of his credits on ANN are for artist work, most of which seem to be tied to Studio Moe, which as I mentioned, doesn't have very many credits), but I can overlook that. (Interestingly, a lot of his artist work has been in CG art, including CG for both HeartCatch and Suite PreCure, which makes me think the transformations and maybe attacks will involve CG, though I guess that's expected nowadays).
The cast is interesting too. The two main girls, Kana and Hiromi, are being voiced by Fairouz Ai and Yumiri Hanamori respectively. They previously appeared together in Tropical Rouge PreCure as Cures Summer and Coral respectively (and just last year reprised those roles in the movie PreCure All Stars F), although interestingly here Coral's actress is playing the energetic Hiromi, while Summer's actress is playing the much more reserved and intelligent Kana, which if you know Tropical Rouge is a complete opposite of their Cure characters. But then they have range - Fairouz is also the voice of Jolyne from JoJo and Alisa in Pokémon Concierge, while Yumiri has also played Hayasaka from Kaguya-sama (a character with a varied personality, apparently). So I'm not worried.
The two characters above are the resident programmer at and the boss of the titular Magilumiere. (Yes, the boss is a middle-aged male cosplayer. He's just weird like that). The programmer's name is Kazuo Nikoyama, and rather hilariously given his design, he's going to be voiced by Daiki Yamashita, the same actor who voices Izuku in MHA (I guess the resemblance to Izuku may not have been a coincidence 😂). As for the boss, his name is Kouji Shigemoto, and his planned actor is Rikiya Koyama (Kogorō Mori/Richard Moore in Detective Conan/Case Closed, Jōichiro in Food Wars, and Emiya in the Fate franchise).
Rounding out the currently known cast is nice-guy office worker Midorikawa, who is going to be voiced by Ryota Ohsaka (Keiji in Haikyuu, Sadao/Satan in The Devil is a Part-Timer, and the Japanese voice of Cat Noir).
Anyway, sounds like an interesting series! Unfortunately, Volume 2 of the manga doesn't come out in English until June, so I'll have to wait for that too.
[Picture source]
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animehouse-moe · 7 months
Magilumiere Co. Ltd. Anime PV
Another day, another anime trailer. This one though... well, it's certainly not Dandadan, I'll say that. It might still be worth watching if you enjoy the manga or are curious about the series in general, but I certainly wouldn't hold my breath over it being all that great, and for more than a few reasons.
First of all, this is a coop project. Neither studio has been too hot in recent memory. The bigger name is J.C. Staff, and they don't exactly inspire much confidence in delivering a consistent performance. On the other side, and being touted as the "lead" studio is Moe. Never heard of them? Well, can't blame you, this is their first ever anime. They came to be in 2017, and since then have worked on a grand total of, checks notes, 30 series. Rather surprising and impressive.... until you realize that it's almost exclusively CGI and photography. The studio has effectively no real experience with 2D animation, the only credit being a single episode's worth of in-between animation on the Girl From The Other Side OVA.
So yeah, pretty rough hands the series in, and you could immediately feel that from the key visual for the series.
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I'll start with the character designs. They're not great, as expected from a first time character designer. They do a good job of copying the outline, but completely neglect the actual details and styles. Eyes are overall much larger, faces are sharper rather than the more round style of the manga, mouths are much larger, and so on and so forth. Even simple details like Hitomi's (the yellow haired girl) skirt. In the manga, the two tone design has different heights to add depth, but that doesn't exist in the anime.
And really, you see a similar story with the color design/composition. It's washed out and plain flat. It's incredibly bright compared to the manga, which does no favors to the art. I totally understand that you can't add near the same wrinkles and folds in the clothes, but Aoki's shading doesn't rely on lines to create texture and feel, and having that aspect of shading missing from the anime really adds to its struggles.
Anyways, continuing in this downward spiral, this is from a first time director. And no, they don't have a lick of experience with direction in any capacity. The most they've done is CG direction with Moe on the projects that they've supported. It just doesn't really bode well overall, and you can feel that a lot in how little of an impact the trailer leaves on you.
If there was one thing to say was good though, I would most likely say it was the environment art and animation. But even then that's only a 'sometimes' thing, as you get nice environment art like the top image, and then just straight up bad scenes like the bottom.
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If you're a fan of the series, or even just curious about it since it was recently licensed by Viz, there's really not much hope for a "good" adaptation here. It's probably passable, and might be enough to get more people interested in the series. As supplementary material and a new way to experience the manga though, it's pretty well looking like a waste of time. Incredibly surprising given how popular the manga is. After all, it did rank third overall in the Next Manga Award in 2022 for the web manga category.
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cadybear420 · 5 months
My thoughts on the 2022 Choices releases so far
Even though it's long past 2022, I still wanna do one for its books I was active that year. Not for 2021 though, since I was still very new to the app starting in that year. I am currently working on a masterlist for all Choices books though.
Some of these books, I have not fully read or caught up with yet, but I'm still providing my opinion on what I anticipate for them.
I'll put this as briefly as I can. They try to push the story as being about a MC who escapes a toxic partner and rediscovers herself through BDSM. Except the love interest in question Reagan is toxic towards her from Day Fucking One. And the writers say it wouldn't make sense for MC to dom right away, except they had no problem making her want to be Reagan's sub right away.
Ms. Match
The MC and LI's banter was fun, but other than that, this one was really forgettable and flavorless.
Nope nope nope. This book was just so empty and filled with forcing high stakes where there are none. Kit has zero personality to me, and the only thing that makes the romance "forbidden" is that Austin will throw a baby temper tantrum once he finds out.
It wasn't even the "dumb fun smut" kind of bad that TNA 1 was. It was just... nothing. Heck, it didn't even feel all that smutty outside of like those CGs. No idea why it got a sequel but hey, Unbridled so far seems like it will be much better.
Crimes of Passion
This one was alright. The MC's character and their dynamic with Trystan was certainly very refreshing to the usual Choices formulas. And the story was interesting enough. But besides that, I found it overall mostly lukewarm and there wasn't much that stood out to me.
The Princess Swap
It's exactly what it was on the title, and I think it did that job alright. A little more effort could have gone into it but it was still a sweet and fun little "Prince and the Pauper" story.
The Cursed Heart
This one was alright. I certainly could have done without Kieran's more abusive behaviors, but it was otherwise a pretty solid story. Definitely one of those books that's much more interesting when played as anything other than wlm.
And I think we can all agree that this one is visually just gorgeous. The backgrounds, the outfits, etc.
The Nanny Affair 3
This one has to be the worst of the 3 Nanny Affair books. The whole drama with Addison reads like an r/AmITheAsshole post made for validation purposes. And the Jenny/Aditya plotline was so blatantly a proxy affair so that PB could have that accidental pregnancy plot that they couldn't have with Sam and MC. Cause let's be real, they totally would have had Sam knock up MC at the gala in Book 1 if not for the fact that they're GOC.
But I'll give them one thing though. This is probably the first and only book I have ever seen that allowed a female character (MC in particular) to penetrate her male LI's bootyhole. Yes kiddies, in the first smut scene in Ch 1, you get an option to play with Sam's ass, and they describe you slipping a finger between his cheeks. Sucks that we're still waiting for some proper cheek-clapping one and a half years later though.
Immortal Desires
This one was pretty fun. Definitely another one where playing anything but wlm (well, 100% wlm) will be a more interesting experience.
I don't think it's quite as brilliant as Bloodbound, story-wise. Though one thing it does do better than BB is not being pointlessly genderlocked. That being said, it does have a sequel coming soon. So it's not exactly complete enough to be fully compared.
Murder at Homecoming
Definitely one of the better, if not the best, release of 2022. The story is a bit linear, but it works. And I do love how they incorporated queer themes into the story, like with how your MC can talk about (if any) their own queer experience and how romantic dialogue with Tyler changes if your MC is male or enby to talk about how he used to think he was straight.
My only real problem is that it didn't feel like Perdita had as much importance in the story as the writers clearly wanted her to have, and that made it harder to get invested in it. That being said, I think not learning what really happened to her was a fairly nuanced ending and while I'd love a sequel to the story, having us find out what really happened would be a major disservice to that nuance.
The Phantom Agent
Ohhhh this one is such a guilty pleasure for me. I'm a total sucker for secret agent/spy stories and James Bond-esque stuff and this one was great for that. Is it one of their best-made stories? No. But it's certainly a very refreshing and enjoyable one.
Also props to this for being probably the only GOC-LI romance story I've ever seen where the wlm version is actually refreshing for once. It especially shows with the interactions with characters like Nurse Lou and Alexis Reid, but Agent Grey and even Rowan have a few good moments too.
Slow Burn
This one was such a dissappointment holy god. It's just 95% helping out a bunch of randos with their restaurants and MC barely gets to do any actual cooking.
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ridley-was-a-cat · 7 months
Summer 2023 Anime Roundup
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Anime of the Season – My Happy Marriage
I had been looking forward to this supernatural-tinged romance set in Taisho-era Japan ever since it was announced in 2022, and it did not disappoint me in the least. It follows a young woman who’s been sent to live with a fiancé without her input after a deeply traumatic childhood marked by physical and emotional abuse spearheaded by her spiteful stepmother and apathetic father. Despite his reputation in society as a cold, callous man who drives women away, her fiancé hides a kind, loyal personality behind a stern front and becomes instrumental to her recovery, encouraging her at every turn to stand tall on her own two feet.
The first half could be a little frustrating at times as the traumatized female lead struggled to speak up for herself and take up space, but that only makes her eventual growth into a more assertive woman all the more satisfying. Her voice actress does a fantastic job of slowly increasing the volume and strength of her voice over the course of the series as Miyo gains confidence. Adding to this performance is a beautiful soundtrack by Evan Call that blends perfectly with the dramatic story and gorgeous backgrounds full of traditional architecture surrounded by blooming flowers. It’s rare to get a joseimuke anime with this high-quality production, and I loved every minute of it. 9/10
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First Runner-Up – Bungo Stray Dogs S5
At the beginning of summer, I hadn’t watched any of this series past season 1, but the hype got to me and I picked the series back up halfway through this season. Thank god I did, because this season was incredibly good, with well-animated action, gripping suspense, and a resolution that was both world-altering and intensely personal. 8/10
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Second Runner-Up – Undead Murder Farce
A sardonic half-oni man teams up with an immortal severed head and her fierce bodyguard/maid to travel around Europe to pursue the people who stole her body, while solving mysteries involving monsters along the way. The mystery writing was a little uneven and exposition heavy, but the playful dynamic between the characters was magnetic. 8/10
Horimiya: The Missing Pieces – This season consists of the scenes cut from the first adaptation of the manga and lays them out thematically, rather than chronologically like the manga. Taken as a comedic slice of life, I think it works really well, as the vignettes can just sit and be amusing without feeling like they’re stalling for time to avoid ending the series. 8/10
Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts – For the first time in almost a decade, we got an anime for a Hana to Yume fantasy romance manga, and this complete adaptation of the story totally hit the spot. Our sacrifice turned queen-to-be was delightfully feisty, and our beast king was perfectly protective and encouraging. 7/10
Level 1 Demon Lord and One Room Hero – I went into this expecting a simple comedy on the ecchi side about a down-and-out hero and the demon lord he defeated ten years ago, and I got that, but I also got a really well-written fantasy story with complex antagonists and a delightful little romance with real chemistry between the titular characters. 7/10
Bleach: TYBW Part 2 – This part of the new season was right back to the problems I had with the original run of the series. The visuals are great, with stylish character designs, nice saturated colors, and smooth animation, but the story relies on stringing together fights between side/minor characters more than it should. 7/10
BanG Dream! It’s MyGO!!!!! – I don’t generally watch female idol shows, but everyone’s praise got to me, and I ended up checking this out at the end of the season. The character drama is excellent for the most part, and the music is good, but the 3D CG animation was not my favorite, and Saki felt poorly written just to seed a sequel season. 7/10
MIX S2 – This is the spiritual successor to the 80s series Touch, but it’s loosely related, not a direct sequel, so it stands alone just fine. This high school baseball series has the Adachi standard emotional sucker punch to the gut along with a generous helping of dry humor from its large cast of likeable characters. 7/10
Malevolent Spirits: Mononogatari S2 – If this was better animated, this would be a solid shounen action series with a romance subplot. The writing left nothing to complain about, with a large cast of well-rounded characters and a satisfying romance between two characters who actually suit each other. 7/10
Sugar Apple Fairy Tale Part 2 – What a complicated series this is to talk about. The art and animation were both pretty good, and the story was at least trying to be deliberate in how it addressed the inequality in its world, but I’m not sure it handled the slavery issue consistently. 7/10
The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen: From Villainess to Savior – People are starting to complain about all these villainess adaptations, but I’m enjoying this trend of female main characters working to avoid a disastrous end by gathering allies around them. I just wish the visuals for this particular anime weren’t so insipid. 7/10
Edens Zero S2 – This season felt a bit more coherent than the first, being split into two main arcs instead of several smaller ones, and introduced some genuinely tough opponents with tricky abilities, while also revealing secrets about the main crew. 6/10
Sweet Reincarnation – This reincarnation isekai does very little to distinguish itself from the rest of the crowded field of isekai, but it didn’t have an RPG menu and the pastry chef turned precocious lesser noble didn’t push Japanese food on the people of the other world, so I kept watching. 6/10
The Misfit of Demon King Academy S2 – Season 1 of this series was such a fun genre-savvy romp, but this season was a tedious Proper Noun fantasy that was extremely confusing and basically no fun to watch. 5/10
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tigermousse · 1 year
Teachers: With Love And Passion
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genre: otome, romance, comedy, drama, thriller
Do you remember your time at school? Have you had a hard school life? Were you an outsider? Have you had a crush on your school teacher? Were you thinking about what teachers think of you and how do they feel about their job?
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In this visual novel you can go through all joys and horrors of school life again, but looking from the other side - as a new biology teacher straight out of college starting her first teaching job.
On her first day MC is anxious. Will she get along with students? What if they won't like her or something will go wrong?
She is even more anxious to meet her new colleagues, because she is shy and reserved, and other teachers all have so different personalities: some are friendly, some are flirty, some are rude and some are quiet. But they all seem to like MC and trying to help her accommodate in the new school. So maybe she will make new friends or even give love another try?
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The visual novel is starting as a light otome, but the antagonist gradually unravels his personality and plot becoming more sinister, turning into psychological thriller after you open all the endings. Some people in the commentaries told that they love antagonist and can't bring themselves to hate him. For me it is the opposite. I hated him with all my heart. This is the exact kind of psychos that I would want to shake off you like a creepy beast and get rid of him as soon as possible.
At first I was glad that Love Interests in the game are more mature and the MC is 30 years old, because usually we have characters who are around 18 - and it's totally fine with me, but having something different is refreshing. [Being in my thirties I would prefer more of this, but beggars can't be choosers]
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In fact when you start playing, most of characters doesn't feel so mature because in some situations they are behaving exactly like a bunch of teenagers. But that is the truth of life: a lot of people doesn't grow up, they just getting old.
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This visual novel by Honey Bunny @honeybunnyvns was originally made for Otome Game Jam 2022, and I've tried it earlier, but got distracted and didn't even finish the common route, so when I've learned that they are doing an update on February 24th I've decided to wait and try. And it was definitely worth waiting! Now this is my new favorite VN.
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The writing is good, the story is mostly engaging, and romance gives you a reason to smile.
The game is average length (around 10-11 hours) and have 15 endings. The number of choices for the lengths feels exactly right: not too many, not too little.
I liked the romantic part a lot. The chemistry in some routes is overwhelming, Several times I found myself giggling to Ray's flirting, teasing of Lawrence or Markus' failed attempts at flirting, and gasping at some tense moments [maybe I just need a boyfriend]
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Art and character design in the game are absolutely stunning. Usually I'm more interested in story, but in case with Teachers, graphics is an eye candy and I couldn't take my eyes off some CGs.
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I was wondering where are other teachers in this school, especially other female teachers. Even without giving them a role in plot we needed at least some mentioning about them in the story. Because it was pretty strange that in lounge we never meet teachers of language or literature, or science. It is strange that in school where they are teaching Civics, no one is teaching languages.
Also I don't understand why teaches should have surnames which also sound like names? Before I've finally learned everyone's full names I was pretty much confused by it.
MC Hanna Fein (name changeable)
Age: 30 y.o. Subject: Biology
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MC is a typical otome protagonist, except for her age. She's self-concious, anxious and easily embarassed, hardworking and eager to help everyone. With some guys she tends to be more flirty, when with others she's more shy and reserved.
Also as usual MC is confused about her own feelings and about feelings of other characters, have a tendency to overthink things, which causes tension and misunderstanding.
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We were told that in her past Hanna suffered a trauma and a loss, so she is now anxious and reserved, not willing to trust people around her. But as we see in most romantic routes Hanna is very trusting. She tends to see good in people, that's why she doesn't understand who is the antagonist in the story.
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Most of the time MC doesn't do something stupid, except maybe taking too much work. But I was pretty much disappointed with her behavior in one of the routes.
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Most of MC's background is revealing in different routes, and the cause of her trauma is revealing in secret route which can be unlocked after you watch all the ending.
"The reason why I can't believe anyone and am so afraid to trust myself is right in front of me."
My rating 4/5
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The plot turns darker from character to character so the developer's suggested playing order is
Markus>Leonard>Ray>Lawrence>Edgar (>secret route)
[But my playing order in otome VNs is usually to start with my favorite character and finish with my second favorite character]
Lawrence Hanson
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Age: 48 y.o. Subject: World History
Mr. Hanson (We are not familiar enough to call him Lawrence yet) is rude, straightforward, have hot temper and annoyed easily. Also he's a loner, jealous, possessive, intelligent and have unusual passion for classical romance.
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of course, I LOVED HIM FROM THE START AND WILL LOVE HIM FOREVER. I've read his Romantic ending several times and spent too much time thinking whether their passion with MC will work or not in the future. (Only if Hanna would stay the good shy otome MC or if they will decide to have a child, however the fact that they are working together in their case may be a good factor)
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Still I had a feeling that the developers didn't give this character enough love that he deserves. Maybe I just wanted more of his background, because of his reserved personality we still don't know much of him [A part of Lawrence's background unravels also in Ray's route] I bet he was in the army before attending university, that's why he's much older than his friends Ray and Thomas.
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I really like how both characters acted in the route (their age), I love the chemistry between characters, and how Mr. Hanson is handling all the situations not only in his route, but with other routes too (as a grown man), so…
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My rating 5/5 [my new favorite character!]
Leonard Flynn
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Age: 35 y.o Subject: Fine Arts
On the contrary to Lawrence Hanson, Leo doesn't act his age at all. I had to double check his age with the page on itch.io (and even on vndb) to make sure that he's 35 and not 25, because he acts like he is 15. He's not even the youngest one.
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This is the route in which I would like to have some nice discussions about art, but the developers have chosen more comical approach.
Of course, it is important to be yourself and find a solace, but the plot is too concentrated around dealing with Leo's insecurities than around his relationship with MC. Especially considering how self-conscious and insecure MC is herself. Leonard won't be able to give her support.
"I am biting my fingers, Leonard is shaking. We are a dysfunctional couple trying to help each other."
doesn't look like a good romantic ending to me
My rating 2/5
Markus Kent
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Age: 33 y.o. Subject: P.E.
"Yeah, but you always look at me so pissed"
"That's just my face! Ugh. People always get wrong idea"
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I'm not really into sports and jocks, so I was afraid that Markus will be that strong silent type who won't say more then two words in a sentence. In fact, he really isn't very good with words, but it doesn't making him boring, rather funny and cute. He turned out very sweet character, pretty real and down-to-earth, honest and quiet. I like his pure enthusiasm with sports, I empathize with his back story. Maybe he isn't very original as a character, but their relationship with MC developed nicely. They seem to have healthy relationship and I'm sure they would take good care about each other.
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My rating 4,5/5
Edgar Mitchell
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Age:36 y.o. Subject: Mathematics
I had a feeling that Edgar is the favorite boy of developers. He has more screen time to himself then others, he seems engaged in every other route, he plays main role in secret route. Anyway, there's a lot of Edgar Mitchell in this visual novel.
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But I don't like the kind of people who enjoy teasing others even when the other person is annoyed. Edgar is constantly overstepping other's personal boundaries. I've got annoyed by him enough before the end of common route.
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Maybe he isn't a bad person: he's friendly and cares about others in his own way, trying to cheer them up. But being an adult he should already learn other ways of cheering people up apart of stupid jokes, meaningless flirting or making fun of Lawrence's age and gossiping about friends behind their backs.
I wouldn't even want to keep the person like Edgar as a friend: the less personal information he would know, the less jokes and gossip he would spread.
MC is saying that Edgar makes her comfortable, I would say that it is the opposite: seems that he likes to make people uncomfortable.
He's constantly sending mixed signals to MC and she can't sort out her own feelings, so it is a mess already.
His backstory is actually fine. Things happens in life, we all make mistakes, and it is not the reason to lay down and die.
But even more than by Edgar himself, I'm annoyed by the MC in his route. If someone would belittle and badmouth a man I like - in front of me, I would never sit and listen quietly until they finish! Especially if the person is doing it exactly because of my presence.
My rating 3,5/5 [Edgar and MC are so annoying, but I've got a lot of strong negative emotions on this route]
Ray Fox
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Age: 45 y.o. Occupation: Nurse
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I'm glad that I've played the game later and didn't have to wait for update. Ray is so HOT, he's practically STEAMING. He is the second oldest character and my second favorite in this novel.
His route is constant flirting and teasing, but also I'm respecting very much the way this man works himself to death staying in his office till the late night. The trust that MC is putting in him is kind of ridiculous though. Honestly, in her place I would probably thought he has a drug problem or maybe sells drugs on a black market.
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His story is really tragic, his constant loneliness and the feeling of guilt is breaking my heart. And his both endings are bittersweet in a different way. But his bond with MC is excellent. It is not just passion mixed with curiosity (like with Lawrence), it is also mutual respect, trust and aid. Also they have similar specialties, so they have common interests and understanding of each other's work. The ending of the romantic route tells it all: that she finally found the one who will love her right.
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My rating 5/5 [he's perfect, the best choice for MC]
Visual: 5/5
Story: 5/5
Characters: 5/5
Romance: 5/5
Originality: 4/5
My Rating: 5/5
This game is free you can get it from itch.io
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misohsoup · 2 years
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I just realized the order of the the free chibis for this year’s anniversary is in the order of 2021 overall ranking
This year’s participation was ridiculously embarrassing due to Cybird’s inability to meet our expectations. Instead they were so far off the bullseye that they pretended like they were not in the wrong and two (maybe three days in, don’t quote me since I was half absentminded during the whole event) days into the Sengoku showdown 2022,
They “offered” more prizes because of our “love and dedication” to the warlords
When really, they were experiencing extremely low participation and a tremendous amount of email complaints.
Some of the most baffling points of this event are:
The large button and handwritten letter were originally for top 3 overall rankers ONLY
How unfair can it be right?! In 2021, the top 3 rankers of EACH warlord ranking had received a tiny 1.5 inch button. That’s a total of 51 buttons. It wasn’t even a grand unique button, mind you! It was a regular CG that could be found and seen in game all the time plus the “name of event~ Yes, my warlord” 😑😑😑
Then they had to extend the large button to top 4-10 overall rankers ~~ honestly, should have been this way to begin with. So from last years 51 buttons down to only 10 buttons needed to be made. (It would be irritating if the button the rankers receive is that EXACT sample image during the event though…. This will be pending an update once my friend receives a notice 🫣🫣)
The handwritten letters remain the same, only for the top 3 rankers. Which is only fair, since they’ve worked hard to stay up there.
The large modern wedding dress was made as the overall top 50 rankers ONLY.
Okay, I see …. Let’s see what the overall top 100 rankers receive then. 🧐🧐
My eyes must be playing tricks on me, I don’t see the tab for overall top 100. 🤨🤨
NOPE, they decided to give the dress to only 50 players out of the whole event. Something we’ve never seen before WITHOUT a prize for top 100 at least.
We are English version players.. we do not compare to the Japanese version player base!!! 😡😡😡
I don’t believe they did overall top 50 for Japanese version last year though… (I have check my screenshots)
The top 1 wedding frame for each warlord rankings, I had no problems with this until they released their revised prize list …
The best thing about trying for top 1 for each warlord was because it’s going to become a custom frame with the top 1 players name in the frame.
But they went ahead and offered the same exact frame to top 2-3 as well just WITHOUT the custom name of the player.
This would have changed the way players started this event if they had known right at the start of the game… maybe they would have tried harder
But they’ve already missed the ECB bonuses … to me that feels so bitter when they know they’ll spend more coins but don’t get all the items the event has to offer. 🥺🥺
Lastly, I wouldn’t be as annoyed and disappointed if they gave a simpler frame for the top 2-3 such as ONE or NO chibis part of the frame because that’s literally half the reason why I fought for top 1. 😡😡
Another huge disappointment was the musical chibi’s of our boys in suits playing English instrument with their pets was only available to each warlords top 50 ONLY. Yet another thing we’ve never seen!
Last year the chibis were made available for top 100 players of each warlord rankings. Which is COMPLETELY fair. Great job last year cybird 💪🏽💪🏽
This gave chances to players that don’t usually get a chance at receiving cute chibis
This also meant that many of the F2P players were able to play comfortably.
Yet, they pull a stunt like this but no reconsideration was made for this when they released a revised list of prizes. 😤😤
As a business owner myself, this was a complete disaster.
For disproportionate allotments of prizes
Continuous influx of the price packs
Drops in items RECEIVED per price packs
Ridiculously high glamour requirements in story events for VERY LITTLE RETURN
Ridiculously high ballet/vote/ticket/heart requirements in collection events for chibis or “bonus” stories
Comparing English player base to the Japanese player base
Skipping events without notice and explanation
Skipping BIRTHDAY FESTIVALS without notice and explanation ~ plus when reached out to they sent an automatic/repetitive response of “we are unable to discuss and disclose information in regards to current and future events. We thank you for playing Ikemen Sengoku.”
To continue in regards to birthdays, they decided to
SKIP KEIJI AND HIDEYOSHI joint birthday festival in March,
SKIP MOTONARI AND SASUKE join birthday festival in April,
Now we’re back again, they SKIP YUKIMURA Birthday festival in July
Which is extremely concerning since Yukimura’s birthday is the “reset” or “start” of the new versions of birthday events.
August is literally around the corner now, then comes Masamune’s birthday in September it will not be a surprise for me to see his birthday festival releasing without a hitch as he is top ranker in the game just like Nobunaga.
However, once they release him, it almost confirms the fact that they are pulling favourites and only releasing the guys that they KNOW bring them profits.
I can already see the downfall of the English version of Ikemen Sengoku. 😤😤😤
I will hope for a next year but I will not be the only one surprised that the end is near.
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lovebirdgames · 2 years
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So guess who went to the F#@&ING HOSPITAL last week. GUYS. The amount of terrible things that have happened this year. Feels like everyone has had a health scare including the cat. Whenever my health is compromised I’m like “I CAN’T DIE BEFORE BAND CAMP BOYFRIEND IS RELEASED.”
Our CG/Sprite artist, Flora, sent this along in the Discord and just looking at it is healing me. (TT_TT)
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I WILL DO IT FOR YOU, PETER! I have to keep working hard before 2022 decides to outright smite me. So I got myself together and finished up the big SFX project over the weekend! Yay!! Of course I am sure I will still nitpick sound effects as I play through the game, but I’m calling this project done!
My sister worked hard too. She programmed some music into Day 4 & 5 of the game and did a lot of work with some new voice lines we received. Mark, the voice actor who plays Mr. Wiley and does an absolutely incredible job at it, voiced some extra lines Alex trimmed and put into the game. We are so lucky and grateful that all of our talented voice actors who were cast ages ago have stuck around this long and continued to provide lines if needed! 
I programmed in a little music as well. I was excited to put in the second version of Poptart’s theme “Offbeat.” I had to play one of Poptart’s scenes from the start of his route and I just about died, it was so cute. Seeing the art, the music, the voice, the sound effects all come together...it’s just SUCH a great feeling! And it never goes away. For every new scene I get to see in its full glory, it’s so rewarding and exciting.
I also made some timeskip transition screens that say stuff like “2 weeks later” or “1 year later.” Woah. Programmed those in as well.
Finally, I edited another fun video for YouTube and TikTok. I shared a screenshot of it the other day. Heheh. I’m thinking I’ll post it in September! 
What a productive weekend. See you next time, Bandits!
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satoshi-mochida · 11 days
B-PROJECT RYUSEI*FANTASIA launches July 15 in the west - Gematsu
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MAGES.-developed boy idols visual novel B-PROJECT RYUSEI*FANTASIA will launch digitally for Switch and PC via Steam on July 15 in the west, publisher PQUBE announced. A physical release will follow for Switch on July 26. Pre-orders are available now with a 10 percent-off discount via Nintendo eShop, while the same discount will be available for the PC version at launch. A demo will be available for PC from today until June 17.
B-PROJECT RYUSEI*FANTASIA first launched for Switch on September 30, 2021 in Japan, followed by iOS and Android on February 10, 2022.
Here is an overview of the game, via PQube:
Become the representative of the famous B-Project in this unforgettable idol visual novel. Support a group of 14 idols from their humble beginnings through to stardom. Befriend them, influence their music and help them through their turbulent lives as they follow their dreams.
Sparkling Visual Novel – Full of brightness and color, B-PROJECT RYUSEI*FANTASIA is a visual novel which follows the lives and careers of the idol group “B-Project.”
Become an Idol A&R – Support these idols towards their dreams in the role of an A&R (Artist & Repertoire) where you are their representative and the expert in their artistic development.
14 Different Idols to Represent – Each with different personalities, likes, and dislikes, but all with the same dream, pick your bias or stan them all.
Original Music – Enjoy exclusive B-Project music, with all the original songs by the very idol boys you represent.
Interactive Mechanics – Your phone is your gateway to nurturing your relationship with the idols, don’t miss your chance to respond to messages and calls!
Voiced and Animated – Voiced by famous seiyuu, let the idols beautiful voices take you away and watch their lively animated reactions.
Endless Magic – With two different possible endings, 14 character epilogues to explore, and many CGs to unlock, the replayability is high.
Sparkling Visual Novel
Put your headphones on and get swept away with this colorful visual novel experience. Do you love boybands, JPop? Have you ever dreamed of being the driving force behind a successful idol group? Well now you can experience it in visual novel form!
Become an Idol A&R
Step into the hardworking role of A&R (Artist & Repertoire) to the talented idol group, B-Project. Take 14 young members under your wing, each with different personalities and struggles. It’s your job to support them, help them grow, and allow them to flourish! Discover the beginnings of the different idol groups—KITAKORE, MooNs, THRIVE, and KiLLER KiNG. Learn about their trainee days and the struggles they faced on the path to success. Follow the story as they join together to become one group, B-Project, and stand on Japan’s brightest stage.
Interactive Mechanics
Your phone is your gateway to nurturing your relationship with the idols. Be sure to keep an eye on it—as responding to messages and answering calls will allow you to better understand the idols under your wing.
Watch a new trailer below.
Release Date Trailer
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Please tell us more about this game you are working on! I saw some pics on google images and they looks so different from the art you post here. Why is that?
(PS. I'm not a horndog (hehe), just genuinely curious.
.... not a horndog, eh anon?
Like I told the previous anon (was that you?), I work as a CG artist so I don't make the game -that's the developer. I merely color the line arts which explains why the style is different. Those on google images are the old styles: new scenes have vastly improved and so the old CG's are getting reworked to match the current style of line and coloring. A few of these reworked scenes I do both the lines and colors.
The studio handles the PR but there are a some vids of the game on youtube. Here is one I like because it doesn't spoil the content and it also briefly mentions the team (including my alias). This is 2021 or early 2022 (I'm not sure) so the images are from the old style and not the HD overhaul.
Ok, enough about my job!
I wanna get back to posting Witcher/Nilfgaard stuff T_T. The next ask better be about witcher!
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