#A Remote View
trevlad-sounds · 9 months
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Sunday 27 August Mixtape 360 “ Hormone Echoes”
Electronic Downtempo Space Idm Electronica Wednesdays, Fridays & Sundays. Support the artists and labels. Don't forget to tip so future shows can bloom.
CV Vision-Echoes 00:00
Astrolope-Orbit 02:00
Christ-Ganky - Remastered 13:30
Tomer Baruch-Binary River 16:53
A Remote View-The Room 20:16
LAV-Time and Patience 23:58
Jean-Michel Jarre-Le car - Le chasse-neige 29:10
Depomelan-Humedales 30:30
HDRF-CibaChrome Overture 33:38
Dean Honer-Citrus Yellow Hormone 35:08
James Holden-Common Land 37:18
Binaural Space-Bouncing 42:24
ZENYA-There's Gold Dust Particles In The Air And Everything Is Good 43:19
Dr Atmo-Humidity 45:33
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linktoo-doodles · 1 year
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dig me up, let me go
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reality-detective · 3 months
Greg Reese Report 👇
Remote Viewing of the Rapture Ascension Event. The Future Forecasting Group sees a grim future for humanity. 🤔
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starry-teacup · 5 days
guys I get that Jon sucked and made bad decisions and that there's a bunch of people who use them being mean to Jon as a valid reason to be sexist and unfair to all of the tma women but. I need you to understand that the reason I will never stop loving Jon and will be an antichrist apologist until I die is bc no one else is. not in the fandom, in the canon.
he came back from a coma after stopping the fucking apocalypse and having months of nightmares and instead of being told that he was missed or even remotely cared for he was immediately treated with immense hostility and suspicion. Martin never actually trusts him and always assumes he's going to give into his worst impulses. while Jon usually makes the wrong decision he always does it with the right intention and while that's not an excuse everyone always assumed that his intentions were bad. they treated him as a monster long before he was one. he very well might have remained more human than he did if people had given him the benefit of the doubt even once.
and yes many of them had their reasons for it but that man needed compassion bc despite it all he was still a fucking person and he wasn't treated like one.
and I guess I kinda project onto the frustration of always being assumed to be guilty, people finding you fundamentally incapable of doing whatever it is you're supposed to be, or of resisting the temptation of doing what you're not supposed to be. it doesn't matter if their perspective makes sense, though, when everyone always approaches you with the assumption that you're going to fuck up, you almost always do
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an-actual-floof · 6 months
can’t stop thinking about when Ed started taking drugs so he could hallucinate Oswald, only for it to manifest as Oz serenading him with Amy Winehouse’s “Wake Up Alone” in the most seductive way possible
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zegalba · 1 year
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Dan Holdsworth: Transmission - New Remote Earth Views (2012)
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savagebeautyqueen · 8 months
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catswilleatyou · 6 days
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remote viewing
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cozylittleartblog · 9 months
"woah i can't believe you've read blue sky!"
hoho. my dear followers. i have done more than read it. do you have any idea what you are dealing with.
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pinkinsect · 13 days
i feel like we gotta give ness a teensy bit more credit because i don't think he's completely unaware of how kaiser views him.
kaiser says he wants to "send the football world into despair" and ness laughs and says that sounds like him. ness isn't upset that kaiser has found someone he likes more than ness, but someone who's more interesting to kaiser. kaiser also said the only time he's truly happy is when he's destroying other people's lives, to ness's face. the only way ness fits into that is by being the player who helps him do that. he knows that.
that probably makes it worse, actually.
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stardust-falling · 4 months
No matter how much trauma you have experienced, you never have the right to inflict that trauma on others.
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esotericworld · 4 months
Anyone who knows much about the history of remote viewing, knows that beyond Ingo Swann and Pat Price (RIP), Joe McMoneagle is the best, publicly known remote viewer.
He used to have a tv show in Japan where he would psychically find missing people for goodness sakes. Google him.
I try to avoid way out there things on this tumblr, and find a bit of balance of scientific understanding and the bleeding edge of the unknown. However, this is a bit different. The man remote views Mars.
So, weather you take it as science fiction or a thread of possibility, it is still very entertaining.
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starrynightsforever · 4 months
Hi friends!!! I am, as of right now taking my first of three medial board licensing exams (I intentionally scheduled this post for my exam time so that I wouldn't be tempted to check Tumblr on my breaks lol). I am finishing up my second year of medical school and thus have been living under a rock for the past...idk...four years or so. All that being said:
If anyone has any book/movie/music/any other media recommendations, please send them my way!!!
I'm about to have like two weeks of free time followed by three weeks of a transitions course to my clerkships, so I am hoping to be able to be a real person for the foreseeable future. I'm open to just about anything, and I seriously have not had the time, energy, or mental space to engage with humanity/culture in ages.
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Lots more like this at https://blog2collectionsanfavs.tumblr.com/ 
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lautakwah · 7 months
i need tumblrinas to explain to me every phrase and term theyve ever heard of dictionary style before they can use it on a post btw bc how is someone essentially saying "if you choose not to work youre morally reprehensible" in any way a leftist, let alone a commie, much less a tankie of all things
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saygoodnight2theworld · 8 months
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