#help me i want to drag him out of his bed and game console and do stuffs in public or in the prayer room
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P/S: I don't really know how to make pinpost, but if you're here I assume you are in DoL fandom or interested in my art! So here are some tags to help you navigate around my blog:
Dollya art - My art, mostly DoL and specifically Robin with my PC
Dollya ask - My answer to all the love people poured into my ask box. I mostly draw to answer if I can and I HATE to admit this, but it had gotten quite overwhelming and I can not answer every ask sent to me.
DoL: Homestead AU - My AU for DoL revolves around Lya.
The commission is closed atm. You can find the pricelist here in My Little Corner. If you are interested, please DM. I'll arrange my schedule for you.
You can call me Dollya, Doll, or Lya, but I prefer Dollya to separate myself from my PCs.
My DoL PCs are Lya (female - she/her) and Lyah (male - he/him). They're both Robinsexual. (Updating two others, Kariya (Hermanphrodite - they/she) and Eburnean (he/him)) And Lya has 4 little couriers called the Chobies. If we become mutual, they might crawl into your ask box. Don't freak out if you see them, and don't squash them either especially the Horny Repressed one. Their remains will become nasty. You can learn more about them, and how to treat them with Chobiology tag.
One final warning: I'm into some fictional fetishes that may not be comfortable to everyone, such as Incest/Twincest and Sizegap. Do not linger around if you can not tolerate those things.
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He's lazy. He's just lazy. He works the bare minimum and stays at home playing games while I work my azz off to provide for him and pay Bailey. He can't satisfy me in bed either...
I love him.
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emmyrosee · 11 months
You’ve been sneaking into Kenma’s room for years.
It started when you were very young, having left your gameboy at Kenma’s house after a few rounds of Mario. You managed to toss a few rocks at his window, and once he silently unlocked the door and let you in, you quickly scurried back out hours later with a grateful smile.
Then, you started to sneak through his window. Seeing the flashes of lights at god knows what hours was something you knew meant he was awake, and you’d climb out from your sheets and crossed the street to his place. Again, you’d throw rocks at his window, and when he’d tried to go open the door, he hadn’t expected you scale up the large tree just a few feet away.
Tonight was no different; he’s tapping away wildly on his console while you scurry up the tree in your slippers, smooshing your face against the glass when he finally sees you and opens the window.
You’d finally tumbled in, and he gave you a tired sigh, “you’re annoying.”
“And you’re still playing. I wanted to watch you play.”
“You could’ve just texted me. You left marks on my glass.”
“I needed the exercise. What time do you need me out of here?”
“Kuroo drags me by the ankle out of here by 06:30. Be out beforehand.”
You smirk and nudge his shoulder with yours, causing him to send you a glare before sitting back down on the floor. “Sleep on the bed, help yourself to pajamas.”
“You like him, kenma,” you tease. You see him tense up before he shakes his head.
“No,” he says simply. “I don’t. Not like that anyways.”
“Just not used to you having other friends besides me,” you hum. He huffs in annoyance.
“Are you gonna watch, or do I have to kick you out of my room?”
“Fine,” you sigh. “I’ll behave. Only because I hate climbing your tree.”
Kenma doesn’t like Kuroo. Honest! He thinks he’s cute, sure, gets why the girls like him and boys follow him around, he’s fine enough on a scale of emotional and physical attraction.
But Kuroo’s not the one Kenma’s eyes stay focused on. It’s you.
You’re funny, he likes the way you eat foods that you don’t like first, before diving into the favorites after to savor them. You’re cute, and you’re bad at the differences between contexts of words, and you have a little eye twitch that bestows you in a moment of quick thoughtfulness.
You don’t ask him why he’s up so late, you ask him the answers to homework and give him gummy worms as a thank you. You never overstay a welcome, always either leaving before the sun comes up, or staying quiet while you sleep on the bed.
He likes the way your eyes shine when you’re excited, the roll of your eyes when he tells you “no” when you want the answer to be “yes”, the little snickers that slip out at Kuroo’s expense at Kenma’s quick thinking.
“Im busy.”
“I want to cuddle.”
The way you want physical touch when you’re tired.
Yeah. As your best friend, he really is bias to that one.
With a groan, he pauses and saves his game under slot 3, shuts down the console before crawling up and into his bed next to you, the cold sheets shooting his nerves until they warm under your shared warmth. You bury your nose in his collar and he takes out his phone for you both to watch tiktok.
“Go to sleep.”
“When you marry Kuroo, can I be the ring bearer?”
“If i marry Kuroo, I want you far, far from my ceremony.”
He practically hears you pout, “you’re no fun.”
“I sure am not.”
For someone who has no fun, not one fun bone in his body, he’s amazed at how comfortable you are in his grip and he in yours, fingers fisting his nightshirt until his own eyes grow heavy.
And if Kuroo walked in just a few hours later at 06:30, only to see his best friend cuddling with someone he loves most, he didn’t say anything and closed the door softly behind him.
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End Game 12
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, age gap, stalking, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Your gaming buddy asks to meet up but it doesn’t go exactly as planned.
Characters: Andy Barber
Note: Andrew.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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It’s midnight. The blue digits above the console burn into your irises. You yawn as the headlights flash against a garage door and Andy steers up the driveway. Is this it? His home? 
You sniff and run your hands over your face. Andy shifts into park and kills the engine. He rubs his nose and glances over at you. “You awake, sweetheart?” 
“Mhmm,” you grumble. Regrettably. So much as you would have liked to sleep the whole way there, your mind wouldn’t stop. 
“Right, well, welcome home,” he says, “I’m sorry it took so long.” 
Should you tell him it’s okay? It’s not. You don’t want to be here but worse, you don’t want to go back to where you came from. Your grandmother doesn’t care at all. She didn’t bat an eye at this middle-aged man or that you just left. And you’re stupid. It’s this very man who crushed what was left of your naivete so no, you won’t believe that he cares either. 
Hell, maybe you don’t care. 
“I know it’s late but you could hop in the tub. It’ll help you sleep,” he suggests as he unbuckles his seat belt. “Get all fresh, settle in.” 
He sounds hopeful, almost excited. You’re happy you can’t see him through the dark. Or that he can’t see you. You know he’s smiling but if he could see the look on your face... 
“I’m tired, I just want to lay down.” It’s as much as you can say without lying. 
“Of course, honey,” he reaches over to squeeze your knee. You nearly slap him and scream. You hold back, instead putting your hand over his.  
You slowly pull away and undo your own seat belt. You open the door and he lets go of you reluctantly. You get out and he does the same. He meets you around the hood and you slow as his shadow lurks in the night. His fingertips trail down your arm and he takes your hand in his. 
“We’ll worry about the bags in the morning,” his keys jingle beneath his voice. “You can wear one of my shirts for tonight.” 
You don’t argue. You don’t try to get free of his grip. You just follow him. This is what it’s going to be like. You’ll do what he says and just hope he can’t feel how much you hate it. 
He unlocks the front door and drags you inside. He flips on the lights and you wince in the bright glare. He lets you and you kick your shoes off, leaving them on their sides. You shuffle forward and wander to the archway to your right. 
You take a step and he catches your arm, “hey.” 
“I’ll sleep here...” you point to the couch. 
“What? Bed’s upstairs, sweetie,” he tugs you back, “come on, let’s get settled.” 
You don’t resist. You let him take you upstairs and down a hallway. He opens another door and turns on another light. The bed is draped in navy and ivory. You slip free and trudge across the hazy room. You fall face first onto the mattress. You’re still at last. No more driving. 
“Hey, why don’t you get changed?” He asks as he opens a drawer. 
You don’t react. You turn your back to him and lift yourself to free the blankets from beneath you. You push your legs under it and slump back down. He huffs and his shadow appears on the wall as he closes in. 
“Come on, I got a shirt--” 
“Too tired,” you grumble and pull the blanket to your chin. 
“I know, sweetie, but you’ll feel better. I can still run you a bath.” 
You squeeze your eyes shut and pull the blanket higher. He clicks his tongue and lingers behind you. You shrink down until you think you might just be able to disappear. The floor groans beneath his weight and he finally backs up. You peek out from beneath your lashes. No, you’re still there. Stuck. 
He moves around as you hide in yourself. You sink down into fatigue. Your mind is a storm of anxiety but even that cannot keep you awake. More than anything, you need sleep. You’re tired to the bone. More tired than you’ve ever been in your life. You could sleep forever. You wish you could. That would fix everything. 
Andy fades into you conscious. Your mind turns to static, like a television. There’s only a monochrome crackle between your ears. The world is gone and for an instant, you are not afraid or hurt or angry. Not long enough. 
The hours pass in a blink. When you wake, the digital clock reads just before seven. You close your eyes again. You don’t want to be here. You want to be anywhere else. Yet, you have no escape, only this. Only sleep. Only the void away from feeling and thought.  
The next time you wake, it’s after nine. The other half of the bed is empty. You still don’t move. You sleep even as your head begins to thump. Another hour, and another, and another. Each time you open your eyes, time slips by. Not quick enough. 
“It’s noon,” Andy’s voice cuts through the fog. “I think it’s time to get up, sweetie.” 
His weight dips the bed in front of you and he rubs your shoulder, “come on, you want a coffee? A hot bath? I’ll make you pancakes.” 
“No,” you say and pull the blanket over your head. 
He huffs, “sweetie.” 
“No,” you repeat. 
“What’s going on? You have to at least get up and change. You’ve been in those clothes for two days.” 
“I don’t care.” 
“Sweetie, come on, I know it’s a big change. I thought... I thought we were past this. We’re going to work together,” he coaxes as he yanks on the blanket. He frees it from your grasp and uncovers your face. You squint at him, temples pounding. 
“That’s what you said,” you utter. 
He closes his eyes and puts his chin down. He takes a deep breath and pokes his tongue into his cheek. He lifts his head and his cheeks pinch with tension. 
“I’m being patient. I have been. And generous. I saw the way you were living--” 
“I didn’t ask you to fix me,” you say. “You can’t.” 
“That’s... you’re not broken, sweetie. I’m not trying to fix anything. You’re young and lost and I know it’s a lot but I’m trying to help you build a life--” 
“I’m young and stupid,” you glare at the wall, shuddering under his touch. “Because I believed you. I fell for your fucking lies--” 
“Sweetie, don’t--” 
“And you’re just some old man. I might be too young to know better but what’s your excuse?” You snarl. 
He’s silent. He retracts his hand and turns to sit straight. He drops his shoulders and another exhale slowly wafts from him. 
“My wife died. My son too.” He says, “I was alone and I found you. So don’t sit here and mope like you’re the one who knows pain. We’ve both lost people, I’m trying here, sweetie.” 
You want to laugh. You want to scream. You want to smack him. No, you want to sleep. You turn and roll onto your other side. 
“I’m tired,” you say. 
He grabs your elbow and you expect him to wrench you back. He doesn’t. Instead, he rubs your arm. 
“It’s okay, sweetie, I get it. I’ll be here.” He leans over and presses a kiss to your head. “Waiting for you.” 
He nuzzles your hair and draws away. You lay locked in place until he unlatches from you. The bed moves with his weight as he stands. 
“There’s a whole life waiting here with me.” 
You don’t move, you don’t speak, you don’t breathe until he’s gone. Then it all falls apart. You devolve into hiccuping sobs. You cocoon yourself in the blanket and weep. Its more than just him, more than just the weeks of doubt and self-hatred, it’s a whole lifetime of helplessness.  
The people you want to want you will never and the one person you could never see again won’t leave you alone. 
A soft weight lands by your feet. A sigh precedes Andy’s appearance as he strides up the side of the bed. He crosses his arms and glares down at you as your eyelids flutter. 
“You need to get dressed.” 
You wince and rub your forehead, “I’m tired.” 
“You’ve been in bed for two days. That’s long enough. Get up.” He demands. 
He's not coaxing anymore. There’s not an ounce of gentleness left in his voice. Or his stance. As you peek up at him, he seems bigger than ever. In that moment, you realise how truly big he is. He might be older but it doesn’t make him weaker than you. 
“Please,” you whine. 
“Look, I don’t want to treat you like a child, but that’s what you’re acting like,” he snips. “So come on. Sit up. I got a bath drawn for you. You’ll get washed up and feel a lot better.” 
“Andy,” you cover your face. 
He moves quickly. He grabs your wrist and pulls your hand away. “No, up.” 
“Hey--” you try to free yourself but he’s too strong. 
You kick and fight, trying to resist him, but he twists your arm and yanks you out of the bed. He holds your hand well above your head. He grips you tight enough that your bones creak. 
“Ow, you’re hurting me--” 
“I’m helping you, sweetie,” he lets you go at last. “So come on. I’ve been working hard to get everything read for you. You’re not going to rot away in bed.” 
You rub your wrist as you hug it to your chest. You’re a mess. You don’t need a mirror to tell you that much. Your hair feels grimy, your skin too, and your clothes stink of your sweat. You’re embarrassed at the realisation. 
“I’m sorry,” you shrink down. 
“I’m not mad. I’m worried,” he insists as he wraps his arm around your back and guides you forward. You don’t get how he isn’t repulsed by you. Deep inside, you hoped he would be. 
You’re pathetic. You’re gross. You're dumb. But he’s still there. He’s persistent.  
Are you ungrateful? 
It’s a nice house. Nicer than your grandmother’s. What is he even asking you for? To change your clothes and wash up? Basic, human acts. You are disgusting. How can he stand you? How can he want you? 
You feel the heat behind your eyes and a tingle in your nose. You need to be alone. You don’t want him to see you crack but you can’t keep it in much longer. 
“Okay, I’m sorry, Andy, I’ll... I’ll clean up,” you try to pull away but he doesn’t let you. 
He takes you into the bathroom. A nice sparkling bathroom with pristine tiles and clawfoot tub and fluffy mat and shining mirrors. It’s more than you could ever hope for or even dream of. 
He lets you go and you draw away at last. You hug yourself as you approach the tub, water lapping up the walls as it fills. He looms behind you. 
“There’s a towel for you,” he says. 
“Sorry,” you apologise again. “Can I just be alone?” 
“Sure, but I’ll check on you. If you need anything, just yell.” 
“Fine, sure, yeah,” you rub your neck and refuse to look at him.  
You’re embarrassed. You always hated the feeling that you were a loser. That you’re the dirty kid. You always smelled like your grandmother’s house and your clothes were always slightly wrinkly and you never had nice hair or new shows. You were always just the kid your parents left behind and your grandma wanted to forget. 
The door shuts and you turn to fall onto the closed toilet seat. You bend and cradle your head, bawling as you smother all noise in your hands. You hate yourself so much. You hate that you fell for his trick. You hate that you let it get this far. Even if it means Kara is safe, it doesn’t feel worth it anymore. 
You get up before the tub can overflow and shut it off. You undress and step into the steaming water. It’s too hot but you don’t care. You lower yourself in and close your eyes. Even if you feel unnerved by this strange house, the heat is soothing. 
In the moment of calm, you try to sort through it all. The grief, the fear, the anger, the doubt. You can’t let him take everything. You have to figure out what you can hold onto. What he will give you. He keeps saying he wants to give you everything, that he’ll take care of you. So, you’ll ask nicely, right? 
You sit up and grab the soap. You lather up a loofah without much attention to the act. He says you’re in this together. He’s making promises and you’re just asking that he follows through... 
You never asked anyone for anything. You never could. You were never afforded the luxury of expectation. This feels weird. It’s like you’re selling yourself for simple things and yet, he’s offering you more than you ever had before. 
Compared to what you know, the unknown might not be so bad. 
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crowdeerdire · 16 days
OLBA boys with a Gamer MC
Featuring: Cove, Baxter and Derek Synopis: How the boys would be around a Gamer MC (whether they're in PC gaming, console gaming, cozy, shooters, etc)
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Honestly would be happy with any interests you had
Although he prefers to go outside and be at the beach, he would probably also try to learn about whatever game you're into at that moment
maybe he wouldn't fully understand (aka 'MC... all you're doing is farming and cleaning? Can't you do that irl?', or 'why are you making a sims character that looks like me? I'm right here? You can talk to me?')
but if you're excited, then he's excited
he would support you, and hell, maybe you could get him into a game or two? (M/C: 'Cove! This one has mermaids!' Cove: 'What?? I wanna play!')
If you're the type to get up early for things like Nintendo Direct or some other video game announcments, he would be there with you too. I mean, he's a morning person anyways, but he would still wanna to hang out and find out why you're so excited
would ask questions and be genuinly interested when he get excited over an announcment
If you're the type to swear and get angry at video games, Cove would be surprised at first but depending how you are with him normally (like do you usually have a potty mouth?), he would laugh it off
If it starts getting too much he would definetly come over to you, concerned and worried that you're getting too heated
talks to you in a gentle voice and tries to ground you/calm you down
M/C: 'F**K THIS MARIO GAME WHY CAN'T I MAKE THIS STUPID F**KING JUMP?!' Cove: 'I don't know but you're getting really riled up, M/C... Why don't we take a break and just breathe? I'll listen to you rant, if you want?'
would play Mario party with you if you ask :)
The 'downside' would probably be Cove pouting if you're gaming too long (some new expansion came out and you wanna play it for 12hrs straight? oops) and ignoring him. He's all for you enjoying yourself, but he wants attention too...
would probably have to get him an extra chair if you're a pc gamer
or sit in his lap if you're playing on console
I think he would REALLY enjoy watching you play too? Like honestly watching people play games is really relaxing and I think it would be relaxing for him because he gets to spend time with you
would force you to take breaks/eat/hydrate and whatnot
Cove: 'You've been playing four hours straight.. At least stand up and walk around M/C!!' M/C: 'Just one more game...'
He WILL pick you up and drag you away from your game if he needs to
he may not get it either, like Cove, but he would support you
honestly all three boys are like: if this makes them happy, then I'm happy :)
I feel like he may get more into the tech side of it, tho, if he starts taking an interest?
and help figure out what best specs to use for whatever kind of games you are into?
he seems like the type to be willing to do research for whatever, especially if it helps you out and you're overwhelmed
Baxter: 'If you want M/C, you can go for this version of the console since you tend to play less intense games. That's why you don't have to overspend on something overpowered.' M/C: 'Oh, you're right! Thank you!'
Although I feel like Baxter might want to spoil you too...
M/C: 'YOU BOUGHT ME A PS5??? AREN'T THOSE SOLD OUT EVERYWHERE???' Baxter: 'I have my connections :)'
Would say 'My uncle works at nintendo/playstation/microsoft/etc' in the most serious tone, but we all know he's bullshitting... right?
Would probably enjoy watching as well, especially RPGs I think?
Like he would get into the story and ask questions and maybe even theorize with you
If you got up early for a game announcment, he would give you a thumbs up from bed before falling back to sleep. He ain't getting up for that, but he loves and supports you
If you get really heated playing a game, I think he would egg you on as a joke
M/C: 'F**K YOU I SHOT YOU!! HOW DID YOU KILL ME FIRST??' Baxter: 'You tell them, honey'
Of course if you get too rilled up, he would be beside you, gently putting his hand on your shoulder and suggesting a break and something to eat. Maybe just spend some time with him and relax :)
He can't blame you also if you get super hyperfixated on a game and play for hours on end
I always think Baxter is a work-a-holic and would get what those kind of moods would be like
Would bring you snacks and drinks tho :)
Derek is a gamer as well, which we know from his DLC
not a huge gamer maybe as yourself
would enjoy playing party games and racing games with you
Would really get into it as well. Maybe try to win by giving you smooches and tickles if you're too good
He would also be the type to be excited if you're excited by something
Would also get up early with you for game announcments - would even skip the gym if it was something you were really excited about
Would ask lots of questions but also do his own research into the game so he could talk about it as well with you?
I feel like out of the three boys he would most liking get into gaming with you
Maybe nothing too crazy, but you could convince him into something more casual
If you were playing something competitive, he would be cheering you on
Probably REALLY enjoys watching you play
Like honestly, watching someone play video games can be really relaxing and almost intimite somehow? Cause you're sharing their passion? idk man :)
If you're getting heated over a game and are swearing up a storm, he would be at your side quickly, trying to calm you down.
He gets games can be frusterating, but you need to breathe or you're gonna get upset and he does not want that
Will force you to take breaks
Derek: 'M/C... You gotta eat and drink properly if you wanna keep gaming! C'mon, we can have something together!'
Would probably make sure you keep a semi proper sleep schedule as well because he's a worry wart and wants to make sure you're healthy
Will carry you away from a game if he has too (will wait inbetween matches if it's something you can't pause. He understands that much)
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a/n: my mind is unhinged today :)) Hope y'all enjoyed and I hope non of the boys were ooc? Let me know what you think :)
divider by: @/cafekitsune
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tiniedemon · 1 year
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poly kenny mccormick & kyle broflovski
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being stan’s twin had its perks, very occasionally. as his younger sibling, you got the protection of him. as shelly’s, you were bullied relentlessly. it didn’t help that your father, randy, was a loose cannon. not to mention the neglectful nature of your mother, sharon, who cared more about your siblings than about you.
as the (minutes younger) baby of the family, you were spoiled with material items, but never love. a new laptop every year, every gaming console as soon as it came out, every new game preordered. it just wasn’t the same as the bond your mother shared with your siblings, her true babies.
stan was your closest family member, which was a bit sad considering you had three others. many a night you spent in his room, the two of you venting about your shared distaste for your father. it truly felt like having a true friend for the first time in your life. you’d always struggled with making those in south park, a town full of angry kids, and having a built in best friend made things a lot easier.
you’d grown up playing with and hanging out with stan’s friends, especially kyle and kenny. the four of you shared a disdain for the other member of your friend group, eric. he was a pompous prick with little to no regard for anyone else’s feelings. his self-centered asshole mentality had carried into his teenage years, and into adulthood. he’d been disowned by your brother’s friends once they’d hit junior year of high school, which was a major relief for you.
you mulled over all of these things within the confines of your room, eyes on the ceiling, repeated sighs leaving your lips. your thoughts lingered on kenny and kyle, your only two friends in this world and, sadly, your crushes.
it was hard being friends with them in a way. they were dating, a long brewing relationship that developed over the course of sixteen years before they’d finally decided to get together. you were incredibly saddened by it, but it wasn’t like you couldn’t see them ever again.
they frequently joined in on yours and stan’s outings, but it was absolute torture for you. kenny was consistent in his pda with his boyfriend, and despite how much kyle protested it, he always wore a smile and gave in. you longed every day to be on the receiving end of kenny’s incessant kissing and hand holding, and kyle’s charming smiles and poetic flirting.
you’d been in this loop of self destruction for months. it was taking a toll on your mental health. you were tired constantly from nights spent staring at your ceiling, overthinking the entire situation about your two best friends.
you sighed, dragging yourself from your bed, and padded off to stan’s room. he was also still awake, phone screen lighting his face as he laid on his side. he looked up at you, scooted to the side, and tapped the empty space next to him. you crawled into bed with your brother, pulling the blankets to your chin as you shivered.
“you always keep your room so fucking cold,” you grumbled, holding your hand over your nose to trap the heat in. he sighed and rolled his eyes, sitting up to grab an extra blanket from the end of his bed and tossing it to you.
“and you complain too much. shut the fuck up,” he sighed, then laid back down and faced you. you adjusted the blanket over your body, then finally looked back at him with a huff.
“i don’t know what to do about kenny and kyle,” you admitted, a blush on your cheeks and a frown on your lips. stan raised his eyebrow, a sign for you to continue speaking. “i want to be with them, both of them, which i know is sort of shitty of me. i just love them, y’know? and it’s hard because they’re both so focused on each other that they don’t pay me any mind at all. am i shitty for this?”
“not at all,” stan responded, readjusting your head to lay on his arm instead of his mattress. “you don’t choose who you love. you just so happened to get fucked with having feelings for two people instead of one. that’s not your fault.”
you sighed, using one of your hands to adjust the stray hairs defying the part of his hair. he smiled at you, patting your cheek.
“i’m just not sure what exactly i’m supposed to do. i can’t just go for people in a relationship, y’know? i’d be so shitty for that. i just don’t know what to do.”
stan was silent for a moment, his eyes untrained and staring at the space behind your head. you worried your lip between your teeth as you waited to a response, pulling the blankets further up your body.
“i say you start flirting back,” he spoke finally. “they were flirting with you for ages before they got into a relationship with each other. maybe you could try flirting with them for a change?”
you froze, eyes growing big. they’d been flirting with you? you hadn’t noticed. now you felt like a huge idiot. stan wouldn’t lie about something like that. you really were so oblivious that you hadn’t noticed they were flirting with you.
“we’re all hanging out tomorrow. you should join us, maybe throw some hints their way. if it doesn’t work out, that’s completely fine, too. just know you don’t need them to be happy, okay? you’ve always got me, for life.”
you took stan’s advice, and boy did you regret it. it was mid winter in the colorado mountains, and you were freezing your ass off. you were clad in a thick jacket and one of stan’s fleece hats, and even that wasn’t enough to block out the frigid winds as the two of you waited for the couple to show.
“i hate you for this,” you grumbled, both your hands in the pockets of your brother’s jacket. he rolled his eyes and flicked your forehead, then adjusted the hat on your head to better cover your ears.
“it’s not my fault you get cold easily. stop complaining,” he muttered. you could hear kenny and kyle’s voices approaching, your eyes darting around to spot them. they approached behind your brother, hand in hand, smiles on their faces as they bickered playfully. you looked at your brother with wide eyes, panicking internally.
“i don’t think i can do this,” you whispered, stan offering a half smile as he rubbed your arms for friction heat.
“you’ve got this, y/n,” he whispered in response. you nodded hesitantly, shooting the approaching couple a glance over stan’s shoulder.
“i’ve got this,” you murmured to yourself as reassurance. you took a deep breath, opened your mouth, and shouted, “nice face, broflovski!”
the couple halted in their steps, and your heart dropped into your feet. you could visualize it laying between your feet, along with the bricks you’d just shat on the pavement.
then kenny’s face pulled into a crooked grin, and kyle smirked a tad as he tugged kenny towards you, kenny dragging his feet as they crossed the distance between the two groups.
“nice ass, marsh," kenny spoke as the couple finally approached. your face turned red, only amplified as kyle grabbed a handful of your brother's ass. stan's face matched yours as he swatted kyle's hand away, a scowl on his face.
"i fully agree, ken. stan's got some cake on him," kyle chuckled out, shooting a wink towards you. kenny scoffed and tossed an arm over his boyfriend's shoulder, smirking at you.
"i was talking about y/n here, but now that i'm looking at it, i think you might be right, ky," kenny drawled, landing a smack on your brother's ass.
"i wish the two of you would stop grabbing my ass," stan grumbled. you chuckled as you linked arms with your brother, gesturing to the coffee shop the three of you were stood before.
"can we please go in?" you begged, bending your knees and forcing a shiver for emphasis. "i really need a hot mocha before my entire body turns into a lump of frostbite."
"y/n, i love you, but you are literally the single most dramatic bitch i know," stan grumbled, but complied with your request. you shot a grin over your shoulder to the couple behind you as the four of you entered tweak bros. coffee, the duo offering equally large smiles of their own.
the coffee date was relatively uneventful otherwise. kyle would occasionally wink at you, and kenny had grabbed your hand over the table a handful of times, but it was otherwise sort of boring. stan had, unfortunately, spilled an iced americano in his lap, and the hangout had been wrapped up two hours after it had started.
"alright, guys. i've gotta get butterfingers here home before i start bullying him for shitting his pants through his dick. i'll see you guys later," you sighed as the four of you once again stood outside the coffee shop. kyle cast a glance to kenny, who pulled you into a tight hug for a few moments.
"kenny and i aren't doing anything later. how about the two of you come over for movie night tonight?" kyle asked, a hopeful gleam in his eyes. you glanced at your brother, who was already shaking his head while he struggled to cover the brown stan on his crotch with his jacket. your heart sunk along with the corners of your lips, your hands finding their way into your jacket pockets.
"probably not tonight. stan's got a pretty big conference call later," you uttered in response, shifting your weight between your legs. stan look at you with confusion written all over his face, nudging you towards the couple in front of you with his elbow.
"so you go without me, dumbass. i have a call, not you. go have fun with tweedle bitch and tweedle cunt," he responded. you flushed, a frown on your face as you pulled your brother to the side. you could hear kyle and kenny grumbling about their nicknames from a few feet away.
"i'm not going to their apartment by myself, dumbfuck," you hissed in a whisper, eyes narrowed. "what if i have to, like, shit or something? that would be embarrassing as fuck."
"how is that embarrassing?" stan deadpanned, his face blank as he stared at your nervous, fidgeting form.
"i could clog their toilet and then have to fish out my own shit with my hands. or i could not make it to the toilet and accidentally spray shit on their walls. anything could fucking happen, stan" you whisper yelled. stan rolled his eyes and bent down, hoisting you up into his arms and turning around, your disgruntled form held bridal style in his arms. he passed you off to a surprised kenny, who struggled to hold you for a second before gaining his footing and his purchase on you.
"take this stupid bitch home with you or i'm going to beat her ass the second she steps foot in our apartment," your brother deadpanned, then turned on his heel and walked towards your shared home.
"you're just going to leave me, stanley!" you shouted, stan flipping you the bird over his shoulder.
"sure am, bitch! don't care where you go, just don't come home until my call is over!" he called back to you. you huffed, rolling your eyes. then you made eye contact with kenny, then kyle, and your face turned red as you sulked.
"you can set me down, kenny," you muttered, a squeak passing through your lips as he turned and began walking towards kyle's car. "seriously, kenny, you can set me down."
"i don't think he's going to," kyle mused as he unlocked his car with his key fob. you glanced at him with a shy smile, and then up at kenny with the same smile. the blonde grinned at you as he placed you in a sitting position on the hood of the suv, patting your thighs with both hands as you settled.
"thanks, ken. i can't believe stan just left me like that. what if you guys decided to traffic me or something? he wouldn't have his twin there to keep him awake at night. instead he'd get to sleep at a decent time and i just can't let that happen," you rambled as kyle and kenny worked together to tidy up the clutter in their back seat.
"y/n, honey, you've known us since diapers. i highly doubt we'd traffic you," kyle hummed as he came to stand between your legs. you flushed, crossing your arms over your chest as you avoided his gaze. you were shivering so violently your teeth were chattering, your jacket once again doing almost nothing to shield you from the cold winter air.
"i'm just saying the chances are never zero. my dad could and would traffic me if he could get free crack as payment and i came directly from his ballsack. if you wanted to, you would," you protested, rubbing your arms with your bare hands in an attempt to bring some warmth back to your body. kyle took notice, his calculating green eyes missing nothing, and slowly removed his gloves as you spoke. they dropped into your lap, his hands capturing yours and sliding them over your shaking fingers.
"sweetheart, i'm sure we could score the best crack for you, but it just won't happen," kenny mused, approaching on your side and leaning against the door of the suv as he looked at you with a humored smile. "i think kyle would be absolutely devastated if i traded you for crack instead of stephen king's full collection."
you guffawed, looking between kyle and kenny, mouth dropped open and eyes wide. kenny was obviously holding back laughter while kyle glared at him, annoyance clearly displayed on his sharp features.
"kenny, if you don't shut the fuck up, i will cut your mullet off in your sleep," kyle spat. you scoffed and held up your hands, feigning offence. you were holding back laughter as well, a small chuckle escaping your lips.
"i can't believe this. i'm calling the fucking tooth fairy. next time you lose a tooth in a bar fight, you can count on the tooth fairy leaving a pile of shit under your pillow instead of a dollar," you threatened kenny, sliding your way off the hood of the suv. kyle burst out into laughter alongside kenny, the blonde following behind you to open the car door for you. you relished in the remnants of the heat in the vehicle, clasping your hands in your lap to keep them warm. kenny stood between your legs, taking kyle's spot, and you rolled your eyes with a humored grin.
"i'm sorry, sugar," he chuckled, pressing a kiss to your forehead. you were left a blushing, stuttering mess as he crept away and shut your door behind him. kyle shot you a smug look from the driver seat, taking in the flustered expression on your face.
"i think you broke her," the ginger uttered to the blonde as he slid into the passenger seat. kenny shrugged, winking a blue eye at you from the front seats.
you were incapacitated.
long story short, kyle was a great driver, and kenny was a horrible passenger princess. kyle was very calm for the entire forty-five-minute drive back to their house, his driving smooth and road rage minimal. meanwhile, kenny was going absolutely feral in the passenger seat. he played the absolute most random songs, some lame techno beats with little to no words, and hung his head out the window almost the entire drive.
you were incredibly thankful to see the couple's apartment building appear in the distance, entirely overwhelmed by kenny's chaotic passenger activities. by the time the three of you had made it to their home, kenny's hair was tousled and frizzy from the cool wind whipping through it. kyle simple smiled at his lover and pulled him into a soft kiss. your heart clenched at the sight, jealousy burning in your stomach.
"oh, sorry, y/n. you want one too?" kenny inquired with a cocky grin. your face burned as you pulled the best disgusted expression you could, eyes jumping between his and the back of his seat.
"fix your face first. you look like you got hit by the ugly train," you grumbled, watching his smile grow through your repetitive glances towards his face.
"you know you love my face, marsh," he cooed. kyle exited the vehicle amidst your banter with kenny and you were quick to follow, jogging to catch up. kenny caught you by the wrist, scooping you up in his grasp, and carried you the rest of the way to the door. you yelped, eyes big and face red, body jumping with each bound to the house's entrance.
"kenny, i do wish you'd stop frightening our guest," kyle called, amusement clear in his voice. over kenny's shoulder, you could see him bending to pick up the hat kenny had knocked off your head in his hasty actions.
"nice ass, broflovski!" you called over his shoulder, a mischievous smile on your face. he jumped and turned to look at you, face red and grinning.
"nice rack sweetheart," kenny whispered in your ear, once again reminding you of the position you were stuck in, pressing a kiss to the side of your head. you were rendered speechless for the second time that day, brain short-circuiting as kenny carried you into their home. kyle closed the door behind the three of you, tossing your hat on the back of the couch. you were quick to follow, kenny hovering you over the back and dropping you haphazardly on top of the cushions. his body fell over the side, his body toppling on top of yours, head burying itself in the cushions next to your head.
"kenny! you give me such a fucking migraine. please get off y/n! she's fucking fragile!" kyle scolded, swatting at the back of kenny's head with a scowl. you giggled, albeit a bit nervously, gazing up at kyle around kenny's mop of blonde hair. kyle was red in the face, averting his eyes from yours, circling the sofa to take his seat next to your feet. with both hands, he lifted both yours and kenny's legs, scooting over and laying them in his lap.
"hey pretty thing," kenny cooed as he finally lifted his head from the suffocation of the couch. his grin was dopey as he gazed at you, eyes droopy and hair messily covering half of his face. "come here often?"
"please stop seducing our guest," kyle deadpanned, swatting at kenny's foot. kenny hissed and threw his legs off the side of the couch, letting half his body slide onto the floor, his head buried in your torso. you sat up, gingerly pushing kenny's head off you, pulling your legs from kyle's lap in favor of pulling them to your chest. he looked away from the television long enough to pointedly glance at you, then turned his attention back to it and used the hand that wasn't controlling the remote to pull them back onto his lap. you blushed, only increased by kenny scooting his way between you and kyle, your legs now crossing both their laps. kyle used his free hand to pry your shoes from your feet, eyes still glued to the screen.
"y/n, what kind of movie do you wanna watch?" kyle inquired, turning his head to look at you over his lover. you shrugged, arms around your torso, blush on your face.
"i don't really know. i’m not really one for movies lately. i’m too busy watching shameless,” you admitted sheepishly. kenny’s head perked up and turned to you, a grin on his face.
“what season?” he asked eagerly. you made quick work of finding your phone, hands shaking as you opened netflix and checked your progress.
“season six, episode three,” you responded. kenny turned to kyle, who opened netflix and selected the correct season and episode of shameless. he paused it as soon as it loaded, making eye contact with kenny. you were squirming. they seemed to be making conversation telepathically, eyes locked on each other, silence piercing your ears.
"which one of us are you in love with?" kyle finally asked, voice soft as he leaned forward to stare into your soul. your squirming intensified, kenny rubbing your calve reassuringly as he gazed at you. you felt like a deer caught in headlights, heart pumping in your ears, hands shaking in your lap, face pale, eyes wide.
"we're not asking out of a place of spite, love," kenny reassured. you could hardly hear him over the sound of your own pulse, your mouth going dry as tears flooded your eyes. you'd never felt so anxious before in your life. this was everything you wanted, laid out in front of you, and you were terrified.
"i-" was all you managed to get out, unable to speak around the lump in your throat and the cotton in your mouth.
"sweetheart," kyle sighed, leaning far forward to reach his arm over kenny and grasp on of your hands. kenny did the rest of the work, tugging you into a side hug as you panicked. you weren't sure exactly what your issue was. you wanted them to be interested in you. you wanted their attention. you wanted this. why the hell were you having a panic attack over something you'd been praying for since puberty?
eventually, after a handful of minutes, you were able to calm down enough to hear the murmured reassurane of the couple holding you. you could pull your head back and you could look at them, an embarrassed smile on your face as you whispered your apology.
"why should you be sorry, love? we caught you off guard," kenny hushed. kyle nodded along in agreement, a soft smile on his face as his fingertips caressed your cheek.
"you don't have to apologize for anything, sweetheart. we genuinely didn't think you'd react like that. that's completely our fault," he whispered, ginger curls falling into his face. you ran your fingertips over his forehead to adjust them, then let them trail down the side of his face. he flushed under your touch, cheeks turning a rosy pink under a small smattering of sun exposure freckles.
"if we're being honest, we've had feelings for you for quite some time, probably a decade. we were trying to figure out if you were interested in one of both of us," kenny admitted. you blushed, eyes jumping between kenny's red face and kyle's. for a second, you wondered if you were in a dream. you discreetly pinched your leg, wincing as your heart raced. it definitely wasn't a dream.
"both," you whispered. you were still incredibly nervous to admit your feelings, but with the confession on kenny's part, you felt a bit more confident in your feelings. kenny was the first to embrace you, your face buried in his boney chest, kyle's lanky arms wrapping around the both of you.
"we don't have to immediately figure shit out," kyle murmured after a few moments of your silent embrace. you nodded slowly, unraveling your fingers from the back of kenny's shirt.
"i'd rather watch shameless right now, if i'm being honest," you murmured, a sheepish smile on your face. "my mind has been fucked way too much for one day." kyle chuckled along, pressing play on the tv. kenny started unzipping your outdoor coat with a small grin.
"i mean, we could always fuck you in other ways," he joked with a suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows. you guffawed, face turning red as kyle whacked his chest.
"kenny, please, shut the actual fuck up!" he exclaimed, face equally as red as yours. kenny burst into laughter as he continued helping you out of your coat, draping it on the back of the sofa.
"sorry, sorry," he chortled. you settled into the couch, a small smile on your face as you focused your attention on the dysfunctional screen family.
taglist @hand-writxen @quackyfae @n0tangeliccc @triphovia @vanillawh0re @scrawny-simp @oldcabinets @mags138 @zeroquiverx
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The Tour I
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“Stop looking at me like that all the damn time,” you growl. Even his stare now is making your insides tighten.
“Like what?” he quirks his eyebrow in confusion, swirling his thick metal ring around his index finger absentmindedly.
“Like I’m the most important person in the room,” you whisper.
“But you are.”
“I knew I should’ve never agreed to do this.”
You drag yourself off the couch and head for the door but his hand wrapped around your wrist stops you.
“Let you pay me…I feel so dirty,” you sigh and look anywhere but at his crystal blue orbs.
“What the fuck do you mean pay you?!”
Oh fuck…
3 months, 2 week and 1 day earlier
Kells was on a downward spiral and everyone could see it but no one knew what to do. No one knew why though. Any time someone attempted to talk to him, to try and help him, he’d bite their head off and say he was fine. You hadn’t tried to talk to him, though. You knew him well enough to know that trying to talk to him was pointless and you didn’t particularly feel like being yelled at by him. Everyone else was finally starting to get the hint and everyone was avoiding him like the black plague. It was going to be pretty hard for everyone to pretend he didn’t exist when their American tour began in 2 weeks. 3 months, a tour bus and a bunch of hotels meant being in each other’s pockets on a daily basis. 
You were thankfully not going because as just a friend in the group, with no part in the band, tour or managerial capacity, you don’t have to go. Sure you miss your friends when they’re all away on tour but you and Colson have an unspoken agreement that while he’s away on tour, you have free reins on his massive house in the Hollywood Hills. Sort of like a house sitter without the pay and you don’t have to spend the night every night if you don’t want to. You usually do though. 
Colson always ensures the fridge and pantry are stocked with your favourite snacks and sodas. His big ass flatscreen is connected to all the streaming services and well as the latest gaming consoles. Not to mention the very large heated pool in his backyard that overlooks the city. The guest room, just down the hallway from the master, is about the same size as your apartment. A large king size bed sits in the middle of the room, a small sofa in front of the tv mounted on the wall opposite, a large window bench seat that overlooks the small garden below and a walk-in wardrobe that puts your pocky closet to shame. 
Colon ensures your favourite candles are scattered around the room to make you feel more at home. He always teases you about your candle obsession but that doesn’t stop him from feeding into it. You secretly think he loves them too but is too macho to admit it. You always catch him inhaling deeply whenever he steps into your apartment.
Being at Colson’s house is the reset from your life that you need sometimes, you hadn’t realised how much you relied on it until the thought of it not happening becomes a big possibility.
Ashleigh had been nervous about going on tour for months now, ever since Colson’s antics became more extreme, bit by bit. You weren’t overly surprised by her desperate phone call a few weeks before the tour, inviting you over to her house for a chat. She confided in you a lot more than anyone else because she knew anything she said to you would stay between the two of you. 
At the beginning, the spiral was pretty on par with Colson’s usual antics. Drinking, way too much weed, partying. After a few weeks though, the group began to get worried. He kept upping the ante. Drinking to the point of a buzz became drinking until he blacked out. Weed turned into trying to buy pills at 3am in downtown Hollywood and getting arrested because the ‘dealer’ was an undercover cop. Luckily the record labels lawyers were able to talk the cops down to a fine. The partying remained pretty much the same, the parties just went for days and days. 
Everyone was concerned but it didn’t turn into full blown panic until Colson cancelled plans with Cassie. She was due to come during the summer for a month before the next tour began and Colson just…called it off. Cassie was devastated. You still remember the pain in her voice when she called you in tears to tell you. It was heartbreaking. You got straight in your car to go and see Colson and tear him a new one but he was too hammered to even understand what you were saying. He never blows off his daughter. The one time he truly opened up to you, he told you how guilty he feels about how much of her childhood he’s missing out on. That was the first time you felt that pang of overwhelming fear that something was desperately wrong.
You walk straight through Ashleigh’s front door, dying to get out of the California heat. You hear the sound of muffled voices coming from her kitchen. A deep male voice is the most prominent, mostly because he sounds pissed. You don’t recall Ashleigh mentioning having a meeting today so you assume it’s ok for you to interrupt whatever the discussion that’s happening. When you step into the kitchen, everyone stops talking and there’s 4 pairs of eyes on you. Ashleigh looks sympathetic and borderline mortified but the 2 men and woman look less than pleased.
“Hey, Y/N, thanks for coming on such short notice,” Ashleigh says, giving you a small smile.
When you take in the appearance of her guests, you suddenly feel very underdressed in your short linen sundress. Ashleigh looks nervous when she invites you to sit before turning her attention back to the very red looking man in the crisp, definitely expensive suit. His eyes scrutinise you with a terrifying gaze, so intimidating you have to look away after a few seconds.
“Sorry to interrupt, I didn’t know you were in a…meeting?” it unintentionally comes out as a question because the stare of the man is still on you and it makes you unsure.
“You’re late,” the man grumbles and his voice is as commanding as you’d imagined. “Look, I don’t have a lot of time to beat around the bush so let's cut to the chase.”
“Francis,” the woman says with a warning tone and she frowns softly when he finally looks at her. “None of this is her fault, let's remember that shall we?” she gives you an apologetic smile that immediately puts you at ease and suddenly you’re not as intimidated. 
“Fine,” Francis grumbles and you can see him make a strained effort to relax the vein pulsing in his neck. “Colson’s actions lately are making us and frankly our lawyers very nervous. As I’m sure you can understand, normally we’d drop him for not meeting his contractual obligations but with a tour starting in less than 2 weeks that just isn’t a viable option. Many people have spent too much time and money making this happen and we’re not wasting all of that by cancelling.” 
“And you wouldn’t want to disappoint the fans, right?” you interject knowing full well that the thought didn’t even cross their money hungry minds.
“Yes, of course,” he gripes at you and Ashleigh begs you to keep your mouth shut with her eyes. “That’s where you come in,” he points a pudgy finger at you and you grimace internally. “We need you to join them on tour and make sure everything runs smoothly.”
You look at Ashleigh with your jaw on the floor and for the first time since you got there, Ashleigh avoids you. Why would they need you to go on tour to keep Colson in line when that’s Ashleigh’s job? Did she get fired? No way would you replace one of your closest friends just to satisfy some lawyers and record execs. Before you can open your mouth to decline, the woman speaks again.
“We understand that this is a lot to take in and obviously you will need time to think about it-”
“We will need your answer within 48 hours, we have a tour to plan after all Kathy,” Francis interjects and Kathy’s jaw flexes with irritation. You get the feeling Francis interrupts a lot.
“And we will of course pay you for your time, pay for any and all expenses associated with your hotels, food and flights. Once we have your answer we can work out all the finer details but we will give you time to talk it over with Ashleigh and your current employer.”
You blanch internally. As of 3 days ago, you’re actually unemployed after your company decided to make some ‘necessary cutbacks’, translation: layoffs. You hadn’t told any of your friends because even though they never make you feel any less, you know you have a hell of a lot less money than them and this will only make money tighter for you. 
You never want to feel like a charity case with them so you always make sure to pay your own way, never take advantage. Even when you stay at Colson’s house when he’s on tour, you ensure you keep the house clean, collect his mail, water the few plants he has and keep the pool clean. Last time he was gone, you even reorganised his pantry for him. He spent months calling you to ask where certain things were even though everything was labelled.
The suits didn’t stick around for too much longer after their proposal. Ashleigh walks them out and you hear Francis insist that they have an answer within 48 hours, again. You’re tempted to get up and rip into him about how to speak to people but you decide against it when you hear Ashleigh’s reassurances. You know in a way that Ashleigh deals with Colson’s record label more than he does and you don’t want to make the relationship more strained for her. When she comes back to the dining room, you want to stand and envelop her in a hug. Her face just looks defeated. Has she looked that way for long? You feel guilty that you hadn’t noticed that everything going on with Colson has taken a toll on his oldest friend in the world.
“When was the last time you got a full night’s sleep?” you ask her, concern lacing your tone. You don’t want to tell her but she looks awful.
“Depends, what month is it?” she tried to make a joke but her face was too exhausted to muster a smile.
“Ash…what the fuck is going on?”
“They…they don’t think I can handle him on my own anymore and to be honest, I don’t think they’re wrong. Between trying to keep him from an early grave, keep his bad publicity out of the media and keep the upcoming tour on track and organised, I’m drowning. I had to send Ashton to stay with my mom so I could work around the clock. The record label wanted some PR lady to take over and I just-I couldn’t let them do that. Not only would Colson flip at the idea of a ‘babysitter’, he would just rebel even harder against whoever they sent and that would make everyone’s lives miserable. They demanded I come up with a solution and I just panicked. I blurted out your name and the plan just formed as I spoke. I’m so sorry to drag you into this but I just thought if it was you, Colson would go easier on you and I’m just…I’m exhausted.”
You convinced Ashleigh to go and lie down for a little bit, to try and catch up on some much needed sleep. You take her phone off her to ensure she’s not disturbed by anyone. You assure her, multiple times, that you’re not upset that she talked the record label into asking for your help. You know she was just trying to protect Colson from a stranger who wouldn’t understand him or what he needs. 
Still, the thought of going on tour makes your stomach twist into knots and a burning sensation begins in your throat. You can honestly say you’ve never had any desire to go on tour with your friends and it has absolutely nothing to do with you using Kells’ house while he’s gone, although that is a huge perk. The thought of going to all those different cities, different time zones, living out of a suitcase, eating nothing but greasy food and living off potato chips and coffee doesn’t appeal to you in any way. Of course, they always come back with wild stories from their time on the road but they also always look completely exhausted and a little irritated with each other. It’s the one time you get to hang out with each of them one on one because none of them like to see each other for at least a week after the tour is over.
The more you thought about it, the more you’d talked yourself out of going. That was until you spent an hour with Ashleigh’s cell. The thing did not shut up. Text messages, emails, phone calls, media updates. The thing was a notification love bomb. There were things about the tour, messages from Francis pressuring her about Colson’s latest behaviours. Rook had to drag him out of his car last night to stop him from driving while half-baked, half drunk and half belligerent about needing a burger at 3am. You can tell by the messages from Francis that Colson is on his last strike when it comes to the law. The last thing that he can afford is to be arrested again. No lawyer would be able to save him from his second arrest in a month.
You know you came into this group because of your friendship with Rook but everyone feels so important to you now that you feel like it’s your duty to help them in any way possible. Everyone has been trying their best to keep Colson in line and everyone up until this point has been struggling. That kind of made you wonder why Ashleigh thought how you getting involved could end any differently than anyone else so far. You make a mental note to ask her that question while you’re making some dinner for her to eat once she wakes up.
You place the spaghetti in a bowl on her bench and cover it in plastic wrap. You leave a post-it note on top of the food with a love heart and tidy your mess up. Once the dishes are done, you put her phone on Do Not Disturb with an hour timer and sneak it onto her bedside table before leaving. You drive in silence, not bothering to connect your phone to your ancient Bluetooth system, because you need your mind to be completely clear. You run through a list of pros and cons in your mind.
Pros: you’d get to spend time with all your favourite people, you’d get to see new cities, you’d actually be a part of a fun tour story instead of just hearing about it after the fact, you’d get to see Colson live in concert every night and see a whole new side to him, you’d make some money out of it.
Cons: tour hasn’t even started and you’re already exhausted by the thought of it, you don’t want to live out of a suitcase, you’d miss your own bed, you need to find a new job which you can’t do on the road, you have bills to pay, you have no one to look after your apartment or collect your mail, you don’t know if you’ll be able to handle spending so much time around Colson.
That last con has you almost calling Ashleigh to decline on the spot. When you first started hanging with Rook’s best friend you developed a crush, bad. Spending time with him was hard because there were all these things you wanted to do or say but you just had to bite your tongue and sit on your hands. Eventually, after pushing your feelings down hard enough, they began to lessen but it took a lot of effort on your part. Watching Colson parade a different woman around every weekend helped but still, it was hard. You’ve made it a point not to spend a lot of one on one time with him in order to keep your feelings in check but going on this tour for the sole purpose of keeping him out of trouble means spending a lot of time with him. 
You think you’ve come to the inevitable conclusion you were pretty sure was always going to be your answer, no, but then Ashleigh’s exhausted face crosses your mind. Your shoulders slump and you take a deep inhale. Pulling your car to a stop out the front of your apartment, you pull your phone out and dial Ashleigh’s number.
“Hey!” she answers on the third ring, sounding much chipper after her nap. “Thank you so much for the spaghetti, it was delicious!”
“Hey, you’re welcome. I wanted to give you my answer so you don’t have to spend the next 48 hours stressing.”
“Oh, please don’t rush on my account. Take your time. Francis gave you 48 hours for a reason, it’s a big decision,” she sounds absolutely terrified.
“I’ll do it.”
“Oh my god! Thank you so much Y/N! I owe you big time. I’ll call Francis straight away so they can organise your contract and pay,” she sounds almost giddy and her enthusiasm begins to rub off onto you.
“I’m just glad I can help alleviate some of your stress. I am worried about how I’m going to tell Kells that I’m coming as his official ‘handler’,” you chuckle but Ashleigh doesn’t laugh along with you.
“I’ll let Kells know you’re coming,” her tone is clipped like she’s annoyed you’d want to let him know yourself but then her voice relaxes a little. “I’m so excited you’re coming hun.”
“Me too,” you agree with a smile. 
You say your goodbyes and hang up the phone, suddenly feeling very unsure about your decision. Maybe you were acting a bit rash but you just can’t stand to see your friends struggling like Ashleigh was. You’re not 100% sure how you’re going to make her life any easier because you haven’t exactly been dealing with Colson like everyone else but you’ll have to just wing it and hope it works out.
Well…here goes nothing.
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bearr02 · 1 year
Safe and Sound |Chapter Five|
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Pairing: Hybrid!Ot7 x F!Reader
Chapter warnings: None :)
Summary: You have worked at a hybrid rehab and adoption center for years, enjoying being able to help people others only see as their animal side. You thought you might end up taking in one or two, what you didn’t expect however, was to take in 7.
Genre: Fluff, angst, eventual smut, non-idol au, hybrid au, strangers to friends to lovers au,
Word count: 2.4K (damn that’s new)
Member’s hybrid types: Namjoon: Bear, Yoongi: Bobcat, Hoseok: Ferret, Jin: Wolf, Jimin: Red panda, Jungkook: Bunny, Taehyung: Marble fox
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A/n: it’s finally out! I finally got around to it! I’m so sorry that there tends to be such wide intervals between each post, but I’m hoping I’ll get to a steady posting time soon. New member, woohoo!
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You bid goodbye to Jin, heading over to Taehyung’s room to check up on Jimin and Taehyung. You hear laughter from the room as you approach it, making you smile.
You knock, mumbling a “Knock knock,” loud enough for them to hear, waiting for the door to open. You hear some rustling before the door is opened revealing a pouting Jimin. You pout back, “Hey, Jimin. I’m sorry I didn’t come by earlier, I had to take care of another hybrid.”
His face seems to fall slightly at that, yet he immediately puts on a small smile, nodding in understanding before welcoming you into the room. “Hey, Taehyung. How are you holding up?” He smiles, “Pretty good, better than I thought I would.” You smile.
Jimin takes a seat beside Taehyung on the bed, patting the spot beside him for you to sit as well. You make your way over, sitting down with some space between you, “Are you going to be able to hang out?” Jimin asks, looking at you with puppy dog eyes.
You chuckle, “Yes, I can hang out until dinner.” Jimin smiles widely, earning a smile from you. “Let’s play something!” Jimin chirps. “Like what?” Taehyung asks, laying down on the bed, “Umm..” Jimin pouts, trying to think of a game. “I can always get a board game?” You offer, standing up.
“Do you both want to come with me to pick out a game?” Taehyung nods, yet Jimin seems reluctant. “It’ll be okay, Minie. Don’t worry.” Taehyung assures, gently taking his hand and standing up with him.
You lead the way, shutting the door behind the three of you before going in front again, taking them to the gaming area of the building. Jimin’s eyes widened in curiosity at the amount of board games and electronic games, watching the hybrids playing numerous games on different consoles.
You turn and see the longing in both Taehyung and Jimin’s eyes, bringing a smile to your face, “Do you wanna play here? There should be a free console for the two of you.” Jimin jumps, turning to look at you quickly with slight embarrassment while Taehyung nods viciously.
Taehyung starts to drag Jimin to an available console, tail wagging slightly behind him. You follow behind closely, staying especially close to Jimin when Taehyung lets go of his hand to grab the controller. Jimin turns to look at you before looking back at Taehyung, seemingly reluctant.
You wordlessly guide him to the couch Taehyung’s made himself comfortable, sitting him down and grabbing a controller, handing it to Jimin. You sit down beside him, grabbing the remote and turning on the Tv, “What game do you two want to play?” You ask, getting up and walking to the games.
“What are the options?” Taehyung asks excitedly, walking over to look over the games with you. “Ooo this one!” He grabs a game before trotting back to the console, opening the case and popping the disc in. You walk back to the couch, reclaiming your spot beside Jimin.
Taehyung watches the tv with his brows knitted together, unsure of what to do when you step in, “Want help?” Taehyung turns to you, nodding with a pout. You chuckle, standing up and moving to sit by him, gently taking the controller from his hands. You guide him through what to do, starting him in a game with only him and Jimin to start.
You peek at Jimin to see him timidly shifting his gaze from the Tv to the controller in his hands. You smile, getting up and squeezing between Taehyung and Jimin, “Use this trigger to shoot, and aim with this joystick.” You slowly guide them both through what the buttons, triggers, and joysticks can be used for, watching as they try, and successfully, learn to play.
It doesn’t take long for the two to start laughing, hunting each other down, attempting to kill each other. When the round ends you’re smiling while Taehyung and Jimin are laughing. They start another round and you pull out your phone, letting out a small huff at the time. Dinner time. You’re about to tell the boys when the door opens and someone yells “Dinner!” Making everyone stop what they’re doing and make their way to the double door.
You stand up, turning to look at the boys now sporting pouts as they stare up at you. You giggle, “You can always come back tomorrow.” Jimin’s pout deepens, “You won’t hang out with us tomorrow?” You shake your head. “Tomorrows my day off.” You pout back at him. Jimin whines before getting up, tugging Taehyung with him to stand by you. “Then the next day?” Jimin asks, staring up at you with puppy eyes, “I’m off the day after tomorrow, too. I'm off on the weekends.”
Jimin whines, grabbing your hand with his free one, the other holding onto Taehyung’s hand. “But you’ll be back Monday, right?” You nod, “I will.” Jimin smiles at that, leading both you and Taehyung out of the game room before you take the lead, guiding them to the cafeteria.
You feel Jimin let go of your hand, turning to see him clutching to Taehyung as he eyes the full room wearily. You give Jimin a reassuring look before you lead them to the front to get their food. “This looks good.” Taehyung comments as he stares at the food, hit tail wagging slightly behind his back. You smile, stepping out of the way so Jimin and Taehyung can grab their food.
Once they both have their food you walk them to a table before bidding goodbye, walking around the room with a few other employees.
“Do you really have to go?” Jimin whines, leaning his head against the door frame as he looks at you expectantly. “Yes, I’m sorry Jimin. I have to get groceries.” Jimin pouts at this, pushing himself to stand upright before he walks up to you, looking at you tentatively before wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close, resting his head on your shoulder.
You smile wrapping your arms around his shoulders and squeezing him softly before running your hand up and down his back.
After maybe a minute Jimin finally lets you go, looking up at you with a pout before he turns around and makes his way to Taehyung. You sigh when he lays on Taehyung’s shoulder, pout still on his lips.
You give them both a small wave before you close the door, walking down the hallway to the employee lounge to grab your belongings.
You groan, lifting your arm up to make the grocery bags slide back up your arm when movement out of the corner of your eye catches your attention. You turn your head to see another, smaller, head with fluffy ears on top peeking around a trash can, staring at you. You take a step toward it, watching as it takes a step out as well. “Hi buddy.” It takes another step, showing half of its body, the other half still covered by the trash can.
“You look like a pretty kitty.” The cat does something akin to a nod before stepping out fully, walking down the alleyway toward you. You take a step forward, crouching down and setting down an armful of grocery bags with a groan before sticking the now unoccupied arm in its direction. It sniffs your hand before rubbing his head on it, turning to drag your hand down the rest of its body.
You bring your hand back up to scratch its head, smiling when his eyes close and a purr builds up in its chest. “Oh, are you hungry?” The cat cracks its eyes open to stare at you, huffing when you pull your hand away to instead dig in one of the grocery bags on your other arm. Your smile widens when you finally spot the chicken, opening the bag and tearing off a piece before pulling it out of both the bags and offering it to the cat.
It grabs it before practically scarfing it down and looking back at you while licking its lips making you frown. “How long have you been alone, sweet thing?” You ask as you reach into the bags again, tearing off a few decent sized chunks before setting them on the ground in front of the cat. The cat quickly eats it before looking at you again.
You pout, reaching out and scratching behind its ear, “I gotta go, buddy.” The cat looks at you, walking toward you and rubbing against your knee. You bite back a whine as the cat starts to circle your body, still rubbing against you, “I’m sorry but I have to go.” The cat sits in front of you again, looking at you before hanging its head and turning around.
The action tugs at your heartstrings as you watch with a deeper pout as it slowly circles the trash can again. “Fuck Y/n, what is wrong with you..” You whisper, “Hey buddy? How would you like to come home with me?” You watch as the cat's head whips around the trash can, staring at you. You smile when it practically runs over to you, rubbing against your knee before you stand, grabbing your grocery bags and sliding them onto your arm.
“My car isn’t far away, so you won’t have to walk long.” The cat looks up at you before walking ahead with a pep to its step making you smile.
You giggle when the cat continues its way down the sidewalk, not seeming to notice that you stopped until you call out to it, “Where’re ya goin’?” The cat stops and turns around before hurrying back to you.
You laugh as you open the backseat door, setting down the grocery bags to give some relief to your arms before shutting the door and crouching down to the cat. “Can I pick you up?” The cat rubs against your hand, and you take it as your consent to reach down and pick it up carefully. You open the passenger side door and set it down on the seat, giving its head a few pets before shutting the door and rounding the car.
“I wonder what breed you are, sweet thing.” You think out loud after you’ve been driving for a few minutes. You take a quick peek at the cat to see it already looking at you. You really need to figure out its gender instead of calling it…well…it. “What’s your gender, sweetheart?” You ask when you reach a red light, turning your attention to the cat whose attention is already on you.
“Are you a girl?” The cat growls, just a small, short, growl as if telling you no. “Boy?” The cat starts purring, closing (what you’re guessing) his eyes. “Boy it is.” You say with a smile, focusing on the road again when the light turns green.
You set down the last bag with a huff, turning around to see the cat sitting in the doorway to the kitchen, staring at you intently. “You can go explore if you’d like, I just need to put away my groceries.” The cat's short tail does a small flick before turning around and making his way to the living room. You smile, reaching down and grabbing some of the groceries from the closest bag to you.
When you finish, you grab a few chunks off of the chicken you got, putting them on a plate. You take the bags and hang them up by the door before making your way to the living room. “Kitty?” Where’d you go buddy?” You call out, scanning over the living room before crouching down and looking under the couch. You find no sign of your new furry friend so you get up, scanning over the living room again before turning and heading down the hallway.
“Kitty?” You call out, poking your head into the guest bedroom and bathroom, finding no sign of him. You make your way to the end of the hall, pushing open the last door, scanning the bedroom before walking in. “Kitty?” You call out, huffing when you get no response.
‘Maybe he’s upstairs.’ You think.
You leave the bedroom, closing it behind you before making your way upstairs. “Kitty Kitty.” You call out, hearing a soft meow from your room at the end of the hall. You smile, making your way to the door and pushing it open, seeing your new furry friend sprawled out on your bed. “I see you got comfy.” You say with a giggle, making your way to the bed to sit beside him.
He gets up, rubbing his head against your arm as his soft purrs start echoing in your room. Your smile widens, reaching down to scratch between his ears. “Are you hungry, buddy?” You ask, setting down the plate of chicken in front of him. He looks at you once before focusing back on the chicken, eating it a bit slower than he had earlier.
You yawn, falling back onto your bed with a sigh, letting your eyes slide shut for a moment. “God I’m tired, Kitty. What do you say we go to bed, hmm?” You ask, turning to face said cat.
He rubs against your arm, and you take it as his way of giving you a yes. “Okay, I just gotta get ready, alright?” The cat gives you something weirdly akin to a nod, yet you brush it off, getting up and walking to your bathroom.
When you return, the cat is lying partially on a pillow and partially on the bed making you giggle at the sight, making your way to the unoccupied side of the bed. As soon as the cat feels your weight dip the bed, he lifts his head up, staring at you. You smile, scratching his head before plugging in and setting your phone on the nightstand and getting comfortable.
Once you find a comfortable position, you let your eyes glide shut with a content sigh, snuggling into your pillow. You hear purring before you feel a head bump into your arm bringing a small, tired smile to your face.
“Come on, Kitty.” You say, lifting up your arm so he can cuddle into your body. He does so almost immediately, circling into a ball by your chest as louder purrs echo on the walls of your bedroom. You’ve never heard a cat with such loud, and powerful, purrs before.
You brush the thought down, too tired to focus on anything else besides sleep at the moment. It doesn’t take long before your new furry friends purrs lull you into sleep.
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A/n: Y/n was a bit dumb with the whole cat ordeal but Y’know, I wanted her to think of him as a cat for now, even if it is pretty obvious he’s a wild cat
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manias-wordcount · 4 months
Getting mishima off in secret right in front of his beloved phantom thrives? 100/10
Head in the Game (Yuuki Mishima x Reader)
𝗔/𝗡: 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂'𝘃𝗲 𝘀𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁, 𝗶𝘁'𝘀 𝗯𝗲𝗲𝗻 𝗵𝗮𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗠𝗘!!! 𝘀𝗼 𝗴𝗹𝗮𝗱 𝗶 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗴𝗼𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀, 𝗶 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗲 𝘁𝘆𝗽𝗲𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗽𝘁𝘀! 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗲𝗻𝗷𝗼𝘆
𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚!! 𝘀𝗺𝘂𝘁, 𝗼𝗿𝗮𝗹 𝘀𝗲𝘅 (𝗺 𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗲𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴), 𝘀𝗲𝗺𝗶 "𝗽𝘂𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗰" 𝘀𝗲𝘅
𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚? ⇒ 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙟𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧?
𝙗𝙪𝙮 𝙢𝙚 𝙖 𝙘𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙚?
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For the longest time, Yuuki didn’t understand why you enjoyed just watching him play video games with his friends so much. 
  He figured that after the second or third time of you coming over and laying on his bed, listening to him play some console game online in his dorm with Akira and Ryuji, you’d get bored. You’d run out of things to scroll through on your phone. You’d run out of things to read while he’s facing the boring parts. You’d get tired of listening to him yell callouts to Akira or get annoyed that all he can seem to do is yell insults back at Ryuji. It had to happen. It had to happen eventually.
  Yet you never did. He always expected that at some point, you’d try to drag him off his games and force him to take you out. Admittedly, he doesn’t do as often as he should- he knows. But you’re usually so content just watching and listening to him play. You offer up your own little comments that his friends can hear over the phone. You ask his friends questions about what he was like in high school. And you always seem to giggle and pull a face at the thought of him being shy or nervous. ‘That’s not the Yuuki I know,’ You would tell them. And it’s true. He’s been more confident since graduating high school. His confidence is what landed him you, after all.
   But you would still laugh when Ryuji would share an embarrassing story or two. And you nearly beg Akira to talk about the Old Yuuki - even if they were all in the middle of a match. The point is, you liked this. You liked sitting in his apartment with him, engaging with his old friends, and watching him get his ass kicked in fighting games. You liked these little moments, even when the focus wasn’t on you. In fact, you seemed to like it more when he’d play something with his friends, and he’d have to force his attention off of you. And for that, he couldn’t be more grateful.
  Because knowing where he came from, he would have never dreamed of finding a girlfriend who loved him so much that she’d be willing to do just about anything for him.
  Including sucking him off while he’s playing games with his friends.
  Right now is no different. It’s just another hot, sticky summer night in the middle of the week. You had already slipped your arms out of the straps of your tank top, letting your boobs flow freely as you sit up on your knees. Your lips are wrapped around the head of his cock, and your tongue flicks against it all too eagerly. He wants to ask you to take your shorts off. He wants to ask you to sit on his lap instead and just hold him while he ruts into you as much as he desires. But your tongue moves so quick and so skillfully in moments like these that he can’t say or do or even pay attention to anything.
  Even the match he’s currently about to lose.
  “Where are you?” Akira’s voice comes over his headphones almost too suddenly, and Yuuki curses under his breath as he’s forced to take his attention off of you. You have the audacity to look up at him with big, round, and innocent eyes as if you’re not the reason why he’s so off today. But he doesn’t have time to deal with you. Not if you could help it, at least.
  “P-patio,” He stammers his location out before taking a look around. A second later, he catches his mistake. But by that point, someone had just peaked the corner and started shooting at him. He curses again and returns the fire with his pistol as you decide that’s the perfect opportunity to open your mouth wide and slip his dick further down your throat- distracting him further. “No- wait. Estates! I meant Estates.”
  His fingers fly over the buttons of his controller as his character ducks behind a wall. He takes a large sum of damage before he even realizes it, but you’re so busy bobbing your head up and down and up and down that he can’t even think about aiming. His fingers inch to reach out to you. To push you away because he’s growing sensitive? To pull you in because he loves the feeling of your throat closing around him? He doesn’t know.
  But what he does know is that you’re the reason why he just lost a shoot-off and died just now. Worst of all, though? It happened just in time for Ryuji to walk in and take the guy out with one clean shot. 
  “Dude, booo.” Immediately, Ryuji starts to complain the second it happens. The annoyance isn’t well hidden at all. But it’s not like he should have expected anything differently when he plays with these guys. Especially not on the days you start to get bold like this. “You fucking suck today.” 
  Go figure.
  Part of him wants to immediately bite back at the guy- knowing that it was only last week that the blonde’s kill-death ratio was looking pretty similar to his right now. But the other part of him is more preoccupied with dropping his controller to the side of his chair and tangling his hands through your hair, finally deciding that he wants you to take him deeper. You take it in stride. Just a quick, cute little look as your eyes flicker up towards him, and it’s back to letting your licks stretch around his shaft and breathing through your nose as he slides in almost too easily.
  “Yeah, you sick or something?” He vaguely hears Akira call over the microphone, and he manages to muster up some kind of response to the question that seems to be enough for everyone at the moment. Ryuji follows it up by mouthing him off- talking about his performance over the past couple of games. But Yuuki is just a little too preoccupied slowly timing his thrusts with your own movements to offer any real quip back. 
  But that doesn’t really matter. The game is just that- a game. And he talks to his friends often enough that he knows they’ll understand. Maybe Ryuji might even be a little jealous if he tells the truth about why he’s playing so poorly today. But he’s not really thinking about that. He’s not really thinking about anything.
  Anything except you, of course. And just how good, sweet, and all too fucking sexy of a girlfriend you are. For being so accepting of his gaming habits. For being so accepting of his friends. For being so kind and loving and patient with him. But most of all?
  For giving head so great that he starts to forget about every single thing that isn’t you.
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searchingsomewhere · 2 months
All Too Well: Cursed Narrative, 9
{"I've got a tight grip on reality, but I can't let go of what's in front of me here."}
Part 1
Cursed Narrative Masterlist
Rain beat heavily down on the windows. Suguru sat in his chair by the window sill, newspaper in hand. A cup of hot tea sat on the table in front of him. Steam rose from its surface, bringing with it a pleasant smell. Nanako stood behind him, humming softly as she braided his long dark hair. Mimiko was lying on the floor with her chin propped up on her elbows, watching TV.
"It's called a 'French braid'," Nanako said, reaching around.
Suguru handed her the hair tie from his wrist. Nanako finished the braid and stepped back, "Tada! Mimiko, come look!"
"It looks fantastic!" Suguru laughed, admiring her work with a mirror. "You're getting good at this."
"I want a braid too!" Mimiko fussed.
Suguru sipped at his tea, watching the girls as Nanako began brushing her sister's hair. It had been a while since his schedule was empty for the whole day. With thunderstorms predicted for the whole next week, there was little to do except stay inside. He hadn't even bothered to ask the girls to change into day clothes. They were still in their princess pajamas. Suguru himself stayed in his sweatpants, having just thrown on a t-shirt for when their food was delivered.
He didn't mind, sighing contentedly and settling further down in his chair.
Miho crept to the side of the bed, careful to avoid stubbing her toe on the frame. The black out curtains were drawn, eclipsing the room in near total darkness. She had no trouble making her way through the dark room, though; She was familiar enough with it's layout.
"Satoru?" Miho whispered.
She barely saw the white tuft of hair peeking out of the comforter. Miho sat down gently on the side of the bed. "Satoru?"
"Mmm?" he mumbled groggily, poking his head out of the comforter.
"Another migraine?" Miho asked softly, brushing his hair from his forehead.
"Mmmhmmm," was his reply.
"Have you taken medicine?" she asked, already carefully rummaging in the nightstand drawer. The muffled grunt from beside her indicated that yes; twice that morning already.
Just as she was reaching in the drawer, a hand shot out and dragged her backwards under the blanket. Miho muffled her own cry, trying to keep from making his migraine worse. He pulled her close to him, wrapping his arms around her waist. His bare chest was hot to the touch under the blankets. Satoru snuggled his face into the valley of her breasts, breathing softly. Miho wrapped her arms around his shoulders and rested her head on his. Thunder softly rumbled outside. She could have fallen asleep there in his arms, had there not been two children desperately waiting for her help playing a video game.
No response. His breathing evened out. White lashes brushed against her skin with every slow, heavy breath. Miho gently pressed her lips to his forehead. Inch by inch, she wiggled out of his sleeping grasp.
Satoru stumbled down the hallway with a hand covering his eyes. The light streaming in from the living room window was a bit too bright. His migraine had yet to pass, only fading enough that he didn't feel nauseous being upright.
The TV was on, set to some kid's channel. Miho sat on the couch, surrounded on both sides by Tsumiki and Megumi as they hovered over her shoulders. Satoru stopped by the kitchen door just a moment to watch them. Miho's eyebrows were furrowed in concentration, her focus set on the hand-held console in front of her. Her fingers pressed the buttons rapidly.
"Dodge! Dodge!" Megumi chanted excitedly.
"I can't watch!" Tsumiki covered her eyes.
Satoru smiled and leaned against the wall.
"I got it!" Miho exclaimed.
A little digital fanfare erupted from the console and the three hopped off the couch. Miho pumped her fist in the air, jumping around as Tsumiki cheered. Megumi laughed and grabbed her hand, hopping around excitedly with her.
Satoru's smile widened and he shook his head, running his hand through his hair as he turned to walk into the kitchen.
Part 10
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Could you do your prompts 8, 26 and 63 for TMNT 2012 Michelangelo?
Of course! Michelangelo is underrated but I think that's because he isn't an intense yandere. @okchijt helped out with the plot for this one!
Yandere! 2012! Michelangelo Prompts 8, 26, 63
"I could look into those eyes forever...."
"Look! We're bonding, just the two of us!"
"You're my everything!"
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Implied stalking, Breaking and entering, Clingy behavior, Manipulation, Guilt-tripping, Dubious relationship, Draining companionship.
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Coming home was always the best part of your day. Work was always grueling and often tired you out. All you wanted to do was come home to your apartment and rest.
Unfortunately, before you even hit your bed you had some last minute tasks to do. You needed to study... do some remote work... things like that. As you fidget with the keys to your apartment you prepare the final tasks for your day in your head. You should probably eat, too....
You yawn softly to yourself as you push open your door. Although once the hinge creaks open you notice something off. The exhausted feeling within you melts off once you see who's on your couch.
Michelangelo has done this multiple times when you get home lately. Somehow he manages to wait here for you whenever you get home from work or classes. He's done it so often that you shouldn't even be affected by it anymore... but it still shakes you to your core.
How does he know when you get home, even when you change shifts?
Nevermind that, how does he get in?
"Sup!" Mikey greets once he sees you, his eyes lighting up at the sight of you. Based on the fact he gets so excited when seeing you and chats with his brothers, you already sort of know his deal. You can tell Mikey has a crush on you.
You just don't know what the extent is.
"Hey... Mikey I thought I asked you not to slip into my home when I'm gone?" You try to play it off as casual but you're still unnerved at how easily he gets in here. It's New York... the thought of your safety being compromised frightens you-
"I know... but I just miss you so much when you're gone! You're always at work or class and I just get so lonely!" Mikey whines, lip quivering as he pulls you into a quick hug before pulling away. "I've wanted to play games with you ALL day!"
"I can't, Mikey..." You sigh, recounting what you need to do in your head. "I have some work to do and I'm tired."
"I didn't come here for nothing! That can wait, you need some time to relax, right?" Mikey pleads, grabbing your hand and dragging you to your console.
"Mikey, I can relax myself-"
"And just ignore me? How could you! Do you not care enough for me to play at least one game?" Mikey pouts. He's being playful but his tone felt a bit too... real for you. Like he was actually hurt you said no.
"Just one? For me?"
Mikey just seemed to be a mutant you could never say "no" to. Sometimes he acts a bit creepy, often staring or knowing things he shouldn't, but you excuse it. He's Mikey... he's harmless.
Playing a few rounds of games should also be harmless. In fact, you try to feel relaxed as you sit on the couch and play with him. For now you'll ignore the worry sitting heavily in your gut. You're worried about the tasks you're procrastinating and worried about Mikey's behavior.
Yet everything should be fine....
The gaming session between you two is mixed with quiet and excited yells. You will admit you were having fun but still noticed Mikey's staring. You understand he likes you yet he catches you off guard at times.
It's eerie.
"Look! We're bonding, just the two of us!" Mikey squeals, pausing the game to look at you. He looks so happy... you can't help but smile despite the strange situation he forced you into. Although you can't help but linger on the strange tone of his statement.
It sounds like such an innocent statement. Y'know, like good ol' Mikey! Although... it feels like there was a vague dark undertone there-
Was that just you?
You feel you're just thinking too hard and lock eyes with Mikey. He's... staring quite a bit. Maybe it's because you're so quiet... or maybe he just really likes your eyes?
"I could look into those eyes forever...." Mikey murmurs, eyes half closed as he daydreams to himself. You feel chills crawl up your back at what he said but decide to take it as a compliment. He has an innocent crush... nothing more...
It's innocent... hopefully.
The tense silence between you us broken when Mikey's T-Phone rings. The sudden sound shocks you both and you can tell Mikey looks upset at the fact he's interrupted. He seems like he's going to ignore it but you nudge him.
"Don't ignore it, Mikey. Could be important." Your urge and Mikey relents with a huff. He then answers the call while you try to calm your nerves. You're tired... and overthinking.
Time passes and you quietly listen while Mikey tries to reason with a voice on the other end. When the call ends you hear Mikey heave a loud sigh, sounding rather annoyed at his time being interrupted.
"What's up?" You ask, the turtle looking at you with puppy dog eyes.
"My bros need me back at home... I don't want to go!" Mikey whines, quickly clinging to you.
Your discomfort bubbles again at the turtle's behavior. You sigh and pat his shell, trying desperately to pry him off your body.
"You should go see what they need... they're your brothers!"
"But this is our time!"
You bite your lip in thought. You really need a break... both from work and from him. You really wish he'd leave you alone and stop coming over so often-
"We can always see each other again, Mikey..." You say, hoping to appeal to him. Mikey beams at your suggestion and pulls away with a bright smile.
"Really!? Tomorrow, right!?" Mikey squeals and you sigh.
"Yeah, sure... now go see your brothers."
"Got it! See you tomorrow!" Mikey nods, heading for your window and silently slipping out. He then turns and winks at you. "You're my everything!"
Then he's gone.
You mumble a goodbye before locking your window. You sigh in exhaustion before realizing what you agreed to. You then groan in frustration.
You can never assert yourself when it comes to Mikey. You give in because he seems so innocent and cute. However it often feels like he drains the energy out of you....
His crush on you was cute but now you fear it's obsession. He doesn't acknowledge the fact you need to recharge at the end of the day. He just keeps taking your attention... and you have to give in to get rid of him.
The worst part is you just keep giving him permission to do it.
In response you just decide to collapse on your couch for the afternoon, deciding to deal with your mistakes tomorrow... the entire time you're completely unaware of those blue eyes watching you as you drift off to sleep.
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olivyh · 2 years
Tired- Ruggie Bucchi x Reader Angst to Comfort
tw: mentions of poverty, alcoholism, depression
a/n: I adore ruggie's character and want to do so many more studies about him <<333 I feel like he gets overlooked a lot in favor of other characters- but he's getting a lot more love from the fandom recently which makes me so happy!
Ruggie Bucchi was tired.
From as early on as he could remember, he was always on his feet. He felt as though there was always some sort of darkness trying to grab him- clawing at his worn clothing and creeping into the crevices of his mind when he slept at night, stirring in his sleep until his grandmother would console him. If he slowed down, the darkness would hold onto him and not let go. 
Everyone in his hometown ran. They ran and ran and ran for their own darknesses were lurking behind every corner and just itching to grab ahold of them and drag them down. 
Ruggie had seen how long his grandmother had been running- how her back ached day in and day out, her wobbly knees barely supporting her once muscular frame and how her experienced eyes seemed to simply stare sometimes- not at anything or anyone in particular, just a blank stare at the horizon, or a soft, sad gaze that would trail over his features as she crouched in front of him, shaking hands clasped firmly around his too-thin shoulders as she pulled him into a bone-crushing hug when she apologized over and over again- explaining that they couldn't afford to make him something special for his birthday. 
He didn't want to drag her with him when he knew that she had her own darkness to battle. He chose to run alone. 
He saw what would happen to those who stopped running. He would walk through his neighborhood and see the blank stares of those who fell into the darkness' trap. The way their eyes glazed over as they sat slumped against the houses, surrounded by alcohol bottles and their breathing shallow as though they were already at death's door, their senseless rambles as their energy slowly depletes as the darkness soaks in their livelihood.
The thought of the same happening to him terrified him, so he ran. 
He ran as a child, sneaking into the city while his grandmother was working and stealing whatever caught his eye. He would come back hours later, often bruised and bleeding from when he would get caught, but he would have enough to feed him and his grandmother for the week. He would carry armfuls of anything he could find- fresh or spoiled- and help his neighbors try to make them edible. 
He had run when he was finally old enough to work, running errands for people and working countless jobs day and night- even when his legs threatened to give out beneath him and he was seeing double around him. Even when he barely had the energy to keep his eyes open while he was bussing tables or sweeping floors, even when his smile was forced -the small movement only worked to burn up energy that he didn't have. 
He still ran- he worked to learn how to read and write, he worked to develop his magic even though there was nobody around to teach him how, he worked to make sure that everyone in his neighborhood laughed every day, to keep a smile on their faces. He made jokes and played games even though every step made his feet feel as though they were on fire and his legs and back ached and longed to rest.
Most days he would only be able to get a few hours of sleep before he had to wake up and work again, often leaving his house on an empty stomach (although his grandmother tried her hardest to make sure he ate). He would run until late at night until he could get his first and last meal of the day.
The day he got accepted into Night Raven College was the happiest and saddest day of his life. He was ecstatic to finally find the thread that he was looking for- the small thread being his only hope to help everyone out once and for all. An opportunity to get a real education, to hone his skills, and build his resume. A chance to get his grandmother a nice bed and clothes, to give the neighborhood kids real toys like the ones they tell him about when they go to the market with their families. 
Ruggie cried in his grandmother's arms that night, feeling as though he was abandoning those he loved more than anything. He wasn't given much as a child, so he cherished and protected those who he held dear as though they were worth all the gold in the royal treasury. He promised to send money back, begged his grandmother to tell him if anything was wrong or if they needed something. She sighed and asked him to rest, for he had a busy day the next day. 
He climbed into the carriage, looking over his shoulder at the neighborhood kids and his grandmother as they cheered him on and waved as the door closed behind the misty-eyed beastman. 
He was sorted into Savanaclaw, a dorm ruled by none other than the prince of the Afterglow Savana. After a bit of haggling, he was able to get his first job at Night Raven College. 
Next, he was able to snag a job working with the shopkeep on campus. 
He kept an eye on the boy who had challenged the Octavinelle dorm leader and won, hearing about his plans to open a restaurant on campus. 
Ruggie was not prepared for the time and attention to be put towards homework and projects. This was his first time in an actual school, and he already felt as though he was falling behind everyone else. 
Everyone else who had been able to play when they were children. 
Everyone else who would tell stories about the trouble they got into while in school or the projects they'd been able to do in the past.
Everyone else who had come from respectable and well-known families.
Everyone else who would come home and be greeted with a kiss from their mother and games with their father, a warm meal on their dining room table. 
Ruggie felt like an outsider- a boy without a penny to his name who didn't even have a backpack, forced to carry all of his supplies (which amounted to a few borrowed textbooks, a notebook he had gotten from the shopkeep, and a few pencils he had found abandoned on the ground on his first day). 
He had gotten used to being the outsider- the one lump of coal amongst the crowd of jewels he was constantly surrounded by. He had worked and worked, and worked and ran until his legs shook beneath him and he could barely find the energy to get back to his dorm room at night, oftentimes falling asleep in Savanaclaw's common room, curled around his supplies in fear of someone stealing them while his guard was down. 
He would still steal, seeing as many of the wealthy students at NRC wouldn't even notice if they were missing a two-thousand madol bracelet or a five-thousand madol watch. 
He was caught once by the now-dorm leader and vice from Scarabia. The dorm leader's smile when he reassured him that he could have asked if he wanted the necklace so badly and that he wasn't going to press charges nearly made Ruggie sigh and hand it over as he had before. 
He couldn't say the same for the vice. 
When Ruggie returned to the dorm and sold off the necklace, his heart got caught in his throat when the buyer asked if he had been given the necklace from the Al-Asim heir. He decided to be more careful from then on, realizing just how much he could have lost from that one little necklace.
He wrote home as often as possible, trying to take as many pictures as he can and sending them back to prove to his grandmother that she shouldn't be worried about him, that he was safe and happy where he was. He would also send every penny that he had earned back, feeling the anxiety in his stomach quell when his grandmother told him how much he was helping, how happy everyone was, even if they all missed him dearly. When he could call back home, which often happened once a week or every two weeks, he would feel his exhaustion ebb when he heard the kids argue over the phone, each of them wanting to ask him about school and his classmates. 
The next year, he wasn't expecting to see a human stumble out of the coffin, causing chaos along with a talking monster. He saw how their lip quivered when they looked over the audience of NRC students, how their voice trembled when they told the headmaster what was happening. His initial thought was that they were easy prey, already trying to scan over their clothing to see if there was anything valuable. 
Ruggie's resolve was only solidified when they stepped on Leona's tail, feeling a stab of pity for the human as they tried to wrangle the firey monster back from arguing with the lion. 
He didn't see them for the next month, only hearing of their hijinks from other students.
Ruggie had stolen from them twice, and tried to ignore their confused and saddened expression while he ran away from them and their friends.
Until the day of the Magshift tournament.
The day had been a blur to him- he'd taken the potion and felt his magic surge through his veins stronger than it ever had, his blood feeling as though it were boiling water being pumped through his veins faster than he could have ever imagined. He trembled as he watched the crowd head towards the Diasomnia team, falling to his knees and gasping for air as he weakly stumbled back to the arena, watching in terror as Leona's words floated through his ears, holding no meaning at all once he felt his throat go raw. 
Ruggie tried to stand when he felt his entire body go stiff, the burn of his skin turning to sand unbearable as he pleaded for the beastman to stop, screaming through his tears that turned to sand once they left his eyes and clawing at his throat with skin that chipped and flaked off with every small movement. He saw the crimson droplets bleed through his uniform and drip onto the ground, gasping for air that wouldn't reach his lungs as he sniffled and sobbed, trying to scramble away in a panic as his mind raced. 
If he died here, what would become of everyone at home?
It wasn't until he felt warm hands on his shoulders pulling him away from the sandstorm that scratched at his skin, and then a shield from his face as the light blinding his bloodshot eyes dimmed for just a moment. He peeked a stormy gray eye open to meet their own concerned ones. He saw their lips moving as they peeked out of their small blazer fort, then moving their gaze back down to him. He couldn't hear what they were saying over the ringing in his ears as his head throbbed and his vision spun, feeling his eyes roll back as his vision went black for a split second, waking to their hand lightly smacking his face as they begged for him to stay awake. 
He smiled sadly when he realized that this weak human thought they could protect him, and at their efforts to do just that. He felt something spring to life under the near-blinding pain throbbing beneath his skin before his head fell back and he lost consciousness.
Ruggie remembers that day sadly, now idly tracing over the long, crack-like scars that coated his skin. He often feels as though he could still taste the staleness of the sand in his throat, now opting to carry a water bottle with him most days just to push back that feeling. 
He kept running, no matter how much pain he was in or how his limits had been set back by the injuries. He ignored the prefect's concern at that time, running and running until his heels were sore and he felt as though the scars were throbbing from the effort. 
He ran as he always had- blistered heels and worn shoes thudding against the ground.
His third year was different.
He still ran, but the darkness was no longer hot on his heels. It was sedated, slowed by the presence of the Ramshackle prefect. 
His feet still throbbed, but they still managed to support him until he could make it to his room. 
His exhaustion ebbed when he could finally see the prefect again, hurriedly placing his things on the floor and practically launching himself on his bed, thankful that he didn't have roommates as dorm leader. He buried his face in their stomach, scrawny arms wrapped around their midsection as he heard their soft giggle, their soft hands running through his hair and pushing it away from his face. 
His heart swelled when he pulled back, opting to rest his arms around their midsection and lay down with them, still wearing his stuffy uniform as his eyes met theirs. 
Ruggie saw nothing but pure adoration laced in their features as they held his scarred face softly, running their fingers over each and every little detail, thumbs tapping along the freckles that danced along the bridge of his nose and spread out throughout his entire face. He smiled softly, willing the thankful tears that welled in his eyes to not fall as the prefect gently hushed him with a tender kiss on the forehead. 
He swore they would be the death of him someday, and he was sure that he would wholeheartedly accept his fate if that were how his thread of life was cut short. He held them close, trying to soak in every ounce of warmth they held in their body, praying to the stars that this was real. He pressed his ear to their chest, listening to their even heartbeat as he felt the slow rise and fall of their breaths. He tried to absorb each small shift beneath their clothes as they tried to get comfortable with the hyena laying atop them, tried to memorize the way their fingers danced through his dry strands of hair and rested on his scalp, tried to internalize their comforting smell. 
It was as though he were floating on a cloud, the more he took and took and took. Ruggie knew he was being greedy. He knew that he would be doomed if any of his underclassmen saw him in such a state- desperate for his lover's touch and melting under their affection. 
Ruggie knew this was not the end. At the tender age of 18- not quite a child, with all the experience but not yet fit to be an adult- he still had a long, hard run ahead of him. He would still struggle, the darkness and shadows of the slums always attached to him, creeping into the corners of his mind as he lies awake at night.
But now he knew that he didn't have to run alone- and for the first time he thought that, perhaps, he never had to run alone in the first place. 
He knew that the darkness would subside. 
Ruggie knew that its hold on him would slip more and more the older and stronger he gets. And now, Ruggie thought with a small smile on his tanned and freckled face, he knew the Prefect would pick him back up when the soles of his feet ached and he stumbled over his own weary legs as they threatened to give out, they would run with him, they would do everything in their power to help him get away. 
When they were around, Ruggie felt as though he was taking his first breath of air in years.
He didn't have to pretend.
He didn't have to smile.
He didn't have to put on a brave face, no longer did he have to build that barrier between himself and the rest of the world.
It had been painstaking, and often became more complicated than necessary, but the prefect was able to tear that wall down just enough for them to slip in. He was annoyed at the human at first.
No, he thinks to himself. Not annoyed... scared.
He was scared that they would see the shadows under his eyes, the hopelessness in his face when he was forced to think about what would happen in the next week, about how he would have to learn to survive in the next few years. Ruggie didn't want anyone to see the nights when he would bite at his pillow when pained tears would stream down his face, feeling absolutely powerless against the pull of the slums as they took away yet one more person he held dear- mind racing with possibilities and wonders on who could be next. Would it be his grandmother? Or another one of the neighborhood kids? Would it be the nice man who he would often cook with? Or the woman who would hand-sew everyone's clothes? The uncertainty tore him apart until he often had to run as far from the dorm as possible and scream into the night, his howls echoing throughout the night shy as he clawed at his chest at the overwhelming feeling of dread as his mind continued to spin.
Since he was a child, he would have to slip away as his vision would spin and nausea would bubble in his throat from the thoughts alone as he would gasp for air, collapsing onto the ground and scurrying off to a dark corner to battle this invisible monster alone, writhing and whining and pleading silently for someone to save him before it killed him.
Panic attacks, the prefect would tell him after witnessing it firsthand, holding him close and waiting patiently for his body to stop trembling as he gripped onto their shirt so tightly his claws embedded themselves in their skin, leaving little red dots in their wake. He was having panic attacks.
In front of the prefect, he felt as though he was safe enough to do just that. He was allowed to be scared, allowed to be insecure and allowed to worry for everyone at home openly. He wasn't pressured to put on a brave face, to joke around and hide his fear for the days to come.
Words could not describe how much his heart swelled when they looked in his direction, how his gaze would soften as he watched them perform menial tasks absentmindedly, tapping their feet to their phone speaker as he leaned over the counter, smiling softly to himself.
Every little lunch they pack him and every small note doodled on napkins and corners ripped off of homework assignments makes him fall even more in love with them.
Every peck on the cheek and every time their hand brushed his only solidified the fantasy in his mind- the fantasy that he hoped day in and day out to one day make a reality.
The fantasy of marrying them one day. To see them in his homeland's traditional wedding attire, to dance with them among the fireflies and to help them move into his small childhood home. To live with them and his grandmother, getting to spend every morning and every night laying beside them and staring at their features.
Every day by their side.
Ruggie shifts up a bit to see their now sleeping face, resting his head against his pillow- rough fabric chilled from the cold air of the savanna at night. He gently held their face and pressed a soft kiss to their lips, holding them close when they snuggle into him unconsciously. 
"Thank you," He murmurs against their lips, allowing his own eyes to slip closed.
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fanficshiddles · 1 year
The Call Of Fate, Chapter 6
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Loki was irritated when he was dragged out on a mission by the team, he had wanted to be around for prince Arthur’s visit to Jade. He knew how much she was dreading it, she looked pretty rough this morning as she’d barely slept.
The entire mission he was distracted, worrying too much about her. He was determined to just get the mission over with and then get back to base to check she was ok.
But once they were finally finished, of course the quinjet had to have some technical troubles.
‘Come on, you’re the brains of this. Can’t you fix it?’ Loki hissed at Tony, who looked to be just pressing random buttons on the main console.
‘I’m trying, Loki. Just sit down and be patient for a change.’ Tony snapped at him.
‘Enough of this.’ Loki snarled and then vanished from the jet, to teleport back to base. Exactly what the team didn’t want him to do. They had deliberately caused a few issues with the jet to try and delay their return.
‘We better get back. Quick.’ Natasha said.
Tony nodded and had the jet ready within the next minute.
When Loki returned back to base, he headed in towards the main common area. On the way there, he passed by some security guards escorting prince Arthur out. Loki slowed his gait down and glared at him, eyeing him up and down. Arthur glanced at him with a passive look on his face, he didn’t focus on him too long as he continued on.
Loki had a bad feeling in his gut. And he was usually always right.
He searched everywhere for Jade. She wasn’t in her room, any of the common areas or the training hall. He checked in all the cupboards, looked around the grounds outside but there was still no sign. He was really beginning to panic when the rest of the team on the mission returned.
‘Where’s Jade?’ He asked them, not hiding his panic.
‘I don’t know, we’re just back. What did you do?’ Steve asked.
‘I didn’t do anything! I came back just as that pompous prince was leaving, but I can’t find Jade anywhere.’
‘What makes you think he’s pompous? Did you even speak to him? I hope you didn’t do anything stupid, Loki.’ Tony said with his arms folded over his chest.
‘I didn’t do anything to him, Stark. Didn’t say a word. Never mind him anyway, help me find Jade!’ Loki roared at him.
The team nodded and scarpered in different directions to go find her.
Loki was getting more frantic by the minute. His mind was racing with so many different thoughts, did Arthur do something to her? Had he taken her? Had she ran off? Was she in trouble now? Had the base been attacked while they were gone?
He found some of the others in the living room, talking about how to find Jade. Loki couldn’t stop pacing back and fore while they discussed options.
‘Hey guys.’ Wanda said as she walked into the room. She hadn’t been on the mission.
‘Have you seen Jade?’ Natasha asked.
‘Yeah, she’s been with me out shopping. She was pretty upset after Arthur’s visit so I took her out.’ Wanda said casually, but then she noticed the look on everyone’s face. ‘What’s going on? Did I do something wrong?’
‘No, nothing.’ Steve said with a big sigh of relief.
‘Where is she now?’ Loki demanded.  
‘She’s gone to her room.’ Wanda frowned.
Loki stormed off straight past Wanda.
‘What’s happened?’ Wanda asked.
‘Loki’s been going out of his mind with worry, thinking something happened to Jade while we were gone and Arthur was here.’ Natasha said.
‘Oh. Shit.’ Wanda cringed.
‘Don’t worry about it. Reindeer games just likes drama.’ Tony scoffed.
Loki knocked on Jade’s door, it took a moment before she answered through the door. ‘Who is it?’
Loki could hear the sadness in her voice and it broke his heart.
‘Hey cupcake. It’s me.’ He said softly, but loud enough to get through the door.
There was silence for a moment, then she called out for him to come in. The door was locked, but she knew that he could unlock it with his seidr. Which he did, and as he entered, he locked the door behind him again.
She was curled up on her bed on her side, tears rolling down her cheeks.
‘Oh cupcake.’ Loki said sadly as he walked over and sat down on the edge of her bed behind her. He reached out and put his hand on her side, softly rubbing her a bit. ‘Do you want to speak about it? You don’t have to if you don’t want to, though.’
Jade wiped her eyes and slowly sat up, turning to face him. She put her back against the headboard and Loki slid onto her bed fully and sat right next to her. He put his arm around her and she leaned into him.
‘I do… Wanda dragged me out shopping, thinking that’s what I needed. But it wasn’t. I just… I feel so trapped, Loki. He’s horrible. There’s nothing princely about him. He shouted at me for not having my tats removed yet and for my hair colour again. He wants me to visit him in two months’ time and says he expects it all to be removed. I can’t do it, Loki. I can’t just get rid of everything that is me.’
Loki felt furious for her. How could someone expect her to change. She was perfect the way she was.
‘I’m sorry this is happening to you, Jade. But stand your ground, you should not have to change for anyone, not even a prince. Do your parents really expect you to go through with this, he sounds like an asshole.’
‘They’ve had an arrangement with his family for years. But their most recent child was a boy, they realised that having another child wouldn’t be possible due to their age now. So they had to fall back on me, the abandoned kid. But they get to keep peace with Arthur’s country and get a share in their huge fortune. It’s more for security though, Arthur’s family are super wealthy but more importantly they have such a strong army. If things in the world goes tits up, it’s them you’d want on your side that’s for sure. Arthur’s brother has connections here too, some kind of deal with some of the higher ups in SHIELD. So technically, you and the others are part of said army.’
Loki’s eyebrows shot up, he didn’t know that. He wondered if the others knew about that or not…
‘I guess that’s why they’ve got you here in the meantime, huh?’ Loki hummed.
Jade nodded.
Loki was rubbing her upper arm softly, soothing her. She felt safe with him and so content, she just wished she wasn’t in the position she was. Perhaps something with Loki might’ve been able to happen… But at least she could dream.
‘I’m really scared about what he’s going to do if I don’t change myself for him.’ She said quietly.
Loki gave her arm a squeeze. ‘Don’t be scared. I won’t let anything bad happen to you. Don’t change for anyone, especially not him.’ He growled low. ‘I should have snapped his neck when I had the chance earlier.’
‘Did you see him?’ She asked.
‘Yes. Looks like he has a stick stuck up his ass.’ Loki snarled.
Jade giggled. ‘That’s one way to put it.’
Loki and Jade chatted for a little while, Loki mainly comforted her. She did feel better after talking it out with Loki. Though she was of course still worried, she knew that Arthur and her parents were pretty powerful and had some strong connections.
When dinner time rolled round, Loki and Jade went to join the others as usual.
‘Good to see you’ve calmed down, Loki.’ Tony chuckled.
Loki glared over at him.
‘What do you mean?’ Jade asked, looking between Tony and Loki.
‘Loki was going out of his mind with worry when we came back and you weren’t here.’ Natasha said with a smirk.
‘Yep. I have never seen him so worked up before, he was searching everywhere for you.’ Steve said.
Loki looked at the others like he wanted to murder them all. But when Jade looked at him, his face turned very sheepish and she could’ve sworn she saw his cheeks turn a tiny bit pink.
‘Aww, you were worried about me?’ Jade teased and nudged him with her elbow.
Loki cleared his throat. ‘Well, of course. It would have been most inconvenient if he had kidnapped you or harmed you. We had just come back from a tough mission, I really didn’t need another one.’ He smirked at her.
‘Aw yeah, sure.’ Jade laughed and grinned at him.
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estasticvanni · 4 months
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Roomies pt 2
Category • Fluff
Ship • Isanagi
Anime • Blue Lock
Tw • Nothing
An - Back to back! This was gonna be posted regardless of the poll <3 also as you all should know,none of my stuff is proofread,I only corrent stuff when I read it! Hah!
It was the start of summer break and Isagi couldn't be more excited,he was going to see his parents after a long time. He never got to call them,not even a little! It was so nice to finally have time.
Isagi started off with his morning routine,fixing his bed,finding neat clothes,etc. He was so excited,he forgot he had a +1.
Nagi slipped into the room,wrapping his arms around Isagi, startling the poor man. "Sagi…Are we packing up..?” Isagi sighed and nodded,he hoped he would survive these few weeks with Nagi.
Before Isagi knew it,Nagi was dragging him to his room. It was a mess,Isagi nearly screamed in horror,the only thing organized was the consoles and games. of course. “Help me pack. Isagi scoffed at the demand and crossed his arms,glaring at Nagi’s unconcerned face. “You can do it yourself…I’m not some housewife!” Nagi looked around his room and then back at Isagi. “House husband.” Isagi blushed and sighed,glaring at Nagi as he walked over to his closet.
It was a disaster,cluttered clothes all over the floor and even more games! If there was a apocalypse,Nagi wouldn’t survive a day. Isagi began stuffing Nagi’s stuff into a suitcase while the pale haired distracted himself with his console. Isagi so badly wanted to curse out loud but what good would that do?
Isagi practically kicked everything out of the house and packed it into his car (including Nagi) before speeding off. He was going to get to his vacation as soon as possible!!
It was nighttime and Isagi had finally arrived,poking Nagi awake from his slumber and dragging him out of the car. “Are we there yet..?” “Yes! Now get out and get your stuff..i’m not your chauffeur or whatever.” Nagi yawned and nodded,surprisingly getting his stuff out the car. ‘Finally.’ Isagi yawned aswell,he was way too tired from driving. He quickly got the keys from his pocket and unlocked the door to his parents house and signaling Nagi inside.
The interior hadn’t changed even a little,still the same home he lived in since he was a toddler. “Heavy…” Nagi was lying,it wasn’t heavy at all,he just wanted Isagi to take the load off him. “Just put it down when we get to my room and don’t make a mess of my room either..” Isagi sighed as h walked to his old room,Nagi following behind and taking notice of the photos of minisagi with his parents. "Hurry up,slowpoke! I'm tired!" Before Isagi knew it,he plopped on his bed,already closing his eyelids.
Nagi was the first to wake up after arriving last night, looked down at Isagi,still soundly asleep. He couldn't help but smile till he heard the door to the bedroom opening,there stood what Nagi assumed was Isagi's mom. She gasped and quickly shut the door,shouting "Sorry!" All the way. Nagi was confused,Isagi had began to wake up from his mother's voice. He stretched and slowly pulled the covers off him before looking back at Nagi who was also shirtless. "...She saw you,didn't she?" Nagi nodded and snatched the back of his head,he didn't really see what the big deal was. His mom has caught him and Reo sleeping in the same bed,many times.
Isagi sighed,getting out of his bed and quickly getting dressed while Nagi stayed in bed,playing on his phone as usual. "Get up! Didn't you say it'd be fun to meet my parents?" Nagi perked up at that and began getting dressed as well. "Future in-laws." Isagi blushed upon hearing the words,quickly turning away and darting out the room. Nagi followed after.
In the living was Isagi's dad and his mother,one sweeping and the other sipping what Isagi could assume was beer. Isagi's mother turned around and smiled,walking up to him and hugging him. "My baby boy has grown so much! And he brought a friend with him too!" Isagi's mother smiled at Nagi and he returned the smile. "Why'd you bring a friend,son? Got too scared to face your pops?" Isagi grumbled under his breath,about to speak but quickly shut up. "Let's all eat some breakfast! I made your favorite! Kintsuba!" Isagi smiled and dragged Nagi to the kitchen. "What's that." Isagi stopped and gasped,shaking Nagi aggressively. "How could you not know!? It's the best thing I've ever put in my mouth!" Nagi raised his eyebrow,what did Isagi mean .."I mean..uh..whatever ,just eat up and be grateful!"
Isagi sighed as he helped wash dishes,before he had even knew it,it was nighttime again. 'First day back and I'm already washing dishes..' He felt arms wrap around him,he already knew who. "Nagi...what is it now? You broke your charger or something?" "yes." Isagi scoffed, what's up with Nagi and breaking his things!? "Fine...it's under my pillow,don't break mine or you're paying!" Nagi nodded but didn't let go,let alone move. • • • • • • • • • • • "Uhm. I can't get anything done when you're fricking hugging me from behind.." • • • "Get off me..leech." "Don't wanna,too much work." Isagi scoffed but calmed down,what's the point..if the gamer obsessed spoiled bum wanted to cling to him,...so be it. Isagi hastily finished his midnight chore and dragged himself and Nagi to bed. "Okay...you can let go now.." • • • "Too much work." Isagi groaned and sighed. "what do you want?" "a kiss." Isagi nearly spewed out blood,if he could twist his head around to look at Nagi,he would. "WHAT." Nagi let go of Isagi and nudged him before plopping on the bed. "..this feels like an unbeatable level." Isagi groaned,of course he was gonna pull out a stupid game metaphor. "You're not only a bum,you're cheesy! Ugh!".
"I'm too lazy to get up now.." Nagi yawned. "Hp running low." Isagi wanted to strangle the other but of course he couldn't,not exactly to end summer break within a prison. Isagi thought for a while,he could make a deal in his favor..."How about we make a deal..like the ones in Minecraft from those villagers!" Nagi perked up and started at Isagi intently. "I'll kiss you but only if you start being useful." Nagi groaned,he didn't wanna pull his weight. "Okay." Isagi smiled victoriously until he realized what he had to do,he had to kiss Nagi. Kiss the cute- Wait what was he thinking!? Nagi wasn't cute..he was...er.....really..cute.
Isagi battled his inner thoughts,on one side,he disliked Nagi. On the other hand,he couldn't deny he was developing a crush on him. Nagi could only watch as his roomie practically turned red,it was a pretty sight. Back to Isagi and he's still fighting himself,will be kiss Nagi or will he back down!? No way! Isagi Yoichi never backs down...right?
"Am I on the pause screen?" Isagi was snapped back to reality by another one of Nagi's cringe remarks. "Okay...You better be grateful because this will be the best kiss ever!" Isagi tried to be egotistical about it but who was that fooling? Isagi slowly inched towards Nagi before quickly kissing Nagi and rubbing all the way to the corner of the room. His heart was pounding,his face was warm and he was panting like he had run a 10 mile lap.
Nagi wasn't complaining,a kiss was a kiss. Though it wasn't the best as Isagi had said and as long as Nagi got what he wanted, he'd be fine. Nagi smiled slightly as he laid on the bed,he got what he wanted. A kiss and possibly a boyfriend. More than roomies.
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That concludes our roomies series!
I fricking love Nagisagi (T_T)
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Go the Fuck to Sleep, Eddie
Day 4 for @mungroveweek : Heading Out to the Highway
Eddie won't sleep, but Billy has just the thing to remedy that.
Read on AO3
Eddie has been up all night, and Billy doesn’t expect him to go to bed anytime soon.
He’s had three cans of Mountain Dew in the past hour alone, and the corner of his mouth is stained with ink from the pen he chewed to shreds.
Eddie swears he’s almost done, he’s on the verge of a breakthrough. It’s important, it’s the end of a year long campaign, and he can’t let Hellfire down with a sub-par ending. He needs a twist, he needs drama, something that will make his players yell obscenities and throw things.
Billy has argued that the ending game is in a week, it can wait, it’s three in the morning, and Billy had wanted to spend their Saturday together, but if Eddie keeps this up, he’ll be sleeping all day.
He has an idea.
“Eddie, you’re making me dizzy with your pacing,” Billy says from where he’s perched on the bed.
“I’m almost done,” Eddie says again, gnawing on the destroyed end of his pen.
“Come here, babe,” Billy beckons. “Just for a second?”
Eddie sighs and sits beside him on the bed, and Billy reaches out and wipes the ink from his mouth so he can kiss him.
“Let’s go for a drive, yeah?”
“It’s three in the morning, Billy.”
“And?” Billy counters, scowling as he tastes ink on his lips. “I like to drive when I can’t think. Especially at night, if I can manage it. Open road, night air, the rumble of the engine, it helps clear my head.”
“Really? Maybe it’s different with the Camaro- never had that kind of luck with the van.”
Billy lifts an eyebrow.
“Babe, that’s because your van is a piece of shit.”
Eddie laughs, and considers.
“What the hell. It’s worth a shot.”
Billy beams and leans forward to press a kiss to Eddie’s forehead.
“Let’s go, then,” he says, getting to his feet and grabbing his keys from the nightstand.
“Shouldn’t we get dressed?”
Billy is only wearing a pair of Eddie’s boxers- and Eddie can’t help but admire the fact that they’re a bit too tight in the ass. Eddie himself is wearing a pair of boxers and an old Black Sabbath shirt that’s seen better days.
“We’re going for a drive, not out to dinner. Won’t be getting out of the car, Eds,” Billy says as he shoves his feet into his boots.
Billy looks equal parts silly and hot, wearing just boxers and his black leather boots, and Eddie laughs as he pushes his own feet into his battered Reeboks.
“Like you really need an excuse to drive, anyway,” Eddie says as they leave the trailer and get into the Camaro. Billy smirks as he starts her up, her engine rumbling and purring.
“Can you blame me?”
“Not really. I know what she means to you.”
“Eddie… are you jealous of my car?” Billy teases as he puts the car into gear, heading for the road.
“A tad, maybe?”
“Don’t be,” Billy says seriously. “She’s important to me, yes, but she’s a different kind of love, you know? Like a mechanical pet. You’re different, more important- you’re Eddie… you’re mine, babe.”
Eddie flushes all the way to the roots of his hair and leans back in his seat as Billy pushes the Camaro up to sixty.
Billy rummages in the center console, steering with one hand as he grabs his Marlboros. Eddie snags the pack from him.
“I got it,” he says, and pulls out a cigarette and lights it for him.
“Thanks,” Billy says, parting his lips so Eddie can stick it between them.
He rolls the window down and the cool summer night air fills the car along with the smell of cigarette smoke. Billy turns on the tape deck, and lets Metallica play at a low volume.
“We don’t need to talk,” he says lazily, handing the cigarette to Eddie for a drag. “Just enjoy the ride, let the night air clear your head.”
Eddie hates Marlboros, but he doesn’t mind them when he shares them with Billy. He takes a drag because Billy gave it to him, then hands it back, humming in the back of his throat, smoke billowing out of his nose.
The woods are thick and dark around them, and the music is a pleasant background noise against the rhythmic thrum of the Camaro’s engine. The headlights cut paths of bright light in the black, and overhead, the stars glitter in a dizzying array of pinpoints of light in the velvet sky.
The interior of the car is warm, and Billy’s calloused hand is hot and comforting as it rests on his knee, his thumb idly rubbing small circles over his pale freckled skin. It’s a start contrast with the cool night air that circulates through the car, and Eddie can see it whipping at Billy’s hair, which is glowing in the lights of the dashboard.
Eddie can see why this clears Billy’s head. This is one of the few times he’s felt so comfortable without being in his usual comfort zones- Hellfire Club, his van, or his trailer. Here, he gets to share something that makes Billy happy, see the beauty of the world at night from Billy’s point of view, and it’s freeing and comforting all at once.
He realizes he hasn’t thought about the campaign at all since they got in the car.
Billy’s right. His head is clear- but it’s also heavy. He’s safe, comfortable, and drinking in a private side of Billy he doubts anyone has ever seen.
So many people call him violent, a bully, a jerk, an egotistical jock. A vain womanizer who’s main concern is his hair and his reputation, with no cares for anyone or anything but himself and his car.
Eddie knows otherwise, and right now, he’s seeing the contrary.
Billy’s hair is a mess from his attempts at sleeping, wind-tossed and careless. His cologne has worn off, as has his deodorant, so he smells like cigarette smoke, sweat, and Eddie’s bed.
And on top of all of that, he’s wearing nothing but a pair of Eddie’s threadbare boxers and his boots. He’s practically naked, stripped of his perfectly fitted clothes, his highly intricate grooming routine, and most importantly, he’s relaxed, and his face is pure contentment.
At school, Billy’s face has three modes: coy, sly, or a hard, icy neutral. He’s coy when looking to manipulate his peers for what he wants- be it flirtation or otherwise. He’s sly, almost mocking when talking to teachers, but Eddie knows that it’s covering up his general distrust of adults- especially men.
His default setting is that icy, hard neutral. A true Resting Bitch Face that keeps people at bay, holds off unwanted conversation, and hides his true feelings. It’s a mask devoid of anything that might indicate what is going through his mind, and is a defense against anyone that might get too close for his liking.
Billy doesn’t let anyone in without permission, and that permission is rarely granted.
Yet here he is, a soft contented happiness lifting the corners of his lips ever so slightly, his brows relaxed, his eyes glittering and glowing in the lights of the dashboard.
He’s naked in every way but literal, and Eddie doesn’t know how he got so lucky to see him this way. It fills him with a contentment that makes him feel so warm, so safe, and combined with the sounds and vibrations of the car, Billy singing in a low voice with the music, his eyelids droop.
Billy has been watching Eddie watch him, and he’s pleased that his plan is working. He sees Eddie relax in his peripheral vision, lulled by the car, and the gentle touch on his knee.
When he sees Eddie’s eyes begin to close, his head beginning to nod, he slows the car and makes a careful turn, heading back to the trailer park. The ride home is just as quiet, but Billy rolls the windows back up most of the way, letting the interior warm up to the perfect temperature to further lull Eddie to sleep.
By the time they get home, Eddie is out cold, head lolled to the side, and he’s drooling a little.
Billy is quiet, gentle, as he pulls Eddie from the front seat. He’s taller than Billy, but not as bulky, so it doesn’t take a lot of effort to carry him back into the trailer in his arms- but it is a bit awkward trying not to bang his gangly limbs on the doorframe.
Eddie mumbles, nearly coming to as Billy puts him in bed, but once the blankets are pulled over him, he drifts back into sleep. Billy turns off the lights and shuts the bedroom door before climbing into bed beside him.
Billy pulls Eddie into his arms, melting a little as Eddie immediately presses back against him, a sound of sleepy contentment coming from deep in his chest. He nuzzles into Eddie’s hair, trying not to smirk in satisfaction that his plan worked.
He knows Eddie will be irritated that he was “tricked,” but for now, Billy’s just happy that he finally got Eddie to go the fuck to sleep.
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stormkobra-5 · 2 years
Pairing: Steven Grant x fem!Reader (mention of Marc Spector x fem!Reader/Jake Lockley x fem!Reader)
Fic Type: Drabble
Summary: Steven’s not rough with you, like Marc or Jake. He’s more… Reserved. But he will wreck your shit if you ask nicely.
A/N: So yes this is fluffy Steven smut. No I cannot be stopped and no it is not a part of Red Handed.
Rating/Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI, NSFW under the cut, softdom!Steven, sub?Reader, riding, missionary, edging, orgasm denial, squirting, breeding kink, trying for a baby, pregnancy, mention of marathon sex??? I think that’s it???
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Steven Grant was a master of puzzles.
Jigsaws he solved within a matter of hours, if that. You’d long since stopped trying to keep track of his 3000-or-more-piece puzzles, always Egyptian-themed, that he’d clear a table for, finish in record time, and then break it up and put it away before reaching for the next one. 
Escape rooms? You figured when you introduced him to the random little escape room app on your phone that he’d be just as stumped as you were. Instead, ten minutes later, he asked you how he gets to the next world. “Steven,” You breathed in astonishment. “You… You beat the fucking game?!” I think it’s a given to say that he’d also completely owned your consoles when you showed him puzzle-based games like Skyrim or Zelda.
Jenga, Ka-Plunk, DnD, hell, even Clue, he blew your mind with how quickly puzzles were solved by his hands. Incomprehensible, astounding, holy fucking shit your boyfriend is a genius. 
Specifically, one of them in particular.
His Rubik’s cube.
The way he moved those goddamn fingers, those fingers that he could bend and flick and curl expertly against you and in you when you needed him too. Those hands alone could make you see stars if he was really intent on doing so.
He hated it when he had to use both hands for the Rubik’s cube. So he oiled it, ensuring that it flipped and moved with the smallest of touches, one-handed. Shk, shk, shk, he’d already solved it twice while you were watching, restarting the process when you asked him that one simple question. “Just one more time, love. Three times, then I’m all yours, yeah?” His soft voice was deeper, huskier, a little out-of-focus because of how deeply he was concentrating– not that you could tell he was. He looked calm, serene… but calculating. Deep in thought.
You were the puzzle this time.
“S-Steven, please–”
“Just a little bit longer, love.” He tossed the cube up in the air in front of your face, just being a showoff at this point. 
Two weeks ago, you’d started talking about raising a family together. At first it had just been uncertain questions, but then you’d started looking into schools nearby, making lists of baby names, adopting a healthier diet, and going to the doctor. Steven was more determined to get you pregnant than you’d expected, tracking your cycles and ovulation periods– hence why he’d made you take a week off work. He’d seemed a bit nervous when he admitted that he called in for you. “Well, love… you’re ovulating now, yeah? I figured now’s a better time than any to–” You’d never heard the end of that sentence, having immediately dragged him to the bed.
 But now there wasn’t an equal flow, like there usually was.
“Don’t cum until I say you can, dove. You can do that, yeah? Can you be a good girl for me?”
He’d laid back, helping you straddle his lap and sink down on his thick cock; it was then you’d realized that he hadn’t cum earlier, that he was holding off, maybe hoping an extremely powerful orgasm might be what it takes to knock you up. You were a puzzle he needed to solve, so like always when he focused intensely, you didn’t even begin to understand what he might be thinking. 
He hadn’t thrust up into you, although he had allowed you to roll your hips, bounce on his length, do whatever you want at whatever pace you wanted– there were only three rules. You couldn’t touch yourself, you couldn’t cum, and you had to keep your hands on his stomach so he knew you weren’t cheating in your blissed-out state.
Slowly, his dark chocolate eyes trailed from the Rubik’s cube to your red, sweaty face. “S-Steven… Please, please…” 
You found it. Right there. That spot where you can easily drive to your ecstasy. Maybe Steven won’t notice if you cum. Maybe he’ll let it slide. But he knew your body better than you did, and when you started to speed up the rocking of your hips, Steven’s free hand flew to your waist, effectively stopping your impending orgasm. “Steeeevvennn,” You whined, reduced to a blubbering mess of begging to barter for your release. Your approaching euphoria was ripped from you, descending rapidly into a cold pit of roiling tension in your lower belly. 
Steven’s hand crawled up your side, brushing painfully close to your breast without touching it and running up the length of your neck. He stopped at your mouth, fingers expertly running over your top and bottom lip gently. “Sh, dove,” He said, all but absentminded as you tried to fuck yourself without fucking yourself on him, “Almost there.”
He slipped his fingers into your mouth, letting you suck on them. You swirled your tongue and bobbed your head, using the same movements as you would when sucking him off, but aside from briefly glancing to your face, he gave no reaction to indicate that it was turning him on at all. His cock barely twitched inside you, and you weren’t entirely certain if he just had that good self-control, or if you’d gone numb from the waist down from fucking like rabbits all day in any position and location possible in your flat.
Finally– finally– he removed his fingers and twisted to toss the Rubik’s cube onto the nightstand, unintentionally shifting himself deeper inside of you, if possible, and eliciting a moan from you; yep, you could still definitely feel everything down there. If anything, you were over-sensitive, rather than under. He stared up at you with admiration and a small smile, massaging your thighs. “You did so well for me, dove. You ready to cum?”
If it were only possible, you would have cum right then. “Yes, please yes!” Maybe in the morning you’d be a little embarrassed about how easily you begged, and so quickly, too– but you had little time to think about it. Effortlessly, Steven rolled you both over so that he was on top, between your legs and still buried deep inside you– maybe even deeper, oh god, you can’t take it–
Steven’s gentle kiss on your forehead was nothing compared to the sheer intensity of how hard he pistoned his hips into you, the head of his cock bumping your cervix and almost making you scream. “Let it out, darling,” Steven urged, “I like to hear you. Please, love?” He punctuated the question with an open-mouthed, heavy kiss on your pulse point right under your jaw, and this time you didn’t hold back. Your wail of pleasure drowned out his soft moans and gasps as he panted for air. Sweat glistened silver on his tawny skin, dripping from his nose, his hair, the chain necklace he wore– gently, you tugged on it, and Steven’s hands flew to yours. He entwined your fingers together before pinning them on either side of your head, driving deeper, faster, harder, until you can’t breathe, you can’t see, there’s only Steven, who kisses you passionately as his thrusts falter. “You can cum now darling,” He breathed into your mouth, moaning as you screamed his name loudly enough to hurt your throat. You soaked the bed, him, hell, you wouldn’t have been surprised if the whole flat was soaked. You’d never squirted before with him, and you wondered if it was what he’d been planning for. 
Steven came with a cry, finishing as deep as he possibly could– a part of you thought he must have shot himself directly into your womb. He let go of your hands, allowing you to wrap your arms around his neck as he held you close, trying to catch his breath. He pressed a lingering kiss to your forehead, wincing as his hips rocked of their own accord in the aftershocks of his high. “Can you keep it all in for me when I pull out, dove? We’ve gotta make sure every drop has a chance, darling, every drop.” His hand rested pointedly on your stomach, making you smile and nod frantically.
When you shivered, he immediately reached for a nearby blanket, carefully pulling out of you and ensuring you were warm enough before moving away. When he came back, he very gently cleaned you up before moving you to a hot bath, letting you lay there while he changed the sheets. Before you could even think of moving from the tub, Steven returned carrying his comfiest hoodie and sweatpants he knew you liked to wear, along with a snack oh-so-typical of Steven. 
“Are those… cookies?”
“Oatmeal cookies,” He specified, sitting on the edge of the tub and carefully handing you your plate. “With raisins. Better for you and the baby, innit?”
You flushed up to your hairline, touched by the gesture. “Honey, we don’t even know if I’m pregnant yet.”
“You will be,” Steven said excitedly, setting the milk (yes, he even brought you milk) on the sink so that he could kneel on the outside of the tub, staring at you fondly with his chin resting on the edge. He caressed your face, smiling when you leaned into him to press your foreheads together. “We’re gonna get you pregnant this week, love, I can feel it.” He kissed you softly, before his face contorted thoughtfully as he pulled slowly away.
“Orange juice,” He said, abruptly standing.
He grabbed the glass of milk on his way out of the bathroom. “Orange juice is better than milk, right? Or, maybe not? Maybe they’re equal? You wouldn’t want them at once, love, so; orange juice, yeah, and a banana? I’ll just drink the milk then, don’t wanna waste it, and I’m not sure if I could pour it back into the container without makin’ a bloody mess…”
You listened to his rambling move about the flat as you nibbled on your cookies, smiling to yourself. You and Steven wanted this baby more than anything; and you wanted it even more since Marc and Jake were both scared but excited at the prospect. You looked at baby clothes together, you had everything planned out, and now you were finally, actually trying without any kind of protection to conceive.
Steven may have planned the week, but they were all so sweet, so supportive, so protective, ensuring that you eat right, drink right, sleep right, rest, bathe– 
–and you loved them with all your heart.
The next morning, when you were making the bed, you found his Rubik’s cube half-finished on the nightstand. A smile made its way onto your face as you realized he’d never completed the puzzle last night in favor of completing you.
A couple weeks later, when you and Steven read the positive results of the pregnancy test, you realize, amidst all the cheering and hugging and crying, that with all of his planning, trying to get you pregnant was yet another puzzle he had solved, effortlessly.
With the help of Marc and Jake, of course.
Thanks for reading! :3
Tags: @dameronsknight @sylkisdagger @atzlena @gucciboots @pastel-0-princess @poeticsorcery @rosaren2498 @love-on-the-murder-scene @wintergirlsoilder2 @blackcat-midnight-thatsme @multifandomsw @bookloverfilmoholic @khaotic-kris @hb8301 @soggumm @simonsbluee @adamcarlsenslvr @bluestuesday @magnet-girl @rosellacwrites @dweeb-central @ilymorepls @drwhofangirl1963 @loonymagizoologist @auszimbo @tealrivers @laters-gators12 @izbelross @xcatnapsx @child-of-the-moon-gods @djarinsgirl27 @sokoviansorceress @eerievixen @cold-buffet-ham @upbeat-cascade @stark-kirk-rogers-grant-blog @candydancey @rqmanoff @jakelcckley @sharin4readers @lovely-cryptid @marc-spectorr @rmoonstoner @oscarisaacsspit @marc-spectorr @lovely-cryptid
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yokohamapound · 2 years
I’m back for part 2! Chuuya deserves it! 👀
Im dying to know what domestic life is like with the king? What’s his home look like? What does he do in his downtime? How’s he with chores? Really whatever comes to mind when living with a man like him. Thank-you kindly, lovely! <3
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More short king headcanons!
Characters: Nakahara Chuuya
Contents: gender neutral reader
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Nakahara Chuuya
So, Chuuya's memories only start from when he was seven. He essentially woke up to being dragged out of a dark void, before Arahabaki's power exploded and created the crater that eventually became Suribachi City. We don't know much about the intervening eight years between when he was freed and when he met Dazai, but it's easy to assume he was living in the slums, either on the streets or squatting in empty buildings. The point I'm driving at is that Chuuya didn't really have a domestic life until he joined the Sheep, and probably nowhere comfortable until he joined the Port Mafia.
As such, he doesn't take his home for granted.
It took Chuuya a while to cultivate his current taste. His first couple of Port Mafia paychecks were probably spent on clothes, food, games—stuff a fifteen year old street rat would want but couldn't afford. Kouyou stepped in when she realised his room looked like an empty box with a bed and clothes strewn everywhere. She insists she's not his mother, but she took him under her wing and directed him toward interior design and actually buying furniture beyond a bed.
Nowadays, Chuuya doesn't need any help whatsoever. I feel like his taste leans toward 1920s luxury. Think art deco, deep colours, polished woods, lots of light. He's upgraded his living space a few times to go along with his rise in status, and one of his favourite things is working out how he's gonna make this empty white box into a home.
This man has antiques. He ignored all the jokes and bought himself an antique hat stand that sits in his foyer. Dazai can go choke; it makes Chuuya happy. He's careful about what he picks—he doesn't enjoy clutter for the sake of clutter, unless it belongs to his s/o. (Your stuff triggers his simp switch and he likes seeing it around, mixed with his things.)
Now, he's also a 21st-Century guy with a lot of money on his hands, so there'll be copious gadgets mixed in with the tasteful vintage decor. He has every games console going, and one of those ridiculous TVs that comes out from behind a panel in the wall. The coffee machine in the kitchen would put a hipster coffee shop to shame, honestly.
He has a big closet. You can't look at that guy and tell me he doesn't have a walk-in wardrobe. Padded hangers, cedarwood drawers, stands for his hats, a drawer full of gloves—your guy has them all. He insisted on cedarwood because it discourages moths, and smells a lot better than mothballs.
Despite his bad habit of throwing his overcoat and gloves around, Chuuya takes care of his things, including his home. He's not a neat freak, but he's trained himself to take dishes to the kitchen, throw out trash, etc. If his s/o lives with him, he tries to split the chores 50/50 but it's not always feasible if he's out working long hours. If the housework gets too much, he'll hire someone to come in and take care of it.
He doesn't like washing up, but will take care of all the dusting, take out the trash, and he rarely generates much laundry because this expensive mofo gets it dry cleaned. The washing up thing is because he hates rubber gloves, and wet food touching his bare hands gives him the ick. He'll dry the dishes. Honestly, though, he probably invests in a dishwasher and a roomba (nicknamed Dazai, because it sucks.)
Chuuya doesn't get a lot of downtime, so he tries to make it count. Time spent with you is the best, even if it just involves sitting around the apartment catching up on books, movies, or TV shows he's wanted to consume. He likes going shopping, but he especially likes going shopping with you to buy stuff for the apartment. He refuses to go to the hellscape that is Ikea, but most other places are fair game. He likes his own taste, of course, but Chuuya likes seeing things around the apartment that you've chosen. He looks for ways to blend your taste with his, so you create a cosy, harmonious place that reflects the both of you.
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