#911 whats your emergency
winchester27 · 6 days
Maddie: He is so cute
Buck: yeah he gets that a lot. You should meet his kid though.
Maddie: Wait - Chimney has a kid?
Buck: ??????
Maddie: I rest my case :)
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la-bombera-911 · 2 months
buck and eddie || "the line between lovers and friends"
creator: Irving🧜🏿‍♂️
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Leaked footage of season 8!! 🤣🤣
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cannibalistickemp · 5 months
“I’m an ally” what’s this then Buckeroo?
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passthe5sauceplease · 6 months
my dads least favourite part of the show are the stupid cheesy one liners when dispatch answers the call
“911 what’s your emergency” “we’re having a blimp emergency!” *cuts to my dad disapprovingly shaking his head while eating pie*
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anaszpan · 4 months
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[ IMAGINE ] : You play a game with Hen and Buck. You are on a team with Henrietta and you are trying to defeat the determined Evan.
[ ( ´ ꒳ ` ) ♡ ] [ A/N ] :   Don’t hesitate to use this idea in your story.
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kyoteugly · 2 months
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Chibi Buck for my friend Jimmy
Lineart from pinterest - unfortunately wasn't signed so I don't know the author
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juliandurchdenwald · 19 days
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Nobody: "Aren't writers supposed to love school?"
Me: "I'm not like any other writers."
Nobody: "Then what type of writer are you?"
Me: "The lazy ass type of writer who ducking hates school."
Nobody: "Ducking Hell."
||Don't judge me, I just find talking to people is a waste of my damn energy and time when I'm supposed to be writing in school during class hours, not to seek false rumors and make fake friends, ok?||
||And yes, I'm sleeping late tonight. My brain can't just seem to stop braining.||
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||Good luck to me tomorrow (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠).||
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buckaroo627 · 26 days
Ryan Guzman Instagram Story: 9-1-1 Season 8 teaser (911onabc IG post)
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winchester27 · 2 months
Bucks face of utter despair as he collapses into Bobby’s arms after try to DIG Eddie out of the mud with his BARE HANDS will always destroy me 🥲
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mqstermindswift · 9 months
@skeelly the slashstreet boys are BACK WOOOO
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robinrites · 2 years
Family Isn't Always Blood
Whumptober Day 11!
Prompts: "911 what's your emergency?", Makeshift splint, sloppy bandages, self-done first aid
Summary: Jason has been brought back from the dead, but unfortunately can't remember his life before his resurrection, or even the fact that he died. When he gets into trouble and vigilantes come to save him, can he trust them? How do they know his name?
“911 what’s your emergency?” 
“Hello? It’s-It’s my brother, he’s hurt. He’s really badly hurt.” Jason curses under his breath as he tries his best to tie a scrap of fabric around the gash on Tim’s arm. 
“Okay, can you tell me your name?” 
“Jason.” He holds the phone up to his ear with his shoulder as he takes off his shirt to try to staunch the bleeding coming from Tim’s abdomen. 
“Okay Jason, and what’s your brother’s name?” 
“Tim, we’re, shit, I don’t know where we are. Can you track this call or something? Please!” 
“Can you take a deep breath for me Jason?” Jason growls, but does it anyway, feeling slightly better after he does so. “Okay, I’m tracking your location, can you stand on the line with me? Maybe you can tell me about what happened.” 
Jason grimaces as he looks back down at his brother who is lying unconscious on the floor. “It was another one of Joker’s attacks, or Riddler’s or one of the other fucking maniacs in this city. We were just trying to get home, and some goons jumped out at us and started attacking us for no reason.” Jason bites his lip as he tries to hold it together. “We tried to fight back but we’re not fighters. One of them had a crowbar and I- I froze.” 
Jason’s brows furrow as memories flood into his brain. He sees himself standing at an amusement park, wearing a costume. Where did I get that? A man stepped out at him, holding a crowbar, and hit him before he could even do anything. An image of himself waking up in a warehouse, tied up by a man who looks like a clown flashes into his mind next. The other version of Jason calls out for Batman, and he realizes this is the Joker he’s seeing in this memory. What did the Joker want with me? 
The voice of the 911 operator draws him back to the present, “Jason, honey are you still there?” 
“Yes ma’am.” Jason shakes his head to try to recenter himself in reality. “They um had a crowbar and I froze. Next thing I know, I’m running as fast as I can, carrying Tim. I looked back to see if they were still following us, but then I slipped on something and we ended up falling down a hill. I can’t see the way back up, all I can see is metal.” 
“Are you hurt at all or just your brother?” 
In spite of how dark it is where he and Tim are, Jason does his best to examine his body for any injuries. His eyes land on his ankle, which he instantly notices is purple and swollen. When did that happen? “I think I sprained my ankle or something…” 
“Can you describe what your ankle looks like?” 
“It’s a little dark here, but it’s purple and really swollen.” He touches his ankle experimentally and seethes, “And it hurts to touch.” 
“Okay, do you have any spare fabric you could use to wrap it? Maybe a t-shirt?” Jason’s eyes wander towards where his shirt is resting on Tim’s chest, soaked in his blood. 
“No ma’am, I uh, I’m using my shirt to try to stop the bleeding coming from my brother.” Jason forces himself to look away from Tim, but only makes it a moment before turning to look at him again, worried that if he takes his eyes off him he’ll disappear. 
“Can you tear off some of the fabric from your pants?” Jason nods, and begins to tear at the fabric of his jeans up to his knee. “Did you do it?” 
“Okay, now I want you to tightly wrap that around your ankle, preferably so it covers at least part of your ankle and part of your foot.” Jason dutifully follows orders, wincing at the pain touching his ankle causes. 
“Done.” Jason lets out the breath he had been holding in. 
“Perfect, we’ve almost found you okay, let’s just keep talking for a bit-” 
The line goes dead, Jason yanks his phone away from his ear and sees his phone battery is dead. He tosses his phone away with him with a groan of frustration. He glances over at Tim who is thankfully still breathing, even if it is shaky breaths. 
“Fuck!” He buries his face in his hands as he begins to cry. “Fuck, Tim I’m so sorry!” Jason hears a slight plink of water hitting water and his head darts up, “Water? Are we in the sewers?” Jason glances upward to see the cement roof slightly curved, in a way one would expect sewer tunnels to be. “Shit.” He scoops Tim off the ground and onto his lap, ignoring the whimpering noises coming from Tim as he does so. “Sorry Timmy, but you’ll get a nasty infection if we’re sitting in sewage until rescue comes.” He holds Tim to his chest, doing his best not to jump at every creak and groan from the metal pipes around them. 
Another memory flashes in Jason’s head, this time he’s the one chasing someone. He sees himself racing towards a large figure wearing all black. The man wears a mask over his face, similar to a cowl, with large pointy spikes coming out of the top. 
“B! Wait up!” He hears himself call, Do I know him? The man in black stops and turns, but where his face should be is only blank. Jason shakes his head, then looks again, only for the man’s face to still be devoid of any personal features. 
“What is it Jason?” The man in black asks. Who are you?
“I just wanted to say, the last one to the cave is a rotten egg!” Jason watches the other version of him stick out his tongue and then race ahead of the man in black. The man groans, but then smiles and races after Jason. 
The memory shifts to him waking up in the hospital. Nurses and doctors circle him anxiously, checking his vitals and his pupils and everything they can to make sure he’s okay. After the medical staff is satisfied, they let a boy come into the room, Tim. 
“Do you remember who I am, Jason?” Tim asks, pulling one of the chairs over so he can sit next to Jason’s bed. 
Jason furrows his brows as he tries to remember, “You’re my brother?” Tim smiles widely.
“Yes!” He nods, “What else do you remember?” 
Jason’s face drops, “Our parents-they’re, they’re dead aren’t they?” Jason looks at Tim, hoping for an answer, “They left us alone didn’t they?” 
“We’re not alone we have-” Tim pauses, as if someone told him to stop, “We have each other. You and me, partners in crime.” 
“What happened to me? Why can’t I remember anything?” 
“We were racing down the street on our bikes, you hit a turn way too quickly and flew off your bike and hit your head.” Tim says, as if reciting off a paper. “But the doctors said that aside from some memory loss you’ll be okay.” 
“I’ll be okay?” 
Tim grabs his hand and squeezes it tightly, “Plus you’ve got me, what more could you need?” 
A groan from Tim draws Jason back to the present, followed by Tim slightly shifting in Jason’s grasp. “Shhh, I’ve got you Tim.” Jason whispers in his ear as he brushes Tim’s hair. “You’re gonna be okay. The dispatcher said they almost had our location, which means they should be able to find us pretty easily. And then we’re gonna get you to the hospital.” 
Footsteps splash in the puddles of water as people race towards Jason and Tim. Jason squints and makes out four distinct shapes. He tightens his grip on Tim, hoping these people are rescuers, but preparing for them if they're not. A light flashes down the tunnel, allowing Jason to make out silhouettes. He sees pointed ears and immediately tries to stand up, tries to get away. He falls back to the ground, his hurt ankle unable to support his weight, let alone Tim’s. Jason’s heart begins to race as the people get closer, he does his best to scoot back but he can only go so fast. 
“Jason?! Tim?! Is that you?” The man in black calls at him, causing Jason to panic. His eyes dart around the tunnel, he wishes he had anything near him he could use for protection. The people stop a few feet away from where Jason and Tim are laying. Jason does his best to put on a brave face as he takes in his attackers. 
Leading the group is the man from his memory, or dream, or whatever the hell it was. Right behind him is a man in a blue costume, holding two blue sticks, with a giant logo on his chest that seems like it’s meant to be bird adjacent. Standing behind those two are two girls, one wearing all black, with a cowl matching the man in black’s, except it covers her whole face. The other wears a purple cloak and a mask over the lower half of her face. The purple girl shifts slightly, revealing a yellow version of the logo adorning the man in black and the girl in black’s uniforms. 
“I don’t know who the hell you are but the cops are on their way here right now!” Jason shouts at them, bluffing with all he’s got. “They’re gonna be here any minute, so I’d suggest you start running before they show up.” 
“Jason,” The man in black starts, reaching out cautiously. “I know you don’t remember me, but we’re the good guys. We just want to help you and Tim.” 
Jason pulls Tim closer to his chest, “How do you know our names?” 
“We were sent by GCPD to come find you guys.” He explains slowly, “We’re not here to hurt you.” 
“Then what’s with the masks?” 
The man in blue laughs, “Well he’s got us there B.” 
“Only bad guys hide behind masks.” Jason glares daggers. 
The man in black steps closer, reaching slowly towards what looks to be a utility belt, “Jason, we can get you guys medical care but you have to come with us okay.” 
“No!” Jason spits out, “Don’t come any closer.” 
Faster than Jason can blink, the man reaches into the utility belt and pulls out a vial. He throws the vial to the ground, releasing some kind of smoke. By the time Jason looks back up, all four of the strangers are wearing masks. 
“What, what wazzat.” Jason’s words begin to mix together as his eyelids begin to feel heavier and heavier. The man steps closer again, but before Jason can say anything to protest, he finds himself falling fast asleep. 
When Jason wakes up, he finds himself in a hospital bed again. A quick glance around and he can tell it’s not the same hospital as before. No nurses, or doctors, just a ginger in a wheelchair at his bedside. 
“Who are you?! Where is my brother?!” Jason demands the second he lays eyes on her. 
“Woah!” She throws her hands up in shock and to show that she’s harmless, “Tim’s okay, he’s just a couple rooms over. He hasn’t woken up yet, but he should be waking up within a couple hours.” She sticks her hand out, “Now, where are my manners, I’m Barbara, but everyone just calls me Babs.” Jason glares at her hand, as if he can psychically get her hand to go away. She nods, pulling her hand back so she can grab her phone. “I know you don’t remember me, and that’s okay, Leslie said it’s normal, especially after all the trauma you’ve been through-” She cuts herself off from saying anything more, instead holding up her phone to show Jason a picture of the two of them together. 
“Were we friends?” 
Barbara smiles and nods, “Yes! We were before the accident. I wanted to come check on you, but we all thought it’d be best to give you time to readjust first.” 
“I’m sorry I don’t remember.” 
“Eh, I wouldn’t worry about it,” Barbara forces a laugh, “Not the first time it’s happened and it probably won’t be the last.” Upon noticing Jason’s confused face she quickly elaborates, “Last time it wasn’t you who lost your memory, it was your brother, Dick.” 
“I have a second brother?” 
“You actually have 4, counting Tim of course. And several close friends who have all been very worried about you.” She glances at the door, where several faces are crammed into the tiny glass window. “If you’d like you can meet them now, or I can tell them to go away and come back later-” 
“Let them in, please. It’d be nice to connect the dots a little bit more about what I don’t remember.” 
Barbara laughs, “Okay, but if they get to be too much, just cough twice and I’ll kick them out okay?” She winks then rolls over to the door and opens it, “All right, try not to crowd him.” 
Even though Jason can’t remember anyone who enters the room, he can’t help but feel calm and safe as they crowd around his bed. Maybe this won’t be so bad after all.
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ohanahoku-ao3 · 2 years
Whumptober Day 11
I'm still plugging along to get these prompts done! Haven't had much time to post or write, but I'm getting through 'em! Enjoy! @whumptober
"Camelot, What's Your Emergency?"
     Every movement hurt. Every minuscule shift caused agony skittering up Arthur’s body from the hundreds of bruises covering his skin, the large gash in his right leg, and the broken bone in his left arm. He didn’t want to keep moving, but it was the only option. He had to keep walking.
     He’d been separated from his men, and even Merlin hadn’t stayed in his company like he usually did. Men had been chasing them, and the two had split up in a last-ditch effort to lose them. They were to meet back at their camp, but two men found Arthur and attacked. He had managed to dodge but moved in the wrong direction, the ground disappearing beneath his feet as he plunged off the cliff. He hit a steep slope that helped break his fall- but also broke his arm. He’d rolled and tumbled down the rough terrain, hitting stones along the way. A sharp stone tore his leg open, and another connected with his head, knocking him out instantly. When he came to, dizzy and disoriented, all he could do was lie there for the longest time.
     He grunted as he stumbled, losing his footing for a moment before regaining his balance, leaning against the thick branch he’d been using as a rough crutch. The movement had jostled his arm, leaving him pale-faced and gasping. The makeshift splint and sling he’d fashioned out of his cape could only do so much to restrict the broken limb’s movement.
     Sweat poured down his temples as he tried to catch his breath, and his traitorous eyes wandered down to his leg and the sloppy bandage he’d managed to tie with one hand over his wound. Blood was bleeding through and leaking around the cloth, running down into his boots to paint his ankles red.
     He had to keep moving.
     His body felt like it weighed a thousand pounds, even with his armor long gone. He’d been forced to remove it so he could properly tend to his arm, the entire ordeal excruciating and taking four times as long to manage. By the time it was off, his voice had been hoarse from screaming, and his face had been wet with tears. He’d left it in a pile at the base of the cliff. It would be too heavy and cumbersome to carry.
     Arthur’s mind started to wander as he moved forward. He wondered if Merlin had gotten away or if he’d been found too. He wondered if his knights had rallied together to take down the main group of men who’d been terrorizing the outlying villages. He wondered if Gwen had received news of his disappearance yet. It was hard to tell how much time had passed, how long he’d been unconscious. He wondered what would happen if he didn’t return.
     Would Merlin and the knights try to find and bring his body home? Would his people mourn him? Would Gwen manage to rule over them with the little training she’d received? Would Camelot be safe for those he loved without his protection?
     He shook the thoughts from his mind, determinedly placing one foot in front of the other. There was no need to think of such things. He would make it back to them. He had to.
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a-muzzled-hound · 2 years
Sloppy bandages, self done bandages, makeshift splint
TRIGGER WARNING/CONTENT!: Reopened wound, knee injury/worsening injury, concrete burns, attempted escape, slight/light pet whump, training, selfdone bandages/diy bandages, bad storyline (ish- this continues sort of.)
"he'd fall right down on the payment, his scar that was on his knee from just last week, after well, you know~ concrete burns, the scar opened right up,  delightful!
Let out an blood cuddling scream then sob, instantly reaching for his knee only for alyx to kneel down, and pull Ashtyn's arms behind his own back, twisting them together
Ashtyn really couldn't help but jerk forward with loud crying coming from him with screams poking in between some of the crys, with him blabbering on about freeing him, and how it hurted, so, fucking, bad. 
  So in between one of the men just yelling at ashtyn for slackness, he'd scramble himself up, holding his knee for a moment. 
Ashtyns knee would wince every time he'd attempt to set it down, balancing against one of the mens chest, taking him 10 trys to finally set the knee down with his face red, and all snotty. 
After 25 seconds, of drilled in instructions of what to do from the man that was right behind ashtyn, he'd get pushed slightly with an ton of blood from the injury flowing down his shin, crying even more as he'd just cover his eyes shaking his head
     "Cmon, get on with it."
Ashtyn would wince as he'd look at the knee, having a hard time moving it, he needed.. Aid! Right now! So he'd look around, with the men's gaze locked on ashtyn, with ashtyn looking ahead, with him turning and dashing off to God knows where.. 
Heavy heart poundings were pounding out of ashtyn's chest as he’d hold his knee, tears trickling out of his eyes once he got a fresh breath of air, and they did not stop then, they kept on flowing out. With hysterical sobs getting choked out of him. 
'C-Cm'-mon..!!" A pitiful panicked voice came out from him, as he'd hold his knee up to his chest facing to the shed right behind him, with burning hot tears drizzling down his chin, onto his chest, looking back at the knee injury, the blood ran all down his leg onto his shoes, holding his knee tightly to his chest
Bandages! He needed bandages.. Blood was flowing at such a rapid rate from his knee, it was an gift he had the opportunity to run away from them. 
He’d just wait a few moments holding his knee directly to his chest letting out all of his heavy breathing out, with some of his breathing stammering over other breathes he’d release to cool his adrenaline rush 
Distant callings would get yelled out “ASHTYNN! GET OUT, AL-FUCKING-READY!” 
Ashtyn would just rock himself back and forth, biting down on his lip, with the yellings becoming more distant with them heading the opposite opposing side of the estate, with him beginning to lower his knee from his chest, resting his head into his blood soaked knee, with it stinging an tremendous lot, and his tears sliding down his knee did not help with the stinging.
Once it had progressed in ashtyns mind the men had moved more away, in search for him he’d crawl over to the shed, pushing it open with the lock breaking quite a while ago.. Thank god, he’d hurry himself inside shutting the door behind him.
To say the least, ashtyn moved way too fast for his own good, with his head spinning once the door closed behind him, resting up against the door.
After about two minutes of catching himself and breathing his head slowly lifted itself up, revealing a red, tear filled face, with exhaustion expressed all over it, his eyes feeling heavy, as his eyes went right to left, immediately frightened with what he saw.. With his eyes heaviness immediately taking a 360 turn, feeling light as a feather now.
Normally, sheds have gardening tools, housework tools, maybe some storage even? But this one.. No, not at all. There would be torture devices all across it, with some workshop counters at one of the corners, and that wasn’t all, the more his eyes skimmed the room, rope, knives, saws, tool boxes, all that kind of stuff, with even some blood that must be extremely dried up from how well it blended with the floor. 
He froze there with his eyes tearing up as he’d look behind himself anxiously feeling as if someone was watching him. Quickly wiping his eyes with his forearm as he felt the tears watering up in his eyes with his facial expression doing its best to look fierce.. He needed- AID. FIRST, AID.”  his breathing was rapid, and he didn’t even realize as he’d crawl with his knee up to his side to prevent any further damage from crawling on pretty much all fours. As he’d go to the counters, opening one out of the six drawers on the cabinets, being exposed to the smell of rotten flesh.. That they were just– keeping there!! He nearly gagged as he smelt it, it definitely was.. Rotten
 He’d just close that drawer, opening the next 3, getting greeted with surgical tools, or some jars of dead parts, he.. Didn’t enjoy this little surprise, til he’d hurriedly rush for anything, grabbing some small remainders of rope he saw by some of the jars with tears stinging his eyes just from how hot they were, happening all from the overbearing worry of, was an part of him going to be in one of these drawers?! What would happen!?
All of thoses thoughts overwhelmed him as he’d keep hurrying to find some first aid kit! All he could find would be dried out, used, rags, that was honestly the best he could find, thin ropes and a stack of dried out cloths
He'd just grab an handful of the rags, placing them right on his knee, grunting in pain from the dried out texture, and the fact he was putting something that wasn't his hand, over the gory wound, slowly beginning to place the rags all over his knee tying it gently with only one knot around his knee cap to secure the 'Bandages', he'd of course be panting, hating the feeling of touching gory stuff himself 
Of course finally when he got the 'bandages' wrapped up on his knee, he'd fall to his sides, holding onto his knee as he'd pant, somewhat rocking his knee, as if it was his baby, sniffling as he'd lay there 
Soon enough, he fell asleep with out even knowing, he was safe! Just for a few minutes. Before the men came banging on the shed, ashtyn still laying there unconscious. 
"Stupid, fucking mutt."
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i-love-you-all · 2 years
Whumptober 2022 Day 11: “911, What’s Your Emergency?”
Breach, the seasoned professional who likes to be a lone wolf on the job, gets paired with Neon, the new, inexperienced agent with a rough hold on her own abilities. What could go wrong?
~1.3k words. sloppy bandages, burns, makeshift split, comfort aka Breach isn’t a bully ALL the time.
Breach didn’t really remember the last time he was told to go on a mission with others. And when he did it was with complete professionals. Even if he didn’t get along with Brimstone, he was easy to work with on the field. Reyna was easy to work with, Jett too, for similar reasons. Even Phoenix was a little loudmouthed, but he did his job. Then there was Sova, and though a rarer partner, Cypher as well. The two of them were brilliant at what they did, and he found himself often following their lead instead. A mix of skill and experience he could quite readily trust. Not that he’d ever say no to Sova anyways.
But this… this mission was something new. Neon was new. And yes, she received some mentorship from Sage, who had a calm head on her even in high-pressure situations, but none of that was showing now. She followed him, and that was about all she was good for so far. That, and staying quiet maybe.
He pressed his back against the wall and raised his hand for her to stop. He caught a confused look and he just put his hand on her shoulder and pressed her against the wall as well. Just in time too because a patrol of those, what were they called, Legion Soldiers? Three of them walked by and he held his breath while he followed their patrol through narrowed eyes.
When the threat had passed, he looked over at Neon and glared. “Are you trying to start a fight?”
She shot an equally dirty look back at him. “Isn’t that what you always want?”
He felt his shoulders rise as he tensed. “I asked for two things when we left.”
“Yeah, yeah. Don’t do anything stupid and do what you say.”
He gave a satisfied grunt and checked once more before quietly moving across the hall. They were closing in on the room with the control panel. It was like he could see the blueprint in his mind, and he was just following the map to their destination. A left here, straight past the next intersection, then a right into a lonely hallway where he saw the security lock at the end.
He could feel the impatience rolling off her as he inserted the key that Cypher had prepared for them. It inserted into the empty port, and he just had to wait.
“Uh, Breach?”
“Can we add a third rule? Don’t talk unless—”
One of the laser-esque guns bounced off one of the walls and smouldered out on the floor. Shit. Even as he was turning, he brought out the stunning features from his arm and was aiming it before he even really saw them.
“Move back!” he called out to Neon as he launched the blast, ripping up parts of the floor as it shook and knocked the guards off their feet.
The guards were all thrown off onto their knees, tottering back and forth while Neon slid on her knees until she was behind him. From there, while he was switching his attachment out, Neon took the opportunity to fire shots at them. The door still wasn’t opening though, and when Breach turned to look, he saw that because of the noise and damage, the system was on lockdown.
Without a spoken command, he launched his aftershock device at the door. As it locked on, over where the lock should be, it drilled itself in and began the explosion process. With Sova and Cypher, they knew what came next, but with Neon, he had to move forward to clear a path from the remaining guards, shoulder checking one against the wall and hoping she got the hint. He looked over his shoulder and saw her right at his heels. So at least she was still following him.
As he turned the corner and tucked behind the wall, he heard a thud and saw one of the guards, still alive and fighting grabbing onto Neon’s ankle. She was trying to shake him off, but couldn’t overpower his grip. The whirring from where he placed the aftershock explosion was getting faster meaning that it was almost ready to blow.
“Just shoot him and—” Shit. He heard it stop as he took a step back out into the corridor towards her. She shot the body that was getting up on their knees and continued to run to him. As he grabbed onto Neon’s shoulder, he felt the energy from the door blast forward, and he pulled her to him, holding onto her until the blast subsided.
When it went quiet, he didn’t even ask before picking her up and running for the opening. She was still conscious, and alert which was good. He went through the basic checks on her before noticing the swelling around her ankle.
“Alright, I have supplies on me. Bandage yourself up or whatever, and I’ll get what we came here for.”
From his pouches and pockets, he removed some of the gauze, triangle bandages, even a temporary split that was folded up into a nice small rectangle. He dropped all of that on the floor for her while he moved towards the control panel. This part was simple, even if he was on a timer. Within a couple minutes, he popped out a drive and tucked that away in the case he was provided with when he left. He looked back at Neon and saw her bandaging some mild burns around her, but it was loose and all over the place.
“Not like that, you might as well have nothing covering it then,” he sighed.
He might’ve been more annoyed had he not been able to relate. But even he had to learn all this from someone somewhere.
“If you don’t hold still, I’ll never get this on properly.”
Erik was gritting his teeth so that he wouldn’t complain. He already made one mistake, and he didn’t want to make the day worse by bringing them more trouble. Every time he noticed their eyes on him, he felt a little more guilt.
“I’m sorry.”
“Hey.” Erik looked up at them. “It’s fine. You’ll get it eventually, and all this will come as naturally as breathing.”
The instinct of when to fight or when to fall back wasn’t ingrained in him yet. He thought too much about every move, and it was costing him time in a fight.
“And also sorry about not knowing how to do this.”
He had stared at the first aid kit in confusion when it was first placed in front of him. They had to leave, to make sure that the city outside was peaceful, or at the very least that their assailants weren’t still chasing him.
“I’m a little surprised you’ve never done this on yourself or your brothers before, but that’s ok too. Our deal was that I teach you, right?”
It didn’t take away his shame though.
Breach knelt beside her. “Ok, I’m going to start this for you, and you can finish it up.”
She looked up at him in surprise as he took one last look outside the hall then came back to start up the wrap.
“Do you feel that? It can’t be too tight, or you’ll prevent your skin from closing up. But because there are blisters that popped you need something to cover it to prevent infection.”
He wrapped it around her leg once, then twice, then handed it off so she could do it herself. She was still wincing with every new layer, but it was going much better. It didn’t take too much lover before it was bandaged and attached to the split around her ankle.
“Sorry about that.” She said in a quiet voice as she used one of his arms to pull herself up. “I didn’t know…”
“It’s ok. Let’s just get out. Sage’ll chew me out, but we just have to both live with that.”
The hallway here was a mess, and the lights were pulsing. This facility and its people knew that something was wrong, but hopefully, since they had dispatched the patrol that initially tried to stop them, their way out would be easier.
He looked back at Neon and her leg. “Let’s go. We’re still short on time.”
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buckaroo627 · 12 days
Oliver Stark Instagram Post & Story: 911 Season 8
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