architeuthis3 · 7 months
"The [people] are the primary units of the actual community, and the community is composed of the units. But each unit has in its nature a reference to every other member of the community, so that each other member of the community, so that each unit is a microcosm representing in itself the entire all-inclusive universe." - Lecture: Body and Spirit, 1926, Alfred North Whitehead spirit matters redux. Terence McKenna various artists assembled by; adam sturch. cover thumbnail; Image Credit: Change the Ref The parents of a student killed in the 2018 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have tricked a former president of the National Rifle Association into giving a high school graduation speech defending gun rights in front of 3,044 empty white chairs — one chair for each student who could not graduate this year because they were killed by gun violence. David Keene, who still serves on the NRA board, thought he was giving a rehearsal speech for graduating students at the James Madison Academy at Las Vegas — but no such school exists. This is part of what David Keene said. David Keene: “There are some who will continue to fight to gut the Second Amendment. But I’d be willing to bet that many of you will be among those who stand up and prevent them from succeeding.” The stunt was organized by Change the Ref, a group founded by Manuel and Patricia Oliver, whose son Joaquin “Guac” was shot dead in the Parkland, Florida, massacre in 2018. - headlines. 6.24.21. Democracy Now.
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lil gengar gijinka/screenshot redraw cause I just love them <3
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Briana via her IG story | 6.24.2021
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Reckless Good (3/?)
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia
Fic Rating: Explicit
Chapter Rating: Teen+
Pairing: Todoroki Shouto/Midoriya Izuku 
Note: Thanks so much for the great response so far! And if you haven’t already, please check out some of the other great pieces for the TDDK Big Bang this year!
Todoroki Shouto had accepted his fate as a public figure when he became a pro-hero, but there are some parts of his private life he would like to stay private. When he gets invited to be a speaker in a college lecture series, he goes to the meeting with one goal: to give the coordinator a piece of his mind and finally put an end to people hounding him for information about his family.
The last thing he expects is the curious, and quirkless, hero- and quirk-study professor, Midoriya Izuku, who has no interest in his family’s history, and, somehow, even more ties to the hero industry than Shouto. Intrigued by the professor, Shouto tentatively agrees to the lecture series, unknowingly intertwining their futures.
But the more Todoroki sees of Midoriya, the more questions he has. When a villain attack leaves them living together until the culprits are apprehended, maybe he’ll finally get some answers.
AO3: (x) Chapter One: (X) Chapter Two: (X)
Shouto is, regrettably, not unfamiliar with the process of checking into the hospital, or the protocols in the burn unit, but things seem to go surprisingly quick with a doctor at his side, explaining not only the extent of his injury but the cause. Just a few moments after they’ve arrived, Shouto is whisked away from Dr. Midoriya and Kou to have his burn cleaned and dressed. They run the usual battery of tests, poke him for blood what feels like a dozen times, and after about half a dozen reassurances to various doctors and nurses that, yes, he does know how to care for a burn at home, he’s told he might be able to go home later that night.
The room he’s put in is, admittedly, one of the nicer hospital rooms that he’s visited. It’s part of a private wing made specifically for pro-heroes to get a little peace from fans and the media while recovering, but it doesn’t make him hate it any less. He’s only been alone in the room for twenty minutes or so, but he’s already contemplating a prison break. Let Momo handle the paperwork for his unconventional discharge on her next day at the office and call it good. But the risk of being put on some extra mandatory leave is too great. His doctor and Momo have been on his case about taking care of himself properly for months now and they’d love any excuse to bench him for a few extra weeks, instead of the couple of days he’ll need for the burn to heal enough that he can cover it securely and get back to work.
There’s a short knock on the door. Shouto starts to mentally prepare himself for another argument with a doctor when the door inches open and Kou peeks in. Surprised, Shouto waves to her. Kou smiles back, turning to motion at someone behind her. A moment later the door opens the rest of the way and Kou rushes in, followed by Dr. Midoriya.
“Dr. Midoriya and I are on a secret adventure.” Kou announces in a whisper. There’s a Uravity-themed spacesuit sticker on her cheek and she looks as if she’s recovered from the evening’s events, but her clothes have been replaced by a colorful hospital gown and fuzzy bathrobe.
Dr. Midoriya hasn’t changed his clothes, but he has a white lab coat on over top.
“Oh? What is your secret adventure?” Shouto asks. He shifts to the side and makes room for Kou to climb onto the bed besides him.
“Visiting you!” She announces, happily. “It’s a secret because I’m not supposed to leave the quirk ward, but Dr. Midoriya snuck me out. This is for you. Dr. Midoriya said you were friends!” She pulls two more stickers out of a pocket in her robe and hands them to him; a music note that says Earphone Jack and a nesting doll in Creati’s costume.
“Thank you,” Shouto says genuinely, though he has no idea what he’s going to do with the stickers. But his mind is distracted by Kou’s other words. The quirk ward? Obviously there was a reason the villains had targeted the girl, but that detail had gotten buried in the chaos of everything else. Now he’s reminded of the villain’s words…something about her being the key.
He looks up but Dr. Midoriya meets his eye with a subtle shake of his head.
Shouto lets the subject drop for now, but he’s determined to stay a part of this investigation. He’ll get his answers eventually.
Turning back to Kou, he tries a hesitant smile. “Would you still like that autograph?”
Her whole being lights up. “Really?” She reaches into the pocket of her robe again only for her face to drop. “Oh. I forgot my notebook.”
Dr. Midoriya taps her on the shoulder, holding out a small, heart-shaped notepad and a glittery gel pen.
Kou gasps, taking the items from him with excited thanks. She flips through the notebook quickly looking for a blank page, and Shouto is surprised by how many signatures she’s already amassed. Satisfied with the location, she hands the notebook and pen to him. She’s practically vibrating in excitement as he writes a quick note to her, trying to make it sound a little more personal than his usual scribbled signature.
Just as Shouto finishes his note, there’s another knock on the door. Yet another doctor steps into the room, reading through something in a folder. Her long, silver hair is draped over her shoulder in a thick braid and there’s a sharp horn coming out of her forehead. She seems faintly familiar to Shouto but he can’t place why he would recognize her. At the very least he doesn’t think he’s ever had her as a doctor before. She stops in her tracks when she sees Dr. Midoriya and Kou gathered around his hospital bed.
“Izuku!” she scolds, crossing her arms over her chest.
It takes Shouto a moment to remember Izuku is Dr. Midoriya’s first name. He glances up at him.
Dr. Midoriya leans close to Kou, covering his mouth with one hand to stage whisper to her. “I think we got caught.”
Kou copies him with a quiet giggle. “Oops.”
Shouto closes her notebook carefully and slides it across the bed. Kou covertly slips it into her robe.
“What are you even doing here?” The new doctor asks, exasperated. There’s no way she didn’t hear the two of them whispering, but she seems to be ignoring it.
“Kou just wanted to thank Entropy for saving her!” Dr. Midoriya insists, apparently choosing to take no blame in their “secret adventure.”
“Dr. Aizawa has a quirk kind of like mine,” Kou tells Shouto in a hushed voice while the two doctors argue. “She and Dr. Midoriya are really nice. And funny.”
Dr. Aizawa makes it all click. The light hair and the horn. She was the same little girl Aizawa had adopted during Shouto’s first year.
“We were just leaving, Dr. Aizawa!” Kou chimes in suddenly, sliding off the bed and grabbing Dr. Midoriya’s hand. “Bye!”
Dr. Aizawa shakes her head as Dr. Midoriya is pulled out of the room by a girl a quarter his size. “This isn’t over just because you have a patient protecting you, Izuku.”
Dr. Midoriya sends a bright smile back at her just as the door closes on the two of them.
“I hope they weren’t bothering you too much,” Dr. Aizawa says as she comes over to Shouto’s bed.
He shakes his head. “No, I’m glad I got to see her again. I was worried she’d be a little more upset after everything.”
“Kou’s a strong girl. She’s going to be okay.” Dr. Aizawa says with certainty. “Anyways, I’m Aizawa Eri, I’m part of the hero staff here.”
“Aizawa, er...Eraserhead’s daughter, right?”
Dr. Aizawa smiles and it looks so shockingly like Dr. Midoriya’s, Shouto can’t help but wonder about what their connection to each other is. Especially with how casually she spoke to him. Could they be related? It seems like he would have known if his homeroom teacher had also had or adopted a son his age, wouldn’t he? “That’s right, you were one of his students! Nice to see you again.”
Shouto bows his head in acknowledgement. He knows he met the young girl Aizawa adopted a few times, but his memories of her are fuzzy at best.
Dr. Aizawa checks him over again, asking him a few questions about how he’s feeling and what’s been done already. Finally, she gets to why she’s here to see him. “I’m not sure if you would remember, but my quirk is Rewind. It’s delicate but helpful for healing, especially for many pros. If you remember about how long ago you were burned, I should be able to heal your arm so that you can get back to work without too much fuss.”
Dr. Aizawa nods. “I can rewind your body back to before it happened, but it will rewind your whole body so the closer to the exact time it happened the better, otherwise too many things could change. Do you have a good idea of when it happened?”
“What time is it now?”
Dr. Aizawa glances at her watch. “Almost ten.”
Shouto is briefly surprised by that information. He hadn’t realized how long he had been in the hospital already. “I left the agency after the first alerts came in around 6:30, so it was probably around 7 that I made contact with the villain. I can’t be more exact than that, unfortunately.”
“That should work alright. Would you like to be rewound, or would you prefer to let it heal naturally?”
Shouto shakes his head. Anything to speed up the process. “No, please rewind it if you can.”
She smiles. “Okay, it will be just a moment then.”
Dr. Aizawa pulls on a pair of gloves and takes his arm in her hands, gently, mindful of the injury and the loose bandages protecting it.
A moment later the horn at her temple begins to glow, Shouto has to look away as the warm light grows brighter and then, just like that, it’s over. When he looks back at the doctor, her horn has shrunk a little, losing some of the sharp edge at the top.
“Okay! You should be good to go. How does it feel?”
Shouto moves his arm a few times, relieved that there’s no pain as he moves it. Carefully he peels off the bandages. It looks as if he was never injured, not even a small scar left behind.
Dr. Aizawa looks pleased with the results. “Perfect. Unfortunately it doesn’t work on non-living things so you will have to have your costume repaired separately.”
“That’s fine,” Shouto says. He was more worried about being forced to take some sick leave than repairing his costume to begin with. “Thank you.”
Dr. Aizawa smiles again. “Of course. I’m happy to help.” She pulls a few papers out of her folder and hands them to him. “If you are ready, you can take these to the desk out front and you’ll be discharged.”
Shouto hesitates as he takes the papers from her. An hour ago he was ready to run at the first chance, but now…she was someone who might have some answers…
“Kou mentioned that the two of you had similar quirks,”
“I’m sorry. If you become a part of the investigation I’m sure you’ll find out more information, but for now I can’t disclose a patient’s information.”  Dr. Aizawa says before he can even finish figuring out exactly what he wants to ask.
“Right. Sorry.”
“It’s alright. I don’t blame you for being curious, not after everything that’s happened.”
Dr. Aizawa looks ready to leave, but there’s one more thing Shouto has to ask. At least while he still has a chance.
“Can I ask about Dr. Midoriya, then?”
Dr. Aizawa stops with a puzzled look. “Izuku? What about him?”
Shouto's mind goes blank. Everything doesn’t seem like a plausible response. At least not one that would get him anywhere. “Uh, I…I was just surprised to hear you call him Izuku. Are you close?”
Dr. Aizawa studies him for a long time as if she could determine whatever ulterior motives he had for asking just by staring him down. Maybe she could if even he knew what he was doing asking these questions.
“I’ve known Izuku for a long time,” she finally says. “He’s like family.”
The answer is careful, guarded. With the slightest undertone of a threat.
“…Right.” Shouto replies awkwardly. “Thank you.”
Dr. Aizawa inclines her head to him. “Have a nice night, Entropy.”
 After checking out with Dr. Aizawa’s discharge papers, Shouto heads back to the agency. Sunspot practically tackles him in the lobby.
“Entropy! You’re okay! I thought you were just going to check on the kidnapped civilian, but then Ingenium told me his friend was taking you to the hospital and that I had nothing to worry about so I should just go back to the agency but I didn’t know why you were going to the hospital or what was happening,” she stutters over her words for a moment, taking a breath. “Was it okay to leave? I didn’t know what else to do but I didn’t know what hospital you went to or why. Were you injured? You don’t look hurt. Is that how you damaged your costume?”
Shouto lets her run on while he goes to his office. He knows she’ll follow. And that it’s pointless to try and get a word in until she runs out of breath.
Sunspot sinks into one of his office chairs as he goes to turn his computer on. He lifts a brow at her slumped form in the armchair.
“Are you done?”
She opens her mouth to speak again but after a moment shuts it again and nods.
“The villain who took the hostage burned me. I hadn’t realized the extent of the injury until later. I’m sorry I didn’t contact you personally so that you knew it was okay to come back, but it was fine that you came back. It wasn’t serious.” Shouto explains calmly. “You said Ingenium told you to come back?” Shouto thinks back to Dr. Midoriya texting in the ambulance and he wonders if the two know each other.
Sunspot nods again. “He came and found me and told me a friend was taking you to the hospital. I assumed he meant one of the paramedics. I didn’t know he was friends with the paramedics. Was that part of U.A. training? Getting to know first-responders closely? Or just a coincidence?”
“I think it’s just a coincidence on Ingenium’s part. Not something you’re missing out on.” Shouto says. “You did good tonight. Go home and get some rest.”
Shouto gestures to her before she can argue. “You expended a lot of your reserve helping the rescue crews with civilians trapped under the rubble and then helping me melt the ice. It’s okay.”
Sunspot looks down at herself. The faint glow she normally gives off as a result of having excess energy saved up by her quirk is almost completely extinguished. At the late hour, she wouldn’t be able to get any more energy even if they needed to go out into the field again. Not until the sun was up again.
Sunspot pushes herself out of the chair. “I’m sorry I can’t be more help tonight.” She says with a short bow.
Shouto waves her off. “It’s okay.”
“Good night, Entropy.”
“Good night, Sunspot. Good work tonight.” Shouto says. He catches just a glimpse of her relieved smile as his office door closes quietly behind her.
Alone, Shouto settles into his desk chair, already mentally preparing for a long night. He considers going against doctor’s orders and getting some coffee but just barely resists the temptation. Caffeine might end up making him too jittery to focus and this is important. Writing up a more in-depth report of the event for the police and the agency records is the first priority of the night. But after that, Shouto has some research to do.
Momo finds him like that in the morning. Sometime in the night the combination of the late hour and bright computer screen got to him and he went in search of his rarely-worn glasses to take some of the stress off. His final report and the accompanying paperwork are tucked in a folder for safe keeping, but the rest of his desk is a disaster zone of scattered pages, printed news reports of the attack last night with any information he might have missed, any police reports on the matter he could get his hands on with his current clearance, his own compiled notes.
He doesn’t even realize someone else is in the office with him until Momo clears her throat, placing a paper to-go cup of tea in the middle of his desk, on top of the latest piece he’s reading.
“Shouto,” she says seriously, crossing her arms over her chest. “ When did you last take a break?”
Shouto tries to come up with an answer but his brain is fuzzy at best, street names and potential identities floating at the forefront of his consciousness. “Uh, what time is it?”
Momo sighs, rubbing at her temple with one hand. “ Go home, Shouto.”
“I just need to-"
“No.” Momo comes around the other side of his desk, pulling him up and out of his desk chair by one arm. “It’s almost eight o'clock. You need to go home and go to bed.”
Momo might have had a point, his shift was supposed to end at six that morning and he hadn’t even noticed the time, but he digs his heels in, resisting being dragged from the office to the best of his ability. Unfortunately, Momo is stronger than she looks, and has the advantage of a full-night’s sleep on him.
“Go home. Go to sleep. Don’t come back until Saturday.”
“You were injured! You should have called me as soon as you were taken to the hospital,” Momo scolds.
“I got better.”
Momo looks at him curiously. She comes to a stop, scanning him over. Shouto’s sure he looks a mess, still half-dressed in his damaged hero-suit, the top unzipped and tied around his waist. His hair has started to escape the braid he had it in for work and he can see the loose hair floating in his peripheral vision. Not to mention how exhausted he probably looks after spending the whole night scouring the police database. But – he’s not injured.
“What do you mean you ‘got better’? You weren’t really injured?”
Shouto sighs. “No, I was. There was a doctor at the hospital with a quirk who fixed it. Aizawa’s daughter, actually.”
Momo’s brows shoot up in surprise. “I didn’t realize she became a doctor. That’s wonderful.” She pauses. “But not the point. You still should have called someone. Though I suppose I should be grateful you went to get help, at all.”
Shouto rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. “Well…there was a doctor on the scene when I was talking to the girl who was targeted who saw my burn.”
“A doctor?”
“Uh…Dr. Midoriya.” Shouto explains. He isn’t sure if Momo will recognize the name, not entirely sure if he wants her to remember or not.
“The professor from the lecture series?” Momo asks in surprise. “What was he doing there?”
“Apparently he’s not just a professor.”
Momo studies him for a few moments, trying to figure something out. Shouto doesn’t blame her. He’d like some answers about his behavior too. He just hopes she comes to an easy conclusion, like Shouto cooperated with Dr. Midoriya because he sort-of knew him, and not anything else ridiculous. Or revealing. Or uncomfortable.
Finally, Momo shakes her head, brushing off whatever conclusions she may have come to. “I don’t care. Go home. Sleep. Eat something. I’ll finish submitting your reports to the police and I’ll make sure they know you are interested in joining the case searching for the villains who escaped last night, but other than talking to anyone who contacts you about the case, I don’t want to hear about you working again until this weekend.”
Shouto wants to keep arguing, he’s not even hurt anymore, but he knows this is the best he’s going to get from her. He is also unbelievably grateful for all the years they’ve known each other and how Momo knows exactly what he needs to hear to relax, even just a little.  “Okay. Thank you.”
Momo nods. “We’ll get whoever it is, Shouto. But you don’t have to do it alone. And you can’t do it in one night. So please take care of yourself. I’ll see you on Friday for dinner.”
Momo waves to an intern, instructing them to escort Shouto to the exit. Shouto wants to protest being babysat the rest of the way to the door, but Momo pins him with a hard look before he can even open his mouth and he lets it happen. Admittedly, now that he’s not pouring over his research to keep himself moving, he can feel exhaustion settling over him.
Though he could still find the way to the damn door himself.
 Shouto stumbles into his dark apartment twenty minutes later. He leaves the lights off as he comes through the entrance. The morning sun has started to fill the front room with light, and its enough for him to make his way to the bedroom without tripping over anything. His bed is cool, the sheets still ruffled from the previous morning. Shouto just barely remembers to strip off his ruined hero-suit before he drops into the bed, using his left side to warm up the sheets quicker. In a minute, he’s asleep.
When he wakes again, warm golden light pours into the room from his half-open window. He runs a hand over his face, trying to will away the strange, disorienting feeling of waking up. He reaches to his bedside table, knocking a few things to the side until he connects with his alarm clock. Pulling it close, he squints at the lit screen. It was almost five in the afternoon. Shouto tosses the offending thing away. He takes just a few moments to reorient himself before he forces himself out of bed and into the shower.
He only remembers after stepping into the spray that half of his hair is still twisted into a braid. He swears as he tears the now-wet strands free of the stubborn rubber-band, tugging at the knots there unhappily. He doesn’t mean to stay in the shower for long, but after fighting with his hair for who knows how long, the heat and relaxing pound of the spray against his shoulders eases some of the tension from his body and he wastes time under the comforting water until it starts to run cold. The temperature change doesn’t bother him much, but he figures he’s wasted enough water like that and climbs out.
After drying off a little, Shouto brushes his teeth, and that, combined with washing off the grime of the previous day, helps make him feel a little more awake. A little more human.
Shouto dresses in casual civilian clothes. He finds his phone, dead, in a pocket of his hero-suit before tossing the ruined thing in a bag to give to the support team. They’ll probably just have to make him a new one, but he feels bad throwing it away without trying to salvage it.
His charger is plugged in near the bed, so he goes to grab it so he can charge his phone in the kitchen while he makes something to eat. But in fumbling around looking for the charger, he spots his forgotten glasses in the mess of sheets and pillows on his bed. The ear piece on the right side is bent at a strange angle and one of the lenses is cracked. Shit. Well, he supposes, that’s what he gets for wearing them for the first time in months while running on fumes. He tosses the damaged glasses on his side table and leaves for the kitchen.
Finally, he switches on a few lights.
His apartment is mostly bare, plain white walls with just a few basic pieces of furniture, mostly just there to fill the empty space. The occasional dirty glass or dish that gets left behind if he’s in a rush on his way to work are the only signs of the life in the otherwise dull place. Those, and the three picture frames hanging on the wall in his living room; one of his mother and siblings, one of his graduating class with their teachers mixed in with the colorful crowd, and one of the day he and Momo started their agency. They’re the only decoration he needs. They represent all the important people in his life.
There are a few containers of leftovers in the fridge, and while it would be easier to warm something up and leave it at that, Shouto takes the time to pull out some fresh ingredients. Washing off the vegetables and prepping them while rice cooks is a simple, familiar routine and it helps ground him.
He starts a simple stir fry with chicken just as his phone finally comes back to life, chiming with a number of missed notifications. Lowering the heat slightly, Shouto lets it simmer for a minute while he checks his phone.
A few of the notifications are basic news reports he usually dismisses, though today he saves any about last night’s attack incase there’s been any updated information. There are two texts from Momo asking if he got home safe and if he ate anything. He shoots of a quick reply to her, apologizing for not letting her know right away and reassuring her he’s making food now. He takes a picture of the pan and sends it as an after thought, just in case she doesn’t believe him. There are also a few texts from Kyouka telling him to stop worrying her wife and to stop being an idiot. He responds to those with a few choice emojis and nothing else. She’ll get the message.
Finally, he looks at the emails he missed. There’s one from an Officer Uchida he doesn’t recognize, confirming he (Momo) submitted the right paper work to join the case against the villains from the night before and once the task force has been officially formed he would be contacted with more information. Relieved, Shotuo saves the contact information and sets it as a priority so he’ll be sure to get any future notifications right away. The only other missed email is from Dr. Midoriya.
Shouto goes back to checking his food, stirring it for a few minutes and adding a few more ingredients. His attention goes back to his phone a few times, but he resists going back to it. He’s not sure why, he’s been waiting for this stupid email basically since he left the professor’s office, but suddenly he’s nervous about opening it. He’s not sure what to expect once he opens the list of the professor’s topics. What if he imagined all of this and the professor still wants him to talk about his family? What if Shouto can’t answer any of his questions about how his quirk works? Is it even a good idea for him to talk publicly about how his quirk works? Couldn’t someone use that against him?
Shouto turns his phone upside down, hiding the blinking notification.
He’ll look at it after he eats.
He finishes cooking a little while later. Scooping out a generous serving of rice into a bowl and getting a plate for the stir fry he settles in the living room. He has a perfectly good table he could eat at in the kitchen, but there’s something satisfying in breaking the rules and eating on the couch. Out in the open, casually. He hasn’t lived with his father since he was a first year, but he still takes satisfaction in all the ways he can defy him and the rules he kept in that house.
Shouto turns on the local news channel to watch while he eats. Unsurprisingly, the attack from last night is still the focus of the station. There’s a reporter discussing the widespread damage through downtown on the screen. In the background, heroes and clean up crews are still working to clear the rubble. Shouto recognizes Uravity’s bright pink costume amongst all the grey and black. She’s moving two giant pieces of concrete overhead, some kind of broken metal rods coming from one look particularly dangerous.
A scrolling banner runs across the bottom of the broadcast, asking anyone who might have information about the villains to call in to a hotline, and a separate call for anyone with quirks that might help in fixing the damage done to the roads. There are also short headlines for stories meant to air later that night and a small graphic with the weather.
The camera view changes suddenly and the report comes back into view with a police officer, answering questions about the attack.
What did they know about it? Not much yet, but they don’t think it was random.
Was anyone seriously injured? Thankfully most casualties were only minor injuries and the paramedics on scene took care of most of the civilians who were hurt.
Who were the villains? No one in particular. They don’t think this is an organized group starting attacks. Not like in the past. No one needs to worry.
All safe answers that tell them basically nothing about what happened. Shouto learned more in the two minutes he spent on the radio before pursuing the villain than the news report. He changes the channel. A talk show re-run is showing an old interview with Hawks. Shouto hesitates changing the channel again.
“So, Hawks, it’s no secret that you’ve been a fan of Endeavor’s basically since your debut, and the two of you made a good team as Number 1 and 2 for a while,” the interviewer says in a fake cheerful voice. Hawks gives a stiff smile, placating but revealing nothing about how he actually feels about the subject. “What are your thoughts on the rumors brewing about a civil trial after the allegations against Endeavor from his family?”
‘Tis the season.
Shouto clicks the TV off before Hawks can reply.
Not hungry anymore, Shouto puts his plate down. He ate most of what he had taken anyways. The rest will be fine for leftovers.
Getting up from the couch, Shouto goes back to the kitchen for his phone. The same ignored email is still waiting for him with that mocking, blinking notification light. Taking a deep breath, as if preparing for a fight, he opens it.
I hope you are doing better after Dr. Aizawa’s visit with you at the hospital. Sorry I couldn’t see you off. Here is the list of possible topics we discussed the other day. This is just an abbreviated list of some basic things to talk about. You can obviously go into more detail about anything that might interest you or that you think might be important information for anyone with two or dual quirks to consider.
Thank you for considering being a part of the Hero Talks Series.
Thank you, also, for your help with the attacks last night and with Kou.
 Shouto isn’t sure what to focus on first. The dropped title from the professor’s name? Midoriya thanking him for doing his job of all things?
Making the executive decision to focus on none of them for the time being, Shouto opens the attached document with the lecture topics. Dr. Midoriya’s “abbreviated list" is still two pages long.
Somehow, it’s exactly what Shouto was expecting.
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avi-arts · 3 years
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Day 1632:
Last minute character entry for art fight!! theyre announcing the theme today and im VIBRATING!!
(image description in alt text)
7 notes · View notes
marta10 · 3 years
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1 note · View note
purenumbers · 3 years
6 / (2 + 4) = 2 - 1
6 = (24 - 21)! 
6 * 2 / 4 = 2 + 1
(6 + 2) / 4 = 2 * 1
0 notes
blumoosh · 3 years
George: Wait, do a dance, do a dance. Sing a song while you do the dance.
Dream: This is an axolotl song. If you know it sing-a-long. I'm spinning in a circle and I'm green not purple.
419 notes · View notes
beingallelite · 3 years
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22 notes · View notes
gloomyhours · 3 years
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780 notes · View notes
samgirard · 3 years
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carey waving to his (very sleepy) family | game six: mtl vs. vgk | 6.24.21
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hogwartsmarvelmommy · 3 years
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Who I write for?
Harry Holland
Harrison Osterfeild
Tom Holland
Holland and co.
Acotar (maybe?)
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Harry Holland 💛
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Kissing in the street 7.29.22 | 810 words.
One shots-
Best friend H.H 🔥(smut) 18+ |6.9.21| 2.3kwords |Friends to lovers (HarryHollandxReader) your best friend shows up and has a hard time hiding the way he feels about you in THAT outfit.
Burnt to a crisp H.H 🔥(Smut) 18+ |6.8.21| 1.4kwords |friends to lovers (HarryHollandxReader) a boating trip with some friends leaves your skin feeling crisp, asking Harry for relief, but you find it in other ways.
Its been you H.H❤️ (Fluff) |6.12.21| 2.5kwords |idiots to lovers (HarryHollandxReader) you though it was just casual for him, when the whole time he was thinking the same for you.
Next door neighbor H.H 🔥 (smut) 18+ |6.18.21| 2.4kwords | neighbor Harry (HarryHollandxReader) you invite your neighbor over to talk about his problems, when the conversation gets veered in a different direction and things get heated.
First H.H ❤️ (Fluff) |6.24.21| 1kwords |boyfriend Harry (HarryHollandxReader) after a long day with your boyfriend's family your ready to relax, but you think you hear something that has your heart fluttering out of your chest.
Dreams H.H 🔥(Smut) 18+ |6.30.21| 4kwords |ex's to lovers (HarryHollandxReader) you think you must be dreaming when you see his face like all the times before, but with the ding of your phone and the message you see you know it's real.
Never have i ever H.H💛 (Suggestive, but floof) |7.2.21| 1.8kwords | best friends brother (HarryHollandxReader) A simple game has your feelings revealed as your two idiot best friends push you to admit them.
Spin the bottle H.H 💛 (Suggestive, but floof)7.8.21| 1.2kwords | friends to lovers (HarryHollandxReader) youve dreamt of the oprotuity, but the real thing is even better.
To The Ends Of The Earth ❤️ (Fluff) |7.10.21| 1.5kwords | friends to lovers (HarryHollandxReader) leaving your best friend who your in love with behind is hard, so you do the logical thing. Kiss him and leave him stunned.
Sleep talk 🔥(Smut) 18+ |7.13.21| 4kwords | friends to lovers (HarryHollandxReader) a road trip, falling asleep, and a wet dream, what could be worse... Or better?
Feelings Untold 🔥 (Smut) 18+ |7.23.21| 1.5kwords |friends to lovers (HarryHollandxReader) she gave him an ultimatum and he chose you, because it'll always be you.
Birthday 🎉(fluff) 8.11.21| 2.7kwords | friends to lovers (HarryHollandxReader) you share a birthday with your best friend, and at 23 feeling are finally revealed after years.
Prove it 🔥 (smut) 18+ |8.12.21| 3.4kwords | friends to lovers (HarryHollandxReader) a simple conversation leads to your fantasy being fulfilled.
The lighthouse that guided me 🔥 (smut) 18+ |8.22.21| 9.9kwords | best friends brother (HarryHollandxReader) Sam knew you and Harry were going to hit it off, so he mad you promise you wouldnt fall for the curly haired twin.. easier said than done.
Fallout of the century *re-edited version* 🔥 (angst, smut, fluf) 18+ |8.29.21 | 18.5K words| Ex’s to Lovers (HarryHollandxReader) After your world falls apart, will you be able to pick up the pieces, or will you be left crumbling like the walls around you?
Anger Issues 🔥 (smut) 18+ |9.10.21 | 2.6k | secret lovers (HarryHollandxReader) pushing Harry's buttons is your favorite game.
In it for you ❤️ (fluff) |9.15.21|1.8k| idiots to lovers (HarryHollandxReader) tom can't keep his mouth shut and blabs your secret to the one person who wasn't supposed to know... Harry.
Home for the holidays 🔥 (smut/fluff) 18+ |10.16.2021| 3k | friends to lovers (HarryHollandxReader) you left for school, and the reality of yours and Harry's unspoken feelings caught up with you.
After the fall 🔥 (smut) 18+ |10.22.2021| 4.7k | apocalyptic fic (HarryHollandxReader) months after the start of the end of the world you give into the feelings you have towards the stranger turned friend who saved you.
Table 3 🔥(smut) 18+| 12.10.21 | 3.4k | ex's to lovers (HarryHollandxReader) Sam's fiance likes to meddle and she doesn't think you and Harry should have broken up.
Just get naked 🔥 (smut) 18+| 1.28.22 | 3k | friends to lovers (HarryHollandXReader) a trip to a "big" cabin has you and Harry stuffed in a room together.
Two shot-
pinky promise 💕🔥 (Angst, fluff, smut) 18+ |8.3.21| 10kwords |Dad!harry (HarryHollandxReader) nearly ten years has past since the last time you saw Harry and you have been hiding a secret... Or two.
Everything and more (pt 2 to Pinky promise) 💕 (Angst, fluff) 8.27.21 | 3.8K words | Dad!Harry (HarryHollandxReader) Complications lead to panic.
Series -
Fallout of the century. 18+ (completed)
Broken hearts, second chances, and falling apart. Can you forgive and forget? Or do you just need to move on?
Part 1🥜 6.10.21
Part 2🥜  6.15.21
Part 3 🥜 6.22.21
Part 4🥜 6.29.21
Part 5🥜  7.6.21
In this together 18+
(on hiatus)
A broken heart. A newfound hope. A drunk night. And a bright pink plus sign.
Series Masterlist
Blackout 18+
A crush on the curly haired boy that goes to the laundromat the same time as you, a storm that cuts off the power and leads you to spend the next few days together. Then radio silence. Untill your ex Harrison shows up and beggs you to be his plus one to a destination wedding. Little did you know the groom. The curly haired boys twin.
Series Masterlist
The Bet (mini series) 18+
(on hiatus)
Series Masterlist
Drunk blurb 18+ 9.4.21
Sick days 10.12.21
Harry X Harrison
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Our secret 🔥 (smut) |18+| word count 6.4k | (1.7.21) (HarrisonOsterfeildXHarryHollandXReader) pure filth threesome fic... That's it.
Harrison Osterfeild 💛
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One shots-
Empty Mugs and Unexpected Hugs 🔥(Smut) 18+ |7.26.21| 3.3kwords | enemies to lovers (harrisonOsterfeildxReader) Harrison can't get anymore annoying, untill he goes and pulls on your heart sting's
Should be me ❤️ (fluff) |8.14.21| 1.3k words | jealous Harrison (harrisonOsterfeildxReader) Harrison won't admit his feelings so you do it first.
Why not have the real thing? 🔥 (Smut) 18+ |9.2.21| 2.6kwords| roommate Harrison (harrisonOsterfeildxReader) reading about your roommate while getting off? Recipe for disaster... Or maybe not?
Fuck the rules 🔥 (smut) 18+ |12.23.21| 2kwords| FWB Harrison (HarrisonOsterfeildXReader) a friendly agreement of sex turns to more.
Tom Holland 💛
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One shots-
I’ll be here to fix you ⛈️ (Angst to fluff) 7.31.21| 1.8kwords | friends to lovers (TomHollandxReader) a fight, a night in jail, and a confession.
Second chances and Unspoken promises 🔥 (Smut) 18+ |9.26.21 | 7.2k words| ex’s to lovers (TomHollandxReader) three years after the fall of your secret relationship, and a journey back to where it all started, you could be leaving even more broken hearted, or maybe the stars will align and it will be your time.
Kissing scene 💕 (Fluff) 7.27.21
Bad for business ❌ (Angst) 8.5.21
Sex on the front door 🔥 (smut) 18+ 8.31.21
Holland and co 💛
Home again. *on hiatus*
Teaser 🏠 7.11.21
part 1 🧡 7.17.21
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380 notes · View notes
krashlynfan1124 · 3 years
IG: alikrieger | 6.24.21 | First nap in 4 months
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Briana via her IG story | 6.24.2021
4 notes · View notes
scorpionsandhoney · 3 years
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New glasses who dis?✨🌞
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