#4/27/23 guess who's making edits that's right it's me
a few of my favorite Lan things (gameverse)
The way this kid gave 0 fucks about fighting off evil organizations that could KILL people. Even impulse control Megaman is just like, “Yeah Lan let’s show them who’s boss!”
His response to anyone doing bad things is essentially, “You’re a terrible person and I’m gonna stop you.” And then he stops them!
Literally oversleeping like every day despite Megaman literally yelling at him to wake up (king tbh)
Trespasses practically everywhere because his loved ones were put in harm’s way and anyone who messes with Lan Hikari’s loved ones will catch MEGA’S HANDS
Chaud in almost every BN game: Stay in your lane and let the Officials handle this
Lan: How about I don’t?
Literally decided to take on a crime syndicate without an official NetBattler license because fuck you it’s the right thing to do!
Fought off actual flames coming out of his oven with a squirt gun
Stole his dad’s government ID so he can have access to the water plant in order to confront said crime syndicate
He reformed Higsby just by telling him joining WWW for rare battlechips was dumb
Got freaking electrocuted trying to pull down a lever so Elecman would quit healing himself
After finding out his dead twin was really his Navi all along his first response is to apologize to Megaman for bossing him around for literal years
Mayl essentially tells him she has a crush on him and the poor oblivious boy is just absolutely DUMBFOUNDED
After Wiley told him that Lan’s grandpa beat him in a science contest so now he wants to kill everyone Lan basically called his shitty motive out and said Wiley’s loss wasn’t his family’s fault
Practically failing a semester (or at most has a C average) except for Virus Busting (THIS KID BECOMES A SCIENTIST WHEN HE GROWS UP)
He wanted to research a different country and get a penpal from said country on the grounds that he wanted to eat their food (KING TBH)
Fought off a swarm of bees with a stick, a newspaper, and a lighter with 0 help from his friends
His first time overseas and he gets mugged....3 times
Keeps saying Mayl is “just a friend” but will have romantic dreams about her
Volunteered to captured a poisonous spider with 0 hesitation because he’s Lan Fucking Hikari
Freestyle rapped in order to get whiskey...yes really
Easily convinced his dad to let him go to a town with lethally high levels of radiation to take down a mafia because fuck you he’s Lan Hikari and this is the right thing to do
Managed to survive 100k radiation
Used the power of brotherly love to operate Megaman with his heart
STOLE THE KEY TO BREAK INTO HIS SCHOOL (it was to make sure Dex didn’t fail his homework but still the AUDACITY)
Fucking Y E E T S his navi like a fucking POKEBALL at a man
He’s apparently good at calligraphy???
Falls for the, “Hey look over there!” trick
Jumps from a 2nd story window into the ocean in order to reach a hospital’s basement because he’s Lan Fucking Hikari
Caught a condor to return to the zoo
Calls Megaman out for being reckless on obtaining the GigFreeze even though the entire list proves that this gremlin has no room to talk
Gets gunned down by a tank with a built in machine gun and just...side steps it so he can jack into it
Can’t enter an area because it’s not open to the public? TRIES TO HAVE HIS NAVI BLAST IT OPEN!
An employee from said area shows up? HAVE YOUR NAVI KICK HIS ASS THEN TAKE HIS ACCESS CODE
NetBattled a gang because his new punk friend needed help
Gets involved with a mafia….again…
Got goaded into putting his hand in some wall relic thing’s mouth (with a slight risk it’ll be bit off) in order to prove he wasn’t lying about being in a tournament
Had Mega take on a soccer (I’m sorry, “footbomb”) challenge because some rando trash talked them
Swore revenge on an actual military official because he punched Lan in the stomach
Insulted a master chef by saying his mom’s curry was better
Had Megaman get some cyber beer and cyber jerky so they could learn how to break rocks...I wish I was making this up
Braved a blizzard and almost froze to death so he could stop some asshole from freezing the entire earth (and this ISN’T PART OF THE GAME’S ACTUAL VILLAIN’S PLOT! THE GUY WAS LITERALLY JUST BEING AN ASSHOLE BECAUSE HE WAS HOT!)
Literally kept the fact he’s a part of the NetAvengers a secret from his mom and friends until almost the last minute, which wasn’t very hard apparently
Like deliberately disobeyed his mom about being safe because if you think Lan Fucking Hikari isn’t going to find a way to save his own dad you got another thing coming
Was initially refusing to listen to Dusk’s demands to show off his and Mega’s battle capabilities, but agreed after he was called a wimp
Called the actual family dog ugly fdjksfldjs
Took down 100 dummy samurais so he could bypass a castle’s security system
Unfortunately not a whole lot of other moments but that’s because Lan’s chaotic nature is challenged by his equally chaotic teammates:
Chaud fakes an attack on SciLab so he can see if Lan has what it takes to be part of the NetAvengers (because saving the world 4 times just doesn’t really cut it I guess...)
Tesla literally almost killed 3 children because she was stressed and thought drilling in an abandoned mine would do the trick
Charlie decides to cause problems on purpose just to test Lan’s capabilities and CHAUD WAS IN ON IT
Charlie also took out Nebula’s evil server thing but decided to attack Lan and Mega anyway because he just really wanted a rematch I guess
Fyrefox almost got away with theft because he just REALLY wanted his fireworks business to thrive okay?
Jasmine said fuck your precautions I’m going to the Undernet and there’s nothing anyone can do about it!
She also continues to say fuck authority, and if Lan won’t have the balls to go after Nebula then she and Meddy will!
Baryl--like Chaud--fakes an attack on Scilab to test lan and the entire time Lan is just like WHO ARE YOU?
Dusk also causes problems on purpose for the sake of testing Lan but he’s an assassin so that kinda makes sense for him
Goes to the Undernet again because dammit Lan if you won’t be a leader and avenge Colonel then SHE WILL
Was prepared to fight off 5 security bots when they wouldn’t let him into his new school
Was willing to take on those same security bots who were burning the entire school down because this isn’t Lan Fucking Hikari’s first rodeo
Considered that an actual penguin could be a pelican...
Would have jumped into a pool full of jellyfish had impulse control Megaman not stopped him
Almost got fucking TAZED because he was yelling and touching a tree (IT MAKES SENSE IN CONTEXT....KINDA)
Sleeps in class when there are security cameras watching him (THIS KID BECOMES A SCIENTIST WHEN HE GROWS UP)
Tried to pull a Mary Poppins with an umbrella to jump down a tall ledge...the umbrella broke
Basically took an assassination class... (Gregor version)
Nearly threw hands with the mayor (he had it coming tho)
Took down a NetMafia...again (request post-game; but for real how does this keep happening to him???)
Put off leaving a building that was about to blow up because he was reforming the franchise’s long running villain
Decides to investigate a bad vaccine after his dad tells him to stay put because sorry dad I’m Lan Fucking Hikari and this is the right thing to do! (Network Transmission)
Saved the Waterworks plant from Iceman (again) not just because it’s the right thing to do but because if he didn’t he would get any dinner that night (Network Transmission)
BEAT UP A GROWN ASS MAN (Battle Chip Challenge (his route))
Okay this kid does all this bullshit but the one thing that knocks him down is the fucking common cold (Battle Chip Challenge (Mayl’s route))
Lied about WWW stragglers being at the BattleChipGP to impress his #1 fan and when that proved to be true he tried playing it off that he knew all along before Megaman outs him (Battle Chip Challenge (Kai’s route))
Literally calls a powerful being from space an “Arm Navi” and when corrected he tells it to shut up (Operate Shooting Star)
Becomes a memetic badass 200 years into the future (Operate Shooting Star) including but hopefully not limited to things such as:
having an IQ of 300
Being efficient in every sport (soccer in particular)
Making goals in soccer against 11 players (presumably single-handedly)
has a signature move called a LanPunch and it’s never specified HOW THIS CAME ABOUT
Literally comes into Dex’s house uninvited with a strange boy from the future and jacks into a wall clock WITHOUT AN EXPLANATION TO DEX (Operate Shooting Star)
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i-may-be-an-emu · 1 month
SFTH Fic Masterlist!!
someone said that they wanted a fic masterlist so I made one :))
These are all the sfth fics on ao3 that i could find- they’re not really in any order but they are organised into the plays and stuff that they’re from. I have not read all of these, just compiling them here :)
the number at the end refers to how many fics there are in that category.
A big thank you to all these fic writers you’re amazing!
**full credit to the authors for these fics**
#1. Omg Is This A Joke (2)
#5. Long Johns - STRIKE! (4)
#.10 The Midnight Mystery (1)
#11. Inside The Mysterious Cube (7)
#13. All Eyes On Nigel (5)
#15. Wild, Wet & Worrisome (1)
#16. The Cardboard Stegosaurus (4)
#20. The Leftenmost Window (3)
#21. The Neighbours Under The Bed (1)
#22. The Milkman (2)
#23. Beetroots And Murder (2)
#25. The Evil Make a Wish Kid (1)
#26. Priscilla’s Final Petal (1)
#27. The Mystery Of The Midnight Circus (1)
#30. The Unrelenting Aubergine And part two because yay over ten!!! (12)
#31. The Lighthouse (1)
#33. Marigolds Bluebells and Hugh (2)
#35. Burglary And Bobsledding (1)
#36. Toby’s Secret Pocket (2)
Crossover Fics (10)
Skits/Scenes (1)
Headcanons/Lore/Other stuff (3)
Patreon Fics (you’re still welcome to read these if you’re not a patreon but it might not make sense) (2)
Live Show Fics (HOW!?!?!? Amazing. I think this play will be released and I’ll edit this when/if it does to be with fics from that play.) (1)
DND (not putting it in the patron list since some people bought tickets so it doesn’t really fit the patreon category) (3)
RPF and RPF Part Two and RPF Part Three (these are the non-smut ones, just because I don’t really want to put the smut ones on here. I know that there’s a lot of people in this fandom who don’t like rpf, but there are also lots who do. If you don’t like it then you don’t have to look at it I guess) (22)
if you’ve written any sfth fanfiction that’s up on ao3 and it’s not on this list and you want it to be then let me know and I’ll add it :))
I will attempt to update this when I can, if I’ve missed any (that are up on ao3) let me know :)
Total fics on this masterlist: 95
(that’s if my dyscalculia didn’t fail me and I somehow counted right^^)
Last Updated: 21st September 2024
Last Added:
live show fic (1) rpf (2) crossover (1)
(last few days since this was updated)
(I’ve just added the “last added section” which might be helpful for seeing what was last updated, I’ll make it the stuff added in the last few days from now on)
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yuzurujenn · 11 months
[2023.11.11] AERA Special Edition - 100 Q&A with Yuzuru Hanyu
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1. What time do you wake up in the morning?
This morning? 12:30pm.
2. Is it always like that?
It’s usually around 6pm.
3. The first words uttered when you wake up in the morning. Is it “sleepy”?
“Sleepy” maybe.
4. The first thing you do when you wake up in the morning.
Put away the futon.
5. The last thing you ate.
Tofu! It was a cold one.
6. The ideal way to spend your holidays.
Wake up, play games, and sleep (laughs). Then, um, wake up again, eat when I’m hungry, lie down and go back to sleep again.
7. The ideal breakfast.
I wonder.. break and milk.
8. What kind of dinner makes you excited?
9. What do you keep in mind to manage your physical condition?
I keep additives at a minimum. It’s hard to avoid them, but I’m trying to reduce it.
10. How do you spend your time on the shinkansen? Check SNS? Sleep?
11. A dream you had recently.
It’s a scary one, I had a dream of jumping into the lake.
12. Why the lake?
I was being chased by some scary people, their faces were covered in mosaics. Felt like these people were trying to kill me, so I jumped into a lake.
13. What would you end up buying at the convenience store?
14. What kind of pudding you prefer? Firm or soft?
15. Favourite app.
App. I wonder what it is, Pass! I can’t say (laughs).
16. Do you drink alcohol?
I can’t drink alcohol. Allergy.
17. What do you want to be if you are reborn?
Human! Preferably myself.
18. Sweet things, spicy things, bitter things, and sour things. Which do you like?
I guess something sweet.
19. When you’re feeling down, what do you do?
Just dance according to the music.
20. Mountain or sea, which do you prefer?
21. If you could shout something from the top of the mountain?
“Yay!” Or something? Hahaha.
22. Who do you talk to when you are feeling troubled?
Myself. Or listen to music.
23. Favourite time of the day.
5 or 6 o’clock in the morning.
24. Why that time of the day?
It depends on the seasons, but the sun will rise around this time. On cloudy days, although the sun will rise, it will be a bit dim. But it’s not a sinking feeling since it’s sunrise, I like that kind of gloomy morning.
25. Frequently used emoji.
What is it? Cry 😭! (Use both hands to express). I use this a lot.
26. Favourite animal.
27. If you were to get a cat, what name would you give it?
Milk. Because what comes to mind right now is a white cat.
28. Yuzuru Hanyu expressed in one kanji character.
Well, this is a difficult question. I’ll leave this for later!
29. What do you do to boost your spirit?
Take caffeine.
30. How do you take it?
I will drink something, like energy drink.
31. A habit you want to fix.
Staying up late.
32. What’s a word you always end up saying?
Sou desu ne (Indeed/I See).
33. Do you believe in fortune telling?
I do. Hehe.
34. A place you would like to go.
Ise Jingu and Izumo Taisha.
35. Have you been there before?
I went to Ise Jingu once on my way home from an ice show. It was amazing, I felt a lot of energy and power there. I'd like to go there again.
36. Favourite place?
37. What’s good about Sendai?
It’s a place where the city and forest can co-exist.
38. Speaking of Sendai?
39. What would you do if you had a different job for just one day?
Occupation? One day only. Um, programmer!
40. Do you have any programming experience?
I took programming classes when I was in college, and I’ve been doing it a little bit since. I think it would be fun to do something like that.
41. If you have 10 minutes free time?
Play game!
42. What game?
Now I’m playing “Fire Emblem”.
43. The best movie you’ve seen.
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time.
44. Something that makes you think “This is just impossible”.
Bell pepper.
45. An episode with bell pepper.
During the ice show the other day the hotel caterer served us curry. Before the actual performance, I can’t eat curry at all because it’s a bit heavy for me. However, I thought I might be able to eat it before rehearsal the night before, so I went to eat it and found that it had bell pepper in it. I was in shock, I couldn’t recover from it. Even though it’s curry, it had bell pepper in it! There were only red and yellow bell peppers (laughs).
46. Do you prefer to eat your favourite food first, or last?
Divide it, and eat it the first and the last.
47. Your favourite dagashi (penny candy).
Um, gummies. Are gummies dagashi? Not sure?
48. Would you put them as dagashi?
And then, there’s that soda candy. Big one. Tastes like cola. Sometimes with gum in them. I like that.
49. Something that surprised you recently.
Nothing much. However, that dream surprised me though, I was thinking “I’m going to be killed” (laughs)
50. Is there anything surprised you in real life?
Ah yes, bugs! Just at the entrance of my house, there was a relatively rare scarab called the Polyphylla albolineata (Motschulsky). I poked it with my hand to see what it was, and it made a loud sound, which shocked me (laughs). First time seeing that kind of bug.
51. Favourite scent?
I like chamomile and jasmine.
52. Favourite bento side dish?
Karaage (fried chicken).
53. Favourite tea?
Early grey.
54. Favourite ingredient in miso soup?
55. Favourite onigiri filling?
Now I like kombu!
56. Favourite sandwich filling?
57. Favourite meat?
Pork belly!
58. Favourite drink?
Dr. Pepper.
59. Favourite colour?
It depends on the time and occasion, but right now it’s yellow-green.
60. Favourite manga?
What manga would I recommend. There are quite a few, but hmm, I wonder what is it now. Tokyo Ghoul, I guess.
61. Favourite flower?
I wonder... Hydrangea!
62. Artists you’re interested in recently?
I'm feeling troubled. I don’t want to say who is popular (laughs), but ah, what should I do. Mrs. GREEN APPLE!
63. Your favourite toy as a child?
Jungle gym.
64. Do you like being at the top?
I like the top. I think I fell down once when I was a kid though.
65. Were you okay?
It’s a small jungle gym for home use. I seemed to have hit somewhere. Hit the forehead.
66. Recommended Youtube channel?
“HANYU YUZURU” hahaha.
67. Important words?
Daijoubu (It’s okay).
68. The moment you felt glad that you were skating?
Probably when I could move as my heart dictates.
69. If you could only bring one thing with you to an uninhabited island?
Knife? As long as you have a knife, you can always find a way.
70. If you can take a week off starting tomorrow?
Play games!
71. If tomorrow is the end of the world, what would you want to eat?
Gyoza. It’s all about gyoza (laughs).
72. What would you buy as a gift for yourself?
73. Describe your personality in one word.
Well, weird. Hahaha.
74. Why do you feel you are like a weird person?
I didn’t feel like I was weird at all originally, but recently I took on a lot of various jobs, and when I was being interviewed, I thought, “I’m such a weirdo”.
75. What was the moment that you felt that being weird is good too?
Because I am weird, I think about many different things and observe and make progress from a different perspective than others. Based on this, I don’t think it is a derogatory term, but after all I was a bit shocked to realise I am different from others (laughs).
76. Favourite number.
77. Favourite novel.
キマイラ (Kimaira). I don’t reach much novels, but I’ve read quite a lot of the Kimaira series.
78. How big is the largest Pooh that you own?
(Opening his arms) About this big? It should be this big. Is it about 1 meter, or 80 centimetres?
79. What about the smallest Pooh?
That would be the Tsum-Tsum, the plastic kind, there’s a very small one, almost 2cm, the stacking kind.
80. If you’re not a figure skater, what would you be?
A baseball player. I liked baseball more (laughs).
81. A costume you want to try on for Halloween.
82. When did you have your first cell phone?
No, I don’t have one.
83. How do you check SNS?
Although I have been using an iPod touch, it has been discontinued. Now I’m using an iPhone without a SIM card. Since I’ve never used a cell phone, I don’t have a number.
84. If you could get one thing, what would it be?
I wonder. Hmm… I guess I rather get it on my own than receiving it.
85. What kind of nerd (otaku) are you?
86. What is your specialty dish?
Frozen gyoza (laughs).
87. What kind of illustrations are you good at?
I can’t draw Pooh. Ah, but I may have drawn all kinds of wings, and skates.
88. Things you tend to collect.
Just earphones, and gyoza (laughs).
89. Something you always keep in mind.
Never forget your original intention.
90. Words that you dislike.
Right. There is, but I wonder what it is. “Uncool” is definitely something I don’t want to be told.
91. A relaxing moment.
When I’m in the futon, lying on my stomach and squeezing the pillow.
92. How do you spend your birthday?
I was hardly in Japan for my birthday. There was always the Grand Prix Final, and when I couldn’t go, it’s usually because I was injured or sick.
93. On your 28th birthday after turning professional, how did you spend it?
I felt like it was the first time I could spend some time at home. Yeah. It’s like “I’m not fidgeting!” Moreover, I was not injured and not in a bad shape. That’s what I was thinking.
94. Were you also off work?
There’s a program called “Classic TV” with Shinya Kiyozuka, and there was a recording of it. However, even though there was a recording session, I was able to spend time at home.
95. You will be 29 years old this year. What kind of year would you like to have?
Well, for now, I would like to continue my research and study.
96. What kind of research and study?
Acting and expression techniques. I want to learn more about those things, and also learn more skating techniques.
97. What do you want to do when you turn 30?
For now, continue jumping quads. Like, “I can jump!” hahaha.
98. What will you be doing in 10 years?
I wonder if I will still be skating. My goal is to maintain my health and reduce the risk of injury as much as possible so that I can still skate 10 years from now.
99. Once again, “Yuzuru Hanyu” expressed in one kanji character.
Hmm. Core, I guess. I absolutely do not want to waver.
100. Lastly, what would you like to ask your fans?
Am I living up to your expectations?
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Source: Own image
Info: https://x.com/AERAnetjp/status/1708679949245100224
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a-little-unsteddie · 1 year
60+ Prompts for 500 Followers!
500 followers! Insane! Thank you so much! I’ve compiled 60 very self-indulgent prompts to celebrate!
Send as many numbers as you want, make sure to specify if the prompt has multiple options below it, which option you want! (i.e. 8c for “We have a problem.” / “No, you have a problem.”) Also! Include the pairing and vibe (angst/fluff/etc).
pairings i’ll write: steve/eddie, steve/jonathan, steve/argyle, steve&robin, robin/chrissy, robin/nancy, robin/vickie, p much any platonic ship <3
edit: i will work on these as i can! probably tomorrow night :)
prompt list below the cut :)
20 dialogue prompts
1. “We should compare hand sizes.”
2. “Easy, you’re alright, I got you.”
3. “So, how’d that work out for you?”
4. “It’s not fair.”
5. “I expected more.”
6. “I must be in heaven.”
7. “I must be in hell.”
8. “We have a problem.”
a. “Let me guess. You caused it?”
b. “It’s 7:30am.”
c. “No, you have a problem.”
d. “Of course we have a problem. Why wouldn’t we have a problem?”
9. “You’re staring.”
10. “Excuse me, I have to go make a scene.”
11. “I’m gonna need therapy after this.”
12. “I’ve never seen you that angry.”
13. “I thought that if I acted like it didn’t matter, then it wouldn’t.”
14. “Let me take care of things for once, okay?”
15. “Do you wanna get some fresh air?”
16. “I can’t pretend anymore.”
17. “You’re my person.”
18. “Why would you do that?”
a. “As if I could do anything else.”
b. “It was fun.”
c. “You were standing right there!”
d. “It was a dare.”
19. “That was supposed to be a secret!”
20. “And just who do you think you are?”
20 tropes
21. enemies to lovers/friends
22. strangers to lovers/friends
23. whump
a. illness
b. stress/anxiety
c. injury
d. other (specify if you want)
24. fake dating
25. only one bed
26. memory loss
27. magical au (specify if you have smth in mind)
28. nerd/jock
29. forced proximity
30. time loop
31. modern au (specify if you have smth in mind)
32. hanahaki disease
33. miscommunication
34. mutual pining
35. monster au
a. vampire
b. werewolf
c. cryptid (specify if you want)
d. other (specify if you want)
36. mafia au
37. famous au (specify otherwise i’ll go hogwild and self indulge :b)
38. animal transformation
39. superhero au
40. canon-divergence/alternate canon
a. eddie joins s3
b. different first meeting
c. numbered!character (007/010)
d. other (specify please)
20 moments
41. first kiss
42. first meeting
43. last kiss
44. coming out
45. feelings realization
46. lost scenes
a. rv conversations
b. forest scene conversations
c. other (specify please)
47. break up
48. sharing a secret
49. love confessions
50. oh. oh.
51. sharing clothes
52. game night
53. first time holding hands
54. movie night
55. rewrite scenes
a. boathouse
b. finding eddie at skull rock
c. other (specify please)
56. surprise party
57. gift giving
58. comfort after a nightmare
59. morning after
60. accidental kiss
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nerdmorkai · 10 months
Make me Admit Stuff (I'll do it myself edition)
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged? Yes
2. You talked to an ex today, correct? No
3. Have you taken someones virginity? No
4. Is trust a big issue for you? Yes, my anxiety is bad enough with someone I trust.
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently? Yes
6. What are you excited for? Finding Peace and getting laid (it's been a while)
7. What happened tonight? Chilled with a friend.
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted? Yes, but it's anyone. My disgust is not gender specific.
9. Is confidence cute? Sure
10. What is the last beverage you had? Water
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? Five
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? Yes, I'm old
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night? Smoke and chill in Philly
14. What are you going to spend money on next? Presents
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed? Hopefully in spirit
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months? I'd imagine so, trauma usually does that.
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? I have two close male friends I would tell anything and two female friends I would tell anything.
18. The last time you felt broken? Currently
19. Have you had sex today? Haha, no.
20. Are you starting to realize anything?I really have to start working towards re-building the life I want.
21. Are you in a good mood? Meh, 50/50
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks? Not really.
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s? Yes
24. What do you want right this second? Physical touch
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy? Be bummed, but people will do what they want.
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color? Yes
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? Nope, gotta laugh.
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh? Watched Mark Maron's last night. Dark, funny, and I laughed a lot.
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now? For the rest of my life.
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance? Always.
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to? I don't really talk to boys. I guess no, my son is 14; he's still a boy.
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do? I'm sure they have suspicions
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda? Yup, maybe once or twice a year.
34. Listening to? we're eating each other - Juliet Ivy
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore? Yes, I take a lot of notes to help me remember things.
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is? In an urn waiting to be spread on a mountainside.
37. Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes, it's happened to me.
38. Who did you last call? I don't make many phone calls. Estate Lawyer.
39. Who was the last person you danced with? My wife
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? Love, so much fucking love.
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake? I'm not a cake guy. A few years. Pie though...
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today? No
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush? Oh yea, I'm an idiot.
44. Do you tan in the nude? Haha, I don't tan. I am the whitest of white folk.
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss? Never
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? Many times.
47. Who was the last person to call you? Debt collector, only adulting shit starts with a phone call nowadays.
48. Do you sing in the shower? No
49. Do you dance in the car? Head bobs
50. Ever used a bow and arrow? Yes, I was a boy scout. It's been twenty years probably.
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? Wedding day
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy? They can be, but that's also part of the fun.
53. Is Christmas stressful? Depends on the finances.
54. Ever eat a pierogi? Yes, I live in prime Pennsylvannia Dutch territory.
55. Favorite type of fruit pie? Mixed berry
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? Comic book artist
57. Do you believe in ghosts? No in ways that are on Ghost Hunters.
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? All the time. Especially from dreams.
59. Take a vitamin daily? Yes
60. Wear slippers? No, I am usually barefoot
61. Wear a bath robe? Sometimes but rarely. Usually just walk naked to the dresser.
62. What do you wear to bed? boxer briefs
63. First concert? Hooty and the Blowfish
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? None of them.
65. Nike or Adidas? Neither
66. Cheetos Or Fritos? Cheetos
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? Peanuts
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song? I don't have one.
69. Ever take dance lessons? Nope, but I've thought about it.
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? Nope.
71. Can you curl your tongue? And hotdog.
72. Ever won a spelling bee? No
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? Yes
74. What is your favorite book? American Gods by Neil Gaimen
75. Do you study better with or without music? With, but no lyrics. I listen to a lot of lofi while working.
76. Regularly burn incense? Yup
77. Ever been in love? I'd say three times.
78. Who would you like to see in concert? Lonely Island Crew
79. What was the last concert you saw? James Arthur
80. Hot tea or cold tea? If I had to only drink one, hot.
81. Tea or coffee? Coffee
82. Favorite type of cookie? Peanut butter
83. Can you swim well? I wouldn't say well. Mediocre.
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? Yes
85. Are you patient? Extremely
86. DJ or band, at a wedding? DJ
87. Ever won a contest? No
88. Ever have plastic surgery? No
89. Which are better black or green olives? Indifferent
90. Opinions on sex before marriage? Required, sexual compatibility is very important for a healthy relationship (to me).
91. Best room for a fireplace? Living room/Den
92. Do you want to get married? No, I don't think I will
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allofmytoxicity · 1 year
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A/N; I’ve wanted to do this for a while now, and with a more edited version, and with a bit of encouragement from @beardedhotchh​ I’m doing this, (Genuinely right now, I’m freaking out inside but hey! What could go wrong!) so I’m proud to present my original story ‘You’re on Your own Kid’!
Chapter Synopsis; When a forbidden romance between a princess and a painter, hidden by both, protecting themselves from ridicule and heartbreak, but will another secret endanger themselves or others?
part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 7 / part 8 / part 9 / part 10 / part 11 / part 12 / part 13 / part 14 / part 15 / part 16 / part 17 / part 18 / part 19 / part 20 / part 21 / part 22 / part 23 / part 24 / part 25 / part 26 / part 27 / part 28 / part ...
Story Masterlist
Words; 888
A Normal Day
22nd May
It was supposed to be a pretty standard day. Pretty normal at least for me.
Wake up, get dressed, have breakfast, brush teeth, and go do something productive.
Except for the one difference, today is that I went down to the village.
When I went down, Father forced me to have a chaperone. I, of course, argued back saying that I don't need a chaperone.
We ended up making a compromise.
Father made me have a chaperone, but I got a choice of who did said job.
He sighed learning the chaperone I had chosen was Xander.
Xander and I had been friends since we were kids. At the time of his birth, his father was my father's right-hand man. His Guard of Honor. His lead Knight.
I groan every time Xander mentions this story as he adds a ridiculous list of names after it.
So, as we approached the village, I was surprised to find Jameson, the Blacksmith's son, sitting hunched over on a rock, watching the sight before him intently.
"What are you doing?" I ask, walking forward and tapping him on the shoulder.
He drops his stuff and picks it up as I mutter a very bashful 'sorry'.
"Drawing," He blurts out as I smile.
I've always thought Jameson was a great artist. A few years ago, he even painted me and it's now one of the only few paintings of me looking formal.
Xander jogs up to us and gives a small, acknowledging nod to Jameson and he replies with a small 'hello'.
We stand there in awkward silence for a few, very uncomfortable, minutes, just waiting for someone to break the silence.
Before, all three of us had been such good friends. Sadly though, as we got older, we drifted apart as we grew and had more responsibilities to our roles in the kingdom, mine ultimately being the next ruler of the kingdom. That’s at least the story others got when asking why I wasn’t friends with Jameson anymore.
Eventually,  Jameson was the one to break the silence.
"So. . . Kaitlyn, what are you and Xander doing down here?" He said.
I looked down at my shoes and cleared my throat before replying.
"I wanted to visit the village, and my father forced me to take a chaperone, so I chose Xander," I said, even though it wasn't the truth.
"Hey! You said you just wanted my delightful company to join you," Xander retorted.
“You know I only say that to get you to come with me,” Jameson and I laugh after I say it as Xander stands there and pouts.
“Fine then,” Xander says “I guess I won’t teach you how to sword fight anymore,” I look around, the smile dropping from my face as the puppy dog eyes come out.
Jameson just laughs more as Xander has to try and deal with resisting the eyes and when he finally says yes, I pick up my skirts and start to skip down the path to the centre of the village.
When I heard the boys start to run to catch up behind me yelling ‘Kaitlyn! Kaitlyn wait up!’ I got butterflies. Especially hearing it from Jameson.
I eventually slowed down as I approached the main stream of people and the boys caught up.
I laughed a lot for what had felt like a long time.
After a while of running around the village and just relaxing, I felt as if I were floating. I knew I would eventually have to go back to the castle, but I was having so much fun.
At one point we stopped by Jameson’s so then he could go put his stuff in his room, while I gave a letter to his dad to give to Jameson when we got home.
So, when I finally got home, I waited until the time was right to sneak out and run down to the lake.
My favourite place to read.
I sat there for a while, reading, and I felt the voices in my head grow stronger.
‘The day your father dies will be the day you become pregnant with your spouse's baby.’
The chant had been going on through my head all day long, growing stronger with every thought.
I’ve had the voices since I was born, as when my mother was in labour, she almost died. My parents ended up making a deal with a sorceress to save me and my mother, but from what happened, voices now cloud my thoughts. Sometimes they get so extreme, I do things like scream in my sleep.
As I read the voices get louder, and as it does, it gets harder to concentrate, so I try to get up, but as I get a few metres away, I bump into what feels like a wall, but the voices are too loud at that point so I collapse into the person's arms. 
The last thing I hear is the words ‘Kaitlyn, come on wake up! I don’t know what’s strong but I really care about you. . . and you just can’t die on me Kaitlyn!’ as the darkness consumes me, the chant still goes through my head.
‘The day your father dies will be the day you become pregnant with your spouse's baby.’
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weaversweek · 1 year
Over on my mastodon feed, there’s a daily pop music challenge.
This month is #Popiversary2, for which I’m posting chilled-out songs for a hot summer. (check weather) Never mind.
Last month was #NowPop40, forty songs taken from the .gb Now! That’s What I Call Music series - from 1983 to the present day.
The whole thing is organised by Arron, a lovely chap; for historic reasons, it’s still done through far-right blitheration Twitter.
And because their siteowner Elon Muskrat is a cis pervert who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing, the #NowPop40 winning thread is hidden behind a login wall so that nobody can see it.
... except it's not, because someone's slapped it up on my Tumblr.
Hello, and thanks to all 32 of you who posted tracks every day.
1,523 picks altogether, with the median finishing on NOW 47 (2000 Q4).
And these are THE RESULTS.
Ties were settled by avoiding repeat artists and giving credit to artists with other tracks that were chosen but didn't win.
Also, by length, as I wanted to make each volume no longer than 4min per track average.
My casting vote was a last resort. So here goes...
Winners (x = votes by winning song, C = Clear, T - Tied, * = I picked it, y = votes by comp )
NOW 1: The Safety Dance 3C/17 NOW 2: Modern Love 2T/14 (shortest tied track) NOW 3: Time After Time 3C/19 NOW 4: Together In Electric Dreams 3C/11 NOW 5: Walking On Sunshine 3T/23 (shortest, and neat segue into...) NOW 6: Running Up That Hill 5C/19 NOW 7: I Can't Wait 3C/24 (highest-voted comp; shortest tied track) NOW 8: Breakout 3T/18 (shortest, avoided repeating Kate Bush) NOW 9: Land of Confusion 3C/16 NOW 10: Alone 2T/15 (replaced M/A/R/R/S to come in at 160 minutes) NOW 11: Mandinka 3T/18 NOW 12: Push It 3C/16 NOW 13: A Little Respect 4C/15 NOW 14: Buffalo Stance 6C/17 NOW 15: Back To Life 3C/16 NOW 16 (as you know): SOWING THE SEEDS OF LOVE 8C/18 (top voted track) NOW 17: Enjoy The Silence 4T/20 (tied with Loaded, I didn't give Loaded the casting vote as I have a lot of winning picks on Vol 2 and I much prefer the 7-min version) NOW 18: There She Goes 4C/19 NOW 19: 3AM Eternal 4C/16 NOW 20: Set Adrift On Memory Bliss 5C/18 21 Weather With You 3C/14 22 Something Good 3T/19 (shorter) 23 Sleeping Satellite 4C/15 24 Constant Craving 3T/17 (preferred to a cover) 25 Sunflower 5C/16 26 Laid 2T/20 - A 7-WAY TIE on 2 here, I replaced Play Dead with this to come in at 160 minutes. 27 Disarm 3T/17 28 Girls And Boys 4C/13 29 Stay (I Missed You) 2T/16 (tied artists have other winning songs) 30 Glory Box 4C/17 31 Common People 6C/14 (not edited, I have my limits😁) 32 Missing - Todd Terry remix 4C/18 33 He's On The Phone 3C/13 34 Born Slippy 3C/16 35 Pearl's Girl was 3C/14 winner but is too long and didn't want consecutive tracks by same artist so it went to runner-up The Riverboat Song. 36 Virtual Insanity 3T/19 (tied artists have winners on Vol 2) 37 Bitter Sweet Symphony 3C/16 38 Karma Police 3C/14 39 Torn 5C/16 40 Teardrop 5C/15 - the absence of an edit is what forced me to make the two changes on NOWs 10 & 26
And here is #NOWPOP40 VOLUME 1! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/68FKsOVUNfmMNlXsHevldz
41 Music Sounds Better With You 6C/16 42 National Express 3C/14 43 You Get What You Give 4C/12 44 Sing It Back 4C/12 45 Caught Out There 4C*/14 46 Groovejet 4C*/19 47 Pure Shores 4C*/15 48 Clint Eastwood 5C*/13 49 Ms Jackson 4C*/18 50 Can't Get You Out Of My Head 5C*/19 51 Murder On The Dancefloor 3C/12 52 Freak Like Me 4C*/15 53 Dy-Na-Mi-Tee 2T/12 54 Move Your Feet 4C*/15 55 Cry Me A River 3C*/12 56 Crazy In Love 6C*/14 57 Take Me Out 3C/16 58 Hey Ya! 7C*/13 59 Love Machine 2T*/9 60 Galvanize 4C/15 61 Feel Good Inc 4C/14 62 1 Thing 2T*/13 (you'll never guess what it was tied with😄) 63 Ride A White Horse 3T*/13 64 Crazy 3C/9 65 Rehab 3C/8 66 Standing In The Way Of Control 5C/10 67 Umbrella 5C*/9 68 With Every Heartbeat 3C*/14 69 Fascination 2T/12 70 Closer 2T*/12 71 The World Should Revolve Around Me 3T/13 (tie with repeat artist) 72 The Fear 6C*/13 73 Warrior's Dance 3C/14 74 Uprising 3C/11 75 Bad Romance 3T/11 76 Dancing On My Own 7C*/10 77 Forget You 3C/12 78 Rolling In The Deep 4C*/10 79 Louder 2T/12 80 Video Games 6C*/11
And here is #NOWPOP40 VOLUME 2 (unsurprisingly my favourite of the three)! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4O1Zb7GhowFSOfM9G6fDuc
81 Titanium 3C/12 82 Call Me Maybe 5C/10 83 We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 5C/12 84 Just Give Me A Reason 2T/13 (Bruno and Sam are on other winners, Pink isn't but has more votes for other tracks) 85 Get Lucky 3C*/15 86 Do I Wanna Know? 2T/11 (tied artists i.e. Lorde & Lana have other winners) 87 Thank You 2T/9 (hip-hop posse cuts sorely lacking before now!) 88 Chandelier 2T*/9 89 Boom Clap 3T*/10 90 Uptown Funk 8C*/9 (LOL, tied with STSOL just a few hours ago) 91 Black Magic 3C*/8 92 Can't Feel My Face 4C*/10 93 Lush Life 2T/8 94 Into You 3C*/9 95 Tilted 5C*/8 96 Green Light 3T*/10 97 Bad Liar 2C*/9 (the only '2C' I think) 98 New Rules 3C/11 99 Blinded By Your Grace Pt 2 2T*/8 (tie with Dua = win!) 100 2002 2T/8 (Ariana has 94, so loses☹️) 101 Sucker Punch 3C/8 102 Nothing Breaks Like A Heart 3C*/9 103 bad guy 5C*/10 104 Summer Girl 3T/9 (Lizzo has another winner) 105 Blinding Lights 4C/11 106 weird! 3C/11 107 Levitating 3C*/10 108 Midnight Sky 3T/10 (tied with Olivia, didn't want consecutive tracks) 109 good 4 u 6C*/13 110 Cold Heart (Pnau remix) 3T/13 Irreconcilable criteria here: a tie between two artists who already have two clear wins each, and no other song on 110 has > 1 vote. I gave it to Elton :) 111 House On Fire 2T/9 (shorter, flowed better) It's (112) About Damn Time (5C*/10)
this (113) Unholy (2C/10...ah, there was another '2C')
challenge was (114) Over (3C/12)
Here is #NOWPOP40 VOLUME 3: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1potbrZmKSB8sUmGTwKghf
0 notes
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Updated 24/6/2021
∞ Oneshots/Scenarios
Trying to wake him but only to be cuddled
Gojo & S/O take Megumi as their son
S/O not used to compliments 
Taking pictures of his  S/O
S/O Insecure of their relationship
Sees his eyes for the first time
S/O who’s having an anxiety attack
S/O wiping Gojo’s kiss
Gojo wiping S/O’s kiss
Comforting a sad S/O after a mission
S/O wears Gojo’s shirt
S/O makes Gojo eat spicy food
S/O who helps Gojo (MANGA SPOILERS)
Comforting a sad S/O
Comforting a sad S/O 2
Ex to Lovers
Reader most romantic confession
Gojo’s Birthday Fic 2020
Comforting stressed S/O
Geto kidnapping Wife!Reader
Dog!Gojo Satoru x Reader
Comforting childhood bestfriend 
Husband material
Flower giving
If only I had somewhere to sit
Mommy kissing Santa Claus
Comforting Gojo
Gojo having a nightmare
Cheering up his S/O
Gojo making reader laugh in a meeting
Clingy in the morning 
In the shower
One of These Nights
From Behind
Gojo caught crying
A Taste?
Early Mornings
Gojo & the twins wanting another baby I
Gojo & the twins wanting another baby II
A Promise
Reader getting her period and Gojo notices
Lazy & Affectionate
Telling him you’re pregnant
The Gojo twins visiting Jujutsu HIgh
∞ Headcanons
Engagement Headcanons
Chubby S/O
Gojo turned into a child
F!Short & Strong S/O
Newborn curse reader
Curious childlike reader
S/O who is good at hand to hand combat
Cuddling Headcanons
Pregnancy Headcanons
Reader afraid of rejection
Tall & Strong Cursed Spirit
Suicidal Reader 
Long haired reader
Big sister reader
Affectionate S/O
Celebrate reader’s birthday
Toxic lover
What does Gojo Satoru smell like?
Working out 
Type of girl Gojo would fall for
Pregnant reader wants to decorate for Christmas
Gojo wanting a baby
Gojo trying to make stotic!reader smile 
Gojo Twins #1 
M!Strong & Short S/O
S/O memory loss
Popular F!Reader
S/O turns into a child
Shy S/O
S/O protects Gojo
Clumsy S/O
Day off with Gojo
Shopping with Gojo
Valentine’s Day
Insecure skinny S/O
Gojo x Idol!Reader
Agrument with his S/O
∞Skipps Imagines
My Everything
A Moment
Afternoon Naps
I’ll be here
∞Random Gojou Satoru Headcanons Series
1   2   3
∞  SFW Alphabet
SFW Satoru Gojo Edition
∞ Prompt Event
Fluff # 12 “Could you say that again?” “Were you listening?” “No I was, I just like hearing your voice”
Fluff prompt #26 “You’re really warm.”
Fluff Prompt # 1 “Is that my shirt?” “You mean our shirt?”
Fluff Prompt # 44 “You’re an idiot.” “But I am your idiot.”
Fluff Prompt #19 “ You know, I think my (mother/father/parents) would be proud if I brought (you/him/her/them) home.”
Fluff Prompt #18 “You come here often?” “Well considering I work here, yes” #27 “Are you blushing?”
Fluff Prompt #4 “Kiss me.” & #13 “ I didn’t think it was possible to love someone this much.”
Fluff Prompt #7 “You’re an idiot.” “But you love me.”
Fluff Prompt #10 “Stop moving and let me braid your hair!”
Fluff Prompt #39 “You’re safe now, I’m here.”
Fluff Prompt #9 “You took all the pillows so I’m using you as one.” #26 “You’re really warm.”
Fluff Prompt #31 “I’m never gonna to leave you. I promise” #44 “You’re an idiot. But I am your idiot.”
Fluff Prompt #4 “Kiss me” and General Prompt #17 “Are you jealous?”
Fluff Prompt #30 “I’ve been in-love with you since we were kids.”
Fluff Prompt #16 “Can you just please hold me ?”
Fluff Prompt #7 “ You’re an idiot.” “But you love me.” General #17 “Are you jealous?”
General prompt #46&#48 “Are they really just a "friend”? “I won’t hurt you”
General Prompt #2 “It’s pouring rain, why are you here?” #50 “I didn’t have anywhere else to go.”
General Prompt 17 “Are you jealous?”
General Prompt #17 “Are you jealous?” & #25 “She doesn’t belong with him!” “Than who does she belong with?” “with me…”
Angst prompt # 28 “Move out of my way before I make you”
Angst Prompt #12 “Maybe they were right, you never did change.” & #14 “ Don’t you dare walk away from this!”
Angst Prompt #21 “It’s (her,him,they), isn’t it?” & #36 “They warned me about this.” “About what?” “You.”
Angst Prompt #6 “You’re lying to me again. Why can’t you just tell me the truth for once?"
Angst Prompt #47 “ You deserve so much better.” #48 “Give me one reason why I shouldn’t leave.” 
Angst Prompt “If you love me please let me go, please…”
∞ Winter Prompt Event
Winter Prompt #1 “What do you mean we’re out of hot chocolate?”
Winter Prompt #2 (Cuddling by the fireplace)
Winter Prompt #13 “Your hands are freezing!”
Winter Prompt #14 “ Aren’t you cold like that?”
Winter Prompt #17 (watching movies under a pile of blankets)
Winter Prompt #18 (snowball fight)
Winter Prompt #22 (kissing in the snow)
Winter Prompt #32 “There’s no way I’m letting you spend Christmas alone.”
Winter Prompt #37 (stuck in a snow storm)
Winter Prompt #38 “ You’re under the mistletoe so stop stalling and just kiss.”
Winter Prompt #43 “What do you mean Santa’s not real?”
Winter Prompt #50 “Those were for Santa!”
Winter Prompt #54 (Winter power outage) Gojo Satoru Edition
Winter Prompt #56 “Shhhh, don’t tell her/him!”
Winter Prompt #60 “I feel like there’s more frosting on you than on the gingerbread.”
Winter Prompt #10 “Where did all this mistletoe come from?” #61 “What are you doing with that mistletoe-oh.” #64 “I guess… this is when we kiss?”
Winter Prompt #65 “No, we’re not getting a puppy for Christmas. Stop. Asking.”
Winter Prompt #66 “ You don’t put marshmallows in your hot chocolate? YOU HEATHEN”
Winter Prompt #68 (Winter Proposal)
Winter Prompt #70 “You’re perfectly welcome to kiss whoever you wa-”
Winter Prompt #72 “Did everyone else come with a date?”
∞Smut Prompt Event (1k Followers Event)
Smut Prompt #21 “You’re bigger than I expected.”
Smut Prompt #54 “ You’re going to regret that, sweetheart.”
Smut Prompt #55 “Were you dreaming about me again?”
Smut Prompt #1 “We’re in public, you know.”
Smut Prompt #3 “Can you help me with this zipper?”
Smut Prompt #28 “Oh god, how can you manage to switch from cute to sexy in under a second?”
Smut Prompt #53 “What do you mean not yet? You can’t expect me not to cum when you’re fucking me so good!”
Smut Prompt #16 “Forget the bed. Let’s fuck right here.”
Smut Prompt #11 “You’re really gonna make me beg for it?”
Smut Prompt #5 “Are you trying to turn me on right now? Because it’s working.”
Smut Prompt #44 “If I have to pull over, you won’t be able to walk for the next week.”
Smut Prompt #46 “You’re not allowed to cum without my permission.”
Smut Prompt #6 “I’d hold on to something it I were you.”
Smut Prompt #27 “Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?”
Smut Prompt #42 “I know for a fact you’re a lot louder than that.”
Smut Prompt #41 “I’m gonna fuck you so hard that you forget you ever even met that asshole.”
Smut Prompt #39 “ Angel in the streets, freak in the sheets.”
Smut Prompt #15 “Try to keep quiet. We don’t want to get caught.”
Smut Prompt #48 “Holy shit, you’re so fucking sexy like that.”
∞Physical Affection Prompt
Physical Affection Prompt #11 (Back hugs)
Physical Affection Prompt #1 (Pats on the head)
Physical Affection Prompt #9 (Wiping away their tears)
Physical Affection Prompt #18 (Wiping food away from their lips)
Physical Affection Prompt #23 (A hug some might consider too long)
Physical Affection Prompt #7 (Squishing their cheeks)
Physical Affection Prompt #8 (Brushing hands by accident)
Physical Affection Prompt #15 (The biggest warmest hug)
Physical Affection Prompt #13 (Kissing someone’s forehead)
Physical Affection Prompt #6 (Chasing after their lips after they pull away)
Physical Affection Prompt #25 (Playfully biting)
Physical Affection Prompt #4 (A hug after not seeing them for a long time)
Physical Affection Prompt #21 (Accidently knocking your head against their chin)
Physical Affection Prompt #22 (Kissing their cuts/bruises/scratches)
∞Incorrect Jujutsu Kaisen Quotes
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7
∞  Skipps Art
Random Gojo 1
Cat ears for Gojo
Dog Hybrid Gojo
Happy New Year 2021
Mochi Gojo
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feelingofcontent · 3 years
DNP Rewatch: Doing A Makeup Tutorial Inspired By My Fish
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Date video was published: 10/20/2019 (X)
DNP Main Channel Rewatch: 401
Back to more “regular” Phil content, but in a post-coming-out world.
0:00 - I love brown-hair Phil
0:04 - they loved that fish so much
0:22 - lol at the smacking himself in his own head
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0:51 - this was a great idea for a video for him...particularly because you just know it’s going to be chaotic
1:00 - I’m not sure “cheapest and most blue” inspires confidence
1:31 - jesus christ with the editing inserts there 😂
1:43 - maybe he should have watched some of the tutorials that were recommended to him first
1:58 - actually surprised Phil went to a real shop to buy makeup instead of buying it all online
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2:27 - space glitter from the merch shoot! doesn’t have Dan to help him this time though
2:32 - laughing at himself before he even gets started
2:53 - I quite enjoy this running editing joke too
2:56 - whyyyy the weird filter. also, a closer, smaller mirror would probably work better 
3:05 - he did think this through
3:20 - this is what happens when you buy the cheapest eyeshadow
3:36 - “paint brushes” 😂
3:52 - I love that he’s holding the palette up...he clearly has seen some tutorials at some point
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4:39 - aww, Phil. I feel that though...me every time I try to do something artistic 
4:59 - “just follow the crease of the eye” an attempt at pretending he knows what he’s talking about
5:11 - that “flourish” sound effect is not one he uses a lot
5:18 - both dnp having anxiety dreams about Norman because they cared so much 🥺
5:51 - “the impressions of a tail” I love Phil
6:01 - doing things in no particular order
6:09 - mouth open, as you do when applying mascara
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6:10 - yikes, he was focusing more on talking
6:17 - terrible pun time and it’s great
6:35 - is he not...considering the eyeliner he has? I guess he didn’t have just a plain black eyeliner
6:43 - oh NO. a makeup tutorial including a “sharpie time” segment...only Phil 😂
7:07 - this video does basically encapsulate Phil
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7:38 - he is making me nervous with the sharpie that close to his eye
8:00 - don’t tell people that! I really don’t think we should trust Phil’s glue advice
8:22 - Phil is hilarious. I love the fake Anthony drama
8:26 - not paying attention to the glitter at this point at all
8:40 - those TATINOF cubes really get a lot of use...also that mess could not have been fun to clean
9:14 - contact lens after glitter does not seem like a good plan
10:04 - love him annotating the joke he only thought of later
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10:14 - awww, Phil wink!
10:23 - no thanks...that’s just disturbing
10:27 - I love that he just had fun with it
10:53 - asking for the audience to try it! and he was impressed with people who did (1, 2, 3)
I really like this Phil video. A creative idea and just the right amount of chaos.
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mettywiththenotes · 3 years
About Stan body count:he hasn't killed 40 heroes before he was arrested, he killed around 23(if I'm not wrong), this hints that he has been killing people offscreen (who knows wheter or not the samurai dude is still alive just by this fact, what if he killed all those who defected, Death arms probably died too)
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(In reference to this post about Dabi and Stain's body count)
Okay so I was really racking my brain trying to find where this was mentioned. I looked at Stain's wiki and it said this too, but I was also trying to find if there was any reference to these numbers in the manga. Finally, I found this
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From chapter 57 regarding the 17 who were murdered
With the 24 injured, I did find this one panel here
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From chapter 49. It's the only one I can find that implies 24 seriously injured. It doesn't say it outright, but, I'll take it (4 x 7 = 28, which isn't 24 but it's near as damnit. Or maybe it's actually 28? But Stain's wiki says 24... idk lol I'm bad at math but I can't find any other panel that actually references those who were seriously injured so...)
This is very interesting actually! In the linked post, I was thinking it was 40 in the past too, but thanks to this, it looks like his only count was 17 murders, 24 seriously injured
Which actually... amazes me more. I kept saying about how, with him being a famous killer, and the name Hero Killer, you would think he'd killed hundreds or millions!
40 already seemed like a low-ish number, but 17? It's amazing that, for an independent famous murderer, his kill count is lower than you'd think it would be!
I mean, for me, it definitely seems low. Again, with the whole "famed murderer" storyline, how old he is (31) and his alias alone, I would have thought higher
There's a lot to take into account with those murders though. Based on before he went to prison, with the 17 murders, it suggests that Stain was picky with who he killed?
Maybe, when he just started out, he would give Heroes who begged for mercy a chance to redeem themselves? Or maybe it was just harder to trap Heroes on account of their quirks? The latter actually seems more likely. I mean, Stain has his blood quirk, but he's basically human too. No heteromorph qualities that could help his agility more than normal, no speed or agility quirk, no strength quirk either. If the majority of those he tracked down had those kinds of quirks, then it would have probably made it harder for him to trap and kill
Kind of similar to Aizawa in the USJ battle (or in general). He erased quirks with his sight but he still had tricks up his sleeve, which was likely the case with Stain but there were definitely Heroes who slipped out of his grip
There's also the fact that Stain started to train in the art of killing from his late teens
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So, it really varies but, ages 16 17 18 or 19 he could have been doing his soapbox speeches. Then "in the ten years that followed" of training, that brings us to ages 26, 27, 28 or 29
We don't know exactly how he trained. Could he have just been practicing with his blades with a dummy target? Or could he have at least killed a few people in order to sharpen his skills and train? Idk, but if he actually did kill people, I don't think it would have added to his kill count
Stain is 31 years old. When he finally went full Hero Killer (again it varies in age), he was in his late 20's. That gives us a 2-to-5 year gap between when he started out and before he went to prison
2-to-5 year gap for 17 murders. With the 24 seriously injured Heroes, I would say Stain simply didn't have enough skills to catch up with and/or trap all of the Fake Heroes
I guess maybe this shocks me because, in most media, you hear of a famous killer and their total count is something in the 60's, or in the hundreds. Sometimes even millions. Yet the killer in this series had a total of 17 kills
This also shows that Stain is actually a pretty recent Villain! For how long the system has been in place and how long he's been alive, he's very much famous for having that many kills in under 5 years and not being captured yet! Very interesting!
So, fast forward to now with the "40 murders" comment, I think you're totally right that Stain started to catch up with his work. Stain got out of prison, ready to catch up with the world, to find the media naming every retired fake Hero. Without meaning to, they served up targets to him on a silver platter! So he went to killing
17 murders before prison, which means he killed 23 Heroes after he got out to get a total of 40
I think he would see them retiring as being fake Heroes and not sticking it out to the end, regardless of the reason (I know we've focused a lot on Heroes who were only in it for the fame, but wouldn't there also be Heroes who are simply too traumatized to continue? I mean idk I know the majority are fake but, come on, there's gotta be at least one or two Heroes out there who would gladly help everyone but are just too traumatized to act...)
Though, personally, I hope he didn't kill Death Arms😔 I actually liked him
Thank you for letting me know about this! I honestly forgot all about those statistics, so this really helped in my understanding of Stain :)
I'm gonna edit the linked post with my thoughts on this and ALSO how it could relate to Dabi now. I also really need to make a post about independent villainy VS villain groups, cuz I thought about that while answering your ask so. I’ve been inspired to write more about this haha
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wickedobsessed101 · 3 years
Fanfic Writer Asks
[SOURCE: criminal-minds-fanfiction: Most of the writer ask posts I come across are only like ten or so questions long so I thought I’d try to make a longer one because we like talking about our writing! Feel free to reblog!]
I’m answering all of these b/c I love Q & A’s about my writing, both for my fics and other things.
1) How old were you when you first starting writing fanfiction? It was 2013, so I was 14 years old. I’m now almost 23.
2) What fandoms do you write for and do you have a particular favourite if you write for more than one? I’m mostly in the Wicked Musical fandom, but I like to read for other fandoms, like Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Chronicles of Narnia, ect.
3) Do you prefer writing OC’s or reader inserts? Explain your answer. OCs, but I’m more than willing to create an OC for someone based on characteristics they give me.
4) What is your favourite genre to write for? I love me some fluffy romance and hurt/comfort, but I also love some angsty drama.
5) If you had to choose a favourite out of all of your multi-chaptered stories, which would it be and why? OMG, don’t make me choose! They’re all my babies! I love all my children equally! They all hold special places in my heart.
6) If you had to delete one of your stories and never speak of it again, which would it be and why? Goodness, most of my stories prior to 2017, because I was in high school and had no idea what I was doing because I was just getting my feet wet with writing.
7) When is your preferred time to write? Anytime really. The latest I’ve stayed up writing a fic was 4AM. *Glares at ‘Threads of Truth’*
8) Where do you take your inspiration from? Where ever it happens to come up. I’m not picky. Movies, music, people I’ve seen on the street, random thoughts that enter my head, anything.
9) In your xxx fic, what’s your favourite scene that you wrote? In ‘Threads of Truth’, it’s a tie between Villy’s first date, and an argument that happens in an upcoming chapter. And that’s all I’m saying about that.
10) In your xxx fic, why did you decide to end it like that? Did you have an alternative ending in mind? In ‘Play The Game’, I liked the epilogue ending that I gave Elphaba with her family, even without Fiyero. I like writing her with kids. Another ending would be with the Fiyeraba still together, but I’m satisfied with the ending it has.
11) Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it? I’ll go back and fix typos that are pointed out, but I don’t change plot stuff. Like, I wrote what I wrote and I will amend my technique in future stories.
12) Who is your favourite character to write for? Why? Other than my OCs, because I get to fully create them and my lowkey babies, I’d have to say G(a)linda. She has so much potential and she’s so much fun.
13) Who is your least favourite character to write for? Why? Boq. Not because I hate him (I don’t!), but because I don’t normally know what to do with him. If he’s not with Nessa, he’s literally just standing there like a brick wall. No offence, Boq!
14) How did you come up with the title for the xxx? - You can ask about multiple stories. [Ask me about a specific story(ies)]
15) If you write OC’s, how do you decide on their names? I usually change consonants and vowels to already existing names, or add unnecessary letters because... reasons.
16) How did you come up with the idea for xxx? [Ask me about a specific story]
17) Post a line from a WIP that you’re working on. “Hopefully, this will soak up any more leaks.” (Upcoming Wicked fanfic)
18) Do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them? Yes, 2. Both of them are a few years old and I’ve grown as a writer since then. Maybe one day, I’ll edit them and repost, but not anytime soon.
19) Are there any stories that you’ve written that you’d really love to do a sequel to? Not everything can have a sequel, y’all! XD
20) Are there any stories that you wished you’d ended differently? Yes! Around 60% of them.
21) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire? @vinkunwildflowerqueen @raven-curls @mylittleelphie @weaselspeedfanfic Ultimate Queen of Cliffies
22) Do you have a story that you look back on and cringe when you reread it? This goes back to Question #6; most of what I posted prior to 2017.
23) Do you prefer listening to music when you’re writing or do you need silence? Silence. I need to focus.
24) How do you feel about writing smutty scenes? I can’t write it. They’ll make out, and then be pregnant in the next chapter. Y’all can do the math for yourselves.
25) Have you ever cried whilst writing a story? YES! Yes, I have! Both sad tears and tears of joy. I’ve also cringed from second-hand embarrassment at the things the characters do and say. I’m not in control of their actions all the time. Sometimes they tell me what they’re gonna do, and I’m like, “Well, alright, then.”
26) Which part of your xxx fic was the hardest to write? [Ask me about a specific story]
27) Do you make a general outline for your stories or do you just go with the flow? I write bullet points of things I want to happen in a chapter on the Word Doc, or in the story as a whole, and I try to keep those bullet points in order. And the Notes App on my phone holds a lot of my ideas, and sometimes full scenes.
28) What is something you wished you’d known before you started posting fanfiction? That I’d become obsessed with writing and continue doing it for almost ten years, as well as expanding to writing plays and musicals.
29) Do you have a story that you feel doesn’t get as much love as you’d like? Yeah. I’m not gonna say which one, but just know there’s one... or a few.
30) In contrast to 29 is there a story which gets lots of love which you kinda eye roll at? Yes, and I’m still not gonna say which one(s). I want all the love!
31) Send me a fic recommendation and I’ll post it for my followers to see! (The asker is to send the rec, not the answerer) Yeah, sure!
32) Are any of your characters based on real people? Yes. Villy Doiir from ‘Threads of Truth’ is based on 4 people I know in real life, all mixed together into one wholesome, mother figure/ mentor. Perhaps that’s why I like writing her so much.
33) What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten? All reviews keep me going, no matter the length. But I love it when people review saying that they picked up on little references that were really just for me. It makes me feel like we’ve shared a moment.
34) What’s the harshest criticism you’ve gotten? A guest reviewer once said, “You tend to write Fiyero as an abusive person”. It wasn’t harsh, just... NOT TRUE. Especially for the story they were reviewing.
35) Do you share your story ideas with anyone else or do you keep them close to your chest? Close to my chest. I’ll share it with the world when I’m ready.
36) Can you give us a spoiler for one of your WIP’s? NOPE! You’ll just have to wait and see! LOL!
37) What’s the funniest story you’ve written? I... really don’t know. My stories all have their funny moments.
38) If you could collab with any other writer on here, who would it be? (Perhaps this question will inspire some collabs!) If you’re shy, don’t tag the blog, just name it. I’m very busy, and collabs aren’t really my thing, but I’m always willing to lend an extra pair of eyes pre-posting.
39) Do you prefer first, second or third person? I’ve written one story in the first person and it was fun to get into the character’s head, but I love third person, cause I like knowing what everyone is thinking. Second person makes me feel a certain way and that don’t really like.
40) Do people know you write fanfiction? IRL, no. It’s not something I bring up over dinner. I’ll talk about my plays and musicals, but not fanfiction. I like keeping my fics for the online peeps and my more personal writings for the RL peeps.
41) What’s you favourite minor character you’ve written? My OC, Princess Hannalyn, from ‘A Royal Romance’. She was so much fun!
42) Song fic - What made you decide to use the song xxx for xxx. I haven’t done a song fic.
43) Has anyone ever guessed the plot twist of one of your fics before you posted it? Not fully, but they’ve had little inklings, but certain details were still a surprise. And I’m not mad about it.
44) What is the last line you wrote? “I don’t want this to be the last time we see each other.”
45) What spurs you on during the writing process? When I’ll have one idea, and it spirals into many others, and when the characters write themselves. It makes it so much easier for me. Sometimes they tell me that they’re about to make a bad decision, and I just go along with it. They need to learn and grow somehow.
46) I really loved your xxx fic. If you were ever to do a sequel, what do you think might happen in it? [Ask me for a specific story]
47) Here’s a fic title - insert a made up title. What would this story be about? [Ask me]
48) What’s your favourite trope to write? I love a good Royalty AU (not fully AU ‘cause of our princey-prince, but still) and Holiday AUs. And I’ve never written a Coffeeshop AU, but I LOVE reading them. I’ll read anything. I’m not picky, and I love to see what ideas others have.
49) Can you remember the first fic you read? What was it about? Yes, and both of them were Gelphies: 1 - “Easier Said Than Done” by mecelphie - It’s part of a long, wonderful series of Elphaba and Glinda together at Shiz and how their lives evolve together and has many lovable OCs. 2 - “The Thropp Diaries” by denpa wave chick saki - It’s first-person Elphaba POV of the book. It expands on lots of mentioned moments and we get to journey through Elphaba’s thoughts.
50) If you could write only angst, fluff or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why? I’d have to say fluff, so I can get my escape from reality. But it’s hard to write pure fluff without a little bit of conflict.
If you wanna read my stories, they’re all right here: Fae’sFlower
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dianapocalypse · 3 years
Alright y’all, with the release of Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, it’s time for me to share my playlist for the entire trilogy.
I’ve refined this over like six years so scientifically speaking it’s probably good right. oh also it’s four hours long. so if you have a road trip or a boring job, this one’s for you. disclaimer, it’s entirely possible I have garbage taste in music. I also missed some characters and moments because there’s 65 songs here and I am merely human.
If you don’t have the patience for four hours, I recommend starting at track 45 and listening to the end, as the Mass Effect 3 portion is the strongest in my opinion.
1. Atlas - Coldplay Eden Prime
“Sometimes the wire Must tense for the note Caught in the fire, say oh We're about to explode“
I really like the atmosphere of this song. It’s ominous, but also somehow hopeful, and makes me feel like Something Huge Is Coming.
2. I Will Not Sing A Hateful Song - Constantines Paragon Shepard
“But I was also born and raised To always speak and listen clear To know the last sound that I make Could be the last sound that I hear“
OK, listen, I think this song is about vampires, and I’m not sure if it’s supposed to be a metaphor or not. But I think this is a great song about controlling one’s temper, about knowing that you have to Rise Above the parts of you that want to lash out sometimes to get things done and have peace. Seeing as how paragon Shepard, to me, always seems like they’re three deep breaths away from snapping, but manage to keep it in check, it fits them to a T.
And also maybe they’re a vampire.
3. Hard to Kill - Beth Crowley Renegade Shepard
“So I let the rumors Turn me into a legend 'Cause I'm only human But a good myth is hard to kill”
This one’s a recent addition, but holy cow, I love it for Renegade Shep, particularly an Earthborn or Ruthless, but it works for any of them.
4. We Own the Skies - Five Iron Frenzy Joker
“My hands are bleeding where they often crack The stars will sometimes burn with longing Through the choking black Of night shifts piling each against the next”
This really vibes with Joker’s backstory for me, his super driven serious self in flight school, contrasted with who he is when he can fly a ship. He’s the best pilot in the goddamn fleet and I love him.
5. I Just Wanna See - Smash Mouth Kaidan Alenko
“Mister moon checkin' on how y'all livin' The stars all winkin' at the day that's dimmin' I just wanna see”
This song fits into his reactions to first showing up at the Citadel and his former romanticism about living in space. Ironically, it’s a song about Earth, but I feel like it works well for him. Also, Smash Mouth absolutely sounds like the kind of music Kaidan would listen to, no I will not be taking questions or constructive criticism.
6. Don’t Give Up - Noisettes Ashley Williams
“She's got a talented face and a suitcase Ain't got no desire to go no place In her case she's got no desire with her hand in the flame say's she don't feel the fire “
The energy of this song is just perfect for Ashley’s no-nonsense chip on her shoulder attitude.
7. About As Helpful As You Can Be Without Being Any Help At All - Dan Mangan The Council
“I was thrown in the boat/Cast out to sea Friendly with waves/There were sharks below Hungry for me/So I dangled my leg”
I mean, the title says it all.
8. The Captain - Guster Anderson
“Courageous, just like the captain Marching forward with no doubt in his head”
I have adored this song ever since my friend played it for me, and it’s the ultimate mentor-protégé jam for me.
9. Secret Agent Man - Johnny Rivers Garrus Vakarian
“Here's a man who leads a life of danger To everyone he meets he stays a stranger Oh, with every move he makes another chance he takes The odds are he won't live to see tomorrow”
I have to poke a little fun at Garrus and how seriously he takes himself in Mass Effect 1. I romanced him across four playthrus, I’m allowed!
10. I’m Getting Too Old For This Shit - Kill Lincoln Urdnot Wrex
“This random apathy/I swear it's killing me But I guess it's all the same, till the devil knows my name”
I don’t know ANYTHING about this band, but this song fits Wrex’s disillusionment with the Krogan well, plus, like. The title. (And also, that he secretly DOES care what happens to the Krogan.)
11. Bird Song - Juniper Vale Tali’zorah nar Rayya
“I want to dance on the horizon line But there is something I am caged behind I have a heart made for take flight But I'm low, so low”
I adore this song and the sound of Juniper Vale in general. The etherealness of this one, combined with the youthful optimism, feels very Tali. The line about ‘something I am caged behind’ works well for the suits, too. This one’s especially good if you’re a Talimancer!
12. 11. Green Garden - Laura Mvula Liara T’Soni
“And I’ll fly on the wings of a butterfly High as a tree top and down again Putting my bag down, taking my shoes off Walk on the carpet of green velvet”
I really like this song’s vibes and I feel like Liara fits it well, particularly in ME1, before all her youthful optimism is stripped from her. The scenery descriptions feel very Thessia, too.
13. Feed Me (Git It) - Little Shop of Horrors The Thorian 
“The guy sure looks like plant food to me!”
Do you get it. Do you get my joke. It’s because the Thorian is a plant that eats people. (I’m not funny)
14. Blindness - Metric Matriarch Benezia
“I was a blind fool, never complained All the survivors singing in the rain “
I don’t love the use of blind here as a negative, albeit metaphorical, descriptor, but I think this song fits Benezia’s indoctrination and death well. If you have suggestions for another, though, let me know!
15. Technologic - Daft Punk Saren
“Buy it, use it, break it, fix it, trash it, change it, mail, upgrade it”
I just think it’s Neat
16. Watershed - Vienna Teng The Reapers
“ While you were building your empires I was still sleeping”
I think this is the song that inspired the entire playlist. Vienna Teng sat down and decided to write a song from the perspective of a natural disaster, and it’s so ominous and gut-wrenching.
17. Hourglass - The Hush Sound Virmire
“This is how it ends We believe every lie and say we'll be friends How long will it last? Before we scratch all the scripts and we rework the cast “
hahahahah rework the cast get it because you have to pick who DIES
Seriously tho I really like this song for Virmire and that moment of choice that feels like it lasts 100 years on some playthroughts.
18. Pompeii - Bastille The Siege of the Citadel
“ And the walls kept tumbling down In the city that we love”
Throwback to when this song was on the radio like three times an hour. Which is around the time I made the first draft of this playlist, incidentally! It’s such a good Final Battle Jam for the Citadel, and the part about “if you close your eyes/does it almost feel like nothing’s changed at all” I think work really well for Shepard in this sequence. Shepard knew the Reapers were coming, had been fighting them all along; this attack on the Citadel is just retreading familiar territory for them, as horrifying as the war being brought to their doorstep is for the Citadel’s citizens and the council. James Vega has some good dialogue about that kind of thing in ME3.
19. Starships - Nicki Minaj The Normandy Crew
Starships were meant to fly Hands up and touch the sky
I like to have a little fun OK
20. Gravity - Yoko Kanno The Death of Commander Shepard
“Am I alone? is somebody there beyond these heavy aching feet still the road keeps on telling me to go on”
Welcome to mood whiplash, it’s my specialty! This is the part where you die. I think it also works for her coma very well, when she’s just drifting between life and death, not sure what’s going on, but something keeps trying to pull her back to the world.
21. The Phoenix - Fall Out Boy The Lazarus Project
“Hey young blood, doesn't it feel like our time is running out? I'm gonna change you like a remix Then I'll raise you like a phoenix “
this song has no right to go as hard as it does and if  you think it’s melodramatic shut up
22. My Body Is A Cage - Peter Gabriel Commander Shepard
“I'm living in an age Whose name I don't know Though the fear keeps me moving Still my heart beats so slow “
This works particularly well if you romanced The Virmire Survivor, but this song captures the energy of Shepard freaking out bc they are trapped with Cerberus, because Cerberus rebuilt their body from the ground up. That jarring, caged feeling is so palpable in ME2 that when they gave me back Joker the first time I played, I BURST INTO SOBS from relief.
23. The Lady is a Vamp - The Spice Girls Miranda Lawson
“That's all in the past, legends built to last But she's got something new”
Listen. She’s a bond babe. Handbags, heels and pistols rock. She’s got class. This is a song about Miranda. That is all.
24. Kryptonite - 3 Doors Down Jacob Taylor
“ I watched the world float to the dark side of the moon After all I knew, it had to be something to do with you “
This one’s about the Vibes for me. Also can apply to his past relationship with Miranda. I’m also super showing my age on this song, oof haha.
25. Stable Song - Death Cab For Cutie Colony Abduction
“Rows of deserted houses all Our stable mates highway bound “
I really like the mood of this one for showing up on the very first abducted colony, the eerieness and sadness of it all and Shepard’s resolve to do something about it.
26. Konichiwa Bitches - Robyn Kasumi Goto
“I'm so very hot that when I rob your mansion You ain't call the cops, you call the fire station”
THAT COUPLET ALONE MAKES THE ENTIRE SONG. I love how playful and cheeky it is.
27. Seven Nation Army Glitch Mob Remix - The White Stripes, Glitch Mob Zaeed Massani
“And I'm talking to myself at night Because I can't forget Back and forth through my mind Behind a cigarette”
Pretty sure we all had this on some playlist or another when it came out, and it’s the perfect Badass With A Grudge song.
28. Science is Real - They Might Be Giants Mordin Solus
“ And when a theory emerges Consistent with the facts The proof is with science The truth is with science “
This one actually got added by my wife to replace a song that wasn’t on Spotify, but that has the same energy; Hank Green’s “I Fucking Love Science”. I get more into the emotional side of Mordin in the ME3 section, but I also really just love his Hamster On Coffee energy and this song captures it really well.
29. Prove Yourself - Radiohead Garrus Vakarian
“I can't afford to breathe in this town Nowhere to sit without a gun in my hand Hooked back up to the cathode ray
I'm better off dead “
The absolute rock bottom mental state Garrus is in when you get back to him in ME2 is so heartwrenching. Might not always agree with my boy’s methods, but he’s one of my favorite fictional characters of all time.
30. Rat a Tat - Fallout Boy Feat. Courtney Love Jack
“We are professional ashes of roses, this kerosene's live You settled your score, this is where you come to beg”
It helps that Courtney Love sounds exactly like Jack to me, NGL.
31. Defeat You - Smash Mouth Grunt
“Hey I know what you've done It makes it that much better to defeat you “
Only I am brave enough to put two songs by Smash Mouth on the same playlist, to be shared in 2021
32. The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot - Brand New Horizon/The Virmire Survivor
“If it makes you less sad I will die by your hand Hope you find out what you want Already know what I am “
Hits harder if you romanced the Virmire Survivor. Mostly from Shep’s perspective. This is a Shep that feels Bad after that encounter rather than Mad, so Your Mileage May Vary.
33. Violet Stars Happy Hunting! - Janelle Monae Tali’zorah vas Neema
“I'm an alien from outer space I'm a cyber-girl without a face a heart or a mind”
I just like the vibes of this one for Tali! I know it’s more about an actual AI but...IDK. I like it. So there.
34. Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd Thane Krios
“There is no pain you are receding A distant ship smoke on the horizon”
This song works both on a Literal level with his Kepral’s syndrome struggles, but also Metaphorical re: his Battle Sleep. Plus, Thane is a dad, so he gets Dad Rock.
35. My Medea - Vienna Teng Samara
“For I have made her prison be Her every step away from me And this child I would destroy If you tried to set her free “
Mom of the year award, here
36. Toxic - Britney Spears Morinth
“There's no escape, I can't wait I need a hit, baby, give me it You're dangerous, I'm loving it”
If Morinth weren’t so under-utilized after recruitment and didn’t get killed off in the background of ME3 I’d probably actually recruit her sometimes. I almost did on my most recent playthru bc that Shepard just HATES SPACE COPS. Anyway the song explains itself
37. Turn me On - David Guetta feat. Nicki Minaj EDI/The Collector Attack
“My body needs a hero Come and save me Something tells me you know how to save me”
I know this song is a metaphor but also it works really well both literally and metaphorically for Joker saving EDI
38. Robots - Dan Mangan Legion
“Robots need love too They want to be loved by you “
The Geth just want to live peacefullyyyyyy 
39. Be Still - The Killers Love Interest Theme
“Be still / someday you’ll leave fearlessness on your sleeve”
This song works so well for the night before Omega-4. If you had an ME2 love interest, anyway. Also “fearlessness on your sleeve” is one of my favorite set of words ever written.
40. No Cars Go - Arcade Fire The Omega-4 Relay
“We know a place no spaceships go We know a place where no subs go “
This one’s pretty literal.
41. Rocketman - Elton John Suicide Mission
“ And I think it's gonna be a long, long time 'Til touchdown brings me 'round again to find I'm not the man they think I am at home “
I like sneaking some Classics onto my playlists, and I think this is how I generally approach Shepard’s mindset during the Suicide Mission, mostly the chorus. I’m also a sucker for ballads during action sequences. This one isn’t a perfect 1:1 but the Vibes check out.
42. Blast Off - David Guetta feat. Kaz James The Normandy Crew
“Got all my people with me And none of us give a fuck So put dem hands up higher Let's smash this party up”
You have to imagine they partied HARD after recovering from Suicide Mission, but before Shep got arrested, right??? This is the Starships for ME2.
43. I’m Not Your Hero - Tegan and Sara Liara T’soni
“ Feeling like I am now lighting up the hall I was used to standing in the shadow of a damaged heart Learning all I know now, losing all I did I never used to feel like I'd be standing so far ahead “
This feels like a good coming of age moment for Liara, as she copes with the choices she made in the 2 years of Shepard’s death (giving them to Cerberus), losing Feron, etc. This is her coming into her own as the Shadow Broker. She’s not meant to be an uncomplicated Big Damn Hero, but she can do good from this position.
44. The Well and the Lighthouse - Arcade Fire The Alpha Relay Incident
“I'm serving time All for a crime I did commit You want the truth? You know I'd do it all again“
These opening lines I feel capture the Alpha Relay Incident really well, and how Shepard did what they HAD to do there, and would do it again, but it still feels like shit. I always wished there was more choice on that mission, but also, having something like that happen without player agency is interesting. Shepard is at their most interesting, I think, in times where we DON’T have a say in what happens to them.
45. Reignite - Malukah Commander Shepard
“Crush my heart into embers, and I will reignite”
Is it cheating to use a Mass Effect fan song on my playlist? I certainly don’t think so, and this is the best Mass Effect fan song ever written.
46. This Is War - Thirty Seconds to Mars Leaving Earth
“It's the moment of truth, and the moment to lie The moment to live and the moment to die The moment to fight, the moment to fight To fight, to fight, to fight “
It feels Too Easy to use this here but I’m gonna anyway. You’ve seen AMVs of this set to everything. It’s the ending song of DA:O. It’s the quintessential World At War song.
47. Battleborn - The Killers James Vega
“Up against the wall There's something dying on the street When they knock you down You're gonna get back on your feet”
James Vega is massively underrated and I will love him til I’m cold in the ground. Aro icon.
48. Handlebars - Flobots The Illusive Man
“I can hand out a million vaccinations Or let 'em all die of exasperation Have 'em all healed of their lacerations Have 'em all killed by assassination”
The way this song escalates fits TIM and Cerberus’s fall back into being Just Full On Evil really well. Perfect song for a power trip.
49. Here I Dreamt I Was An Architect - The Decemberists The Virmire Survivor
“And I am nothing of a builder But here I dreamt I was an architect And I built this balustrade To keep you home, to keep you safe From the outside world”
I like this song for how the Virmire Survivor feels about their survivor’s guilt and also about Shepard. I honestly wish they were both more heavily utilized in ME2 and 3, but I realize it’s hard to write a ton of content for characters who just aren’t in half of all peoples’ playthrus.
50. Heaven Knows - The Pretty Reckless Grisson Academy
“One, two, three and four, the devil's knocking at your door Caught in the eye of a dead man's lie Show your life with your head held high“
This song is so perfect for Jack and her biotic kids that she’s one of the only returning characters that gets her own song on this playlist
51. The Great Fire - OK Go Javik
“But when the flames die down, and everything is gone, Will there be fire under the ashes still?”
Self explanatory. Javik is the fire remaining under the ashes.
52. Bring the Hammer Down - Paragon Priority: Tuchanka/Kalros
“ Hammer strikes the anvil A rage that breaks the chain Strikes down like a lightening In our ranks “
53. Wake Up - Arcade Fire Curing The Genophage/Mordin Solus
“If the children don't grow up, Our bodies get bigger but our hearts get torn up. We're just a million little gods causin' rain storms, turnin' every good thing to Rust I guess we'll just have to adjust”
I just really love this song as an image of Mordin’s spirit looking out over Tuchanka as the genophage cure is dispersed, and watching over future generations. If you didn’t cure the genophage, how dare you. No song for you.
Anyway started tearing up listening to this one while writing the description don’t look at me
54. Ballad of a Politician - Regina Spektor Councillor Udina/Priority Citadel 2
“A man inside a room is shaking hands with other men This is how it happens/Our carefully laid plans”
55. Cyborgs vs. Robots - Ludo The Geth-Quarian War
“But your iron fist will never knock me down 'Cause I'm powered By a conscious right to conduct my life without fear.”
This is probably a bit silly for this awful war. But also. It does fit. You can’t tell me it doesn’t. Just save them both at the end and you can feel fine having some fun with it!
56. Artificial Heart - Jonathan Coulton The Geth
“It's not a real heart It is a real artificial heart”
Just a little fun with the Geth! This works best with Reaper Upgrades.
57. With A Little Help From My Friends - Joe Anderson, Jim Sturgess The Citadel DLC
“What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you, but I know it's mine
Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends”
I happen to prefer this version to any other because of how much fun it sounds like they’re having
58. Dark In Here - The Mountain Goats Priority: Earth
“Steal away at sundown, pick a place to hide Check for signs of ambush, hunker down inside Tired of running, tired of never standing still Hear them riding up the hill“
You know I had to get the Goats in here. Would it be a fan playlist if there wasn’t one?
59. Adieu - Yoko Kanno Leaving your Love Interest/Shepard and the Beam
“My love for you burns deep inside me / So strong Embers of times we had And now, here I stand / Lost in a memory I see your face, and smile”
...do I need to say more than that?
60. My Way (Minor Key) - Chase Holfelder The Indoctrination of The Illusive Man
“Regrets, I've had a few/But then again, too few to mention I did what I had to do/I saw it through, without exemption“
This cover takes this song from something I tolerate when I hear it to one of my FAVORITE songs. The frenzied way he sings the “through it all” verse is PEAK Indoctrinated TIM.
61. I’m Alive - Disturbed Refusal 
“There will never be a reason why I will surrender to your advice To change myself, I'd rather die/Though they will not understand”
Honestly I didn’t “get” the Refusal ending until I heard this song, then I was like, OH, I SEE IT ALL SO CLEARLY NOW. This is my favorite in-universe Shepard take on the Refusal ending. I always got it from the player’s perspective of being dissatisfied with the options, but this one puts it into the world for me. This is a Shepard who does not trust the Starchild. This is a Shepard that chooses to end things on their own terms rather than submit to their designs.
62. Machine - Regina Spektor Control 
“I collect my moments Into a correspondence With a mightier power Who just lacks my perspective And who lacks my organics And who covets my defects “
I used to have Adieu here, actually, because like Refusal, I didn’t used to GET the Control ending. Now, I do, in part thanks to hearing this song. I mean, just go look at the full lyrics. If this song hadn’t been written years before the end of Mass Effect 3, I’d swear it was a fan song for it.
63. Maybe Tomorrow - Yuki Kajiura Destroy 
“The moon is gone And the night is still so dark I'm a little bit afraid of tomorrow“
I’m a Destroy Ending person, I won’t lie. Full on “the starchild is a liar and my synthetic friends are FINE” indoctrination theory level destroy ending. But this song is not about that. It’s about the canonical destroy ending, and if you prefer a Shep that survives it, this song’s for you.
This song captures the exhaustion and melancholy of the end of a long journey so well. Shepard is afraid of what comes next, the collateral damage resulting from their actions. But they know that, at least, it’s over now. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
64. Waiting For the End - Linkin Park Synthesis
“ I know what it takes to move on I know how it feels to lie All I wanna do is trade this life for something new Holding on to what I haven't got”
This is one of my favorite songs of all time. The hardest part of ending is starting again. Oof. Gets me every single time. Shepard finding the resolve to sacrifice themself for the hope of something better, of things not going how they planned, ever, of learning to make peace with that and the people who loved them learning to carry on without them? OOF.
65. Shine - Vienna Teng Epilogue
“Shine with all the untold Hold the light given unto you Find the love to unfold In this broken world we choose“
Vienna Teng is a master of capturing life’s softer emotions, and this fits perfectly with the epilogue scene for me. Tell me again about the Shepard.
“Find the love to unfold in this broken world we choose” has to be one of the greatest lines about the human experience ever written.
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jaxsteamblog · 3 years
Love Letters
This is the plain text version of an IMAGE SET! Please check out the chapter on AO3 for the visual, or enjoy the plain text here! If you end up liking the visual chapter, make sure to thank @the--descension and their fic, as well as @zk-modernau!
Click here to read the full fic on AO3
Image ID: Screenshots of a text chat between Katara in green chat bubbles and Zuko in white chat bubbles. / End Image ID 
[Author’s note, timestamps are not included in this transcript as they were not accurately edited in the app. Texts will be labelled by sender first, followed by the message. Readers using accessible software please be aware that text messages will include extra punctuation for emphasis and misspellings. Emojis used will be typed out as a description.]
Blue text box with the date December 09, 2020
Yellow text box with lock symbol that reads Messages to this chat and calls are now secured with end-to-end encryption. Tap for more info.
Katara: BTFS!!!!!
Zuko: That good huh?
Katara: WHY are there so many earth kingdom cities????
Zuko: Oh, geography class. My favorite.
Katara: Crying emoji. This is worse than anatomy.
Zuko: NOTHING is worse than anatomy.
Katara: True. 
Katara: But why do I have to memorize this? I can Booble ALL OF IT.
Zuko: Same reasons as anatomy.
Katara: Three red angry emojis 
Katara: I’m making everyone wear name tags.
Zuko: That’s one way to handle it.
Zuko: Have you learned anything about FN yet?
Katara: Why else am I dating you if not for that?
Zuko: I thought it was for my stunning good looks….
Katara: I do miss your face.
Zuko: I miss yours too.
Katara: You’re coming for the coronation right?
Zuko: That’s the plan.
Katara: How is your family being?
Zuko: Terrible, as usual. Who knew a failed kidnapping plot would put them in such a bad mood?
Katara: Straight face emoji
Katara: I still think you should’ve said something.
Zuko: It would just make things worse.
Katara: I know.
Katara: I keep thinking about you during these stupid lessons.
Katara: I can’t believe you already know all this BS.
Zuko: I’ve been learning it since I was a kid. Male shrug emoji
Katara: Sure, but I’ve seen your interviews and stuff.
Katara: You’re really good at it.
Zuko: Aww, are you internet stalking me???
Katara: Shut up!!!
Katara: I feel like every interviewer has a crush on you.
Zuko: Again, my stunning good looks.
Katara: That’s starting to sound like sarcasm. You are aware that you’re handsome, right?
Zuko: Love IS blind.
Katara: I’m serious! You have really nice cheekbones.
Zuko: And you say you can’t be diplomatic.
Katara: You’re impossible.
Zuko: I just don’t do well with compliments like that.
Katara: I’ll have to find other ways to compliment you then. Smiling devil emoji
Zuko: Sounds like a challenge.
Katara: I have to go. Arnook has me working with Pakku on “Courtly Behaviors.”
Zuko: Sounds terrible. Have fun!
Katara: Miss you! Six emoji hearts alternating red and blue
Zuko: Miss you too.
Blue text box with the date December 22, 2020
Zuko: So, by the end of it, Uncle had the guy by his collar and the wife was mortified. 
Katara: I cannot believe this happened.
Zuko: Me neither. It only ever happens when I’m home.
Katara: Do you ever wish you stayed in Ba Sing Se?
Zuko: I used to, from time to time.
Katara: Not now?
Zuko: Now I think about how the Water Tribe Queen can’t go around dating a tea server. 
Katara: What if we both left and ran off to the earth kingdom interior? We can open up our own tea and herb shop.
Zuko: Training not going well?
Katara: Training is FINE.
Katara: I just really miss you.
Zuko: I miss you too.
Zuko: I think about you all the time. It’s really distracting.
Zuko: I zoned out in the middle of an important luncheon today.
Katara: Why????
Zuko: I was thinking about you.
Katara: That’s dumb. You’re dumb.
Zuko: You like me dumb.
Katara: Hot and dumb, himbos forever.
Zuko: Hey, Thuy’s calling me. I gotta go.
Katara: Say hi!
Zuko: Will do. Talk to you later?
Katara: Heart eyes emoji
Blue text box with the date December 30, 2020
Katara: And it happens every new moon!
Zuko: That sounds like a lot of work every month.
Katara: It’s unbelievable.
Katara: I mean, maybe the South Pole did it before the war. But it’d be news to me.
Zuko: I guess that’s why they really want a Bender on the throne.
Katara: It makes things easier but also, we know the moon is going to come back. Like, scientifically.
Zuko: I think Arnook might be holding on for different reasons.
Katara: Shoot. Yeah. You’re right.
Katara: Crap, now I feel bad.
Zuko: Sorry. I do understand what you’re saying though.
Katara: Maybe I can change it? Make it more about Yue and less like we’re all gonna die if we don’t appease the spirits?
Zuko: That sounds reasonable. 
Zuko: You’re really getting good at this.
Katara: I’m good with the tribe stuff. I’m still bad doing all this talking out the side of my mouth.
Zuko: Pardon? Monocle emoji
Katara: It’s an Earth Kingdom expression. When you’re not talking straight and buttering someone up. Or backhanded compliments.
Zuko: Unfortunately, you’ll have to do that a lot.
Katara: Whyyyyyy? I’ll be queen. What are they gonna do about it?
Zuko: Rebel?
Katara: Against the ocean? Eye roll emoji
Zuko: Sounding a bit tyrannical there darling. Fire emoji
Katara: They’re making me do all this stuff!!! It’s not fair!!!!
Zuko: It’ll get easier.
Katara: Can’t I just go visit you? Let’s go to Ember Island again.
Zuko: I wish. 
Zuko: You look good on a beach.
Katara: Everyone looks good on a beach. That’s why it’s popular.
Zuko: Fair.
Katara: I can’t believe that was just a few months ago.
Zuko: I can’t believe we’ve been dating for a full season now.
Katara: Do we have an actual anniversary? Thinking emoji
Zuko: Honestly, I wasn’t thinking about it because I don’t want to jinx this.
Katara: Three cry laughing emojis
Katara: Would it be the summit tho?
Zuko: I guess so?
Katara: We wasted SO MUCH TIME this summer.
Zuko: Well…
Katara: It’s not my fault you were dating someone else.
Zuko: If I had been bolder during the war…
Katara: How would that have even worked?
Katara: I hadn’t even hit my peak rage against the Fire Nation
Zuko: Probably wouldn’t have been down for dating the crown prince then huh?
Katara: But it was you. So who knows?
Zuko: You think you would’ve still fallen for me?
Katara: Didn’t I do exactly that?
Zuko: That wasn’t me though.
Katara: Tomato, potato
Zuko: Your brother says that.
Katara: He stole it from ME!!!
Blue text box with the date January 03, 2021
Zuko: Sorry I missed your call.
Zuko: Kat?
Zuko: Are you mad at me?
Katara: Yes.
Zuko: I’m sorry Katara, the meeting ran long.
Katara: I know.
Katara: I’m still mad.
Katara: Today was really rough.
Zuko: What happened?
Katara: I don’t want to talk about it.
Zuko: Hey, did you want to call now? I’m free.
Katara: No.
Zuko: Katara.
Katara: I just really needed you! 
Katara: Arnook keeps yelling at me because I keep forgetting names and stupid stuff like that, and Pakku is telling me that I’m going to cause the next world war because I’m rude, and now one will train with me because I’m the stupid princess now and I’m really really lonely!
Zuko: I’m sorry Katara, that really sucks.
Katara: It does suck!
Katara: And when I call my boyfriend when he told me he’d be free, he didn’t pick up!
Zuko: I couldn’t control that.
Katara: I know.
Katara: I’m sorry.
Katara: I really want to see you.
Zuko: We can video chat?
Katara: No, I really want to see you in person.
Katara: We just started dating but I never get to be with you.
Katara: And when we are together, something bad always happens.
Zuko: I know. I’m sorry.
Katara: It’s not your fault.
Zuko: It kinda is though. It’s my family.
Katara: I just wish you were here.
Zuko: Me too. But I’ll see you soon.
Katara: Ugh, don’t remind me. Fed up emoji
Zuko: You’re going to do great. And you’re not going to be taking over right away. Arnook is still around for a bit. 
Katara: Promise YOU will be around for a bit?
Zuko: I’ll stay as long as I can.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
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ryqoshay · 3 years
OTP Ask Meme (Impatient Edition) NicoMaki
Yeah, I know the point of these things is to wait for followers to Ask questions from the list, but reading though this one got me thinking too much. And, as the title implies, I got impatient and wanted to answer them all. Right away.
Anyway, credit to @lonelypond​ for this version coming across my dash. Reblog that version if you want to do this thing correctly.
Also, just because I’ve already answered these here, I’ve expanded on some for various reasons and left others short if I believe the reasons are obvious. So if you still want to do the whole interactive thing, you can still ask for clarification or whatever.
And finally, there will be spoilers ahead for How to Handle a Nico, both scenes I’ve written and posted, as well as some that remain in my Notes and WIP Warehouse. I’ll try to remember to link to the chapters mentioned.
1. Who wakes up first?
Nico, so she can make breakfast for her Maki.
2. Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?
Maki. Usually because she studies or works later and/or longer hours. She is also not above pulling Nico back into bed when she comes to wake her.
3. Who takes longer getting ready?
Usually Nico.
4. When they can’t sleep, what do they do?
Maki’s libido can pretty much always be counted on to at least exhaust Nico, if not both of them.
5. Who falls asleep while watching a movie?
Depends on who had a rough day or week at work/school, though Maki may get bored and either watch Nico or fall asleep during overly sappy romance movies.
6. Who falls asleep last, watching the other with a small affectionate smile?
Either, depending on the stresses of the prior day.
7. Who comes up with the cheesy pick-up lines?
Nico intentionally. Maki unintentionally.
8. Who gets extremely competitive playing Mario Kart?
They both are, though in different ways. This is depicted in Consolation Prize.
9. Who accidentally pushes a door instead of pulling?
Maki, especially if she is in an unfamiliar place.
10. Who sets the other’s ringtone to something loud and obnoxious behind their back?
Both, though Maki only in retaliation for whatever teasing Nico may have done.
11. Who rearranges the bookshelf/DVD shelf in alphabetical order?
Nico likes a proper presentation of her idol merch. Maki is too busy with other stuff to care about special organization.
12. Who does the hands-over-the-eyes “Guess Who” thing?
13. Who points out a dog when they see one?
14. Who’s prone to road rage?
Maki, especially when she is trying to get to the hospital when called in at some odd hour, or trying to get home after a stressful day.
15. Who’s prone to wearing socks indoor (or to sleep)?
Nico gets cold easier. Warm socks help.
16. Who reminds the other to put on sunscreen before going to the beach (or pool)?
Nico, partly out of habit from doing it with her siblings and partly as an excuse to offer to help Maki put it on. Depicted in Sunscreen.
17. Who carries all the important documents while traveling?
18. Who gets the window seat?
Nico. Maki traveled enough with her parents and is happy to let her girlfriend see the sights instead.
19. Who puts their cold hands/feet on the other?
Nico intentionally. Maki unintentionally, usually.
20. What do they argue about the most?
I don’t believe anyone has been brave enough to track the data for this.
21. Who’s clumsier?
Maki, especially in the kitchen. Nico has her moments though.
22. Who texts more often?
Nico. With heavy emoji use. (I need to depict this more in HtHaN somehow)
23. Who is better with kids?
Nico. She was the primary caregiver for her siblings for many years after all.
24. Who’s the better cook?
Nico. See above.
25. Who mistakes salt for sugar?
Maki. Even after Nico labeled the containers.
26. Who puts the fork in the microwave?
27. Who cooks at 2 in the morning?
Nico. Maki isn’t allowed to cook without Nico’s supervision. However, this would be a rare occasion as Nico typically will prepare something ahead of when Maki is arriving home this late and leave it for her to reheat.
28. Who lets the microwave play the loud beeping sound at 1 a.m.?
Maki, when she’s reheating whatever Nico made for her after arriving home late.
29. Who licks the spoon when they’re baking brownies?
30. Who likes doing the dishes?
Nico, though it would be more appropriate to say she doesn’t dislike it.
31. Who has bigger cravings? What are they?
Nico loves her sweets. Maki loves her Nico.
32. Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
Nico is highly attentive to Maki’s preferences in food. Knowing what Maki likes in restaurants lets her know what she can make at home. And food is definitely one of the best ways to Maki’s heart.
33. How do they eat ice cream? What’s their favorite flavors?
Nico likes sundaes with lots of sugary toppings. She also likes trying new flavors and will often get multiple scoops of different flavors. Maki is fine with a single scoop cone.
34. Do they go on dates? What are they like?
As often as their schedules allow. Maki likes quite dates like walks in a park or museum or sitting up on a hillside for stargazing. Nico likes shopping for outfits and idol merch, going to movies and bustling amusement parks. But both love watching the other enjoy their hobbies so they’re willing to go along with the other’s interests as well.
35. What do they smell when they smell Amortentia?
Nico smells her father’s aftershave, strawberries, and stewing tomatoes. Maki smells Nico’s special tomato curry, Nico’s shampoo, and the cinnamon sugar of the snickerdoodle cookies the Nishikino baker made for her to leave out for Santa.
Yes, two of Maki’s are directly related to Nico. What can I say? She’s addicted.
36. Which one is the secret snuggler?
Maki. The more tired or drunk she is, the clingier she gets.
37. Which one offers their jacket to the other when they complain they feel cold?
Maki. Nico gets cold easier, so Maki is usually the one to offer her jacket.
38. Who reaches for the other one’s hand while driving?
39. Who leaves little notes in the other one’s lunch?
Nico, because she is the only one who makes lunch for them both; Maki isn’t the type to do such a thing even if she were allowed to cook more. (Bonus: What does it say?) Usually the messages are simple affirmations of love, but she is not above getting snarky if the two had an argument recently.
40. Who is the most affectionate?
Nico in public. Maki in private.
41. Who is the big spoon/little spoon?
Usually, Maki is the big spoon as she is quite fond of hugging her Nico like a teddy bear, though Nico will sometimes jetpack.
42. What is their favorite feature of their partner?
Maki loves Nico’s smile, particularly her genuine, unforced, non-idol persona smile. Nico loves Maki’s voice, specifically her singing voice.
43. What is the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
Nico starts teasing Maki more, no longer to “put the spoiled rich girl in her place” but rather to see more of the adorable reactions. Maki actively tries to deny her feelings, even to, or perhaps especially to herself, falling back on established habits of insisting that she doesn’t have time to date, all the while quietly continuing to seek more time with Nico.
44. What are their nicknames for each other?
Both exclusively use -chan with the other.
45. Who worries the most? Over what?
Early on, both are worried about losing the other for different reasons. Nico is afraid that should a scandal occur that ruins her idol career, Maki may blame herself and leave. Maki fears that a busy schedule of studying in medical school followed by long hours at the hospital may turn away someone like Nico, whose attention seeking seems infinite. Later, as they settle into their relationship, their concerns turn to more stereotypical adult fears; traffic or transit accidents, sever illnesses, etc.
46. Who initiates kisses?
Nico in public. Maki in private.
47. Who says I love you first? How did it happen?
Nico, by accident, as depicted in Spoken.
48. Who tells their friends/family about their relationship first?
Technically Maki in both cases, though with their friends, Nico was active in the chatroom, and with their mothers, Maki only beat Nico by maybe half an hour or so. These instances are depicted in Reconstructed Reunion and Telling Mama.
49. What do they do when they’re away from each other?
Both have busy schedules, even as early as the years immediately following high school, so spending time away from each other is quite commonplace. This still did not stop Maki from going through a bout of depression during Nico’s first tour as a professional idol, as depicted in Homesick and Homecoming. From then on, Maki starts a tradition of visiting Nico during longer tours so as to break up their time away a bit.
50. Who gets overwhelmed by small acts of kindness?
Nico, as the more romantic of the two. This isn’t to say Maki doesn’t value sentiment, she just has other ways of expressing it than being overwhelmed.
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an0nymousghost · 3 years
my answers to simblr asks v1 because i don’t think i did a mass post like this. 
1. how big is your mods folder? 15 gb, i don’t have my giant hair folder in rn
2. how would you describe your style? maxis-match, reshade/cartoony/dof aesthetic
3. what is your favorite challenge? 100bc obviously. and those completionist ones that take 400 years to finish
4. do you make cc? if so, what kind? age conversions of hair and recolors. and once in a blue moon i convert earrings or something
5. what type of cc do you hoard? hair, always and forever. my hair folder is sooo organized but i dont keep it in my game because it is very hard to find anything; there’s literally over 1000 items in the catalogue. also this is just female hair, for kids/toddler i use my own stuff and there’s really not enough male hair for me to mass hoard
6. what default eyes and skin do you use? intoxicated v2 - i’ll use this for the rest of my life emerald eyes by forgottengrotto
7. how many urls have you had, and what are the meanings behind them?
i have had 4:
celeschul - a play on “celestial” because that’s how you pronounce it an0nymousghost - the 8th level of the criminal: oracle career stardze - relating to astrology (star daze) teauke - sounds cool i guess; also i really wanted a short name
i don’t think i’ll change my url anytime in the future because it would be very annoying with all the broken links. i personally hate it when blogs have broken links so i don’t want to add to the problem. also, an0nymousghost is such a nice simblr url, it’s actually got a connection to the actual game. it is already confusing enough with the an0nymousghost/celeschul thing, but that’s mainly just because an0nymousghost is a long url and doesn’t really fit on package titles or thumbnails
8. who is your favorite gameplay blog? i have a personal blog and on there i only follow my faves: @leafykii, solarlemonade, ratboysims, @simprising​, myshunos, @aridridge, @whimsyblue. 
9. who is your favorite storytelling blog? idk i dont follow stories
10. who is your favorite cc creator? im not super involved in cc rn but aharris00britney and clumsyalienn who does those beautiful hair strands. oh yes and myself of course 
11. how do you edit your photos? reshade + action + psd. it’s complicated but the reshade takes 0 effort and ive struggled with editing forEVER im happy with this one
12. what is the last screenshot you took? idk im on my macbook 
Tumblr media
this is the last screenshot on my mac LUL. rip to this hair which has been a wip for 10 million years. 
13. what do you do when you are unmotivated? nothing; right now is a good example. i have a queue so you probably can’t tell, but i’m super unmotivated to do anything. like i could make cc or play ts4 but i really just don’t want to (that’s why im writing this). idk why, but either it’ll pass or my blog will be dead forever. xo
14. who is your current favorite sim? i said the fae sisters for my other post but i really like noelle’s husband claye! i think my female sims are always wayyy more attractive than my male sims, but claye might pull in front of noelle tbh. he looks much better with the emerald eyes (the cartoony ones) 
also i consider all my sims to be good people, and claye’s kindness comes from him always taking care of leila and israel because noelle is off at work and such. oh and noelle’s way more...experienced than him when it comes to relationships
15. who is your current favorite sim that is not by you? no one really comes to mind, i haven’t been focused on like one specific sim lately
16. recreate someone else’s sim in your style. nah
17. do you talk about sims with people in real life? yeah. i don’t want to keep secrets from my friends (i used to have a secret ig account and it was a cause of major stress) so i just mention it in passing. honestly if they’re not cool with me having a sims blog, we can’t be friends. none of my irl friends play sims tho :( 
18. how many of the packs do you own? 23/38 or something along those lines
19. how many posts do you have on your blog currently? 1665. i have more followers than posts, something that i never achieved ever on my old blog because i had like 4 gazillion posts
20. how many drafts do you have on your blog currently? 7, they’re all just shitposts or asks 
21. how many posts are in your queue currently? 17
22. have you ever moved blogs? 2 times. celeschul -> stardze -> an0nymousghost. also i moved my multifandom sideblog once but that url has changed soo many times
23. are you in any sims related discord servers? yeah. though, i cant stand discord for a totally-unrelated-to-sims reason
24. what are your thoughts on the most recent pack? (paranormal) this is an outdated question but i still do not care about this pack. lol
25. how many hours have you played sims? 1039 hours
26. if you play gameplay, do you play with mods? yes, a lot
27. what’s the farthest you’ve gotten in a challenge? 100bc, i got to like 56/100 kids in my first attempt. this is TECHNICALLY farther than random nightmares, which i feel like i completed more of but i only did 50% of that challenge. i wrote on my blog that i completed random nightmares but in my heart, it’s not complete until 10 generations. so i just said that to make myself feel better. i’ll do a season 2 sometime...sometime
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sunshinelukee · 4 years
get to know me under the cut! thank you so much for the tag @loverofmines 💛
i'm tagging @heartbreakgirlisagoodsongcalum @ashandcalscurbsidemilkshake @fairytalesforscience @wastethen8 @youngbloodchild @calumsthood @bandsanitizer @notinthesameguey @ashtcnirwin @mikeycliffords @myloverboyash @redrattlers and anyone else who wants to! :)
1. name/nickname: naomi
2. gender: female
3. star sign: leo
4. height: 5'6
5. time: 6.21pm
6. birthday: august 12th
7. favorite bands: 5sos, 1D, Little Mix, The Aces, The Vamps, Waterparks
8. favorite solo artists: Taylor Swift, Lewis Capaldi, Mali-Koa, Ariana Grande
9. song stuck in my head: better with you by Virginia To Vegas
10. last movie: To All The Boys: Always And Forever
11. last show: just finished Anne with an E
12. when did I make this blog: 2016, but I wasn't really active until 2018
13. what I post: mostly edits and gifs I think? the occasional meme maybe?
14. the last thing i googled: triple crochet stitch (i'm making a cardigan at the moment)
15. other blogs: none actually, i just stick to this one haha
16. do i get asks: occasionally, yes! (though i'm pretty bad at answering them because i always forget about them, so i do apologize for that)
17. why i chose this url: luke's just an actual ray of sunshine💛
18. following: 248
19. followers: 7121 (which is crazy, ily all🥺)
20. average hours of sleep: usually around 7
21. lucky number: 2
22. instruments: i probably know 3 songs on ukulele and 1 song on the recorder from when i was like 8, that's as far as my musical abilities go lol
23. what am i wearing right now: mom jeans and a knitted sweater
24. dream trip: i've always wanted to go to australia or somewhere in scandinavia :)
25. favorite foods: anything italian honestly
26. nationality: dutch
27. favorite song: i don't really have a specific favorite song, i guess it depends on the day
28. last book i read: currently reading a book for my german class called 24 Stunden aus dem Leben einer Frau by Stefan Zweig, which i actually really enjoy so far :)
29. top three fictional universes: Harry Potter, Narnia, Percy Jackson
30. favorite color: yellow!
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