#7th level spell!
retrokid616 · 5 months
dorian after that walk off to the spider queen like!
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ravnicacardsconverted · 3 months
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Mass Manipulation
7th-level Enchantment Casting Time: 1 hour Range: 100ft radius Components: V,S,M (Dimond Dust, A clay tablet with a detailed list of commands and triggers, a focus worth at least 1000gp.) Duration: 1 year Classes: Wizard
Description: Dusting the tablet with diamond dust and begining the casting process you lay out a list of at up to ten commands and triggers and write them on the tablet. these commands and triggers may be as simple as "sneeze uncontrollably when you see a dog", or a morbid and specific as "when you see the local adventuring party, attempt to capture or kill them and bring them to me. Dead of Alive"
Then you may designate any number of creatures you can see to not be affected by the spell. After the hour of casting, each non-protected humanoid within 100ft of you must succeed a wisdom saving throw. on a failed save that humanoid gains the list of Commands and Triggers. A creature affected by this is unaware of the presence of the this list and does not know a spell has been cast on them.
At Higher Levels: You may cast this spell using a 9th level spellslot instead. If this spell is cast using a 9th level spellslot the duration is indefinate and you may create up to twenty commands and triggers.
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pocketgalaxies · 5 months
robbie with the forcecage!!!
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5ecardaday · 2 years
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Arcanatober Day 7– Power Word: Sleep
Any guesses at what tarot card this spell was inspired by? It might be easier than you think... and if you guessed Death, you’re right! The 13th card of the major arcana, Death is usually associated with mortality. But if you’ve drawn it reversed, as I did, it’s actually representative of lethargy, sleep, and the slowing down or pausing of aspirations, rather than a total end.
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deathbind · 6 months
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Here's a selection of spells from The Complete Sha'ir's Handbook that I think are just fucking cool
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thegreatyin · 2 years
you know i think people tend to downplay how hard the monster hunter stories games actually are
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clickityweasel · 2 years
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got lazy w this one but....... he got to show off his new spell.......
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bisexuel · 1 year
people spent all c1 talking shit abt keyleth but we didn't have these kinds of problems with transport via plants now did we
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jiskblr · 1 year
Hellknight Armor
Pathfinder’s setting has an organization and pair of prestige classes called the Hellknights, who are fanatically devoted to order and Law. They have bitchin’ custom-styled armor, Hellknight Plate. But their spellcaster auxiliary, while they have class features that let them do arcane casting in armor, has very stupid armor; they have half-plate, which is strictly worse than full plate in all respects except cost, and with the cost difference rendered irrelevant at the level you have to be to enter the prestige class. Therefore:
Hellknight armor property: This is a property some armor (but not shields) may have. It indicates that it was crafted stylized and menacing, and included in the training of Hellknights and Hellknight Signifers. Any ability, feat, or effect which states a requirement for a character to be wearing Hellknight plate is satisfied by any armor with the Hellknight property.
Hellknight Plate Unchanged, except that it becomes Heavy Armor [Hellknight]
Hellknight Half-Plate This is deleted from continuity with extreme prejudice.
Hellknight Training Leathers This armor is used for hellknight novates - those, like armigers, who are in training as Hellknights, but are spellcasters training to become signifers. It resembles studded leather with a skull-like face-covering headpiece. A novate on the path to qualifying as a signifer can wear it with only a minimal chance of spell failure. This is identical to canonical Hellknight Leather except that it costs slightly more and is considered to include a signifer mask for the purpose of the Signifer prestige class ability. Light Armor[Hellknight] Cost 50 gp; Weight 25 lbs. Armor Bonus +3; Max Dexterity bonus +5; Armor Check Penalty -1 Arcane Spell Failure Chance 15%; Speed 30 ft./20 ft.
Hellknight Marine Leathers This armor is worn by ordinary martial hellknights on deployment as sailors and marines, where heavy armor is a danger to their safety. It is carefully made to project the usual menace of hellknight plate despite the pliable material, and covers the arms, hands, legs, and most of the head. This is identical to masterwork Hellknight leather except for slightly increased cost. Light Armor[Hellknight] Cost 220 gp; Weight 20 lbs. Armor Bonus +3; Max Dexterity bonus +5; Armor Check Penalty -0 Arcane Spell Failure Chance 15%; Speed 30 ft./20 ft.
Hellknight Signifer Mail A fully-trained hellknight signifer receives their personalized scale mail armor, styled according to their Order’s traditional motif, when they demonstrate mastery of spellcasting without incurring risk from failed somatic components, traditionally demonstrated by wearing a chain shirt and casting a entire day’s worth of spells without losing any of them. Signifer mail covers the whole body and includes the signature faceless mask. This special masterwork armor is designed for Signifers with the second level of the prestige class, who can wear it with only 5% spell failure chance. At 3rd level they remove that final 5%. It includes a removable signifer mask. Medium Armor[Hellknight] Cost 500 gp; Weight 32 lbs Armor Bonus +6; Max Dexterity Bonus +3; Armor Check Penalty -3 Arcane Spell Failure Chance 25%; Speed 20 ft./15 ft.
Hellknight Vicarius Plate While not strictly restricted to those of paravicars or vicarius rank within the hellknight signifers, it has an unacceptably high risk of spell failure for any who haven’t either trained extensively in signifer armored spellcasting or advanced to near the limits of normal signifer training (generally equivalent to 7th-circle spells). It is stylized slightly differently from standard hellknight plate and includes the signature faceless mask but is otherwise equivalent. Vicarius plate is mechanically equivalent to standard Hellknight full plate other than cost and the inclusion of a signifer mask. Heavy Armor[Hellknight] Cost 2050 gp; Weight 50 lbs Armor Bonus +9; Max Dexterity Bonus +1; Armor Check Penalty -5 Arcane Spell Failure Chance 35%; Speed 20 ft./15 ft.
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jesterbots · 8 months
could you imagine being a man, a sis gender man, who is really into sounding other men. It's just the only way for you to get off really. But one day you meet a man that you really like, and you just connect with him on a whole other level. And you guys finally get to the point where not only are you in the bedroom with each other, but you're starting to get more open with each other too. About all the things like. The only issue is, is that this man is transgender. He does not have a penis he has never pursued any sort of bottom surgery. So he still has the whole set, the labia menorah menorah the majora Little China adequate Torres. And he also has a urethra. Now he's willing to indulge in your special weird little thing. You're sounding. And you guys finally get to the bedroom and you have your little sounding pole or whatever it is they use. But you realize some thing very quickly. Do you know where the clitorises you know where the clitoris is, but where… Is the urethra? Riddle me this Batman
i've tried answering this ask in three different ways and each time it deleted whatever i added. labia menorah menorah the majora Little China adequate Torres. Every time i try to find a new angle to work on this answer with i read another sentence that makes me wince so hard i forget 3/7ths of the english language. labia menorah menorah the majora Little China adequate Torres. i literally am trying to think of any kind of response but verbally i keep repeating it. "labia menorah menorah the majora Little China adequate Torres." it's like a spell. it's fucking addicting. it's the only way i know a human being sent it because that was for fucking sure speech to text happening right there for a single sentence. labia menorah menorah the majora Little China adequate Torres.
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rodimissliveblogs · 1 year
I keep forgetting to make a proper post introducing the character I'm playing, but suffice it to say, "I need you alive, you need me strong" is honestly a pretty convincing argument for letting a vampire drink your blood to a woman who has one (1) more hp than the squishy wizard, and who has one (1) cantrip that does damage and zero (0) leveled spells that do damage. That's it. That's all she's got. She's got Eldritch Blast and a rapier. She is a support caster, and the spell of support she's cast tonight is "become juicebox".
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ziracona · 1 year
My terrible dad getting his 10th Sending from me
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whatthefusco · 5 months
I haven't seen it mentioned how huge of a flex it was for the Bad Kids to not only survive the Last Stand without anyone going down, but for Kristen to then immediately go "oh yeah, I can Plane Shift us out of here." Like not only did nobody die in the "your test is to die heroically" test, their healer never even cracked her 7th level spell slot. Wild.
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orderofthecube · 1 year
7th-level evocation, scientific (Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)
Casting Time: 1 action Range: Sight Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous
You warp spacetime around a Small or larger ship, or another structure between 100 and 1,000 feet in diameter, and attempt to tear it apart. Make a ranged spell attack against the object’s AC or structural integrity. On a hit, the object takes 10d10 + 20 force damage. An object that drops to 0 hit points from this damage is split into two pieces.
Get the book for free/PWYW on DM’s Guild.
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galacticdrift · 1 year
the way my cleric has leveled, I took 9 levels in cleric first, and then 2 in druid most recently, with the plan being to get to 4 in druid (for 2nd level druid spells, improved wild shape, and a feat/ASI), and then maybe sneak in one last cleric level if we get there before the campaign ends.
but we just had a session with SO MANY lucky rolls that I almost want to take that cleric 10 next instead, purely because it really did seem like Avandra was watching over and protecting us. well...as best she could, given how we bumbled into the situation.
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harmoonix · 1 year
Beauty Astro Observations 💄💋
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• Beauty, Glamour, Seduction •
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• Asteroid Bella (695) shows your kind of beauty and how the world can perceive your beauty
Bella in Water Signs [Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces] can have a very feminine, graciously beauty, something like fatale beauty, big focus on their lips and eyes because these parts tend to be the best
Bella in Earth Signs [Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus] can have a very natural, sensualist beauty something like a fairy like and still being enchanting, big focus on their hair and hands they tend to look pretty
Bella in Air Signs [Aquarius, Libra, Gemini] can have a very electrifying attractive beauty something that strikes people's attention like a thunder big focus on their the way dress and the way they talk might enchant you
Bella in Fire Signs [Aries, Leo, Sagittarius] can have a very fiery magnetic beauty something like the an eternal flame of seduction big focus on their face and hips these parts make them stunningly beautiful
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• Asteroid Nymphe (875) your seductive personality/aura,
Nymphe in Air Signs [Gemini, Libra, Aquarius] bring an air of temptation to the people, you have something unique in yourself that can drive other people crazy
Nymphe in Earth Signs [Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo] blessed with a flow of grace and romantism, your sensuality is at maximum level when you show your face in a crowd, leave them with the mouth open besties
Nymphe in Fire Signs [Sagittarius, Aries, Leo] glamour in their veins and seduction on their lips you look so beautiful when you wear bright colors and something that can suite your energy, you are sensual and confident and you love it like this
Nymphe in Water Signs [Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio] the mesmerizing beauty is in their eyes, you have this sparkle energy around that can make others to really question their love life
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• Asteroid Sirene [1009] your fatale shadow
Sirene in Water Signs [Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces] Sirene is at home in these signs and she can manifest your energy either to be light and angelic either dark and seductive, your shadow is sensual and dangerous
Sirene in the Fire Signs [Leo, Sagittarius, Aries] are not ashamed to show the world how fatale they can be when they are in the mood, their expressions and gestures can make other people to fall for them instantly, the shadow shows them that they are the hottest in the room
Sirene in Earth Signs [Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus] brings a rain of sensual petals upon these natives, fulfilling them with the gift of being attractive and wanted
Sirene in Air Signs [Libra, Gemini, Aquarius] comes with the most seductively voices ever heard by the humans, they put you under their spell and enchanted with a misterious personality. Your voice is giving the vibe of a siren singing
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💄 Venus in the 1st/2nd/6th/10th houses, you know you are the star and you like it, you are giving $ Im expensive honey! $ vibes
💄 Venus - Pluto aspects makes people to be obsessed with them, there is a magnetic field around those with the planet of love and destruction together in alignment
💄 Venus - Mercury aspects make the native to have a very beautiful voice and most people find their voices being very sexy and sensual
💄 Capricorn in the big 3 [Sun, Moon or Rising] have such a perfect bone structure and their aesthetic fits every concept, they are the models of this world, they repsent the gracious fashion
💄 Fire Signs and Air Signs over the 7th house sign can give a spouse/partner with a beautiful charisma, their spouses can radiate sensual vibes
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💄 Lilith in Water Signs express their sensuality based on the feelings they have, if they are angry the emotions can get pretty dangerous and in the same radiating "Beautiful but dangerous"
💋 Lilith in the 1st/6th/10th/11th houses can get very known because of the way their sensuality is showed to the world, and sometimes without even them knowing it, is like you are sensual without any effort
💋 Aquarius in big 3 [Sun, Moon or Rising] always bring the new trends with them because they are the trendsetters of the zodiac, they are looking good in everything and are not afraid the show it to the world
💋 Venus in the 11th house and 5th house/Aquarius or Leo have this world appeal that can steal everyone's hearts, they are very liked in the society because of their uniqueness and humanitarian nature
💋 Juno aspecting the ascendant makes the other people to fall in love easily with the native, is like they desire you because they know you are what they want
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💋 Lilith - Asc aspects makes the native to be pretty misterious in the crowd, also to be appear as very sensual to the other people and they can often talk about you
💋 Neptune - Asc aspects tend to look very beautiful and magically, something about them reminds you about some fairytale when you look at their face
🌹 Libra in Big 3 or Venus prominent [Sun, Moon or Rising] can give the native a big or good looking 🍑 and usually a very good looking body
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🌹 Sagittarius in Big 3 or Jupiter prominent (Sun, Moon, Rising,) makes the native to appear thick and appealing to the world
🌹 Cancer in big 3 (Sun, Moon or Rising) or Moon prominent in the chart have very beautiful eyes, doe eyes who are very attractive
🌹 Scorpio in big 3 (Sun, Moon or Rising) or Pluto prominent in the chart have a very mysterious aura around them and that makes them appealing
I didn't post nothing in 5 days feels like an eternity, but today 😍 I'm coming with a new post for you queens and kings 🏆💅🏼, its a very lovely post, hope you like it 😍🏆💅🏼 3 beautiful asteroids 💅🏼 and the rest are observations🌸 i hope you guys are fine and good 🥰 enjoy the post 🏆💄💋 much love and warm for everyone who reads my notes 🌸🌟
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