#100%ed the fluids baby
food school going well, i got a 62.5 today 😎
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nothorses · 2 years
I saw a mention of bad sex ed in the American education system and I've just gotta ask if anyone else thought certain acts, sexual or otherwise, could get you or someone else pregnant even though they literally can't on their own?
I swear that one of my sex ed teachers either straight up said or heavily implied that swallowing semen can get you pregnant and I thought that was true all the way up until I was about 17, when I was bored at my first job and thought about it really hard until I decided, "Wait! That doesn't make any fucking sense!" and googled it lol
lmao I didn't have that experience at all, but I'm in WA, and our sex ed here is pretty rock solid. We were taught about puberty changes from like 4th grade up, we got the pregnancy and sex stuff in 7th grade up.
I remember there being some "the only way to 100% for sure prevent pregnancy is abstinence" stuff, but they also taught us other contraception methods, the many other reasons to use a condom, the sperm -> egg fertilization stuff, stages of pregnancy, etc. pretty early on.
I had a gay health teacher in 6th grade who I remember insisting to us very emphatically, during the HIV/AIDS unit, that the only way HIV/AIDS can be transmitted is through an exchange of bodily fluids (with the exception of saliva, except v excessive and unrealistic amounts.) I just remember finding her passion about it odd at the time, as a kid who'd never heard of this disease before & didn't have misconceptions to dismiss.
I know that's the exception & not the rule in the US, though. And it helped that my mom handed me anatomy books in like 4th grade as an answer to my "where do babies come from?" question.
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weaselbeaselpants · 4 years
Hazbin/Helluva are hated for the exact same reason they’re loved:
Before I begin I need to repeat something and that’s that you please, kindly, DO NOT BOTHER ANYONE WORKING ON THE SHOW WITH THIS POST. I don’t care if you’re a fan looking for their opinion or a “critic” looking for their response. THESE PEOPLE ARE WORKING HARD, THIS IS NOT A CALL OUT POST IT’S JUST FAN DRIVEL LEAVE PEOPLE ALONE OKAY?!?!?
Here are the facts of the matter:
Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss are independently produced cartoons made by a bunch of people juuuuust breaking in on the animation market, and/or internet famous artists having fun with the world they’re producing. The creator, like her style or not, is inspired and VERY passionate about what she likes and what she wants. Everyone working on the show is really into it and their work. It’s such a self-made fandom it was technically a fandom first and a product second. Fans feel like they (and technically do) have a say in how the show should be run and what the characters should be.
It is popular enough to attract attention online but not overblown by the mainstream media.
On the positive side all those things mean:
It’s crew is tight-nit and very passionate + stick up for each other and their projects. It’s basically a giant colab. Whether they were preexisting fans/friends of Viv, the people working on it got to work on something they liked and with people they liked.
The animation community is super pumped and excited for them be they fans of the animators or just people who like cartoons and monsters and stuff. They’re positively skeptical and in on the hype cause they want to see more fluid adult animation and more indie projects take off (also 2D)!
It’s fandom LOVES the characters, concept, and story. They are more invested in what the characters could be rather than what they actually are, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing; to love something based on the concepts presented and use it to make AUs, hypotheticals and what not. Cringe all you want at the Onceler fandom (you can) but it is impressive to make all that material from so little!
They’re both edgy and insensitive based on their subject matter alone. And yet, the creators and fans DO intend for the show to be a net-positive: there IS supposed to a be representational aspect to it’s design and it’s audience. Brandon Rogers, the modern John Waters, is a pure shock-humor artist; an example of the sincere but not TOO serious risque nature these shows should have, and BOTH attract a pretty happy and excitable LGBTQ fanbase who hate bigotry.
The creators directly talking with fans means there’s again a sense of togetherness to the whole production. That the creators tell people to ship what they want BUT NOT TO BULLY is really cool + important.
As an aside, they can only say so much and Viv is at this point not 100% of Hazbin or Helluva’s creation. It’s other people speaking for or with it now. Neither pilot is a singular idea and musing of one person anymore, they are stand alone products and they are not immune from critique or favoritism.
Buuuuuuut, there’s a flipside to these things as well:
Beyond NDAs (as an aside, a lot of productions have these I don’t think it’s amoral that Viv had this) the crew is tight. When they hear how a site that they’ve heard through the grabevine hosted the guy who sent Viv rape porn*, even if the critique is from a user who hates that guy, THEY AREN’T GONNA HEAR THEM OUT. And they shouldn’t. They are tired and don’t want to be involved, at best (or want to move on from past drama) and biased towards Viv, at worst. They stick out for each other in the business and also who are you gonna stan if you were in their shoes? A person you don’t know on a forum you’ve seen post creepy shit OR your friend who paid you, promos you, talks to you and you like to work with?
Ask yourself honestly what you would do if someone said:
“hey I’m from [4chan/Kiwi, ED, Tapatalk, Reddit, ect]. I’m sorry for what happened but just so you know-”
I so get the crew just straight up blocking on sight. I don’t CONDONE it, but in a postGamerGate world I understand it.
AND when it comes to accusations made against the VAs, a producer, or one of the artists, and ESPECIALLY the creator - people are gonna just handwave it away convinced, it’s just whining or has alterier motives + again, friends stick together and choose sides...like Brock Baker’s :B
It’s popular so it’s gonna get love and hate. I know critics are not gonna like to hear the later, but it is true. It feels cathartic to dunk on a property when fans are crazy and you feel it’s overrated/bad. People feel good dunking on this mishandled, problematic clusterfugg cause they know not as many people are watching and unironically liking, say, Alfred Alfer ----- (please don’t look that or Emily Youcis up. Here’s the tvtropes page. Do not look beyond this point PLEASE)
Likewise, the clout surrounding the show is biased and detracted form being too mean as well. Everyone can tell there’s a kind of toxic mess under the covers but no one wants to deep dive or prod the details of something people are working on and liking so much, especially not when the loudest detractors are asshats like P.K. Russel.
A lot of merch has been sold and produced WELL BEFORE the rest of the shows or the finalized series/designs have been laid out. If nothing comes of either show it will be bad having all this merch hyping something that doesn’t exist. If it does but is so radically different than the vision in Viv’s and fan’s heads (these are both PILOTS, I’ll remind you) it’s gonna disappoint. I just know it.
People were writing Hazbin fanfics and AUs before the pilot was dropped and have made sequels to both before we have even a clear picture of what the ending is gonna be. People are in love and writing for a franchise they don’t know. They know the idea of it and the version of it in their head, but they don’t really know it.
The fandom can not take criticism. This is bad. Everyone is a critic and inside every critic is a nerdooo ~ ((critics do have fandoms and everyone will like something problematic for reasons)) Fans want to criticize but they’re scared of being ostracized from the fandom and kicked off of forums/servers, which has happened to two underage fans already. **
The fandom feels entitled to their ideas and to the creators’ attention. If it were any other fandom it is sooper cool that creators allow people to ship as they please, but not one that’s currently still in development and whose finalized characters haven’t been figured out. The babies have been sent into the battle field at only a few months old alongside veteran ship/canon/entitled cartoon fandoms like Steven Universe and Rick and Morty. It’s like the scene from mother! where the crowd dismembers and eats the baby.
Viv and has a serious influence on these people so even when her and a bunch of fans/artists are just gabbing about stupid memes on twitter, this invites a slew of onlookers to attack these people***. Despite the influence you can have or say to stop this behavior, it’s waaaay harder to put a stop to it than just saying “hey guys be nice” (Anyone else remember the inner-drama of Brony fandom? Like chuds would even take the word of the AskMolestiaMod to heart when their one goal was to take down the dreaded Essjaydoublewes that threatened their rape jokes).
Fans also have no boundaries. Sea also; Lincar Rox.
Being a netpositive doesn’t mean everything you say or do is devoid of critique. If you make vulgar/shocking adult content it will have fans and it will have detractors regardless of the positive intent. As I’ve said earlier, the problem with Viv’s works isn’t really the content but the context and the presentation. You can say Angel Dust is an inspiring character all you want. To some people that’s absolutely true but that does NOT absolve the fact that the it’s a cis woman writing and glamorizing an abused crossdressing gay man. People are gonna be offended and the creator needs tougher skin about this be it satire, parody, or drama.
*back when they were fixated on Zoophobia, there was a guy on Bad Webcomics Wiki/Tapatalk for the comic who posted art of Viv’s decapitated head getting raped by Angel Dust as a “joke”. Oh! and he also took the complaints the wiki had and made Viv and ED page. The rest of the forum was not happy but yeah that happened. The forum itself is the same as any reddit thread and NOT a hate site, but yeah um Viv has every right to quit after that, sorry.
The evidence is linked here in this google doc, which is why I linked it. (tbh I sympathize with the author but I don’t think it’s their place to say when Viv should have let the world known about the harassment porn )
**the underage fans who were bullied/blocked/demonized by creators are frootrollup1, for doing redesigned fan art, and StarVader from the Tapatalk/BWW forums, who was targeted and blamed by fans for Lincar’s shit. I’m not linking them for fear of their safety.
***The meme and twitter thread that went off the rails is one you’ll have to scroll down a bit through @gamergirluprising‘s post to see.
Okay that’s all.
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mcatmemoranda · 3 years
I started my last rotation today. It's a Family Medicine Sub-I.
Things I learned today:
Discharge summary: first paragraph is about the ED course--why the pt came in, what tests were done, what treatments were given, what test results showed. Next paragraph is about what happened during the admission--what treatments were given, how the pt improved. Last paragraph is the discharge plan--mention disposition, follow up with PCP/specialist, physical therapy, etc.
NIH Stroke Scale helps determine whether the pt is a candidate for tPA. If tPA is contraindicated, do a head CT. There was a pt who was called because they thought she might be having a stroke, so we pulled up the MDcalc app for it and she couldn't even answer some of the questions or follow commands. One of the residents said if you can't evaluate the pt, then you just give him or her the highest score on the stroke scale. Contraindications to tPA include stroke or bleeding in the past 3 months. The pt had had a stroke in the past 3 months, so we couldn't give tPA anyway. Instead, we ordered a STAT head CT.
There was a pt who had been admitted for a sickle cell crisis. He had PCA (Patient Controlled Analgesia), which was Dilaudid. He was also given folic acid, which helps with the anemia. For acute sickle cell pts, you can treat with oxygen, fluids, and blood transfusion. The thing to be most worried about is acute chest, which I think I recall reading is the most common cause of death in sickle cell pts.
Tangent from Wikipedia: The acute chest syndrome is a vaso-occlusive crisis of the pulmonary vasculature commonly seen in people with sickle cell anemia. This condition commonly manifests with a new opacification of the lung(s) on a chest x-ray. The crisis is a common complication in sickle-cell patients and can be associated with one or more symptoms including fever, cough, excruciating pain, sputum production, shortness of breath, or low oxygen levels. Acute chest syndrome is often precipitated by a lung infection, and the resulting inflammation and loss of oxygen saturation leads to further sickling of red cells, thus exacerbating pulmonary and systemic hypoxemia, sickling, and vaso-occlusion. The diagnosis of acute chest syndrome is made difficult by its similarity in presentation with pneumonia. Both may present with a new opacification of the lung on chest x-ray. The presence of fevers, low oxygen levels in the blood, increased respiratory rate, chest pain, and cough are also common in acute chest syndrome. Diagnostic workup includes chest x-ray, complete cell count, reticulocyte count, ECG, and blood and sputum cultures. Patients may also require additional blood tests or imaging (e.g. a CT scan) to exclude a heart attack or other pulmonary pathology. Hydroxyurea is a medication that can help to prevent acute chest syndrome. It may cause a low white blood cell count, which can predispose the person to some types of infection.
Hydroxycarbamide, also known as hydroxyurea, is a medication used in sickle-cell disease, chronic myelogenous leukemia, cervical cancer, and essential thrombocythemia.[1][2] In sickle-cell disease it increases fetal hemoglobin and decreases the number of attacks.[1] It is taken by mouth. Common side effects include bone marrow suppression, fevers, loss of appetite, psychiatric problems, shortness of breath, and headaches. There is also concern that it increases the risk of later cancers. Use during pregnancy is typically harmful to the baby. Hydroxycarbamide is in the antineoplastic family of medications. It is believed to work by blocking the making of DNA. Hydroxycarbamide was approved for medical use in the United States in 1967. It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines. Hydroxycarbamide is available as a generic medication.
Anyway, you can give 100 to 125 cc fluids, transfuse pRBCs if their Hgb is below 7 or below the pt's baseline, control the pt's pains with NSAIDs and opiates. There's a new medication for sickle cell anemia called Oxbryta (Voxelotor).
From Medscape:
Voxelotor is a hemoglobin S (HbS) polymerization inhibitor that binds to HbS with a 1:1 stoichiometry and exhibits preferential partitioning to RBCs
By increasing the affinity of Hb for oxygen, voxelotor demonstrates dose-dependent inhibition of HbS polymerization
Nonclinical studies suggest voxelotor may inhibit RBC sickling, improve RBC deformability, and reduce whole blood viscosity.
So the pt was instructed to use an incentive spirometer and was transitioned from PCA to oral pain medication.
There was a pt who had aortic stenosis. Gotta review murmurs.
DES = Drug-Eluting Stent
A pt who has autoimmune hepatitis came in. She's on prednisone and azathioprine. Azathioprine is an immunosuppressant.
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skleyva-blog · 6 years
For my babies!!!
*******Those on hemodialysis and have an ED*******
I am on hemodialysis myself. I have noticed, in my lab results, my calcium and albumin are low. Here is a "liquid" plan that will help keep those up and control fluids:
Breakfast: 1 scoop (make with 8 oz)
2 scoops (make with 16 oz)
Vanilla with 1 scoop (powder): 180 cals.
Vanilla with 2 scoops: 360 cals.
Lunch: 8 oz.
Green tea: 0 cals.
Dinner: 8 oz
Milk: 100-200 (depends on your type of milk; look on back of milk)
Fluid total: 32 oz (1 liter)
Cals (varies on what you choose): 280-560
- I would recommend starting off with 1 scoop a day for protein shakes until they have to draw your labs again. If its still low, maybe up it to 2 scoops a day for 4 days.
Stay amazing and keep up your labs babe!💙💙💙💙💙
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sistercelluloid · 6 years
Welcome to another edition of TINTYPE TUESDAY! This week, we’re off to see The Wizard of Oz again on the big screen, courtesy of TCM and Fathom Events. For tickets, just click here!
But before you head out, let’s take a peek at what was really going on behind the wizard’s curtain.
The tornado in Kansas was nothing compared to the blizzard of cast and crew changes—not to mention the many mishaps, including a couple of near-fatalities. Even Toto didn’t escape unscathed…
So hang on to your hamper—here we go!
Dorothy: Both MGM unit head Arthur Freed and music maven Roger Edens fought for Judy Garland, but Louis B. Mayer—who often derided the painfully insecure teenager as “my little hunchback”—pressured producer Mervyn LeRoy to do whatever it took to land Shirley Temple for the lead. Fortunately, all attempts to get 20th Century Fox to loan out the wildly popular moppet went nowhere. (However, the long-standing rumor that MGM offered to swap the services of Clark Gable and Jean Harlow for Temple is false; Harlow succumbed to renal failure in June 1937, before MGM even had the rights to the book.) Deanna Durbin, whom Mayer openly preferred to Garland, was also considered—but because the film initially had a sub-plot involving Betty Jaynes, another operatic singer, she was dropped from the running. So Mayer had to “settle” for Judy.  (Oh and her ruby slippers were originally silver, as they were in the book. But in the age of Technicolor, red won out.)
The Scarecrow: Buddy Ebsen was the first loose-limbed, lanky dancer to step into the role, which would have worked out much better for him, as we’ll soon see… but Ray Bolger ultimately carried the day (and the hay). He also carried lines on his face from the rubber prosthetics for more than a year after filming ended. For that kind of grief, you’d think they’d have left his original dance number—longer, trippier, and choreographed by none other than Busby Berkeley—in the film:
The Tin Man: Much to his disappointment, Bolger was first cast in this clunkier role. If he’d only had the heart… but he longed to be the Scarecrow, the part he’d seen his childhood hero, Fred Stone, play in the 1902 Broadway show—which is what inspired him to hit the boards in the first place. “I’m not a tin performer—I’m fluid!” he reportedly pleaded to LeRoy, who finally caved in, allowing Bolger and Ebsen to swap roles. Ebsen was an absolute peach about the whole thing, even teaching Bolger the “wobbly walk” he’d perfected in rehearsals. But no good deed goes unpunished, and this one almost killed him: after about a week of breathing in the toxic aluminum powder that covered his “tin” face, Ebsen was rushed to the hospital in critical condition. (At first, Mayer—who assumed other people’s morals were as low as his own—thought the actor was faking an illness as some sort of contract ploy. So he dispatched his minions to the hospital—where they found Ebsen strapped into an iron lung.)
When Jack Haley, on loan from Fox, arrived to replace him, the make-up artists were much more careful: they protected his face with a thick layer of white greasepaint and diluted the aluminum powder into a paste. (Oh, and they never told him why his predecessor left the film—on a stretcher.) Ebsen didn’t vanish entirely, though: his voice can still be heard in the group vocals, as there was no time to re-record them.
And given all the gruesome drama surrounding the Tin Man, perhaps it’s appropriate that they used chocolate syrup to produce his tears—a technique later used by Hitchcock for the blood circling the drain in Psycho.
The Cowardly Lion: Bert Lahr’s costume was made of actual lion pelts—and weighed almost 100 pounds. The valiant wardrobe team did their best to rinse the sweat out of the sopping-wet suit at the end of each day, but, in the words of one unlucky staffer, “it reeked.”
The Wicked Witch of the West: Initially, the witch was fashioned along the glamorous lines of the evil queen in Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. When she morphed into something decidedly more hag-like—including green skin, a long, pointy nose and a wart or ten—Gale Sondergaard, MGM’s original choice, pointed her pumps toward the exit. Margaret Hamilton was cast just three days before shooting began. Told by her agent she was up for a part in the film, she asked which one. “The wicked witch—what else?” he helpfully replied. (That 10% they get? It ain’t for morale-boosting!)
She didn’t get much more respect after she signed on: her dressing room was a makeshift canvas tent, while Billie Burke had a hideaway that MGM dreams are made of. “She had a pink and blue dressing room, with pink and blue powder puffs and pink and blue bottles filled with powder and baby oil—and pink and blue peppermints,” Hamilton later recalled, admitting that she sometimes popped in for a nap on the glamorous Glinda’s days off.
And God knows she needed the rest, as she proved to be the second casualty on the set: In the scene where she seems to disappear in a cloud of fire and smoke, she very nearly did. At the last minute, a moving platform was supposed to lower her out of harm’s way, but her cape got snagged and she was trapped amid the flames—which fed on the greasepaint and copper makeup slathered on her face, arms and hands. Before she could be pulled free, the fire had seared into her skin, leaving her with second- and third-degree burns. Wise woman that she was, she later refused to do a post-production pick-up scene that involved a flaming broomstick. So they had to make do with maiming her stand-in: the smoke mechanism exploded, burning and permanently scarring Betty Danko’s legs.
The Wizard of Oz: After Ed Wynn refused the part because it wasn’t big enough, MGM turned to W.C. Fields, who thought the paycheck wasn’t big enough. During a few protracted rounds of haggling—they offered $75,000, he wanted $100,000—the producers burned while Fields fiddled. They finally gave and offered the role to Frank Morgan.
Oh and here’s a story you might have to close your eyes and click your heels together to believe, but some swear it’s true, and if it isn’t (which is probably the case), it should be: When wardrobe staffers went scavenging through second-hand stores to find the perfect tattered coat for Morgan, they returned with an armload of samples for Victor Fleming to choose from. He settled on one he thought conveyed just the right touch of “shabby gentility”—and, idly turning out the pockets, found a label with L. Frank Baum’s name on it. An MGM publicist reportedly contacted the tailor and Baum’s widow, who confirmed it was his (he did live in L.A. for a time), and the studio presented her with the coat at filming’s end.
Toto:  Shirley Temple may never have made it to Oz, but she did meet Toto five years before Garland did. Terry the terrier appeared in 16 films, including Temple’s Bright Eyes, as well as Fury, The Women and George Washington Slept Here. In Tortilla Flat, she re-teamed with Morgan and Fleming, and in Twin Beds, she reunited with Hamilton. Her $125 weekly salary for Oz was more than double than that of the Munchkins, who each earned $50 a week. And as it turned out, Terry should have gotten combat pay: one of the Wicked Witch’s heavy-heeled henchmen stepped on her tiny paw and broke it, sidelining her for several weeks. After filming, Garland, who’d fallen in love with the dog, wanted to adopt her, but the owner wouldn’t… surrender Terry.
All of which bring us to the director. Or directors. Richard Thorpe, whose previous work consisted mainly of quickie westerns, was first at the helm, but LeRoy felt he was shooting the film more like a low-budget oater than a lavish fantasy, rushing scenes along and not giving the production the care it deserved.
While he searched for a replacement, LeRoy left the project in the tender hands of George Cukor—who, in his brief stint as caretaker, made some critical changes. First, he ditched Garland’s blonde wig and heavy glamour-girl makeup, which made her look ridiculous and feel worse.
He also told Garland to relax and simply be herself—a lovely, vulnerable teenage girl—which was just what the part called for. Then he did something less crucial but pretty fabulous: he brought in Adrian to design the Wicked Witch’s costume. Which, if you peer beyond the black-on-black, is a real work of art, with its lace bodice, cut-out mutton sleeves, and pouch dangling fetchingly from the hip. To her pointy hat, Adrian added a long, silky-sheer scarf that floats menacingly behind her, like an ill wind.
Cukor was never meant to stay on when production began in earnest; he was due over at Gone with the Wind. Victor Fleming took the reins in October 1938, and oversaw everything but the sepia-tone scenes (including the Over the Rainbow number) that book-end Dorothy’s adventures in Oz. But the following February, he was called away suddenly… to direct  Gone with the Wind after Cukor was fired. Fleming’s close friend King Vidor came aboard to gently shepherd the crucial Kansas scenes through to completion, but never publicly acknowledged his involvement until after Fleming’s death in 1949.
And as if Fleming didn’t have enough on his mind during the shoot, he also had to protect Garland from her scenery-chewing companions on the Yellow Brick Road, seasoned old vaudeville pros who were none too excited about surrendering the spotlight to her (as she laughingly recalls in a clip from The Jack Paar Show, below). Ironically, her only close friend on the set was Hamilton, a former kindergarten teacher who gave her some much-needed mothering.
Whew! There’s enough material behind the scenes of The Wizard of Oz for a whole other movie… but in the meantime, enjoy seeing the original again on the big screen!
TINTYPE TUESDAY is a weekly feature on Sister Celluloid, with fabulous classic movie pix (and backstory!) to help you make it to Hump Day! For previous editions, just click here—and why not bookmark the page, to make sure you never miss a week?
TINTYPE TUESDAY: Head Off to See THE WIZARD OF OZ Again on the Big Screen! Welcome to another edition of TINTYPE TUESDAY! This week, we're off to see The Wizard of Oz…
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anyu-blue · 3 years
I'm officially depressed.
I keep applying and applying and trying and trying for new job, other work, ect... Keep trying to motivate myself to draw and to write... I even felt up for playing a video game the other day (I didn't play it because my guilt complex overrode my desire to play, but I felt better because I used the time to write instead).
But while I'm drawing... Is not good or what I'm trying to do.
While I write... It's something new again and not the things I want to finish.
I have work... But I can't even see my own siblings when we live in the same house because of my schedule... Let alone have any friends to regularly talk to. And no one else will hire me...
I'm not TRYING to be a negative Nelly... I know the good things are good things regardless of how I feel about them... But once again I'm crushed by not being good ENOUGH... My skills are fine and all that... But I can't push myself like others to make them better. Notable. Worthy of being paid for. I squish myself under pressure if I think anything is TO be paid for even...
I know it's on me I haven't gotten anywhere... Too much fear/anxiety I 'let rule me'...
Honestly... Holding out for that appointment I really hope I get is my last ditch effort here... I want to be able to do it on my own. I'm told over and over and over again I can do these things on my own if I try hard enough- only asking for help when and where I need a literal extra hand, really... But... On my own I'm not making it. I've struggled my entire life trying to do it on my own like that... I don't need much support, but gosh dang it I want to be ALLOWED the support when I do need it instead of being told I need to pull up damn bootstraps I don't even have more than half the time... IE it'd be nice to have a community to reach out to via an official thing like a diagnosis and/or meds to show people it really is real. Not being invisible and a 'hypochondriac'.... I'm not one. I don't WANT to be sick or struggling or miserable or in pain all the gd time. I do so much NOT to be... Too much, even... But I'm not believed even with evidence.
It's just... Really annoying too that because I'm like... 'I think I've been Neurodivergent my entire life', people are like 'oh you're just on the hype train'... Instead of realizing I just finally have a NAME for all the stuff now... All the stuff that's ALWAYS been like this...
I want things to be good. I want not to struggle anymore. I want to be worthy of respect and the good things I work so hard for.
I hope I get that appointment. I hope I get the help I've been working for. I've no more dignity to lose... I will so what I have to to be heard and listened to- even if it means knocking people down some pegs (ie by making the drs who don't listen or help prove they refuse to do so via getting the copies of the notes, refusal to treat letters and all that. I am TIRED).
Lol on a related note... I may finally have a name for just WTF is wrong with my body as well... EDS or Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. APPARENTLY being hyper-mobile in so many/all joints isn't THAT common... And coupled with my weird heart things, the constant fluid/bleeding into my abdomen, the easily bruising, my weird muscles, AND my.. migrating organs... I fits the bill.
Sooo guess what the next thing I'm going to be called a loon for is? Asking for testing for the condition (as my biological mother said we all inherited it bc she has it too and so did her mother and so on-- IE it's a genetic condition, which EDS is!!!) 🤦
Which then leads me to the other thoughts that have been nagging the hell out of me... If it IS EDS... My life expectancy is 100% down... And even before learning that... It's been heavily on my mind with my implants that... I might NOT have them for 50 years... Because already my life expectancy from being a premature baby is like... 36... With eds it's like 46? I might have those backwards... Well... Combine the two issues and em...
I'm mainly worried because I've always had health problems (whiiiiich my main parental unit tried hard to ignore and any turn she could) and of course weird things are happening now...
I need a smoke... (Lol kidding.. I don't smoke, but there are days I wish I did drink or smoke at least recreationally to take some edge off cuz I got nothing like that, really. Too bad I get sick off any of them easily, and I'm allergic to the green stuff 😭)
If I could go back and do it again... But I can't.
I'm just... Tying at least one more time to make the rest better.
0 notes
Backyard healing: White Birch
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Betula pendula 
White birch acts as an antiseptic, the primary healing modality of it, and is associated with purification and exorcisms. In the Anglo-Saxon runic alphabet, the B rune is called berkana and stands for “birch.” Birch is related to the Mother Goddess and Mother Earth, and also related to the cycles of death and rebirth. Many associate the tree with the dead and the underworld because of this association. 
Historical Uses
Native Americans used it in traditions. It was also used in teas flavored with birch bark and wintergreen. It is possible American root beer, chewing gum, and toothpaste flavoring later evolved from this flavoring. 
Scandinavia and Russia used birch twigs in saunas for promoting healthy skin
Sacred to many gods and goddesses in the Anglo-Saxon and Germanic traditions 
One of the first plants to produce leaves in spring
On May Day, or Beltane, celebrations were held in dances around birch maypoles in honor of the fertility goddesses in Celtic regions. If couples were gifted with a baby, the placenta was placed under a birch tree as an offering.
In the Nordic traditions, the deity Frigg is associated with the birch tree, the Earth Goddess and wife of Odin
Birch twigs have been used to make witches’ brooms, traditionally, as well as many cradles have been made from birch bark to protect infants. This brought the protection of Earth into the home. 
The Norse goddess Freya, who has been associated with love and fertility, also is symbolized by the birch
Young boys in history have often placed green sprigs of the birch tree around houses of young girls they were trying to court
Thor, the god of thunder, lightening, strength, and fertility; if you brought a birch twig struck by lightening into your home, then Thor himself would protect the house
If you were a farmer, purifying and protecting your flock by gently striking your animals with birch twigs after winter when they went to the pasture
Spiritual Uses
Banishment or removal of illness
Essential Oil Use and Health Benefits
The following is based on the Améo Essential Oils, a clinical grade oil. This brand of oil has a proven cell activity level, proven cell permeability, and Cetri-5 endorsed. You should always use 100% pure essential oil before using on your body. Contact a certified homeopathic practitioner for more information.
Blending: The ratio 50:50, for example, means use 50% essential oil, 50% carrier oil. The ratio 5:95, for example, means 5% essential oil, 95% carrier oil.
Blends well with other woody and balsamic oils such as juniper, cedar, pine, copaiba, balsam fir, and wintergreen. Additionally, basil, bergamot, geranium, lavender, lemongrass, marjoram, and peppermint. 
Extraction: essential oil by steam distillation
Relieve muscle and joint pain in rheumatoid and osteoarthritis using a 25:75 blend of birch and carrier oil for massage. Add a damn cloth covered by a dry bowl and either heat or cool for a compress. Take a warm aromatic bath with 10-15 drops of birch in one cup of Epsom Salts
For rheumatism and arthritis, apply undiluted on small, painful joints such as the fingers, wrists, and ankles. But blend when applying to knees, elbows, shoulders, hips, etc. 
For tendonitis and tennis elbow, apply undiluted to affected area
To relieve muscle cramps, apply a 25:75 blend of birch and carrier oil
To detoxify, release excess fluids, and increase urine flow (diuretic) and to help with urinary tract infections or kidney infections, use diluted 25:75 birch and carrier oil in massage or with a damp cloth compress with a dry towel and heat. An aromatic bath with 10-15 drops in one cup of Epsom Salts as well. 
For mild skin conditions like acne, eczema, and skin ulcers, apply in 3 drops in a single application of lotion, a liniment (water-based dilution), or 25:75 blend with carrier oil. Action similar to cortisone because of its methyl salicylate 
For urinary tract infections, reducing a fever, lymphatic drainage, swollen legs and ankles (edema), gout, gallstones, kidney stones, ulcers, and bone pain: apply topically in a massage blend (25:75 birch to carrier oil) over areas of concern. Also helps release accumulated toxins and increase circulation
Diffuse 20 drops to fill the room with its elevating aroma 
(Pénoël, 2014)
Pénoël, Daniel, Dr, comp. Integrated Guide to Essential Oils & Aromatherapy. 1st ed. N.p.: n.p., 2014. Print.
Robbins, Shawn, and Bedell, Charity. The Good Witch’s Guide. New York: Sterling Ethos, 2017. Print.
248 notes · View notes
deadcactuswalking · 5 years
Last week, there were 10 songs on the UK Top 40 chart that were not holiday or Christmas singles, and this week, there are two, and by two, I mean these are really technicalities, since depending on however you define a Christmas song, there could also be no Christmas songs whatsoever on this chart. The week after the Christmas songs on all charts, especially the UK Singles Chart and Billboard Hot 100 (Where “All I Want for Christmas is You” by Mariah Carey dropped out entirely from #1), are chaotic, so much so that I think once again I’ll have to eschew tradition and change the format up a bit, because I’m not starting with the top 10; rather I’m starting with the drop-outs, which as you can expect will be mostly Christmas songs. So, with no further ado... 
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Holiday Dropouts
Okay, so first of all, “All I Want for Christmas is You” by Mariah Carey is out from #2, “Last Christmas” by WHAM! is out from #3, “Fairytale of New York” by the Pogues featuring Kirsty MacColl is out from #4, “Merry Christmas Everyone” by Shakin’ Stevens is out from #6, “Do They Know it’s Christmas?” by Band Aid is out from #7, “Step into Christmas” by Elton John is out from #8, “Happy Christmas (War is Over)” by John Legend is out from #9, “I Wish it Could be Christmas Everyday” by Wizzard is out from #10, “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas” by Michael Bublé is out from #11, “Santa Tell Me” by Ariana Grande is out from #13, “One More Sleep” by Leona Lewis is out from #15, “Santa’s Coming for Us” by Sia is out from #17, “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree” by Brenda Lee is out from #18, “Merry Xmas Everybody” by Slade is out from #19, “Underneath the Tree” by Kelly Clarkson is out from #21, “Cozy Little Christmas” by Katy Perry is out from #22, “Driving Home for Christmas” by Chris Rea is out from #24, “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year” by Andy Williams is out from #25, “Mistletoe” by Justin Bieber is out from #27, “Happy Xmas (War is Over)” by John Lennon and Yoko Ono with the Plastic Ono Band featuring the Harlem Boys Choir or something to that effect is out from #28, “Christmas Lights” by Coldplay is out from #29, “Jingle Bell Rock” by Bobby Helms is out from #30, “White Christmas” by Bing Crosby is out from #31, “Holly Jolly Christmas” by Michael Bublé is out from #32, “Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)” by Darlene Home is out from #33, “Sleigh Ride” by the Ronettes is out from #34, “Stay Another Day” by East 17 is out from #35, “Wonderful Christmastime” by Paul McCartney is out from #37 and “Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!” by Dean Martin is out from #39. Obviously, all of the Christmas songs from outside of the top 40 are gone too, with one exception. That won’t be the last Christmas song I mention this episode but I’m glad to finally be done with these. Here’s the top 10.
Top 10
Obviously, the highest-charting song from last week excluding any Christmas songs, and the only non-holiday song in the top 10 last week, is up four spaces to #1, and hence technically the first #1 hit of 2020. It’s “Own It” by Stormzy featuring Ed Sheeran and Burna Boy, becoming Stormzy’s third #1, Sheeran’s ninth and obviously Burna Boy’s first. Congratulations, guys, it was inevitable.
Now eight of the ten songs that survived last week are all in the top 10, with the other two scattered around the top 20. Returning to the runner-up spot is Lewis Capaldi’s “Before You Go” up 10 spaces to number-two.
Dua Lipa’s “Don’t Start Now”, unfortunately not seeing much chance at hitting #1 at this stage, is up 11 spaces to number-three. I know these massive climbs look important but they are really not actually worth much note at all since it’s just a result of managing through the Christmas blockade.
Up 12 spots to number-four is “ROXANNE” by Arizona Zervas.
Rebounding to number-five is the former #1 “Dance Monkey” by Tones and I up 15 spaces to number-five.
Billie Eilish’s “everything i wanted” is also in the top 10 at number-six, as it is up 16 positions this week.
Entering the top 10 for the first time is Harry Styles’ “Adore You”, up 19 spaces to number-seven and becoming Styles’ third entry in the top 10.
Our remaining leftover from last week, excluding the Stormzy songs outside of the top 10, “Pump it Up” by Endor reaches the top 10 for the first time up a whopping 28 spaces to number-eight, which may just be one of our biggest one-week climbs ever. It’s Endor’s first top 10, but I predict he won’t get many more in all honesty. We’ll see though.
Since everything else is a new arrival, returning entry or random Stormzy song that climbed, we have a lot of new peaks this week, including “This is Real” by Jax Jones featuring Ella Henderson, which returns at number-nine, becoming Jones’ sixth top 10 and Henderson’s fourth.
Finally, rounding off the top 10, we have “Lose You to Love Me”, returning to the top 10 at #10 as a re-entry to the top 40.
Well, we only have two climbers for songs that were here last week, outside of the top 10, and they’re both Stormzy: “Vossi Bop” is seemingly making a second run, up 28 spaces to #12, and “Audacity” featuring Headie One is up 22 spaces to #16.
Ellie Goulding’s cover of Joni Mitchell’s “River” fell immensely from its false #1 spot last week, because it is down 27 spots to #28, which is an unfortunate loss but should make it obvious that label politics are the only thing that got this to #1.
Returning Entries
Before the new arrivals, we will have to book-end our Christmas season with our returning entries, the songs that weathered the Christmas storm but are back in full force afterwards, claiming some form of victory, I suppose. Okay, so “Blinding Lights” by The Weeknd is back at #11, “Falling” by Trevor Daniel is at #14, “Someone You Loved” by Lewis Capaldi is at #15, “Watermelon Sugar” and “Lights Up” by Harry Styles are back at #17 and #18 respectively, “Into the Unknown” by Idina Menzel and AURORA, from the Frozen II soundtrack and hence a song I’m counting as our second Christmas single still on the chart, has returned to #19, alongside seemingly its polar opposite, “Don’t Rush” by Young T & Bugsey with Headie One back at #20. “Memories” by Maroon 5 is back at #21, “Gangsta” by Darkoo and One Acen at #22, “Ride It” by Regard featuring Jay Sean making its way back to #23, “Bruises” by Lewis Capaldi unfortunately returning at #24, “Heartless” by the Weeknd is back at #25, “bad guy” by Billie Eilish shows up completely out of the blue at #26 and “Lucid Dreams” by the late Juice WRLD has returned once again at #27. “Better Half of Me” by Tom Walker is back at #30, “Lose Control” by MEDUZA, Goodboys and Becky Hill is back at #31, “South of the Border” by Ed Sheeran featuring Camila Cabello and Cardi B is back at #32, “Netflix & Chill” by Fredo is at #34, “hot girl summer” by blackbear is at #35, “Circles” by Post Malone is at #36, “Must Be” by J Hus is at #37 and finally, “Old Town Road” by Lil Nas X featuring Billy Ray Cyrus of all songs is back at #38. Now for our new arrivals, which much like right before we had to fend off the Christmas songs, it’s just a couple of viral trap-rap hits.
#40 – “The Box” – Roddy Ricch
Produced by 30 Roc – Peaked at #3 in the US
Roddy Ricch is a Californian rapper who is one of the newest crop of rising Auto-Tune-fuelled sing-rappers like Lil Tjay, Polo G, et cetera, although Roddy takes more influence from Young Thug, and you can definitely tell, in fact as a pretty big fan of Young Thug at least since recently, Roddy comes off as a bit of a rip-off or discount version at times, since I sense a lack of variation and honestly a lack of any true “weird” lines or oddities that make Thugger stand out as much. Roddy, or as BBC has mistakenly called him in his first UK Top 40 hit, “Roddy Rich”, has inflections that just seem awfully standard. That’s why I was excited when I heard “The Box”, from his debut studio album, because it starts with a muffled brass loop under strings and Roddy meekly repeating in his falsetto, “eee-err”, and it continues throughout most of the song, even when the beat actually kicks in. The beat is actually pretty weird too, with a reversed 808 bass that just comes in sporadically instead of a normal 808 bass. It’s really odd and really strange but it works because Roddy embraces it, with a fluid flow that switches inflection and delivery constantly, keeping with no motif or theme for more than four bars. He also attempts the very Young Thug method of making a punchline by saying a normal, somewhat funny line and then pausing for a beat or two, just to come back by saying, “Mm” or “Yeah”. The beat ends in a very cool way too, with the brass and strings loop playing without any percussion, until it reverses and the song ends with the rubbery reversed 808. It sounds really atmospheric and a lot better than how it sounds from my description. Roddy also says a lot of nonsense here that’s actually pretty funny, like how he’s supposedly a 2020 presidential candidate? Also, Roddy, Aaliyah’s dead, I mean, she looked great whilst alive, but if you have a “b**** that’s looking like Aaliyah”, chances are she’s not a model, or at least not anymore. A bit of a morbid point to end on, but this song is pretty fun. I still prefer “Ballin’” though.
#39 – “No Idea” – Don Toliver
Produced by WondaGurl and Cubeatz – Peaked at #25 in Canada and #43 in the US
Don Toliver is a rapper and singer from Texas who is signed to Travis Scott’s Cactus Jack imprint and featured on their debut compilation album, JACKBOYS, which made several appearances outside of the UK Top 40 this week, but none within our little range, but we do have this viral TikTok-propelled hit, “No Idea”, which is often considered his breakout single, and his first UK Top 40 hit. I find Don Toliver mostly tolerable, although I didn’t particularly like him on “GANG GANG” or “CAN’T SAY”. I would describe this song as pretty forgettable, actually, despite the admittedly interesting and pretty flute loop, which is immediately and abruptly drowned out by the vocals, drenched in way too many levels of ugly reverb and Auto-Tune. Yeah, Toliver sounds pretty awful here, and he’s just clearly ripping off his mentor Travis Scott with some of his inflections and even the YAH! ad-lib. The bass mastering is questionable and the song seems to have an aimless structure, with Toliver just breezing through lyric after lyric with no substance or content to speak of, and even a bridge for him to just ad-lib over the beat for about half a minute. The falsetto part is borderline unlistenable, especially when all of the overdubs and multi-tracks start clipping, even though that might be intentional. Yeah, no, this is garbage, as expected.
#33 – “No Denying” – J Hus
Produced by TobiShyBoy
J Hus has released a second single from his upcoming album after “Must Be”, which if you remember I absolutely loved, and we all know him by now and I told his story and legal issues last time, so no needless pre-amble this time. It’s J Hus’ ninth UK Top 40 hit and, to no surprise, it’s pretty good. It starts with this intense string loop, with some brass and a rowdy tone, building up for the beat drop, where J Hus abandons his mellow mumbling for raspy and aggressive spitting over a drill beat, and it’s pretty intense, as well as just sounding great, with some sweet 808 rolls, although the transitions between chorus and verse feel increasingly abrupt, even if the drill beat is added to the chorus after the first time. J Hus’ content isn’t any interesting this time around, either, and I think that’s why it hasn’t debuted that high. The second verse is just kind of boring, and the slightly off-beat chorus soon loses its lustre. I wish I liked this more, and there are things I like about it, especially the instrumental, but I’m not sure Hus did it any justice this time around. I still enjoy his casual bars that pay no mind to careless gang violence because I just think they’re pretty funny, especially when he treats killing someone in response to racial abuse like a normal weekday in the second verse, but this song does pretty much nothing for me past the first verse.
#29 – “No Cellular Site” – D-Block Europe
Produced by Kyle Junior
Now, here we go. Here is some interesting stuff: D-Block Europe. Young Adz and Dirtbike LB, two of the funniest rappers from the United Kingdom, of course, by complete freak accident and pure incompetence. They released a mixtape (their third of 2019) in late December and it seems to have just been swept under the rug for the most part as it seems like a rushed, boring tracklist. It’s got one feature and it’s not a big one at all, so this is the single, seemingly, probably because it’s got a video and for no other reason. This is the one people decided to watch the video for, and conveniently early in the tracklist. It’s their seventh UK Top 40 hit and curiously, I actually quite liked their last song with DigDat, “New Dior”, and maybe these guys have genuinely improved. Yeah, no, not really. They’ve abandoned the guitar, instead going for a gross MIDI flute that barely passes as a melody and allows for a bunch of silence in the beat. It’s just really empty and refuses to develop or build up to anything, even when the beat comes in. The beat is garbage but the men themselves haven’t changed. Young Adz is still the lead here, with his signature mumbling in the intro and handling the hook as well. I think his new ad-lib is a breathy “gyehr”. His flow switches in the first verse but it doesn’t sound natural or organic, and he trails off at the end of the bar, with a weird, vocodered ad-lib that just repeats the last line failing to fill up empty space. The chorus sounds really freaking awkward as well, especially as the verse ends not with an ad-lib but with reverb-heavy humming, before the chorus comes in and the beat can’t decide if it wants to come in or not, so it’s just hi-hats, a gross 808 and murmuring ad-libs for a while. Dirtbike LB’s verse is mixed in a completely different way, but the beat drowns it and a beeping flatline starts playing under his attempt at a soulful melody in the second half of the verse and it sounds pretty heartfelt, detailing his mother’s plight when he went to hospital for a drug overdose. Too bad it has no relation to anything else here, and Young Adz has a second verse for some reason as well. I have no idea why the last chorus sounds like it was recorded through the telephone, or why the song ends with the flute MIDI literally cutting off before the note ends. The lyrics here are terrible as always, but have those same odd, janky quirks they always do. Young Adz has codeine swimming inside him, doesn’t know if the “famous hoe” in his car is from Geordie Shore or Love Island, and saw a gun and sold cocaine before his virginity was taken, because that’s info we need to know. Of course, I appreciate the body positivity in the chorus, I suppose. This song is oddly focused on mothers as well, as he told the person he’s selling drugs to, to not tell his parents, and also draws the line when you start pouring champagne on your Rolex. Sure. Also this line is really funny to me for some reason:
I cannot deny that a [gnarly dude] need drugs
#13 – “My Oh My” – Camila Cabello featuring DaBaby
Produced by Frank Dukes and Louis Bell
Our last song is the single from Cabello’s second album, Romance, in which she experienced a severe sophomore slump critically and commercially, mostly because there is not a single track on the album that is enjoyable. It is possibly one of the worst albums of last year, just out of sheer disregard for both quality and trying to be unique. It is a generic heap of nothingness, and for whatever reason, it has DaBaby on it (He’s the only feature apart from Shawn Mendes). It’s Cabello’s twelfth UK Top 40 hit, and surprisingly enough, the first entry for North Carolina trap-rapper DaBaby, who I have talked about here before. He’s funny, charismatic and raunchy but can get very samey and sometimes his feature verses are just awkward, including this one. The song starts with some eerie, quirky vintage synths that sound pretty cool, but the horn section just punches in and I hear in the distance, a manic Camila Cabello obnoxiously laughing, and I’m immediately pulled out of whatever this is. It’s almost quite overwhelming actually, because a lot happens at the same time. Cabello’s voice is squeaky as either, the backing vocals are Auto-Tuned badly and add so much unnecessary vibrato that it sounds mildly off-key at times. The percussion is awfully mixed, with the trap beat, especially the 808s and kick drums being at the front of the mix, which makes no sense. It’s stiff, awkward and not sexy at all, mostly because Cabello sounds like she’s in pain 90% of the time, and I’m not for kinkshaming but off-key gang vocals aren’t hot. DaBaby’s “Let’s go” sounds so sad and tired, so you can tell from the post-chorus that he doesn’t want to be here, and yeah, his verse proves this. Apparently he’s “going Bieber”. Sure. This sucks.
I’ve got to say, not a great week, but the transition weeks between years are often a bit like this. Best of the Week is going to “The Box” by Roddy Ricch, with an honourable mention towards “No Denying” by J Hus. Worst of the Week goes to “No Idea” by Don Toliver and D-Block Europe don’t escape free, as they get the dishonourable mention for “No Cellular Site”. Follow me on Twitter @cactusinthebank, I’ll see you next week.
0 notes
Red Queen Fan Fiction: Resurrection Part 3
Part I
Part 2
Find this on wattpad
A/N: Just to warn you: Emo! And smut. And a cute baby. Have fun ;-)
The words blurried before her eyes. Farley tried stretching herself while sitting before her desk, despite knowing that it wouldn’t help. She’d been reading this paragraph for 10 minutes now and she didn’t make sense of it. This isn’t difficult, she reminded herself. It’s my bleeding job. I have duties, and people rely on me. Lives depend on me. Pull yourself together, General –
She was woken by a pat on her shoulder. She startled, her eyes widened, and she flinched back.
“It’s just me,” Shade said, his hand still touching her. A part of her wished he’d never let go, another one felt terror. “You should sleep a little,“ he went on and cocked his head.
She straightened herself. “I’m only-“
“Overworking yourself?” he interrupted her. “I heard you say you didn’t sleep tonight.”
“Well, I’m a general-“ she started, but the rest of her sentence was swallowed by a long yawn. How awkward.
Lucky for Shade, he merely grinned and put his arm around her shoulders. “Would you agree to a nap?”
She shrugged. “Probably Clara will wake the moment I lay down. As she’s occupying my bed.” Shade had sat beside their daughter before he came over. Now he was staring at her, waiting for her to give in. Finally, she inclined her head to agree.
He smiled mischievous in turn. It couldn’t mean anything decent. “What,” he began, “would do for me if I bring Clara to her cot without making her cry or wake up?”
She frowned. “Are you turning your newfound fatherhood into a game?”
His amusement became serious. “Diana, our lives are hard enough. Don’t tell me Clara isn’t the one who brings you joy?”
A lump rose in her throat. He was only back to life, back to her, for a few hours, but he grasped what their daughter meant to her, and what her life had become like, perfectly accurate. She cleared her throat. “She’s not the only one. Nor is she only joy. She’s a shitload of work and responsibility-“ Shade raised his eyebrows – “and I’d be dead inside if something happened to her.” Tears were in her eyes.
His embrace didn’t help. She was crying and didn’t know why. He’s with us again and yet I’m not happy.
He held her, stroked her back, her neck, her hair, and she wanted to sink into him, just for a moment, and forget the package she carried.
“Am I the other one?” he asked. “The one who brings you joy?”
She cackled despite her tears. “How conceited,” she replied, then added, “yes, you are.”
They sat down carefully on her folding bed. The colonel’s old office was truly too small for three people. Yet Clara slept on and Farley felt the familiar urge to touch her and to listen to her breathing and heartbeat, just to be sure. Shade noticed it, of course. “I think she’s getting better, isn’t she?” he said and she leaned back against his chest.
“I named her for my mother,” she said. “Because I’d like to be like her.”
“That’s beautiful,” he answered. Although his fingers on her bare arms felt beautiful as well, she thought.
“I wish you’d tell me about those things,” he added. “About what I’ve missed. How she is like, how she developed, how she was …  born. Was it okay, Dee? Were you …. ?” He shrugged, a little nervous.
Her own hand had come to rest on his chest, searching for his heartbeat. It was like she needed as much assurance about his well-being than about Clara’s. “It wasn’t terrible. No, it was worth it.” She pondered for a moment. “That’s what I told myself the whole time. That it’ll be worth it, to carry this child, to endure the pain, to fight on, to do everything I could to achieve liberation: But the worst was always to miss you.”
“Diana, I’m-“
“That was it at first. Then there was the fear. My only fear. For Clara.” She coughed. "Well, I said that already."
Suddenly, his hands came for her face and cupped it, pulling her closer. "You can say that to me all the time. I'm her father, and we're in this together. And I'm here for you too, now at least."
She said nothing and he sighed, as if that proved his point. Yet having this happen piece by piece was difficult enough. Being in his arms alone meant so much to her. Feeling his touch, and seeing him and Clara meet, was what she wished for but knew to be impossible. Turned out is wasn't, and that led to the conclusion dawning on her: What if she lost him again? What if the resurrection wasn't lasting? In the end, it was similar to how she was before she'd met him: Hiding her heart, being overcautious and keeping everyone at a professional distance. Clara was an exception, as were the friends she'd made, to a part. But that didn't change that Diana Farley's heart was scarred.
She hoped for the good to happen but was unable to trust it.
She shifted on Shade's lap. "Will you show me?" she prompted. "Can you carry Clara over without waking her?"
He smiled faintly, then stood up carefully, knelt down, and cautiously, with a lot of patience, his hands took hold of Clara. She stirred at his touch but slept on, even as he lifted her and rose in one slow, fluid motion. He repeated this the other way round until she was in her cot.
He spun to Diana. She'd taken off her trousers and laid down already and clapped quietly. "Awesome for the first try. I wish I was such a natural." He leaned over her and brushed her cheek. "You and your stupid magic fingers," she added and yawned.
"I didn't try teleporting as I don't know if she takes after you or me," he said. "I wonder if I still can." He chuckled. "What about my reward?"
"You're allowed to watch me sleep," she replied, which cost her a lot to propose, after too many deceptive dreams. "And, as I feel generous, you may go through the records here." She waved with her hand.
"Ask me for more when I wake up," she remarked and closed her eyes. She couldn't offer him to sleep next to her, even if it weren't for the lack of space. She couldn't bear the possibility of waking up next to his dead body, in case the resurrection was, indeed, a fraud.
Her cheek tickled and her eyelids fluttered. Confusion washed over her - what time was it and where was she? - then she opened her eyes to meet Clara's 20 cm in front of her. Clara giggled, one hand holding her plush seal, the other patting Farley. She took her daughter's hand and looked up, blinking sleepily. Clara was in Shade's lap while he sat cross-legged on the floor before her bed. He grinned brazenly. She blinked even more.
"She woke without crying?" she asked.
Shade stroked Clara's head but the child turned away and tried to climb to her mother. It was time for Farley to sit up and she pulled Clara to her. Apparently, cuddling with Mama was Clara's desire, as she leaned against her expectantly and misued Farley's finger for sucking.
"Finally hungry again?" Farley sighed. She shifted her hold on Clara and stood up. "I'm sure I have something, for you, dove," she muttered. She found some mash in her cabinet and spooned it to Clara. Hunger was a good sign, but Clara was still so inactive and hot, thus still ill.
"You don't breastfeed her?" asked Shade.
"I did, just stopped some time ago." She glared at him a little, but she was also glad that he was curious, and grinned. "What, you want to see me take my shirt off?"
"Ah ..."
She grinned wider. He's still here, it isn't a dream, she thought. Maybe he'll stay. But she'd be more sure after he'd taken a nap and woken up.
Clara had enough much too soon and her worry rose again. She resisted asking Lila, the present skinhealer, or using medicaments, but that had its backlash and she would've to find a solution. Now Clara coughed after the last spoon, urging Farley to pat her again until she fell asleep and was breathing as steadily as possible. "My poor dove," she murmured.
Shade was still staring. "You're so cute," he said, awestruck. She hmphed to hide how touched she was and turned away to put Clara in her bed. "Is it always like this?" he asked.
"No, as she's sick at the moment. Usually, she's running around-" she stopped herself and spun to him. And frowned. For several seconds. "Are you staring at my legs?"
His blushing was hilarious, even more so as he was fighting it. he blinked and his eyes moved away but that was confirmation enugh. "Well-"
She cackled, catching herself before getting too loud, and relieved him. He cleared his throat several times, until she took the place beside next to him, getting close. She laid her hand on his thigh and stared. He needed a moment to meet her eyes but when he did, the awkwardness had disappeared. His expression was open, confident and longing, revealing his determination and devotion, the traits that had caught her attention from the first time they'd met. As I caught his, she thought, her eyes roaming over his face, taking in every detail, comparing the remade facial features with her memories, memories she's expected to be all that remained of him. She felt his fingers tipping on her knee and it aroused her despite her resolutions.
"You're beautiful," he said finally.
Damn, you stole my line, came to her mind. And, have I ever said it back?
She had to smile though. "Do you have any idea how attractive you are?" she replied to remedy her doubt. His face brightened before he kissed her, his fingers moved to her thigh, circling on her skin. She pulled away after a moment, breaking the eye contact. "I'm not 100 % sure if I'm ready," she confessed. "It's not about sex, but I'm afraid. That I'll lose you again. To get close, be happy, and then find you dead and gone the next morning-"
"I can't have you sleep in my bed right now, I can't trust this, I can't rely on this and hope for more. Not yet.
"Dee," he repeated, but sharper in tone. She looked at him, who frowned, the desire diminished. She gasped as she realized her presumption.
"I -" she began but Shade shook his head. Although his hand tucked her hair behind her ear and touched he cheek, still very tender.
"Do you think I don't consider this myself?" he said. "That I'm confident and without doubts? I'm lost, Dee. I - you're all I have. You, Mare, our Clara, my family, when I meet them. I don't like this, yet I don't know what world we live in, who my friends are, and who my enemies. I fear of people accusing me and denying my right to exist. We're in a war, and I fear I may be killed" - he smiled cynically and leaned his head against hers - "by one wrong step or simply because this body isn't meant to last. Yet you say ..." he trailed off and shrugged.
"I'm sorry," she mumbled, move onto his lap and hugged him. He sobbed lightly.
"Just because we're lucky doesn't mean it's easy," he muttered. "We still need time to adjust."
She leaned back and blinked away the tears in her eyes. "We're two fools."
"No," he objected, "no, Dee, we aren't. Nor are we weak." His arms, wrapped around her waist, pulled her closer once more. "We need time to cope. We need to heal, and we shouldn't deny us this. We have to take care of ourselves."
She sighed. "You do this so much better than me. You always think of others, while I have to remind myself again and again." She relished the touch of his hands, awakening the desire beneath her grief. For a long time, both feelings had been linked, both dragging her down. Now, for once, she was able to dare, and she let desire fuel her. "I love you so much. I want to drown in you, forget what was, and go back. Will you, Shade? Do you want to?"
He chuckled and the sound infected her. "I hope I'm able to," he agreed, "but what about her?"
She felt her cheeks heaten even as she laughed with him. "Oh, well. We'll stop if she wakes?"
"Of course," he sad sarcatically, "if." Then she changed her position, parting her legs to sit astride him. His hands moved up from her hips, got under her shirt, and hers did the same with him. He opened her bra without much fumbling, and just as she noticed his arousal and went for his belt, the door slammed open.
"Hello," Mare said, "would you - oh!"
Farley got off Shade's lap in an instant and Mare was still gaping. "You - your child is present, " Mare chided them and Shade gasped soundly. Farley kept silent and glared instead. Glaring always helped. Mare straightened herself and pretended nothing embarrassing was happening. "The telegramms came in," she explained, "General." She bit her lip to stop anything more mocking from leaving her mouth, but she was obvioulsy amused. "And Shade, we might phone our parents if you like. If it's safe," she added, glancing at Farley who nodded at this.
"I'll check on it," she replied, stood up and put on her trousers again. Then coughed. "We'll arrive in a moment."
"Myra and Kevin are discussing already, so don't take too long," Mare remarked and winked before leaving.
Shade sighed dramatically and cursed under his breath. "She's no reason to blame us, you don't know what she'd done with Cal the day Clara was born," Farley mentioned while getting dressed and checking on Clara, who was still sleeping.
It only got Farley more amused. "Good thing she's stopped us," she went on, "or we might've forgotten protection again."
Shade cackled until he was coughing which finally woke Clara. "Oh", he exclaimed, but Farley waved off. "She's coming with us anyway." She rocked Clara until she stopped crying and kissed Shade in passing. "When we find time again," she whispered, "I want us to explore every part of each other."
A/N 2: I hope I've done the balance and transitions between emo-ing and  sexy times well. It goes back and forth a little. But who can resist their sexual tension?
@clarafarleybarrow @lilyharvord @mareshmallow @literalglasssword @redqueenfandom
21 notes · View notes
Chapter Sixty-Six
A/N: Here is the next chapter, and it’s building up to the next two so I hope you enjoy!! As always, comments and opinions are always welcome 😊💖
Edward strolled into the office, looking exhausted and stressed, and Emmy was so happy to see him. She’d missed him, in a weird “I’ve been spending all of my time with Claire” sort of way, and she smiled in greeting as he dropped his bag down onto the desk.
“Ed,” Claire said. “I told you not to come in – go get some rest.”
“We don’t have time for that,” he said irritably. “We’ve left it too long as it is, today we need to go and find out whether it’s Taylor or Chris. No more beating around the bush, okay?”
Emmy swallowed nervously. “How will we know?”
“Well we’re going to have to go and talk to them, aren’t we?” he said. “I’m tired of stepping on eggshells.”
Claire smirked. “For someone who’s just had three weeks off in Brazil, you’re very irritable.”
“Who had three weeks off? I’ve been staying on top of all of Harry’s e-mails while he’s been running across the Amazon.” Edward sighed, sitting down. “I’m sorry. Have you spoken to Chris yet?”
“Not yet,” Emmy said. “I…I’ve been putting it off.”
“Well, I think it’s about time you went and asked for his version of events,” Edward said. “Do you want me to come too?”
“No,” she said. “I’m not accusing him, I just want to see what he has to say.”
Edward looked at Claire. “So you could’ve already done this.”
She rolled her eyes. “Christ, Ed, you’re forgetting that we’ve basically had an engagement every day to contend with. Stop being a dick.”
He laughed at that. “I’ve missed you, Claire.” Emmy half-smiled, but that earned a mock-strict look from Edward. “What are you waiting for, Emmy? Go talk to Chris!”
And, acting like a reprimanded school-child, she trudged from the office, not liking the thought of her imminent conversation with her best friend.
Emmy sat down in front of Chris, and she smiled a small smile. He returned it, looking confused by this sudden visit.
“Taylor isn’t here,” he said again.
“No, I’m here to see you.”
“Okay, what’s up?” he asked.
Emmy sighed. “Chris, I don’t know how to say this.”
“Just say it,” he said, sounding amused. At the look on Emmy’s face, he faltered. “Is it bad?”
“Did you see that the baby names were leaked?” she said.
“Yeah, I did,” Chris said. “Kian told me.”
“Yeah, the other day,” he said. “Any idea who leaked them?”
Emmy didn’t answer. The problem seemed to dawn on him.
“You-you don’t think it was me, do you?!” he blurted, shocked.
“Emmy!” he cried, pain tearing across his face. “Why me?”
“We only told you and Taylor those names,” she said carefully. “We told other people different names, to see who the leak was, and the names that we told you and Taylor were the names that were leaked.”
“What?” Chris said, confused. “Wait, you purposely lied to us?”
“I had to lie to everyone,” she said. “Did Taylor not tell you why she was mad at me?”
“How’d she find out?” he asked, then looked angry. “Why the hell didn’t she tell me?!”
“Why? Because now you’re annoyed that you leaked fake names?” Emmy said skeptically, then regretted it. She was supposed to be having a normal conversation with him – innocent until proven guilty.
“It wasn’t me,” he said instantly. “Emmy, you must believe me! Why have you just decided that it was me?! It could’ve been Taylor or Kian! Or did Taylor just get to you first?” His tone turned bitter.
But Emmy ignored that, because something else had occurred to her. “Wait – what?”
“Did Taylor get to you first? Is that why you don’t think it’s her? Because if she found out the names were fake that’s a pretty good thing to hide behind-”
“No no no,” she interrupted, frowning. “What did you say about Kian?”
“What about Kian?”
“He knew?”
“About the names? Yeah, I told him. We don’t have secrets.” Chris shrugged, then looked disbelieving. “No way, it wasn’t Kian!”
“You sure about that?” Emmy said, raising an eyebrow. She felt less sick than she had before – maybe it wasn’t one of her best friends. Maybe it was Kian. Maybe Kian was the reason her and Harry’s baby had been leaked. Maybe she hadn’t been betrayed by those closest to her at all.
“I think I know my own boyfriend,” Chris retorted. “He wouldn’t do that.”
“Did you tell him everything? Did you tell him that I was pregnant when you found out?”
“Well, yeah…”
“Did you show him the photo?!” Her voice was rising in panic – this was it, it must’ve been him.
“Yeah, I think so,” Chris said. “Even if I didn’t, it’s been on the fridge ever since you gave Taylor the copy. He would’ve seen it there. Why?” Then understanding flickered on his face, and he answered his own question. “No way, Emmy! He didn’t tell the press!”
“How do you know?!” she protested. “There weren’t any leaks before he came along!”
“Correlation doesn’t mean causation,” he spat. “That doesn’t mean it was him!”
“How did you meet him?” she asked, chest heaving. When Chris didn’t answer immediately, she cried, “Chris! How did you meet him?!”
“Er, I don’t know, in a bar.”
“Yeah,” he said.
She sat back, staring off into space. “There’ve been pictures of you on the facebook page for it, haven’t there?”
“Um, yeah…I go there a lot, they always post pictures of people on there.”
“That must’ve been how he found you.”
“Emmy, you’re being ridiculous!” he cried, looking angry. “Kian is my boyfriend and I trust him-”
“Do you?” she said, fixing him with a stare.
He stammered. “W-Well, yes. Of course I do.”
“Okay,” she said, absentmindedly stroking her bump. “Well then, it wasn’t Kian, it wasn’t Taylor. It must’ve been you.”
Chris stared at her for a few seconds, defeated, then, in a small voice, he asked, “Do you really think it was him?”
“I don’t know,” she said softly. “But it seems to be the only explanation.”
“You think he was only with me because I’m friends with you?”
“No,” she lied. “I don’t expect so. I think the opportunity arose for him to make some money, and he decided to betray us in order to get some. I mean-” She sighed. “He never really betrayed you.”
“He sold you and Harry out,” Chris said sharply. “He did betray me.”
Her heart warmed slightly, and she reached for his hand. “I’m sorry.”
“How will you find out if it’s him?”
“I…don’t know. I’ll have to go talk to Edward and Claire. They sent me over to speak to you and try and get you to admit it but…I guess this changes everything.”
“I’ll get rid of him,” Chris said. “I don’t want him selling anything else to the papers, I’ll kick him out as soon as he gets home. I’ll go pack his stuff now-”
“No,” she said instantly. “Don’t, Chris. We might need you and him still together in order to prove that it was him.”
He swallowed. “I don’t know if I can pretend nothing’s up.”
“Please,” she said. “It might be the only way, I don’t know until I’ve talked to the secretaries.”
He thought for a moment, heartbreak etched in the frown on his face. Then he rose his hazel eyes to her. “How long?”
“Harry gets home in two days. Can you at least wait that long?”
Chris looked like he wanted to argue, to insist on kicking Kian out and never so much as setting eyes on that traitor again. But then he relented, and nodded. “I’ll have to. I guess I owe you, really. This is kind of my fault. I brought him into your lives.”
“Don’t say that,” Emmy said gently. “You loved him. How can I blame you for that?”
He swallowed. “I’ll do it, I’ll help you.”
“I’ll phone you once I’ve spoken to Claire and Edward, okay?”
She got to her feet. “I better go now.”
“Em.” He stood up too, and before she could say anything he had pulled her into a hug. He squeezed her tightly, and she could sense that he was holding back tears. “I’m so sorry.”
“I don’t blame you,” she said, hugging him back. “You didn’t know.”
“I should’ve, though,” he said, pulling away and wiping a tear from his eye. That was when Emmy knew, 100%, that it wasn’t Chris. Chris never cried. Even he couldn’t fake it. “I’m just, I’m so sorry.”
“Hey, stop,” she said, patting his shoulder. “You need to pull yourself together for when he gets home. Don’t let him suspect anything.”
“I won’t,” he said, accompanying her to the front door.
“Tell Taylor I said hi,” she said, as she stepped out into the hall.
He smiled. “I will.”
He shut the door then, but not quick enough. She saw his bottom lip give way, his face crumple. And her heart broke. She wished she hadn’t been the person to drop the news on him the way she had. She closed her eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath.
“Emmy?” It was Zach. He was sat on the stairs, and he jumped to his feet in a quick, fluid movement. “Everything alright?”
“Yeah,” she said. “Yeah, I just need to go home.”
He led the way outside to where the car was parked, and Jamie threw them a smile as they jumped in.
“So how’d it go?” Jamie asked.
Emmy shook her head. “I think it’s Kian.”
“Kian?” Jamie quoted, frowning.
“Chris’ boyfriend?” Zach said.
“Hmm. Chris is heart-broken.”
“Bet he is,” Zach said, scoffing.
She scowled. “What do you mean?”
“It’s a good excuse, isn’t it? Blaming his boyfriend and acting upset about it.”
“He was upset!” she said. “He was crying. Chris never cries.”
She huffed, crossing her arms on top of her bump and glaring out the window. “Well I believe him.”
“I’m sure you’re right to,” Zach said. “Just be careful.”
“He’s right, Emmy,” Jamie said gently. “I’ve worked with Harry for a few years now, people who talk to the paps will do anything to stay hidden. You still need to be careful who you speak to.”
Emmy sighed, running a hand over her face. “When will it all end? All this secrecy?”
“It’ll be sorted soon, I’m sure,” Zach said, throwing her a smile.
“Just try and focus on Tuesday,” Jamie said, grinning. “Harry’ll be home.”
Jamie was right – that sent an excited thrill through her, just the mere thought of having Harry within touching distance. She couldn’t wait to lose herself in him once more. She couldn’t wait for him to make her laugh, especially after it felt like she hadn’t laughed properly in so long.
Claire and Edward were a lot more convinced that it was Kian than the POs had been. Although Edward agreed they still had to be vigilant, and not trust anyone until they were sure, they both reassured Emmy no end that Kian appeared to be an obvious suspect.
“So obvious,” Claire said. “That I can’t believe it didn’t occur to us.”
Edward chuckled lightly. “We can’t think of everything.”
“I literally never even considered him,” she said. “He never even crossed my mind. How bad is that?”
Emmy half-smiled. “Don’t blame yourselves, I didn’t guess Kian either. I didn’t realise Chris told him so much.”
“No, you may need to have a word with Chris about that,” Claire said. “For future reference.”
“But what do we do?” Emmy asked. “Do we talk to Kian?”
“Confront him?” Edward asked. “Hmm…I think it would be better if we were 100% sure before we went accusing him.”
Emmy’s face fell. “More lying?!”
Claire patted her hand. “Just think – it’s all nearly over.”
“Ugh.” Emmy’s head fell back as she groaned. “Fine. Fine. What am I telling people this time?”
Claire looked at Edward, who had a satisfied smile on his face. “Telling him a lie isn’t exactly what I had in mind.”
Both women frowned in confusion. “What on earth are you on about?” Claire said exasperatedly.
Emmy couldn’t help but giggle at that.
“I mean, what if he saw something, and he told the press?” Edward said, raising an eyebrow.
“Saw what?” Emmy asked.
“Oh nothing, really,” he said hastily, suddenly sounding reluctant to elaborate. “Give me some time, I’ll come up with something.”
Emmy and Claire shared a surprised look, but neither pressed for more.
“Ed?” Harry asked into the phone that night, after he’d settled down in the tent, eating a ready-to-eat Bolognese. “Is everything okay?”
“Oh yes, everything’s fine,” Edward said. “Well, actually it depends on how you look at it.”
“Is Emmy okay?”
“Yes, she’s fine,” he said. “We…just had a new development today.”
“We believe that it is Kian who’s been leaking information.”
“Kian? What the fuck?!” His voice rose angrily. “No fucking way! No fucking way! Oh my god, I’m going to kill him.”
Edward rolled his eyes; he’d been expecting this. “No you’re not. We’re going to make sure it is him before we go accusing. That’s what I wanted to talk to you about.”
“Who gives a shit about being nice?!” Harry protested. “Confront him! Tell him to stay well away from Emmy!”
“You see, I was thinking about convincing him of something, and then seeing if he leaked it to the press.”
“Ed, just confront him!”
“No, Harry, we’re not doing that. Think of Chris. Think of Chris and if it turns out to not be Kian. We’re doing it properly.”
Harry huffed. “Fine. What were you thinking?”
“Imagine if he was led to believe something, by witnessing it first-hand? Do you think he would leak it?”
“Well he hasn’t exactly hesitated in leaking any of the other stuff, has he?”
“Exactly. Now, it needs to be something juicy enough to be worth leaking.”
Harry sighed. “Ed, just spit it out. I know you’ve already got an idea. I can practically hear you jumping around, wanting to tell me.”
“What if he believes Emmy’s having an affair with Zach?”
Harry didn’t answer for a second. His first thought was that would, indeed, be tabloid-worthy gossip. His second thought was that if Kian thought that, he would definitely leak it. He third thought was why would Kian believe that? And then he realised what Edward was saying. “Fuck no!”
“I’m not having Zach kissing her!” he growled. “No way! He’s not putting his hands on her!”
“Harry, it wouldn’t be a long kiss. They might not even need to kiss at all,” Edward said. “And if Kian oversaw them kissing and talking, just think how tempted he would be to sell the story. We’d know instantly that it was him. We could solve the whole problem!”
“No way.”
“Stop being such a child,” he said, rolling his eyes. “Would you not allow this? Not even to protect your unborn child?”
“Right now I just want to protect her from that twat. I bet Zach’s super happy to help, right?”
“Actually, I haven’t suggested it to either of them yet, not even to Claire. I wanted to see what you said first.”
“Well thanks,” Harry said dryly.
“We would wait until you came home, if that made you feel any better,” Edward said. “I mean, it’s only two days anyway. I doubt we’d have a chance to do it before you got home.”
Harry sighed. “I…guess. As long as I’m there, I can stop it from becoming anything.”
“Do you really distrust Emmy that much?”
“I trust Emmy. It’s Zach-”
“Well good job your wife’s life has only been in his hands for the last month then, isn’t it?” Edward said sarcastically.
“Fine. Fucking fine. I agree, it’s the only idea that works,” Harry said exasperatedly. “I mean, let’s hope it works.”
Edward smiled. “Good. Thank you for sacrificing so much,” he added ironically.
Harry scowled. “Just you wait til I get home.”
That earned a laugh from the secretary. “I think you’ll be too busy with Emmy to worry about me,” he said simply. “She’s so excited, you know.”
“I know, me too,” Harry said. “I can’t wait to see her.”
“Well, I better let you go,” Edward said. “I’ll see you on Tuesday.”
“Oh, Ed?”
“I was thinking about all this rat business, and I was wondering…can you…not…tell Claire, about this plan?”
“Claire? Why ever not?”
“Well, she’s known all of the stuff that’s been leaked, she knew all of the baby names. I’m just wondering whether she might be hiding something.”
“Claire has signed several different privacy contracts-”
“I know, I don’t not-trust her,” he said quickly. “I just don’t want us making any stupid mistakes.”
Edward thought for a moment, then sighed. “That’s a very mature thought, Harry. I won’t tell her.”
“Thanks. Oh, and Ed?”
“What now?” Edward groaned cheekily.
Harry broke into a grin. “Tell Emmy I love and miss her.”
“Aw, no love for me?” Edward teased.
Harry laughed. “You know how I feel.”
They both chuckled, before bidding each other goodbye.
Emmy entered the office the following morning to see Edward beaming. She stopped in surprise. It was a very unusual sight. What was almost more unusual was that he was alone in the office. No Claire.
“Where’s Claire?” she asked instantly.
Edward ignored her question. “I spoke to Harry last night.”
“You did?!” Emmy said, looking upset that she didn’t get to talk to him, immediately forgetting about Claire’s absence.
“Mm-hmm. He told me to tell you that he loves and misses you.”
Her heart fluttered. “I love and miss him too,” she murmured, pretty much to herself.
“Well, I phoned him to discuss Kian. And he agreed with my idea on how to prove that Kian is the leak,” Edward said. “It took some convincing, and he’s still not thrilled, but he agrees that it’s worth a shot. In theory, it’s foolproof.”
Emmy raised an eyebrow. “And what is it?”
“That’s the thing…” Edward said, looking sheepish. “I’m not too sure you’re going to like it.”
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paralleljulieverse · 7 years
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Julie Andrews Fantasy LPs #9
Super-cool-Dame-Julie-sings-the-punk-songs-of-Sid-Vicious! Even though the sound of it is something quite suspicious, If you play it loud enough you’ll always sound seditious, Super-cool-Dame-Julie-sings-the-punk-songs-of-Sid-Vicious! Um diddle diddle diddle, um diddle oi! Um diddle diddle diddle, um diddle oi!
When Julie Andrews was honoured with a Special Lifetime Achievement Award at the 53rd Annual Grammys in 2011, media reports took considerable delight in the incongruous sight of the genteel Dame alongside fellow honorees, pioneering US punk band, The Ramones. Photos of Julie sandwiched between Tommy and Marky Ramone, the latter draping his bared, tattooed arm proudly around her shoulder, featured in online and print news stories around the world with commentaries typically drawing amused attention to the “diversity” of the year’s honorees.
Despite the apparent novelty of the odd juxtaposition of “Mary Poppins” and a hardcore punk rock band whose catalogue of hits include numbers like “I Wanna Sniff Some Glue”and “Gimme Gimme Shock Treatment,” there is in fact something of a history of associations between Julie and punk rock.
One of the earliest recorded instances is a parody piece from 1980 by British comedian Mel Smith, made in collaboration with Queen drummer, Roger Taylor. Titled “Mel Smith’s Greatest Hits”, the song is a comic pastiche of the angry male punk anthems of the time with Smith growling about wanting to “jump up and down to my favourite sound...Julie Andrews Greatest Hits.” Elsewhere in the song, he snarls:
Julie drives me frantic Cos I'm a bit of an old romantic And she sounds so nice and she's so precise I'm in paradise with me Edelweiss
Released as a 7″ single, the front sleeve featured cover art of Smith dressed in full Adam Ant-style punk regalia, striking an air guitar pose in the middle of a bedroom bedecked with Julie Andrews memorabilia. The rear sleeve had a similar shot of Smith drooling in mock-lasciviousness over a poster of a beatifically smiling Julie. While clearly tongue-in-cheek, the Smith song signalled an irreverent collocation of Julie and punk culture that would find other, more authentic, expressions as well.
Indeed, in the very same year of 1980, a post-punk experimental outfit “The 49 Americans” released a self-titled EP with a brief track called, simply, “Julie Andrews (A Tribute)” (1980). Engineered by Andrew "Giblet" Brenner, “The 49 Americans” was a collaborative group that developed out of the London Musicians Collective in Camden (Reynolds, 187-188). Inspired by the DIY experimentalism of punk, the group placed a premium on unregulated improvisation with an open, fluid membership and a single rule that players had to swap instruments -- which could be anything from a piano to saucepan lids -- from number to number with the result that they’d often be performing with little or no technical proficiency. The “Julie Andrews” track was allegedly inspired after the group spent an evening watching tapes of Mary Poppins and The Sound of Music and consists of a discordant version of “Do Re Mi” played on a children’s xylophone with non-verbal vocals, (Masters, 112). It was re-released as part of the group’s debut 1982 LP,  “Too Young To Be Ideal”, which was honoured in The Wire magazine’s list of “100 Records That Set the World on Fire (While No One Was Listening)” (Barker et al, 1998).
Other examples of Julie references in punk rock include: “Topless Mary Poppins”, recorded in 2004 by London-based Celtic punk group, Neck; the summarily titled “Julie Andrews” by the Liverpool pop-punk outfit, The Down and Outs, released as a limited run single in 2007; and, most recently, a 2017 release also called “Julie Andrews” by Noose, a self-described four piece rock punk band from Nottingham. Sporting lyrics like, “I wished my baby was like the girlies in the porno movies, But it turns out she was just like Julie Andrews from The Sound of Music,” these songs turn on a kind of shock tactic of mixing the sacred and the profane, arguably something of a stylistic signature of punk. 
Dick Hebdige (1979) famously theorises punk as a “revolting style” whose subcultural disaffection was expressed through a spectacular “bricolage” of appropriated cultural “signs” (106-112). The disordered cacophony of punk music or the riotous mish-mash of punk fashion effect a representational rebellion of “semantic disorder,” he asserts, wherein categorical boundaries are dissolved and ordinarily discrete elements are thrown together in perverse combinations that contravene received “rules” of taste and decency (90). Like a portrait of the Queen with a safety pin through her lip, the family-friendly wholesomeness of Julie Andrews was a resonant symbol of mainstream culture ripe for punk subversion.
There is however another, possibly more interesting, reading of punk’s incorporation of Julie Andrews as other than a simple target for  anti-establishment iconoclasm. In a fascinating article, Ruth Adams (2008) argues for punk, at least in its influential British forms, as part of a long history of populist English cultural dissent. In punk, she writes,“[b]its and pieces of both officially sanctioned and popular English culture, of politics and history were brought together in a chaotic, uneasy admixture...that arguably spot lit the very institutions that it nominally sought to destroy” (469-70). The Sex Pistols, in particular, are interpreted by Adams as “inheritors of the English music hall tradition -- the heirs to the crowns of Arthur Askey and Max Wall, operating outside the ‘legitimate theatre’ and characterized by clownish outfits, silly walks, smutty jokes and cocking a snook at the Establishment” (470).
Far from seeing them as antithetical opposites, this reading places punk and Julie Andrews on something of an artistic continuum -- albeit at divergent extremes -- with both drawing performative and professional energies from the riotous traditions of popular English carnivalesque and working-class musical theatre. Indeed, it’s instructive that the two music hall comics cited by Adams as historical precedents for the Sex Pistols -- Arthur Askey and Max Wall -- actually performed alongside Julie during her long juvenile career on the British variety circuit (Andrews, 150-51). Even after she made the leap to “legit” theatre and Hollywood stardom, the topsy-turvy irreverence of music hall continued to form an integral part of her oeuvre and persona, as evidenced from My Fair Lady to STAR! to Victor/Victoria, from Heartrending Ballads and Raucous Ditties to The Julie Andrews Hour to Julie and Dick at Covent Garden.
It’s possibly for this reason that, alongside the more predictable deployments of Julie as object of punk’s anarchic negationism, she also features as a subject of acknowledged admiration, even inspiration. This seems particularly true of female punk artists, many of whom regularly cite Julie as an important influence. Gina Birch, founding member of post-punk British band, The Raincoats, singles out Julie as a major formative inspiration (Reddington, 27), as does Kathleen Hanna of Bikini Kill (Juno, 89). In her memoir, Laurie Lindeen (2007), lead vocalist for 1990s grrl punk band, Zuzu’s Petals, even jokes:
“‘What women have influenced you?’ is a very broad question that we are asked every day. We yawn the usual: ‘Patti Smith, Chrissie Hynde, Deborah Harry, and Exene,’ when I should say, “Louisa May Alcott, Julie Andrews, and Carly Simon’” (202)
Pop superstar, Gwen Stefani, who rose to fame as lead singer of ska-punk band, No Doubt, makes no bones about her lifelong adoration of Julie Andrews. She loudly proclaims The Sound of Music as “her one true love” and is said to have cried with joy when Julie granted permission for her to riff vocals from “The Lonely Goatherd” for the 2007 hit single, “Wind It Up” (Apter, 27). Another current pop superstar, Lady Gaga -- who though not directly punk certainly draws heavily from traditions of punk rock -- is equally fulsome in her enthusiasm for Julie, as profiled in an earlier post here in the Parallel Julieverse.
All of which ultimately suggests that this imaginary LP of Julie singing the songs of the Sex Pistols is possibly not as far-fetched as it might at first seem! Oi!
Adams, Ruth, 'The Englishness of English Punk: Sex Pistols, Subcultures, and Nostalgia.” Popular Music and Society. 31: 4 (2008): 469–88.
Andrews, Julie. Home: A Memoir of My Early Years. New York: Hyperion, 2008.
Apter, Jeff. Gwen Stefani and No Doubt: Simple Kind of Life. London: Omnibus Press, 2007.
Barker, Steve et al. “100 Records That Set The World On Fire (While No One Was Listening).” The Wire. 175, September 1998: 22-40.
Hebdige, Dick. Subculture: The Meaning of Style. London: Methuen, 1979.
Juno, Andrea, ed. Angry Women in Rock, Vol. 1. San Francisco: Juno Books: 1996.
Lindeen, Laurie. Petal Pusher: A Rock and Roll Cinderella Story. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2007.
Masters, Marc. No Wave. London: Black Dog Publishing, 2007.
Reddington, Helen. The Lost Women of Rock Music: Female Musicians of the Punk Era. London: Ashgate, 2007.
Reynold, Simon. Rip it Up and Start Again: Postpunk 1978-1984. London: Faber and Faber, 2009.
© 2017, Brett Farmer. All Rights Reserved
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scottsmithus · 4 years
RN – Specialty II: Antepartum
   Summary: Provides direct patient care in an area designated as a specialty unit in accordance with applicable scope and standards of practice and with the policies, values, and mission of the organization.
Detailed responsibilities: • Plans, implements, and evaluates patient care based on patient assessment to optimize outcomes and maximize available resources. Monitors, documents, and communicates patient condition as appropriate. • Collaborates as needed across disciplines to coordinate patient care, including disposition, referral and spiritual/psychosocial support needs. • Evaluates learning needs of patient and/or family and provides patient/family education appropriate to age, culture, condition, and circumstances. • Effectively delegates patient care to ancillary personnel. May precept student nurses and new hires.
Competencies and skills: Essential: • STANDARDS OF BEHAVIOR: Acts in a manner that supports the standards of communication, respect, privacy, and teamwork by demonstrating a commitment to professional and ethical conduct. • CUSTOMER SERVICE: Demonstrates commitment to service excellence by promptly addressing internal/external customer issues/requests, resolving concerns while maintaining a professional image and behavior to build and enhance the patient/family/customer experience. • ACCOUNTABILITY: Accepts ownership of job roles and specific assignments/goals; works independently, takes responsibility for own actions; admits mistakes and judgment errors; and accepts constructive feedback. Connects personal work results to the accomplishment of team and organizational goals. • RESPONDING TO CHANGE: Accepts change and adapts in a positive and productive manner; handles unexpected situations and changes in direction calmly and with confidence. Views new assignments and job responsibilities as an opportunity for growth. • PATIENT SAFETY – NURSING: Complies with and ensures patient safety practices in the clinical setting. • DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF PLAN OF CARE: Develops and implements a nursing care plan based on the patient’s individual needs, an interdisciplinary approach, and evidence-based practices. • PROBLEM SOLVING: Ability to identify, analyze and effectively solve problems. • ORGANIZATION SKILLS: Organizes work to achieve maximum efficiency. • PATIENT AND FAMILY CENTERED CARE: “Provides Patient and Family Centered Care to patients, families, visitors and internal customers” • KNOWLEDGE OF DISEASE PROCESS: Applies knowledge of practices and interventions for specific populations with specific conditions.
  Education: Essential: • Accredited Program
Education specialization: Essential: • Nursing
Credentials: Essential: • BLS Certification • Registered Nurse License
  Other information: Complexity of Work: Requires critical thinking skills, effective communications skills, decisive judgment and the ability to work with minimal supervision. Must be able to work in a stressful environment and take appropriate action. Required Work Experience: 1 year •• Department specific credentials – See below – ONCC Chemotherapy and Biotherapy Provider Certificate Required for those RN’s administering chemotherapy. – Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) required for ICU, ED, PACU, Endo, Tele, OB, MHN Pre-Op and Specialty Procedural areas. – PALS required for Pediatric areas with the exception of NICU. Certification in Fetal Monitoring through National Credential Center or through AWOHNN (Intermediate or Advanced) for L&D RN’s. – Newly licensed RN’s have 6 months to obtain ACLS and/or PALS, and Fetal Monitoring if L&D. Note: For added clarification, see Mandatory Education Requirements Grid.
  Working conditions: Essential: • Bending and Stooping    80.00% • Climbing    40.00% • Keyboard Entry    80.00% • Kneeling    60.00% • Lifting/Carrying Patients 35 Pounds or Greater    80.00% • Lifting or Carrying 0 – 25 lbs Non-Patient    80.00% • Lifting or Carrying 25.01 lbs – 75 lbs Non-Patient    40.00% • Pushing or Pulling 0 – 25 lbs Non-Patient    80.00% • Pushing or Pulling 26 – 75 lbs Non-Patient    80.00% • Pushing or Pulling > 75 lbs Non-Patient    80.00% • Reaching    80.00% • Repetitive Movement Foot/Leg    40.00% • Repetitive Movement Hand/Arm    80.00% • Running    40.00% • Sitting    60.00% • Squatting    80.00% • Standing    80.00% • Walking    80.00% • Audible Speech    80.00% • Hearing Acuity    80.00% • Smelling Acuity    40.00% • Depth Perception    80.00% • Distinguish Color    80.00% • Seeing – Far    80.00% • Seeing – Near    80.00% • Bio hazardous Waste    80.00% • Biological Hazards – Respiratory    80.00% • Biological Hazards – Skin or Ingestion    80.00% • Blood and/or Bodily Fluids    80.00% • Communicable Diseases and/or Pathogens    80.00% • Cytotoxic Chemicals    60.00% • Dust    60.00% • Gas/Vapors/Fumes    80.00% • Hazardous Chemicals    80.00% • Hazardous Medication    80.00% • Computer Monitor    80.00% • Domestic Animals    40.00% • Fire Risk    40.00% • Heating Devices    40.00% • Magnetic Fields    40.00% • Moving Mechanical Parts    40.00% • Needles/Sharp Objects    80.00% • Potential Electric Shock    40.00% • Potential for Physical Assault    40.00% • Wet or Slippery Surfaces    60.00%
  Organizational Profile: When the City of Miramar was founded back in 1955, fewer than 200 people lived there. Today, it’s home to 200,000 residents who can call upon Memorial Hospital Miramar when they need outstanding compassionate care. With 178 beds, Memorial Hospital Miramar includes 162 acute-care beds, a 16-bed Level II NICU, and The Family Birthplace, which has welcomed nearly 30,000 babies into the world since the hospital opened in 2005. Services also include:
• Cardiac Telemetry Unit • Imaging Services • Intensive Care • Women’s Services • Adult and Pediatric Emergency Departments • Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Pediatric Therapy Services • [U18] Sports Medicine for athletes 18 and younger • Memorial Rehabilitation Institute Memorial Hospital Miramar has been named by Truven Health Analytics and Modern Healthcare magazine as one of the nation’s 100 Top Hospitals, and has won the Guardian of Excellence Award from HCAHPS Press Ganey every year since 2008.
Disclaimer: This job description is not intended, nor should it be construed to be an exhaustive list of all responsibilities, skills, efforts or working conditions associated with the job. It is intended to indicate the general nature and level of work performed by employees within this classification.
source https://www.jobsinmiramar.com/other-general/rn-specialty-ii-antepartum-fe2650b/ source https://jobsinmiramar.tumblr.com/post/620244923741093888
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jobsinmiramar · 4 years
RN – Specialty II: Antepartum
   Summary:Provides direct patient care in an area designated as a specialty unit in accordance with applicable scope and standards of practice and with the policies, values, and mission of the organization.
  Detailed responsibilities:• Plans, implements, and evaluates patient care based on patient assessment to optimize outcomes and maximize available resources. Monitors, documents, and communicates patient condition as appropriate.• Collaborates as needed across disciplines to coordinate patient care, including disposition, referral and spiritual/psychosocial support needs.• Evaluates learning needs of patient and/or family and provides patient/family education appropriate to age, culture, condition, and circumstances.• Effectively delegates patient care to ancillary personnel. May precept student nurses and new hires.
Competencies and skills:Essential:• STANDARDS OF BEHAVIOR: Acts in a manner that supports the standards of communication, respect, privacy, and teamwork by demonstrating a commitment to professional and ethical conduct. • CUSTOMER SERVICE: Demonstrates commitment to service excellence by promptly addressing internal/external customer issues/requests, resolving concerns while maintaining a professional image and behavior to build and enhance the patient/family/customer experience.• ACCOUNTABILITY: Accepts ownership of job roles and specific assignments/goals; works independently, takes responsibility for own actions; admits mistakes and judgment errors; and accepts constructive feedback. Connects personal work results to the accomplishment of team and organizational goals.• RESPONDING TO CHANGE: Accepts change and adapts in a positive and productive manner; handles unexpected situations and changes in direction calmly and with confidence. Views new assignments and job responsibilities as an opportunity for growth.• PATIENT SAFETY – NURSING: Complies with and ensures patient safety practices in the clinical setting. • DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF PLAN OF CARE: Develops and implements a nursing care plan based on the patient’s individual needs, an interdisciplinary approach, and evidence-based practices. • PROBLEM SOLVING: Ability to identify, analyze and effectively solve problems. • ORGANIZATION SKILLS: Organizes work to achieve maximum efficiency. • PATIENT AND FAMILY CENTERED CARE: “Provides Patient and Family Centered Care to patients, families, visitors and internal customers”• KNOWLEDGE OF DISEASE PROCESS: Applies knowledge of practices and interventions for specific populations with specific conditions.
    Education:Essential:• Accredited Program
  Education specialization:Essential:• Nursing
Credentials:Essential:• BLS Certification• Registered Nurse License
  Other information:Complexity of Work: Requires critical thinking skills, effective communications skills, decisive judgment and the ability to work with minimal supervision. Must be able to work in a stressful environment and take appropriate action.Required Work Experience: 1 year•• Department specific credentials – See below– ONCC Chemotherapy and Biotherapy Provider Certificate Required for those RN’s administering chemotherapy.– Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) required for ICU, ED, PACU, Endo, Tele, OB, MHN Pre-Op and Specialty Procedural areas. – PALS required for Pediatric areas with the exception of NICU. Certification in Fetal Monitoring through National Credential Center or through AWOHNN (Intermediate or Advanced) for L&D RN’s.– Newly licensed RN’s have 6 months to obtain ACLS and/or PALS, and Fetal Monitoring if L&D.Note: For added clarification, see Mandatory Education Requirements Grid.
    Working conditions:Essential:• Bending and Stooping    80.00%• Climbing    40.00%• Keyboard Entry    80.00%• Kneeling    60.00%• Lifting/Carrying Patients 35 Pounds or Greater    80.00%• Lifting or Carrying 0 – 25 lbs Non-Patient    80.00%• Lifting or Carrying 25.01 lbs – 75 lbs Non-Patient    40.00%• Pushing or Pulling 0 – 25 lbs Non-Patient    80.00%• Pushing or Pulling 26 – 75 lbs Non-Patient    80.00%• Pushing or Pulling > 75 lbs Non-Patient    80.00%• Reaching    80.00%• Repetitive Movement Foot/Leg    40.00%• Repetitive Movement Hand/Arm    80.00%• Running    40.00%• Sitting    60.00%• Squatting    80.00%• Standing    80.00%• Walking    80.00%• Audible Speech    80.00%• Hearing Acuity    80.00%• Smelling Acuity    40.00%• Depth Perception    80.00%• Distinguish Color    80.00%• Seeing – Far    80.00%• Seeing – Near    80.00%• Bio hazardous Waste    80.00%• Biological Hazards – Respiratory    80.00%• Biological Hazards – Skin or Ingestion    80.00%• Blood and/or Bodily Fluids    80.00%• Communicable Diseases and/or Pathogens    80.00%• Cytotoxic Chemicals    60.00%• Dust    60.00%• Gas/Vapors/Fumes    80.00%• Hazardous Chemicals    80.00%• Hazardous Medication    80.00%• Computer Monitor    80.00%• Domestic Animals    40.00%• Fire Risk    40.00%• Heating Devices    40.00%• Magnetic Fields    40.00%• Moving Mechanical Parts    40.00%• Needles/Sharp Objects    80.00%• Potential Electric Shock    40.00%• Potential for Physical Assault    40.00%• Wet or Slippery Surfaces    60.00%
     Organizational Profile: When the City of Miramar was founded back in 1955, fewer than 200 people lived there. Today, it’s home to 200,000 residents who can call upon Memorial Hospital Miramar when they need outstanding compassionate care. With 178 beds, Memorial Hospital Miramar includes 162 acute-care beds, a 16-bed Level II NICU, and The Family Birthplace, which has welcomed nearly 30,000 babies into the world since the hospital opened in 2005. Services also include:
• Cardiac Telemetry Unit • Imaging Services • Intensive Care • Women’s Services • Adult and Pediatric Emergency Departments • Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Pediatric Therapy Services • [U18] Sports Medicine for athletes 18 and younger • Memorial Rehabilitation Institute Memorial Hospital Miramar has been named by Truven Health Analytics and Modern Healthcare magazine as one of the nation’s 100 Top Hospitals, and has won the Guardian of Excellence Award from HCAHPS Press Ganey every year since 2008.
Disclaimer: This job description is not intended, nor should it be construed to be an exhaustive list of all responsibilities, skills, efforts or working conditions associated with the job. It is intended to indicate the general nature and level of work performed by employees within this classification.
source https://www.jobsinmiramar.com/other-general/rn-specialty-ii-antepartum-fe2650b/
0 notes
lantireveamericain · 4 years
Des fonctionnalités bancaires numériques
Les deux tiers des consommateurs se disent très satisfaits »des solutions bancaires numériques qu'ils utilisent aujourd'hui, mais ce n'est pas le moment pour les banques et les coopératives de crédit de se tapoter le dos. Malgré la myriade de solutions bancaires numériques que les institutions financières ont déployées ces dernières années, les consommateurs sont en réalité moins satisfaits qu'ils ne l'étaient par le passé. Selon une étude réalisée par ath Power Consulting, les scores de satisfaction élevés avec les outils et services bancaires numériques sont passés de 73% à 65%. C'est une baisse importante. Qu'est-ce qui explique ce phénomène? Certes, les consommateurs ont élevé la barre de l'excellence numérique, mais cela ne résout que partiellement le problème. Les banques et les coopératives de crédit n'ont fait qu'effleurer la surface et offrent le strict minimum. Une partie de la raison de cette baisse est sans aucun doute une augmentation des attentes des utilisateurs avertis du numérique », note Ath Power Consulting dans leur analyse. Mais cela est dû en grande partie à l'incapacité des institutions financières à capitaliser sur les fondations qu'elles ont bâties avec leurs solutions numériques. » Sur la base de plus de 3000 réponses à l'enquête recueillies au début de 2017, ath Power Consulting a constaté qu'environ quatre consommateurs sur cinq considèrent les canaux numériques comme leur moyen préféré de faire des opérations bancaires. ath Power's Consumer Digital Banking Study », qui en est à sa quatrième édition, examine l'utilisation, les offres, les méthodes de livraison et l'expérience client des services bancaires numériques dans les institutions financières du pays. Sur les 2 379 répondants qui se sont identifiés comme banquiers mobiles actuels, ath Power Consulting a analysé leurs comportements bancaires numériques actuels, les fonctionnalités qu'ils apprécient, les fonctionnalités qu'ils aimeraient voir ajoutées et leur évaluation de l'expérience globale. Le rapport suggère que - pour de nombreuses institutions financières de détail, et même leurs partenaires fintech - la banque numérique est encore à ses balbutiements. Pendant ce temps, les consommateurs sont impatients de voir les chaînes numériques faire plus. Ils sont prêts à faire évoluer le mobile au-delà de ses racines transactionnelles en libre-service et à devenir un outil complet de planification et d'action orientée vers un éventail de besoins financiers beaucoup plus large. Malheureusement, bon nombre des banques et coopératives de crédit actuelles ne donnent pas de résultats. ath Power dit qu'il existe de nombreuses institutions financières qui fonctionnent assez mal »lorsqu'il s'agit de répondre aux attentes des gens. Il reste encore beaucoup à faire s'ils souhaitent devenir de véritables champions des services bancaires numériques », note le rapport. C'est une situation déroutante pour les institutions financières, Finandom car elles ont accumulé tant de données et sont considérées comme le fournisseur de services bancaires le plus fiable. Et pourtant, beaucoup ont fait relativement peu pour tirer des enseignements de ces informations et faire évoluer leur plateforme de banque numérique. » Frank Aloi, fondateur et PDG de Power, estime que la nouveauté de la banque mobile s'est dissipée et que la lune de miel des consommateurs est terminée. Il dit que les prestataires bancaires doivent se concentrer sur l'avancement de leurs solutions numériques s'ils espèrent inverser la tendance à la baisse des taux de satisfaction. Les institutions financières doivent aller au-delà des fonctionnalités de base et accélérer leur rythme d'innovation », insiste Aloi. Même parmi celles qui offrent déjà des capacités avancées, certaines solutions provoquent de la frustration et ne sont pas acceptables. » En d'autres termes, vous ne pouvez pas simplement déployer une application de banque mobile et l'appeler un jour. Ce n'est que la première étape d'un voyage continu. Vous devez retrousser vos manches et continuer à pousser vers les limites de la frontière bancaire numérique. (contenu sponsorisé) (CONTENU SPONSORISÉ) Aller au-delà des bases Les consommateurs ne sont plus préoccupés par les caractéristiques de base - la vérification des soldes et le transfert d'argent au sein de leur institution ont tous deux reçu un taux de satisfaction de 80% + dans l'étude ath Power. Mais la satisfaction pour les fonctionnalités de niveau supérieur qui favorisent une interaction et un engagement plus profonds est souvent insuffisante. Les fonctionnalités bancaires numériques avancées sont demandées, mais la plupart des institutions financières ne sont pas prêtes », explique ath Power dans son rapport. Les consommateurs veulent plus que des informations de base sur leur compte et recherchent des fonctionnalités numériques étendues - des capacités allant au-delà des services bancaires en ligne et mobiles traditionnels. » Les consommateurs ont donné de faibles notes pour certaines fonctionnalités numériques dont The Financial Brand discute depuis des années, notamment les localisateurs de guichets automatiques / de succursales, les outils de gestion financière personnelle (PFM), les portefeuilles mobiles et les paiements P2P. Trop souvent, le point de vue des institutions financières sur les fonctionnalités avancées de niveau supérieur est bien derrière l'appétit des consommateurs pour les nouvelles innovations, en particulier aux États-Unis », indique le rapport ath Power. Cela pousse les consommateurs - en particulier la génération Y - à flirter avec d'autres fournisseurs. Par exemple, 44% disent qu'ils utilisent déjà les paiements P2P, mais tous ne profitent pas de ce service via leur principal fournisseur de services bancaires. Beaucoup optent pour des solutions de sociétés fintech comme Venmo et Square Cash. Ce n'est pas non plus par manque d'intérêt. L'étude ath Power a révélé que 55% des consommateurs préféreraient que leur principale institution financière gère ces types de paiements, et 37% n'ont aucune préférence tant qu'ils peuvent effectuer la transaction via leur appareil mobile. Seulement 8% ont déclaré préférer un fournisseur non bancaire. Comme le note le rapport, les consommateurs ont clairement plus confiance en leur institution financière principale, mais ils choisiront toujours quiconque peut éliminer les frictions et fournir des solutions bancaires numériques rapides, gratuites et conviviales. Les déceptions de l'ouverture de compte en ligne L'ouverture de compte en ligne est un sujet brûlant dans le secteur bancaire, mais non sans ses défis. Dans son étude, ath Power a constaté que la moitié de tous les utilisateurs de services bancaires numériques ont tenté d'ouvrir un compte en ligne dans une institution financière - 57% des répondants de la génération Y et de la génération X contre 43% des baby-boomers. Parmi ceux qui ont terminé le processus, 85% l'ont fait sur un ordinateur et 12% ont utilisé le site Web d'une institution via leur appareil mobile. Un maigre 3% des demandes ont été soumises via une application mobile. Malheureusement, environ trois sur dix ont abandonné leur candidature à un moment donné. Un nombre égal n'a pas financé leur compte lors du processus d'ouverture initial. Les principales raisons de l'abandon étaient que le processus de demande était trop long (42%) et trop complexe (39%). Les répondants à l'étude ath Power ont cité plus de 100 raisons différentes pour abandonner leur application - tout allant d'une mauvaise expérience utilisateur et de problèmes spécifiques à l'appareil à des conditions générales longues et complexes. Selon ath Power, la nouvelle encourageante est que la quasi-totalité de ces causes d'abandon des applications sont sous le contrôle du prestataire bancaire. Si le processus pouvait être simplifié, les institutions financières verraient des taux d'achèvement plus élevés », explique ath Power. Il est essentiel que les institutions financières ouvrent correctement leur compte en ligne. Dans l'étude d'Ath Power, 81% des répondants ont déclaré qu'ils seraient susceptibles de demander un prêt en ligne, tandis que 69% ouvriraient un compte courant en ligne… si l'option était disponible. Mais simplement satisfaire les demandes des consommateurs pour l'ouverture de compte en ligne n'est qu'une partie de l'équation. Si le processus n'est pas fluide et intuitif, qu'est-ce que cela dit sur l'institution financière? Que supposeront les consommateurs sur le niveau de sophistication numérique globale d'une institution? Ce n'est pas parce qu'une personne abandonne une application en ligne qu'elle suivra dans une succursale. En fait, il est plus probable qu'ils choisissent une autre institution - celle qui peut offrir l'expérience numérique à laquelle ils s'attendent. Et puis vous perdez toutes les autres opportunités futures que cette relation aurait pu offrir (pensez: coût d'opportunité »ou perte de valeur à vie»). Reality Check: les institutions financières ont peu d'espoir de proposer des solutions bancaires numériques plus avancées si elles ne parviennent même pas à dépasser le processus d'ouverture de compte en ligne. Lire la suite: L'impératif bancaire numérique Les banques et les coopératives de crédit doivent simplement aplanir leur stratégie numérique; c'est l'élément le plus important pour réussir toute initiative d'acquisition / croissance. Pensez-y ... trois répondants sur dix dans l'étude ath Power ont indiqué une probabilité de quitter leur institution financière actuelle, et la plupart chercheront un fournisseur averti sur le plan numérique. Ajouter à cette concurrence des sociétés de technologies financières qui offrent des suites bancaires numériques robustes peuvent le faire sans aucune succursale, et les fournisseurs bancaires traditionnels doivent faire face à des vents contraires dangereux. Ed 'Brien, vice-président vice-président Recherche et stratégie d'Ath Power et auteur du rapport, prévient que les risques sont importants et que l'impératif est réel. Avec ce potentiel d'attrition et de concurrence de solutions alternatives qui rivalisent avec les offres numériques des banques traditionnelles, il n'a jamais été aussi essentiel pour les institutions financières de fournir des plates-formes numériques avancées et bien conçues », explique Brien. ath Power affirme que les banques et les coopératives de crédit doivent relever le défi et fournir des solutions numériques faciles à utiliser, bien conçues et bien exécutées - ce dont de nombreuses institutions manquent actuellement. Les solutions numériques peuvent être utilisées pour impliquer davantage les consommateurs bancaires, augmenter la part de portefeuille, souvent au-delà des frontières géographiques traditionnelles, et créer une expérience client gagnante », indique le rapport ath Power. Une solution de banque numérique bien conçue et mise en œuvre peut être un facteur clé pour favoriser une interaction et un engagement accrus, et une solution efficace d'ouverture de compte en ligne étend la portée géographique d'un fournisseur de services bancaires tout en stimulant la croissance des comptes et des revenus. »
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Do you pay insurance on a lease car in the UK?
im 18 and looking to get my first car would a lease car be a cheaper option for me as i have been told in unsureness that its all included in the price but would i still have to pay separate insurance on the car? if so what would be the cheapest option? a lease car or buying a cheap car? thanks
Whose insurance is a new baby supposed to go on?
I am currently 32 weeks pregnant and my husband and I have seperate insurance policies but both through Blue Cross. Does is matter whose insurance she is supposed to go on or are we just supposed to pick one?
Do I HAVE to pay for insurance if im not driving but have a license?
My mom is trying to tell me and my brother (who is 19 and I will be 18 in about a month which is when i will get my license) that we cant get a license unless we have money to buy insurance. I think its really f***ed up for a student who got a license and doesnt drive any vehicle has to pay for insurance. She says that once i get my license, the insurance company will force her to put me on her plan so i can be insured. I think its a load of sh*t. I have never heard of anyone being forced to have insurance when they dont drive. When i say dont drive i mean, when i get my license, i wont be driving until I get my own car. Please dont respond to my situation and how i should deal with it, just tell me if thats even possible for the insurance to do that.""
Questions about health insurance?
I took my eye exam couple months ago, and now i need change my insurance company, so my question is can i take my eye exam again?""
Will my insurance rates go up for a traffic ticket?
I have a restricted license and i got a ticket going 38 in a 25mph school zone. The cop reduced it to 34 and it is $80.00. Im almost 16 and i have state farm. Will my rates go up. Should i just go to the office and pay it. I have no defense i know i was speeding. WIll my parents find out?
Statute of limitations on no car insurance fine?
how long has to go by before statute of limitations is in effect after you have had a no insurance ticket handed to you and does this stand the same if you had hit another persons vehicle with the car that was uninsured.i live in calgary alberta and am unsure of how this statute works.i am not looking for a cop out of this.this occured 3 years ago and i was sent home under the condition that i show up for court.i was unable to show up for court because i had been kicked out of where me and my mom were living and tried to find a place for us.
Insurance totalling my car looks suspicious?
At this point I regret making a claim and wish i could turn back the clock. I am being forced into a box and it looks shady. Three weeks ago my 2005 Cadillac STS was involved in a parking lot flood where the water rose and filled the floors of my car by about 4 inches. All us neighbors had cleaning parties using a wet vac and baking and toweling are cars in the sun over the next few days letting our vehicles dry out. On my car everything works like a dream as it did before with the exception of a 'check stability control' notice that comes on when I start the car. I have been driving the car fine since the flood and decided maybe I should make a claim to fix this error that pops up on the dash when i start the car. From the time I dropped it off at the dealer it has been all negative. Right away the dealer was negative and telling me it's the end of the world with my car, everything is ruined and it will probably be a total loss. He got the adjuster for my insurance company out there and it looks like it will be put in to the total loss category. No i am just asking the insurance company to forget everything and drop the claim because the damage is not that extreme and i dont want to lose my car. I am told at this point it is too late. Is that true? My neighbors are floored by this, i have been driving it around for a few weeks just fine and the car still looks new With only 62000 miles on it. I can't help from thinking that something suspicious is going on here. Do they stand to make a nice profit by totalling my vehicle and then replacing one module for a 1000 or so and having a perfect car with all systems working? Also the lady from the claims office said the car had to be 80% damaged for it to be a total loss. I asked her if this was based on speculative problems that they think may occur in the future because of the water, or based on actual damage now? She said it had to be actual damage now but couldn't give me any details from the adjuster yet. Can I demand that the adjuster list everything that he thinks has been damaged to my car (which I am convinced he will have to be creative to do so)? The car as i said drives wonderful, I checked the fluids on my own (fine), and the car looks new. Do I have any recourse here? I just want the car fixed for the one problem, i dont want to lose the car, and at this point I don't even care about having insurance fix the one problem, but again I am told it is too late to go backwards and drop this entire issue. I almost have an inclination to report this because it looks so shady. No reasonable person would look at, and drive this car and consider it a total loss. What is the agenda of the insurance company and cadillac dealer here? Something smells foul with this situation.""
Insurance for my baby?
I am researching insurance options for my baby. The baby will be born in few months. I know that the baby will be insured 30 days after he is born. This is my question. Should I find an individual plan for the baby or should I add the baby to my insurance? I did not even know one can add the baby to an existing insurance. I am just trying to find the best deal. If I have to have an individual plan for the baby, I am looking only for Blue Cross or Blue Shield of California (PPO only). If you have any suggestions, please share. Thank you""
Tricky Car Insurance Quotes?
Right, I am really at ends to get cheap car insurance... I'm probably an insurers nightmare: 17 years old, male, living in London, living with parents whilst at college etc... I've just qualified with a full UK licence, but the insurance for a '97 Saxo is 3500 and it only costs 300!!!! Anyone any ideas on how to get this down to about a grand or less? Or any suggestions for any good cars to insure a 17 year old on? :)""
Car insurance WITHOUT a bank account?
does anyone know where/what car insurance i can get as i can not have a bank acount or debit/credit card. can only pay with cash by monthly installments
""Cheap Home Insurance Companies Orlando, Florida?
I used to be insured by Homewise Home Insurance but for some reason they cannot longer insured me and they are transferring me to another insurance company when my renewal comes around and increasing my premium by close to $300. I need to know right away the cheapest home insurance companies in Orlando... help..
What is general insurance?
i want to know abt general insurance.
Health insurance for families of disabled vets?
I am a 50% disabled Vet living near Dallas, Tx. I have been unable to find a job that offers health insurance, as of yet. I know I can go to the VA for free, whenever I need to. I need to find some sort of insurance for my wife. We are planning children, but I don't want to pay all of those doctor bills out of pocket. My wife is self employed, so there's no way of her getting it through work. Does anyone know of a Veterans group health insurance plan or anything like that? I have searched all over the internet with little success. T Thanks for any info.""
Motorcycle Insurance quote?
I'm a femal turning 17 in a month and i really wanted to get a motocycle for my birthday but i wanted to figure out the insurance first and i cant get the quote bcz i dont have my lisence yet so i was wondering if anybody could help me out oh and what the best kind of bike would be.
Will my insurance cost more this year?
hello people ... so i was wondering if anyone thinks my insurance will cost more this year. i have a motorbike honda cbr125. last year it cost me 450 to insure. looking at the insurance this year it says around 550-650 will mine be this much?
Is insuring a road legal buggy cheaper than car insurance?
I have driven loads of buggies before in off road conditions and have been thinking about getting a road legal one myself to use instead of a car seen as insurance is ridiculous for a young driver like myself. Anyone know or have a rough idea of how much it would be to insure say a 250cc road legal buggy? I've tried the internet but can't get an online quote off anyone and don't want to have to spend ages on the phone enquiring. If anyone could give me a rough idea that would be awesome! Thanks :)
Do you have to have vehical insurance?
do you have to have an insurance. I just want to use it for awhile.
What happens if to my insurance if i get married?
My parents pay for my insurance and ill have it till I'm 19 if I get married would I no longer have insurance?
My insurance company will not change car details?
I have been thinking of purchasing a brand new car this year and today went ahead with the purchase, well at least put a deposit down with a 12 week wait. I have been driving now for a year and a half. and at aged 28 thought I would be out of the range of a silly driver by now. However, after phoning my insurance company to ask for a new/updated quote for the insurance they are telling me that they will not insure me on a new car due to my lack of experience. I am of course going to still have the new car as most other insurance companies will insure me on the new car at a fairly reasonable rate. infact only 100 pounds a year more than my current car. They are still howver going to charge me a 30 cancellation fee and will obviously lose my no-claims for the six months. Does anybody have any idea as to a way to approach the company or make a complaint or should I just forget about it and move on?""
""Home insurance costs in Slidell, LA?""
Does anybody have a rough idea of the average home insurance prices for home in Slidell, LA above Interstate 12?""
Good/Cheap Secondary Health Insurance in Texas?
My grandmother is 65 but my grandfather is only 63 so he's not considered a S.C. yet ... what is good affordable secondary health insurance for them? They currently only have Medicare
I'm 38. my wife is 33. non smokers. which insurance make more sense. i have whole life with long term care. my wife is looking into term insurance. which is better?
Do you have too get insurance on rentacar?
do you need insurance on car rental
How much on average is insurance for an audi a3 convertible?
How much on average is insurance for an audi a3 convertible?
Is there any auto insurance that is affordable for college students?
Is there any auto insurance that is affordable for college students?
Goliad Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77963
Goliad Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77963
Exactley how does term life insurance work?
Whats the difference between regular life insurance and term?How does term work?
How to get a hold of the drunk drivers insurance?
my car and 2 other cars were damaged by a drunk driver. his car flipped and crashed on the ground. they ran away as soon as they got helped out. the police came and all we got was a police report number. my question is my car is scratched and has broken windows/mirror. i am not going to pay for it to get it fix , why should i it wasn't my fault. how can i get a hold off the drunk drivers insurance and policy information. will the police contact me after they get all the information or do i have to contact them? sorry i have never had to deal with the insurance company or the police for any of this so i have no idea. if this matter i live in san diego california""
How much will my insurance premium go down by?
After a years no claims? I'm currently paying 1700 (140 a month) for a 1.2 corsa. Not happy but still. I'm 19 and had my license since June 2008. Had insurance before but never got to the full year as my car broke down so I got rid. I know it's hard to give an exact amount but how much on average?
If car insurance companies are giving you quotes that you did not request - Is this a sign of identity theft?
I've gotten like, 4 quotes all from different insurance companies saying Your quote is ready. They think I did request these! I didn't. Is this identity theft or just spam? What else could it be? My family said they didn't request this information either. Thanks in advance!!""
How much would insurance cost for a 16 year old boy with a Nissan 350Z?
How much would insurance cost for a 16 year old boy with a Nissan 350Z?
Car insurance under my parents name w/o parents being present?
Hi, i live in Miami and my parents are currently out of state. I just bought a car and i need insurance in order to get the title. I was wondering if i can go under my parents insurance without them being present or if i can do it over the phone? also the car is a honda civic ex 99 and i am 19 years old. Its my first car and i have good credit, i am a university student with very good grades, and have not had any tickets or gotten into any car accidents. About how much will my insurance be? and would it be cheaper to be under my parents name, which i might add has been in a lot of car crashes, had a lot of tickets, bad credit, and jus has bad history, or would it be cheaper to just get it on my own??? thank you!!!!!""
How can I obtain drivers insurance when neither parent has a license in California?
because insurance is a binding agreement that requires one parent to have a valid license, and neither of mine do, I cannot buy auto insurance. - My grandparents will not help me either I have 1000$ to buy insurance, and I will drive either way, insurance or not, is there any loophole around this law? thanks.""
How much is car insurance for a 97 corolla?
please don't say ask your insurance company because i wont know until a couple days later. i just got my license and im 17 years old and i have a 97 corolla. The car isnt in the BEST condition but its still in pretty good condition and i was wondering how much would the insurance be considering i took driving classes at the school and am dadap certified (that alcohol lesson thing) thanks
Where can i find cheap health insurance?
does any of you knows where can i find cheap health insurance for peoples not working and hv no health insurance cover, coz i need operation. Thanks !""
Car Insurance questions?
ok i was recently in a car accident , jus a rear end nothing to serious. but the rear of my car is pretty bad. bumper is in bad shape , trunk doesnt open , lights are a bit broken but still work. a guy from the other person's insurance company came to take a look at my car and inspect it and estimate damages. he told me that the car will probably be a total loss. he said someone would call me in 2-3 business days to discuss my options. now i guess i will be paid for what my car is worth , which isnt much prolly no more then a $1000. my question is tho , the guy who came told me that one of my options would be if i wanted to keep the car or not. i want to keep the car , it still runs , it still drives. if i still want to keep my car do i still get paid for the damages?""
Car Insurance for a friend?
I have a friend (single mom of 2) and she needs to get cheap car insurance on her ford explore. She let it lapse for 6 months and now her loan company wants to repo her car, even though she has made every car payment. (she leases her car)...(kinda like rent to own) She got a quote from my agent, but it was going to be way too much for her. I am guessing since she still owes on the car she has to have full coverage. And can only afford less than $100.00 a month on it. She is a renter, she is going to school, and has bad credit. Are there any companies out there that she can get a good deal or at least get coverage for 6 months and re-apply with a better company?? The only one I have found out there was the general.com. And they seem to be ok...but I don't know what other options she has. Thanks for reading this!! 10 points to the best answer!!""
""17 yr old new driver, buying car, wants mum and dad to be named drivers on insurance to get price down?""
just passed, saved up hard for car, checked car via a good garage, now wants to sort out car insurance. Have been told if mum and dad are named drivers on the car it will cut the cost of new drivers insurance, from around 2,000. to 700. But as a mum i want to know will it effect our own insurance? and effect our no-claims we have built up and our renewal costs? with or without a claim. or just which is the best way for the new driver to get insured, the new driver had no claims on a moped insurance. And is not a boy racer!""
Do I need car insurance...?
I have a car that will not run at my residence but is still in my name. Do I still need to have car insurance on it? I have a personal insurance that just covers me but not on any specific car. I live in Florida if that helps.
Car insurance in Texas?
My sister was in my car when she got re-ended. The driver of the other car took FULL responsibility for everything and wants to resolve this. I am wondering how this will affect my insurance? As of right now my car only has liability and needs to be repaired, big time. Any information especially from TX insurance agents would be greatly appreciated.""
How much would insurance cost?
i was looking to get a suzuki GZ250 motorcycle. i am 18 years old, and i have taken a drivers ed course and the motorcycle driving course. i was wondering about how much insurance would be. it has 249 cc""
Is there a car insurance that will give a young driver a reasonably quote?
i recently purchased a mk1 ford fiesta. theres no mods to the car and tax wise i think its a classic. its a 1984. i have wanted a mk1 fiesta for years now and its the car i want to drive. im 17 and the cheapest quote on any car ive been given is 2000. are there any companies that will give me a good quote on my fiesta
What is an insurance premium?
Is the insurance premium what you pay monthly for your insurance?
Do you have good Car Insurance Rates?
I was just wondering if anyone out there had advice for some good car insurance rates or coverage? I found this guy who talked about car insurance coverage that was based on your driving behavior... unfortunately I don't live in the area... http://www.sodahead.com/question/271859/car-insurance-rates-based-on-behavior-do-you-have-good-car-insurance-coverage/?link=wenf_ya So you have any suggestions for a car insurance company that has good rates?
Drivers License and Car Insurance?
My friend had a friend of his drive his car when he was drinking because he didn't want an OMVI. His friend quit paying for car insurance but said he still has his drivers license. Is that possible? Also, my friend said he wasn't worried about an accident because my friend has insurance and he thinks that covers all drivers in his car with a drivers license. I feel that if he got in an accident, his insurance won't pay because he has a non-insured driver driving his car. He said I'm wrong. Who's right and who's wrong here????""
Car insurance (Nissan)?
am 17 and getting a 2004 Nissan Altima Soon? About how much will the insurance be? oh and its my [first] car.
How much will insurance offer for a car I paid 3000 for 6 months ago?
Peugout 106 1.1 Bought for 3 grand 6 months ago although he got it down from 3500 from a reputable dealer. It is likely to be a total loss so how much do you think they will offer me for it?
Can you give me an estimate of how much car insurance would be.......?
lets say a guy under 30 in california with a 2002 BMW 325i sedan how much would insurance be?
Car insurance?
Is insurance cheaper on older cars?
Car insurance?????????????????
I am buying a new car but haven't sold mine yet, I still want insurance on my old one incase I have to drive it.. How do you go about it? Does it cost much??""
How much would it cost to get auto insurance to drive a church van?
I want to drive the church van for my church but I don't have a vehicle. The church van is always over crowded on Wednesdays and they are looking for someone to drive one of their vans but the driver is responsible for the insurance. My big question is, how can I get insurance so I can drive their van without a vehicle under my name?""
Goliad Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77963
Goliad Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77963
Do you need insurance for a driver's permit?
I'm hearing different things from all different places and rather than sifting through all of the crap at the dmvedu website I thought I'd ask you guys and get a straight answer. Do I need insurance to get my permit, or just for my liscense? I live in California, by the way, if that makes any difference with the law.""
How much will it cost me to send an used laptop from US to India? including insurance. Is insuring a must?
How much will it cost me to send an used laptop from US to India? including insurance. Is insuring a must?
When do I need to get the car insurance? Before buying the car or after?
When do I need to get the car insurance? Before buying the car or after?
How much for a 17 year olds car insurance with a sports car?
Hi im 17 and im wondering about how much more would it cost if i went from a sedan to a sports car?
What shold I do if I get into a car accident whith no one else involved but I totaled my car with no insurance?
I got into a car accident during a rainstorm, lost control and totaled my car. I still owe money on it and to make matters worse I found out my insurance lapsed. No one else was involved in it and I went to the hospital and didn't file a claim with the lien holder on the car yet. When I came back to the car it was gone. Don't know what to do next. Any answers out there for my predictament?""
ok well i am 18 years old and i am going to buy a 1969 camaro ss, 1970 chevelle or a 1970 roadrunner hemi i need to know how much the insurace on this would be a year.""
What would insurance cost for a 16 year old?
I turn 16 in two weeks and i might be getting an Infiniti G35 coupe. We have state farm and i can't due a quote since i don't have my license yet. Can anyone give me an idea of how much the insurance would cost?
I am 18 and i got disqualified for 3 months and i was wondering if anyone knows cheap car insurance for me?
ive tried things like confused and the comparing sites but i didn't know if anyone knew of smaller or more independent companies which are good at these types of quotes.
How do I get cheaper car insurance?
I am trying to get my first car so I can drive my girlfriend and myself to work everyday. I am 19 and have had my license for about a year, I am going to get an older car a early 90s which I know lowers the insurance and live in new york and just getting the new york state bare minimum insurance. Even with that the quotes I am getting are around 200 dollars a month! About $2500 a year! About twice what I am paying for the car. Is there anyway I can save some money on this?""
What good is term life insurance?
I fully intend to live longer than most term life insurance policies cover! Whole life is more practical, to my way of thinking.""
Which is the best insurance policy for premium of 10 or 12k?
life insurance
Does car insurance cost the same for every car?
I'm 18 and right now I have 800 for a car, but the one I want is 4000, would the car insurance on that cost more than the 800 one?""
Car insurance for 17 year olds?
Right ive recently passed both my theory and practical. Ive read things on here that insurance for me a 17 year old full time student living with parents would cost like 2000 per year. Which is 166 quid. Thats alright for me. But i checked with confused.com and comparethemarket and they're all giving me ridiculous prices such as 14.000 premium. I searched up for a Ford Fiesta, 1.2, petrol, 2002 model. What can i do? I dont mind paying 100 or 200 quid a month. What do you reccommend me doing?""
Free car insurance quotes?
are these qoutes accurate or could the price they give you actually be lower then what the free quote says?
Where is the cheapest place to get motorcycle insurance in Michigan?
Its for a 2006 Yamaha R6!
Where can i get affordable health insurance for my family w/ maternity coverage?
i am currently looking for family health insurance. if i go thru my job it way too expensive. i also need to include maternity coverage. does anyone know of any insurance companies? whenever i go directly to the provider website like united healthcare or cigna it always directs the webpage to ehealthinsurance, and while yes their affordable they don't offer maternity coverage. thanks for any suggestions""
Cheapest Car insurance ?
I'm a 16 year old guy getting license in 2 days and im staring to wonder which car insurance is the cheapest. I've been told aaa is the best, and my parents are on some aarp thing and it might be cheaper to get my own policy. SO any company names that you use would be great!""
Can we get finally affordable health insurance now?
Me and my fiance pay $650/month on health insurance and it really sucks. My fiance was denied by every health insurance b/c of a heart condition which is common in his family and I am pregnant and everybody denied me of course too. So we got coverage with Cover Colorado. With the new health reform, can we apply now at different insurances? How is that with the premium? If they need to take you, can they give you a very high premium?""
What's the cheapest auto insurance and do you need it to have a permit?
it speaks for itself what company has the cheapest & most reliable auto insurance company for a 16 year old driver (not 16 yet but I should have my driver's license by February 25th if I go after my birth day)
Does my boyfriends name have to be on the car title in order for me to be put on his insurance?
I will be buying a car this weekend. I am under 25, so the insurance is outrageous. my boyfriend is over 25. It is a lot cheaper if i just add myself to his insurance. My question is does his name also have to be on my car if i want to be put on his insurance? I was told yes but im not sure.""
SR-22 insurance in Massachusetts?
I have a friend whose license was suspended in Rhode Island 6 years ago for failure to pay tickets. He went and paid them all and RI is requesting he purchases SR-22 insurance. He currently lives in MA and we don't have SR-22 insurance in MA. Any help on where to go from here?
I need a cheap insurance company.?
My friends problem: Well my mom decides that im not going under her insurance today, meaning I have 4 days to find a cheap insurance company and get my car insured. If anyone could tell me what they drive and how much they pay and what company it would be greatly appreciated.""
How can i get homeowners insurance if i own a rottweiler?
i currently have gieco home insurance and they said they will not cover my home if i own a pit bull, rottie or chow what i'm i supposed to do with my rottie? please help""
The insurance on a kawasaki ninja 250?
I don't want a quote it just want to know from people who've had this bike at the age of 17 and how much they paid for their insurance, preferably in pounds because i live in the UK""
Forced place insurance?
Does forced place insurance cover slip and falls, should someone file a claim that they fell on your property?""
Goliad Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77963
Goliad Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77963
What is the insurance of Maybach car?
I live in the UK. I don't want sites referred to me, but just want an estimate of how much insurance would be""
How much would motorcycle insurance be for a 19 year old in Florida?
I'm 19 years old living in Toronto Ontario Canada. I've been riding street bikes since 16 years old and have obtained my M class license. (Ontario's full motorcycle license) My dad is moving the Family back to our hometown of Jacksonville Florida and was curious as to insurance prices since there is no way in hell a 19 year old boy from Toronto can afford a premium on a 600cc sport bike. I currently have a premium on a ninja 250R around 2000$ a year and a secondary driver policy on my dads R6 around 1100$. since my bike here in Canada goes by KMPH i would need to sell it and save myself the hassle of transferring all the info. So would there be any chance of me affording a R6 in Florida or would they rape me there too?
Car Insurance question....?
Ok, so I'm 24 about to turn 25(apparently that's when your taken out of the pool , or so I've heard, which means my rates should lower.) However my insurance will expire before I turn 25, and there will be about a 3 month gap between those dates. I was wondering if I could get car insurance to cover those 3 or so months, or would I have to buy a 6 month and then get another quote later?""
""With regards to auto insurance, what does having a deductable mean?""
For example, if I have a $500 deductable, what exactly does that mean when claiming from insurance?""
CHEAP car insurance in US?
I am trying to find car insurance because i am about to lease my own car but all of the places I have looked at are crazy expensive. I even got a quote of $300 a month from geico. The other places i checked were all for the UK. Can somebody help me and suggest a cheap place to try?!
Car insurance in California - most competitive companies?
I'm considering a move from Pennsylvania to California. My existing insurance provider doesn't write policies in California so I would need to change companies. I'm currently paying 919 per year for 2 cars. I would like to find a company that can be competitive with these rates. I'd love to get any feedback from people that live in california regarding companies they recommend and which to avoid. I would probably be living in the east bay of San Francisco. I hate car insurance companies (except my current one which I love) and would like to avoid being totally ripped off. I have 18 years of accident free miles and no moving violations...
Why would a good car end up at an insurance auto auction?
Looking to buy a used 2009 vehicle right now with 9,000 miles. Seller states it was purchased at an insurance auction with a clear title. Autocheck confirms this info - single owner, no accidents, no thefts, no repossessions, clear title, etc. What might be the reason this car was at the auction in the first place?""
Leaving for several month. what about car insurance?
I'm leaving USA for about 4 months. What should I do with my car insurance? I don't really wanna pay for insurance because I won't be in the USA. What should I do? need a good advice
How does auto insurance works?
is the cost of auto insurance determined based on car model, year, or the the car price sold at?""
Cheaper car insurance?
I'm was just checking the insurance (third party only) for a Renault Clio 1.2L, 54 reg and the prices were like 3500-4500!!! That's more expensive than the car itself. I thought that for a relatively small car the insurance wouldn't have been that expensive. Bearing in mind that I've just passed my practical I still think these prices are ridiculous! Is there any way I can make the insurance cheaper? Thank you!""
Car Insurance what companies have the cheapest rates?
Please help me! What Insurance companies have the cheapest insurance. ( male )
Does car insurance increase every time you.?
does your car insurance increase every time yu move or change your address. if so is their away you can lower your rates.
Workers compensation insurance in Kentucky?
My friend works for a company and recently they have been taking out extra money from his check. I am talking about $200-$400 a week depending on how many hours worked. When he asked about it, he was told it was workers comp. Should he have to pay for this or is it his employers responsibility to hold this insurance on the employees. He have worked for this company for more then 10 years and this is a first.""
Will car insurance go up if I'm added to my parent's policy?
I'm 15 and have my restricted license to drive to work and school in Kansas. Basically what does adding me to my parent's policy do and about how much more will it cost?
Moving insurance question?
In september I will be moving to a state on the other side of the country for a few months and then comming back. Will I need a new insurance company or will my rates go up when I move? does it matter that it will only be for a few months? Im currently in CT and I'll be going to Orlando Florida if that helps at all
Insurance question?
What is better on insurance if you have a spotless record: 2007 PT Cruiser Touring Edition 2006 Toyota Corolla LE Thanks in advance!
Insurance for infant in a home daycare?
I'm sending my 1 year old son to a unlicensed home daycare. The daycare provider does not have insurance. What kind of insurance should I get for my son?
How much does car insurance run on a 2007 Toyota Camry?
I just want to know a estimate from anyone else that has this car just to get an idea doesn't have to be exact ! It's a 2007 Toyota Camry (white) SE (special edition)
Best overall car insurance company?
In your opinion (or based on any experiences) what is the best kind of car insurance?
How can you get insurance on a car that is not in your name?
What steps should be taking to get insurance on a car in your name that is in a relatives name? But, you are taking over the car payments and paying them the money on a car that is still in there name.""
How much is car insurance for a new female independent driver in the UK?
I was just wondering how much it costs for a new female to get insurance on a car .. anyone have a ny ideas ... and is 1.1 L engine big enough for a new driver answers needed asap please !! xx
Is car insurance a waste of money?
I need to get car insurance but I feel like its a waste of money. I am going to pay them monthly and if I happen to get into an accident I will still have to pay them something. I figure that if I can take the money I am going to pay them and put it aside for an emergency it would be a better use of money. Can anyone give me any advice on what I can do? Any liability insurance that really cheap, speaking around 100 a month maybe? lol""
(uk only) who is the cheapest for car insurance?
im male, nearly thirty and full no claims bonus i live in manchester""
Can i cash a check from an auto insurance company and not fix my car?
i had hit a deer yesterday, i had made a claim with my insurance company. When they send me a check for the damages, can i cash that check and fix the car myself and not go to a body shop?""
Insurance for car accident?
I had a car accident where my mirror and signal were broken as well as my front door got skewed. The insurance company said that they either fix it at their garage or they estimate damage and give me money in return. Which is better?
Goliad Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77963
Goliad Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77963
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