#5sos fluffy imagines
hanichani · 11 months
You look so perfect standing there...
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Pairing: chan x gn!reader
Genre: fluff
Summary: a drabble inspired by she looks so perfect by 5sos
Warnings: chan has a tattoo and is very much in love, lmk if i missed aynthing
Word count: 920
a/n: ever since I saw that clip of chan singing that song at one of the maniac tour concerts, i thought it was a very channie coded song. btw i know getting someone's name tattooed is very... but imagine someone being so obsessed with you that they do that hjkdjkh
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when you walk out of the bathroom chan is already in bed, wearing his pyjamas (a pair of boxers), facing the ceiling. you lean on the door frame and cross your arms over your chest, looking at the man with only love and admiration in your eyes (maybe a bit of lust as well and no one can blame you for that). his sight moves from the ceiling to his wrist as he raises his arm up. he starts playing with the chain bracelet he’s worn forever now and when he does so, you can see the little tattoo that is hidden on the inside of his bicep. it’s a small black arrowed heart that has your name in it and you vividly remember the night he got it.
it was two years into your relationship when chan was in his yolo era and so so in love with you. so, one night, he picked you up at your house and told you he had a surprise. you did not expect him to take you to a tattoo salon and you expected what followed even less.
“you’re crazy.” you told him while shaking your head at him. but he only fired back with a very predictable “yea, for you.” and a loud laugh.
and even though chan is still equally as in love with you, he is also more responsible now and thinking about things that actually matter. so, when your body movement interrupts him from his thoughts, he looks over to you with a questioning expression. when he sees your form leaning on the doorframe, he smiles. you look so perfect standing there and he feels the need to tell you. he always does.
“you look beautiful.” he says, rolling over to his stomach and propping himself up on his elbows, one of his hands supporting his chin.
you snort in response and move closer to the bed, staring down at him. his hair is fluffy since he washed it tonight, the curls coming back to life. you reach down and ruffle it which he takes as an invitation to pull you down to the bed with him.
you’re wrapped up in his arms. one of his hands resting on your waist and the other sneaking down to your ass. the movement pauses when he reaches the hem of your underwear. or more specifically, his underwear. when he feels the thick band of fabric sitting on your skin, he pulls your shirt up and looks down.
“you’re wearing my underwear.” he states the obvious while his hand finally moves over the fabric that belongs to him (and also the skin that belongs to him). “yea, it’s more comfy to sleep in.” you respond, looking down as well. you’re not going to lie, the sight is nice. the black calvin klein boxers sitting on your hips nicely and chan’s pretty hand resting on your butt is something you’d want to take polaroids of and keep them hidden away in your room forever.
he groans and tugs your body closer to his, hiding his face in your neck and squeezing the soft flesh covered in his clothing. “you look so good in it.” he mumbles, and you can’t help but laugh at his frustration caused by a simple action.
it was quite a frequent occurrence, really. him getting so loved up and frustrated over stuff you do or over you as a person in general.
you remember the first time it happened. it was towards the very beginning of your relationship. he bought you a lot of new makeup products for no particular reason other than just to make you happy (and maybe he thought it was a very boyfriend thing to do). but there was one specific product that caught your attention. so, when chan came over to your house the day after giving you the products, you were wearing it. a dark red lipstick that smelled like roses. he noticed immediately.
“is that the lipstick i gave you?” he smiled, his hands going to rest on your hips, pulling you to him. “yea, it’s really pretty, right?” you smiled back, arms wrapping around his neck. but to your surprise, he shook his head no.
“it’s really hot.” he corrected with a smirk, leaning down to kiss you.
when he pulled back, his lips were a few shades darker and you swear you could’ve died right then and there. without thinking about it too much, you leaned close to him again and started kissing all over his face. you could hear his boyish giggles reverbating around the room. his hands squeezed your hips in an attempt to get you to stop.
when you led him to a mirror after that, he turned into a mush. you draped yourself over his shoulders and started peppering kisses down his neck now and the man just stood there not knowing where to look first.
should he admire how well the lipstick stains, the shape of your lips, really, looked on his face. or should he be staring at your face that was moving in the crook of his neck, marking him up some more. he couldn't handle it and his lipstick covered and frustration filled body turned around in your hold, going down to your neck (a very characteristic action for his love frustration surges).
and just like you did every time after that and like you’re doing right now, all you could do was laugh, hold him close and think about how incredibly lucky you were to have him as your person.
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backtoyuta · 6 months
I'm Mr Brightside
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Han Jisung fluffy College au
There are some facts in this world that you can’t deny; the sky is blue, the grass is green, and you and Han Jisung had a chemistry that couldn’t be ignored.
When your friend had first introduced you to her cute, freckled boyfriend and his wild bunch of friends, you were a little intimidated. Their loudness and exuberance had caught you off guard and you could’ve cried when she and Felix had left you to go to the convenience store, paying no mind to how awkward you felt with these new people.
However, you really needn’t have worried. Whilst you were sat there clutching your can of drink and pretending to look busy on your phone, a boy with rounded cheeks and brown doe eyes had sidled into the seat next to you and before you knew it- friendship was born.
Jisung was an incredible friend to have around, he was fucking funny, for a start. He also could be very sensitive when need be, and you and his introverted self gelled so well that you naturally just gravitated towards each other.
When your friends had coerced you into joining them clubbing after having pre-drinks in yours and your friend’s apartment, it was Jisung who stayed sat in the booth with you, chatting over cheap drinks and plotting how you would get the others to call it a night and go get a MacDonald’s.
When you were drowning in the horrendous amount of work your tutor had set you with a deadline due in a matter of hours, it was Jisung who stayed up with you, finding sources for you to cite, organising your notes and coming up with ridiculous ways to lengthen your sentences so you would reach the word count.
When your family pet had passed away, it was Jisung who surprised you by coming over with food, a movie and a “manly shoulder to cry on” which you snorted at, accepting all the gifts graciously before allowing Jisung to take you to the local animal shelter to pet some puppies and grieve for a little bit.
Jisung was amazing, but you can imagine his horror when he found out you had a boyfriend.
Said boyfriend had been left at home while you studied away at university, and Jisung couldn’t deny that he was absolutely sickened. Thus far, it had been an unspoken consensus that you and Jisung were bound to get together at some point. Afterall, you were the one he always scouted the room for at parties, you were the one he went the extra mile for on the daily, and you were the one he was constantly thinking about when you weren’t in the same room.
You can imagine the horror when Jisung swung by your apartment as part of a routine and walked in on you face timing your boyfriend. He couldn’t hide the sneer on his face when he observed how disinterested he was when you were sat in front of his screen, or how he interrupted you when you spoke. After that day, Jisung found himself becoming a little sulky around you and listening to Heartbreak Girl by 5SOS perhaps a little too often. You would often be comforting him or trying to draw him out of his shell, but you never knew for what reason because he would never tell you.
A new dynamic had settled in your group. Jisung liked you, you liked Jisung- this was common knowledge. However, you couldn’t ignore the tension in the room when the boyfriend was brought up. You may have just mentioned him in passing, occasionally you would have an argument or two that came with the long distance, but Minho’s eyes would flicker to Jisung’s concernedly while the blonde boy tried to remain unbothered.
“sounds like an ass to me.” Minho piped; his face full of mirth while you got flustered.
“He’s not… he’s just weird like that.” You had attempted to defend, though it was true, he could be a bit of an arse sometimes. Despite the truth in Minho’s words, it was to a certain someone’s dismay that it didn’t appear that you would be breaking up with this arsey boyfriend of yours any time soon.
Though it was painful, Jisung had been raised right, plus he wanted to maintain a good friendship with you at the very least. He had perfected hiding his emotions to a tee and reigned in the heart eyes out of respect for your relationship. As time had progressed you both got closer, a sort of chemical imbalance occurring as it was obvious yours and Jisung’s chemistry overrode yours and your boyfriends completely.
How about that time during movie night at Jisung’s apartment? The flat he shared with his seven other roommates was at max capacity with you and your best friend there too and it was at Jeongin’s request that you watch all the Woman in Black movies in succession. Having never been a fan of horror, and nor was Jisung, it wasn’t long until you felt your phone vibrate with a text while Jisung tried to look as though he wasn’t shitting his pants from across the room.
J: you wanna watch toy story in my room upstairs?
Y/N: I would very much enjoy that.
J: nice
It was Seungmin that had eventually excused himself to use the bathroom, which was where he thought he would find you after you made your great escape, but instead the glow of Jisung’s laptop catching his attention through the door that was ajar and You got a friend in me wafting from the room. You maintained a friendly distance in Jisung’s bed, the blanket was warm, but the heat Jisung radiated was warmer, you couldn’t help but feel the itch to tuck yourself into his side- like a couple would. Seungmin figured he’d tease you both for being pussies later, something was telling him that he should leave you both be in the bubble you created.
There was that other time you were sat in the boys’ kitchen close to midnight, your best friend listening intently with Chris and Felix while you bitched about your boyfriend over the kitchen table.
“So, remind me what he did again?” Chris questioned exasperatedly; his head tilted in your direction while you huffed into your mug of tea.
“You know that video I posted of Jisung on my story?” You elaborated, Chris and Felix’s heads nodding in unison as they thought back to the clip you had taken of the two of you. Like mature young adults, you and the others had been bored and tired of classes and thought it would be fun to let off some steam in the deserted play park at eleven ‘o clock at night. It was Felix who had suggested a game of sardines in the dark and eerie play area, and you and Jisung thought you were geniuses by hiding in the giant plastic slide. Not only had the boys and your best friend taken ages to find you and congregate in the same slide- while Chris was left scratching his head and scouring the park to find you all, but you had also taken some pretty hilarious videos of Jisung in the tube, reading the vile graffiti that teens had written in sharpie on the inside and at one point him losing a shoe in the confined space.
“Yeah, he was pissed at Jisung for literally no reason.” You vented, taking a sip of your drink and cringing at how the fun memory had turned sour because of your petty boyfriend.
“Pissed how?” Felix asked, curious about what he could possibly have had to say about one of his closest friends. With your back to the living area, you didn’t hear the soft pad of Jisung’s socked feet entering the room, you just continued to explain your tiff before Chris or Felix could say anything.
“He was saying stuff like: “Why are you always so close with Jisung? You always laugh with Jisung, you never laugh like that with me, you’re always so awkward with me now- blah, blah, blah.” You finished, rolling your eyes. You’d feel more sympathetic towards your boyfriend’s insecurities if they weren’t so irrational. He’d met Jisung on facetime enough times and hadn’t said a word then, plus he was acting like you should be totally friendless and unhappy so long as he wasn’t there to make you laugh. You couldn’t help that being with Jisung was so seamless, his charisma and humour complimented yours almost a little too well.
“I don’t know…” You sighed, still ignorant to the figure behind you, “… maybe don’t tell Jisung, I don’t want him to get all weird about it.” You finished, finally looking up to meet the eyes of the two boys who were staring at something straight over your head.
As soon as you saw the way that Chris fought the laugh that was etching onto his face, and how your best friend was looking like a deer caught in headlights, you just knew. You turned to face the blonde properly, he was dressed in sweats and a loose t-shirt, seemingly roused from his sleep and you couldn’t help but coo internally at his ruffled hair and awkward expression at what he heard. You had tried to mollify the situation, babbling explanations and telling him to not worry about your ass-hat of a boyfriend but you had no idea what was going on in Jisung’s head. He knew it was a little petty, but he couldn’t help but preen at his ego being groomed at the thought of despite knowing you for less than half the time your boyfriend had known you, the laugh that made his serotonin shoot was a laugh that you reserved for only him; and he was the one you weren’t awkward around.
“I’ll be down in a sec!” You yelled to your friend from your dorm room. It was 11:30 at night, late for a school night, but early in the evening you had planned. You weren’t a massive fan of the uni clubbing scene; more often than not, you were more likely to stay for the pre drinks and wave off your drunken friends out the door, but tonight you had made a promise to at least try and enjoy yourself. You gulped down the last of the vodka lemonade you had been nursing while adding the last touches to your makeup. It was impossible not to cringe at the burning taste of the liquor, but you’d do anything to get yourself sufficiently drunk tonight. It was a delicate balance; with the right alcohol, the right people and the right music you could have an amazing time- if anything out of those things were off, you’d be whining to go home in no time at all.
You put little emphasis on the right people, you had no doubt that the group of boys your friend had introduced you to were the right people to go out with- loud as hell and all with a lust for life that was infectious. You felt warm at the thought of seeing Jisung, despite seeing him most days, you knew he’d be the Clyde to your Bonnie tonight… If Bonnie and Clyde were notorious introverts, and not, ya know… murderers.
You could already hear the base of the grimy music thumping, and the yells and whoops of the boys from the communal kitchen. The LEDs that were lazily hung by one of your roommates flashed and changed and made the corridor look disorientating until your eyes adjusted, and you strolled your way to your friends with your empty cup in hand- eager for a refill.
Your friend greeted you animatedly from the entryway, Felix in tow as per usual, she spoke quickly about mixer in the fridge and how you would be leaving for the club at half past twelve at the earliest. You were only half paying attention, you could see in your periphery Jisung’s cute round face from his perch on the kitchen stool, his hands holding his phone but his doe eyes watching your form intently. In a matter of seconds, your eyes were making contact with his and you smiled warmly. You could see from his hunched figure and severe lack of a drink that he was feeling a little out of his depth- you knew the feeling all too well and wasted no time to stroll over to him with two cups in hand.
Jisung knew he was being obvious, try as he might to be subtle, it was impossible not to gawp at your figure clad in a cute dress and your ankle boots, gorgeous as ever and a little rough around the edges. He couldn’t help it, your presence was always a huge comfort to him, you were the best person to seek refuge with when he went through spells of anxiety and you were his favourite shoulder to cry on. He couldn’t supress the smile that crept on his face when you noticed his figure, both of you sharing a knowing smile when you grabbed two cups from the side and made your way over.
“Boy looks like he needs a drink,” you teased playfully, slinking up to his rigid body and swiftly twisting the cap off the bottle of vodka that was in reaching distance.
“You know me too well.” Jisung answered back, the undertone of an inside joke lingering around you. You were both cut from the same cloth; pretty much being forced to go out to the club when it was a mutual understanding that you’d just rather- not?
After sloshing a shot of vodka in the cup, you cracked open a new can of Redbull and split it between the two of you, chuckling at Jisung’s cringed out expression after taking a brave gulp of the concoction. Yeah, it was strong, but the key to survival and making the most of these kinds of nights was to get at least sufficiently tipsy. Worst case was that the alcohol never hit you and you would spend a sobering time circulating the smoking area, photobooth and seating area with your platonic other half.
The pre-drinks continued smoothly, a game of ring of fire ensuing whilst you were in an animated conversation with Jisung about your “game plan” for night.
“You know Changbin had nearly a whole bottle of wine before we got here, he won’t last the whole night.” Jisung attested, the both of you observing the boy laugh loudly while simultaneously trying to chat up one of your roommates.
“God, he’ll be sick before 3am, he’s drinking a desperado…” You gaped horrified, Jisung laughing before the severity of the situation hit him.
“Crap… I don’t really want to peel him off the kitchen floor again, he nearly vommed on my shoes last time.” The blonde shuddered at the memory. You just ruffled his hair affectionately, Changbin was a big boy, and you felt comforted when you noticed the watchful eye of Chris observing him from across the kitchen island; Changbin was in good hands.
The following hour flew by, you and Jisung making what you thought were accurate predictions on how you thought the night was going to go down based on your drunken friends. When it was time to grab your little cropped denim jacket and your purse, it was just shy of one in the morning, and you all began the small trek to the nearest club.
It didn’t escape your notice how close you were when you walked. Occasionally Jisung would stick an arm out and draw your waist closer to him when a stranger walked past, your hands brushing against each other’s in a frustrating game of will they or won’t they hold hands. Just as you were coming to the club’s entrance, your phone rang, and you couldn’t hold back the urge to roll your eyes. You shouldn’t have told your boyfriend you were going out tonight, he had choice words about it earlier and no doubt did he have choice words about it now.
“You could just not answer him.” Jisung mused gently, both of you joining the back of the queue and watching your phone light up with the call. Not wanting the impending argument to roll over to tomorrow you answered anyway, chuckling at Jisung and giving yourself some space while you had a conversation.
“You would love that, wouldn’t you?” Jeongin teased quietly, only so he and Jisung could hear. A swift jab to the ribs was what caused Jeongin to squawk, and then cease his tormenting. Jisung’s attention was recaptured by you; your inability to hide your expressions coming to the forefront when he caught sight of your scowl that was illuminated by the street- light that loomed above you.
“I can’t believe you went out anyway.” You boyfriend lectured, annoying as ever.
“I don’t know why you expect me to just sit around all day and do nothing? I want to have some fun for fucks sake-” You replied angrily, your temper quickly reaching a peak.
“You’re at a club! How do I know you’re not gonna neck it on with every guy there?!”
“It’s not my problem you’re feeling insecure… just leave me alone.” You quipped back, causing a chorus of “Oooohhhhs” from Chris and Changbin at your verbal take down. You were trying really hard not to giggle; this wasn’t a good time.
“Yeah, well, what do you expect? You’re always with that other guy how do you expect me to feel? Is he there now?” You glanced at Jisung anxiously, not really wanting to lie, but you knew what your boyfriend wanted to hear. “Well? Is he, or isn’t he?” Your boyfriend continued to put pressure on you, making you squirm.
“Well… yes, he is, but what’s that got to do with anything?” You huffed dejectedly, already hearing the loud sigh from the other side of the line.
“Just go home Y/N, have someone else walk you home or something, just go home before I get really mad.”
“I want to have fun, you can get really mad for all I care,” and you hung up with a flourish. Looking back up, you couldn’t supress the laugh at watching Felix pretend to drop a mic, the others jeering at you standing up to your dick of a boyfriend. You got back in line with Jisung, trying to shake off your pissy mood so as not to ruin your night.
“He really hates me, doesn’t he?” Jisung muttered, fiddling with one of his bracelets anxiously.
“You don’t mind him Jisung,” you comforted, “He hates everything with a penis.” You tried to joke to take the edge off. He did laugh though, so it kind of worked. Finally, you got the front of the line, presenting your IDs to the bouncer before making your way inside the illuminated building, your heart already vibrating from the loud music.
The club was an absolute mess in the best way. Choosing a highlight wasn’t easy- however at one point your friend had captured the attention of someone who was not Felix. You were fully prepared to go over there and snatch her back with no questions asked but watching Felix Mc Hammer his way over to reclaim his girlfriend was much more entertaining. Your pre-drinking had worked a charm, you weren’t off your face, but you definitely felt a lot looser than you normally would and as did Jisung, even daring to join the others on the main dancefloor at one point. You were never a sexy dancer, but that wasn’t the vibe anyway with the 2000’s hits the DJ was playing, and you couldn’t be happier to get groovy with Jisung to Jennifer Lopez and Pitbull or absolutely losing it over Avril Lavigne.
The mood was high by the time you finally decided to leave, your heart set on putting your pyjamas on and ordering a McDonalds before calling it a night. You clung to Jisung absentmindedly, the drinks you had consumed in the club making you wobble and sway with every step. You had been right about Changbin by the way; you knew it was your cue to leave when he announced he had vomited in the club toilets, a defeated look gracing his features.
You didn’t feel too great either, but the nausea in your stomach wasn’t caused by the alcohol. Your boyfriend had called back a couple of times, probably fuming at your last conversation, but for the sake of everyone enjoying the night out Minho had tugged the phone from your hands and promptly switched it off before handing it back. You couldn’t help but worry though, the inevitable wrath you’d have to deal with came closer with every minute that ticked by.
Finally, you stumbled back into your student apartment, eight boys, your best friend and a couple of your other roommates in tow, all ready to collapse into the living room and demolish some fast food. You excused yourself to your room to shed your jacket and shoes, your body failing you quickly when opening the door. Luckily, you had waiting arms to steady you, Jisung pushing the heavy door for you and following in behind, his stance looking a little wavy as he too- was very drunk.
“God, he’s gonna be so pissed at me…” You said to no one in particular, flinging yourself onto your bed. Jisung followed suit, the sound of your door clicking shut as he settled beside you and let his gaze fall to the photos and polaroids you had decorated your pin board with. He couldn’t help but feel his confidence inflate a little as he observed that a photo you had taken with your boyfriend had been covered up almost entirely by the pictures you had taken in a photobooth from a different night out with him. The four pictures were undeniably adorable, his favourite being the one where you both finally figured out where to look and both of your giant smiles taking the focal point, the other be the one where you were laughing, and Felix and your best friend had poked their heads into the curtain to photobomb you. Jisung took up an awful lot of your photos, from the slightly awkward smiles from when you first met each other to the shameless silly faces you pulled from the last time you had your camera out. Surely, there had to be a reason, subconsciously or not, why Jisung’s picture shrouded the person’s that you were supposed to be dating.
“Why are you still with him?” Jisung quizzed bravely, his drunkenness making him more confident. There was a sudden change in atmosphere, the air around you became thick with tension at the softness of his voice. You both knew he wasn’t just asking out of curiosity, there was a clear subliminal and unanswered question; why aren’t you with me?
“I… don’t know.” You answered honestly, your voice sounding so unsure as you flipped onto your side to face the boy properly. You propped your head up with your hand, your mind still swimming with intoxication as Jisung looked to you properly too. His hair was pushed from his face, his eyebrows furrowed and eyes bloodshot. He looked hot tonight, his light denim jacket and white T-shirt and jeans a simple outfit, but of course he made it look like a runway outfit effortlessly. “It’s not easy… breaking up with someone, we’ve been together a long time.” You explained softly. It hurt, to watch the disappointment cloud his eyes, so much so, that you stood swiftly to shed more of your accessories in order to distract yourself from the conversation at hand. It didn’t seem like Jisung was having it though, being the polite and gracious boy he was, he normally would’ve left the conversation at that, but being drunk and in his feels was spurring on a different side of him tonight.
“It could be though…” Jisung stood just as you turned to face him, your new close proximity catching you off guard and causing you to stumble back. “… I don’t want to upset you, but it’s not fair… he’s an ass.” He emphasised the last word deliberately, to which you couldn’t bring yourself to disagree. Jisung wasn’t much taller than you, but in this moment, with his newly found confidence he seemed to tower you, your figure shrinking in the small space. You took a step back, though you were mad at your boyfriend- you weren’t a cheater, but that resolve was becoming weaker and weaker as Jisung took a step closer to shrink the gap you had made wider. “I don’t want to do the cringe speech where I say how much better I am... but I don’t want to be with anyone else.” He took another step, and you took one back. Your dorm room was tiny, and it didn’t take much until you were entrapped by the wall and the boy in front of you. It wasn’t that you were uncomfortable, thrilled was probably the better word for it. Equally terrified and equally excited, you low-key loved this part of Jisung- but you didn’t want to be disloyal either.
You couldn’t think of the words to argue, because your argument was void. Jisung had every right to feel like he was the better guy for you… because he was. It was a tad daunting at how self-aware he was but any fool could see it. The air was so hot and thick between you, your words kept falling off the tip of your tongue as you attempted to rationalise your feelings, ultimately failing each time.
“You make me so happy; I’ve never met anyone like you… I don’t think I’ll ever meet anyone like you again.” He continued, taking one, final, baby step closer. You couldn’t have been any more than a couple of inches apart, his breath warm as it fanned against your face and it made your stomach flip.
“You’re drunk…” You tried, the last-ditch effort to deter the boy in front of you.
“So are you… plus they say drunk words are sober thoughts…” He trailed off almost cheekily, a dark chuckle sounding as his eyes fell down to your lips, his tongue poking out to wet his own in anticipation.
“Jisung…” You muttered, already knowing full well where this was going.
“…Just say no, if you want me to stop.” He murmured, his head dipping closer and closer to yours by the second.
Whilst your conscious was screaming at you to say no, push him away, slam the door on him, literally anything to stop what was about to happen from happening, you just didn’t care. Jisung’s lips were light on your own, first dipping down to kiss you experimentally, his hair tickling your forehead and hands wrapping around your waist lightly, before going back in with new fervour.
The only way you could explain the feeling was pure relief. The way he kissed you with both passion and a tenderness was something you could never experience with your boyfriend. Obviously, a part of this felt so wrong, but a huge part felt so right. The hand that slid around your side and the other that came to tangle in your hair had you fitting together like puzzle pieces. It took a minute for your subconscious to overlap your moral compass, but when it finally did, Jisung sighed contently at the feeling of you kissing him back with equal emotion. The taste of liquor remained on both of your tongues, your bodies equally warm from drunkenness and it made the room feel stifling. Only when Jisung had begun to tug and push your jacket from your shoulders, the movement of his head feeling like it had every intention of pressing the most searing kisses to the newly exposed skin, that you felt like you had to stop.
You pulled away stiffly, your body language evidently moving against its will. Your head fell back against the wall with a dull thump, your breathing slightly laboured as you let the silence and tension speak for itself. Welp, it was official. You had cheated on your boyfriend, to some degree… Shit.
“I’m sorry…” The boy in front of you muttered, his cosy embrace already slipping off from around you, making you feel cold and empty.
“Me too.” You whispered back, your head hanging. It didn’t need to be said, you both knew that no one, other than the two people in the room would ever know about what just happened. Jisung sniffed, shrugging his shoulders back in an attempt at getting himself together before pushing his sweaty hair from his face.
“I’m gonna go, order some food…” He spoke in a tone that was supposed to feel casual. You just nodded, allowing him to leave the room and walk down the corridor to join the others in the living area.
Jisung knew it was a mistake to kiss you, not because of your boyfriend, but because he knew in his heart that if he kissed you once he would inevitably want to kiss you again. Not knowing what it would feel like was one thing but knowing that it sent his heart into an addictive over drive, his nerves charging with electricity was something else. In short, he felt like an idiot; it already sucked enough to be the guy that everyone knew was in love with a girl that he couldn’t have, what sucked even more was that he knew for sure now that you liked him back. However, he was far too used to acting like he was unbothered, a skill he never thought he would have to utilise so much- until he met you. He had perfected the art of playing Mr Brightside, and no matter how sick to his stomach it made him feel to see you remain with the D-bag that was your boyfriend, he still had the ability to be a genuine and supportive friend.
Maybe it was more obvious to an outsider, but you weren’t dumb. It was clear that the longer you stayed away from your boyfriend the more your relationship broke down. A part of you was telling you to keep persevering because all relationships have their struggles, but another part was telling you to just dump his ass. You were more inclined to listen to the latter; unsurprisingly, the kiss you shared with Jisung had stuck with you for weeks. In the shower, eating breakfast, trying to catch up on work, any given moment your brain was occupied with the memory of his hands in your hair and the brush of his lips. Quite honestly, the most hot and heavy moment you had ever experienced in your life- not once had the guy you were in a committed relationship with kissed you with so much passion. You had attempted to actively avoid the boy for a couple of days, but it all just seemed redundant when he was living rent-free in your mind anyway. He didn’t need to be there physically; you were a mess either way.
Being the person that you were, you didn’t think to announce to all of your friends when the deed had been done. Looking back, the breakup itself had taken a bit of beating around the bush to finally come out with it, and a huge amount of explaining that you weren’t dumping him solely for Jisung. At the end of the day, he just wasn’t the one, and you had to assure to him and yourself that you were doing this for you and only you. Of course, you were quite saddened by how things had worked out, but the overwhelming feeling of freedom had eclipsed that after a day or two of moping around. Only you were aware for the first few days that you were now a single pringle, you didn’t want to announce it to everyone as if your life was some kind of reality show, so when the cat did come out of the bag you tried to be as lowkey about it as possible:
“How are you Y/N?”
“Doing better Jisung, thanks.” You fumbled, taking off your shoes.
“How’s the boyfriend?”
“… What boyfriend?”
You hid your smirk as everyone’s breath caught at your words, the silence that lasted half a beat deafening as you straightened up and made your way to the sofa to flop. Jisung was in shock, evident from the way his mouth gaped slightly at his loss for words, but his most guilt-tripping dream had finally come true.
The next few weeks was a true test of Jisung’s patience. He knew you, and despite your totally valid past complaining, he knew that you wouldn’t jump into a relationship with him immediately. However, despite the undertone of angst and anticipation that normally hung in the air around you two, it was more or less vaporised by Jisung’s hilarious and totally not-subtle flirting.
“You don’t understand Felix, Y/N used to be obsessed with Cody Simpson when we were in middle school.” Your best friend teased.
“So I liked blonde boys with Justin Bieber haircuts, sue me!” You laughed in response. The others laughed along with you, but not at what you had just said. Jisung was putting on an Oscar worthy performance of miming writing down this imperative information about your 12-year-old self’s ideal type, making a show of looking invested while you had your back to him.
You almost felt bad, your “mourning period” (as your best friend had called it) wasn’t nearly as depressing as you had anticipated. Frankly, you thought you’d be more of a wreck, but Jisung was making that nearly impossible, as not a day went by where you weren’t exposed to some of the worst pickup lines you had ever heard.
“If you were a transformer, you’d be Optimus Fine” Jisung exclaimed proudly, his eyebrows wriggling suggestively in an attempt to be smooth.
“Chris taught you that, didn’t he Jisung?” You deadpanned, trying not to laugh at his derpy face.
“I’m not Jisung right now… I’m Peter.” This caused you to choke out a laugh, the joke being that you’d only use his English name when he was being either a shameless fuck boy, or an absolute idiot. His chaotic alter ego, if you will.
The best part to come out of this was the freedom for being physically affectionate, the little voice in your head telling you to keep your distance finally silenced. There wasn’t time to feel upset about your long-term relationship coming to an end, not when you spent the time you would’ve been crying wrapped up in a blonde boy’s embrace, the rain pattering against the window as you indulged in some good true crime in your blanket nest. Jisung’s chest was the perfect pillow for your head, his arms that had become a lot more buff since he had been working out daily warm and secure around your form as you sprawled out half on top of him. You had no qualms about your questionable position when your eyes got heavy, the arduous all-nighter you had both committed to the night before finally taking its toll as you both napped to the sound of graphic murder on your laptop.
All of this went hand in hand with the previous consensus. You and Jisung were bound to get together. The question was simple- when?
This leads to the current situation. Now in March, it wasn’t long until you’d all be separating for the easter break, and so it was only appropriate to have one last meetup at one of the university’s bars and enjoy drinks for buy one get one free.
Walking out onto the balcony, you felt the mild breeze ruffle your hair a little, pulling your jacket around you tighter, you watched fondly as your friend did a little run to greet Felix with a hug and a sweet peck on the lips, you took your own time to walk over to the group of boys you were meeting.
As naturally as ever, your gaze met Jisung’s quickly, him sending you a little half smile as he moved his jacket to reveal an empty space on the bench beside him. Not wasting a moment, you sidled up next to him, already pulling out your phone to order your drinks and falling into easy conversation with the boy beside you. The others exchanged knowing glances, Changbin and Hyunjin rolling their eyes and laughing at how useless it was trying to engage you two in their chat when you were both engrossed in your own bubble.
The hours had slipped by; you barely noticed how dark it had gotten and the balcony was fully illuminated by the trendy twinkly lights that lined the perimeter. When the time had rolled from 10 pm to 11 pm, you all made the effort to grab your coats, down the last of the drinks and begin the dawdle back to your respective apartments.
Jisung knew his timing wasn’t great, but he couldn’t say goodbye to you for three weeks and twiddle his thumbs without at least trying to ask you out- officially. You were in no rush, walking and talking slowly to try and prolong the conversation you were having as you walked side by side along the river. Your laughter resonated along the busy street, the little alcohol in your system and Jisung’s usual funny self making your ribs ache with giggles.
The others were way ahead of you, and you felt your heart sink at the sight of your apartment building coming into view. You weren’t quite ready to say goodbye- though you could probably manage to visit each-other, and you would call and text, you would miss seeing Jisung every day. Your walk dwindled into a stand-still, the darkness making the campus buildings and various complexes look ten times prettier as they were illuminated, and Jisung held your hands tentatively.
The anticipation that you both felt continuously quickly built up, this time though, it felt like you had reached breaking point. The elastic band that was being stretched and stretched was about to snap, and your stomach flipped with adrenaline and fondness for the boy standing right in front of you.
“I have to tell you a secret, before I actually throw myself into the river.” Jisung chuckled, both his thumbs rubbing gentle circles into the back of your hand, his face a mixture of mirth and nerves.
“I’m listening.” You replied simply, trying to look sincere.
Jisung swiped his tongue over his lips quickly, daring to look you in the eyes for half a second before averting his gaze to the floor again. Clearly, “liquid courage” was the leading factor to his boldness the last time you were this close. You hoped Jisung didn’t need to be almost wasted in order to be as forward as he was before, the hot and heavy kiss you had shared previously wouldn’t be unwelcome in the near future. With a gentle squeeze to his warm hands did he finally gain a little confidence, his usual cheeky smile adorning his cute face once again and you braced yourself for what he had to say.
“I really, really like you.”
“Not really a secret though, is it?” You caught him off guard with your sass, his mouth gaping comically as you laughed at his expression, him still clinging to your hands. He couldn’t help but join in on your giggles though, your contagious laughter and easy-going personality made him wonder why he was so nervous in the first place.
“Whatever! Will you go out with me?” He asked, almost exasperatedly, now letting go of your hands and circling your waist instead, both of your bodies fitting together like a lock and key while you placed your hands on his shoulders.
“of course, I will.” You smiled, taking a moment to appreciate the way Jisung’s face lit up and the giant smile that broke out onto his features
Though it was cliché, it really felt like your “happily ever after” moment. In no time at all did you feel a familiar pair of lips make contact with yours, and a familiar hand trailing up your spine under your coat, coming to a halt at the base of your neck. You had the freedom to give into your instincts and clutch his jacket, pulling him in closer before allowing a hand to bury itself into his fluffy hair. You knew Jisung was never a fan of PDA, but it warmed your insides knowing that he apparently couldn’t wait until you were somewhere more private to do this. Honestly, you were so excited to start this relationship with him; he was already a best friend to you, and your connection had such a strong platonic foundation that meant he had the ability to make you laugh until you could pee whilst also making you a mess of butterflies and stutters. You smiled lightly when he pressed a tender kiss to your forehead, both of your faces flushed and lips swollen, you kept one hand interlocked as you tried to catch up with the others. Patience really was a virtue, it would seem, and Jisung couldn’t deny that it had paid off. No matter how much he felt tormented by your past relationship, he could sleep soundly at night with the knowledge that he would never have to be Mr Brightside ever again.
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mayblelayla · 10 months
Heartbreak Girl (Sam Golbach Imagine)
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This is based on the song Heartbreak Girl by 5SOS. I might write a second part but I'm not sure.
I dedicate this song to you The one who never sees the truth That I can take away you hurt Heartbreak girl Hold you tight straight through the daylight I'm right here, when you gonna realise That I'm your cure? Heartbreak girl
You couldn't stop shaking as you looked down at your boyfriend's phone sitting on the couch next to you. he had just gotten up to go to the bathroom while you were watching a movie and left his phone on the couch.
Another text popped up on his phone
BABY: Can't wait to see you tonight and show you how much I missed you
You couldn't help but sit there in shock fearing when he would come back from the bathroom. But before you could even think about what to say you heard the bathroom door open down the hall and his footsteps come down the hallway. Tears were burning at the edge of your eyes as you looked up to meet his face. At that moment another text from that girl popped up on his phone catching his attention as well as yours. he looked back up at your face before trying to say something. Before he could say anything you were up from the couch and on your way to the door.
"Baby! Don't walk away from me-" He called after you as you pulled your shoes on in a hurry.
"Don't call me baby, Matthew," You said, your voice wavering as you were trying to keep your tears from falling. You reached up to grab your keys before slamming the door to his apartment behind you and running down the hallway to catch the elevator.
Once you had made it downstairs to the parking garage you pulled your phone out with shaky hands and clicked on Sam's number before holding your phone up to your ear shakily.
Sam was sitting on his couch editing one of his and Colby's recent videos when he felt his phone start to go off next to him. He looked down to see a call from Y/n, a picture of her in one of his hoodies smiling widely and holding her cat was displayed on his screen. He picked up the phone wondering why she would be calling this close to midnight when she had work in the morning.
"Y/N/N?" He asked, hearing sniffling coming from the other side of the phone call.
"Can I come over?" She asked him, to which he told her of course. Sam had no idea why she would want to come over at this time of night when she was supposed to be with her boyfriend.
"I'll be there in ten, see you soon." She said quietly. He could hear her start her car.
"See you soon." He said before she hung up.
He decided to put away his computer for the time being and clean up his room a bit. he pulled out a few extra fluffy blankets before pulling out her favorite sweatshirt of his. Setting everything on his bed he also turned his TV on, letting Y/F/S (your favorite show) play softly in the background waiting for the knock on his apartment door.
You walked up to Sam and Colby's apartment door, pulling your flannel tighter to your chest as the cold air drifted through the vents in the hallway. Your knock on the door was quickly followed by it swinging open to reveal the blonde-haired man with a soft smile on his face. Before Sam could say anything you crashed into his chest, wrapping your arms around his waist. His arms wrapped around you tightly, and he kissed the top of your head.
He let one arm go to shut the door before pulling you back into an even tighter hug. He could hear soft sniffles coming from where you were pressed into his chest.
"Y/N?" He called softly getting you to look at him, tears streaking down your face and your face a splotchy color.
"He-" you started but couldn't finish, putting your head back on Sam's chest. He pulled you away slightly and began to lead you to his room down the hallway from where you were standing. When his door opened you ran right to his bed curling up on the comfy blankets he had laid out. You felt the bed dip next to you, and Sam's hand ran up and down your back soothingly.
"What happened?" He asked, listening as you began to explain the text you said on Matthew's phone and how he didn't even say anything.
"He's no good for you Y/N," He said, bringing you into a hug.
"I-" you started before wiping tears away from your face with the sleeve of your flannel. "it just hurts so much," you said before flopping back onto his bed, your arms up by your head. He laid down on the bed next to you, his arms resting on his stomach.
"We were supposed to move in with each other next week, did he really think he could just cheat on me while we're living together?" You ranted not even paying attention to Sam's soft hums and grumbles about your boyfriend.
After you had let out a lot of what you were feeling he sat up and asked if you wanted any ice cream and you just nodded your head from where you were lying on his bed.
Sam got up from where he was on his bed and softly made his way to the kitchen where he saw Colby standing by the counter.
"Who's over?" Colby asked quietly, catching Sam's agitated face.
"Y/N, Matthew cheated on her," He said with a grumble, reaching to open the freezer and grab the carton of ice cream.
"Bor, you gotta tell her how you feel," But Sam just shook his head, reaching into the cabinet by Colby's head for a bowl.
"I wish she would just realize that he's no good for her and that I'd be so much better to her than he could ever be," he said scooping ice cream into the bowl on the counter.
"I feel like I'm just going in circles, and she'll never see the truth until it's gone," Sam said banging the drawer he just grabbed a spoon from.
"But I don't wanna ruin anything so I'm just gonna bite my tongue and enjoy what I have with her and try not to ruin it." He said throwing the spoon into the bowl filled with ice cream and then shoving the ice cream back into the freezer.
"It's not worth it to keep your feelings from her Sam" Colby said before walking back toward his room on the other side of the apartment.
"Thanks, Sam," You said as you stood by the door to his apartment, slipping your shoes back on.
You looked up and caught him looking down at you with sad eyes.
"What's wrong Sam," You asked, placing your hand on his shoulder., waiting for him to say something.
"I uh- never mind. Get home safe," he said pulling you into a short hug.
"Thanks for being such a great friend Sam," You said opening the door and stepping into the hallway. You turned to see him slime and wave before the door shut behind you.
What you couldn't hear as the door shut was Sam mumbling to himself.
" it's so frustrating He treats you so bad and I'm so good to you, it's not fair"
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bratzforchris · 1 year
The Dress
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Summary: In which Luke learns to love himself, no matter his clothing
Pairing: Michael x Luke
Warnings: Slight mentions/hints at gender dysphoria
Word Count: 657
A/N: Taken from my old ao3 account @sgfgsun. Also, I do not ship 5sos in real life in any capacity.
Luke had never planned on wearing a dress. He was a boy, after all. Not that boys couldn't wear dresses, but for Luke's identity, he felt wearing a dress was a bit much. Sure, he loved silky, flowy shirts, jewelry, nail polish, and makeup, but dresses felt like taking everything to the next level.
That is until the boys were discussing ideas for their tenth anniversary with management. By the end of the session, the idea of the 5Sauce commercial was born. Of course, Calum would play the baby, what with his chubby cheeks and adorable fluffy curls. Michael would be the washed-up uncle with his messy hair and tattoos and love of joking. That left the mom and the dad. No one could imagine Ashton dolled up in a pink dress and makeup with heels, so he got the dad. That left the role of "mom" for Luke.
And so, Luke found himself sitting in a floral pink dress while the makeup artist applied powders and eyeshadow and mascara and lipstick to his face. He'd never admit it to anyone, but Luke loved it. When he looked at himself in the lit-up mirror, he felt like himself for the first time in a long time. He couldn't wear this in public though. This was just for a funny skit, nothing more. 
But after filming had finished, Luke couldn't stop thinking about the dress and the heels. He had worn heeled boots before, but never had he worn stilettos. The whole outfit, even though it was meant to be a mom's, felt right. That's how he ended up begging the director to let him take the costume home. It's not like they needed it. 
The director didn't even question it. That's how Luke ended up in his closet at home, staring at the dress and debating whether or not to put it on. He had done the pink silky shirt and makeup a few years prior, but this was a whole new step. A dress and makeup? What would the fans think?
"Ah fuck it," he mumbled to himself. "What's the harm?"
Luke quickly took off his clothes and changed into the dress. He went into the bathroom and got his little makeup case that Ashton had given him for Christmas. It wasn't very full yet, just a few bottles of nail polish, some blush, some highlighter, and a couple of eyeshadow singlets, but still. It was enough to make Luke feel beautiful. He quickly and carefully applied some highlighter and lipgloss and painted his nails an adorable baby pink.
"Luke? You in here?" Michael asked, walking into the bathroom.
Luke whipped around, dropping the hairbrush he was currently using. Fuck giving his spastic boyfriend a key. He knew that would come back to bite him in the ass someday and today appeared to be that day.
"What the hell are you wearing, Luke?" Michael laughed.
Luke's baby blue eyes filled with tears. "...I-I just wanted to feel pretty. I'll go change..." he mumbled softly.
Michael blinked, realizing that Luke was being serious. "Oh baby," he cooed, reaching for Luke's hand. "I'm sorry. I didn't know you were wearing this for real. You look so pretty."
"No, I don't. You laughed." Luke said, sounding awfully small. 
"That's because I thought you were wearing a Halloween costume, honey. Can you forgive me?" Mike asked, pulling Luke in for a hug. 
Luke just nodded against Michael's shoulder. "I'm still a boy though."
"That's fine, love. I think you look really pretty in dresses," Michael whispered, kissing him softly. "My pretty princess."
The blond boy giggled. "Mikey's pretty princess."
And that's how, in the following years, Luke dressed up as his best friend Sierra for Halloween while she dressed up as him. The short cheetah print dress and leather jacket, along with the long black wig and eyeliner made Luke feel utterly beautiful. And that? That's because he was. 
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lagoazinha · 4 days
Um pouquito sobre mim
Nossa, eu vi em algum lugar que tem como modificar o texto e deixar bonitinho. Porém, como ainda não aprendi a fazer isso, vai ficar tudo padrão kkkkkkkk
Nome: Karen Idade: 22 anos (nasci em 2002, caso esteja lendo isso e não seja mais 2024) No Kpop: Stay, Atiny, Moa, Villain, Engene e Carat Utts: Han, Yeosang, HueningKai, JunHan, Sunghoon e Hoshi Bias: Bang Chan, Hongjoong, Beomgyu, Gaon, Heeseung e Dino Bias Wreckers: Changbin e Felix; San e Seonghwa; Soobin e Yeonjun; O.de e Gunil; Ni-Ki e Jake; Vernon e Jeonghan. Outros amores musicais: Melanie Martinez, 5SOS, Bruno Mars, Imagine Dragons, Kamaitachi, Hannah Bahng Outros amores em geral: livros, Harry Potter, arte no geral (apesar de eu não saber fazer nada, amo ver sobre música, pintura, desenho, escultura, dança, etc.), decoração, misticismo (ui jovem mística) como expressão cultural, biologia, animais, filmes e séries diversas, etc. O que eu escrevo: tenho uma conta no spirit, onde posto fics que vão desde +18 até fluffy. Atualmente, não me sinto segura para criar meus próprios personagens, mas pretendo fazer isso em breve. Meu perfil no spirit é: Happy_Quokka.
Imagino que seja isso de mais interessante (se chegar a ser kkkkkkkkk)!
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Fic Titles That Start With G Masterlist
Gay Doesn’t Mean Rainbows (ao3) - walking_crisis69 michael/luke T, 3k
Summary: “Your breath tastes like smoke.” Luke said as he pulled away, running his fingers through his enemy’s hair. “And your breath tastes like rainbows.”
give me a sign you’re okay (ao3) - pendragoh michael/luke M, 2k
Summary: He breathes against the glass, and his brow furrows when he sees what’s there, completely confused.
All that’s written, foggy and spotty in Luke’s messy handwriting, is ‘you were right.’
What does that mean? - Or, Luke is depressed and cryptic and Michael just wants to know what’s wrong.
give me something real (ao3) - rocketshiptospace luke/ashton T, 14k
Summary: or, the five times luke and ashton hid their relationship, and the one time they didn’t.
give you my sunshine, give you my best (ao3) - lifewasradical luke/ashton T, 2k
Summary: Luke knew it was a bad day from the moment that he and Ashton woke up. Correction, Luke was having a perfectly fine day, almost bordering on a good day, but from the second that he laid eyes on Ashton in the bathroom as he brushed his teeth, he had the inkling that this was not going to be a good day for Ashton.
Or, Ashton has a bad day and Luke tries to work it out with him.
Give Your Tears To The Tide (ao3) - smokeynights michael/luke N/R, 406
Summary: Michael has been gone a year and Luke doesn’t know how to cope.
go for miles (ao3) - strxngersagain luke/calum, michael/ashton G, 11k
Summary: When Calum had bought tickets to Glastonbury Festival with his ex nearly a full year ago, he never imagined he would have ended up going alone. The very messy breakup of a nearly-three-year relationship pushed any and all thoughts of future-plans to the back of his mind. He had almost entirely forgotten about the tickets tucked into an envelope, if he was being honest with himself. It wasn’t until an email dropped into his inbox with the subject: ‘We can’t wait to see you!’, reminding him that oh shit, they had bought tickets together and oh shit, that’s in like two weeks.
He spent the better part of the afternoon sitting on the living room floor trying to figure out what to do with his ticket. It was too late for him to transfer it to someone else, he couldn’t sell it because it had his name printed on it, and he didn’t really want to lose out on the £300 he spent on the damn thing by just not going. So, he decided then and there that he would go alone. Ex-boyfriend be damned, he’d have a great time even if he was by himself.
Gold Briefs (ao3) - im_just_a_sucker_for_bromance luke/calum E, 3k
Summary: When Luke had walked into the club that afternoon, Calum did not know something was going to happen. Calum and Michael were not even supposed to be working that night, they were supposed to be having fun at their own party but instead, they were serving drinks at someone else’s party. Maybe in the end, it would not be all so bad.
good for you (ao3) - no_clue_who michael/luke E, 1k
Summary: Michael heard Luke’s soft pleas and moans, the low hum of the vibrator was adding to the noises. Michael had been watching Luke on their bed, lightly teasing his dick and nipples. Michael ran his hand up and down Luke’s chest once more, pinching his nipples once more.
Luke let out another loud moan, and Michael smiled down at him. “Hi honey, how are you?”
good girls (ao3) - no_clue_who michael/calum, michael/luke/calum E, 8k
Summary: Calum is failing her classes, Michael is her girlfriend and they wanna fuck Luke.
Good Morning Room 5SOS! (ao3) - Geny614 G, 5k (WIP)
Summary: a kindergarten au with the boys. just a place for some fluffy cuteness. lots of fun, friendship and adventures!
good pup (ao3) - orphan_account calum/ashton E, 1k
Summary: calum doesn’t speak when hes in his headspace, so to show him what he wants, he leans forward to nuzzle his nose against ashtons crotch. ashton definitely knows what calum wants now.
got lost in the glare (I couldn’t see you there) (ao3) - expectopatronuz michael/ashton, luke/calum T, 6k
“What about you?” “What about me?” “You and Ashton, and all of the flirting the other day,” Calum says, and Michael looks up, baffled. “Flirting? We talked for like, a minute at most.” “And in that minute, I saw Ashton blush more than he ever has, and I saw you more flustered than you’ve ever been.“
or, a weird bakery au
Got My Heartbeat Skipping (ao3) - galacticsugar calum/ashton G, 1k
Summary: Calum still remembers the first time he came in, probably six months ago. He showed up two minutes after Calum unlocked the door and had greeted Calum with an enthusiastic “good morning!” as he stepped into the shop. It was confusing to Calum that anyone could be that alert at 6am without having had their coffee yet
Gotta Be Cruel to be Kind (ao3) - fourdrunksluts michael/ashton, luke/calum E, 26k
Summary: “It’s just for a date or two.” Calum sounds exasperated despite Michael’s excuse being perfectly valid. “Ashton’s hot.”
“Ashton’s a shrew,” he corrects, voice biting. “I’m not going to… to tame him, or whatever, just so you can convince some twink to go on a mediocre date with you." 
Gotta Lick The Icing Off (ao3) - IfWallsCouldMuke michael/luke E, 769
Summary: Happy birthday, Luke!
Got to Get Out (ao3) - Emmybazy luke/alum, luke/ashton, luke/harry, luke/niall M, 21k
Summary: Calum and Luke have been friends all their lives. Calum starts getting more and more opportunities to get out of town, so he takes them. Something is telling him he needs to leave town every time he settles. Luke is there through it all.
Or, Calum is always leaving and Luke always seems to be waiting.
Grabby Hands (ao3) - antisocialhood calum/ashton, michael/luke/ashton N/R, 7k
Summary: Ashton likes wearing big sweaters, curling up with his daddy and sucking him off while they watch TV, and sometimes Calum likes to treat his princess to something special.
grab hold, don’t let go (ao3) - brettyandeddy OT4 E, 9k
Summary: This is not how this party was supposed to end up. He didn’t expect gay revelations about his bandmates, or the sexuality crisis, or the foursome. But what can you do, really?
Green Light (ao3) - SpencerKnight ot4 E, 181k
Summary: Class is an age old concept–almost as old as the concept of human slavery, and in a world where buying humans is a standard behavior by those who can afford it, Luke’s only hope as a member of the lower class is that he falls into the hands of a decent buyer–the hands of Ashton Irwin and his partners. Luke knows he has one chance to please his buyers or he risks getting put back on the market, but he’s thrown for a loop when Ashton admits that Luke is the one that gets to call the shots. In an attempt to find security with the trio, Luke braces himself and gives them the green light to do whatever they want with him.
He had no idea they would refuse.
Guys My Age (don’t know how to touch me) (ao3) - orphan_account luke/calum, michael/ashton E, 12k
SummaryL Ashton groaned, pushing at his shoulder. “How do you date fuckboys for years and all of a sudden now you’re picky?” Luke smirks, “I guess I just want to get fucked instead of fucked over, for once.”
Or the one where Luke don’t want no fuckboys, and Calum is just what he’s looking for.
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itisannak · 5 years
Shiny Diamond Ring (Ashton Irwin Fluff)
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Summary: Ashton is leaving for a tour tomorrow, and (Y/N) is mad he is not spending his last day home with her.   Based on Love Prompts #5: "Will you marry me?" #12: "You are cute when you are angry." (Request) (Words: 1.3k)
"I thought you would be spending the day with me…" I mumble, stumbling into the living room where Ashton is having his morning coffee, dressed for the day already.
"I know, baby. And I plan to, for most of it. But I have a few things to take care of before leaving." He smiles at me, patting his thigh for me to sit on. I groan a little, looking at him a little angrily; we have less than 24 hours together before he is off, touring the country for the next 3 months. He promised we would be soaking in each other, that he would shut everyone and everything out and just be me and him, for just one day. I walk to the couch he is sitting, only to curl on the other side of it and look at him. He gives me a chuckle before taking a small sip of coffee. "You are cute when you are angry." He leaves the cup on the coffee table, scooting closer to me to pinch my cheek. "I am not angry." I shrug my shoulders, trying not to give in to his charming smile. "Yeah, and I am not head over heels in love with you." He chuckles and presses a kiss on my forehead. "I have to go to a meeting. Very last minute. But I will be back for dinner." He assures me, stroking a piece of hair behind my ear. "Dinner? So, you will be back at night? Ash, this is our last day together and you are going to spend nearly half of it away from me…" I complain and he sighs, running a hand over his face. "I know, love. And I promise, I promise that tonight it will be just me and you. Everything will be shut out of here and it will be just us." He says reassuringly, bringing a hand to stroke my face. I dodge him, getting up from the couch and stomping back to our bedroom. "Like you promised we would be spending the whole day together today." I reply, shutting the door with a thud. "Yeah, I see that you are not mad at all." He says calmly; his voice sounds close, he is probably standing outside the door. "I will be back at around 7. I will cook your favorite. I love you, angel." He says, sighing in surrender. I don't reply, lying on our bed and grabbing one of the books from the nightstand, hoping that by reading time will pass by quicker.
"(Y/N), dinner is ready… Can you please come out?" Ashton says softly, knocking on the door. He sighs before I hear him walk away, shuffling his feet on the floor. My hair is still wet from the shower I took earlier, and I am wearing a pair of sweats and an old tank top, and I honestly don't look anywhere nearly how I wanted to look for tonight, but my stomach grumbles at the smell of the food he has cooked. I walk out of the bedroom, walking to the kitchen and expecting to find the dinner laid in there. I peek at the dining room, finding Ashton pouring wine at the glasses. He looks jittery, straightening stuff on the table. "Why are we eating so formally? It's just dinner." I ask as I take a seat. "It's never just dinner with you. And it is the last dinner we are having at our house for a while, so…" He smiles at me, sitting on his chair. "If I knew we would be dining formally, I would dress a bit nicer." I state and he chuckles, giving me a side smile. "You look dazzling, my love." He reaches to stroke his thumb over the back of my hand. "You are being really cheesy right now." I roll my eyes playfully, getting my fork so I can dig in my food.
"So, how was your day?" I ask, looking at my plate. "Really boring. We had 3 meetings, all of them had nothing to do with the creative part of the tour. Yours?" He asks me, brushing over the context of his day. "I finished the Soft Thorns book. It was nice. And I waited for you. Pretty miserable if you are asking me… But it gave me an insight into how my days will be now you are leaving. Well, weekends, because on weekdays I will have the working hours, at least." I shrug, taking a deep breath. "Fuck, that was…" "Depressing. Yeah, I know." I pick my glass to cling it with his. "All jokes aside, I am proud of you. And yes, I am mad we didn't have more time, but I know how much you love performing and I know that it makes you happy, and that's what I want for you. So, let's drink to you and the amazing tour you are about to go to." I smile at him, raising the glass a bit up; I truly believe it, I honestly want him to be happy while on tour.
"Damn, you just ruined my next move." He sighs, rubbing his temple. "What next move?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows. He gets up from his chair, moving to stand in front of me. "I really cannot think about my life, about my future and not picture it with you. And I had this full speech I wanted to make but you came and wiped it all off by saying what you just said, making my speech seem like it was written by a 5-year old, and I truly have been working on it, thinking over it again and again, for so long. So I have to use the simplest version, because no other way, no words will be able to convey the thoughts in my head." He mumbles, fiddling with his fingers. "You really need to get to the point because if this is what I think it is, I might start crying soon…" I mumble, my mind jumping to the scenario of my craziest wish becoming reality. "Will you marry me?" He asks, reaching in his pocket. My hands fly to my mouth, eyebrows furrowing as I take it in and try to realize what he just said. "Are you asking me, for real? This isn't a joke, right?" I ask and he shakes his head as he opens the box. "Yes, I will marry you, you moron." I giggle as I stand up, wrapping my arms around his neck. He wraps his around my waist, hugging me close to his body. "I really could not leave without putting a ring on it." He chuckles as we pull away, stroking his thumb over my cheek. I giggle, raising my hand to wrap my fingers around his wrist. "Yeah, now you don't have to worry about me getting hit on while you are away." I joke and he hums. "One of the reasons, yeah…" He pecks on my forehead before he takes my hand and slides the ring on my finger. We both look at it for a second, before I realize what just happened and burst in tears, making him hug me back to his body.
"Hey, this isn't a time for crying." He says soothingly, rubbing my back softly. "I know. I just… I never thought this would happen. I know I wished for it, but I just…" I shrug my shoulders. He takes my hand in his, bringing it to his lips to peck on it. "I always knew I wanted to marry you, baby. I always knew you are the one. It just took me a minute to realize it." He replies. "I love you." I whisper, standing on my toes to kiss him. "Then I am a lucky man. I love you too, angel." He whispers, hovering over my lips.
My Masterlist
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ghostofmaxx · 6 years
5SOS concert tonight!
Y’all will get some juicy pics from tonight I promise my bbs 💕💖
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If this is the last time- Calum Hood
A/N: first 5sos fic! Calum hood x y/n. Y/n’s gender is female for this fic, it just made it easier to write, my apologies to anyone it might upset, but you can always request. based off of If This Is The Last Time by LANY. Feel free to correct any mistakes! i don’t know if anyone will like this, but i do soooo.
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plot: Entries for y/n’s last diary/book.
2077 words. * marks song lyrics 
y/n’s diary:
(June 8th 2081) There's nothing better than the support of your family, so imagine having been admitted to the hospital and having every person you’ve grown to know as family waiting for you to leave the hospital. We knew it was coming, that one of us would have to go, but we didn’t know who and when. It’s me and soon. I’m not afraid though. My family’s strong, I know they are. Today he told me I looked beautiful, like he has every day of our life together, but it felt different. It was like a reassurance that no matter what, he meant his vows. Everything felt different today, even the simple touch of his hands while he drove me to the hospital.  Especially the way our children said they loved me this morning. I’m ready. There's no point in fighting the cancer, it’s too far along and I'm far too old.
*I know we're gettin' old*
(January 15th 2082) It had begun after the boys last tour, the realization that we were no longer as young as we used to be. Our children started high school and y/s/n starting his own band, following in his father’s footsteps. y/d/n was too, but she had taken the football/soccer approach. They were good at it too. y/s/n having the same beautiful voice as Calum, but preferred the drums. He learned from a young age, he never really stopped admiring his uncle Ash. Which was really Ashton’s fault, almost spoiled him as much as Luke did y/d/n. Luke never got the girl he wanted, so he treated her as if he was one of his own. All the boys did, but Luke was like a second father to her. Which didn’t help with the Cake rumors during touring.
*the lines on our hands have changed, But you still look at me the same*
(September 29th 2082)  My life has been amazing, maybe not from the start, but from the moment I laid my eyes on Calum Hood, the past didn’t matter. Nothing matters, nothing but him. Well until my  children of course...and then my grandchildren. He stood by me for all of it and I love him for it. He promised forever and that's what we got. There's nothing I could ever do to repay him, or at least in my eyes. 
*Hey, mom, guess what? You're really tough.*
(November 15th 2082) This is for my children, I hope you’re reading. I love you, I'll always love you because there’s no way not to. From the moment you were both born to the moment your children were born, I was amazed by the amount of growth possible. I hope one day you’ll have the same joy I did watching your grandchildren being raised by the amazing creatures you created. I hope that one day when you pass, it’ll be surrounded by the ones you love.  Thank you for giving me the opportunity to love you, I don't know what I did to deserve you, but I'm very grateful. 
*And I know you did all you could. Just to make sure my life was good*
(December 25th 2082) It was worth it, all of it. The pain, the tears, the blood. My life is complete.
*Sorry for the fights and the tone of my voice, Sorry for the nights when I made the wrong choice*
(January 1st 2083) Not a lot of people know, but Calum and i’s relationship was almost torn apart when our children were in high school. It had nothing to do with them of course, but life for Cal had been stressful. He had confessed he felt like he had no purpose now that he thought his career was over. Of course it wasn’t true, but he was like a bull in a china shop. After many nights of hushed fighting, y/s/n had gotten into it. He had convinced his father to start therapy and got him into football/soccer again. From then on, y/d/n got him to become her team's coach and he stayed there until retirement, he said he felt complete after retirement. 
*Life is flyin' by and it's hittin' me now. I hope it's not, but*
(January 5th 2083) Sitting here rereading all of my old diaries, has me regretting not taking the course of treatment. I'm gonna miss everyone. That might be hard to believe considering I will no longer be roaming the planet, but everyone means so much to me.
*If this is the last time, please come close*
(January 12th 2083) It's too soon.
*I love you with all my heart, you know. I don't wanna cry, I'm bad at goodbye*
(January 13th 2083) This is my written goodbye for those who I love. 
Michael you’ve always been my best friend. I appreciate you taking me in like you knew me forever, like I was there with you and Calum throughout school. I'm sorry I didn't give you another niece to spoil, I know you wanted one you didn’t have to say it. With everything in me, I hope you're the last one of us here, I trust you the most other than Calum to take care of our families. If you are, I hope I don't tear you apart, we’ll all be up here waiting for you.
Luke, where do i start, i owe you 30 bucks. You always said that I would go before Cal, you were right. Don't worry, no hard feelings, none of us actually expected it so soon. But you better be there when my first great-grandchild is born. Make y/d/n name them after me. I'm just kidding, although…… 
 Ashton, thank you for being the big brother I didn't know I needed. Thank you for loving my family like your own and for taking care of Cal when I couldn't. I’m coming to join you right now, see you soon brother.
Kristal, Sierra, and kay-kay…...Bye my bitches, see you soon. I'm just messing with you, you better keep your stubborn asses on this planet a while more. I'll be taking care of ashton for you kay.
For the fans, who have loved my not so small family, there will be a 5sos reunion waiting for you when you pass, but not too soon.
y/d/n and y/s/n stick together or you grounded. I love you, I already said everything I needed to say to you, take care of my grandchildren.
Now Calum, i don’t think i need to write anything for you, we’ve always been honest with each other. Don’t come see me until you’ve met our great-grandchild, stay there for a while until you have enough memories to share with me. Hold our children tight, i know i won’t get to anymore. Just because I'm leaving doesn’t mean you don’t get to spend more time with me, I'll be watching you. When you join me, we’ll get to spend more decades together, and just like the first time you met me, you won’t be able to get away
*If this is the last time,Then let's do the things we always do,Like go to the mall and buy some shoes*
(January 16th 2083) My last day before I'm on bed rest, for the rest of my life in fact. y/d/n was determined to take everyone in the family to the mall. I didn’t get anything of course, but I did suggest a couple of clothing items for my funeral. My funeral, that’s weird to think about. I did get Calum a pair of shoes though. His feet will not walk in with the raggedy old shoes he loves so much.
*I don't wanna cry, I'm bad at goodbye. If this is the last time*
(January 21st 2083) Here I am, on my deathbed, writing what will probably be my last entry. Calum on the other bed in the room, of course he had it pushed next to mine. “We haven’t slept apart in decades, why start now.” I hope he doesn’t take it hard, but I can feel it coming. I can feel the pull. Watching the monitors and seeing the numbers change drastically. We've been saying goodbyes for a while now. As much as it pains me to say this is my final goodbye. Goodbye.
*Hey, dad, what's up? Miss you so much
Yeah, the shade of your hair has changed
But I look up to you the same*
(March 20th 2085) y/n asked us to turn her diary’s into a book series, we had, this is my continuation of the last one. y/s/n has promised to keep publishing them after i’m gone. He said he knew how much it would mean to his mother. Unfortunately this is my last entry as well. I will be joining y/n soon, i knew i wouldn’t make it long without her, i was right. They say i’ll probably die in my sleep sometime this week. I have our children staying with me, waiting till I go. I already said my goodbyes to our grandchildren and my brothers. My mother has been gone for a while, I can't wait to see her again. Mali wished me luck and said she would see us again. I hope it’s not too soon, I want her to be there while y/s/n and y/d/n grieve a second death. y/n said she wasn’t afraid, i understand now. Anyways, I guess this is goodbye. 
*Taught me how to fish, taught me how to ride a bike*
(July 25th 2086) Hey guys, it’s y/s/n and y/d/n this time. I hope you enjoyed reading mom, and some of dad's writings. I'm not quite passing yet, but my sister and I thought this last book is not quite done yet. We wanted to add our goodbyes to mom and dad as well. Maybe we shouldn’t write it here, but it feels right. We wanted to say thank you to all the fans who have supported our parents for decades, or even the newer ones. So thank you, you made our parents who they were and in return, made us and our families who they are. We love it thank you. So, goodbye dad. It might be a few decades till we see each other, but we are currently teaching my son how to ride his bike, just like you did me all those years ago, thank you for that. y/d/n is teaching hers to fish, we know it wasn’t mom's idea of fun, but she always did it with us, so now we are doing it with our families.
*Taught me how to love, how to treat a woman right. Life is flyin' by and it's hittin' me now*
(September 6th 2086)  y/g/d/n here, i asked mom if i could write something as well, just wanted to thank my grandparents for everything! That's a lot to thank for, I know, but I forgot before they passed. I also wanted to inform them that I finally started college, makes me think of what they would have done if they were here.
*If this is the last time, please come close
I love you with all my heart, you know
I don't wanna cry, I'm bad at goodbye
If this is the last time
Then let's do the things we always do
Like go for a drive or watch the news
I don't wanna cry, I'm bad at goodbye
If this is the last time*
(May 7th 2090) The last entry of the last book of my grandmother’s series. It’s y/g/s/n for your information. The last written update, it’s been years since grandma wrote in this book, but she got what she wanted, uncle Michael truly was the last of the bunch. He’s here waiting for his turn, but he did what was asked of him….and Luke. My first child wasn’t named after grandma, but when we were having our second Michael jumped at the opportunity, he’s holding y/n right now. He said she looks like a young grandma, so i guess it’s fitting. He’s on his way to join our family right now, I'm the last to say goodbye. I know you probably heard it a lot in this book, but thank you guys for everything, we love you.
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I am feeling very out of character so here is some a fluffy crazy romantic Calum blurb. It’s not even smutty. Who am I?
Calum grinned as he glanced over at the bouquet on his desk. It was just like you to surprise him with flowers at work. You were wildly romantic and refused to let his cynicism affect that. Your refusal to be anything but optimistic is what drew Calum to you in the first place. You refused to be daunted despite what the world threw at you, and he marveled at your toughness. 
When you met neither of you had been single, he was dating a woman who had the potential to be serious, and you were getting weary of a relationship that had seen better days. Your sister got involved with Calum's roommate, and while you found Roy incredibly tedious, Calum and Duke made the house one of your favorite hangouts. 
Your friendship grew closer and everyone noticed. Calum's relationship petered out. Meanwhile, your relationship quickly fell apart under constant accusations that you were cheating with Calum, or both him and Roy depending on how nasty the fight became. At that point, you hadn't even been alone in a room with Calum, and after such an ugly breakup you had no intention of jumping into a new relationship. The two of you had an easy friendship, and even after your sister upgraded her romantic partner you still came around to hang out with your boys as you called them.
Calum plucked a peach rose from the bouquet inhaling its scent, remembering your first date. It wasn't supposed to be a date, the two of you were bored out of your minds and decided to get out of the house. Calum wanted to get food, but you weren't hungry and insisted on going for a drive. You'd taken over the music, randomly selecting songs and making Calum sing along. Within an hour you'd rocked out to "London Calling," shimmied to "Jungle Love" and "Whatta Man  " His high notes in "Dancing Queen" had you giggling, but his rendition of "One Less Problem" sent you into hysterics. You made him pull over at every cheesy tourist trap and buy postcards. After a while, you were both starving and Calum pulled into the first restaurant he saw that wasn't fast food.
Opening the door he found a tiny Italian restaurant almost empty except for an older couple sharing a pizza in a corner booth. The hostess looked like someone's grandmother from the old country in Sicily. Her eyes lit up when he saw the two of you. She fussed over the two of you, blatantly ogling Calum in his blue jeans, docs, and a tight black T-shirt. 
"I'm Bianca, my husband works in the back," she introduced herself. "You two make a cute couple," the hostess commented, leading you to a table, decked out with a white linen tablecloth with white red checkered placemats.
"Thanks, it's our first date," Calum told her, leaning in towards the older woman,  lowering his voice as if he were telling her a secret.
"You came to the right place," she told him, patting his arm before giving you a not so subtle thumbs up. 
After she lit the small candle on the table, she left to let you look over the menus you'd looked at Calum, confused. 
"Shhh play along," he whispered with a wink and a brilliant smile. "We can pretend to be on a date, can't we? 
The staff went all out, starting with complimentary bruschetta which Calum made it a point to fawn over when Bianca told him it was her specialty. That was followed by antipasto before the house specialty pasta Verde, linguini with white wine sauce, chicken and spinach. There was so much food you both took several boxes to go. The drive home was slow, the music turned down so you could talk as you watched the sunset over the hills. 
You'd been a little drowsy when Calum dropped you off and walked you to your door. 
He hesitated before giving you an awkward hug and hurrying off leaving you cursing yourself for not being bolder. He was halfway home when he realized you'd left your leftovers in his car. He knew you were looking forward to the tiramisu you'd insisted on paying for yourself. He sent you a text and turned the car around. He still got butterflies thinking about how nervous you'd looked when you answered the door. How when he'd finally been ready to make a move you'd pounced first. Standing on your tiptoes in bare feet as your arms wound around his neck your lips found his, and just like that his heart was yours. 
Calum was snapped back to the present by his phone ringing on his desk. He frowned at being pulled out of his daydream until he saw your face flashing across his screen. 
"My love," you could hear the smile in his voice when he answered. "Thank you for the flowers." 
"I was about to say the same thing, but I think you went a bit overboard," you laughed holding the phone out so Calum could hear your coworkers cheering in the background. 
You worked at a small design firm with just three people and the company owner. Calum had sent all of them flowers although much smaller than the ostentatious display of orchids overwhelming your desk. 
"Nonsense, you all work so hard, and I may have had an ulterior motive," Calum confessed, putting his feet up on his desk.
"Yeah I can tell, suddenly my boss is insisting I take the afternoon off. So what's the plan Hood?" 
"What if I  order takeout from Mama's Kitchen and if you'll pick it up, I'll stop and get wine and meet you at the house. I've got a couple of calls to make, but I've canceled everything else. Sound good?" He asked her. 
"Of course, what's the special occasion?" You asked, a little confused. You'd sent him flowers on a whim, and now you were wondering if you missed something. 
"I'm in a romantic mood, what can I say? I'm not allowed to woo my beautiful girlfriend while also giving in to my craving for tiramisu," he paused, "and other sweet things," he finished, his voice trailing off to a deep rumble. 
"Order a whole one this time, you always eat more than you think you will. I'll see you at the house, love you," he grinned when he heard the "ooohs" of your coworkers. 
"Love you too, sunshine," he hung up and called the restaurant. 
The nickname, sunshine, came the day he'd asked you to move in. Nine months as a couple and he was set to go home for the holidays when his regular dog sitter fell through. You jumped at the chance to stay at Calum's place to take care of Duke. You'd sent Calum a video each night highlighting your day with Duke. One night while video chatting with he'd suggested you go through his closet a bit to try on his clothes, and take a few pics. He still had one of you in his silver sparkle jacket with nothing else on except red heels and lipstick as his lock screen.  By the time three weeks were up Calum was frustrated by how much longer the flight home seemed to take. He'd arrived home grumpy but relieved to see your car in the driveway. He'd come in the front door but heard nothing until he got further in the house. Your voice was coming from the backyard and Calum followed the sound until he saw you. You were singing to Duke, bouncing and shuffling your feet and he danced with you bopping around on his little paws.  
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine," you'd sang, almost finished with the song before a twirl brought you face to face with him, stopping you cold. He remembered the bashful look on your face and the way you couldn't meet his eyes. Duke has been caught off guard and toppled over when he ran into the back of your legs. Calum didn't say a word as he took two steps before folding you into his arms and singing the final lines. 
"You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away." He'd asked you to live with him that night and you'd been his sunshine ever since.
The cars might be different but the relief at coming home to you was still the same. Duke met him at the door and he could hear you in the kitchen. He set his flowers down on the hallway table under the mirror, and scooped Duke up to give him chin scratches. He found you setting the brushetta out on a plate while the pasta was kept warm in the oven. 
"Hey handsome, dinner's ready." You greeted him with a smile wiping your hands on a napkin as he set Duke down. 
"Food can wait, I want you first," he sighed sliding his arms around your waist and pulling you in close. 
"Mmmmm I don't know what's gotten into you, but I like it," your voice caught in your chest as Calum's lips found your neck. 
"I'm hopelessly in love," he murmured feathering kisses across your collarbone. "I know I'm not always good with words but I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling. I gotta make you understand." Calum's hands began unbuttoning your shirt and he backed you up against the counter. Your fingers tangled in his dark curls as his teeth scraped against your skin. 
"Understand what," you gasped as he pushed the food aside before he lifted you onto the counter. 
"That I'm never gonna give you up," he whispered, pushing your shirt off your shoulders. "Never gonna let you down. Never gonna run around and desert you. Never gonna make you cry. Never gonna say goodbye. Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you. Never gonna give you up. Never gonna let you down. Never gonna run around and desert you. Never gonna make you cry. Never gonna say goodbye. Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you. Never gonna give you up. Never gonna let you down. Never gonna run around and desert you. Never gonna make you cry."
@kiiiimberlyriiiicker1995​ @sexgodashton​ @tea4sykes​ @sublimehood​ @irwinkitten​ @kchillout​ @cal-pal-cuddles​ @ghostofmashton​ @noshamenion​ @ukulelecal​ @maluminspace​ @calteahood​ @h0tsos​ @wildmichaelflower​ @itstheholls​ @dukehoods​ @toofadedtofight​
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lilmixed-girl · 4 years
I like me better when im with you.
A/N: I got a burst of inspiration so let's just go with it.
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Description: The Virus has finally left and now Calum can finally admit his feeling.
(i suck at descriptions sorry)
Pairing: Calum x Female Reader
 You never imagine you would live in California but let alone be friends with a band that you grew up listening too. Moving halfway across the country was a big deal of its own but you moved just about a month be for Covid 19 started to spread. You luckily went out there with some friends and a solid savings account that you knew you would be fine just had to wait everything out. before this all happened you met up with one of your online friends that you have known for years, her name was Crystle and she invited you to have out with her and her boyfriends along with his bandmates. you could turn up the opportunity to make some new friends. after that moment you guys all were instantly inseparable they turned into your brothers and you just grew closer with Crystle and Sierra. When the stay at home order began your heart tore to be away from them but that didn't stop you all, you practically Facetimed every day. especially with Calum. It seemed you guys clicked faster than everyone else.
Fast forward to about a month it was the first night finally being allowed to go out and It’s currently 8:30 pm and you’re getting ready to head out for the night, meeting everyone at a Bar downtown LA. you wanted to show up fashionably late that way you didn't get rushed and it kept the paparazzi off of you. this isolation made them go crazy so they are trying to make up for the lost time and you didn't wanna be apart of this week's gossip so It's a Win-Win. you were just putting your shoes on and heading out the door cause the Lyft just arrived. you wearing some jeans and a bodysuit, its cute but simple. The bar you were heading to isn't the most lavish place but everyone loves it cause its quiet and secluded, A hole in the wall as they put it.
After a quick ride, you thanked your driver and headed out. not having to go far to find the guys cause Calum is outside smoking and the rest of them are keeping him company while drinking their beer. you sneak right up beside Calum without him noticing and snag the cigarette out of his hand. “you know these are bad for you right?” you said after taking a hit from it, “plus if you keep smoking these the fans are going to make more punk Calum fanfics” you added with a wink. He laughs “how would you know, do you read about me before you go to bed?” all the boys laugh and you couldn't help but join in. “That's for me to know and you to never find out,” you said and headed inside to find the girls. The night went by smooth it was just you catching up with some friends over drinks. if you had it your way you would do this every night with them. “not to get all cheesy but I would like to make a toast” you grabbed everyone's attention, “to our freedom, Not only has it been a long month with being contained in quarantined but also to the guys for releasing an amazing album. Honestly, guys, it's so good I can't even lie to you.and even though it has been out for a couple of weeks I'm so glad we all can be together to celebrate” Everyone starts to smile and nod their heads “since moving here it wasn't exactly the smoothest transition but you all have been nothing but sweet and caring to me and I can't help but thank you. So tonight I want us to have a good ass time and enjoy our freedom finally.” they all cheered and got another round of drinks going. Calum looked at you with a small smile.
It sadly became time to all go separate ways, Calum insisted on driving you home instead of getting a uber, as you guys pulled up to your apartment. “hey before you go, it's been on my brain all night” you could tell he was a little hesitant to say what he was about to say, so you decided to not rush him. “You know meeting you has been such a positive for me in my life, you have been our biggest supporter and so kind to everyone. Heck, you even stuck your neck out for sierra when she was getting all that hate and you didn't even know her well yet. And being locked in the house for what seemed like a year I couldn't wait to get out, not only just to be free but to see you and that beautiful smile.” you could help but have tears well up in your eyes before you could say anything he continues “I don't want what I'm saying to affect us negatively so if you don’t feel the say way that's alright we can just forget this ever happened, but I just need to get this out. I like you a lot and I would love to take you out and see what this could be if you want.” he finished with and a kinda scared look, like he wasn't sure what you would say. and to be honest you have always thought Calum was cute but you are so used to not having guys like you back so you pushed down your feelings. “I would love to go out with you Calum,” you said with the biggest smile “oh thank god I was praying you would say that.” he lets out a sigh of relief. You told him to text you when he wants to set up the date, you entered your apartment with the same big smile you had in the car. Today just couldn't get any better.
AN:i hope you like it sorry if it feels kinda rushed i kinda wanna do a pt.2 for it so just let me know please! i hope everyone is doing ok and at home and safe. Love you All XOXO
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goldensstateofgrace · 4 years
OK I need yall’s help! would you rather have a kinda sad but long cal blurb or a fluffy dad!cal blurb??? i need help! i wanna write both rn but i can’t so which one?!?!?!? 
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kaleidoscopxeyesx · 4 years
The Middle | 5SOS - Ashton Irwin Imagine
Inspirada pelo cover do 5 Seconds of Summer de “The Middle” e baseada na letra da música ❤ Esse é o meu primeiro imagine do 5SOS - e em estilo de songfic também - então espero que gostem! 
nº de palavras: 3K
legendas: (S/N) - seu nome  (s/cor/o) - sua cor de olhos.
sinopse: você e Ashton namoram há aproximadamente um ano e tudo sempre foi bom e descomplicado entre vocês - tão perfeito quanto possível. Ou, pelo menos, até cerca de uma semana atrás, quando ele começou a se comportar diferente e vocês passaram a brigar com frequência, fazendo-os chegar até o que parece o limite com mais essa discussão acalorada.
Pedidos estão abertos!💕 
Aproveitem pra imaginar muito com esse anjo impecável e se gostarem, ainda tenho outros em mente com cada um dos nossos aussies ❤ Boa leitura!  ❤
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Era como se o ar pudesse pesar sobre seus ombros - de novo.
Você estava sentada no sofá desarrumado da sala de estar de Ashton, as mãos enterradas nos cabelos e a cabeça entre os joelhos. Seus olhos (s/cor/o) estavam avermelhados, mas você já não chorava - embora algo em você ainda a fizesse sentir vontade.
Ashton estava distante o suficiente para evitar danos - porque sinceramente, a tensão que havia entre vocês era tão carregada que fazia parecer que trocar mais uma palavra poderia fazer o cômodo inteiro ruir.
Sentado na escada, ele tinha uma das mãos fechada em punho na altura da testa, por onde algumas mechas dos cabelos desarrumados caíam, enquanto os olhos estavam presos em algum ponto no chão sob seus pés. 
Vocês realmente não faziam ideia de como haviam chegado à essa bagunça, ou por quê as coisas haviam ficado tão agressivas e inóspitas entre vocês há mais ou menos uma semana agora. 
Ashton vinha estando bem ocupado com os compromissos da banda nos últimos meses, mas isso não era um problema - depois de aproximadamente um ano juntos, vocês sabiam lidar bem com isso. O fato é que, de repente, ele não só estava mais fora do que na própria casa - onde você vinha ficando com ele há algum tempo -,  como vocês também passavam o tempo juntos, na verdade, se desentendendo. 
Você achava que ele vinha sendo grosseiro com você às vezes, em assuntos e momentos que te pareciam realmente aleatórios, e ele ou parecia não notar, ou achava que você estava exagerando. Talvez fosse o estresse, e você já havia pego até algumas dicas de ciúmes aqui e ali, mas por que faria sentido? E além do mais, não seria mais fácil ele confessar o que quer que fosse e vocês conversariam sobre isso, ao invés de atacar um ao outro, competindo pela última palavra? 
Porque vinha sendo assim nos últimos dias, até que um de vocês: a) se distanciasse para evitar uma continuação; b) esquecesse o orgulho e se aproximasse, ou c) que tivessem se passado horas o suficiente para esquecer o motivo de tudo aquilo, voltando a conversar como se nada tivesse acontecido. 
Depois de horas, de novo você escolhia a opção que vinha sendo “favorita” nesse cenário de caos, e se levantou do sofá esfregando os olhos discretamente, até parar na frente da escada que levava ao andar de cima, onde o baterista estava. Mesmo querendo passar, você não tinha intenção de criar uma nova discussão, então suspirou antes de falar, fazendo-o levantar a cabeça na sua direção. 
-Com licença? - você murmurou, piscando para o chão e depois para os degraus atrás dele. Era fácil ceder olhando naqueles olhos, com o olhar que sabia que ele tinha agora. 
-Por que? Aonde você vai? - ele se apressou em perguntar, hesitando em sair do caminho. Os olhos dele correram o seu rosto de lá pra cá, um misto de dúvida e medo. 
Você pensou por um momento e desistiu de mentir. Que se dane. 
-Vou pegar minhas coisas. 
Assim que disse, você engoliu a seco e foi inevitável repassar quantas vezes havia pensado e dito aquilo naqueles últimos dias. Torcendo pra que ele não notasse a hesitação e pra que, principalmente, não tentasse impedir, você ergueu os olhos tão duramente para os dele quanto pôde. 
Ele se levantou na mesma hora. Você respirou fundo, mas não se moveu quanto a figura alta dele fez sombra à sua. 
-(S/N), não, é sério. Por que você fica...? - ele começou a protestar, mas num espaço que deu ao erguer os braços, você engoliu o ar e passou escada acima. 
Doía agir dessa maneira - se esquivar um do outro, poupar palavras e gestos -, mas ultimamente, todas as alternativas que vocês escolhiam pareciam doer igual - só cada vez mais profundas numa ferida que não se lembravam de ter aberto. 
E no entanto, lá estava ela, ardendo e consumindo cada um - e tudo o que havia no meio - como fogo ateado pra isso. 
Fazendo você puxar com força as gavetas do armário onde suas coisas se misturavam às dele, arrancando de lá as roupas e jogando-as na cama sem olhar - e sem pensar. 
Fazendo Ashton seguir você até ali só pra parar no batente com um olhar de desespero e exaustão, e depois passar para o lado de dentro, pedindo que você parasse enquanto te impedia de pegar a mala no alto do compartimento que só ele costumava alcançar por vocês dois. 
-Me larga, Ashton! Tire as mãos...! - você relutou contra os braços fortes dele te segurando, mãos fechadas nos seus pulsos, te impedindo de mover mas tentando não usar toda a força que ele tinha, porque não queria te machucar. 
-Pare, (S/N), me escute um minuto! - ele gritou exasperado, abaixando seus braços nas mãos dele e te encarando com os olhos muito abertos - Foi só uma discussão idiota e nós já tivemos outras, você sabe disso!
-É claro que eu sei! - você gritou de volta, se inclinando na direção dele conforme falava, a rispidez da voz parecendo rasgar seu peito - E eu não estou disposta a mais, é por isso que não podemos passar mais uma noite debaixo do mesmo teto! - exclamou, batendo os braços no ar pra se livrar das mãos dele, que os soltou de repente, se afastando. 
-O que diabos você quer dizer com isso? - ele diminuiu um pouco o tom, mas ainda era áspero e o rosto estava desenhado em expectativa. 
Não era possível que você estivesse sugerindo o que aquelas palavras faziam parecer - foi o que ele pensou quando você desviou o olhar e seus olhos arderam sob a atenção dos dele. 
-Você está indo embora? - ele insistiu, dessa vez um pouco mais alto, como se te sacudisse de um transe. E bateu as mãos nas pernas, impaciente, sem tirar os olhos dos seus.
-Eu não sei, Ash, eu não sei! - você respondeu de uma vez, também impaciente, sem piscar completamente porque não queria ceder às lágrimas acumuladas - Faz alguma diferença, afinal? Pra você, quero dizer, do jeito que temos estado?
Ele riu sem humor, rolando os olhos e virando-se para a porta, negando com a cabeça. 
-É claro que faz! - e se virou de volta pra você, o resquício de riso irônico ainda na voz, como se fosse óbvio, passando as mãos com raiva pelos cabelos despojados. 
Você começou a discutir de novo um segundo depois, mas ele se virou de novo para a porta, como se procurasse alguma resposta, as mãos ainda enterradas nos cachos castanhos claros com nervosismo - e não estava mais te ouvindo. 
Ele sempre impedira a si mesmo de pensar no momento em que você iria embora por algumas razões.
1. porque parecia loucura ficar com alguém pensando que terminaria; 2. ele nunca havia pensado que te daria motivos pra isso; 3. porque ele sempre garantira a si mesmo, e a você também, que nunca deixaria isso acontecer - a menos que fizesse algo realmente estúpido e merecesse. 
Isso se reacendeu na cabeça de Ashton naquele mesmo instante - quando ele cogitou a ideia de que você estivesse indo -, e então ele se virou de volta. Você estava gritando sobre ele sempre dar as costas, como estava fazendo ali, e as lágrimas já umedeciam seu rosto quando ele negou com a cabeça e disse. 
-Eu não posso deixar você ir. 
Você demorou alguns segundos pra captar as palavras, ter certeza de que ele as havia dito. 
-O que? - e franziu o cenho, pensando no quanto aquilo era desconexo de todo o ódio e amargura que você estava despejando nele há um momento atrás. 
-Não posso deixar você ir, (S/N), e não vou. - ele passou por você de repente, pegando as roupas na cama e atirando-as de volta na gaveta vazia, voltando a dizer enquanto isso - Não é assim que nós resolvemos as coisas! Nós não deveríamos estar tomando caminhos separados nisso, então ninguém vai fugir hoje, certo?!
Ele praticamente ordenou, categórico como você sabia que podia ser, mas há tanto não ouvia naquele sentido. Ele não havia mesmo jogado aquilo contra você, não é? 
Sim, ele havia. E foi quando parou de se mover pra lá e pra cá, batendo a gaveta de volta com uma mão, que você disse, desacreditada. 
-Fugir?! - e bateu as mãos no ar, deixando uma risada irônica escapar na pergunta retórica e, pra você, estúpida - Sabe, Ashton, você tem razão. Nós não deveríamos estar assim, porque eu estou cansada de sentir que tenho feito tudo sozinha por nós dois! - você tornou a gritar, a garganta e o peito raspando com o tom, sem se importar. 
-Sozinha! - ele exclamou, copiando sua ironia e voltando a gesticular com as mãos no ar, se virando, mas sem sair do quarto. Você esfregou as mãos no rosto e quando ele abriu a boca para falar de novo, não houve tempo - Como se eu-
-Por que você não me encontra na droga do meio do caminho, Ashton?! Por que você não entra num acordo comigo de uma vez?
As palavras fizeram um eco ensurdecedor e quando vocês se deram conta dos rostos um do outro, o estrago estava tão claro que era doloroso. Mas, havia algo no silêncio que fizera parecer que aquilo finalmente acabaria - que ele atenderia ao seu pedido em forma de súplica.
Ashton viu os caminhos das lágrimas reluzindo nas suas bochechas ao toque da luz e as marcas de umidade nas mangas do moletom muito largo dele, que você usava e torcia nos dedos. 
Você viu os olhos dele discretamente marejados, os cachos bagunçados demais caindo nas têmporas e os músculos rígidos debaixo da camiseta branca que ele vestia. 
Vocês dois imploravam um ao outro por alguma coisa, em silêncio, só fixando um ao outro com o olhar - pra você, porque já havia dito demais. Por isso, quando a boca dele se entreabriu e sua esperança foi quebrada por um suspiro seguido de nada, você irrompeu escada abaixo de novo, sem pensar. 
Ele resmungou consigo mesmo no quarto e, batendo os pés, seguiu você até a cozinha. 
Ainda haviam respingos no chão e o som da torneira pingando lentamente na pia, onde os cacos de um copo estavam espalhados - assim como os estilhaços de um prato na bancada bem ao centro do lugar. 
Era como se o caos que vocês vinham sendo estivesse retratado por todo lado.
Ele havia tentado fazer um café da manhã -  embora tivessem acordado consideravelmente tarde pra isso - pra vocês, e quando você acordou, decidiu ajudar. Parecia que seria um dia gostoso e diferente dos outros daquela semana - como era há uma ou duas semanas atrás. 
Ou, pelo menos, essas haviam sido as melhores intenções de vocês. 
Quando os dois se deram conta, um comentário e uma resposta brusca haviam se tornado uma discussão acalorada e, de repente, as coisas estavam quebradas nas suas mãos e nas dele, entre as vozes exasperadas de vocês. 
E Ashton nunca desejou tanto que as intenções realmente bastassem - exceto por agora. 
-Você não pode me deixar sozinha um pouco? - você retrucou quando o viu chegar na cozinha, enxugando as lágrimas antes de se virar completamente para vê-lo - Não parecia ter nada pra dizer lá em cima mesmo. 
-Me desculpe, está bem?! - ele devolveu antes que você pudesse acrescentar algo, o tom mais alto de novo - Eu não sei o que aconteceu com nós nessa última semana, quando foi que tudo ficou tão... Agressivo e complicado, eu acho. - ele negou com a cabeça pra si mesmo - Mas, eu sei que é algo sobre mim, também. 
Com o modo como ele frisou a última palavra, você franziu o cenho e caminhou hesitante na direção dele. 
-Também? - você repetiu, incrédula, erguendo o rosto para fitar o dele conforme se aproximava, e começou a disparar as palavras com ansiedade depois de um suspiro.
-Você não está mesmo tentando dizer que eu fiz algo de errado, não é? Que eu tenho feito algo além de...
-Eu estou dizendo que se precisa de dois pra fazer uma briga, (S/N). - ele interrompeu num tom médio, mas amargo.
-Ah, é claro! - você bateu as mãos no ar com ironia - Como se eu tivesse feito algo todos esses dias além de tentar cercar e amenizar as coisas entre nós! Era realmente só o que estava faltando! Você esperar que eu ficasse quieta ouvindo tudo que...
-Eu esperava que nós fizéssemos as coisas do jeito certo! - ele te cortou, gesticulando ansioso - Fácil e bom, como sempre foi! 
Com um silêncio tênue, você engoliu a seco e torceu mais o tecido do moletom nas mãos, um nó se formando na garganta, quando ele expirou com pesar e se virou de um lado para o outro antes de falar, num tom mais ameno. 
-Você não faz ideia de como eu só quero, todos os dias, chegar e ter você perto, como era... - ele passou os lábios um pelo outro e te encarou fixamente no silêncio, tentando reajustar a voz - E eu não...
-Então me traga pra perto, Ash! - você exclamou, ignorando a forma como sua voz oscilou, se aproximando dele - Por que você não faz isso?! - você repetiu e o empurrou no peito, as lágrimas ardendo nos olhos. 
No mesmo instante, ele fechou as mãos nos seus braços e quando você cedeu, passou os braços em volta do seu corpo com força, fazendo você colidir com o dele. O rosto em seu peito substituiu as mãos, sem poder ou querer se mover no laço estreito e forte dos braços dele ao seu redor. 
Ele descansou o rosto no topo da sua cabeça e quando fechou os olhos, tudo desapareceu, exceto o aroma familiar do seu perfume tão perto e o corpo bem encaixado nos braços dele, a respiração acalmando gradativamente e discreta. As lágrimas quentes na camisa dele, chegando à pele, cortando o coração dele, mas todo o resto - você - recompondo-o de volta.
E fora exatamente o mesmo com você. Um quadro branco preencheu todo o caos e arsenal de palavras violentas que estavam na sua cabeça antes. Só havia a sensação acalentadora dos braços fortes e quentes dele ao seu redor, como um porto seguro depois da tempestade. O perfume ressoando conforme você respirava, as batidas do coração no seu ouvido. Você quase podia ouvir o alívio na forma como se acalmavam, deixando de lutar. 
-Me desculpe, Ash. - você tentou dizer, num murmúrio, sem se mover - Eu sei que fui dura e te machuquei também, nunca quis fazer isso. 
Você apertou os braços mais ao redor da cintura dele e ele devolveu, fechando mais os dele à sua volta e inclinando a cabeça para encostar os lábios no topo da sua.
-Eu também nunca quis fazer isso com você, babe. - ele disse à altura dos seus cabelos, com aquele sotaque australiano no vocativo que te fez sorrir - Eu acho que foi só porque esses últimos dias têm sido tão cheios com os garotos e a banda, que eu não... - ele hesitou, pigarreando - Eu não queria trazer os problemas do trabalho pra você, então fiquei evitando e nós ficamos distantes. 
Conforme ele falava, você relacionava as palavras e desenhava círculos invisíveis nas costas dele com os dedos, mas quando aquela frase ressoara, você parou. Uma onda estranha passou por sua cabeça e você começou a entender, se deixando levar conforme ele falava, porque tudo começava a fazer sentido e o chão sob seus pés pareceu se refazer aos poucos. 
-E então ver você se dar bem com os garotos, e correr para as suas amigas quado nós brigamos... - ele negou com a cabeça, afastando as imagens e te reassegurando perto - Acho que me deixou com ciúmes e irritado, e eu não tinha saídas assim. Sei que deve soar estúpido e chegar a esse ponto é-
-Olhe pra mim, Ash. - você cortou-o, se afastando só o suficiente para fazê-lo te encarar - Você deve sempre me contar, tudo isso. Os problemas do trabalho e como se sente com as coisas, todas elas. - e sorriu, passando uma das mãos pelo lado do rosto dele.
-Se vamos passar a noite brigando ou falando sobre o seu trabalho, eu não me importaria nem em enumerar as cantadas ruins de vocês e ver um compilado de vídeos do Michael gritando sem motivo. 
Com isso, ele segurou sua mão no rosto dele enquanto ria, negando com a cabeça e você não pôde deixar de fazer o mesmo. 
-Mas, é sério. Nós estamos juntos Ash, pra valer. E não tem problema sem solução se estivermos sempre assim. 
Conforme você dizia, ele correu os olhos pelos traços no seu rosto e os lábios se movendo enquanto você falava, e depois sorria - apreciando e absorvendo cada detalhe. Então sorriu de volta e beijou a palma da sua mão no rosto dele. 
-É, eu sei, você tem razão. Eu só estava cheio demais pra lembrar disso, mas não vai acontecer de novo. Exceto pela louça, talvez. - ele acenou para os pedaços quebrados na bancada e na pia, fazendo uma careta. 
Você riu com gosto, concordando com a cabeça antes de entrelaçar os dedos de vocês e baixar o olhar um segundo. 
-E eu sinto muito por fugir também. Era só ao que eu conseguia chegar pra evitar que piorasse, e acho que nunca realmente parei pra pensar no quão ruim era. 
-Está tudo bem, amor, isso já passou. - ele garantiu, acarinhando sua mão na dele - Agora eu vou garantir também que você nunca mais precise fazer isso. 
Com um olhar de dúvida, mas contente e afeiçoado enquanto observava o rosto dele, você segurou o sorriso e esperou em silêncio, quando ele entrelaçou as mãos na sua cintura e te aproximou, os olhos atentos nos seus. 
-Vou sempre te encontrar no meio do caminho. - ele sussurrou, sorrindo de canto como uma criança orgulhosa.
E antes que você pudesse se erguer nos próprios pés, Ash se inclinou pra colar os lábios de vocês um no outro, acabando com o meio centímetro de distância em que você sorriu, selando o beijo com afeto.
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egyptiangoldhood · 6 years
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he’s really out here trying to kill us all
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caelesjjk · 5 years
Blurb week
Would anyone wanna send me some domestic!sos blurb requests? I’m in a writing funk and I think maybe if I write something else for a bit I’ll be able to finish fic I’ve been working on. So send me things and I’ll write them this week!
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okay but imagine waking up earlier than Calum and cooking him his favorite food and he wakes up without you and is all whiny but then smells his fav breakfast and is suddenly v happy and just excitedly stumbles into the kitchen with his wonderful messy bed hair and in just sweatpants and he just hugs you from behind while you’re cooking and wow im sad
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