#2023 e/m coding
plutushealthinc · 1 year
E/M Coding Changes 2023: All You Need to Know
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Healthcare providers who understand how to code can significantly increase reimbursement and lower revenue concerns associated with stressful audits. AMA (American Medical Association) has presented a fresh set of revisions in E/M codes, conveying a substantial restructuring. The E/M coding modifications would be adequate from January 1, 2023, and will create coding streamlined for healthcare practices.
Evaluation and Management Codes (E/M) are utilized in general medical practices like hospital visits, office visits, preventive medicine services, or home care services by competent healthcare professionals (QHPs) or physicians. This blog will discuss all you must know about E/M coding changes in 2023.
What is E & M coding?
Evaluation and management codes comprehended as E/M are Current Procedure Terminology (CPT) codes from 99202 to 99499. These AMA codes are used for family physicians, general visits among emergency room physicians, and specialty care practitioners. These codes are based on the benefits given to the patients. E/M codes are used in every step of the patient expedition, from when they enter your practice to physical inspection and all procedures or medical evolution you conduct.
E/M codes Use
Comprehending E/M codes and understanding their care background and corresponding service type is vital to maintain practice efficiency, productivity, and financial health. E/M codes are not used for diagnostics, surgeries, testing, or radiology. These codes apply to the healthcare providers that evaluate or manage the patients. Multiple services fall beneath these codes, for instance, a patient seeing a provider for a general checkup. Here are the kinds of services that fall underneath E/M codes.
Hospital visits
General office visits
Home care services
Preventative medicine services
Components of E/M codes
There are three elements of E/M codes according to MCT (Medicine & Medicaid services) when determining the suitable level of E/M services delivered:
Patient history
Examination process
Medical decision making
Other factors clinch the selection of E/M codes, like the time spent giving a distinct service to the healthcare provider.
Regulatory & coding changes of 2023
E/M code updates impact the guidelines on how these codes can be used. The current update released by AMA affects various types of healthcare providers. Here is the list of procedures and regulations that were deleted, modified, and retained.
Inpatient and observation care services
E/M codes 99217-99220 got deleted
E/M codes 99221-99223 & 99231-99239 got counted as observation and hospital inpatient care services
E/M codes 99241 and 99251 got deleted
E/M codes 99242-99245 (Office or additional outpatient consultancies) & 99252-99255 (inpatient or observation consultation) got corrected
Emergency department services
E/M codes 99281-99285 (Emergency department visit) got corrected
Nursing facility services
E/M code 99318 got removed
E/M codes 99304-99310 and 99315 -99316 got revised
Custodial care, Rest home, or Domiciliary services
E/M codes 99324-99238, 99339-33340, and 99334- 99337 got deleted
Home and residency services
E/M code 99343 got deleted.
E/M codes 99341- 99342, 99344-99345, 99347- 99350, and guidelines are revised
Prolonged services
E/M codes 99354-99357 got deleted
E/M codes 99358 - 99359, and 99415 – 99416 (long face-to-face services in office or outpatient) got modified in the guidelines
E/M code 99417 (prolonged service with the direct patient) got revised in the service
E/M code 993X0 got counted in prolonged service codes
E/M coding changes were introduced to facilitate healthcare providers' lives and free their administrative burden.
Plutus Health has a team of certified coders who got corrected with the coding updates. We use the proper codes to get you paid what you merit. Connect with Plutus Health's coding professionals to learn more about the coding updates and steps you should pursue to aid them.
Register for the Webinar today to learn more about the changes to E/M coding in 2023.
Essential Takeaways:
E/M code modifications are likely to develop further in 2023.
E/M code changes energy disturbs your current workflow, but the benefits it brings to healthcare providers are far more significant.
E/M code updates got designed to facilitate uncovering the correct code.
Update your EHR system to organize and evaluate new coding changes
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wangxianficrecs · 6 months
Rewind 2023 - Part II
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WangxianFicRecs - Rewind 2023
Here is part two of our favourite stories published in 2023! Reminder that if you also want to give a shout-out to a story, submit an ask and we will share it in an upcoming post featuring Follower Recs and Proud Author Spotlights.
Part I
the dream of the fisherman's husband
by luckymarrow (@luckymarrow)
E, 5k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary: “Really? Are you fucking with me? Once for yes, twice for no.” Two taps. Wei Ying scrambles from his desk and over to the tank, presses his face right against the glass. “Was Wen Ning right?” he whispers. His breath fogs the glass. “Are you our new cephalopod overlords?” Once again, the little blue and white octopus taps twice against the glass. Wei Ying goggles. Then it taps a sequence against the glass. But Wei Ying has worked on enough expedition ships to know Morse code, or at least the most important code of all—SOS. This little octopus needs help.
New Perspective
by mrcformoso (@mrcformoso)
T, Series, 34k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary Part One: “Lan Zhan, let me go.” The last memory Lan Zhan has of Wei Ying was the soft, serene smile on his face as he fell to his death. It was, perhaps, what haunted him the most. When it came to the matters regarding Wei Ying, Lan Zhan was always too late. A character study looking into Lan Zhan’s character development between Wei Ying’s death and resurrection, and his struggles of changing in the wake of his newfound fatherhood.
The Art of Communication
by mrcformoso (@mrcformoso)
G, 4k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary: Lan Zhan can only say so much before the words get caught in his throat. He has long learned how to use his words sparingly, how to build enough of a reputation to minimize the use of words, has learned to hide behind little grunts and pointed looks. In contrast, Wei Ying never seemed to run out of words, speaking often and quickly, whatever was on his mind, mumbling equations and theories and his own thoughts as if he had a word quota to meet and exceed on a daily basis. So the Gusu University students found it rightfully strange that the two were dating. Chapter 1: Outsiders POV Chapter 2: Lan Zhan POV Chapter 3: Wei Ying POV
❤️ Across the street to another life
by danegen (@danegen)
M, 99k, Wangxian | Kay's & Mojo's Rec
Summary: Wangji stays on the piano bench as they’re closing up. Wei Ying chews his lip, knowing what he’s going to do but horrified at himself. But what’s the alternative: kick the guy out and find him sleeping beside the dumpster in the morning? And that’s if the cops don’t take him in for vagrancy. “Wangji?” Wangji looks up. Please don’t be a serial killer. “So, we’re closing up for the night, but A-Yuan and I live upstairs. Do you want to join us for dinner?” Wangji blinks. His head bobs in what’s probably a yes. “Great!” Fuck. Or a ragged monosyllabic man wearing a collar shows up at Wei Ying's music store. Wei Ying and A-Yuan ask, is anyone going to adopt this guy? And then they don't wait for an answer.
💙 Concord
by Deastar (@youhideastar)
T, 41k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary: Lan Wangji hopes, somewhat frivolously, that his betrothed might find him an acceptable companion. Neither he nor Wei Wuxian are able to bear children, so there will be no need to share a marital bed; that should make it easier for the two of them to reach a natural, comfortable equilibrium. Two strings played in harmony: this is Lan Wangji’s quiet hope, as he arranges the Jingshi to accommodate a second inhabitant. Perhaps, he thinks, they might even become friends.
silk linked together
by theLoyalRoyalGuard
G, 6k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary: Lan Wangji runs a sanctuary for rescued bunnies. His life is quiet and routine. Until Mo Xuanyu needs a place to stay out of trouble. He doesn’t expect to end up rescuing him, too.
Making Mouths at Dragons
by athena_crikey
E, 10, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary: Wei Ying takes a slow breath, then another. “Then you’d want… that? A baby? A kid?” Lan Zhan’s low rumble has a hint of dragon in it, a lick of thunder. For a moment Wei Ying can almost hear the rush of the tide in his ears, storms and seafoam. His mind is full of the glint of moonlight on scales, silver and rippling like silk. “With you? Yes.”
Behind the Scenes
by QueenXIV
E, 5k, NMJ/LWJ | Kay's Rec
Summary: Nie Mingjue felt dirty. Horrible. He had paid to see his best friend's didi fuck himself with a dildo. He had jerked off to it. He had liked it. He was fucked.
Playing Possum
by DizziDreams (@dizzi-dreams)
T, 1k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary: Lan Wangji is woken in the night by the sound of animals fighting, and there is more to the opossum he rescues than there seems.
by ByCandlelight
M, 10k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary: Years after he was disowned by the Jiangs, Wei Ying lives a quiet life working at a funeral home. Then he reencounters his former high school classmate Lan Zhan, who is planning his father’s cremation. Wei Ying won’t pass up the chance to get closer to his former crush, but first he has to hide all the brains in his freezer.
Lessons in Belonging
by Nyatci (@nyatci)
M, 12, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary: Lan Zhan looks back at various moments during the years and thinks about the emotional wounds caused by Wei Ying’s adoptive family. Or alternatively: 5 times Lan Zhan worried about Wei Ying and 1 time he realized he didn’t have to worry anymore.
Jin Ling and Demonic Cultivation
by ImNobody122 (@colorsunlikeanythingseen)
Not rated, 8k, Jin Ling | Kay's Rec
Summary: Mo Xuanyu was not the first demonic cultivator Jin Ling had to rescue from his uncle's hands.
mother of mothers
by SpeedingCheetah
T, 11k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary:There was a girl in Gusu, who played the flute and sung songs to the fish in the rivers as townspeople let her sit on their boats; stirring away and humming. There was a girl who smiled, who had a blood red ribbon and blood red eyes. The girl was a boy who was not alive. A ghost who stayed in the city because his mother made him promise. He seemed happy enough anyway, coming to the docks, coming to the paths. He bought apples, he spoke Gusu’s dialect in a rustic tongue that was many, many years out of date—ancient, prosperous. Only a few elders understood the clicking accent the way Wuxian spoke it. He was Lan Wangji’s sole companion. He was also the being who had been cursed many years ago to never wake up, and never live. Lan Wangji wished to help fix that. (or: cangse sanren’s child is a ghost of nature, and cursed to sleep forever. a boy still makes friends with the ghost anyway.)
exit, pursued by fierce corpse
by hauntedotamatone (@hauntotamatone)
Not rated, 4k, WWX & WN | Kay's Rec
Summary: “The Jin clan of Lanling is rich beyond rich,” The second boy whispers, or rather, attempts to whisper. “If we bring them the head of the Yiling Laozu, they’ll have no choice but to reward us!” It’s quite a stupid endeavor, especially for three, unarmed, young masters whose knowledge of combat and heroism likely comes from playhouses alone. - “Wei-gongzi,” Wen Ning whispers, barely louder than the sound of a person breathing and all the more striking when it comes from one who does not. His face is still, the undisturbed waters of a pond, but there is something in his eyes that reminds him of brightness, the shine of a dragonfly skimming the water. - alternatively; wen qionglin, the method actor.
If I had to keep being separated from you like this (I'd rather die)
by katje
E, 30k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary: “So, you’re here to become my blood thrall, are you?” Mr. Wei finally turned, and Lan Wangji had to fight to swallow the gasp that tried to escape his throat. He was beautiful. His long, pitch-black hair was pulled into a ponytail that flowed in smooth waves over his shoulder, and he was clad in a red dress shirt that was buttoned only halfway up his chest, exposing his sharp collar bones and a hint of the smooth skin of his torso. He was pale - too pale. And he had the most striking grey eyes Lan Wangji had ever seen. Eyes that immediately betrayed him as a nonhuman. As a cold, powerful, immortal vampire that Lan Wangji was about to sell himself to. OR Lan Wangji enters into a contract to become Wei Wuxian's blood thrall to save his uncle, and finds more than a heartless vampire at the end of the deal.
fracture fix
by phosphorous
G, 5k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary: What he did not say: I don’t want to be anywhere in this world where you aren’t. I want to know you inside out. I want to know you forever. I want you to know me inside out and I want you to know me forever too. I am a burden. But I am yours. I want to be yours, for as long as you will have me. “I love you, Lan Zhan,” he had said instead. It had ebbed and flowed in the space over their heads like tides in a river. Eventually, it had settled. Eventually, it had stayed.
What Dreams May Come
by Admiranda (@ladypfenix)
G, 5k, Ouyang Zichen | Kay's Rec
Summary: Qiu Shiyu is a pragmatic young woman, she knows that the marriage her father wants to arrange will be more for his benefit than hers. But even so, she cannot help hoping that her prospective husband to be just might be someone who can match her romantic side too.
by BurningTea (@humanformdragon)
M, 30k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary: The cultivation world knows that Wei Wuxian is dead. It knows that the Yiling Patriarch has appeared, dangerous and powerful enough for Wen Ruohan to offer an alliance. And a prize. The Wen Sect is happy to agree when the Yiling Patriarch demands one of their hostages, Lan Wangji.
Letters along a River
by Ilona22
M, 19k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary: They met at the stairs leading to the Cloud Recesses and when days spent together lead to a tentative friendship, letters lead to more. Meanwhile, trouble grows, quietly creeping along in the realms of politics and the supernatural.
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for these hard-working authors if you like – or think others might like – these stories.)
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graygiantess · 7 days
Timeline S1 canon-adjacent Armandaniel fics
So all my non-AU S1 Armandaniel fics take place in the same universe and I reference back and forth between them a lot. They can all be read separately, but they are one body of work. They weren’t uploaded in chronological order so I thought it might be useful to post a chronology (partly because I keep confusing myself).
Color coding:
Decisions series
Penthouse Shenanigans series
Not part of a series
Devil's Minion Era:
1975 - Like That, M
November 1976 - Baby, T
1977 - Pleasures remain (so does the pain), E
1978 - Issues, M
1979 - Pearly Whites, M
1979 - The Way to a Man's Heart, T
1979 - Boy Meets Toy, E
1979 - Boner Killer, M
September 1981 - Not Going Anywhere, E
Dubai Era:
June 2022 - The Monster of My Memories, 3 chapters, E (for chapter 3)
June 2022 (same day as Monster) - Parting Gift, T
Early July 2022 - Truth and Reconciliation, 3 chapters, E (for chapter 3)
Late July 2022 - Popcorn, E
Late July 2022 - Glasses, G
Late July 2022 - No, M
Early August 2022 - Triple Word Score, T
Mid August 2022 - Silver Lining, M, with illustrations by @xxhellonursexx!
Mid August 2022 - Lazy Sunday Afternoon, M
September 2022 - A Moment on the Lips, M
Late September 2022 - Daddy, M, collab with @Verimuru - a gorgeous comic!
October 2022 - You to Me Are Everything, T
Early December 2022 - Home For Christmas, T
Mid-December 2022 - Shave, M
February 2023 - Heavy Drum, M, with illustrations by @xxhellonursexx!
Late February 2023 - A Steady Hand, M
Early March 2023 - In Hell Together After All, M
Vampire Daniel:
Early April 2023 - Breakfast in Bed, E
These are just my canon-ish Armandaniel fics. I also have some AUs, other pairings and two Claudia-POV Christmas fics.
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thewolvesof1998 · 6 months
✨ Fic Writing Review 2023 ✨
Words and Fics
47, 302 words published to ao3
1 fandoms (9-1-1)
Most recent drop: even when the heat breaks I’m still yours (E, 6,169 words)
Longest Fic: Alright, Cowboy, Go Get 'Em (E, 16,925 words)
Top Fics by Kudos
I want you to be selfish with me (M, 4,652 words)
You bring me comfort (T, 4,181 words)
Tapping Morse Code into your heart (E, 2,796 words)
let me cradle your body (be a safe place to rest) (G, 1,972 words)
nicknames, supernova similes and the family we make (G, 800 words)
My fandom fic events in 2023
I didn't participate in any this year but maybe next year!
Upcoming Events and Projects for 2024
Fics I'm going to try and get out this year:
Dog Tags Fic/Mistaken Identity/Christmas: They don’t know (your name is already mine)
Secret fic
Buddie rodeo/Alright Cowboy, Go Get 'Em
Already started/mostly written:
Buddie MMA Rivals AU
Someone to be Gentle- 5 times Buck is gentle with Eddie and + One time Eddie repays his gentleness  
For you mi amor, I choose death/Buddie Mafia AU
Librarian AU/Let me check you out
You make bad day infinitely better
Vampire/Werewolf Buddie/Halloween fic
Only the already bad can be influenced/Crop top and short shorts fic
Bank Robbery Fic/Mutually Assured Destruction
No-Nut-November fic
Pirates Buddie
We might end up real close 2x1 fic
Ideas/planned/just started fics:
Buck get dumps, gets drunk with Eddie and thinks they slept together fic
Awkward Sex Buddie fic
I can see you sequel
Love list Buddie
Don't go where I can't follow
Motorcycle fic
Street racing/Fast and Furious AU
Buddie- You belong with me fic
5+1 Platonic Daddy fic with @exhuastedpigeon
LA zoo TikTok Buck
Buck & Eddie wedding- Something wrong in the village
sword buddie pt. 2/ Under the Guise of Violence 
Post Lawsuit/Call your mum inspired fic
Untitled post season 6 angst based on Stick Season
I've tagged all the latest post about all the fics that I've already made posts about (all previous snippets should be linked if you want to go back and read them)
Rules & Tags below the cut!
Rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please don’t eat glass but don’t feel like you have to do this either.
Tagged by: @steadfastsaturnsrings @smilingbuckley @your-catfish-friend @theotherbuckley @jamespearce9-1-1 @jesuisici33 @wikiangela @hippolotamus @monsterrae1 @exhuastedpigeon
Tagging (no pressure): @wildlife4life​ @eddiebabygirldiaz @disasterbuckdiaz @spotsandsocks @try-set-me-on-fire​ @bekkachaos @buddierights @spagheddiediaz @911-on-abc @shitouttabuck @911onabc @malewifediaz @loserdiaz @ladydorian05 @watchyourbuck @king-buckley @chaoticgremlinwholikescheese @daffi-990 @fortheloveofbuddie @mangacat201 @hoodie-buck @eowon @rainbow-nerdss @nmcggg @pirrusstuff @evanbegins @giddyupbuck @sammysouffle @carrierofthepaperclips @jeeyuns @callmenewbie @thosetwofirefighters @princehattric @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove
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queers-ahoy · 5 months
ket's 2023 favorite fanfiction reads!
here ye here ye! come one come all to hear about my Favorite Fics of 2023! A surprising number of these aren't even complete, but isn't that just how the cookie crumbles sometimes. I highly recommend all of these, completed or not! Most are Gentlebeard, but the last two are little wildcards! Fics that had their word count marked with an asterisk are incomplete.
Once Upon a Summer in San Francisco by samwise | E | 209k*
A charming and thrilling AU set in San Francisco in 1978. Ed, a career drug dealer, meets Stede during a music festival after getting drugged by his office co-workers. They become intertwined in a relationship that puts both of them in new territory. I think my favorite part of this fic is all of the music and fashion references, as well as how all the crew members (and others!) are woven into the story. All the side relationships are adorable, and Stede and Mary have an ADORABLE friendship that I can't get enough of.
2. In Favor With Their Stars by @mxmollusca | M | ~62k
This fic was my introduction to sci-fi AUs in this fandom! It's a gripping story that follows Ed, an engineer who finds himself awoken early from cryostasis on an "interplanetary research vessel" travelling to Jupiter's moon, Europa. Ed soon discovers that the ship's artificial intelligence, STE/DE, is likely sentient. Chaos and love ensues as they spend several months together, flying through the void. This story is uniquely multi-media, told through prose, code, poetry, audio transcripts, and even music!
3. Famine and Feast by zemph147 (@gaypiratebrainrot) | E | ~19k
This fic is a HILARIOUS and fascinating modern AU where Ed is the owner and head chef of his fine dining restaurant, Blackbeard. He finds himself full of renewed passion for his craft after tasting the menu of The Revenge, a new food truck owned by one Stede Bonnet. As someone who works in a kitchen and LOVES any media about food, this fic really indulged me. The description of every dish had my mouth watering!
4. Kalahari Down by @oatmilktruther | E | 31k*
Kalahari Down is a wild and stylized fic, written from Ed's pov as a 19 year old rancher working in Montana on Bonnet Ranch. When Stede returns home from boarding school, the two boys find themselves whipped up into a Brokeback Mountain-esque romance. However, canon-typical miscommunications make their journey a rocky one. This fic is INSANE in the way that it's written, and absolutely must be read in a southern accent (or at least, that's how I have to read it in my head :3). The series is smartly inspired by the eponymous album by Orville Peck, Bronco. Each chapter takes the name of a song written by him, and the vibes certainly shine through. It's hard to say since it's yet to be completed, but it's certainly lining up to be one of my favorite ofmd fics of all time.
5. Fine Wires by Nospaceforjack, ThePirateRoo | E | ~114k
Set in London, 1887, this fic follows the meeting of Blackbeard, the infamous burglar, and The Gentleman Thief, new to a life of crime. The two men are quickly charmed by each other, but their relationship becomes caught in the clutches of the law chasing them as well as Stede's need to prove himself. This story is charming in aesthetic, originally an AMAU, and is told through collages of images, letters, composed ambient music, as well as prose. The setting really comes to life with the mixture of multimedia content along with amazing description.
6. Liquid Gold by @perkynurples | M | ~79k
This is another modern AU that was originally an SMAU! Stede returns to his family's summer home in following his divorce from Mary in an attempt to reconnect with himself. He takes to beekeeping, a hobby his mother enjoyed in his youth, and it soon connects him to resident beekeeper, Edward Teach. They become swept into a honey sweet relationship where they uncover more mysteries than they ever expected to. This fic is ADORABLE as much as it is captivating, and as a beekeeper myself, this fic holds a special place in my heart <3
7. not pickles by smallestchurch | E | ~83k
Yay another modern AU! This one is an Ed pov, and really focuses on Ed's progression through his mental health struggles and such. Ed and Stede live in the same apartment building, and Ed finds himself pulled into Stede's adorable family, whether he likes it or not (he does). There's plenty of adorable Alma/Louis content in this one, and Ed is no surprise GREAT with kids. It's heartwarming, gut-wrenching, and tear-jerking all in one! Total triple threat.
8. the knife and the throat by darcylindbergh (@forpiratereasons) | E | ~35k*
This is a post-s1 canon fix-it fic that is just SWARMING with all kinds of delicious angst. After Stede fights to reunite with Ed, he finds that healing their relationship won't be nearly as easy as the gut wound he's given when he tries. This fic alternates pov, but I'm especially entranced by the way Ed is written in particular. This fic hasn't been updated in a while, but the author told me that they hope to complete it eventually! Finished or not, it's a great read.
9. if i was pure, you know i would by bitethehands | E | ~2k
Dead Dove: Do Not Eat! This fic is a delicious body horror one-shot where Izzy is immortal and Kraken era Blackbeard finds that *fascinating.* It's gruesome and horrifying and so well-written.
10. bend over, doll (it's all a game) by Sweveris | E | ~91k
Modern AU with a sick twist! Edward is the leader of a crime ring and married to Stede Bonnet. Ed is quick to discover that his husband is less than faithful, but decides to play along for a while, just to see where it goes. Everyone in this fic is TERRIBLE and it's AMAZING. I usually hate fics with Calico Jack in them, but somehow this one coaxed me into reading full chapters from his pov. There's also some really yummy Stizzy content that simmers throughout.
//And that's that! I have plenty of honorable mentions that I'll probably add soon, especially if people want more recommendations! Happy New Year, and here's to many lovely fics in 2024!
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compneuropapers · 10 months
Interesting Papers for Week 30, 2023
Adult-born neurons inhibit developmentally-born neurons during spatial learning. Ash, A. M., Regele-Blasco, E., Seib, D. R., Chahley, E., Skelton, P. D., Luikart, B. W., & Snyder, J. S. (2023). Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 198, 107710.
Behavioral origin of sound-evoked activity in mouse visual cortex. Bimbard, C., Sit, T. P. H., Lebedeva, A., Reddy, C. B., Harris, K. D., & Carandini, M. (2023). Nature Neuroscience, 26(2), 251–258.
Exploration patterns shape cognitive map learning. Brunec, I. K., Nantais, M. M., Sutton, J. E., Epstein, R. A., & Newcombe, N. S. (2023). Cognition, 233, 105360.
Distinct contributions of ventral CA1/amygdala co-activation to the induction and maintenance of synaptic plasticity. Chong, Y. S., Wong, L.-W., Gaunt, J., Lee, Y. J., Goh, C. S., Morris, R. G. M., … Sajikumar, S. (2023). Cerebral Cortex, 33(3), 676–690.
 An intrinsic oscillator underlies visual navigation in ants. Clement, L., Schwarz, S., & Wystrach, A. (2023). Current Biology, 33(3), 411-422.e5.
Not so optimal: The evolution of mutual information in potassium voltage-gated channels. Duran-Urriago, A., & Marzen, S. (2023). PLOS ONE, 18(2), e0264424.
Successor-like representation guides the prediction of future events in human visual cortex and hippocampus. Ekman, M., Kusch, S., & de Lange, F. P. (2023). eLife, 12, e78904.
Residual dynamics resolves recurrent contributions to neural computation. Galgali, A. R., Sahani, M., & Mante, V. (2023). Nature Neuroscience, 26(2), 326–338.
Dorsal attention network activity during perceptual organization is distinct in schizophrenia and predictive of cognitive disorganization. Keane, B. P., Krekelberg, B., Mill, R. D., Silverstein, S. M., Thompson, J. L., Serody, M. R., … Cole, M. W. (2023). European Journal of Neuroscience, 57(3), 458–478.
A striatal circuit balances learned fear in the presence and absence of sensory cues. Kintscher, M., Kochubey, O., & Schneggenburger, R. (2023). eLife, 12, e75703.
Hippocampal engram networks for fear memory recruit new synapses and modify pre-existing synapses in��vivo. Lee, C., Lee, B. H., Jung, H., Lee, C., Sung, Y., Kim, H., … Kaang, B.-K. (2023). Current Biology, 33(3), 507-516.e3.
Neocortical synaptic engrams for remote contextual memories. Lee, J.-H., Kim, W. Bin, Park, E. H., & Cho, J.-H. (2023). Nature Neuroscience, 26(2), 259–273.
The effect of temporal expectation on the correlations of frontal neural activity with alpha oscillation and sensory-motor latency. Lee, J. (2023). Scientific Reports, 13, 2012.
Describing movement learning using metric learning. Loriette, A., Liu, W., Bevilacqua, F., & Caramiaux, B. (2023). PLOS ONE, 18(2), e0272509.
The geometry of cortical representations of touch in rodents. Nogueira, R., Rodgers, C. C., Bruno, R. M., & Fusi, S. (2023). Nature Neuroscience, 26(2), 239–250.
Contextual and pure time coding for self and other in the hippocampus. Omer, D. B., Las, L., & Ulanovsky, N. (2023). Nature Neuroscience, 26(2), 285–294.
Reshaping the full body illusion through visuo-electro-tactile sensations. Preatoni, G., Dell’Eva, F., Valle, G., Pedrocchi, A., & Raspopovic, S. (2023). PLOS ONE, 18(2), e0280628.
Experiencing sweet taste is associated with an increase in prosocial behavior. Schaefer, M., Kühnel, A., Schweitzer, F., Rumpel, F., & Gärtner, M. (2023). Scientific Reports, 13, 1954.
Cortical encoding of rhythmic kinematic structures in biological motion. Shen, L., Lu, X., Yuan, X., Hu, R., Wang, Y., & Jiang, Y. (2023). NeuroImage, 268, 119893.
Mindful self-focus–an interaction affecting Theory of Mind? Wundrack, R., & Specht, J. (2023). PLOS ONE, 18(2), e0279544.
75 notes · View notes
aftgficrec · 11 months
Can you post fics where Andrew and Neil argue but make up in the end?
Enjoy this walk through andreil feels, anon. The previous asks mentioned lead to a bunch more asks and fics. -A
also see:
andreil arguing here
new andreil breakup/make-up here
fave break up and make up here
andreil or jerejean kiss & make-up here
miscommunication leading to near-breakups here
angst w/happy ending: miscommunication or pining here
andreil enemies to lovers 2 here
Andrew makes Neil cry here
Neil snaps ‘not nothing’ here
‘quicksand’ here
‘low quay, no pressure’ here
‘transience’ here
‘transmission’ here
‘Tumblr Headcanons - Andreil’ Ch 11 & 12 here
‘Neil worried that Andrew cheated’ here
‘Home for Christmas’ here
‘Wake Up to Your Sunset’ here (completed)
‘All I Wanted’ here
‘Some Kind of Disaster’ here
‘I’m Not Dead Yet’ here
‘Can Nobody Hear Me (I cannot breathe)’ here (completed)
‘nice to see your face again’ and ‘Dawn Won't End the Night’ (updated) here
‘please come back, save me from myself,’ ‘ghostin',’ and ‘I ran out of every reason’ here
‘but i don't think i can ever learn how to love just right’ here 
‘Shared Custody’ and ‘Shared Custody (The Blame the Cat Remix)’ here
if you really love nothing by seasy33 [Rated M, 39713 Words, Complete, 2022]
Andrew finds an interesting piece of paper. He's not quite sure how he feels about it.
tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: rape/noncon, tw: flashbacks, tw: alcohol 
Undefined Roommates Code by Helpisneeded [Rated E, 56760 Words, Incomplete, Updated Oct 2022]
Punching your roommate is not a very smart idea. Starting a friends with benefits relationship with said roommate is an even worse one. Setting up a string of rules to keep it purely physical and make sure you don’t catch feeling but catching them anyways is certainly the stupidest thing you could do in that situation. Luckily for Neil, he never claimed to be smart.
tw: explicit sexual content, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced suicidal tendencies
Regrowth by Mystrana [Rated E, 4836 Words, Complete, 2021]
It goes like this: Neil's giving therapy a chance. He's dealing with every emotion he's ever pushed down trying to leak back up. When he gets hurt during a game, Andrew gets upset and they get into an argument. And then Andrew apologizes. A fic in which Andrew and Neil work on healing together and cry and have the softest sex in the world.
tw: explicit sexual content
An intimate moment with someone you hate by krasmataz [Rated E, 7414 Words, Complete, 2023]
Neil and Andrew have their first fight after trying something new in the bedroom. Hope they figure it out before they destroy too much school property!
tw: implied/referenced self-harm, tw: blood, tw: implied/referenced suicidal tendencies
over/under by likearecord [Rated E, 9506 Words, Complete, 2023]
He’d thought Neil, with his smart mouth and his wild eyes, would be satisfied with what Andrew was offering. He guesses he’d thought Neil was used to living on scraps—and Andrew has never had anything meatier to give. He’d been wrong.
tw: explicit sexual content
Only Fools Fall. by Random2002 [Rated T, 19789 Words, Incomplete, Updated Feb 2023]
Neil tests how faithful his clients partners are. Roland is a client; he's worried about his boyfriend. It isn't long until Neil notices some serious rifts in the relationship he is meant to test.
tw: child abuse
Cold Cookies by Preludeno3 [Rated M, 11583 Words, Incomplete, Updated Jan 2023, Locked]
It starts off as an abstract, incomplete thought. Andrew’s on his knees on the rug in his Columbia bedroom, going to town on Neil’s dick. Or Andrew wants to try face fucking, trauma is a bitch and Neil is almost too understanding
tw: explicit sexual content, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon
First fight by Olympyas [Not Rated, 3265 Words, Complete, 2023]
"There is no this, you are nothing and nothing doesn't exist." It hurt. A lot. Especially when you spent the whole day feeling like nothing. So he wanted to hurt Andrew in return. He wanted to get, even the slightest, reaction from him. "Well, at least you can't hurt 'nothing' like you destroy everything around you." —hurt him— "You'll still run away like the rabbit you are. Tell me, Nathaniel, why are you staying?" Neil hated this name in Adrew's mouth "For nothing. I shouldn't have stayed in the first place." And he left.
tw: panic attacks, tw: violence, tw: assault, tw: attempted rape/noncon
A Substitute For Please by cadkitten [Rated E, 1911 Words, Complete, 2018]
Please is a word built to make things easy and life has never been easy for either of them. Please is meant to smooth things over, but they're all rough edges. Please is a final ditch effort when hope is lost and, Neil, he knows there's still hope here.
tw: ptsd, tw: depression, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: alcohol
NB: find more about Nicky’s state of mind here
To Be Close With You Is To Be Close With Myself by jostenskeys [Rated E, 20359 Words, Complete, 2022]
Andrew has always been a protector at heart despite how often he bullies Neil for his martyr complex. The summer before Neil's second year, however, he begins to feel the impacts of his life finally crash down on him just as they were finally safe from harm. Andrew fights with himself and doesn't know how he can help. But he soon realises, in order for him to help Neil, he needs to help himself too. Or The Convincing-Neil-To-Get-Therapy Chronicles. Written by Andrew Minyard and edited by Betsy Dobson.
tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: rape/noncon, tw: self harm, tw: urge to self harm, tw: blood, tw: suicidal ideation, tw: nightmares, tw: panic attacks, tw: depression
Stay series by jaydreamz [Rated M/T, Collection with 2 complete works, Updated Nov 2021]
Part 1: Was Sorta Hopin' That You'd Stay [M, 25740 Words] Neil and Andrew have HATED each other since an incident in college. They really, really do. The Minyard-Josten rivalry is not a sham. But now Andrew's transferring to Neil's team and all hell is about to break loose.
tw: alcohol, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: explicit sexual content
Part 2: Before I Hated You [T, 5974 Words] Before the Minyard-Josten rivalry was on, there was something else entirely. *** Andrew and Neil's first meeting in college that ended up starting the feud between them.
Bittersweet by Mercey [Rated M, 8370 Words, Complete, AFTG Mixtape Exchange 2021]
‘Why would Neil want to be with someone who can’t even care for him the right way? Why would he want that life for himself? He’s not a runaway anymore, he’s not so desperate for affection that he’ll settle for my meagre offerings, and good for him. It’s better that way.’ Andrew's spiralling with graduation coming up, and beginning to question the very foundations upon which he and Neil are built.
tw: depression
Hold Each Other by exactly13percent_OLD (hymbeaux) [Collection Rated T/E, Complete, 2018]
Chapter 12: Stranger [T, 2854 Words] Sometimes, love comes easily. That's the problem.
I took a breath and took the knife by eeveepkmnfan [Rated M, 2271 Words, Complete, 2022]
Andrew and Neil argue. Or, Neil is still struggling through the aftereffects of being drugged. Andrew is forced to confront the consequences of that decision.
tw: transphobia, tw: implied/referenced sexual assault, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: implied/referenced involuntary drug use, tw: ptsd
Spring Cleaning with a Man on the Lam by SugarLime [Rated G, 2240 Words, Complete, 2019]
Neil glared at the wrapper Andrew had tossed on the floor next to his chair. He stalked over with a nasty frown and leveled a glare at Andrew. Andrew met his glare with an empty expression. “What?” He asked, following Neil’s gaze as it tuned to the discarded wrapper, “it’s a wrapper,” he said wisely. His gut did a small flip as he tried to figure out why his boyfriend was mad.
I Won't Be Home For The Rest Of The Night by CasTheButler [Not Rated, 1039 Words, Complete, 2017]
Neil and Andrew have a fight, Neil learns to let someone new in.
Stars and Moons by sonyathefairy [Rated G, 1111 Words, Complete, 2017]
Neil ponders about the stars and his fight with Andrew. Or in which they both realise that they can't live without the other anymore.
Where We Belong by conniptionns [Rated T, 1374 Words, Complete, 2017]
prompt: andrew and neil get into this huge fight while andrew is driving so he tells neil to get out the car and walk the rest of the way.
Still here by theresnothis [Rated T, 2779​​ Words, Complete, AFTG Summer Exchange 2022]
After a fight with Andrew, Neil ran off into the night (but he would go back). Andrew found him and of course with Neil’s luck a robbery would occur.
flashes of intimacy by mostly_maudlin [Rated T, Collection, Complete, 2023]
Chapter 3: conflict resolution [385 Words] Chapter 4: space [507 Words]
tw: mild self harm
Chapter 16: picking fights [554 Words]
tw: mild self harm
“I don’t want your pity, I want your absence.” by markonasurface (idwir) [Not Rated, 1627 Words, Complete, 2018]
After the freshmen find out about Neil and Andrew, a terrible practice leads to Neil saying things he shouldn’t.
tw: involuntary outing, tw: homophobia, tw: scars, tw: anxiety attack, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced csa, tw: victim shaming, tw: self harm
“So much for not getting involved.” by markonasurface (idwir) [Not Rated, 769 Words, Complete, 2020]
“I don’t want your pity, I want your absence.” pt 2
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced csa
“don’t call me that”-andreil prompt fill by @markonasurface [Tumblr, 2017]
Neil heard the door to the roof open and knew it was Andrew. Annoyance flooded his chest and he had the overwhelming urge to hit him. Instead he lit another cigarette and let Andrew pluck it from his fingers even though he hadn’t offered it to him.
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best-tv-theme-song · 7 months
Round 1 is over, full results below!
Round 2 will start on Monday.
What are your most devastating losses this round?? Mine are Milo Murphy's Law, Gilmore Girls, That 70s Show, and Reba. (No respect around here for a single mom who works too hard who loves her kids and never stops)
Group A
The Addams Family vs. Fairy Tail
Sagwa, the Chinese Siamese Cat vs. Goosebumps
Wizards of Waverly Place (S1-3) vs. Ed, Edd n Eddy
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood vs. Only Murders in the Building
The Backyardigans vs. Downton Abbey
Naruto vs. The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy
Dexter's Laboratory vs. Kenan & Kel
Parks and Recreation vs. Jujutsu Kaisen
Danny Phantom vs. Pippi Longstocking/Pippi Långstrump
My Life as a Teenage Robot vs. My Hero Academia
Sabrina the Teenage Witch vs. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (S4-7)
Little Einsteins vs. The Benny Hill Show
Teletubbies vs. Ted Lasso
VeggieTales vs. Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Lizzie McGuire vs. The Proud Family
Steven Universe (Original Theme) vs. The A-Team
Group B
Doctor Who (New S1-2) vs. Charlie's Angels
Thomas & Friends vs. Bob's Burgers
Community vs. The Brady Bunch
Adventure Time vs. Ever After High
Seinfeld vs. Ranma ½
Batman vs. Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Monty Python's Flying Circus vs. One Piece (2023)
Friends vs. Rocko's Modern Life
Sesame Street (S1-23) vs. Saved by the Bell
Total Drama vs. Monk
Full House vs. Winx Club (We Are the Winx)
Looney Tunes vs. Murder, She Wrote
M*A*S*H vs. South Park
Pinky and the Brain vs. Happy Days
One Day at a Time (2017) vs. The Suite Life on Deck
Pokémon (Pokémon Theme) vs. The Andy Griffith Show
Group C
Gravity Falls vs. Milo Murphy's Law
Horrible Histories vs. Leverage
Neon Genesis Evangelion vs. Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers
The Simpsons vs. Samurai Jack
The Golden Girls vs. Wonder Pets!
Merlin vs. El Chavo del Ocho
Victorious vs. CSI: Miami
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic vs. Smallville
Good Omens vs. Good Luck Charlie
House, M.D. vs. Pride and Prejudice
LazyTown vs. The Big Bang Theory
Bob the Builder vs. Wild Kratts
New Girl vs. Infinity Train
Arthur vs. I Love Lucy
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles vs. The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
The X-Files vs. Pucca
Group D
The Fairly OddParents vs. X-Men: The Animated Series
Sherlock vs. Monster High
Spider-Man vs. Revolutionary Girl Utena
Orange Is the New Black vs. Hunter × Hunter
The Office vs. Angel: The Series
Law & Order (SVU) vs. Arcane: League of Legends
BoJack Horseman vs. Wonder Woman
Jeopardy! vs. Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?
The Suite Life of Zack and Cody vs. Taskmaster
Totally Spies! vs. Yellowjackets
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia vs. Ouran High School Host Club (Japanese)
Yuri on Ice vs. Samurai Champloo
Ducktales (1987) vs. Charmed
Mister Rogers' Neighborhood vs. Shaun the Sheep
How It's Made vs. Tokyo Ghoul
Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! vs. The Emperor's New School
Group E
Kim Possible vs. Once Upon a Time
The Great British Bake Off vs. The Legend of Vox Machina
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power vs. Gilmore Girls
Animaniacs vs. Pretty Little Liars
Zoboomafoo vs. Who Wants to Be a Millionaire
The Umbrella Academy vs. The Muppet Show
WandaVision (A Newlywed Couple/Ep 1) vs. NCIS
Reading Rainbow (1983-1999) vs. Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Hannah Montana (S1-2) vs. Gilligan's Island
The Mandalorian vs. Dragon Ball Z (Cha-La Head-Cha-La)
What We Do in the Shadows vs. Inspector Gadget
Big Time Rush vs. Barney & Friends
Power Rangers (Mighty Morphin) vs. Young Justice
Futurama vs. Spy × Family
Succession vs. Bluey
iCarly vs. Code Lyoko
Group F
The Magic School Bus vs. Jackie Chan Adventures
Digimon Adventure (Butter-Fly) vs. The Last of Us
Star Trek: The Next Generation (S3-7) vs. Soul Eater
Zoey 101 vs. Xena: Warrior Princess
Dora the Explorer vs. We Bare Bears
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend vs. Carmen Sandiego (2019)
Star Trek: Enterprise (S1-2) vs. Mr. Bean
Sailor Moon (Japanese) vs. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (S1-2) vs. Red Dwarf
Death Note vs. Phil of the Future
Yu-Gi-Oh! vs. El Chapulín Colorado
The Flintstones vs. His Dark Materials
Game of Thrones vs. Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure
The Nanny vs. Haikyu!!
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends vs. Frasier
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air vs. Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji
Group G
Bill Nye the Science Guy vs. The Facts of Life
George of the Jungle (1967) vs. Veronica Mars
H2O: Just Add Water (S1) vs. Star Trek: Voyager
Star Trek: The Original Series (With Vocal) vs. Hawaii Five-O
Drake & Josh vs. Fetch! with Ruff Ruffman
Puella Magi Madoka Magica vs. Cowboy Bebop (1998)
Lilo & Stitch: The Series vs. Torchwood
The Twilight Zone vs. Wander Over Yonder
Rugrats vs. Columbo
The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius vs. The Walking Dead
Hey Arnold! vs. Psych
Twin Peaks vs. Voltron: Legendary Defender
Dragon Tales vs. How I Met Your Mother
Stranger Things vs. Mission: Impossible (1966)
W.I.T.C.H. vs. Daredevil
What's New, Scooby-Doo? vs. Tiny Toon Adventures
Group H
SpongeBob SquarePants vs. X-Men: Evolution
Fraggle Rock vs. Stargate SG-1
Firefly vs. Scrubs
Codename: Kids Next Door vs. Inuyasha (Change the World)
That '70s Show vs. Bear in the Big Blue House
Cheers vs. American Dragon: Jake Long
A Series of Unfortunate Events vs. Black Sails
The Powerpuff Girls vs. Darkwing Duck
That's So Raven vs. Grey's Anatomy
Ben 10 vs. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Cyberchase vs. Reba
Malcolm in the Middle vs. Shake It Up
Teen Titans (2003) vs. Mob Psycho 100
The Owl House vs. I Dream of Jeannie
Assassination Classroom (Question) vs. Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake
Phineas and Ferb vs. Batman Beyond/Batman of the Future
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neondiamond · 10 months
Tumblr media
🪩 Recently Read Fics - July 2023 🪩
These are all the amazing fics I read over the past month (from shortest to longest). Don’t forget to leave kudos and comments to show the authors your appreciation if you read any of these! 💛
🪩 I’ll Get You Through by @hellolovers13 (1k, G)
Louis will always pick up when Harry calls.
🪩 a life that’s lived without you by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed (1k, T)
In all of his 116 years, Zayn has never quite felt this way about anyone. Liam is so incredibly human, in the worst and best ways. He’s fragile, even when he pretends not to be. He’s soft and kind, clumsy at times. He’s strong and full of life, full of love even when people around him give him cause to be anything but.
He’s sunshine and happiness and Zayn watches because he can’t not be drawn to him, to this boy that personifies those things that he has been missing out on for over a century.
🪩 rain makes the flowers grow by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed (1k, G)
Some people are able to hide it. The way they’re feeling.
This boy at Harry’s work is not one of them.
He’s the boy with his head in the clouds.
🪩 Yours and Mine by @allwaswell16 (1k, T)
Louis goes to the library with his favourite people, his boyfriend Harry and his son, Max.
A Bitter Ends Turns Sweet timestamp
🪩 Everything Is Batter With You by @red-pandaaa (2k, T)
Harry comes across a fun baking TikTok and convinces Louis to do it
🪩 In Time by @allwaswell16 (2k, M)
Harry's uncertainty about their relationship began before he ever stepped foot on the plane to Amsterdam.
A prequel/timestamp to the fic Bitter Ends Turn Sweet
🪩 Timeless by @babyhoneyheslt (3k, G)
After visiting an antiques shop, Harry gets transported through time, and discovers that he and Louis are Timeless.
🪩 Take Me To Another World by @babyhoneyheslt (5k, G)
After escaping from the neighbouring kingdom, Harry finds himself on land for the first time. Despite knowing he should go back home, he lets his curiosity get the better of him.
When a mishap with discovering socks happens, he meets Louis who takes him out for coffee, and finds that Louis doesn’t quite meet the stereotype of humans.
🪩 On That Note by @allwaswell16 (6k, E)
Louis’ office job on an omega only floor would be absolutely fine, if not for the alphas he and his friends have to deal with in the building. But although they’ve never met face to face, the friendly notes sent between him and Harry in Purchasing help him get through the day.
🪩 I Want You to Linger by @insightfulinsomniac (7k, E)
A friends-to-lovers fic in which oblivious alpha Louis courts his best friend, nests with the gifts he gets him, and is faced with the reality that sometimes telling someone you love them doesn’t go to plan (but turns out better in the end anyway).
🪩 Blue Moon by @pocketsunshineharry (20k, G)
What happens when Louis moves away from the busy city life to a small village in the middle of nowhere and meets Harry, the sweetest and most understanding Alpha?
Will Harry be able to get Louis' walls down? Will he be able to adjust to the slower pace of life in the village and open up to Harry's love? As they navigate their new relationship, will they be able to overcome the obstacles from Louis’ past?
🪩 Paint a Rainbow Inside My Heart by @cyantific (22k, T)
A story about hiding in plain sight and the journey to revealing your truth, told in six acts.
Or, the five times Harry queer coded with actions, behaviors or clothing and the one time he was too proud to hide anymore.
🪩 ‘cause I want you (for the worse and for the better) by @absoloutenonsense (26k, NR)
When Louis gets invited along to Anne's wedding, Harry is prepared to let people think whatever they want about their relationship. That's what Louis said -- let people think whatever they want. That changes when Louis sees his ex, who turns out to be Anne's future husband's son. Now, Louis wants to prove that he's an omega that an alpha could want, and Harry wants to get through this weekend without letting his best friend figure out he's in love with him.
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fleurmioneweek · 9 months
*Hacker Voice* I'm In.
What's up, nerds! Did you know that, due to some questionable statistics, we're further ahead this Fleurmione week than we were in 2020? Due to events outside of our control, I've been given the access codes to the Tumblr and am ready to get this show on the road! So buckle your seatbelts, keep a tasty drink and good snacks close to hand, because we're coming in hot with the first submissions of Fleurmione Week 2023 with Day One: University/Creature Feature!
ao3 collection available here!
A Meeting Like No Otter by Clueless anxious ghost of hayhay (ShadowfoxFreyja). Rated T. 
Bad Habits by john6lisa. Rated M. 
My Girlfriend Was A Teenage Veela by Hermione_Stranger. Rated E.
The Fleurmione Effect by Mushroom_grey_scale. Rated T.
Veelas are monsters…right? by Mushroom_grey_scale. Rated T.
I am not trying to steal your name! (But I’ll take yours) by RockingMySocks. Rated T.
Cursed Books by perfectly_random. Rated T. 
Grad School Blues by HoardlessDragon. Rated T. 
The night is shaped like a howling wolf. by waxwing_Saint. Rated T. 
Knocked Over with a Feather by rff. Rated G.
A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night by @rachelc978. also available on tumblr! Rated T.
BFC by IndieFoxProductions. Rated G. 
Preparations for a date by Mushroom_grey_scale. Rated T.
Shall We Dance by LostParkMih. Rated E.
Make a Wish by Mushroom_grey_scale. Rated M.
Fleur and Hermione Versus The Meet Cute by @lipzlipzlipz and check out the tumblr post! Rated G. 
Âme-Soeur by Onuuki_de_Mordria. Rated T.
People-watching is an art (Constantly filled with odd meetings) by Nihilistic_Nomad. Rated G.
Curiosity killed the bird (Isn’t that the saying?) by Nihilistic_Nomad. Rated G.
Fleurmione Week 2023 by Midmoon_Kitsune. Rated T.
Knocked Over with a Feather (Artwork for RFF) by @triptomarss and is also available on tumblr!
my heart, captured by @drabsyo also available on tumblr!
Delacour & Granger - WD by @k-starr-ent-ceo also available on tumblr!
Fleurmione Week 2023 Day 1 by @noceurkoi
Fleurmione Professor AU by @k-starr-ent-ceo also available on tumblr!
Late Entries
Against the Tide by Akaseru. Rated E.
Fly, Little Bird by TrashPandaDreamer. Rated M.
Melodic Verses by NotItsEmptyAchilles. Not Rated.
Otterly Smitten by HoardlessDragon. Rated G.
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johannestevans · 5 months
Happy new year!
Good evening, and happy Gregorian new year!
Firstly, the results of my giveaway - the winner has been picked, I'm just waiting for them to get back into contact with me, and everyone who didn't win did get some vouchers for eBooks, which I'm opening up into a little new year's gift!
Want an eBook copy of my slowburn historical fantasy romance between an ADHD vampire and his very autistic secretary? Get Heart of Stone on Smashwords and enter the redemption code XE97D!
Want an eBook copy of my more fast-paced and silly threesome novella between a deceptively experienced young gentleman, a harried naval sub-lieutenant, and the sexy pirate captain that kidnaps them both? Get Gerald Poole and the Pirates on Smashwords and enter the redemption code SF83E!
Enjoy, enjoy!
As I settle into my new place, I'm just starting on decorating and furnishing the place, so I've been picking up some old furniture and beginning to paint, which is great. I'm super excited to have a fully furnished space to work from, but in the meantime it's exciting to work on the process.
I'm still not back into my regular movie-watching vibe as I'm yet to have proper wi-fi in my new place, but I've recently been going between my rewatch of BBC Merlin (always a classic) and also playing Dragon Quest XI, and as for the latter, I recommend it so much. It's such a fun game that, as many of the DQ titles do, plays a lot with and pastiches a lot of classic RPG elements, but it's also so funny and also heartfelt and really loving about its characters, so big recommend.
A new month means a new set of prompts on Trans Erotica!
Prompts for January 2024
Modelling nude
Orgasm denial
In someone else’s clothes
Double-ended dildo
Against a wall
Inspired by a prompt to write a piece?
If you’re trans or nonbinary, submit to us!
There's no round-up of my most popular pieces of last month this email, as instead I did a 2023 round-up of all my most popular works already - my top fiction and non-fiction works of the last year are all laid out here.
New Works Published
Erotic Short: The Duelling Ground
Two old veterans use a duelling student as their shared toy. Rated E, 3k. Trans M between a trans M and cis M, with a duelling master fucking one of his students with a friend of his. Double penetration, anal and vaginal play, biting and nibbling, rough sex, squirting, a bit of breeding dirty talk, size kink, gaping, nipple and chest play.
Read on Medium / / Read on Patreon
Guide: Where do I find the queer people?
Making friends and finding social & community spaces as an LGBTQ+ adult.
Read on Medium / / Read on Patreon / / Read on Tumblr
Erotic Short: Good and Bred
Erotic short. A servant attends a warrior and gives him his first taste of sex with another man.
3k, rated E, cis M/ cis M. A warrior has never slept with another man before, and intends to top — his pretty little servant has different ideas, and cleaves him open. Featuring anal sex, massage kink, size kink, gender play, feminisation, some gaping, rough sex, D/s and power dynamics, role reversal, dirty talk, creampies, lots of breeding kink.
Adapted from a TweetFic.
Read on Medium / / Read on Patreon / / Read on Ao3 / / Read on Tumblr
Serial Update: Rescue Dogs
Chapter Fifteen. In the aftermath of therapy, Valorous has a bit of a meltdown, and Cecil is right there with him.
Cecil Hobbes finally gets Valorous King to try a new adventure: therapy. Cecil Hobbes, an ex-PE teacher disgraced and looked down on in his hometown, has a new partner: Sir Valorous King, a knight of the realm, once a child of prophecy, and Cecil’s stalker. A few months into their relationship, Cecil finally convinces Valorous to see a therapist, on the condition that Cecil attend one himself.
Read on WorldAnvil / / Read on Medium / / Read on Ao3
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themerlinlibrary · 1 year
Favourites Friday (Mar 2023) – Spymaster Merlin
TML Favourites Friday round-up! March 2023 round 1
What is Favourites Friday? – The Basics
a different theme is announced on Friday each week; FF recs must match the theme of the week
only one FF rec per person per week/theme
FF recs must be unique within that week/theme; no double-posting the same fic for one theme!
no self-recs during regular rounds
only self-recs during self-rec rounds (last Friday of each month)
Theme for week 1: Spymaster Merlin!
Theme suggested by @spiritofcamelot
Code name Excalibur by storyforsomeone Series, G-M, 377k (WIP), Merlin/Arthur Modern AU; Spies and Agents
Do You Have Need of Me? by TheActualAuthor G, 33k, Gen Canon AU
GOLDENEYE by Fahye T, 1.7k, Merlin/Arthur Spies & Secret Agents AU
A Practical Man by Drag0nst0rm G, 2.7k Gen Canon AU (?)
Loaded March by Footloose Series, G-E, 1.2M, Merlin/Arthur Military AU
Entirely Unprofessional by jinkandtherebels T, 47k, Merlin/Arthur Spy AU; 1960s
The Camelot Spymaster by AnachronisticVerbage G, 1.7k, Gen Canon AU
A.S.S. (Agents of Secret Stuff) by supercalvin Series, T-M, 39k, Merlin/Arthur Spies & Secret Agents AU
World Enough and Time by alicephantomwise E, 19k, Merlin/Arthur (?)
Mr & Mr Smith by Detochkina Series, M-E, Merlin/Arthur Modern with Magic AU; Spies & Secret Agents
A masterlist of all round-ups can be found here.
If you want to make sure you never miss a FF rec, or would like to participate and share your own favourites; join us on the Discord TheMerlinLibrary! Happy reading!
About the FF round-up lists:
Recs are listed in the order they were posted on the Discord; the order does not imply any sort of ranking.
The pairing given in this list is the main pairing of each respective fic – please read the tags for any possible minor or side-pairings, as well as any potential warnings or triggers.
Pairings and Eras are given as tagged in each respective fic. (?) signifies that the tags were unclear and I do not know enough about the fic to fill the gaps.
Round-ups are compiled on the weekend of the week after the respective theme of the post (when the new theme has already been anounced), to avoid omitting potentially belated FF recs.
Since I am running FF alone, it is not always possible for me to have the round-up list up immediately – please be patient.
The weekly round-up is not a guarantee! Again, I'm running this alone, so it can only be posted for weeks when I have enough time on my hands to compile a list. If you'd like to help out, feel free to contact me on Tumblr ( @zaharya ) or Discord.
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witchertits · 2 years
WitcherTits Fic Directory! ⚔️
The Horror and The Wild's 3rd-anniversary lyric video!
And when you lie there awake / Every night love I soar T4T Geralt/Jaskier, E, 2.5k. Is it gay to fuck your clone? Is it gay to watch your best bro fuck their clone? NX canon, post-Blood-Origin. Every Night I Hear Them Howling T4T4T Geralt/Jaskier/Eskel, E, 8k. Jaskier is working on his latest novel and they fuck in the Kaer Morhen library. Wet (Come Take a Dive) T4T Eskel/Geralt, E, 4k. Improper use of witcher potions. The boys are on a hunt and things get wetter than anticipated. You Ain't a Drug But You Get Me So High Geralt/Jaskier getting together + S2 fix-it, M, 6k. 420 fic! Jaskier isn't settling in to Kaer Morhen and Geralt's brothers set out to make it right. Now with art from @aghxst One of my Favorite Pastimes Trans Geralt/Dandelion, M, 4k. Assassins of Kings era, Geralt saves Dandelion from certain death in Flotsam. Idiots in love. We're Drunk but Drinking, Sunk but Sinking Yennefer & Geralt TW3 djinn breakup fic but make it soft, G, 2k.
Art shop, international shipping available!
Witcher AO3 Benefit Zine 2023 (digital) and holographic sticker — all sales donated to the OTW!
Other links found here: https://witchertits.carrd.co/
If we’re mutuals, I’m open to requests to beta. Send me a message if you need an AO3 invite code! 💕
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andymakesgames · 8 months
PicoMace: a 1015 byte demake of PARTICLE MACE
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Very pleased with my entry for #Pico1k Jam 2023!
Pico Mace is a 1015 byte demake of my own game, PARTICLE MACE made in PICO-8.
You can play and post your scores here: https://itch.io/jam/pico-1k-2023/rate/2284825
It has: ☄️ Asteroids & Enemies ✨ PARTICLES! 👷‍♀️ Screenshake 🧮 A lot of little effects I thought I'd have to cut
If you are curious about the source code, you can see the compressed code here and a thoroughly commented version here.
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Full src:
c=-1::i::d=1t=0e=198f={e=99,f=99,o=0,d=0,r=.9,i=15,t=12,h=3}i={f}h=0p=0r=1g=0for n=0,30do add(i,{e=rnd(e),f=rnd(e),i=4,t=5,h=4})if n<6then add(i,{e=90+n,f=90,o=0,d=0,r=.97,i=8,t=12,h=2})end end::e::l=rnd()if t%40<d then add(i,{e=99+cos(l)*e,f=99+sin(l)*e,i=1,t=8,h=4})end if t%8<1then add(i,{e=99+cos(l)*e,f=99+sin(l)*e,r=1,o=1-rnd(2),d=1-rnd(2),i=0,g=600,t=10,h=5})end t+=1if btn(0)then f.o-=.3end if btn(1)then f.o+=.3end if btn(2)then f.d-=.3end if btn(3)then f.d+=.3end camera(f.e-64+rnd(h),f.f-64+rnd(h))h=max(h-.7,0)g-=.02if g<0then r=1end for n in all(i)do a=1o=0if n.o then n.e+=n.o n.f+=n.d n.o*=n.r n.d*=n.r o=atan2(n.o,n.d)end if n.i<1then a,o=7,t/99end if n.i>8then a=4end if n.i==8then b=f.e-n.e v=f.f-n.f n.o+=b/50n.d+=v/50n.t=12if abs(n.o)+abs(n.d)<3then n.t=1end for e in all(i)do if e.i>7and abs(n.e-e.e)+abs(n.f-e.f)<e.i then b=n.e-e.e v=n.f-e.f n.o+=b/9n.d+=v/9end end end if n.i==1then o=atan2(f.e-n.e,f.f-n.f)n.e+=cos(o)*d n.f+=sin(o)*d a=4end if n.i<2then for e in all(i)do if e.i>7and e.t>9and abs(e.e-n.e)+abs(e.f-n.f)<8and d>0then if e==f then goto n else w=r h=4if n.i>0then r,g,h,w=min(10,r+1),1,8,r*10end p+=w s=n add(i,{e=n.e,f=n.f,r=1,o=.2,d=-.5,i=6,g=60,h=0,a=w})del(i,n)goto f end end end end if n.g then n.g-=1if n.g<0then del(i,n)end end line()for e=0,n.h do m=o+e/n.h line(n.e+cos(m)*a,n.f+sin(m)*a,n.t)end if n.a then?"+"..n.a,n.e,n.f,6 end end rect(0,0,e,e,6)if d>0and(abs(f.e-99)>99or abs(f.f-99)>99)then goto n end camera(0,0)n="score:"..p if g>0then n=n.."\n𝘹"..r end if d<1then n=n.."\n high:"..c end?n,50-d*47,3,7 if g>0then line(3,1,3+122*g,1)end if d<1then?"press ❎ to believe",27,99 for n=2,0,-2do o=t/50?"⁶w⁶tpico\nmace",50+sin(o)*n,46+cos(o)*n,7-n end if btn(5)then goto i end end if c<0then goto n end flip()cls()goto e::n::s=f del(i,f)d=0h=9c=max(c,p)goto f::f::j=5+s.i*2for n=0,j do o=n/j k=rnd(3)add(i,{e=s.e,f=s.f,o=sin(o)*k,d=cos(o)*k,r=1,i=5,t=s.t,h=2,g=15})end goto e
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thewolvesof1998 · 6 months
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AO3 | Redbubble | ko-fi
Art and Sticker Commissions are open!
My Fics:
You can see all my posts about my fics/WIPs by searching the tag 'thewolvesof1998 writes'
I ain't proud of all the punches that I've thrown (826, T, Buddie): Post AO3
You with the dark curls, you with the watercolor eyes (1.6k, M, Buddie): Post AO3
asking all these questions, just to be polite, while dying inside (1.2k, T, Buddie): Post AO3
Tapping Morse Code into your heart (2.8k, E, Buddie): Post AO3
I want you to be selfish with me (4.6k, M, Buddie): Post AO3
You bring me comfort (4.2k, T, Buddie): Post AO3
I Can See You (3.1k, T, Buddie): Post AO3
Alright, Cowboy, Go Get 'Em (2/3 Chapters, 16.9K, E, Buddie): Post AO3 Masterlist
Under the Guise of Violence (3k, E, Buddie): Post AO3
nicknames, supernova similes and the family we make (798w, G, Buddie): Post AO3
let me cradle your body (be a safe place to rest) (1.9K, G, Buddie): Post AO3
even when the heat breaks I'm still yours (6.1k, E, Buddie) Post AO3
We might end up real close (2.2k, E, Buddie) Post AO3
They don’t know (your name is already mine)��(7.6k, G, Buddie) Post AO3
A good ally (2k, E, Bucktommy) post AO3
Fic Writing Review 2023 (which includes a list of all my current wips and links to post about them.)
Masterlist of ‘I don’t mind if we fight, If you make me bleed.’ posts
My favourite writing tool
My Original Writing:
Someone to be Gentle- Original Poem
Water Burial -Original Poem (trigger warnings)
My God is a Woman - Original Poem
My Edits:
You can see all my post about my edits by searching the tag 'thewolvesof1998 edit'
Don't Go Where I Can't Follow - LOTR inspired Buddie
Evan Buckley Icons
Eddie Diaz Instagram Post
What Was I Made For x Evan Buckley
Buck's Tweets inspired by Oliver's own Tweets
RWRB Buddie Movie Posters
Ryan Guzman Twilight poster
My Art:
You can see all my post about my art by searching the tag 'thewolvesof1998 art'
Cowboy Buck inspired by my fic Alright, Cowboy, Go Get 'Em
Sad pumpkin Buckley
Buck in short shorts and crop top pt. 1 (wip)
Buck in short shorts and crop top pt. 2 (wip)
Rodeo Star Buck (wip)
Rodeo Star Buck (finished)
My Stickers
'I do not panic' Eddie Diaz sticker
Grog Mayo Sticker
Wolf Pack Dispatch:
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bidoofenergy · 5 months
2023 Writing Round-Up
Rules: Share what you wrote this year! It can be works you posted to Ao3, Wattpad, Tumblr, or anywhere else! You can share everything you wrote or just the ones you’re most excited about.
i saw @kiwiana-writes do this first and decided to take the open tag hehe
no fic (i had literally just graduated university i was brain dead)
i'll go with you without a second thought [jimmy/tango | T | 1,193]
tango struggles with his missing memories. jimmy tries to keep it together. (for the life series fanwork exchange)
hungry busy people [jimmy & joel & grian | T | 4,084]
jimmy, joel, and grian go to waffle house in this prequel to LDDF
rainy day [multi | G | 1,602]
double life missing scenes (for the extreme timed mcyt exchange)
in the middle, alone [grian & jimmy & joel | T | 830]
limited life missing scene: grian, after joel and jimmy died
no fic (started working on starry eyes)
na dekhi koi aisi girl [pavitr/gayatri | T | 1,464]
pavitr and gayatri's first meeting
starry eyes stare through me [grian & scar, grian & pearl, grian & xisuma | M | 13,386]
third life hunger games AU, for mcytblr AUFest 2023
no fic (i started a new job)
starry eyes stare through me - bonus content [grian & pearl | T | 1,835]
bonus content
little cousin of a friend [alex & rafael | T | 1,990]
the development of rafael and alex's friendship
try to be patient (learning how to live) [jimmy/tango | M | 3,605]
tango and jimmy talk about sex in this sequel to LDDF
no fic (new job continues to kick my ass)
bribery sealed with a kiss [jimmy/tango | T | 551]
secret life session 4: jimmy bribing tango, but a little longer
fake kissing [bigb/jimmy | T | 524]
bigb and jimmy almost get caught conspiring by scar
reward [jimmy/tango | E | 100]
tango gets a little reward for helping jimmy with his task (for wanksgiving 2023)
tangled in her love [pearl/gem | M | 100]
pearl and gem handle a minor interruption (for wanksgiving 2023)
all bark and no bite [grian/jimmy | M | 100]
grian and dogboy jimmy (for wanksgiving 2023)
dungeon master's praise [jimmy/tango | E | 100]
semi-public handjob after jimmy nearly wins a round of decked out 2 (for wanksgiving 2023)
fever [jimmy & joel & grian | G | 141]
bad boys boy band AU (spotify wrapped prompts)
arm around each other's waist [etho & skizz | G | 253]
limited life: skizz and etho, right before etho dies
maybe tonight i'll get this story right [bokuto/tsukishima | T | 8,393]
bokuto and tsukishima haven't talked in 4 years. and now tsukishima is the newest couch for the black jackals (for Fic in a Box 2023)
Jimmy Solidarity and the Pantry of Self-Discovery [jimmy | T | 1,291]
jimmy has a bisexual awakening at a house party in a pantry (for Fic in a Box 2023)
we may still die for other things [teo | T | 1542]
alternate ending to the sunbearer trials
world domination [alex | G | 100]
post-canon alex (spotify wrapped prompts)
it's been a great year in writing (43k!!) i wrote in 3 new fandoms. i joined the Brownstone server and met many wonderful people in the RWRB fandom. i had an absolutely amazing time with a whole bunch of different events and i met so many more people too!
no pressure tagging: @canarydarity @baronetcoins @read-and-write- @some-sort-of-siren @leafcabbage @codes-and-stuffs @officialgleamstar @tunastime and anyone else that wants an excuse to talk about their fic!!
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