#A headcanon??? On my blog??? It’s more likely than you think
Aaaa! You are like my favorite creepypasta blog! I love all the stuff you do so much! Would you be willing to go like a bit more into lyra and Toby's relationship or something like that? I find them super interesting, If you've already done that and I forgot sorry!
Hellloooo I’m glad you like my stuff so much! ^^ I’m gonna provide a link if you click right here to my Toby character analysis, which is where I went into his background and in that is the basis of his relationship with Lyra, but I don’t mind giving you some rambles about them as well :)
So as I say in the character analysis, in my canon Toby and Lyra both suffered incredibly at the hands of their father’s abuse. As Toby can’t feel pain, their father often used Lyra and abused her in front of him as it affected Toby the most. When not being abused, Toby and Lyra were always huddled up together in each other’s arms, and despite being the one physically harmed the most, Lyra was always comforting Toby, reassuring him that she was okay, and that he didn’t need to be so worried about her.
Lyra couldn’t stand the sight of Toby always being so distressed as a result of the abuse, and she always tried her best to cheer him up and make him feel better. Toby to this day still remembers the stories that Lyra would tell him to distract him, and he often repeats them to himself in his mind as a way to calm down and distract himself from anything bothering him.
I’ve always had this headcanon in the back of my mind that Lyra had a bracelet that she would wear all the time. After her and their father’s death, when Toby was packing up to run away one of the things he took with him was that bracelet. He’s worn it every day since, except when he’s on missions or training as he doesn’t want it to get damaged, and it’s his most prized possession.
I think he really got his affectionate nature from Lyra. As I said before they were often holding each other when their dad wasn’t around, and I think she would hold his hand a lot to remind him that she was there with him, and their mom would do the same, the three of them always in contact in some way as it was the only comfort they could provide each other when living through hell together. As Toby no longer has his sister to fill that void anymore, he gets pretty clingy with the people he’s close to in the mansion, since he still desperately wants all of that affection and they’re the only ones that can provide it to him. If he has a partner, that’s why he’s always clinging to you and wanting as much affection as he can gather from his s/o. If he doesn’t, like I said, he tries to get it from the creeps, and I think he most often clings to Slender/Tim/Brian/Jane/BEN. It’s not uncommon for him to be wandering around holding hands with one of them or clinging to them in a hug.
Toby also tells stories about Lyra a lot, sometimes the same ones over and over again, because he doesn’t want to forget anything about her. I think his mom also tells him stories a lot about Lyra, things he wouldn’t remember or know because he was her younger brother, and it always brings him joy. If he’s dating you, he especially likes to tell you stories about her, and he always says that he thinks Lyra would have loved you, which usually makes both of you cry together. If you ever ask him to talk about Lyra though, it makes him so incredibly excited.
I hope this quenches your Toby and Lyra lore thirst for the day because this went on way longer than I meant it to, but if you ever have specific questions always feel free to assskkkk
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meimi-haneoka · 1 day
༻✦༺ Welcome! ༻✦༺
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Last update Sept. 24th, 2024
Hello and welcome to my main blog, my little home where I share my love for Cardcaptor Sakura and CLAMP works to the world! ✨
I'm Cinzia, she/her, Italian. Aged in a barrel of hyperfixations and daydreams. You might wonder, why this blog url if this is mainly a CCS blog? Well, when I opened this blog more than 10 years ago I was heavily focused on Kaitou Saint Tail, but when I started posting more and more about CCS, at some point I realized it was too late to change url or all the links to the posts I had shared around would become broken.
Regardless! I have closely followed the serialization of Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card ever since it began and my monthly commentary became something more when I realized the official English translation wasn't doing justice (to use an euphemism) to the original Japanese version. My friends and other fans in general were left confused and misguided by the countless translation mistakes (some to the point of changing the plot), so I started pointing them out in my monthly posts.
I also post other kind of stuff, like reports of CLAMP Spaces when they talk about CCS, or long time ago I posted summaries of interviews with the staff of the Clear Card anime. I plan to eventually translate those fully, considering my skills with Japanese language improved since then. But please remember that "English is not my first language" etc etc., so if some sentences sound weird, you already know why. Now that the manga is over, I post with irregular schedule some in-depth analysis and trivia about the story, examining one topic at a time. Despite being a CLAMP fan and loving other stories as well, I chose to focus on and dedicate myself to CCS in particular, due to time and limited mental resources. Thinking about following me? That's great, thank you! ✨ But if there's an idiom I love, it's "good fences make good neighbours", so please make sure to understand what kind of blog you're about to follow. I consider this my fandom home so additionally to those posts I mentioned above, I also unapologetically post about the ships I love. I love to analyze, I like to theorize. I don't disguise, I don't tiptoe.
I am a CCS fan born in SyaoSaku, and reborn with YunaAki, with currently a preference for the latter ones. If you're curious to know what my POV on this pairing is, you can get a very clear idea looking at my #yunaaki and #cosmos & crystals hashtags . If for any reason that's not ok with you, you're absolutely free to unfollow or even block me. In fact, I encourage you to do so. I'm here on this site to enjoy what I like, not to make anyone miserable. Unkind asks will be ignored; attempts to "lecture me" about what is acceptable and what not, what I can like and what not will probably be laughed at (I'm old for this stuff, it doesn't work with me). On the contrary, if you like YunaAki too, you'll be more than welcome here! Send me a message to share our headcanons! ✨
Now that we've cleared that up, here you can find the real reason why I wanted to make this new introductory pinned post: a convenient list with links to all my relevant posts, organized by category! I will update this list as I add new posts, so always check the date at the top for new additions! 👍
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Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card: commentary + translation differences
(started at chapter 41 because that's when I got access to ENG scans) Collected under the hashtag #translation differences . The first posts might be a bit overzealous, as I was getting the hang of it. TBA: I have a bigger project for this in the works, an easier way to browse through all the relevant translation differences, divided by chapters and volumes, starting by chapter 1 (even marked by severity).
41 || 42 || 43 || 44 || 45 || 46 || 47 || 48 || 49 || 50 || 51 || 52 || 53 || 54 || 55 || 56 || 57 || 58 || 59 || 60 || 61 || 62 || 63 || 64 || 65 || 66 || 67 || 68 || 69 || 70 || 71 || 72 || 73 || 74 || 75 || 76 || 77 || 78 || 79 || 80 || Epilogue || Short stories 01 || 02 || 03 || 04 || 05 ||
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Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card Trivia series
All about Clear Card, from the most mundane trivia to the deepest thematics presented in it. Collected under the hashtag #clear card trivia .
Clear Card Trivia 1 ~ Literary and musical references/mentions in Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card
Clear Card Trivia 2 ~ Alice in Clockland and its meaning inside Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card
Clear Card Trivia 3 ~ Sakura's journey of growth and self-understanding throughout Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card
Clear Card Trivia 4 ~ The most ancient Magicians of Europe, the Magic Association and their role in Clear Card
Clear Card Trivia 5 ~ Real life models of buildings featured in Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card 🆕
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English translations of short stories and Drama CDs
Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card BD vol. 8 one shot
Card Captor Sakura Clear Card Arc - Drama CD part 1
Card Captor Sakura Clear Card Arc - Drama CD part 2
Clear Card manga volume 10 Special Edition bonus - Mini Book
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Sakura & Syaoran parallels in CCS and TRC
Discontinued, even though I know there are more. Who knows, maybe one day I'll continue it! Collected under the hashtag #syaosaku parallels .
1 ~Hands~ || 2 ~Pinky Promises~ || 3 ~Hugs~ || 4 ~”Tell me”~ || 5 ~Desperate hug~ || 6 ~Scream and shout~
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CLAMP Space reports
Reports and in some cases translation of entire chunks of conversation from CLAMP Spaces on Twitter.
July 30th, 2021 || September 5th, 2021 || March 27th, 2022 || April 4th, 2022 || August 7th, 2022 || October 24th, 2022 || November 8th, 2022 || December 28th, 2022 || January 4th, 2023 || May 5th, 2023 || January 8th, 2024 || April 1st, 2024 ||
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Interviews with the Clear Card anime staff and cast
Highlights and recaps of the interviews released during the period of broadcasting of the Clear Card anime. If you want to know what kind of feelings and ideas Clear Card was made with, as well as the origin of the 25th anniversary project (which turned into Clear Card), check these out. I plan to translate these entirely, so this list is only temporary, waiting for the complete interviews.
Interview with CCS Clear Card producer Chiyo Kawazoe in Animage 12/2017
Morio Asaka x Sakura Tange interview in Newtype 05/2018
Highlights of Morio Asaka’s interview in the Starter Book
Interview with Yukana (Meiling’s VA) in Animage 06/2018
Interview with Sakura Tange and Motoko Kumai in Animage 07/2018
Interview with Sho Saito (Nakayoshi editor) and Nozomi Matsuura (CCS copyrights manager) in Animedia 07/2023 (full interview)
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Other random stuff collected under hashtags:
My fanarts
My fics for YunaAki (to be moved soon)
Enjoy your stay! ✨
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grimmtells · 2 days
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Why greetings, fellow person ! I am Grimmtells, owner of this humble blog filled with the contents of my brain rotting interests. Hope at least one of ‘em catches your eye ! Naturally, anyone is welcome to call me Grimm ! Shorter, sweeter and faster to type !
A fair warning, my humour can be very horny ! Will come up completely randomly, so if you don’t enjoy these sorts of jokes, be forewarned that some posts may give you the ick !
I’m gonna use this Introduction to make knowing me and navigating my blog easier for you ! So just follow my lead, and you’ll never be lost ✨
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grimm arts - For all polished art pieces !
grimm comics - For all comics ! Includes answers to Inbox asks that I have answered with comic !
grimm doodles - For all silly pixel/greyscale doodles ! Includes answers to Inbox asks that I have answered with a doodle.
grimm tells - Pun intended. For any written/ One shot story posts I make ! They’ll be pretty sparse, I’m more of a visual guy, but one already exists so i’ll tag appropriately !
grimm answers - For Inbox asks ! Will include both written and visual answered asks !
grimm reblogs - For the things I reblog ! Check them out, it’s only cool stuff !
grimm rambles - For all random tumblr posts I make that are just me speaking into the void. Feel free to respond to my theatrical monologues.
KRBAY Masterpost (LINK TBA) - Kirby anime-centric, but I might cross things over with the games if I feel so inclined. It’s also my own interpretation of many things, my own headcanons, whilst staying as true to the canon as I can ! There’s a lot of my OCs there too.
TADC Masterpost (LINK TBA) - A lot of Arlekin content too, way more than the canon characters honestly ! Sorry, I love this jackass a tad too much. 
Kirby series
Kirby Right Back at ya
Super Mario series
Super Paper Mario
Mario and the Music Box
Hollow Knight
Sky Children of the Light
The Amazing Digital Circus
Overlord (Anime, haven’t read the light novel !)
Harry Potter (Fuck JKR though, obviously !)
Genshin Impact
Aside from that, I like to think I’m quite approachable ! So don’t hesitate to comment or send an ask, be it for me or one of my OCs (or even the canon characters of the Media you currently see my indulging in), I love answering all these ! <3
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dykedvonte · 3 months
why do you hate Joshua Graham or Honest Hearts so much?
This DLC and character represents a bigger issue with fandom spaces I have but particularly fallout fandom in general.
Fallout tends to tackle a lot of topics controversial and not. The first two games it’s heavy cause they are the most satirical and direct with how anti-war, nationalism and etc… they are. 3 loses this as it’s very clear once you play or learn about all the games that Todd and a bunch of guys at Bethesda just liked the 50s post apocalyptic aesthetic and refuse to actually critique the ideals of the time period like the earlier titles.
New Vegas is the game that really gets back into it a degree it almost seems like it’s taking too much on. There are things done exceedingly well while other things are done horribly wrong . I’ve made posts about it before and plan to make a big series of posts (it’s a lot of writing) but my biggest gripe is with Honest Hearts and all the gross and white savior esque depictions it has of indigenous peoples. The entirety if FNV does not do the injustices faced by indigenous people correctly on any count. My two biggest complaints are with the Khans and the tribes in Zion but I’ll talk about the former on a different post.
Both characters of Daniel and Joshua are the most accurate depiction of white saviors I’ve seen and I hate how the DLC tries to justify and defend them. The DLC treats Joshua like this man who has repented for his past actions when he is just retracing his steps after his cruelty bit him in the ass. He was one of the worst parts of the Legion and it is all but explicitly stated that if you don’t force him to be non-violent he will turn the tribes of Zion into the legion 2.0. The Dead Horses and the Sorrows are horribly infantilized by both Daniel and Joshua who both use them for self serving purposes guised by religious duty. The White Legs are the horrible stereotype of violent and savage indigenous and I personally think a lot of their interlinking with Ulysses, his hair and Ulysses character in general are distasteful and very telling of how BIPOC or POC where involved.
But outside of the game it’s the weird obsession people have with these characters ideologies and trying to make them seem more interesting/philosophical than they are. Tumblr is an echo chamber and many fans of Fallout are not the people on this site. Many people are not educated in the issues these characters convey and how poorly they do or used these characters as a poor introduction for their takes. Contrary to what a lot of people believe in, fallout has a prediomeny white cis male fanbase. More importantly a large portion of the fanbase is white.
You can joke how FNV made you trans or see the numbers on post/fics or diverse headcanons but these are kiddy numbers compared to the millions that consume the franchise and aren’t in those more aware spaces or don’t engage in the spaces the same way someone like me does/has to. Their views shape a lot more than people realize and it’s exhausting to be in a space where people don’t correct the more subtle yet toxic aspects of it but also adopt them into some weird quirky view point on the characters or issues. Some people don’t realize and some people don’t care.
My main issue is just the idolizing of these sort of thing in this fandom space and people try to acts like a game like fallout whose tagline is “War never changes” and has never had a game not revolve around political or militaristic factions issues isn’t that deep or doesn’t relate to real issues. I think it’s mainly caused by how over powered you can become and how you can strong arm your way past these learning moments as majority of people who play this game do play it as a power fantasy where they can do so as they please (which of course, go ahead it’s fun) but never take in parallels or lessons in the story as if it was just another first person shooter.
Also like another personal gripe is Cazadores spawn like hell whenever I’m there and I have not found a mod that works to mod them out so I have to play Indigenous Racism the DLC while getting jumped by giant wasps WHILE helping Mormons. Like I cannot catch a break.
#I’m mostly silly or character headcanon focused on this blog#but sometimes I forget some people literally have never interacted with someone slightly outside of their ideologies or don’t learn about#philosophies that don’t pertain to their view point and actively block them out#and so I have like a meltdown and occasionally post about it cause like I see more people hate Danse for regurgitating BoS teachings than#hate Joshua Graham who helped found the legion participated in their practices and still has this weird bloodlust#like make it make sense why do you like this white man genuinly like outside of his aesthetic#I can say silly shit about them hit it’s always I think it’s surreal they even exist while others genuinely wish they did so they could fix#them and some of all don’t realize how quickly jokes lead people down rabbit holes and pipe lines cause ur not gonna see posts even pitying#that man in here#like when I defend Danse it is through the signs and events in game that show he is not stuck in his ways and possibly only adopted those#beliefs because of his tramatic events with super mutants and the bos being very anti anything not human#their are affinity reaction that concern this while Joshua like moans yes when killing the white legs and is always polishing his gun goon#pile like I’ve learned too much about him the Mormon faith and that dlc to be told I’m playing favorites he is not fixable or repentent#this fandom has one of the worst issues of he’s my fave so he can’t do wrong when some of this characters are literal unapologetic rapist#racists or individuals who condone or perpetuate like ideas and concepts like obviously I’m gonna not like them????!#like I still think it’s interest to dissect them and I try so hard to not be a hypocrite but sometimes it’s like the whole this is just a#fun thing for you but like be aware of what you are taking in and reflect like is so important fiction can slowly seep into your morals#I’m rambling and losing track of shit so imma stop here before I reach the tag limit but again dm and ask cause this is the stuff I will#blab about#horrible at normal conversation tho#fallout#fallout new vegas#joshua graham#honest hearts#ask#anon#fallout 3
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rickfucker · 2 years
(kinda emo) Nsfw Rick Headcanons (GN!)
i’ve gained lots of followers since my last post. hello! and welcome to the shitshow. this turned out extra emo! for whatever reason idk. i think it might just be because of how much i love rick this season. he’s a little softer. pls enjoy.
Sex is one of those things that he almost overdid when he was younger. He still loves it, don’t get me wrong, but he used it as an unhealthy coping mechanism in tandem with his drinking. It started losing its spark as he really got on in years.
This man is of the streets. He’s seen it all and he’s done it all.
Definitely a switch. His default is soft dominant. He will give endless praise, from how stunning your body is to how well you take him.
He gets tired, though. He’s spent his whole life fighting shadows of himself; trying to convince himself that he doesn’t need anyone. He wouldn’t ask you outright, necessarily, but if you decide to take the reigns from him for a night, he melts right into it. He wants someone to take care of him. Love him. Be gentle with him, just enough to make him forget about the cruelty of his own existence.
Sex with you is healing for him in that respect. He has done the hard and fast with everyone he’s ever met. You’re a fresh start, like he’s being given a second chance at doing things the right way.
He takes his time with you. To the point of your very obvious frustration. I’m talking hours of foreplay.
He’s the type to gently coerce you into saying exactly what you want in bed, usually in the filthiest way possible. Once again, extra points for the full-body blushing you’ll be doing. He eats that shit up.
He wants to hear you say what you want. That you want him, specifically. Consent is sexy!
Nicknames for days. Sweetheart, baby, hun, sugar, sweetcheeks, lmao. He loves just hearing you say his name, though.
He likes to fuck in weird places. Views it like a sort of challenge.
You would definitely have sex in every room in the house. Kitchen countertops, living room couch, the shower (obviously), laying you out on top of the dining room table (you insist on Clorox-ing afterward because he certainly isn’t going to do it).
He would never risk the possibility of you two being walked in on, though. He’s for sure into exhibitionism to an extent, but not with his family in mind. For your privacy as much as his own. Also his territorial nature. Nobody is viewing the goods but him.
He actually doesn’t want to have sex on his workspace. He’s got too much important shit that can’t risk, ahem, contamination.
If you get awkward of feel embarrassed while bumping uglies, he literally does not care. Everything you do is sexy to him, including all of the very human things about you.
(AFAB) I can’t tell if he’s a boob or a butt guy, but that’s ‘cause he’s a pussy guy. We all know this. He is King of giving head and he fucking loves it. 
(AMAB) Same goes here. King of Giving Head; He WILL give you that sloppy toppy.
Always makes his partner come first.
He can’t pick a favorite position, but he does love it when you ride him, especially dry humping. He likes it when the two of you end up so in the moment that there’s no time for taking off clothes.
Goes absolutely feral when you say you love him.
Sometimes cries a little after really intense sex, but not when you can see him. He’s got all these pent up emotions that just end up toppling over when he lets his guard down.
Pillow talk for a hundred years. He likes it when you start rambling about the future, toying with his hands while you talk softly. “Maybe we could move somewhere closer to the ocean. Or are you more of a cabin in the woods kind of guy?” You laugh at the idea of Rick lounging on the beach, which he takes mock offense to.
You make him think about things he never would have considered before. What reason would he have to ask himself the less important questions of life? Like what his favorite architectural style of home is. What would his perfect vacation look like? If he had to pick a new hobby to start, what would it be? It’s just nonsense, things he would never talk about in front of anyone else due to their irrelevant nature, but in the afterglow with you, he likes it. Maybe it makes him feel more normal; suburban; domestic. Maybe he just likes how dreamily you talk about those things, and the way you give him your full, rapt attention in the quiet sanctity of his tiny bedroom. Nothing else exists but you.
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sigurdjarlson · 2 months
I always found that sweet how a lot of the time in TLG Med would jump to reassure Khadgar or even apologize after snapping at him
And yet in some ways the cruelest thing Medivh said to Khadgar in my opinion was correcting him when he called Karazhan “Our Tower.” And reminding him he was there at his whim and he could send him away at any time.
And he never did apologize for that one and honestly I don’t really blame Med for that per se? It is his tower and Khadgar can’t tell him who is allowed there. What I mean is going by JUST the power dynamic they have as mentor-apprentice, Khadgar is absolutely out of line there
In some ways could have come off quite spoiled and entitled but the thing is I don’t think that was the case at all.
He’s become so comfortable in Karazhan he’d started thinking of it as his home. Then Medivh has in one conversation reminded him it very much was not his home and he could send him away at anytime if he so wished it
He’d finally found someone who cared about him, respected him and treated him as a person. He found a place where he felt he belonged for once in his life and…
No wonder he was so jealous of Garona for a while after that. He’d been reminded that all of it could be taken from him at any moment and here was someone stealing his Master’s attention.
Just thinking about how that jealousy so obviously comes with feeling like he’s not enough and insecurity about his place in Med’s life.
Just very interesting how I think it could very well have went over Med’s head as not that big of a deal too? One of those things he’d be like huh oh yeah I said that? Meanwhile Khadgar is spiraling about it
He could of also been absolutely aware of how harsh it was because Medivh does lash out like that on occasion (especially towards the end of the book as Sargeras gets harder and harder to fight) he can be a little shit we know this
(Don’t really blame him for that given being possessed by the demon lord Sargeras is probably just a teensy bit tiring /s)
Also seen valid and honestly very possibly canon interpretations where he’s also trying to push Khadgar away cuz he knows what’s coming and what Khadgar is going to have to do.
The more attached to him he is the more difficult it will be for Khadgar to do what needs to be done.
What better way to push someone away then hit them right where it hurts?
And yet even then I think those words hurt Khadgar deeper than he’ll ever know :(
#wow blogging#angst angst baby#something something power dynamics and Med inadvertently enforcing it there when he also ironically often tries to make their relationship#there’s some interesting scenes where Med does reinforce it because well they ARE mentor and apprentice#but also how he also seems to want it to be more than a formal/professional relationship and tries to encourage that#I think that’s one of the reasons he corrects Khadgar for calling him Master or sir or whatever#less formal and more equal#jokes about Khadgar totally having a kink aside#(I could talk forever about how I think Khadgar calling him Master is actually really sweet and I think it comes from a different place#than Med thinks it does)#how the title is actually very meaningful to Khadgar I think#and in some ways it shows the same level of affection that Medivh calling him Young Trust does#I don’t think Med realizes that though and he’s just like hey chill you don’t gotta call me that#and Khadgar just instinctually keeps doing it (even DECADES later it Outland he refers to him as his Master)#there’s something to be said I suppose for how it could be pure habit from growing up in the environment he did#but I like to think it’s..deeper then that#(he also does totally have a kink for it but that’s besides the point here)#(don’t get me started on how most of my headcanon kinks for him to stem from his issues with self worth and fear of abandonment)#love playing with power dynamics okay#they are so interesting#how do you balance it all#lines slowly blurring in the mentor apprentice relationship as it becomes more than that#because they do very much care for another obviously#no matter how you interpret their relationship#absolutely rife with angst potential honestly#….#no i shan’t say#raventrust
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noel-levine-fan · 2 months
waiting for the day
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syb-la-tortue · 1 month
How do you think Deku's closest friends/family would react to him suddenly crying? I've been reading a lot of Angst and Hurt/Comfort fanfic and I was curious to see what you'd think.
Personally, I think Ochako would immediately hug him, no questions asked.
Bakugo would guide him to somewhere they would sit down and he'd stick with him.
but like, why is he crying? because Deku suddenly crying is just a thing he does every time he gets an emotion, he's a crybaby that's part of his character, and I say that in the most affectionate way I love that side of him X3
how his friends will react will just depend on why he's crying in the first place so yeah Ochako might hug him, or offer him a tissue, maybe they're sit down and have a talk, we know Todoroki and Iida will offer him food and try to cheer him up Bakugou I see being not very comfortable with other people's tears, so he might nope out of here or say something to make Deku stop crying Kiri being a empathic crier would just cry with him and they'd flood the room u_u
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Okay so I haven't listened to the book in the past couple days but there's this line from one of Zach's chapters that I can't stop thinking about cause it's like "good God that's so fucked" he says something along the lines of "I might have to work to transition from cute to hot but Rubens already there" and potentially in the same line but also maybe not cause I don't remember he says something close to "I have to make the switch from cute to hot if I want to have a career" which is like? Like it's so gross dude. Zach and Angel are barely 18 like tf- like yeah sex sells but Jesus christ what in the fuck. And then like the internalized issues?? Like it's not quite the same vein it's similar tho. I've always been "the fat kid" since I was in elementary school and let me tell you comparing your body to your friends' is literally the quickest way to start resenting them and hating yourself. Quite literally chorus was kinda pitting them against each other and started instilling body image issues in very impressionable teenagers and then was like *surprised Pikachu face* when they were all starting to show signs of depression and anxiety and started fighting and started doing dumb shit and drugs to try and cope.
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whipplefilter · 2 months
Auto Racing Analytics is my new favorite account, because who doesn't love a spider graph?? I love a spider graph:
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I initially found this account through a post that had that blue line and was like, "guess whose stats these are." And I was immediately like, that is the most 5-coded blue line. Operating at such a high level! So well-rounded! Except for the giant chomp taken out of it where DNFs and crash avoidance are concerned, hahaha...ha!
Going into Indy, I was talking to @the-kings-tail-fin about how, on any given day, the 5 could not be trusted in the way that the 9 could, and that the 24 was seasonally trustworthy (one of those seasons not being summer). I'd wanted to make a post about my thoughts on Kyle Larson's driving style, but chickened out of it because it's not as though I had any actual data aside from anecdotal evidence of having watched more of his Cup races than I haven't. But look, a spider graph! That affirms my personal impressions!
So let's talk about Kyle Larson and the 5. Kyle Larson is known for being good, which in racing generally means fast. HMS can put together some fast cars. But the fastest car isn't always the winning car. So what've we got? Here are my novice takes:
fast -- yes
loose -- he prefers a loose racecar (as opposed to tight)--understeer in the corners, where the back tends to swing out. If you can control it, you can find speed this way. Con? The if, I guess. And tire management, because a tire that's sliding isn't rolling.
aggressive -- Larson's self-descriptor, which in his context means shoving a car in places it does not seem like a car can fit (and often finding that it does not, in fact, fit there).
Case in point:
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That was re: late braking/brake lockup, but when other cars are involved, aggression looks like shoving a car in places that dare the other guy to wreck them both or lift. This is why the "terminal avoidance" and "crash avoidance" stats take such a nosedive--because sometimes when you're playing with fire like that, you mess up. Or the other guy doesn't lift. But it makes for fantastic spectating, especially when coupled with the daring required to pass and come up the field (when you have the speed to do so). That kind of run can also be hard on tires, as well as fuel, though fuel is not typically as big a storyline as it has been in 2024. And I will say that KL has gotten a lot better at tire management than he has been in the past.
creative -- Adaptability to an ever-changing track and, again, the daring to try new lines and search around for whatever works, which Jeff Gordon describes as a dirt race thing, in that it's the bread and butter of that form of racing, given that a dirt track is different every lap.
clean -- It doesn't seem like "clean" and "aggressive" would go hand in hand, since being aggressive can result in wrecks and also means you're a pain in the bum to anyone you're racing, but there's lots of flavors to "aggressive" and KL is not a "rattle his cage" kind of guy. Which isn't to say the racing won't get phyisical--it just probably won't be retaliatory.
For example, my biggest kink is Kyle Larson getting eaten alive by JGR, and KyBu and Denny Hamlin have, historically, done this a lot, because their form of aggression is a lot more toothy, if you will. But KL's bit back sometimes, too. (MTJ has gotten in on this action by beating KL on restarts for years straight. But as you'll see in the graph, restarts have improved!)
I'll also note that I've definitely seen KL punt a backrunner out of his way, so he's not above such things entirely. But he's a terrible person to pick a fight with outside of the car, because he won't fight back.
He's just great to watch, on TV and live. Even if this style of racing is exceptionally make-or-break in a playoffs format, because when it's good it's so, so good and when it's bad it's real bad. But such are the tradeoffs, and it's really cool to look back and recognize the level of excellence that's happening in the car.
I'll caveat that by saying that I've watched Kyle Larson miss pit road in an Xfinity race because he... forgot?? to pay attention??? and have seen him wheel hop his way around a road course and tear the tires of a racecar overdriving it and push extremely badly in the draft and whiff a restart to the point of no return, and that realistically I've probably also seen him do... most of those things... in 2024, too... I saw someone say once that for someone so talented KL sure does a lot of things that are incredibly, gobsmackingly dumb, and I probably wouldn't argue against that.
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if you have some, do you have any headcannons for barnaby?
honestly! not really! i don't have hcs for any of the neighbors!
#the way i interact w/ welcome home is uh... slightly differently than how i interact with more mainstream / company-produced media#like if you compare how i talk about the neighbors/wh to how i talk about characters on say... my dc blog#there's probably gonna be a notable Difference!#with mainstream/company stuff i go Hog Wild with hcs and aus and i form my own version of everything in my head#(while still understanding & respecting canon as the true source)#but wh is Different! i can't really do that!#it isnt some big production created by a team & mass released#where the actions of some fans just fuckin around and having fun won't directly affect anyone or even reach the ears of the creators#and where upon releasing it everyone Knows that its gonna be dissected & torn to shreds & played with like barbies#wh is more... personal? there is one main creator. these are His characters. its Their story.#i can't in good conscience make headcanons and honestly? id much rather stick to canon trivia & facts than create my own#theyre not my facts to create or believe in!!#sometimes ill make a post saying 'hey this would be cute / neat'#but as soon as i post im tossing that thought away. i dont let them stick or become hcs#(NOTE THAT I AM NOT BASHING ANYONE WHO MAKES HCS. THIS IS ALL MY PERSONAL OPINION!!! MY OWN PERSONAL INTERNAL RULES!!! FOR ME!)#rambles from the bog#like even with the lights out au im being careful with it. im trying to be faithful & respect the characters and the source#its an... exploration i think#ive never approached making an au this way bc usually im just flinging characters around and treating canon as a chew toy - scrap for parts#but i cant do that here! im Not Complaining At All im simply stating! i cant!#sorry you probs weren't expecting a lil mini rant in tags my b <3#this has just been in my head since i first discovered welcome home#i remember feeling myself start getting really attached & interested#and i recall telling myself 'ok. we cant approach this the way we would other things'#and i have done my best to Stick To That. ive relaxed a lil since then but im still standing by my one rule#Be A Little More Normal About This Than I Would If It Were Mainstream / A Company-Made Production
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13eyond13 · 9 months
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kuzcoskingdom · 7 months
i have so many silly kuzco/malina headcanons and many of them are based on AUs that are way different from what happens in the show. but one thing that i think is consistent across all universes is kuzco giving malina really over-the-top extravagant gifts and doing grand gestures for her that she really doesn't need and often pretends not to love. she rolls her eyes and tries to hide that she's smiling and blushing but on the inside she is happy to accept every massive wall of flowers and lavishly expensive piece of jewelry and badly-written love song from him. especially because they may seem ridiculous, but they're still genuine--with the flowers and jewelry he gets her favorite kinds and shows that he knows what she likes, and with the songs, he shows that he's thinking of her and is willing to put in that kind of effort for her. and once they're actually dating, she does let him know that she's grateful and that she loves him.
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i think more worldbuilding should include more numbering systems. like obviously when creating a fake world or language our first thought is to take the basic 0-9 and make a representation of those, but does it actually make sense for your people here to be using base 10? what about base 2, base 16, other systems we use and systems we dont commonly use? what would make the most sense in the context?
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year
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A bunch of Mario Family headcanons:
Because I think a very normal amount about the larger Mario family and very very very much want The Super Mario Brothers Super Show Reboot all about them
G-Poppy and his wife moved to American from Italy in their 20′s, making Mario and Luigi third generation immigrants
G-Poppy’s dream was to own and run an authentic Italian a Restaurant in America, but after the birth of his oldest son, Pio, the need for quick cash to pay rent was more pressing, thus why he got into Boxing
Papa Mario’s full name is Pio Mario Jr, he’s named after G-Poppy
Pio is a good 5-6 years older than his younger brothers, Arthur and Tony, who are only a year apart at most
Sense bills were tight, Pio spent a lot of his childhood being another income to the house hold, working hard labor work like construction to keep the family afloat while his brothers were young
Eventually G-Poppy got too old for wrestling and finally realized his dream of opening a Restaurant; Punch-Out Pizza. This put the family in more financial struggle, forcing Pio to take up more work while Arthur and Tony helped in the Restaurant
Now that G-Poppy is retired Arthur and Tony run the business together. Arthur’s the finance guy, where Tony runs deliveries and hands on manages other employees
It was actually their Grandmother who made Mario and Luigi’s caps for them, she’s also made G-Poppy’s. She passed before Louisiana was born, thus why she couldn’t make her a cap as well
Tony’s a huge horror movie buff, he loves old classics and has a huge VHS collection. Part of the reason Luigi is so scared of the paranormal is from catching glimpses or watching whole movies with Uncle Tony growing up
Another big part of Luigi’s fear though may just come from Uncle Tony loving to scare him. A big pass time for Tony was waiting around corners in Halloween masks to jump scare Luigi, or telling him ghost stories any change he got
Mario also got a bad fear from Uncle Tony’s movies; Pianos. He’d just happened to catch a pretty nasty scene of the lid of a Grand Piano crushing someone when he was younger and it stuck with him pretty hard
Louisiana is about 11-12 years younger than Mario and Luigi, so despite being cousins the three have a hard time relating to one another from the large age gap
Louisiana prefers to go by Louise, though only Mario and Luigi call her that. She was also the first one in the family to use the “Lou” nickname for Luigi, which Mario quickly also picked up
Arthur loves baseball, the Mets especially, but really he’ll watch any team play. He regrets not being on his school’s baseball team when he was younger, due to having to help at the restaurant, thus why he signed his daughter Louisiana up as soon as she was old enough. She’s stuck with it to keep her dad happy
Mia makes 90% of the meals in the Mario household, with the occasional help from Arthur. She learned most her dishes from her own mom, and a good deal more from Pio’s mother after marrying into the family
Marie is absolute rubbish in the kitchen. Mia’s given her multiple lessons and had her help with dinner many times around when she was expecting Louisiana, but she rarely made anything edible. The only one who ate her meals was Arthur, who just wanted to support his wife with all he had, even if it made him ill (which it did. Many times. Tony made fun of him for it)
Tony loves to work on machinery, mostly motorcycles, and has bounced around working part time as a mechanic here and there before his duties at the restaurant drag him back
Pio, Tony, and Mario are the only ones in the Mario family with a drivers license, though Tony was the only one who drove regularly until Mario bought the van
The Mario family owns 4 gaming devices; The Brother’s NES that they bought with their saved up chore money in Middle School, a Wii Marie and Mia do Wii Fit on in the living room, Uncle Tony’s PS2 that’s mostly collecting dust, and the Home Computer that Louise plays Roblox and Minecraft on
The Mario family apartment has 3 bedrooms; Pio and Mia’s, Arthur Marie and Louise’s, and Mario and Luigi’s. G-Poppy sleeps on a chair in the living room, and Tony sleeps on the couch
Louise has already called dibs on Mario and Luigi’s room when they move out, Tony says he prefers the couch anyway so he doesn’t mind
Pio pushes a lot of his own raising onto Mario, as the oldest he thinks Mario should be responsible, a support for the family, not chasing his own crazy dream that could crash down onto them into debt
On the flip side, Arthur puts a lot of what he wanted for himself onto Louisiana, pushing her to do new things and plays sports and do after school activities like he never got to do having to work in the Restaurant growing up
Tony’s the only one he sees this happening, and thus has stayed the fun uncle who’ll get you out of that thing you don’t want to do if asked. He’s listened to a lot of vents from the kids as he drives them from one activity to the next, and tries to remind them their parents are doing their best, and love them a lot. For everyone but Luigi that reminder fell on deaf ears
#Mario Movie#The Super Mario Brothers Movie#SMB Movie#Headcanon post#Long post#It's a little long but not like. too long I don't think#I dunno I was contemplating putting it under a Read More but#Eeeeeeeeeeh#It's not thaat long#Behold my big buncha Mario Family Dyanamic headcanoning#All typed while my computer was having a melt down and lagging for no particular reason#It's just having a fit at 4 in the morning#Apologies so much of this is about the Generational Trauma of Papa Pio Mario I feel a very specific way about him#I love them all soooooo much I am making them so complicated for no reason#Other than I feel it in my bones they are SO 3D#I went with the name Louisiana for the 'niece' btw because Marianna is the name of one of the Mario Cousins in the Super Show#(which is where Arthur and Tony both come from)#But there was already 3 Ma names in the family so I decided to give us another Lou instead#A better name though probably would have been Marilyn sense she's their canon niece from the Super Show#And if I'm gonna pull from the Super Show it might as well be the name of the actual niece#but also she's NOT their niece#She is VERY CLEARLY Auntie Marie's daughter they just call her Niece because she's like 12#While Mario and Luigi are 23-25 canonically#And this is a hill I'm going to die on it seems#I love you Uncle Tony Mwah Mwah Uncle Tony top tier character#Just here to be mean to his Nephews and make his brother laugh#Best Uncle I love him#Why is this on the self ship blog?#Because my S/I is Tony's son and I want to talk about my Familials sometimes. Duh.#Ma and Pop Posts
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lenievi · 2 years
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MCCOY: Look, Jim. I know what it means to you to lose a crewman. KIRK: That's only one down, Doctor. 
love how apart from seeing that Kirk is angry with McCoy in this moment, you can also tell by him calling McCoy “Doctor” three times in like one minute
and then he has time to cool down (and honestly the few seconds where he kind of awkwardly walks toward McCoy and prepares himself for an apology are so funny, but also so true and real) and he stops being the captain for those few seconds and
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and switches back to “Bones”
but now McCoy is like
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“Yes, Captain?” because he doesn’t know what to expect
and Kirk smiles and tells him “I shouldn't have chewed you out. I'm sorry.”
and all’s well~
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