#25%ed the solids
food school going well, i got a 62.5 today 😎
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chadsuke · 29 days
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Books Read in 2024:
Little Mushroom: Judgement Day by Shisi (2022)
The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System Vol. 1 by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu (2021)
The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System Vol. 2 by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu (2022)
The Musician and the Monster by Jenya Keefe (2019)
A Deceptive Alliance by Sydney Blackburn (2018)
Cinder by Marissa Meyer (2012)
Claimed by the Orc Prince by Lionel Hart (2022)
The Witch King by H.E. Edgmon (2021)
The Disabled Tyrant's Beloved Pet Fish Vol. 2 by Xue Shan Fei Hu (2024)
[ID: Covers of the aforementioned books. End ID.]
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junosswans · 10 months
FMA sketches by Ace Attorney's character designer, Iwamoto Tatsuro
For the past week, Iwamoto-san has been posting sketches of FMA characters on his twitter as a part of his daily sketching challenge and they are absolutely BEAUTIFUL.
I really want to share his art over here and also translate his posts for you all because I think his commentaries are quite insightful for people who are interested in character design!
[Those who know their AA lore would recognize him as who voiced Edgeworth (Mitsurugi) in the games :3]
Anyways, below are his FMA sketches he's shared on twitter so far! (Contains: Ed, Hughes, Kimblee, Mustang, Breda) You can click on the dates to see their original post. I will add to this post if he shares any more sketches, it seems that he has been on an FMA roll xD
If you draw your favourite things out you will know them better! So, this is Edward Elric from #FullmetalAlchemist.
Even if you have decided on the pose you want to draw, it is better to sketch out these three first:
the moment before the pose is struck
the pose itself
the moment after the pose is struck
then decide which image works better for your art. I learned this from a really great senior of mine, and it is very solid advice.
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29/11/2023 (Translator's note: I decided to move this one to the top because it is my favourite. No I don't accept criticism.)
I have been drawing Ed's automail again.
I like it when the machine part has a distinctly different silhouette compared to the human body, so I added some original ideas to the design.
What design should I draw next? Perhaps I should draw the military uniform?
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# (combined two posts because they’re the progression of the same piece.) #
Again, it is the time of "drawing your favourite things to know them better!"
It feels so good to draw such great characters...
My Photoshop has been crashing for mysterious reasons the whole morning, and I tried to troubleshoot in the afternoon and it was a PAIN. Computers are really difficuuuuuuuult--
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Iwamoto-style drawing Masterclass: Bonus!
It is the "Give the leather and metal items a bit of flare/shine to immediately make the drawing look more complete"-jutsu!
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I wanted the clothes to give off an oversized, loose impression.
Canon Hughes didn't seem to be wearing a shirt underneath... hmm.
I am beginning to understand the structure of the military uniform better...
Realising the butt flap/cape didn’t actually connect to the upper jacket is a shocker to me.
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A continuation of yesterday's sketch
...or so I thought, until I realized how King Bradley and Kimblee during the Ishval war had a different overcoat design, in which they actually wore a single long coat instead of a separated upper and bottom set.
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When his clothes were unbuttoned, there was something that looked like an additional button on his right chest... I wonder if it could be fastened from the back?
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(Translator's note: sorry, I have no idea what button he's referring to here lol)
I like how each character's personality was expressed through the way they dress. Contrary to his appearance, this person was very intelligent, which makes him such a great character.
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yourplayersaidwhat · 1 year
My party of 4 plus 1 NPC were investigating a ancient shrine when we got side tracked finding a dead Satyr. As we investigate the scene we find ourselves surrounded by bramble blights. We rolled low and everyone took some big hits for about 25% of our health *lvl 6 party* our artificer took some massive hits and was down to single digits.
On my turn *ranger* i knew I had to try to draw some fire.
I was struck with an evil but cunning plan.
Activated zephyr strike to get out of attack range and in the middle of the enemy circle.
Party lost their shit for a solid 5 minutes. DM absolutely face palming but laughing as well.
Successfully aggro-ed the enemies. Party able to take out all enemies with no downs. DM begrudgingly gave me inspiration.
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jeannereames · 2 years
Do you know of any good resources on ancient Greek festivals? Festivals like Thesmophoria.
So, THE chief book on Greek religion generally remains Walter Burkert’s Greek Religion. If you’re interested in the topic, buy yourself a used copy. (Linking to Harvard UP, but you can probably find a copy out there for $5 or less if you don’t mind highlighting.)
Although published in 1987, and while sections have been superseded by more recent discussions, this is STILL the go-to book as a starting place. It’s just an astonishing, encyclopedic collection of knowledge and Burkert’s students (and their students) still dominate the field of Greek religion.
Let me also add the Oxford Classical Dictionary. Now in it’s 4th ed. (2012), this is another critical book for anyone interested in the ancient world. Check it for the individual entries on gods and festivals. It may not have the most up-to-date information, but it’s solid and, again, comprehensive. The link goes to the online version to which you can subscribe, but there’s a paper version too. It’s been out long enough that a cheaper used copy is available.
As for Demeter and especially Persephone, prominent in the Thesmophoria, Ellie Makin Roberts put out the very important Underworld Gods in Ancient Greek Religion, which was sadly out of price-range for most in hardcover. The paperback is more reasonable. I’ve linked to Routledge’s site, but you can find it cheaper elsewhere. (It’s currently on sale at Amazon as of 2/22/23.) Incidentally, she has another book coming out on the Greek goddesses later this year. It’s not academic in the same way as that listed, but much cheaper, and I expect it to be quite good.
Routledge does have a “Gods and Heroes” series, btw, which I quite like. These little books, written by specialists, are aimed at undergrad audiences and/or interested others. They’re great. BUT they don’t have Demeter or Persephone yet.
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Information on specific festivals is usually best searched (on JSTOR or Google Scholar) by the name of the festival. I did a real quick search and here are three:
Sarah Iles Johnston has an article in History of Religions 52.4 (2013), 370-401: “Demeter, Myths, and the Polyvalence of Festivals.” I’ve not read it, but given who wrote it, I expect it’s an excellent discussion. (I just downloaded the PDF to save for later myself.) You’d need access to JSTOR to read it, or you can probably order a single copy.
Froma Zeitlin wrote “Cultic Models of the Female: Rites of Dionysos and Demeter,” in Arethusa, Vol. 15, No. 1-2 (1982), 129-57. Again, have not read it, but the name alone recommends it, although it may also be somewhat dated now.
Last, Chris Faraone has “Curses, Crime Detection, and Conflict Resolution at the Festival of Demeter Thesmophoros” in The Journal of Hellenic Studies, Vol. 131 (2011), pp. 25-44. Once more, the name alone is a recommendation.
So I’d suggest poking through Google Scholar to find articles. Or, again, if you’re at a uni, use your JSTOR access. Do recall that Aristophanes wrote a comedy called the Thesmophoriazusae,” so a lot of articles may address that rather than the festival. While the play does provide some useful info on the festival, the usual caveats apply when using drama, and especially comedy.
There’s some cool work being done on Persephone in S. Italy too, at Calabria and (Italian) Locris. You might be especially interested in the Persephoneion there: her sanctuary. These are part of the Magna Graecia diaspora.
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gayleviticus · 2 years
FMA 03 writers
i had an autism moment and decided to look into the writers of FMA 03 and am now going to vomit out my findings here (nothing very in-depth but it's interesting to see which niches they fall into)
Sho Aikawa: 1-3, 7-8, 13-16, 21-22, 25, 29-31, 32 (w Yamatoya), 36, 39-51, Shamballa.
He wrote the first three episodes, the Nina/Barry the Chopper double whammy, the Marcoh/Scar arc, the latter half of Lab 5, Hughes' death, a decent chunk of the Wrath arc, the Elrics learning Scar's backstory, and then everything from about when the Liore arc begins.
Clearly as head writer he takes charge of the most significant turning points in the series - interestingly, aside from E35, E37, and E38 ("Reunion of the Fallen", "The Flame Alchemist, The Bachelor Lieutenant & The Mystery of Warehouse 13", and "With the River's Flow" by Inoue, Takahashi, and Yamatoya respectively), Aikawa is the only writer to write anything after the series fully diverges from the manga (which I would place at Ed killing Greed in E34). Wikipedia tells me has a reputation for working on adaptations that diverge significantly from the source material, as opposed to original works.
Other writing credits include head writer for Martian Successor Nadesico, Kamen Rider Decade, and the second half of Kamen Raider Blade. At 29.5/51 episodes (he co-wrote a single episode) he was responsible for 57.8% of the series.
Natsuko Takahashi: 6, 11, 17, 23, 26, 37.
She wrote the first Nina episode, The Other Elric Brothers 1, the Elrics recuperating in Resembool, the Elrics recovering post Lab 5, the Paininya episode, and Warehouse 13.
Her forte here is almost entirely slow, character-focused stories without danger or high stakes, with a tendency to emphasise cooling down from big dramatic moments and exploring the implications of these events for the characters.
Other credits include Tokyo Mew Mew, Chrno Crusade, Bleach, and Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo. At 6/51 episodes she wrote 11.8% of the series.
Akatsuki Yamatoya: 28, 32 (w Aikawa), 33-34, 38.
He wrote the Yock Island training episode, Greed arc, and the episode where Ed and Al get into an argument and meet by the river (while Winry and Sheska investigate conspiracies).
Interestingly he is the only writer aside from Aikawa involved in writing actual ongoing arcs after the anime begins to diverge significantly from the manga (I would consider this the introduction of Wrath in E29); the only other contributions past this point are Warehouse 13 (E37) by Takahashi, which a joke episode, and Inoue's Lust and Lujon episode (35), which is valuable characterisation wise but technically standalone. Essentially Yamatoya writes solely for the transition point where FMA 03 is moving from following the manga's blueprint (with significant elaborations, albeit) to its own path.
Other writing credits include Soul Eater, Ghost Stories, Naruto, Detective Conan. At 4.5/51 episodes he wrote 8.8% of the series.
Toshiki Inoue: 4, 10, 24, 35
He wrote Majhal, Psiren, Al defending the Ishbalans against Barry the Chopper with Scar, and Lust and Lujon.
His episodes are largely anime-original and standalone, without significantly shaping the course of the series, but arguably contain valuable characterisation. The Al episode is something of an exception here as it is tied into an ongoing arc (Al's existential crisis) which is also based off manga material, but the episode itself is not a direct adaptation of anything from the manga. Majhal and Psiren are arguably the only genuine cases of pure 'filler' in 03.
Other credits include main writer of Don Brothers and the Death Note anime. At 4/51 episodes he wrote 7.8% of the series.
Katsuhiko Takayama: 9, 19-20, 27.
He wrote the Yousewell episode, first two episodes of Lab 5 arc, and the one where Izumi catches the Elrics.
His work seems fairly solid but nothing very innovative: he adapts manga material well but it's hard to see any strong theme here I think. Notably his Lab 5 episodes mainly cover manga events; the Lab 5 arc does end up significantly diverging from the manga with elements like Scar, Greed, Kimblee, and the Homunculi trying to convince Ed to make the Stone, but not in his episodes.
Other credits include Star Ocean EX, Mirai Nikki, Magia Record S2. At 4/51 episodes he wrote 7.8% of the series.
Manabu Ishikawa: 12, 18.
He wrote The Other Elric Brothers Part 2 and Marcoh's Notes.
Not much to say here - an adaptation of a light novel and a manga chapter.
Other credits include production assistant on Neon Genesis Evangelion, and writing for the Arc the Lad anime and Kimi no koe o todoketai. At 2/51 episodes he wrote 3.9% of the series.
Aya Yoshinaga: 5.
Wrote only the train episode so hard to draw any strong conclusions.
Other credits include Golden Kamui, Natsume's Book of Friends, and Durara!! At 1/51 episodes they (unsure of their gender) wrote 1.9% of the series.
as a special bonus I have made a pie chart bc I like pie charts
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 1 year
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so this here is auggie: semi finalized!!! halliwell's... probably? not going to be his last name but i had no clue what surname to give him so its acting as a stand in aaa
so this is the blorbo. the new bsd oc i have been working on. from the fanfic i am Struggling with. same guy from the Art a while ago. august (i like the month okay) whatever last name i decide on at a later date.
his ability is called lucy locket! i actually came up with the ability's function first, and then i found that it fit pretty well. basically its a pocket dimension accessed via the users pockets. so far it has infinite storage, but whatever is added or removed at the present moment has to have been able to fit in the pocket originally. so you cant add/remove a large waterbottle from tiny jean pockets, for example. i like to think it only works when august himself pulls something out or puts something in. so. yknow. "not a penny was there in it, only ribbon round it". hehe
hes 25 because as much as a harp on bsd i also suck with ages so i rng-ed a number between 21 and 27 chcbdj
his birthday is june 21st! stole that from james orchard halliwell (see where that came from now) phillipps, bc he was the first to record the nursery rhyme. i also think him being born on the summer solstice in june but being named august is soo funny.
forgot to add it in correctly but his height is 5'8! that's about 173 cm? i think? i rounded it up technically its only like. 172.72?
168??? pounds??? which is apparently like 76kg? look i have no clue how weights work either i just took my own weight looked up the average for an adult and made something up. dont expect it to make sense.
bloodtype is a! i thought it was weird that the blood types were mentioned at all in the character bios but then i remembered the whole stereotype thing so i just picked whatever i thought fit.
he likes goldfish (hence the socks and earrings), rice (its rice), and hats (because they are so neat)! i was thinking about funny sock patterns and then i was looking at the wiki page for catherine maria fischer (the supposed kitty fisher in the nursery rhyme) and one of her paintings had a fishbowl in it. and then i thought about yoimiya because i had been drawing her before and. yknow. he definitely does has a small hat collection, but he'd rather them not be damaged at work. theyre saved for parties and formal gatherings!
dislikes are long explanations, pollen (allergy 😔), and unpleasant textures (like bedsheets that give you the Feeling when you scratch them). he likes it when people get to the point, and im projecting my own sensory issues onto him hxjsj
moving on we have design notes!
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so here's our boy.
starting with the shirt, its actually based on one of the shirts i own. it's got the solid torso and the loose sheer sleeves, and i thought that was neat! though for him i think the sleeves would be a bit more opaque, and he's wearing a vest!
as for the tie you can see i noted that it's a bit of a cross between a criss cross tie and like... a sailor tie? i know it says bolo but thats because the word i was looking for was Tie Brooch for the pendant in the middle.
the cargo shorts!!! so obviously to best use his ability august needs something with rather large pockets, but i didn't know how to add those in. initially i wanted to go with some tights or normal slacks and have him wear a hoodie, but it was kind of... eh? so i tried cargo pants but those didn't work either. so then i tried on shorts and i Realized what needed to be done fhdjjws
knee high socks! i asked what how silly we should get with them and eni said knee highs and nobody said ankle with silly patterns so i combined the two! i think the combination is really funny.
the shoes! theyre just sneakers. comfy!
moving on
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i dont actually like this doodle but we're gonna have to bear with it augu
the earrings! theyre little fishies! initially i had different earrings planned but i wanted the fish socks to match with something hdhdhdh
hair tie! august has got the rest of his hair tied up with a little bow. i think its cute bfbdbd
and so you can see what i meant, here's the page of concepts i did!
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you can see the cargo pants, the hoodie, as well as the old earring design. i was playing around with the sleeves for a while xhdhhs
plus i got silly with one so maybe ill do smth with that at some point idk idk
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alittlebirb · 2 years
Some scorching successes from the MCC 25 Green Geckos!
Magical mountain stealing the socket eyes for their own purposes, which Scar wholeheartedly blames on Joel
Their skins are perhaps some of the best that have ever debuted on MCC. The evening gowns complimenting the stormtroopers?? Incredible.
Tubbo orbiting around Scar like he's the center of the universe <3
Scar entering the vc by whispering haunted echoes of "green geckoes..."
Callum and Jojo pondering the potential of cats that could be unlocked should they have thumbs
"I just want you to know I've fashioned up a padded royal chair for you guys to carry me on." -Scar
Callum calling SOT and GR "statistically horrific" for them
Oli getting penalized in Joel's chat for calling the enemy team "idiots", but approving of Scar
Scar calling Tubbo "a little pirate, a little buccaneer-like!"
Scar's watch telling him that he was going to have "impaired reflexes" when he woke up that day
Callum calling the idea that 6 hours is a decent amount of sleep "the gamer in all of us speaking"
Scar talking about making his functional trash cans late at night and Joel getting immediately invested
Jojo giving an incredibly powerful pep speech under the light of fireworks, hyping everyone up and being an excellent team captain
Callum immediately beginning calling out the kits in BB, confusing Joel, which Callum responds to with: "Dude, I'm a nerd."
Jojo saying she's shaking, and Callum saying he's shaking too
"Cool, we can quake together." -Jojo
Jojo getting aces, taking names
Joel and Scar seeing Jimmy in the opposing team and immediately slandering his toy status to the rest of the team
Jojo and Callum having their minds messed with by the amount of MCC Island they've been playing
Scar sharing a fact about calming yourself and the chat skeptically asking if this was a "Scar fact" or a real fact
Jojo and Callum being horrified by the monstrosity at the bottom of the elevator
Callum understanding that the continuous dunking is a karmic punishment that's reached mythic status at this point
"I've yet to not have a good time with Scar!" -Callum
Everyone asking for another speech from Jojo before MD
The team winning the first round of MD!!! Masterfully played!
"I want a count of how many times I hotguy-ed somebody." -Scar
The dynamic between Jojo and the others being solidified through Callum complimenting her, Jojo saying she was nervous, and everyone reassuring her that it was not apparent at all
"I am not looking at the incoming destruction." -Jojo
Scar adding insult to injury by slandering the "fake socket duo" after Green wiped Pink
Scar getting frozen above lava, and saying "I'm going into to hot tub soon if anyone wants to join me."
Them once again winning, ending MD in first place with a 300 coin difference?? Absolute foreshadowing.
3/4 of them getting into the top 5 MD players, with Scar incredibly close behind
"You guys popped off, you guys are my heroes." -Jojo
Scar being notified that he was in the top 10, and immediately asking if they see Jellie? (They do!)
"They say S-Tier for Scar-Tier." -Scar
Callum tiredly explaining the weird dunk meme to the others
Everyone picking up saying "hawkeye!" when shooting during GR
The roller coaster of emotions that was the room breakdown of coins, and the agony of how they spent four and a half minutes in the tower room
Callum somehow moving up a place after that???
Scar doing the echoey Green Geckoes voice as a running bit after every game
Everyone making cat noises for a solid minute in imitation of their own pets
Callum and Joel engaging in a brief battle of wills with Jimmy before getting dunked
Joel explaining why he's spamming &lt;YOU ARE A TOY> to Tim in the chat, and Callum congratulating him on the great joke
Scar ONCE AGAIN killing Jack Manifold, this time in SG, and saying "Jack's been Scarified!" I don't know how Jack could ever come back from that.
"We should go for them. Wilbur has no pants." -Jojo over Scar's giggling
"Good for Wilbur." -Callum
Jojo getting in the top 5 players for SG! QUEEN!
"Jojo...I have something to admit. They weren't throwing potions at us. I was. I was like, the arm on those guys over there! But I was adjusting, it was a whole thing." -Scar, confessing with great shame
"The slushy fairy has been activated." -Scar during the break
Scar giving Tubbo an extra "because slushy gang", Scott an extra slushy, Pearl "because she's Pearl", and then just showering Grian with all the slushies in his inventory
Joel explaining he stopped using face cam "because my concentration is horrible"? Scar being the voice of the people and saying that he needs to show his face cam now.
Scar watching someone fall during AR and delightedly declare "we love to see the failure!"
"I was so excited and swinging my hand around that my watch asked if I was okay and whether it should call me emergency contacts." -Scar, after getting 25th
AR bringing them SKY HIGH and giving them a coin gap of 2k above second
Callum observing Pete's arc from 38th to 19th like the stats nerd he is
"Jojo, win all three rounds please." -Joel before HITW
Scar, watching Jojo and Callum play: "Look at our stormtroopers go, I'm so proud of them."
"For our princesses!" -Callum
Everyone yelling "ENERGY!" before TGTTOS in order to pump up the group
Callum beginning to sing Everything Is Awesome and Joel immediately shutting him down
"Can you hear that? It's the cries of Hbomb in the distance." -Scar after PKT was chosen
Callum seeing Purpled is hunting and gagging
"Purpled? More like Shmurpled." -Callum
"Wiggle those gecko-y legs!" -Scar
Scar accidentally calling Ponk "Pork" and everyone laughing their heads off
"Foolish just destroyed me. Foolish ruined my life." -Callum, shell shocked
Joel and Callum's unwavering faith in Jojo getting 1st individual, and the celebration when she does!
"This is more important than dodgebolt right now!" -Callum
Scar asking for DB advice and Joel telling him to "be random lol, rawr xd"
Oli's advice being "don't get hit, idiot"
Jojo continuously calling Sylvee her hero
Callum for some reason referencing the witch from hit Disney movie Brave???
Callum suggesting he do a recording of him saying "good job" that he can send to Jojo whenever it's needed
Scar calling Jojo "the true hawkeye"
Scar's watch once again asking if he fell off his chair during the victory celebrations
Jellie being immortalized as a pettable cat in the winner's hall
Scar and Joel calling themselves the Top Gun Duo
Green Geckoes finished MCC 25 in 1st place!
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dr1ggles · 1 year
For anyone who's looking for good, well written saiouma stories ;)
Finished Long Fics:
Second Chances - Post Game fic where the game was virtual reality and everyone lives. Shuichi goes back to his apartment only to realize he had a roommate pre-game; Kokichi. VERY good highly recommend, it seems very boring at first but it's fucking HILARIOUS and very much slow burn. 10/10
Therefore you and me (as a result of living, as a result of dying): HONESTLY MY FAVORITE FIC EVER. it is post-game and everyone lives but throw in all their trauma (ACTUALLY realistically) and that Team Danganronpa is forcing them into their rehabilitate facility and absolute major angst and voila. the energy this fic gives me is to DIE for but im a slut for angst. emotionally damaging, indeed. 100/10
our deal: in-game fic where when kokichi stops shuichi in the virtual world in chapter 4 when he asks him to partner up, except shuichi says YES. this entire fic gives me anxiety and also makes me kick me feet like im delulu. character study + introspection are by far my FAVORITE ao3 tags. 12/10
Reaching: in-game alternate universe fic where kokichi, the mc, is stuck in a loop. whenever he dies, he wakes back up in the locker. OMG THIS ENTIRE THING IS SO GOOD. there's a twist with shuichi that you will NOT see coming. out of pure encouragement i will not say anything more abt this fic. 600/10
Deceit - The Phantom Thief: predictably, a phantom thief AU where shuichi, a detective, takes on the impossible case of the notorious phantom thief! i've read a lot of phantom thief stuff, but this one has a very solid plot line and HORRIBLY slow romance. like, the world seemed like it was going to end before they confessed. literally. 25/10
Sending Postcards from a Plane Crash: another slow burn fic bc im a whore for internal torture. basically the v3 cast survives a plane crash and are isolated on an island. they need to find a way off, but there are some strange irregularities on the island. like polar bears! (it's a tropical island.) everyone is characterized pretty well, but kokichi isnt villainized for the most part, which i like a lot. 10/10
I Reach Out My Hand, Yet He Doesn't Take It: OH. MY. GOD. if i said the other ones were emotionally damaging, this fic takes it to the NEXT FUCKING LEVEL AHAHA. this.... hurts :') but in a good way i think. another post-game fic where everyone survives except this time danganronpa wasn't a game show and the other two games plots were actually happening. it's SO GOOOOOD. and sad. pls read it.
Porcelain Parasite: i havent actually finished this one, but it's a royal AU where shuichi basically gets sold by his parents to kokichi's parents, who are like royal people. and kokichi is kinda weird bc i think he gets cursed by junko. not sure ahaha. ITS GOOD THO. some of the parts scared the heebie jeebies outta me. had me scared for their lives actually. if you like stuff like this its the only fic of its saiouma kind that's written well 👍
Temptations: VERYYYY smut heavy, so if you're not into that i don't recommend this. but if you are.... this is where you belong, brothers. it's in-game and kind of enemies to lovers at the beginning, but shuichi doesnt take very long to move past "hating" kokichi LMAO. very angsty.... and sad. my heart breaks consistently while reading this </3 definitely and owie fic but still very very good. 58388583/10
lies (and how to unravel them): TW for eating disorders throughout the entire fic- like it's the main focus. it was kind of hard to read for me bc it was so well described. shuichi is the one struggling with an ED, and while saiouma is a part of the fic, its main point is his struggles rather than him and kokichi. 10/10 but if you're sensitive to that kinda jazz, i dont recommend this
Sexy Singles in Your Area: the entire first three chapters of this fic is just entirely second hand embarrassment. im talking the worst second hand embarrassment of my LIFE out of all the shows ive seen and books ive read. its so bad fhejgj. it's a very funny and cute fic but also shuichi is DUMB. dumb dumb dense and dumb. also, it has a bunch of angst. cute but angsty. i would say its relatively light however. kokichi is characterized very well, which makes it even better <3 10/10
Everyone's Killing Reality: it's everything you want and more. in-game saiouma where the author changed a bunch of things from the danganronpa game that fucking SUCKED ASS. this is so good bc it satisfies my poor saiouma heart while also making the plot simultaneously stronger. this fic is canon idc what anyone says. 1000000/10
Coastline Massacre: solider au that gave me a bajillion heart attacks while reading it. THIS MADE ME CRY. A LOT. just thinking abt it is making me sad holy shit. 40/10 but oh my GOD beware of the goddamn PAIN you will feel while reading this.
Stay With Me: omg a fic without angst?!?! and a lot of smut. if it isnt angsty its sex. real tears. very fluffy and smut heavy (and its GOOD). 15/10
Dawn Again on this Vibrant and Violent Night: literally just finished this read. OH. MY. GODDDD. i know im obsessing over everything else on this list but by far this is the best one. so fr rn!! the way this person writes is ASTONISHING. the plot had me on the edge of my seat the whole time, plot twist after twist, i SCREAMED at a few of them. its very much plot heavy and focuses on kokichi and shuichi, and it's also ingame. kokichi is characterized to PERFECTION, and im very picky abt how other people write kokichi. i was on the verge of tears throughout the second half of this not bc it was sad, but bc how well the tension was written and laid out. GEHAHFJD IM. I LOVE THIS FIC. MY WHOLE HEART <33 199293848757585885/10
Finished Short Fics:
i consider "short" to be from 10,000 words to 70,000 words. so 😍
you've got the right to remain right here with me: phantom thief au where kokichi is looking for a new roommate to live with (cuz his dumbass got evicted). but kaede hooks him up with shuichi, the detective who is actively chasing his case. so now kokichi is living with him and somehow avoid getting caught <3 all my heart, angsty and fluffy, SO ADORABLE OMG. pls read its worth it
arisama, arisama: in-game alternate plot where instead of the time limit as the motive, it's the despair disease. kokichi has the gullible disease and i find it fucking hilarious. kinda bittersweet ending but its still cute— i would say light angst.
Where the Music Meets the Ocean: again i think this is light angst but some may disagree— alternate universe outside of the killing game where kokichi finds out that shuichi is some sort of mermaid thing- IDK it was never specified exactly what he was. but yeah its very cute and kokichi is a bit of a reckless dummy
Searching for Redemption: in-game universe where no one actually dies for the sack of saiouma and nothing else, there's no real plot logic, but not in a bad way. it starts out smut heavy but gets kinda angsty/fluffy, so i highly recommend it lol. also by one of my favorite ao3 authors 😍
Unextinguished Embers: ok im very much used to plot twists and what not, but the plot twist in this made me SCREEEEEAM. genuine shock. this is a fantasy AU where The Tragedy was about Junko being a sorcerer and basically giving sorcerers a bad name bc she was evil. they were all eradicated except.... one (its kokichi spoiler). shuichi meets him and OOPS you'll have to read it yourself ;P ITS SO GOOD PLS
Pirates of the Caribbean: Vault of the Pirate Lords: if you like pirates and Johnny Depp then you will def like this. it's kinda based off the movies but not really, it has a different plot line. shuichi is the governor's kid and kokichi is a pirate- kokichi kidnaps shuichi but for some dumbass reason he's enthusiastic abt it???? like why are you excited to be kidnapped. weirdo!
Unfinished Fics:
now i don't normally read unfinished stuff but im running out of content 😭😭 send help
fool me twice: alternate universe au where shuichi's ex from high school is kokichi, and now they're both 22 and working at the same place and shuichi is STILL a bitch abt him and kokichi's history. unfinished but so far it's pretty damn good. kokichi and shuichi are so perfectly characterized it's maddening
that's all for now but PLEASE if you have something not on this list that i can read TELL ME. i've read every finished long-fic on ao3 and even wattpad at this point. begging so hard
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popculturebuffet · 3 months
Since I asked for modern Disney TVA I'm gonna ask for Cartoon Network too (but obviously splitting it up instead of every show at once). Who is your favorite character from each of the 90s half of the Cartoon Cartoons-era shows you've seen like: Dexter's Lab, Johnny Bravo, Cow & Chicken, I Am Weasel, The Powerpuff Girls 1998, Ed Edd n Eddy, Mike Lu and Og, and Courage the Cowardly Dog?
I appricate that as there are a lot. But I'm also happy to talk about these and almost all need a rewatch from me (Ed Edd N eddy is the exception not due to quality but due to my top 25 episodes list, i've seen most of the ones i'd want to rewatch)
Dexter's Lab: An awesome show and one close to my heart. It has a few eps that are a bit too mean spirited for it's own good (a trait that most of these shows share, it's a common problem in children's comedy), but overall is just a fun show with a simple but effective premise. It also has Phil Hartman in one of his final and best rolls as Dexter's dad, so that's a bonus. I do feel the film and revivial seasons aren't as good, with Dial M For Monster being a better finale, but overall the series is a nostalgic classic to me.
Edit: So yeah turns out I was wrong. It was Jeff Bennet. I just always asumed phil hartman was his dad and that's why it was canceld. A good reminder to always check an assumption you had when you were 8.
Johnny Bravo: your timing on this one is good as I got the season 1 dvd on a whim a few weeks back at walmart and while I need to watch more of it, what i've refreshed is great. For a show about a wannabe pickup artist, the show's aged remarkably well: most of the violence against johnny is too slapstick to be a double standard and Johnny is more a clueless man child than actual threat to any woman and gets brushed off or outright punished when he does his cheesy pickup routine. Not only that but the humor.. is delightfully nuts. You've got episodes where Johnny dates an antelope, thinks time has stopped and in a faviorite bit of mine no one talks about gets a career in the moving pictures cumilating in the beloved classic
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Cow and Chicken: This one.. yeah I have some nice things to say. The designs are nicely grungy, the theme song's a banger and it uh.. yeah that's about it. This one's a sadist show with Chicken sometimes getting punished for doing genuinely bad stuffa nd often getting punished for existing. It's far from the worst cartoon i've seen but is entirely not for me. Again except the theme song, and even then it's in an era of outright banger theme songs
I Am Wesel: This show .. is okay. The segments on cow and chicken were the highlight and while the show does lap into those sadist show tendicies I mentioned for cartoons in general it' snot nearly AS consitent with it as it's sister show and Weasel and Baboon are just fun to watch with great voice work. Weasel in paticular is just awesome. Solid show.
The Powerpuff Girls: one of cn's best shows and one of the ones i've rewatched more as my niece was really into it years ago. It has a sweet vibe to it at it's best, creative villians, some of the best voice actors there ever were in character defining rolls, and some solid aseops other shows weren't doing like how cops can be assholes and feminism can be complicated. Like i'm starting to realize ALL of these it once again has episodes that are just unwatchably mean, seriously I wasn't wrong when I said it was a common problem, but the bulk of the show is just a joy to behold.
Ed, Edd N Eddy: A true classic. I talked about this one a LOT in my top 25 episodes list but it's got slapstick gold for days, a great cast and a truly unique art style. It is held back a bit as episodes can be hit and miss, and out of the shows here it falls into the sadist show trap the most. It misses it more than cow and chicken, but it also has more standout examples of
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It just stands out enough in it's GOOD episodes and has more than enough of them that I still love it.
Mike Lu and Ogg: A show I find highly underated and wish I could rewatch. It's where my decades long love of Nikkita Futterman as a voice actress began, and she's still great as Luna on the Loud House after all this time. Worth a watch if you haven't seen it.
Courage the Cowardly Dog: The best show here and that's saying something and one of my faviorite cartoons period. No hyperbole: long before I got neck deep into horror, this primed me for the genre, a love letter to b movies with a truly wonderful protaganist, the kindest damsel in distress in existance and the greatest asshole old man whose ever lived whose not named stan pines. The series has great humor, truly good horror in places, and a LOT of heart. I can't say enough good about this show and if there's enough intrest or someone willing to bankroll it , i'd be mor ethan willing to do a full series review of it at some point. I cannot say enough good about this show, truly one of cartoon networks best and only not firmly the best because Steven Universe came along later.
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hey makenzie, i've got a bit of a situation here. i'm 25, never had sex before, and never paid attention during those safe sex psas bc i was sure i was ace and never wanted to have sex, due to a number of reasons - i'm autistic and very particular about things touching my body, especially food or fluids (i need to wash that shit off *immediately* or else i will combust) and probably also not eating enough but i digress. i matched with an amazing guy and now i think i want to do it but (1/?)
(2/2) i honestly don't really know where to start here. i know the risks and so i want to buy condoms but for some reason i get nervous about people seeing me buy condoms. i also haven't ever looked into getting PrEP or monkeypox vaccine bc i didn't plan on suddenly becoming a horndog. idk i guess i'm just looking for general advice for a 25yo male having sex for the first time and what i should expect/how should i prepare. like idk what douching is and at this point i'm afraid to ask lol
oh yeah, one more thing i wanted to add - while i'm not nervous about going into this bc this guy is seriously great and understanding as hell, i worry about my roommates hearing us and idk how to approach that. i probably worry too much as they seem to be fine with the noise level here (and me making protein shakes at 1am) but like. i still do. should i play music? put a sock on the door? i don't want them to hate me. ps: i love your blog and hope you have a good day
jesus christ I'm about to fit so much sex ed into one post
1.) start wherever you want; sex is whatever you and your partner(s) want it to be. only way to do it wrong is to do with without consent and communication.
2.) here are two fun facts about being an adult. the first one is that no one actually gives a shit about you buying condoms. no one gives a shit about you buying anything. your fellow customers aren't scrutinizing your purchases they're too busy worrying about you scrutinizing your purchases. the cashier definitely doesn't care, the cashier is contemplating killing everyone in the store and then themself. just buy the condoms.
the second fun fact is actually a house rule of mine, which is that if you're too squirrelly to acquire safer sex supplies yourself you don't get to have sex. the good news on that front is that ordering condoms online from places like Condom Depot is, like, really easy.
3.) PrEP is great to know about but only necessary if your intended partner is at risk of transmitting HIV to you during sex, which is a conversation y'all should have if you haven't already.
getting the monkeypox vaccine is always a solid move if you're in a high risk area, although I do need to emphasize again that it's worth talking to your partner about whether or not they're a considerable risk for transmitting monkeypox (if they haven't had any other partners in the last two weeks, or none of their other partners have tested positive in the last two weeks, they're probably good). regardless, you can easily find somewhere to get vaccinated here.
4.) re: first time having sex, if you've spent literally any time following me you know the best advice I can give you is that you should literally just Talk To This Guy about what you both want to do and feel comfortable with, but watching this video from incomparable sexologist Lindsey Doe isn't a bad place to begin. I'm a big fan of how much she emphasizes lube!
5.) douching is the practice of washing out a bodily cavity with fluids. many people like to do it before anal sex to lower their risk of defecating on a partner by accident, but it's totally optional and not a requisite for anyone. if you're interested, you can find a good introduction here:
it's worth noting that douching presumes anal sex will be taking place, which is something to discuss. anal sex can absolutely rule but it also requires care; I'd recommend this other Lindsey Doe video for some hot tips on how to start exploring that:
if anal penetration isn't your cup of tea but eating ass may be, check out dental dams - even a clean anus runs the risk of harboring fecal matter and baby you do NOT want that in your mouth! in a pinch, a dental dam can be made in a hurry by cutting a condom open down one side and laying it flat.
6.) similarly to sexual partners, the best way to learn what roommates are okay with is to ask. do the courtesy of giving your roommates a heads up that a guest is coming over and that sex is on the agenda; let them decide if they want to clear out, put on headphones, or what.
why are you making protein shakes at 1 AM. what's happening there.
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helloimjennsco · 1 year
Change of Pace
Chapter 1: A savior comes from out the skies in answer to their pleas
Queen Anne’s Revenge needed a new drummer.
Jack had stormed out in a huff three months ago after another in a long line of screaming matches with Izzy over not overpowering the guitars and hadn’t returned. Izzy insisted he’d come crawling back eventually, but Ed had his doubts. Fang was doing a bang up job as a temporary stand in at their latest gigs, but Ed could tell from the way he looked over at his guitar case at practice with a longing sigh that they couldn’t go on like this for much longer.
After exhausting their network and coming up empty, even Izzy agreed that it was time to do what they never expected a band of their stature to ever have to do again—they booked a local venue for the day and held open tryouts.
It went about as well as they expected, which was badly. The usual suspects turned out in droves—teenage metalheads with passion and the beginnings of skill who weren’t quite there yet; aging rockers aiming to recapture their glory days by dusting off their rusty rhythm skills. There’d been a few promising options: a tattooed 25-year old with blue hair and solid skills, but a pop-punk background. A solemn, middle-aged Latina woman who kept incredible time but played too softly. But with only an hour left, Ed was about ready to call it. They’d tried.
He’d stepped back in from a smoke break and heard Izzy’s voice, sharp with irritation, punctuated by a softer, higher pitched voice that sounded confused at first before shifting to match Izzy’s tone. He rounded the corner for a closer look.
Izzy stood with his back to him, hands on his hips before the last man Ed would have ever expected to turn up at an open audition for a metal band. The man was tall, blond, and good-looking, dressed in the slim cut jeans and and polo shirt of an off-duty dad. His immaculate Vans high tops and the well-worn drumsticks clutched in his fist, however, suggested he knew exactly what he was here for. Ed stepped forward, clearing his throat, and both men’s eyes snapped over to him.
“What’s going on, Iz?” Ed asked.
Fang & Ivan had left around 15 minutes ago when it didn’t look like anyone else was coming, but he regretted sending them home now—would have been nice to have some backup, judging from the ‘get a load of this fucking guy’ look Izzy just shot him.
“THIS guy says he’s here to tryout for drums. And as I already explained to him,” Izzy said, glaring back at the now affronted-looking blond man, “tryouts are now closed. So piss off, you’re too late.”
“The flyers said tryouts ended at six,” the man pouted. Adorable, Ed thought.
“Izzy, c’mon,” Ed sighed. “The flyers did say six, and he’s already here. Don’t be a dick.”
Ed turned to look back at the blond man, whose eyes now glowed with the hope of a golden retriever staring down a snack. “I’m Ed,” he said, extending a hand. “What’s your name?”
The man smiled at him, wide and dazzling, and took Ed’s hand in his impossibly soft one for a solid handshake. “Hi, I’m Stede.”
“Er, no, STEDE, actually. With a D.” The apologetic set to his mouth now suggested that this was something he had to say a lot.
“My bad, man,” said Ed with a warm smile. “Nice to meet you, Stede. You been drumming long?”
Stede’s eyes lit up in excitement. “Only a few years, but I’ve had a lot of time on my hands since the divorce. Plenty of time to practice when the kids are at their mother’s.”
Ed ignored the swoop of disappointment in his gut that attended Stede’s words and hitched his smile up higher in response. “Well, I’m excited to see what you have to show us today. You like metal, then?”
Stede looked thoughtful. “Not at first, admittedly. But I found out fairly quickly that it’s the most fun to play, so I’ve been broadening my horizons a bit more lately.” Izzy scoffed from behind him—Ed ignored him.
“That’s fine,” said Ed pointedly. “S’not a requirement.”
Stede looked a little embarrassed nevertheless, twisting his drumsticks nervously in his hands. “I know I don’t exactly look the part,” he said softly, “but I really do love playing. I’d like to play with you and your band, if you’ll have me. It’s…always been a dream of mine.”
“You and every other boring middle-aged fuck we’ve seen today,” Izzy grumbled, not quite low enough for it to count as ‘under his breath.’ Ed shot him a glare and he held up his hands in mocking surrender before crossing them in a huff. Ed turned back to Stede.
“I’d love to see you play,” said Ed, clapping him warmly on the shoulder. He was surprisingly solid under that dorky, but expensive-feeling polo shirt. Ed settled into the chair by the sound booth and gestures for Stede to climb the stairs to the stage and sit behind the drum kit.
“What song are you playing?” Ed asked. “I’ll queue it up.” Izzy sidled up next to him, opening his mouth to speak before—
“Painkiller by Judas Priest, please.”
The words died on Izzy’s lips, his sneer dropping into a look of pure shock before shifting into indignation. “There’s no fucking way you can play that fucking song,” Izzy snarled.
“I assure you I can,” Stede sniffed primly.
“Bold choice there, mate,” Ed said, hiding his surprise only a little better than Izzy had. “Excited to hear what you do with it.” Ed found the track and hit play. And then Stede…well, there was no other word for it.
He transformed.
His charming, affable face went steely with focused resolve and, for the first time since his arrival, he went completely still. He launched into the famously difficult drum intro with furious precision—
—and absolutely fucking nailed it.
Ed’s jaw dropped. Out of the corner of his eye, he was dimly aware of Izzy doing the same. But he wasn’t watching Izzy. He was watching a hot, blond, rich suburbanite-looking dad named Stede play the absolute shit out of the drums.
Stede didn’t miss a single beat for the entire six minutes. His brow furrowed with concentration, swaying his entire body with feeling, making it all look effortless. He even scaled back the volume during the guitar solos—it was exactly what they needed from Jack and never got. When he finished the blistering closing drum solo, he exhaled, long and low, and flashed Ed his charmingly lopsided grin once more.
“So?” He asked, pleased but anxious. “What did you think?”
Ed didn’t even look at Izzy before replying—“You’re in.”
“But—“ Izzy started.
“I’ll text you the rehearsal schedule.”
Stede’s smiled, another wide, sunny number that made Ed’s mouth go dry. “I suppose you’ll need my number for that, hey?”
Oh, now that was a look, wasn’t it? Ed felt a glimmer of hope return to him.
Ed met Stede’s glittering hazel eyes with a knowing smirk. “Suppose I will.”
This was originally a twitfic that I then posted to AO3 because Twitter is sinking into the sea. Now I’m posting it here as well! Come say hi, I’m metavenhorst on AO3 and Twitter.
P.S. there’s also an excellent podfic of the first two chapters by @lindie-kninjaknitter !!
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popculturelib · 10 months
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Pizza Rustica
Pizza takes on a new shape -- but tastes as zesty as ever! A real party pleaser.
1 tablespoon sesame seed
1 pkg. Pillsbury Hot Roll Mix
3/4 cup warm water (105°-115°F.)
1 egg
1 lb. ground beef
1/2 cup chopped olives
4 oz. can mushrooms, drained
15 1/2 oz. jar (1 3/4 cups) prepared thick spaghetti sauce
2 cups (8 oz.) shredded Mozzarella, American or Cheddar cheese
Preheat oven to 400°F. Generously grease (using 1 tablespoon solid shortening) 12-cup fluted tube pan. Sprinkle with sesame seed. In large fry pan, brown ground beef; drain. Stir in olives, mushrooms and 1 cup spaghetti sauce. Simmer while preparing dough. In large bowl, dissolve yeast from hot roll mix in warm water: Stir in egg. Add flour mixture; blend well. On floured surface, knead until no longer sticky, about 30 seconds. Roll out to an 18x10-inch rectangle. Sprinkle half of cheese down longest center third of dough. Spoon meat mixture over cheese to within 1 inch of edges. Sprinkle meat with remaining cheese. Bring one side of uncovered dough entirely over meat and cheese; seal. Bring other side of uncovered dough entirely over meat, cheese and dough; seal. Cut into 8 pieces; place, cut sides meeting, in prepared pan. Bake 25 to 35 minutes until deep golden brown. Cool upright in pan 5 minutes; invert onto serving plate. Serve with heated remaining spaghetti sauce. 10 to 12 servings.
from 100 New Bundt Ideas: A World of Bundt Pan Cookery for All Occasions (1977) ed. by Christine Fossum for Pillsbury
This holiday season, we're bringing to you a variety of recipes from the cookbooks in our collection so that you can delight and/or horrify your loved ones at Thanksgiving. We bear no responsibility for the quality of the recipes chosen, so proceed at your own risk. Check out our recipes tag for more ideas, and let us know if you try any!
The Browne Popular Culture Library (BPCL), founded in 1969, is the most comprehensive archive of its kind in the United States.  Our focus and mission is to acquire and preserve research materials on American Popular Culture (post 1876) for curricular and research use. Visit our website at https://www.bgsu.edu/library/pcl.html.
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babie-novah · 8 months
Welcome to my little corner of age regression tumblr <3
Before we start, here’s a DNI list
NSFW accounts, people under 14 or over 25, transphobes, homophobes, terfs or transcum, racists, conservatives, ED/SH blogs, other general DNI guidelines
Now that we have that out of the way, heres a bit about me:
I go by a bunch of names, primarily Novah/Magnus
I use all pronouns, but just for reference: he/she/they/it/neos/void/eye
I’m alexigender, mainly masc-presenting and use the umbrella term nonbinary usually
I am a sex-indifferent asexual, romance-favoring quoiromantic, and omniromantic oriented
I’m polyamorous, taken romantically by my lovely boyfriend, and am on the lookout for queerplatonic partners
I’m diagnosed autistic, I use tone tags, and my current hyperfixations are TMA and The Mechanisms, with my special interest being psychoanalysis
I have diagnosed BPD and PTSD, these are two of the more major reasons that I age regress
On the topic: I’m an age regressor!! This is an age regression blog!! My little age is usually between 3-5, but I do go lower and occasionally higher, I also pet regress (usually puppy regression or kitten regression) and I do not currently have a solid CG
I plan to go to college for creative writing and am in the process of writing a podcast which will be put on Spotify
My favorite color is purple
I love horror movies and silly cryptids (I’m from Appalachia, we have quite a few <3)
Uhhhh yeah that’s about it!!
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fpp64 · 1 year
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All time best album 100
1. Chuck Berry - Chuck Berry Is On Top (59)
2. Wes Montgomery - The Incredible Jazz Guitar (60)
3. John Coltrane - Giant Steps (60)
4. John Lee Hooker - Don't Turn Me From Your Door: John Lee Hooker Sings His Blues (63)
5. Grant Green - Idle Moments (65)
6. Miles Davis - Nefertiti (67)
7. Quarteto Nôvo - Quarteto Nôvo (67)
8. The Doors - The Doors (67)
9. The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Axis: Bold As Love (67)
10. The Beatles - The Beatles (68)
11. The Kinks - The Village Green Preservation Society (68)
12. The Beach Boys - Friends (68)
13. Blood, Sweat And Tears - Child Is Father To The Man (68)
14. John Hartford - Housing Project (68)
15. Andy Pratt - Records Are Like Life (69)
16. Frank Zappa - Hot Rats (69)
17. Chicago - Chicago Transit Authority (69)
18. The Band - The Band (69)
19. Nina Simone - Nina Simone And Piano! (69)
20. Nick Drake - Five Leaves Left (69)
21. Fairport Convention - Liege And Lief (69)
22. Bob Dylan - New Morning (70)
23. Jimmy Webb - Words And Music (70)
24. かまやつひろし - "ムッシュー" かまやつひろしの世界 (70)
25. The Who - Who's Next (71)
26. Gil Scott-Heron - Pieces Of A Man (71)
27. Marvin Gaye - What's Going On (71)
28. Aretha Franklin - Live At Fillmore West (71)
29. The Rolling Stones - Exile On Main St. (72)
30. Jesse Ed Davis - Ululu (72)
31. Bobby Charles - Bobby Charles (72)
32. Todd Rundgren - Something/Anything? (72)
33. Eric Justin Kaz - If You're Lonely (72)
34. Terry Callier - What Color Is Love (72)
35. Bobby Womack - Understanding (72)
36. Al Green - I'm Still In Love With You (72)
37. George Jackson - George Jackson In Memphis 1972-1977 (09)
38. Donny Hathaway - Live (72)
39. Bill Withers - Live At Carnegie Hall (73)
40. Stevie Wonder - Innervisions (73)
41. Shuggie Otis - Inspiration Information (73)
42. Marcos Valle - Previsão Do Tempo (73)
43. Little Feat - Dixie Chicken (73)
44. Frankie Miller - Frankie Miller's High Life (74)
45. Brinsley Schwarz - The New Favourites Of... (74)
46. Brian Protheroe - Pinball (74)
47. Bruce Cockburn - Salt, Sun And Time (74)
48. Kenny Rankin - Silver Morning (74)
49. Tamba Trio - Tamba (74)
50. Bob Marley & The Wailers - Live! (75)
51. John Martyn - Solid Air (75)
52. Grateful Dead - Blues For Allah (75)
53. Curtis Mayfield - There's No Place Like America Today (75)
54. Leroy Hutson - Hutson (75)
55. Johnny Guitar Watson - Ain't That A Bitch (76)
56. Antônio Carlos Jobim - Urubu (76)
57. Azymuth - Aguia Não Come Mosca (77)
58. Ivan Lins - Somos Todos Iguais Nesta Noite (77)
59. Taj Mahal - Brothers (77)
60. Jorge Ben - A Banda Do Zé Pretinho (78)
61. Lô Borges - A Via Láctea (79)
62. Joe Jackson - Look Sharp! (79)
63. NRBQ - Tiddlywinks (80)
64. Joni Mitchell - Shadows And Light (80)
65. Steely Dan - Gaucho (80)
66. Van Morrison - Inarticulate Speech Of The Heart (83)
67. Fred Frith - Cheap At Half The Price (83)
68. The Police - Synchronicity (83)
69. Ben Watt - North Marine Drive (83)
70. Prefab Sprout - Steve McQueen (85)
71. Milton Naschimento - Miltons (88)
72. Lenny Kravitz - Let Love Rule (89)
73. XTC - Oranges & Lemons (89)
74. Paul Weller - Paul Weller (92)
75. G. Love And Special Sauce - G. Love And Special Sauce (94)
76. Ron Sexsmith - Ron Sexsmith (95)
77. Cassandra Wilson - New Moon Daughter (95)
78. Tony! Toni! Toné! - House Of Music (96)
80. Stereolab - Dots And Loops (97)
81. Caetano Veloso - Livro (97)
82. Elliott Smith - XO (98)
83. Dan Penn & Spooner Oldham - Moments From This Theatre (99)
84. Badly Drown Boy - The Hour Of The Bewilderbeast (00)
85. Common - Like Water For Chocolate (00)
86. BONNIE PINK - Let go (00)
87. paris match - typeIII (02)
89. Steve Winwood - About Time (03)
90. Luis Alberto Spinetta - Para Los Arboles (03)
91. Metheny / Mehldau - Metheny / Mehldau (06)
92. Domenico - Cine Privê (12)
93. Diggs Duke - Offering For Anxious (14)
94. D'Angelo & The Vanguard - Black Messiah (14)
95. Prince - HITnRUN Phase Two (15)
96. Ryley Walker - Primrose Green (15)
97. Ian Lasserre - Sonoridade Pólvora (17)
98. Kurt Rosenwinkel - Caipi (17)
99. Sam Gendel - 4444 (18)
100. Catbug - Slapen Onder Een Hunebed (21)
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nswd-ofmd · 10 months
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Chapter 25: Pale Blue Sky
Read @ Ao3
Summary: The second day of parley dawns and Ed is more busy than he's ever been, but as the various threads of his past and present tangle together, he's going to find it harder and harder to keep it going; and sometimes the only thing left on the table is sacrifice.
“Yeah, I’m helpin’. Shit. But you know we gotta get the goods first.” He dumps his canvas on the floor and strolls around the chair. “I’m gettin fancy ass over he…Holy shit, this is Lulu’s first mate!”
“Lulu?” Ed has to laugh. “Holy fuck, I’m calling him that. Lulu. Oh my God.”
“No, you are not calling him that, Edward! Are you mad? Don’t make the problem worse!”
“Ohh Eddie’s in trouble with the doctorrrr,” Jack coos. “Behave, Eddie! Don’t make it worse~ Or I won’t kiss ya goodniiight.” He makes squeaking sounds through pursed lips and Ed laughs and punches him.
“Fuck off. And it’s fine, Doc, I know what I’m doing.” He rolls the guy whose throat John slit onto the canvas and begins to root through his clothes. There’s not much, though his flintlock is solid it’s not interesting enough to take so he slides it over to Jack who slips it in his belt. He does take the man’s small stiletto though and slips it in his own boot to give Isidro later, takes a bag with a few rounds of shot, a few doubloons and leaves a frayed pretty ribbon where he found it, but tucked under the man’s shirt so Jack doesn’t see it.
“Disgusting,” John says, voice cold. “This is grave robbery!”
“Yeah, well they’re French so it don’t matter,” Jack says. John lets out a breath and mutters:
“I suppose.”
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