#A Temple in the Lord
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By Grace Through Faith
1 And you were dead in the trespasses and sins 2 in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience— 3 among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind. 4 But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, 5 even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved— 6 and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, 7 so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. 8 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, 9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast. 10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
One in Christ
11 Therefore remember that at one time you Gentiles in the flesh, called “the uncircumcision” by what is called the circumcision, which is made in the flesh by hands— 12 remember that you were at that time separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. 13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. 14 For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility 15 by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances, that he might create in himself one new man in place of the two, so making peace, 16 and might reconcile us both to God in one body through the cross, thereby killing the hostility. 17 And he came and preached peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near. 18 For through him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father. 19 So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, 20 built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, 21 in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. 22 In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit. — Ephesians 2 | English Standard Version (ESV) The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. ESV® Text Edition: 2016. Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Cross References: Genesis 8:21; Psalm 51:5; Psalm 51:10; Psalm 118:22; Psalm 148:14; Isaiah 9:6; Isaiah 14:1; Isaiah 57:19; Isaiah 63:7; Matthew 13:22; Luke 15:24; John 4:10; John 14:6; Romans 2:4; Romans 2:26-27 and 28; 1 Corinthians 10:17; 2 Corinthians 6:16; Galatians 3:28; Galatians 6:10; Ephesians 1:1; 2 Timothy 1:9; 1 Timothy 3:15
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cats-obsessions · 7 months
If Durge Could Recruit Gortash Headcanons:
Once agreeing to ally with Gortash, Durge can convince him to join the party, but only if they agree to kill Raphael. If Karlach is in the party, this may be done in exchange for Gortash to fix her heart if Durge can pass the persuasion roll on Karlach.
• Upon joining the party, Gortash shows up in a more practical armor set, still gold and black but not as decorated as his robe. There’s scrapes and dents on parts of it, clearly having been worn before. Durge can ask him about it in conversation and discover he has chosen to wear the same armor as he did when they robbed Mephistopheles Vault. He never repaired it and can tell a story for each scratch.
• He does a lot to try to jog Durge’s memories, and it works a some degree. We hear little stories around the city, some more suggestive than others.
• Old habits never die. He’s constantly touching Durge, always walks next to them, has a lot of strong opinions but will only concede to Durge.
• Durge persuasion rolls on Gortash are DC10 and under. Anyone else it’s DC30.
• He absolutely compliments Durge a little too much. And he’s always the first at Durge’s side after the fighting ends. Grumbles if he has to rez anyone else but dotes on Durge.
• Gets along well enough with Astarion, Shadowheart, and Laezel. Respects Minthara and Gale, sees them both as potential allies if they know their places. Absolute bitch to Wyll. Actively the number one Ravengard hater.
• If Durge can convince Karlach to stick around, she will only be in the same party as Gortash once or twice. She’ll confront Durge about it after and either has to be kept separate or leaves the party.
• If taken to Astarion and Shadowhearts’ personal quests, he’ll be surprisingly respectful, and will tell them they’d make good Banites, particularly if Shadowheart resists Shar. (Kinda think he would tell Astarion not to Ascend but for his own advantage of not having to deal with an Ascended Vampire and not wanting the hells to gain power from 7,000 souls)
• Random gifts pop up in Durge’s inventory. He says nothing about them. One is definitely the hand of an enemy.
• When in the House of Hope, Gortash will only allow Durge to enter the prison with him until the warden is dead. He’ll tell them everything, but won’t let the others see it.
• Killing Raphael is very emotional. He’s proud, happy, relieved, but being there shakes him up. Durge can hug him in private when they talk about it.
• If Durge chooses to save Hope, she tries to hug ‘little Enver, all grown up’ before they leave. He does not like it, but part of him is happy to see her free.
• Durgetash romance can initiate after Raphael is dead. Sceleritas is so fuckin' pissed. Like, he kinda ships it, but he CANNOT handle Durge getting labotomized again for this Banite fool.
• He has random little personal quests and pop-up events like his formal coronation celebration ball, taking Durge to a fancy dinner, dealing with fans, and assassinating a rude journalist who called him not-so-young-and-handsome.
• If taken to Lady Jannath's estate, she flirts with him. Durge has an option to stab her for this- just once. Just a little. She'll be fine! Gortash approves. He apologizes to her, but he's absolutely into it.
• His two allied pathways at the end are to remain fully evil and control the brain/Faerun with Durge or absolutely still be, ya know, Gortash but destroy the brain and become archduke without the tadpoles' help as he’s now viewed as the city’s hero. This is his least evil option and requires a Durge romance or at least a Durge that will remain by his side regardless and saving Hope as pivotal moments.
• Durge's alliance or resistance of Bhaal would significantly influence this. Resisting Bhaal lowers the DC on any persuasion. Failing the duel with Orin would block any option except controlling the brain with Gortash as he sees it as the only way to protect Durge. Because controlling the absolute would offer them a large enough following to grant them literal ascension to godhood, freeing Durge from Bhaal's control. Plus, you know killing a god would only inflate Gortash's ego more, and that would be his new goal.
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zutarasbuff · 10 months
Reasons why do I think Zuko is a walking green flag (according to what I have noticed within the show):
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1. Always feels guilty after doing something that contradicts his principles.
2. Listens to his uncle despite the differences and always turns to him whenever the time calls.
3. Never ever harms the children unlike many of other fire nation soldiers and generals.
4. Lets Uncle Iroh play Pai Sho.
5. Keeps his trauma inside his heart, and even when gets provoked is extremely worried about troubling others with his inner conflicts.
6. Is a fine listener.
7. Lets Appa free and earns Appa’s trust.
8. Doesn’t feel ashamed in working at a tea shop despite being the heir to the fire nation’s throne.
9. Cares for Azula despite her wrongdoings.
10. Is ready to apologize for his faults.
11. Never forgets his duty toward Mai despite his suffering.
12. Is even ready to breakup with Mai to save her.
13. Is an extremely loyal and encouraging friend.
14. Doesn’t hesitate a bit to stand with the right, even if it means challenging his own father or sister.
15. Loves Uncle Iroh so much.
16. Never forgets his mother even after years.
17. Makes sure that the fire nation finds a new way of fuelling their bending other than anger.
18. Preserves the lineage of the dragons and honours them.
19. Hard outside, kind inside.
20. Puts himself at a risk by using fire bending to light up the fountain in Ba Sing Se in the days of wartime asylum just to make Jin happy.
21. Has a very empathetic nature and votes against fire nation waging a war on others in the council of the firelord himself.
22. Is determined to accomplish his goal whether it’s catching the avatar or saving the world.
23. Never tolerates bullying.
24. Is a fine swordsman.
25. Is hot with a hotter voice (thank you Dante Bosco for being the perfect Zuko) and a freaking cute smile.
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umeumeumee · 2 months
ahhhh azula x fem! reader who is a maid and azula’s secret gf and one day ty lee and mai are at the palace and while they are away azula calls reader into her room and they kinda make out and are all touchy because Azula hasn’t seen her all day, then reader has to go do her chores and when she opens the door mai & ty lee are there— reader bows; excusing herself and saying she was cleaning, but mai and ty lee notice the lipstick marks on her jawline and neck and are shockeddddd and it’s awkward around azula and idk maybe it gets out they are dating (js between the mai & ty lee tho) thank you!!
red lipstick stains
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ᥫ᭡ gosh, i love this idea! azula forever! thank you for requesting for my atla/tlok event! hope you enjoy this as much as i enjoyed writing it!
princess azula x fem! servant! reader
ᥫ᭡ when the princesses friends come to visit, it leaves little time for her to bask herself in your presence. with their short absence, she replenishes herself with you— leading for something to leak from the cracks.
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the boredness the princess felt was beyond horrific.
azula placed her head in her palm as she lazily held her eyes on ty lee, doing a contrast of many different athletic styles. Mai read a book beside the princess, and azula began to question why, exactly, it was that she was here.
Mai and Ty Lee had made a rather unexpected trip to the Palace, catching Azula off guard from their sudden visit and causing her to fall through with her secretive plans she held.
Today was supposed to be a rather calm day, her father was organizing a plan for something she frankly didn’t care for— which was one of the rarest occasions, but her attention was too occupied on you.
azula had planned on spending the day with you, alone in her room. but, her dreams were ultimately dashed with the presence of her sincerely unwanted friends.
the princess roll her eyes as she watched Ty lee do a handstand, walking around. her eyes trailed along the royal gardens— her heart pausing its pulse when the sight of you caught her eyes. She involuntarily and automatically straightened her back, removing her hands of its position in holding her head up. Her golden eyes glued to your body as you carried a tray of refreshments on your hands, keeping your eyes straight ahead of you as you approach Ty lee causiously.
Azula couldn’t quite make out your soft ofer to the circus member, but ty lee accepted your drink with a smile. Sweat embraces azula’s palms as you turned to her and Mai, approaching with your head down.
Azula felt silly— like.. a school girl, with a big, childish crush.
“refreshments?” you questioned with a low voice, clear like honey and soft like sugar. Mai declined, and azula saw you nod and bow, turning to her.
You always put on the perfect facade, acting like everything you two have done was for nothing.
“Princess?” your voice was different when you spoke to her, softer, kinder— more gentle, an offer for something more.
Azula forced down her smirk, nodding and accepting your offer by taking the drink from atop the tray. You didn’t dare make eye contact with her infront of her friends, only bowing and exiting the gardens.
azula watched you go from the corner of her eye, smirking into her cup as she took a sip from the fresh lychee juice you’d offered.
“Mm! This is delicious!” ty lee exclaimed, walking over normally to Azula and Mai, chugging her drink with no waste.
“yes, yes,” azula nodded, only replying to keep the girl at bay. Mai scoffed, “I hate lychee juice.”
Ty lee frown, putting her glass on small table by the chair azula sat on.
“But, it’s hot,” she expressed, waving her hand to cool herself down. “Aren’t you thirsty?”
“Not for lychee juice,” mai bit back, causing ty lee to huff. “Well, let’s get you a drink!” she grabbed mai’s arm, causing the girl to drop her book and loose her place. Azula sat up, fighting back excitement. “where are you two going?”
“To get mai some water,” said ty lee as mai fought her grip, groaning. Azula nodded, “very well.” she played casual, waving her hand to excuse them as she took another sip of the drink you’ve given her. Azula acted uninterested as the girls walked off, their bickering slowly fading away form her hearing as did their figures.
Azula stood from her chair, leaving her drink and set her destination to her room. She walked with quickened steps, hiding her smile with the facade of her furiously storming down the halls, keeping everyone else away from her. When she reached her dorms, she rang the servant bell— knowing you’d be the one she called for.
Azula crossed her arms when she closed her door, tapping her foot on the floor in impatience.
after waiting for what felt like hours, you finally arrived. As beautiful as always as you slowly entered azula’s room per her permission, only meeting her eyes when you realized she was alone.
Your mouth began to speak— but you were silenced by the slam of azula’s lips on yours. your voice muffled, fading out as you melted into her hungry kiss. Your hands instinctively wrapped around her neck, her own hands harshly gripping your waist.
Azula pushed you onto her bed, leaning over you as she bent down to continuously kiss you. Her chest met yours, her thick armor cold against your skin, feeling the roughness through the thin layer of your clothing.
You let azula devour your lips desperately, knowing how she becomes like this when you are away for long distances of time.
she pulled back only to allow you to catch your breath— thin, translucent trail of saliva the only remaining factor of your previous action, as azula waisted no time in training her kisses to your jawline.
You automatically shifted your head up, allowing easy access for her to retreat to the soft, bare skin of your neck. You caught your breath, your hands holding tightly to the bedsheets bellow you as azula moved down.
She kissed your jawline, trailing her way down to the skin of your neck, kissing a lightly sucking the sensitive area, basking in the sounds your mouth left for her to receive.
she began to unlace the band of your clothing— but was stopped by the guest bell that struck her door. She froze, and you instantly gasped— shooting up from underneath her and quickly re-tieing your maid-robes— fixing your messy hair.
Azula groaned, annoyed. “Why can’t mai and ty lee leave?” she asked aloud, causing you to lightly laugh. “They’re your friends, ‘zula. they want to spent time with you.” you replied, pulling few strands from your newly done bun, turning back to the princess, only to find her already looking at you.
“I don’t want to be with them,” she bit, reaching out to you. “i want you.” your cheeks heated up, preparing a response when the bell softly went off again. “I have to go,” you sigh, quickly bending down to leave a soft kiss on azula’s forehead, then her lips. You fixed your appearance one last time, with no mirror, and azula saw you smile at her before you left, closing the door behind you.
You turned a fast heal, hoping to not be seen leaving the princess room— alone.
Two approaching shadows halted your movements, your eyes flickering up timidly to see the two figures of azula’s friends. You bow, explaining the reasoning behind your actions all while missing the scan of their eyes and the pure shock embracing not only Ty lee’s features, but Mai’s.
The girls were only a few feet away from Azula’s room, hearing through the grape vine that once they’d left she’d “gotten bored” and made haste in her bedroom. But now they know why.
You stood before them, red lipstick stains trailing kiss marks from your jawline, to your neck and down to below your robes where they could not see, leaving their imagination to fill in the blanks.
You automatically took their shocked faces as one of disrespect for you looking at them without permission- so you bow, getting on your legs and allowing your head to touch the floor in respect and apology, getting up quickly to scramble from their way and rushing back to the maid’s quarters.
Mai and Ty Lee’s eyes trail after you, jaws dropped and eyes wide. They make eye connect, “what was that?!” ty lee squealed, in shock, covering her mouth at the remembrance of the event. Mai let out a bothered sigh, placing a hand to her forehead and massaging her aching head. “I don’t.. want to know,” she splutter out, the thought of her friend being intimate was purely a nasty thought. Ty lee seemed more interested than Mai, who was blatantly uninterested and, frankly, grossed out.
“Should we go see Azula? or…” Ty lee seemed to need guidance, brows furrowing in worry. Mai rolled her eyes, placing a hand to her hip. “Obviously. we can’t just leave.” she waved her fan, walking ahead of ty lee to the familiar door of Azula’s room.
For once, they knocked. Permission from the princess granted their entrance, and they avoided the usually piercing gaze of Azula, who seemed to notice their sudden.. lack of words.
The princess stood from the chair she sat in infront her Vanity, leaving Ty Lee wondering what exactly she was doing with her makeup out…
“Well?” she placed both hands to her hips, raising a brow. Mai knew they wouldn’t get away with the obvious tension the the room because of how painfully obvious Ty Lee was.
“what?” Mai asked, avoiding to sit on Azula’s bed as she covered her face with the fan in her hand. Ty lee stood beside her, itching the dry skin of her bare elbow.
Azula scoffed, moving her arms to cross over her chest. she decided it was best to ignore the company in her room, walking past them and out to the hall. Ty lee quickly chased after; hoping to leave the room. mai was close behind.
Azula led them back to the chairs they previous sat in, the trio walking rather fast.
Mai covered her mouth with her fan, leaning over to Ty lee. “Don’t mention it.” she demanded, earning a nervous squeak from the girl, causing azula to give them a strange side glance before they officially made it to their destination, azula placing herself under the shade of her umbrella, mai doing the same. Ty lee nervously began rubbing her hands together as she sat on the grass, under a tree.
The silence was so loud, louder than any sound. the air was thick with an intense kind of awkwardness, it was so horrendous even azula began to break a sweat under her many layers of armor.
Mai clearing her throat, which made azula shift her gaze to the black haired girl, who seemed to be shaking her head at the circus member. Azula squinted her eyes in suspicion, following Mai’s gaze to see ty lee, who was sweating and anxiously chewing down her nails.
azula made a face, “What?” she bit, catching both girls attention. “what is this? what are you two doing?” she questioned with demand, wanting an answer.
She caught once more the sly shake of mai’s head as she peer to ty lee; who shifted her gaze between the two girls.
Azula was now almost fuming, steam coming from her ears— as she was about to shout demand for an immediate answer— her prayers were answered.
“We saw the kiss marks!” Ty lee shouted out, sighing in temporary relief before instantly slamming her hands over her mouth with wide eyes. Mai growled under her breath, putting her hand over her face in disbelief.
Azula was confused, the expression she held was quite an obvious one on the always tense face of the princess, and mai noticed.
“She doesn’t know what she’s talking about,” she barked out, glaring a deep stare at ty lee before acting like nothing happened.
Azula wouldn’t accept that, as Ty lee was still chewing off her skin.
One fierce glance from azula’s now settled face caused a shiver from ty, “The maid… we saw her leave your room—”
Her words faided out, and suddenly the realization had slammed azula in the chest.
You’d left her room with the lipstick trails she’d left on you, ones she’s so clumsily forgotten to mention to you. This was her fault.
Azula must have looked as bewildered as she felt, as ty lee covered her face. As quickly as azula lost her composure, she gained it back. Clearing her throat and waving her hand. “Must—” she cleared her throat again, a pitiful attempt at getting rid of any lingering chances the fact might really be true. “Must have been the wrong room.” she tried her best to play it off, which, usually, would have worked, but the pair already knew the truth.
Azula’s secret was out.
dread overcame her like a tsunami, and fear tickled her bones. what if her father found out? what would he do? what would happen to her?— what would happen to you? the love of her life? the thought horrified her beyond comprehension.
she felt her façade threaten to slip, and the gaping eyes of her friends had her sweating profusely, like a child being caught doing something naughty.
once more, the silence followed. It was, frankly, agonizing. By far the most painfully awkward and tedious moments of Azula’s life.
She switched her hard gaze from mai to ty lee multiple times, almost daring them to mention it again.
“are you guys.. you know..” Ty lee almost cried from the peircing eyes of the princess and mai, a whimper leaving her mouth.
Azula felt sick. not just from fear, but embarrassment as well. Of all people, mai and ty lee? really?
She didn’t want to admit it, but what better would lying do. She could see it in their eyes that they both already knew the truth of the princesses relationship with you, a maid.
Azula huffed a furiously agitated gruff and massaged her temple in irritation, covering up any signs of fear she would have.
Mai let out a kind sigh, removing her hands from her face.
“We won’t tell anyone, Azula.” somehow, the princess found her words oddly comforting. But she didn’t dare show it.
“I think it’s best you two... leave.” Her words didn’t have the ferocious bite that they usually do, but instead a warning, something to ‘let them off the hook.’ Mai nodded, and ty lee shot up, clearly the pair had overstayed their welcome, and azula watched with heavy eyes as they left the royal garden, obviously fighting around the subject of Princess Azula and Her Mistress.
Once out of sight, azula allowed herself to groan into the palms of her hand. How could she let this happen? how? what has she become? under your gaze, your touch— she was like a pie, hard on the inside but so soft once you come around. You’ve weakened her— but she can’t help herself from staying with you.
the princess stood up, making her way down the halls and to her room, now with the understanding why her friends were oh so stiff.
she sat on her bed, staring at the ceiling. she’d rang the maid bell, calling you.
with a gentle knock and a hushed whisper, you entered the door to the princesses chambers.
The look on your face made her realize that you’d realized the issue.
“Princess,” you whispered in a hushed tone, and she fully sat up.
she hates the tension when you fear to talk of certain subjects. she hates the look in your eyes when you think she is upset. she hates how much you care.
before you could speak again, two familiar hands wrapped around your waist, pulling you atop the princess on her bed. in a swift motion, she held you under her. Kissing you again.
Your were surprised, this was most definitely not what you were expecting.
“Azula!” you gasp when she bit you, ignoring the warm feeling of blood trickling down your neck.
you’d thought she’d want to talk about it, but you suppose not. either way, this was wonderful.
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stealingpotatoes · 11 months
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hands you all this cal to announce i’ve FINALLY finished fallen order (by which i mean i finally picked it up again after those couple hours i played a few months ago and then finished the whole game in 2 days lol)
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gigigle · 8 months
What if another insecurity about uras azula has is that ursa never thought she was worth saving or even trying to save.
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Like this panel right here, the whole "You are your father's daughter" what if azula starts taking that as how ursa always saw her. She thinks ursa thought she was not even worth helping because she is "ozai daughter"
It could also be an interesting perspective on ursa as well. How ursa no matter how hard she tried and tried to ignore it, she couldn't see azula as anything but ozai daughter especially as azula got older
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izharmilgram · 9 months
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vampire vee for darlingest @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger
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P/S: I don't really know how to make pinpost, but if you're here I assume you are in DoL fandom or interested in my art! So here are some tags to help you navigate around my blog:
Dollya art - My art, mostly DoL and specifically Robin with my PC
Dollya ask - My answer to all the love people poured into my ask box. I mostly draw to answer if I can and I HATE to admit this, but it had gotten quite overwhelming and I can not answer every ask sent to me.
DoL: Homestead AU - My AU for DoL revolves around Lya.
The commission is closed atm. You can find the pricelist here in My Little Corner. If you are interested, please DM. I'll arrange my schedule for you.
You can call me Dollya, Doll, or Lya, but I prefer Dollya to separate myself from my PCs.
My DoL PCs are Lya (female - she/her) and Lyah (male - he/him). They're both Robinsexual. (Updating two others, Kariya (Hermanphrodite - they/she) and Eburnean (he/him)) And Lya has 4 little couriers called the Chobies. If we become mutual, they might crawl into your ask box. Don't freak out if you see them, and don't squash them either especially the Horny Repressed one. Their remains will become nasty. You can learn more about them, and how to treat them with Chobiology tag.
One final warning: I'm into some fictional fetishes that may not be comfortable to everyone, such as Incest/Twincest and Sizegap. Do not linger around if you can not tolerate those things.
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He's lazy. He's just lazy. He works the bare minimum and stays at home playing games while I work my azz off to provide for him and pay Bailey. He can't satisfy me in bed either...
I love him.
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ritish16 · 4 months
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Shiva and Shakthi
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hyakinthou-naos · 2 months
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In every shade of yellow, I see my Lord
In every shade of purple, I see his Lover
Golden rays find golden blooms
As lavender dots the countryside
Gentle warmth finds gentle hands
As I sing their names in praise
Oh Lord Apollo,
Oh Lord Hyacinthus,
I see you everywhere
I see you everyday
I see you
I see you
I see
- “I See” A Hymn for Apollo & Hyacinthus
(The photos are of flowers from around my yard)
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achyutapriya · 12 days
𝐉𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐭 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐓𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞
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The Jagat shiromani temple ( Jewel on the head of Lord Vishnu) also known as Meerabai temple located in Amer, Rajasthan. Constructed between 1599 and 1608 is believed to house the idol of Shree Krishna which Meerabai herself worshipped. The idol of Krishna was saved by the rulers of Amer from the Mughal invaders in Mewar and was brought back here.
The garbagriha of the temple houses the idol of Lord Vishnu in white marble, and the idols of Shree Krishna and Meerabai. It is believed that it is the only temple where Krishna and Meerabai are worshipped together.
Built on top of a small hill, one of the most striking features of the temple are it's beautiful 'Torans' (ornamental archways which are usually found in Jain temples). In the canopy adjacent to the temple is a beautifully chiselled statue of Garuda, Lord Vishnu's carrier. The walls and the ceilings of the temple are carved with elephants, horses and scenes from various religious scriptures. One of the entrances of the temple is through the stairways of the Amer fort leading to the temple courtyard.
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vanilladrizzlequeen · 7 months
i’m sorry but AITST Ozai is kinda hilarious
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why’s he look so dumb 😭
never in a billion years did i think i would say Ozai looks like a good dad but I’m sorry him and Ursa and Azula are kinda really adorable together
and honestly that’s the sad part- this is what it looked like to Azula; to her, at least as a child, he wasn’t the horrible evil man Zuko saw- he was her dad and he loved her. It’s made clear to us viewers that it’s her power he loved, not her, but how was little Azula supposed to see that? It was for her hard to see how much he manipulated her emotions, and that even shows plenty when she’s her normal age in the show. Even after the betrayal from Ty and Mai, she still falls for what might have looked like a simple lie, but was her truth: when Ozai kicks her off of the trip to conquer the world, and tells her that guarding the fire nation is a “very important job” and that he’s making her the fire lord. Obviously the title of firelord means absolutely nothing when Phoenix King Ozai’s ruling the world, but she couldn’t see that, because he raised her in a world of lies.
Ok damn i did NOT mean to turn this into an Ozai rant my bad-
back to previously scheduled programming
like i personally love this art style on him but it’s kinda hard to look at him and go “wow phoenix king so powerful so abusive” (disclaimer I know he was an absolutely awful character and as an Azula stan i hate his guts but this is a joke post lol)
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imperialfire · 3 months
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Side by side comparison of Izumi to Azula in the Spirit Temple comic because it had to be done.
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raidenmahboi · 3 months
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Brothers in Arms
Raiden and Fujin Moodboard
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mushroomnoodles · 2 months
heres the normal golbaby designs for melinoe, melopia and relle. not canon to the revived timeline yet, idk if they will be. but theres a reason they look so different from morri (they along with oberon were a). not conceived through a speck of cosmic energy and b). conceived between two entities rather than GOLBetty and a human.
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gigigle · 3 months
Do you guys ever think about how azula spent 3 YEARS alone with ozai?
Like after zukos banishment Im pretty sure everyone left, tylee and Mai left, zuko and iroh left and her mom was gone. So she was basically alone and only surrounded by people who are loyal to her father.
Like idk I just always wonder what happend during that time. Was she trained day and night? And that's why she's so good? Did she spend all her time just training and learning from her father?
Like idk???? I just think it really interesting and it's not really talked about much in the show or comics. Cause she would be spending sooo much time with her only source of wisdom being her father.
Also I think it's an interesting contrast like zukos main source of wisdom during his 3 years was iroh while azulas was ozai.
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