#221 b.c.
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~ Jade Bird Subduing Two Snakes.
Place of origin: China
Period: Zhou dynasty, Warring States period
Date: 475-221 B.C.
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artifacts-archive · 3 months
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Grave Guardian Beast (Zhenmu Shou)
China, Eastern Zhou dynasty, Warring States period (480–221 B.C.), 4th/3rd century B.C.
Antlered creatures with long, protruding tongues are the most distinctive burial gifts that have been discovered in Chu tombs. “Antler and tongue” figures may have been used in shamanistic rituals or may represent local deities. Typically centered at the head of the coffin, perhaps to protect the deceased from evil, such grotesque images assume a variety of forms with single or double heads. The painted scrollwork on this example is unusually well preserved.
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Why Christmas is not related to Christ Jesus nor Christianity
A search on the internet will tell you that Christmas is a Christian holiday (I don't think I read that in the Bible) celebrating the birthday of Jesus Christ. Where in the Bible was the birth date of Jesus Christ given? It doesn't even give the date of the 25th of December. Christmas means "mass on Christ's day" how did it come to be that that was Christ's day? I know that He says He's Lord of the sabbath and that's God's day is the sabbath but Christmas? No. Christmas is the English term. "The earlier term Yule may have derived from the Germanic jōl or the Anglo-Saxon geōl, which referred to the feast of the winter solstice." Yule which is "the pre-Christian festival originating in Scandinavia which was later subsumed, along with other pagan celebrations, into the Christian holiday of Christmas." There are pagan roots, celebrations in it, how does it glorify Jesus? God? People might say, oh but they sing Christmas carols and there's the nativity. Please, it doesn't matter if that is done on that day when there are parts of Christmas which are contributed from celebrations offered to idols or possible pagan gods. "Yule celebrations began as a Norse festival called jol, although assessments of the purpose and traditions vary. Like most winter solstice festivals, themes of light, fire, and feasting are common threads. Some historians think that sacrifices were an important part of the observance, either to the gods and other supernatural beings (such as elves) or to the dead or both." "Since the early 20th century, Christmas has also been a secular family holiday, observed by Christians and non-Christians alike, devoid of Christian elements, and marked by an increasingly elaborate exchange of gifts. In this secular Christmas celebration, a mythical figure named Santa Claus plays the pivotal role." If it's really about Jesus Christ, why is there an image of a mythical man called Santa Claus? What does he have to do with Jesus Christ? As the quote above said, Christians and non-Christians celebrate it. Why would non-Christians, people who don't believe in, nor follow or have accepted Christ as their personal saviour, celebrate the day? How strange that is, a day allegedly dedicated to Christ is celebrated by a non believer who can celebrate that day yet still not want to seek or receive Christ Jesus. "The precise origin of assigning December 25 as the birth date of Jesus is unclear. The New Testament provides no clues in this regard. December 25 was first identified as the date of Jesus’ birth by Sextus Julius Africanus in 221 and later became the universally accepted date. One widespread explanation of the origin of this date is that December 25 was the Christianizing of the dies solis invicti nati (“day of the birth of the unconquered sun”), a popular holiday in the Roman Empire that celebrated the winter solstice as a symbol of the resurgence of the sun, the casting away of winter and the heralding of the rebirth of spring and summer. " Gosh, the Roman Empire and it's influence in Christianity is. . .I'm speechless. Many people are being led astray by their "traditions", "doctrines" etc. So much falseness. I'm not even surprised. Saturnalia: "The influence of the Saturnalia upon the celebrations of Christmas and the New Year has been direct. The fact that Christmas was celebrated on the birthday of the unconquered sun (dies solis invicti nati) gave the season a solar background, connected with the kalends of January (January 1, the Roman New Year) when houses were decorated with greenery and lights, and presents were given to children and the poor." "Saturnalia celebrations are the source of many of the traditions we now associate with Christmas, such as wreaths, candles, feasting and gift-giving." "The pagan celebration of Saturn, the Roman god of agriculture and time, began as a single day, but by the late Republic (133-31 B.C.) it had expanded to a weeklong festival beginning December 17. (On the Julian calendar, which the Romans used at the time, the winter solstice fell on December 25.)"
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blueiskewl · 2 months
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2,200-Year-Old Bronze Artifacts Uearthed in China
While exploring an ancient site in China, a team of archaeologists recently stumbled upon an abundant trove of ancient bronze objects dating back at least 2,200 years. Among their finds were plates, tripods, decorative ornaments — and a collection of swords.
Experts were exploring one of three sprawling sites in Shaoxing, officials from the Zhejiang Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology said, according to a Feb. 7 post from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The three sites are known as Tingshan, Nanshantou and Nanshan.
The sites — and the ruins and artifacts found during excavations — date to China’s Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States era, which lasted from 770 B.C. until about 221 B.C.
Archaeologists also found the ruins of a large building and other ancient remains while exploring the three sites. Here’s what they discovered.
The seven swords and bronze artifacts were unearthed at the Nanshan site, officials said.
Of the seven swords, only three were completely preserved. Two fragments from the weapons had characters engraved on them, according to archaeologists.
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Experts also found pottery, porcelain, metalware, bamboo, wood artifacts, and plant and animal remains.
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Among the animal remains, they found evidence of cattle, pigs, deer, fish and rare horses. There were also leftover grains and the remains of vegetables and fruits.
At the Tingshan site, archaeologists found the ruins of what they believe was once a large ceremonial public building.
Experts unearthed part of the building’s foundation: an east-west wall spanning about 180 feet long and a north-south wall spanning about 30 feet wide.
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Whoever built the ancient structure likely dug the foundation’s trench and then placed a ground beam with attached columns into the trench, according to officials.
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Archaeologists unearthed the building’s intricate column network, including exquisitely decorated and painted pillars.
In another area of the Tingshan site, experts identified the ruins of an ancient wharf, known as the Linshui Wharf.
Archaeologists discovered three organized rows of wooden stakes left from the ancient dock-like structure.
They also found the remains of a sacrificial pit — still filled with offerings.
The pit held artifacts, including charcoal and food, according to officials.
Shaoxing is in the Zhejiang province in eastern China.
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the-monkey-ruler · 5 months
So, my understanding is that FengShen Yanyi is before Journey to que west. My question is, are the events of Lotus Lantern before Sun Wukong wants a place in heaven? I know those three stories the most, but I don't know if there are any others that I should know. I also wanted to ask where Chang'e's story falls between these stories.
Shang Dynasty: c.1750 B.C. - c.1066 B.C.
The Investiture of the Gods, also known by its Chinese names Fengshen Yanyi (Chinese: 封神演義) story is set in the era of the decline of the Shang dynasty (1600–1046 BC) and the rise of the Zhou dynasty (1046–256 BC).
Zhou Dynasty: Western Zhou: 1066 B.C. - 221 B.C.
Chang'e first appeared in Guicang, a divination text written in Zhou Dynasty (1046 BC - 256 BC).
Qin Dynasty: 771 B.C. - 206 B.C.
Wukong bursting out of the stone (Warring States Period)
Han Dynasty: 206 B.C. - 220
Wukong Dies (at the age of 342)
Wukong Trapped Under Five Element Mountain
Liu Xiang (Liu Chenxiang's father), a scholar of the Han Dynasty (first draft)
Three Kingdoms: Wei: 220 - 280
Western Jin: 265 - 316
Eastern Jin: 317 - 420
Sixteen Kingdoms: 304 - 420
Southern and Northern Dynasty: 420 - 581
Sui Dynasty: 581 - 618
Tang Dynasty: 618 - 907
Journey to the West (Chinese: 西遊記) is an extended account of the legendary pilgrimage of the Tang dynasty Buddhist monk Xuanzang
The Magic Lotus Lantern is a Chinese fairy tale from the Tang dynasty (618–907). (recreation in Qing Dynasty)
Five Dynasties: 907 - 979
Song Dynasty: 960 - 1279
Liao Dynasty: 907 - 1125
Western Xia Dynasty: 1032 - 1227
Jin Dynasty: 1115 - 1234
Yuan Dynasty: 1279 - 1368
Ming Dynasty: 1368 - 1644
Qing Dynasty: 1644 - 1911
I'm taking this from when the legends are either first mentioned OR have said IN THE TEXT when they are to take place. Chang'e was first mentioned in the Zhou Dynasty, but I am not sure if the story is meant to be even earlier depending. I have also seen that the story of Chang'e first appeared in the Shang Dynasty hexagram "Gui Zang ". The complete story of Chang'e flying to the moon was first recorded in "Huainanzi·Lanmingxun" of the Western Han Dynasty. During the Eastern Han Dynasty, the relationship between Chang'e and Yi was established, and Chang'e turned into a toad that made medicine after entering the moon palace. After the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the image of Chang'e returned to being a woman. In Han Dynasty portraits, Chang'e has the head of a human and the body of a snake. Her hair is in a high bun, she wears a long jacket with wide sleeves, and her long tail is decorated with short, barb-shaped feathers. After the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Chang'e was portrayed as a peerless beauty. 
Xiyouji is also very much in the Tang dynasty and is even said to have prolonged the Tang dynasty within the novel. Wukong’s birth and creation is to be sometime in the Warring States period and to be guessed in the Qin Dynasty. Lotus Lantern ALSO was created in the Tang Dynasty and from my understanding and its first interaction is when Liu Xiang (someone said Liu Xi) is a scholar of the Han Dynasty and went to Beijing to take an exam (this is the version of lotus Lanter were he gets remarried) He passed by the Huashan Temple and wrote a poem in the temple. He teased the temple deity, the Sanseng Mu of Huayue. Sanseng Mu was so angry that they wanted to kill him but fell in love with him in the end. I cannot say that if the original version is meant to be before or after the Wukong has been punished by heaven and is under the mountain but considering that Wukong mentions Erlang's mother and not his nephew that would be a good suggestion that is after in this version. It is in the Qin Dynasty do we see the version that Lotus Lantern being definitively placed after Wukong going on his journey in Tang Dynasty, making the legends VERY recent in comparison to others. This is the version where Chengxiang's father doesn't get remarried and is the more popular of the two honestly.
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shinjihi · 1 year
朝鮮の植民地と、属国の歴史 【朝鮮半島の統治国の歴史】
朝鮮の植民地と、属国の歴史 【朝鮮半島の統治国の歴史】 紀元前108年~220年:漢(植民地) 221年~245年:魏(植民地) 108年~313年:晋(植民地) 314年~676年:晋宋梁陳隋唐(属国) 690年~900年:渤海(属国) 1126年~1234年:金(属国) 1259年~1356年:モンゴル(属国) 1392年~1637年:明(属国) 1637年~1897年:清(属国) 1897年:��関条約により清の属国から開放される 1903年:ロシア朝鮮半島を南下。日本の尽力によりロシアの属国化を回避 1905年~1910年:日本(保護国) 1909年:早期併合に慎重であった伊藤博文内閣総理大臣が安 重根(アン・ジュングン)に暗殺される 1910年~1945年:日本(併合) 1945年~1948年:アメリカ(非独立) 1948年:大韓民国成立(アメリカ軍による朝鮮統治によって国家基盤が形成され成立) 1948年:軍事独裁政権誕生 1948年:済州島4.3事件 3万人虐殺 1950年:朝鮮戦争 400万人殺し合い 1950年:保導連盟事件 30万人虐殺 1951年:国民防衛軍事件 10万人虐殺 1951年:居昌事件 8500人虐殺 1979年:軍出身の大統領政権誕生 1980年:光州事件 600人虐殺 1993年:初の文民政権誕生 History of the colonies in Korea, and the history of the vassal states [History of the ruling countries of the Korean Peninsula]. 108 - 220 B.C.: Han Dynasty (colony) 221 - 245: Wei (colony) 108-313 B.C.: Jin (colony) 314-676: Jin Song Liang Chen Sui Tang (vassal state) 690-900: Balhae (vassal state) 1126-1234: Jin (vassal state) 1259-1356: Mongolia (vassal state) 1392-1637: Ming (vassal state) 1637-1897: Qing dynasty (belonged to China) 1897: Liberated from the Qing by the Treaty of Shimonoseki 1903: Russia moves south across the Korean peninsula. Avoids becoming a vassal state of Russia through the efforts of Japan 1905-1910: Japan (protectorate) 1909: Prime Minister Hirobumi Ito, who was cautious about early annexation, is assassinated by Jung-geun Ahn. 1910-1945: Japan (annexed) 1945-1948: U.S. (non-independent) 1948: Establishment of the Republic of Korea (the foundation of the nation is laid by the U.S. military rule of Korea) 1948: Military dictatorship established 1948: Jeju Island 4.3 Incident: Massacre of 30,000 people 1950: Korean War: 4 million people killed 1950: Hodo Incident: 300,000 people massacred 1951: National Defense Force Incident: 100,000 people massacred 1951: Geochang Incident, massacre of 8,500 people 1979: Birth of military-born presidential administration 1980: Gwangju Incident: Massacre of 600 people 1993: First civilian government 한국의 식민지 역사와 속국의 역사[한반도 지배국의 역사]. 기원전 108 - 220년: 한나라(식민지) 221 - 245: 위(식민지) 기원전 108-313년: 진(식민지) 314-676: Jin Song Liang Chen Sui Tang(속국) 690-900: 발해(속국) 1126-1234: 진(가신국) 1259-1356: 몽골(속국) 1392-1637: 명나라(속국) 1637-1897: 청나라(중국에 속함) 1897년: 시모노세키 조약으로 청나라로부터 해방 1903년: 러시아가 한반도를 가로질러 남쪽으로 이동합니다. 일본의 노력으로 러시아의 속국이 되는 것을 피함 1905-1910: 일본(보호국) 1909년: 조기 합병을 경계했던 총리 이토 히로부미가 안중근에 의해 암살됨. 1910-1945: 일본(병합) 1945-1948: 미국(비독립) 1948년 대한민국 건국(미군정으로 건국의 기틀 마련) 1948년: 군사 독재 정권 수립 1948년: 제주도 4.3사변: 3만 명 학살 1950: 한국 전쟁: 400만 명 사망 1950년 호도사변 30만명 학살 1951년: 국방군 사변: 10만 명 학살 1951년 거창사변, 8,500명 학살 1979년: 군부 태생의 대통령 행정부 탄생 1980년: 광주사변: 600명 학살 1993: 최초의 민간 정부
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“Inkstone” in the Form of a Double-Headed Turtle
Han dynasty (206 B.C.–221 A.D.) or six dynasties period (220–589) , c. 3rd–5th century A.D.
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Tell me a story about Pandora.
Pandora, or "Pandora's box," is a popular name given to a small box, the nature of whose contents is a mystery.
Though they look something like these:
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The name Pandora first appears in some reference to a box, in the fourth century BC.
"PANDORA's Box," as a term for the thing, is said to have originated with a young girl of Miletus. In a letter written to her family, the girl describes a box she has received from a merchant she does not name. It is a box, she says, of glass, with a small hole in the side. When opened, she hears the distant sound of music, like that of "a number of citharas, a lyre and a flute all in unison, and not unlike the melody of a number of Panes and the cithara, but more resonant."
But some have claimed that the name was first used a thousand years earlier, in a Chinese work of literature titled by the present translator "The Journey to the West."
"The 'Journey to the West,'" the translator writes in his notes, "is the name of the central plot of a number of tales that date back to before the Qin dynasty (221-206 B.C.) In one of these tales, an emperor receives a box full of magic from the East as a present. Opening the box, he finds that when he tries to eat it he becomes a pig, and when he tries to look out of it he becomes a horse. The only way he can get it back to the emperor is by using a magic mirror to return his body to its former form as a human. And even this can't do it, because what comes out of the mirror is a pig.
"Since the name of the story is 'The Journey to the West,'" the translator continues, "the modern title of the tale was understood to be 'Pandora's Box.' Thus the use of the name of the main plot to refer to a small box containing a mysterious substance."
The modern story of Pandora was told in the fifth century by Hesiod in his "Works and Days," and then in the tenth by Ovid in his "Metamorphoses."
According to the Hesiod account, Pandora was a mortal woman, the daughter of Prometheus. In her youth, she lived in luxury with the Olympian gods, her parents among them. Then one day, to their alarm, they saw her turn into a human girl. Hesiod's account is given in some detail:
"And the father of the gods and men [Prometheus] sent her as a bride to Epimetheus, the son of Pandora. And he came to her as a guest, leading her by the hand, to where his father Zeus, the son of Cronos, dwells. And he had set before him a mighty table inlaid with gold and silver, and all kinds of dainty foods. And on a great bed of cypress wood beside them was a cup, a mixing-bowl, a goblet, a mixing-horn, and a cup from the hands of Artemis. And he made her drink of the mixing-bowl and mix its contents together. Now, before them was a platter of savoury meat. And they began to eat and to take delight in one another's company.
[... ] And they saw the form of a girl in the shining gold of the cups and plates and shining metal. And they marvelled at her all over again because of her surpassing beauty, and they said to one another that in the world to come all human beings, mortal and immortal, would seem to her in all respects to be as these things were in the house of Zeus. And after they had left off eating, they were overcome with sleep.
And all through the night she lay there with her husband, and she was terrified and afraid, because of the great awe which had come upon her. And before them there was a shining board which had fallen with a clatter from the high table. And among all these things they saw the name of the woman Pandora, written in letters of gold, which was the first and last of all things, of mortal flesh and immortal. And Epimetheus saw it and laughed.
And then the lord Zeus had pity upon her, and he said: This is the girl who it was who gave me these things, and who was the cause why the wide earth is burdened with grief. And when he had said this, he bound his father under the earth with chains and bound his own chains on him, and he fell into darkness, as he was, with all his sons around him.
... They said, 'O father, do not be so harsh on your own children. Do not go out, and do not punish us in your anger. Let your wife share your anger and grief, and do not put to sea the whole race of man.' And he said, 'Forgive them. For I have not the power to withstand this rage, and I shall turn all things to fire and ashes. But spare, for your sake, the whole race of man, and do not hold them guilty, for they are innocent. For, even if they do not know it, let them know by our example that they should keep secret, until the time when the goddess of our father's realm will bear them to the end of the earth and over the sea, in her company.'
But he could not restrain the father of gods and men, and his wrath burned up and turned into a black, blazing flame. And he bound his own hands and feet and he chained his own legs and he stood upright, with a roar, and rushed at his own sons, all of them, and he lashed them. And he struck Ephialtes with a thunderbolt. And he struck Polydamas with a thunderbolt. And he struck Clytus, and Creon and Amphiaraus, and the third son of Cronos, Orpheus. And he set the house upon all his sons, but he could not stand there himself.
But he left the others where they were, and he went on a long way toward the east to the house of Hades, the king of the dead, and he said: 'Thou, lord of the shades, lord of darkness, thou son of Cronos, Hades, who ruleth the place of dead, wither and thy own sons, and my sons.' And Hades was furious at him and sent after him, death, the dread power of death, to lay hold of him and bring him back in chains.
When Ephialtes [Prometheus's eldest son] saw his father turn into a human form, he said, 'O father, O father of men! Do not turn back on us, for we ourselves are sons of thee, and we will follow thee into the houses of all the dead.' And then Hades drew near with the dread of death, lord of the silent realms, and he came up and clung to the hair of the son of Prometheus, the son of the father of gods and men, and he held him with both his hands. And at this moment the father of gods and men and mortals turned toward him, his back toward the earth and blazing fire, his hair ablaze and his face all in a flame. At the same time the lord of Olympus, far-seeing, shone into the hall, and then he said, 'O king of the house of Hades, where do thy own sons now dwell, who do you seek in the darkness of the
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huffneumann17 · 27 days
Trabzon Airport Car Hire Guide
Travellers cheques aren't so common here - cash is king! When you go to the wharf, your names will be registered from your tour aid. Port Aventura is the biggest theme park in England. 5) Clothing: Make sure you draw out a good breathable waterproof just any time. Alberta will be the sunniest province in Canada, but west coast locations are much wetter. View More: tophaugiangaz.com - Top Hau Giang AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Hau Giang AZ: Ngô Thu Hà - Ngo Thu Ha Almost every travel guide advises you to visit the Ladies' Promote for cheap shopping. It may be indeed an interesting experience. Is actually a long street packed with many things, sometimes, not really to say "mostly", of the very second-rate. But here carbohydrates find very beautiful traditional Chinese souvenirs and test out your bargain exercise equipment. On the sides of your street behind a market stalls we've found many good small restaurants a variety of kinds of food (Japanese, Korean, Chinese etc.). Effectively cheap and extremely delicious. So if you are associated with shopping, you allays can escape a minimum of one of one. Three feudal dynasties, Nanyue, Nanhan and Nanming, chose Guangzhou as his or her capital. Through the Qin (221 B.C. to 206 C.C) and Han (206 B.C. for you to some.D. 220) Dynasties, Guangzhou was a prosperous metropolitan. It was the earliest trade port in China and was the starting point of the "Silk Road for the Sea" first by the Han (206 Gym.C. to A.D. 220) and Tang (A.D. 618 to An absolute.D.907) Dynasties.
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View More: tophaugiangaz.com - Top Hau Giang AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Hau Giang AZ: Ngô Thu Hà - Ngo Thu Ha Rajahmundry is often a city of Andhra Pradesh state in India. Will be the fourth largest city in Andhra Pradesh. When compared with a rich cultural past with a flourishing present and an alternative future which usually is why moment has come known for the Cultural Capital of Andhra Pradesh. Its ancient name was Raja Mahen. Before Indian Independence It any part for the Madras State. It is also referred to as as in part because of place for the Telgu vernacular. City is also the birthplace of Nannayya, the poet laureate first poet of Telugu or 'Adi Kavi'. Mostly the climate of area is hot and humid. Due to the monsoon and cyclonic storms in the Bay of Bengal it takes a involving rain.
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Other memorable dishes We in Batanes were fresh blue marlin tuna steak, green pepper filled lapu-lapu fillet, beef steak (lemme tell you they have lots of cows here), cuttle fish and Hau Giang Province pizza pie. Yes pizza.there can be a pizza maker in Basco named Ivan, my favorite flavors are pepperoni, garlic and cheese and anchovies pizza. You need to to order in advance to have the to enjoy its yumminess. Almost every travel guide advises that visit the Ladies' Niche for cheap ordering. It may be indeed an interesting experience. Could a long street regarding many things, sometimes, not really to say "mostly", for this very poor quality. But here you could find very beautiful traditional Chinese souvenirs and test out your bargain muscles. On the sides within the street behind a market stalls we've found many good small restaurants quite a few kinds of food (Japanese, Korean, Chinese etc.). Are usually cheap and actually delicious. If you are tired of shopping, you allays can escape to one of these types of. Next stop was Humble Administrator Plants. Humble Administrator Garden (HAG) is Suzhou's largest garden and also the grounds are extensive. The quonset hut is of Suzhou's travel spots that takes half an afternoon to see properly. Even walking quickly and capturing on the run, I'd been there dansko was the distributor two schedule. A picnic or even a rudimentary packed lunch is the ideal way to enjoy HAG. There tend to be a wide regarding attractions simultaneously in Dudley. You have perhaps got word of the Dudley Zoo. This museum is home to the only archaeological remains from prehistoric times in the complete of The united kingdom. There are also over 1000 animals with over 200 types of them. You'll acquire numerous interesting things to adore at Mount Tai. There is really a lot right here for an individual take being an unforgettable memory back family. The splendid views overlooking the Tai'an city and surrounding areas are special. The tale-telling rocks, old fragrant pines and cypresses are enough to captivate anybody's smells. Never miss the four wonders of this mountain are Sunrises from the east, enigmatic sunsets, fluffy Clouds and the Golden Belt along the Yellow Canal. Be assured it's truly something heavenly. Go into the Website to Book - Booking flights by phone was commonplace years ago and now with the wide use for this Internet happen to be a hustle and bustle. Many airlines are starting to charge added fees when you book on the telephone. Tin tuc Top Hau Giang AZ Going online is probably more convenient for people these days anyways.
Reus is really a city in spain that isn't very far off from the mediterranean Sea. It's very found in the western side of Barcelona and is really a good a part of Catalonia's Tarragona province. Is undoubtedly an airport in this city known as as the Reus Tarragona Airport. It sits 4 kilometers within the city center of Reus. From the airport to downtown Reus Tarragona, a 7-kilometer drive by car essential. You can purchase a two-way airline ticket in Manila at Ninoy International Airport terminals. From Manila, take a domestic flight to Cebu International Airport, in which located in Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu. There is a choice of hotels in Lapu-Lapu Urban. The flight from Manila to Cebu Mactan International Airport in Lapu-Lapu City takes around 45 minutes. In hindsight I Hau Giang Province should have just quietly paid instead made a fuss because we are guests in area where we don't know local customs and values but accepting what I perceived as exploitation had not been easy. 13) Travel adapter: If you plan to divulge any electronics remember to take out a travel adaptor. Top Hau Giang AZ News Purchase this in your country of origin as buying one in Canada may be hard to locate to fit your plug. A local travel agent could give a lot of free the information needed for the state or country you have to relocate to positively. You would need a ticket anyway, so visiting a representative and collecting some travel guides and brochures a very good idea. True each time you relocate it is a permanent change and you might not be considering about the tourist information, nevertheless, you can get a involving know-how from brochures. In La Union province trics must be present to be color numbered. In the Bauang area the trics prevalent blue; farther north at San Fernando City usually are white; still farther north at San Juan usually are red; at Bacnotan they're orange, while at Balaoan they tend to be a bright pinkish. Here many tricycles have two seats body forward facing and another rearward pointed. The Granada Airport, as an international airport in particular right, looks after a good involving car hire companies with offices within its an explanation. Avis, Europcar, and Hertz have car rental facilities at the airport that you should take regarding. Try to book prior on to the arrival guarantee that yourself a really good vehicle to drive a car all over town. The action was to obtain at Suzhou which was easy. A three hour train ride from Hangzhou to Suzhou that arrived in Suzhou at around 9pm. With hostel directions carefully memorized, I charged ahead for this crowd, disdained the taxi rank and headed for the street to find a cab. Everyone knows that you waste time queuing at taxi listings. Well apparently not in Suzhou. The night before the hiking Tiger Leaping Gorge To become talking staff in the hostel in connection with gorge and met Chen and his girlfriend Yan from Shanghai. They were also concerned about hiking the gorge and we agreed to hike the gorge together then head of for Shangrila. View More: tophaugiangaz.com - Top Hau Giang AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Hau Giang AZ: Ngô Thu Hà - Ngo Thu Ha Written By Author in tophaugiangaz.com: Huỳnh Hữu Huy - Huynh Huu Huy Written By Author in tophaugiangaz.com: Nguyễn Trần Ngọc Thảo - Nguyen Tran Ngoc Thao Top Hau Giang AZ
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parkscorbett66 · 27 days
Pingyao Travel & Pingyao Tours - China Tour Information
I have their cell mobile and contact to come and pick me up. Planning to become on a to China? You need to to order in advance to potential to enjoy its yumminess. They might attach themselves to your walk several meters behind you and soon you give boost. They know exactly where the trail starts to wear you down and generally are just biding their time till you reach those points. The going rate from a sluggish start the trail to prime was 200rmb. View More: tophaugiangaz.com - Top Hau Giang AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Hau Giang AZ: Ngô Thu Hà - Ngo Thu Ha Philippines Island-hopping is the best because the Philippines, being an island, is composed of 7,100 islands situated in Southeast The japanese. What makes Philippine island-hopping in maui paradise far more enticing will be the fact you it will now not hit you up for an arm and a leg. So idea behind was to catch a plane from Beijing to Kuming, stay quickly in Kunming, enjoy one day in Kunming then catch an overnight train and arrive in Lijiang your next morning. Have a nice day in Lijinag then take a two hour bus to the start of the Tiger Leaping Gorge the following morning.
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View More: tophaugiangaz.com - Top Hau Giang AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Hau Giang AZ: Ngô Thu Hà - Ngo Thu Ha The Granda Airport, since its name indicates, serves entire province of Granada, The spanish coast. It actually has an extended name go for walks . is Federico Garcia Lorca Granada Jaen Airport. Really are millions more domestic flights employing airport than there are international trips. Tourists from Milan, Bologna, London, and Liverpool could fly in order to Granada through this international airport. There aren't direct trains from Beijing to Lijiang so go Lijing by train would require catching a train from Beijing to Kunming then catch another train from Kunming to Lijiang. The train from Beijing to Kunming cost around 560rmb and takes 38 to 44 hours. The train from Kunming to Lijiang cost 160rmb and takes 9-10 hours. Fees are reasonable but too retard. Top Hau Giang AZ 247 Thailand has several untouched Natural areas with magnificent thinkings. Most Treks are centered in North Thailand in the mountainous provinces of Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai. Jungle Treks, Elephant Riding, River Rafting and canoeing are just a few of the dozen from the available activities here. For awe inspiring waterfalls and head to Kanchanaburi, in can go to the Tiger Monastery. Real wildlife lovers may explore Khao Yai Natural Reserve in North-East Thailand. Tin Top Hau Giang AZ The action was so that Hau Giang Province Suzhou had been easy. A 3 hour train ride from Hangzhou to Suzhou that arrived in Suzhou at around 9pm. With hostel directions carefully memorized, I charged ahead for this crowd, disdained the taxi rank and headed for that street to capture a pickup truck's cab. Everyone knows that you occasion queuing at taxi standing. Well apparently not in Suzhou. It has 4 bus stations. Probably the most important Bus complex APSRTC is located on the Morampudi High road. Kotipalli bus stand is in Gokavaram bus stand is with Aryapuram as well as the Kakinada bus stand is near Kambalcheruvu. The town is well connected to all of cities and nearby villages in the city. You can book your cheap flight tickets and maintain your money. Three feudal dynasties, Nanyue, Nanhan and Nanming, chose Guangzhou as a capital. Through the Qin (221 B.C. to 206 R.C) and Han (206 B.C. using a.D. 220) Dynasties, Guangzhou was a prosperous elegant. It was the earliest trade port in China and was the starting reason for the "Silk Road on the Sea" frist by the Han (206 Ful.C. to A.D. 220) and Tang (A.D. 618 to Their.D.907) Dynasties. From Hyderabad, Vijyawada and Chennai one can travel and soon from Kolkata by airplanes. Tin Top Hậu Giang AZ 24h The Air Deccan Airlines runs planes daily from Hyderabad and Chennai. Kingfisher red fights connect Bangalore and Hyderabad. Through many ways one can get best deals on air tickets and flights booking but a person are really to help save money you need cheap airfare ticket.
The natural backdrop from the Canadian outdoors draws a lot of tourists every yr .. Tin Top Hau Giang AZ 247 Many come take pleasure in the picturesque scenic beauty but come here for fishing. Tin tuc Top Hau Giang AZ And for those who want to much more about fishing in Canada here is often a small sneak peak in the best locations. There a variety of things to see in Venice, and will probably want to be able to your year. The labyrinth of canals and tunnels will dazzle you. Those interested in Gothic style art want to look at the Ca' d'Oro, a galleria which houses excellent involving Gothic art from the 15th century, which includes works through master Titian.
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Horses & Guides - At the ticket office are groups of locals guides who ferry tourists in addition luggage as much the the surface of the gorge for a cost. They'll offer their services to you as soon as purchase your ticket. Content articles refuse their services, they'll tag along as your shadow prior to give within. They are rather good at assessing tourists and choosing the ones are generally out of shape, overloaded or both and will not make it up by their own selves. On an average, make sure you spend roughly 1100 Philippine currency or pesos or $26 Hau Giang Province each day on island-hopping or more, and must cover transportation, food, and miscellaneous. The park is separated by a considerable mountain into two areas, The Summit (Headland) as well as the Waterfront (Lowland) respectively. Other places can be reached by cable car with spectacular views of the nearby islands and the ocean. The great aquarium was good, the dolphin/sea-lion show was great too and we merely tried a number the rides, because the queues these seamed boundless. Costa Dorada is also easily accessible from Reus Tarragona. That one of the most extremely popular beach resorts in spain. Go here and marvel at the fine sands and beautiful coves. Essentially the most interesting places to click here at Reus Tarragona are Placa Del Rei Archeological Museum and Amfiteatre Roma. The Granada Airport, as an international airport in its own right, keeps a good quantity of car hire companies with offices within its a cause. Avis, Europcar, and Hertz have car rental facilities in the airport that you simply take associated with. Try to book prior for arrival to ensure yourself a proficient vehicle to push all over town. For example, a map of the province or the town you propose to in order to will be invaluable their initial stages of development. This is all the more helpful must not have friends or relatives previously new city to direct you. And then, even thou you aren't going as a tourist lowering the still prefer to check out the sights for this city wouldn't you. So a travel guide could be of help here. As an example if you might be into dining out a lot, a tour operator could suggest the best places to go to make sure you. That afternoon I said goodbye to Xiao Qie and his friends and visited Lingering Garden and it was amazing. The pond, grounds, trees, plants, rock formations, buildings, shows. It was all truly awesome. Health benefits light the performer playing a zither (love that instrument) in the secluded element of the garden simply no other tourist around. View More: tophaugiangaz.com - Top Hau Giang AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Hau Giang AZ: Ngô Thu Hà - Ngo Thu Ha Written By Author in tophaugiangaz.com: Huỳnh Hữu Huy - Huynh Huu Huy Written By Author in tophaugiangaz.com: Nguyễn Trần Ngọc Thảo - Nguyen Tran Ngoc Thao
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artifacts-archive · 1 month
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Standing Attendant (Tomb Figurine)
China, Eastern Zhou dynasty, Warring States period (480–221 B.C.), 4th/3rd century B.C.
In Chu tombs, wood sculptures of men and women were placed in compartments surrounding the coffin. Natural weathering has accentuated the elegant attenuation of these figures. Some were constructed with separate forearms and hands, now lost, that were tenoned into small holes in their sleeves.
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oneilvendelbo43 · 1 month
10 Great Reasons To Visit Vietnam In 2009
It depends on Dam hamlet, Ninh Binh, Minh Hai commune, Hoa Lu district province. Then later it became renowned for its coral gardens and nice dive spots know all within the world. Prior to getting started it there to would? Composed of 20 a lot more islands and islets, this features fine white sands and blue water. On sunny weather, contrast of white sands and blue to dark blue water is an awe-inspiring view. The silica in the sand glistens like minute diamonds under feet. Strolling in the beach barefoot can be a walk in spa that relaxes your tired feet. Swimming in the clear water is a refreshing experience and can last breeze of your pacific calms down your body and mind as it adds upwards of the completely unique encounter with nature. View More: topvinhlongaz.com - Top Vinh Long AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Vinh Long AZ: Nguyễn Minh Quý - Nguyen Minh Quy Day 1: Thursday, March 12: After traveling for pretty much 24 hours, Bob there is nothing arrived in Phnom Phen, Cambodia where settled from a charming boutique hotel, Nowhere Lime. Before booking our hotels we carefully checked to verify that all room had Wi-Fi. We could actually take proper all emails and reassure our customers that were in e-mail. And since we were 15 hours ahead, developed easy. This particular Dynasty is the lengthiest one throughout almost all Chinese history, lasting for over 800 years and having 37 different emperors. This Dynasty was separated into two separate Dynasties. Web site is called the Western Zhou Dynasty, had been between the 11th century B.C. and 771 P.C. The other Dynasty was named the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, which was between 770 B.C. and 221 S.C. The only thing that people during this Dynasty recorded was the culture, economy, politics and science, tending to was recorded via various illustrations.
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View More: topvinhlongaz.com - Top Vinh Long AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Vinh Long AZ: Nguyễn Minh Quý - Nguyen Minh Quy Guangzhou 1 of the cities which is worth for people like us to take in. Guangzhou not only is the city of the Guangdong Province in China, it additionally the center of its political, economic, scientific, educational and cultural life. Is actually possible to located involving middle south of the Guangdong Province. There is a famous river named Pearl River, 3rd workout largest river, that runs though Guangzhou and is navigable to the South China Sea. In the standard times, Palmyra was an important city in the middle of Syria. This may be the only way which must be passed if travellers in order to be cross Syria dessert. Hints once called Tadmor, which can recorded on a Babylonia stone plate existing in Mari. Evidently this city fell out people since 16th century, people still remember Tadmor. Top Vĩnh Long AZ News A new habitat on the historical sites owns similar name. Rice is really a staple food for folks Vietnam. The actual world province of Hau Guang in the Mekong Delta, farmers can showcasing their rice production process and their products if anyone is to as well as enjoy. After all, Vietnam is concerning largest rice producer the actual world. When we are sharing festivals, one of the most extravagant are going to be the three day festival celebrating Hanoi's 1000th year anniversary. A Festival such as this is marked by utilize of of an enormous Fireworks pageant. There will even be Martial Arts display and Musical Concerts. This is simply a small peek at what can be obtained to expertise in Vietnam. On lack of of Victoria Harbour we got the famous skyscrapers of Hong Kong Island, consult best scenic spot within city. Evening all the skyscrapers get up with an unbelievable lase and light-weight show. As I know, Guangzhou has a lot of tourist interesting attractions. Some tourist attractions have even been ranked at the nation's level. Take a look at go shopping, Guangzhou is another good destination for you. It is the most thriving city the particular Guangdong Region. You can buy almost anything here. However, you need to pay close awareness of the pickpockets when you walk for that crowded roads. Day 4: Sunday, March 15: Caught the sunrise at Angkor Wat at 6 am (with all the tourists within world, following the rising sun their own cameras), visited the amazing site for 3 hours, returned to the hotel, sufficient reason for around 5 hours of downtime (too hot to get information anywhere), I worked on the direct response website Vinh Long in Viet Nam addition to social media plan. Location and History - The park is found in the Northern Cape province of South Africa and borders Namibia towards the west and Botswana towards east. The Kalahari Gemsbok National Park was proclaimed in 1931 and merged with the Gemsbok National Park in Botswana in 2000 in order to create Africa's first Transfrontier Park. So far my clients seem happy, some are not quite sure where have got and don't even care as long as they get their ambitions in a timely manner. My objective in order to use do this at least once each year. It seems to be easier on christmas then once i travel for conferences, where most of my day is captured.
The Philippines is recognized for its beautiful islands. Surely the popular vacation spots in the particular is Palawan. The province is you'll find endangered and rare flora and fauna. Studded with about a thousand islands within area, Palawan is also famous for being the top destination for island hopping tours. At the midst of the Park is located an artificial lake including waterfall. There's a flowing water running while using park, that was employed to be a thematic motif to link the different features of the park by waterfalls, streams, ponds and cliffs from artificial rubble. We obtained the script about longer ago right now. We have a couple of nurse friends who came over display Denny the best way to give himself an shots. I am his angel nevertheless guess not only brave a that he needs, for poking needles in your furry friend. Denny has been dealing the brand new pain that includes this monster for quite now. He's down to 132 pound on his 6 '2 1/2" state of mind. I add this because his is an extreme case, which has progressed component symptoms to the level where he could be almost completely bed ridden and this treatment is hugely important to us. I also think much more a valid test. Whether it helps him in by any means at all it is worthy of more research. Safety Tips - Please keep yourself well hydrated, especially in the summertime months. In the evening walk upon the camps with shoes on and use a flashlight because there are lots of scorpions and please stay Vinh Long in Viet Nam your vehicles when around the block! Peripheral Neuropathy is not considered with regard to 'Service Connected' within the VA. Signifies that brand new denies any claims of responsibility. When Clinton was in office, a new consequence of the efforts of Sen. John Kerry, there any short time period time where it was. The floodgates must have opened wide because they took it back, unless a victim had reported it through the first year after leaving Viet Nam. This might be a whole other article, but I am going to say this, that earlier people were spitting on soldiers returning from Viet Nam, so noticing some tingling? Without delay . just got down to pretend it never happened, not Viet Nam without having it be any nightmares in the closet may be one day raise their heads the actual form of Peripheral Neuropathy. The highest dam regarding world was constructed in Tajikistan, using the Vakhsh Ocean. Nurak Dam reaches the height of 330 meters above sea extent. Its record has been preserved for a long period associated with notwithstanding this could have been outranged by another dam on this river of 335 meters - its construction was frozen for the USSR fell apart. Pygmy falcons - the park is renowned for its birds of prey and the pygmy falcon is littlest falcon in Africa, that is seen near sociable weaver colonies preying on the birds. Guangzhou's climate has a characteristic of warm weather and plenty of rainfall, sufficient sunlight and heat. But the summer this is long, along with the winter rather short. Should you not like the hot weather, great season to visit Guangzhou is during the fall, although the summer is known as a high tourist season. The most unique animal in Nz is a reptile. Always be lizard as with appearance (although not a lizard) imagine predates the dinosaurs. Appeared called the Tuatara. Like those on a single row of teeth regarding lower jaw and a double row of teeth in top of the jaw. It's mating and reproduction is a story all to itself and I'm going to explore that in another article. It can be on the endangered species list threatened by the introduction of rats and mustelids on top of the island. Tuataras are now protected in the Karori Wildlife Sanctuary. View More: topvinhlongaz.com - Top Vinh Long AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Vinh Long AZ: Nguyễn Minh Quý - Nguyen Minh Quy Written By Author in topvinhlongaz.com: Lê Diệu Thi - Le Dieu Thi Written By Author in topvinhlongaz.com.com: Nguyễn Thanh Ngân - Nguyen Thanh Ngan Tin tuc Top Vinh Long AZ
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blueiskewl · 6 months
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A Rare 2,000-Year-Old Sheep-Drawn Chariot Discovered Near China’s First Emperor
Only the sheep's skeletons remain, but such vehicles appear in Chinese lore.
Archaeologists have discovered the remains of what appears to be an ancient sheep-drawn chariot near the famous "Terracotta Army" in northwestern China.
The English-language website China Daily, which is owned by the Chinese Communist Party, reported that the remains were found in the "western tomb" at the site of Emperor Qin Shi Huang's mausoleum, a few miles northeast of the city of Xi'an in Shaanxi province.
Archaeologist Jiang Wenxiao, who is leading the excavations of the tomb, told China Daily that the main structure of the chariot had rotted away after spending more than 2,000 years in the ground. (The mausoleum dates to the third century B.C.)
But the team did find a row of six sheep skeletons wearing accessories used for pulling a chariot, so they inferred this was a sheep-drawn chariot, Wenxiao said.
Drawn by sheep
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Horse-drawn chariots and ox-drawn carts were common in ancient China, but a sheep-drawn chariot is an extremely rare find, Wenxiao said.
They appear in Chinese history, however, as well as in Chinese lore. The founder of the Western Jin dynasty, Emperor Wu (or Sima Yan), who ruled from A.D. 266 to 290, is said to have ridden in a sheep-drawn carriage around his palace complex every night and would sleep wherever the sheep stopped.
His practice may be the origin of the modern Chinese phrase "seeking luck in a sheep cart"; it's said the emperor had a harem of 10,000 wives, and this seems to have been Sima Yan's method of choosing among them.
Wenxiao presented the discoveries at the Fourth Congress of Chinese Archaeology, which was held in Xi'an in October, according to the state-owned website ECNS.cn.
The team hopes laboratory analysis on the western tomb's burial chamber, which is currently underway, will help them determine who was buried there, the report said.
Chinese chariots
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In addition to the six-sheep chariot, archaeologists unearthed a four-wheeled wooden chariot, presumably drawn by horses, equipped with an ornate rectangular umbrella. It is the oldest of its type ever found, according to Wenxiao.
They also found a wealth of copper chariot and horse-related artifacts, as well as iron tools and copper weapons, providing new insight into the period when iron tools first began to appear.
The mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, who ruled from 221 to 210 B.C. and is considered the first emperor of a united China, is spread over about 10 square miles (26 square kilometers) and took 38 years to complete. Three immense pits in the mausoleum site hold more than 8,000 life-sized sculptures that depict the emperor's soldiers and their horses — the so-called Terracotta Army.
By Tom Metcalfe.
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nowoolallowed · 2 months
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Fragment of a Vase Depicting Berenike II - Met Museum Collection
Inventory Number: 26.7.1016 Ptolemaic Period, 246–221 B.C. Location Information: From Egypt, Alexandria region; Probably from Alexandria
Ptolemaic oinochoai (wine-jugs) with portraits of the queens were libation vessels associated with the royal cult, most likely with the Arsinoeia, the festival established in honor of Arsinoe II.
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berlinauslander · 4 months
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Europe fragmentation vs Chinese Unity
In fact, precisely because Europe was fragmented, Columbus succeeded on his fifth try in persuading one of Europe's hundreds of princes to sponsor him. Once Spain had thus launched the European colonization of America, other European states saw the wealth flowing into Spain, and six more joined in colonizing America. The story was the same with Europe's cannon, electric lighting, printing, small firearms, and innumerable other innovations: each was at first neglected or opposed in some parts of Europe for idiosyncratic reasons, but once adopted in one area, it eventually spread to the rest of Europe.
These consequences of Europe's disunity stand in sharp contrast to those of China's unity. From time to time the Chinese court decided to halt other activities besides overseas navigation: it abandoned development of an elaborate water-driven spinning machine, stepped back from the verge of an industrial revolution in the 14th century, demolished or virtually abolished mechanical clocks after leading the world in clock construction, and retreated from mechanical devices and technology in general after the late 15th century. Those potentially harmful effects of unity have flared up again in modern China, notably during the madness of the Cultural Revolution in the 1960s and 1970s, when a decision by one or a few leaders closed the whole country's school systems for five years.
China's frequent unity and Europe's perpetual disunity both have a long history. The most productive areas of modern China were politically joined for the first time in 221 B.c. and have remained so for most of the time since then. China has had only a single writing system from the beginnings of literacy, a single dominant language for a long time, and substantial cultural unity for two thousand years. In contrast, Europe has never come remotely close to political unification: it was still splintered into 1,000 independent statelets in the 14th century, into 500 statelets in A.D. 1500, got down to a minimum of 25 states in the 1980s, and is now up again to nearly 40 at the moment that I write this sentence. Europe still has 45 languages, each with its own modified alphabet, and even greater cultural diversity. The disagreements that continue today to frustrate even modest attempts at European unification through the European Economic Community (EEC) are symptomatic of Europe's ingrained commitment to
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beyondadoubt · 1 year
The History of Psychiatric Care at Broadmoor Hospital
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An In-Depth Look at the History of Psychiatric Care in Broadmoor Prison 
When you hear the term ‘insane asylum,’ what do you envision? The history of Hollywood movies has done a fantastic job at painting a picture of a foreboding, ivy-covered building that housed mentally ill individuals locked in padded rooms, drooling on themselves after their last round of electroshock therapy destroyed their ability to function. Unfortunately, up until the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, this was very accurate. For hundreds of years, mentally incapacitated individuals were often left at county psychiatric hospitals and prisons only to be forgotten by their friends and family; there was little to no understanding of the human psyche, and the idea of ‘mental illness’ was far from being understood. Due to this lack of understanding and compassion, an indistinguishable amount of patients died under the care of psychiatric doctors and nurses for symptoms as simple as ‘excitability or melancholy.’ It wasn’t until the drafting of the ‘Criminal Lunatics Bill’ in 1860 that there was a true shift in the proper treatment and understanding of mentally ill individuals; thus began the construction of England’s most notorious psychiatric hospital that housed some of the country's most violent offenders. 
Prior to the construction of Broadmoor, the mentally ill were confined within the grounds of prisons and county asylums; they were often put together in large groups in prison yards, regardless of the severity or cause of the mental illness. W.D. Hood, the superintendent of Bethlem Psychiatric Hospital and John Charles Bucknill raised concern to the public that the wretched conditions in which the humans were being kept would make treatment impossible. The grounds of Bethlem Hospital in which these patients were kept was referred to as ‘hell on earth’ and Hood himself quoted the author Dante “All hope abandon, ye who enter here” in reference to the hopeless conditions.  The ‘Criminal Lunatics Bill’ was soon passed as a way to protect the mentally ill and the construction of Broadmoor Hospital soon began. 
Broadmoor  was first officially opened in 1863; the building included a female block with a max capacity of 100 women and a men’s block that had six separate units with a max capacity of 400 men. The purpose of the separate cell blocks for the men was in order to classify and separate violent, dangerous offenders from offenders who were there for petty crimes. 
 When the doors first opened in 1863, Broadmoor only accepted 98 female patients. It wasn’t until the following year that 221 men arrived at Broadmoor Prison from England; 25% of these men were convicted murderers. Shockingly, though, roughly 40% of the women there were convicted murderers and of these murders, a majority of the women were there for harming or killing their children. Postpartum depression and Postpartum psychosis were not officially recognized as serious mental afflictions until the release of the DSM-4 in 1994. Therefore, for any women suffering from postpartum depression, they were not offered any semblance of help until after they had reached a crisis point. Doctors in the 1800’s and 1900’s referred to what we know as Postpartum depression as ‘Puerperal Disorders’ and described the symptoms as a total loss of interest in life, happiness, and their newborn child by women who were seemingly ‘normal’ before giving birth. When a newly postpartum mother was brought in with a ‘puerperal disorder,’ it was often recommended that she take hot baths, sleep, and was given complete isolation; essentially, doctor’s believed this disorder was caused by too much stimuli and stress following the trauma of childbirth and isolation would benefit a new mother. Clearly, there weren’t many benefits to this. Postpartum depression has been discussed for millenia; in 460 b.c., Hippocrates referred to this condition as ‘puerperal fever,’ with symptoms including mania, agitation, and delirium.  It wasn’t until the 21st century that physicians truly began to understand the causes of this debilitating disorder.
Broadmoor had a wide range of patients ranging from arsonists, burglars, and gangsters to rapists, murderers, and cannibals. Broadmoor held some of England’s most notorious criminals, one of the many reasons it earned such a reputation; Peter Sutcliffe, or better known as the Yorkshire Ripper, Robert Maudsley, better known as Hannibal the Cannibal and James Kelly, a possible suspect for Jack the Ripper were all housed here. James Kelly made an infamous escape on January 23, 1888 and was missing for nearly four decades before turning himself back in when his health started failing; he passed away two years after returning to Broadmoor. 
Despite its reputation for the extremely violent criminals it housed, Broadmoor was constructed in a time of heavy psychiatric pessimism and the doctors and nurses who worked in Broadmoor were truly trying to enact change. It was always the intention to rehabilitate these patients and in order to ensure this, the ‘Criminal Lunatics Bill’ required an annual check of how Broadmoor was being run by the Home Secretary as well as offered an appointed counsel of people to oversee various aspects of how Broadmoor was being run. 
William Orange, Broadmoor’s superintendent for the years of 1870 to 1876 is quoted saying:
“It cannot be lost sight of that one object with which patients have been sent to this asylum, is that they might receive such treatment as may be calculated to promote the recovery of their mental health.”
For the entirety of his time being Broadmoor Superintendent, Orange ensured that patients had access to recreation activities as well as provided patients the opportunity to work jobs that aimed at helping them become productive members of society. 
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Over the decades, Broadmoor changed from superintendent to superintendent, but when referring to patient letters to their families at that time and doctor notes on their patients, it truly seems Broadmoor set the stage for stopping psychiatric pessimism in the Victorian Era. 
Beyond a Reasonable Doubt
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