#A Deadly Battle || Drabble
demon-blood-youths · 2 years
A Deadly Battle pt. 5 || A Risky Solution???
Here are the previous drabbles by me and the great @the-silver-peahen-residence. This is part 5. To anyone whose interested, please read the the following drabbles. 
Part one: King vs. Dragon heir
Part two: Aftermath
Part 3: The king vs. Matt Knack
Part 4: Aftermath Acceptance
( Some oc devils, Jujustu characters canon characters ( especially Sukuna and Yuji) and some ocs ) belongs to Peahen-mun
( Ink, Vanity...and some of the devils ) belong to me.  Now get this show on the show.
------ Brief Summary ------
After the aftermath of Sukuna’s rampage, the fractions remain hiding and told to remain hiding after the defeat of the fractions such as Ink aka Van Ink the Dragon and the following defeat of Matt aka Killer Night when he and his fraction encounter Sukuna. 
The following few days were fill of anxiety wondering if Sukuna might find them, thinking he can cut a hole into the demon world. However....Ink who suffered the brutal defeat at the hands of King of Curses decided to resolve this in a way she knew how. What would be the risky solution to this deadly ordeal???
It has been a few hours now stretched into a few days. The fractions are still in Vanity’s domain as they are unsure if they can return to the human world with Sukuna around. 
Duke visited Ink in her room. She watched the fight between Matt and Sukuna using an orb. Ink considers Matt a formable opponent. Of course, they are not friends but they are not enemies. It’s a complicated relationship, they’re more like rivals. After their first encounter, their battle ended in a draw and later on, they fight once a month. 
Still....it didn’t made her come out of her room. She heard that Matt and his fraction was sent here thanks to his devil’s Chernoborg. So in a way, she’s glad that Matt and his fraction is alright even if they used to be their former enemies. Then someone walked in.
“Ink?” It’s Duke. Wearing a coa 
“Duke....” Ink greets her quietly. 
“Have you been watching?” Duke asked to which Ink nods. Seeing Matt being beaten like that. Is painful. From Sukuna’s clone no less. It’s rubbing salt into the wound. 
“Have you been thinking what Vanity said to you?” Duke asked.
“Yeah.” Ink nods, her expression is unreadable. Duke sees her eyes were dried after shedding many tears. “And...” Duke hasn’t fought Sukuna but seeing the confident Ink like this reminds him of himself when he was around her age when experiencing a battle that wounded his pride, body and soul. 
“I don’t know. I have to fight Sukuna sooner or later if we....no...I go back out. I don’t.....think I would be willing to kill him because Yuji. Yuji doesn’t deserved that.”
“Do you think he would be happy knowing that you held back because of him?” Duke said.
“No....but it’s not fair to him or to his friends. Yuji shouldn’t take the blame for what Sukuna does.” Ink heard from Taz of how she enjoys Yuji’s company. “I can’t kill someone that Taz cares about.”
“So it’s Taz. Kinie Ger’s heir?” Duke said to which Ink nods. “But also....I’m scared...” She said making Duke blinked. “If I fight again, I will be killed and what would happened to my team? I don’t think Sukuna would be able to stop if he killed me.”
“Well....I did heard that from your friends that Sukuna has a time limit. Although...I am surprised that he will possessed the boy for five minutes while....he defeated the fractions. So we should wait for time to passed.”
“Yeah but it doesn’t mean he won’t come back and take over Yuji again.” Ink sighs, “But if there is some way if I find a way to beat Sukuna at his own game, there has to be something I need to do. I just need to think....” Ink said. 
And so Ink thinks for a long time. Soon, she begins to have an idea and wonders if that works. 
Vanity is in throne room as he sits down in his seat, sighing. His fellow devils were enraged, confused and unsure on what to do. They were angry that a cursed spirit managed to beat their heirs with little effort. Someone enter and Vanity shifts his head to see his second heir. 
“Vanity. We need to talk.” It’s Ink. Vanity raised a brow. So she came out of her room, she doesn’t look to be heal. Not yet.  
“Yes?” Vanity said. Ink steps forward as her head is down. “I think....I know what to do to fix this.”
Vanity waits.
“I’m going to apologize..”
Vanity blinked, wondering if he misheard. What? 
“And then I’m going to request a rematch with Sukuna once I do.”
Vanity stares down at Ink wondering if she’s serious alright so he needs to make sure what he’s hearing from her.
“Apologize?” Vanity asked, repeating and narrows his eyes at her. “Do you think that the King of Curses would accept your apology and just accept your request for a rematch?” Such a thing is very navie and he highly doubts that Sukuna would accept that. Then again.....she sounds calm. 
“It doesn’t matter what he thinks. But it’s not only to him but to the people who been affected by this.” Ink said seriously. “Also....I was thinking how to help Yuji at the same time.”
Vanity wonders what the girl is thinking. He heard from Senkai that Ink’s craziest ideas that is contribute by her and her fellow friends that got them out of sticky situations so what sort of solution is Ink thinking here. 
“Go on..”
“I was wondering if....” Then the next words Ink said makes Vanity widen. Vanity listened and thinks. 
“You want to make a deal with him? Something like that?” Vanity asked. “Well...it’s been awhile but.” Thinking about it, this might sasfify the King of Curses or rather this deal can surprise the cursed spirit if told. On the the other hand.....
------- the devils’ meeting -----
“Your heir wants to do what now?!” It’s Caym staring wide-eyed at Vanity in disbelief. “Has she lost her mind or has the battle made her head soft??!” Caym cawed. The devils became concerned. Vanity didn’t say anything but glares at Caym for his outburst. the bird shut up but inside he’s fuming. “Your concern is well-noted, Caym. Does anyone wish to speak?” Vanity said, looking at his fellow devils who are preplexed and shocked at what his own heir is proposing. 
“I see....” Uriprayt thinks. The devils can’t believe what Vanity’s heir’s proposal but at the same time...
“Thinking about it, it might make sense. I mean-” Leonado thinks.
“Oh come on! He’s a human turned cursed spirit! An Imaginary Demon at that!” Cal yelled, not liking this at all. “A damn human is always a damn human, he died becoming a vengeful spirit after being beaten by humans. He’s just think he’s all powerful...because he’s a damn prodigy.” Cal is still mad about his heir Ashely being hurt. 
“But this vengeful spirit beats all of our heirs. No one should dissupte that.” Kukuclan who is Ethan’s devil. A snake-like demon with feathery wings as he looks like he is wearing Mayan outfits as he rattles his tail. 
Oski, Rex’s devil sighs, “ “I am conflicted, I understand what your heir is trying to do but...”
“This might save all of us and our heirs.” Ironia, Rust’s devil aka the Iron Madien who manipulates blood and iron. “Not to mention the boy that this Imaginary Demon is possessing.”
Goa, Shdwkyz’s devil as she closes her fan as she hisses her snake tongue, “Although her idea makes sense..but would Sukuna accept?” 
“And what?” It’s Ymir, Fin’s devil the ice giant. “He’s going to laugh at us once he heard it and try to take us on next after he’s done! Heck...he’s probably going after everyone in the North America continent because he’s bored!!!”
Beezlebub nods as he buzzes his bug wigns, “Exactly....that man thinks he is god compared to us! Why would he listen to us?!”
Nagi and Orochi, Vivi’s devils is also concerned about this.”I agreed. Sukuna is not like other creature we seen based on what we saw so far. We should tread lightly on this. The last thing we need is provoking him any further.” 
“I think we should allow it.” It’s’ Chernoborg, Matt’s devil who agrees with this plan making everyone turn their heads at the dark angel devil. “Sukuna is what he is and proves that to all of us despite his origins. I think we should consider it and see how it goes.” 
“Did you just forget that he beat your heir to a bloody pulp?” It’s Ira, the Wrath demon who is Kali’s devil. He looks like a monster with four arms as  he has blue hair and red skin. He can’t believe what Chernoborg is saying. “Doing that makes that cursed spirit our problem now!”
“Matt knows exactly what he’s getting into. Knowing Matt, he is reckless for his own good and I’m happy that he learns this experience from this.” Said Chernoborg as he shrugs his dark wings. “Not surprised that he survive this ordeal though. But that aside, we will provoke him either way no matter what we do. We can’t predict his actions but given what we see so far, this idea that Vanity’s heir makes sense. The King of Curses would be foolish to pass this up.” 
“Speak for yourself.” Zek said. “My heir almost died and we have to do this to make him happy? I don’t like this.” The toxic flame Zek can’t believe this. “This guy thinks he’s too good.”
Yuki; Jinx’s devil a flaming feline devil with black flames hums, “He might be amused by this but surely he won’t want to stay in a human vessel forever and given what Van Ink the Dragon’s idea is. This sounds beneficial to him and probably to the heirs if we play it right...”
Allocer, Guam’s devil looks unsure but sees there is no other choice, “I’m still unsure. But we can’t go on like this and fighting for solution that won’t get us nowhere so I agreed with this idea.” 
Yen-Lo-Wang sighs, “What other choice is there? It seems like Vanity’s heir must got an idea and after thinking about it. You might be right, Yuki. Vanity, I say we go with this plan.” She heard that Ink was in her room all day after her defeat and overhears that she took the defeat very hard than other fractions. Maybe she is reflecting on the situation and is trying to find a way to fix this. An admirable quality she must admit. She would bet on this gamble.
Most of the devils hates this but if they have to save their heirs and make sure they continue living as well as dealing with Sukuna, they have little choice so they go with it. 
“Very well....then we must find this Gojo-sensei.” Vanity said. “I was told that this man is this vessel’s teacher and a jujustu sorcerer.” 
“Gojo? Hold on....” It’s Rave, Oblivion’s devil, a tengu whose head is like a hawk as he has wings and carries a kanabo. “ A Gojo? From one of the three great Sorcerers families from Heian era???” He blinked
“You heard of them?” Vanity askede.
“Yes! That family tried to exorcise me in the past once around the Sengoku Era!”  Rave chuckles, "I think I can pinpoint this sorcerer’s cursed energy. It should be easy.” Rave cackled. 
Goa sighs, “My fellow clansmen also encounter some of the Jujutsu sorcerers and Gojo is the most powerful next than Zenin and Kamo clans. The Gojo is a formidable opponent but do you think he would listen to what we said?”
“If my heir said that we should talk to him then I assumed that this man must be reasonable to talk with.” Vanity said.
“Very well then. Let’s inform them.” Yuki said, knowing of the Gojo clan. 
“Then Rave....find Gojo Satoru then.” Vanity said.
“Will do!” Rave smiled.
“So we’re asking a jujutsu sorcerer for help?” Ammit asked. “Great....” 
“My heir that she knows this person well.” 
------- human world -------
Five minutes were up and Yuji is founded.
Gojo-sensei is sighing. He found Yuji Itadori but he is hiding in his room. Gojo guessed that the teen felt terrible for what he did to teens of New York. Nobara and Megumi look exhausted but are sleeping. 
----- Sukuna’s domain ------
‘Damn it! Sukuna! Did you really have to do that?!” Yuji yelled at Sukuna who is sitting on top of his skull throne, looking smug. 
“What? Those brats with demon blood running their viens deserve it. Thinking they’re high and mighty with their powers granted by their devils. The only thing I feel pity is those demons giving them powers they don’t deserve. I bet those devils are regretting it now.” 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Yuji cursed. 
“You can thank the dragon brat for that.” Sukuna retorted.
“For fuck’s sake, you’re going to get pissed by what Ink said?! What are you,  five?!”
“Ha! She challenged me and I delivered!” Sukuna barked in laughter. “I showed them what a true demon is. Not those idiots playing pretending to be one!”
Yuji felt angry at Sukuna but mostly himself. He can’t believe that he allows this. But what’s next is something they didn’t heard in the next hour. Ink wanting to talk to them both. 
Gojo is thinking on how to report this as he is on the rooftop. Not only that, he senses a prescene behind him. He turns to see two figures. Cursed spirits? No....they’re different. 
Two that looks humans but they had wings. One that has bats and another that has bird wings.
“Are you an Gojo? We....demons wished to speak with you. It concerns Van Ink the Dragon and Sukuna.” 
“And who you might be?”
“Ah....an aquantiance of your family centures ago. My name is Rave, a tengu during the Sengoku Era and this is my demon contractor, Senkai.” He introduces himself and his contractor.
“And what can I help you with?”
------------- Minutes later -------
“Gojo Saturo, I presume?” 
Gojo turns around to see a dragon with long horns and black hair. He is sitting down and is huge that his head at Gojo’s eye level. 
“And you are?” Gojo said.
“I am Vanity. Ink’s devil as you known her as Van Ink the Dragon.” Vanity introduced himself. Gojo hums. 
“You must be the one who rescue all the demon fractions from Sukuna. And us.” Gojo said as he can sense their cursed energies, Ink’s including. “Nice to meet you, Vanity.” He smiles. “I wish our meeting could go different.”
“Likewise.” Vanity speaks, “and that is correct, we devils have to get involved because of Sukuna and I wish to speak with you.” Gojo has a blank expression but looks intrigued despite wearing a blindfold but hears him out. “Alright...although I don’t know how you devils work. No offense since I’m a Jujutsu sorcerer. But I will hear you.”
“That is quite alright. Cursed spirits are similar to demons in some ways.” Vanity speaks. 
“So what did you brought me here?” Gojo asked.
“I think we might solve our problem.” Vanity said and goes to explain Ink’s plan to him.
------- Minutes later ----
“Is that possible?” Gojo can’t believe what he’s hearing. “That’s....crazy...insane.” 
“But doing so will mean....” Gojo wasn’t sure if this is a good but if the devils have trouble in coming up with their own and considering it then. Now thinking about it....
“Yes. But it could save the boy and everyone involved, solving this issue.”
“This is going to be tricky....”
“Hm?” Vanity raised a scaly brow.
“You see Yuji Itadori is scheduled to be excuted by the elders once he consumed 20 fingers of Sukuna.”
“20 fingers?” Vanity titled his head. Gojo sighs and goes to explain to the dragon about the situation that Yuji is in. “yes....Ryomen Sukuna as a cursed spirit was almost impossible to exorcise so he had to be seal in 20 fingers of his orignal body. Yuji swallow one of them and Sukuna is awakened. Because of that, the elders want the boy executed as they feared Sukuna's existence. To stall it, I had to buy time for Yuji by telling the elders to have Yuji consume 20 fingers and to destroy Sukuna forever.”
“By executing the body?” Vanity said, now understanding the situation. He wasn’t told this but it seems Ink didn’t know about it. 
‘Yes if the elders find out what you devils trying to do, they will freak out even if the plan makes sense. There is no way the elders allow that.”
“I see..that is tricky. Still...how would that plan work? If he cannot be exorcise by normal means then a body such as a human vessel won’t stop a cursed spirit if the human flesh is destroyed. Hence this plan that we have might work for everyone else despite what those elders think.” Vanity said. Gojo shrugs. Vanity hums. “Then this plan is good as ever. You can save the boy and deal with Sukuna at the same time. Even close to death, Yuji Itadori would be fine.” 
“Why is that?”
“We devils have our ways....” Vanity chuckled. “That said, Ink requested a match and issue an apology to Sukuna himself.”
Now Gojo looks conflicted and is considering this might be a bad idea.
“No offense to Ink, Sukuna would laugh his head off if he heard that and will kill her.” Gojo can’t believe that Ink wanted a rematch after what she’s been through. Why would she want to go something like that again? He heard that the fight from Megumi as he watches this from the sidelines. It was brutal.“But apologizing to Sukuna, the King of Curses....what would that accomplish?” 
“That is what I said...but I am interested what would her apology be in detail.” Vanity said. “But....in your professional opinion, do you think Sukuna would accept the deal if he heard it?”
Gojo hums. “Well this is Sukuna here we’re talking about and he wouldn’t pass up the chance if he was told that. He would be too dumb to accept that. This is a gamble but I’m going to bet yes on it. But if anything happens, I would get involved and this deal will be void.”
“Good then let’s begin the preparations.” Vanity said. Like Gojo said, this is a gamble and he will bet on this too. 
----- Back in the city ------
Ink waited. Ink waited on the Empire State Building’s observatory deck. She turns her greatsword around and around, pointing at the floor, waiting. The only eyes on this is Vanity, the devils and Gojo, they aren't here but they are watching. The fractions aren’t aware of what’s happening right now. Ink would prefer it that way until this meeting is concluded. Ink breathes in and out. She’s not ready yet but she needs to resolve this. 
Ink blinked and turns to see Yuji standing there. “Yuji....uh....” She expected Sukuna but not Yuji is in place. Maybe it’s because of the time limit.
“I heard...that you want to talk to Sukuna but....” Yuji sighed. Gojo told Yuji that Ink wants to talk to them both of them. Sukuna and him, saying that she wants to talk to them. 
“He doesn’t want to talk?” Ink said. 
“Not really but he did want to hear you out first before....he does anything.” Yuji said looking nervous about this. “Also he had me ask you questions like where your friends are and why you show your face after...getting face taste the ground or something.” There were questions that made the pink-haired teen frowned but didn’t want to say it to her face. 
Ink begins to tremble but grips onto her greatsword tightly. “They’re safe. It’s just you and me.” She answered. Yuji can see how Ink is. He can feel something is wrong. Was....Ink nervous? Or was it something? Her face looks tired yet there is something in her words that he tires to make sense of it.  Yuji is angry at himself for allowing Sukuna to terrorize Ink, Taz and their friends. He felt so horrible that he wish he should die. 
“Look Ink....you don’t have to do this. you’re not fully healed yet and-”
“No, Sukuna has to hear this and you too.” Ink said. “Because...I want to apologize.”
“Huh?” Yuji blinked. “Apologize?” 
“I want to apologize for what I did..” Ink starts to her bow her head, “I shouldn’t say that I’m the strongest or told you that I am. I....I was afarid and I was too stubborn because I didn’t want to know my place because of my pride. Because of me....you were disappointed because you had high exceptions and everyone got hurt because of me. So I’m sorry for challenging you...and not knowing any better because I know I won’t beat you like this...” She doesn’t know what else to say as she bows her head to him. Silence fills the sky and everything is silence. 
“And Yuji. I’m sorry. You shouldn’t blame yourself where I’m the one who caused this. I take full responsible for this so....don’t beat yourself up. Taz still cares about you whether you switched with Sukuna or not.” 
Ink looks up to see Yuji still standing there. “Ink.......” Yuji looks worried and felt guilty eharing this but also looking apologetically. “You don’t have to apologize. I...”
“Yuji....no....this is my fault” Ink sighed,  “If I didn’t piss him off, you wouldn’t have to deal with this. You shouldn’t feel responsible...it....was out of your control.” Ink sighs as she grips onto the railing. “But also.....I’m sorry about this. But I also wanted a rematch. This time....I will give Sukuna what he wants if he wins..”
Wait what? Yuji widen his eyes at the girl. Ink....wants a rematch with Sukuna. What for?! 
“HUH?! Ink! What are you talking about?!” Yuji look nervous now, “That’s not a good idea.” 
“Brat....” Yuji pauses when aneye and mouth opens on Yuji’s cheek, it startles the girl. “Sukuna....” Yuji said his name. 
“Hey Brat...Yuji....bring your hand up over your mouth.” Sukuna commanded as he said his name.
“Don’t make me switch...” Sukuna warned. Yuji did as he told despite hating this. He hold his hand over his mouth where a mouth appears on back of Yuji’s hand. Ink watches and grips on her greatsword tightly. 
“You know....if you really want to say you’re sorry. At least grovel at my feet while you’re apologizing properly, maybe that way I might accept your half-ass apology.” Sukuna speaks. 
“....that won’t happened unless you beat me for a rematch.” 
“Ha?” Sukuna said, as if he can’t believe what he’s hearing. “First you apologized to me and this brat,” He refers to Yuji, “and now you want a rematch??? Wow, you must be becoming more stupid and lost your mind or maybe I hit you too hard that you soft on the head..”
“I’m not stupid...I know what I’m saying....because in the next five months later, I will become stronger and you get what you wanted if you win.” Ink said.
“Oh? And what do you think what I wanted?” Sukuna laughed. Yuji wonders what would Sukuna would want from Ink. How can she appease him? It makes him nervous. 
“If you win, then you can be separated from Yuji and have you become a real devil in the demonworld.” Ink said. There she said it. That was the idea. That was the idea Ink told Vanity.  Sukuna became silent, there is no laughter from him as he stops. Yuji widens his eyes in disbelief. What did she said?! Seperated Sukuna from Yuji and Sukuna will become a real devil in the demonworld?! What the heck?
“Ink....” Yuji said her name so Ink continues but before he says anything. Sukuna speaks..
“Oi....what are you trying to do here, dragon brat?” 
There is no emotion in his voice making Yuji tremble inside, a pit in his stomach. He can feel the burning glare onto Ink. Sukuna is mad. Ink still stands. She can’t show it, she needs to push through it.
“I want you to stop hurting anyone else.........” She said honestly. “ You made your point already. But I feel like you won’t stop....there so that’s why.” 
“So...If I agree to your match and will win, you’re going to free me from this brat whose my vessel and become a devil like you?” Sukuna asked.
“No. Better. You can become a devil in your own right just like my dad.”
“Your dad?” Sukuna questioned.
“Vanity. He’s my devil, he gave me powers to become a demon after I signed a contract with.” Ink said,“And you get your form back or whatever you had back then...you can be free in the demon world, get your own domain and you don’t be stuck in Yuji forever.“ Ink said. 
“Oh?” Sukuna said. “Demonworld, huh?” He muses. Yuji looks seriously worried, what is Ink thinking right now. Why would she promises something like that. That’s crazy! 
“Yeah.....you will get what you wanted. So why not take it? I mean.....to everyone here, you’re the real deal and a devil instead of an imaginary demon like you says. Like I said you made your point. Even Vanity thinks so.”
"And what? You think that will stopped me?! Did the devils set you up for this? Because they hate seeing their punk-ass brats getting wiped the floor by me? And now they realize that the one who made this happen is you? I don't know...why the hell would I accept something like that?? It sounds like you want to appease me to make me accept it! Why the HELL would I want to take you up on that???"
Ink pauses for a moment and thinks. “Because I know.....you would be too stupid not to. The devils are different from jujutsu sorcerer and he will make it come true. Think about it. You won’t be the imaginary demon anymore. You will be Ryomen Sukuna, the King of Curses in hell. You won’t be just a cursed spirit anymore, Sukuna. You can be devil with your own domain, have followers, and you can be free. If you skip on that chance, you will be the King of Stupid here, not me.”
Sukuna stays silent. Yuji wonders what Sukuna is thinking right now.
“And all I need to accept your rematch? I just to need to win against you. Only you?” Sukuna said, making sure to confirm.  
 Vanity told her the meeting with Gojo. Ink nods, “Yeah....if you want all the details, you can talk with Vanity about it. But the only thing I can tell you is that I’m not going to make it easier this time. Give me five months to be stronger and I make sure you won’t be disappointed again. I’m going to show you why demons are stronger than cursed spirits.”
Yuji drops his jaw hearing this. Why is she doing this to herself. Even Yuji is not that crazy enough so why? Yuji gets it. Why is she doing this? Because she feels more guilty than he is? Does she want to take this on by herself? She doesn’t have to do this? 
“Hmmmm....alright.” Sukuna thinks, but first things first. “But first. Remind me....why are you doing this? And don’t repeat all that like you said before. I want to know the true reason behind it. Your reason... ”
Ink blinks and  looks down, gripping her sword tightly. “I want to regain my honor and pride....and want to solve this..on my own terms. Nobody else.” 
Silence fills the observatory deck as Yuji hears this. Ink wants to do this because she wants to regain her honor and pride? Is that how she really feels? Was she beaten that badly? What is going through her mind right now? Yuji wasn’t sure what to think until Sukuna says.
“Brat. Let’s switch”  
Ink became startled as she heard that, as her eyes slightly widen, gripping her sword tightly but she didn’t raise it.
“Huh?! No! I won’t...you can’t! I won’t let you klill-” Yuji argues. 
Relax. I won’t hurt her. Just want to talk to her face to face. Personally.
8 notes · View notes
||A Deadly battle part 20: Post-battle||
Hello, it seems something else has come back from the past. If you remember this drabble, it's 'A deadly battle' a mini series drabble me and my friend demon mun started. Yeah, I got a little spark to write something but it's better than nothing.
So, I think I wanted to add something to it but quick note:
((This is not the ending/Final chapter. Demon mun is writing or is going to write the final parts of this from what I remember so this is still during Sukuna and Ink's fight. This part going to focus around the fractions and their teammates but you'll see. Keep a eye out for the final chapters from demon mun in the future.))
If you wanna read where this is going now; the chapters are down below
~~Chapters so far~~
||Chapters 1-9|| ((Click here))
||Chapters 9-18|| ((Click here))
Chapter 19: The deadly battle begins
((Your reading Chapter 20))
~~Drabble summary~~
The battle between Van ink the dragon and Sukuna is underway while the fractions were watching from the side lines. They were cheering for her to beat him though, Sukuna already was excited for this game. However, seems he wanted to add some new players in the game but it's towards the fractions? What idea is he speaking of? Wanna know what? Read to find out.
-Blood will be present
-fighting is seen
-Over use of demonic powers will be present here
-Close encounters will happen here
~~Guests in the drabble~~
Demon mun’s guests
The DBT with some the other fractions, their leaders, and the devils belong to @demon-blood-youths
My guests
Some of the demon fractions with their leaders and some of the devil’s belong to me.
Sukuna Ryomen, Yuji Itadori, Megumi fushiguro, nobara kugisaki, and gojo satoru belongs to the anime and manga jujutsu Kaisen but also to me due to rp them as muse.
((Their will be Grammar mistakes and errors on this drabble but it was written for fun. So please understand okay? With that said, please enjoy <3))
The sounds of destruction and things exploding was heard in the streets of NYC seeing the final battle still going. The king of curses Vs. Van ink the dragon. Two going head to head with one another as they were dashing towards each other trying to fight. Sukuna was enjoying this game a lot, even with the fight and seeing the new tricks Ink has come up with.
He lands crushing a car but moves seeing Ink come down trying to attack. Only for her to crush the car even more from where he was standing.
"Hahahahahaha! Not bad Inky, Not bad! You really know how to make games so much fun! Even with the new tricks you were showing off this is so much fun!" he laughed swiping his claws but she dodges like before looking at him.
"Thanks! At least you can tell I did learn something new during my training!" she grins but keeps a good grip on her greatsword. However, this made Sukuna chuckle.
"Which still impresses me. You really know how to make things fun so keep showing me more! Lets give our audience a good show shall we!?" he laughed still attacking and fighting her while indeed a few was still watching this.
"Lets hope your next course of actions are just as interesting!" he laughed before Ink keeps her guard up to fight him.
Megumi and Nobara was watching, worried about Yuji since Sukuna was too much. However, Gojo was still keeping a eye on the battle. He had hopes that Ink will keep on her guard or till Sukuna gets bored. But seeing how excited he was, that might be a problem.
He even saw the other fractions still trapped and forced to watch. The leaders trapped in their own spears with the chains holding them down along with one around their necks. As for the teammates, they were in a bigger dome like spear to see this as they were cheering for Ink to beat Sukuna's ass.
"Come on Ink! You can do this!" Navarro shouted.
"YEAH, BEAT HIS ASS!! YOU CAN DO IT!" Echo shouts cheering her one.
"COME ON, COME ON! KICK HIS ASS TO THE CURVE!! COME ON DAMN IT!" even some of the lovely horrors were cheering even with Matt watching from his spear with the other leaders.
"I know Ink can do this. She's really smart and knowing her she will win!" Mouse said nodding to agree.
"It's due to her strength. We know she can do this! She's Van ink the dragon for fuck sake!" Navarro said.
"We know that Navarro but I know she will do this. She can beat him.." Shdwkyz said hearing everyone else cheering for her still. They believed in her knowing she can do it. She just had to!
'I just hope Ink can keep this up. But knowing Sukuna, he might try to make the game interesting. Which is a troubling thought.' Gojo thought seeing the fight.
~~~~In the demon world~~~~~
The Devils were also watching after the fight with Sukuna's minions were done. They were safe for now but in another safe haven. They were in Goa's domain to see this. Everyone was worried knowing it's going to take a few hours for Vanity's domain to self recover. However, they were worried about their heirs.
'Come on Ink....You got this..' Vanity thought watching this.
~~~~~~IN the real world~~~~~~~
Ink swings once more seeing Sukuna laughing again when he kicks her back hard in the gut sending her flying through a building. He rushes taking aim to the building to blow it up but Ink gets out before the building got to that point. He sees her rush towards him again only for him to block her swing of her great sword while he was grinning.
"Now bad Inky, seems you really are putting on a good show aren't ya? This is really so much fun." he chuckled as Ink was holding her ground, her grey eyes glowing with determination to take Sukuna down.
"Thanks...it's all to the training but you know that." she grins back but that's when she heard her friends cheering her on. They would know Ink wouldn't give up. Not a chance! This got Sukuna hearing their cheers too but that's when he smiled to have a idea. A twisted evil idea.
This got her attention to look at him confused, what was he thinking?
"Well, I do feel bad for leaving your friends out of our game!" he said this while shoving her back seeing her skid to hold Wyvern tight in her hands. "But I wonder if your friends would like to join us.." he sneered.
"Hey, this is between you and me, Sukuna. You said you were not going to involve them in-"
"Oh no you misheard me. They are not going to be joining to fight us..." he smiled to look at her.
"I would let my little friends play with them first......to keep them busy. So I hope they don't mind some new friends to play with." he said to snap his fingers that Ink's eyes slowly widen to look to where her friends are being held.
As the other fractions were cheering, Sid felt something off like something shaking. That's when she looks down seeing some cursed like energy smoke rising as the ground cracks up. "???"
"What's wrong Sid?" Shrika said.
"Everyone, I think we have a problem.." she said as the ground cracks up more making everyone stop to look down. The ground under their feet was cracking up!!!
"What the fuck!?" Navarro said almost losing his footing as the others. The fraction leaders even noticed but got worried.
"What is that!?" Yuuka said worried.
"I don't know! What's going on!?" Jinx said worried for her team.
"I think it's Sukuna. He must have done something!" Willow said as they saw the ground now crumbling more that it started showing things popping out of the ground. They looked to be undead spirits that claws the ground getting out as they howls in a ghoul like tone seeing the members backing up from them. That's when more and more show up now starting to show up around them.
"W..what are these things?" Timmy asked nervous.
"I don't know..but something tells me...they are not friendly." Gerald said nervous too seeing these things surrounding everyone. However, the leaders were shocked seeing the things.
"Guys!" Joshua was worried seeing this.
"W..what is going on?! What a..are those monsters!" Ashley said crying.
"I don't know...from the feeling, those things are from Sukuna.....what is he planning here?" Rex asked.
"I don't know...but it seems like he added some new game to this....and were in it." Matt said.
"Then........what is he planning to do with us???" Jinx asked.
She got the answer when the chains suddenly glows starting to burn the leaders!
Willow, Jinx, Kali, Rex, Matt, Ethan, Yuuka, Fin, Guam, Joshua, and Ashley winces from the burns but steam shows from their before the chains tighten around them. After that, something started filling the spears.
"Uhhh guys?! S..something is filling up in the spears!" Ashley panics seeing black liquid as the leaders saw the same. They begin struggling trying to break free seeing the liquid going up slowly.
"What is this!?" Yuu said looking at the liquid but the other leaders were not sure.
"This must be something curse related from Sukuna. What is he planning on doing with us??" Willow said not liking this.
"Whatever he's planning it can't be good. We need to break out of these spears and help our teams!" Ethan said.
"But the chains have us tight, we need to think of something.." Guam said struggling but the chains or collars around their necks
Now the ground with the teammates were broken up and cracked before the monsters tried attacking the others! Some dodge or deflects the monsters but they had to avoid the holes to fall down. But that was not the worst of it. Seems the holes were getting bigger as most fall more holes open showing some flames down below. Was Sukuna planning on burning them alive!?
"What did you do Sukuna?" Ink asked as he smiled.
"Nothing much. Just add another game. Besides, your friends will be fine and if they die, I might be nice to bring them back. i Just wonder how long your friends or the leaders can hold their breaths." he chuckled.
"It's a simple game; beat the monsters and it might free your friend leaders..if their quick enough. If not...well...I feel bad if some lose their leaders. Or if they figure out how the game works in time before that happens." he snickered.
"But enough of that...we still got a game here!" he said fighting her. "Lets focus on us first Inky!"
Now Ink was worried knowing he put her friends in danger again! She had to focus on the fight and hopes they can hold on. She knew they can.
"Stay the fuck back!" Navarro fires one of Echo's bombs at the monster as it screeched at them angry but Echo threw another energy bomb to trap it in some goo. She sees the others fighting off some that was trying to eat or kill them but some was sent flying crashing against the spear.
"We need to get out of here!" Breezy kicks one away while Rust punches it down into the ground crushing it's skull.
"But how!? Were trapped in this dome and we need to help the others and the leaders first!" he said to her seeing everyone else fighting or some that could.
"i don't know..whatever is going on it's not good!" Angel said firing arrows to kill a few. However, as Oblivion was smashing one, she looks noticing the leader's spears.
"Guys?...Guys, what the fuck is that!?" she said as a few looks seeing the leaders but something was filling the spears they were in. Some black thick liquid.
"I don't know. What the hell is that!?" Shdwkyz said but Vivi looks worried seeing that.
"It feels deadly from the looks of it. However, It seems like Sukuna's work. He must be the one doing this." she said as Melinda was worried while Jaron was too. Whatever that stuff was it was filling up the spears a bit fast but not rapidly fast.
"Gojo!? What is that stuff!!" Fosh asked worried.
"That's something Sukuna is doing..I think he's trying to curse them. However, that stuff is not safe. I get the feeling if that fills up, he's planning on either drowning them or taking control of them. You might have to find a way to break those things!"
"WHAT!?" most did not like that as now they were worried for their leaders.
"Matt, don't worry we'll get you out!" Jason said as they tried to smash the dome they were trapped in more of those things got in front of them to prevent that. It seems they wouldn't let them get out even with the leaders in danger.
"Sensei, we have to help them!" Megumi said.
"I know but we can't. Remember, Sukuna warned anyone not to interrupt his game and this is another one he just sets up. If we tried to help them, we are breaking that rule for him."
"I know...I just hope their teammates can help them before it comes to that! Even if we move to help, we'll end up getting them killed." he said but the other two was worried now seeing the fraction team fighting.
"But now it's serious..because the ground is crumbling under them too. He has a bigger plan now.." he said. Some of the leaders were trying to think of a plan and seeing Rex trying to calm Ashley down who was worried but crying now.
"D..Don't cry Ash, we'll get out of this! I know we will!" Joshua said.
"B..but our friends! Those monsters are g..going to kill them! We don't even know what this black liquid is going to do to us!"
"Easy. I don't know either but worrying isn't going to help. We need to stay calm and think of a plan......if only we could use our demonic abilities-"
"We can't.." he looks to see Willow said this. "I think the chains and metal collars nullified our demonic powers. I can't even use my flames to melt the chains or blast the spear." she said.
"What??" the other leaders tried to do something but no luck, were the chains really nullifying their powers?
"Son of a-"
"That's low even for Sukuna! Now what do we do!?" Jinx said angry about this but seeing her team fighting off the monsters but was worried seeing the ground breaking up even more that holes were much larger now.
"Hope that our teams can think of a plan before we are drown.." Fin said.
"But what of the floor, It's breaking up more faster now...."
"I don't know Yuuka but...something tells me that will be bad if it did. They have to stay calm and think of this." Rex said.
~~~~~~With the devils~~~~~~
"Is he insane!? He's planning on killing our heirs!?" Vanity heard a angry Eigor shout now standing up worried. The others felt the same seeing this madness happening from a giant crystal ball. Seeing their hears fighting or worried of the leaders trapped in the spears filling up with liquid.
"But what is that black substance?" Goa said not liking it.
"....Black death..." the devils look hearing Nagi speak but he was angry while worried.
"Black death?" Goa said.
"A old curse liquid that is found in the lowest parts of the demon realms. Any demon that swallows that will die within moments. Some say that stuff is..alive. It can make you weak if it touches you but it has to be ingested to do real harm. That's why most never bother with it and leave it to where they found out." Nagi said with arms crossed over his chest worried.
"It don't do much to the skin but it makes one feel really weak like it's draining your life force away. I don't know how Sukuna got his hands on that but it's very dangerous because only full blooded demons can survive it. But our heirs..that's a different story. He might have used this to either kill them..or control them." he said worried.
"W..what??" Goa was shocked dropping her fan but quickly looks seeing this.
"But what of the monsters?" Uriprayt asked more worried seeing Navarro and Echo blasting a few away.
"They are just monsters he created out of cursed energy but..I also see some of that stuff in the hole under the heirs. I really am fearful that he's planning on tempting them by seeing how fast they can get out of those spears before...." He didn't want to say that but the other devils were worried.
"Son of a bitch! How dare he!" Ymir said now slamming his fist on the table. "We need to do something!"
"We can't! Even if we are doing this! We are trying to be sure none of those things sent to Vanity's realm find us! Right now, the heirs are doing what they must to fight and stay alive." Cal said seeing his heir Ashley but didn't like this black death rising in the spears. However, he knew Nagi was right.
"Even now..I can sense their demonic energy is getting drained slowly but they don't know yet. I fear they will have to be quick and figure out how to get out before it gets bad." he said gripping his chair. Now the devils were concerned seeing their heirs now in danger.
~~~~~In the real world~~~~~
The fraction members were keeping up with their battle knowing the monsters were drawing closer to them. However, a few of them were still trying to attack while some was being crushed creating more cracks. However, that's when Shdwkyz and Viv noticed the deep hole down below.
It was filled with something but the others were still fighting. "Shdwkyz, do you see that? Something is under us..and it don't look safe." She saw as he slashes another but looks from a hole. She was right something was down there but when they looked some of the monsters fall in but end up hearing a splash.
The two snake said nothing waiting for the monster to come up but as it did, their eyes widen seeing a skeleton where the monster was.
Yeah, something was down there!
"It's.....that thing became a skeleton. What the fuck is that!?" he hissed.
".....No way...that's Black death..." Vivi said but Shdwkyz looks to her.
"Black what?"
"Black death..it's a dangerous liquid that's only found in the lowest areas demon realm. My devils Nagi and Orochi told me about it. Sukuna must have brought some from there to the real world. If we touch that stuff, we will die within moments. Or worse..." she said but feels a tremor from the ground seeing everyone fighting.
"...The cracks..The floor is breaking up the more we smash these things. We have to tell everyone to not do that before.."
As she was explaining it, another tremor was felt only seeing the ground breaking up even worse. Everyone stumbles now but some moves from the ground that was caving in on it's self to show the black water below.
"What the fuck is down there!?" Luna said shocked.
"Everyone, move from the holes! Do not fall!" Vivi warns moving away keeping near Shdwkyz. "The liquid is dangerous, we are not to fall down! Or we will end up dying!" she said.
"What!?" Everyone shouts seeing the ground breaking more and more. Everyone was stumbling and getting close to one another away from the cracks. The leaders were worried seeing this as they tried to get free to help their teams.
Even the monsters were falling hearing more splashes. This was bad! Really really bad! The floor keeps cracking up as everyone was nervous seeing it was too close. In a second, the ground fully breaks up to send the teammates down into the deep hole with that black water.
"NO!!!" The leaders shouted in shock seeing this.
Some was screaming as they fell but as they did, something catches them or on platforms being invisible. They looked confused seeing this but quickly looks seeing someone holding their hands up.
"Melinda!?" Jaron was worried seeing Melinda glowing but she was using her telekinesis to catch everyone in time now being on platforms to hold a team/fraction.
"Geez, too close.." Rust said nervous.
"Nice one Meli!" Breezy said.
"Not bad...Hey can you can hold it till we get to the top again or near. We can get out somehow!" Shrika said.
"I can try...but the top has no place for us to stand on now. I can bring us up above this pit away from that stuff. We need to think of s..something here or a plan to get out." Melinda said worried since she can only hold the platforms for some time but not forever.
Jaron was worried holding her shoulders but looks down seeing the black liquid bubbling under them. Everyone looks down as well not liking the water but the leaders lets out a sigh of relief seeing they were safe. However, more of those monsters starting showing up.
"Guys! Guys watch out!" Fin shouted seeing the monsters now trying to attack. The leaders can only hope Melinda can hold the platforms for as long as she can. And keep her safe from the monsters that are now attacking them on the platforms she made.
"Sukuna, what did you do!?" Ink said swinging her blade sending out more of the Flaming Wyrms. He jumps back to dodge seeing them trying to attack as he was aiming to take them down.
"What??? It's a game. You know I love games Inky. Your friends are very lucky to have someone that can use telekinesis. If not, they would be dead already hmm?"
"Sukuna.." Ink growls but he laughs even more.
"Oh come on, it's not that bad. I gave them some time to figure out what to do. Though, I wonder how long they can keep it up for? Even your friend who has everyone on what they can stand on to keep above the danger." He laughed but Ink knew someone that did. Being serious, she swings her sword again only for Sukuna to flip and dodge.
"Oh oh oh! Seems like I got your attention better now! Lets keep on playing!" he laughed as Ink glares gripping her great sword with her grey eyes burning.
The fight continues but with her friends now on the line. She has to win this to help them!
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ohproserpine · 8 months
Do you have any spefific voice claim for Dolly? I adore your writing!
hmmm :P I would say for her singing voice I imagine a more raspy kind of drawl. julie london probably + i imagine she talks with a transatlantic accent old actresses seem to have. such as jessica rabbit, marilyn monroe, and jane russell.
in fact, heree have a little drabble with jessica rabbit's iconic line -> tw. war, blood guns
Amidst the chaos of war, spears clashed against celestial shields, golden blood staining the battlefield like spilled sunlight. The sounds of battle filled the air, drowning out all other senses as angels and demons clashed in a deadly dance. Suddenly, the protective shield surrounding you faltered, its once steady glow flickering ominously before dissipating entirely. The sudden vulnerability allowed for a swarm of angels to descend upon the hotel. While everyone around you grappled with the immediate danger, your thoughts were consumed by a singular concern: Alastor. If the shield had failed, it could only mean one thing – something had happened to him. "I have to find my darling husband," you rushed, turning to Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb as the fight raged on around you. "I'm so worried about him!" "Ugh. Seriously, what do you see in him?" Cherri scoffed, her voice cutting through the din of battle as she lobbed a bomb in the enemy's direction. Angel cackled, arms straining as he withstood the recoil of his guns, firing off lead into the celestial beings. "You're hot as tits, mama. Why stay with freaky smiles?" With a huff, you pulled your weapon from the lifeless body of an angel, tossing your hair back defiantly as you shot Angel a glare. "He makes me laugh."
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spookypete-94 · 4 months
Simon Ghost Riley x reader
Been writing some about our lovely Captain, but figured it was time to give some love to our favorite skeleton man. A goofy drabble based off an incident with my coworkers at a gathering. Wrote with a female reader in mind, but could be read as either or.
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If you had asked the members from TF141 to describe you, the first word that would come to their minds would probably be deadly. Methodical and practical would come next followed by intelligent. The ultimate fuck around and find out package.
Prankster would not even be in their vocabulary when thinking of you because you are so reserved, so quiet. How that was about to change in Simon Riley's book.
After a long, dangerous, and destructive deployment, Price had extended the invitation of a bonfire at his newly purchased hunting cabin that was secluded from the rest of the world. Happy to spend some time with them that wasn't meant to be where you were all on edge, you happily obliged.
For the party you had brought the items to make smore's and hot chocolate. A variety of marshmallows to be used. Big ones for the smore's, little ones for the hot drink.
As everyone gathered around, had a few drinks, and told stories outside of work. Like normal, you had kept quiet. Finally excusing yourself as you went into make yourself a hot mug, grabbing the marshmallows. Totally not suspicious right? Unbeknownst to you however, the tallest and largest one of the group always had an eye watching you. Everywhere you went, either on the battlefield or in this instance right now. He always had the urge to make sure you were ok.
He decided to go in after he could see your shadow stretching on your tippy toes and then crouching down below through the blinds. Quietly, he rolled the sliding glass door open peeking, taking steps to the side as he cleared the room. Leave it to him to use a battle tactic to find out what you were doing. He saw you with your arm up the ice maker on the front of the fridge.
"Wha' on God's green earth are you doin'?" he asked befuddled with such an action.
"Nothin'!" you squealed, turning around quickly, marshmallow falling out in suite hitting the floor. With haste, you kicked it behind you so hopefully he had not seen what it was. It was then that he took large steps, looking behind you and saw the half empty marshmallow bag in your hand. Looking up, he saw marshmallows on the cabinet door handles. Marshmallows on the buck's antlers that Price had shot adorned the wall, even some on his eyes. Marshmallows on the corners of the barstools. Marshmallows galore.
"You 'ave been busy." He said, tone coated in surprise as he took in your work.
"Just decorating Price's new place for a housewarming party." You quipped coyly. "Go look in the bathroom."
He did as you told going down a short hallway and peeking in. The toilet paper roll had been slid off, a large marshmallow impaled in its place. A slight inconvenience to anyone who wasn't paying attention. But it didn't end there. Marshmallows were in the shower stall, some with drawn on faces.
Coming back out of the bathroom, he saw you with your hand up the ice maker again, the bag you had now empty.
"Clever." Was all he could say, still stunned that you had planned such a joke.
"Just don't tattle on me." You said grabbing two mugs, one for you and one for him and actually started making the hot chocolate you had come in for.
"Wouldn't dream of it." Humor in his voice. Again, still surprised you had the ability to joke around like this. He took another freshly opened bag from you and placed some up high joining you in on your prank. You grinned up at him watching him stretch to reach the higher places.
Gaz and Soap then stepped into the open door, a slight stumble to their steps from their current buzz. Plopping small marshmallows in both drinks, you slid one to Ghost and stepped out of the way of Gaz who came in to make everyone another round of mixers.
Both you and Ghost watched out of the corner of your eye as Gaz lifted a glass tumbler to the ice maker and pressed. It took a few seconds longer, but finally a marshmallow tumbled out, and then another.
"Wha' the fuck??" Gaz said confused. "Capt'n I think your ice maker is messed up!" He called out the door. Taking the opportunity, you and Ghost went back outside and towards the fire, moving out of the way for Price who went inside to check out the ice maker.
"Shouldn't be, just bought the damn thing." He said approaching it and pressing the glass against the ice maker, where again more marshmallows fell out.
It was at this point; Soap came out from the bathroom.
"Real fuckin' funny," Price said looking up at Soap before throwing a marshmallow at him.
"Ya blamin' me? I didnea fuckin' do it!" Soap said laughing, before picking up the marshmallow and eating it. "Should take a look in the loo though."
You looked past the fire the entire time, watching it unfold inside. Price fully blaming Gaz and Soap for your harmless prank. Bickering amongst each other In this moment Ghost sat next to you, trying to hide his laughter. Now he understood who the master prankster was. He had seen this many times before. Something was done to either of them and they had placed the blame on everyone but you. Because you come across as aloof and sweet… but it’s always been you.
The thought crossed his mind. You were the ultimate package now. Beautiful, dangerous, and funny.
Simon Ghost Riley Masterlist
John Price Masterlist
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a-spes · 4 months
| BUT YOU SHALL BE MINE - Drabble (1.006 words).
| Summary - you've lost. the final battle against the scarlett witch finally came, and you've lost. all the world's greatest heroes are dead, except you.
| Tags & warning - Scarlett witch x R, enemies, wanda is dark, everyone is dead (oops), a bit of angst with twisted comfort (don't even know if it can be called comfort honestly), description of dead bodies, mentions of blood/death/violence/heavy injuries.
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You made a terrible mistake when you didn't die.
Not that it was your choice, you've just had a bit of luck. That's what most people would think, but in your opinion it was more of a sentence. It was nothing more than a cruel joke from the universe, because what's a life where everyone you cherish is dead?
You won't even be able to bury them because there is no bodies to pick up. Only dust, or bits of those you love. You wouldn't even be able to tell what belong to whom — Could that be Tony's arm? Or maybe it belongs to Steve? You are not even sure it's a arm. It could be a leg, or rubble. In that state, it's difficult to say.
But maybe it's better that way. You have never been the strongest one, you would've never been able to carry all their bodies homes. Steve could've, he has a super strenght. Stark would've invented something, or perhaps paid people to help him. But you? You have nothing special. No powers, no skills above the average, nothing except your luck.
You somehow always manages to get out of impossible situations. From being able to escape Nat' when she is angry to survive deadly situations, nothing serious has ever happened to you. You've always seen that as a gift, but it turned out to be a curse.
Your second mistake was to try to get up.
Maybe if you didn't she wouldn't have noticed your presence. You knew you should've hide between two corpse, no matter how disguting that idea was, because maybe you would've escape her gaze. But you couldn't think properly, and condamned yourself the moment you moved. A faint, and painful move, which earned you what? Nothing, because you weren't even able to do more than resting of your forearms before slipping, head first into the mud.
It was painful, and humiliating, but not as much as knowning that there was nothing you could do to avenge your friends. At least, they died as heroes, trying to save humanity, and even if they failed, that's how the world is going to remember them as. They will be martyrs, and you'll be nothing. No one would remember the name of the Avengers' shadow that died squirming on the ground like a worm.
Somehow, you still had that spark in your heart, the urge to fight, but it was useless. If a whole army failed to defeat her, how could you? Maybe your body knew it because it doesn't respond to your requests anymore. You could hardly move your fingertips.
When your vision darkened, you thought it was the end of your pain. It's not that you could see anything anyway. On kilometers, there was nothing but desolation. Bodies piled up, the ones of your friends. Smoke raising in the sky, making you cought violently. And that red mist, the reason for all your woes. It was all blurred because of your tears before the world fade away.
"Ah, look at you," the woman said. That's when you realize that you didn't lose your eyes, her shoes were just blocking your view. "You're covered in blood, broken and lost, but yet ...," she chuckled before resuming her sentence, "you still think you can do something against me. How cute is that," she said, her tone dripping with false pity. Or maybe it was genuine, which only make the situation more humiliating for you.
"You are brave one though," she added, not noticing that you weren't listening. You couldn't, even if you wanted. Your mind was fuzy, and you ears were ringing due to explosions. "The last one standing ..., you should be proud, you know, not everyone can last that long against me," which is why she has been surprised when she felt an ounce of life. She thought her battle was over, that all forms of life had been exterminated for miles around, but it turned out that one hero was still standing.
Not the strongest or bravest one, but still the last one to breath. She kneels beside you, surprised that the last awakened soul resides in such a fragile-looking body. But the woman wasn't oblivious, and she could feel that there was more than that behind those pretty eyes. She wanted to believe that if the last person standing was such an innocent woman, it wasn't by chance. She saw it as a gift from the universe. At that thought, a smile spread across her face. A sweet and caring one, as comforting as the hand she is now running across your cheek. The one you're leaning on, appreciating that ounce of sweetness in your ocean of pain, not having enough energy to care about the person who's giving it to you. Her thumbs brushing your tears away, soothing you as if she wasn't the cause of your pain.
"Such a pretty face ...," she mumbled, "so much potential wrapped in that fragile body," she continued, her words slipping out of your ears until she eventually straightens up. "You know what? The realm of the dead probably won't mind if I keep one soul for myself," she conclued, considering that the small whimper that escaped your lips was an acknowledgement of her statement.
With a flick of the wrist, she envelops you in that red glow you hate so much. Slowly, your body is torn from the earth where your friends lie for the eternity. The red mist takes all the pain away, but also your chances of salvation.
"It's okay, you can rest now, my little soldier," she whispers, and those are the last words you can hear before the world disappears. The last two living creature leaving this desolate land behind in a second, as if they've never been here.
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| Tag list - @m0nsterqzzz
156 notes · View notes
To hunt or be hunted #2
Pairing: Alastor x Fem!Reader x Lucifer
Summary: Strong statements from the "feared" king of hell, deadly oversights, cute duck-shaped cupcakes and the forgotten terror that lives beneath the hotel enjoying a certain demon's broadcast.
Warnings: Self loathing, a bit of a scare, nothing else I can think of.
Taglist: open...
The crowd, and 102 notes have spoken. Funny enough, things I consider drabbles blow up, and stuff that I like and post stays forgotten, anyways that's life. Feedback is always appreciated btw.
For the ppl that voted One-shot, my request box is open if you guys want to drop something Hazbin related.
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Charlie had habilitated a back door for the kitchen, heading to the street, so that groceries and the kitchen supplies that you order could arrive unnoticed and would not bother her guests. Also for you to come and go as you may see fit without drawing, as she called it, ‘Unwanted attention’.
Of course she wasn’t thinking of the swarm of questions that may come your way, but more like if they found out, she would have to break the little image she had worked on all this years, the controlled, nice and loving princess everyone knew; to show a bit of the real menace she can be. She hated exercising her authority over others because of what happened with you, it felt wrong and invasive, so she never wanted to re-enter the same void she had fell through when her mother left.
She still used a more severe tone when addressing to you and her orders, or as she calls them ‘mandatory suggestions’, orders nonetheless, and when she asks you for what you’ve heard around town. She wants to keep up with what the people say about the hotel? Not entirely, she just likes gossip.
When either Angel Dust or Husk asked Charlie where did the food come from, she either said that she ordered it, or rely on the fact that sometimes Nifty cooked, per Alastor’s suggestion, but only when he wasn’t around to bring out the fact that she was lying.
Your ears perked up at some noise coming from the renovated parlor, usually it was just Alastor messing with the king of Hell, which made your eyes roll in annoyance given his lack of battle IQ, but the stubborn stag was mildly protected by the princess’s favor, without it, his head would hang on the king’s wall, probably as a coat rack. Now, that thought brought you a smile and a small laugh.
Later at night, when most demons were fast asleep, Angel Dust tiptoe his way inside the hotel, after a long session demanded by Valentino. He tried no to groan given the fatigue, and as he stretched backwards, making his back crack.
“What the fuck?” he muttered when a candle lit up on top of the new bar table, on top of it lied a plate with a medium rare cooked stake sided with homemade mash potatoes and some sauteed vegetables, next to it a glass of wine and silverware, along with a note that read:
“You failed to attend to dinner, saved you a plate. Enjoy”
He reluctantly took a bite, but after realizing that if it were spiked with anything he would’ve already died, given that drugs in hell had a fast effect when it comes to assassination, he enjoyed every last bit of it, making small moan sounds as he did. He also complimented the selection of the wine. You enjoyed the praises as you saw him eat.
As soon as he made his way back to his room, you took the plate and various items to give them a wash. The next day, Husk earned a kiss on the cheek without knowing what he did to deserve it.
It gave you a warm feeling in your chest when the guests liked your food, even more so when they expected anxiously what would it be for the next day, as you never really published the menu for the week, only the princess knew.
Given Angel’s constant praise, you started leaving protein shakes in his night stand before he woke up, always with a ‘Drink me for strength’ note, same with Vaggie when she started working out in the mornings. Charlie took your gesture and assured that she made them out of concern, which was well received by the rest, but not so much from her towards you.
“What did we talk about laying low?” she turned a bit demonic as she whispered harshly, “If you want to starve yourself to death, be my guest, but you made me the chef of the Hotel since day one, and no one inside this walls will die of malnourishment if I can help it” you well knew of the nasty habit the princess had towards food, by sometimes (often) forgetting to eat, or drive herself to an extent of stress, that she just dismissed breakfast or launch, even both on some occasions.
“Fine. On another subject, my dad will start living here, permanently. He’s Celiac, just so you know” Gluten allergy, that caught you off guard. You made a mental note to replace flours, rice and pastas into a non-glutinous option, same as your pastries for tea time from now on.
“About time you made peace with him” she shot you a warning look but didn’t correct you, “Yeah well, I’m happy about it, it took too long” for a while she felt that it was her fault for her parent’s split, as any child of divorce would begin to feel in the first period of the breakup. That feeling diminished, but hasn’t left her system entirely, no mater how much her girlfriend reassures her of the contrary.
“Arrange his room please, I left a few things lying around, but I have a session, so, can you handle it?” you nodded, satisfied with your answer, or rather lack thereof, she turned into her cheery self. “He left to pack up a few things from the castle, he’ll be back in a few hours, please don’t let him see you” with that last bit, she left the kitchen.
The king’s room wasn’t messy, Nifty wouldn’t allow it, so there were just a few items to place around, and a massive bed to put together, piece by piece no less. It was a Belphegor’s elite brand bed, no less, it had an insane amount of screws and parts, for someone known as the queen of Sloth, it took a serious amount of effort to put up with her products.
Took you two hours to set the whole thing up. Why did it take so long to put together a bed? because when you had it perfect, you noticed that you had three leftover screws, you weren't supposed to have leftover screws, so you disassembled it piece by piece until you found a place for the damn screws. The instructions were worse written than a menu in a Cantonese restaurant when the owner is obviously not Cantonese and wrote up the whole thing in google translate.
You took a big breath, satisfied with your work only when you put on the last blanket over the foot of the bed. “Weight blanket” you muttered with the fabric in between your fingers. Right in between the bedspread and the sheet there was a fairly heavy blanket, it lead to something obvious, two, either anxiety, or the king was missing his wife to the point he needed a weighted hug over him.
Your ears caught the sound of wings, he would arrive in no time.
You only had a millisecond to think, either run to the door and risk being seen, or put on the veil, jump out the window, but you were at penthouse level, that would probably leave you quadriplegic, on the other hand you transferred your tunnel system between the walls from the old hotel to the new one, you would just have to push the fake tile behind the bathroom door.
You ran out of time.
Still in your place, like a statue, you put the veil carefully over your body, this time without your eyes being able to be seen through.
The fallen angel dropped one single portfolio, the same blowing up into a swarm, no, a tsunami of rubber ducks, pieces of clothing, all ending up scattered all over the room, giving you an opportunity to make your way behind the bathroom door.
“Oh Charlie put together my bed? That ought to be a lot of work” he ended the sentence with a singsong tone before jumping onto the mattress. ‘That’s a shit ton of baloney, I bust my ass and the little devil gets credit for it? Fucking fantastic’ you mentally growled.
“Lily, if you could see her, she looks more like you every day” his voice cracked, “I wish…I wished I knew how to help. What could I possibly offer her? Advice? Experience? On what?! falling, being a constant disappointment? She did more things than you and I did in ten thousand years”
“I feel so useless” peeking over the door you saw the tiny king, wrapping himself in his six enormous wings. ‘Majestic’ you thought, after seeing millions of demons since you died, it was the first time you saw someone so beautiful. It made sense, he was indeed the prettiest angel God ever created, the best singer too.
How can someone like that, ethereal, could be troubled by things so…earth bound?
In an instant, he jumped out of bed, brushed up his hair a little, then walked out the door with the most fake smile you had ever seen. Boy you knew about fake smiles.
Later in the afternoon, around tea time, you changed up your regular flour for almond, it was definitely a different experience in terms of texture, but in terms of flavor, it could pass for regular flour, no one was going to notice.
Three types of cupcakes: Salted caramel, red velvet with vanilla stuffing, and cookie dough cupcakes shaped as ducky ones.
Alastor wasn’t a fan of sweets, so a mildly coffee infused cake with a caramel dressing with coarse salt on top, did the trick amazingly. Paired with a nice cup of Orange Pekoe tea to send him down memory lane. When you picked his plate up, there wasn’t a single crumb left.
The rest of the Hotel fancied your pastries, and loved sweets. Red velvet was a well-received classic, but it consisted of a vanilla flavored cake, and pair it with a filling of the same flavor might over do it. Instead, you added orange juice to the mix, the citrus smell with the sweet vanilla swirl on top  were the sensation in the redemption session.
The only questionable thing about the mix was the berry tea that Charlie liked to drink during her sessions.
You baked small batches of cookie dough balls only a quarter of time, then poured the gluten free vanilla cupcake batter on top of it, keeping the cookie cooking at the bottom while you prepared the chocolate icing. When still warm you used a duck shaped scraper for the cake to take shape, then use the icing to make spikes, horns and little faces on them when it had cooled down a bit.
Why were you making special things for him? Pity? Empathy? Maybe both, but you were far too busy remembering the steps to the king’s room to bother.
All the ducks seemed organized, it definitely was the same mess, but perhaps there was some sense in his insanity. The plate was placed carefully in his night stand, along with a saucer and the tea cup filled with chamomile tea.
“Stop, freeze right there” you were about to place the hand written card when the distorted voice of the king froze your nerves in place, good thing that you were wearing the veil.
“Riddle me this, I’m connected to your every step, but I’m not your shoe. What am I?” he was near but stayed right in your blind spot, as he walked towards you. “Answer” his voiced sent chills down your spine, made your teeth sharpen as well as your claws, and your ears perk up defensively.
“You’re a shadow” your answer brought in him a subtle laugh, “Even through that shield of yours, dear, you cast a shadow, I saw a glimpse of it make it’s escape through the bathroom” was it that simple? Did anyone else in the Hotel had been as perceptive as him, no they would’ve ask Charlie or Alastor about it.
“So? How long have you been lurking in the Hotel?” walking past you, he brought up the tea cup to his lips, making a grimace, “Drink it, you look either sick, or worse, anemic, you’re three tones paler than your daughter” he shrugged, apparently aware of his state.
“I believe I asked you a question” his eyes shifted colors, just like Charlie’s, “None of your beeswax” you couldn’t tell him even if you wanted to, “I’m your King” the little heavy step he did was hilarious, but laughing would’ve get you killed.
“So what?” he widened his eyes at your boldness, dismissing it entirely after a laugh, “Mm, how about you answer my question and then I might consider letting you go?” his boot was on the edge on the veil, one move and he would see you, “How about you stop being a bull on me and enjoy my cookin’?” he took a moment to actually see the cupcakes, a tender smile drawn on his face.
When he looked back at where you where, all he saw was the veil falling gracefully to the ground, likewise it dissolved into the air.
“I fucked up” your heart throbbed painfully in your ear; the rush was real.
Your room was underneath the Hotel, a system of catacombs led to different fates to those stupid enough to enter, only you and the princess knew of the correct way. The space wide consisted of black brick walls, a twin size bed placed on the corner, a wooden wardrobe, the rustic eighteen hundreds themed bathroom, and a set of seven iron candle holders screwed to the wall.
“Good afternoon Hell!” Alastor’s voice became present through the radio you kept on your night stand, “I’m in a jolly mood on this occasion, a well baked pastry would put a smile on anyone, even in the crankiest demon in hell” he laughed, then continued on topics from a simpler time, then the screams of his new victim.
You rested your tachycardia on your bed, focusing on your breathing and Alastor’s voice, to make your heart slow down to a normal pace.
“Thank you for listening, it was a pleasure to entertain you. Now, a small request from a friend in between the walls, I hope you enjoy this one, dear” he placed the dusted vinyl on the player, allowing it to roll one of your most liked songs, Cuban Moon by Carl Fenton’s Orchestra.
Slang, jazz, the demoness that haunted Alastor’s brain was definitely from his timeline, probably the same state he lived in. But what really itched his brain, was the axe. “It’s an unorthodox method to kill someone, the blade loses its edge quickly and it would require a brutal force to cut through bones…unless” he pondered over an open binder with pieces of old newspaper that fell with him, parts of the news were about him, but the front page was about someone else.
The next day, Lucifer walked fast down the stairs, grabbed Charlie by her shoulders and demanded, “Who is she? The demon living in the walls?”.
Your note for Lucifer read the following: "Someone who swore to love you through sickness and health, and still left, is not worth your tears."
Baloney: same as nonsense or bullshit
None of your beeswax: Slang for 'none of your business'
Bull: Slang for police-man
Stay tuned ;3 Part 3
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deadlymistletoe · 2 months
Deadly's Tolkien Masterlist
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Thranduil x Reader
Forbidden Cells
Years prior Thranduil had been torn away from you after your relationship had been discovered. Under the impression you had left Mirkwood he never expected to find you in one of Mirkwood’s cells when he became king.
Over the years you’d managed to fall in love with your childhood friend, and kept your feelings hidden, terrified of ruining your friendship, but now years of hiding your feelings are catching up to you, making you unwell.
All Grown Up
When you receive a letter stating your son’s intentions to join the Fellowship of the Ring, you’re understandably distressed, but Thranduil is always there to talk you through it, important meetings or not.
A Marriage Overridden
Keeping your relationship with Thranduil a secret backfires when your parents arrange a marriage for you. Thankfully, all arranged marriages have to go through the elvenking himself.
An Execution
When you’re forced to witness an execution performed by the man you love, Legolas shields you from the sight, but Thranduil still has to reassure you later.
Fears and Bandages
Thranduil’s composure cracks as he waits for you to come home from battling the spiders. He’s only able to put his fears to rest once he’s bandaged you up himself.
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Legolas x Reader
A Token Of Love
Legolas has been acting suspicious, but you soon find out why when he presents you with a gift.
Mistletoe Kisses 🎄
During a Yule celebration at Minas Tirith you introduce Legolas to mistletoe.
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Aragorn x Reader
Charming Stranger
When a charming stranger helps you regain control of your horse in the woods, you don’t expect to see him again. You definitely don't expect him to be the king of Gondor.
A Series Of Kisses
A series of kisses leading up to your wedding night. (drabble)
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Thorin x Reader
Misty Mountains
Throin helps you get back to sleep when you wake up from a nightmare while he’s on watch.
Ranger At Heart
You and Thorin grew closer than anyone thought possible as he healed, but deep down your heart will always belong to the wild.
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Fili x Reader
Concerning Hobbits
Fili enlists the help of Bilbo to learn about hobbit courting customs in order to ask you out in the best way possible.
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Dwalin x Reader
Men and Flowers
Insecurities creep up on Dwalin when he sees you with a young, human man. How could you ever want a dwarf like him compared to that? Little does he know, there's only one person you want, and it’s not the human man.
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Ghost x Wife!Reader
Ghost watches you put your makeup on in the morning.
SFW, Extreme Fluff, Light Angst, Light Hurt/Comfort, Intimacy, Softness, Makeup, Pre-Established Relationship, Slight Self-Indulgent, Ghost and Reader are In Love, Drabble
WC: 1k~
Another drabble, just because I'm writing fluff for a different WIP and I'm trying to work out some kinks. Also, I think Ghost needs some more peaceful content every now and again from me, I be making him unhappy as hell in my other stuff.
"You're staring again."
Simon blinks, that familiar silk-soaked voice of yours pulling him back into the morning. He sits up from where he'd still been lying in bed, the covers sprawled across him as though he'd just woken up from a battle deep within his sleep. It's had him moving rather sluggishly since waking, though that had been no complaint by any means.
It only meant he had an excuse to spend some more time with you before work; and right now, you'd been doing a hobby of yours he's come to really enjoy watching.
You stand firmly in front of the dresser on your side of the bed, irises glued to your mirror, and a deadly grip on your liquid black eyeliner. Your eyes had been the last part of your look needing to be completed, and you'd be dammed if you fucked it up now.
You bring the pen to the corner of your eye, with the kind of precision Simon has only seen outdone by the steadiest hands belonging only to his well-trained comrades. And even then you gave them a run for their money.
With the spiritual guidance of a painter, you gently line the ink to your skin, curving it back and forth from below your brow to back towards your eyelid, until you've outlined a sharp winged look at the corners of your eyes, filling them in.
They look perfect once complete. Though, when you stare at yourself in the mirror a few seconds too long, you frown, dissatisfied.
You lift your hand up and start using your pinkie nail to scrap the parts of eyeliner you'd begun to hate. Your attention remains here primarily, though you've never had issues multitasking.
"Still staring, Si'," you comment, having felt his gaze on you since you first put your foundation on. It's hard not to notice his eyes on you, given the weight that often came with them. A weight you'd happily hold.
"Wha', I can't enjoy the view?" He jokes, no doubt feeling just a bit more awake when he sees it's made you smile.
You look down at Simon, finally setting all your makeup back down on the dresser, wide-eyed with genuine concern, "Do I look OK?"
A small, crooked smile forms on his tattered lips as he chuckles to himself. Yes, you already knew what he was going to say, or what he wanted to say: you don't need the makeup. You could have your face completely done up or covered in mud, he would still love you. He would always love you.
Though he knew now, that's not the answer you were looking for. It took a while for him to understand that; he'd yet to understand the craftsmanship that truly came with applying makeup. However, seeing how happy you looked at the end of every makeup session all but spelled out the answer you'd really been looking for.
It wasn't about looking pretty or hiding, or even due to some superficial beliefs about womanhood or whatnot. You just really liked to do your makeup. And Simon just really loves to see you happy.
If this was something that made you smile, then it would always be a welcome thing to have around.
Simon sits up on the bed, letting his sturdy legs swing over the edge and his feet touch the soft carpet below. He reaches out and takes your hand, pulling you in so he could take a closer look at your work, the man still trying to rub the sleep from his eyes.
Once comfortably boxed in by both his legs and arms, you let out a happy sigh, your gaze at eye level with him even as he still sat. Up close, with the dawn's light gently painting over his scarred skin, drawn by years of old stories he's only scarcely shared word of, he looked rather shy.
Every so often, when you traced over his skin while lying in bed, he'd oblige you with a story -- some heart-wrenching tale that only made you feel that much more endeared by him.
Sometimes he joked about wanting to wear makeup himself and cover all these ghastly sights on him. That way he didn't feel so vulnerable when your eyes would see them in all its miserable glory.
But you do what you have done since seeing them. You bring your touch to his skin, letting your fingers trace his scars' outlines and grooves, mending past traumas with your present-day love.
You look at Simon patiently, resting your hands against his broad shoulders. "Did the eyeliner fuck up the whole look?" You ask.
Simon's dark eyes bounce about your face, taking in the blush, the lipstick, the glitter and highlight, your brows, and then your eyes... His gaze sits still there, and any longer and you just might have started to feel yourself lean in.
"Hold on," his voice booms out suddenly, before he's brought his thumb to the corner of your cheek. A small bit of your mascara had dotted you, though he made sure to be as careful as possible with removing it for you. He hadn't wanted to mess up your hard work. "There you go."
He lowers his hand, taking another look at you. His expression softens, a smile forming. "Beautiful."
You smile, and it's everything and more he needed to start his day off with. Simon takes your hands, before pulling you even closer, until he's felt your lips take his sweetly.
It had been his favorite thing to start his mornings out like this, with just being able to hold you close to him, the sensation feeling as necessary as oxygen itself most days. When he'd kiss you, he only made up for that need by stealing your own breath away, his lips wrapped with yours like a sincere promise.
You cup your hands over his face, kissing him as you've felt his strong arms begin to wrap around you, pulling you into a tight embrace. It squeezes the air from you and makes you laugh in his arms, as you pull back from your kiss.
That's when your eyes go wide and you start to giggle. "Oops."
Your lipstick was now completely smeared over the man's mouth, rubbing off on his chin as though you'd just given him a newly colored five-o'clock shadow.
Immediately, Simon knows what's been done, as you're a repeat offender of this. He gives you a quizzical look and smirks. "How do I look?" He asks.
You lean back in, letting your lips feather over his.
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grapefives · 1 year
luffy + law + drabbles (separately) x gn!reader (male lenient though)
reader w/gravitation manipulation powers + denial of feelings + fluff + love confessions + reader is a musician (best buddies w/brook) + WANO SPOILERS! + crewmate reader +ft.frobin
a/n: i say drabbles but lowkey they might as well be scenarios lmao (title translates to: i’m losing)
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your captain is very known for going all out in a fight. especially when it’s some bigshot. you really loved that about him. you couldn’t help but feel the deadly need to be there once he’s worn out after a battle.
for example, right now, as soon as his body gave out from his gear, falling down the sky, you fought yamato to catch him. seriously, what a stubborn girl- er, boy. he’s your captain! as his crewmate you have to save him!
“luffy, you okay?” you ask rhetorically, making your way anywhere that was away from the rubble.
luffy pants, barely able to make you out from his blurry sight. “i’m… hungry.”
“and hurt, let’s find chopper,” you say gently, carrying him in your arms tightly.
“thanks,” he mumbles, melting into your arms.
“you guys are really something!” yamato clamors with fondness.
“yeah,” you smile down at your cute captain.
you feel so warm that luffy really doesn’t think he’d want to let go even after he blacks out. he holds on though, making sure he finishes his business with momonosuke before finally dropping.
luffy is someone who trusts quite easily, trust towards his crew mates is blind. yet, out of all his crew mates, he finds himself more fond with you. he loves to talk to you, to go on adventures with you and… secretly look at you for as long as you stay unaware of his gaze.
your captain is oblivious. he’s the type of person that mistakes love for friendship. one: he doesn’t know what love is. two: he’s pretty sure you’re his best friend. best friends like each other.
a lot.
which is why, when he wakes up, the first person he looks for is you. upon not seeing you, he deflates for a moment, until his stomach grumbles and he knows food is his priority.
“MEAT!!” he yells, chanting it despite how fast the plates are placed in front of him.
he’s devouring the plates as ruckus happens around him. momonosuke appears, he swears he couldn’t recognize the kid, and then yamato, who he soon learns was on a vigil.
“woah! thanks yamabro! must be why i feel so great!”
yamato grins, looking around. “where’s y/n!? y/n was starving too! y/n has to eat too, now that luffy is awake!”
“huh? why?” luffy tilts his head as he chews on some meat.
“y/n was also on a vigil, they liked the custom.” nami explains, not seeing how luffy’s eyes slightly widen and a small blush forms on his face.
you soon walk in, smiling wide when you see luffy. “glad to see our captain is awake!”
“sit down and eat,” luffy orders as he stretches his arm and grabs you, pulling you and making you gasp at the unexpected action.
if anyone knows anything about luffy stretching and doing things like that, is that the bounce effect is really jet lagging. so, due to the recoil, you slam into him and the two of you tumble over the floor.
he shouldn’t think much of it, not with the way your face is so close to his and any strands of your hair are tickling his skin. he pushes aside his flustered emotions and laughs, sitting up and shoving a plate of food in your hands.
and when you smile at him, wide and enchanting, he really puts in more thought about his feelings.
but again, he pushes them aside and goes on with his life. and yet again, he falls into the pit of his feelings for you during the remaining few days it takes to repair the ships.
“y/n, let’s go see if there’s food to eat!” he sayys clinging onto you.
“ah, hold on luffy, usopp said he wanted to switch shifts in a bit.”
“but you’ve been doing that all week!!” he whines,”spend time with me!”
he’s literally acting like a clingy partner. you can’t help but smile at his cuteness.
“oi, why are you staring at me like that?” luffy asks, feeling a bit nervous at your doe eyes and lopsided smile.
“huh?” you blink. you feel your ears turn red, “how?”
“almost the way sanji looks at women.”
you sputter, “luffy, you’re seeing things! it’s cus you’re hungry, how about you go to the banquet hall with usopp once he gets here-“
luffy frowns, “but i want to go with you!”
“luffy, seriously. i’m busy.”
“spend time with meee, captain’s orders!!”
you shake your head, only to continue and see how far he can go. you knows he’s stubborn, you had already mentally agreed to go with him but you like to tease him.
“don’t you want to set sail soon?” you ask, “we’re almost done with repairs. it won’t take long.”
“you always say that!”
“my, my,” robin laughs softly when she casually walks by, “better please his wishes.”
“luffy’s acting like a jealous boyfriend,” franky laughs, spawning out of nowhere.
luffy stands up straight. boyfriend is what? another level to best friends? he stares at them before staring at you, who seems to be blushing at their comments.
“a-anyways,” you continue, “i’ma go help franky-“
“if i’m your boyfriend will you come with me!?”
your eyes go wide, and you genuinely wonder if he even knows what he’s saying. “come again?”
“if i’m your boyfriend, will you give me attention?”
“l-luffy do you even know what you’re asking?”
“i’m asking to be your boyfriend!” he huffs, cheeks flushed a nice rosy color and puffed.
“and do you even know what that is?” you seem a bit troubled, almost sad.
there’s no point to agreeing if luffy doesn’t know what he’s asking. yes, you’ve grown these feeling for him a while ago, but he’s your captain. you don’t want to ruin that friendship, nor trust, with your feelings. plus, luffy never showed any sort of interest in that. you were just kidding yourself.
“it means you get to be with me! no matter what, i’m top priority!”
“i thought you said me reaching my dreams was top priority when i joined the crew-“
“second top priority!”
you can’t help but smile sadly, “i’d rather not, dating is pretty noncommon among pirates, it could interfere with lots of things.”
“but y/n~!” he clings to you again, “just say yes! i’ll be a good boyfriend! and if i’m not you can teach me!”
you blush, “teach you-“
his puppy eyes are just so… you groan.
“are you sure, a romantic relationship entitles other things. it’s a huge commitment.”
“if it has to do with you i’ll do it!”
you… “luffy i’m not very sure… i feel like you’re not taking into account how i feel-“
“do you like me?”
your breath is caught in your throat. “well, yes-“
“then what’s the issue!?”
you’re stumped.
“luffy,” robin buts in, “a relationship means more dedication to one another. it’s romantic.”
“romantic,” luffy repeats. he looks at you, “that means more hugging and stuff, right?”
“well, yes? for starters yeah,” you nod, heart beating like crazy.
“then say yes!” luffy huffs again.
you stare at him, then at robin and franky, who smile. “o-okay.”
luffy’s grin had never been so wide. you’re pretty sure you’ll be fine.
“play a song while we eat,” he says as he drags you along.
“luffy, i recall you said you wanted me to eat too. my hands will be full and i’d rather not dirty my instrument.”
“anything’s is possible if you’re my boyfriend.”
you couldn’t help but laugh. you feel so warm, so happy. for sure, everything will be alright.
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trusting people doesn’t come very easily to law. even the man he owes his life to struggled to gain his trust, but that experience is what made him even colder. the walls he’s built so high around him were even guarded. he was a tough nut to crack.
and darn it! he hates you! he hates you so much! why? because you made him so… so soft! it’s like his walls are actually futons wrapped around him and he hates it!
“y/n-ya,” his voice is dull and his gaze is deadly.
“h-hold on cap!” you pant as you jump over rubble, holding him tightly in your arms.
“y/n-ya, let me down.”
“no offense cap but you can barely keep yourself awake-“ your breath hitches when the hilt of his sword buts your chin.
“almost out of here-“ you trip, and he almost falls to the ground if it weren’t for you quickness, your fingers twitching to activate your powers, causing him to float for a measly few seconds before you get back up and pick him up.
“you idiot!” law yells, annoyed with how much care you’re giving him. he’s really trying to fight you but he can’t deny how worn down he is. but he won’t tell you that, duh.
“hey! stay still!”
“don’t give me orders you nimwit! let me down! i’m not weak!”
you growl, “law! we’re almost there! calm down!”
he stares at you, almost shocked at how aggressive you’ve gotten. his face heats up, unsure whether to continue his fight or actually give in. you are holding him quite strongly actually, if he were to allow himself to melt for a few seconds he knows he might fall unconscious. heck, he really wants to.
but all these enemies around! one look at this and he won’t heat the end of it! especially by the eustass bastard.
“bepo! are you okay?!” you ask when you see the rest of your crew.
“he doesn’t do well with heat!” sachi yells, “seriously! he’s a pain in the ass-“ he pauses, “captain!?”
law groans, so ashamed that he presses himself into you, wishing he could disappear. he focuses on anything other than the situation he’s in, which leads to him settling on your heartbeat. and he hates how much he enjoys it. both knowing you’re fine and being in your arms. it makes him realize how much he’s longed having you this close, makes him realize how strong his feelings for you are.
truly, he wishes he wasn’t such a coward when it comes to his feelings for you and you in general. and as he hears momonosuke give his speech after everything is settling down, you’re still touching him- putting bandaids and ointments on his injuries, bepo helping you as well.
and when everyone is settling for the night, exhausted from the last few months, especially the day’s fights, he almost wants to call for you.
“captain, any bandaids you want me to change before leaving?” you ask, startling him awake before he had fallen into unconsciousness.
he sits up on his futon, staring at you. “y/n-ya,” he says softly, unsure what to do or say.
is exhaustion going to make him reveal his feelings? will he own up to it? no, he can’t lose himself. he can’t let himself go soft. love makes you soft, right?
“what?” he blinks.
you’re kneeling in front of him, a worried look on your face. “i asked you if you’re feeling okay. you’ve been more silent and out of it lately. you really need to rest. the guys are already sleeping, we should too. i just wanted to check on you before doing so-“ you fall silent when he leans into you, all his weight pressing into your chest.
you wrap your arms around him, afraid he could fall over if you didn’t hold steady. “captain?”
“y/n-ya,” his voice is so coarse, almost on the verge of giving out. “stay with me for the night.”
your heart skips a beat, and for a second you’re both scared he hears how flustered you are and to say yes.
“cap, you-“
“please,” he whispers, almost inaudible.
you close your eyes, sighing. “captain, i’m not sure. i… if i… if i could i would.” your heart hurts.
law looks up, he looks quite adorable tired. “why not? who did you agree to sleep with? i’m your captain, it was an order not a question.”
you stare at him, almost… sorry. you feel bad about your feelings. sleeping here with him will only make them worse.
“i… you know how bepo gets, poor thing. i better go before-“ you’re surprised when he hugs you, tight.“captain,” you try to pry him off of you, “are you feeling okay? why are you behaving so-“
“i love you.” he blurts into your chest. “i…” he squeezes you harder, “i want to love you.”
you falter, “w-what?”
he’s silent, almost scared at how this could go. and he’s so, so tired. so on edge that if you say no and you leave him alone in his uneasiness, he will most likely cry.
“law…” your hands tremble as they grab his face, his face is flushed with a lovely red, eyes drowsy and glassy. you’ve never seen him so… so raw. “tell me, is that true?”
he nods, not trusting his voice.
“i’m sorry,” you say, shattering his heart, “i really want to kiss you so i will,” he doesn’t even process that until after he feels a warmth on his lips.
and when he acknowledges the situation, he melts.
and he doesn’t regret putting his heart in your hands. because he knows he has yours in his.
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amica-aenigmata-naboo · 4 months
Tumblr media
Blood Sport
Feyd Rautha x Y/N - drabble part 2 - 1.2K WC
Part 1
Part 2 (you are here!)
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6 NSFW 18+
Warnings: violence, blood, blood eating/drinking (BRIEF AF), sword/knife fighting, reader is just built different, she is THAT bitch, slow burn, this man is falling slowly for your ruthless ass
You walked into the training arena. A large black room with a plethora of weapons to choose from. Everything was of Harkonnen design, curved heavy blades with thicker handles. You preferred your own Cruor weapons, thin balanced straight blades that were easy to move quickly so your nails could also become improvised weapons. You took your personal blades from your maid before dismissing them, wanting to be alone to train. You readied yourself before slashing expertly at the training dummies, practicing a technique taught to you by the monks of Succo. 
House Cruor had occupied the planet Succo long before you were born; all ancient teachings were still taught. Especially to you as the sole heir. You were just as deadly as you were intelligent. Legend has it that the Sardaukar held only a fraction of the battle knowledge the monks of Succo had. Such a powerful but secretive house, you were almost forgotten as your planet was at the far reaches of the universe. Nobody went there unless they had a purpose. The cold dark planet shrouded in red darkness full of blood magic. You thought of your home, how you already missed its ethereal red glow. How you were now stuck on Geidi Prime, promised to a man who was rumored to be psychotic. From what you gathered, he found himself to be impenetrable. Arrogant. You would not bring shame to your house by refusing the marriage, Harkonnens are formidable in battle and useful allies. But that did not mean you had to become some cowering pup. You would show them all just how strong House Cruor is. 
Lost in your training you barely heard the door open and shut. You threw your smaller blade behind you without looking, defense mode taking over your brain. When you turned, poising yourself with your larger blade, ready to attack, you saw Feyd with your knife in his hand. Blood trickled down his hand but he didn’t seem to mind it. You could smell it across the room, it was tart but somehow sweet. It made your mouth water in anticipation of tasting it. Feyd lowered his hand, looking at your knife before tossing it aside. He pulled one of the Harkonnen swords off the nearby wall before walking towards you. You grunted, sharpening your eyes and standing your ground when he got to close. You listened to his blood pump, his heart beat quickly. 
“Are you afraid to fight?” you asked him.
He answered with a scoff, “Afraid? Of you?”
“You should be.” you said, “Your heart beat tells me you are.” you smirked, egging him on.
His face hardened, he struck out at you multiple times, you dodged each strike without even lifting your blade. You laughed at him, moving fluidly as if this were child's play for you. His face grew angrier with each strike that missed.
“Fight if you are going to fight!” he yelled, “Or is it you who is afraid?” he spat.
Wrong words. You lunged at him, slashing wildly but with expert precision. He did his best to dodge your blows but you were faster, more skilled. You kicked out his leg before slashing his hand with your nails, causing him to drop his sword. You went down with him, straddling his chest so your legs could hold his arms down. You held your sword behind you while holding your nails to his throat. Little pin pricks left a droplet trail of blood down his neck. 
Both of you were breathing heavily, “I have you.” you said mere inches away from his face.
He looked at you, bewildered. Amazed by your skill, nobody had ever bested him so quickly. 
“Yield?” you asked, pressing your nails slightly harder.
Feyd groaned, but not out of pain. Out of sheer arousal. He did his best to hide it, alter it. After a moment he nodded. You stood quickly, holding out a hand to help him up. He looked at you for a moment before grabbing your hand with his bleeding one and hoisting himself up with your aid. You looked at the crimson on your hand before licking the dribble up. Your eyes fluttered shut, he was sweet. Like some sort of rich, deep wine that you wanted to drown in. Your fangs ached for more. 
“Do I taste good?” he asked with a smirk.
You opened your eyes to see his arrogant face, how you loathed that face. You quickly spat the blood on the floor, “Absolutely vile.” you replied to him. 
You picked up your knife before heading towards the door. 
“Wait!” he said with urgency. 
You turned to look at him, giving him a quizzical look. 
“Train me.” he said.
You raised an eyebrow at him.
“Please… train me… you are a worthy opponent.” he said with sincerity.
Your heart softened a bit at his wanting to learn from you and admitting you were a great warrior. You nodded at him before leaving.
You stayed in your room for the day, the blinding light of the black sun on Geidi Prime was getting tiring walking in every day. You had black out curtains installed to somewhat resemble home. Light was not deadly to the Cruor but it was irritating; like a pebble in your shoe. 
You heard a knock on your door, thinking it was one of your maids you allowed them to enter. You laid on your bed with your eyes closed in a lengthy black robe that was ever so slightly sheer. 
“What is it?” you asked.
“I have something for you.” said a gruff voice. 
You shot up, “What do you want?” you asked, surprised he was in your chambers. 
Feyd held out a small disc. “What’s that?” you said moving slightly closer to him.
He moved to your bed, standing almost chest to chest with you at the end of it. He set the disc down before activating it. The room filled with stars and a familiar red glow, the red supergiant your people referred to as Rubrum glowing in the corner. 
You looked around amazed, surprisingly happy to be with Feyd at this moment. Feyd watched as you looked around, admiring your beautifully striking features. He was growing to like you and thought this olive branch might soften you towards him a bit. For some reason, the setup brought a few tears to your eyes.
“What is it?” Feyd asked.
“I miss Succo… I miss home…” you said, looking on at the stars and Rubrum. You used to get this view everyday, yet it almost felt like a distant memory looking at it now. 
Feyd’s heart dropped a little, “Geidi Prime is not to your liking?” he asked, looking on at the stars with you. 
“It is too bright… and lonely.” you said, mumbling the last bit.
Feyd softly turned you to face him with a finger under your chin, “Keep this, enjoy your home view whenever you wish it.” 
You locked your eyes with his, his eyes glancing to your lips then back up repeatedly. You softly dragged one of your claws over his cheek bones. Turning his head, you gently kissed his cheek. “Thank you Feyd.” you said with sincerity. 
His name sounded so perfect on your lips, he wanted to hear you say it over and over again. “Feyd huh?” he remarked.
“Do you expect me to call you Lord Na-Baron Feyd Rautha? Because I will not be doing that.” you said, backing away from him. 
Feyd smiled, amused with your attitude. He had never met someone so sure of themself.
Naboo's Note:
Yeeeeee were getting into it!! This series is gonna be so fun I just know it. I'm gonna try to make it a slow burn but I have never been great those so here's to hoping. Thanks for all the love around my idea, I really have a lot of hope and ideas for it so its nice to see other people think my weird space vampires are cool. XOXOXOXOXOXOXO, talk soon!
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kame-writes · 5 months
RadioApple drabble
Alastor had never been attracted to people. Not to a pretty face, to sins of the flesh, or the debasement of one's desires. He is attracted to power, the kind that he can control, either directly or from the shadows.
Knowing that he is able to dominate, outsmart, or derail someone or something so much bigger than he had any right to was so much more appealing. It was an extremely gratifying feeling. A rush he imagined comparable to any number of addictive narcotics he sees people destroying themselves with on a daily basis. It was a hellfire he would willingly scorch himself with for the chance to seize the power and control he craves.
It was intoxicating to finally find someone he considered an equal. And despite his position and almost limitless power, Lucifer had not lived up to that position until Alastor had seen the true king of Hell unleashed. 
In the battle, Lucifer had finally shown his true self. Relenting to the usually untapped potential he possessed. The original sin incarnate and unleashed. The cause for humanity's downfall and liberation. The sole reason religious people felt fear and dreaded his kingdom, scared enough of damnation at his hands to hold back from the alluring temptation of sin. 
That was an entity he could possibly respect, begrudging or not. Not the silly man that hid behind insecurity and anxiety. Not the father who had failed his child, and was now desperately trying to sew back together the tapestry of hurt and missed time caused by his absence, physically and emotionally.
Lucifer had finally revealed the deadly power in his broken halo, and shown a fraction of the true devastation he could bring if he decided to act upon his full potential as king of the seven rings. And Alastor was suddenly seeing him for the very first time in this new light.
The friendly exterior had cracked, and beneath it had shone a taste of corrupted divinity. The power Heaven had granted him when they cast the light bringer into the dark, where he could shine brighter than he ever could in heaven's light. If he was only ruthless enough to capitalize on it.
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demon-blood-youths · 1 year
A Deadly Battle pt. 19 || The Deadly Battle begins
Hi everyone. I’m back on continuing the drabble for A Deadly Battle. This is part 19. This mini drabble series made by me and my lovely friend, @the-silver-peahen-residence. 
If you wanna read where this is going now; the chapters are down below
--- Chapters----
Part 12:  Deathly Lessons
Part 13: Near death experience
Part 14: Reawakening
Part 15: Yuji and Sukuna’s talk; his message
Part 16: Two More Lessons
Part 17: Final Countdown; a worried vision
Part 18: Returning home, the final game
-------- Summary -------
After the attack on Vanity’s domain by Sukuna, Ink and her friends were forced to return to the human world. Sukuna, the King of Curses is waiting for them to arrive back. 
Sukuna threatens her friends by separating the soul from the body. The stakes have never been higher. However..Ink remains standing tall as she dives into her deadliest battle yet against the King of Curses. 
Ink glares but didn’t say anything when Sukuna did this. She shouldn’t be surprised. But it seems like Sukuna wants to piss her off. Ink grits her teeth but closes her eyes. She lowers her head, her bangs covering her eyes. 
No, no, no calm down. 
She can’t let her friends become spirit form so spirit monsters can eat. Right now, Sukuna has the leverage over her. She knows. She really knows if she can’t put up a good fight, Sukuna is going to punish her friends because of her actions. She grips on her sword, Wyvern tightly. 
----- The DBT -----
This is bad. This is the worse case scenario. Shdwkyz never thought that Sukuna would separate the soul from the body like this. This is like Kinie Ger’s. She said that she can separate the soul from body like she did in Tokyo with her domain expansion. Didn’t she? So how the hell?! No! There is a reason why Sukuna is called King of Curses. 
Fuck! This is really bad. 
The fraction leaders felt dark chains around their necks and wrists. 
“What the hell?!” Kali yelled, seeing that she was forced to sit down on her knees. Each leader is chained to a spear orb.
“This is....” Willow tries to figure this out while Rex comforting Ashely as she is getting nervous and is shedding tears. 
“Guys!” Joshua cried out for his fraction as the leaders are seeing the same thing to their fractions.
“This bastard!” Jinx growled. 
“Not good...” Ethan said, this is going to make Ink upset and lose focus. 
“Megumi, Nobara, Gojo-sensei! Are you two okay?” Fosh asked. 
“What the hell is this?” Navarro asked.
“This is Sukuna’s way of making sure that none of us are breaking the rules of this fight.” Gojo said, there is no joking tone in his voice. It’s serious.
“Are you kidding me?!” Oblivion growled, seeing Yuuka in chains as well. Oblivion struggles but to no avail.
“Don’t do anything rash, Oblivion! If you do anything, Sukuna will take that as you breaking the rules of this match.”
“We’re not even part of this fight! He’s the one who brought us in!” Oblivion yelled.
“Stop it! It doesn’t matter.” Shdwkyz tells Oblivion. “For now....we can do nothing but watch.” 
Ink can hear the cries and shouts of her friends paniciking. Ink closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. 
“Everyone...” Ink speaks making her fraction and everyone else to look up to her. Ink looks at them with a genuine smile. Everyone stared. “It’s going to be okay. Just watch me.”Ink gives her best smile to everyone especially to her fraction. The DBT stared wide-eyed seeing Ink’s smile. Even in the face of danger, she still smiles. 
“Ink....” Navarro said. “Fuck....” Navarro grits his teeth, shutting his eyes tight. 
No need to panic! Ink is here. Navarro shot his head up and yells, 
“YOU CAN DO IT, INK! BEAT THIS MOTHERFUCKER!” Navarro shouted. Ink grins.  “Yep!”
“YEAH! KNOCK SOME SENSE TO HIM! GET THAT IDIOT YUJI BACK TO US!” Nobara shouted. Soon everyone followed, shouting for Ink to beat this guy. This boosts Ink’s confidence. 
“YA BETTER NOT DIE!” Matt laughed. 
“IF YOU DO, I KILL YOU!” Kali yelled. 
“GET HIM, INK!” Jinx yelled. 
“That’s right. Just watch me.” Ink said to herself, gripping her sword. Then she glares at Sukuna who has this plastered evil shit-grin on his face. 
Yeah...now it’s time to do this. No turning back. Gotta keep moving forward. 
Then she starts to walk forward towards the King of Curses, glaring at him with her glowing grey eyes. Sukuna chuckles as he had his hands raised, amused by this. 
“Oh? You’re approaching me?” Sukuna asked, chuckling as his four red eyes glow with excitement as he feels the aura of danger coming from her in waves. 
“Yeah....I can’t kick your butt without getting closer, so what else?!” Ink said. Sukuna chuckles. The last time he saw her is that she was scared of him after giving her that reletenless unforgiving beatdown just to humble her. Not before going after the people she knew and cared. Her rivals, her friends and people she cared about. This little girl was terrified of him, she didn’t even want to meet his eyes when she asked for a rematch. To him, it’s insulting and pitiful! But at the same time, she is still scared but trying to make up for her own mess. It’s amusing. The deal she proposed to him! It’s insane! What went through her head thinking like this?!
She must be pretty confident. There is some resolve in her eyes. 
Oh...he can envision it now. He can’t wait to torment her to the point that she will be begging for a quick death right in front of her friends who are crying and screaming. It’s going to be music to his ears. 
“Alright brat! It seems like you got backbone back! So let’s go!” And alright, Sukuna charges at her. Ink parries right away when Sukuna lunges at her with his hands. She pushes him away and he lands on his feet.   
Sukuna flicks fingers. Right away,  she dodges, making him blink. Sukuna blinks then flicks his fingers across again. Ink dodges again. He does it again, horizontally as she jumps to the side right away. “Oi! How did you do that?!” He is curious. He delivers more slashes but Ink manages to dodge them. 
“Ever since you been cutting me up like paper, I’m starting...to see your lines of attack, Sukuna! Don’t know how!” Ink said. “Or maybe I’m good at guessing?!” She retorted. 
Huh. This freaking brat...
“How interesting!” Sukuna’s smiles so widely, hearing that. Oh! This is going to be good. “Then let’s see how long you can keep dodging, little punk!” Sukuna uses his cursed technique, Dismantle. Ink jumps high to above the cutting cursed technique. 
Then she felt a prescene behind her before she was slammed back down to the ground from Sukuna’s fist. Ink coughs before she rolls out of the way when Sukuna dives down with a punch. He misses as the punch as the fist embeeded into the dirt. “Dismantle.” The ground is cut into several pieces as the ground erupts making Ink jump away before she delivers a power wave. “Raptor Slash!”
“Dismantle!” He flicks his fingers and it cuts through Raptor Slash. Ink starts spinning her sword above her and soon, a blue glow encases her weapon. Soon, blue flames appears. The flames grow as she keeps spinning her sword. 
“Raptor Slash: Valor flame!” Ink said as she swings her sword, unleashing a flaming wave. Sukuna flicks his fingers and cutting the flames but then the flames spilt. Still coming at him. Oh?
Sukuna dodges. Then Ink slams her sword in the ground and blue flames erupt from the ground. Then those flames starts to transform as small flames morphs into something. 
The hell?
Small dragons as they are screeching right now. 
“Flaming Wyrms!” Ink yelled. The small dragons are limbless as they are snakes with wings. They have horns as they are hissing. 
‘What the hell is this?!” Sukuna said. Did this brat develop a cursed technique during these months?! How interesting! But what is she planning to do with them?! “You think these flying worms is going to do anything. You got to be kidding me!” The wyrms move in response, charging at Sukuna with their small wings. With a growl, he flicks his fingers but something is happening. The dragons dodge as well as they are flying around Sukuna quickly. It’s like speeding lights as they are hard to tell. Sukuna is surprised at this as he narrows his eyes. Then the dragon lets out fireballs, attacking Sukuna. 
Right now, these speeding lights are like mini jets attacking a monster. 
“So this is what?! Your cursed technique is summoning shikigami like this. Fucking flies??!” Sukuna roared before he shreds the dragons into pieces but then Ink smirks making Sukuna narrows his eyes. The hell is so funny?! 
“Can you cut flames???” Ink asked as the dragons came back to shape making Sukuna sneers before the dragons struck him with fireballs. These dragons are flies hitting and it’s hard to hit them when they are so small. Pl
“Guess the training pay off, Willow.” Ethan said as Willow nods her head. “Yes! I’m so glad. I never thought she would spilt the power into several small dragons with her dragon spirit!” Willow is surprised by this. 
“Or Megumi’s....” Oblivion said. Megumi hums a little.
“Still...what would happen if he uses that fire arrow?” Ethan said making Willow said. 
“Damn brat!” Sukuna laughs then he says, “Open. ■.” Once Sukuna says that, he moves his arm back and points. Right now, the dragon are still shooting out fireballs but Sukuna is enduring it. He aims at Ink to which Ink has her sword in front of her, ready for him.
“Hmph!” He fires into the air and then the flaming arrow spilts into several flaming arrows, hitting upon the flaming wyrms. 
“Not bad. But it seems my flames are hotter than yours. Mine can burn those little gnats away.” Sukuna giving Ink a tsk tsk. “Is that all you got!”
“Not yet! We’re just getting started!” Ink grinned. 
“Good! Then let’s curse each other!” Sukuna roared.
The fractions of NYC and Jujutsu Socrers can feel this is going to be one intense deadly battle! 
To be continued......
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||A Deadly battle: The king vs the dragon heir||
Hi everyone, Peahen mom here and time for a drabble. This one is for my friend @demon-blood-youths but their might be a part two but I don’t know and knowing me, their might be.
In this drabble, What if:
 Ink wanted to prove that she’s the more dangerous than Sukuna even as a demon? Somehow in this drabble Sukuna wanted proof so Yuji and his friends were taking a vacation here to have a little fun but due to something happening, Sukuna got out again. Only this time, he attacked NYC just to get a reaction. But worse, he attacked some of the fractions even going as low to harming the leaders and their teams. So it was a few more in the teams left. However, Ink stops him before he could finish off the next group.
So it’s the king of curses Vs. The Prideful dragon demon. How will this go? Well, you’ll have to read to find out.
NOW I’m letting you know the following in this drabble:
~Dark themes will be seen and present (Meaning NSFW view so they will be a lot of blood, maybe gore, beating down etc. It’s bloody)
~Fight to the death
~serious injuries
||Guests in the drabble||
DBT (Demon blood Tears) (Belongs to Demon mun)
TCV (The Cursed Vixens)(Belongs to me)
DEN (The Dark Eclipse nightshades)(belongs to me)
~The other fractions and leaders will be mentioned due to Sukuna attacking them to see how powerful demons were. As I said, not pretty. Everyone was hit...they belong to Demon mun as well.
~Their will be grammer mistakes in this drabble but it’s written for fun. With that, I hope you enjoy.~
This shouldn’t be happening. Why did this have to happen?!?
Ink stood there holding her blade soaked in blood, her hair was moving around her due to her own aura. However, her friends were laying on the ground either heavily wounded or in so much pain they couldn’t move. Even their demon blood was slow in healing them.
She was still standing though with one eye open but looking over at the one that caused all this. How did this happen? Well, it all began this morning.
Ink was with her friends as they were enjoying some food together minding their own business trying to enjoy another good day well...it was a good day for a while. It would be if they were not getting calls from the other team fraction leaders asking what is happening and why the sky was dark. Ink didn’t know even if she answered them but that’s when she got her answer from the Tv.
It was all over the news that morning stating something of a strange dark aura lingers all over New York and no one knew what was happening. The fractions were staying inside due to wondering what happened before...’he’ showed up. Some of them even called Ink and her team but they were even more shocked seeing the fraction leaders and their teams appearance. And their homes too.
The first leader, Fin of The Lupins, was sitting down bandaged up but he looked like he fought something bad. He was holding some bandge to his bleeding arm but he looked to have bruises and some injuries on him. Ammit was beside him but he looks just as worse. He seems to have gotten blood on him and his clothes, his eye was closed but he was too much in pain to move. He with Fin was here to warn Ink and the others of someone attacking and leaving them pretty hurt or banged up. He just looked worried of their team hurt.
The second leader, Kali of The Elite Anthem, called after but she had blood all over her face and held her arm that looks to be broken. Kali wasn’t the kind of person to look scared but her eyes..they looked like something attacked just like Fin and his team. She also was worried of her team who was pretty badly beat up too. Alex was there but he was worried about Kali as well. He was a bit hurt but was hoping she was alright.
The Third fraction leader, Guam of the Upstanders Campaign were hurt but Guam was helping his team since no innocent people got hurt. He also looked like a mess while he was being taken care of but they were worried from their area being somewhat totaled.
Next was Joshua, the leader of his fraction Knights of Darkness who was crying while sitting beside someone who was trying to calm him down. His team was also hurt pretty badly that they were taking a while to heal. However, that was one reason why he was crying. He was helping Ashley, leader of the shallow butterflies, who was also there but she was wincing while being helped by him to sit somewhere. She was coated in blood but holding her side. Her team was also hurt but they were looking nervous and scared. Even Timmy was knocked out while curled up.
Next was Ethan, leader of the Seekers Tribe, was unsure what is happening but he was also tending to his team, ignoring his own injuries since he was wondering what is happening. He was hurt true but he was trying to help keep his team stable for now. Even Willow, the leader of the Elemental Phoenix spirits, was badly hurt as well but they were in a state of shock while also giving a warning. Ink did get the answer to who attacked them. A male with pink hair and markings on him.
This made the DBT’s eyes widen in horror knowing who it was. It was impossible but that means.
“Fosh..Call Mouse now!” he quickly did that but as he did, the news were one showing a live shot of central park. Some battle was happening that it shows someone fighting another. Black flames going all over but the DBT noticed and saw something familiar. It was..no way. They watch the tv to see the leader of the cursed Vixens hit back pretty hard as she bounces on the ground to hit the wall wincing. Jinx coughs blood up but glares to force herself to stand, seeing the male dashing towards her. As she stood her ground, Echo threw some bombs at him exploding pretty much with Mouse trying to shock him.
He ignores this but it shows ti be indeed Sukuna! He dashes to grab Jinx to grab her throat picking her up as she chocked twitching. He looks up to her but only got angry to see her.
“Where is the DBT? You know where they are right? So where are they?” he demands tightening his hold as Jinx winces with blood running down her chin.
“F..fuck y...you..I’m not te..telling you anything.” she growls about to burn his face but he slams Jinx down hard in the pavement seeing blood as he was gripping her arm.
“You seriously are getting in my way. I don’t want you but the DBT.” he said as Jinx winches in pain as he was tightening his hold, his nails digging into her skin to draw blood.
“T..too bad. I’m not telling you anything!” she hissed that Sukuna glares to suddenly pull and twist it. A sickening crack was heard to hear Jinx’s scream. Sukuna broke her arm! 
“That’s it! Scream all you like! Maybe if I break this arm you’ll talk or better; lets rip it off!” he laughed now pulling as he was hearing her screaming worse as he was going to really rip her arm out as she winces crying trying to get him to let go.
“Let me go!! Stop it you asshole and let me go!!”
“Jinx!” Ink shocked at the TV seeing the live feed of the news. How was this possible!? She winces seeing the hit as Jinx was held down till....
“Get the fuck away from her!” Breezy comes down to deliver a head blow kick to his head as it sends off a strong gust of wind making him let her go.
“So You wanna play too little dear?” He had a sick grin on his face as Breezy begins throwing kicks at him but he deflects and blocks each one. She growls seeing this only to increase the power of her kicks with the bursts of wind leaving marks in the ground. This had Ping trying to help her leader who was in so much pain she couldn’t move.
‘J..Jinx...come on we gotta get you out of h..here..’ Ping said as she was about to pick her up when feeling something hit her in the back as she cries out. Sukuna chuckled but kicked Ping away from Jinx right into a wall as she was crying.
“PING!!! You Asshole!” Breezy was angry now trying to ill him for hurting her and her friend Jinx. Sukuna just kept blocking and deflecting seeing she was really losing it.
“Your wind is pretty strong, little one..however..” As she threw another kick, Sukuna grabs Breezy but he only grins to see her eyes widen. “You gotta put more of a punch into it!” Laughing, he start slamming her in the ground left and right while she winces from each one.
He even rips his nails into her to slash at her skin. He sees Breezy wince from that but he throws her away to use a fire ball hitting her right in the stomach and chest. She got bad burns while flying and smashing into the wall.
“Breezy...f..fuck fuck NO!” Rust was shocked seeing her get slammed around like some rag doll.
“NO! Breezy-” Jinx saw this got stomped on by Sukuna but kicked away with Breezy after punching her hard that she crashes into the wall. He looks to see Ping already knocked out but it leaves Echo, Mouse, Melinda, and Vivi.
“Jinx! Breeze!” Echo was shocked but she glares at Sukuna. “You fucking asshole! You’ll pay for that!” she warns seeing him smiling.
“Then come little one...why not fight back!?” he laughed.
“Guys!” Vivi, Melinda, and Mouse got ready but saw them trying to attack. Echo aims her bombs at him seeing they exploded but she had Vivi’s void power to make void bombs in hopes of stopping him. He felt some hit but only looks to where it exploded then smiled. “Come on little puppy, surely you can do better that that!”
“You....fuck you!!” she said throwing more as they exploded but when she tries a fire bomb, Sukuna caught one of her bombs to crush it. “?!?” seeing that, he disappears to show in front of her and grabs her shirt. “Hey let-” He punched her in the face as she winces.
“Bad puppy! You shouldn’t bark when you can’t bite!” He laughed,  punching her harder and harder till he punched her dead in the stomach making her throw up.
He drops her as she twitched coughing but as she tried to move, he suddenly stabs his hand into her back to grip her spine making her wince. “You poor little dog. Why not bark for your master!” He laughed crushing his hand as Echo screams out bleeding from her chin. She cries from the pain struggling but Navarro winces seeing Echo get hit then tossed to the side, her blood coating Sukuna’s hand.
“Oh well. Who’s next!? he grins showing Echo’s blood on his hand and talon nails. The other three was shocked worried but also angry. That’s when a void snake wraps around him as he saw Vivi dash towards him holding her scythe as she fights him. Sukuna dodges each swing of her blade, laughing with his hands in his pockets.
“So we have another and it’s a little viper. How precious. You wanna play now?” he ducks but she swings again only for him to dodge it.
“Your a monster and as one, you are to be taken down.” she said even with the glowing of her purple violet eyes as Sukuna’s red eyes glowed with a sadistic smile.
“Then come at me...try to slash at me..” he said as she did swinging her blade but he dodges and moves while she had void ghouls showing up to aid her. However, she saw him punch the ghouls and made them explode that even shocked her. His punches were that powerful to make her ghouls burst!?
“Tch..” Vivi grips her scythe, rushes to him and swing trying to cut his soul and send him into the void but he caught her scythe with his two fingers to hold it.
“This is a pretty sharp blade. I see why those demons did so well in giving it to you.....but....” He looks to see her trying to get her blade away to only see this man break the metal that shocked her.
“You gotta do better in material.”
To Shdwkyz’s shock, Sukuna threw the broken blade pieces to shoot back to her. Blood gushes out from the wounds that shows the pieces stab her pretty badly as she hits the wall stained in her blood.
“Vivi!” Mouse and Melinda cries but the two looks seeing Sukuna charging at them. “You monster!” Mouse cries, shooting electricity at him but he takes them while laughing to charge at her.
“You wanna go now? FINE!” He chuckled as she was dodging but using eletricity to try stopping him but he just kept taking them like nothing. She even takes a deep breath blowing flames at him but even he takes that.
“Oh come on! You can do better right!?” he laughed still rushing at her as Mouse dodges.
Mouse changes into a monster trying to stop him but he only grips her throat, lifting her up as he was chocking her. She winces kicking her feet while Sukuna looks to her.
“Poor poor little mouse...seems your luck ran out.” With a smile, he threw her back with him making fire balls. Sukuna threw it only to see it make contract, exploding. She flies back crashing with her team. That only leaves Melinda. She was nervous but was ready to defend her team and friends.
Sukuna looks at her but only chuckled. “Maybe you will tell me. Where is the DBT? Where is their base?”
“...I will never tell you. I won’t let you...harm my friends.” she said showing silver flames that Sukuna smiled to look at her. The DBT was worried but Jaron was shaking gripping the chair as he was worried.
‘Melinda..please run...please get your team and fucking run...I’m begging you please..’ he prays in his mind to see Sukuna sigh but disappear to leave Melinda. She got nervous to see him gone but as she steps back to quickly help her friends, he shows up to grip her shirt lifting her up. She winces but he only chuckled to punch her in the stomach making her cough. It hurt! She winces to see Sukuna hit her over and over and over and over again.
“Where *hits her* Is *Hits her again* The..*Hits her again* DBT!?” He said to hit her again that she barfs blood up. Shaking. Even from that, Sukuna got no response to chuckle. “Fine...be that way.” he lowers her holding his hand up.
The DBT didn’t know what was happening but saw some him laughing. ‘No..No please! Please don’t not her! Damn him, No!’ to their shock and others seeing the live feed, Sukuna slams his hand right into her stomach as her silver eyes widen to the hit before he sends her to the other girls.
“Melinda!!” The other girls catches her but winces crashing to the wall but Sukuna was in front of them. They tense but Jinx got in front of her team glaring at him. She won’t let him hurt them any more. However, Sukuna smiled to them.
“Well...that was boring..oh well....now will you tell me?.” He said standing over them as Jinx stood up ignoring the pain she felt and from her arm being broken. Blood was seen all over her and her team even with them shaking afraid. This guy wasn’t human. She felt blood dripping to the ground but only summons black hell flames to throw at him with her other arm. “Never!” she said but he grips her wrist to see her wince but Sukuna looks to her, even scaring Jinx as she winces.
“Fine then......” He raised a hand seeing the girls winced in pain as the DBT and the other fractions saw him about to do something until....the feed cuts leaving static.
“Echo Fuck!”
“Oh god, Mouse..No...”
“That monster h..he.......”
Some of the team was worried about Jinx and her girls but that explains the other fractions looking as they did. The DBT was shocked seeing the static but their was nothing else until the screen came back. Their eyes widen in horror. Jinx was down but she with her team was bleeding. Sukuna really hurt them to the point they were knocked out but Ping was crying being spared trying to help them. Till the Live feed goes off. The DBT was left in shock but this worried them. If Sukuna was really here then....
“We need to find Yuu and her team now!” Right away, they rush out to try and find the Dark eclipse Deadly Nightshades. They were praying they were not too late.
That leads to right now, Ink was standing her ground glaring at Sukuna who was looking at her. The area they were in was destroyed. Her clothes were dirty due to the fighting, tears and rips were seen in her clothes and hoodie. Even blood soaked her clothes as well as her hair.  She was panting tightening her grip on her sword but she also knew Sukuna suffered some damage too. Seeing the cuts she threw at him and her attacks did hit but she also saw him heal up.
All that and he was still fine. “Tch..” This pissed her off so bad. This damn monster was just...No, she shook her head to calm down even with the beating of her heart but also doing her best to keep her team safe. Even Yuuka.
“Really? Is this all you have to show me, Ink? You were boasting a while ago on how powerful you were as a demon. Were you wrong? Were you just telling lies to get me excited?!?” he laughed seeing this. That didn’t stop her even spitting some blood out of her mouth while panting. Every part of her body ached and was screaming in pain. However, it was painful. How can this be? She’s a demon for fuck sake! How is it possible that Sukuna was way more powerful than her!
‘No don’t think that! Your more powerful than him! Your a dragon of pride! Don’t let him bring you down!’ she only remains holding her blade to him ready to just kill him but she sees his sadistic smile to laugh again. Flexing his fingers, he shows that same sick grin on his face.
“Come on..lets keep playing. Show me what you can really do Ink...Don’t disappoint me!” She sees him laughing to rush towards her as the fight continued. She swings her greatsword Wyvern, adding more gashes and cuts to his body. Even when she did that, he was dodging or swiping his own claws cutting her again or attacking.
She took the hits though, wanting to stop him. She had to stop him before things get worse! Both her and Sukuna were fighting to the death, seeing blood hit and spill from them both. Ink roars out slamming the flat part of her blade into the monster sending him back before her eyes looked deadly dashing towards him. She threw perry and thrusts at him, seeing blood spilling from him but even if she was in pain, she was healing thanks to her demon blood. What she didn’t realize is that Sukuna was already healing fully to make it seem like she was winning.
“Come on dear, don’t you want to kill me!? I already done so much! Wouldn’t you want to really blow off steam!” he laughed to Ink glaring.
“Stop talking! JUST SHUT UP!!” She kicks him back as he goes crashing against the wall of a building. Ink then raises her great blade to show a blue aura around it. When she looks to him, she swings her blade sending a blue flame towards Sukuna. Right away, she saw the flames crash against the wall setting the destoryed building on fire. Her blue flames burning as she was swinging more and more. Blue flames just kept going towards it to make it bigger and hotter.
‘Don’t stop...don’t stop and don’t let him get the chance to get up! Stop him before he kills everyone! I won’t let him. I won’t let him!’ She didn’t stop. She wouldn’t stop as her friends or the two teams were weak seeing Ink trying to burn Sukuna to death.
She jumps up, bringing her blade down while showing the glowing within her enraged eyes. Her flames were burning but she was still coming down while showing a blue dragon made of blue flames as it opens it’s maw looking down.
“Take this you fucking monster!” She comes down faster to seeing the blade glowing bigger and brighter.
“Wyvern Tail Slam!!!” Getting close, her attack strikes the building causing a massive explosion! The strong gust of wind blew but her team along with Yuuka’s team winces from the wind with Yuuka wincing while keeping her friends safe. She was near Oblivion but she was sitting up while watching this. They saw the attack hit but was wondering one thing:
Did it do the trick? Did she beat him?!
Ink came landing on the ground, panting rather heavily from so much but was sweating gripping her greatsword. Her body was in so much pain but she was confused to why it took so long to heal. Her demon blood should be healing her faster. She panted catching her breath to fall on one knee really tired. However, she hopes she did it. Sukuna didn’t show but the flames were still burning.
“Not bad...not bad of a attack, little dragon..”
“!?!” Ink’s eyes widen in horror to hear Sukuna’s voice as she slowly looks to see him standing behind her! She tries to get up but he stomps on her back making her fall face first in the ground breaking her nose. She winces trying to move but he grips her sword to stab it in the ground but keeping her down.
‘N..No way. How..How the fuck did he...’
“Hehehe, you really are something but please tell me..that can’t be all you can do right? Your just holding back right!?” He presses his foot down into her back as she winces in pain. Damn it, it hurts! He seriously is going to break her spine!
“Come on Ink...you can’t be serious. Demons are to be strong right? Their to be the most dangerous species in the world right? So why are you not fighting back!? Are you really this weak!?” he shouted now stomping into her back making her sink into the crater. Each time he did, she shouts out in pain, feeling her body almost breaking trying to bear with it.
He keeps going harder and harder, knowing he was breaking something till hearing shouts. He saw her team rushing to save Ink but he swings his arms to blast them all away hard near Yuu’s team.
“GUYS!!” She was worried to see this with her team groaning in pain themselves. Sukuna shook his head but looks back down to Ink who was trying to get his foot off before he moves to kick her hard in the stomach. She coughs up with eyes wide wincing.
“You have got to be kidding me. Get up.......” he watches her squirming in pain that Sukuna growls to reach and grab her teared hoodie. “I said...GET UP!” He forces her to stand while Ink winces but he only started seeing her shaking about to take something else out but he punches her back hard sending her flying. She crashes into the wall to slide down but she panted to wince.
“......” Sukuna walks over but she was struggling to get up again even if she was panting roughly from the beating. She tries to call her sword but to her shock, Sukuna deflected it!
She gasped to then Sukuna grabbing her torn shirt to slam her against the brick wall looking at her. “....What a disappointment. You demons are really this powerful when your not even that strong. What a joke....Demons are nothing but weaker beings to me...even the other demons that gave you this are in shock I bet. Seeing their next heirs beaten like this.” He lifts Ink up to see her wincing but he only sees her kicking to him now punching her dead in the stomach and chest.
“You told me demons were deadly...you told me demons could beat me...you told me you could beat me and this is what I get!? A bunch of fucking lies from a demon that can’t even move after we started playing!?” he shouted annoyed thinking it was a lie.
He saw Ink shaking from the pain even if she was growling at him but he noticed to then chuckle to see this. Watching Ink tightening her grip on his arm but she was furious. Angry that this fucker did this to their home, her friends. All of them were so badly hurt...it was seriously bad. Ink wanted to stop him but he beat all the fractions, their teams..even her own and Yuuka’s. No, no this wasn’t right. It couldn’t be right. Still glaring at him, he saw her about to speak only to get back slapped after he lets her go hard into the ground.
She coughs holding her cheek but she heard him walk over to press his foot on her head to push it down. “I don’t know if I count this as a playtime but...maybe  word of advice..don’t take shit if you can’t prove your words, little dragon. Though, you seem to have lost that when trying to start something you were going to lose....” He saw her wincing that he saw her trying to move only to feel him slam his foot down to break her wrist. She screams in pain from that but he was hearing her to grip her hair again lifting her up.
“You did give me some fun, I’ll admit but now I’m bored.....You really should learn your place. If you can’t prove that to me....then perish!” He slams her down again seeing more blood but she shouts out from the pain feeling her leg get twisted and broken. He was beating her up like a rag doll and showing no mercy. He went all out of the other fractions, even both on her and Yuu’s. Everyone was so badly hurt...they were badly scarred by Sukuna as he was beating Ink up now right in front of them. The fraction leaders were watching in horror seeing Ink, the one that was most powerful, beaten by this monster of nature. It wasn’t possible but they were seeing it.
He was just going more and more laughing like a mad man while spilling her blood like nothing. “Hehehehehahahah...HAHAHAHAHHEHEHEHAHAHAH!! YES SCREAM! SCREAM TO PROVE THAT YOUR NOTHING TO ME! YOUR DOING BUT A WEAKER DRAGON TO THE KING OF FUCKING CURSES!” he shouts punching her away near her team but she crashes to see them scared as Ink was laying there. Even from that, Ink twitched trying to move but her team was scared shaking.
‘Ink...’ Hellmare was horrified seeing this and she’s usually calm.
‘Please don’t move.....he’ll keep going if you keep moving..’ Gerald was shaking but scared.
‘Don’t get up...Stop please..’ Fosh was paralyzed in fear even if he was hurt like the others. However, he was shaking with tears running down his cheeks seeing how badly everyone was hurt, even mouse.
‘Let this End. Please I don’t want to see anymore of this..’ Ophelia was crying covering her mouth with tears running down her cheeks.
‘No more..I can’t keep seeing this....this is too much..’ Navarro was shaking but was worried for her. Ink had to stop. She was going to seriously die at this rate that even her demon blood won’t help her in time.
‘Please stop..please just stop this.....’ Jaron was in shock but he was crying still remembering what happened to Melinda and to his friends.
‘..Damn it..please..please just stop..’ Oblivion was shaking but Yuuka was near by helping her who was crying too.
‘No more..please...please make it stop..’ Yuuka wanted this to end. She couldn’t take seeing anyone get hurt.
‘...This can’t be happening..please spare Ink..Please leave her alone..’ Maggie was shaking but she didn’t move. However, Taz was knocked out but she only gotten some injuries but was still pretty much in pain.
‘This is not possible...how is this happening? Ink......’ Shdwkyz was shaking but he was looking to see that his mask was off his face but blood was seen running down his face and chin. He did think of the others, even Vivi who was badly hurt. Damn this monster. He even was worried and hoping the others were okay. This was insane. This couldn’t be happening.
‘This isn’t happening..it’s not real..it’s not real!!’ Rust was shaking while losing blood from Destoryer but he was watching Sukuna now near Ink before he smiled seeing her trying to move before he begins beating her up again!
“STOP!!!” The DBT cries out wanting it to stop! He had to stop or he’ll kill her! Even so, Ink took the blows with blood spilling and the pained cries leaving her. She was trying to bare with it and yet, it hurts.
‘It hurts..w..why does this hurt so much? It’s not possible..a..am I..is he going to......no..no..I can’t....if I die he’ll kill them...all of them. My friends....the other fractions..everyone..I....I..am I going...to die? Is this really the end for me? For us? Everyone???’ she couldn’t speak but her body was looking like some rag doll as her grey eyes were lost in color as she heard muffled shouting from her team and Yuu’s team. Begging Sukuna to stop. He didn’t hear still going till he tosses her away to get ready to end this battle. He flexed his hands walking over looking to see he made clones to the other fractions ready to end it!
“You know, you are fun to mess with but..it’s time to finish this..I had fun....but you or your friends are nothing to me.” he said holding his hand out ready to end it. Was he going to do it!?
Before anything happened, something came to suddenly shine down blinding the area. New York city was engulfed in a light but from all this, Ink could only hear her teams started from this light as well as the other fractions in NYC. She slowly was blacking out to hear Sukuna’s shouting of what is going on before it all goes dark.
Ink winced from this. Moments later, the light lets up showing the destroyed area with complete silence. Sukuna was gone but it left the fractions knocked out with Ink slowly going into the darkness. However, before blacking out, a pair of feet was near by but she saw a dragon tail before she passed out. Their was others as well there but it seems the fight was over. The ones holding them looks to the knocked out teenagers but in each section, a group was around the knocked out fractions and begins taking them somewhere to heal. Where, no one knows? As the one holding Ink, he looks down to her while his dragon tail moved but seeing his heir beaten up. He along with the others holding a teen will have to talk. For now, they needed rest.
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faerybin · 2 years
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「Hwang Hyunjin」 ♡
» So here you'll find all of my favorite Hyunjin fanfics
» For the sake of not spamming the authors, I won't tag them in my post anymore
» Hope you will enjoy and let me know if one of the links doesn't work *⁠.⁠✧
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7:30PM ↴
[0.6k] — fluff, sick hyunjin
12:37am ↴
[0.8k] — smut
[8:55 a.m.] ↴
[0.9k] — slight angst, fluff
[03:28] ↴
[1.1k] — smut
The small things ↴
[0.3k] — fluff
Baby fever ↴
[0.4k] — fluff, husband!hyunjin, dad!hyunjin
Morning text ʚ♡ɞ ↴
[0.4k] — fluff
Fleeting summers of love ↴
[0.8k] — fluff, comfort, (sliiightly suggestive)
Pretty ↴
[0.9k] — smut, fluff, pinch of angst
Sick days ↴
[1k] — fluff, hurt/comfort
Scent ↴ ♡
[1.3k] — smut
Home.. ↴
[1.4k] — fluff
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But "just friends" don't look at each other like that ↴
[1.9k] — fluff, friends to lovers
When I fell in love ↴ ♡
[2.3k] — fluff, hurt/comfort
Conversations with Hyunjin ↴
[2.7k] — fluff, hurt/comfort
Devil by the window ↴
[3k] — demon!hyunjin x angel!afab reader, smut
Til the end of forever ↴
[3.1k] — smut
Addictive ↴ ♡
[3.1k] — established relationship, smut, fluff
I didn't accidentally love you ↴
[3.1k] — fluff, angst
Distraction ↴
[3.2k] — smut, angst, fluff
Ice ↴
[4.5k] — angst, fluff, smut, mafia!au, stranger-to-lovers
The fwb rules ↴
[4.5k] — smut, fluff, slight angst
Come here ↴ ♡
[4.6k] — light enemies to lovers, love at first sight, angst, smut, barista!(y/n)
Boy next door ↴
[4.9k] — fluff, smut, angst, childhood friends
Back in time ↴
[5.2k] — fluff, angst, time travel au
Strawberries & cigarettes ↴
[5.3k] — angst
All yours, forever ↴
[5.4k] — smut, hurt/comfort
A train, her lips, the music ↴
[5.5k] — strangers to lovers, musicians au, fluff, angst, suggestive
After dark ↴
[6.4k] — angst, smut, fluff
Intoxicating ↴
[6.5k] — smut, fluff, omegaverse au, soul mate au (werewolf mates)
Battle of Wills ↴ ♡
[7.8k] — friends to lovers, perv!hyunjin, smut, fluff, angst
Love in Times New Roman ↴
[8k] — romance, comedy
Just in case ↴
[8.6k] — fluff, angst, suggestive, office au, coworkers to lovers, slight enemies to lovers
Pink + White ↴ ♡
[9.2k] — fluff, angst, smut, friends to lovers
The sound of your name ↴ ♡ ♡
[10.6k] — college au, enemies to lovers, academic rivals, angst, smut
Hilltops + Stargazing ↴
[12.1k] — uni!au, f2l, fluff, angst
The study of relationships ↴
[15k] — fluff, angst, volleyball!au, f2l!au, roommates!au
A throne of roses ↴
[16.7k+] — royal au, fluff, angst, a little suggestive
Demigod ↴
[18k+] — dislike-to-lovers!au, demigod!au, fluff, slight angst
Two types of fireworks ↴ ♡
[21.2k] — irritated companions to lovers, tangled au, historical au, fluff
Criminal Love ↴ ♡
[25k+] — romance, smut, forced proximity
The duke and I ↴
[32.3k] — bridgerton!au, f2l!au, fluff, angst, smut
Voicemail ↴
Part 2 ⇉ Voicemail II
[4.6k] Two-shots — angst, fluff, hurt/comfort
Fairy lights ↴ ♡
Part 2 ⇉ Tulips and Lilac
[14.3k] Two-shots — smut, enemies to lovers (if you squint), fluff
Moonrise ↴
Part 2 ⇉ Moonlight
[19.1k] Two-shots — fluff, smut, historical!au, arranged marriage!au, strangers-to-lovers
The bet ↴
Part 2 ⇉ Rules
[19.6k] Two-shots — smut, college au, established relationship, feat. Jisung
Worn out jackets ↴
⇉ Part 2
[20k+] Two-shots — fluff, angst
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SERIES *⁠.⁠✧
The strange man of Monterrey manor ↴
[3/3] [20.8k] [Completed]
Genre : strangers/enemies to lovers, regency au, arranged marriage au, angst, smut, slow burn
Dangerous ↴
Part 2 ⇉ Deal
Part 3 ⇉ Deadly
Part 4 ⇉ Damaged
Epilogue ⇉ Darling
[5/5] [32.7k] [Completed]
Genre : angst, smut, enemy au, mafia au
Super bored ↴
[4/5] [66.6k+] [On going]
Genre : college au, smut, light angst, some fluff, weed dealer!hyunjin
Star lost with you ↴ ♡
[18/?] [425.1k] [On going]
Genre : idol!hyunjin x artist!reader, friends to lovers, angst, smut, fluff, unrequited love, forbidden (?) romance, slowburn
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New fanfics ♡
Personal favorites ♡
Last updated : 13/07/2024
1K notes · View notes
Valentine's Day is a whole other ball game when you have eight mates and the power of surprise (and god and anime) on your side.
or a fluffy, smutty Valentine's Day with the pack.
Tags: Skz, Stray Kids, Stay, OT8, Skz!Pack, SKZ!abo, Poly!skz, omegaverse, skz x you, skz x reader, bang chan, lee minho, seo changbin, hwang hyunjin, lee felix, han jisung, kim seungmin, yang jeongin, y/n, fluff, smut, valentines, skz imagines, skz reactions, skz scenarios
Genre: Fluff, Non-Explicit Smut
Warning: Spit kink (remember how Jisung said he wasn't into spit in the prequel? Well, now he is. 😅)
Title: Lonely Hearts Club
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“Ow, fuck!” 
You hear Chan swear under his breath, jerking his hand away from the boiling water he’s currently straining, at the same time you hear Minho’s knife come to a stop on his chopping block, a long, irritated sigh leaving his lips. 
“Christopher, I swear to god, if you injure yourself one more time while in my kitchen, I’ll send you to the hospital myself.” 
Chan looks instantly chagrined, grimacing slightly as he picks up the pot once more with an apologetic look in Minho’s direction. “Sorry, hyung.” 
You glance back to the carrot you’re currently peeling, trying to hold your smile, and Changbin grins at you from across the table, his own potato held between thick fingers. 
You arch your brow at him and mouth warningly across the space, ‘don’t.’ 
If he makes you laugh right now, Minho will have all your heads. 
He cocks his head mischievously in return, as if testing the line, but thankfully returns to his potatoes, a smirk hidden behind his teeth. 
You finish your last carrot and stand from the table, taking the bowl to Minho, who is now sliding his chopped scallions into the waiting stir fry, and he accepts the offered carrots with a slight smirk, his warm fingers brushing your own. 
“Nicely done, sweetheart.” He glances down at the peeled carrots and arches a brow at you appreciatively, before adding them to the pan and stealing a smug glance in the general direction of Chan’s struggle. “At least someone here is helpful.” 
“Hey.” Changbin protests, appearing at your side and holding out his completed potatoes for Minho’s inspection with a slightly offended glare. “I helped.” 
Minho takes the offered potatoes with an air of indifference, dumping them on top of your steaming carrots as he waves Changbin off casually.
“Yeah, yeah, princess. We get it. At least those meaty fingers of yours are good for two things.” 
“What’s the other thing?” You ask with amused interest, leaning your hip against the counter beside Minho, watching him stir the contents of the pan methodically. 
He gives you a sidelong glance, a smirk curving his lips, before he replies easily, “Finding the prostate.” 
At Minho’s nonchalant words, you laugh gleefully, while Changbin squawks out a hoarse protest from beside you and Chan chokes on his own spit across the room. 
“Now.” Minho waves his spatula between the two of you, back to all business immediately. “Set the table, and grab the stuff from the fridge. Christopher-” He turns to Chan, who is still locked in a battle with the dumplings and the strainer over the sink.
 The other alpha meets his gaze with wide, harried eyes, and the man beside you pinches his nose between his fingers and closes his eyes for a brief moment, letting out a long, low breath between his lips as if he’s trying to find his patience. “-just try not to die before dinner is served.” 
You grin, and Changbin coughs to cover a laugh, but you both scurry to do as you’re told as Minho turns his glare to the two of you next. 
Minho with a spatula is deadly, and you all know it. 
“Where are those hooligans anyway?” Changbin asks, as he sets the table, and you lean over to place the freshly made hotteok and kimchi in the center of the surface. He glances at the clock on the wall, brow furrowed. “We told them to be back by six right?”
“They’ll be here.” Chan says confidently, finally setting the dumplings down on the table, a look of relief pronounced on his features. “Seungmin won’t let them be late.” 
There is the sound of the front door opening, and loud stomping steps, followed by laughter and chatter, and Chan grins cheekily at Changbin as Minho slides between the three of you to place the steaming pot of stir fry down in the center of everything with an air of finality. 
“Told you.” 
Changbin rolls his eyes, but the retort on his lips is unheard, as your five mates enter the kitchen, bags and coats slung over their arms, their cheeks and noses rosy from the cold outside air. 
Jisung comes to a stop in the doorway, eyes going wide and cheeks puffing adorably at the sight of the table full of food, the four of you standing behind. 
“You guys made us dinner?” 
Chan steps forward, shrugging slightly, his ears going red. “Happy Valentine’s Day?” 
Jisung’s eyes scan the spread in open wonder as Seungmin steps around the awe struck beta, depositing his phone and keys on the counter with a superior look in the other beta’s direction. 
“Told you we needed to be on time for once, Sungie. Aren’t you glad you listened to me?” 
“Oh my god, I’m starving.” Jisung moans, sliding around the still motionless Jisung, eyeing the table hungrily, as Minho steps up beside Chan, arms crossed over his chest, but expression fondly soft. 
“Sit down then, pup. Food’s ready.” Jeongin doesn’t hesitate, moving to his spot at the table so fast he’s almost a blur. 
Jisung and Seungmin follow him, tucking into the table, Jisung’s eyes still adorably wide, Seungmin giving Minho a hidden little grin as he settles his napkin into his lap. 
Hyunjin’s gaze skates over the contents of the table from the doorway, his arm loosely around Felix’s shoulders, and there’s an open sort of different hunger in his eyes as he lets his gaze flicker to the four of you, his tongue slowly lathing across his full bottom lip. 
“I was hoping there’d be a different kind of meal served.” 
Changbin smirks dangerously, sharp teeth flashing. “Later, baby.” 
You arch a brow in the omega’s direction, stepping around the table to pull he and Felix’s chairs out for them as they finally step forward. 
“What do you think’s for dessert?” 
“Sit.” Hyunjin commands, dragging the last chair to its spot against the wall, his voice and expression stern, as he turns to you and motions to the empty seat. 
You sit with a sigh. “Is this really necessary?” 
“Yes.” Hyunjin replies firmly, leaving no room for argument, as he points to the four of you, now sitting in a silent line along the far kitchen wall. “It’s only fair.” 
He takes a step in the direction of the doorway, where the rest of your packmates had disappeared only minutes earlier, his eyes sharp as he waves a hand between you once more. 
“Now stay.” 
You roll your eyes and Changbin growls from beside you, but none of you move, and Hyunjin’s expression turns smug as he backs out the doorway. 
“Good alphas.” 
He disappears from view, and Chan slumps in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest and sighing in a sort of petulant child motion that would make you want to laugh if you weren’t currently on high alert. 
“What do you think they have planned for us?” 
“Who knows?” Changbin groans from beside you, leaning his head back until it hits the wall with a heavy thunk, expression irritated and impatient. “All I know is that I hate waiting.” 
Minho scoffs from his position at the other end of the line. “Maybe they’ll do us all a favor, princess, and make you wear the gag so we don’t have to listen to you complain.” 
Changbin leans around Chan and shoots the other smirking alpha a deadly glare. 
“Fuck you.” 
“And you can, too. But only if I’m feeling uncharacteristically generous and you ask nicely, princess.” 
A low growl builds in Changbin’s throat at the challenge, and between them, Chan sighs. 
You hide a grin. 
Luckily, the tension is interrupted by the reappearance of your mates, and suddenly, at the sight of them, there’s a whole new tension in the air, thick and hot and instant, because every single one of them is wearing nothing but their designated collars and lace lingerie. 
Even Seungmin, who usually isn’t into things like that, is wearing sheer, black panties, peeking teasingly from beneath the hem of the shirt he wears, long and thigh length, one you vaguely recognize as belonging to Changbin. 
Beside you, the alpha in question swallows thickly, the sound loud in the sudden, tense silence of the room. 
Somewhere down the line, you hear Chan let out a quiet, strangled, “Fuck.” 
Your thoughts exactly. 
Hyunjin arches a brow, looking smug, watching the four of you openly panting over them, before he tosses an arm around Jeongin’s shoulders, his eyes never leaving you and the other alphas, as he asks casually, “So? How do we look?” 
Changbin swallows again, and when he speaks, his voice is unusually hoarse. 
“You look-” He fumbles for a moment, as Hyunjin leans toward him, the red little number he wears shifting at the movement with a whisper along his tan, flawless skin. Smoke burns your throat as the alpha beside you shifts in his seat and finally manages to say, “-good.” 
If you had more brain cells at the moment, you would scoff at his sadly pathetic word choice, but since you don’t, you just stare as Felix takes a step toward you all. 
The movement makes the bright yellow lace around his upper thighs bunch temptingly, and you try not to openly drool at the sight, your teeth suddenly aching, saliva pooling beneath your tongue. 
His eyebrows furrow, his lips pulling down with disappointment, but when he speaks, his voice is teasing, “Just good?” 
Chan chokes, and you hear Minho’s resulting growl as amber spices the air, teasing your nose, making you feel like you need to sneeze. 
“Good enough to eat, little one.” 
You don’t miss the way Felix shivers at the sudden alpha in Minho’s voice, and it makes you feel slightly more grounded, on even footing almost, knowing beneath the show of confidence and unflappability, they’re just as affected as you are. 
Jisung takes a halting step in your direction, cocking his head, his large doe eyes on your own, uncertainty suddenly washing across his features. 
“Noona?” His voice is soft, meek, questioning.
You realize with a jolt, that you haven’t said anything since they appeared, too caught up in your own head, in the stupid daze that’s seemed to come over you, your alpha clawing impatiently at the pit of your stomach. 
You swallow the excess saliva in your mouth and let your gaze drop from Jisung’s face, taking your time as you slide your focus down his chest, across the ridges of his abdomen, along the scalloped edge of the blue lace that hugs his thighs, the waist chain that hangs delicately around his hips, accentuating the curve of his impossibly tiny waist. 
Your eyes drag reluctantly back up to the beta’s face, his dark eyes still watching you expectantly, and unwittingly, your gaze gets stuck at the hollow of his throat, the silver o-ring of his collar snug in the divot of his beautiful bronze skin. 
Your fingers itch to tug. 
“God, you’re pretty.” You breathe out hoarsely instead, voice strained, warmth already pooling between your thighs just from looking at him, at them. 
The hesitation washes away, and he takes another step toward you, confident this time. 
“Yeah?” He asks quietly, cocking his head curiously, pulling you into the dark depths of his eyes, until you feel like you’re drowning, but in a good way. “How pretty?” 
Another step, your heart thundering in your chest. 
“So fucking pretty.” 
Jisung smiles then, wicked, and closes the distance between you, slinging his leg over your hip, settling into your lap as he straddles you. 
As soon as his skin touches your own, the urge to absolutely destroy the beta now in your lap is almost insatiable. 
His tongue darts out to wet his lips-slow and sensual-his gaze holding your own, and without your own urging, your fingers find purchase at his hips, tangling with the dainty golden chain that rests there. 
You bite back the moan that wants to leave your lips at the feel of him finally beneath your touch. 
“I like being pretty for you.” Jisung comments with a tilt of his head, running his fingers carefully up the lines of your chest, before he lets them rest at the base of your throat, leaning into you, the smell of linen taking over your senses. 
You’re vaguely aware of the others moving in on the remaining alphas beside you, but you can’t focus on anything beside the way Jisung feels in your lap, the way his hot, pink tongue darts out to wet his lips, the way he takes in each quivering breath, the rustle of lace going straight to your core. 
He’s watching you, one brow arched, lips tilted into the hint of a smile, waiting, but before you can rouse enough of your faculties to say anything, he puts his hands on the back of the chair, leaning into the weight, and rolls his hips against your own. 
“Fuck.” Your hand flies up to his hip, stopping his movement, and you let your head drop back against the wall as a wave of heat ripples down your center. 
You catch your breath and level him with a weak glare, mouth suddenly more than a little dry. 
“Fuck.” You finally repeat again, as his cheek ticks with bitten back amusement, though his eyes express nothing but innocence. “You can’t do that without warning, baby boy.” 
Something washes across his expression-defiance-and then he asks a little too innocently, “Oh, am I in trouble?” 
You growl and tug him toward you, stopping your lips from crashing into his at the last second, holding him in limbo, and you don’t miss the way his body tenses in response, breaths quickening and pupils blowing, pulse pounding beneath the skin of his throat. 
Your wolf snarls triumphantly. 
Got him. 
“I don’t know.” You muse in a low voice in the space between the two of you, letting one of your hands trail up his chest, fingers playing with the collar at his throat as you mock thoughtfulness. “Do you want to be in trouble, little beta?” 
You don’t give him time to answer, sliding your fingers beneath the slick leather of his collar and tugging him to you roughly, and he whines in response, the need suddenly rolling off of him in waves as he squirms in your grip, his breaths morphing into harsh pants now as they leave his lips. 
“Do you-” You draw out, long and slow, holding him by the throat, your eyes flicking up to his, the blackness of his pupils swallowing his irises. “-want me to punish you?”
His throat bobs with a swallow, and you shake him gently, fingers digging into the skin beneath his collar. 
“Answer me when I’m talking to you, pet.” 
“Yes.” He stutters out, breath shuddering, and you slide your fingers from beneath their current hold to take control of his jaw instead, pinching until he parts his lips. 
“Good boy.” You purr, before you tap his jaw commandingly. “Open your mouth.” 
He does as he’s told, baring his soft, pink tongue for you, the sharp points of his teeth, and you lean forward, hand slipping down to grasp his throat once more, pulling him flush against you, before you spit directly into his waiting mouth. 
A shudder goes down Jisung’s body, and your wolf growls, satisfied, in response. 
“Oh, he likes that.” 
A hand slides around the front of your throat, long fingers cool as they splay across your skin, and Minho appears in the periphery of your vision, chin brushing your shoulder, gaze predatory, as he appreciatively drinks in the sight of Jisung straddling your lap covered in only thin bands of shimmering gold and baby blue lace. 
“Mmm.” You hum in thoughtful agreement under your breath, low in your throat, and run a finger down the column of the beta’s throat, watching as his needy body arches into your touch like a cat seeking attention. “That he does.” 
Minho’s fingers flex minutely against your own throat, and then his lips are at your ear, breath warm as it washes across your cheek, his voice a deep growling purr. 
“But so do you.” 
Without warning, his fingers lace into your hair and yank your head back roughly so you’re staring up at him, and he rises to his full height behind you, looking down at you with a smirk, as something dangerous flashes across his dark gaze. 
The sting of your scalp keeps you alert, your heart pounding and your breath catching deliciously as you stare up at the other alpha. 
Your fingers dig into Jisung’s hips on reflex, and he whimpers and squirms on your lap beneath your tightened grip, and the feel of his clear arousal has wet heat gushing between your thighs. 
Minho slides his free hand around the front of your throat once more, fingers slipping into the divots of your jaw, prying open your lips, and when he speaks, his voice is dark and commanding, sending a shiver down your spine. 
“Be a good girl, sweetheart, and keep your mouth open for me.” 
He keeps the hand in your hair as he leans over, increasing the pressure, so slowly that you think you’re going to go mad from waiting, and then, when both you and Jisung are practically squirming with need, he parts his lips and lets slick, hot saliva drip from the gap of his mouth into your own. 
Everything inside of you clenches with the taste of Minho.
You need more, you need him, all of him right this second, but the wriggling beta on your lap needs attention first, and so when Minho finally releases his stinging hold on your hair, you let your head fall and slowly sweep your hungry gaze over Jisung. 
He whines, grinding against your thigh, and you reach out and catch his chin between your fingers in a firm grip. 
“If you need something, baby, you have to ask. Use your words.” 
His lips gap, skin flushed and pink, and it takes everything in you not to lean forward and devour him whole, big doe eyes fixed on your own. 
You wait, even though there’s electricity zipping across your skin and your wolf is growing antsy, and finally, Jisung’s tongue darts out to snake across his lips, his eyes darting between you and Minho, before he manages to get out, “Can I please, alpha?” 
“‘Please’ what?” You chide, cocking your head and not letting him waver beneath your heated gaze. 
Jisung whines again, his breath stuttering as he grazes an overly sensitive spot across one of your thighs, and you pinch his chin to get him to look at you again. 
“‘Please’ what? I thought you had better manners than this, pet.” You tsk, and Jisung’s throat bobs with a hard swallow. 
You let your fingers trail along the line of the underwear he wears, playing with the golden waist chain, and just when you can see the hope on his face, that maybe you’ll let your fingers dip lower, lower where he so desperately needs you, you stop. 
It’s enough to push him over the edge. 
“Come!” He blurts out desperately, writhing beneath your hold, trying to buck his hips to get your fingers where he wants them. His wild dark eyes sweep your face and he groans in frustration. “Can I please come?” 
“Good boy.” Minho murmurs from his spot behind you, but you don’t look at him, keeping your eyes on Jisung. 
Your voice is proud when you speak next, brushing your fingers along the skin of Jisung’s red, heated cheekbone. 
“A very good boy.” You affirm, nodding slightly, as you finally, finally, let your fingers find Jisung through his lingerie. He gasps and is immediately putty in your hands. “Good boys deserve a reward, don’t you think?” 
Jisung nods, panting now, as he slides his own hands beneath the band of the underwear, ready to fling them off. 
You stop him with a stern look, and a clench of your fist around him. 
“No, pet.” You shake your head slightly, brow arched. “Those stay on.” 
Jisung opens his mouth, as if to protest, but another well timed stroke of your hand has him sinking into you, words forgotten, lips parted on a moan. 
You use your free hand to tip his chin back, meeting his already hazy gaze. 
“Now. You’re going to come in my hand for me, like a good boy-”
Jisung nods frantically, eager to please, even through the daze of the pleasure, and you lean forward, pressing a soft, gentle kiss to his lips, at odds with the way you pump him at the same time, making him break off the affection as he groans into your mouth. 
“-And Minho-” You lean your head back now, glancing up at the other alpha, who watches the two of you with a smirk and an unreadable expression, hands resting on the back of your chair. 
You part your lips and let your mouth fall open, holding his stare. “-is going to come in my mouth for me, also like a good boy.” 
You can’t resist the little jab, so you don’t wince when Minho once again threads his fingers through your hair and yanks, something dangerous flashing across his dark eyes as he leans down to you, lips brushing your own when he murmurs warningly, “And you’re going to be a good girl and take me without a sound, hm, sweetheart?” 
You nod, not shying from his gaze, and he smirks, reaching to undo his pants. 
Everything is heightened-Jisung’s pants, the sting of Minho’s fingers on your scalp, the sounds from your other mates in the room. 
You swallow, and let your gaze fall to the beta on your lap, your own smirk curving up your lips as you take in his beautiful, flushed, wrecked demeanor, on display for you, all for you.
Minho reaches beneath your chin and tilts your head back. 
Warmth starts to soak between your thighs, and Jisung’s breathing increases. 
You meet Minho’s heated, dark gaze. 
“And then, after all that, you’re both going to make me come until I physically can’t anymore.” 
Minho grins, sharp teeth flashing, and there is a promise in the depth of his eyes that makes you shiver in anticipation as he steps toward you menacingly. 
“Of course we are, sweetheart. But first, give me that pretty fucking mouth.” 
His fingers splay across your throat once more, and there is no more talking. 
“Best. Valentines. Ever.” Jeongin sighs out happily from the middle of the cuddle pile currently taking place on the omegas’ shared bed, after everyone has been cleaned up and taken care of following said previous kitchen activities. 
You grin, fingers carding through Hyunjin’s dark hair, and Felix hums in agreement beneath his breath, the sound rumbling through his chest as he cuddles deeper into your side. 
“Double agreed.” Changbin raises his hand from where he lies on the bed, barely seen beneath the puddle that is Seungmin and Jisung curled on top of him. 
“Fuck, I’m tired.” Chan sighs, the exhale jostling your head where it rests on his abdomen, not even bothering to open his eyes. 
“Coming more than once will do that to you.” Hyunjin remarks dryly, his voice slightly muffled, face buried in your side, arms thrown haphazardly around your waist. 
You silently agree, because your legs are still jelly after what Minho and Jisung had put you through only hours earlier. 
The memory sends heat coursing through you, and like he knows what you’re thinking, Minho suddenly smirks at you from the other side of the bed, his head propped up on an elbow, Jeongin curled up as the little spoon against his waist. 
‘Shut up’ You mouth across the distance at him, and you’d flip him off, if you weren’t worried about jostling the two omegas currently falling asleep on you. 
Minho arches a brow at you, expression feigning innocence, and lets his head fall back down onto the pillow beside the youngest omega. 
Your eyes are heavy, surrounded by warmth and familiar scents and those you love most, but you fight it, because honestly, you don’t want it all to end. 
“So, who won Valentine’s Day then?” Jisung asks sleepily from atop Changbin, shuffling around until his nose is buried in the alpha’s throat. 
“It’s not a competition.” Seungmin quips back with dry amusement. 
“But if it were-” Hyunjin’s muffled voice speaks up. “-We’d have won. Hands fucking down.” 
You honestly can’t argue with him there. 
“Hey!” Chan moves beneath you, and you tilt your neck back to see him pushing himself up on his elbows, raising his head to glare down at the omega beside you. “I nearly killed myself making that dinner for you, you know.” 
“He did.” You nod in agreement, laughing slightly, and the head alpha turns his glare on you. 
“Fucking idiot doesn’t know how to strain dumplings.” Changbin mutters beneath his breath, and Chan whips his head around to glower at the other alpha. 
“Well, I do now!” 
“Too bad you’re banned from Minho’s kitchen for life now and you’ll never get a second chance to prove that.” You offer with open amusement, and Hyunjin snickers into your side. 
Chan makes a halfhearted effort to cuff you upside the head for your comment, which you dodge easily. 
“Actually, you’re all banned from my kitchen for the foreseeable future.” Minho finally speaks up, not even bothering to raise his head to look at you all. “Sex in cooking spaces is unsanitary, and rule breakers have to be punished.” 
There is a chorus of weak protests, mostly from the omegas, but Minho remains resolute. 
That is, until Hyunjin sniggers out smugly, “If the punishment is anything like Jisung received earlier, then count me in.” 
“Yah!” Jisung rouses from his exhaustion to protest loudly and glare at the omega currently buried in your side. “Hwang Hyunjin!” 
“That wasn’t punishment.” You clarify lightly, flicking the side of Hyunjin’s head affectionately. “That was funishment.” 
“She’s right.” Minho agrees with an arched brow in Hyunjin’s direction. “The type of punishment I’m talking about involves a whole lot less orgasms and a whole lot more watching Christopher fuck up dumplings right in front of your nose.” 
“Hey.” Chan protests again, but weaker this time, as if he knows he’s fighting a losing battle. 
Minho fixes him with a stare. 
“Your punishment, Christopher, however, is the opposite. You’re not going to leave my kitchen until you know how to properly cook without injuring yourself or others.” 
Chan groans, and Changbin chuckles. 
“Hey, what’s your punishment, hyung?” Jeongin suddenly blurts out, turning to Minho and fixing him with a stern glare. “You were in on the kitchen sex too y’know!” 
The omegas readily agree, the betas joining in. 
Minho doesn’t even flinch. 
“If you don’t think being forced to teach Christopher how to cook safely and correctly is a punishment for me of the worst kind in and of its own, Yang Jeongin-” 
He doesn’t even need to finish the sentence before everyone is agreeing with him, and Chan is looking more than a little offended. 
“Oh. Yep.” 
“Sorry, hyung.” 
“Point taken.” “Forget we asked.” 
“Hey.” Chan protests once more, expression irritated. “Spending time with me is not a punishment.” 
“Cooking with you is.” Changbin remarks dryly from across the bed, and promptly gets a pillow chucked forcefully at his face by the head alpha. 
“Happy fucking Valentines, everyone.” Minho says with a sigh and a roll of his eyes, before he disappears back behind the form of the youngest omega. 
Felix sighs against your throat, content and warm and sleepy. 
“Happy Valentines.” 
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@starlostjimin /
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yeyinde · 2 years
after dark
Keegan P. Russ x f!Reader
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⟶ WARNINGS: 18+ SMUT; P-in-V sex; female reader, female gendered anatomy; gratuitous use of kid; slight body worship; established history/relationship; canon-compliant, takes place after Sin City; minor game spoilers; mentions of death (canon-compliant); war; fluff - this is honestly just gratuitous smut and my awful attempt at fluff ⟶ WORD COUNT: 9,7k ⟶ SUMMARY: you want to see him break. ⟶ NOTES: my first foray into Keegan! this took a bit of time since i wanted to include so much, and it ended up growing a little out of hand. i might expand on this/make it into a series potentially (just small drabbles). Keegan was so fun to write for!
Keegan looks good like this. Laid out, bare; skin stained with the bites of your nails, the nips of your teeth, nestled evenly amid the smattering of battle wounds and blemishes that colour him in a rich history wrought with gunfire and calamity. (You often tell him that the two of you are kismet. He says Momus just has a sick sense of humour.)
The milky white expanse of his torso is littered with scars, and you map them with your greedy eyes, drinking each bloom of imperfection that stains his ivory skin. Finding new ones that weren't there before. 
Blades, bullets, burns, pockmarks—many from weapons you can't even begin to name, to know—all etched into sinew. Into bone. 
They mar him in a brutal smear of varicoloured hurt. A mosaic of near–death laid out like Orion, curved like the tail of Sagittarius. It's spooled, knotted, in a way that makes you think of Lyra. Of the stars you can see so clearly now without any light pollution around to smog the indigo sky above. 
The scars are healed in uneven patches; some darker, uglier than others. Raised welts, bumps. Deep indents in his skin, cutting through muscle and tissue. 
There is no sense of structure in the gashes that line his body—silver, to red, to purple, to black—and you know they were collected over time. Over years, decades, before you ever met him. Knew him. 
(The only one that looks familiar is the jagged hole on his shoulder where he stepped, stupidly, in front of a bullet for you. 
Stupid, because no one, especially him, should risk themselves for you.)
They sit, carved in flesh, as a testament to his nomadic lifestyle, one drenched in danger, death, and calamity. Shadows moulded into man. Into ruined skin and jagged bone. Deadly forces of nature hidden in the craters where the earth split into twos, threes. Triplicated ravines clogged with the rubble of was once life. Peace. Home, maybe. 
A tenuous fallacy, now. 
But they risk everything—even themselves—for it, and the proof of their commitment, the dedication to the cause, is smattered across his torso for you to see. 
The exploratory tips of your fingers, dripping reverence and featherlight, ghost over his flesh, over the blemishes that decorate his body, taking them in, feeling them. 
Some are baby–hair soft, silky sateen; they sit in thick, raised welts of scar tissue clotted over each other. Others are rougher than sandpaper, gritty like stripped lath. They feel like tree bark under your fingers. Scabs. Fresh, new. 
You wonder if he remembers each one of them—how they happened, where, by who; which ones hurt the most, and which ones took longer to heal. He might, you think. 
(It's him, after all.)
Catalogued pain organised and filed away. Locked in a safe box inside the enigma of his head, and kept there for safekeeping. 
But it's not gone, not put away. 
(It's always within reach.)
Phantoms congeal in the corners of his eyes sometimes when you happen to touch one, to reach out and grab him by the arm, or the hand, the wrist, and you see the brief flash of recognition in cut slate. A distant fog simmers up from the depths; veiled blue. A past you're barred from touching, knowing. 
It's not pretty, kid, is what he told you when you asked. Not like you. No sense ruining something like you with all that ugly. 
It was the end of the conversation. Locked away for good, and brassbound with a warning sign, rusted and aged, that read: do not enter.
So, you don't. 
But sometimes, like now, you like to take them in. To see the contrast between your blemishless skin in comparison to his. Worlds apart. A cosmic chasm of experience and life needles between you, and yet—
You brush your fingers against the marks, and have never felt closer to him, despite everything inside that tells you you're wrong. 
You place your hand flat over a cut over his breastplate, right where his heart thuds against your palm, and wonder what near–miss he escaped from that caused this. The other slides to his stomach, his muscles flexing, rippling, under your touch, and you brush your thumb over a circular hole under his solar plexus. 
You think, then, of the years you spent underground, running through the barren safehouses that dotted the landscape, only to come away with minor cuts, abrasions. The worst of them all is a small scar near your wrist where you burned your skin with cooking oil. 
You've never met the end of the blade—not until him.  
"What are you thinking about, kid?" 
His hand lifts—skin littered with small knicks and cuts, a burn on the back of his hand that almost matches yours except his was caused by a Molotov cocktail and not youthful ignorance (a world of difference, a chasm)—fingers sliding over the curve of your cheek. His slate–blue gaze is fixed, unmoving, on you. 
It was those eyes—cenote blue—that drew you to him in the first place. Teal in tenebrous. They haunted you for months. Wordlessly following your every move, drinking in the expressions that flitted over your face. Taking stock of you. Measuring you. Your accomplishments. Your worth. Assets.
("Pretty low," Merrick says, plain and brutal, and the rawness of it rumbled through the hollow crevasse you found yourself in. Low. Lower than low. So low it was almost a miracle you survived as long as you had.)
Keegan said nothing at the time. He stood back, hand gripping the butt of the rifle, eyes fixed on you, unwavering. Unforgiving. 
It was easy to take his silence as cold. Distant. Bundled up in thick layers of muskeg, in icy separation. 
You did—at first. 
An active war zone was not a place for a civilian. Merrick told you as much when he found you, taking refuge in a dilapidated home split in two, and welding only a metal bat you'd grabbed on your travels. Your only protection against an enemy that has no qualms in murdering innocents. That uses guns and heavy artillery to decimate the soldiers, the allies who jumped oceans to fight alongside the troops. 
You lit a lantern one night after settling down in a broken home, and woke up to the barrel of a gun pressed to your temple. 
It was Ajax who saved you. 
"Hey, uh. You're American, right? What are you doing in a place like this?" 
You didn't trust them. 
Didn't trust anyone. 
You'd spent too long cutting through the thickets of the surrounding overgrowth, hopping from one ramshackle house to another to lay low, to hide from the people who wandered past, looking for survivors, hostages, to give into that part of yourself that longed for people. For normalcy. The road jaded you a little. Isolated you. 
It was safer. 
The people you stumbled across either tried to pick you bare, taking the meagre belongings you scrounged together until there was nothing left but the thin skin covering your body, and your will to live. 
Or they tried to kill you. To use you. 
Hostages. Civilians used against the threadbare resistance. Their safe return in exchange for more land, for surrender. 
So, you hid. Got good at it, too. 
("Too fuckin' good," Merrick hissed, shaking his head. 
The only one who was ever able to spot you was Riley. Keegan, sometimes, through the lens of his rifle.)
When they found you, you tried to run, to fight. Enemies. All of them. 
It was Ajax who stopped you, who talked you off the ledge. 
"Come on, we're not gonna hurt you."
"Heard those words before."
"How long you been out here for, anyway?"
"When did ODIN destroy New York?"
"Jesus, kid."
"Stupid," Merrick said. "That's what you are, Cali. Stupid as hell." 
And Keegan—
Said nothing. Nothing. 
He doesn't like you, was your first thought when it all added up, stacked together. The avoidance, the distance. He wasn't cold, but he didn't try to get close to you, to get to know you. He just—
Watched. Waiting, you thought, a touch bitter, for you to die. Like they all expected you to when you said you weren't going to the safe zone. That you were staying, and you were looking for them—your brother, your father. 
Stay behind me, always, kid. You got that? 
If you can't see my back, you wandered too far. 
Eat. You need it more than I do. 
Watch your step. You'll fall into a crevasse if you're not careful, kid. 
The second: he likes you too much. 
And now—
Your hips flex. A slow, teasing roll against his pelvis, and it's that indelible sight of sky blue eyes shuttering out of view when his lids lower, lashes fluttering, that nearly sets you on fire. 
The press of his cock makes your nails dig into the constellation of scars on his chest, clinging to him as licks of pleasure flicker up your spine. Nerves smouldering at the stretch, the feel of him seated so deeply within you. 
"Thinking about you," you murmur, breathless. Raw. 
You wonder if he remembers the rainy days in San Francisco, the sunrise in Los Angeles, huddled under the waterlogged crater of what once was Pacific Avenue and Venice Boulevard with the same touch of halcyon fondness as you do. 
You think, then, of the fusillade following you in the ruined husks of the streets, enemies on every corner, of the six-day hike between the cities to reconvene with the others, lost somewhere in the decimated coast. 
A little part of you still hopes he does despite the stress, the tension, the danger; the separation, the distance, that cracks between you, louder than a thunderclap. 
That he thinks back on that time when it was just you and him, and no food, no shelter, and feels something more than the gritty reality of everything falling apart around you. 
Of death, and the stench of rot, and decay, and the overgrowth of vegetation that sometimes felt like it was trying to reclaim you along with its land. The vines that curled around your ankles when you idled, or slept—shackles that refused to let go. Gunshots in the night. Predators roaming wild and free in what once was a metropolis. 
Then, softer, you add:
You speak it reverently, as if the word, the sincerity in your voice alone was enough to somehow shade the gossamer of calamity and horror you faced together into something pink, something roseate. Something fond, and wonderful, and good despite all of the ugly and the bad that stacks up, deeper than the hole punched through San Diego.
(Down so deep you sometimes think you can see the eerie glow of molten rock below.)
Keegan says nothing, gives nothing away, but you catch something in his gaze shift, relent.
Another inch off the thick veneer that keeps him from falling into you fully, that keeps him from letting you in. 
It's the slow erosion of his defences, the ones that make him say, yeah, kid, whatever you say when you bring up the smouldering ruins of Death Valley, when you slipped your finger in the cut of his mask, and tugged it down below his chin. Your nail caught on the bridge of his nose, but he didn't flinch at the thin white line you left behind, the sting. He didn't move. Didn't blink. 
Didn't push you away. 
He let you. Let you press your sun-chapped lips to his for the first time with nothing more than an easy, kid—don't start something you can't finish before he gives in. Kissed you against the grainy sand that scorched your skin. 
You used to think he was cold. Unfeeling. 
But now—
Shadows dance over his face when the clouds drift over the milky moon hung in the indigo aether, but you catch the rubicund smear over the bridge of his nose when they part. Pretty pink dusted in soot. An ethereal chiaroscuro etched into his flesh. 
You feel his chest shudder, expanding with his rippling inhale. 
—You know that, sometimes, he just feels too much. 
You hitch your hips again just to watch him flinch beneath you. The breath stutters out of his chest, lips parting on a grunt when you grind over him. The pinched knot between his brow is stained with bliss, and deep like the crevasses ripped through the earth. 
The hand on your cheek jerks, tenses. His fingers curl around the back of your skull as his eyes crack open once more when you settle. Heavy lidded, stained the residuum of soot and grease paint the lukewarm water wasn't able to scour off. 
You meet his cobalt stare, and feel the breath catch in your throat. 
Keegan looks good like this. Laid out, bare; skin stained with the bites of your nails, the nips of your teeth, nestled evenly amid the smattering of battle wounds and blemishes that colour him in a rich history wrought with gunfire and calamity.  
When you whisper this to him, his hips jerk again, flexing, under yours. 
"Fuck, kid. Don't go starting something you can't finish."
His words nudge something inside of you, and the slow simmer of competition roils through your chest. 
"Can't finish, huh?" You murmur, and keep your eyes fixed on his as you lift your hips. The drag of his hardened cock sliding against your walls has pleasure liquifying your core. 
When it's just the tip you clench around, you pause, a small smirk curling over your lips. You'll make him break. Make him eat those words. 
But Keegan can read you like an open book. 
His hand lifts from your hip bone, sliding up the flesh of your torso until his fingers are perched in the gaps between your ribs, holding you steady. 
"Easy now, kid," he whispers the words low, voice breathless, humid. "Don't bite off more than you chew."
In response, you sink down an inch. 
It makes him choke a little. A wet noise spills out from his mouth, teeth flashing when they burrow into the plush give of his full, pink lips. The tendons in his neck strain, pulse throbbing in tandem with your heartbeat. Linked, you think, a little delirious, even like this. 
(You often tell him that the two of you are kismet.
He says Momus just has a sick sense of humour.)
His fingers tighten on your ribs. The other hand falls, palm swallowing your breast, fingers digging into the flesh once before sliding down, pinching your nipple between his calloused thumb and forefinger. It sends shocks of pleasure ricocheting down your spine, and you arch into his grasp, eyes dropping. 
"That feels good—"
"Yeah?" He husks, lips curling into a rare smile, a grin. "Like that, huh, kid?"
The raw timbre of his voice coils over your flesh, and you shudder at the liquor-rich sound, eyes blinking open to drink him in. 
The spark of pleasure that glimmers over his expression, eyes dark, eclipsed, and saturated in bliss, makes something coil low inside of your belly. A molten heat that leaks into your bloodstream until it bubbles, froths. 
Keegan is a slow burn. A steady crescendo of pleasure that builds and builds in evenly spaced increments until your head is molasses-thick from the endorphins that saturate your synapses. 
Keegan is always so giving, so quiet with his affection; picturesque stoicism even when he has you bent over, battering his cock into you as you lose it amid the unrelenting waves of euphoria that bloom inside of you, singing hymns in his name, and only just lucid enough to round the vowels out. He rides you through it all without cracking. Without rupturing from the pleasure that thickens the air between you until it's syrupy and heady with the scent of sex. 
And it's good. Always. 
You love the way he handles you; love the way he splits you apart atom by atom until you're an impending explosion, leaking bliss into the warmth of his mouth when you breathe his name. Raw, exposed. Bare and flayed by his scorching hands, and hungry lips. 
Keegan touches you with the same delicacy as he does the rifles in his arsenal. A finely tuned weapon, honed and perfected in his hands. He drags only the best out of you, and knows where to press, to nip. He knows your body like he knows the inner workings of each gun he carries. 
He's adroit in combat, and it bleeds over into the soft, plush give of your body beneath him. 
It's often thoughtless—done purely on muscle memory, and instinct alone. A primal switch in the back of his head he commands at will, one now grounded and circuited into making you tremble, gasp, and moan his name the way you know he likes best. 
Keegan leeches his own release from the aftershocks of your pleasure, pounding desperately into you as you clench around him, back arched and toes curled. He fucks you through the remnants of your climax until his own takes hold, and spits his bliss into your body, groaning low in your ear. 
But everything—everything—is for you. 
He takes where he can as he fractures you into pieces, into fragments of yourself. Crumbling in ecstasy under his touch. Broken, shattered. Rendered into a trembling mess of pulp beneath the bulk of his body.
He's a lesson in patience, in tenacity. 
But now—
You set the pace. Control the motions. 
(And you want to see him break in the same splintered pieces he leaves you in.)
"Just sit back, and let me make you feel good."
He draws a sharp breath, eyes fluttering, widening slightly at your base command. 
Something gnarls over his exposed face, a frisson of affection, and softer than anything you'd ever seen before. 
It's rare you get to see him so bare, so open. 
"You do," he rasps, words sticking between his teeth. "More than you know."
He swallows thick, eyes skirting away from you as if to gather himself together, to calm the racing of his pulse that beats against the pale skin of his throat. 
Comfort is taken in composure, in distance, and you can see him grasp for it, reaching for that same phlegmatic control even now. 
You don't let him find it. Won't. 
You take a quick breath to steady yourself, fingers sliding down his damp chest, nestling in the messy smear of hair that sticks to his skin, grainy and gritty from salt and dirt, and then you drop. 
The blunt head of his cock bludgeons into a fleshy spot behind your navel that has your ears ringing, head tipping back in pleasure. It's good—so, so good—and you can't stop the whine of his name, broken and fraying at the edges, when you sink down to the base, swallowing him whole in the right clutch of your cunt.
White noise, static, flashes behind your eyelids, catching in the pale moonlight. A slurry of soporific pleasure spools inside your head, saturated with bliss, and edging into that indelible equinox of pleasure and pain when his head kisses the seal of your womb. It flexes against your mettle, pushing the limits of what you can reasonably take, but you grit your teeth against the strain, and breathe. 
You won't break first. 
Not when his eyes roll back a little as you shift in his lap, brow furrowed into a deep ruck of pleasure at the feel of you around. 
The overwhelming feel of him buried deep behind your navel notches into too much, and the ache of it pulses like a heartbeat in your sternum, knocking the breath from your lungs, but you hold steady amid the waves that crash over you, that threaten to consume you. To drag you under. 
White-hot pleasure lashes at your spine. Congealing inside the pit of your lower belly. A molten puddle of nirvana that steadily thickens into a coiled knot, gnarling within you. A spool of bliss, slowly unravelling under the stretch of him, the grind of his pelvis against your throbbing clit..
It thrums in your veins, your bones. Madness bleeds in at the edges; blurred lines of so good and too much too full and you find the equilibrium, the perfect zenith, when he groans your moniker, Cali, out between gnashing teeth. 
The brassy rasp of his voice centres you. Grounds you. You inhale the tang of him until your lungs begin to burn, to ache. You feel them pressed taut to your ribs where his fingers sit, nestled between the gaps of your bones. Firm, steady. 
You exhale in slow, measured increments, feeling the way he throbs against your walls, in your throat. You take it all in, all of it. Him. The firm press of his body beneath yours, thighs spread to fit him in the seam, makes you relax, ease into the press of him. The fill. 
Keegan's hands twitch. His hips lift slightly, an unconscious movement. An accidental proxysm. His ironclad resolve, the honed stillness of an expert sniper in perfect control, command, of every limb, every muscle, every movement, and breath, crumbles like papier-mache with the tight clench of your pussy around him. 
It edges into delirium, into that burning sense of conquest when he grunts, and rubs a spot inside of you that feels like heaven itself is nestled behind your belly button. 
(A fissure. A crack.)
The steadying breath he takes draws your attention back to him, to the sheen of sweat drenching his brow, the smear of charcoal he couldn't scrub away. It stains his skin permanently, now. A tattoo of battle grease, war paint, that he can't be rid of. 
(You tell yourself it isn't jealousy that congeals at the base of your throat when you see the blemish on his skin, and wish, so desperately, that you could brand him the same way. Mark him, too. 
To crawl inside the brackets between his ribs, and suffuse your atoms to his until every pump of his heart sends blood roaring through your veins.
It sits there, bitter and acrid, when you try to swallow it down, refusing to budge. 
Stupid. Stupid—)
You take it all in. The racing of his pulse, the slow, deep inhales, and the way he reaches out, struggling to control the impulse, the instinct, the want, to greedily take more and more from you. 
"Keegan," his name falls between your teeth, breaking in the middle when you roll your hips, and catch the flash of gritted teeth. 
The thin strands of sangfroid he managed to snag in his grasp are released when your voice crests over his name, cracked open and wanting, and desperate. 
It tastes of victory when he groans yours in return—not kid, not Cali, but the one you whispered to him that first night he found you in a desolate husk of what was once someone's home—and bucks into you in a stutter. 
You meet him again, pelvis kissing his until it suctions the air from your heaving lungs, and you can feel him pulsing in your sternum. A red-hot blade snug against your jugular.
The thin skin of his eyelids crinkle when he squeezes them shut against the feeling, the overwhelming pleasure, of being buried balls deep inside of you. 
Your ribs ache. His fingers burrow into the flesh that separates each rung, clinging to you, and keeping you perched on his lap as he struggles to catch his breath. 
It rips open something inside of you—something deeper and fuller than sex, than shattering his ironclad resolve—and the sight of him, chest heaving, eyes heavy and black with desire, and the soft way he crumbles in your hands, makes you think of the morning rays of the sun brushing over the broken landscape. The moments of peace in the midst of war. 
You think of him, and the tick in his jaw, the gleam in his eyes, the same shade as crushed bluebonnets, and think of kismet once more as you pant out his name. 
"Ah, fuck—," sweat drips down his brow, and you follow the droplet until it falls, soaking the jaundiced pillow below. "You keep that up, kid, and you'll be tapping out soon enough."
It drags a huff from your chest. "It was once. And you made me run through San Diego for hours before, and—"
"It was fifteen minutes. We ran a block," his hand falls from your breast, palm swallowing the side of your thigh. "You lasted five minutes on top before you begged me fuck you instead. Said you were tired."
"I was," you whine, muscles flexing when you lift off of him again. You feel the ache in your muscles already, the burn of exertion from sitting atop of him like this, knees wrenched apart to accommodate his bulk between them. "But I wanna make you feel good, Keegan."
The sharp sting of his nails catching your flesh makes you gasp. "C'mon, kid. Easy now." 
The low commands roll off of his tongue with practised ease, and you slip a little further into that inky madness that smells of fir boughs, sticky spruce sap, and ripened satsumas. You breathe him in and taste dusty pomander balls, and pinyon in the back of your throat. 
His hips lift, pushing into the soft, wet clench of your cunt. "That's it. Nice and steady."
He guides you along—a maestro stroking the keys of a piano as he plays his grand requiem. You struggle to keep up with his pace, the way he pistons into you, notching his cock into that soft, sensitive place inside that makes your eyes brim with unshed tears of bliss. 
Each deep thrust makes the head of his cock kiss the plug of your womb—just a brush, just a tease—but the burning sensation of blistering pleasure and wisps pain, of too much and too full, have you spiralling down the precipice faster than you expected. 
It's a dizzying descent, but you match his tempo as best as you can, determined to ride the torrent of ecstasy that runs down your spine in a thick, dulcified rivulet. 
Still. Still. You can't help but bask in the way he melts in your hand, rendered into malleable polymer with just a twist of your hips, a clench of your cunt. It's electrifying. Addicting.  
The high of it all brims deep in your head, blooming like a sickness that clots along the seam, noxious and heady. 
You can't stop the satisfied curl of your lips from growing, slowly and languid, when you bear down on him, taking him to the root. 
His grunt reverberates through his chest with enough of a punch to rattle your bones. 
Seeing him desperate is intoxicating. 
"What happened to your composure, Keegan?" you mewl, heading rolling back. "My big, quiet soldier is so talkative now—"
Rough palms sear the flesh of your hips when he grabs you tight in his unyielding hold, keeping you fixed on him. 
You try to move, but he tightens his grasp, refusing to let you budge. 
Frustration curls inside of your chest, and you glower down at him through glassy eyes brimming with tears. "Keegan, I wanna—"
Your words dissolve into a low keen when his hips lift again, battering into your cunt in an unrelenting wave of thrusts that force the protests from your lips. 
"Talkative, huh?" He grinds the words out from between clenched molars. "That was your goal, eh, kid? Break me?" 
He punctuates each word with a brutal cant that feels like a battering ram to your skull until the weakened bone splinters, shatters, and he punches through. 
"Kee–ah, ah, fuck—!" 
"That's it," he husks, tone liquid. His fingers spear into your flesh, tight enough to bruise your bone. "Just like that, kid. You wanna see me break? Lose control?" 
Heart in your throat, all you can do is whimper around the pulse in your esophagus, and struggle to find purchase under his unrelenting onslaught. 
His hand lifts, falls to your shoulder when he stills, keeping you locked tight to his pelvis, cock jerking inside of you. His fingers curl over the ledge, gripping bone, and then he tugs, pulls. 
You fold easily in his grasp, lowering your chest until it rests over his, sweat-slicked and warm. The scrape of your sensitive nipples over his coarse, damp chest hair makes you moan, clenching desperately around him at the sparks of pleasure roiling through you. 
When you settle over him, his hand moves, slides to the back of your skull, and wrenches you even closer to him, until your forehead meets his, and the soft bump of your nose catches on the bridge of his, right over the thin line you left on his skin. Healed, now, but you wonder if this is intentional. If it's—
Keegan breathes heavily through his open mouth, breath mixing together with yours, a humid coagulation against your lips where condensation gathers on the dip of your chin. 
He says nothing, just stares. Bare-faced, naked. Still smeared in the residuum of his battle grease, the armour he wears to keep himself hidden from the Federation, from discovery, and the freckles of black on his ivory skin look like an inverted night; the endless yawn of the heavens above. You wonder if you can map a new constellation in the dirt left behind, but the notion is pushed down, dissolved, when your gaze lifts, finding his own. 
He hasn’t looked away from you at all, and the intensity of his gaze makes you dizzy, breathless. Too many emotions ripple through the mercury depths for you to grasp, but they're soft. Tender. Your heart thuds when you see the endless flicker of them hidden inside, tightly sealed under a rusted lock without a key. 
He doesn't let you finish. His chin lifts, mouth hooking on yours in a blistering kiss. His tongue slides between the gap of your parted lips, stealing the words that spool behind your teeth. 
Keegan kisses you with a deep, almost methodical precision. It's a contrast you can't keep up with; an ebb and flow. He starts fast, harsh. A demanding press of his mouth to yours, unrelenting and eager. It's all tongue, lips, the clash of teeth until yours are stinging and bruised, and then he pulls away until his are just a brush. A ghost of a touch, a whisper. 
He holds it there, teasing, taunting, until your lips bloom in a soft pout, eyes turning downward. 
"Keegan, please," you whimper into the firm seal of his mouth, so close and yet, so far away. Out of reach. Held there until whatever he wants, whatever he seeks, flashes in the glossy puddles of your eyes. 
And then, he gives. 
Gives, gives. His mouth devours yours with a steady ferocity like the howling winds echoing through the wizened fir boughs in the desolate forest. He holds you close, a hand fisted against your skull while the other plinths your jaw, thumb stroking the bubble of your cheek. 
The pressure of his hold, of his hands, oscillates between firm, unyielding, and keeping you afloat, soothing you. 
You need it, you think, when he kisses you like the sudden approach of an avalanche ripping through the thicket, and barrelling down the vertiginous mountain he keeps you locked on. 
An ebb and flow. 
When your head swims, dizzy with hypoxia that inks across your vision like a Rorschach, he pulls away. Peppers small kisses, nips, over your stringing, swollen flesh, and soothes the ache he left behind. 
"I know," is all he says to you before he starts to move. “I know, kid.”
Keegan keeps you locked to his chest, one hand bracketing your skull, kissing you in tandem with each roll of his hips. His other hand settles against the swell of your ass, holding you steady as he bucks into you, bludgeoning his cock into your cunt. 
Your hands drop to the pillow under his head to stabilise yourself, pushing firmly into the mattress in a futile effort to keep the brunt of your weight from pressing against him, but he notices. 
His grunt of displeasure is barely heard over the roaring in your ear, the lewd slap of his wet skin on yours, the grind of his cock into your cunt, but you feel it rumble through his chest, reverberating over your lips. 
His hand trails up from the curve of your ass, and over your spine. 
"C'mon, kid," he murmurs, teeth scraping over your stinging bottom lip. "You're not gonna break me."
His sly words make you huff, and you clench your muscles around him in retribution. There is something blisteringly intoxicating in the low groan that leaves his chest, the pinch between his brow, the flutter of his lashes, lids cresting in pleasure. 
It's a small win, a minuscule victory despite losing the war. But it is a double-edged sword that leaves you just as breathless, just as aching, as he is. 
You acquiesce to his insistent prods, and slowly, hesitantly, melt into him. With your full weight settling on top of him, Keegan breathes in deep, and murmurs a quiet, hushed: that's it into your lips. 
His hands are on you, tugging and pulling until you're flush on his body with a muted groan. 
Your arms bend at the elbow, hands moving to cup his jaw in your palms, feeling the scratch of his rough stubble over your life line. 
Kismet, you think, and taste salt on your tongue, a humid breeze on your skin. It reminds you of Los Angeles, of the hole you sunk into with him. When you decided in the ramshackle remnants of what once was that, despite everything, all of it, you would follow him anywhere, everywhere. 
A confession in the shambles of normalcy, where the cracked Macy's sigh hung suspended on wires, and reinforced by nature. Thick webs of wisteria kept the relic from a bygone era arched over the collapsed ruins of the Beverly Centre. A macabre chandelier: a poignant piece of what is now history. Gone. Erased. Decimated by a weapon meant to protect. 
The rest was felled into a deep cavern, karst, destroyed by the beams of inert energy that spliced the world you knew in half. Water leaked in—from the burst pipes, the broken aquifer at the bottom, rainwater, the ocean, and, you think, from when they razed the smouldering husk of the cities on fire with a deluge of water, back when everyone still clung to the belief that everything was going to be okay. It pools at the bottom, a murky abyss of cracked rock, steel beams, and dead wires. 
On the surface, something floated past. A bag, maybe. Waterlogged and aged. You fish it out despite the soft rumble from Keegan to stay away from the cenote. 
"Currents might sweep you under. Not a place you wanna fall in, kid." 
When you dragged it to the linoleum ledge you sat on, the broken logo made you snort. 
"Never could afford designer," you muttered and tossed the Balenciaga bag aside. 
It doesn't matter. Not anymore. Not here. 
You know it doesn't, feel it deep in your polluted bones, and yet—
You stared at the shattered heap of luxury, and couldn't help thinking about those days in the past when you'd wake up after a long trip on the road with your dad, your brother, and the world would feel so massive, so empty. It felt like you were the only ones left. The only survivors. 
It eats at you now. 
You cried that night. Broke for the first time in months, years. Sobbed into the corner of what was once Macy's or Gucci or some other relic you used to scorn in your youth, and the whole time, Keegan said nothing. Nothing at all. 
He just held you when you stumbled into him. Kept you tight to his body as your sobs echoed through the chamber. 
Through it all, it was Keegan who kept you grounded. Who stood in front of you, sniper ready, whenever the bushes around you rustled, or the ground trembled with the aftershocks of the lingering explosion that decimated your home. Your world. He was there, his hand on the small of your back, eyes sharp, wary. Kept you alive, fed. Safe. 
You can only sleep when he’s around. Even when they left you in the safe zone you clawed out of, you couldn’t sleep. Nothing quelled the anxious needling in the back of your head but his presence—solid and steady. An unshakeable rock. Your foundation amid a shattered sense of security. 
You turned to him, then, when the moon drifted over the open crater punched through the earth, and whispered the words he refused to return. 
Even now.
But it doesn’t matter. None of it does. 
Not anymore. 
“Thinkin’ too much,” he husks, nails leaving trails of white when he scrapes them over your skin. “What happened to breaking me, kid? Give up already?”
There is no way for him to know you taste algae in the back of your throat from when he pushed you deeper into the cenote as you ran from the Federation soldiers. When they closed the gap, he shoved you into the murky blue of the grotto below, too quick for you to close your mouth, to not panic when you hit the pool with a splash that echoed on the slick, mossy walls. You breathed in the stagnant water filled with bioluminescent algae, and as gunshots bounced off the jagged limestone, and you drifted down below the buried rubble, you wondered if you’d glow so bright he could find you at the bottom of polluted blue. 
(He did. Always.)
Still. You swallow down the tang of salt, and breathe him in, saturating yourself in the loam scent of him—thick musk; burning lignin and scorched evergreen—and let it sit in your throat until all you can taste is him when you swallow. 
“Thinking about you,” you say. 
He says nothing, but you catch the shudder in his chest, the tremble in his hands, when he slides them over your flesh. Reverent. Halting. The fingerprints he leaves on your skin are stained in chiaroscuro. 
He grabs you tight enough to bruise sometimes; holds you so close that you often think he’s trying to absorb you into him. To keep you safe and secure in the bulk of his body where nothing can hurt you, touch you. 
Not even him.
So, he pulls away. It’s not distance that pitches itself in the recess of his piercing gaze, but something close to it. Kin. Fear, maybe.
Of this, of you.
The fear started when Ajax went missing, but it was Keegan who held you together.
("It's gonna be okay, kid. We'll get him back.”
Empty promises. Broken pinky fingers.)
You broke when they brought Ajax home and laid him to rest as best as they could, and the marker that signified his resting place—a coded message only they would ever know—was all that remained of the man he fought beside, the man who made a pinky promise to never leave you in a the empty shell of a Walmart parking lot when you told him about the camping trips.
A scrap of fabric. A blood-drenched mask. 
You held Keegan as he whispered sorry, kid. Sorry. We tried. We— 
Gone. Gone. You think of rubble and the scent of rock dust. The crushing weight of cinder blocks and beams, and what it feels like to stumble when the earth breaks into pieces beneath your feet.
And now—
All he has left is Merrick. Hesh. Riley. 
(“Missing,” the radio crackled a few days ago. “Gone.”)
—and you. 
He holds you at arm's length, even now, after coming back to you, after finding you again, because what you offer is different, more dangerous, than theirs. 
And despite what they say, Keegan isn’t a man who feels nothing at all.
He’s a man who feels too much. 
And he knows this. Knows it like he knows the world is in shambles, knows what the Federation is capable of. 
What you're capable of. 
You wonder if he's thinking of that now, as the shadows leak back in. They flood the corners of his eyes when he gazes through you, lost in those lour thoughts that rush by in quick succession. Too fast for him to cling to any. 
They cut into the crease. The ones that make you think he’s somehow omnipotent, all-knowing. That he can chisel inside of your head, and read the want, the greed, that festers in the rucked divots. 
And he isn't sure how to handle it. What to do with the bold, bare-faced sincerity of what you offer him. What you want from him. 
Before, Keegan would get so lost inside the maze of his mind that you didn't know how to bring him back. He'd speak only when necessary—just short, clipped words, commands (over there, inside, stop, eat)—and the silence would grate at you. Somehow quieter than he usually was; oppressive. 
It lasted for days, sometimes. 
It never sullied his ability to aim, to shoot. Survive. Protect. 
It was just—
An introspective silence. A storm cloud over blue. 
He was thinking too much, and wasn't sure which option to pick, which outcome was best.
You never knew what to say to bring him back. To ground him. All you could do was wait it out until the gyre would fade from his eyes, and he'd turn to you again, clear blue. 
“—You’re thinking too much,” you murmur, mouth trailing loose kisses over his stubbled jaw. 
“Just waiting for you to come back to me,” he volleys back, eyes cresting. A tendril of that unknowable something snakes through the gloom of blue, and you reach for it with curious, wanting fingers. 
“I’d never leave you.” 
Keegan swallows, and you trace the bob of his Adam's apple. A part of you expects it to retreat, to flee back to the safety of its bivouac where nothing can get too close. Nothing can hurt. 
But it doesn’t.
He huffs, and the soft expel of his breath, the sinking of his chest, feels a little bit like victory. 
“Wouldn’t survive without me.”
It’s as close to a confession as he’ll offer, and you take it with eager, greedy hands, cupping it in the plinth of your palm where it sits, safe from harm, from the world that crumbles around you. 
“Neither would you.” 
It’s a lie, of course. Keegan is dampening his own chances at survival by keeping you close to him instead of doing what everyone said he ought to, what he tried to do: leaving you behind. 
He pushed you away once. You wonder if he thinks of the separation. The distance etched between the two of you. Slowly relearning each other in broken husks that were once homes.  
"Drop Cali off at a safe zone, and then come find us, Keegan."
The intention, you know, was to leave you behind permanently. To keep you locked in the safe confines of a safe zone in Oregon, where they pitched tents in an expansive field, and lived off of pipe dreams. Where they pretended they couldn't fear the gunfire in the distance, or smell artillery smoke in the air. 
Direct orders passed down through the chain of command, from Elias himself, and yet—
He came back.
("Just gonna do whatever you want, kid. We're headed the same way, anyway.")
“That so?”
"It is."
Keegan swallows. Something yields, breaks. 
His palms are balmy on your skin, firebrands. You stare into his eyes, counting the deep ravines of inky black cutting through sapphire blue, and the gyre of those hidden things, locked away and kept at a distance, seem to tremble. Wobble. The edges blur. 
A frisson passes over his face, illuminated only by the milky light spilling in from the tattered curtains, and something cracks. Splinters. The fracture makes him flinch, makes him heave under you, chest expanding with the deep drawl of his breath. 
With another sigh, his hand slides down the heated flesh of your back, spreading over the swell of your ass. Before you can say anything in response, his middle finger dips into the valley between each cheek, brushing over the skin of your perineum before dipping lower, brushing over the wetness gathered there. 
He drags his finger higher, brushing over the soft skin of your ass. The feeling of it, the red-hot heat of his flesh, makes you keen, tightening around him. 
He huffs into your neck, lashes fluttering over the soft skin of your throat when he blinks. "Like that, huh? Want me here, too, kid?"
You gasp when he presses against the rim. "K–Keegan—"
"Not ready yet," he murmurs, and you try to stifle a whimper when he pulls away, heart thudding in your chest at the thought alone. 
He catches it, anyway.
"Fuck, kid—," it's a jagged husk; ripped up and shredded under barbed wire. Raw, wanting, and dark. You'd never heard his voice so low, so gritty. When you peer down at him, all you see is the endless ocean in the blanket of night. Midnight blue. It makes you shiver. 
You feel feverish when he groans again, when he rasps your name in a way that sounds like it was wrenched up from the recesses of his chest. Buried under soot and ash. 
"Gonna take you there," he pants, and you know him. You know Keegan. It's not a suggestion. It's a promise. "Soon."
The thought of it makes something ugly gnarl inside your chest. A possessive thing, out of place in such a moment. Between you and him, and this awful, awful world, greed has no room to grow. To burrow its roots in deep, and yet—
You crave him in ways that are unattainable. That belongs to a world that no longer exists in the land you roam. 
His fingers pull away, and settle on the tight flesh of your raw cunt stretched around the thick of him. His thumb brushes over your chafed, red skin, eyes softening as he coos at you. A gentle tut when he feels how wrecked, swollen you are from the brutal pounding he's giving you. 
You think he might be lenient. Merciful. Might let you pretend you have control again. But when you lift your gaze to his, eyes blurry and lachrymose, all you see is a deep, unrelenting satisfaction cut into deep slate. His pupils ripple. Deep puddles trembling in pleasure. 
"Fuck, kid." 
He punctuates his words with a slow, full roll of his hips. Slick drenches the tips of his fingers as he feeds you the thick of his cock, feeling the way you swallow him down to the base. To the root. 
"Takin' me so good."
His words are slurred, drunk off the spread of you in his lap, taking him into your willing cunt. Eyes flashing with something that prickles across your skin. It should be a warning to you, a siren. You know him enough to tell what those little flickers in his eyes mean, the shadows hidden in the canyons of blue, but he moves before the thought can take root inside the syrupy haze that clots over your thoughts. 
His legs slide up, knees bending, spreading, as he plants his feet firmly into the mattress. 
"Hold on." 
It's all he gives before he pushes up into you, cock sliding in deeper than before. 
You gasp, eyes snapping shut when he cudgels against something inside of you that has pleasure blooming in your lower belly. 
The angle is different, deeper and fuller than anything you'd ever taken before. Even riding him, sitting flush against his hips, it didn't hit that soft bundle of nerves that has fire licking at the base of your spine. 
You moan his name again, low and broken, and Keegan responds with a sloppy snap of his hips that makes your back arch in his hold, toes curling as batters into that place that makes Nirvana bleed over your synapses. 
Keegan's hand settles on your thigh, holding you steady as he bucks into you. His other hand tangles in your hair, cupped on the nape of your neck. He tugs, his nose pressing into yours. 
"You feel so good, kid," he breathes, sliding his hand down to cup your jaw in his palm. "Squeezing me so tight. Missed your pretty pussy—"
"—Feels so good, Keegan, feels so—"
His lips steal over yours in a searing kiss. Biting, blistering. He devours you whole until nothing remains but the taste of him on your tongue, in the back of your throat. It clogs all of your senses—a brutal assault of Keegan: rich, earthy. 
Like this, locked to his chest as he pistons into you, you have very little choice but to take everything he gives you. All of it.
The sounds your bodies make when he's seated in deep, the slap of his pelvis, the wet squelch of your pussy, make you dizzy. Make you keen. Whine. Your mouth drops. Toes curl. Eyes roll into the back of your head. 
The cacophony of him fucking into you over and over again fills the empty space around you, sticking to the walls, and the moss-covered floor. It bounces against the lining of your head until it throbs, pulses, and threatens to split you in two. To halve you down the middle where Keegan presses taut to the seal of your womb. 
All you can do is cling to him, hands sliding to grasp his thick, rippling forearms as he batters into you. It's sloppy, unrefined, and you've never seen him lose it like this before. 
It edges into that precipice of pleasure and pain, both admixing into a heady cocktail of bliss that roils through you. 
He trails kisses across your blistering cheek, down your neck. His breath is warm over your skin. The flash of teeth makes you gasp. 
"You're gonna cum." 
It's not a demand, or a request. It isn't a plea, a bargain. He says the words like he's relaying the time, coordinates, his position. He isn't unaffected—his voice crumbles a little over the vowels, wobbles on the syllables—but this isn't him asking you. He's telling you. 
Keegan knows your body like he knows the intricacies of his rifles, his weapons, and he knows, knows, you're going to cum around his cock soon. Can feel it in the way your nails find purchase in the firm muscles of his shoulders, the way you tighten around him like a vice. The sound of your voice when you get closer to that looming precipice he holds you over. 
He knows. 
You moan his name as liquid pleasure leaks into your marrow, and that vertiginous edge grows closer and closer. You want to warn, to tell him, but Keegan knows. 
He hushes you, mouth moulding to yours, and devouring the whimpers that seep out. His hands tighten, holding you steady as he fucks you through it, slowing his pace to the easy grind of his cock against the seal of your womb, dragging over that soft spot inside of you that makes your head spin, and eyes cloud over with bliss. 
You moan weakly into the kiss when he slides his hand back, fingers pressing once more against the taut flesh stretched around him. It's too much—the added pressure, the feeling of him bucking into you, brushing over the seam where you swallow him down—and you tilt your head back with a whimper of his name. 
"I know, kid," he grunts, teeth catching on your chin. "Gonna cum for me, yeah?" 
You can't speak, can't talk over the rush in your head, the thick spool of pleasure clotting inside your head, behind your eyelids, in your veins. Molten, liquid. You fall into him as the world around you shatters once more, erupting into white noise, static. 
Everything that isn't him—the solid press of his body, unyielding and supine under you; the weight of his hands on your flesh; the painful crescent of his nails sinking into your skin; the stretch of his cock wrenching you open, and filling you deep, deeper than you'd thought possible; the burning heat, white-hot and balmy, that soaks your being from base to empty, empty skull—is sucked out through the broken shell, and into the vacuum of nothingness where it dissolves into embers, ashes. 
All you can think, feel, is Keegan. 
He works you through it, hand still pressed against the rim of your spasming cunt, feeling the way you pulse around him. 
He moans low in his throat, the noise cutting through the gossamer of pleasure liquifying your joints into sticky molasses, and you know he's close, too. 
You push back into him, into the sloppy cants of his hips as he leaches the lingering aftershocks of your climax for his own taking, his own rapture. 
His chest shudders. Fingers tremble when they run along your skin, grasping, clenching. Keeping you tight to his body where you fit like a puzzle, and he, in turn, fills all of the empty, barren cavities inside of you, leaving no crevasse, no fibril, untouched by him. 
You want to give him everything. Everything. 
You buck into his thrusts, meeting him in the middle where he sinks home with a grunt that echoes through the hollow spaces of your ribs, and you tremble with him. Satiate yourself on his scent, his taste, the noises he makes, the feeling of his body on yours. Sweat-slicked and fever hot. You douse the burn heat of his in the inferno of your own; incandescent with the molten press of him everywhere. 
Your head drops, nose pressed to his cheekbone as you breathe in him in greedy gulps that make your lungs quiver. Filled to the brim with him. Gorged on his taste. Saturated in his scent. 
It's good. You're delirious. Mad with it. Drunk on the elixir of his briny skin, and the way he leaks into your pores, into your being.
You push yourself tighter against him until you feel his heartbeat pulsing inside of your ribcage. 
His name is ripped from your throat in needy gasps drenched in the potency of your devotion. Shrill hymns that fans over his skin until it prickles, dampening with the humidity of your breath. Stained, then, with you. 
"God, Keegan, you feel so good inside of me—" 
Slurred words tumble from your sore lips, dipped in euphoria, in bliss, as he batters clumsily into you. 
You'll ache tomorrow—already feel like one massive, liquified contusion. He might have to carry you from Yosemite to Coarsegold where Merrick and Hesh are waiting. 
They'll know, of course, when you can't stand properly without feeling the stretch of him anew. When your knees wobble and your legs shake. 
(But a part of you wants them to.)
"Gonna cum for me, Keegan?" You mewl, nails scratching at his shoulders when he grunts your name like it's salvation. Purpose. "Want you to, baby, want you to—"
His cock jerks, twitching within you, and with a choked, guttural moan, he cums inside of your fluttering pussy. Saturates you in his release that spits, plumes of warmth, against the battered, bruised seal of your womb. 
He rumbles your name again, a shattered husk of vowels, consonants, and the ecstasy that paints his timbre sends you spiralling down into an abyss of endless blue. 
Keegan's stomach flutters. The skin pulling taut as his muscles clench, seize. You feel the drag of his flesh over your quivering belly; the constellation of scars rubbing over your slick skin. Your hand falls to his shoulder, pressing against the bullet wound left behind when he perched himself in front of death for you. For you. 
His eyes slide open slowly, heavy-lidded and bone weary with the shuddering tremors of euphoria that dance between the rucked 
The tip of your nose slides over the bridge of his, and when his skin wrinkles at the featherlight touches, it feels a little bit like the scar over his heart. 
"Fuck, kid," he rasps, eyes misty and lidded. Heavy pools of mercury you could fall into if you tried hard enough. "You have no idea what you do to me."
He grabs your hand, fingers lacing through the empty brackets until every part of you is filled with him. 
Your nail catches the burn mark—a molotov cocktail when the world wasn't in shambles. His thumb brushes over yours—hot oil, perogies, back when your dad took you around America on grand adventures every weekend, and your brother would sneakily eat your fries from the McDonald's bag. 
The other snakes up your spine, tangling in your messy hair, and then his lips are on yours. Messy, wet. He gasps into your open mouth as you rock against him, working him through his undoing, his breaking. 
You hold his shattered pieces in your hands, clutched tight against your sternum, and wonder, once again, if this is what they mean when they talk about kismet. 
"Never gonna leave you again," he rasps, the words clawing up his throat. 
The raw, pulpy mess of them sits heavy between you. A promise. Promises. Broken, flayed. A crumpled heap of everything you once were in shambles. 
You think of the anger you felt before, when the heels of his palms dug into your shoulder, and he pushed. Pushed you out, away. The bitter resentment, the festering rage. 
The agony. The sorrow. 
You missed him. His stupid face. His stupid voice. Stupid hands. Stupid humour—soft, witty, and drier than Death Valley. His stupid touch, his kisses. Him. 
The loneliness carved a hole inside of you, a crater where only he could fit. 
(You sleep better when he's beside you, anyway.)
"I won't let you."
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Your lips crook into a small smile, a dawning blitz over a ruined landscape, and you lean down, pressing your lips to his pulse, sliding up until you catch his lobe between the seam. 
"Still broke you," you murmur, skimming your teeth over the downy soft hairs that cover the shell of his ear. "Still won—"
His hand moves, braces against the back of your skull, the base of your spine, and then he flexes his hips beneath you. It's quick. A fluid motion. Keegan bucks you off, and rolls you under the bulk of his body within a blink. You barely have time to choke on your gasp when he's already nestled above you, eyes shining in the milky light spilling in from the moth-eaten curtains. 
His hips jerk into yours, cock sticky, tacky against your skin, but you feel him thicken with each slow roll he makes into you.  
He leans down, bracing his forearm on the flat pillow above your crown, eyes burning embers that spark in the dim light bleeding between the wisps of broken fog that shroud the moon. 
"My turn, kid." 
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