#A Halloween Dance with You
violettranslations · 2 years
A Halloween Dance with You (ハロウィンダンスを君と)
チカチカ カンテラの案内で ゆらゆらゆら 森を抜け出せば キラキラ 飾り付けが輝く そわそわそわ 早く来なよ Guided by the fah-flashing lanterns, sneak through the forest, swoo-swoosh, and there, spark-sparkle, the decorations shine. Shff-shff, we can’t wait! Come as quick as you can! 魔女の横を抜けて 狼へついて行け 手紙を拝見では奥へ 特別な客人よ ぼくらは君が来るのを待っていた! Slip away from the witch and follow the wolf! We acknowledge your invitation. Please step inside, dear special guest. We have been waiting for you to arrive! さあ手を取り踊ろう 愉快なハロウィンダンス 騒いでもはしゃいでも何しても 浮かれた夜へ 山積みのお菓子はなくならないさ 時間を忘れよう 素敵なパーティを! Come now, take my hand and dance a pleasant Halloween Dance! On this merry night, you may clamor, frolic, and whatever else to your heart’s content! This mountain of treats will never diminish! Forget the passage of time, and enjoy this wonderful party! ケタケタ 月が口を開いて ふわふわふわ 火の玉が泳ぐ カラカラ 骨たちも笑いあう おやおやおや ご機嫌だね Cack-cackling, the moon opens its jaws wide, as fwoo-fwoosh, will-o’-the-wisps float through the air. The skeletons are laughing along, kl-klack! Oh my oh my, how cheery we all are! 真白に伸びる手を 瑠璃のような瞳を 欲しいと思ってしまうんだ 美しき客人よ ぼくらは君に会うのを待っていた! We find ourselves thinking that we do so desire those pure white arms and those sapphire-blue eyes of yours, dear loveliest of guests. We have been waiting to meet you! さあ手を取り踊ろう 戯れハロウィンダンス いたずらも飽きるほどしたいけど 今はおあずけ オレンジの灯りが頬を照らせば 思わず見惚れる 素敵なパーティを! Come now, take my hand and dance a playful Halloween Dance! We wish we could play trick after trick until we tire of them, but we’ll put that on hold for now. Be captivated in spite of yourself when the orange lights illuminate your cheeks and enjoy this wonderful party! さあ手を取り踊ろう 秘密のハロウィンダンス こんな日が来ることを待っていた 一つの夜へ 魔法にかけられたなんてお互い様 Come now, take my hand and dance a secret Halloween Dance! We’ve been waiting for such a day to come, all for this single night. If a spell has been cast on you, well, we could say the same. さあ手を取り踊ろう 愉快なハロウィンダンス 騒いでもはしゃいでも何しても 浮かれた夜へ 山積みのお菓子はなくならないさ 時間を忘れよう 素敵なパーティを! 細かいこと抜き 今だけパーティを! Come now, take my hand and dance a pleasant Halloween Dance! On this merry night, you may clamor, frolic, and whatever else to your heart’s content! This mountain of treats will never diminish! Forget the passage of time, and enjoy this wonderful party! Dispense with all the unimportant things, and for now, just enjoy the party!
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egophiliac · 11 months
I got a really tough question.
What’s your favorite Twst event of ALL TIME?
I like Harveston
this truly is the hardest question. :( but after much consideration, I think Endless Halloween Night wins out for me, because it's nonstop Characters Being Silly the whole way through. the whole thing is just lots of these little dorks having the most ridiculous interactions, which is always my favorite! and of course the big twist is SO delightfully stupid and doubles down SO hard that it becomes AMAZING and I 100% unironically adore it. AND it's Halloween! everyone is in their cute little costumes and having a spooky adventure! it's great!
however, I am ALSO a big fan of the Harveston event! how can I not be! everyone is wearing comfy winter outfits and getting along really weirdly well with Epel's grandma and he's getting a little worried about that! my terrible loud son sews a plush squirrel and then gives it a silly little nickname and refuses to leave it behind when it breaks! the ending shot with the sled! I LOVE IT.
obviously we need the best of both worlds now
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Halloween prompts no. 25
Nightwing came across some supernatural entities walking down the dark streets of Bludhaven. Upon confronting them he found out they were sloshed beyond belief and in a great mood. After chatting with them, they revealed they had just come from a party full of other supernatural beings and told him he should go too.
After getting the location from them he went on his way to investigate. If this party was harmful then he'd shut it down, if not, well. It had been a while since he cut loose.
Arriving at the location he found a bit more than just a party, but a full supernatural rave! It was hard to see past the darkness and the colorful lights shows, but everything was actually covered in a thick layer of ice. The walls, the floors, the cielings, heck, even the electronics, lights and discoballs were made of the stuff. It wasn't very cold to the touch and wasn't slick at all so he let it go for now.
The techno music began to wind down as a figure walked onto the stage in the back and people from the various dance floors and platforms cheered. Appearently the preformer had left for a bit on a break but was ready to start up again.
After greeting the crowd and hyping them up a bit he jumped straight into a new song called Monster Disco, a playful upbeat halloweenish tune that soon had Dick bopping to the beat. Nightwing did not expect for the spotlight to land on him or for him to be peer pressured into dancing by a bunch of excited mythical creatures, but superhero life is just like that.
Besides. He had a lot of moves to show off. His siblings didn't call him "Discowing" just for the old suit after all ;)
He knew he was being recorded even before the crowds parted to make a ring around him and the preformer. The kid looked around 14 or so, maybe younger and glowed with a soft white light. He looked ethereal and dick just wanted to ruffle his hair. He did so and got an indignant squad for his efforts and a challenge to a dance off. It was great and they wound up just dancing together in the end anyway.
Turns out the kids name was "Phantom", an obvious fake name but whatever, and his goal with the traveling party was for monsters and humans to have a good time without worrying about what society thinks of them. He confessed he was a type of undead and that he had a really hard time withing the first few years after his death, especially once he discovered he wasn't aging and couldn't pretend to be alive for much longer. This party was ment to bring joy to the people who came to it. Dick could understand that, he used to be in the circus after all. He spotted another camera on the icy cieling and waved at it.
He wondered what his family would say when they saw the video.
Nightwing was declared missing three days later.
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redwinesupercvnt · 8 months
annabeth's favorite disney princess would have been mulan argue with a wall
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deus-ex-mona · 4 days
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aherdofbees · 11 months
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I love Disney’s running gag since 2016 in the Hocus Pocus Villain Spelltacular show of Hades being a total ladies man by flexing during the “so strong” part of I Put A Spell On You 🤣
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Marcus: hey, if Captain Sheridan were a vampire, what would he eat?
Ivanova: Marcus, I swear to whatever higher power there may be- if you say “blood oranges” I will take a week’s worth of personal days.
Marcus: it’s… blood oranges.
[Ivanova immediately pulls out a travel pillow and sleeping mask]
Ivanova: well, it’s no big, fancy, four-poster bed with a garden view, but it’s a start. see you later!
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ferromagnetiic · 1 year
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↑ main event. 𝕾𝖙𝖊𝖕 𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖔 𝖋𝖆𝖑𝖑: 𝕳𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖓 𝕲𝖆𝖑𝖆 ↓ after party.
Tagged by: @celestiialnotes @ravarui
Tagging: everyone who hasn't been tagged yet!!
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juliaqueendragon · 11 months
Why does the snake look so depressed?
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Who of you hurt him?
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stainedlilac · 24 days
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Spooky WIP now that September has started ( my favorite month of the year lezgo )
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child-of-the-cosmos · 11 months
HELLO MUTUAL!! STARES HOPE YOU'VE BEEN HAVING A GREAT HALLOWEEN! looking forward to the game you're setting up on your blog I am so READY
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myplaylists-angeli · 10 months
itz'a pleasure mio - twst playlist
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*The third song listed in the banner "No Girl's Toy (Raggedy Ann & Andy)" isn't available on spotify, so I put "Burn the House Down" from my Ace's playlist to replace it on the spotify version of this playlist. Hopefully, when I resolve the problems around my editor program, I can make the video-playlist with the actual song I wanted~
As always, thanks for listening! <3
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noodlepai · 2 years
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Merry Halloween brought to you by Gay People™
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jovenshires · 1 year
oh btw none of you asked for an update but i have started three wips slated for release sometime in october (i am not sure thats gonna happen but im nothing if not ambitious)
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themintman · 1 year
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Your shitting me
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