#96 years strong
obwald · 9 months
I made this specifically for Instagram but tumblr gets to see it first
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I have so much oswald to post today but it's time for me to sleep
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soberscientistlife · 9 months
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Actor Zach Galifianakis paid an old homeless woman's rent for decades and spent time with her as she lost her family.
When Zach Galifianakis met Marie "Mimi" Haist, she was volunteering in a laundromat, surviving off tips left by customers. She was only allowed to sleep between the washers and dryers so customers couldn't see her.
Haist revealed that she became homeless after her divorce and had been on the streets for decades. Even though Galifianakis was an unknown comedian at the time, he found a comfortable apartment for her and paid her rent.
Galifianakis became a Hollywood star after filming alongside Bradley Cooper in the "Hangover" movie trilogy. However, his fame didn't affect his heart, and he remained down-to-earth.
He maintained a strong bond with Haist and even walked a red carpet with her as his date.
"If he's in town, he takes me … I dress up nice, and a friend helps me with my makeup. It's fun, not something I've ever dreamed I'd experience. The limo takes me home afterward," revealed Haist.
Their friendship lasted nearly 27 years until she died at 96 years old.
The world needs more people with kind hearts.
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mygnolia · 1 month
[TEASER! ] it's cupid, stupid! | lhs
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synopsis -› To hell with Lee Heeseung, you couldn't find someone you hated more than the boy who's by your side no matter what. You figured that maybe the summer before university would be the best way to finally let go of him, and to leave the hate you have in your childhood- but no. What do you mean you have to spend ALL summer with him?
pair -› golden boy!heeseung x fem-pres!reader
release date -› who even knows...maybe by june...
genre -› fluff, mutual pining, hurt/angst, slow burn i fear, bakery au, summer au, post highschool au
trope -› (slightly one sided) enemies to lovers
wc -› currently 6.7k! probably will be 10-15k
cw -› food mentions, a self indulgent characterization of my grandmother but she’s also everyone else’s in this fic, cursing, oh the miscommunication trope...sorry not sorry.  
a/n -› even though i tried keeping food descriptions vague, i used the experience i had with my own grandma and her cooking to influence the way y/n grandmother cooks and the way it’s described so it might not be accurate for everyone! i understand not all cultures include baked goods with starches (since I mention a lot of flouring surfaces) so pls be kind to me :( ALSO!! i haven't written in MONTHS don't hate the writing pls we are all just in this fanfic hell tgt
© all rights are reserved to mygnolia 2024. republished, translated, and/or heavily referenced work will be reported and removed immediately.
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Lee Heeseung might only have eleven characters to his name, but they spelt trouble in forty different ways. 
It starts with the same old Lee Heeseung spilling his applesauce on you in the first grade, with his cup of mushy lukewarm grossness splattered across your new pants with glittery stars on them. You shriek when it happens, frantically wiping off the mess and yelling at his Lightning McQueen lunchbox with all of the bottled up rage a seven year old can have. His eyes are wide, but all his friends laugh and say girls are so angry all the time, so he stops himself from apologizing. Which, you think his friends were being a little rude to all girls alike, but what mattered was that Lee Heeseung never ended up saying sorry. 
But that’s just one way of saying it. He hit you in the face with a ball, ran into you when your knee was scraped and you almost were bursting into tears, and tripped you in the lunch line. 
Did the universe hate you, or did he? 
You figured it was the latter.
Heeseung’s been stuck to you your entire life with some extra strong adhesive that you can’t seem to get off. You wish you could get some of the same glue that stuck you two to the hip and attach his tongue to the nearest streetlight, but things almost never worked in your favor. If you could catch him, just once, like one of the dumb boys who lick frozen poles in winter, you’d be satisfied. 
The blackmail would trump any sort of Heeseung related adversity your elementary grade self had to deal with. 
Unfortunately, the years have rendered you no protection against him, and in the small victories you find yourself in, you also see Heeseung right next to you. The exam you aced was topped by Heeseung with a 98%, just a bit higher than your 96%, and it couldn’t even feel good to talk about it because you knew all your friends talked about was how he did better. 
There was no accomplishment anymore when Heeseung was around. 
Heeseung was perfect in everyone’s eyes, a golden boy in their praises and a role model for their parents. If people didn’t want to be with Lee Heeseung, people wanted to be Lee Heeseung. That? That was something you hated. How could people want to be someone who you couldn’t stand?
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“Have you seen the scissors?” Heeseung asks out of nowhere, startling you from the doorway.
Reaching for the ones you used to cut the parchment paper with, you hand the pair to him and with a mumbled ‘thank you’ he leaves.
In an odd way, you’re stunned by the silence that follows. A “you suck, _____!” would be more in character for villainous Lee Heeseung than whatever just happened. But you’re way too occupied with the bakery, and go back to cutting squares in the matcha cake.
It’s the same for the next hour until the rush ends and you get a bit more time to yourselves between orders. Heeseung agrees to wash the dishes and you clean the tables to the sound of your playlist from the speakers.
“You have good music taste.” Is the first thing that comes out of his mouth when he emerges. He wipes his hand on a white towel and you stare at him, utterly puzzled. Where’s the malice? Where’s his snarky comments?
“I’m waiting for you to tell me it’s not as good as yours, or something along those lines.” You deadpan.
Heeseung rolls his eyes. “I’m not that mean, I can give a compliment or two when I feel like it.”
“Oh, poor Lee Heeseung only has so much room in his heart to compliment people. How thankful should I be that you spend your daily supply of niceness on me?” You quip, cleaning off the tables. Your chest feels light and you don’t feel as angry as you did this morning.
Blame it on the lack of sleep.
“I think you should be bowing down to me and only talking when I tell you to.” He jokes, and when you glance up, there’s a semblance of a smile on his face. “Anyways, when are you leaving?”
“Whenever you leave.” You tell him, shrugging.
“Well, I stopped my your grandma’s house earlier.” Ah, so that’s where he went. “She said she didn’t want you to stay too late but she also wanted me to take you home, and I think she’d throw a fit if you didn’t.”
“I’d die before getting into a car with you, Lee Heeseung.”
“If I had to get into a car with you, that’s how I’d personally die.” He responds lightly. You furrow your eyebrows and rack your brain for some sort of retort that hurts Heeseung’s pride, but nothing comes up.
“My driving skills are very good, I’ll have you know.”
He jabs, “Didn’t think you had it in you.”
there is no taglist i'm lazy and i might not write for a while if u likey pls reblog or save into ur mental archive hehe ty- ren
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explodo-smash · 5 months
End of manga sees Izuku create his own 'vestige realm' (theory)
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[Originally written on Twitter by @wolvesandvisions]
This theory was something I'd kept close to my chest for some years now that I think may actually have the potential of coming to fruition.
I believe by the end of the manga Izuku is going to have created his own 'vestige world'. Alongside letting go of OFA, the “cursed” power, we'll see the birth of a new society. This will indicate the birth of truly making his power, his heroism, his own.
What we’re witnessing in the manga at the moment is the complete destruction of OFA as we know it. In a metaphorical sense and in the visual sense that Yoichi and the other holder’s prison is literally falling apart thanks to Shigaraki.
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Now something I noticed, is that this visual of a park we kept seeing All Might at, I think may be the same one in the manga Chapter 96 (2016), redrawn in the anime, and referenced to again in an art by Umakoshi at Comiket (2019).
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It keeps coming up. The chapter 96 version of this page reads as translated: “I wish that we could always sit and bask under the soft light filtering through the trees…☆Inherited spirit and pride!”
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Izuku and Katsuki have absolutely inherited the spirit and pride of All Might, they are both the start of this new era. However, Izuku is the one with the burdens and wills of 9 people on his shoulder right now. At the end of the day… OFA is cursed, it can't stay the way it is.
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Whether he’s quirkless by the end, or gets some crazy new power, the removal of OFA is also the removal of the curse/burden.
He needs to be able to be a hero on his own terms, without the beck and call of other people’s expectations in his ears. That’s why I think symbolically him truly “making the power his own” will entail him creating something entirely new with it.
@kikibats' language when I shared with her actually surmised it well:
“The part that’s OFA and AFO connected crumbles away, but Izuku’s own realm stays.”
And Chapter 412 just happened to give a ton of supporting information for this potential.
1) The idea that Izuku sees a correlation in ‘being without a personality’ and not having a human heart. His ability to overcome his feelings of worthlessness.
Choosing to believe in himself and others beyond that assertion IS his power.
2) Another thanks to @kaname_clan and @kikibats who helped me get a greater understanding of this; what we may be witnessing with Star and Stripes - and these odd lines - are Izuku “going beyond singularity”.
Which from my current understanding is the function of generational quirks becoming “too strong” or going beyond what the average human can take on the body.
Izuku appears to be on the verge of death, a big theme in this final arc of the manga has been everyone getting their quirk awakening. So far, every character but him has gotten one. He obviously got one in the most literal sense, but all of OFA’s various quirks aren’t his.
OFA, bless his heart, is like a series of hand-me-downs that in all his brilliance he made work for him. However...in a series about generational trauma, responsibility, and heroism, I think it's really his turn to overcome all of this.
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I think the release of OFA will allow him to have a “quirk” awakening. The “awakening” of his personality, individuality, his heroism. And I do think this may visualize itself in his origins manifesting in that same park under the tree.
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This is just what I'm thinking! Being hit with that visual of the park metaphorically or literally since 2016 has my eyes wide open...so we'll see!
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neverinadream · 10 months
All Fun And No Play
Summary: A quick snapshot into the first few weeks into your academic year.
Pairing: Christian Pulisic x Fem!Reader
Requested: Yes
Warnings: smau, some suggestive comments, student!reader, the terrible summary because i couldn't think of one
Notes: this is terrible, definitely not my best work, but i wanted to give you all something. feedback is appreciated
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liked by youraccount, headturnerr & 286,399 others
cmpulisic: summer ✅️
view all 343 comments
youraccount: oh, i've been upgraded to the public account?
cmpulisic: the whole world deserves to know about you
youraccount: mushy sod 😚
youraccount: also...photo credit? 💔
cmpulisic: who she?
user36: he has a girlfriend?? since when??
yourbffaccount: who's the girl? she's hot 🔥
youraccount: 😉
user2355: ew
user453: grow up
user8933: i agree, she isn't even pretty 🤢
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liked by cmpulisic, yourbffaccount & 1,478 others
youraccount: he's finally here ❤️
view all 107 comments
yourbffaccount: sammy looks so happy about mr america moving in
youraccount: best friends them two...👀
yourbffaccount: you're a terrible liar
youraccount: i'm a wonderful liar, just this morning i told christian his hair looked great
cmpulisic: hey!
youraccount: luv u 🤭
cmpulisic: my least favourite pussy
youraccount: i bet i know which is your favourite though
user4566: aren't you dating @/cmpulisic??
user22: i guess we know why he picked milan
user289: she's a cat person 🫶
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liked by youraccount, masonmount & 203,448 others
cmpulisic: my forever ❤️
view all 208 comments
youraccount: forever???
cmpulisic: yes...
youraccount: great 😒
user297: cute
user92: we've lost him 💔
yourbffaccount: i've been replaced ☹️
youraccount: never! you're my true forever 🫶
cmpulisic: sorry?
yourbffaccount: you heard her 😏
youraccount: luv u 🤭
user66: 🩷
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liked by cmpulisic, deedee_pulisic & 1,032 others
youraccount: if only i had a strong 5'10-ish tattooed american to carry my books.....
view all 96 comments
masonmount: on my way ✈️
youraccount: i said american
cmpulisic: get your own girlfriend
masonmount: maybe i do....
youraccount: it's kinda sad you refer to your blow-up doll as your girlfriend
user563: what do you study?
youraccount: history
cmpulisic: also 5'10-ish???? ish....
youraccount: you're big where it matters
cmpulisic: you know it 😉
deedee_pulisic: i regret reading these comments
cmpulisic added to his story
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seen by youraccount, headturnerr & 309,390 others
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liked by user219, yourbffaccount & 1,021 others
youraccount: it's been all work and no play these last few weeks 😫
view all 103 comments
yourbffaccount: need the tallest glass of vodka
youraccount: with coke....right???
yourbffaccount: just vodka...
youraccount: make it two!!
user4: she's just like us???
user319: except she dates a famous footballer...
cmpulisic: emphasis on the no play....
youraccount: you have two hands
cmpulisic: and after a year of using them, i'd much prefer yours
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liked by youraccount, benchilwell & 237,928 others
cmpulisic: finally got her away from the books
view all 231 comments
user249: she's so beautiful
youraccount: damn i'm hot 🔥
cmpulisic: 🥵
user12: i hope christian can fight
youraccount: he can't
cmpulisic: 🤨
deedee_pulisic: beautiful dress
benchilwell: drink number...???
cmpulisic: 3
benchilwell: explains why she isn't looking at the camera 😂
Taglist: @shanoontje @maseandkepa @theblxefox @blueathens  @ofxinnocence @mrschilly @geek-and-proud @in-my-body-bag @laurasstufff1 @mountchilly @spicysainz @thoseboysinblue @kickinganddriving @lizzypotter14 @bracedes @chilwellspulisic @notsoattractivearenti @swimmingismywholelife @lovelynikol16 @masonsrem @landoslover @gagaslonina
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sophie-hatter-jenkins · 7 months
Written for @hinnymicrofic November 2023 - Prompt 10
School year 96/97, told through the medium of Hair
He first noticed Ginny’s hair in October, at Quidditch practice. Well, not so much noticed, because of course he had noticed before that she had hair in a general sense. She obviously wasn’t bald, was she? No, it was more like he paid particular attention to her hair, specifically. It happened when she dived sharply for a loose quaffle, twisting as she went, and whatever she’d used to clip it up to her head came loose. Suddenly, her hair was tumbling behind her, first as she hurtled towards the grass, then as she soared upwards, aiming for the hoops. It caught the late afternoon sun, and almost seemed to glow, like flames streaking through the air behind her. Ron saved her shot (with his face. Classic.), and as she pulled up in front of him, face alight with laughter, her hair fell forward, like a cloud around her shoulders. Harry decided the odd feeling in his stomach was hunger - must be time to head back up for dinner.
Ginny was grateful to Dean, checking over her Charms essay, really she was, but honestly, it was a bit dull, just sat there in the common room, waiting. Her gaze fell idly on the table in the corner, where Harry, Ron and Hermione were sitting, deep in conversation. Harry had his back to her, and, for want of anything better to do, she traced the line of his hair with her eyes, where it fell, curling just slightly towards his collar. She imagined running her finger there, feeling where his hairline met the pale skin of his neck, and she shivered slightly. 
“It’s pretty good, Ginny. You just need to add a bit more about the Substantive charm’s practical uses and then I think you’ve covered everything.”
Ginny jumped at the sound of Dean’s voice, suddenly feeling very guilty about the direction of her thoughts, and more than a little surprised. I mean, where the fuck did that even come from?
The Slug Club Christmas party was every bit as appalling as Harry had feared. Luna’s company helped to make it just about bearable, as did the amusing spectacle of Hermione attempting to avoid McLaggan. The biggest problem was that no matter how many utterly terrifying/incredibly dull/undoubtedly influential (delete as applicable) people Slughorn seemed determined to introduce him to, Harry found his attention constantly drawn to the flashes of long, red hair from across the room, everytime it caught the candlelight. It was impossible to miss, a beacon that always drew his gaze. But as always, Ginny remained just out of his reach.
At breakfast, before the Hufflepuff match, Ginny watched Harry carefully. Sure enough, she quickly picked up the signs that he was stressed. Losing Katie was bad enough, but Ron’s (ahem) mishap and Cormac’s subsequent recruitment was significantly more concerning. It seemed like every few seconds, he’d run his fingers through his hair. Long, slender, strong fingers, oddly delicate despite the callouses from his wand and the handle of his firebolt, though why her stupid brain insisted on noticing that, she had no idea. Well okay, maybe she had a bit of an idea. But anyway, the constant agitation made his hair stick up in spiky black tufts, even more unruly than usual - which was really saying something, wasn’t it? 
Maybe it would be neater if he cut it shorter? she thought - but he wouldn’t like that, would he? Because if it was shorter, it wouldn’t flop down over his forehead, covering his scar. And, now she came to think about it, she wouldn’t like it either. There was something strangely hot about he always looked so dishevelled, like he had perennially just got out of bed. She wondered, not for the first time, whether it was as soft as it appeared? She imagined running her own fingers through it, the feeling of it against the delicate skin between her fingers and… oh crap, she didn’t just sigh out loud, did she?
“Everything okay, Ginny?” enquired Hermione, her tone solicitous, but her expression irritatingly knowing. “You look a bit… flushed.” 
“Yes, fine,” she answered, smoothly, returning Hermione’s arched eyebrow with one of her own. “Just a bit warm in here, isn’t it?”
By the time Harry arrived at The Burrow at Easter, he knew he was in real trouble. Being in such close proximity to Ginny was… problematic. Everything about her was just so bloody attractive, and it did things to him. Case in point: when Hermione was finally persuaded to make up the numbers for two-aside Quidditch. Harry honestly didn’t expect this to be an issue - after all, he’d played Quidditch with Ginny countless times, and okay it was often a bit distracting, but this was something else. Obviously, her lips didn’t help, pink and slightly parted as she concentrated on stealing the quaffle from under his nose, but the main difference was the way she was dressed, in the unseasonably warm weather. Those  unnecessarily short shorts, and the way her t-shirt stretched over her chest… well, anyway. He needed something else to focus on, and fast. Ron! Yes, genius. Thinking of Ron, instant mood killer. Ron with his ginger hair. It was the exact same shade as Ginny’s ginger hair, wasn’t it? Ron’s ginger hair, which was cut short, and not at all like Ginny’s which was long and thick and shiny, and currently braided into a thick plait, hanging down her back towards… Oh Merlin! This isn’t helping AT ALL! 
“Harry! Look out!”
Unfortunately, Hermione’s warning came way too late, but at least sorting out the minor cuts and bruises from his collision with the tree branch and subsequent tumble to the ground gave him something else to think about. 
The moment they stepped through the portrait hole, Harry pressed her against the wall, his mouth on hers. With only a moment of hesitation, Ginny allowed her hands to slip up his back, feeling his shoulders tense at her touch, before sliding them through his hair. 
Yeah, I was right, she thought to herself, it really is as soft as it looks.
After that, she really didn’t do much in the way of thinking at all.
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ausetkmt · 8 months
Lynching victim Rubin Stacy’s story being told by his family in film screening at NSU
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Anne Naves knew something bad had happened to her uncle when her male relatives came home from fishing, each wearing a pall of silence. Dad wasn’t cracking jokes like usual. Grandfather looked grave. And her uncle, Rubin Stacy, hadn’t come back. The next day, someone from the funeral home said a body had been dropped off.
Naves, 8 years old at the time, only discovered the full gruesome truth about her uncle years later. On July 19, 1935, acting on an unproven accusation from a white woman, a masked lynch mob strung up Stacy under a Fort Lauderdale tree, hanged him and shot him 17 times as spectators gawked and children laughed.
The brutality and silence of Stacy’s lynching is revisited in the new documentary, “Rubin,” which will screen on Tuesday, Oct. 3, at Nova Southeastern University. In the hourlong film, the farmhand’s death is recounted through the eyes of his surviving descendants, but mainly through Naves, who was the last living eyewitness to the trauma — and to the secrecy — that followed.
The film, the first to be made by relatives of Stacy’s family, also chronicles the history of lynchings in America, used as a tool of punishment and to foster silence.
“I think (my family) knew that, without telling us (kids) what really happened, they would save us a lot of trauma,” Naves says in the documentary. “The neighbors and our church members respected our silence, too, because they knew that if it could happen to our family, it could happen to theirs.”
For “Rubin” director Tenille Brown, who is a cousin of Rubin Stacy, the film has in recent weeks also morphed into something else: a posthumous tribute to Naves. After filming her interviews for the documentary, she died on Sept. 18 at age 96, leaving behind a strong legacy: She was a Broward County educator for 25 years, teaching at Pines Middle and other schools.
“The biggest piece of the film was Anne,” Brown says in an interview with the South Florida Sun Sentinel. “Without her, there’s no story. She’s the driving force. She was ready to talk. She told me to record her. She really pushed me when I didn’t feel confident and said, ‘Record me anyway. Just go.’ ”
The rest of America witnessed the cruelty of Stacy’s lynching long before Naves did. A series of photos immortalize the moment when a white crowd gathered around Stacy’s body hanging from a tree. These images ran in newspapers nationwide, were published by the NAACP, Life magazine and National Geographic, and are now archived in the Library of Congress.
It was a tale of Jim Crow-era racism that Fort Lauderdale would’ve rather forgotten — the brother of a corrupt Broward County sheriff participated in the lynching — but city officials have made strides in recent years to acknowledge the tragedy by placing memorial markers around Fort Lauderdale. One is on Davie Boulevard and Southwest 31st Avenue, also known as Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, near where Stacy took his last breath. There’s another on the 800 block of Northwest Second Street, where he lived, and a third at Woodlawn Cemetery, his final resting place. In February 2022, a section of Davie Boulevard was renamed Rubin Stacy Memorial Boulevard.
“I’m glad they acknowledged it,” says Brown, of Pompano Beach. “These stories make some people in the state uncomfortable, but if they are based on fact, we need to tell the truth. You can’t turn your head. These are things you can’t ignore.”
For Brown, it was these memorials — and Naves’ willingness to break her silence — that motivated her to reconstruct Stacy’s story. To do so, she also interviewed Ken Cutler, Parkland commissioner and historian, and Tameka Bradley Hobbs, library regional manager of Fort Lauderdale’s African American Research Library and Cultural Center.
“My family didn’t want to talk about it out of fear for years,” Brown says. “There was shame. There’s an element of hurt, and you can hear that emotion in Anne’s voice. Now it feels freeing. This is a story that was suppressed for years and by sharing it, this is how we overcome.”
Michael Anderson, a producer for “Rubin,” says the film also tackles what too many school textbooks don’t stress enough: the history of Black lynchings.
“For Black youth to know their stories, they have to know the history of lynchings,” Anderson says. “They still don’t know how lynchings were used as a weapon to keep a community quiet. That’s exactly what it did to Rubin Stacy’s family.”
WHAT: “Rubin”
WHEN: 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 3
WHERE: NSU’s Rose & Alfred Miniaci Performing Arts Center, 3100 Ray Ferrero Jr. Blvd., Davie
COST: Free, but tickets must be presented for entry
INFORMATION: 954-462-0222; MiniaciPAC.com
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thewastes-clangen · 4 months
Plagueclan Founders
Before the infection, 3 clans filled the valley; Shoreclan dominated the beaches by the ocean, Peakclan teetered on the edge of the mountains that shadowed the valley, and Meadowclan populated the flower fields in between. When the infection began, it started in Shoreclan. As the survivors moved into Meadowclan territory, they brought the illness with them and it spread further and further, even making its way up the mountains to Peakclan where the survivors made their last stand. When the dust settled, only a handful of cats remained. Battered and bruised they headed back into the valley and created a camp, hoping to find a cure to fight the disease and survive.
The Survivors:
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Hailstar-A medium-furred black tabby and white she-cat with pale green eyes.
She/Her;106 moons;Insecure, Incredible Runner, Steady Paws
Aa (susceptible carrier);CHA:10,INS:13
Originally from Peakclan, Hailstar was once an average senior warrior. That is, until the infection began and swept through the other clans like a wildfire. When Peakclan finally faced the plague, Hailstar, then Hailheart, ran in fear and left her clan to defend itself without her. Now, Starclan has chosen her to lead the survivors to the confusion of not only her new clanmates but herself as well.
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Tigershadow-A medium-furred dark ginger and black tortie she-cat with yellow eyes.
She/Her;78 moons;Wise,Valuable Insight
Aa (susceptible carrier);CHA:8,INS:16
Tigershadow was once a warrior of Shoreclan. She was a well-loved cat amongst all three clans and thankfully survived the initial outbreak. She lost many loved ones and as the first clan to fall, she watched the entire first wave play out in horror. She survived through it all, though, and while many others think she should've been made leader of the survivors, she is thankful to not have the heavy weight of their survival on her shoulders as Hailstar does. She supports the other she-cat loyally and backs her up on every decision.
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Nettlebloom-A medium-furred light brown and dark ginger tortie she-cat with green eyes.
She/Her;96 moons;Bloodthirsty,Trusted Advisor
aa (immune);CHA:14,INS:17
Nettlebloom was once the medicine cat of Meadowclan and served them loyally for many years. However, once the plague began something inside her seemed to change. She became colder and didn't seem to have the same fight for helping her clanmates survive as she once did. Through the protection of her clanmates due to her status, however, she managed to survive the initial outbreak. Now she is intent to find a cure, no matter who she must experiment on to do so.
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Tawnystripe-A short-furred gray and golden brown mottled she-cat with hazel eyes.
She/Her;56 moons;Thoughtful,Fast Runner,Talented Swimmer
aa (immune);CHA:8,INS:14
Tawnystripe was a warrior of Shoreclan alongside Tigershadow. She found Cricketkit on the way to Meadowclan after Shoreclan had been defeated and decided to take care of the kit herself. She followed the survivors all the way up the mountains to Peakclan, however she was horrified when they were attacked and Cricketkit was bit. She was not going to sit back and let anyone harm the kit, though, and stood over her with her claws and teeth bared at the ready for days, waiting for a sign that it was the end and vowing to finish her off herself if it came to that. But it never happened, and Cricketkit recovered, proof that there was some sort of defense against the infection. She tends lovingly to the kit still, treating her as a child while giving any cat who comes too close a vicious glare.
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Icequill-A long-furred dorsal-striped silver she-cat with blue eyes.
She/Her;54 moons;Playful,Unusually Strong Fighter,Great Kitsitter
Aa (susceptible carrier);CHA:13,INS:7
Icequill was a strong and well-liked warrior of Peakclan. When Peakclan was attacked, she watched in horror as Hailheart ran away, leaving only her and two other warriors to protect the survivors. She fought viciously and was the last one of Peakclan standing. Once she saw that Cricketkit was bitten, she decided she would take the heavy burden of killing the poor kit, a merciful task. However, she was viciously attacked by Tawnystripe and was strangely beaten by the maternal she-cat, something that had never happened to her before. She was shocked when Hailstar was made leader, and angry that Starclan would choose a coward to protect the survivors, however she does respect Tigershadow and hopes Hailstar gets what's coming to her quickly.
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Goldenrose-A long-furred white and speckled pale ginger she-cat with gold eyes.
She/Her;27 moons;Calm,Talented Swimmer
AA (susceptible);CHA:9,INS:11
Goldenrose and her brother, Daisypaw, are the last survivors of Meadowclan other than Nettlebloom. Goldenrose is terrified of the she-cat, knowing what her goals are and what she would do to any of the survivors if she had the chance. She stays far away from the medicine cat and quietly tends to her brother, who has been traumatized from the plague and the loss of the rest of his clan. She is uncomfortable amongst so many strangers but knows if she strikes off alone with Daisypaw there is little to no guarantee they would both survive.
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Daisypaw-A short-furred white and speckled cream tom with green-yellow eyes.
He/Him;10 moons;Compassionate,Formidable Fighter
aa (immune);CHA:16,INS:11
Daisypaw sticks close to his sister, Goldenrose, who also forced her way into being his mentor. He is a bleeding heart and is overly attached to anyone who shows him any kindness due to the loss of his clan. He has a great interest in Nettlebloom due to her familiar face but is constantly dragged away from her by a terrified Goldenrose. He keeps to himself unless speaking to Goldenrose, but Cricketkit seems to be one of the only other cats to be able to get him to crack a smile.
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Cricketkit-A short-furred white and masked silver tabby she-cat with pale yellow eyes and a bite scar on her neck.
She/They;3 moons;Compassionate
aa (immune)
Cricketkit was abandoned at the start of the plague. Tawnystripe found her and took care of her as the remainder of the clans gathered in Peakclan. However, during the attack on the last fortress she was bitten. Sure the worse was about to happen, Icequill stepped forwards to do the sorrowful task of killing the young kit. Tawnystripe defended her brutally, however, wrestling Icequill to the ground until the she-cat and all the rest of the clan agreed to wait. How much damage could an infected kit do, anyways? It was a miracle and surprise when nothing happened and Cricketkit recovered from the bite. Tawnystripe tends lovingly to the kit, defending her from any attempts by Nettlebloom to use her for "experiments".
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happysparklingshadows · 10 months
𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚞𝚗𝚊 𝚂𝚑𝚒𝚙𝚖𝚎𝚗 + 𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙰𝚕𝚙𝚑𝚊𝚋𝚎𝚝 (’96)
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Warnings: Gore, Smut, homoerotic teenage friendship, and mature themes. 
Notes: She is so babygirl it makes me hurt   🥺 @zhivaxo​
                            *.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Shauna is someone who is entirely an act of service person. She will do anything for someone she loves, do your homework, drive you anywhere, and always be there to do things you don’t want to do. Shauna likes to work hard for you, so you never have to lift another finger in your life again. Shauna isn’t good with her words, but how she touches you screams all her thoughts to you. She is very intense sexually by holding/grabbing you with a firm grip or kissing you like she is devouring you whole. 
Blood: How messy are they willing to get regarding their darling?
Very. Blood isn’t much of a question for Shauna or you. Shauna is very skilled at masking her darkness and hiding the darker desires she wishes to tell you. You see the grimaces when she draws a knife to the neck of one of the girls during a hunting accident. Shauna, slowly losing her mind from starvation and cabin fever, will start whispering to you what she wants to do sometimes. 
“Shauna? Are you still up?” You whisper to her softly, her arms still wrapped around your waist protectively. 
“Yes. What?”
“Baby, I-I,” you whisper as you stare into the darkness of the attic. You felt a shiver go down your spine from the wind and the way Shauna’s fingers grip your flesh. Forming small sore spots in your soft skin. “I am still messed up that we ate-“ 
“Bunny, please stop talking.” Shauna sighs softly, her nose nudges the back of your ear, and her breath hits your hair. “It was us three, you know. It was always me, you, and Jackie. But Jackie died. And Jackie feeds us. We might survive. You are fed, and that is all I can think about right now, okay.” 
“Okay, sorry. Hold me.” You say and cuddle into her, deciding not to think about it like her. 
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Shauna would not kidnap her partner, and it would be more of an installed Stockholm Syndrome from the years out in the wilderness. Shauna is the butcher. Shauna is why you were FED and would have died without her. You could not leave her from the guilt of her being your protector when you came back to civilization. I think the only way Shauna Shipmen would realistically kidnap someone would be if she married them and kept them in the house with her. But honestly, I think this would just be a toxic situation that y’all go to couples therapy. It would solve over time because Shauna does have a heart and knows deep down knows that she is fucked up in a lot of ways, so she is somewhat chill even though she still would like it if you were in the house. Shauna would honestly treat you like she treats Jeff, but with less secrecy about the woods, it looks more like you two don’t talk about it instead of trying to hide what happened. Shauna does love you and doesn’t like to upset you, but because y’all are not new to each other, she is like, “You’ll get over it.”. 
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
I fully believe that Shauna would force-feed you meat. You were heartbroken to eat your friend and couldn’t do it; you would rather starve. Shauna would not take that, and neither does the Yellowjackets. Shauna would push the food in your mouth and then put her strong veiny hand over your mouth. She would stare you down as you chew the food she served; she wouldn’t let go of your face until you were fed enough. Shauna lost Jackie, and she will not lose her other best friend (that being you <3). 
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
I would say Shauna is guarded and the more quiet partner. She likes being a support for a more outgoing personality, and she likes to protect that person with everything she has. Shauna will side with opinions she disagrees with, fight anyone you ask, and just be the best support in your life. However, Vulnerability is something Shauna doesn’t like, and she doesn’t like exposing those parts of herself. She is the type to cry in private because she doesn’t want to be seen crying. So Shauna doesn’t expose her inner thoughts and feelings, it feels unnatural for Shauna in some ways, and she gets cagey when pushed too far. 
However, there are points where she is forced to be vulnerable because of the crash and Jackie’s death, affecting both for how close you both were to Jackie. Shauna doesn’t cry; when she does, it is like an explosion, just like her rage and fear; it just boils out of her. She is very passionate and emotional when she is exposed in that way. You always make sure to be extra gentle to her by holding and crying. 
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Shauna would fight harder. Shauna is a fighter through and through, and if she thinks you are leaving her, that is her only line of defense. She started little fights, maybe even big ones, and then she would pull you in with her big brown eyes again. She doesn’t like how it feels when you pull away or disagree; you two were bff girlfriend soulmates that are supposed to agree on everything 🙄
“STOP FIGHTING ME!” Shauna yells at you as she grips your wrists. She holds the butcher's knife in her other hand, trying to teach you how to cut up a body correctly. 
“Shauna, stop it-” 
“No, you need to learn this! You need to do a job here that isn’t picking berries; people will start to notice.” 
“Shauna, It’s Annie. I can’t do this-” 
“You have to be fed. We all need to be fed. Shut up, and do this.” Shauna hisses at you and pulls you in, forcing you to follow her hands as she slices into the flesh of your friend. 
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Shauna doesn’t play a game with you, but she does toy with you a lot. She likes to see how your eyes widen when the tip of her knife is on your throat; she likes to bite your flesh harder than needed so that you bruise a deep purple and green, and she likes to remind you who is in power in your relationship. In some moments in the wilderness, Shauna does become aggressive, and sometimes she comes to become that way from someone coming too close to her, making her jealous. 
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
The worst experience with Shauna would be her not communicating her feelings of monogamy and blurring the lines between jealous play and boarding on cheating. Shauna kind of likes the feeling of other people lusting after you, she knows it makes you feel sexy, and it makes her want to claim you over and over and over again. But I feel like this type of playing in a relationship will end up with a few situations of actual jealousy and redefining the lines in the sand for you two to be fun. I feel like Shauna might go too far and kiss someone else infront of you as you two are partying, you might be dancing with someone dirtily, and she would play off of it and kiss a girl close to her. It would be a toxic moment, a Toxic cycle of overwhelming feelings. 
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Shauna sees you two living in Rhode Island while she goes to Brown and you two living out the late ‘90s lesbian dream in a city (mainly because y’all are from a small town and thinking moving to the city will fix the homophobia). Shauna wants to get roots with you and see what happens with your future. She sees a future with you and doesn't think she won't be with you in the upcoming years, but she doesn't necessarily plan on anything specific, like proposing or starting a family. She is mainly focused on you and her future and setting that up. She's just trying to get through the wilderness, though.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Shauna wants you to have your own life and doesn’t mind you talking or being friends with other people. She even encourages times when you have girl nights with your friends without her (Not her friends) and lets you do your thing most of the time. She gets jealous when people flirt with you, with or without you knowing, but most importantly, if the spotlight in your life moves away from her. Shauna will end it if it’s another girl, friends, school, work, family. She doesn’t give a fuck. 
So when Shauna Shipmen is jealous, it's a beast. She doesn’t cope. Shauna's motherfucking Shipmen lashes out by punching whoever threatens her relationship, she will start fights, and she will fucking pull hair and earrings out if it came down to it. Shauna will make it your problem, and she will punish you in many different ways for this.  Shauna will say cruel words to whoever is taking your attention, and sometimes you are collateral damage that pushes you further away.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
BFF girlfriend soulmates. Shauna and Jackie, there was a power imbalance, with Jackie being the more dominant one of the two, but with you, Shauna is dominant. She subtly controls you in the gaze of being a friend and correcting you to make others like you more. But she just wants to have that power over you. However, Shauna doesn’t rub it into your face because it just strokes her ego, and you seem to enjoy it when she tells you how to do things like skinning deer or dancing. 
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
You, Jackie, and Shauna have been friends since pre-k. You and Shauna follow Jackie around and hype her up every chance, forming a closeness that you and Shauna never had with Jackie. As you enter middle school, you and Shauna devise a perfect idea because Jackie started dating Jeff and talking about how good it feels to kiss someone. You two decided that you should practice kissing before you started dating boys, and you two did it every time you had a sleepover. Over time, things started no longer about “Practicing”; instead, it was just excitement from lusting after each other. Kisses became makes outs, make-outs became heavy petting under the covers, and then they became something more. 
Shauna’s plush lips gently peck at the side of your cheek as you rest on Jackie’s bedroom floor. Jackie always sent you two on the floor at her sleepovers. It used to be annoying, but now that you and Shauna have used your space away from Jackie. 
Shauna’s hand runs down your side, her finger pressing onto the soft edges of your waist, adoring your body's curves. She pulls her face away from your cheek to look down into your eyes. Her soft, puppy brown eyes look down at you with heat and passion. 
She whispers as another hand delicately touches your throat to keep you looking into her eyes. “I don’t want ‘this’ to be practiced anymore.” 
Her other hand slides under your pajama bottoms and underwear, grazing your clit with her long finger. Your breath hitches in your throat as you panic to stay quiet, as jackies soft snores can be heard from across the room. 
“I don’t either.” You whimper. 
Shauna smirks as she drives in to kiss you in a devouring kiss, her fingers easing into you with two of her wide and long fingers. Your legs open and wrap around her waist. You struggle not to moan into her lips as she keeps kissing you with force.
“You’re mine. I would never let you date some guy.” Shauna hotly whispers to you as she comes to kiss your neck. Leaving little love bites on your jaw, you muffle an ecstasy groan in your palm. 
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from how they act around everyone else?
No, because she is brutally honest about herself and her feelings in her guarded way. IF Shauna doesn’t want to do something, she will, you know, and not do it. She doesn’t fake anything for anyone. She just acts herself because she was blessed with the confidence to be Shauna simply. And Shauna doesn’t mask her ways or how she acts because she is not changing that. 
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
When Shauna is unhappy with you or punishing you for something in the relationship, you will know because she will make it your problem. She is an immature 18-year-old and will give you the silent treatment, but it would be more like she would ice you out and ignore your whole presence. Shauna would move her sleeping bag away a few feet, just enough for you to notice she moved away from you but not enough for you to say anything without sounding crazy. Shauna is not above spanking or tying you up somewhere to make a point if you have been naughty, even before the crash and in the wilderness. 
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Not at all oppressive. Shauna wants you to be your person, and she likes that about you; she doesn’t want to be a dictator over your life. Shauna likes to have her own space, and a very healthy part of your relationship is that there is space to be your person, unlike the relationship with Jackie. 
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Shauna is 50/50 and is okay one day and not the other. Shauna’s patience runs thin most of the time, but she tries her hardest not to be a bitch about it. She gives space as much as she can but is very proactive, so she has a tough time with it. 
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
No. Shauna would make you Jackie 2.0 and eat you to make you a part of her. You can’t ever die if you are inside her, where you're supposed to be. 
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Shauna would never feel guilty for keeping you with her through manipulation  and pressure. She simply does not give a fuck because she is getting what she wants, and she doesn’t do anything to you that she thinks is wrong. She treats you like the only person that fucking matters, but that doesn’t mean she is perfect and wouldn’t use that info against you in a fight. 
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Jackie’s death. 
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Shauna won’t stand it and would do anything to stop it. She would break fucking door if she had to. She would force-feed you if she had to. She would fucking kill anyone she had to. She would do anything for you because you are the only reason she is going. However, Comforting isn’t Shauna’s forte; she doesn’t always succeed when she tries to comfort you when you cry. She just holds you, gets quiet, and hopes that whatever power there is is enough. That she is enough. 
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic Yandere?
Shauna is very much POLY and/or OPEN! I think she doesn’t might other people having you in some way, but she doesn’t want that spotlight taken away. She wants to be your world but wants you to have your own. She is still only a teenager, so she just goes with the traditional monogamy thing but sometimes talks about how ridiculous some people are about relationship rules. 
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Sex and companionship. However, you better never come back because trust is broken, and Shauna would not be good to you at all and would become a fucking monster, yandere. Like kill everyone and lock them in the attic if you try to do shit again and exploit the vulnerable. 
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
No, intentionally at all. Shauna gets a little rough with her words, hands, and rope. She doesn’t mean it, but she leaves marks on you. 
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Do anything for them. Shauna would revere you and would make you her whole world. You stain everything for her, and she wants the same. Like a red marker on a notebook bleeding through every page, it is marked by you. 
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Shauna would never snap if you two were friends that turned into lovers. She would be silent and wouldn’t think about her actions if there were a moment she would snap. And in all honesty, there is no telling what she is capable of doing. 
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Yes, over the years, with the SS and homoerotic friendship turned intense first relationship. But Shauna wouldn’t break your brain because she loves how you are wholeheartedly. She just kind of trains you with Pavlov's dog trick and love. She wants you to be you still; she just wants to own you. 
Yandere Level
3/10 (She is intense and overbearing, but she isn’t scary or threatening with expressing the more intense things.)
Freedom Level
10/10 (Girl, you are free, and you are your own person, YAY!)
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Lottie ✿   Taissa ✿
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blueiskewl · 7 months
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Roman Coin - Gold Aureus of Domitian AD 92-94
Obverse: portrait of Domitian. Reverse: GERMANICUS COS XVI. Emperor in a chariot in the triumph accorded after victory over the Chatti in AD 83, as a result of wich Domitian took the title ' Germanicus'.
Domitian (24 October 51 – 18 September 96) was Roman emperor from 81 to 96. The son of Vespasian and the younger brother of Titus, his two predecessors on the throne, he was the last member of the Flavian dynasty. Described as "a ruthless but efficient autocrat",his authoritarian style of ruling put him at sharp odds with the Senate, whose powers he drastically curtailed.
Domitian had a minor and largely ceremonial role during the reigns of his father and brother. After the death of his brother, Domitian was declared emperor by the Praetorian Guard. His 15-year reign was the longest since that of Tiberius. As emperor, Domitian strengthened the economy by revaluing the Roman coinage, expanded the border defenses of the empire, and initiated a massive building program to restore the damaged city of Rome. Significant wars were fought in Britain, where his general Agricola attempted to conquer Caledonia (Scotland), and in Dacia, where Domitian was unable to procure a decisive victory against King Decebalus. Domitian's government exhibited strong authoritarian characteristics. Religious, military, and cultural propaganda fostered a cult of personality, and by nominating himself perpetual censor, he sought to control public and private morals.
As a consequence, Domitian was popular with the people and the army, but considered a tyrant by members of the Roman Senate. Domitian's reign came to an end in 96 when he was assassinated by court officials. He was succeeded the same day by his advisor Nerva. After his death, Domitian's memory was condemned to oblivion by the Senate, while senatorial and equestrian authors such as Tacitus, Pliny the Younger, and Suetonius propagated the view of Domitian as a cruel and paranoid tyrant. Modern revisionists instead have characterized Domitian as a ruthless but efficient autocrat whose cultural, economic, and political programs provided the foundation of the peaceful second century.
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kiwisa · 1 year
stupid love ✩ lh44
Lewis Hamilton x Fem! FWB! Reader
angst • 600 words
IN WHICH... you're so fucking stupid for thinking this thing between you could've been more.
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If someone had told you three months ago that you’d be in love with Lewis Hamilton, you would’ve laughed.
Lewis Hamilton, the man you had considered for years as one of your friends. The one you grew up with, who saw you cry, smile, laugh. The one who had accompanied you in both the best and worst moments of your life.
The one who shared your bed now almost every night, when the urge was too strong and no one else could satisfy him quickly enough.
You were always the closest geographically, apparently. He told you so himself.
“It’s more convenient,” he had said. “And it’s not like guys are queuing at your door. No risk of being disturbed,” his words still resonated: hurtful, mocking.
You’d rather think he didn’t mean them.
A simple agreement, nothing else. That, too, he had made it clear. A simple convenience. Just fucking. None of this “making love” bullshit. Pure carnal pleasure. No feelings. At least there should have been none. Perhaps the most important point of his speech.
“I hope you don’t expect anything else. And, let’s be honest, I would not see myself as your boyfriend.”
He had laughed, saying that. That laugh that would haunt you for the rest of your life. That innocent laugh, the exact opposite of his words, pitiless. As always, you had simply nodded, preferring to enjoy his body warmth than to think about whether or not he truly meant it. The sensation of his skin against yours had the gift of making you forget everything.
It was your favourite moment. Too bad it was also the shortest.
He never stayed the night. Sometimes he’d go to see another girl. Other times, he would go home, leaving you alone, naked, vulnerable in a cold and empty bed.
Lewis Hamilton was odious. There was nothing left of that nice man you had once called your friend. Instead, a stranger addicted to lust was there, and his heart seemed to have been exchanged for the hardest of stones.
However, if Lewis Hamilton was odious, you, Y/N L/N, were stupid.
All those words, these gestures, which blackened and broke your heart piece by piece, should have made you leave. You could have freed yourself from this agreement months ago without coming out more broken than you already were.
But no, you’d rather go on, you preferred to destroy yourself mentally so you could feel Lewis’s lips against yours. You’d rather live in that illusion. And now your stupid heart would stupidly accelerate at the sight of that stupid smile, the one that warmed your stupid and treacherous cheeks.
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
This was stupid, so were you. What was even more stupid was this crack, so noisy, so painful, that split your heart in half, leaving it to fall at your feet.
Tears silently rolled down your cheeks, your hands curled up against your chest to protect you from the pain, from him.
“I think I’m in love with you.”
Why did you say that? Why didn’t you shut your stupid mouth? Why?
“Oh my god, I told you not to fall in love with me. Look where we are now… Fuck… You hurt yourself by doing this, and we have to put an end to… this. Yeah, we’re over. If you had listened to me, we could’ve avoided this bullshit and we could’ve fuck like we always do,” he had replied.
The door slammed, but your sobs masked the noise.
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✩ taglist !
@sad1esgf @muglermami @i0veless @16solace @kenanlotus0 @till1am @itsnotgray @lilsiz @starkwlkr @missflobelova @mehrmonga @fxllfaiiry @crimeshowjunkie @anicega @kosmosgalore @lovemarvel16 @charles-dimple @hiding-behindmy-glasses @exatse @serenityleah @flowerchild-96 @hopiiex @ivegotparticulartaste @jivas0 @screechingtrashkid @gxp30 @lauren--maex @almostjollypizza @sunfairyy @scuderialavender @f1version @motorsp0rt @xoxmariaxox
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barkingbonzo · 3 months
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Katharine Hepburn
Katharine Houghton Hepburn (May 12, 1907 – June 29, 2003) was an American actress whose career as a Hollywood leading lady spanned six decades. She was known for her headstrong independence, spirited personality, and outspokenness, cultivating a screen persona that matched this public image, and regularly playing strong-willed, sophisticated women. She worked in a varied range of genres, from screwball comedy to literary drama, and earned her various accolades, including four Academy Awards for Best Actress—a record for any performer. In 1999, Hepburn was named the greatest female star of classic Hollywood cinema by the American Film Institute.
Raised in Connecticut by wealthy, progressive parents, Hepburn began to act while at Bryn Mawr College. Favorable reviews of her work on Broadway brought her to the attention of Hollywood. Her early years in film brought her international fame, including an Academy Award for Best Actress for her third film, Morning Glory (1933), but this was followed by a series of commercial failures culminating in the critically lauded box office failure Bringing Up Baby (1938). Hepburn masterminded her comeback, buying out her contract with RKO Radio Pictures and acquiring the film rights to The Philadelphia Story, which she sold on the condition that she be the star. That comedy film was a box office success and landed her a third Academy Award nomination. In the 1940s, she was contracted to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, where her career focused on an alliance with Spencer Tracy. The screen partnership spanned 26 years and produced nine films.
Hepburn challenged herself in the latter half of her life as she tackled Shakespearean stage productions and a range of literary roles. She found a niche playing mature, independent, and sometimes unmarried women such as in The African Queen (1951), a persona the public embraced. Hepburn received three more Academy Awards for her performances in Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967), The Lion in Winter (1968), and On Golden Pond (1981). In the 1970s, she began appearing in television films, which later became her focus. She made her final screen appearance at the age of 87. After a period of inactivity and ill health, Hepburn died in 2003 at the age of 96
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kazimirkharza · 2 years
Worse than Waco
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What transpired between members of the Branch Davidians and federal law enforcement in Waco is one of those moments where the government showed its true colours, but there’s an an even worse case.
After prior years of harassment and abuse (including murder) at the hands of law enforcement. MOVE, a christian anarcho-primitivist communal organisation, was besieged by nearly five hundred police officers on 5/13/1985.
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Arresting & detaining have been among the tactics pigs used to either destroy MOVE or chase them out of the city. The reasons were racism (most MOVE members were black), and the organisation's activism related to the injustices of the American "justice" system among other things.
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MOVE was started by John Africa (pictured bellow), who came up with their philosophical underpinnings, but was not a leader in any traditional sense. These beliefs included a love for all life, state abolition, self defence, soberness, eating fresh raw food, and staying active.
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On that day in 1985, neighbouring buildings were evacuated as an army of pigs showed up to arrest MOVE. Water and electricity was shut off. Police used more than ten thousand rounds of ammo before cops decided the compound be bombed (yes, literally). A helicopter dropped two bombs that caused a fire. The ensuing fire killed 11 of the 13 people in the house (John Africa, 5 other adults, and five children). Ramona Africa, the only adult survivor, said that police fired at those trying to escape. The fire destroyed over 60 other buildings.
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In '96 a federal jury ordered the city to pay a $1.5 million civil suit judgment to survivor Ramona Africa and relatives of 2 people killed in the bombing. The city used excessive force and violated the members' constitutional protections against unreasonable search and seizure.
If you wish to learn more about MOVE, I recommend their booklet "25 years on the Move", available for free at Anarchist Library.
“All living beings, things that move, are equally important, whether they are human beings, dogs, birds, fish, trees, ants, weeds, rivers, wind or rain. To stay healthy and strong, life must have lean air, clean water and pure food. If deprived of these things, life will cycle to the next level, or as the system says, ‘die’.” - John Africa
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stone-stars · 3 months
welllll since you're offering to talk about naddpod music, would you mind talking a little about the uses and stuff of Meemaw's Burden? :3 nbd if not, but if it sparks your fancy, I'd love to hear your thoughts.
oh god mee maw's burden. anon. my dear friend. you have no idea how insane uses of this song make me.
okay. so lemme start by saying that mee maw's is only used in bahumia (c1/c3). i think about this choice fucking constantly. you'll discover why shortly.
i'm not going to list out every mee maw's burden use. i could. but i'm not going to. instead, i'm going to point at the fact that the song is called mee maw's burden. we first hear it when mee maw reveals that she's got crick rot to moonshine, and that she's been hiding it from everyone.
and like. jolene is a druid who will live for hundreds and hundreds of years. and lose so many people. she's the matriarch of the crick. she's carrying this so that others don't have to be burdened by it.
and... that's kind of what mee maw's burden is used for. the burden of the living. the burden of the parent. the ones who take things on so that others don't have to. it's... bev sr selling his soul to hell. beverly seeing erlin dead. telaine learning about melora, and breaking down at the end of the fight. "how long do half elves live". calder asking ultrus to make a deal with him.
it's-- mee maw's burden is... living. living when others don't. accepting heavy loads so that others can live on. knowing that you might not, and knowing that you're okay with that. being strong in the face of it, because you have to.
oh! that note i made. about why it not being used in c2 is insane to me. it's because in c2, there's the cycle. of rebirth and reincarnation. the relationship to death and lifespans is different. so... of course it's not used in c2. and of course it is used throughout c1/c3.
also! a fun thing i like to point out is that if you listen to mee maw's burden, and then listen to the song that plays as the boobs talk to melora at the heart of the world in 97 (9:44 in the ad free version), you will notice that the start of the melora song is a variant on mee maw's. enjoy that knowledge. yes, this is the "what an honor, what an injustice" song.
(and, because i'm insane. i did do that thing i said i wasn't gonna do)
campaign 1 uses: (25) mee maw reveals her crick rot (38) joris explains he helped akarot for the sake of the dwarphanage because no one cares about dwarphans (39) jaina and hardwon talk about how they failed gemma (51) the chosen kill everyone at the crick in a flashback (58) bev sr. admits to selling his soul (70) bev finds the field guide on how to defeat his dad (73) bev goes down at akarot's hand (80) bev's flashback to the execution in hell (87) erlin almost has to choose between healing bev and saving red (88) bev sees erlin dead and revivifies him (89) bev and erlin talk about pelor's death (90) bev and egwene talk about erlin being taken (92) moonshine sees pendergreens and paw paw after dying (96) both moonshine telling telaine about melora and telaine breaking down at the end of the fight (98) both pestilence killing balnor and bev defeating qwiksus (99) both telling lucanus about erdan and, of course, "how long do half-elves live"
campaign 3 uses: (7) callie tells the others about her past with stealing the egg and giving it to glen (11) beatrix tells duck team that she's the last of the ruby scale and her dragon has been killed (27) callie goes down in the king durretar fight / king durretar gets his breath weapon back / big bev also goes down / generally shit being real bad in that fight (29) do i need. do i need to tell you when in crown of dreams this is used? (it's calder making a deal with ultrus. it was never not going to be that.) (32) callie disobeys the worm and takes a bunch of damage in order to save hardwon (54) gowan learns about gregor, and tells calder that he can't help because he left and isn't a ranger. "please. we've already lost enough. do not put yourself in a position where i lose another brother."
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williamrikers · 6 months
Some Personal Favorite BL Moments of 2023
this is inspired by @lurkingshan's post, thank you for that 😊
Best Show
be my favorite, hands down. this show hooked me right from the very beginning, and each week it kept outdoing itself. the kindest, most compassionate storytelling mixed with some absolutely amazing character journeys and a strong message at its heart, bmf will stay with me forever (and not only because i managed to snatch one of the utterly gorgeous box sets for my collection). 12/10 puffball music boxes
Best Scene
alan and wen pre- and post-breakup at the start of episode 5 of moonlight chicken. i've rewatched these nine minutes more times than i can count. both first and mix do some incredible acting here, and it's such an utter joy to watch. 5/5 crying firsts sliding down a wall
The Scene That Came For My Life The Most
look, i've talked about only friends episode 6 [4/4] before. you all already know that i desire mew carnally for what he did with that audio tape. i have also rewatched this scene an embarrassing amount of times. 96/69 illicit sex tapes
Most Rewatchable Show and Best Main Couple
this one goes to a boss and a babe. i have already rewatched this show twice this year, and i love it more on every single rewatch. i regularly lose my mind about how much i love this silly little show and start waxing poetic about how much this love story means to me, how much i adore gun and cher's weirdness, their communication, their commitment, their gentleness, their mutual respect, the way they help each other and heal each other, the way they make each other feel safe and loved, which my friends from the bl besties server can attest to. maybe one day, i'll put all of my ramblings into a coherent format, but for now please trust that this show is absolutely wonderful and extremely special to me. 1000/10 gaymer friends sleepovers
Best Premise (That Was Utterly Ruined By The Show)
i've got to say dangerous romance, although step by step comes in at a close second. after the second episode of dr, i was out here writing hundreds of words worth of meta, and then... well, then the show became what it unfortunately is, now. i still want to see the show that i was promised (a thriller about two poor brothers who get into hot water because of money issues and end up having to turn to crime to survive, all while the younger brother slowly falls in love with the biggest bully at school, and over the course of the show the bully needs to learn to become a better person and help sailom overcome the trust issues he should have had from growing up constantly threatened and sometimes physically abused by members of the mafia.) -20/10 stupid fucking windmills for ruining something that could have been amazing
Best Side Couple
tiwpor, you will always be famous to me. my school president itself might just have given us crumbs, but i licked those tiny crumbs right off the floor with delight, and when our skyy 2 made it canon, i lost my entire mind. i could not have asked for more. 2/2 couples t-shirts
Best Date
yang and phumjai on their practice date in episode 4 of love in translation was probably the sweetest thing that happened on any bl in 2023. in the later episodes, they had many more beautiful moments together as well as some incredibly amazing physical intimacy (plus, in the extended iqiyi cut, one hell of a foreplay scene), but their sweet date before they had even confessed their feelings has stayed with me. 11/10 slices of pandan
Best Beach Scene(s)
never let me go wins this one. no other show was as devoted to showing off their beautiful beach locations as nlmg this year. watching this show made me yearn for the sea. 1/1 tattoo of your boyfriend's name
Best Rooftop Scene
despite the stiff competition in the form of bmf and cherry magic thailand, last twilight has this one in the bag. the pain, the pining, the heartbreak, the complicated feelings, the desperate kiss... they even lampshaded this trope in the dialogue. stellar scene. 12/10 sunflowers
Best Sensuality
we've had a lot of high heat bls this year, some of them still ongoing, and since billy infamously said "a lot and deeply", i feel like the next episode of the sign might just blow all of our minds. i'm not awarding a best sex scene here so i won't have to eat my words in a few days—however, i feel confident in saying that when it comes to raw sensuality, no one is going to beat ray and sand in only friends this year, no matter how hard the characters on pit babe, playboyy and the sign might be trying. truly, nobody embodies sensual attraction like first and khaotung do. 69/10 sausages that represent blowjobs
Best Minor Character That Stole The Show
gotta agree with the masses here and say nawin laws of attraction. what a guy. every day i miss him. ∞/10 unhinged ex boyfriends
Best Viewing Experience
this is not bl, but it might as well be: midnight museum still feels like a fever dream, i have no idea what the plot even was, i understood maybe 10% of what was happening at any given moment, and i've never had more fun watching anything. this truly is the show of all time. 5/3 roles played by gun atthaphan
Wildest GMMTV Moment
also not a bl, but the piploy pissing in the car scene as an act of revenge in wednesday club would go down in history, if, you know, people had actually watched this show. what can i even say. 3/3 gratuitous pissing scenes
Most Anticipated Show Of 2024
i just had to find a way to mention my golden blood in this post. i am yearning for this show with an intensity i cannot describe. i literally need to see joss bridal carrying gawin as much as possible, it is on the baseline of my hierarchy of needs. no matter whether this turns out to be trashy fun, high camp, an actually serious show, or all three, i win. gmmtv could not have given me anything better to look forward to next year 💖
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soylent-crocodile · 3 months
Moørkutlot (Monster)
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(One of Kaimere's most unique and infamous monsters, the silent one was teased for a good few years before we finally got to see exactly what it was and what it evolved from! I have to say, while the titanosaurs and megaraptors and sloths of kaimere are the bread and butter of the setting, the moorkutlot is to my eyes one of its most iconic creatures. Here's a link to the youtube vid about it, if you're interested in alien monsters and/or spec evo, I'd reccomend a watch.
All that said, an animal is only as strong as its context, and while the moorkut is a predator so deadly it can scare an entire ecosystem into silence, I imagine it's kinda small beans in a world that has fire breathing magic lizards the size of a city block as an apex predator.)
CR11 TN Large Animal HD16
Moorkutlot are nightmarish predators of icy forests on a faraway planet, distantly related to amphibians but evolved to a far more active, predatory role. Moorkutlot have a number of adaptations that make them terrifying hunters- their metabolism fluctuates between high- and low- energy periods, making them capable of going months without a meal, but capable of long-term chases and bursts of extreme speed and ferocity. They are social hunters, and in regions where they live a single moorkutlot hunting may lead to a half dozen or so ganging up on a target as the sound of a struggle attracts more. Most notoriously, however, is the non-newtonian fluid produced by modified mucus glands in their body; this is both a defensive tool, protecting them from powerful strikes, and an offensive one. Outside the body, the fluid sticks to skin and joints and makes escape a struggle, but inside the body it is truly dangerous; it rapidly clogs blood and joints, making movement nearly impossible and quickly leading to cardiac arrest. This fluid dissolves in salt, however, and this means that moorkutlot universally avoid oceans.
In their homeland, they are integrated into the ecology of their world as much as any other animal- they are dominant predators, yes, but life around them has learned to accommodate for their behavior and deadly weaponry. Not so for other planets- moorkutlot are occasionally used as terrible biological weapons, something that can be dropped on a planet and allowed to run wild, killing sentients and destroying the local ecosystem.
This horse-sized creature has a face that opens like a flower to reveal snapping jaws, and craggy gray skin covered in strange slime.
Misc- CR11 TN Large Animal HD16 Init:+7 Senses: Blind, Blindsight 60ft Perception:+16
Stats- Str:26(+8) Dex:16(+3) Con:23(+6) Int:2(-4) Wis:20(+5) Cha:11(+0) BAB:+12/+7/+2 Space:10ft Reach:5ft
Defense- HP:168 (16d8+96) AC:21(+3 Dex, -1 Size, +9 Natural) Fort:+16 Ref:+15 Will:+10 CMD:44 Immunity: Gaze and other visual effects Special Defenses: DR10/Salt
Offense- Bite +20(2d6+12 plus Poison) or Spit +15(1d4 Acid, Non-Newtonian Spit, 20ft) CMB:+21 Speed:40ft
Feats- Improved Initiative, Power Attack (-4/+8), EnduranceB, Feral Grapple, Improved Bull Rush, Weapon Focus (Bite), Skill Focus (Stealth), Lightning Reflexes
Skills- Perception +16, Climb +16, Stealth +9 (+4 Racial to Climb)
Special Qualities- Metabolic Surge
Ecology- Environment- Forests (Cold) Languages- None Organization- Solitary, Gang (4-6) Treasure- None
Special Abilities- Blindsight (Ex)- A Moorkutlot’s blindsight is echolocation-based; it cannot sense within areas of Silence or similar spells. Non-Newtonian Spit (Ex)- The moorkutlot spits a spray of thick, viscous fluid that traps an entangles its victims. Creatures hit  by this saliva are entangled without a save. This fluid cannot be removed without a DC16 Strength check, universal solvent, or at least a ¼ pound of salt. Metabolic Surge (Ex)- Three times a day, a moorkutlot can push its metabolism into overdrive, giving it an additional move action. It cannot use this ability if it has used it since the start of its last round. Moorkutlot Poison (Ex)- Bite-Injury Save:Fort DC20 Effect: Victim takes 1d6+1 Con damage and is Stunned Frequency: 1/round Cure: 2 Consecutive Saves
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