#911 fan theory
hereforthe911buds · 21 days
this will be an unpopular take (one that I actually believe I have a greater chance of being wrong on than right) but Tommy could dump Buck again the episode of the Madney wedding.
I know fan speculation is Tommy is around for more episodes so Tevan must be together till at least when this arc is done but if Tommy is at the bachelor party like it's being suggested, then seeing how handsy buck & Eddie are with each other may put a nail in the coffin. Tommy already said "my attention?" regarding Buck's actions during 7x04 meaning he has the thought in his head. it won't really matter if Buck & Eddie do anything that crosses a line or not if Tommy can already see the writing on the wall.
his breakup could be vague "you aren't ready for this" or direct "you obviously like someone else" (won't say who). But if Tommy is at the supposed award ceremony, I see Tommy taking more of a mentor role (as Oliver already hinted at in an interview). Buck will press him on what he meant, to which Tommy will make a gesture at Eddie, confirming what Buck is afraid to admit to himself.
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ily-tothecore · 22 days
i’ve seen so many people incorrectly quoting oliver, ryan, lou and tim from interviews, it’s actually wild lmao like if you’re going to spread information, don’t make it false information? oliver saying that he doesn’t know if he wants buddie but if it happened he’d be open to it does not mean he said “buddie is canon”, him mentioning that bi buck was a possibility in earlier seasons but then got shut down does not mean “buddie was supposed to happen but the higher ups said no”, them saying that they don’t know what’s going to happen with buck and tommy in future episodes doesn’t mean “buck and tommy are confirmed to be breaking up”, and there is SO much more it’s crazy. i’m also a buddie shipper but this fandom is REACHING, i’m all for delulu fan theories, i LOVE being a crazy fangirl, but you’re misquoting actual people by saying they’ve said something they didn’t, and it’s just gonna lead to people being mad at them if buddie doesn’t actually happen even though it’s not their fault and they didn’t actually do or say anything wrong. you guys are baiting yourselves at this point lmao and i know it’s probably not that deep but the actors already get so much shit for ‘queerbaiting’ so this is just gonna make it even worse for them in the long run, you’ve gotta remember that they’re people too.
would also just like to add that i also love buck and tommy and will be happy with any outcome. as long as they’re all happy! anyway have a good day :)
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legallyanxious · 1 month
Listen, I'm still more than happy to just spend some time watching Tommy and Bucks relationship develop for now
But that being said
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buddiebitch · 8 days
WHY are BT shippers so vehemently against actually analyzing the symbolism and choices made for this show?
i mean i saw multiple people saying we were overthinking the vertigo poster. they were saying that it was weird to assume that Buck would fill the pining best friend role that Midge did in the original movie??? (haven’t seen the movie, i just read a few synopses)
i’m sorry, so you agree that he put Ryan Guzman in the main character and Devin Kelley as the love interest because they’ll fill those roles in the storyline, but we’re overthinking when we point out what role he put Oliver Stark in?
or when i bring up the possible symbolism of Tommy always calling him Evan, the only response i get from BT stans is “well he would tell him if he didn’t like it” or “i think it’s because he was introduced that way and that’s why” or even “i think he probably likes that Tommy calls him Evan” (all real responses i saw) and it’s like, yeah that’s cool, those are great headcanons for you, but that actually isn’t what i was talking about. nothing wrong with having a headcanon, but it doesn’t explain anything about the show or answer any of my questions.
i mean in s4 he corrected his PARENTS and told them his name was Buck, and in s6 it was used to emphasize the strangeness of his coma dream, how everyone was calling him Evan, the whole show him being called Evan has almost always been used to emphasize that someone doesn’t know him very well, how are y’all convinced that it’ll mean something different this time? i get that some people think it’s supposed to be growth, that he’s cool with being called his first name, but if that’s the goal it definitely isn’t reading that way to me.
like i wish i could see things through the same lens as these people so it could make sense to me, i just don’t get how you can willfully ignore SO many hints just so you can ship what you want.
no hate to the ship or the shippers obviously, i’m just baffled by the lengths they’ll go to in order to convince themselves that plot device man is endgame for Buck.
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i'm genuinely terrified for the new 911 fans binging the entire show, like i'm genuinely shaking i'd rather have a truck run me over than watch buck digging through mud, stuck under the fire engine, struck by lightning and see eddie shot in front of him, in like the span of a week
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lovecolibri · 28 days
Just sitting here at work looking at everything Oliver keeps saying, and hearing couch theory is coming up and I just
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perhapspluto · 1 year
something about how the 911 writers would rather buck and eddie be in completely random hetero relationships that literally make their character development go Backwards than let them be single and best friends . god forbid the fans get the Wrong Idea .
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stagefoureddiediaz · 27 days
Hello, I don't get the "couch theory is a deeply buried fandom thing" going on ? I rewatched the beginning of season 6 just yesterday and it's a completely canon theory that Buck exposes to Eddie then to Bobby in those exact words, so I'm confused at the freak out ?
Hey Nonnie
Sooooooo Couch theory actually goes back to pre season 6 times and there is a difference between couch theory and couch meta - I shall attempt to explain!
So there have been jokes bouncing around fandom since fairly early on about Buck and couches - partly because they've always been a low key thing on the show (Buck and Eddie helping Maddie move her couch, Buck sleeping on Maddies/Chims couches when he moved out of Abbys, his comment about sleeping on the couch after the truck bombing etc) but some time mid way through s4 (I think - someone can correct me if I'm wrong) it was mentioned that Buck rarely interacts with anyone on a couch except Eddie and Chris - especially as time has gone on. it didn't really go anywhere aside from being a fun observation. It picked up a bit when we had Buck sleeping on the Diaz couch after the shooting - but it really was a fandom thing that we had a bit of fun with - and it becae a staple of fanfic.
Fast forward to season 5 and suddenly Bucks couch became a real thing - especially when Taylor moved into Bucks loft - I made an off hand comment at some point (I can't find the post) about how Taylors couch being blue and brought in by the two guys was a metaphor for Eddie during the shooting - how Eddie was always the thing between them in their relationship, not Lucy. Anyway things spiralled from there and there were many conversations happening about the couch being used as a metaphor for Buck's relationships etc - most of this was during the hiatus between seasons 5 and 6.
Then when season 6 started and Buck hadn't gotten a new couch, and he acknowledged why he hadn't got a new couch - the very thing we had been discussing over hiatus - and Oliver and Kristen Reidel mentioned it in an interview as well.
So now we're in a situation where the character has attached his own meaning to his couch, while we in fandom have out own thing going on with the couch of it all, essentially creating two different theories. Well a theory and a metaphor. I have recently reblogged a lot of hte couch theory posts should anyone want to read them for the full theory and exploration of the subject, but what it essentially boil down to is the following;
Couch theory is the fandom theory about Buck and his relationship with couches and encompasses the fact that its far more tied to the Diaz boys - such as the fact that post coma, Buck can only find the peace to sleep on the Diaz couch and not on his own - the one his mother had brought him. the theory posts explore the fact that we see Buck on the Diaz couch far more than anyone elses couch (in fact irc, other than his own couch, we rarely see Buck actually on a couch - chairs or armchairs yes but rarely couches - in other peoples houses!)
Then there is the couch metaphor - which is the symbolism Buck himself placed on his couch - it is the part of the theory that has crossed over as the character has become self aware of this specific aspect of the couch of it all - it is him recognising that he hasn't actually been the one to chose his couch - that his girlfriends have chosen them for him - and within that that he didn't have much agency in choosing the relationships either (this is not to say he didn't want to be in those relationships or that he was forced into them, it is him acknowledging that he has essentially been chased/ pursued and then gone along blindly, rather than the other way round, or an equal pursue/ pursued situation.) so like his needing to choose a new couch, he is going to take his time choosing his next partner.
Now we have a situation where Buck was seemingly going to pick out a new couch with Natalia at the end of s6 - which should, by implication of the weight Buck placed on the choosing of a new couch, mean that Natalia was the one - that Buck himself felt he had agency in his choice of relationship - and that he could stop placing so much weight on the couch and its symbolism.
Only we're in season 7 now, Buck didn't last very long with Natalia (a few weeks at most as the season is meant to more or lest pick up where s6 left off) and we haven't seen (properly) the new couch in the loft. In Bucks head he may no longer be placing any importance on the metaphor of the couch, however, the shows reluctance to give us little more than a glimpse through the stairs of a couch existing in the space, despite the fact we've had a couple of scenes in the loft now, is suggestive that there might in fact be more to the couch theory still to play out. Thats not the part the character is aware of (the metaphor) its the part he is un aware of - the part the audience is aware of - the theory that shows the Diaz boys as being central to the couch and Bucks search for happiness.
So couch theory lives on (it never died) and we wait to see how things play out with Buck getting (already having) a new couch, the fact that he already has one and where things head in relation to the diaz boys and Eddies couch - because Chris is the only one who has sat on it so far this season!
I hope this helps clear things up a little Nonnie but feel free to come back with more questions if you have them.
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buddiesmutslut · 1 month
Saw a post that Tommy is Abby 2.0 & that feels SO REAL (older & more mature, introducing Buck to a different way of thinking, knows the job intimately, not quite as into him as he is into them 🫣).
I just hope Tommy leaves in a much better way, bc he gives off good vibes and I ADORE LOU.
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warpedpuppeteer · 2 months
I'm actually loving the Tommy is a love interest for one of them -> Tommy is the catalyst for Buck and/or Eddie realizing they're in love pipeline
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hereforthe911buds · 1 month
so I don't think we getting a buddie kiss for 7x05, it would be way too soon if that's the direction the writers are going, especially regarding characters' self-discovery and not rushing into something, one or both of them still having some form of a partner.
but what if we get an almost kiss?
what if Eddie goes to Buck's apartment to clear the air & reaffirm (if Buck came out to him) that he's always there for him and supports him. they share a very tight hug, it lasts for a few seconds, and then they pull away slowly. they look at each other, some peace and clarity on Buck's side, but Eddie leans in the most subtle inch.
then Buck's phone rings. it's Tommy. maybe Buck didn't notice Eddie was leaning in or maybe he did, but he steps away and answers the phone. Eddie decides to leave as Buck dives into conversation.
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but then he stops at the door and looks back. Buck is a little giddy while talking to Tommy, like a first crush, and Eddie has to reflect on "did I just try to kiss my best friend?... why did I do that? do I want this?" and then steps out because his best friend likes another boy and he has no idea what to do with that anxiety in his gut.
and then what.
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ok so far, i have never really felt like the writers would go there with buddie, even in earlier seasons when their scenes were just, how you say.. not straight. despite always having had amazing and heartwarming scenes together, i always thought buddie would just remain friends, because let’s be honest; the show has really been queerbaiting the fans with them (and that is not a word i use lightly).
but these last few episode something has changed, and in last night’s episode, something changed in eddie. i don’t know what, or how, or why, but he’s going through a personal journey where he seems to have multiple epiphanies about himself in the span of 24 hours. something’s shifted, and i don’t think it’s just ryan choosing to play eddie like that.
i have no idea what’s gonna happen next, but i’m really exciting about the remaining episodes this season, especially since they’re written and/or directed by folks whom we know gave us big buddie moments before.
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trans-buckleyy · 10 days
my fav thing about fandoms (/j) is when people act like an issue is specific to one group (an individual fandom, one ship in particular, whatever grouping they're choosing to talk about), I can guarantee you there are people being dumb on all "sides"
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wildlife4life · 14 days
I think we probably gonna get another Eddie scared or his abuela scared but not fully dying or idk it just they all make it seem like something bad is happening to Eddie and is like he’s gonna have a hard time I reckon is his catholic guilt I theorized like abuela sick and him being scared cause his abuela is the only one who supports him really really from his blood family and is ok with him not being that catholic or anything and so is gonna be hard for him to see her sick and the catholic guilt I don’t think this season the catholic guilt will direct to sexuality crisis but next season I can see it, also idk but I just think I kinda want like Eddie to have his panic and like talk to Josh from the episode with Josh being so out of character and Eddie helping with the bomb and shit I remember that Eddie was setting up Josh with I don’t even remember with who I have to re watch lol and so I’m like make them besties make Eddie talk to him the way we all wanted Buck to come to Hen
I like the connection of Eddie's catholic guilt to his abuela, whether its because she's sick or Eddie is hurt. Its a nice tie back to his family trauma/struggles as well.
I will never accept Eddie and Josh besties. I honestly think they just friendly acquaintances, nothing more, especially after everything that went down between them at dispatch. (I'm also not like the biggest josh fan either, so I'm a little biased lol)
Honestly, I truly believe that if Eddie goes to anyone about possibly being gay its going to be Bobby. They tie alot of their stories together and even more so when Buck will be somehow involved.
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oneawkwardcookie · 1 year
If it turns out to be Chimney climbing to get Buck down, I will be *screaming*
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the amount of people i’ve seen getting angry about gabriel’s ‘death’ when it’s not even confirmed is ridiculous. you guys need to calm down fr
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