chiqadee · 1 month
P || An Introverts Nightmare
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art & character by: chiqadee
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2millionclub · 5 months
the post is broken so I can't reblog it, but THIS is the most popular post on tumblr. it was originally posted in 2010 and there was a trend back when you could edit other people's text posts when you reblogged them to edit the post to say different but it originally said "if you love your mom. Broadcast this to 20 people. one girl didn't and her mom died 4days later." no matter what version you reblogged, the notes counted toward the original post which now has over 14 million notes.
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comment-exchange · 4 months
338. The Waltz [Podfic] (Good Omens)
Title: The Waltz [Podfic]
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55732156
Platform: AO3
Creator: MeggieJolly
Work Type: Podfic
Fandom: Good Omens
Rating: gen
Pairing: Aziraphale/Crowley 
Length: 5 minutes
Warnings: none
Number of comments: 2
Completion Status: complete
Short summary/description: 
“Aziraphale, have you ever danced the waltz?”
“No, I can’t say I have. Why do you ask?”
Crowley teaches Aziraphale a new dance.
A podfic of this fic found through Comment Exchange.
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November 27, 2023 [6] - 5m
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renownusa · 2 years
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Know your Roots. 🌲 #OG Been working on my #Supra #Ptype since the #S30 is still out of commission. Inside I rock a #Renown Monaco Dark Suede along with a #RenownTherapy Oat shift knob. 🍻 #RespectyourElders #A60 #Toyota #Mk2 #JDM #5M #LightBlueMetallic www.renownusa.com (at Renownusa.com San Francisco) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjahHYlL5Xl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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themoneystore · 2 years
American humour
Satan: You are going to.. ohhh well hell, of course.
Man, 50s, slightly overweight, family man: Oh thank crap, I thought you were about to say Ohio!
Short, intelligent side character, looking directly at the audience: Well, so you see. The morale of the story is that vultures can not expect to feast upon a world which is still brimming with beautiful life.
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kmiylk · 6 days
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Call 0817-323-882, Tak Sedikit Orang Yang Mengincar Perumahan Mewah Nan Eksklusif di PRG
INVEST DI MALANG Call 0817-323-882, Investasi Apartemen Vs Rumah Dekat Kantor Desa Sumberpasir Jl Raya Pakis Kembar Malang, dan Investasi Rumah Nyaman Dekat Kantor Kepala Desa Banjarejo Jalan Raya Purworejo Banjarejo Pakis Malang, serta Investasi Perumahan Dekat Balai Desa Kedungrejo Jl Raya Kedungrejo No 145 Malang
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Permata Royal Garden
Sejarah perkembangan usaha developer dimulai dari pengembangan perumahan di daerah kampus seperti kampus ITN, UIN dan Unibraw di daerah Sigura-gura. Setelah unit rumah sold out, maka pengembangan diarahkan ke daerah yang berkembang yaitu wilayah Pakis, dimana adalah wilayah primadona untuk daerah kabupaten Malang, karena lokasi sangat strategis yaitu dekat bandara Abdul Rachman Saleh Malang dan dekat dengan interchange tol Malang - Pandaan.
Di dalam menyediakan fasilitas Kredit Kepemilikan Rumah (KPR) , PT Graha Intan Kreatif selaku pengembang Permata Royal Garden telah menjalin kerja sama dengan beberapa bank baik bank pemerintah maupun bank swasta.
Dalam menjalankan bisnis property telah dibuatkan akta Pendirian PT dengan Akta No. 147 tertanggal 19 Februari 2010 dihadapkan Notaris Paulus Bingadiputra.
Visi & Misi Permata Royal
VISI Menjadi developer perumahan yang terdepan dalam memberikan tata lingkungan yang prima serta berkomitmen terhadap kualitas produk demi kepuasan konsumen.
MISI Tujuan utama kami adalah menjadi developer properti yang menyediakan produk-produknya dengan kualitas terbaik, ketepatan waktu dan biaya yang efektif.
Legalitas Usaha Developer
Data Lengkap Developer Nama Perusahaan : PT. GRAHA INTAN KREATIF Bidang Usaha : Pengembang / Developer Alamat Kantor : Jl. Raya Ampeldento 1087 Malang Telepon : 0341 794181 Akte Pendirian : 147 Akta Perubahan Anggaran Dasar NPWP : 02.666.379.9-657.001 TDP : SIUP : 503/506/419.43/2010 Keanggotaan APERSI : 027/IN/DPD-04/III/2012 Keterangan Domisili : 96/421.629.014/11/2012
INFO LENGKAP G-Maps : https://maps.app.goo.gl/aL9ai53cAaUkMpbu7 Permata Royal Garden Jl. Raya Ampeldento No. 1087, Boko, Bunut Wetan, Kec. Pakis, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur 65154
Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@permataroyalmalang/
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/permataroyalofficial/
Website : https://permataroyal.com/
Marketing : ASEP, 0813-3411-2000, [email protected] PURNOMO, 0812-5930-7769, [email protected] IWAN, 0822-4490-6385, [email protected] SULIST, 0878-5663-2626, [email protected] YANTI, 0813-3318-5634, [email protected]
PT Graha Intan Kreatif Marketing Office Permata Royal Garden Jl. Raya Ampeldento 1087 – Kav. A1 MALANG, Jawa Timur, 65154 (0341) 79 66 33
Marketing Office Permata Royal Manisa Jl. Manisa, Perumahan Permata Royal Manisa Blok A3 MALANG, Jawa Timur, 65135 (0341) 750 77 55
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dry-vape · 1 month
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current tunerchip settings for drifting, probs wanna trun down drive train a bit but im still tweaking. will keep posting tunerchip updates and will see if they show up in a search for ppl?
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khyudra-galpa · 2 months
କ୍ଷୁଦ୍ର ଗଳ୍ପ, ଶୃତି ପୁସ୍ତକ - ୨୧୭,
ଅନନ୍ତ ପ୍ରସାଦ ପଣ୍ଡାଙ୍କ ଲିଖିତ, "ପହିଲା ପରେ"
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im-a-matt-girl · 10 months
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hjemne · 3 months
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Do u see how the mountain dwellers treat me
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wevapinglover · 1 year
#vip #viping #pop #usa #tiktok #vairal #1m #5m #gum #hobby
#vip #viping #pop #usa #tiktok #vairal #1m #5m #gum #hobby
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August 19, 2024 [7] - 5m
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tudosobreplantas · 2 years
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O que podemos fazer pelas gerações futuras é plantar... Plantar coco 🌴🥥, por ex. Esse coqueiro da foto tem mais de 30 anos de plantado por meu pai. Tava mal cuidado, precisando de sol... Agora está recebendo mais atenção. Começou a produzir mais. Recentemente plantei mais alguns coqueiros. A percepção é bem simples; estou plantando para quem vem depois de mim. A vida segue um curso de aprendizados e o que podemos fazer, cada um de nós, é atuar para tornar cada pedacinho melhor. Com a chegada de temperaturas mais brandas a bioescola irá receber mais alguns alunos para vivências e finais de semana. O trabalho diário são atividades de roça... Cortar capim, podar arvoretas, catar boseiras, fazer compostagem, mudas, plantar, adubar, irrigar, fazer manutenções, colher frutos... Nos próximos meses teremos a bioconstrução de um chalé de pedras com paredes de cordwood. Oportunidade única para colocar a mão na massa e praticar várias habilidades e técnicas. A hospedagem é em camping coberto, banheiro permacultural e chuveirão ao ar livre em temperatura ambiente. De conforto tem chuveiro quente disponível, cozinha compartilhada, redes, Wi-Fi, ferramentas e orientações. Sábados e domingos livres. Horas solares dos dias de semana disponíveis para as atividades. Quer chegar? Acesse o formulário disponível na bio da @bioescolatsp, e nos conte o que você visa praticar. #tudosobreplantas #plantecomida #plantecoco #coqueiro #águadecoco #sombra #5m #5anos @bioescolatsp (em Araruama) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpcrnqtu27P/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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carabanchelnet · 2 years
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📌No al pelotazo en Ermita del Santo! Manifestación, cacerolada y firmas contra un nuevo macroproyecto urbanístico en Madrid 📌Anticorrupción investigará los contratos que Almeida adjudicó a una empresa en la que trabaja el hermano de su concejal 📌Ayuso gasta dos millones más para el mantenimiento del Zendal 📌5-M: Manifestación por un convenio digno en grandes almacenes 📌En el Centro Cultural Fernando Lázaro Carreter, ‘Pinxit’, un espectáculo inmersivo para la primera infancia 📌Sindicatos convocan movilizaciones ante la negativa de la Consejería de Sanidad de Madrid a negociar mejoras para el sector 📌EMT quiere que el Centro de Operaciones de Carabanchel sea referente en electrificación de infraestructura sostenible 📌Los salarios pierden, los beneficios ganan https://carabanchel.net
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