#50th birthday cake
mtshuub · 4 months
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Royal Cake Club: Indulge in Exquisite Confections Fit for Royalty
"Royal Cake Club invites you to immerse yourself in a world of decadent delights fit for royalty. Our exquisite confections are meticulously crafted to tantalize your taste buds and elevate every occasion to regal heights. From majestic wedding cakes to delicate pastries and gourmet desserts, each creation embodies the essence of luxury and sophistication.
Indulge in our signature flavors, expertly combined with the finest ingredients sourced from around the world. Whether you crave the richness of Belgian chocolate, the delicate sweetness of French macarons, or the timeless elegance of traditional English tea cakes, our offerings promise to delight even the most discerning palates.
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rottenwolf · 1 year
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Made my mom's 50th birthday cake and as you can see it kicked my ass.
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catboyranulf · 2 years
dying my hair pink in less than twelve hours! its going to be a massacre i cant wait <3
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bronzetomatoes · 1 year
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orange-orchard-system · 3 months
Plural, as in, there are more of us than you think.
Plural, as in, there are a lot of us out there, and we all have lives to live. It can be easy on a site like Tumblr to think of us all as just blogs or faceless people, but...
Somewhere out there is a plural that just realized they made a tulpa when they were younger and are now researching how to re-open communications with their former "imaginary friend".
Somewhere out there is a system learning internal communication and wondering if they can add in their love of conlangs to the process to create a language only their system knows.
Somewhere out there is someone who finally got a diagnosis for their dissociative disorder, and their parts are celebrating finally accomplishing this step towards getting accomodations.
Somewhere out there is a collective wondering how to tell their best friend since childhood that they're more-than-one, and hoping that they'll take it well.
Somewhere out there is a plural that just celebrated their 50th birthday with a cake they all agreed upon after many days of heated discussion about the flavor and frosting.
Somewhere out there is a system waking up with no knowledge of where they are, only to stumble into the kitchen to meet their partner who's happy to explain things to them and tell them what they forgot.
Somewhere out there is someone arriving home after a long day at work, preparing for an oncoming switch by writing some notes for the next fronter about how today was just a regular day at work.
Somewhere out there is a collective going through the most stressful week of their life who are keeping themselves going by envisioning the wonderful vacation they're going to give themselves when this is all over.
Somewhere out there is a collection of parts and people and selves and facets and souls and so many other things, a small fraction of which are working together to write this post as they wait for their laundry to be finished.
I have heard so many stories of life and joy and pride and victory and satisfaction and quiet moments and community from so many out there. Things can be rough, and you may feel alone at times, but there are so, so many of us out there just living our own lives in a plural way. We are plural as in there are more of us than you think, and that means there are more of us just out there living our everyday lives than you think, too. We get to be people living in this world just like anybody else. Don't lose sight of that.
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avatarofcats · 1 year
Lots of sad fics about MC inevitably getting older and dying, but consider this; accidental immortality? I’d like to imagine everyone getting stressed and worried because they know you’ll die in less than 100 years, and we all know how demons don’t really notice the passage of time in the same way that humans do, and it cracks me up to imagine the boys celebrating your 50th birthday to only just realise you’ve not aged a day since they met? satan peering at you in a perplexed way from across the dinner table as you reach forward with a perfectly youthful hand to cut the cake for everyone,for him to just reach out and grab your hand, inspecting it for signs of aging as mammon grumbles in the back about “hey, whaddya think ya doin’, chump? Ya ain’t their number one-“ to have him wave a hand to indicate silence as he looks at you with a harrowing gaze. “You’re 50, right? Shouldn’t you.. look…different?” His punctuated confusion just sets off a bomb in everyone else’s heads as they realise that truly, their darling mc hasn’t aged a day? How could anyone have not noticed? Cackling tbh
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lizzibennet · 4 months
i’m always sad on my birthday. it’s a tradition of sorts.
today i woke up and my girlfriend, who i must point out does Not live with me, simply Was downstairs with an olaf cutout, a balloon, and a cake she made herself to resemble ice and snow because i jokingly once told her i’d order a frozen cake if i were ever to have a birthday party. (but i wouldn’t, because i don’t like my birthday. always sad on it, like i said.) she waited for me to stop crying and then handed me my present — it was a bessie coleman barbie!! i cried again lmao. we sat down, had cake for breakfast then did what we do best — fuck all — until it was lunch time. i cooked us lunch and then we went to get all dolled up because it’s my birthday, i deserve to at least look hot. we went to the mall to hunt for hello kitty 50th anniversary collection stuff. found some things!! got a free lipstick and a free chocolate truffle bc It’s My Birthday Gimme Free Shit. then we left for this japanese place i’ve been meaning to try for some time, and holy shit, it was SO good. best sushi i’ve ever had. i had a tuna nigiri with truffle oil and this little spicy pepper that was so good i might actually cry thinking about it
i’m always sad on my birthday. it’s a tradition of sorts. there are reasons and i could sit here and explain them to you but the truth of the matter is i cannot remember one single one of them for the life of me. i cannot name one. i’m sure they exist but today there was a good morning, happy birthday, i love you and a cardboard olaf and coffee with her favorite cornbread and shimeji for lunch and old 90s nostalgia as we got dressed and a dress she picked out to match mine and hello kitty glazed nuts and some very good fucking sushi and honestly, i can’t think of anything else right now. i can’t and i won’t occupy my mind with anything else at this moment. i’ll remember the bad anniversaries later, i’m sure. maybe i’ll remember them when it’s useful. maybe it will never be. ever again. maybe this is how all of my birthdays from now on go. maybe this is how they were always supposed to be. i don’t know. i wouldn’t, would i? but for once i’ll leave the dread for later. i don’t care about you, ugly ugly thing. for now, it’s all sunshine up in here, baby!
i do not know what i did to deserve to be loved so well. i’ve decided to stop questioning it. i simply choose to believe her and in turn choose to believe that i am — somehow, miraculously, unbelievingly — a person worthy of being loved by someone like her. and with that. with that. everything else becomes mere background noise
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jalicecookie · 1 month
A Duck in the Oven
A Gift for the wonderful @ritualofcirice and her work Hazbin Hotel Imagines and Scenarios Chapter 3 : When Lucifer gave you your fiftieth Duck <3
After Lucifer has given you your 50th duck, you surprise him with the 51st duck and a very special surprise hidden in the Oven.
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You knew it was something special to be in a relationship with Lucifer. The king of hell with a big heart for you and a very special fascination for rubber ducks not only managed to conquer your own heart, but also to tear down your carefully built walls - bit by bit - along with your fears and insecurities.
Your life in hell had been anything but easy since you were born. Your father got lost in gambling, drugs and illegal business and your mother was overwhelmed with you and raising your siblings. From a young age you had learned to react inconspicuously, to withdraw when things got loud and not to talk back. Your childhood was marked by instability and fear.....after school you started working in a small music store. Music could heal a part of your heart and then one day Lucifer himself stood in front of you.
He asked for an old record by a demonic artist who had died the year before last. You were able to help the King of Hell and since then he came to the little shop at least once a week until he surprised you by asking you out on a date. You were so shocked that you started to stutter and could only say "yes, please". You were very afraid of this date...it's been a long time since you dated anyone and wanted to think about something like a relationship. Working in the shop and your first small apartment of your own gave you the distance from the complex family situation that you needed to heal...even if it was only a small step forward.
But the date turned out to be wonderfully chaotic. Lucifer told you about his daughter Charlie's dreams, about the Hazbin Hotel and about the new bond of trust with his daughter. He seemed to have problems just like you and when Lucifer said goodbye to the date, just outside your apartment door (he had of course accompanied you home like a gentleman!) - he gave you your first rubber duck. A rubber duck in a waiter's uniform. It made you smile when you said: - I'm looking forward to the next date, Lucifer.
This date turned into several, and the number of rubber ducks grew too. Soon, many different ducks were decorating your small apartment and your feelings for the King of Hell grew steadily. The revelation of your feelings took place at a picnic in one of the parks.
You had tried baking and only baked a cherry cake that was almost completely burnt...it was a tragedy, but even for this Lucifer found a few loving words of encouragement. Your heart beat faster with every word of affection. You didn't know that such emotions were still slumbering within you. But with every date, every kiss and every gentle touch, Lucifer managed to break down the protective walls you had built up...and make you happier and more cheerful.
One year after your first date and the 50th rubber duck you received, you had a surprise for your partner. Yes, you had entered into a relationship, you had moved into his house and met his daughter Charlie for the first time at the end of last year.
And you had taken the girl straight to your heart, you could see where Charlie got her optimistic, cheerful nature from, as she was so similar to Lucifer in many ways. You got on well and you tried to support Charlie's dream. It was not an easy undertaking, hell was divided in opinion about rehabilitating souls up to heaven.
"Darling? I'm back home!"
His voice made you smile and you quickly closed the oven door, turned around and walked towards your partner to give him a gentle kiss on the mouth.
"Luci, I missed you! Aaaand a surprise for you," you said with an almost childlike expression in your eyes.
"A surprise for me? Did I forget the anniversary of our first date...or your birthday...or your demon cat's birthday...or...?" Lucifer got nervous because he immediately thought he had forgotten some important date.
But you just gently grabbed his right hand and led him in the direction of the closed oven door.
"You haven't forgotten anything Luci, turn on the light in the oven, I think it's broken," you asked pleadingly and let go of your partner's hand.
Lucifer immediately complied with this request and turned on the light in the oven.
"Hmmm...the light seems to be working normally," Lucifer wondered and turned to you. But you just blinked at him questioningly.
"Is there something in the oven?" you replied innocently and Lucifer turned around again.
"Yes, one...oh, it's a duck! A cat duck with a pink bow on its head and cat ears!"- said Lucifer, surprised but still pleased.
"It's the 51st duck and the first one to you. I wanted to surprise you...but there's another surprise"
Lucifer turned to you in surprise and even with his nod towards the closed oven door, the King of Hell didn't understand what you were getting at.
"What's that in the oven, Luci?" you gave him a little hint.
"There's a duck in the oven"
"And what does a duck in the oven mean?"
"That you share my passion for ducks?"
"Yes, that too, my darling, but it has another meaning"
Lucifer looked back and forth between the oven and you several times, confused.
You took a few steps towards him, grabbed his right hand and gently guided it on the fabric of your jacket, where your stomach is.
"There's a little duckling in the oven, Luci", you said, happiness sparkling in your eyes.
It took a moment for Lucifer to understand this allusion and tears of joy formed in his eyes.
"A baby duck? WOW!" Lucifer said happily and pulled you into a long loving hug.
The duck in the oven was the beginning of a new phase of life and you could hardly wait , until the baby duckling would see the light of day.
"Maybe there's one - you're going to be big sister duck - for Charlie? We really have to stop by that one shop, later okay?"  - you suggested and Lucifer, tears of joy now running down his face, could only nod - before he blew a passionate, loving kiss on your lips.
And it felt just as happy and wonderful as the very first kiss between you.
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stevesbipanic · 2 years
Steve didn't receive many gifts as a child.
The only one he remembers from any of his family as a kid besides the odd birthday card, was a stuffed rabbit from his grandmother. The only toy he wanted to save when his father told him to grow up, the rabbit that protected him from his dad on bad nights.
As he grew up and the birthday cards faded to a stop it didn't matter that his parents forgot his birthday since he had a new family.
For his 18th birthday Nancy had given him a cookbook and taught him everything her mom had taught her.
For his 19th birthday Dustin had given him his own walkie, claiming his was officially a party member.
Lucas had given him a basketball that all the kids had signed and decorated.
Will had given him a drawing of him as a knight with a nail bat instead of a sword.
Mike had given him a hug, which was out of place for the younger Wheeler but Steve treasured it all the same.
El had also given him a drawing, clearly without Will's help, of him and the party as stick figures but he could tell who everyone was.
Max had given him a piece of paper as well, he almost cried when he saw it was a handdrawn fake adoption certificate with parent scribbled out and brother written instead.
Hopper had him a silly little badge that they gave to kids at the station that said junior deputy and the best fatherly hug he'd ever gotten.
Joyce had baked him the first birthday cake he'd ever gotten.
For his 20th birthday Robin had called him a dingus and handed him a soft yellow sweater and promised that this one she wouldn't steal. Steve rarely took it off so she wasn't given much chance to anyway.
On his 21st birthday Eddie had kissed him for the first time.
For his 50th birthday Eddie gave him a ring, he'd already given him forever.
Steve may not have gotten many gifts as a child, but as he grew his family would fill him with love and that was the best gift of all.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 6 months
03/20/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rhys; Samba BTS; Con; YouWear50Well; AdoptOurCrew; RhysRadness; FanSpotlights; Articles; LoveNotes; DailyDarby/Tonight's Taika
== Rhys Darby ==
Rhys Darby turns 50 today (the 21st, so technically tomorrow for those of us in the US)!! He graced us with some new Selfie's in Aotearoa!
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== Samba Schutte BTS ==
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Good Calypso Samba put a lot of videos up today. I made posts for them, so I'll link them here. Literally only 1 picture and 14 videos. The man is a lunatic and I love it.
Video 1: Dream Sequence BTS!
Video 2: "Any other burning questions?"
Video 3: Samba & Madeleine & Vico BTS!
Video 4: Leslie & Nat BTS
Video 5: Zheng Plank Scene Takes
Video 6: Explosion Explanation - Earplugs In!
Video 7: Zheng Planking Stede BTS
Video 8: Samba on the Zipline BTS
Video 9: Revenge Crew Running on the Beach
Video 10: Canons BTS: "Let's try doing away with the pull line, cause I think that's just going to be a fucking disaster"
Video 11: Canon Fire: No sound
Video 12: What Explosions Felt Like
Video 13: "That's How The Pros Do It"
Video 14: More Canon Fire / Plank Walking Stede BTS
= Con O'Neill =
Con's show, Happy Valey haws been nominated for a BAFTA! Bafta TV Awards 2024: The List of Nominations
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== You Wear 50 Well ==
Rhys Darby's 50th! There were so many well wishes going around for our lovely captain's birthday! Several crewmates were kind enough to allow me to add their dedications to our captain to the recap tonight! @wanderingnomad @lucybluetiful @PaulineKnip @ourflagmeansfanfiction @eros_the_artist @kaddele
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= Tumblr Highlights! =
Our tumblr crewmates had lots of dedications as well!
= @brainfugk =
= @bizarrelittlemew =
= @kiwistede =
= @snejpowa =
= @stjernegaupe =
== Adopt Our Crew ==
The votes are in! Anton vs Louise was darn close! Now it's the final round! Stede Vs Anton! looks like Stede's in the lead!
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== Fan Spotlight ==
Our darling crewmate @iamadequate1's #MaxMadness replacement is down to the final round! We're down to Our Flag Means Death vs Coyote Vs Acme!
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= Cast Cards =
Thank you our dear @melvisik for tonight's new cast card! Christopher Corbin, while only in the show for a very small amount of time, he made a huge impact! "I'm no prostitute, mate!"
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== Articles ==
Coyote vs ACME Interview
= Love Notes =
Hey lovelies! Today's been amazing! Definitely been a lot of engagement and we're getting to celebrate our lovely captain! Soooo many people signed the 50th birthday Kudoboard that ended tonight ( and the Taika Kudoboard that ended yesterday). So many crewmates stepped out of their comfort zone and put themselves out there, and I just want to say how proud of you I am. I know it's hard to put yourself out there in case you can get hurt, but you still did it for the good of something / someone you love, and you should be proud of that! I hope you're getting some joy out of these days. I know it can be a bit of a double edged sword because we miss Stede and Ed and the whole Revenge crew so much. It's reminding a lot of folks of the gravy basket. Just a gentle reminder that things aren't over. Even if we're not fighting full force right now-- it's not over. It'll never be over. So many people are behind us, and so many other shows have gotten renewed later, sometimes years laters. I know you've heard it all before, but this isn't the end. If you feel up for it, take these days that are for celebrating, and even if you do it just with yourself, do something to celebrate the things and people you love. If you're feeling alone and have discord, feel free to join us on the #RhysDarbyFaction server tomorrow. We'll be doing a lot of group stuff to try and keep some of the love going. If you're not-- reach out to any of your crew. We're here, and we care and we want you all to be okay. Remember to lean on each other, you're all such kind, resilient, and wonderful people and kindness is what keeps this world moving in the right direction. Our crewmate @ourflagmeansfanfiction made a lovely picture that felt appropriate for tonight. You are strong, and beautiful, and we're all gonna get through this together. Night crew <3
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= Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika =
Tonight's theme is microphones!
Daily Darby Courtesy of @celluloidbroomcloset Tonight's Taika Courtesy of @agaywithcoffee
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mtshuub · 4 months
"Royal Cake Club invites you to immerse yourself in a world of decadent delights fit for royalty. Our exquisite confections are meticulously crafted to tantalize your taste buds and elevate every occasion to regal heights. From majestic wedding cakes to delicate pastries and gourmet desserts, each creation embodies the essence of luxury and sophistication.
Indulge in our signature flavors, expertly combined with the finest ingredients sourced from around the world. Whether you crave the richness of Belgian chocolate, the delicate sweetness of French macarons, or the timeless elegance of traditional English tea cakes, our offerings promise to delight even the most discerning palates.
At Royal Cake Club, we understand that every celebration deserves something extraordinary. That's why our talented team of pastry chefs and artisans pour their passion and creativity into every masterpiece they create, ensuring that each bite is a symphony of flavor and elegance.
Join us on a journey of culinary excellence and experience the true essence of indulgence. Whether you're marking a milestone moment or simply treating yourself to a moment of luxury, let Royal Cake Club be your trusted companion in savoring life's sweetest moments."
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rottenwolf · 1 year
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Made my mom's 50th birthday cake and as you can see it kicked my ass.
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stoplickingmyneck · 2 years
fuck it. ronance wedding headcanons
- they def had an unofficial lil backyard “wedding” with the party back in the 90s. like, jeans and tee shirts and 15 dollar rings and eat hot dogs around a fire pit unofficial
- they kept those cheap ass rings on 24/7, and when they finally rusted and crumbled and were absolutely unwearable they put them in nancy’s ballerina trinket box, the one robin’s still fascinated by after all these years
- when they bought their first house (they move to indianapolis so nancy can work for the star btw, i feel like robin would be some sort of counselor too?), the first thing robin did was take a big ol bulletin board and nail it right to the bedroom wall. for the next twenty years it became their dream board, where they’d pin magazine clippings of suits and dresses, rings and bouquets and venues, dreaming of the day it could be their turn for real
- they have a record player in their kitchen and play cheesy slow music, elvis and frank sinatra typa stuff, while they cook or eat dinner or do work at the counter. every time a song that nancy likes comes on she begs robin to slow dance with her, and she grudgingly agrees every time. and robin fucking sucks. tripping over nothing, not knowing where to look or put her hands, getting flustered at every little move her girlfriend makes. nancy jokes that robin better not be like this during their first dance, and robin grumbles back that she’d rather hire a stunt double than suffer through this (she secretly loves it tho)
- attending weddings is so hard for them. not that they’re not happy for the couples, but because they know they might never get one of their own. when they get. home from max and lucas’ wedding, nancy breaks down in robin’s arms, sobbing that it would be so much easier if she were straight. robin holds her tight and reassures her so gently, and after she calms down they pull out the stack of wedding inspiration books they’ve acquired over the years, put on an old rom-com, settle side by side on the couch and stay up until 3 am gushing over ideas
- in 2015, the moment the announcement comes out that the supreme court legalized gay marriage, nancy speeds home from work, like, 20 miles over the speed limit and finds robin on the front steps, sobbing her eyeballs out, a big dumb grin on her face. nancy gets down on one knee right there on the driveway, not caring that it’s pouring rain and she doesn’t have a ring and and she looks like she just stepped out of the goddamn upside down. robin drops to the ground in front of her and kisses nancy harder than ever before
- nancy wants a traditional wedding. robin wants fun and unique, none of that “old-fashioned bullshit”. they butt heads over it constantly during the planning process, but slowly grow to adore each others’ styles and compromise on every detail
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the invitations ^^^ they have a cute lil spring wedding right before their 50th birthdays😇
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robin’s suit n nancy’s dress ^^^ nance would absolutely be the typa girl to wear karen’s old dress and robin would want the most basic, no frills suit to ever exist
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their shoes ^^^ robin can barely stand on her own two feet so heels were out of the question. nancy spent weeks and weeks learning how to embroider just so she could surprise her fiance with cute flowered converse at their bridal shower. robin cried
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their hair ^^^ idk what to caption this with lol
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their flowers ^^^ ruth n rose colors, Nancy thought it was fucking hilarious when robin suggested it so it stuck. the idea of robin in a boutonniere makes me drool too
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the ceremony n reception ^^^ nance wanted to get married in a big white church like she saw in movies when she was a little girl, robin wanted someplace quaint and cozy to spend the night surrounded by her best friends. worked out perfectly
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their rings ^^^ adorbs
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the cake^^^ robin would 100% take nancy's last name bc she worships her wife and fuck stereotypes
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^^^ i like to think steve jokingly suggests they serve ice cream, a lil nod to their scoops days, not expecting robin to adore the idea and immediately write it down
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best men steve and jonathan ^^^ they wouldn't have bridesmaids cuz what other women do they need in their lives tbh👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
other stuff:
-being apart for like 3 hours while they get ready is torture. before the ceremony they do that first look thingy where they're standing back to back on opposite sides of a wall and they're holding hands and they're so nervous and giggly and then they do a countdown and peek around and both of them just stand there in shock. like they just watched the sky open up and an angel fall to earth. and then nance throws her arms around robin's neck and they start bawling cuz they realize their 20-plus-year dream is coming true UGH. when they step back robin runs a finger through nancy's curls and whispers how she's as beautiful as the first time she laid eyes on her and nancy melts
-they walk down the aisle hand in hand, exchange long sappy handwritten vows, and fall so perfectly into place when they kiss. it's like a scene from a disney movie. not dry eye in the damn building
-at the reception, there's lil charcuterie boards at each table, and they serve wood-fired pizza cuz it's what they ate on their first date (plus it's robin's fave)
-steve and jonathan bring the HOUSE down with their best men speeches. steve's is full of embarrassing jokes about robin that make her face turn red, and when he brings up how she peed her pants in the russian lab she jokingly (kinda) threatens to slit his throat. jonathan's is so sweet and tender and you can tell he still loves nance so so much
-after the speeches robin excuses herself outside and comes back 5 minutes later with a guitar. she plays a song she wrote for nancy. it's generous heart. because maya is robin in this world and doesn't exist and tbh i don't care. it's incredible
-their first dance song is first day of my life by bright eyes
-i hate ted and idk anything aboutt robin's dad so they don't get dances whoops
-nancy cuts the cake because robin with knives is a death wish
-the ice cream cart is a huge hit (steve brags about it for years). robin's a chocolate girl and nancy's a lemon sorbet lover
-they drink champagne and dance to 80s music until the ceiling spins. around midnight nancy grabs robin's hand and pulls her through the crowd to the balcony. they sway there together under the stars, foreheads pressed together, pressing an occasional kiss to the other's cheek. in that moment, they both agree nothing on their dream board could be as good as this
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-ALSO instead of a honeymoon they take a road trip, driving route 66 to california, stopping to take pictures at every little landmark and singing at the top of their lungs for hours💘
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humansofnewyork · 2 years
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(15/15) “There’s something I do every morning. When I’m leaving for work. I’ll go in his room and give him a kiss on the forehead. Now if I was to try this during the day, he’d never allow it. He’d push me away. But if I catch him right when he wakes up, he’s disoriented. I think he forgets who he is for a second. And he’ll hug me like he doesn’t want me to leave. Next year he’s going to college. I don’t like it. It went too fast. It flew. We celebrated my 50th birthday last year. That was a big one for me; it was a birthday my father never saw. We took a trip to Philadelphia: all three of us. Tabatha booked us a nice hotel with an infinity pool. It was just a short trip, and the next morning we drove home. I’m coming out the elevator, with all of our luggage, when I hear a ruckus in the hallway. I’m thinking it's kids. I’m thinking the neighbor’s kids are playing in the hall again. But then I turn around, and it’s all of them: Nona, Steve, Anthony, all the nieces and nephews. They’re filming me and giggling like crazy. I go in the apartment and there’s decorations everywhere. A beautiful cake. My mother cooked my favorite braciole. In the living room there’s a bunch of gifts. I sit down on the couch to open them, and Tabatha slides a Bluetooth speaker next to me. It’s playing Billy Joel songs: Rootbeer Rag, Nocturne. Some of my favorites. But different versions, with different chords. When the final present is opened, I give a little speech. I thank everyone for coming. Then it was time for the braciole. I started heading for the kitchen, when Jack says: ‘Wait. There’s more.’ My niece disappears into the bedroom, and comes back with our electronic keyboard. She sets it down in the middle of the room. And Jack takes a seat. And he begins to play. The left hand running down the keys. The right hand running up the keys, playing the happy notes. I sit back on the couch and I start to lose it. Nobody else knows what’s happening. They’re confused. It’s just a song to them. They’re looking at me like I have seventeen heads. They couldn’t know. He actually did it. My boy. To make me happy. To make me say wow. My boy. My beautiful boy. My beautiful, beautiful, baby boy.”
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I've just finished relistening to JFSP series 9. Again.
It's just. So good.
Jerry's speech at his (sixtieth?) birthday keeps echoing in my head. Gently, ladybird, here we come. And that whole thing - throughout the series, Jerry is characterised by his way with words. In most scenes, it's an important bit of characterisation, through his poems, through the Keeper of the Cakes of Pan, he is always using his way with words to make something more out of the situations. And we can see through his disappointment at the quiz for his 50th birthday that he enjoys that, enjoys being unique with his words. But then he loses that ability. He loses a big part of what makes him him. But he does not lose his family's love for him. They help him through it and help him find his words and himself again, and while he is on that path, they help him and encourage him and show him that their love for him has not changed.
That message there is so important. Even if you think that you have this thing that everybody likes you for and maybe you are afraid they wouldn't like you if you didn't have it any longer - chances are good people will still like you. Because they like you. And yes, that thing might be something they like in you. But you are more than that. And people see that.
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peacocknaboo · 1 year
Noel’s 50th birthday cake was a masterpiece. Rahul from Bake off series 9 was the baker. I love how they have remained friends.
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