thegreatyin · 2 years
you know i think people tend to downplay how hard the monster hunter stories games actually are
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muffinlance · 1 year
Final fight final fight LET’S GO final fight--
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syrinq · 2 years
being stuck in a perpetual loop for several days straight, doing nothing but listen to music all day and open the tumblr dashboard like it's a fridge is a boring hell, ESPECIALLY if you desire to do other stuff like "wow golly gee i want to play this new game i got a week ago!" but somehow you just fucking don't and you basically feel like a roomba stuck on its task and it ends up hitting the wall 50 times
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maybecoffeemixed · 16 days
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"Despite their return, I can't help but feel anxious. Neither could speak, and both had varying degrees of burns. Fluttershy was the lucky of the two, bearing only light scorch marks and a comparatively small burn on her right foreleg. Applejack on the other hoof... I doubt her burns will ever fully heal. She managed to write out what had happened with the Kirin, and to put it simply, things did not go well. I'm going to see if I can find anymore information about this stream she mentioned. Hopefully this curse can be lifted with magic. In the meantime, I've sent the two home to rest. They've already received the proper medical attention, and I'm sure they're exhausted from the journey. Once their burns have healed a bit and we've lifted this curse, we can regroup and tackle the situation with the Kirin/Nirik."
- Twilight Sparkle
I MAY BE LATE, BUT YOU CAN'T STOP ME. I absolutely LOOOVVEEE these infection AUs, so I decided to have a go at it!
These are the first three stages of Hydrophasia, also known as Serenity Syndrome, an illness/curse of magical origin. Twilight's note was written immediately after Applejack and Fluttershy had returned to ponyville, and since the two had yet to progress beyond the initial silence, she had sent them home none of the wiser.
Though even if she had realized then, it's unlikely much would have turned out differently.
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swbumblebee · 1 year
They were having a lovely cosy night. Some nonsense holodrama was on, the heater was blasting and Jedi Master and Time Traveller Plo Koon was idly scrolling through a pad contemplating a second glass of wine. From his own comfortable spot on the sofa next to him, his partner in time travel and Master of the Order Mace Windu sighed and shifted his feet of the caff table next to Plo’s own, not a moment before an alarm on his chrono went off.
Plo grunted questioningly at him, feeling uncharacteristically lazy and sleepy. The other man stretched as he stood up.
“Meeting with Cin about The Tournament” he mumbled back, gathering himself.
Plo loved The Tournament. He’d missed it so much during the war, that first time round. The annual Coruscant Temple Sabre Tournament was something so special. Seeing aged Masters grumbling good naturedly trying to catch their breath, energetic young Knights teasing each other and Padawans gleefully egging each other on brought a sense of camaraderie and family that was lost forever once the war began.
“I’ll come with you” he decided, ignoring Mace’s surprised expression as he sat up with renewed vigour.
Plo tuned out as Mace and Cin Drallig, Battle Master extraordinaire, gestured at charts and catering costs on one of the benches in the corner of the main dojo. Neither seemed to mind his presence, Cin seemed unsurprised when they came as a pair.
While he left the boring logistics to the two senior Jedi he scrolled through the contenders list, comforted by the familiar names and intrigued by some interesting matches. It would be a lively affair.
He frowned, noticing something as he got to the Knights section.
He frowned further, checking the Senior Padawan section just in case.
Nope, not what he was looking for.
“Has Knight Kenobi not signed up for the tournament?” he asked loudly, interrupting the other two and not caring one bit. He got a pulse of mild irritation from Mace but interestingly, Cin simply let out a breath.
It wasn’t compulsory for every Jedi to take part in the tournament but there was certainly an obligation, particularly for Knights, to act as an example for their peers. To learn from each other and to inspire the next generation. It was just the Done Thing.
The Battle Master for the temple looked uncharacteristically perturbed.  
“Kenobi…” he sat back and folded his thick arms, pausing, and Plo saw Mace’s face sharpen in stern worry.
“He’s been here… a lot, in the past few months. At funny times.” Cin said, clearly picking his words carefully. “I’ve been helping him along, but most of the time I’m not here. I only see his name on the sign in sheet at all hours of the night.” He explained slowly.
Plo and Mace exchanged glances. That wasn’t good.
“Hmm. He didn’t sign up last year I assume, for obvious reasons” Mace asked with raised eyebrows.
Cin nodded.
“He’s changed his form since then, I’ve tried to ask him about it a couple of times but you know how he is.” He had a familiar look of exasperation on his face. Plo knew it well. When he didn’t want to, there wasn’t a force in the Galaxy that could make Obi-Wan Kenobi talk. Plo remembered it only got worse with age, to the infuriation of Sith across the galaxy that first time around.
Mace sighed and leaned back.
The Master of the Jedi Order cursed to himself under his breath and barely resisted the urge to grumble at nothing. He knew Obi-Wan somehow managed to function on dangerously little sleep (at all ages, apparently) but he himself had never managed to master the skill and his mood was as dark as the Courscant sky outside, at 3rd hour. Plo had offered to go, but Mace had a worrying suspicion it would end in a cuddle and a nap rather than what was necessary.
He was trying not to dwell on how suspicious he looked, loitering outside the main Dojo at this time of night, when his quarry came quietly and around the corner apparently deep in thought.
23-year-old Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi came to an abrupt and (rather comical) startled stop.
“Good evening, or should I say, good morning, Obi-Wan” Mace made no move to step away from the door to the dojo, but neither towards the young man in front of him.
“I…Hello there, Master. What…” the young man faltered, clearly still trying to find his footing. “What…are you doing here?” he asked cautiously.
Mace noted he definitely wasn’t at his best. Obviously not as well put together as he was in the daylight hours, there was none of the usual perceptive glint behind his eyes, his hair had obviously been pushed hurriedly into place and his robe was nowhere to be seen.
Mace shrugged.
“Shall we?” he gestured to the door behind him, entering the dojo.
Obi-Wan looked at the door dubiously before following.
They stood in the vast hall, facing each other. Mace was very conscious they had both taken up sparring positions. So be it.
“So” he repeated calmly. “Do you want to tell me why you are practicing at this force-forsaken hour or shall I beat it out of you?” he asked politely with a smile, shifting his stance a little.
The young mans eyes narrowed.
“I don’t know what you mean Master, the Dojos are open all hours, surely encouraging practice at all hours” came the similarly polite answer.
Mace rolled his eyes.
“Fine.” He ignited his purple blade and assumed the opening stance of his favoured form, Vaapad.
“Come on then” he instructed the Knight. Obi-Wan’s eyes widened a little in surprise upon realising his mentor was serious, but then were filled with resolve as he too changed his stance.
And then immediately Mace Windu had the breath knocked out of his chest when, instead of the classic Ataru that he’d come to associate with the young Obi-Wan (indeed, the form he had become known for after using it to defeat Darth Maul) he was instead faced with the dramatic stance of Soresu.
He cursed himself, Cin had mentioned it but seeing it was something he had not been prepared for.
Lightsabre parallel to the floor and left arm extended with fingers pointing towards him, for a split second it wasn’t vulnerable, unsure Knight Kenobi Mace was seeing, it was the fearsome Master Kenobi. The Master of Soresu, and his comrade in arms. He’d seen that stance in the very worst of situations and every time it meant hope and determination.
He was snapped back to the present by the slightly awkward prompt from the young man in front of him.
He grunted, trying to find his mental footing again.
“Not all of us are at our best at third hour young Obi-Wan” he grumbled, gratified when he got the ghost of a smile in response.
“Now then, let’s begin. And we will be speaking when I win” Mace warned, very clearly the Master of the Order.
Obi-Wan said nothing, his lips thinning as the match began.
The Master was gratified to see the young knight was panting a little as he yielded the match. Mace hadn’t won against Master Kenobi very often, in that first time around. It was good to know he still had some years left to enjoy it.
But not long, he noted. The young Knight was not there yet of course, but it he was good. Incredibly good for a Jedi of his level, using a difficult form. Mace was impressed.
“That was impressive. Very impressive Obi-Wan” he said, clapping him on the back as they both made to sit on the benches around the side of the dojo, Obi-Wan seemingly having lost the energy that fuelled his usual stubbornness, he allowed himself to be led by Mace.
“You’ve changed form.” the elder Jedi pointed out, cutting straight to the point. It was too early for beating around the munjabush.
“I have.” The young man beside him was looking at the floor as he answered. Mace felt the atmosphere in the room dip, the force tingling in his ears.
There was a pause. Obi-Wan kept looking at the floor.
Mace sighed.
“I hope you know, Obi-Wan, that you can tell me anything.” He said gently, projecting trust and safety at him through the force.
His young companion looked up at him with a watery smile. He took a breath.
“After Qui-Gon, after Naboo” he started slowly, seemingly choosing his words carefully “I kept trying…” he faltered, a faraway quality to his voice.
“Every time I started Ataru, I was back there behind the ray shields.” he said softly, looking down at the floor again. “After a bit of trial-and-error, it appeared to be a trigger for me, so I decided to change forms. Soresu seemed like a natural choice, I have a Padawan to defend now after all.”
Mace starred at him, finding himself once again at a loss. He knew Obi-Wan had changed forms at some point, but he’d never really given it much thought first. Lots of Knights experimented with new forms as soon as they were out of their Master’s shadow. But they generally didn’t do it incognito.
“Is that why you’ve been pushing yourself so hard? Coming here at all hours on top of everything else?” he asked, keeping his voice gentle.
His companion cleared his throat.
“It was difficult, at first. I didn’t…didn’t want anyone to know in case…” He trailed off.
Understanding dawned for Mace.
“In case you couldn’t do it.” He clarified, dismayed when he got a silent nod in return.
“Obi-Wan” Mace didn’t quite know what to say, working very hard to release his complicated emotions into the Force before the suddenly fragile man next to him picked up on them. Not least his slightly irrational anger.
“Please, please tell me you didn’t think we’d reject you or punish you because you couldn’t pick up a lightsabre.” He asked with a groan. The young man looked up at him in shock at the judgement in Mace’s tone. Giving him his answer.
Mace turned to him and shook his head in disbelief.
“Obi-Wan Kenobi, you are a talented, intelligent person who is an asset to the Order in more ways than I can list at this time in the morning. You are worth far more than your warrior skill” he took a breath, taking in the bewildered and slightly alarmed face next to him. “And I am sorry that that hasn’t been made clear to you.” He finished with a gentler tone, shame swelling slightly within him.
He felt a slight tug on his bond with Plo, the other Master picking up on the maelstrom he was feeling. They’d have to meditate later.
Obi-Wan obviously didn’t know what to say, and Mace was satisfied to let the words sink in for a moment.
“Do you think, perhaps, that it might be prudent for you to speak to someone about all this?” he suggested lightly. “We have an entire wing of Mind healers for a reason, my friend.”
Obi-Wan chewed his bottom lip, looking achingly young.
“I don’t know” he said slowly. “Qui-Gon never really liked…” he trailed off again, looking at the floor.
Mace rolled his eyes.
“Yes well, Force love him he was a good friend but Qui-Gon was a complicated man and let’s be honest, could be a bit of an idiot at times” he said, making sure his fondness for his old friend was obvious, pleased when it brought another watery smile out of his young friend.
“Maybe.” He admitted.
Mace decided to take what he could get.
“Please think about it. If you like, Plo or I could go with you” he offered. This time he did get a full smile and a slight eye roll in response.
“I’m sure I can handle it Master, I’m perfectly capable-“
“I know I know!” Mace held up his hands in defence “Just the offer is there.”
He stood up.
“Now then, time for bed I think” he activated his Senior Master mode, suddenly all business. “Please stop practicing at stupid hours of the morning, you’re making Master Drallig nervous. Sign yourself up for some proper tutoring” he instructed.
“Yes Master” Obi-Wan stood with a bow of acquiescence before they moved together towards the doors.
“Oh and Obi-Wan” Mace caught him as they closed the doors and stood in the silent corridor. “Do think about signing up for the tournament. You have a lot to offer.” He suggested.
The other Jedi hesitated.
“I…I will Master” he promised with a dip of his head.
“That’s all I ask” Mace reassured.
After they separated with one final bow of goodbye, Mace leant against the cool wall in relief, letting his emotions wash over him and into the Force, with the Force equivalent of a grunt from Plo down their bond.
He’d never known about Obi-Wan’s seemingly classic case of PTSD. And the obvious fear of rejection made his unrelenting quest for perfection and independence, that first time around, make sense.
But not this time. Mace smiled. They had a long way to go, but acknowledgement and mind healers were good, and Mace and Plo would be there every step of the way. This time.
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aquarius-cookie-jar · 4 months
Right. I'mma just dump these ref sheets I made here because I'll be making some drawings with these guys, and I am bad at staying consistent within the design lmao.
I was inspired by these amazing designs, go check them out.
X || X || X.
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Ramble down here, where I try to explain the ""lore"" and my design choices:
So as mentioned above, the majority of the Dark Cacao kingdom is actually composed of kirins, mainly because Cacao was already a kirin in my older designs, and I wanted more of his citizens to match him. Maybe I'll draw the other Cacao NPCs mlp-ified and what I headcanon their species to be.
I ultimately decided to give Cacao a mane and replace his long hair with that. Ngl, I was always on the fence about Cacao and Choco's designs, but yeah, I think the mane works better than just getting rid of it. (Old design below).
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Btw, I dunno if I wanna give Cacao an actual crown, or just keep the additional horn things the leader of the kirins kinda have.
Dark Choco hasn't changed much, just in a different art style. I do however wanna say that he shaved off his mane out of shame and guilt for coming across the cursed sword not long after his banishment. Maybe when he and Cacao reconcile, he'll start to grow it out again, or maybe he'll keep it that way as a reminder of the past.
I actually drew (more like edited a screenshot) Caramel Arrow before, and she was originally just a pegasus, but honestly, the concept of hybrids and what they entail really intrigued me. I thought it would be fun if she were a hybrid kirin/pegasus.
Also, her horn doesn't exactly function, mainly because there's this headcanon I once came across a post that says faux alicorns do exist in the mlp canon. If you wanna know my full headcanon for this, feel free to shoot an ask, but to keep it short, for faux alicorns, either their wings are under developed, or their horn can't control the frequencies of magic that well or at all. Such is the case for Caramel Arrow. Though she has fully developed wings, she can't control magic with her horn, and if she tries to, it may cause a headache. But besides that, she's all fine and dandy.
Crunchy Chip, hm, I'd say when he was a little filly, he was found in the woods, either by Cacao, or Choco, and his horn was already broken by the time they came across him. When asked, the little guy said he was protecting the cream wolf pups from a monster, but he can't remember what else happened before he fell unconscious. As he grew older, his broken horn didn't really bother him anymore. He's adapted well, and picked up a thing or two about survival from his cream wolf pack.
Also, sidenote, the kirins' scales are actually very hard to dent, meaning their backs are usually safe from attacks. Crunchy once encountered... something when he was out on patrol, and he was out of commission for a week (to his incredible dismay + annoyance) because of how rare serious injuries to the kirins' backs occur.
Ah, Affogato. Actually, I really do like him as a character, I just tend to focus my attention towards the Celestia and Luna coded father-son duo a bit more. Oops. But anyway, I decided to make him a hybrid just like Carrow too, mainly to add both contrast and similarities between them. They're not too different, but their ideals and beliefs clash and cause conflict with one another, I just thought it was fitting. Also decided to give him a more elegant and curved horn design as a nod to his unicorn heritage. Unicorns in the Cacao kingdom (and maybe the Golden Cheese kingdom) have a curved horn, mainly because the east asian coded unicorns in the mlp canon have curved horns too, and I thought they looked beautiful. Affo is someone so elegant and refined in a land that's chaotic and holds danger everywhere.
And that's my unhinged thoughts for now. I think I'll design Licorice and the others next time, but no promises.
Anyway, thank you for reading.
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xensilverquill · 1 year
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The stormchaser kirin (Kirinus nimbus), also known as the river warden, is a medium-sized, herbivorous chimera native to the great savannas of the Sunken Continent. Individuals stake claims to stretches of river banks and local watering holes and become increasingly territorial until the beginning of the rainy season. Its double set of fleshy whiskers are highly sensitive to changes in humidity and barometric pressure and are thus thought to enable it to predict the weather. Individuals are often observed running in the wake of thunderstorms. Kirin will briefly gather in herds of up to a few hundred individuals to mate and graze together during the peak of the rainy season before dispersing once again.
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(Extended species description under readmore.)
The stormchaser kirin (Kirinus nimbus), also known as the river warden, is a medium-sized, herbivorous chimera native to the great savannas of the Sunken Continent
A double set of flexible fleshy whiskers grow from the kirin's snout and lower jaw. These neuron-dense appendages are highly sensitive to changes in humidity and barometric pressure. It is theorized that these whiskers enable kirin to predict incoming weather up to one hundred miles away, and it has been observed to run in the wake of thunderstorms.
Like other kirin species, its head and nose horns are characterized by a two-part structure. Bony cone-shaped protrusions grow from its skull and are covered in a keratinous sheath. The outer layer is typically shed shortly after the beginning of the rainy season and regrown by the peak of the dry season. The size of each of its horns as well as the number of tines in the head horns increase with an individual's age.
This species is characterized by its lion-like mane and tail as well as the feathering on its legs. This thick fur starts as a dark gray on foals and lightens with age. Kirin have been observed to puff up their mane and tail in both territorial and mating displays.
Adult stormchaser kirin are solitary for much of the year. Individuals stake claims to grazing territory along stretches of river banks and local watering holes. They become increasingly territorial until the beginning of the rainy season and will actively drive away any animal they perceive as a competitor (or a danger to their foals in the case of brooding individuals).
Kirin will briefly gather in herds of up to a few hundred individuals (also known as tempests) to mate and graze together during the peak of the rainy season. A grown female (also known as a rin) will gather and defend a harem of two to eight males (also known as a ki). While this species does not exhibit a high degree of sexual dimorphism, stormchaser rins are slightly larger on average than kis.
Rins lay soft, leathery-shelled eggs in small clutches in the dry season. Nests are typically made in dense, thorny thickets. Superfecundation is common in kirin, and each kirin foal may have a different sire. Foals mature quickly and either wander away or are driven out by their mother by the following dry season. Adolescent foals from the same clutch have been observed to briefly travel together in a group known as a scud.
Mortality rate is high amongst young stormchaser kirin, with only an estimated one in four surviving to adulthood. Sand sharks and phoenixes are common predators, and older kirin will often kill younger individuals in territorial skirmishes.
A friend of mine gave me some beautiful cloud-patterned yarn for a holiday/b-day present, and I’m so excited to finally use it! I had a lot of fun figuring out leg/body proportions on this guy. He’s going to be the centerpiece for an event I’m going to in a few weeks and I’m so stoked with how he turned out!
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shuttershocky · 1 year
Any subclasses you think are "full" in the sense that it's difficult to create a new operator that isn't encroaching on the niches of the others in it's subclasss.
Got a few!
Deadeyes - There was a really long stretch between Fartooth and Lunacub, and when Lunacub finally came out she was pretty much a more specialized take on Firewatch's S1. That's because it's kind of hard to squeeze more into this archetype. They're long ranged, single target, slow but hard hitting units, aka actual Snipers, but there's only so many ways you can spin this idea, especially when your first two Deadeyes were Firewatch and Ambriel.
Executors - This subclass was done, and the existence of Texas the Omertosa and Kirin Yato prove they didn't know how to make more of them that wasn't just pumping big DPS numbers into a fast redeploy unit. Before these two, the Executor class might have been one of the most holistic, decently balanced archetypes in the game, all with their different uses. Gravel was the tank, Red was the stunner, Waai Fu the silencer, Kafka for sleep, and Phantom the assassin that could hit two parts of the map at once. There wasn't any room for more.
Chargers - This was not a balanced subclass from the very beginning, and Hypergryph kind of realized that too. Plume was really effective for a 3 star, Vigna was REALLY effective period, and when Bagpipe came in she instituted herself as 1/2 of an iron fist over the entire vanguard class that's never been overthrown until now. It says something when your worst unit is Reed, who isn't even numerically bad, she just dared to be a niche unit (whose niche had much better options in other classes) in a subclass of monsters. Wild Mane was a good unit to sunset Chargers with imo—not stupidly broken, but with a unique and well-thought out skillset that can be applied to a variety of strategies. Speaking of Vanguards though
Flagbearers - You know it's hard to make more units of a certain subclass when you ask 90% of players who the strongest Vanguard is and they will all say Myrtle, the 4 star that has ruled over all content even slightly above average difficulty since the moment she came out. I don't know how a new Flagbearer even hopes to exist, honestly. Elysium and Saileach are both incredibly busted and yet Myrtle still reigns supreme by virtue of being Myrtle.
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justporo · 11 months
A Night of Song and Laughter (Bonus chapter)
I've been thinking of writing this and now I finally did it - it was also kinda requested over on AO3. Was nice to come back to this story for a bit - writing this silly little thing just came right back to me.
In true original fashion this posted at almost 2am and not proofread so enjoy!
Pairing: Astarion / Fem!Tav (You) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Descriptions of violence Song: I Can't Decide - Scissor Sisters
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Exactly one week later the two of you had made their way to “Maeve’s” again although Astarion had insisted he’d hated your night out at the tavern (“Although not how the night ended, my dear, that was very much to my liking.”). But you had made a promise and despite his show of indifference you were sure you’d seen his eyes sparkle a little when you had mentioned that Lira and Daegin would for sure be very displeased if only showed up for a round of drinks – or four, five, six (judging by your track record).
At the entrance you’d been greeted by Don again who had embraced you tightly – happy to see you made out in one piece from being on the run from the city guards and weren’t stuck behind bars. He had even heavily hit Astarion on the back, remembering how the rogue had elegantly taken out two of the guards at once. The vampire had simply winced and submitted to the pats even though his face conveyed he would have rather been captured by the guards that night.
Once past that first hurdle you entered the tavern which had already been busy despite the early time of the night. Remembering what had happened on the dance floor last time you had blushed a deep red and when you had thrown Astarion a glance he had grinned broadly, winked at you and then had let his hand run down softly your arm. The one you knew you would see soft glowing markings if you’d taken a look right then and there.
Making your way to the gallery the vampire’s mood had immediately soured when he had seen a familiar dwarf at the bottom of the stairs. The rogue’s nose had scrunched up and stayed like that while you approached Kirin who had jumped up and down in joy seeing you. He’d slapped both his hands on his thighs and had grinned, almost looking as if he’d been calling a dog over. But you hadn’t minded that at all.
“Well, if it ain’t me favourite lass! Com’ere ye silly elf, let me give ye a hug!”, the dwarven bouncer had screamed at you and dragged you down in a crushing hug that had almost made you drop to your knees. When the dwarf had let go his gaze had wandered to your soulmate, the dwarf’s nose scrunching in the same way Astarion’s had: “Ah yes, and me least favourite lass… Ye owe me big time, boy!“
A muscle had ticked in Astarion’s jaw. “Why would I owe something to you, dwarf?“, he had hissed at Kirin.
“Because”, Kirin had immediately growled back “I saved ye skinny arse!”
Astarion had looked ready to stick a knife in the dwarf’s throat then and you had simply dragged him on and up the stairs to meet your friends.
There you had been greeted by Lira and Daegin who’d almost immediately started screaming at you to “tell us what in the Nine Hells happened after we went home?”. Astarion and you had thrown each other a glance and had then started to tell them – of course intentionally letting out the more ‘private’ parts of the story.
When you had been telling them about how Miyena had threatened you (of course not mentioning the whole vampire and stake thing), Lira had become frighteningly silent – up until she had taken a swig of her drink and had put her mug down so hard it had cracked.
“If this bitch ever threatens you again, I will stick a goddamn knife into her heart”, Lira had silently vowed while staring off into the void. The whole table had stared at her in terror as this gentle soul had spoken probably the vilest thing she had ever uttered.
Even the vampire looked stricken – especially since she had barely even used a swear word the last time you guys had spoken. But it had been quite obvious that actually threatening your friends where she drew the definite line.
“You’ll need to get in line for that, darling”, Astarion had replied to her after some time, breaking your group out of the stupor before he had taken a sip of his wine. “I already vowed my dagger to pierce her blackened heart should she ever cross our paths again.”
“Aye, I’ll drink to that”, Daegin had mumbled to that and emptied his beer.
After that the mood had lightened considerably. You had spent the evening talking, drinking, joking. And you surely didn’t leave the tavern any earlier than the last time. Although this time there were now elven rituals, no cityguards chasing you and you did actually leave through the front door this time.
In front of the tavern the four of you exchanged hugs – or rather you and Lira forced the men into them and you parted ways, agreeing to make this a regular date. Then Astarion and you had went on your ways.
There was still time in the night so you had started wandering around the streets of the Lower City.
Although the Lower City had quite the reputation – especially at night – you felt light-hearted and -footed as you wandered down dark alleyways. Maybe the amount of alcohol you had once again consumed had something to do with it but maybe it was just the joy of a wonderful night out with your soulmate. You had your arm in the crook of his arm and kept stealing adoring glances at Astarion who had the good graces to just let you drunkenly and dreamily stare at him without commenting on it. He, however, stole glances at you too – loving and warm, with an joyful sparkle in his eyes. The vampire was just a lot more subtle about it.
Not that you’d have noticed either way once you had started telling Astarion stupid puns and broke down laughing after almost every single one. They were quite objectively terrible but your drunk brain could not imagine anything funnier. Astarion’s face had become a tortured grimace.
“What do you – “, you already started laughing. “What do you call a wizard that asks you questions?”, you asked Astarion and stared at him while you almost couldn’t contain yourself.
Astarion sighed heavily: “I don’t know, love, maybe you should ask Gale and not me.”
You snickered but kept silent. Astarion pinched his nose with his free hand and gave another sigh: “What do you call a wizard that asks questions, my drunk little jester?”
“A quizard!”, you exclaimed as soon as Astarion had finished speaking and burst out laughing.
The vampire’s mouth pressed into a thin line – he quite obviously was asking himself why he had objected himself to this hell of a relationship.
But your laughter was contagious and so was your whole being when you threw your head back, your eyes closed and hung desperately on his arm.
The vampire watched you laugh open and whole-heartedly: the way your nose crinkled with the small lines of the scar over it, the way the tattooed horns bending away from your eyelids had become such an accustomed sight for him, the little dagger earrings you always wore dangling and shaking, little freckles all over your skin like scattered stars on the night sky, your reddish hair that was swinging in a high ponytail tonight (fully and completely Astarion’s accomplishment), how your neck became red from all the laughing.
“You’re staring, Astarion, something on my face?”, you said as the rogue has lost his subtlety about his admiration for you and had started gazing at you with a growing smile.
When he heard you say that he blinked and then moved his face closer, staring at you with furrowed brows: “Yes actually, now that you’re mentioning it, my love…”
You raised your eyebrows at him.
“Yes, right there…”, Astarion whispered and moved in even closer.
You were genuinely confused.
“You have some vampire on your lips”, he continued and then closed the space between you both to kiss you sweetly.
But it was only of short duration as you had to pull back to laugh again: “And you say my puns are bad. That was terrible, darling.” And you lean in again to kiss him again.
But this time Astarion broke the kiss. His head swung around all of a sudden – the joyful mood immediately forgotten. The way he stared off into the darkness of the alley you were standing in, like a cat observing potential prey, sobered you up quicker than you would have liked.
“Stay here for a moment, my love”, Astarion whispered and untangled from you. His tone was tense, but you could almost hear his smirk in it.
Whatever he had noticed in the dark, it was about to be found out. The vampire slipped into the even deeper shadows of the alley until even you with your elven senses could neither hear or see something of him.
Your heart was racing although you rationally knew that Astarion would not have left your side if there had been any real danger.
You waited as silence drew out – the only sounds being your own beating heart, the rushing of your blood in your ears and the squeaking of some rats pattering about. Patiently you waited, staying as still as your alcohol level allowed.
Then you heard a scream and some crashing, bodies probably falling over each other and suddenly you could make out Astarion again. He was crouched down over – someone?
You carefully stepped closer as you could hear the vampire hiss to the person he had laying on the cobblestones, one knee viciously pressing in their back and with one hand holding their head by their short hair.
“Did that fucking tiefling send you?”, Astarion growled – he seemed positively livid.
Tiefling? You suddenly had the connection between the figure being pressed to the shoddy stones of the street and Astarion’s accusation: Eodin!
Your eyes widened and almost as suddenly as you felt the surprise you felt the anger – at least a fraction of what the vampire obviously felt. “What the fuck are you doing here?”, you hissed at him stepping in front of the human that had started whimpering.
“Miyena, yes! Miyena sent me, she made me do it!”, Eodin exclaimed as Astarion dragged his head up by his hair.
You crossed your arms over your chest. Your sympathy with your former friend – and yes, former lover (even though you dreaded thinking about it) – was pretty much non-existent. And if your other former friend Miyena sent him to follow you in a dark alley at night you were pretty sure you didn’t need to have some anyway.
You stared at this pathetic excuse of a human being until you noticed Astarion was looking at you – his gaze a wild mix of anger, worry and… amusement? His eyes darted down to Eodin’s head whose face was now once more pressed into the dirt then back to you again and a smirk had started playing over his lips. Astarion raised his eyebrows, with it asking your permission to go ahead. You were not exactly sure for what or what he wanted to do but you just shrugged at him softly.
That was enough for him to get going.
“Alright, you listen here you little twat”, Astarion hissed and dragged the man’s head up again. “Since you are so very obviously not the one in charge, you’re going to relay a little message for me, do you understand me?”, the vampire continued, lifting Eodin’s face to his while his knee still firmly pressed into the guy’s back. Astarion’s fangs were very obviously bared in threateningly.
Eodin winced, his eyes rolling like crazy but he said nothing.
Astarion rolled his eyes in annoyance and breathed out dramatically before he forcefully pushed down Eodin’s head on the ground; repeatedly. And in time with his words: “Do. You. Understand. Me?”
“Fuck you, vampire!”, Eodin pressed out and swung at Astarion with something silver glinting in his hand. Obviously, he had managed to free one of his arms.
But his moves were sluggish and he was up against a rogue that already had the upper hand. Astarion grabbed his hand and crushed it to the ground, sending a dagger flying.
And the scene suddenly changed again. The attempt to defy him had the vampire lose any of his playful demeanour. He pulled the human men up until he stumbled awkwardly up onto his knees and then his feet – only to be pressed against a wall. You took a step or two back in shock – your drunken state making you stagger a little.
“I was only going to play with you, but it seems you have to spoil the fun for the both of us”, Astarion hissed. He had his own dagger out now and pressed it against Eodin’s threat, already drawing some blood. His other hand was forcefully holding the man’s head against the stones. Eodin did not even muster a sound anymore but his eyes were full with shock.
“My love, why don’t you pick up that dagger over there, before some idiot runs into it”, the vampire then said to you and gave you a little wink that seemed entirely out of place for this situation. But you just shrugged and took the few steps over to where the discarded weapon lay.
You picked it up and turned around again and saw just the end of Astarion whispering something into Eodin’s ear. You could basically see the man lose several shades of colour even in the dark and his eyes widening even more. He desperately tried breaking free from the vampire’s grip.
But Astarion held him there, watched his fear grow until he finally let the man go who fell to his knees and the stumbled away faster than you had ever see him do in your thieving days.
“Not even a stake – what is this? Amateur hours? Tss”, Astarion said clucking his tongue and  turned around to you seemingly playful. But you saw the way he still clenched his fingers around his dagger and how there still was a deep wrinkle between his brows.
He slowly started to saunter towards where you stood now aimlessly with the dagger in hand.
“Maybe your former friend wanted to get rid of him more than she wanted to get rid of us”, he continued and gave a high-pitched giggle as he came closer and put his dagger away. Then he put an arm around you, when he was in front of you.
“What did you say to him?”, you asked Astarion looking up at him, still holding the godsdamned dagger.
“Oh, nothing in particular really. Just how I would splatter all his blood and organs on the floor in excruciating detail if he ever came to cross my path again, my sweet”, Astarion replied and made big red round puppy eyes at you while carefully taking the weapon out of your hands and stowing it away.
“The usual then, I see”, you simply replied. “Hmm”, the vampire replied and looked at you lovingly – as if you had not just talked about smearing your ex’s blood all over the wall.
But worry suddenly washed over the rogue’s face as your eyes glazed over: “Are you alright, my love?”
You looked from left to right, a bit irritated by the question – you had merely felt tiredness settling in your bones. “Well, I almost fell when I leaned down to pick up this dagger because I’m still awfully drunk but other than that – not a hair out of place! Just tired.”
The vampire watched you, nodding in mocking sympathy for you and your hard lot. Then he wrapped his other arm against you and pushed you against the nearest wall: “Maybe I know a cure to get you out of that, my heart.” His lips were so close to yours and your body immediately reacted to his actions by sending heatwaves through it.
You felt awfully reminded of the last time you had found yourself pressed against a wall in a dark alley by this vampire – it had been like a week.
“Oh no no no, we can’t keep doing it in the godsdamned streets like dogs, Astarion.” You tried to push him away a little. If he wanted you he could very well have you: but in the comfort of you cozy bed at home where it was warm and you could comfortably slide into dreams while being wrapped up in your lovers arms; and not here where you seemed to have a track record of getting threatened with knives.
The vampire pouted at you a little but then a mischievous twinkle entered his eyes. With quick and swift movements he had taken you and thrown you over his shoulders and had started walking.
You squeaked and shook your legs. “This is also a thing that can’t keep happening, Astarion, you bastard”, you whisper-screamed at him and drummed your fists on his back.
“I don’t care, my love. I played the hero and defended my lady from the vicious villain, now I get to have my reward”, Astarion proclaimed and patted your butt.
“Your reward will be a major beating when I get down from here”, you hissed but you knew he was only teasing you.
“Ugh, don’t tease me with a good time, my love”, Astarion quickly shot back and gave your butt a slap.
You yelped and sulked that he so easily outwitted you when it came to playful banter. You leaned your elbows on his back and put your head on your open palm as you pouted over his insolent behaviour.
Then when you were almost home, you decided to try a different approach: “Hey, want to hear another pun?” Astarion groaned.
“What do you call the woman letting herself be carried home by the vampire?”, you asked as the vampire took the few steps to the front door of your house. Then he carefully set you down on the final step.
“Borderline suicidal?”, Astarion answered cheerfully with a huge shit-eating grin and one eyebrow raised.
“How about completely and utterly in love with you”, you replied and leaned in for a long and tender kiss. Then the vampire broke away.
“That was the first good one I heard from you, darling”, he whispered to you. “Funnily enough the vampire is also completely and utterly in love with you, you silly little jester.”
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skymagpie · 1 month
THE WAR WITHIN SPOILERS & theories below the cut!
I think that if Khadgar has to die, he should not get Varian'd by Xal'atath and he should actually go out like a total badass. This is what I would've written with the knowledge we have right now, and how I hope it goes down:
In the cinematic teaser they released Xal'atath says "This city is home to such power, all squandered by the Kirin Tor. I'll put it to much better use." and Khadgar replies "Like hell you will."
He fails to stop her and then we don't see what happens next.
From yesterdays Beta Realm spoilers we know that Khadgar opens a portal to Khaz Algar and once you pass through the portal, the cinematic should play and you end up on the beach with Dalaran crashed.
Khadgar also has you evacuate and mass teleport everyone out of Dalaran and down to the shore.
So what if Khadgar, as a last ditch attempt to stop Xal'atath from taking the Kirin Tor's power, will explode Dalaran with himself in it. If the writers want to make a callback to WoD and the Hellfire raid, that is also how he dies during one of the visions when he mana-bombs himself and takes everyone with him, so it's a very in-character way for Khadgar to die.
Also after we use the portal, we are right down on the beach with Dalaran crashed, so I have a feeling that Dalaran crashes on us.
Either way, whatever comes to pass, I think it will be a permanent death for Khadgar and I don't think any of the leaks that might've implied he survived are true sadly. If he goes out in a heroic way, it would kind of ruin it if he just survives. I hope that at least his soul will live on in the Shadowlands or maybe meet up with Medivh and the two of them will go on some adventures in the Nether :')
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thrudgelmir2333 · 10 months
Lance's Role Chapter 90 is out! - Celebrating 2 MILLION words! \owo
FF.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6740034/90/Lance-s-Role AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41976798/chapters/131055517 Wordcount: 28.5k Just look at that, two whole million. And it only took 8 years of work lol Summary:
Saint Aquarius Malta returns to the Golden Zodiac after the difficult previous day of mediating the situation between the Mariners and Serpens Azrael. Capricorn Kirin, young Shura's Master, greets him and is told of the terrible situation brewing in the Pact of Seven which could plunge Sanctuary into war. Meanwhile, after discovering their feelings for one another, Atlae and Marianne take their decision to be together while they still can to her father. Boarding the Chrysaor once more, Atlae sails down the Red Sea and then to Somalia with Krishna and Caça, whereupon they meet the Master of Andromeda Island, Saint Cepheus. Aquila Daese, the oldest of the two solo survivors of Aries Azrael's purge of the Zodiac Knights, happens to be stationed in Africa at Sagittarius Priam's service and is instructed to board the Chrysaor to stealthily make her way to Shamballa. Her mission? To investigate the recent unexpected activity of none other than Azrael himself, whose travel to Néa Delphi to instill doubt in Arthur Solo about the Muvian's intentions has caught the eye of all those who thought him forever confined in his fortress of solitude.
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namenotfound0 · 5 months
I re-watched all of G4 and started G5 for the first time and I have a theory of the timeline
(That being said, the events of the FiM show did take place)
When Princesses Twilight Sparkle and Mi Amore Cadenza (Cadence) ruled their two kingdoms, after the death of their closest companions (the Guardians of Friendship and Shining Armor), their defense plans were made weaker. Twilight realized that so long as she ruled, she would outlive all of her closest friends. With the elements of harmony destroyed and the Pillars long dead, it seemed there was no remaining Friendship magic. Twilight continued to take on new pupils and send them all over Equus, but without the bonds of friendship they once had as an example, and with no villains to fight, they never lived up to her legacy. Alicorns are immortal and cannot die, and when Princess Cadence joins Princesses Celestia and Luna in retirement, they decide to cast a spell together to send them on to the next world. Twilight is devastated all over again, and decides that being apart from those you care about only leads to heartbreak, so she reaches out to Princess Flurry Heart and Dragon Lord Spike. She gives them a choice; to return to Equestria and live in Canterlot with her, or to remain outside the borders of her kingdom and establish a diplomatic relationship. Spike protests at first, but ultimately decides to return to Equestria to be with Twilight. On the other hoof, Princess Flurry Heart refuses to leave the Crystal Empire, knowing King Sombra is out there waiting.
Twilight grew wary of the other kingdoms, eventually telling Flurry Heart that the Crystal Empire was technically officially a part of Equestria, and taking control herself, believing this to be the only way to keep her niece safe. Yakyakistan ends its Friendship treaty with Equestria after 100 moons as promised, and Twilight is too busy with two kingdoms to deal with international relations. Meanwhile, the Dragon Lands have a new Dragon Lord, and he doesn't approve of Princess Twilight's rulership. The Dragon Lands sever ties with Equestria, and soon Griffonstone and the Changeling Kingdom follow. The Kirin realize that Equestria is becoming weaker and flee, fearing that their homeland could be taken over. Princess Flurry Heart tries to stop Twilight from making rash decisions, but Twilight argues with her, causing a rift between the princesses. Spike, remembering what happened all those moons ago with the Two Sisters, tells Twilight that he wants to go into limbo. She denies him, so he seeks out another powerful unicorn to help him. In his travels, he goes to the Crystal Empire and finds a scroll left by Celestia, Luna, and Cadence for Flurry Heart. It details the spell they cast to enter the next world. Shocked, Spike takes it back to Canterlot, only to find Twilight and Flurry Heart in a massive fight.
Desperate to stop them before it got out of hand, he tells Twilight about the spell and suggests she reunite with her friends. Twilight seems to consider it, but Flurry Heart sees the Royal Stamp of the Crystal Empire and becomes enraged at Twilight, thinking she had stolen her mother's magic. In a flash of magic, the scroll is destroyed and Twilight is weakened. Seeing everything she did wrong, she begs Flurry Heart to reconsider her actions. Spike, having no other choice, tells Twilight how to cast the spell. She thanks him, and sends him into limbo, realizing his plan. Flurry Heart starts growing crystals in the Canterlot throne room, feeling that Twilight stole her home from her. Twilight and Flurry Heart fight, breaking several of the crystals in the process. Knowing that Flurry Heart's power matches her own, Twilight draws power from the ponies in Equestria, leaving them drained like Tirek. She sends one of the broken crystals to each of her pupils, infusing almost all of her magic in them, knowing that they would need to be united in harmony and friendship, but trusting her pupils to continue her lessons.
Twilight then faces Flurry Heart and casts the spell Spike told her about, using almost all of her magic to do so. Flurry Heart reverses it on her, and in a final attempt to stop her, Twilight sends a message to the crystals, hoping that when they're united again, the message will help guide the next generation.
The Crystal Empire becomes abandoned as everyone in all of the kingdoms leaves to the distant lands, fearing Flurry Heart and the disappearance of magic in Equestria. Flurry Heart had drained almost all of her magic, and Canterlot was destroyed. Twilight's pupils, a unicorn, a pegasus, and an earth pony, each took their crystals and fled, leading as many ponies as they could to the coast. Flurry Heart was too weak to follow them and too weak to stop the Everfree Forest from taking over most of Equestria. Her rage fueled her magic, and she set the mountain where Canterlot used to be aflame, transforming the castle and her appearance into a corrupted version of what used to be.
Discord watched the fire burn and the ponies flee, fearing the ponies he used to love. He disappeared into the Everfree Forest, a great sadness taking over him and leaving him half-asleep for centuries, devastated that he could never join his friends in the next world.
As the last ponies who knew what happened died, the story started to warp, causing fear and mistrust between the three pony tribes. The unicorns believed that they fled because the earth ponies were starving them, leaving them to hide deep in the forest, magic drained. The earth ponies believed that they fled because the pegasi were controlling the weather, sending lightning down on their crops and stopping the rain, leaving them in a firey drought. The pegasi believed that they fled because the unicorns had gotten in a massive fight, zapping their home into a wasteland.
The unicorns settled in Shady Hollow, renaming it Bridlewood and developing a superstitious, whimsical community. The earth ponies settled on Horseshoe Bay, naming their town Maretime Bay and developing an orderly and scared community. The pegasi settled atop a mountain outside what used to be Starlight's village, now long abandoned, naming their city Zephyr Heights and developing a futuristic monarchy.
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(A really shitty map for it as well)
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fio-renze · 1 month
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<<We’ve been instructed to teleport the city. Leyline array shows destination SE of Kalimdor and E of Pandaria. Spool up will take ~45min.>>
That was all she needed to hear, really. Part of her wanted to simply be in the city when it moved — she had never experienced it before, and there was something thrilling about the sheer magical might it would take to transport the island and all its inhabitants halfway across the world. Then the Radiant Song shrieked in her mind, sending a lance of pain, fear, hope and desperation through her core and Fiorenze knew that being in the city was part of something bigger. 
She grabbed her camp kit and shoved it into her enchanted travel bag before giving Rue a smooch on the head. Pyraelia’s house in Eversong had been home for such a short time, and once Dalaran had settled her sister would be back here by the morning to take care of her if Talon’s orders came through to muster. 
Her hand wrapped around the smooth bark on her newly grown staff and she exhaled slowly before tracing the teleportation rune for Dalaran in the air, a glowing thread of arcane following in the wake — and in the space of a blink she was transported, the familiar smooth limestone and violet trappings of the visitor center filled her vision. 
She stepped out into the street and messaged her sister back, <<Here. Are you staying in your archive?>>
The chances of Pyraelia getting back to her quickly were slim, no doubt she was having to delegate work to her assistants to keep all the scrolls and tomes safe in her archive before stepping in to help with the great relocation spell. Fiorenze smiled wryly to herself as she walked through the street, pushing past Kirin Tor mages and civilians trying to get their last minute preparations handled. 
Her little sister wore responsibility better than she ever had — and for causes much greater than anyone in their family could have championed. 
Fiorenze flicked a long thalassian ear and spared a smile for the weary shopkeeper who had addressed her. The human woman’s face lit up to match, glad she’d been heard, “Would you mind helping us? The teleportation order… Last time we had a wine rack shift and we lost a bunch of inventory. I’d be more than happy to part with a few bottles as payment!” 
Who was she to say no to that? 
They made small talk while Fiorenze grew some vines to help keep the rack cabinet doors securely shut. This was her only shop, but her older sister had a similar one on the other side of the city. They didn’t own a vineyard themselves, but collected bottles from all over the world. Dalaran — and all her cosmopolitan travelers — had been kind to them over the years. Between the two of them it was quick enough work, and the proprietress wished her well as they parted. 
<<Yes, we’re the keepers of one of the conduits. In casies:>> A picture came through with the message, a diagram of the city with escape portals clearly marked. <<ETA 2 min. Find a spot to hang out with a roof and walls! Or not, I guess, you can be a bird now if something goes weird, right?>> 
She could, and she desperately did not want to be indoors for this. The evacuation points were the same as they always were, and she smiled as she shot back a reply, <<Appreciate you. I’ll be alright, don’t worry about me.>>
The minutes stretched on for what felt like eons, but she — and everyone else around her — gasped as they felt the upwelling of arcane beneath their feet. Great glowing lattices of runes raced across the flagstones and up the towers. There was an overwhelming rush of power, so deliciously concentrated. Would she ever feel anything like this again? The way it thrummed beneath her feet almost made her understand what her parents, and their parents before them on and on up the ancestral tree, had been chasing. 
In an instant it was over. Motes of arcane residue drifted down and dissipated into nothing as the city settled into its new space under an early evening sky. Halfway across the world in a split second. 
And then all hell broke loose. 
Thousands of void-dark portals cleaved the calm air, spilling Nerubian horrors in a torrent. Eldritch spiders swarmed up the great towers in a chittering mass that was rapidly drowned out by the screams of the citizens who were now having to fight for their lives. There was a great, shattering quake and the groaning cacophony of stone being sundered above her. She gripped her staff tighter and ran, dodging and weaving past a growing tide of people fleeing. 
Perhaps it was fate to see familiar faces. Xylaes and Stellan clashed with a gigantic, beetle-like hulk that cracked the ground beneath it wherever it stepped. Its wings flared as it roared in pain, the two men were experts in combat — and this was the street where they lived and worked. Ending the threats here came naturally. Xylaes shifted in a nimble dodge to get out of the way of one of those too-heavy legs. There wasn’t any time to say anything, but the look he gave her was enough to convey a clear and resonant ‘get the fuck out of here’. 
The hulk collapsed then, and they diverged. Stellan and Xylaes turned to clash with a spindly, orb-shaped weavemancer. She shifted shape and flew. Falcons were more nimble, and she was able to effortlessly bank and weave past the skittering swarmites that were descending on the city streets. The higher up she got, the more it became chillingly apparent that this was a coordinated assault. 
Her gaze immediately went to what had once been the Sunmote Tower — her family’s home here for nearly a century. Pyraelia’s final renovation before they’d sold it months ago had been to add an entire floor of glass windows as a conservatory. It glittered in the sunlight as all the panes broke out at once, giving way as the central pillar fractured and crashed down to the ground in a great cloud of dust. 
She tucked in her wings and rocketed toward it. There were people in that district, in the other homes around the base. One of the emergency portals would be nearby. Someone had to help. 
Finding a clear spot to set back down was nearly impossible. The rubble of what had once been her stately home covered a large swathe, but the living quarters had stayed mostly intact. Fiorenze crouched low and hid behind a jagged chunk of balcony, waiting, listening. Cries of agony ebbed eerily in the tide of discordant magic and the thrum of arcane defense. There was a distant part of her that knew that she’d hear that in her nightmares for centuries to come. If she stayed still any longer there was a risk she’d freeze and — 
It was the faintest of cries, just beyond and below her perch, inside what was left of the tower. 
“Help me! Please! Anybody!” 
She scrambled over the balcony, looking for any access. This had been her balcony, and the more her hands clawed stone away the more it revealed pockets of entry into what was left of the collapsed bedroom she had known and loved. 
Fiorenze slipped down through a crack big enough to allow her and landed in the dark, her eyes adjusting to the low light as she blinked through the still settling dust. 
There Director Aradana Mirthstar was, trapped and bleeding under a collapsed section of the ceiling — staring at her with wide eyes and rapt terror. 
This was no longer a rescue. 
Aradana Mirthstar had tried to kill her. Aradana Mirthstar had bought her family home. Aradana Mirthstar was a pest, an annoying little mystery. 
“Fiorenze! Thank the stars!” 
She slid carefully down the banked tile floor until she was closer to the Quel’dorei woman, “Who gave you the order to kill me, Aradana?” 
Aradana’s face couldn’t get any paler, and whatever plea she was about to continue immediately silenced, “This isn’t the time. Please, free me and I’ll tell you everything.” 
Fiorenze’s charming, diplomatic mask slid into place, full of warmth and good intentions, “Tell me while I figure out how to get this off of you without hurting you more.” She made every effort to seem helpful, checking the edges of the slab to see where it could be lifted. 
There was another great rumble and everything shifted. Rubble and dust rained and Aradana’s body was crushed just a little more, “Faster, please,” she gave a shuddering little sigh and dug her nails into the stone below her as if to pull herself forward. Nothing budged. “… Director Embercrown. He heard the Grand Magister was setting you up to take his place.” 
Rommath had implied he was on the road to retirement. Forced, perhaps. How curious. She settled down next to the erstwhile double agent, thoughts racing under the gauze of shock and sheer instinct to get out of this dangerous place that could — and would — continue to collapse. Her fingers threaded through Aradana’s golden hair, “Thank you for your honesty.” 
They had been friends of a sort once, many decades ago when they were both fighting for notoriety. The ceiling she was trapped under was, truthfully, the only thing keeping her alive. Pressure on a great wound. Aradana was dying and didn’t realize it. Was it better to tell her? Was it better to let her go with hope? 
She didn’t get a choice. 
Another collapse nearby shifted everything again, just enough for the great chunk of rock to lift up enough that it gave Aradana immediate relief. Her eyes lit up, reality set in, and she laughed in a desperate, plaintive sort of way before going still. 
Fiorenze looked up at where she had come in — the hole that was supported by half of the door frame had gotten smaller. It didn’t matter. She had to go. 
She traced her teleportation rune in the air again, putting faith in the integrity of the city. She opened her eyes and swung her staff at the Nerubian guard that lunged for her when she materialized outside the Visitor Center. A city guard grabbed her from behind and shoved her toward the stairs that lead toward Krasus’ Landing, covering her retreat. 
Warbled, arcane warning messages warbled through the chaos, too damaged to fully convey their message but managing to do so in the most effective way even still, “Evacuate.” 
She ran through the next available portal with people she’d never seen before, only to land on an unfamiliar beach. They all turned their eyes to the sky as a growling peal of thunder rolled out in the middle of a nearly cloudless sunset, and observed as a roiling gloom engulfed the center of the city. 
Her heartbeat pulsed in her ears and the growing knot of tension in her stomach dropped as Dalaran exploded. Fragments of rock and arcane crystal hung in the violet sky for a second that felt like eons. 
Screams shook her out of her stupor, and for good reason. The force of the explosion was sending that debris rocketing their way. There wasn’t any time to stop, panic or mourn. She had to find cover and find it fast, but one extremely important thought was on her mind:
Where was Pyraelia?
@xylaes / @inistellan / @themercenaries
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mothwitch-arcanum · 7 months
Reverse 1999 x MLP AU Idea!
So! I said I had this in my drafts for a while but I just realized it was weirdly formatted so I'm redoing everything.
everything here was inspired by this post/fanart and the characters will be mostly based on them! with a few extra mixed in.
First off, Context! While this is more based on Gen 4 (Friendship is Magic), it does feel a bit of a Gen 5 derivative in that it's supposed to be future Equestria.
The Alicorn Princesses and the Element of Harmony are long gone, simply a distant memory in the minds of many of today's ponies. Equestria since then have not had any one or two princesses to rule, however remnants of the old kingdom still persist. The Twilight Foundation as well as The School for the Primary Defence of Ponykind (SPDP) were founded by old members of Princess Twilight's court and Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns respectively, and made as a response to a prophecy which was uncovered that said on the last day of the 2nd millennium since Princess Luna's banishment, a great calamity will befall upon Equestria which will turn the land of ponies back to how it once was. And so on the last day of the year 1999, time stood still and started reversing everything. Nopony was safe from it's effects... except for one. Her name was Invert Tempo. The Timekeeper, of the Twilight Foundation.
(characters and more under the cut)
Characters! (Ponified edition!)
(These are just names I personally came up with. If a better suggestion comes for any of them then I shall consider changing it)
Invert Tempo - Vertin (Earth pony) I saw a post once that said Vertin was just an anagram of Invert and I really wanted to incorporate that. Tempo was the suggestion of a friend, which relates to her musical inclination. or a shortened for of temporal which... y'know... fits very well
Sonnet "Sonetto" Moon - Sonetto (Unicorn) Honestly Sonetto is already a good pony name, but I wanted to give her a name akin to Twilight (There's a few parallels with those two not just in the post above), hence Sonnet Moon with Sonetto being a nickname.
"Captain R3G" Applecore - Regulus (Earth Pony) Applecore was actually the first name I came up with out of anything here because Regulus definately feels like she could be part of the Apple Family, maybe not directly Applejack's lineage though. I actually had a harder time with her nickname (Heavily inspired by Vinyl aka DJ Pon3)
Mistilteinn - Druvis III (Unicorn) She holds a bouquet of mistletoe, mistilteinn is literally just mistletoe... I could not NOT have her named after it. Also that can give her the nickname Mistil which sounds cute and cool!
Southern Breeze - Sotheby (Pegasus) Honestly I mostly picked this cause it was close sounding to Sotheby. Like you could also argue Sotheby could be a nickname because So(u)the(rn) B(r)ee(ze).
Morning Lillies - Lilya (Pegasus) This one also didn't have much thought put into it, just that Yellow = Sun = Morning and Lilya = Lillies and Morning Lillies sounded pony enough.
Bonus characters!
Dikke (who was featured in the post) is Silver Scale (unicorn)
Mr. APPLe is still the same as canon
Mr. Karson is Mr. Carton Box (earth pony) cause it sounds close
Schneider is Orange Blossom (Half Pony Half Changeling(I'll touch on this in a bit!))
Matilda (unicorn) I have no name for yet as well as Madam Z (kirin) and Constantine (maybe Pegasus) (suggestions welcome!)
Arcana is either a Draconequus or Changeling Queen and Forget-me-not is an Earth Pony
Because of magic shenaniganry after the alicorns disappeared, earth ponies and pegasi can now use magic much like unicorns, but only a few of them. Some unicorns also lost their magic because of this hence a divide in "Normal" ponies and Arcanist ponies.
Applecore is a part of the very large Apple Family and runs Radio APPLe on her ship much like in canon. She also doesn't like people calling her by her real name so she goes Captain, Reg, or Reggy most of the time.
Mr. APPLe is a result of one of Applecore's experimentation in alchemy.
Orange Blossom is the filly of someone from the Orange Family and a Changeling, making her a half pony half changeling hybrid which also gives her minor shape shifting abilities.
being part of the Orange family also means technically Orange Blossom is distantly related to Applecore.
perhaps later on I shall add more but for now this is basically the gist of my ideas. Their cutie marks especially cause I wanna brainstorm what those could be like.
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gatheringbones · 2 years
genuine question: how do you stand the loneliness? i'm in my mid 20s and ive never been loved in a way that didnt hurt. i dont want to have to run after ppl begging for the smallest scrap of affection anymore but i keep turning up ppl who, even though they are interested in me and seem generally decent, arent ready to lower their walls and let me in, so its either that or nothing, and im so fucking lonely. i try to bury myself in work and going out as much as i can, but sometimes it hits me, and i dont know how to stand it anymore. i just want to be able to be kind to someone and treat them with all the love and affection i have, and not have to guard myself at the same time or be afraid of them or feel like i can never be sure with them. i think you've been lonely like that for a long time, too, and i dont have anyone who understands. i know the only advice you can give is probably "endure and continue to have self respect", but i dont know how to do that without also becoming small, and sad, and worn out from all the loneliness. if there's anything you can think of that helped you get through it, please tell me--i dont want to burden or overwhelm you, but i dont know what to do anymore, and like i said, you seem like you've survived a couple of those sorts of droughts and i dont have anyone else to talk to about this
so on those first few early dates with c when she was either driving an hour up north or I was taking the bus two hours down to see her, I was so rattled by the experience of building intimacy with someone else that I couldn’t really think of what we ought to do with each other on our dates. In the end I decided: we would just do what I ordinarily did to build intimacy with myself, which meant taking lots of long walks all over residential seattle. and I’d been living there for over ten years at that point, getting around either by walking or by bus. before that I’d lived in the sticks. before that I’d lived in the part of the sticks that wasn’t connected to the power grid. my earliest memories are long lonely walks. long lonely walks were my primary coping mechanism for debilitating post traumatic stress and survivor’s guilt. and with c it was wild because. it was exactly like going on these walks with myself, only I was more of myself and these walks were more of what they were. what’s more the internal map of the city I had built in my feet over a decade was suddenly of use. all of the time and neurons I had put into building it were relevant to the present situation.
i packed a backpack once. water and a cheeseboard with a little cheese knife and a can of prosecco and a can of kirin for c and lots of little cheeses and salamis and fruits and veggies and chocolate almonds. And I took c on a long meandering walk that I knew from memory; fremont to the crown hill cemetery to the stairs leading down to golden gardens to the beach at sunset. all places I’d been by myself and taken my friends to before. places I’d taken myself to after packing myself a snack and bringing my journal and quite literally staring across the water at a home that would kill me if I ever returned to it. all that time mattered. the time I had spent in that place making those friendships and mourning that life and building that intimacy with myself and the city mattered.
All the years before— giving, giving, gifts to those who could not care, would not give back. How well we made a feast together. Those years of waste were over.
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dragonkingteo · 2 years
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"Assuming you're talking about Monster hunts, eh?... I haven't encountered many disturbing cases while on usual hunting grounds, but... there is one in particular that I recall.
I had registered for a Rajang hunt quest in the Verdant Hills. One of my colleagues was accompanying me, but since he needed some time to prepare in the basecamp, I went forth to start the investigation alone. The reports told us of a relatively small and young Rajang, so I thought it wouldn't cause us much trouble.
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But as I explored, I began noticing unusual tracks: signs of fighting, burnt trees that seemed struck by lightning, blood. They all led me to the cave at the top of the Hills... And what I saw there made me question my sanity for a moment.
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I haven't often faced Elder Dragons as rare as Kirin, yet I knew this one was... not a normal Kirin. Not only did it seem to have two horns instead of one, but I swear I saw it feasting on the Rajang (which, as far as I know, is its only natural predator?!) before it looked at me, its mouth and horn sullied with blood.
We stood there, watching each other for several seconds, until it leaped at my face like a thunder arrow. I had instinctively prepared a iai slash to counter its attack, but...
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... it flashed away like an illusion.
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You can probably tell it wasn't easy to make my colleague believe my story, and even the Guild was hardly convinced once we returned. I'm pretty sure I wasn't dreaming though... Was I?"
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