#8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m.
lifewithaview · 1 year
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Kathleen Wilhoite in 24 (2001–2010) 8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m.
Jack is taken into custody by the Secret Service after he stops the assassination. He quickly escapes in order to check on another name from the key card. Palmer tries to deal with the assassination attempt.
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theballadofmars · 5 months
12. QI RONG: dies in night 1 at 12:30 A.M because doesn't listen to Phone Guy's instructions and wanders around the pizzeria. Probably kicked an animatronic because he's bored.
11. LANG QIANQIU: tried to be calm and serene about the situation, but gets anxious and angry and goes fight the animatronics. Leaves the security office and Foxy inmediatly kills him.
10. BEEFLEAF: if they're together they die in night 1 because sqx gets braver at hx's side and is curious, goes to explore and brings hx along. Obviously, they get killed.
9. HE XUAN: they go to the kitchen for a midnight snack at 5:00 A.M and finds Chica there. She kills them.
8. FENG XIN: survives night 1 (he didn't listen to the instructions so is a miracle), but runs out of patience in night 2 and fights the animatronics when they try to enter the office instead of closing the door. He loses.
7. SHI QINGXUAN: if they are alone, they will just panic. They talk to the animatronics and scream. Survives two nights (yeyy!!!), but the third night they're so afraid that they close the door and run out of power.
6. QUAN YIZHEN: doesn't listen to Phone Guy's instructions, falls asleep and somehow survives night 1 and 2 like that. Third night is when he can't sleep because of the noise, fights the animatronics to shut them up and ends up getting killed by the Cupcake.
5. PEI MING: so, this may seem a weird placement, but pm is actually pretty competent in his job. Plus, he makes Chica uncomfortable so he only has to fight three animatronics. But by night 4 he becomes too confident in his surviving skills and forgets to check Foxy as much as he should and dies.
4. FENGQING: they would go together, because is fengqing and they're a dynamic duo. They yell all the time, but also work great together. They die at night 4 because they're in the middle of an argument, forget about the animatronics (it's not the first time this happens) and Golden Freddy kills them because he can't deal with them yelling / making out anymore.
3. MU QING: almost survives 5 nights, but after 4 days of this he gets a bit cocky and he's killed at 5.00 A.M by Golden Freddy.
2. XIE LIAN: ok, listen. Xl is about to die every night, but somehow survives at the last minute. The animatronics are pretty confused about this. He ends the week without problem, but when he goes for his paycheck he is bitten by one of the animatronics and spends the rest of his life paying the hospital debt and dealing with ptsd, which you could argue that is worse than death.
1. LING WEN: she's lw. Job with terrible hours, with lots of multitasking where they don't pay you enough to deal with this shit? That's her territory. Survives 5 nights + the extra night + custom night 20/20 mode.
HONORABLE MENTIONS for characters that didn't make it to the ranking because they're just like that:
-HUA CHENG: he's not trapped with the animatronics, the animatronics are trapped with him. This bitch would survive the first night and come back the next day with a bat made of steel and break every animatronic. Then burns the place down. If this is after xl gets bitten, the animatronics don't survive even a day.
-HUALIAN: they fuck in the security office. The animatronics are uncomfortable and don't approach them.
-SHI WUDU: works one night, then sues the company. He's now the owner of Fazbear Enterteiment. And maybe William's next victim.
-YUSHI HUAN & PEI SU: spent one night there, don't come back because it's not worth it.
-YIN YU: is Phone Guy. He dies at night 4 but special mention anyway because Phone Guy.
-JUN WU: would be the fucking killer. Gets springlocked and makes it everyone's problem.
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takes1 · 5 days
Some fluff w Koushi maybe?🫶
koushi realizing barista!reader is pretty cute
thanks for the request! this was a cute and refreshing prompt for me <3 much love!!
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warnings. none info. sfw / fluff / college!au / coffeeshop!au / simple but cute / suga wears cardigans / timeskip!suga / like imagine english teacher suga pulling a stretchy cardigan over himself ugh so cute / 630 words links. haikyuu collection. masterlist. requests open. my ao3
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"Good morning!" A gentle voice blessed your ears.
You smiled without looking up from the register.
Mr. Cardigan's ritual began. Glance over the menu, top-right to the espresso drinks, consider getting a decaf-- of course he won't go with the decaf, it was 7:40 and he was already tapping his foot to get to his 8 a.m class. Then he would decide on his tried and true as if it were a brand new idea:
"Double espresso, steamed milk, sweetened with honey."
He was wearing a face of mild shock, a touch of embarrassment, when you looked up from the order you already input.
"Oh, shit--," You laughed, warm at your slip-up, "I'm so sorry."
"Nono, it's- it's fine," He sported a similar color.
After a moment's hesitation, he chuckled and gave you his card.
Your Monday, Wednesday, Friday shift lined up with everyone who had a MWF 8 a.m (+9, 9:30, 10:00, and 10:30, regrettably). He was one of the few you cared to remember since he was such a cutie and he usually tipped you well.
"It's been a long morning, I get it," He graced you with a smooth forgiveness.
You sighed, relieved, and agreed wholeheartedly.
Spring semester was right at the close. Most were coming in to the Business building's little ground-level cafe early or late to cram for finals. He stayed consistent throughout the past few months, though, with his 7:40 sharp arrival.
7:44 if there was a line, but that was Mondays. Fridays weren't as busy because so many people skipped. But reliable Mr. Cardigan never missed a class.
"Almost done, though," You handed him his card back and spun the tip screen around for him, expecting nothing this time.
"Thank god," He tapped for No Receipt and closed his wallet.
He stood at the counter with his hands crossed in front of him to wait for his drink.
He never noticed how pretty your hands were before today. He looked down at his own kinda stumpy fingers. Then he watched -careful not to come across as creepy- at how gingerly you held the mug to the steam wand while screwing the filter in place.
The urge to talk to you nudged at the back of his throat, but he fell silent when you flipped the switch on.
The espresso machine was always a little too loud to talk over.
It was a graceful background noise to those who studied in this lobby, and a good backdrop to stay quiet to.
This time, he didn't feel as though your usual exchange was natural anymore. He wanted to talk, but didn't know quite how. The usual 4-minute wait felt like ages, but today he wasn't keen on leaving until he spoke to you again.
Your eyes flitted over his when you turned towards the lobby side for the honey.
His broad shoulders tensed and he turned his head to take false interest in some of the artwork on the walls. He didn't realize he was staring so hard.
He wondered how long you had been paying attention to him. If was just habit, or maybe a fondness had been growing and he was always too tired to notice anything other than how well you made his drink.
Now it was impossible not to overthink your friendly customer-service smile, or the smiley face you always put on the side of his cup.
Say something!
He repeated it so many times that his mind had been made unintentionally blank when you held the cup up for him to take over the counter.
"Good luck with finals," You said softly.
When he reached for his latte, your fingertips brushed for the tiniest moment. An intense heat crept up the back of his neck.
A shaky, "You, too," was all he could manage.
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requests open.
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octuscle · 8 months
Studying has been so stressful lately ? Have you got something to help me relax ?
Thursday morning, 8:00 a.m. You park the old Toyota Prius that you took over from your mother in the student parking lot. Thank God it's the weekend soon, you think. But you don't feel like going to the microeconomics lecture right away. Integration of AI in the pricing of inhomogeneous markets. Unfortunately, you're not one of those nerds who can jerk off to the lecture notes. But you have to go through it now. Before you go in there, you surf through Instagram a bit. An ad for Chronivac TimeTravel pops up. It looks silly… Kind of like a role-playing game. You have to choose a character. You think about how your dad always raves about his college days. Maybe it would be cool if it was 1983. And if you were a bodybuilder. A stupid meathead. You choose that as your character. You'll worry about the rest later. Your lecture is about to start. And you still have to fight your way through the group of activists protesting against the climate policy.
The lecture is really too complicated for you. AI is a complex subject. But in combination with microeconomics? Whoever came up with that… You breathe a sigh of relief when the lecture is over. As well as you can with your face mask on. This pandemic is really exhausting. But it's good that at least there are lectures in presence again. This videoconference crap is really not mature yet. Next lecture is Spanish for Business. That's more your thing. The professor is really hot. Good motivation to go back to the workout later. You've been spending every free minute in the gym for two months, and you're starting to see results.
During the lunch break you sit with the lads from the wrestling team. Wrestling is not your thing. But the lads look like bulls. And you like that. You talk about the legalization of cannabis in Canada. That would be a cool thing here too. You've pretty much given up smoking and alcohol since you got into bodybuilding. But you don't think there's anything wrong with a little weed now and then.
At 4:00 p.m., university is over for you for the day. You sit down in the five-year-old VW Jetta that you took over from your mother. It's really embarrassing. You feel ashamed every time you drive it to the gym. Let's see, maybe you can at least put a cool matte black finish on it…
The workout was awesome again. You totally forgot the time. You're back in your car at 9:00 p.m. and drive to your dorm. You turn on the news while you prepare your dinner. China's Vice President Xi Jinping is appointed vice chairman of the Communist Party's military commission. The 57-year-old is seen as a potential successor to state and party leader Hu Jintao. Boring stuff… You certainly don't have to remember that name.
The alarm clock rings at 5:00 am. Breakfast. And off to the gym. The car radio is talking about a possible invasion of Iraq. Many of your buddies from the gym were in the army or navy… Their nerves are on edge. You can understand if you still have friends or family who might have to go to war. But 09/11 must be avenged!
Before university, leg training is the order of the day. You are proud of your colossal thighs. Many of your buddies only work out the upper body. You have the best proportions here. You've only been lifting iron for two years. But for you it's not a leisure activity, for you it's a religion.
You're just in time for your lecture. Game theory. You take your pad and pen and start taking notes. A laptop would be really cool right now. But you know four or five people on campus who have one. It's just incredibly expensive… But you won't need much longer for your bachelor's degree in sport management. Then you will hopefully be able to afford something like that. And hopefully also a new car. Your Jeep Wrangler is a cool car. But it's also eleven years old. Built in 1980… At least it gets you to the gym at 4:00 p.m. reliably.
Some dumbass turned on CNN instead of MTV on the workout floor. Some shit with the Soviet Union. Apparently everything is falling apart there and the former Soviet republics are forming a new union. Boring shit. Fortunately, someone quickly switches back to MTV. Good Vibrations with Marky Mark. Cool guy. But quite a weakling. You do a double bicepz pose in front of the mirror. You've been here every free minute for almost three years. Maybe you should be in one of those music videos.
After your workout, you wanted to go straight to bed. But it's Friday night. 10:00 p.m. The lads ask if you'd like to go to the late show of the new film with Michael J. Fox. Back to the Future. Why not. The movie's pretty funny, too. Time travel. Strange conception… But you like the idea…
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Saturday morning, October 22, 1983. At 10:00 you're back at the Gym. On the way here, you've been listening to the radio about peace demonstrations in Europe. The Russki is once again threatening nuclear war. And we are stationing Pershings in Germany. Bonnie Tyler's "total eclipse of the heart" is playing from the speakers in the gym. Fuck the Russki and fuck the Germans. You're all about getting your muscles burning. At 2:00 p.m., your shift at the counter begins. Tonight you and your pals are going to wrestling. That would be a cool alternative. You as the new Hulk Hogan! But until that happens, you help out at the gym on weekends. And during the week, you'll drive a backhoe on a construction site. Hey, it's a cool life. You don't want any other!
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hatchetmanofficial · 1 year
I heard you said you been playing Stardew Valley, so if your ocs have their daily schedule and what will it be?
5:00 a.m. he starts his day by eating breakfast. That's his only meal for the day.
6:00 a.m. Sharpens his hatchets and/or other tools
7:00 a.m. (If he doesn't have work that day) He will go on nature walks. (if he has work) prepares his stuff and looks up info on his target.
5:00 p.m. he will get a quick snack run from the convenience store
8:00 p.m. does some woodworking/chops wood until his body gives out
9:30 p.m. Watches his Slasher VHS collection until he passes out
7:30 a.m. wakes up and checks his phone for anything.
8:00 a.m. gets a quick breakfast snack while running to his first class.
12:00 p.m. goes out for lunch
4:00 p.m. gets out of school and practices bass/studies
8:00 p.m. drinks with his frat/shuts himself in his room to watch anime
6:30 a.m. wakes up to prepare coffee while listening to a podcast.
7:00 a.m. goes to the cat shelter and feeds them.
8:30 a.m. attends her first class.
1:00 p.m. goes out for lunch.
5:00 p.m. checks in at the cat shelter and will proceed to study/do homework while working.
8:00 p.m. arrives home and makes a meal for herself.
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sturnioloremarker · 3 months
Scripted Rings (PT 2)
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Pairing: ArrangedHusband!Matt × Fem!Reader
Summary: After Matt and Y/N's intimate interaction the last time,Matt keeps avoiding her.
So instead of crying,she brings herself to go to a club with Nick,but that escalates into Matt confessing his feeling out of anger to her.
Warnings: arguement.
8:30 p.m
Matt hadn't talked to me in a week after our intimate interaction.
He had been cutting all contact with me,to the point that he hasn't been eating dinner until 12:00 a.m. everynight.
Another night passes as I flutter my eyes open to the rustling in the kitchen.
I sigh as I realize it's Matt. Once Again.
And that was only Monday,the beginning of the week.
Thursday (Present Day)
9:49 p.m
I tied my hair into a half up half down as I watched myself in the mirror.
Nick had convinced me to go to a club with him to get my mind off things as he knew that Matt wasn't talking to me.
I heard my phone vibrate on the bed as I pick it up.
Nick 🦩
Are you readddy? I need someone to pick me uppp!
Yes,Yes. I'll be right there.
I texted back as I grabbed my keys,heading out the door.
I walked downstairs,my heels clicking on the stairs,as I made my way to the kitchen.
I opened the door as I saw Matt sitting by the dining table.
He didn't even bother to look at me. I felt my heart shatter at the little act. I couldn't help but feel as if he used me for his needs.
As I felt tears prick at my eyes but swallowed it down as I ran towards the living room door quickly and opening out all the other doors in the giant house before walking out the front door.
11:26 p.m.
The sound of music thumped through my body as I inhaled the scent of sweat,liquor and a slight cigarette smell lingering through the air.
"See,what did I tell you? I told you a little fun would help you." Nick said as he danced next to me.
I swayed my hips as I held my cup of tequilla in my hand. "You were right. I'm happy I came." I said as we laughed together.
I looked at the time on my phone. I knew I was supposed to come home soon because I had a modelling brand deal to do and I knew I can't go drunk.
"Hey I gotta go before I get black out drunk in here. You ready?" I said as I looked up at Nick.
"Oh yeah,sure let's go." He answered as he held my hand,leading us outside to go to my car.
I only had one drink so I wasn't drunk,but Nick on the other hand was a little tipsy.
(8 Minutes Later)
I opened Nick and Chris's door with Nick's key as I held the door for him.
"Hey,Y/N." Chris said as he hugged me.
"Hey" I said as i hugged him back.
12:03 a.m.
After chatting with Chris and Nick for a while,I drove home to my "husband" and I's house.
I killed the ingnition of the car as I got out of it. I walked into the house as I realized the lights were on.
I opened the door to the living room to see Matt sitting there watching his phone.
His eyes flickered to me with anger as he got up from the dark blue couch.
"Where the fuck were you?" Matt asked as walked over to me.
"Oh,suddenly you care about me?" I snapped back at him, my blood boiling and my heart throbbing.
"Don't be like Y/N,answer my question!" Matt said as he raised his voice.
I suddenly broke,my anger taking over my body.
"If you really care, I was with Nick trying to find a man who actually cares about me!" I striked feeling tears bubble to the brim of my eyes almost daring to come out.
Matt's face went emotionless as he watched down at me,his gaze softening.
"Wh-what? What makes yo-you think I don't care about you?" Matt asked whispering,his words almost inaudible.
Tears gathered at my waterline as I let them flow.
"Yo-you made me fe-feel used and humiliated Matt." I said as I looked up at him.
"How could you think that? You're my wife, I put a ring on your finger. You're the one I want to have kids with. You're the one I want to be by my side when I take my final breath. Which I hope happens bfore yours,I really do." He said as he caressed my hand for a second before I pushed it away harshly.
"Then why'd you make me feel like this?" I asked as I let the tears fall more.
"I don't- I don't know,okay? And I hate I made you feel this way. It's just that I was scared to tell you Y/N. I know that I fucked up. And I hate myself for it." Matt said as his voice cracked.
"Tell me what,Matt?" I asked as my hand gave way and dropped the keys and bag from my hand.
He sighed as he looked me in the eyes, "I love you,Y/N. I love you to the barier of insanity,when I feel like I could kill myself when me or someone else hurts you. That is how much control you have over me Y/N." He said as he pulled me closer by my waist.
I watched as I got llst in his soft blue gaze. "What about Anna? She was the woman you-you always dreamed of,she had the looks,the body and all the things you have checked on your list." I said as I sobbed through words.
"She wasn't you,she didn't make me feel the way you do. She didn't make me feel all fluttery inside my body,every time I saw her. She cheated on me,Y/N,and she didn't check everything off my list. Y'know why?" He asked as a small smile creeped up on his face.
I sniffled before I spoke, "Why?",I asked as I wiped my eyes.
He smiled, "Cause you're the definition of my list. You're perfect." He said as he pushed a strand of my hair back.
I laughed as he smiled at me. "I love You,Y/N" he said as i looked up at him.
"I love you too,Matt." I said as I went on my tippy toes as I gave him a kiss.
I never thought that I would love the man I swore i hated.
I kinda hate this but i hope this lives up to your expectationsss.
Keep the requests comin' people!!
LOVE Y'ALL! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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mncxbe · 1 year
𝗡𝗼𝘄 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴:
"Lana Del Rey - West coast" ★
01:22 ━━━━●───── 04:16
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻ ♡
𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐈//𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬
Kunikida: Office sex/ 1.50♡/ Taking a bath with them♡ p2/ First period
Fukuzawa: Policy of truth / Relationship headcanons / 1.50♡/ First period/ 4:05
Dazai: 11:11♡/ His home/ 4 a.m/ Claire de lune○/ 9.31♡/ Cheri cheri lady/ Taking a bath with them♡/ 1.50♡ p2/ First period/ 4.06♡/ Victoria's Secret/ Strawberry Daiquiri/ Little sister/ Needy♡/ Kintsugi
Ranpo: 1:50♡/ Taking a bath with them♡/ Sun and moon/ 4:05/ Cravings♡/ Kintsugi
Port Mafia
Yosano: Taking a bath with them♡ p2
Akutagawa: A glimmer of hope/ 4 a.m/ Taking a bath with them♡/ 00:01☆/ First period/ 505♡/ 9.59♡/ 9.59♡ p2/ Victoria's Secret/1.31♤/22:49/ Blood bonds/ Strawberry Daiquiri/ Cravings♡/ Peek-a-boo/ Laced♡
Chūya: Summer wine/ 4 a.m/ Taking a bath with them♡/ Victoria's Secret/ 8:37◇/ 9:30♡/ 10:44/ 10:38 PM/Kintsugi
The Guild
Mori: Deal with the devil☆/ Relationship headcanons
Tachihara: Two lives\\one love/ 10:23♡/ 7:24♡/ 5:13
Poe: Love poems♡/ Taking a bath with them♡ p2/ Sun and mood
Decay of Angels
Fyodor: In death you feel alive/ 11 p.m/ Taking a bath with them♡ p3/ First period/ 3.42 a.m/ Carnival♡
Sigma: Taking a bath with them♡ p3/ 8:37◇/
Nikolai: Taking a bath with them♡ p3
Hunting dogs
Jōno: Taking a bath with them♡ p2/ 10:23♡/ 1.50♡ p2/ 7:24♡/ 5:13/ Strawberry Daiquiri/ Cravings♡/
Tetchō: 10:23♡/ 1.50♡ p2/First period/ 7:24♡/ 7:59♤/5:13/ The little things
Fukuchi: 7:24♡/ 5:13
Teruko (platonic only): 7:24♡/ 5:13
Ango: 5.40♧
Oda: 4:05
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starstruck-cupid · 1 year
The Sweater
Part two of my Charlie fic. Currently unnamed
(part one)
A/N: this has not proofread but was edited by a grammar bot. I'm trying my best to keep everything consistent and not giving to many specifics about the reader. I'm experimenting with formating. If anyone has advice or constructive criticism, please share.
(edit: name change. Formerly unnamed)
TW: mentions of stalking (?), Spoilers for the movie Psycho, I think that's it
I can feel the warmth of the early morning sun. I sit up, rubbing the sleepiness out of my eyes. I slept hard. Looking at the clock, it was only 8:30 a.m. I slowly drag myself out of bed, walking to my bathroom. 
It's cold.  The window is open. Did I leave that open? I could have sworn I closed it. It's not uncommon for me to. You'd think I'd be more weary considering I live in Woodsboro. The crime rate here is surprisingly low, if you ignore the Ghostface incidents. 
I began to analyze myself in the large mirror. I was still in the oversized sweater. My hair is messy, and there's an evident dusting of darkness under my eyes. 
I leaned towards the window and pulled the curtains to the side. Charlie is at his window. He's sitting at the desk in front of the window. He's staring at me. I climb into the bench of the window and wave. He doesn't wave back. Instead, he pulls his phone out.
I hear my phone ping, reminding me of the unread texts from last night. Sliding off the bench and walking into my room, I grab my phone off the nightstand. Two texts from Charlie, and two from an unknown contact.
Opening Charlie's texts, they read
3:00 am Can we talk?
9:00 am Can I come over?
Despite being embarrassed at the reminder of last night's events, I quickly texted back. Charlie should know that he's always welcome. 
Throwing my phone on the bed, I search for bottoms. Grabbing and slipping on a random pair of pajama bottoms, I hear the bathroom window being slid up. It's been squeaky for a week now. It served as a nice warning that Charlie had entered. 
As he walks into my room, I move towards the stack of DVDs. 
"What do you want to watch?" I asked Charlie, looking over just in time to see him flop down on my bed, face first, making my phone jump into the air. No answer. Deciding to throw on a classic, I slide a stolen copy of Psycho into the DVD player.
I shuffled over to the bed, sitting next to his head. I softly ran my hands through his hair.
"What's wrong, sweet boy?" I asked in a gentle manner. I wasn't expecting a full, in depth explanation. In fact, I wasn't sure I'd get an answer at all.
"Kirby" was all he said. That's all I needed to know. I continue to silently massage his scalp. In this case, it was best not to say anything. Charlie has had a crush on Kirby for longer than I've known him. Kirby was nice, maybe a little reckless. She was beautiful. I could absolutely understand why he liked her. Still, it hurts. I don't know why it hurts, but it does.
Charlie flipped around to lie on his back. Looking up at me with his light, tired, puppy dog eyes. Charlie is easy to read. You can see his emotions through his eyes. 
Except in this case. The emotion in his eyes is unrecognizable. I've never seen this emotion flash through his eyes. 
As if he noticed me analyzing his eyes, he quickly looked away. He lays his cheek against my thigh and pulls at my sweater.
"I like when you wear this," he said, softly, yet bluntly. 
My face got warm. Quickly, I turned my head to the tv. Watching as Norman stabs Marion while she's showering. Still focused on his comment, I almost don't hear how Charlie mumbles something about how I'm wrong in thinking that Psycho was the first slasher.
Charlie and I are always debating about movies. One of the most common debates is whether Psycho or Peeping Tom was the first slasher. I know he's right. He always is. I can't let him win, though.
Letting out a small giggle, I started flattening out the hair that I had fluffed up. I felt him smile against my thigh. Leaning back against the wall, I looked at my phone. 
The unknown texts.
I forgot about those.
Grabbing my phone, I open the texts. There was no contact name.
3:30 am You really shouldn't leave your windows open. Can't put a girl with such good movie taste in danger.
That doesn't make any sense. I open the video
It's me.  It's a video of me in bed, in just my sweater and underwear.
"What the fuck?"
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New York City: Shut Down Wall Street for Palestine
Monday, January 8 - 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Gather City Hall Park, Broadway at Park Row & Chambers St., NYC
Hosted by Shut It Down for Palestine
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naruhinamain · 6 months
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🌙Presenting NH Fair's Creators Live Q&A!
Come share a magic moment with some of your favorite NaruHina creators! ✧*:・゚
Join some of your favorite NaruHina creators on Discord for dedicated live Questions & Answers sessions and an opportunity to discuss their work with them!
🌙 This December 2023, the NH Fair invites you to come and join 10 of your favorite NaruHina creators on the NaruHina Stans Discord for dedicated live Q&A sessions with them! You will have the opportunity to ask them questions and discuss their work live with them during chat sessions lasting from 30 min to 1h30.
Please check the schedule below to see which creators will be featured and on which day 👇
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🌙 Saturday, December 2:
@nightowl27-writer at 5 p.m. UTC for 1h30 [What time is it for me?] @magmawrites at 8 p.m. UTC for 30 min [What time is it for me?]
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🌙 Sunday, December 3:
@happyocelot at 1 a.m. UTC for 1h [What time is it for me?]
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🌙 Saturday, December 9:
@magmawrites at 8 p.m. UTC for 30 min [What time is it for me?] @sessakag at 11 p.m. UTC for 1h30 [What time is it for me?]
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🌙 Sunday, December 10:
@quirrrky at 1 a.m. UTC for 1h30 [What time is it for me?]
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🌙 Saturday, December 16:
@bunny-hoodlum at 9 p.m. UTC for 1h30 [What time is it for me?]
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🌙 Sunday, December 17:
@dayseternal-blog at 7:00 a.m. UTC for 1h [What time is it for me?] @powerful-niya at 2:00 p.m. UTC for 1h30 [What time is it for me?]
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🌙 Saturday, December 30:
@arunikas at 2:00 p.m. for 1h [What time is it for me?]
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bananagreste · 1 year
Reminder to all French dub enthusiasts that RTS will be airing two episodes on Saturday, with the first episode airing at 8:35 a.m, and the second episode airing at 9:00 a.m, local Switzerland time.
How to watch?
Set your VPN to Switzerland.
If you want to watch the livestream, go here.
If you want to watch the episodes later, go here.
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zixinwonderland · 2 months
Posting Black Butler facts once a day until season 4 is released!
For real this time cuz i realized I’m not actually as tired as i thought, this ones a bit long so its under the cut!
1 more day!
(tho technically 0 in my timezone… this is to make up for my last post!!)
Oops! All Sebastian!
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(Excluding Our Ciel) He is the only character to appear on more than one Volume cover (he is on 8 of them).
Yana Toboso uses Sebastian to measure other characters (Ex: 1 Sebastian tall).
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His wish, when celebrating Tanabata, was “that the servants don't idle but do their job.”
His age is a secret.
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He views humans as grasshoppers.
In early concept stages, he did not have a name, they just called him “the butler”.
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He claims to be responsible for the Black death.
Yana Toboso considers him to be the protagonist, but also thinks he is “elite trash” because he lacks shame and moral.
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Her and her team also think he is a “muscle brained shithead” apparently.
He was going to stand on a piano and play it with his feet but Toboso wasn’t sure if she could draw that. She says she’s open to adding the scene if the plot calls for it. (I hope it doesn’t, i live in fear of that day)
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His last name originates from the Japanese word 見返り (mikaeri) meaning repayment.
His grave in the Manor Murders arc says "To The Memory of Sebastian Michaelis. Died March 1889. May ye be in heaven an hour before the devil knows you're dead."
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His schedule is the following:
5:50 A.M. - Getting up, getting dressed
6:00 A.M. - Preparing the master's breakfast, ironing the newspapers, instructing the staff
8:30 A.M. - Waking up the master with "Early Morning Tea," assisting with the morning toilet, serving breakfast
9:30 A.M. - The master's breakfast
10:30 A.M. - Start of the master's daily plan (work, learning, etc.), polishing the silverware, beginning lunch preparations
12:30 A.M. - The master's lunch
2:00 P.M. - Preparations for the afternoon tea
3:30 P.M. - The master's afternoon tea
6:00 P.M. - Preparations for dinner
8:00 P.M. - The master's dinner
9:00 P.M. - Cleaning up the dinner leftovers, polishing the silverware
10:00 P.M. - The master's evening toilette (bathing, getting changed)
11:00 P.M. - Putting him to bed
0:00 P.M. - Locking the rooms, extinguishing the chimney fire, etc., preparations for breakfast
2:00 A.M. - End of work
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panimoonchild · 8 days
Russia doesn't deserve to exist in any form
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"Yesterday Mykhailo did not wait for his father to come home. When he realized that his father was probably among the victims, he and his mother went to the police.
The man worked in a hypermarket in the decor department and was inside when the attack happened. The 8-year-old boy is a direct relative, so he has to undergo the DNA sampling procedure.
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Rescuers extinguished the fire in the Epicenter in Kharkiv in the morning: 12 people died and 43 others were injured. 17 people are missing, including a 12-year-old girl.
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"The number 17 is, firstly, the employees of the Epicenter who reported that they could not contact their colleagues, and secondly, several people who said that their relatives could have been in the Epicenter at the time. The number of missing persons is 17, and the number of bodies was five. Now we have found the bodies, as of 9:00 there are 12 of them. We have taken DNA samples from all the relatives who reported their relatives missing and are in the city. Now some more relatives are coming to the city to donate DNA," said Volodymyr Tymoshko, head of the Kharkiv regional police.
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Investigators and forensic experts have been searching all night at this site, the ruins of the Epicenter, for something that can be recognized as a human body. We are afraid that we will have to sift through the ashes to find the remains and identify the victims," said Serhiy Bolvinov, head of the Investigation Department of the Kharkiv Oblast National Police. Team Vozduh: rescuers were forced to repeatedly interrupt their work to extinguish the fire at the Epicenter in Kharkiv on May 25 due to the threat of repeated strikes by Russian troops. The air alert in Kharkiv and the region lasted for more than 20 hours - from 08:58 a.m.
Don't be indifferent. Make Russia pay. Please hear our cry out to the world, keep spreading our voices, and donate to our army and combat medics (savelife.in.ua, prytulafoundation.org, Serhii Sternenko, hospitallers.life, ptahy.vidchui.org, and u24.gov.ua).
Also, you can help the Kharkiv region by supporting this fundraiser for electronic warfare equipment for the electronic warfare unit that protects Kharkiv and the region. Left less than 1 milion to close the fundraiser.
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munchymuchy · 3 months
(TW: this story contains facesitting, face-farting,rimming, musk-kink, sharting, soiling, scat in general)
Beep! Beep! Beep!
Loud annoying beeps filled Blu's room causing her to put her pillow over her head in desperation to try and not listen to it. Her alarm read 6:20.She knew she had to get up for her 7 a.m. mathematics class. She hated math with a passion and wasn't good with it. Honestly she had no idea how she was still passing but she needed it to be a photographer. She grogalu got up, turned off her phone and got ready for the day.
She grabbed an orange kirby top and some white pants for today. Blu didn't really care how she dressed for her morning classes. She just wanted to get up, do some work and come back to her cozy apartment. She made sure to grab her camera too and put it in her backpack. Her campus was a good walking distance so she didn't need to drive. As she arrived on campus heads started to turn and voices started coming her way.
"Good Morning Blu!"
"Morning Blue"
"Love the shirt"
Blu spoke back with a smile to her fellow classmates and counited into the building to her class. As she went into the room she saw someone she's never seen before. A rather large man wearing a jacket was sitting in a seat next to hers. The way to describe this room would be that there are 8 long desks in the room in total with three chairs behind them. Normally no one sits in her area of the desk but this might be someone new in this class so she just sits in the middle where she usually is. As she unpacks her stuff she takes quick glances at the man. He had his head down but she could definitely see his body shape. She could see how big his ass was and how it hung off the side of the chair a bit. She could feel herself staring at his butt, even spotting his crack expose itself from his pants. As she continued to stare she saw the big mans hand reach over and pull his jacket over his crack.
This shocked Blu causing her to look away and do an awkward small cough. She then did a small eye side to see if he was staring and sure enough the big man was. His dull black eyes were piercing the side of her head like darts and blu kept nervously looking forward not trying to make eye contact with him. What seemed like minutes he put his head back down but blu didn't look back over for the rest of the hours of class.
When class ended blu started to pack up her stuff with her camera in her hand ready to snap pictures of the football players. The football players would do their stretches and exercises at this time, 9:00 a.m. to be exact. At around this time it would get kinda hot, not smoldering, just hot enough to see sweat drip from their bodies. The field was near a place with a bunch of flowers with insects, mainly butterflies or bees, so it didn't seem to suspicion to see anybody taking pictures in that area. Blu used this as opportunity each time to take photos of the players.
She was smart enough to take her pictures at angles that made anybody think she was taking pictures of something else so she knew she would never get in trouble. During this time some of players had their shirts off. She didn't pay attention to that..she wanted all the "bigger" guys. She took some snaps of some of the big players with some with their shirts off, sweat marks appearing under their arms, or sweat in the middle of their ass. Blu was snapping pictures one by one but didn't want to fill her camera up like that..she was waiting for her main two players to step on screen and those players were Eddie Fatialofa and Kofi Samuelu, the biggest players on the team. They were like chunky clydesdales with asses that sat out like 40 inch countertops. "我的天啊...did their asses get bigger?" Blu said, her breathing shaking with her cheeks getting rosey. Eddie was wearing a tank top and some long purple joggers while Kofi was wearing nothing but some shorts..very tight grey shorts. Both of them seemed to be doing some toe touch stretches. Kofi was in a position where his back was turned and blu noticed a huge sweat stain that took over the back of his pants. Blu had her camera ready for him to behind over to see his ass in all its swampish glory until she heard a voice coming from behind her.
"Eexxccusse me!"
Blu almost had a heart and her camera was almost gonna drop out of her hand. She turned around and is face to face with Kenny..Kenny Erickson. The campus asshole who makes everyone around him annoyed by him. He looked at blu and her camera with a look of confusion. Blu held her camera tight and started to sweat bullets knowing she got caught by this jerkwad.
"Whatcha doin with that um...camera there. You out there taking pics of the players?" Kenny said with a grin on his face.
"W-well um, actually I was its for the um...PAPER! yes paper" Blu said hoping this prick would buy it but he just kept asking more questions.
"Hmmm, ya sure? looks like your taking pictures like a peeping tom. are you one of those perverts?"
Blu could feel her face getting hot and her palms sweating. She knew she was caught, Blu couldn't even muster up anything but a stutter. Then she tried one more lie to defend herself.
"L-look I swear it's just for paper. People love sports you know?" Blu gave a slight chuckle to try and throw him off.
"If that's true..lemme see the shots you took"
Blu started at him not being able to move or speak. Her camera wasn't cleared out yet with the pictures she took into her computer. She didn't want the people to know..she didn't want anyone to know. so she stood there. As she was standing there staring she felt a tug at her camera. As a reflex she pushes kenny full force onto the ground. Kenny landed on his butt into a mud puddle. Blu released what she had just done and there were people starting to come around the corner so she started to run away.
Blu kept running and didn't look back and before she knew it she was at her apartment. Thank goodness she only had one class today or else she would've had to miss the other ones. Numerous thoughts went through her head as she just stood in her apartment."Did he really see me take those pictures?" "Is he gonna tell anyone?" "Will I be kicked out?"
"Kicked out....dammit I hope I don't get kicked out. 该死该死该死该死.." Blu kept murmuring to herself in her native language stressing herself out until she remembered she had her camera in her hand still with the pictures on it. She turned it on to flip through the pictures she took. The pictures came out semi-great, a few were blurry and a couple were perfect. She got into her comfy clothes and started her work on trying to clear the blurry ones up so she can use them for "later things."
It was a free day for Blu she didn't have any classes she could stay in bed all day if she wanted too but she knew she had to go to the library to study so she wore a pink top and pants and put her hair up in a bun and went on her way. As she was making her way into the library she saw a familiar face near one of the bookcases..it was kenny and he was talking to that dude blu saw in her math class.
Kenny spotted blu and turned back to the big man leaning over to whisper to him something. Blu tried her best to ignore the stares they were giving her but she just couldn't just let that scare her away. She plopped down in a seat, pulled out her notes for one of her classes and started studying. Not even a few moments passed and she felt two people behind her, she knew who it was but kept her composure until a large hand grabbed the book making blu jump a little in her seat.
"Well well, look who's back. Taken any pictures lately?...Oh i forgot the players already left this morning."
Blu sat there red faced, she hoped this guy would've left her alone but i'm guessing he didn't want to and he brought that other dude with him. She started to keep an eye on the other dude not knowing what he was gonna do. Kenny took notice of that and chuckled to himself.
"Ooh it seems that you're staring at my jakey boy here, but I think you already know him. He says you were staring at him one day, is that true sweetheart?" Kenny said smugly waiting on blu to answer.
Blu couldn't think in that second, she knew she had been caught. Kenny noticed the fear in the girls eyes and felt bad until he remembered she ruined his pants yesterday.
"Ok ok, I'm not that heartless i'm not gonna tell anybody about your um..hobby but you do need to pay me for the pants."
"YES- i mean yes..i'll give you the money for your pants just don't tell anyone please..please I don't need this getting out"
Blu was desperate she didn't care how she would get the money for this jack-offs pants. Both males looked at each other then kenny laughed quietly. "Ok ok we have a deal but let's discuss this outside first." Both men headed outside and blu quickly followed. The men turned to a corner and blu continued to follow until they turned around to face her.
"Here's the deal,my pants cost $98.75 in exact change. You can make that easy money by ,drum roll please, eating my buddies ass right here."
Blu couldn't believe what she heard..she was gonna get this twats money back by eating his friends ass? really?
"H-huh?! what? how does that even work?"
"Oh my apologies lemme explain, you're gonna eat his ass the best you can, he gives you money, I get the money. Is this simple enough you mutt?"
Blu was stunned to speak..was this pimpin? was she being pimped out right now? She would always fantasize about eating a fat dude's ass but not in this way. She didn't even know the dude!
"Don't worry he's clean, might smell a little sour down there though. Big guy's been walking around campus with me since this morning so its probably like a swamp down there."
Jake started to put his hands on the wall in a pat-down position causing blu to look in his direction. She gulped nervous and looked back at Kenny giving him a worried and angry look.
"Oh dont worry I'll give you all some privacy. Have fun you too"
Kenny said leaving the area to chill on the other side leaving the two there in silence. Blu started to sneak away until she heard jake say something. "Oi, where you going?" The man spoke to blu shocking her because she had no idea that he could speak. When he spoke he had a little accent to his words and stared at blu waiting for her response.
"Look...you don't even have to eat it all the way...you can eat it through the underwear"
"Eat it through...your underwear? O-ok"
"See...making progress"
Blu started to walk behind him and crouched down now at butt height. Blu put her thumbs to the hims of the pants and pulled them down revealing sweaty yellow boxers. She could feel the heat coming off his butt and started to smell the scent of his butt. It wasn't horrible but it really smelt..musky with a hint of cologne. She got her face closer to his ass and started to smell it more, pushing her nose more between his ass cheeks. Jake looked down watching the small girl's head almost disappearing in his butt. She started to drown in his butt smell...it started making her..hungry.
Blu pulled back and spread his ass apart with the underwear still , opened her mouth and dove back in making the man jump a little. Though it was bare butt she was tasting she could still somewhat with the cloth making a barrier. It was like a salty taste, salty like vinegar and a little bitter. Jake was taken aback with how this girl was chowing down on his ass but it felt kinda nice to him. Having a warm tongue against his hole felt like a weird soggy massage. The slickness relaxed his butt so much that he felt a small fart slip out.
"Oh whoops...sorry about that"
Blu pulled back and coughed, even though the fart was small it stunk. Blu couldn't believe it, she was really eating some dudes ass for money but oh boy...she just wanted to keep going that fart just got her hot all over. Diving back in, blu seemed more animalistic and almost was motorboating this man's ass. All the licking and movement made more gas slip out smelling worse. Blu could feel her panties getting soaked and her mouth dribbling spit devouring his ass. Jake didn't really feel aroused from the anal pleasure, like before it just feels like a massage. Blu started to use a free hand and started to rub herself through her pants. Her pants started to look really damp and Jake looked back to see it too. Jake could see there was a huge wet patch on her pants and a crazy doe expression in her eyes.
Jake decided to have a little fun with this and pushed more farts onto the girl making her rub her crotch faster, seemed like she was close to cumming. Jake took it upon himself to make her cum a little faster and took his hand shoving her a bit further into his crack. His stomach grumbled and he let out a 5 second fart onto her nose causing blu to moan and the wet spot on her pants to spread. Blu pulled back, falling on her back with the same doe-expression.
Jake pulled up his pants, reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. He pulled $7.00 and laid it on her chest gently before walking away. Kenny seen jake come from the corner and started to smirk at the man.
"Soooooo, you let that bitch have. you shit on her" Kenny was hoping jake made her suffer a little but knowing jake kenny knew he still went a little easier on her.
"Naw...almost did though..if she kept going a little longer I definitely would've."
"Aww you suck, why are you so fuckin soft? she ruined my good pants remember?"
"Yea but aren't those pants like only $20.00"
"Yea yea I know, but she had ruined my good ass pants though. And with the money goal I set for her ass, I could buy more than one pair of these pants, You know they have different colors and a one with a chain-"
Before Kenny could continue on and on about some pants jake had already walked off leaving kenny looking like a madman.
The Next Day
Blu sat on her bed thinking to herself how was she gonna get the rest of this dudes money. She already had $7.00 from eating that big dudes ass and just needed a few more bucks. Blu promised herself that she wasn't gonna do something like that again and was probably gonna just sell some photos she took before online. Right now she had to put her head in the game and go to class. Like any other day she walks to campus praying that nothing was gonna happen until she stepped into the building to see Eddie speaking with a girl.
Eddie was wearing blue shorts and a white top with the college mascot on it. The girl and Eddie seemed to be flirting with one another but that didn't really matter to Blu all that much so she just kept going until she felt a hand on her shoulder. Blu quickly turned around to see Eddie smiling at her and the other girl walking away. Blu was confused on what he wanted and then he started talking.
"Hi there! you apart you uh a photography right? you apart of that class"
"Oh! um yea I am"
"Well I have one question for ya, were you taking pictures of the football field the other day? my buddy kofi says he seen you up at that little garden area with ya camera pointed to the field"
Blu could feel her heart drop into her stomach. She's used that spot dozens of times before and nothing came of it. She clears her throat and tries to respond cordially.
"No! oh no! you see I just pictures of the plants and other small wild life. I'm so sorry if I-it look like I was doing something else"
The big man gave a chuckle to blu and blu nervously smiled back hoping that this wouldn't spread into a rumor. She was about to turn to until she heard him speak again
"Oh another thing, my buddy also said he says you get into some little pull battle with kenny, you ok?"
"Oh yea! I'm fine just uh..er misunderstanding! yea a misunderstanding."
"Oh well i'm glad you're ok, I know kenny he can be a bit of a..dick sometimes."
Blu gave a nervous chuckle to Eddie, she's never been this close to him before. Hell she hasn't even spoken to this dude before all she's ever done is take pictures of his ass in various poses but now she's holding a conversation with him. Speaking of ass blu wanted to get a glimpse of it before she went to class.
So she started to tilt her head to the side slightly and could see it. She could barely see it but she could tell it was there and moving. Blu started to drift off until she realized she was still in front of him. Before she knew it eddie stopped talking and started at her back. Eddie behind himself and chuckled at blu knowing what she was trying to look at.
"Oh haha, you lookin at my butt?"
Blu stood there shocked and started to stammer causing an almost belly laugh from eddie
"Dude, its cool alot people stare at my ass, some people even think its fake haha. You can touch it if you want"
Saying that he turned around offering his butt to blu. This surprised blu..she's never been offenders anyone butt. Blu nervous backed away and gave a half smile.
"Oh i-I think i'm late for class, see ya" Blu said quickly walking the other way leaving eddie hanging and confused. Blu went straight into the bathroom and locked herself in a stall..she could feel herself getting wet. She wanted to try and calm herself down before class. She lowered her pants just a little and stuck her hands in her pants to give herself some relief.
Blu could feel her pussy throb in her hand. It was slick and warm, her clit even felt twice as sensitive while thinking about eddie's huge ass..wiggling..sweaty..musky. Blu could cum right in this stall at this rate until she heard the door swing open. She peeped through the crack of the door to see a giant figure hunched over one of the sinks. Blu fixed her pants, flushed the toilet and opened the door to see Eddie's friend,kofi, in the bathroom. It was shocking to see him in, not because he was man the school had unisex bathroom, but because he was just as big as Eddie upclose. Kofi looked at Blu with an annoyed look but that didn't last because he grabbed his gut and started to whimper.
"Are you...oka-"
"Get out"
Blu started at the big man holding his stomach and...told her to 'get out'. Blu was taken back by the words he said. She wanted to be sure she heard what he just said.
"Excuse me?!"
"Look I said get ou-, hgghh" Kofi couldn't even finish his sentence and grunted.
A pitiful sounding fart filled the bathroom. Blu looked at the big man and kofi looked back at her with anger. Before he could open his mouth his stomach roared again and he held his cheeks together. He shoves Blu out of the way with his body accidentally letting some small fart fly out in the process.
Blu landed on her back causing her phone to fly out. Thankfully she caught it before it could land on the ground.
More fart noises came from the stall Kofi ran in. Seems like he might've eaten something that didn't agree with him. The smell of sour shit started to go into Blu's nose. Blu was surprised at the smell but was more surprised at what it was doing to her. She could feel herself getting wet again listening to the man shitting bricks in the toilet. She reached in her pants again but was AGAIN interrupted but...by Kofi instead.
"Jesus christ, lady are you still fucking in here?!"
Blu panicked and got up quickly fixing her pants on the way to class. Her days were just getting worse and worse.
Couple Days Later
It's been quiet for a few days and Blu has gotten a few bucks since then. she's up to $34.67 now even though she needs 55.33 more dollars to get the complete total. Her selling pictures really did help her and she didn't run into the asshole kenny. She gleefully walked into the building with her camera ready to turn to take some pictures. Those couple days before she didn't take any pictures out of fear she'll get caught but she felt like it was safe enough to start doing it again. She could finally get new jerk-off material because the old ones didn't work anymore, which left her with only edging herself to old photos.
Blu walked out to the garden area to see if the football players were doing anything work out related and sure enough they were. She could feel herself excited for when Eddie and Kofi come out. Though she had kind of a bad experience with Kofi in the bathroom she can still look at him from a distance. Blu pointed her camera readily to the field waiting on them to walk by but only saw Eddie.
"Huh? where's kofi?" Blu said to herself. As she continually pointed to the field trying to find out where Kofi was a strong hand snatched her camera away causing blu to literally jump out of her skin. She didn't have any reaction time and the only reaction she did have was turning around to see who snatched her camera. Blu's blood ran cold when she saw Kofi was the one who snatched it with a laughing kenny on the side of him.
"So you're the one that's been watching us out on the fucking field. You fucking weirdo I knew someone was watching us."
"See I knew you weren't wrong Kofi, she's been the one that's been acting like a perving out raking picture and the one that ruined my pants!"
"Motherfucker I dont care about your dumbass pants, I care that some creep been using us as jerkoff materia-....wait I think I know you"
Blu was shaking when Kofi started to realize who she was. First she fucked up someone pants when she got caught and had to eat ass to get her started with some money and now she got caught again but someone that could easily whoop her ass.
"Yeeaaaaa...I fucking know you who you are..your that weird girl that decided you wanted to stay a little bit longer in the bathroom while I was shittin right?"
Blu felt like her organs were shutting down when some people started noticing the commotion. The whispers and stares were like daggers, it felt like the whole campus had figured her out..the true her is getting found out now. Blu just turned and ran away , far away from campus and all the way to her apartment. She didn't care that she left her camera or school bag she just wanted to be at home.
Her reputation was down the drain, she wanted to drop out right now. Dropping out seemed like a better option but she knew she couldn't so for the time being she just made up an excuse that she had caught a servera stomach bug.
Two Days Later
It's been two days since Blu went to school, she hasn't even been outside at all. Around this time it was a week before her period..she was craving something spicy. Everyone knows when your craving something days or a week before you period its a strong craving. Blu decided to go out to the local mall and try some of those spicy garlic wings.
So she put on a hat, mask and shades to head on out to the mall. Since the mall was pretty far away she drove there. Before she drove off she sat in her car to pray hoping that today was gonna be a great day. To her it didn't have to be great it could just be ok as long as she doesn't run into certain people.
After a few minutes of driving she finally made it to the mall. The mall seemed pretty busy like it always was. The mall was huge having at least 4 floors with different stores on each one it was a popular mall to go to. Blu made sure her disguise made her look hidden enough before going out. She decided to take her shades off but kept her hat and mask on.
Blu missed being outside so much and missed going to the mall so much more. Entering the mall that mall-smell instantly hit Blu with relaxation. Everything from the food court smell, to the indoor fountain and to the chattering of people made Blu's stress go away. Her mouth was ready for some spicy wings but to her surprise it wasn't around the corner like it usually was. Turns out they moved 2 floors up and this area was gonna be for some dumb perfume shop.
"好吧 狗屎...guess I gotta up these floors"
Blu would've taken the escalator but they were under repair so the only option was the elevator. Nothing really bad happens on a elevator right?
As Blu was walking towards the area that held the elevator she saw 4 familiar faces come into her view. It was Kenny, Eddie, Jake and Kofi. They didn't seem to notice blu which gave blu hope that they might not notice her. She put her mask up and pulled her hat down and quickly walked to the elevator doors. She practically pressed the button a thousand times to hurry it up. When the doors opened she jumped in as the group of men walked past.
As the doors were closing Blu felt her relaxation come back to her.....until she saw a giant hand grab the elevator door to make it open again. Kofi appeared to be coming through the elevator along with Eddie and Jake.Kenny stayed on the ground floor for whatever reason which was okay for blu. Blu backed into the corner of the elevator to hide herself more and it sort of worked. though it was big enough to fit at least 12 people, these men would count as a crowd of people. The men seemed not to pay her any mind, blu felt like she could stay hidden.
A stomach growl made Blu's head jerk up. "Is that what I think it is?..." Blu thought to herself, it couldn't be what she thought it was.
"Joder… esto realmente me revuelve el estómago…" Jake said holding his stomach catching the attention of kofi.
"Yo man, if you need to shit hold that in. Don't nobody need to smell that" Kofi said with annoyance. He was somewhat right with that statement expect for Blu, she was kinda curious on what it smelled like. She already smelled Jake's sweaty ass one time and even ate from it. Thinking about that got Blu hot and bothered again. Let's not forget she's a week away from her period which means the horniness she was feeling was coming 10x harder.
As kofi was chewing his buddy out on him for holding in he started to notice Blu in the corner. Kofi stared at the girl trying to figure out why she felt so familiar. Blu backed into the corner again trying to hide herself but she couldn't back any further into the corner. Eddie started to notice Kofi approaching the woman in the corner not knowing it was Blu.
"Dude, get back a little bit. Do you even know this girl"
"Ed man listen I feel like I know this chick, she feel really famili-"
A loud squeaky fart erupted from the corner that jake was standing at causing everyone to look that way. Jake looked like he was sweating bullets and was breathing like he was gonna give birth. Eddie and Kofi coughed while holding their noses. It smelled like watered down spoiled milk.
"Christ man! what I just tell you about that"
"Lo siento amigo...just couldn't hold it"
Both Eddie and Kofi were still coughing and pulling their shirts over their noses. Kofi started to take notice of Blu's reaction, she didn't cough or hold her nose she looked to be enjoying it. Like she was really enjoying it even taking some huffs in on purpose. Before Kofi could say anything a sharp pain hit him in the stomach, like a lot of air pressure. Blu took notice of the noises coming from Kofi, and tried to scooch over to the other side of the elevator but felt a hand rip off her mask.
"I knew it! I knew you were that weirdo from the other! Have you been stalking us you sick fuck?! See Ed I told you I kne- HnngH?!"
Kofi was surprised that something like that came from his ass. He knew his farts stunk sometimes but not this bad and that pressure in his stomach wasn't really letting up.
"Y-you like this don't you fucking weird bitch huh?" Kofi said with an angry look at Blu while she was panicking and felt a little horny. Her hormones were so out of whack that she could probably cum without even touching herself. Eddie was worried for both of his friends, he had no idea what was going on and what got their stomach upset. Then he remembered..before they got into the elevator they ran into Kenny and he brought them some lunch. Some tacos and burritos but they tasted a little funny but kenny reassured them it was just some new sauce they were trying out.
Just then Eddie stomach started to act up and it even almost brought him to his knees until his phone rang. It looked like kenny was calling him, finally he could probably get some answers.
"Sooo hows that 'new sauce' treating yall up in there?" Kenny said practically laughing through the phone.
"So I wasn't crazy, you did put something in our food. Your bitch ass wasn't trying to be nice hnnggh oh god...why man?"
"Well since you asked so nicely, you see that girl in there? that one that looks like a cruddy inspector gadget?"
Eddie looks at the girl that kofi was still angrily yelling face turning beet red. He remembers that girl, he ran into her on campus one day discussing with her about kenny and what he did but didn't really know the full story. Let's get this straight, the three buds aren't exactly friends but they dealt with him from time to time. They never believed what he said most of the time but this time Eddie wanted hear him out.
"Yea? why? look man just leave us out of your plan"
Just then the elevator shook and stopped. Shockingly, the elevator stopped between floors.
"Oh fuck- Please don't tell me what I think happened??"
"Well I won't tell you yall are stuck in that elevator with some pervert who was taking pictures of yall. I'll just hang out here finding some shirts that match. Oh and by the way..kinda sort of knew that elevator was gonna do that just didn't wanna tell yall buh bye~"
Kenny hung up on Eddie with not a care in the world knowing he didn't have to deal with smelling like shit. Blu started to get really nervous now so she just faced the corner. This is a fantasy she always wanted but she was also scared that she might suffocate in this elevator.
"H-hey! you fucking pervert why you trying to hide now. Th-this is your dream right?" Kofi said grabbing Blu by the arm to make her face him. Blu started to struggle out of his grip mushed him in his face to make him back up.
"LISTEN!!-...Im not a perv ok..I just..like taking pictures"
“Don’t f-forget hnng..you ate my ass too” Jake said letting off some small farts out while trying to keep a smirk on his face. Eddie was shocked to hear this from his friend. He didn’t seem like he was the freaky type nor Blu.
“So…Kofi was right?!”
“Ofcourse I was jackass!! Hnng why would I lie??”
Eddie was really shocked, he thought Kofi was having one of those hunches. He realizes now that he was right about this but he couldn’t understand how a pretty girl like Blu would be so nasty.
Blu felt like she was gonna loose her mind but was scared to death that Kofi would probably kill her and not in a fetishy way either. She watched as the big men groaned and yelped with ever fart that came out. Blu could almost feel her pussy drip and Kofi started to take notice again of her reaction so he wanted to give in and see her reaction.
“You must really be enjoying yourself huh?? You sick fucking hgnn bitch.” Kofi said trying to maintain eye contact with Blu. The smell was starting to suffocate Blu a bit that she started to cover her nose a bit.
“Hey now…don’t you dare cover your nose..this is your fantasies right?? You’re gonna smell this you weird bitch.” Kofi grabbed her face to make her face him and started to grunt.
That last fart sounded a little wet causing Kofi to let go of Blu’s face and grabbed his butt to not let anymore gas out, he didn’t want to ruin his pants. It smelt like rotten eggs and sulfur, causing everyone to gag and cough. Blu herself knew the smell was awful but it awful in a good way. She could start to feel her pussy throbbing and her knees buckling.
Kofi grabbed on her face again and looked over at Jake wallowing in the corner of the elevator holding his stomach.
“Hey amigo! Turn around, search style I think this little freak right here has the munchies again”
Jake stared at Kofi but did as he said. Kofi started to dragging Blu over to Jake so she gets a face full of his ass. Blu started to tell him wait but in the back of her mind she wanted her face up his ass again. Eddie got inbetween Kofi and Jake trying to stop whatever he was doing.
“Eddie move”
“Eddie stop trying to save this perv”
“Hold that thought”
Kofi gave a confused look to Eddie. Eddie usually is the good guy or desolator and it seemed like he wanted to do something else.
“She’s already been up Jake’s ass, so put her in mine”
“What?? Really?” Kofi was shocked by Eddies answer but he could tell by the smirk on Ed’s face that he wanted to punish Blu for taking pictures of them or anybody else for that matter. Eddie switched place Jake and Blu started to get a little scared, she had no idea how Eddies ass smelt like or taste like. Blu tried to pull Kofi’s hand off but he was stronger than her.
"W-wait! I thought you were one of the n-nicer ones??!"
"Oh, I am...but I can also be pretty mean too when I encounter liars. Don't worry though it'll be quick and easy...just relax"
Ed gave Blu a smile but not just any smile a more villainous smile..like a snake watching their prey walk dumbly towards them. Kofi took his foot and lightly, not very lightly, kicked the backs of Blu's knees to bring her down to Ed's butt height. It was a lot bigger up close, and even gave off a little heat.
"Oh! just before you put your head in there lemme just.." Eddie proceeded to pull his pants down, he was wearing underwear but it looked like the bikini kind. It looked like his butt was practically eating his underwear, hungry for something more. Blu felt intimidated from his ass until Kofi grabbed the back of her head and shoved her face in his butt. His butt scent filled her nose quickly, it smelt like cheese and a bog. Blu let out a muffled yelp and tried to pull back but Kofi kept her head in place, he wanted her to huff all the fumes that settled In his friend's crack.
Blu's lungs felt like they burned, her eyes were watering with all the gasses passing through her system. Her pussy started to throb again, since only her head was held by Kofi her hands were basically free. Blu started to slide one of her hands down her pants. She could feel her pussy was so flooded with her juices on her fingers.
"Wow..you're seriously touching yourself to this? you are some sick freak" Kofi said putting her head a little further up Eddie's farting ass. Ed's stomach made a deep dropping sound signaling there were more farts. Eddie looked down at Blu's face, she looked too high off his ass to care what was coming out next.
A rancid shit smell went into Blu's nose and caught her off guard. It had a strong scent and was really squishy against her nose but she kept fingering herself faster..she was close. However she was pulled back from his butt. Seems like he didn't mean to push that hard because as soon she left his ass he grabbed the back of his ass, groaning in disgust and semi-relief.
"Damn dude..did you just shit yourself? cough cough"
"Querido dios, hombre..that smells worse than mine"
Both Jake and Kofi were overwhelmed by the smell until their stomachs made the same deep dropping sound that eddie's did earlier. Kofi looks down at a Blu who was still looking like a deer in the headlights and then got an idea.
"Hey guys..I got an idea but first lemme just-" Kofi dragged Blu to the middle of the elevator. Jake and Eddie realized what they were gonna do to this girl now. Blu was starting to get off some of her high and started to see how all three men were now standing above her really close...then they started to turn around. She was now surrounded by three huge asses she's taken pictures for half of the semester. Her face was engulfed by Kofi's ass, Jake's ass was on the side of her head and Eddie's ass was on the other side of her head. Another bubbly stomach growl filled the space again and then..
Blu's senses were overrun by the sound and smell of farts. They were a lot wetter than before, especially Eddie's butt. She could feel his shit spread on the the side of heard a lot more as he continued to fart more, thankfully he still had on underwear. It seemed like Eddie wasn't gonna be the only one with shitty pants though. Blu started to a small squishy pudge on her nose and it started to grow.
"HnnGg..oh fuck~ you like that don'tcha Mgghn..you like me shitting your face?~" Kofi said pushing out more farts along with shit into his pants on Blu's face. Blu's hand was still in her pants, somehow she completely forgot and started to get back to business. Blu pulled out her fingers, slapped her clit and squirted into her pants and fingers. She started to hear warmth and hear crackling on the other side of her head, seemingly Jake shat himself too. His shit felt like a liquid more than a solid.
Blu took her hand out of her and groped at kofi's butt while diving deeper into his ass sniffing it. The amount of gas and shit filled the elevator could kill an elephant, hell it was starting to even get the men sick a little. She turned her head to sniff in Eddie's butt now while still groping at Kofi's butt. Blu's brain started to go overboard and her body couldn't handle it anymore. She wanted more and she didn't care that she was on the brim of blacking out. Just then the elevator kicked back on surprising the men while Blu was in the mists of blacking out.
"Aw fuck I forgot we were in this elevator"
"Mierda, what are we gonna do now. Our pants are ruined now"
The elevator doors opened and all three of them practically ran out from the scene leaving the girl to lay face down on the elevator floor. Thankfully there weren't a lot of people on that particular floor but the people that were there could smell something so awful in the air that they had to turn around. As people were turning around and leaving the area here came the master mind behind this all..it was kenny.
Kenny came prepared because he was wearing a gas mask. He walks into the elevator to see poor Blu on the floor, pants wet with a lobotomized look in her eyes. Trust, blu was still conscious but not fully there. She could still move her eyes, she spotted kenny standing over her and even with the gas mask on she could tell he had a smirk on his face.
"Sooo....how'd you like it? didn't know they'd all shit themselves so that was an extra surprise for ya." Kenny said snickering as he lightly kicked the girl to see if she'll answer. All blu could do was breathe and watch him stand over her until he started to crouch closer to the girl
"Just so you know....I don't need your cash anymore kinnndddaaa lied about the pants price but like at least you could experience your favorite fantasy but you can still give me the cash if you want."
All blu could do was still lay there looking at the man wanting to kick him but she didn't have the energy. Kenny figured he couldn't really just leave her there so he grabbed both of her ankles to drag her out and sat her up on a bench to look like she was just resting. Before he could leave though, he pulled out some cologne from his pocket to spray her with. She did smell like death so this was his way of doing a half-assessed sorry to her.
With a couple of sprays she smelled...okay? she didn't smell as bad anymore so kenny just left without a care in the world while leaving Blu halfway awake on the bench, safe but still semi-blacking out.
Ok whew! this seems like one of the longest stories I've written. this has been in the works for maybe days or like a week. I genuinely hope you all like it 😭, if I see mistakes I might make some changes. Thanks everyone. Also if you can't tell I have put onomatopoeias, I'm currently trying to do something new.
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Favorite Season 1 Episodes
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As we finish up Season 1 in the rewatch with these Season 1 episodes fresh in our minds, I thought it would be a good time to do a poll to determine our favorite episodes of the season. Since there are only 10 episodes in Season 1, I'm going to make you narrow your favorites down to 3 (but I'll increase that number to 5 for the longer seasons). You can vote HERE.
The poll is open until 8:00 a.m. EST on Friday, February 9!
Please reblog for visibility and feel free to tell everyone in the tags which episodes are your favorites and why!
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vicsnook · 11 months
Come Back…Be Here | Bob Floyd x Reader
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word count: 1230
warnings: deployment, sad, fluff
song pairing: Come Back… Be Here - Taylor Swift
notes: Hey y’all!! Hope everyone is doing well! I know I’ve been away for a little while but no worries I am back ☺️ and ready to write. This one is a sad one so forgive me for that. Please if you don’t mind, like and reblog that way more people can read this too. Thank you for all the likes and reblogs on my other works. Hope everyone is having a great week!!!! 💗
The sound of thunder startled you awake. Looking at your bedside table the alarm clock read 3:00AM in bright red letters. Bob snored peacefully beside you, he could sleep through anything.
The morning came too soon and as you got ready for work you noticed Bob was unusually chatty. He only did that when he was keeping something. Not wanting to pry you went along with it but as everyone headed off the tarmac that afternoon him and Nat got called into Cyclone’s office.
“I wonder what that’s about.”Jake said, raising his eyebrows at you.
“Me too, he’s been really chatty lately so maybe it has to do with that.”
“Yeah, I noticed that. He ain’t real good at keeping secrets” He chuckled as you both headed to the vending machines.
Usually you’d get a snack with Bob after flying exercises were completed but today your appetite was absent. The weird feeling that you’d had in your stomach when you woke up last night only intensified more as you waited for Bob. Jake tried making you laugh by showing you pictures of his new pup but your mind was elsewhere.
“Hey Peach, can we talk?” whispered Bob from behind you, breaking you away from your thoughts. You followed him quietly to your car grateful that you’d all been dismissed earlier today since Maverick was sick.
He started the car and looked over at you smiling weakly. You felt the knot in your throat as he headed towards the beach. This wasn’t going to be a good talk.
He grabbed your hand as you both found a spot to sit in the sand. Both of you stared at the beautiful California ocean when he finally broke the silence. “Nat and I were called up for a mission in Europe. We’ll be gone for a few months.”
“How long?”
“9 months but it can extend to a year. We leave in 2 days”
“Oh” you replied, trying to hold back the tears. Both of you knew this could happen anytime but you were not prepared for it to happen so soon. You’d only been together 8 months and now he was being sent off to the other side of the world.
He pulled you into his chest as you let the tears fall. He smelled of pines and jet oil. A weird combination that you’d come to adore. His fingers lifted your chin to look at him and he kissed you softly.
“We’re going to be okay.” he whispered as you both started to head towards the car. You nodded in response.
That night you helped him pack his seabag between dancing in the kitchen and eating leftover pizza. Tomorrow night the squad wanted to meet up at the Hard Deck for a small goodbye party.
Work flew by and before you knew it you were at the Hard Deck. Bob was off playing pool with Fanboy when Nat pulled you aside.
“Hey, you call me if you need anything. You’ve got nothing to worry about. I’ll keep this one in check.” she said, taking a swig of her beer.
“I’ll try to keep Rooster in check but no promises.” You raised your hands as you both laughed and she pulled you into a hug. In a few hours your best friend and boyfriend would be gone and tonight only seemed to fly by.
Bob and you said goodbye to everyone around midnight. Him and Nat had to be at the airport by 4:00AM. You cuddled up to him that night but as the alarm went off at 3:00AM you felt you’d only slept 10 minutes.
You said it in a simple way
4:00 a.m. the second day
Everyone gathered at the airport saying their final goodbyes. Bob pulled you in for one last hug and whispered “I love you” as he pulled away and kissed your forehead. A few tears escaped your eyes as you both had yet to say those 3 words.
“I love you too, Robby.”
Stumbled through the long goodbye
One last kiss, then catch your flight
“Time to go.” said Nat as Bob kissed you one last time and headed to security.
You followed the squad out to the parking lot politely declining their invitation to get breakfast. All you wanted to do was go home.
Getting ready for work you scanned the room for your dog tags and that’s when you saw it. A red gift box on your bed. Opening it you pulled out a necklace with a heart locket and in it was a picture of you and Bob from your first date. The note in the box read “So you always have me with you. Love, Bob.”
And this is when the feeling sinks in
I don't wanna miss you like this
Come back, be here
You put it on and finished getting ready as quickly as you could so you wouldn’t be late for work. Holding back tears as you headed out the door missing Bob more than anything.
Bob had left Wednesday and it was now Friday. Calls were short as he and Nat were settling in and the time difference didn’t help. He mentioned you should go see your sister to help not feel so lonely. So here you were boarding a plane to NY for the weekend.
Taxi cabs and busy streets
That never bring you back to me
I can't help but wish you took me with you
The breeze was cold as you stepped out of the airport. Raising your arm you hailed a taxi and then you were off to your sister’s. That night after a long day of retail therapy you were able to facetime Bob.
His sweet smile filled the screen as you showed him your purchases. “I got you something so once you know your mailing address let me know.” you said, eying the box on the floor. He nodded, raising his eyebrows at you making you laugh.
You got him a watch he’d been wanting according to Mickey. On the back it had the word fearless engraved, a nod to when you both danced in the rain a couple months back.
He was getting ready for work while you were ready for bed. He said he was happy that you liked his gift and couldn’t wait to get his.
“I’ve got to go baby but just know I love you and I’m thinking of you. Sweet dreams.” he said quietly as Nat knocked on his door.
“I love you Robby.” you replied as he smiled and ended the call.
This is falling in love in the cruelest way
This is falling for you and you are worlds away
In New York, be here
But you're in London, and I break down
'Cause it's not fair that you're not around
You shed a few tears after the call ended. Missing him hurt so much. Your chest aching as you tossed and turned that night. Wishing time would fly by the next couple of months.
Central park felt lonely the next day since your sister was called into work. She loved being a doctor but being on call sucked. You watched the birds from the bench you were sitting at wishing that Bob was with you. That he could Come back, be here.
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