#3d printer spare parts
lewdcookies · 5 months
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Picture 1: Hugin & Munin, paired Sicaran Battle Tanks of the Raven Guard. Their machine spirits seem to be linked to each other in ways the Tech Priests can't fully explain, as every attempt to split them up has led one vehicle refusing to operate unless their companion is close by.
Picture 2: Amarok, Kratos Battle Tank of the Space Wolves. The vehicle has gained a reputation of preferring hunt by itself, seemingly ignoring or shunning other Legion vehicles in the need to kill.
Picture 3: Fides, Kratos Battle Tank of the Ultramarines. The name stemming from the vehicle's steadfast loyalty to its crew and pulling them through thick and thin without failing.
More tanks! Tiny ones too!
Not much to say, they're a bunch of 3D printer Epic/Legions Imperialis scaled tanks I managed to win a couple of months back.
One of two annoying parts were probably trying to magnetise the Kratos'. but that was mostly because I first glued in the turret plugs and then changed my mind after I noticed how much they scraped the inside of the mounting socket. The second one were the autocannons on the first one, both of those snapped off at a point during magnetisation, but thankfully I had spares so I could just glue those on instead.
Otherwise they were very nice to paint and got done in a couple of hours each.
The Raven Guard transfers are technically from the Thunderbolt sheet, because I didn't have any others in the right scale. And for the Ultramarines I was lucky the Intercessor sheet that came with the ETB ones had small enough emblems I could use.
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titanomancy · 9 months
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New year, new campaign. My group is going hard into Epic Legions Imperialis and, with the addition of a Bambu P1P to the toolbox, we're expanding our collection of very small scenery with 3d printed parts from Grimdark Terrain.
The end result was really impressive. I had written off filament deposition printing for miniatures when the higher resolution resin printers started being able to compete with store-bought a few years ago, but the level of detail with this extruded PLA is really something else. Some of the undercuts are a little ugly, but you won't be able to see them in the course of regular play.
Conceptually, this piece is a city sector-wide void shield projector akin to the palace aegis network described in Siege of Terra. The massive discharge of exotic energies originate from the elevated dish creating a toroidal field pattern - so you can't just shoot at it from the ground, necessitating its capture by infantry forces if you wish to bring it down. A much more cinematic objective marker than a spare die or token.
If you want to build your own, the list of parts can be found past the break - Rudolf at GDT does some pretty impressive scenery and deserves your support.
Titanomantic Aegis Void Shield Network Projector
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#AG-059 - Argos - Megabunker Connection Peg x 8 #AG-063 - Argos - Pavaise VS Projector Coils x 4 #AG-064 - Argos - Pavaise VS Projector Dish x 1 #AG-068 - Argos - Mega Bunker Side Pipes x 4 #AG-070 - Argos - Air Control Tower Base x 1 #AG-072 - Argos - Air Control Tower Top Connector x 1 #AG-073 - Argos - Air Control Tower Circular Balcony x 1 #AG-080 - Argos - Recessed Shield Coil x 4 #AG-083 - Argos - Makro-Bunker Base x 1 #AG-085 - Argos - Makro-Bunker Base Wall 2 x 4 #AG-091 - Argos - Makro-Bunker Pillar 1 x 4
This build utilizes parts from three separate Grimdark Terrain .STL packages; July 2021, February 2022 and November 2022. July and November are critical components for the major assemblies, but if you're stingy you can substitute the Recessed Shield Coils from February by doubling the number of #AG-063 Pavaise VS Projector Coils.
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snackugaki · 2 years
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thinking thoughts about some turtles
why yes i’ll elaborate, of course, because i wouldn’t be able to fit the commentary in tags like I usually would have done.
fucking 4th time typing this, is2g i’m just gonna bullet point this 
- donnie in his 30s today would be a fucking BEAST, a whole force unto himself
- the little gremlin was probably head deep in Usenet, collecting information on whatever rabbit holes he’d nose around in and then everything within the proverbial 100 ft. radius.
- (I say Usenet because to me, the turtles (disambiguation) are elder millenials, born in the 80s, growing up in the 90s and it seems ‘right’, almost destiny adjacent for Donnie to have been born right at the time technology was going to grow and shift as much as it has between the mid-80s to now)
-he most definitely used his genius intellect to project potential tech applications and come up with Symmetra level “hard light”/Iron Man helmet-integrated HUD 
- but scrounging for spare parts for computer application in the 90s was pretty scarce, marginally better when he and Raph started visiting the underground and black markets. so he made do with what he could get his little hands on. was he a heavy, clunky noisy mess? yes and Leo was so disappointed. (he eventually just tried to trim down what he would bring out on patrols)
- then one fateful night when Mikey lockpicked one of the corner magazine stands, he saw this sweater (twitter link) and OBVIOUSLY, DUH, WEAR the tech! but still! the tools and materials weren’t easily acquired
- then the 2000s started and OH BOY, lots of exciting things were beginning to happen: patents on 3D printers were expiring, the arduino project, and raspberry pi were starting to circulate (Donnie learned Italian just so he could keep up with the Arduino project when he first heard news of it), internet shopping was becoming more of a thing (how did Donnie pay for stuff? ethically... adjacent. I’m fully on the train that having been perusing Usenet and being a mutant in NYC has Donnie’s moral compass.... not gray but something ‘87 Leo would make PSA commercial break pep talks about; which is tl;dr Donnie WOULD download a car [and has, just to see if he could] )
- Then he saw Lexington become That™ in the “Future Tense” episode from Gargoyles scared him straight, he’s morally eggshell - pewter now
- April absolutely found a way to sneak the boys into a few NYFWs with her press pass just ‘cuz they wanted to see; Donnie took one look at Rick Owens and independently came up with his own take on ‘techwear’, and he’s been a menace in LEDs and neoprene ever since.
- he has a tech goggles problem, he is both the enabler and the addict
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mrbadhairday · 2 years
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Everything I make is out of fun. I don’t have the tools nor the technology those  studios have. I’m a novice- I don’t have a background in toymaking nor the experience so it’s a hobby in my spare time. All of it is run off my computer and a 3D printer my husband got for fun that we’ve both sunk countless hours into. It’s kind of strange holding something I made but it feels almost therapeutic for the little kid in me.
Overall I’m happy. Unfortunately print quality declined a bit since the temperature dropped significantly. Most parts either didn’t form properly, like the mouth, or in some cases didn’t have proper layer adhesion so there were some scrapped parts I couldn’t recover. The new joint system seems to work wonderfully and I all the pieces seem to fit nicely. But overall this is just a prototype and a great learning experience :D
Also, holy shit, I finished this in a couple of days and all off my migraine meds. Most of the time was spent printing the damn thing and I think I’ve cut and pricked myself like 40 times on the damn thorns while putting the thing together >:/
**Also, thank you to my husband for putting up with my nerdy ass and also taking some amazing pictures!
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transgenderization · 1 year
okay so tommorow i have to. call the bank. again. and i have to clean and level the 3d printer to prep for the new resin and then. im going to fix my airbrush because the spare parts are arriving finally tomorrow too. busy roxy
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jenuinedog · 2 years
Hi! Anon from before who asked about fluidity and such, I have another question: How do you learn to angle heads / do different perspectives?
Did you take classes, use 3D models, or something else?
So sorry for all the questions, I really want to get better at angles and posing and such - facial expressions are a breeze for me, but I just can't keep proportions, anatomy, or poses right in my head.
TL,dr, how did you learn about all this stuff?
Don't be sorry! Asking questions is how u learn! Lil disclaimer that i'm sorry in advance if this answer seems kinda vapid and lackadaisical :")
I've never taken art classes of any kind in my life. A lot of what I know is from observing how other artists draw and tweaking their processes to something that'll suit my workflow and style better. I admittedly don't use 3D models as often as I should, but they speed up the process IMMENSELY. Sometimes i'll load up a model posing program and use it for just the hands/fingers LOL. It's actually helped me be more aware of how to segment parts of the body so I can "memorize" them a bit better. I actually cannot picture most things in my head properly, so I struggle with keeping tabs on proportions and angles of shapes and poses mentally too 😭
A fun lil trick I do to help with head angles tho that might help is i'll draw a "sheet" of paper over my main head form:
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For some reason, i've found that this helps me visualize where the face goes and where it fits within a 3D space. As long as i know the general direction the oc is facing, I can bend and stretch stuff to fit as need be. IDK it's a simple way for me to keep track while drawing, and pretty effective too! 👇🏽
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ok these are sloppy n off model a bit, but hopefully you can see what i'm getting at ghjsdfg. I've found making the "sheet" bigger/smaller to suit whatever you're drawing can help narrow down the angle better if you're struggling. Thinking of the construction of shapes and how they sit in a 3D space is helpful too. Most art programs have perspective rulers that you can use to keep a kind of guide of where your drawing is sitting on a perspective plane/grid. I use them when trying to do more dynamic postures!
Other than that, I literally just google/youtube whatever it is i'm trying to work on and click through as many resources as I can. Make notes of what works for me, what doesnt, what I can pick apart and reconstruct. I got my start in art by tracing other people's art onto printer paper when i was younger (never shared 'em, obvs) before learning people posted step-by-step processes of how they draw on dA (it's how I learned what "guidelines" where and how to use them in sketching) and using those. I spent a lot of my more formative years just mimicking other people's drawing habits and quirks until I found a set that worked for me, and expanded on that with just messing around in my spare time. Sometimes the only thing that helps is working through it until I get a result I like.
If you are looking for a more technical approach and wouldn't mind some critique on your stuff, I recommend a site called Drawabox.com ! I've never personally used it, but I have artist friends who have, and while it does cost a fee to access some of the video lessons, there are still a bit of free resources you can take a peek on that might help!!
SORRY FOR THIS LAME ANSWER HFGSHDF I have a very flippant approach to my art. Work smart, not hard as I always say 👌🏽👏🏽
Good luck!!
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pandorafallz · 8 months
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Vampire AU | Learn thy problems (before they bite you in the ass)
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“A rare sight in Pandora today,” Morgan sighed with deep respect and joy as he leaned against Jake’s bunk. “Such a good day indeed—“
“You guys are weird. It’s just a 3D Printer.” Nadine’s voice was very dry, “It hadn’t even got the filling. It’s been here two days.”
“But it’s plugged in! You underestimate my abilities to create something that’ll work. This printer was designed for Resin and I can make alterations for the differences of resin we can make here. I can write up a few programs for anything we might need, but scans of things are better. Now, Nad, you’re prostheses are a high priority. Can I scan through all your limb components into our system?”
“If you want but it’ll take a while.”
“I’ve got all day since you’ll be here all day. Jake, you’ll get news from the other camps on how they’re settling in with their new homes and you can hand out the radio I modded.” Morgan nodded down to the duffle Jake had by the door.
Yes, the new shacks had been relocated to the new camps since they were in the all-clear. Kung had since relocated a bit closer for a more suitable tree to hide the shack under and Jake had to help in that so he knew how they were settling in. He had forgotten how large some trees could be, which was astonishing when he remembered the Omatikaya lived in a giant fucking tree that he visited every other day.
The tree was large enough to hide the shack and still have plenty of wiggle room which offered some front space that was clear from the elements and thus, they’d be able to expand their camp with little fear of getting caught. Jake had to install the solar panels into the tree so he had done what he had done on his windows and solar panels and boiled and coated the same leaf type to coat their panels and set the panels high into the tree to blend in with the leaves above. With the wire, he used sap and tree bark to blend them in; not that those were too noticeable but paranoia was enough to keep all areas covered.
They already had plans to collect more shacks but Wu was insisting they make a fuel refinery in the second cave first to ensure they had plenty of power to make the trip. He was sure they were going to make it every two weeks to steal shacks once they had a solid fuel income. Wu and Kendra were going to be the ones setting that up.
Since Ruby’s team and Kendra’s team already had radios, they just needed to tap into their frequencies. Still, it’d be nice to actually talk to the other camps as well independently. He was sure Bree was certainly going to be thrilled as well. Organising between the camps on trade and exchange would be better for certain.
“Among other good news, the weed is just about done,” Nadine added, her eyes lighting up in excitement. “Since I won’t be coming to Hometree; I gotta harvest that and sort them out.”
“And smoke some?” Jake added cheekily
“Harvester’s pay.” Nadine challenged with a casual wave of her hand, “Jerome already set some Pandora herbs for me to add to it so it’ll be amazing.”
“Hotbox in the airlock so the shacks clear.” Jake requested, gently turning his chair to wheel away towards the said airlock.
“Sure. But I’ve got plans for something better; a hotbox mask. I wanna have it to the filter box is the hotbox and we breathe in the wonderful goodness through a half-mask.”
Jake let Nadine continue talking to Morgan about her plans, grabbed his duffle of supplies then masked up and wheeled himself down his ramp and out to the openness of the forest with a heavy sigh.
Kim looked also set to go, checking through their storage supplies with her tail waving and humming a soft tune that he vaguely recognised as part of her songcord. Must have been a good night.
“You all good?” Jake asked, “You look like you’re in a good mood.”
Kim spared a glance up then chuckled. “I felt my babies kick!” her hand came to her bump with pride.
Jake lit up happily. “Oh, that’s wonderful! Is it weird?”
“Little, but Jerome’s a little disappointed he can’t feel them just yet.” She patted the side of the bump. “My friends at hometree are going to be so excited; they’re filled with stories of their own pregnancies and how they find ways to encourage more movement, or in later months, how to be comfortable with it. Mo’at said last time she wanted a check-up so… about time, I suppose. Jerome’s still working on the mother loom we have with N’deh today. I guess it’ll be just us two going to Hometree.”
“Yes, but we’ll still have plenty of people to talk to. Ashely’s really picked up the bow very well. Even Tsu’tey’s impressed with her aim. Believe it or not, Jake she may speed run her way to Ikran Makto before you.”
Jake pouted, “Well… that sucks for me. But… well I suppose that makes sense. Ashely’s trained enough in Na’vi culture and knows the langue and… well has warrior training to draw from.” His mood died a little but… he knew it was coming from jealousy. He came here with nothing and his books didn’t give him the real deal. As a Jar head, he was a slower learner. Tommy had been the faster-minded brother. Egghead. Slow learners didn’t come to Pandora without some other influence behind their ass. She had also been here for years anyway; she knew her way around.
“She wants an Ikran but she’s butting heads about it. Tsu’tey’s been a little short about it.”
“Neytiri was telling me the other day. Hopefully, I’ll get something planned for us non-Omatikaya’s in that department soon with Mo’at and Eytukan.” Jake promised, though his head turned up at the sight of the descending Ikran. Kim slung her own carrier around her shoulders, clicking her tongue to draw their stolen Pa’li towards her.
Grace sighed as she stared out of the window, her eyes following the familiar pathway through the mountains, the light bouncing off the water in colourful refractions that were too faint to be seen by human eyes but it allowed her to further appreciate the beauty than concentrate on how unfortunate her future was going to be.
Things were changing; half the Vampires were almost gone or were packing to go to live in the other part of the planet. The west frontier had a large scope of land that the RDA dappled in and at least three clans that were tighter-knit than the Omatikaya and the Tawkami. Well, Aranahe and Zeswa at least. There was apparently a frostiness between those two clans and the Kame’tire so it was less harmonious but… it was still a large area of land and in all her time, separation like this made her anxious.
It pissed her off a little to have separation anxiety over something so stupid but… as a secret community, they had each other’s back better as a group. Cover each other when they had to. Her coming to the mountains was one thing but them, at least four and the most useful ones? Sure, she had her science ones but they were also landed with Shen and Henrick, the loose canon and the trigger-happy moron.
So, she pitied the ones she had to leave behind to keep those two in check. Probably the only silver lining of her leaving was that they weren’t her responsibility. Most likely Hale’s since she was a very good mediator and didn’t tolerate the bullshit the two nut cases liked to create.
Norm stared, amazed by the mountains and his head craning around for a better view of the mountains. Trudy was chuckling softly as well, enjoying his reaction with glee.
“You should see your face.” She nudged the scientist with her elbow though her expression fell as she looked at her. “You good, doc?”
“Yes,” Grace replied, a little curtly. “Just…wanna get there in one piece.”
Norm turned to face her, his face turning into soft concern. “Everything alright?”
Trudy nudged him again. “Let’s not go there.”
Grace didn’t answer but continued to look out rather than at the two as they continued on through the moving mountains and clouds until she recognised the flash of silver ahead. The familiar dual modules were still set as she had left them on the short grassy hillside and a large pile of crates was set up shop beside it.
Must have been the parts for the new avatar lab-shack. She had almost forgotten about that; she knew it had been planned. Hale that day had been helping with site sweeps for it. She hadn’t realised the first team had managed to dump the all parts for it here anyway. Still, since they were here she was sure she could get a few engineers and constructors out to build it at the very least.
Trudy landed smoothly before Grace relaxed a fraction and grabbed her mask, waiting for two to mask up before she broke the airlock and clambered over the feet of her avatar.
“I’m powering on the shack. I’ll link up to help unpack.” She called back.
“Aye, Doc,” Trudy called.
Grace turned the airlock power on outside to access the airlock; allowing it to cycle Pandoran air in for the door to release before she entered. Taking her mask off a little early but she didn’t care too much as the air changed from the strong smell of grass to something…more sterile in the undertone. Inside the shack, it smelt stale but it wasn’t as bad as she expected.
The shack’s refurbishment had done it well, despite being abandoned for over a year. Grace knew Trudy had restocked some of the food in advance given Quaritch had the pilot made sure the route was clear for her (not that she was touching any of the human food).
The link module didn’t need changing but she had the air unit updated for anyone in the link-beds. Norm would have a better time since the air was only filtering out two people’s air than the whole base of people and so, it’d clean more efficiently. Less filter cleaning in total.
The second module was redesigned to allow for their kitchen at the far end and the door to the toilet and showers were a little out of sight but close to what used to be the lab. The middle second was where the two bunk beds were laid out. The former labs' pace was more storage now for their tools with a desk and monitor. Sure, preserved samples still lay in fluid but that looked to be more decoration.
Her team before had hated having the habitual second be half the lab; they had wanted more freedom of space to study than to waddle around each other. It was why Grace had been convinced to get and…convince Selfridge to shell out for a lab space outside. Still, they were here to work and there were fewer people down so it was less cramped. But they’d need the lab to work.
Soon, the shacks buzzed with life as she turned the power on, the bustling echo of the air systems fully into life and seemed to settle into a background hum. The solar panel batteries were fully charged and there was only a small yellow warning in the water system in the toilet. A clog, most likely.
The link beds opened up, one by one. Grace plucked out the thumb drive and opened up the side panel of the monitor reading at the far right bed; distantly hearing the airlock start to cycle. With a soft click, she set the drive into the system, updating the system to display false bio readings whenever she was linked—the same as the ones at Hell’s Gate. She had just shut the panel as Norm came in.
“Want me to link too?” He asked.
“Yes. We have an avatar tent we’ll need to pop up soon anyway. It’ll keep our avatars safe when we’re not using them.”
Norm nodded, eyeing the two beds. “The middle one?”
“Sure.” She usually used that one but she needed the one furthest out of the way. She moved, tapping the screen to get his link bed ready before he hopped in and closed the lid and Grace followed.
It was a small tangle despising having been the one to put her avatar in the seatbelts and slipping her avatar’s hands free to get the rest of her unsecured. Boxes and bags from the storage compartment were far smaller in their hands, putting them into the airlock for Trudy to take inside first. Grace handled her secured supplies of blood and set it in with more caution.
“What’s all this?” Norm asked when they departed to build their tent, nodding to the crates.
“That is our lab.” Grace chuckled a little dryly. “I’ll call for people to come down and build it for us now that we’re here. I didn’t realise they completed the drop-off.”
“Wait a new lab!” Norm’s head tilted, his eyes lighting up. “Cool! Is it avatar-sized? This all looks…big for what it should be?”
“Yes. The Team I had here before almost gnawed each other’s arms off since the lab space inside was so small.” She chucked softly at that. “There’ll be some human-sized things but this will allow us to properly use our avatars and it’ll have an area to store the avatars as well, so the tent we need up is just…temporary once the labs are constructed.”
“That does sound awesome.”
“It’s an old design but practicable. Frontier West has a lot more of these so it was easier to get my hands on one of those than some custom-designed stuff that would have cost a lot more than Selfridge was willing to allow.”
“How long will it take to build?” Norm helped as she found the tent bag, nodding him to take the supports and metal pins.
“Depends. Maybe a week once we have the construction team here?”
“Why didn’t they build it before?”
Grace paused a little but she straightened up to unfold the cabin tent’s protective ground sheet. “About a year or so ago, I was escorting someone to help with the land survey for the best spot on our mountainside for it to be built. A sting bat flew into our engine and we crashed. The construction hit a pause after that.” She didn’t look to see how his expression turned, dumping the ground sheet and began to set it up over the grass.
“I-I’m sorry to hear about that, Grace,” Norm said, holding down the sides as the wind ruffled the sheets. “Did…you all get out alright?”
“Yes, bumps and scrapes mostly.” Aside from the broken bones and one impalement. Thankfully, Kamath had been about when Grace had run back to Hell’s Gate while the two were still in their turning phase, getting her their new change clothes and blood for the duo. “Still. I can’t change what happened. But now that we’re here we’re gonna need the lab. Let’s just get the tent built.”
Jake spent the good portion of the morning with the weavers, letting them show him new ways to spin thread while Bree began to show how to crochet with a bone hook she had crafted at her camp and had been amazing the weavers with this new style of work; Crotchet was not a Na’vi form of weaving, despite them having a variant of knitting; it was more needle based than anything else.
Also, the size difference between the Na’vi work and the human work was the other thing that continued to amuse Jake whenever the weavers made a remark on the small detailing work that the humans could achieve that they’d have to work hard on. It had made him chuckle at the thought of them ever seeing the creation of lace. He was sure one of the women had some lacy underwear to show off; let them see how fine their work could be with as thin thread as possible. Human thread for their clothes was far thinner and finer than what the Na’vi could work with.
Three of the adult weavers had collected tools to draft their own crotchet hooks based on hers but Bree had encouraged them to try different sizes as the hook size is dependent on how detailed, or how fine the yarn or thread they were going to use. A small enough kid was able to borrow a spare and Bree helped the boy with how to hold the yarn and how to navigate the hook into each loop; going for simple ‘granny’ squares as a first introduction.
The child caught on fast, which was interesting to see.
“Is this what you want to do? Become a weaver?” Jake asked curiously. “I’m surprised you know how to do this.”
“Not really. Ma had me learn when I was in med bay recovering. Kept my hands busy and mind occupied with something more than reading.” Bree shrugged, “Eliza gave me a few digital books back then too.”
“What do you want to do?”
“Honestly… I kinda want to make paper.” Bree shrugged, “It’s not a Na’vi thing but it’s a process to make, it’s renewable and recyclable. Na’vi might see the appeal one day but… the way I see it, we humans are gonna want paper. I know how to do that. It’ll take time to make so I need wood shapers to help make the tools and frames for it.”
“You also need to find the right tree for the materials.” Jake pointed out. “I don’t think there’s a lot of Mulberry trees about or…any seeds of it in my supply.”
“I know I can’t recreate Hanji. But I’ll experiment with the waste from the wood shapers and other plant fibres and see what comes out of it. If wood fails, I’ll probably go for plant fibres. That works just as well.” She mused. “Out here I…I worry we’ll lose the need for a writing system since the Na’vi don’t have one. I’d rather carve that opening for our people. Tablets are good but…it’d be nice to share with each other stories and recipes from handwritten books. Meaningful books.”
It was clear to see the girl had a lot of passion in that and it suddenly became clearer; the girl’s interest was in the preservation elements of their culture out here. Languages were one element of that and why she liked to learn. Humans have lost so many dialects and languages. Hawaiian was almost a lost language due to the colonisation of the island groups and racism against the indigenous population.
On Pandora, what use were other alien languages when all the Na’vi speak the same language, barring the few changes of dialects? Spanish, German, Chinese; all would become lost in the following generations with disuse as everyone adapted to learn Na’vi and everyone used English as a default currently given the RDA was mostly American and would tend to employ people who could speak English fluently. Everyone spoke English, but most had other leagues behind their belt, like him.
Maybe there would be a camp that didn’t speak English? Maybe they needed to…do more to preserve their own cultures despite some assimilation to the Na’vi’s way of life. Books…could be the way to go and oral stories as well to pass the languages down. Could they teach the Na’vi other languages as well if they wanted to? Most knew English already.
“The Na’vi could tolerate books better than our tablets.” Jake mused, “Not a bit of metal.”
“Exactly.” Bree nodded. “I bet they could help if they’re interested. I know they don’t use writing but… it could be a hit with the kids; they could draw and be creative and not make such a mess. Designs wouldn’t need to be made on the ground.”
“What about wax tablets?” Zeke made his appearance as he knelt into the gap smelling heavily of dye if the stains on his arms didn’t give it away. “It’s simpler to make. I was watching this film set in ancient Greece the other night on my tablet and I saw it and it suddenly hit me that that could be awesome to have as a temporary note-pad for everyday notes.”
“I suppose, maybe for different areas?” Jake suggested, “Like… it’s still a human tool and it worked for us for centuries. Let’s not lose it through disuse like we have done for the last few centuries. Bring back the old school stuff into our lives.”
“I can get the other into making notes. Ashely’s still healing so she’ll probably go through our collection of period dramas for that sort of shit when she’s not linked up. Or Eliza; she loves ancient documenters. Like Pompeii.”
“Pompeii? That is a curious word.” One of the younger weavers spoke up, Ru’sal. “What does it mean? It sounds… fun.”
Jake winced a little. “It’s…not a good story. It’s an ancient city on earth, one of two cities lost in a region called Italy that was consumed by ash and lava from a…. tepram” he knew they didn’t really know the English word for Volcano but he had learned the Na’vi word for it.
The seventeen-year-old’s eyes widened in alarm. “Consumed? Entirely?”
“Yes. The second city, Herculaneum, suffered but it was quick in comparison to Pompeii” Zeke said, “When a… Tepram blows, they let down these rushes of cindering ash and gas that burns and boils anything that it comes in contact with it. Faster than water down a hill. We call these burning clouds Pyroclastic flows. Herculaneum was hit directly with one and consumed quickly. Pompeii was barely hit by one cloud but its fate was far slower and was buried alive by falling ash and pumice stone. When the cities were buried, time moved on and eventually, they lay almost forgotten.”
Ru’sal looked saddened by this. “How terrible that so much life was lost and… your people forgot.”
“It is, but a few centuries ago the cities were found and sky people began to dig and learn what had occurred. There was a lot from the buried houses and human remains; their stone statues, metal tools and even the decoration on walls were still there under all that ash. It was lost to time but we learned a lot of our history and how our people used to live in such a different age.” Zeke shrugged a little wistfully. “They 3D documented the entire city by 2038 with all the nooks and crannies. I wonder if anyone here had a copy of it?”
“Ask Eliza?” Jake suggested, because if she loved the history there then that was a good starting point.
Zeke let out a curious noise. “Later,” he decided, though he leant back to fall on his ass. “I don’t know how the Na’vi do it, crouching down like that all day. After a few minutes my legs go numb. Ugh.”
“Na’vi’s vein and nervous system are set at a different angle in their legs.” Bree pointed out, “When they crouch, they’re not compressing those systems so they’re able to retain that position for longer and without discomfort.”
“What?! Oh, come on!”
Jake snorted at the outrage in Zeke’s voice.
“Really?” Ru’sal laughed, “Your people cannot retain that position for long? I thought your kind simply preferred sitting like a baby.”
“It’s not fun. Compressing those veins caused numbness in the limbs, sort of like…my situation here but temporary.” Jake tapped his placid legs. “When someone gets up and moves, blood returns fully back, the nerves are overstimulated and start to produce tingly feelings; sometimes painful, sometimes funny feeling.”
“Imagine if you woke up one day to your legs kicking back into life. I bet you’d have the worst case of pins-and-needless ever for sitting on your ass all day, every day.”
“Zeke!” Bree snapped in aghast at the comment.
Jake couldn’t help himself but laugh a little at the mental image the scientist provided. It’d be funny though but he could see it was a logical thought; his nerves would be super confused that they were working all of a sudden. “I might welcome that if it gives me any sense of sensation down there.”
“What if the sensation is always that?”
Jake hesitated a little. “As long as it’s not the painful kind, then yes.”
Eventually, Jake was moved upstairs to aid once again in medical making with Mo’at. Neytiri was also there but the Tsahìk was mostly talking through with Eliza about reproduction and he had joined in a portion of the part where Mo’at had talked through Na’vi reproduction after Eliza wanted to learn how to assist Kim when the birthing process came about.
He learned that the Na’vi was conceived inside the mother and carried but the ‘amniotic sac’ was called a Tsalnu (translated to baby pod) which was like a clear chrysalis was birthed around the child when the baby was 8 months gestation and the mother had to nourish the child through the tswin until the baby was fully developed and the chrysalis was opened and the baby was ‘born’. Often the mothers would stay in the family hammocks or in private areas away from everyone when tending to the Tsalnu.
Jake had reflected back on what Kim had first told him; it was likely she didn’t actually know the process. The RDA probably knew very little of Na’vi pregnancies and they people certainly wouldn’t have allowed a sky person or an avatar around a pregnant woman to study that. It made sense for the woman to assume it was more human-like because of the human traits inside the avatar's body. It explained why, to him why Na’vi don’t have a lot of multiple babies in a single pregnancy. They physically couldn’t do more than two; the father would tend to a second child with his tswin if that was the case. Neither of them could tend to a third infant.
He made a note to ask Kim to check in with Mo’at about the actual pregnancy; to ensure that it was either a human or Na’vi-like birth for her babies. No one wanted to be surprised or under-prepared when the time came.
“… Like with your world. I get it. But on Earth, mating for life for humans is at a…evolutional disadvantage.” Eliza was saying, tuning Jake back in.
“How so?” Mo’at asked curiously, “Mating for life creates a supportive comminute between family members.”
“Not when everything on the planet is trying to kill you.” Eliza shook her head. “On Earth, it’s not kind. Even when humans had no technology and were closer to Na’vi in culture. Environmental issues, weather, tribe wars and sicknesses would wipe us out. If any species of humans mated for life, that restricts our ability to reproduce fast. We had to reproduce faster than we could die out, that’s not achievable through life bonds with a single partner. Our form of ‘mating for life’ is cultural, not biological.”
Mo'at considered this for a moment. “I suppose it explains why humans are far more sexually driven than The People. Your biology craves you to reproduce?”
“More like…the process of it is the enjoyable part that we crave,” Jake answered, knowing damn well why humans fucked around a lot. “Do…Na’vi have the same pleasure response as humans to sex?”
“Yes, but Na’vi have their penises inside until use so they’re also not stimulated every time they walk.” Eliza said, “Surely you noticed, Jake?”
Jake blushed a little. “Yes, I’ve noticed.”
“Sky people have their genitals on the outside? Grace didn’t teach us that detail of the human body.” Neytiri asked this time in surprise, curbing their topic away now with her question. “What happens when the area gets hit?”
“It fucking hurts,” Jake answered, deadpan.
“That can’t be good for your people!”
“Actually, it’s necessary for the testicles—the ball sac as some would say—to be at a lower temperature than the rest of the body to ensure a good stable temperature for sperm to be made and preserved. They’d die off if too hot so…nature made its calls. The whole set dangles loose so…that’s one of the reasons you’ll rarely see a human in a loincloth. Trousers offer far more protection and feel far more secure.”
“Yeah, feeling exposed and flying in the breeze is not a fun feeling.” Jake mused.
“You can’t even feel your dick.”
Jake gave the doctor a look. “I am well aware, Doc.”
Eliza winced scratching the back of her blonde head as she realised what she said, looking sheepish. “Right. I’m sorry.”
Jake just shrugged, “Eh, just because I can’t feel it, doesn’t mean I can’t…work it? I knew a few guys and gals who would still have bio kids despite being paralysed. ”
Eliza hummed thoughtfully. “True. You still have that future.”
Indeed he did. Still, with who had yet to be seen. Adoption was still a valid way of obtaining children. Or being a donor to someone who wanted a kid but not a partner.
“If you wanna see a fully naked human then we can send you some pictures or maybe someone out here is brave enough to strip back to the birthday suit.” Eliza addressed to the two Na’vi. “Except Bree. Do not ask her to strip unless it’s a medical emergency. She’s considered a child under human law until she’s 18.”
“Of course, we shall respect that.” Mo’at agreed.
“Since we’re on that topic, if anyone makes any sexual advances towards her or those sorts of comments, you inform one of the human camp leaders as soon as possible. If she makes advances to someone then also let someone know. Even if she consents, it’s still by our law, not allowed.” Eliza reiterated seriously. “She’s young but she may want to explore her sexuality but she has to wait two more years. For teenagers in most American states, the age of sexual consent can be sixteen but that only applies to teenagers that are close in age. One or two years difference now. The age gap is too big between her and any human else right now.”
Jake had heard about that new law being put in a few years ago in his state. It used to be about four years difference maximum, now it was two to help curb the rise in teenage pregnancies.
“I understand,” Mo’at agreed again, in a far more understanding tone.
Eliza relaxed a little, sparing a look down at her tablet. “So… if you want a tip to down a human quickly, just kick them between the legs. They’ll be out of commission for at least an hour.”
“Rude.” Jake snipped in.
“Oh please, you’re safe, Sully.”
Eventually, after listening to Eliza’s graphic discussion of human births, the doctor finally left to refresh and help out downstairs. Jake though happily sat with Neytiri as she showed him how to store some medication long-term in small (to Na’vi) pods.
“The Great Hunt is coming up next month. We’re preparing these in advance.” Neytiri said, inserting the stopper into the pod’s top.
“Ooh, I hope to be a part of that.” Jake said without much thought, “I mean if I get an Ikran by then.” He added.
“You’re doing well. Your language still isn’t fluid to offer the correct prayer and you have yet to make a clean kill.” Neytiri said calmly but smiled fondly at him.
“If he’s close, then start to teach him how to tame an Ikran,” Mo’at interjected softly. “That is something to be learned. They are not kind. Rare few hunters have died attempting to tame one.”
Jake hummed, perking up a little. “I don’t mind the lessons.”
Neytiri sighed, “Then I will include it when you come to Hometree in your Dreamwalker.”
“Great. But, that does bring up a topic, Neytiri. About what Ashley said?”
Neytiri tisked a little, her tail swishing a little irritant. “I suppose.” Neytiri wiped her hands and turned her attention to her mother. “Ashelysloan earlier this week questioned me on their position and why they should follow our cultural practises when they are outsiders. Specifically, she had an interest in taming an Ikran but wondered why she needed to follow the Omatikaya Iknimaya for it when she is not Omatikaya or Na’vi.”
Mo’at head tilted curiously at the quandary. “You’re worried she will be offended by keeping her to our cultural ways?”
“No, I know she will follow them, as will Jake, but it opens up a lot of… wonders on what else it would mean for us and them. Iknimaya is only one part of our culture. We can teach them our culture but, they will never truly be accepted as one of us. That is where the question is directed.”
Mo’at set her tools down and remained quiet in her contemplation for a few minutes. “That is a good point made. There is much to consider but…as the the matter is since the sky people are on our land, our ways should be respected.”
“But the Ikran rookery is not on Omatikaya territory.” Neytiri pointed out, “They have the freedom to go there as desired. What stops them from going there? Their ignorance of how to handle Ikran’s? With Jake and Ashley learning, they can teach other Dreamwalkers. The whole process of Iknimaya is lost after them as it’s not their way.”
Mo’at frowned more thoughtfully as Neytiri’s words settled on her ears. “Are you worried this will occur?”
“A little, but…” Neytiri paused, glancing at Jake. “We have no good cause to stop them from trying if they leave Omatikaya territory altogether. Also, Dreamwalkers can conceive; what of their children? They will not be part of our people either.”
Mo’at let out a steady breath. “Right now, as they are on Omatikaya territory then I believe it’s best if they respect our culture by following our rites of passage. We’ve accepted their request uturu. I will however think much more on this. It does open a lot to consider.”
“You’re not wrong. I don’t see all humans staying here anyway.” Jake shrugged though blinked at the two sets of eyes looking to him sharply so he decided to elaborate “Right now, your territory is most familiar. We’re learning from you and we’re adapting a more eco-friendly way of life. You have given us shelter and we respect that. We’ve taught you about our kind, our technology and vampires. New concepts and all….but that doesn’t make us part of your clan. We’re not Omatikaya or Na’vi. We’re not confined to your territories unless we’re prisoners or on an exile agreement.” Jake pointed out, “I have no intention or plans to leave. If others had made it further out and found a good place to settle that open for more people to join then why not? As a community, it may be important for us to form a new culture that encompasses all Eywa, Na’vi teachings and human adaptability. Humans will birth as will our Dreamwalkers. Our children cannot have a stable life as an outsider to another clan despite our regular visits. That said….there’s only sixteen of us right now, not enough to even consider such an option.”
“But you have thought hard on this?”
“I like to know my options for my future and for the future of those who leave the RDA. Earth is a planet waiting to die now. If our planet goes, either slow or sudden, our people need to see what lies before them. I’d rather think ahead to avoid ruining this world like our ancestors ruined Earth. My people need stability and a new way of life as we never had a Great Mother to teach us.” Jake shrugged.
“Perhaps this is something that needs more time to think about.” Neytiri decided, “They are still learning from us and most humans so far have only left in small groups.”
“Indeed.” Mo’at sighed deeply, picking up her tools again.
It was perhaps another hour of less thought-fuelling debate and more of the merits of identifying certain leaf shapes that have the same colouring and Mo’at sending Neytiri away with an Ikran salve after a rider had returned with their winged friend injured from a Toruk attack.
Jake’s attention had been very fluid between work and waiting for when he was going to be returned downstairs when Eytukan seemed to enter the den with Tsu’tey on his feels.
“What’s wrong?”
“I have received word from a scout that… Graceaugustine has taken up residence in the mountains at her metal home.”
Jake’s breath paused. So far away from Hell’s Gate. That wasn’t good.
“You are certain of this?” Mo’at asked, her voice careful as he ears pinned back in concern.
“Yes, she is with another Dreamwalker and a sky person, a female.” He said, “I say this to you and I must ask that you keep such knowledge away from your brother. It will be unwise for him to learn such news.”
“N’deh was good friends with Graceaugustine, why would it be…unwise?” Her question slowed, though Jake turned his gaze to watch the discomfort cross over the Chief’s face. “Why can’t he know?”
Eytukan sighed deeply. “He will make every attempt to go to her if he learns she is more…accessible than behind the walls of the sky people place.”
Jake stared at the man in confusion for a long moment before he felt the gasp leave him as the realisation suddenly hit him like a train at full speed down a hill. “Grace Augustine is the Dreamwalker he tried to mate with!”
Oh fuck.
That… fucking well made sense now; why he never told anyone who ‘she’ was because…that was just an opening of trouble if the RDA found out she was trying to court with a Na’vi. It made sense where they met and how they got to know each other. Of course, he would be in trouble in wanting a woman he couldn’t have; a lead scientist of the RDA reflected very badly on the clan with those who hated humans. N’deh couldn’t get to Hell’s gate; that’d risk her. He didn’t want to leave her behind either.
Still, N’deh really should have better taste in women. What he saw in her…Jake couldn’t see it and it wasn’t the vampire part that he felt was off about her. Now, though… that part was its own concerns and problems now.
Which was why Eytukan wasn’t willing to let N’deh find her.
“Is this true?” Mo’at rose to her feet, her eyes narrowing a fraction and her tone very narrow.
Eytukan nodded once. “Yes.”
“We cannot hide her from him, their bond is broken and causes both pain. You know what they have to do to release that pain you brought to them by separating their mating Tsaheylu.”
“She is a Cold one, Mo’at. The risks to our clan…we must consider that.”
“Actually, I think you’re the one in trouble, Eytukan.” Jake knew it wasn’t his place to speak up and the displeased look wasn’t missed so he decided to rip the band-aid off. “Correct me if I’m wrong but she’s a vampire now. You screwed her over by A) ruining her relationship with N’deh, B) personally banished her and C) almost letting her Dreamwalker die back at the school.”
“How do you know that?” Mo’at asked sharply
“Nadine was a pilot of the rescue team and Eliza helped treat the bullet wounds. They had camera footage of your warriors stepping over her Dreamwalker. It was mentioned briefly last week.” Jake answered. A story that had been in passing conversation one dinner time. He hadn’t cared too much but… now it seemed very relevant of possible spite.
Mo’at hissed softly, her tail swishing high as she moved to pace a fraction around the den. “<We do not want the Cold ones as our enemies, husband.>”
Eytukan’s ears perked, “<I don’t either, which is more the reason we cannot allow them to mate.>”
“&lt;We?>” Mo’at echoed shifting a displeased head tilt at him. “<There is no ‘we’ in this discussion. Husband.>”
Jake decided it was probably best to leave the two to it and crawled to his chair to exit. “I’ll pray to Eywa for you, Eytukan. The Grace Augustine I met…well, she holds a grudge.” He said, rolling out of the den. “You sure as hell are gonna need it.” He couldn’t help the sing-songy edge to the last bit; just to drill it home how much Eytukan needed to realise he had fucked up massively.
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jakey-beefed-it · 2 years
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It's been a couple days since I posted any updates on my Knight Abominant project, but that's mostly because I'm at a minor impasse of parts and money. I got the arms sawed through and magnetized before attaching the shoulders and pauldrons, so I can magnetize weapon swaps and use those going forward. I also decked it out with a bit of jeweler's chain and guitar string cables, and sawed the legs apart at the knee to make room for an extension.
Said extension bits are easy and free to cheap with a 3d printer, but I don't have one of those so I'd have to order it from someone who does, and that's going to cost like 10 to 15 bux I don't currently have to spare so the project gets shelved here until I can get my hands on more bits, 3d printed or otherwise.
I remain confident that the finished product is gonna be pretty kickass, though, so watch this space for eventual updates.
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renarys · 1 year
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just a little compilation of the plethora of custom doll stuff i've been making in the past several months :D currently featuring: Rani (Soom R.Breccia), Rinshi (Soom Onyx), and Yeomra (Withdoll Margery)
and so, here's a longass detailed ramble on my current state of progress so far:
fully modeled & printed rani's new body (not shown here) and dragon parts! but still need to do sanding/clean up and reprint her forearms with adjustments. also should reeeallyyy make her custom hands and feet since i'm just using some spare super gem ones rn and they just look WAY too tiny for her lmao.....
dye job for rinshi! she still needs a faceup badly though...! also i really wanna wipe rani's face, dye her properly (she's currently airbrush tanned), and then redo it at the same time i paint rinshi, but i also like her having a face still while working on styling her wig... and i know the whole process there is gonna take me quite awhile so.... mrrrr. (continues procrastinating on it)
modeled & printed horns for rinshi and yeomra too~ still brainstorming how i wanna do rinshi's dragon tail, though, which is going to be super long and also Quite An Adventure. orz
wigs! i've been slacking a bit on putting together the part for yeomra even though she has the simplest hairstyle of the three by far. meanwhile rinshi has some partially swept back bangs with her hairline showing and i'm going to try ventilating a lace front for her and that'll be Yet Another Adventure lmao... but at least in the meantime, i DO really love how her hair streaks containing multiple shades of pink came out. it makes me think of candy... and lesbians. and I Love It. (i've also started attempting styling on rani's wig and i'm also very much procrastinating on that too, lord, help me)
and finally, my most recent work, accessories for rani's outfit!! this isn't everything, either - some things still need sanding, some reprinting, and the stuff for her shoes aren't even ready to print yet - but oh my god LOOK AT THOSE TINY CHROMED BUTTONS AND THE SUPER NEON PINK CRYSTAL PARTS. I'M OBSESSED WITH ALL THIS STUFF. SO COOL!!!!! sooo cool..... girl i just love shiny things and transparent things and pink things.... wowie. wow. i made all that......? wow............
but man. it's been years since i've been this motivated to actually make stuff for my BJDs and now that i finally have the 3d resin printer i've dreamed of for years... it's so crazy guys. it's magical. now i just want to make ALL the dolls...!!!! (whether i actually FINISH any of them is another story entirely, but hey, i'll at least MAKE them. ...maybe!)
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dannychoo · 2 years
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Smart Doll owners automatically gain a free license to modify and monetize from our free apparel patterns and 3D files which now include boot patterns - head to the "Free Stuff" section on our online store. Why buy our stuff when you can make your own :-) With a background in making shoes (my father has made a pair or two), we make Smart Doll shoes as miniature human shoes, which include miniature components such as stiffeners and toe puff. However, I simplified the free version of the boot patterns so that folks with experience making Smart Doll garments could understand them - no prior shoe-making experience is needed. However, you still need to have DIY mana and learn a few terms. "Last" refers to the mold that looks like a shoe. "Upper" refers to the fabric part of the shoe that covers the foot. We use leather, but you can try other fabrics. If you are using leather, you need to skive the thickness, and if you are trying cotton, you need to iron on a backer. "Sole" can refer to the bottom of the shoe (the rubbery part that has the heel) but can also be used to describe the part that the Upper is stuck to - it looks like a footprint without the toes. The 3D data for the Last and Sole is available for free download. However, unless you use a rubbery resin or PLA, you may find that the sole may not curve enough to be stuck on effectively. Also available for purchase are the Rubber Soles (Mirai 002) - you won't be able to download these physical products until we fix the Transporter platform on the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D). Folks who don't have access to a 3D printer may want to use the rubber soles, and perhaps use putty/clay to pad a spare Smart Doll foot as a substitute for the Last - not ideal, but better than nothing. Smart Doll Plus owners can try scaling up the size of the patterns and 3D data to make shoes for their big girls. Please read the blurb associated with the pattern/files before downloading. As with any handmaking craft - please wear protective gear, especially for your eyes. Go forth, learn, create and perhaps monetize. Don't rely on one source of income. #tokyo #smartdoll #anime #manga #doll #3dprinting #design #japan (at Mirai Store Tokyo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkYPKdWypkT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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just cleared a monsoon run on merc casually
to be fair spare drone parts and a lucky 3D printer with an empathy core in it did do a lot of the lifting trading a beetle gland for an empathy core was quite a power spike
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forgottenyear · 2 years
I had to try. I know there is no going back to life within amnesia, but I had to see how close I could get. Apparently, not very.
It is not like I was trying so terribly hard. I did keep a tumblr tab open and I would catch up on my dash a few times a day. I even posted a few times.
Even so, it cannot be healthy. The more I can push this stuff out of my regular thoughts, the less I manage of it. The less I manage, the more that it manages me.
I found myself idealizing Angela and her life. Mythologizing it, as appears to be the family tradition. Thinking that maybe life would have been better had we followed her path.
Angela’s life was on a collision course with reality. Her life was unsustainable. She did not intend it should be sustained long anyway.
I am here today. This appears to suggest I live life differently, but appearances often lie.
I do not necessarily live differently from Angela. Not as significantly differently as the outcome may suggest. My life is not the product of lessons learned.
The difference between my and Angela’s outcomes really only boils down to luck. My partner and I are uniquely suited to each other, and my partner’s father happened to have money (although that factor has understandably diminishing influence).
I have said for many years that my partner and I do not live in reality, but now I see that reality is soon to arrive. It will be interesting to see where that takes us. (The day would have arrived sooner and more harshly for my partner without my presence, because they never acquired the necessary skills for life in poverty, let alone life in general.)
What I have accomplished, by trying to regain control over my life through denial, has been painful.
Reminders are painful. I can never forget entirely. Not like before.
And I have returned to feeling like this is a curse.
On the upside, I stumbled across the purpose for the ADXL module for the 3d printer (I will spare the reader the details) (suffice to say, it is marginally different from the The Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator). It makes sense that the unfused part wanted one.
What does not make sense is how the unfused part knew that we would want or even be able to use one. The firmware has only just been updated to use this module, maybe a year after we bought it. How did they anticipate this update?
I am sure there is a rational explanation. But it is a creepy situation that too easily lends to irrational explanations, in the absence of the rational one.
I half expect the cows to go dry if I am not careful. (We do not have cows, but still.)
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kikkofindaeas · 1 day
Retro voiture
Tray difficulty at encounter a spares parts ...
not produced plus ... not kompatibles ...
buy une 3d printer metals ...
and solve ... bellament ...
( Nurghio )
0 notes
ankitab · 12 days
The Additive Manufacturing Market is expected to reach above $93.36 billion by 2031
Additive manufacturing Market Size, Share, Forecast, & Trends Analysis
According to the latest publication from Meticulous Research®, the additive manufacturing market is projected to reach $93.36 billion by 2031, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20.3% from 2024 to 2031. This growth is primarily driven by the increasing demand for producing complex parts, reducing manufacturing costs, minimizing waste, and improving product development and supply chains. The market also benefits from the ability to easily customize products and support large-scale production. However, growth may be restrained by challenges such as limited build sizes and the costs associated with pre-processing and post-processing.
Download free sample report here: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=5838?utm_source=article&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=product&utm_content=13-09-2024
Opportunities for growth in the additive manufacturing market include the growing use of 3D printers for producing functional end-use parts and the rise of composite 3D printing. Nonetheless, concerns about piracy, unauthorized distribution, and a lack of skilled professionals could pose challenges to market expansion.
Key trends in this market include on-demand production of spare parts, increased product customization, and the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into 3D printing processes.
Market Segmentation
The additive manufacturing market is segmented by Offering, Technology, End User, and Geography:
By Offering: The market is divided into Hardware, Software, Materials (Polymers, Metals, Ceramics, Composites, and Other Materials), and Services. Among these, the Services segment is expected to hold the largest share, above 52.8%, in 2024. This segment includes services such as additive manufacturing services, education, repair and maintenance, consulting, and training associated with hardware and software. The large share is driven by the growing number of service providers, increasing reliance on these providers by end users, and the benefits of outsourcing. Additionally, the rising deployment of 3D printers across industries is expected to increase the demand for support and maintenance services, enabling business process improvements and continual modifications.
Browse in depth: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/product/additive-manufacturing-market-5838?utm_source=article&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=product&utm_content=13-09-2024
By Technology: The market is segmented into Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), Stereolithography (SLA), Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS), PolyJet, Multi-Jet Fusion, Digital Light Processing (DLP), Binder Jetting, Electron Beam Melting (EBM), Directed Energy Deposition (DED), Laser Metal Fusion (LMF), Selective Absorption Fusion (SAF), LCD 3D Printing, and other technologies. In 2024, the Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) segment is expected to account for the largest share at 11.5%. This dominance is due to the expanding application areas of FDM technology, such as automotive, aerospace, general manufacturing, healthcare, consumer goods, and jewelry, its cost-effectiveness, and its growing adoption by various manufacturers.
By End User: The market is segmented into Consumer Products, Healthcare, Automotive, General Manufacturing, Electronics & Semiconductors, Aerospace & Defense, Chemicals & Materials, Energy, Oil & Gas, and Other End Users. The Automotive segment is expected to register the highest CAGR of 22.4% during the forecast period. This growth can be attributed to the use of additive manufacturing in rapid tooling and fixture production, optimizing component performance, and integrating multiple functions into single parts. Automotive manufacturers and aftermarket suppliers utilize additive manufacturing to produce spare parts, replacement components, and obsolete parts on demand, enhancing supply chain resilience and customer satisfaction.
Download request sample report here: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/request-sample-report/cp_id=5838?utm_source=article&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=product&utm_content=13-09-2024
By Geography: The market is divided into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. The Asia-Pacific region is projected to register the highest CAGR of 22.1% during the forecast period. This growth is driven by rapid developments in the region's manufacturing sector, increased digitization, and the adoption of additive manufacturing technologies across various industries. Additionally, a vibrant startup ecosystem in Asia-Pacific fosters innovation and collaboration, further contributing to the market's growth.
Key Players
Key players in the additive manufacturing market include 3D Systems Corporation (U.S.), 3Dceram (France), Dassault Systèmes SE (France), Colibrium Additive (U.S.), Materialise NV (Belgium), Shapeways Holdings, Inc. (U.S.), Canon Inc. (Japan), voxeljet AG (Germany), Optomec, Inc. (U.S.), Proto Labs, Inc. (U.S.), Stratasys, Ltd. (U.S.), EOS GmbH (Germany), Desktop Metal, Inc. (U.S.), Formlabs Inc. (U.S.), and Autodesk, Inc. (U.S.).
Quick buy: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/Checkout/86948189?utm_source=article&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=product&utm_content=13-09-2024
These companies play a critical role in shaping the market by providing a diverse range of products and services, fostering technological advancements, and driving the adoption of additive manufacturing across various industries.
Contact Us: Meticulous Research® Email- [email protected] Contact Sales- +1-646-781-8004 Connect with us on LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/company/meticulous-research
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joyner111 · 15 days
Looking for laser engraver parts in India
If you're looking for laser engraver parts in India, there are several options available to you. Here are some places where you can find the necessary components and accessories for your laser engraving machine:
Ortur offers a range of accessories for their laser engravers, which may include parts for maintenance and upgrades.
Laser Technologies is a resource for quality laser spare parts. They ensure the availability of all their spare parts for at least ten years, which is reassuring for long-term machine maintenance.
MatterHackers provides a variety of parts and upgrades for laser cutters and engravers. While they are based in the USA, they may ship internationally.
Creality is known for their 3D printers and also offers laser engravers. They may have parts and accessories available for their laser machines。
Monport Laser provides a comprehensive range of laser engraver accessories and parts. They offer everything from laser tubes and lenses to rotary devices and honeycomb working beds.
BuildYourCNC offers a wide range of laser components, including CO2 laser tubes, power supplies, lenses, and mirrors. This is a good resource for those looking to repair or upgrade their laser systems.
Monport Laser also specifically lists CO2 laser parts on their website, which could be useful if you're looking for laser engraver parts for a CO2 laser engraver.
Remember to verify the compatibility of the laser engraver parts with your specific laser engraver model before making a purchase. It's also advisable to read customer reviews and ensure that the laser engraver parts meet your requirements for quality and functionality.
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phoneparts · 1 month
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