#32 page of pentacles
tarot-and-stuff · 8 months
Pick A Card Reading - The Rest Of January 2024
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Pick based on number or animal or however you want to. Pile 1 is Cat, Pile 2 is Bear, Pile 3 is Bunny, and Pile 4 is Dog.
There is also a video uploaded on youtube for this reading - support on there is supported.
Readings are under the read more.
Pile 1/Cat
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This was a bit of a confusing pile, since it seemed like there were multiple messages in it that didn't seem to go together.
The first tarot card for this pile was the Knight of Pentacles. This card is often associated with slow progress. A lot of focusing on details with this card.
The second tarot card for this pile was the Page of Pentacles. This card is associated with learning new skills, likely something that you can use to earn money/further your career in some way with this card being a Pentacle.
The third tarot card for this pile was The Emperor. This card is often associated with taking charge and being a leader. I feel like this is what you're working towards and/or trying to behave like.
The kipper cards for this pile were House and Thoughts. This suggests some thoughts about the house occurring for you. This can be thinking about some changes to the home or the dynamic in the home.
The lenormand cards for this pile were Heart and Child. This can be associated with a first love/past sweetheart. I also feel like this can be connected to caring for a child (likely yours if you have one) - with that aspect, I think that some of the thoughts related to the house may be connected to changes associated with the child's growth/desire for more independence.
The affirmation card for this pile was I Am At Ease And Happy When I Am On My Own. Basically, about not relying on others for your happiness.
The love oracle card for this pile was 32. Undeniable Evidence. This is associated with some kind of physical evidence of a relationship (like how rings are associated with engagement and marriage). This does suggest that a relationship (if you are in one) may get a bit more serious, as someone gives some kind of token to show commitment to the connection.
The oracle cards for this pile were Choosing Your Path - All Is Possible and Horse - Care For Others And Let Them Be Free. I feel like the choosing your path is something that many of you have been in the process of doing with the tarot cards that had came out. I feel like the path many of you are choosing/have chosen/are being encouraged to choose is one that has you in more of a leadership role, whether that is even simply you being in more control of your life. The horse card I feel like relates to those of you that having a child/the changes involving a child dynamic since it's you trying to find a balance on showing your care but also not controlling them too much. Even for those of you without the child dynamic, it can be about examining your behavior in relationships if there is a tendency to wish to control/change others.
The runes for this pile were Hagalaz and The Rings. Hagalaz can be rather destructive and testing. This does suggest that you're going through some testing times. The Rings are associated with commitments and partnerships. I do like that rings with that Undeniable Evidence card for those of you that are in a serious relationship.
Pile 2/Bear
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The first tarot card for this pile was the 9 of Pentacles. This is associated with independence and having worked hard to get to where you are at.
The second tarot card for this pile was the 6 of Cups reversed. This card is often associated with the past. With it coming out reversed, it suggests that there may be a bit of living in the past or dwelling on the past quite a bit.
The third tarot card for this pile was the Ace of Cups. This suggests a new emotional opportunity or outlet is in store for you.
The kipper cards for this pile were Pathway and Child. I feel like this can be interpreted a few ways. The main one that I feel is that you are being encouraged to make a choice with an innocent, unbiased perspective. Another is that you are having to make a choice related to a child, whether it is related to a child that you have or if you are considering having children.
The lenormand cards for this pile were Garden and Book. This has to with secrecy and groups. This could be connected to a meeting of some sorts that you're keeping a secret. It could also represent a meeting/gathering/etc where you learn some kind of secret or information that you hadn't known prior.
The affirmation card for this pile was I Have The Courage To Be The Happiest Healthiest Version Of Myself. This is encouragement to focus on yourself and being your best self.
The love oracle card for this pile was 30. Futile Waiting. This card suggests that you may be holding onto someone who isn't sincere or going to return. Like you're taking a vow much more seriously than they are. That could be connected to that 6 of Cups reversed that came out in the tarot.
The oracle cards for this pile were Wondrous Universe - Walk In Beauty and Deer - Trust In The Support Of The Universe. Basically, I feel like both of these are encouraging you to trust that the universe has your back and you aren't taking everything on by yourself.
The runes for this pile were Othala and the Moon. Othala is connected to values and other things that you inherited from ancestors. I feel like this goes along with trusting that the universe has your back, as well as your ancestors. The Moon is associated with mystery, transitions, and feminine energy. Basically, you're experiencing changes and it can feel like there's more going on than you can see.
Pile 3/Bunny
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The first tarot card for this pile was Temperance. This is connected to patience and remaining calm. Basically, I feel like you're trying to remain level-headed despite the challenges that are getting thrown at you.
The second tarot card for this pile was the 9 of Wands. This is connected with standing your ground despite the challenges that are coming at you, many of which are often repetitive issues. These challenges can be rather tiring and are likely wearing you out.
The third tarot card for this pile was the King of Pentacles. This is someone who is very practical and good with the finances. This again suggests to me that you are trying to be practical with how you're handling situations.
The kipper cards for this pile were Main Female and Family Room. The main female card often represents you (or a significant female in your life, likely a family member in this case with the Family Room card). I feel like you're likely focusing on your family at this time, possibly taking on more responsibility for some reason as that King of Pentacles.
The lenormand cards for this pile were Fox and Mice. This can suggest some issues at work, involving deception or other issues. There can also be gaslighting or suspicions involved here.
The affirmation card for this pile was Whatever I Choose To Believe Comes True For Me.
The love oracle card for this pile was 2. Unrequited Love. This can involve unrequited love as it is usually thought of. It can also involve someone being oblivious to someone else's crush/feelings for them.
The oracle cards for this pile were Staying Focused - Hold The Course and Badger - Bring Your Life Into Balance. I feel like these are all things that you're working on doing and are being encouraged to keep doing.
The runes for this pile were Tiwaz and The Crossroads. Tiwaz is associated with leadership and authority. It is also connected with knowing your own strengths and a willingness to self-sacrifice. The Crossroads is associated with making changes and/or having choices to make.
Pile 4/Dog
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The first tarot card for this pile was the 8 of Pentacles. This is associated with working on things and getting them done. It can also be associated with working on mastering a skill.
The second tarot card for this pile was the 2 of Swords. This is associated with having to make a difficult choice. Sometimes this choice is difficult because you don't want to make it. I feel like this choice is connected to having to choose to pursue your dreams or stick with something that you've been working on for awhile.
The third tarot card for this pile was The Star. This is associated with hopes and healing.
The kipper cards for this pile were Unexpected Income and Lovers. This does kinda give me sugar daddy vibes. It could also be like a relationship comes in unexpectedly. Possibly learning that a partner has more money/financial security than they previously let on.
The lenormand cards for this pile were Key and Whip. Together these cards can suggest an angry/aggressive response. I also feel like it could also be an aggressive realization/secret coming out.
The affirmation card for this pile was Every Experience In My Life Helps Me To Grow. Basically, trying to look at even the unpleasant situations as a stepping stone that helped you grow, whether it was simply learning that you didn't want to be in that type of situation again.
The love oracle card for this pile was 43. Object Of Ridicule. This card is associated with someone coming at you with the intent to mock you or trying to make a fool out of you. I feel like you don't let it get to you too much and are able to see how it simply makes that person out to be a creep for having those intentions.
The oracle cards for this pile were Overcoming Obstacles - You Can Overcome Anything and Cow - Give With Unconditional Love And Grace. Basically, you're more capable than you may realize and not blocking yourself off from giving/showing love.
The runes for this pile were Kenaz and the Woman. Kenaz is connected to passion, creativity, and revelations. The Woman is associated with feminine energy, possibly literally representing a woman. It can also be associated with a healing and nurturing energy, like The Empress.
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psychelis-new · 1 year
Intuition test #32: What color/suit/number or figure is this card?
Try going with the first hint/impulse you may hear/feel/see. You can also focus on one aspect alone or at time (color or suit or if it's a figure or number). It's okay if you don't get it right, it may also be you feeling a little overwhelmed. If you don't have any sudden impulse, then close your eyes, take a breath and focus on the question and/or on the photo for as long as you need before making your bet.
hint: this is a card from a French-suited playing deck; you can refer to it as in tarots if it makes you more comfortable. Suits are: clubs ♣/wands, diamonds ♦/pentacles, hearts ♥/cups and spades ♠/swords. Figures are: Jack (Page), Queen and King.
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Queen of hearts or queen of cups, red
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Elnafi, Magician, Crossroads, and thoughts. (Part 2)
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ℵℵℵℵ ℵℵℵℵ ℵℵℵℵ ℵℵℵℵ
This is continuation of the work I did with Elnafi which is I am wondering if it is the correct _thing_ to do. The Elementals energy are light. That's the four elements, they're light. The work of a magician is the work of awareness/consciousness of the crossroad of nature. If anything the Letter Aleph, The Magician is the beginning of Awareness, it's both the start and end of work because without being aware of what's happening then...What is happening. This is very common for people who think that they got a "head" up. The four elements/hands of an equal armed cross can have both shin and aleph in the middle, but we always start with A. With the sound of "Ah", adding A to denote other letter, A, Ba, Ca, Da, Fa, Ga, so on. We are aware of their existence after we say it and now we need to reverse it into. Ab, Ac, Ad, Af.... you get me.
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The structural integrity of the whole path lies on the work with the Minor Arcana holding the key into the Major Arcana, if we don't start the "small problem" in the world of Minor Arcana then we can't even start the real work in the major arcana, you NEED to put your coins, pentacle, your actions on your table before you even begin the work. That's why traditional kabbalah takes so long before you actually start studying it, you need to sort your life out before you sort other's life out. You can read some books on esoteric tarot and go far into it by just reading it, when you practice it in a group or in a book club the whole thing becomes funky, why? Because the group work condition that they're all on the "same page". Patrick Mulcahy, Valentine Tomberg, and many other people who hints toward it, even Bardon have everyone starting with black/white mirror of the soul. The work of balancing the elements is necessary, but once you realize it is this three dimension, 4 armed Seesaw cross, it's not so easy anymore. All the other major arcana will use/be used through the agency of the magician. which is kinda… mind boggling because people rushes to all others cards or don't realize that the magician is fulcrum. The thing at the center of these four elements is the thing. The work of all other major arcana and minor arcana subsidize on the this card specifically. Can we...actually live without Consciousness? For 32 paths of wisdom, the consciousness need to be "reversed", the mirror of previous blog post.
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08. STRENGTH: COURAGE (What has been the hardest part of being a writer?)
32. PAGE OF CUPS: A PLEASANT SURPRISE (What was your most recent writing-related pleasant surprise?)
53. FOUR OF PENTACLES: FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE (Do you or would you write full time?)
Thank you for the ask! From this ask game <3
08. STRENGTH: COURAGE (What has been the hardest part of being a writer?)
32. PAGE OF CUPS: A PLEASANT SURPRISE (What was your most recent writing-related pleasant surprise?)
I thought I’d have to change a chapter after I edited the previous one, but all I had to do was to delete one paragraph. That means the planned rewrites are done! Off to line edit, more or less.
53. FOUR OF PENTACLES: FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE (Do you or would you write full time?)
Probably not. I’m pretty sure pressure could ruin everything for me.
I guess putting my books up for free while I still have to pay the costs is also not the wisest business decision, so lets keep that desk job, huh.
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howlingbreeze · 2 years
6, 32, 47 and 53 for the tarot asks!
06. THE LOVERS: RELATIONSHIPS (What are your favorite relationships to write about, whether romantic, familial, or platonic?)
i love writing a friendships of platonic romance.
32. PAGE OF CUPS: A PLEASANT SURPRISE (What was your most recent writing-related pleasant surprise?) 
creating Anore and my dragon world.
47. KNIGHT OF SWORDS: AMBITION (What is your loftiest, wildest goal?)
have a massive series (like the wheel of time) and also have many series within the same universe (like Sanderson).
53. FOUR OF PENTACLES: FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE (Do you or would you write full time?)
i don't think i have the brain power to do anything full-time. i can nearly look after myself every day!
thank you red, for the ask <3
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1. Pacifier 2. Package 3. Pact 4. Padlock 5. Pages 6. Paid 7. Painful 8. Paint   9. Palace 10. Paladins
11. Pampered 12. Pancakes 13. Pandemonium 14. Panic 15. Paparazzi 16. Papercut 17. Paradise 18. Paradox   19. Parallel 20. Parallel 21. Paranoia   22. Paranormal 23. Parasite 24. Parenthood 25. Park 26. Parking 27. Parlour   28. Parodies 29. Particular 30. Parties 31. Parting 32. Partner 33. Passenger 34. Passing 35. Passion 36. Passive 37. Password 38. Past 39. Patchwork 40. Pathetic 41. Pathology 42. Pathways 43. Patience 44. Patient 45. Patrolling 46. Patronage 47. Pattern 48. Pause 49. Paved 50. Pawn 51. Payback 52. Payment 53. Peaceful 54. Peach 55. Pearl   56. Pedal 57. Pedestals 58. Pedigree 59. Peeping 60. Pegasus 61. Penalty   62. Pendulum   63. Pentacle 64. Peppermint 65. Perception 66. Perchance 67. Perfectionist 68. Performance 69. Perfume 70. Perish 71. Periwinkle 72. Perks 73. Permanent 74. Permission 75. Persistence 76. Personal   77. Perspective 78. Persuasion   79. Perversion 80. Pessimistic 81. Pestilence 82. Petals 83. Petitions 84. Petty 85. Phantom   86. Pharaoh 87. Phenomenon 88. Phoenix 89. Phone 90. Photograph 91. Physical 92. Piano   93. Picnic 94. Picture 95. Piece 96. Piercing 97. Pilgrimage 98. Pillars 99. Pillow 100. Pinch 101. Pinpricks 102. Pirate 103. Pity 104. Pivot 105. Pixel 106. Pixie 107. Pizza 108. Plague 109. Plain 110. Plane 111. Planet 112. Planetarium   113. Planning 114. Plastic 115. Plateau 116. Platform 117. Player 118. Playful 119. Playground 120. Pleasant 121. Pleasurable 122. Plenty 123. Plight 124. Plotting 125. Plucked 126. Pocket 127. Poetry 128. Point 129. Pointless 130. Poisonous 131. Poke 132. Polaris 133. Police 134. Policy 135. Polished 136. Ponder 137. Pool 138. Poor 139. Popsicle 140. Popularity 141. Porcelain 142. Portal 143. Portrait 144. Positions 145. Positive   146. Possession 147. Possibilities   148. Postcard 149. Poster 150. Potato 151. Potential   152. Potion   153. Powerful 154. Powerless   155. Practical 156. Practice 157. Praise 158. Prank   159. Precarious 160. Precious 161. Precision 162. Precursor   163. Predator 164. Predestined 165. Predictability 166. Preference 167. Premise 168. Premonition 169. Preparation 170. Presence 171. Present 172. Pressure 173. Prestige 174. Pretence 175. Pretend 176. Pretty 177. Prevail 178. Preview 179. Price 180. Priceless 181. Pride 182. Primal 183. Primrose 184. Principles 185. Priorities 186. Prism 187. Prison 188. Prisoner   189. Private 190. Privilege 191. Prize 192. Problem 193. Proclaimed 194. Procrastinate 195. Prodigal 196. Professor 197. Profile 198. Profit 199. Prognosis 200. Programming 201. Progress 202. Prohibited 203. Project 204. Prom   205. Promiscuous 206. Promise   207. Promotional 208. Proof 209. Property 210. Prophecies 211. Proposal 212. Proposition 213. Protagonist 214. Protect 215. Prototype 216. Proud 217. Prove 218. Providence 219. Proximity 220. Pseudonym   221. Psyche 222. Psychic 223. Psycho 224. Publicity 225. Puddles 226. Pulled 227. Pulse   228. Pumpkin 229. Punching 230. Punctuality 231. Punished 232. Puppet 233. Purgatory   234. Purify 235. Pursuit   236. Pushover 237. Puzzle 238. Pyjamas 239. Pyramid 240. Pyromania
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randomstupidchaos · 2 years
13, 32, 47, 52, 69
13. Death/Endings - What is your favorite ending to write i.e happy, sad, bittersweet?
I write happy endings. All my standalone novels have happy endings because that's what I like to read. Look, my characters suffer enough. They should at least get something out of it. The only exceptions are a couple installments in Nomadverse, which end on cliffhangers or otherwise negative situations. It works out in the end.
32. Page of Cups/A Pleasant Surprise - What was your most recent writing-related pleasant surprise?
Honestly, I'm blanking on this one. Whatever it was, I'm sure it was during NaNoWrimo or earlier and it's been a while.
47. Knight of Swords/Ambition: What is your loftiest, wildest goal?
Nomad tv series. 7 seasons. I get to pick the soundtrack. Must watch tv. Award-winning. Instant classic. People cry.
52. Three of Pentacles/Teamwork: Who will you thank in your acknowledgments?
You, obviously. My cat, for finally letting me get some work done. My brother. IDK.
69. Six of Wands/Public Recognition: Have you practiced your autograph?
You just picked this because it was 69. And no, I have not practiced signing my penname.
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alyjojo · 3 months
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Twin Flame 🔥 Journey - June 2024 - Capricorn
Your Energy:
8 Wands rev - King of Wands rev - King of Pentacles & Ace of Cups
Short and sweet. You’re not doing anything, because you didn’t do anything. They fkd around. They didn’t realize what they had. They abandoned you and left you feeling…kinda traumatized, not good enough, not trusting of people or relationships moving forward. Why would you keep chasing them? You’re healing 💯 Or need to. Complete silence here. They’ve given you a complex of sorts, if this applies to you, you might have been alone for a while. Or fear relationships. Addiction is at the bottom of the oracles which could show something affecting your health or mind at this time - that needs attention. Drinking? 🍺
- Fear of Abandonment
- Chasing
- Codependencies
19 Growth
Feel open, willing, and proud of your desire to explore new opportunities for self-development.
32 Details
Examine your situation and take care of every detail, one step at a time.
- Best of Intentions
- Excellent Cook
Their Energy:
6 Swords - 6 Pentacles - Knight of Wands rev
I assume they were flirting with other people. I don’t see cheating, no toxicity, no long & drawn out betrayal. But yeah, no boundaries either, flirty impulsive behavior, messages may have been an issue. They left this behind, with all of your good intentions I can see on your side, in order to play games or even entertain someone who is clearly a game player themselves. Whatever said was done, that was a lie. Whoever they said they stopped talking to, that was a lie. If they told you they were single, that was a lie. All of this at the bottom of the deck, Page of Swords rev is a liar and secrets are here too. This person has a child, either yours, this other person’s, one before you even came around even idk. A child may have been the result of this interaction. If so, it’s meant to be for whatever reason, and it’s a big part of both of your journeys. Their feelings are pretty surface level, with you or anyone else, the whole vibe is very immature - in a young sense. They could be really young, or younger than you by some years.
- Interested in You
- Blooming Romance
- Flirting
- Wanting to Date
8 Explore
Trust your imagination to help you journey through your inner landscape to find what you seek.
47 Enchantment
We are enchanted when the Muses sing the Art Spirit into us.
- Loving Parent
- Selfish 💯
Mutual Energy/What is Mirrored:
4 Wands rev - The Moon - Ace of Swords rev
A lot has been triggered by what’s come to light in this connection, what’s done in the dark will come to the light, and The Moon rev shows it has. Page of Swords rev in two areas of this, and everything having to do with this relationship, this could be a compulsive liar for someone. Addiction at the bottom could mean many things. It’s a really immature person that’s used to getting away with shit by lying, and that stopped happening in this relationship. Now there’s massive anxiety in you (and maybe them too) in regards to lying and deceit. You could have some kind of trauma reactions to this bs and they are completely conscious of what they’ve done, once it’s seen the light of day of course. That’s how it goes. This person’s actions have caused major instability and a lack of trust in the very real connection between you. If you’re not speaking to them, they know why, and it causes them great distress and upset - because what can they do? You’ve lied up to this point, gonna just keep lying moving forward, I don’t think you can stomach that. Even if they try now. They made their bed, in your mind. You both either stalk/keep tabs on each other, or you both fear the other one is - either way you’re both in each other’s energy and it makes you both kind of uncomfortable, but that’s how Twins work. Reconciliation is not possible anytime in the near future, there’s no real change here - and if anything, it feels pretty recent.
- Watching, Looking
- Perception
- Stalking
42 Courage
Have the courage to see the lessons in all situations and face them constructively.
1 Fear
If you want to be free of fears and phobias, then you have to understand why they exist, and make peace with them.
Possible Signs:
Heavy Sagittarius, Taurus, Gemini & Pisces
Tennis 🎾 on Growth (you) shows hobbies and things that make you happy, especially *involved* hobbies, are likely to be what you enjoy spending your time with. Details follows in the oracles, you enjoy things that take your full focus, and this leads to growth for you because it’s less about this person and more about you and what makes you happy. Sports may be involved or just an example.
Heartbreak 💔 rev on Selfish (them) shows they weren’t hurt by their actions because why would they be? They did it. If you’re expecting a lament or a long apology letter, this ain’t the one. They don’t care. That’s kind of alarming, no? They don’t get it 💯 they’ve got a Knight rev and a Page, deep isn’t their language and genuine doesn’t register, they’re all about the flirting, the experience, getting caught up in a moment and if it fades…then it does. You don’t want or need that in your life, you show up as a very serious King. Lies & games fkd this all up.
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newxdiary · 2 years
November 19, 2022
Coffee Time: 5:32 p.m.
Aretha Franklin, ARETHA NOW Black Sabbath, PARANOID Milt Jackson, MILT JACKSON Radiohead, AMNESIAC
Woke up with a feeling of having caught up on sleep. I dreamt I got in a fist fight with the guy who was in the Warriors and 48 hours. Funny thing is I never saw the warriors. He punched me in the face and scratched my glasses. I fought back and he gave in. Seemed to be the point of the dream. Very vivid. Can’t understand why that guy would pop up in my dream. He was dressed in the wardrobe he wore in 48 hours. A bit actor playing a bit part in a movie that was good in it’s time.
Tonight’s Reading: 1. The Hermit (reverse) 2. The Devil (reverse) 3. Six of Cups (reverse) OK. For starters these cards are popping up reverse too much. Obviously, something wrong in the card handling department. The hermit upside down is bad. Deep debilitating, blinding depression. The Devil upside down in the self-conscious spot suggests an awareness of surviving trauma etc. The Six of Cups upside down is also bad. Bad reading bad life. I’m going to deal with the upside-down problem with the deck. Give a grandiose shuffle and do it again.
Tonight’s Reading (redone) 1. Page of Cups 2. Seven of Pentacles (reverse) 3. Seven of Swords. OK. This is acceptable. I reshuffled the car in such a way as to mix them in direction. I separated them into smaller piles with I spun clockwise several times before re-collating them. I then shuffled them in the standard way. All positive this time. The page of cups suggests confidence and originality. The Reverse seven of pentacles suggest I cannot rely only on myself. The seven of swords suggests that I am getting away with it all. In relation to my cab driving career, perhaps that suggests that the dependence I have on a loan coming through will be an almost undeserved stroke of luck. (it’s taking way, way long) The only thing I really know is that I need to get out there and start driving.
I’m waiting on Charlie to get back to me as to which loaner I will be driving tonight. A clear reminder that everything is in flux in a just surviving, subsisting mode of living. My account has been overdrawn. I’ve been waiting on a loan to fix the transmission in 217. I owe, owe and owe some more.
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onp4012 · 4 years
Any tips for court cards ? I struggle with attributing the correct energies to pages and queens respectively but all of them are confusing ! How do you know when it’s a person vs an energy ?
The Court cards most of the times represent people. If you’re into astrology you can attribute the Cards their zodiac signs, bold.
Kings—Represent bold, dominant, strong, powerful, respectful energy and people
King of Wands: Aries; The king of wands is sexual, dominating and aggressive. He is the “hottest” king of them all. He is ruling everything and anything wild, including foreign places, fire, thunders, and sandstorms. He always has a gecko with himself so he wouldn’t feel so lonely. He shows genuine care and protection to his loved ones. His voice is strong, intimidating and diaphragmal. (Seems in his 40s, maybe he’s 46)
King of Cups: Pisces; The king of cups is the very forgiving, emotionally intelligent, careful, protective and understanding king of them all. He is the kind and wise one. He’s willing to make people understand that emotions are normal and that you can learn to control them. He’s also willing to take you as his apprentice so he could show you the way to emotional and spiritual enlightened. His voice is thick and smokey (surely in his 50s, probably 52)
King of Swords: Libra; The king of swords is a total genius. He is wise, serious, patient, seems all-knowing and knows every subject possible. He can be a very good teacher because he has the nerves to make people understand certain subjects which are normally found very complex by normal people. He is constantly trying to find information so he can analyze it. His way of speaking is very clear, silvery and ringing. (He’s in his 40s as well, he’s 49)
King of Pentacles: Taurus; The king of pentacles is very very wealthy. The wealthiest of them all, you know? He loves money and he’s showing his affection towards his nation by spoiling them with money and gifts. He is also very good at managing money. He is very patient as well. He looks very young for some reason. His voice is an opera like voice, gruff one. (Late 30s, 38 years old)
(When dealing with reversed Kings imagine them being tired)
Queens—Represent introverted, maternal, fertile, beautiful and feminine energy/people
Queen of Wands: Leo; The Queen of Wands is a very independent, strong, beautiful and tomboyish woman. She is the first to declare war to the other kingdoms if something goes wrong. Her voice is pitched and she talks rapidly. She often talks with her cat when she is bored and needs a conversation about how the 3rd guard from the entrance is blonde, gorgeous and probably gay. (Surely she’s 32)
Queen of Cups: Cancer; The Queen of Cups is the most sensitive, protective, spiritual and intuitive of all the queens. Her voice is nurturing, sweet and almost unable to be heard. She’s very passive with everything and she’s also very accepting. She once received a Cup from Arthur but the king has no idea (shh). She has many visions of the future, like, literally, she sees the future. (Pretty maternal, she’s 41)
Queen of Swords: Gemini; The Queen of Swords is the only queen that isn’t married to her king, he’s her brother actually. (Her husband is the 10 of swords guy yk?) She’s very intelligent, communicative, she can also speak every language on earth. She’s as well very analytical. (She holds her hand in the air bc the 5 of cups guy has no idea that he has another 2 cups behind him and she wants to tell him but he’s too far). Her tone is very emotionless and monotonous. (She seems a 50 year old divorced woman)
Queen of Pentacles: Capricorn; The Queen of pentacles is the most beautiful of them all. She is a true queen, she is feminine, calm, wise, humble. She’s good at managing money and she loves to buy stuff for the children in the kingdom. She’s very very maternal and she’s a really dedicated woman to everything she does. Her voice is soft, melodic and caring. (She’s 47)
(When dealing with reversed queens imagine them being annoyed by a knight)
Knights—Represent fast, aggressive, young, inexperienced energy/people.
Knight of Wands: Sagittarius; The Knight of Wands takes action whenever there is need. He is jumping over boundaries like an expert (the queen once called him on this). He loves to travel the kingdom and look at booty. He hates to wait and that’s why he’s so hard to tame (his horse is more humane than him). His voice is quite strong/aggressive and his way of talking tends to be quite vulgar for most people. (25 year old soldier)
Knight of Cups: Scorpio; The Knight of Cups is a giver and he’s listening to his boss like they’re God. He is very loyal, emotionally strong, but can also be soft. He even gave the Queen a cup once (yeah, he’s Arthur). He became a knight just because he heard that knights have to protect and save ladies in distress. He isn’t doing it for the ladies but for the sake of feeling useful and a true hero. He has a toneless, breathy voice. (23 year old boy)
Knight of Swords: Aquarius; The Knight of Swords is very serious with his job. He’s the most dedicated one as a knight. He takes this role very seriously, so he’s often very cold, bold and brave. He has no idea how to actually feel emotions so he’s hiding them from the world. He has many argument with the knight of wands because he isn’t respecting his own boss. His voice is very clear and he’s speaking really fast because he has so many things to say and he has no idea with which to begin with. (He seems 27 for some reason)
Knight of Pentacles: Virgo; The Knight of pentacles is the calmest and chillest one. He is very loyal and he works very hard to keep his position. He’s marching through the kingdom to repair any issue the peasants have. Either being about money, love, or even property. He choosed to become a knight because his father was as well a knight. He’s actually the kings’ far- nephew. He’s also very caring and is willing to sacrifice everything he has in order to help the weak. He has a British, calm and melodic accent/voice/way of talking. (I gotta say he’s 28-29 years old)
(when dealing with a reversed knight imagine them being like “yeah, fuck it, I’m not gonna do it anymore”)
Pages—very inexperienced, clumsy, ready to learn people/energy. They are the ones that get to think “Oh, I discovered this, then this is what I should learn to do.” Or “What if I’ll do this or I’ll do that?”.
Page of Wands: Fire Signs; “What if I’ll be searching for a new place? What if I’ll be traveling more?”. He’s ready to see foreign kingdoms and chat with every stranger possible. He most likely came from an average family which didn’t quite had the money to travel so he’s willing to do that himself. He’s willing o enlighten himself. Has a very bubbly and friendly personality. His voice is like a child’s (he’s 15)
Page of Cups: Water Signs; “What if I’ll just stop and admire the smallest things in life? What if I’ll start understanding myself?”. He just discovered what love is. He just met the love of their life and now he’s only “so this is love—so this is love”. He’s dreaming about his love and everything enjoyable. This boy seems to be very curious about whatever he sees, he also tends to attach himself emotionally to everything. His voice is very melodic and enjoyable. (He’s 14)
Page of Swords: Air Signs; “What if I’ll learn how to protect myself using words? What If I’ll learn how to use my words wisely so people will stop laughing at me?”. He’s been mostly hurt by other people. That’s why he’s trying to learn how to be intellectually powerful. His voice is very clear. (He’s 18)
Page of Pentacles: Earth Signs; “What If I’ll learn what beauty is like? What If I’ll become beautiful? What if I’ll know how to value money more?”. He’s been taken away everything he ever had (he had nothing so by my math 0-0=0) but he’s willing to win everything with all his life. His voice is charming and he speaks slowly. (he’s 21)
(When dealing with reversed pages think that they are like “No, I don’t want to learn! I WON’T LEARN!”)
You usually ask the cards if the court card is an energy or not
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the-melting-world · 3 years
Meet the De La Vegas! Eventually I'm going to redo Sascha's bio (along with Adrenaline and Bai) but for now, she's dumping her whole family on me and I just wanted to give some details about each of them.
First off, for those who did not get to know Sascha through her original bio, she's coded as Black and Filipino (same goes for her twin brother). Her father is Trinidadian-coded and her mother's side is Flipino-coded. Before Sascha's family immigrated to Vesuvia, they came from a city located northwest of Nopal, close to the Emerald Sea. I pretty much hc this place (for which I have no name yet) to be heavily inspired by the Philippines. Sascha's family does speak Fantasy-Tagalog. While I do have some exposure to Filipino culture, please don't hesitate to dm me if something doesn't add up in how the characters are being portrayed. (Same goes for Sun Bai, who is coded Chinese-Vietnamese and Adrenaline, who is Afro-Brazilian.)
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Full name: Sascha Honore de la Vega (She will sometimes go by Sascha Vega just for convenience sake)
Age: 32
Orientation/Pronouns: Aromantic Asexual (she/her)
Occupation: Wedding Planner (1st) Oculist (2nd) Gunslinger Pirate (3rd)
Zodiac: Libra Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Taurus Rising
Minor Arcana: Page of Wands (Upright: Exploration, Excitement, Freedom / Reversed: Lack of Direction, Negativity, Feeling Caged)
Here we have Sascha before and after she leaves the family business to become an oculist. Her mother (Floribeth) has strict rules about presentation and dress code when it comes to her employees. Rule one: They must be a De La Vega either by marriage or by blood. Rule two: When coming before a client, attire must be elegant and any jewerly should be modest (For example, all the women in the family are required to wear a simple string of pearls). As you can imagine, Sascha did a bit of rebelling with her blue hair. If Solomon (Sascha's twin brother) hadn't done the same, Floribeth would never have let it slide.
More family members and lore beneath the cut!
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Full name: Solomon Honore de la Vega (goes by "Solo")
Age: 32
Orientation/Pronouns: Genderqueer Pansexual (he/him most of the time, but Solo is fine with any pronouns / gendered language. He often uses "she" or "they" when he's sewing together dresses, helping clients try them on, or trying them on themself!)
Occupation: Dress and garment maker, assistant decoration coordinator
Zodiac: Virgo Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Taurus Rising
Minor Arcana: Queen of Pentacles (Upright: Practicality, Creature Comforts, Financial Security / Reversed: Work Life Imbalance, Feeling Smothered)
Meet Solo! He's the head seamstress/seamster (ok with either) at Vega Bridal & Events. He's got charmer magic that is sort of hard to define, but how it basically works - Solo weaves his enchantments into the wedding garments and decorations he makes. It helps ease the customers into becoming comfortable with going over their budgets. It also creates a sense of dreamy euphoria whenever a customer puts on their dress or similar wedding attire.
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Sascha and Solo's parents! On the left, we have Floribeth de la Vega (65). On the right is Stefan Honore (57).
Floribeth is the head of her own wedding planning company, Vega Bridal & Events. Stefan used to be a gondolier, but he left Vesuvia with a funky pirate crew shortly after the plague hit. Sascha and Solo were about six years old at the time. They have fond memories of their father and since it was no secret that he was a rolling stone, they don't hold much of a grudge against him for disappearing (since he wasn't around that much in the first place). Floribeth, however, hates Stefan with a passion and curses his name whenever she can. She's not proud of the traits her children have interited from him, such as Sascha's rebellious spirit and overall "tacky-ness" as Beth likes to put it. And Solo's charmer magic, which he inherited directly from Stefan. Beth keeps a tight leash on when Solo can use his magic. She believes it's only necessary to advance the family business. There are drawbacks to limiting Solo's magic use, but I'm saving that lore for later fics!
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Meet Jaslene and April de la Vega! They are WIVES.
Jaslene (age 39) is Floribeth's youngest first cousin on her mother's side. Jaslene works as Beth's close assistant. She's also the unofficial fire extinguisher for Beth and Sascha's heated arguments. April (age 44) has been in the family for so long, she feels completely comfortable around them and has even picked up some of the language spoken in the home. April manages the floral arrangements and musical entertainment. She works closely with Solo. Jazz and April's responsibilites keep them from seeing each other most of the day, but when they are finally able to reunite, all their business-professional facade fades away and they just become stinking cute together. Sascha often uses her cousin's place as a reprieve from her mother (whose house she still lives in before she becomes an oculist). Without the support of Jazz, April, and her brother Solo, Sascha would have definitely throttled Beth in her sleep by now.
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morganmeyers · 3 years
Big Reading
So I did this super intense reading last night that was the biggest reading I’ve ever done and it wasn’t for just me so I’m going to share it here. If you see this, it might be for you so take what resonates and leave the rest.
IMPORTANT BEFORE READING: MEDITATE AND GROUND YOURSELF! There is a lot of information that is about to be unpacked in this reading.
I did this reading by using my Santa Muerte Tarot and Oracle cards. With the Oracle cards, I will be explaining what they mean, the significance behind them and what I saw in the cards while reading them. Songs also came up on my phone on shuffle, so Shufflemancy also plays a part in this reading as well. These songs came up before I started the reading that I felt were important:
Gabbie Hanna - Honestly
Halestorm - Uncomfortable
In total for all of the cards that got pulled, there was 44. The angel number 44 means: pay attention to your intuition & inner-wisdom as your connection with your guides is VERY strong at this time. This is a very prominent theme that goes with this reading.
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Oracle Cards:
Darkness - 1 - Coming out of the shadows and showing your face. Standing in YOUR power. Meditation. Meditation. MEDITATION. The song Midnight Sky by Miley Cyrus came in my phone on shuffle mode. Some lyrics that stood out to me: “The Midnight Sky is the road I’m taking, head high up in the clouds. I was born to run, I don’t belong to anyone, I don’t need to be loved by you.
Masculine - 2 - Don’t be afraid to ask questions. You might not like the answers given, but take it in stride and make the best of it. The song Cancer by My Chemical Romance came up in my head when reading this card. When looking at it, I see a gas mask. Maybe it has something to do with being gaslighted by someone close to you? Either way there are some hard lessons that you’re about to learn. The color red is very prominent not only in this card but the reading in general. Red refers to Family, Love, partnerships, etc. Someone in your family/close to you isn’t telling you the truth or respecting who you are or your boundaries. Don’t take their shit. They’re afraid of whatever truth they’re hiding to come out.
Tlaloc - 9 - Tlaloc is an Aztec god of rain & fertility. He was very feared but also respected in the fact that he could water the fields of labor with one hand and could very easily destroy that same field with the other. In this card, I saw the color of green. Green is in reference to getting justice upon whatever your situation may be. Take no shit but do no harm. While you are being disrespected by whoever it is in your situation, it’s not a good idea to do the same to them. Whatever revenge you want to exact upon the person in question, don’t do it. It will bite you in the ass. The song Bow Down by the band I, Prevail came on: “I don’t really like myself, I think I’m breaking down.”
Mictlantecuhtli - 10 - I almost immediately saw Rafiki from the Lion King when looking at this card. Not everything is as black and white as you’d like it to be. You have to look at the other person’s POV before taking any sort of action. Watch what you say and do.
Tezcatlipōca - 12 - Tezcatlipōca is an Aztec god of night, war, education & temptation. I immediately paid attention to the cheetah print cloak. Maybe the action that needs to be taken upon whoever it is needs to be a fast action. He’s also missing a leg from a battle he fought. When meditating, you need to assess what things in your life you need to sacrifice or cut out when going into this next stage of your life. Not everything you can take with you. Some things you DEFINITELY cannot take with you. 2 songs came up with this card.
Eminem - Love The Way You Lie: “It Wasn’t you, baby it was me.”
Linkin Park - Bleed It Out: “Mama help me, I’ve been cursed, death is rolling in every verse, candy paint on his brand new hearse, can’t contain him he knows he works. Fuck this hurts, I won’t lie. Doesn’t matter how hard I try. Half the words don’t mean a thing and I know that I won’t be satisfied”
Huitzilopachtli - 13 - Huitzilopachtli is an Aztec god of the son & War. The sun is a very prominent theme in this reading. The color blue very much stood out to me with this card. Blue is in reference to Wisdom, increased mental powers & concentration. What drew my most attention was the 4 swords in the back. I went through my tarot deck because the 4 of Swords wasn’t originally a card that was pulled but when I did look at it, it was reversed. What I got from this card specifically, it looks like to me you’re taking the nails out of a coffin. Make plans to trust your intuition & take the nails/swords out of the coffin you previously stored away but do it with caution like the humming bird on the Huitzilopachtli #13 oracle card in the left corner so you don’t get burnt.
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Chalchiuhtlicue - 14 - Chalchiuhtlicue is an Aztec goddess of water, lakes, seas, sailors, beauty & fertility. I saw the thunderbolts upon the top of the head first. The day of reckoning/judgement day is coming. 3 songs came up with this one.
Beatles - Yer Blues
AC/DC - Thunderstruck
AC/DC - Back In Black
Go with the flow because you’re at the point of no return and there’s no way for you to go back. At all. Embrace that power, that thunder, as your own.
I saw Mama Imelda & Hector from the Disney movie COCO when looking at this card as well and heard another song by Rihanna called Hate That I Love You (Feat. Ne-Yo). Some lyrics: “And I can’t stand you. Must everything you do make me want to smile? Can I not like you for awhile?” And “I despise that I adore you”
Tlazolteotl - 15 - Tlazolteotl is an Aztec goddess of earth, sex, moon & birth. The moon and the birth is what I saw first. A rebirth of sorts will take place. You need to do shadow work as your ego needs to be put in check but you also need to trust your intuition. If you feel something is off, it is. And it needs to be fixed.
Quetzalcóatl - 16 - Quetzalcóatl is the most important god in the Aztec pantheon. He is a god of Knowledge, dawn, merchants, arts & professions. I thought of Pepita from Coco. Pepita is an Alebrije which in Latin cultures is more so a spirit guide taking the form of an animal. Your spirit guides are trying to tell you something so you need to pay TF attention! Do not fear and do not give up. Through perseverance and insistence, you will reach the goal that you desire and that most of all, you deserve.
Shadow - 17 - Most of people that I know and know me, know that I’m afraid of Spiders. Always have been and probably always will. I saw spiders crawling all across the face on this one. Embrace your fears and face them head-on. Now is the time to do some HEAVY shadow work and work on yourself in general. Be mindful of your thoughts, feelings & words towards yourself and others during this time.
Intellect - 22 - Some of you will be getting MAJOR downloads in the coming days and or will be doing some heavy studying. Keep your brain busy and analyze the situation your facing with rational though. Yellow is also a prominent color in this reading and this card. Yellow represents thoughts, Wisdom and knowledge.
Flux - 24 - The song Carolyn by Black Veil Brides came up with this card. Lyrics: “I wished to god I’d known that I, I didn’t stand a chance of looking back in knowing why. A pain of circumstance.”
Breaking. Generational. Curses.
You’re doing it now. You’re working on yourself and putting yourself first before undoing everything else and that’s a good thing! KEEP GOING!
You have the world in your hands to take time and reflect on your lineage/ancestors.
Harvest - 27 - The sun in the corner. You will be able to eat the fruits of your labor one day and so will your future family/successors if you continue to go forth in braking those curses put upon your family line.
Art - 29 - Your ancestors and spirit guides are watching you in awe for doing the work you’re doing. They see you painting the sun card and creating your own happiness and they’re cheering you on. Keep doing the good work you’re doing.
Santa Muerte - 32 - Be absolutely sure that what you cut out in your life is what you want to be gone. Once it is, there’s almost no way of getting it back. Trust your intuition.
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Tarot Cards:
Fool ⬇️
Magician ⬆️
Lovers ⬇️
Temperance ⬆️
Devil ⬆️
Tower ⬆️
Sun ⬆️
Judgement ⬆️
2 of Cups ⬆️
6 of Cups ⬇️
Page of Cups ⬆️
Knight of Cups ⬆️
King of Cups ⬇️
Ace of Pentacles ⬆️
2 of Pentacles ⬆️
3 of Pentacles ⬆️
4 of Pentacles ⬆️
5 of Pentacles ⬆️
7 of Pentacles ⬇️
King of Pentacles ⬇️
Ace of Swords ⬇️
6 of Swords ⬇️
Page of Swords ⬆️
Queen of Swords ⬆️
King of Swords ⬇️
2 of Wands ⬇️
3 of Wands ⬇️
6 of Wands ⬇️
Queen of Wands ⬆️
Like with the Oracle cards, you’re on a journey of self healing & breaking generational curses. You’re on a path that you can’t turn around and go back on. You need to keep walking forwards. Right now it seems like things in your life are in disarray and that’s for a reason. You’re on your current path and dealing with these issues head-on so that others that come after you, don’t have to, they’re gonna have other issues that need to be dealt with. However, the heavy load of the curses/trauma is being dealt with you now in this lifetime because you are the most capable even though it might not seem like you think you are. Going through the trauma is what’s going to bring you so much happiness and everything you could ever hope for.
You are so near the end of the finish line in dealing with everything that it’s so unnecessary for you to even attempt to turn around and undo al do the hard work you’ve already done. Why would you want to go back to all of the trauma? You don’t. Don’t sacrifice yourself for others who clearly don’t give a SHIT about you. FUCK. THAT.
Do what you believe is good for you and your higher self and go forth in doing things that you’re passionate about. Don’t let others lie to you and walk all over you. They don’t know you like YOU do. If you can sense that someone is going something that isn’t good or can tell that they’re not telling you the truth of something that’s going on, that’s most likely the case.
You need to assess what you’re willing to let slide and willing to take with you in the next chapter of your life cause you won’t be able to bring everything with you. And when you do and you set your boundaries by putting your foot down HARD, there will be others waiting for you on the other side cheering you on because you make it to the other side a FAR better person that where you were when you started your journey. Not everybody is worthy to walk with you if they continue to act the way that they do and you have to accept that or nothing will come of the changes you’ve made for your happiness.
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sugar-petals · 5 years
Hi Caro! I'm curious, at what age will they be parents?
i added the number of the card that came out to their age and the results left me shaken. so, if they do get kids, it will be:
jimin: at 41 aka in 17 years (the star)
jin: at 40 aka in 13 years (queen of wands)
hobi: at 36 aka in 11 years (page of pentacles)
yoongi: at 33 aka in 7 years (seven of cups)
joon: at 32 aka in 7 years (the chariot)
jk: at 29 aka in 7 years (seven of wands)
tae: at 28 aka in 4 years (four of cups) before his enlistment gdi!
damn son you are fast! 
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luna--reading · 4 years
Hello lovelies~ ♡
This is a pick a card reading for “What are some messages from my spirit guides?” This is a timeless reading and you are meant to see it right now! Please do find peace if it doesn’t resonate with you~ ♡
So take a few minutes to mediate on these 3 piles:
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Left to right: 1 - 3
Once you’re ready, just scroll below to find the reading that you have chosen!
You can always leave a comment or simply like the post if it resonates with you, thank you so much~ ♡♡♡
Pile 1: Little Girl - Childlike innocence, Fun, Happiness, Joy, Immaturity, Naivety
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Tarot: 10 of Cups, 6 of Cups, 9 of Cups, 2 of Swords, The World, Queen of Wands
Oracle: LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE (45) // THE EVER-UNFOLDING ROSE - Cracked Open. It’s happening for you, not to you. // NO - Wait. Postpone. Pause. Say no. // LADY WITH A BOSH EGG (31) - Ancient wisdom. // SEA STORM (32) - Calm amid chaos. // MOUSE // STINGRAY // DRAGONFLY
I know you are going through some kind of pain; you are feeling that this shouldn’t happen to you, that you don’t deserve everything that you are currently going through right now. You must be thinking, “Why am I suffering like this? Am I not worthy of the things that I want? This happiness, these wish fulfilments, why is it that others seem to achieve those things so easily, but I’m still here, feeling stuck.”
Darling, many times, we only see the successes of others, but we never see the hard work that is being placed to achieve them. We are usually blinded to the effort that others put in. I know you’ve been putting in so much effort and time, but now it’s not the time. There are still things that are waiting to unfold for you, but trust me, darling, you will learn to achieve so much more.
You will soon realise that everything that has happened, is happening for a reason and that this will only allow you to grow so much more. Face the fears that are stopping you, restricting you and I want you to charge ahead. This is the time for you to grow spiritually, get in touch with your inner child, and allow yourself to shine, like the individual that you should have always been, but afraid to show.
Darling, now is the time for you to go within yourself to get to know yourself better. Whatever it is that you are praying for, we have a plan for you, and things are falling in place but it takes time and as you are waiting for this fulfilment to come in, work on yourself. You are worth so much more than what you have planned for, and now, it’s time for us to put that in place for you.
Trust us, as you trust in yourself, as we will guide you through this path that we have put in place for you. Hang in there, darling, the best has yet to come and have a bit more patience, we are working on things right now for you.
 Pile 2: Lilies - Innocence, purity, longing for an explanation of feelings, strong emotional attachment
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Tarot: Temperance, 10 of Wands, Page of Pentacles, Ace of Pentacles, 9 of Pentacles, 10 of Pentacles
Oracle: GROUNDING (6) // IMRAMA - Where are you being called to journey to? // WINGED SEER (12) - You see clearly; clairvoyance // MEND-A-BROKEN-HEART FAIRY (36) - Healing from heartache // TARANTULA // OYSTER // LION
You have been working so hard darling, and I know you are getting a little impatient. You must be wondering; I’ve been doing all of the works that I should have been doing. I’ve been healing from a heartbreak recently, but why is it that things don't seem to be working out for me yet. Why does it seem like I’m still being stuck in my present place and that things are still stagnant for me?
Darling, you are being too impatient right now, your longing for these answers have resulted in a halt for things to happen for you. You are trying so hard in wanting success in smaller and quicker bits but there is so much more that can come in for you in larger portions if you are just willing to wait things out a little more.
It’s going to take a bit more time but there is so much potential that is to come. You have healed from heartache and you are a stronger person when it comes to your relationships now. You have let go of those burdens that are detrimental to your spiritual growth and you are ready for whatever obstacles there are to come for you. So why are you rushing things right now?
Take a deep breath, and get in touch with your higher self, understand what it is to wait for things without having to wait for it. Things are happening for you, darling, we’re working on it, but it won’t happen with you just sitting there, expecting it to happen. We want it to come as a surprise, and trust us, this is going to be a surprise that is bigger than you have ever expected.
So, darling, ground yourself, nurture yourself, continue working on yourself, increase that self-confidence, self-love and trust that this journey that you have decided to go on is one that is going to bring you so much abundance.
 Pile 3: Coffin - Ending, new beginnings, transformation, something that is meant to happen
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Tarot: 10 of Swords, 3 of Pentacles, 9 of Wands, 7 of Wands, Death, The Fool
Oracle: AUTHENTIC TRUTH (4) // ANNA, GRANDMOTHER OF JESUS - Seeding the light. Laying foundations. Divine Plan. // SEA BEACON FAIRY (3) - Guidance: But where will it lead you? // SEWER MERMAID (25) - Your sensuality is beautiful // TIGER // NIGHTINGALE // HAWK
You have been fighting for so long, defending for something that is probably not even worth you fighting for, and you know this. You know that this is something that is not worth you carrying on for, so why are you burdening yourself holding on to it? This ending is meant to happen, why are you trying to fight it to increase that amount of burden on you?
Darling, I know you are tired of fighting, so why not trust us as we let this ending happen? Who knows that new beautiful beginning waiting for you at the end of this dark tunnel might just have been something that you have been waiting for? We have the answers that you are looking for but you have to learn to trust in us, trust in yourself.
You must have felt it, how tired and burdensome you felt when dealing with this situation. You are constantly on defence and is this something that you want to feel for the rest of your life as you hold on to this situation? No, darling, I know you want to feel protected and loved and trust me, we are here for you.
We will guide you through to the beautiful start that you are looking for, so darling, let go of the things that no longer serve you. You have that power to start anew, and you need to build on that confidence as well. Maybe whatever you have been dealing with has drained you of your confidence, making you feel like you no longer have the potential.
But darling, rebuild that confidence in yourself because we are here to promise you that new beginning, that bright and beautiful future you have been waiting for but we want you to trust in us. We are here to protect and guide you, so try letting go of the things that are no longer benefiting you in a slightly positive way.
So, darling, this ending is meant to happen but with every ending comes a new beginning and trust us that this is something that we promise you, a brand-new fresh start. But you have to take that leap of faith with us so we can show you the bright future that we have promised you.
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Hi!❤ What will my future husband impression of me be? And my first impression of him? Thank you!! -GC💕🌌🍓
hello! :D What will be your future husband’s impression of you: Page of Pentacles  This is lovely haha. Your future husband will come into your life around the time you are most succesful career wise. Page of Pentacles is associated with a youthful person who is down to earth and conscientious. He will love how dedicated to your goals you are and how much you love life. I feel like you will make him laugh a lot and he is going to love it haha. It kind of feels like both of you would be some kind of business oriented people. You both will benefit from this connection materially and emotionally What will be your impression of your future husband: The World Oh my god XD The World is all about completion. I think you will quite literally see him as your world. Everything you ever wished for in a romantic partner will come true, plus much more you are not even aware you want and need in the present moment. This will be the moment you will feel most fullfilled ( I feel like you will only meet him after your other personal areas reach the succes you seek. he will be quite literally the cherry on top for you haha). I hear something about 32, could be your age when you’ll meet him, his age, or a significant number for you! Thank you for your question, this was lovely to read! Let me know if it resonates :D
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tomasorban · 6 years
72 Genii or Names or angels of God
"Early Kabalist practitioners reported that after periods of meditating upon the Hebrew alphabet, the letters came to life and began talking. Others said they saw the letters grow wings and fly from the surface of the page. Even if your experience is less dramatic, perhaps the letters will speak quietly to you. According to Jewish tradition the ancient Kabalist, Rabbi Shimon bar Yokhai writes in the Zohar that it was Moses, not God, who parted the Red Sea allowing the Jews to narrowly escape Pharaoh and the Egyptian army. Moses had a special formula. The formula that he used to overcome the laws of nature was hidden in the Zohar for 2,000 years. This formula is called the 72 Names of God. The 72 Names are not really names, as human names are. The 72 Names are 72 three-letter sequences composed of Hebrew letters that have the extraordinary power to overcome the laws of both mother and human nature. These 72 sequences are actually encoded into the Bible story that tells of the parting of the Red Sea as described at Exodus 14:19-21. They are like conduits that transmit various blends of energy from the Light into our physical world. By using the power of the 72 Names and overcoming their reactive natures, Moses and the Jews were able to accomplish the miracle of the Red Sea. The shapes, sounds, sequences, and vibrations of the 72 names radiate a wide range of energy forces. The Light they emit purifies our hearts. Their spiritual influence cleanses destructive impulses from our natures. Their sacred energy removes rash and intolerant emotions, fear, and anxiety from our beings. The Hebrew letters are instruments of power. In fact, the Hebrew word for “letter” actually means pulse or vibration, indicating a flow of energy. The Hebrew alphabet transcends religion, race, geography, and the very concept of language. The three letters signify three spiritual forces—a positive charge, a negative charge, and a ground wire—to create a circuit of energy."
Correspondence to Astrology
1- 0° - 5° Aries - VEHUIAH - Will and New Beginnings 2- 5° - 10° Aries - JELIEL - Love and Wisdom 3- 10° - 15° Aries - SITAEL - Construction of the Universe/Worlds 4- 15° to 20° Aries - ELEMIAH - Divine Power 5- 20° to 25° Aries - MAHASIAH - Rectification 6- 25° to 30° Aries - LELAHEL - Light of Understanding 7- 0° to 5° Taurus - ACHAIAH - Patience 8- 5° to 10° Taurus - CAHETEL - Divine Blessings 9- 10° to 15° Taurus - HAZIEL - Divine Mercy and Forgiveness 10- 15° to 20° Taurus - ALADIAH - Divine Grace 11- 20° to 25° Taurus - LAUVIAH - Victory 12- 25° to 30° Taurus - HAHAIAH - Refuge, Shelter 13- 0° to 5° Gemini - YEZALEL - Fidelity, Loyalty and Allegiance 14- 5° to 10° Gemini - MEBAHEL - Truth, Liberty and Justice 15- 10° to 15° Gemini - HARIEL - Purification 16- 15° to 20° Gemini - HAKAMIAH - Loyalty 17- 20° to 25° Gemini - LAVIAH - Revelation 18- 25° to 30° Gemini - CALIEL - Justice 19- 0° to 5° Cancer - LEUVIAH - Expansive Intelligence/Fruition 20- 5° to 10° Cancer - PAHALIAH - Redemption 21- 10° to 15° Cancer - NELCHAEL - Ardent Desire to Learn 22- 15° to 20° Cancer - YEIAYEL - Fame, Renown 23- 20° to 25° Cancer - MELAHEL - Healing Capacity 24- 25° to 30° Cancer - HAHEUIAH - Protection 25- 0° to 5° Leo - NITH-HAIAH - Spiritual Wisdom and Magic 26- 5° to 10° Leo - HAAIAH - Political Science and Ambition 27- 10° to 15° Leo - YERATEL - Propagation of Light 28- 15° to 20° Leo - SEHEIAH - Longevity 29- 20° to 25° Leo - REIYEL - Liberation 30- 25° to 30° Leo - OMAEL - Fertility, Multiplicity 31- 0° to 5° Virgo - LECABEL - Intellectual Talent 32- 5° to 10° Virgo - VASARIAH - Clemency and Equilibrium 33- 10° to 15° Virgo - YEHUIAH - Subordination to Higher Order 34- 15° to 20° Virgo - LEHAHIAH - Obedience 35- 20° to 25° Virgo - CHEVAKIAH - Reconciliation 36- 25° to 30° Virgo - MENADEL - Inner/Outer Work 37- 0° to 5° Libra - ANIEL - Breaking the Circle 38- 5° to 10° Libra - HAAMIAH - Ritual and Ceremony 39- 10° to 15° Libra - REHAEL - Filial Submission 40- 15° to 20° Libra - YEIAZEL - Divine Consolation and Comfort 41- 20° to 25° Libra - HAHAHEL - Mission 42- 25° to 30° Libra - MIKHAEL - Political Authority and Order 43- 0° to 5° Scorpio - VEULIAH - Prosperity 44- 5° to 10° Scorpio - YELAHIAH - Karmic Warrior 45- 10° to 15° Scorpio - SEHALIAH - Motivation and Wilfulness 46- 15° to 20° Scorpio - ARIEL - Perceiver and Revealer 47- 20° to 25° Scorpio - ASALIAH - Contemplation 48- 25° to 30° Scorpio - MIHAEL - Fertility, Fruitfulness 49- 0° to 5° Sagittarius - VEHUEL - Elevation, Grandeur 50- 5° to 10° Sagittarius - DANIEL - Eloquence 51- 10° to 15° Sagittarius - HAHASIAH - Universal Medicine 52- 15° to 20° Sagittarius - IMAMIAH - Expiation of Errors 53- 20° to 25° Sagittarius - NANAEL - Spiritual Communication 54- 25° to 30° Sagittarius - NITHAEL - Rejuvenation and Eternal Youth 55- 0° to 5° Capricorn - MEBAHIAH - Intellectual Lucidity 56- 5° to 10° Capricorn - POYEL - Fortune and Support 57- 10° to 15° Capricorn - NEMAMIAH - Discernment 58- 15° to 20° Capricorn - YEIALEL - Mental Force 59- 20° to 25° Capricorn - HARAHEL - Intellectual Richness 60- 25° to 30° Capricorn - MITZRAEL - Internal Reparation 61- 0° to 5° Aquarius - UMABEL - Affinity and Friendship 62- 5° to 10° Aquarius - IAH-HEL - Desire to Know 63- 10° to 15° Aquarius - ANAUEL - Perception of Unity 64- 15° to 20° Aquarius - MEHIEL - Vivification 65- 20° to 25° Aquarius - DAMABIAH - Fountain of Wisdom 66- 25° to 30° Aquarius - MANAKEL - Knowledge of Good and Evil 67- 0° to 5° Pisces - EYAEL - Transformation to the Sublime 68- 5° to 10° Pisces - HABUHIAH - Healing 69- 10° to 15° Pisces - ROCHEL - Restitution 70- 15° to 20° Pisces - JABAMIAH - Alchemy/Transformation 71- 20° to 25° Pisces - HAIYAEL - Divine Warrior/Weaponry 72- 25° to 30° Pisces - MUMIAH - Endings and Rebirth
72 Angels and correspondence to Tarot
(Note: This correspondence was authored by Eliphas Levi, c. 1800's)
1- Ace Wands 2- 2 Wands 3- 3 Wands 4- 4 Wands 5- 5 Wands 6- 6 Wands 7- 7 Wands 8- 8 Wands 9- 9 Wands 10- Ace Cups 11- 2 Cups 12- 3 Cups 13- 4 Cups 14- 5 Cups 15- 6 Cups 16- 7 Cups 17- 8 Cups 18- 9 Cups 19- Ace Swords 20- 2 Swords 21- 3 Swords 22- 4 Swords 23- 5 Swords 24- 6 Swords 25- 7 Swords 26- 8 Swords 27- 9 Swords 28- Ace Pentacles 29- 2 of Pentacles 30- 3 of Pentacles 31- 4 of Pentacles 32- 5 of Pentacles 33- 6 of Pentacles 34- 7 of Pentacles 35- 8 of Pentacles 36- 9 of Pentacles 37- Ace Wands 38- 2 Wands 39- 3 Wands 40- 4 Wands 41- 5 Wands 42- 6 Wands 43- 7 Wands 44- 8 Wands 45- 9 Wands 46- Ace Cups 47- 2 Cups 48- 3 Cups 49- 4 Cups 50- 5 Cups 51- 6 Cups 52- 7 Cups 53- 8 Cups 54- 9 Cups 55- Ace Swords 56- 2 Swords 57- 3 Swords 58- 4 Swords 59- 5 Swords 60- 6 Swords 61- 7 Swords 62- 8 Swords 63- 9 Swords 64- Ace Pentacles 65- 2 of Pentacles 66- 3 of Pentacles 67- 4 of Pentacles 68- 5 of Pentacles 69- 6 of Pentacles 70- 7 of Pentacles 71- 8 of Pentacles 72- 9 of Pentacles
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