#50kg Packing
food-trading-uae · 10 months
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Rewards for hitting my GWs!
GW1 (53kg): New hairbrush
GW2 (50kg): Sims 4 Vampires pack
GW3 (47kg): New dress
GW4 (45kg): Family photo that I haven’t had the confidence to take
GW5 (43kg): Clothes from Brandy Melville
GW6 (40kg): New notebook
UGW (37kg): Decorate my room :)
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lady-lycany · 1 year
Just saw wilczak's post about him hating the human smell and it reminded me, that I wanted to say something similar about it.
Like no matter where I am- outside (when someone walks in front of me or the wind blows the smell in my direction), in a huge building (where everything smells differenty like doc. office or hospital ect.) or even in the lift of our house- I always start to hold my breath when it smells like other people. I'm disgusted by the thought of maybe inhaling their breath or to have their stinky smell up my nose.
But to be fair, I'm not only having this with people but with vehicles too.
I'd rather stand in 50kg of horse sh!t and smell that, instead of the smog of the streets or the stinky smell of strangers (one of my only problems with visiting concerts lol)
(also, of course I have no problem with the scents of people that are close to me cuz, I mean... they're my pack)
((and then there's my stepdad, that I finally want to be freed from cuz he's coughing and sneezing all over the place and fills the apartment with sweet stinkin vaping shit and ugh, I actually would've to walk with an astronaut suit through the apartment cuz otherwise I would die of keeping my breath in 💀🤦🏻‍♀️ another reason why I finally want my own safe space far away from him)
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chaeyeulhrts · 8 months
@chaeyeulhrts ' info | READ BEFORE DMING
- finland based (eu) || minor
- i use tumblr along with ig
- my insta is @chaeyeulhrts ^^
- i speak finnish and english
- i send stamped only
- all prices are in € (euros)
- i trade in eu
- i always send videos of the pc/s with flash with my @ in the backround
- i send address confirmation
- i also send packing and shipping proof
- if you have less than 5 proofs i will kindly ask you to send first but i am also okay sending first.
- i sell in eu
- i always send videos of the pc/s with flash on with my @ in the backround
- banktransfer ONLY !!!
- i send address confirmation
- i send packing and shipping proof
shipping prices:
finland : 2,30€
eu : 20kg = 2,50€ || 50kg = 3,10€
- if you have read all , send me a 🦔 emoji in the beginning of your message
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partnersrelief · 1 year
Displaced. Again.
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Photo: Fire consumes Balukhali refugee camp in Bangladesh (Credit: Ro Yassin Abdumonab)./a>
This week.
our team has been responding to the fire that broke out in the Rohingya refugee camps near Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh on Sunday. 2,000 homes were destroyed, leaving around 12,000 people without shelter. We are heartbroken for our Rohingya friends who are facing unimaginable loss once again.
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We’ve delivered food packs with staples like rice, oil and spices to support 1,000 people, but the needs are great. You can help fuel our ongoing relief effort here.
may be a distant memory, but we haven’t forgotten the power of this community to come together to ensure 6 Rohingya villages in Myanmar have the security of a regular supply of rice. The first distribution of 50kg bags have made it to our Rohingya friends who, whilst also having food for their kids, know for certain that they haven’t been forgotten. This is what it looks like when we put love into action.
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Photos: our team delivering rice to one of the 6 communities you're supporting.
Nahida is Rohingya
but she doesn’t know what Myanmar looks like. As a second-generation refugee, she and her family still experience so many of the same challenges as those who fled the 2017 genocide. One of those is access to education. But you’re doing something to change that.
was International Women’s Day and to mark the occasion, Women’s Initiative for Self Empowerment featured our very own Middle East Director of Operations, Hanin, who has most recently been leading our earthquake response in Syria and Turkey.
Read more about her inspiring journey breaking through the social norms in her community.
In Michigan
this weekend? Drop by our stand at the Ada / Forest Hills Community Expo and say hi! We’ll have something special for you to try from our cookbook and give you the chance to travel virtually with us into the earthquake zone in Syria.
Thanks for continually showing up with love.
Your friends at Partners.
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yasmijn · 2 years
Mindful purchase
Pengalaman packing untuk pulang for good ke Indo di akhir-akhir 2020 itu bikin anxious. Pertama, begitu sadar bahwa kamarku yang kayanya luasnya ga lebih dari 3x3m itu ternyata bisa memuat banyak banget barang - barang yang nggak bisa semuanya aku bawa pulang ke Indonesia karena terkendala maksimum luggage. Kedua, ternyata banyak barang yang kubawa dari Indo tapi bahkan sampe aku pulang pun nggak sempet dipake🙂. Ketiga, bahwa kayaknya sebagai manusia kayaknya nggak perlu belanja sebanyak itu deh untuk hidup merantau cuma dua tahun aja.
Pada akhirnya, kayaknya pas aku pulang itu barang bawaan pas naik pesawat udah hampir 50kg (thanks bapak-bapak Qatar Airways yang kayanya kasian liat w kebingungan jadi bantuin aku untuk ke booth dimana mbak-mbaknya lagi sibuk ngobrol jadi gak meratiin barang bawaanku), dan ngirim 3 boks @30kg via kargo. Dan itu masih ada yang nggak kebawa jadi aku buang aja.
Ya gimana ya pas nyampe ke Belanda dan dipertemukan dengan Primark yang begitu murah, juga diskonan Zara yang beneran jadi super murah banget (w cuma belanja Zara kalau diskonan jadi 10-20 euro doang itu untuk hal-hal yang di Indo pasti 500rb ke atas). Emang anaknya mudah tergoda diskon. Sungguh pengingat banget untuk jadi lebih mindful dalam belanja. Sekarang kalau lagi belanja (terutama pas ke offline store sih), dan memegang suatu benda, mikirnya: kayaknya aku ga butuh deh. 
Langsung terulang momen-momen panik karena koper overweight.
Beda sih feel-nya sama kalau udah punya permanent residence (atau setidaknya tumpangan permanen di rumah orang tua). Dulu gak pernah tuh kepikiran lemari udah penuh, kamar udah penuh - karena ruangnya masih banyak banget dan masih bisa aja ditaruh di area publik. Kalau kami semua harus pindah dari rumah dengan membawa semua perintilan - gak kebayang sih harus pake kontainer segede apa dan harus mondar-mandir berapa puluh balikan.
Pas pulang ke kamar sendiri yang udah 2 tahun ditempatin, rasanya sesek juga 🥲🥲🥲🥲 Kenapa w punya barang sebanyak ini. Mau decluttering juga rasanya males haha, naro di Carousell males ngecek dan harus negosiasi. Tapi waktu itu sempet ngilo buku bekas kuliah di rongsok sih, mayan juga untuk meringankan beban.
Sekarang jadi lebih pengen ngubah persepsi bahwa kepemilikan itu lebih condong ke ‘beban’. Bikin sempit. Bikin sesak.
Semoga ku bisa semakin mindful dalam belanja. 
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haerinkcals · 2 years
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didnt know which one was better for my update so you got both :) skip this post if u dgaf but here are some things i want to talk abt <3 under this you can also share urs i like talking abt things in other peoples lifes that make them happy 1. i cant fast so i pack cute disodered lunches now 2. i walk to school now and it makes me feel like a main character 3. i am studying French again 4. im currently looking at Halloween costumes and hoco dress which gives me good motivation to be skinny 5. im finally 50kg again slay 6. changed my tumblr theme because i want to be coquette aesthetic again lol
comment anything new and ur excited at <3 only if u want ofc
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digital weighing luggage Hook Scales 50kg capacity
Accurate Weighing Luggage Scales
If you are planning an international trip then a luggage weighing scale from Accurate Weighing Scales becomes even more important for you. It is best to purchase an affordable luggage weighing scale that has all the general features including auto-calibration.
The majority of digital luggage weighing scales have a weight limit of 110pounds or 50 kilograms. Most provide a reading in both pounds and kilograms, which especially proves to be useful for international travel. Another factor to consider is the general comfort and quality of the handle. Heavier bags will, in general, be harder to lift and can strain both the handle and hook of the scale, particularly if you regularly pack your bag to the full.
Thank you for allowing Accurate Weighing Scales (U) Ltd the privilege to serve you in advance.
For inquiries on deliveries contact us
 Office +256 (0) 705 577 823, +256 (0) 775 259 917
 Address: Wandegeya KCCA Market South Wing, 2nd Floor Room SSF 036
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raitrolling · 1 year
was thinking of character body types
Liiore: previously had a slim and fit body type as a result of an intense exercise and diet regime, but since quitting the idol industry he’s began gaining weight and returned to a more natural level of pudge. he’s much happier this way, and thinks the bits of chubbiness here and there makes him a little cuter
Katrin: slim and straight with little curves, somewhat underweight but eats just enough that at the very least her ribs aren’t showing. no i dont know how she can weigh a little under 50kg but still have an average sized chest, i guess all the fat goes to her boobs
Nancor: Beanpole #1. willowy, androgynous appearance with long legs, but with a bit of muscle in his arms from flag spinning. he’s also underweight, but he tries to eat as well as he can
Dismas: Beanpole #2. actively struggles to gain weight because his psiionics burn through so much energy and has to consume a lot of high-calorie foods just to maintain a skinny-but-healthy frame. fairly straight body type otherwise, no muscle definition to speak of. also, y’know, missing an entire arm so you could probably attribute a good 10kg of his total body weight to just his cybernetic because that thing was not made to fit him
Aislin: slim and petite, with little curves or body fat to speak of. she’s a little careful about her weight, but also just really loves snack foods and instant ramen so she’s not overly fussy about her diet. she’s also a little self-conscious about her small figure that lacks the curves/bust like what society deems to be more ‘conventionally attractive’, but she does like the way she looks
Eichio: very average body type. stays fit and healthy, but isn’t doing any exercises that will actively build muscle. has been eating better nowadays that he’s no longer punishing himself for failing to meet his lusus’ standards, so he’s gained a bit of weight from consistently eating three meals a day
Benrii: not quite as beanpole-y as Nancor or Dismas, but still on the side of being tall and slim. has a notably smaller waist compared to his hips and shoulders, but not to the extent that one would call him curvy. tends to use clothing to make his figure seem more exaggerated than it is, such as how his boots make his legs look longer and the way his coat flairs out gives him a stronger silhouette
Soroll: chubby and rectangular, with not much difference in proportions between his chest and stomach, and the weight fairly evenly distributed. somewhat poor health due to consisting on a diet of mostly scavenged / dumpster dived foods, but that does not affect his natural body type
Callan: the fact that he is quite fit despite eating horrendous junk food garbage should be the first indication that he has a much more active lifestyle than he leads on. lean, but toned, perfect for someone who does a lot of parkour and gymnastics. but other than that, his figure is perfectly generic. he claims he totally has an eight pack but everyone knows that’s a lie
Somerl: average, but with a decent amount of muscle. not ridiculously ripped, but with more muscle bulk than someone of his stature has any right to have. he’s unnaturally strong for his caste, and does a lot of heavy lifting when maintaining his boat (which includes using an anchor as his strife weapon)
Amarys: slim and lithe. few curves and very little chest to speak of, but she knows how to dress her body type to make it work. she’s very fit and athletic, but apart from whatever muscles one may naturally gain from a lifetime of fencing she doesn’t have any sort of bulk to her. she eats very well and looks after herself
Ananta: skinny, leaning on the underweight side due to a generally poor diet. there’s nothing really notable about their body type, they have a straight build with little curves. tends to wear baggy, shapeless clothing which makes them look bigger than they actually are
Rosato: if he wasn’t undead this man would be legitimately skeletal from how little he eats. he was already slim with a bit of a small waist, but was a lot healthier when he was alive. now he’s incredibly malnourished to the point of near-starvation
Ashell: pear-shaped build with large hips. average, healthy weight that doesn’t fluctuate due to being undead. when he was alive his weight tended to fluctuate much more thanks to a combination of stress from university and a good old Uni Student Diet, but luckily for him he happened to die during one of his more healthier periods
Ariete: chubby, apple-shaped body type. tends to gain weight easier on her chest, waist, and thighs, but is otherwise fairly easily distributed. full bust, but not a lot going on in the butt department. don’t look at her old art i was drawing her way too thin when i first started rip
Celise: thin, willowy build with a small waist. a little more on the underweight side than they’d like to be, but also they’re not a big eater so it’s difficult for them to put on weight. their legs are disproportionately long in comparison to the rest of their body, a real shoujo anime figure
Velour: average, very rectangular build with somewhat broad shoulders and barely any difference between his waist and hip proportions. he personally dislikes his body shape as he feels like he can’t wear certain outfits as well as trolls with curvier features. he tends to not eat very much so he weighs less than he should be, but he’s very careful to not dip into unhealthy weight ranges
Mikiel: i hate to say it but honestly mikiel is pretty ripped for someone who is five foot nothing. he’s not actively trying to build muscle, but being a fighter who is also a trained ice skater and learned ballet as a child means that he really does have the most killer legs imaginable and a decent amount of muscle everywhere else. he also burns a lot of energy from his psiionics + lifestyle so while he eats very well it’s unlikely that he’ll gain a lot of fat
Lusien: Big And Tall. stocky and well-built, but also with some chubbiness. there’s some roundness to him, but it tends to be covered up by all the layers of thick clothing he wears. you know for a fact that he eats well and also does a lot of heavy lifting, but sweeps of smoking has done a large number to his fitness levels
Sharle: very toned with a decent amount of musculature, which is to be expected of a professional athlete. he has to maintain a strict diet to reach the minimum weight requirements, and has everything to do with his health closely monitored by his dietician and personal trainer. broad shoulders and a slight reverse triangle body shape, and has a thick neck due to the kinds of exercises he needs to do to ensure his body doesn’t snap like a twig when subject to the massive G-forces from driving a racecar
Viltau: average, leaning on the thin side which is what he believes to be the ‘perfect’ weight. he’s incredibly obsessive about his weight to an unhealthy degree, given that he was bullied for being overweight as a child and still puts on weight quite easily if he’s not careful. counts calories, goes through periods of excessive working out if he stress-eats too much, the whole shebang. but, poor body image aside, he has a small grabbable waist, and a very nice ass
Glasya: average, hourglass-shaped body type with bits of chub here and there. tends to gain weight easily on their stomach and thighs, which tends to make them look a little more bottom-heavy. noticeable hip dips, especially when they’re wearing more form-fitting pants. they’re very proud of their big boobs and butt
Vallis: Beanpole #3. legitimately zero curves or muscle definition to speak of, a mcdonalds napkin of a man. the most painfully average skinny build in existence... if not for the fact that the eldritch nature of his body makes him a good 40kg heavier than he appears. where is that weight stored? who fucking knows, probably in the black hole that replaced his stomach
Belamy: what he would call ‘perfect’, everyone else would call ‘perfectly generic’. there is legitimately nothing notable here; he keeps to the weight range that is expected for a healthy seadweller of his height, he only works out to the extent that is required of him, and of course he eats well. boring, bitter twink
Linnae: slim, and while their curves are not as pronounced as Ashe’s, you can see the makings of a pear-shaped figure there. more hip than waist, and not particularly broad shoulders either. they spend a lot of time out in the wilderness and hunt their own food, so they’re quite fit but not overly muscular. maybe a little bit of tone to their arms
Fleure: average, rectangular build, and rather fit for someone who spent hundreds of sweeps in stasis. spends more time in his dragon form, so he’s gained a bit of bulk from a very protein-heavy diet but not overly so that you would call him particularly stocky. he’s a wizard, do you really think he’s shredded?
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carry-zhang · 1 month
How to quantitative filling machine to pack 50kg per bag? Packaging 
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kusumasposts · 2 months
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HomePocket Weighting Scale For Baggage, Kitchen Etc (UPTO 50 KG)
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Pocket Weighting Scale For Baggage, Kitchen Etc (UPTO 50 KG)
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Portable LCD Electronic Balance digital scale .Small and Light, Making it Convenient to Carry and Use. stores...
Vendor: TheUniqueStore
SKU: HALFPE13954263
Availability: In Stock
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Decrease quantity for Pocket Weighting Scale for Baggage, Kitchen etc (UPTO 50 KG)Increase quantity for Pocket Weighting Scale for Baggage, Kitchen etc (UPTO 50 KG)
Subtotal: ₹299
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18 customers are viewing this product
Portable LCD Electronic Balance digital scale .Small and Light, Making it Convenient to Carry and Use. stores easily in your pocket or tackle box.
110lb/50kg capacity with 5g or 10g accuracy; LCD screen displays weight in g/kg/lb/oz.
Convenient weighing unit switch, data lock . Over load indication, auto power off after 120 seconds without any operation.
Stainless steel hook concealed in the back slot, durable to use.
Blue LCD back light, easy to read value at day and night.
Made of high plastic abs material.
Multi-Use Scale : weigh flight luggage, grocery shopping.
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huixinxijie · 3 months
What's the review of SURRON X Electric Dirt Bike?
Electric Dirt Bike athletes will ride Electric Dirt Bike to exercise in their spare time when they are not competing. I have been exposed to SURRON X, an Electric Dirt Bike, as early as during the Gonggar Crossing Cycling Event. In the past few days, the maneuverability of SURRON X has left a deep impression on me. In this issue, the author will let you experience this magical and fun SURRON X Electric Dirt Bike.
SURRON X is equipped with a high-speed brushless DC mid-mounted motor. The driving wheels can provide a maximum torque of 240N.m. The vehicle weighs 50kg including the battery. The vehicle uses a 60V/32AH high-rate ternary lithium battery. The ferocious power output ensures that SURRON X has strong "firepower" to help you easily conquer rugged slopes, and enjoy Enjoy climbing.
The handlebar part of SURRON X uses the same caliber stems and handlebars as mountain bikes, leaving room for upgrades for users. The 760mm small-angle handlebar and 40mm short stem can also provide sufficient flexibility when turning.
SURRON X has two power mode options: "Sport" and "Economy". The "Sport" mode outputs more powerful torque in the rear section than the "Economy" mode. "Sport" mode is suitable for off-road driving. The "economy" mode power output is relatively "gentle" and is generally used more on flat roads. In addition, the "Economy" mode can be used as an energy-saving mode to save more power and extend the mileage. Speed, kilometers and other data can be viewed through the LCD screen located on the left side of the handlebar. However, the display is slightly small and can easily be distracted while driving. It is recommended to stop and watch.
In terms of power control, SURRON X is similar to ordinary off-road motorcycles. On the right side of the handlebar is the accelerator, while on the left side because of the electric power, the traditional clutch position has been replaced by the brake. Since SURRON X adopts the braking habit of "left rear and right front", Contrary to the "left front, right rear" braking habit of most mountain bikes, it takes some time to get used to when you first get into it.
The vehicle is started with a key, and there is a USB charging hole under the key compartment. Players can charge their mobile phones while driving. With this thoughtful feature, they no longer have to worry about their mobile phones running out of battery outdoors. There is a power display on the top of the battery. The digital display and graphic display make the power clearly visible at a glance. Users can monitor the power anytime and anywhere to be aware of it. When they find that the power is insufficient, they can replace it in time to reduce the embarrassment of "breaking down" midway.
The competition version battery is 60V/32AH, with an actual measured weight of 11kg. The entire lithium battery pack is wrapped in a thick layer of engineering plastic, which ensures reassuring safety. In order to better distribute the vehicle's center of gravity, the battery is placed in the middle of the frame, allowing SURRON X to achieve a 50/50 weight distribution without being "top-heavy". After opening the protective cover of the battery compartment, you can see the entire battery pack. The charging holes and circuit connection parts are well designed, and there is a handle on the top to facilitate battery replacement. Engineers built a leakage protection switch next to the battery. When the battery leaks, the switch will automatically trip to protect the user's personal safety.
A full charge of the 60V battery takes about 3 hours. In order to simulate real driving conditions, the author specially selected a mixed mountain road and paved road for testing. After repeated actual testing throughout the day, it was found that using the "Sports" mode can last about 50 or 60km, and it is not a problem to spend a day in the mountains.
SURRON X is equipped with a FAST inverted air pressure front fork (RST oil spring front fork is also optional) and spring rear shock absorber. For the exposed part of the front fork, FAST specially added a fender to the inner tube to protect the inner tube from flying stones. The overall linearity of the original shock absorber system is slightly tough. If you want to pursue a more delicate shock absorber effect, you can upgrade the shock absorber system in the later stage. At present, the FOX 40 front fork is favored by many players. Of course, the author has also seen some players modify it with MARZOCCHI forks. In terms of suspension, it adopts the same specifications as downhill bikes, so the modification space is quite large. Players can choose according to the depth of their wallets, and it is up to them to be rich and frugal.
To ensure maximum torque, SURRON X adopts belt and chain transmission method. The motor output power drives the gear at the other end with the help of a belt. The power is then transmitted to the 58T gear through the chain to further amplify the torque. Because of the use of brushless motors, the speed increase feels somewhat similar to Tesla. During the acceleration process, you can feel the strong pushing sensation from the rear wheels, which makes people feel in awe of this power monster.
The rims with an outer width of 49mm and the CST 70/100-19 large-grain off-road wide tires are enough to crush everything. When passing tree roots and stone road conditions, the vehicle is as stable as a mountain and rarely makes disturbing jumps.
The braking power of the front and rear four-piston brakes plus 203mm discs is unquestionable, but the original brakes are prone to thermal decay during long-term use, which weakens the braking power. However, these are minor problems that can be solved by upgrading the brakes.
Driving the SURRON X Electric Dirt Bike can be said to be a brand new experience. SURRON X is slightly different from ordinary mountain bikes in terms of power control and center of gravity distribution. It takes some time to get used to it when you are new to it, but it is a piece of cake for players with basic mountain bike experience and they can quickly adapt in a short period of time. Climbing is SURRON X's strength. After you master the throttle and center of gravity distribution, you can try some steeper slopes. SURRON X can easily conquer slopes that were previously inaccessible to mountain bikes. This gives you a great confidence boost and allows you to enjoy the sense of accomplishment brought by climbing as quickly as possible.
In the past, mountain bikes needed to pedal to increase their exit speed when cornering. When driving SURRON X out of a corner, you only need to increase the accelerator to get amazing acceleration. When accelerating at the apex of a corner, you feel like your whole body is surrounded by gravity, which makes you excited.
In general, SURRON X is an all-round vehicle that can go up and down. And with electric power assistance, you can save your energy and ride further, It is very suitable for cross-travel gameplay, and it is definitely worth a try for those experienced mountain bikers who want to try new gameplay. When you become familiar with SURRON X, it will feel like you have opened the door to a new world.
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hardynwa · 3 months
Manufacturers list conditions to slash rising cement price
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Cement Manufacturers have agreed to sell a 50kg bag of cement at a retail price between N7,000 and N8,000, depending on location nationwide, we reports. However, the manufacturers stated that the price drop from the current market price would depend on the fulfillment of certain government interventions to ameliorate critical challenges faced in the industry. The Minister of Works, Dave Umahi, announced after a meeting with leading cement manufacturers on Monday in Abuja adding that Nigerians will feel the impact in 30 days. The meeting was against the backdrop of the ballooning price of the commodity to approximately N13,000 in several retail stores in the Federal Capital Territory, and Enugu, indicating the impact of inflation within the country. But at the meeting ordered by President Bola Tinubu, Umahi lamented the current rate stating that it was abnormal and detrimental to the economic prosperity sought after by the current administration. Reading the communique after a three-hour discussion, the minister said certain issues including smuggling, bad roads, high energy costs, and the forex crisis caused the high prices but stressed that manufacturers have expressed their readiness to be willing to bring down the prices in the future. He said, “The meeting discussed extensively the current prices of cement vis a vis the challenges from the manufacturers. They talked about their challenges ranging from the high cost of gas, high import duties from their spare parts, bad road network and of course the high FX rate. “They also talked about the issue of cement across our borders and how it is creating scarcity and high increase. We agreed that the trade ministry will seek some remedies from the president on the high cost of gas and the issue of import duties and fixing of the roads within the distribution corridors. “The cement manufacturer has noted and the government that the present high cost of cement in the market is very much abnormal in some locations nationwide. Ideally, they noted that cement price, and retail price to a consumer should not cost more than between N7,000 to N8,000 per 50 kg bag of cement. “Therefore, the government and the cement manufacturers, which are Dangote Plc, BUA Plc and Lafarge Plc have agreed to have their cement price nationwide between N7,000 to N8,000 naira per 50 kg pack of cement, depending on the locations, which means that this price depends on the locations. Going forward, the government advised manufacturers to set up a price monitoring mechanism to ensure compliance with the prices that are set today and manufacturers have willingly accepted to do that and sanction any of their distributors or retailers found wanting.” He mentioned that the government anticipates a reduction in the agreed price following interventions to address manufacturers’ challenges on gas, import duty, smuggling, and better road network. The meeting concluded with an agreement to reconvene in 30 days to assess the progress achieved. In her remarks, the Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment, Doris Uzoka-Anite, pledged the government’s commitment to collaborate with industries to remove bottlenecks and encourage smooth operations. “We will continue as a government to collaborate with the industries to deepen our engagements with them and remove bottlenecks to have smoother operations and the benefit of the backward integration program is enjoyed and felt by every citizen. “Nigeria stopped importing cement since 2012 and there is no reason why we should be experiencing the kind of issues we are having in cement pricing,” she added. BUA pledges six million tonnes to boost supply On his part, the Group Executive Director of BUA, Kabiru Rabiu, disclosed plans by the company to supply 6m tonnes of cement into the market to mitigate the surging prices. He also said cement continues to be smuggled by mischievous retailers because the price is the cheapest in the region, which makes it vulnerable to smuggling adding that this activity does not through official channels and does not benefit the government. “BUA is committed to bringing in an additional six million tonnes of cement in the next few weeks and that would seriously dampen the pressure of supply. we would remain committed to these engagements and we would reassemble in 30 days.” “The high cost of cement in Neighboring countries has made smuggling lucrative. The cost of cement in Chad and Cameron is about N15,000 per bag and we noticed that distributors through the North Eastern part smuggle products to neighbouring countries. They do that not through official channels and the government is not benefiting from their export. Unless that is sorted, we’ll continue to have pressure from those markets. “There is a big disparity between demand and supply in Nigeria. I think some plants have issues which have reduced production. We are at the peak of cement demand but supply seems less so there is going to be a crisis and that is why we are working hard to bring more products to the market to reduce the pressure of demand and supply in the market,” he concluded. Read the full article
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desiccachemical · 4 months
What are the properties of sodium chromate?
Sodium chromate is a fascinating compound that has garnered attention for its unique properties and versatile applications. At Desicca Chemical Pvt Ltd, we stand out as the premier Sodium Chromate Manufacturer and Supplier in India, specializing in meeting sodim chromate specifications. As leading sodium chromate manufacturers in India, we take pride in providing top-quality products, including sodium dichromate, desiccants, and pharma chemicals. Our commitment extends to offering these high-grade items at the most affordable prices, making us your go-to sodium chromate supplier in Mumbai.
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Understanding Sodium Chromate:
Sodium Chromate is a chemical compound with the sodium chromate formula Na2CrO4. It is a yellow crystalline solid, commonly found in the form of beads and pellets. The compound is highly soluble in water, creating a yellow solution.
Let’s explore some key properties of Sodium Chromate:
Chemical Composition: Sodium Chromate consists of sodium ions (Na+) and chromate ions (CrO4²-). The balanced chemical equation for the formation of Sodium Chromate is: 2NaOH + CrO3 → Na2CrO4 + H2O.
Physical Appearance: Sodium Chromate is a bright yellow solid, which is indicative of its chromate ions. It is available in different forms, including beads and pellets, providing flexibility in various applications.
Solubility: Sodium Chromate is highly soluble in water, forming a yellow solution. This solubility makes it suitable for various industrial processes and applications.
Packing and Storage: At Desicca Chemical Pvt Ltd, we understand the importance of proper packaging. Our Sodium Chromate is available in:
Local packaging: 50kg HDPE Bag with Airtight inside polyliner.
Export packaging: 50kg fibre drums.
These packaging options ensure the quality and integrity of the product during transportation and storage.
Specifications — Sodium Chromate
Sr.No: 1. Test: Na2CrO4.4H2O Extra Pure / LR: N.W.: 234.07 AR / GR: N.W.: 234.03
Sr.No: 2 Test: Description Extra Pure / LR: A bright yellow crystalline powder AR / GR: Lemon yellow crystals/crystalline powder.
Sr.No: 3 Test: Solubility 10% solution in water Extra Pure / LR: Clear & bright AR / GR: Clear & bright
Sr.No: 4 Test: Assay (Iodometric) Extra Pure / LR: NLT 99 % AR / GR: 99–102%
Sr.No: 5 Insoluble matter Extra Pure / LR: 0.005% AR / GR: 0.005%
Sr.No: 6 Test: Chloride ( Cl ) Extra Pure / LR: 0.01% AR / GR: 0.01%
Sr.No: 7 Test: Sulphate ( SO4) Extra Pure / LR: 0.2% AR / GR: 0.2%
Sr.No: 8 Test: Calcium (Ca) Extra Pure / LR: 0.003 AR / GR: 0.2%
Sr.No: 9 Test: Iron (Fe) Extra Pure / LR: 0.005% AR / GR: 0.002
Sr.No: 10 Test: Copper (Cu) Extra Pure / LR: 0.005% AR / GR: 0.005%
Physical Properties:
Color: The distinctive yellow color of sodium chromate makes it easily recognizable, aiding researchers and scientists in identifying its presence in different solutions.
Crystalline Structure: Sodium chromate forms crystals with a well-defined sodium chromate structure, contributing to its stability and durability in various applications.
Melting and Boiling Points: Understanding the melting and boiling points of sodium chromate is crucial for industrial processes. Sodium chromate typically melts at around 792°C and boils at approximately 1370°C.
Applications of Sodium Chromate
Sodium Chromate finds applications in various industries, including:
Textile Industry: Used as a mordant in dyeing processes to enhance color fastness.
Metal Finishing: Acts as a corrosion inhibitor and an oxidizing agent in metal finishing processes.
Photography: Employed in photographic chemicals for developing and fixing.
Chemical Manufacturing: Utilized as a chemical intermediate in the synthesis of other chromium compounds.
Final Words!
Sodium Chromate is a compound renowned for its remarkable properties and versatile applications across diverse industries. As the leading Sodium chromate Manufacturers in India, Desicca Chemical Pvt Ltd takes pride in delivering high-quality products that adhere to the highest sodium chromate specification standards. Our commitment extends to unmatched affordability, making us the preferred Sodium Dichromate Supplier in Mumbai.This guide aims to provide valuable insights into the properties and applications of Sodium Chromate. If you are considering purchasing Sodium Chromate, we offer convenient online buying options. Reach out to [email protected] or [email protected].
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gym-equipment-experts · 7 months
The Ultimate Guide to the Best Adjustable Dumbbells
A well-equipped home gym is incomplete without a set of adjustable dumbbells. With the myriad options available in the market today, making the right choice can be daunting. That's why we've compiled a list of the best adjustable dumbbells to suit your every need.
1. 32KG Adjustable Dumbbells Set with Stand
Weight range: 2KG to 32KG
Increments: 2KG, 4KG... up to 32KG
Bonus: Comes with a handy storage tray for each dumbbell.
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2. 40KG Adjustable Dumbbells Set with Stand
Weight range: 5KG to 40KG
Increments: 5KG, 10KG... up to 40KG
A storage tray for easy and neat stowage.
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3. 22KG Adjustable Dumbbells Set (Pair)
Total weight: 44KG
Adjusts from a light 2KG up to 22KG.
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4. Neoprene Hex Dumbbells with Stand
Set 1: 1KG to 3KG, total of 12KG.
Set 2: 3KG to 7KG, totaling a significant 50KG.
Set 3: Comprehensive from 1KG to 7KG, accumulating to 56KG with two storage stands.
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5. Complete Hex Dumbbells Set with Storage Stand
Total weight: 165KG
Range: 5KG up to a whopping 25KG
Housed in a vertical storage rack with a sleek black powder-coated finish.
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6. Complete Hex Dumbbells Set with 3 Tier Storage Rack
Total weight: 255KG
Weight range spans from 5KG to 25KG
The three-tier storage rack is both compact and sturdy, with dimensions: 88CM x 96CM x 51CM.
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7. Adjustable 6 in 1 Dumbbell Barbell Kettlebell Push Up Set
Available in 20KG, 30KG, and 40KG sets
This multifunctional set includes a dumbbell, barbell (both curl and straight bars), kettlebell, and push-up stand.
Quick and simple assembly.
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8. Adjustable Dumbbell Sets
The perfect 2-in-1 solution: a dumbbell and barbell set. Use the connecting rod for a barbell setup or detach for dumbbells.
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9. 18KG Adjustable Kettlebell
Select from seven different weight increments, starting at 3.6KG up to 18KG.
Available in two aesthetic colors: classic black or sleek silver/white.
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10. 20KG Chrome Dumbbells Adjustable Weight Set
This comprehensive set offers varied weight selections.
Comes with different weight plates, spinlock dumbbell bars, and collars, all packed neatly in a storage box.
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11. Adjustable 6 in 1 Dumbbell Barbell Kettlebell Push Up Set (30KG and 40KG)
Another multifunctional option for those seeking a weight range of either 30KG or 40KG.
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Whether you're just starting out on your fitness journey or are looking to expand your home gym, this list is your go-to for the best adjustable dumbbells on the market. Make your choice and embark on a fitter, stronger you.
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digital Luggage Hook Scales accurate 50kg handheld
stainless steel luggage scales These stainless steel luggage scales come in a two-pack and each can be used with luggage weighing up to 110 pounds. Especially apt for budget shoppers who want an extra scale, the portable luggage scales measure both weight and ambient temperature, and users can toggle between pounds and kilograms as well as both Fahrenheit and Celsius. The digital green screen is large, bright and easy to see even in darker environments. There’s even an overload indicator that flashes when your bag is overweight, which also alerts users when the device's battery is low.
Thank you for allowing Accurate Weighing Scales (U) Ltd the privilege to serve you in advance. For inquiries on deliveries contact us Office +256 (0) 705 577 823, +256 (0) 775 259 917 Address: Wandegeya KCCA Market South Wing, 2nd Floor Room SSF 036 Email: [email protected]
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