#AC Service in Sama
harunayuuka2060 · 9 months
MC: *calling a repair company*
MC: Hi.
Customer service: Hello. How may I assist you today?
MC: I need a repair.
Customer service: Of course. What needs to be repaired?
MC: My broken heart.
Customer service: ...
Customer service: Got it. We'll be sending you a text message shortly. *ends the call*
MC: ...
The first years: ...
Ace: That service is real?
MC: Shh. *received the text message*
Feeling down because your heart's in pieces? Don't stress. We've got just the remedy. Check out the lineup of the most charming bachelors in Twisted Wonderland.
Idia (this one is optional - we're about to drop him from the list)
Floyd - (We're sorry. This one has already been removed.)
The first years: ...
Ace: What?
Epel: *laughs*
Ortho: What company is that? I won't let them remove Idia from the list!
Sebek: Ha! As expected of Waka-sama!
Deuce: I feel bad for Floyd-senpai.
Jack: I'm just wondering... You called for a repair. Why did they give you a list of bachelors?
MC: It's secretly a dating company.
The first years: ...
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andromedanisa · 6 months
aku tak pernah tahu rasanya menunggu jodoh bertahun-tahun itu seperti apa. karena aku menikah dengan suamiku diusia muda 20 tahun.
aku juga tak pernah tahu rasanya berselisih paham dengan mertua, karena dari awal pernikahan hingga saat ini kedua mertuaku sangat baik kepadaku.
aku juga tak pernah tahu rasanya tinggal seatap dengan mertua, merasa tidak nyaman dirumahnya atau konflik dengan ipar. karena sejak awal menikah suamiku telah menyiapkan rumah untukku tinggal bersamanya tanpa harus mencicipi tinggal dengan mertua.
aku tak pernah tahu rasanya bagaimana kesulitan ekonomi, pinjam uang sana dan sini, menggadaikan atau menjual aset untuk bisa makan hari ini. karena selama pernikahanku Allaah cukupi aku dan suami dengan kelapangan rezeki.
Allaah tidak menguji aku dalam hal demikian, tidak tentang menunggu jodoh, tidak dengan mertua, tidak dengan suami ataupun kesulitan ekonomi. tetap ku syukuri apapun keadaan itu hingga saat ini.
tapi apakah kamu tahu dimana letak ujianku? iya, Allaah uji aku dengan penantian buah hati. aku tidak tahu rasanya bagaimana lelahnya mengandung, melahirkan, ataupun mendidik seorang anak. karena selama 15 tahun pernikahanku aku belum pernah merasakan bagaimana perasaan terlambat haid.
jangan tanya bagaimana upayaku, percayalah aku sudah mengupayakan semua cara yang baik. saran dari banyak ahli, dan semua nasihat yang masuk aku semua sudah aku upayakan.
katanya hamil itu berat, menyusui itu membuat payah seorang ibu, dan merawat seorang bayi itu tidak mudah. iya, aku mengerti, keadaan itu sudah Allaah jelaskan di dalam Al-Qur'an. namun mereka tak akan pernah tahu dan juga pahamkan bagaimana beratnya menanti seorang anak sekian lama. letihnya berjuang dengan berbagai upaya yang tak jarang menyakitkan.
maka aku mendidik diriku, semakin kesini jadi semakin berhati-hati. tidak ingin mudah menilai seseorang tentang siapa yang paling berat ujiannya. semua orang sedang berjuang dengan ujiannya masing-masing. hanya Allaah yang tahu kadar keimanan seorang hambanya.
semakin kesini jadi semakin mencoba lebih mudah mensyukuri hal-hal kecil yang sudah dimiliki tanpa membandingkan kebahagiaan ku dengan yang lain. sebab keduanya tak akan pernah sama. dan tak membenci takdir atas apa yang terlewat dari hidup seperti;
Dibalik aku yang nggak bisa naik motor, ada rejeki bapak ojol.
Dibalik aku yang belum hamil, ada rezeki dokter dan perawat yang mengalir disitu karena ikhtiar bayi tabung, inseminasi dan ikhtiar lainnya.
Dibalik AC rumah yang udah nggak dingin atau rusak, ada rezeki tukang service AC yang hadir disitu.
Dibalik ban mobil yang bocor, ada rezeki tukang tukang tambal ban disitu atau ada juga rezeki warung starling yang juga mangkal disitu. sambil nunggu ditambal bannya sambil pesan minum sekalian.
intinya sejatuh dan terpuruk hidupku, tetap ada berkah bagi orang lain. seberat apapun kesedihan hidup yang sedang aku jalani, berbaik sangka sama Allaah adalah yang harus selalu diupayakan. dan bener, semakin kesini hanya ingin hidup tenang. semua yang sudah Allaah takar tak akan pernah tertukar. semua yang memang untukku akan tetap menujuku, yang tidak untukku akan melewatkanku sekuat apapun upayaku untuk menujunya.
jadi ujian mana yang lebih berat dan mana yang mulia? tak akan mengurangi kemuliaan ibunda Aisyah Radhiyallahuanha walau tak memiliki keturunan. tak akan mengurangi sedikitpun kemuliaan Asiyah Binti Muzahim meski bersuamikan Firaun. tak akan mengurangi sedikitpun kemuliaan dan kesucian ibunda Maryam yang melahirkan seorang anak tanpa pernah disentuh oleh laki-laki. tak akan mengurangi kemuliaan Fatimah Az Zahra walau hidup penuh dengan kekurangan. Mereka semua tetap mulia sebab Allaah telah memuliakan mereka, dan itu lebih dari cukup.
مَادَام اللّه مَعَك لَايُهمك شَخص أَذَاك، وَ مَادَام اللّه يَحفَظك لَاتَحزَن لِأَحَد أَهملك، وَ مَادَام اللّه يُرِيد لَك شَيْئ، فَلَنْ يَقف فِي وَجهِك شَيْئ أَبَدًا.
Selama Allah bersamamu jangan pedulikan orang yang menyakitimu, selama Allah melindungimu jangan sedih dengan orang yang mengabaikanmu, dan selama Allah ingin memberikan sesuatu untukmu, maka tidak akan ada yang menghalangimu.
ini bukan kisahku, namun sepanjang ia bercerita, ia selalu tersenyum seolah ingin mengabarkan bahwa ia sudah lapang atas semuanya...
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galaxyshine24-7 · 4 months
Hi hi :)
I love ur twst silver bullet au and I read the one about yuu dancing with their old friend and was wondering if you'd ever write about the characters confronting/asking yuu about it while at the bar? I wanna know how you think things will go down if that's no too much trouble
I hope you have a great day/night!
Thank you I'm glade you enjoyed it. I'd be happy to do your request and can imagine how the twst boys would approach Yuu after everything, it's sure to be a good show.
Confrontation Silver Bullet AU🥃
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The aftermath of this previous fic
TW: Possessive behavior, Stalking, Gang Activity
It was a slow day at the bar as Yuu yawned leaning against the bar. It's been a few weeks since seeing their old friend, and after that, everything went back to normal. Well almost everything, the gangs that usually frequent their bar have been absent. The bartender chalked it up to them being busy, but something in the back of their head told them it was more than that. Well, they can't do much about it now they have a bar to run.
With a sigh, they get up suddenly hearing the bell at the entrance of their establishment. Yuu puts on their best customer service smile as the face the door.
"Welcome to the Silver Bullet how can-"
"Yuu!" Ace, Deuce, Epel, Jack, and Sebek come bursting through the door.
"Oh my sevens what!?" Yuu yells back. The sudden noise causes Grim to hide under a nearby table from his napping spot as the boys tumble over to the bar.
"What were you thinking?!"
"Are you okay?!"
"Who was that you where dancing with?!"
"Do you know how much trouble you're in with the others?!"
They all screamed causing Yuu to cover their ears.
"Woah slow down, one at a damn time! what the fuck is going on?!" Yuu yells slamming their hands on the counter.
The five of them calm down as silence falls over the bar. Yuu rubs their temple taking a deep breath.
"Now tell me what happened, one at a time." Yuu places a hand on their hip looking at the boys in front of her.
"You mean you don't know?" Jack raises a brow.
"I don't know anything." Yuu shrugs.
The boys look at each other as Deuce fishes out his phone from his pocket. He clicks on the video sent from Cater and shows it to Yuu. It's the video of Yuu dancing with their old childhood friend. Yuu grabs his phone staring with wide eyes not knowing what to say. Yuu watches till the end handing the phone back to Deuce as they take a moment to think.
"H-how did you get this?" Yuu tries their best to hold in their anger. It's likely not their fault, so they shouldn't go off on them.
"It's been passed around many of the gangs around here, nearly everyone has seen it." Ace rubs the back of his neck.
"Everyone..." Oh no. Yuu couldn't even finish their thought as the bell chimes from the entrance.
"Yuu what a pleasure it is to see Yuu." Azul sings from the doorway along with the Leech twins at his sides.
The rest of the gang leaders and members filter into the shop some giving Yuu a small wave. Azul snaps his fingers and Jade goes to lock the bar door, and Floyd flips the sign from open to close.
"Ace, Deuce what are you doing here?" Riddle steps closer to the bar.
"Oh, we're just saying hi to Yuu right guys." Ace leans against the bar looking over at his friends as they all start to nod their heads.
"Yeah, we're just passing by," Epel smiles.
"Oh really Epel, I thought I specially told you to practice your skin routines this morning and yet here you are skin dry and flaky." Vil opens his fan showing the displeasure in his eyes.
Epel gulps looking down at the floor.
Yuu places a hand on their hips giving a unamused look at the group before them.
"Okay, what is it that you want?" Yuu gestures to gang leaders.
"It has come to our attention that we haven't laid out the rules with you." Riddle speaks up swinging his Spector.
"Rules?" Yuu raises a brow crossing their arms.
"Yes, it seems you have been around some unsavory characters and since we are business partners we wanted to express our concerns along with giving some advice." Azul clears his throat.
"And what advice would that be?" Yuu asks.
"Don't hang around people we don't want you to." Leona leans back on a chair putting his feet on the table.
"Excuse me?!" Yuu raises their voice causing the others to jump a bit.
"No need to get upset dear, it will cause wrinkles." Vil cuts in.
"We saw you dancing with someone Shrimpy." Floyd comes up to the counter to rest on it giving Yuu his crazed stare.
"You two seemed awful close." Jade chuckles.
"We just wanted to know who they are is all." Azul tries to wave away the tension.
"That's none of your business." Yuu states plainly.
"No reason to get upset Child of man." Malleus finally speaks up from his spot in the shadows.
"Yes, I do have reason to be upset. I was clearly stalked, and then you all of the nerve to tell me who I can hang out with in my own time." Yuu's voice starts to get higher with every word.
"Dear Trickster please do not be to upset." Rook speaks up.
"Quiet Rook, it was probably you who took the video!" Yuu snaps back.
Rook shuts his mouth at that, the man is quiet for the first time since they met.
"Now, Now let's calm down." Trey tries to ease the tension.
"No all of you get out!"
The bar goes silent all eyes fall on Yuu.
"Yuu come on don't be mad." Cater tries to soothe the angry bartender.
"You all dare come in here and treat me like a child. I'm an adult I can do what I want and see who I want. So long as it doesn't bother your meetings you shouldn't be in my business. You don't own me okay?" Yuu states. "Now thank you all for being so concerned, but I will be taking a little break as of today." Yuu puts on a fake smile.
"Chill out it's not that serious your totally freaking out over nothing." Idia's floating tablet mumbles.
"What was that Idia, care to speak up?" Yuu glares at the tablet.
"Good, now all of you get out." Yuu.
"Ha and if we don't?" Leona teases.
"Well since you can't respect me then I see no reason to continue this deal we have.
"You don't mean that right Yuu?" Kalim looks around the room in concern.
"Oh, I mean it. It seems you all need me a lot me then I need you." Yuu can see a flash of hurt behind some of their eyes, but their blood is boiling too much to feel sorry right now.
Not wanting to anger the bartender any further all the boys leave the bar. Once it's cleared Yuu switches the sign to closed not opening the bar for a few days until they can calm down.
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zurgles · 4 months
Comedy Anime I’ve Liked
Asobi Asobase
Daily Lives of High School Boys
Mob Psycho 100
One Punch Man
Tonari No Seki-kun
Kaguya-sama: Love is war
Love is hard for Otaku
Haruhi Suzumiya (and light novels)
Servant x Service
Ouran High School Host Club
Lovely Complex
Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions
Romantic Killer
Arakawa Under the Bridge
Disastrous Life of Saiki K (can’t believe I forgot this, I was obsessed. Top 5)
Monthly Girls Nozaki-kun
Aho Girl (it was just ok tbh)
Fudanshi Koukou Seikatsu
Heaven’s Design Team
Tesagure! Bukatsu mono
If you have any recommendations for comedy anime, let me know! I’m gonna edit this as more shows come to me.
More shows under the cut.
More anime I like / am watching
Kimi ni todoke (read the manga in high school but fell off, watching again now years later)
One Piece (still in the hundreds)
Dungeon meshi
Sousou no Frieren
Magical Witch Punie-chan
Spy x Family
Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan
Anime I fell off
Sailor moon (few years ago, might have finished R)
Inuyasha (back in high school, think I made it halfway)
Uncle from another world (plan to finish)
The Way of the Househusband (season two, plan to finish)
Ranma 1/2
Chio’s School Road
Devil is a part-timer (finished season 1)
Bungou Stray Dogs (think I made it through season 3? plan to finish)
Detective Conan
Space Dandy
Other shows I like
Avatar the last airbender
Legend of Korra
There are other manga and anime I’ve watched, mostly in high school like Special A, Maid-sama, Fruits Basket, Absolute Boyfriend, Nodame Cantabile (did I finish this? I remember I watched the live action), Skip Beat (was pretty obsessed but fell off around the setsuka arc), Rurouni Kenshin (finished the manga in high school, fell off the anime), Beauty Pop, Crimson Hero (never finished), probably more that I can’t remember. edit: All the Sayonara Zetsubou Senseis when I was in high school. Ace Attorney. Death Note. Cowboy Bebop. Hyouka.
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best-fictional-cat · 2 years
Welcome! To the official list! Of the Best Fictional Cat competition!!!
Edit: here is the list of who's going up against whom in round 1
Here's our pawsome contestants:
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Garfield (Garfield)
Puss in Boots (Puss in Boots / Shrek)
Kitty White / Hello Kitty (Sanrio)
Firestar (Warrior cats)
Khoshekh (Welcome to Night Vale)
Jiji (Kiki's Delivery Service)
Domino (Amphibia)
Ghost (The Owl House)
Cat (Stray)
The Admiral (The Magnus Archives)
Thomas O'Malley + the Aristocats (Aristocats)
Puppycat (Bee and Puppy cat)
Kyo Sohma (Fruits Basket)
Mae Borowski (Night in the Woods)
Morgana (Persona 5)
Meowth (Pokémon)
Kitty Softpaws (Puss in Boots)
Salem Saberhagen (Sabrina the Teenage Witch)
Luna (Sailor Moon)
Spot (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland)
Princess Carolyn (BoJack Horseman)
Hobbes (Calvin and Hobbes)
Chi Yamada (Chi's sweet home)
The Cat (Coraline)
Pounce de Leon (Homestuck)
Goose (Marvel comics / MCU)
Plagg (Miraculous)
Catbus (My Neighbor Totoro)
Catra (She-Ra)
Blaze the Cat (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Baron Humbert von Gikkingen (The Cat Returns)
Aslan (The Chronicles of Narnia)
Tom (Tom and Jerry)
Holly leaf (Warrior cats)
Jayfeather (Warrior cats)
Yellowfang (Warrior cats)
Bluestar (Warrior cats)
Miyo Sasaki / Muge / Taro (A whisker away)
Cake (Adventure Time)
Bob (Animal Crossing)
Raymond (Animal Crossing)
Frumpkin (Critical Role)
Maurice (Discworld)
Happy (Fairy Tail)
Cattail (Plants vs Zombies)
Angel Grimalkin (Purrfect Apawcalypse)
Pusheen (Pusheen)
Cat (Red Dwarf)
Judd (Splatoon)
Lil' Judd (Splatoon)
Garfield the Deals Warlock (The Adventure Zone: Balance)
Mad Mew Mew (Undertale)
Mothwing (Warrior cats)
Shoe (Ace Attorney)
Blanca (Animal Crossing)
John Blacksad (Blacksad)
Yoruichi Shihoin (Bleach)
Lumi (Cats are Liquid)
Mr. Mistoffelees (Cats the musical)
Gatomon (Digimon)
Pib (Dimension 20 - Never after)
Greebo (Discworld)
You (Discworld)
Felix (Drawtectives)
Minerva McGonagall (Harry Potter)
Heathcliff (Heathcliff)
Jaspers (Homestuck)
Sox (Lightyear)
Chat Noir (Miraculous)
Valerie Oberlin (Monster Prom)
Juan The Small Magical Latino Cat (Monster Prom)
Capper (My Little Pony)
Opalescence (My Little Pony)
Nyan Cat (Nyan Cat)
Mewo (Omori)
Bungle the glass cat (Oz)
Kyubey (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Coco Grimalkin (Purrfect Apawcalypse)
Felix Munch (Purrfect Apawcalypse)
Mittens Wichien (Purrfect Apawcalypse)
Shrödinger's cat (you know the one)
Artemis (Sailor Moon)
Chococat (Sanrio)
Big the Cat (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Gary the Snail (Spongebob Squarepants)
Lion (Steven Universe)
Aldwyn (The Familiars)
Simba (The Lion King)
Chairman Meow (The Shadowhunter Chronicles)
Kuroneko-sama (Trigun)
Leona Kingscholar (Twisted Wonderland)
Catty (Undertale)
Sandstorm (Warrior cats)
Squirrelflight (Warrior cats)
Tigger (Winnie the Pooh)
Nali (AC: Valhalla)
The Sphinx (Adventures of Puss in Boots)
Leone (Akame ga Kill)
Jonesy (Alien)
Domino 2 (Amphibia)
Ankha (Animal Crossing)
Kabuki (Animal Crossing)
Rosie (Animal Crossing)
Rover (Animal Crossing)
Tangy (Animal Crossing)
Darwin (April and the Extraordinary World)
Miyuki (Avatar the Last Airbender)
Serafina + Wolfie (Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper)
Taokaka (Blazblue)
Grimmjow Jaegerjaques (Bleach)
Kuro (Blue Exorcist)
Periwinkle (Blue's clues)
Catbug (Bravest Warriors)
Atsushi Nakajima (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Natsume Soseki (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Assistacat / Sub-manager (Cardfight!! Vanguard)
Brave Heart Lion (Care Bears)
Midnight (Castle in the Air, Diana Wynne Jones)
Potato (Cat loaf adventures)
CatDog (CatDog)
Skimbleshanks (Cats the musical)
Rum Tum Tugger (Cats the musical)
Jemima (Cats the musical)
Victoria (Cats the musical)
Ember (Cattails)
Lyrus (Cattails)
Mayor (Cattails)
Missy (Cattails)
Sarge (Cattails)
Scout (Cattails)
Nyako / Meowy (Chainsaw Man)
Lucifer (Cinderella)
Arthur (Code Geass)
Constable Whiskers (Cookie Run)
Cool Cat (Cool Cat Saves the Kids)
Mao (Darker than Black)
Catti (Deltarune)
Mingus Crown (Dialtown)
Ortensia the Cat (Disney)
Sisters of Plenitude (Doctor Who)
Jellie (Double Life SMP)
C!Antfrost (Dream SMP)
Izutsumi (Dungeon Meshi)
Yuigadokusonmaru (Durarara)
Thomas (Earwig and the Witch)
Carla (Fairy Tail)
Panther Lily (Fairy Tail)
Felix (Felix cat food mascot)
Felix the cat (Felix the cat (Paramount))
Candy + Cindy (Five Nights at Candy's)
Hiili (Fox Fires (webcomic))
Lucrezia and Meek (Frakk, the Cats' Nightmare)
Heinkel (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Arlene (Garfield)
Nermal (Garfield)
Amanojaku (Ghost Stories)
Cringer / Battlecat (He-man)
808 (Hi-Fi Rush)
Stelmaria (His Dark Materials)
Kirjava (His Dark Materials)
God Cat (Homestuck)
Vodka Mutini / Dr.Meowgon Spangler (Homestuck)
Macskacicó (Hungarian folk tales)
Cheetu (Hunter x Hunter)
Finley / Jelly Donut (Hustle Cat)
Samantha / The Cat (Infinity Train)
Solembum (Inheritance Cycle)
Nameless evil white cat (James Bond)
Jenny Linsky (Jenny Linsky, Esther Averill)
Stray Cat (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Kaspar, Prince of Cats (Kaspar, Prince of Cats, Michael Morporgo)
Mr. Kat (Kid vs. Kat)
Magolor (Kirby series)
Tigress (Kung Fu Panda)
Remlit (Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword)
Mo (Lego Monkie Kid)
Meowthra (Lego Ninjago Movie)
Nyanta (Log Horizon)
Sylvester (Looney Tunes)
Mao Mao Mao (Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart)
Alpine (Marvel comics)
Behemoth (Master and Margarita)
Mog (Mog books, Judith Kerr)
The Cat (Monster Camp)
Ren (Monstress)
Haru (My Roommate is a Cat)
Ghazt (My Singing Monsters)
Pasty (Neko Atsume)
Sakamoto (Nichijou)
Niko (Oneshot)
Eureka the pink kitten (Oz)
Pangur Bán (Pangur Bán (Irish poem, 9th century))
Findus (Pettson and Findus)
Whiskers (Pixel Cat's End)
Pixie (Pixie and Brutus)
Glameow (Pokémon)
Litten (Pokémon)
Meowstic (Pokémon)
Skitty (Pokémon)
Sprigatito (Pokémon)
Jess (Postman Pat)
Tigger Sugden (Purrfect Apawcalypse)
Slugcat (Rain World)
Rivulet (Rain World: Downpour)
Shampoo ( Ranma 1/2)
Squanchy (Rick and Morty)
Talking Cat (Rick and Morty)
Blake Belladonna (RWBY)
Diana (Sailor Moon)
Charmmy Kitty (Sanrio)
Khajiit (The Elder Scrolls)
Tabby Slime (Slime Rancher)
Blair (Soul Eater)
Barry Ill ( Sparklecare hospital)
Caroline Coughs (Sparklecare hospital)
Grudge (Star Trek Discovery)
T'Ana (Star Trek: Lower Decks)
Cure Cosmo / Yuni (Star Twinkle Pretty Cure)
Pet cats (Stardew Valley)
Cat Steven (Steven Universe)
Nyanky (Taiko no Tatsujin)
Archie (Tales of Arcadia)
The Kitty (The Bad Guys)
The Black Cat (The Black Cat, E.A.Poe)
The Cat in the Hat (The Cat in the Hat)
Pixel (The Cat Who Walks through Walls, Robert Heinlein)
Amp / Anp / Anpu (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K)
Boo (The Funky Phantom)
Wagahai (Ace Attorney)
Invisible cat (The Invisible Man, H.G.Wells)
Bagheera (The Jungle Book)
Xiaohei (The Legend of Hei)
Nuka (The Lion King 2)
Pippa (The Penumbra Podcast)
Black Cat (The Price, Neil Gaiman)
Church (The Shadowhunter Chronicles)
Tom Kitten (The Tale of Tom Kitten)
Mew (Marvel comics)
Ichigo Momomiya (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Hong (Trash of the Count's Family)
On (Trash of the Count's Family)
Captain Amelia (Treasure Planet)
Thomas Kincade Brannigan ( Doctor Who)
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Luxor (Tutenstein)
Che'nya (Twisted Wonderland)
Cheka Kingscholar (Twisted Wonderland)
Grim (Twisted Wonderland)
Burgerpants (Undertale)
Varjak Paw (Varjak Paw, S.F.Said)
Bristlefrost (Warrior cats)
Cinderpelt (Warrior cats)
Graystripe (Warrior cats)
Leopardstar (Warrior cats)
Scourge (Warrior cats)
Spottedleaf (Warrior cats)
Ferncloud (Warrior cats)
Leafpool (Warrior cats)
Mapleshade (Warrior cats)
Sol (Warrior cats)
Tallstar (Warrior cats)
Turtle Tail (Warrior cats)
Tab (Watership Down)
Tabby Von Meow (Webkinz)
Opera (Welcome to demon school Iruma kun!)
Fluffal Cat (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Chester the Cat (Bunnicula)
And here, as requested, are Honorable mentions, in no particular order (some less honorable than others), with their reasons for exclusion:
Mikeko (Ace Attorney): Apparently Apollo's cat but as far as I can tell it was only mentioned not shown, you've got other cats in
Any of the playable cats (Catlateral Damage): yeah I'm not even digging into that I mean I tried but naaaah (not to sound lazy but if it doesn't have a good wiki page I'm not doing it sorry I've had this many cats to dig through; I did save the game to check out in my own time tho so cudos for that)
Tasque Manager (Deltarune): not cat enough
Doraemon (Doraemon ): if only this thing had cat ears... or a cat tail... preferably both... I get that it's a robot but it could be a lot of animals honestly
Lizzie (Empires Smp): whomst (if what I found is what was meant then it's a fish not cat)
Kitty Cheshire (Ever After High): not cat enough
Nepeta Lejiom (Homestuck): not sure she's cat at least ENOUGH if at all, don't know enough about homestuck, owner of Pounce who is in anyway (entry said they're sorry lmao)
Schrödinger (Időfutár): "Time-travelling cat" I have failed in finding their picture and it seems too niche to be presented without it even though I am so intrigued and regret I don't know the language of the source material I'd love to give it a read/listen
Revolver Ocelot (Metal Gear Solid): Compares himself to ocelots and meows apparently, but no visible cat aesthetic sorry
Raku-chan (Nyan Neko Sugar Girls ): why.
Aisha Clan-Clan (Outlaw Star): not enough cat
Honey the Cat (Sonic the Hedgehog): that's enough cats from sonic (real reason: model so low-poly she would cut her opponents, and before you argue - there's a difference between pixel models and low-poly old games models)
The song pet cheetah twenty one pilots concept album lore: oof yeah um I get what a concept album is kinda buuut it's just a weird entry idk we've got plenty of fandom cats to go around
Gaetan (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt): Witcher from school of cat but he's still well pretty much human (don't come at me about witchers not being the same as humans he's not a CAT and that's all that matters to me)
What's next?
Well, I have to make the bracket itself. As you can see, there's a bit more cats than I was intending to have, which means that certain polls in round 1 will have more than just two options. I can already tell you that a lot of the cats from the same fandoms are going to be eliminated in round one. That's why I kept them in. I'm planning on making up the first round match ups based heavily on the similarities between cats and the fandoms they're from. ALSO as you've probably noticed, some cats come in a bundle. That's because they're a family. I'm not doing this to Kitty Softpaws and Puss (at least YET), because even though they also get married in the end, there's a huge gap in their submission numbers. If you're wondering, how big, you may want to know that up to Tigger from Winnie the Pooh (that is, almost the entire first pic) are the cats that got 2+ submissions, in their order of popularity.
Next step - brackets!!! I want to do this well and I hope I don't underestimate certain fandoms!!!
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chaosverseline · 10 months
Imu, Yriaf and whitebeard’s pirates
-Yriaf also regards whitebeard’s other sons and daughters as her own. Her unofficial favorite adoptive sons are Marco, thatch, and jozu.
-imu was more reluctant, but secretly their fav adoptive grand son is actually izo.
-both Yriaf and imu agree Tate is no.1 best girl . They also agree on their least favorite and that goes to teach, they felt something is off about teach and they are proven right after they found out what teach has nearly done to crocodile.
-imu ranted about how blind and dumb Edward Newgate is about the red flags on Blackbeard. It made imu’s view on whitebeard plummet to the underground. Yriaf tries to defend her husband but knew her mother does have a point.
-it was until after teach betrays whitebeard,heavily injured thatch and kidnapped ace , is when both ladies snapped and committed bloody torture homicide.there is wasn’t much left of teach after that incident, legends said that the Blackbeard pirates are still trying to find all the pieces of Blackbeard after marine ford.
- the ladies pulls some strings to get ace in a safer cell, meaning a cell with a whitebeard ally aka jinbei . It was across crocodile’s “cell” where he has it all for himself. ( later ace was moved to share the same cell with crocodile, crocodile has adopted ace and Sabo years ago when he was reunited with luffy.)
-crocodile’s cell is a luxury five star hotel compare to the rest of impel down cells. He got a tv, shelf full of books, a “service” bell, where he can get delivery of takeout food from nearby restaurants, newspapers are delivered to his cell, unlimited visitor hours that he can pick and choice who to talk with and any thing he want.
-And crocodile was embarrassed by the whole thing. Crocodile is very prideful and independent. He is not a nepo baby and definitely won’t go running and crying to mommy,daddy or even granny if trouble comes around. He prefer to deal with his own problems and would get annoyed when his parents and granny interferes.
-The first time yriaf visited crocodile, crocodile got so embarrassed that he wouldn’t show his face for days. How would he look like a tough, formidable and no nonsense ex warlord ,if his mom visited him, in front of the other inmates!
-imu is very willing to make a get-out-of -jail card for their family , but due to yriaf’s stubbornness,crocodile’s pride, and luffy ‘s tendencies to have adventures and not “ cheat” it went unused. Imu still sometimes bails them out (whether the descendants like it or not)when they found themselves in a deeper pickled that requires imu’s inference. (Ex. When luffy punched a celestial dragon)
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lembarcanvas · 1 month
Journaling. Pt 1
Ahad, 18/08/24
Aktifitas hari ini dimulai dg to do list mau ngapain aja, biar ngga lupa. Otw ke balam, kaki lumayan kram ya krna posisi nya selalu sama.Rehat sejenak di bandar, Nemu jajanan enak2 jdi semangat lanjut lagi. Pas sampe balam, full makannn pokoknya. Dari dessert yg manis2 sampe makanan berat. Churos topping matcha 7/10 krna yaa biasa aja. Ramyun station 8/10 unik krna self service kayak di koriyah2 gtu, cuma sayanganya milih mie yg kurang mantep di lidah jadi yaa masih oke lah. Lanjut ke ramen ya! Awalnya mau pesen ramen. Tapi krna udh nge-mie sebelumnya, jdi pilih nasi aja. Nasi sama ayam saus wijen (?) ya gtu kata waiters nya. Enak jugaa, rasa nya baru. Kelihatan porsi nya ga begitu banyak, trnytaa ngenyangin bgt dann enak, 9/10.
Ke kosan aning, trnyta cukup kecil ngga begitu leluasa. Tapi plus nya di kosan yg kali ini ada embung di depan kosannya. Jdi bsa joging pagi/nyore2, sejuk. Pohon2 nya juga rindang2. Oke bgt klo bagian ini nya. Tapi ruangan kos nya agak terik, krna teras depannya belum di kanopi. Sebenernya lumayan pas klo utk sendiri. Berhubung 1 kamar 2 org. Jdi, punya kipas yg ekstra akan lebih nyaman sprtinya.
Lepas maghrib, makan lagi. Sebungkus nasi barengan bertiga. Makan nya di samping embung, ditemani karokean bapak2 hajatan. Otw balik rumah, ditengah jalan bensin hampir habis dan bukain jendela matiin AC, biar bsa ttp jalan mobilnya. Sampe rumah kasi makan mmeng2. Mandi, rehat. Alhamdulillah
Feeling hari ini : seneng, ada pegel nya, agak gerah nya, tapi Alhamdulillah masih dikasih nikmat banyak hari ini sama Allah.
Sekian. Lanjut di journaling part selanjutnya
Bye, see you 👋🏻
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manhattancoolid · 2 months
Penggantian oli kompresor secara rutin pada Ford Fiesta merupakan langkah penting untuk menjaga kinerja AC agar tetap optimal. Oli kompresor berfungsi melumasi komponen di dalam kompresor, sehingga mengurangi gesekan dan keausan. Jika oli kompresor tidak diganti secara berkala, maka kinerja kompresor akan menurun, menyebabkan AC menjadi kurang dingin atau bahkan tidak berfungsi sama sekali. Kerusakan kompresor dapat berakibat fatal dan membutuhkan biaya perbaikan yang sangat mahal, karena komponen ini merupakan jantung dari sistem AC. Oleh karena itu, dengan melakukan penggantian oli kompresor secara rutin sesuai dengan jadwal yang dianjurkan, Anda dapat menghemat biaya perbaikan di masa depan dan memastikan AC mobil Ford Fiesta Anda selalu memberikan kesejukan yang maksimal.
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burnouts3s3 · 2 months
Kannazuki no Miko Fanfiction: Table for two and a Side of Chaos
(Disclaimer: Kannazuki no Miko or Destiny of the Shrine Maiden is copyrighted and owned by the manga team Kaishaku, Kadokawa, Shounen Ace, TNK and is currently licensed to Sentai Filmworks. This fanfiction is not intended to infringe upon these rights and is created solely for entertainment purposes. No monetary gain is being made from this work. Please support the official release.)
Himeko, having officially moved into the Himemiya Mansion as Chikane’s future wife, sat nervously as Otoha lectured audibly while two other maids handled the old projector. Himeko could hear the projector’s fan blowing and the reel whirling as it showed images of a fancy restaurant that Himeko was going to attend with Chikane. She sat there, in the elegant dining hall of the Himemiya estate, dressed in the Ototachibana white-and-burgundy uniform complete with string tie, black tights, leg-o-mutton sleeves, as though today were another picturesque school day when in reality, it would be a week before she would attend the restaurant for the very first time. 
“L'Orangerie is one of the few restaurants in Japan, let alone in Mahoroba, that has been awarded Three Michelin Stars, famous for its world class cuisine, explementary service, pristine cleanliness and, above all else, its clientele,” Otoha’s voice said in a low but audible voice.  
The projector showed various images of the restaurant to waiters and waitresses in very clean and neat uniforms, holding up platters and trays of food with one hand and holding towels on their wrist with the opposite arm.  Himeko mistakenly thought “Michelin” referred to a tire company but Chikane told her that it was reserved for restaurants of the highest caliber. If this restaurant had three Michelin Stars, it must have been very important. As more and more images of the restaurant flashed before Himeko’s eyes, she sat in awe of how it all looked. 
“L’Orangerie specializes in its Duck L’Orange, made fresh from range free poultry that is prepared in the kitchen each and everyday. However, guests are also encouraged to partake in the all you can eat buffet complete with chocolate fountain and cheese fondue dipping station. The restaurant’s prized possession is its historic chandelier, an ornament adorned with diamonds that has remained intact for over 100 years, sparkling as though it were the many stars in the night sky.”
Images of what Otoha had described appeared on screen: the massive ballroom that was instead a restaurant with its crimson red interior, the restaurant attendees dressed in the finest fabrics and clothes that Himeko saw Chikane wear time to time, the chocolate fountain almost tall enough to reach the ceiling and the fondue pot with boiling cheese. Add to that the picturesque buffet with neatly cut fruit of all colors, carving station and roasted pig with apple in its mouth and Himeko felt hungry just looking at it. 
“The client list is so exclusive, one not born into a noble family must go through a lengthy interview process and waiting period just to be considered to be on the guest list.”
Himeko thought at how even the idea of having to interview to attend a restaurant scared her, let alone anyone else unable to be accepted in. 
“The Himemiya Clan is no exception. Oku-sama went through intense scrutiny before being allowed entrance. The day Danna-sama introduced the world to Oku-sama is the day he proposed to her, marking a picturesque moment fit for a fairytale.” 
Himeko stifled a squeal of delight when she saw Ryo Himemiya get down on one knee, produce a diamond ring to Hiromi Himemiya and how the staff and restaurant guests applauded in unison when Hiromi accepted. Chikane’s mother had come from a higher middle class family, which according to Otoha and the other maids, was already a ‘step down’ for the Himemiya clan. Was that why Chikane’s mother was more accepting of Himeko as a daughter-in-law more so than Chikane’s father? Himeko, at first, thought it was because she and Hiromi Himemiya were both women but it seemed that, because Hiromi married into the Himemiya clan, she shared some sort of unspoken bond.
However, if the matriarch coming from higher middle-class family was seen as a step down, Himeko might seemed as though Chikane was stepping into a bottomless pit. Himeko came from the lowest of commoner bloodlines, and it was unthinkable for someone so plain to marry into a rich family.
“Ojou-sama has been to the restaurant many times in the past as it is a favorite of hers ever since she was a young child.”
When the projector showed a child Chikane Himemiya wearing a charming pink dress, its fabric soft and flowing, puffed sleeves that end just above her elbows, a white lace collar, a bold red ribbon cinching to her waist, tied into a neat bow at her back and a vivid red headband, accentuated by a delicate pink rose nestled to one side, Himeko had to stifle another squeal of pure delight.
“Even when she was young, Chikane-chan looked so adorable!” Himeko thought to herself. 
“Ojou-sama’s manners and behavior were applauded and complemented by both staff and attendees,” Otoha said, showing a young Chikane neatly cut her filet mignon, take a bite and clean her mouth with a napkin.
“Chikane-chan was so poised even back then!” Himeko thought to herself.
“While your and Ojou-sama’s… relationship is similar to Danna-sama and Oku-sama’s, there is one major difference, aside from you being granted instant access due to Ojou-sama’s influence, that being what is referred to as the social media.
Himeko wanted to correct Otoha, stating that there was no ‘the’ before social media, but felt too shy to do so. 
“When I first heard about the social media, I incorrectly assumed it was just a means of distraction with its numerous videos, focusing on celebrity weddings, cats and obnoxiously, irritatingly catchy songs concerning deer girls.“
Himeko said nothing, wondering what the irritatingly catchy songs concerning deer girls referred to.
“However, upon further inspection of this so-called social media, I soon realized it was a means of communication. And unfortunately, bad word travels faster on the social media faster than weeds grow in the garden.”
The projector showed a small family with a young daughter, similar to the Himemiyas.
“The Sato family was a long regarded welcome guest at the restaurant, until their youngest child made the mistake of using the butter knife instead of the steak knife. It caused quite a bit of an uproar to the point where the entire family, including its descendants, were banned from the restaurant.”
Himeko had no idea such fortunes and misfortunes could occur with just a mistaken selection of a utensil.
The projector stopped as some maids turned on the lights and others wheeled the projector away. Otoha Kisaragi, complete with light brown hair styled in ringlets and the outfit the other Himemiya maids wore: a white blouse over a dark skirt. Otoha looked more like a stern school teacher rather than a maid with her arms crossed and a frown on her face.
“And while Ojou-sama is away attending a young business leaders conference, the task falls onto me to tutor you in the ways of fine dining.”
Himeko winced hearing this reminder; Chikane had been flown overseas to attend a conference alongside other future CEOS and business leaders. She would be far too busy ‘networking’ and discussing the future of Himemiya International (as she would eventually inherit the title of CEO) while Himeko would stay at the mansion. The blonde wasn’t sure if she was glad or hurt by the fact that Chikane’s parents were too busy to attend that dinner.
Being physically far apart hurt enough; being Otoha’s unwilling student hurt even more. 
“And while the Danna-sama and Oku-sama have accepted you into the family, reluctantly I might add, you have still yet to prove yourself amongst the other members of the Himemiya clan. 
This was only partially true. While her father remained as stubborn as, well, a mule (as most Japanese CEOs were) her mother seemed more than happy to accept her as a daughter-in-law, after she had gotten over her initial hesitation that Himeko was both female and from a commoner bloodline.
(Having Himeko dress up in wedding gowns under the pretense that the blonde was the exact same measurements as Chikane’s cousin was more on the nose from the usually subtle matriarch).
“Kurusugawa-san, I shall make this clear to you: Ojou-sama will introduce you to the highest members of society, many who come from old families and old money. Until only recently, the idea of same-sex relationships has been frowned upon and is barely tolerated today, similar to the way one tolerates a crying child on an airplane. In addition to that, you come from a commoner status. You will be under intense scrutiny from those critics. It is my job to make sure you have no mistakes so those critics cannot pick on you.“
Himeko had hoped that when she and Chikane reunited on that busy street and all their memories flooded back, they would be spared any social stigma when Chikane welcomed Himeko to move into the Himemiya mansion. No such luck.
“You may be Oujo-sama’s romantic interest, but I will not have you embarrassing her, not while I’m still here.”
The girl with purple eyes felt a sort of animosity between her and the head maid. In their past lives, she got the sense that the head maid did not tolerate Himeko’s presence very much, and in this lifetime, she tolerated it even less. Somehow, Shiitake mushrooms were found in each and every one of the meals.
Otoha couldn’t have remembered Himeko from their past lives, could she? Himeko thought only she and Chikane remembered everything since the two of them were Miko.
“Your task is simple. You shall be presented with a dish and I will tell you which utensil to pick. Remember these lessons well, for I will not be able to assist you on that night.”
Himeko sat in front of a table with a pristine white bowl and plate with warm soup and numerous utensils placed at each side. Himeko didn’t even think the number of variations of forks, spoons and knives existed until now. 
Otoha cleared her throat. “One must, upon a single glance be able to pick up and correctly use the Salad Fork, Fish Fork, Seafood Fork, Dessert Fork, Butter Knife, Fish Knife, Steak Knife, Dessert Knife, Soup Spoon, Teaspoon, Dessert Spoon, Coffee Spoon and the Bouillon Spoon.”
(Author’s note: Yes, these are real utensils. Stop asking.)
“Never, under any circumstances, confuse the soup spoon with the teaspoon,” Otoha said. “Given the limited amount of time we have, I shall spare you no niceties. Be prepared to learn as quickly and harshly as possible.”
Otoha turned behind and pulled out a hand ruler and gently tapped it on her palm.
“In Catholic schools, whenever a student misbehaves, a sister would slap the student on the knuckles to get the point across.”
Never had Himeko seemed so afraid of a hand ruler. 
“Now, Kurusugawa-san, pick the Soup Spoon.” 
Himeko’s vision began to blur upon witnessing the many spoons placed before her. With very deep hesitation, she picked a spoon she thought was the correct one. 
“Wrong!” Otoha screamed, taking her hand ruler and slapping Himeko’s knuckles. Himeko winced, rubbing her right hand.
HImeko, after taking a moment to recuperate, reached for another spoon.
“Wrong again!” Otoha screamed, slapping the hand ruler on Himeko’s knuckles, causing a scream from Himeko. 
“Otoha-san,” one maid whispered to her. “Maybe we should try-“
“There’s no other way,” Otoha shook her head. “If I had a month or longer, I would consider alternative methods. But time is not on our side. Again, Kurusugawa-san.”
Himeko reached for another spoon but hesitated. Was this a new spoon or did she already pick that? Her amethyst eyes looked upwards to a higher floor where she saw two maids, dressed in the same fashion as other ones, holding up something she couldn’t quite make out at first. 
When one of the maids, a redhead in french braids, held up a white cue card with a spoon and the other, a slightly stocky one with a black bun, held up another one only with letters written in bright yellow, it dawned on her what was happening; the two maids were helping her cheat by holding up the large cue cards indicating the correct utensil to pick. In addition, the cue cards had brightly colored words and pictures showing which was the soup spoon.
Using this, she found the most similar looking utensil, picked it up and showed it to Otoha. 
“Kurusugawa-san,” Otoha said, a frown deepening on her face, “I will not accept cheaters as students, and I certainly won’t accept maids who are helping her cheat when they should be cleaning the guest rooms!” Otoha said in a rather demonic voice and not once turning around.
The two maids eager to assist Himeko quickly ran away. 
Himeko wondered if Otoha had eyes in the back of her head.
When Himeko’s knuckles stung so badly she couldn’t even hold a spoon let alone use it, Otoha moved on to the next lesson. Himeko wondered why she was standing as a maid carried large tomes to her. Did Himeko have to read before going to this L’Orangerie?
“One must maintain perfect posture while a guest at L'Orangerie,” Otoha said with her arms crossed and her eyes closed in concentration. “Walking straight is a must and doing so while balancing these texts on one’s head should teach you well enough.”
Himeko sighed as another maid put books on Himeko’s head. The books weighed down on Himeko’s skull and she felt their weight. Were these phonebooks or dictionaries?
“Do your best,” The maid whispered so quietly that Otoha couldn’t hear her.”
“Now, walk across the room,” Otoha said. “Take care not to let any of the books fall.”
Himeko took a deep breath and took a very small step. However, the weight of the books shifted and she attempted to regain her balance. She failed miserably.
“Aah!” Himeko cried, the thunderous crash of her body and textbooks causing quite a stir in the manor.
Otoha groaned, performing a facepalm where she used her thumb and index finger to squeeze her nasal bridge together. The maids quickly assisted Himeko back up and took the books away from her. 
“Maybe we should start you off with a smaller, thinner book,” Otoha said. “Preferably one written for toddlers, perhaps? I fear this next week will be the longest in my career.”
Himeko silently agreed with Otoha.
Himeko rubbed her sore knuckles. An entire afternoon passed and Himeko still hadn’t gotten down the basics. If she managed to fumble this training so badly on the first day, how was she going to learn everything by the end of day 7?
Night had fallen onto the Himemiya mansion and Himeko walked by herself after taking a long bath and soaking her sore knuckles, back and shoulders after an intense day of Otoha’s training. Her pale yellow pajamas gently swayed in the night breeze. The fabric was soft, draping loosely over her slender frame. The sleeves, slightly long, brushed against her wrists as she moved, giving her an almost childlike appearance.
These were technically Chikane’s pajamas and they were loose in several areas, particularly the chest. Himeko could have had them adjusted to fit her but didn’t want to. Wearing those pajamas felt as though Chikane was there with her instead of thousands of miles away.
“I must taken longer in the bath than I realized…” Himeko thought, walking through the dark hallways of the mansion. She spotted a sliver of light break into the hallway, indicating someone was in the room and had the fluorescent lights turn on.
“Otoha-san has been trying her best, ever since that girl moved here,” Himeko heard a female voice say. Curious, she sneaked towards the open door frame and listened in. 
Some maids gossiped to one another. Rather than one or two, there were at least a dozen tidying up the room by cleaning the windows, changing the sheets, wiping the dresser or changing a lightbulb.
“I don’t know why Ojou-sama’s saddled with her,” one maid said. 
“Saddled…” Himeko thought to herself. Although none of the maids were aware of Himeko’s or Chikane’s past roles as Miko, Himeko did think that word described Chikane’s situation. “Is Chikane-chan saddled with me because we are destined to be together?”
“It can’t be helped,” the other maid said. “No matter how hard Kurusugawa-san tries, being a commoner means she’ll be a burden to Danna-sama and Oku-sama.”
“Burden…” Himeko heard. Was she a burden to the Himemiyas?
“Talk about marrying into wealth!” One maid cried. “That Kurusugawa-san’s one clever minx! Behind that sweet, innocent face is a gold digger and she sure struck gold!” 
Himeko had heard the term ‘gold digger’ before from her former roommate, Makoto Saotome, and learned that it described people who married people for wealth. Was that what the maids thought about Himeko; that she was some sort of parasite that simply latched onto the family to suck them dry? Her cheeks burned hearing this. She didn’t mind if strangers thought that but if the maids thought so, did the Himemiyas think that? Did Chikane think that?
“That’s enough!” One of the other maids spoke up. Himeko recognized the redhead with French Braids from before. “Kurusugawa-san is doing her best and you’re just making fun of her.”
“You’re one to talk!” Another maid snickered. “Everyone knows you had a crush on Ojou-sama. I’ve heard of living out fantasies through other people but this is ridiculous!” 
The other maids ‘oooooh’ed in mockery and jest, laughing out loud and teasing the redhead.
“Still, the one that’s really having to deal with this mess is Otoha-san,” another maid spoke up.
“Otoha-san?” Himeko wondered silently.
“No kidding,” Another maid wiping the windows said. “Everyone knows she’s had a crush on Ojou-sama ever since she came here 10 years ago. It’s one thing to see her crush date someone but having to train that someone so she doesn’t embarrass Oku-sama and Danna-sama? I wouldn’t want to be in her shoes right now.”
“Not to mention that if Kurusugawa-san so much as trips, Otoha-san’s going to get blamed for it,” a maid carrying the clean bed sheets said. “A leopard can’t change its spots and Kurusugawa-san just can’t change that quickly no matter how hard she or Otoha-san tries.”
Himeko didn’t want to hear anymore and snuck off quietly back to her room. She threw herself onto the large bed she shared with Chikane and sniffed the sheets, hoping to smell her love once again. 
“I wish you were here, Chikane-chan…” Himeko thought to herself. “You’re in the same world as me, you’re alive with me and yet… you’re still so far away. I just want to talk with you and ask you what you think. Am I a burden to you? Are you saddled with me? Are you with me because you feel guilty about what you did?”
She turned to see the rotary phone and walked over to it. It was the dead of night and even later for Chikane. But… would Chikane answer the phone?
Taking a deep breath, Himeko picked up the phone’s handle, rotated the numbers of Chikane’s cellphone and waited.
“I just… need to hear your voice again, Chikane-chan,” Himeko thought to herself. 
“Hello, you have reached the voicemail for Chikane Himemiya,” The machine said, in Chikane’s voice. “Please leave a message after the beep.”
Himeko thought about leaving a message but decided against it. She was already causing trouble for her love. She didn’t want to worry her. She hung up the phone and sighed. 
“At least I got to hear Chikane-chan’s voice…” Himeko  thought to herself, wishing the real person were in front of her. 
Guilt washed over Himeko. She already knew that Chikane had sacrificed so much as their past lives as priestesses, but realizing that Otoha also put aside her pride and her clear dislike of Himeko, made the blonde even feel even worse. Didn’t she promise to be Chikane’s handkerchief? Wasn’t she supposed to be the shoulder to cry on instead of the crybaby who always relied on Chikane? 
“I’ll change… for everyone’s sake.” Himeko thought to herself, throwing herself onto the bed and slowly falling asleep. “Especially yours, Chikane-chan…” 
Himeko sat silently in the back of the limousine and waited patiently to be dropped off. Depending on how this night went, she would either be returning with Chikane as the pride of the Himemiya family or the embarrassment that Chikane was saddled with.
7 days. 7 days of picking the correct utensils, pronunciation training and balancing books on her head, but it was worth it. Himeko had to thank Otoha for the lengthy lessons she gave her. When the limousine stopped, Himeko recognized the signal to thank the driver and step out of the vehicle.
The outside of the restaurant showed a long line of wealthy clients waiting to enter. Although it was the dead of night, the street lights and the bright radiance from the restaurant’s interior lit everything up.
Himeko stood in the dim light, her elegant gown cascading around her like liquid rubies. The bodice, meticulously crafted to fit her form, accentuated her slender waist, while the short, puffed sleeves added a touch of delicate charm with their ruffled edges. A black choker adorned her neck, contrasting beautifully with the rich red fabric of the dress. The voluminous skirt flared dramatically from her waist, its luxurious sheen catching the light with every subtle movement. Black accents around the waist provided a striking contrast, enhancing the gown's opulence. Her long blonde hair, tied with a matching red ribbon, framed her face as she clasped her hands near her chest, her expression a poignant blend of elegance and vulnerability. In that moment, she was the epitome of classic sophistication, her presence both captivating and ethereal.
“I hope Chikane-chan likes this,” Himeko thought about the last time she wore this dress when Chikane returned after that stormy night and played a private piano concert for Himeko.
“Himeko…” Her love’s voice call out. Himeko turned to face the direction the voice came from.
Chikane stood gracefully in the opulent restaurant, her presence commanding attention. Her dress was a vision of elegance and sophistication, a shimmering masterpiece that captured the essence of an enchanted evening. The gown was a deep, alluring shade of teal, reminiscent of the tranquil depths of the ocean, with a fabric that seemed to dance with the light, creating a cascade of sparkling reflections with every movement. Delicate spaghetti straps held the dress in place, allowing her smooth shoulders to be elegantly displayed. Intricate beadwork and delicate sequins adorned the bodice, forming intricate patterns that sparkled like constellations against the night sky. A delicate, sheer shawl draped over her shoulders, adding a touch of softness to the overall ensemble. It was secured at her waist with an elegant brooch in the shape of a blooming rose, the gold and emerald accents complementing the rich teal of the dress.
Her long, midnight blue hair cascaded down her back in loose waves, the color a perfect match to the deep hue of her gown. With every step, the combination of her flowing hair and the shimmering fabric created an image of serene beauty, as if she were a mythical siren brought to life.
“Chikane-chan…” Himeko smiled.
“Himeko!” Chikane cried out, walking forward and hugging Himeko before giving her a peck on the cheek. Himeko could tell that the other guests were staring and raising their eyebrows at this scene. 
“I’ve missed you so much!” Chikane breathed a sigh of relief. “I can’t believe my flight got delayed and I had to take a separate car.”
Before Himeko could answer, a man cleared his throat. The two women turned to see the Maitre’d.
“Himemiya-san,” the Maitre’d with a snooty accent bowed politely, his stereotypical French mustache curling towards the end. “What a pleasure it is to have you dine with us again.”
“A pleasure to be here,” Chikane nodded politely.
“And who is this lovely lady accompanying you this evening?” He asked, with a tone that indicated it was less than friendly.
“This lovely lady is my future wife,” Chikane smiled. “If I’m ever so lucky.” 
“It is a pleasure to be here,” Himeko curtseyed politely before resuming her straight posture.
The Maitre’d looked Himeko up and down, as though the blonde were a piece of meat to be inspected for expiration. 
“I see…” he said. “Allow me to accompany you to your table.”
Himeko took Chikane’s hand, going through the set of double doors and resisting gasping upon entering L'Orangerie. Whether the footage was outdated or the projector had failed, seeing the interior of the restaurant put the filmed footage to shame; the chandelier sparkled magnificently, the scene of the cooked ducks made Himeko hungrier and the towering chocolate fountain really did reach the ceiling. The buffet table showed fresh fruits of all colors, the carving station with chef and the fondue station.
However, the blonde noticed the stares most of all. Wealthy families dressed in the finest clothes gave cold side eyes and whispered into their napkins at Himeko. As the waiter seated the two women at a table with padded chairs and soft candlelight, Chikane smiled at Himeko.
“How was your business trip, my love?” Himeko said, careful not to butcher the pronunciation. 
“Dreadful,” Chikane shook her head. “If being apart from you wasn’t enough, I had the displeasure of meeting the vultures who would eventually run the businesses of the world. One in particular stood out, some snob who gloated about his jets, his amusement park and his accomplishment of overthrowing his adoptive father.” 
“While I am saddened you had an unpleasant experience, I’m grateful you have returned to me safely.”
“Himeko, are you alright?” Chikane asked. 
“Of course I am…” Himeko said, enunciating each word and using correct pronunciation. 
“Did Otoha send you to finishing school while I wasn’t looking?” Chikane snickered. 
“Otoha simply taught me the finer ways of etiquette and how to behave properly in public,” Himeko said in perfect and slow enunciation.
“She didn’t make you say ‘The Rain In Spain Falls mainly on the Plain’, did she?” Chikane pronounced in perfect English.
“An amusing reference,” Himeko smiled.
“Did she make you walk straight while balancing a book on your head?” Chikane chuckled. “I’ll have to talk to her about that.”
“She did, but to my benefit.” Himeko said. 
“Himeko, relax,” Chikane placed a hand on her wrist. “You don’t have to put on airs just because I’m taking you to a fancy restaurant.” 
“This is your favorite restaurant,” Himeko said, again slowly and with perfect enunciation. “If I caused a scene, it would look poorly on you and your family.”
“Did Otoha-san tell you that?” Chikane said. “Perhaps when I was a child, but nowadays, it’s a bit too… much for me. As for looking poorly on my family, I think this restaurant would be worse for wear if the Himemiyas stopped dining here.”
“Soup is served,” A waiter announced, placing two hot bowls of piping hot, pale yellow soup before the two girls. “Potage Parmentier.”.
Chikane’s eyes widened and she attempted to speak up.
“Himeko, dear, let me-”
However, Himeko picked the correct soup spoon, gently took a scoop of soup, and sipped it, before placing the spoon back perfectly on the table and wiping the corners of her mouth with a napkin.
“My compliments to the chef,” Himeko nodded. The waiter smiled, bowed and left.
Chikane looked dumbstruck.
“Have I offended?” Himeko said in a polite and slow manner.
“Who are you and what have you done with my Himeko?” Chikane chuckled. “Otoha-san may have done too good a job!” 
Himeko could overhear the whispers and murmurs from the crowd. 
“I have to say, when I heard Himemiya was courting a commoner, and a female one at that, I thought she had taken some blow to the head. But after seeing this Kurusugawa, I have to say I can see the appeal.” 
Himeko fought the urge to smile widely upon hearing this. She felt glad she could help Chikane’s reputation. 
“Don’t listen to them,” Chikane said. “Tonight would be a perfect evening, as long as you’re in it.”
Before Himeko could respond, another waiter came up and put two extravagant salads before them.
“Pepper?“ The waiter offered, holding up a classical black grinder in his hands.
“No thank you,” Himeko shook her head.
“Just a little,” Chikane said.
The waiter began peppering the salad and it became obvious that ‘a little’ was much different than what Chikane defined. The pepper began to overwhelm the dish to the point where the black clouds even caused Chikane to cough into her napkin. Worse of all, the black smoke caused Himeko’s nose to itch. 
“That’s enough!” Chikane coughed, attempting to wave away the pepper. Himeko, however, had other concerns in mind.
“Oh no!” Chikane quickly grabbed a clean napkin and attempted to give it to Himeko.
“Ahh…Ahh…Ahh…” Himeko’s nose burned. She wasn’t sure how long she could hold in this sneeze, if at all. 
“It’s okay,” Chikane reassured. “Just sneeze into this napkin.”
“Aah…” Himeko’s nose stopped burning and put her hands down.
Both Chikane and Himeko breathed a sigh of relief when Himeko’s nostrils stopped being itchy and she didn’t need to sneeze anymore. Or so they thought. 
“Achoo!” Himeko sneezed.
That sneeze set off a series of events that somehow managed never to occur during the hundred years the restaurant was in business.
The shock of the sneeze was so loud, it cost the waiter holding the black pepper grinder to stumble, backwards, and crash into the buffet table.
The colorful fruit at the buffet flew into the air and landed on a poor woman’s head, giving her the appearance of wearing a Carmen Miranda hat.
The chef at the carving station threw his hand holding the carving knife in shock, sending it flying backwards and spinning midair. Miraculously, it managed to hit not any restaurant attendee or staff but the roasted pig. 
The force of the flying knife knocked the apple from the roasted pig and managed to fly out, landing perfectly into another customer’s mouth, stuffing it.
Worst yet, the waiter’s backwards fall on the buffet table caused the fondue station to fly in the air. Of course, since the fondue was full of boiling cheese, when it spilled upon a nearby waiter, and he screamed in pain and ran around as though he were headless chicken. But he was screaming and running in pain, he managed to knock himself against the chocolate fountain.
The towering chocolate fountain swayed until it eventually lost its balance and spilled with a spectacular crash, causing gallons of chocolate to spill onto the neat red carpet floor.
As if that wasn’t bad enough, the commotion stirred up the ducks inside the kitchen as they got loose and started running and flapping around the restaurant, scaring several seated guests and forcing them to run away in a panic.
Disaster wasn’t adequately enough to describe the scene before her. Catastrophe might’ve been an understatement at this point.
“Well, at least the chandelier is alright,” Chikane said. 
As if on cue, the chandelier crashed with spectacular noise and fashion, causing audible gasps and cries. When the dust cleared, no one was hurt, at least not physically. 
The same, however, could not be said of the reputation of the Himemiya family.
Himeko saw the numerous guests pull out their smartphones and take pictures and videos of the incident. The numerous flashes of the cameras made Himeko’s cheeks blush to a tomato red. 
“P-please, excuse me…” Himeko said before running off to the women’s washroom. As she somehow avoided crashing into someone, she burst into the pristine and clean washroom with brightly lit lights, scented incense and attendant staying still to offer hot towels. Not even the red tiled bathroom with no graffiti could distract Himeko.
Upon seeing her, the other restroom users quickly finished their makeup and washed their hands before hastily exiting the room. The restroom attendant also left.Apparently, no one wanted to be seen with Himeko.
Himeko couldn’t blame them. After she turned on the faucet to let the water run, Himeko ooked in the mirror and saw a gigantic failure and embarrassment. In a single moment, she ruined everything: her chance to make Chikane happy, the Himemiya’s reputation, Otoha’s  and everything else. No matter what fine fabrics she wore, Himeko couldn’t change her nature.
With this in mind, Himeko winced and let hot, wet tears run down her face.
When she heard the door open and a pair of footsteps walk behind her, Himeko knew exactly who they belonged to without having to look in the bathroom mirror. 
“Well, at least there wasn’t a lack of entertainment this evening…” Her future wife’s gentle voice soothed. 
“I’m sorry, Chikane-chan!” Himeko bawled into her hands. She couldn’t bear to see the look of disappointment on Chikane’s face.
“Himeko, it’s okay-“
The blonde immediately cut Chikane off.
“No, it’s not okay!” Himeko cried, turning to face Chikane with tears streaming down her face. “All I do is mess everything up! I’m such a failure, even when we were Miko. You’ve given me so much and all I do is take and take.”
Everything had come pouring out; the truth, the tears and the agony Himeko held within her.
“That’s not-“ Chikane tried to interrupt but HImeko wouldn’t let her.
“It’s not fair I’m such a burden to you. You shouldn’t have to saddled-“
Chikane silenced the blonde’s outburst with a warm hug.
“You’re not a burden,” Chikane’s voice soothed. “I’m not saddled with you. I’m glad you’re part of my life, this one and the ones after.”
Himeko couldn’t help but sob, as though she would never stop crying. 
“But, Chikane-chan…” Himeko gasped out between sobs. “Your family…your favorite restaurant…”
“You are my family, Himeko. In this life and the ones after. And if you think this little incident would stop me from loving you, you’re sorely mistaken. And if this restaurant can’t see that, then it doesn’t deserve us, favorite of mine or not.”
Himeko sobbed even as Chikane embraced her. It didn’t seem fair. Himeko was relying on Chikane again. Himeko chastised herself for not being stronger.
“I’m a bad handkerchief…” Himeko sniffled.
“We can take turns being the handkerchief,” Chikane chuckled.
Himeko didn’t know when she stopped crying and sitting on the red tiled floor with Chikane. The Himemiya daughter continued to dry Himeko’s eyes with the napkins she stored in her purse. When the outside of the door began to get noisier and noisier, it was a signal for them to leave.
“We’ll have to leave here, eventually, Chikane-chan,” Himeko said. 
“Do we?” Chikane smiled. “I’m more than happy staying here with you.”
“No, that’s not fair to you or the restaurant,” Himeko stood up and patted herself down. “Besides, it’s only fair they see the face of the girl who ruined their evening.”
“You will not be alone,“ Chikane rose to her feet and took Himeko by the hand. The two walked out of the restroom and Himeko braced herself. Her cheeks burned seeing the dozens of eyes, camera lenses and phones staring at her. 
Chocolate, cheese, fruit and duck feathers covered restaurant’s carpet floor and apparently, several news teams had come to report the situation with camera crews and reporters setting up.
“Himemiya-san,” the Matre’d glared at her, arms crossed. “I’m afraid we have no choice but to ban your family from this establishment if your guest is an indication of the company you keep. We have a reputation to uphold.”
“What a coincidence,” Chikane replied with the gracious poise she was known for. “I was just about to tell you that the Himemiya clan will have no further business with the likes of you. Additionally, if your reputation relies on keeping out people such as Himeko and myself, I would question the company ‘you’ keep.”
Shocked gasps and whispers emerged when Chikane said this, but the blue-haired billionaire didn’t care as she led Himeko away from the restaurant and back into the limousine.
Chikane comforted Himeko the whole ride.
Himeko, despite not ever wanting to leave Chikane’s warm embrace ever again, had to eventually pull away from their bed to use the restroom. Himeko's pajamas were a cozy ensemble of soft, blush-pink fabric, adorned with delicate white accents. The pajamas fit her comfortably, the material flowing loosely over her slender frame.
Himeko didn’t feel right wearing Chikane’s yellow pajamas and instead wore the pink ones she had at the Ototachibana dormitory before moving out. 
She wiped her eyes, attempting to get the sand out of them. 
Suddenly, she looked into the kitchen, seeing a crack of fluorescent light entering the dark hallway.
“Is someone there?” Himeko said. Would she encounter the gossiping maids talking ill of her again? Himeko thought about her options, the main one being to go back to the bedroom, wake Chikane and tell her about the situation. Himeko, whether out of courage or foolishness, or some combination of both, entered the kitchen instead.
The Himemiya Kitchen was as clean and neatly organized as it had been during her past life. Lit by bright florescent bulbs, a lone figure stood before the stove. Himeko saw a woman with light brown hair in hair curlers wearing a neon pink bathrobe.
“There’s a stranger in the house!” Himeko screamed.
“It’s me, Otoha!” The woman in curlers screamed. 
“Alas, you have discovered my horrible secret,” Otoha pouted. “I am, in fact, not a naturally curly haired person.”
Himeko laughed nervously, seeing Otoha move around the kitchen.
“Tea, Kurusugawa-san?” Otoha said, brewing a fresh pot.
“No thank you,” Himeko shook her head.
“Camomile is good for the nerves,” Otoha replied. “Try a sip, at least.”
Himeko sat down, took the tea and saucer from Otoha and sipped the tea.
“It’s very good!” Himeko said, surprised.
“Brewing tea for more than 10 years does tend to make one quite the expert,” Otoha said, a hint of pride in her voice. 
“Otoha-san, Chikane-chan won’t let me use my smartphone and told me to stay away from the news. Is it that bad?”
“Which would you prefer to hear: the bitter truth or a pleasant lie?“ Otoha asked.
“The truth,” Himeko said. Even when she was a Miko, Himeko always wanted to know the truth, no matter how horrible or painful it was.
“The incident has been posted all over the social media and the Himemiya name has been smeared,” Otoha said. “Several of the incidents have been trending on the social media as well as being transformed into amusing videos set to popular music.”
Himeko felt her cheeks redden upon hearing this. 
“And, of course, L’Orangerie has billed the Himemiya estate for the damages, physical and emotional, incurred after your… spectacular display.”  Otoha sighed. “It’s a complete scandal. The Himemiya name has been sullied..”
“I’m sorry…” Himeko bowed her head in shame. 
“The fault lies with me,” Otoha said. 
Otoha took the blame?
“Studies have been conducted that show that corporal punishment has limited to no effectiveness when teaching someone information to retain long-term. I let my ego get in the way and I apologize.”
“No, you did nothing wrong.”
“Ojou-sama disagrees,” Otoha said. “She had quite the harsh words waiting for me when you two came home.” 
Himeko pitied Otoha at that moment; Chikane could be quite scary when she wanted to.
“Kurusugawa-san, I must get something off my chest,” Otoha put her tea and saucer down and cleared her throat. “Your table manners are atrocious, your posture is a joke and you slurp your soup far too loudly!”
Himeko felt more blows to the stomach. Who knew Otoha’s words could hurt so much?
“But you make my Oujo-sama happy,” Otoha smiled. “After all those videos on social media showed up, not one of them showed Oujo-sama embarrassed or mortified. If anything, she was concerned about your safety.”
Himeko smiled for the first time that night.
“Chikane… Chikane-chan is like that,” Himeko said, feeling confident enough to call her future wife by such an intimate name. 
“Kurusugawa-san, I don’t claim to know the nature of your… relationship beyond the surface,” Otoha stirred her tea with a spoon. “When I look at the two of you, it is as though you have spent lifetimes with one another. I’ve only known her for 10 years, yet somehow, in less than a quarter of that, Ojou-sama has become completely enraptured with you and you her.”
Himeko kept silent; she wasn’t sure if Otoha would believe her if she had told the story about Ame no Murakumo, the Orochi and their past lives. 
“Perhaps, that’s how love works,” Otoha said. 
Now, Himeko really did wonder if Otoha had some inkling of their past lives.
“Have a good night’s rest,” Otoha said. “Ojou-sama has insisted that she monitor how I tutor you from now on.”
“You mean… I still have to learn all those utensils?” Himeko asked, feeling a stone sink in her stomach.
“Of course!” Otoha said. “You will be living here, after all. No hand rulers, I promise you.”
Himeko, feeling tired, stood up and politely bowed.
“Good night, Otoha-san,” Himeko said, walking away.
“Good night, Himeko-Ojousama,” Otoha said with a smile. 
Himeko paused, turned back to Otoha and pinched herself to make sure this wasn’t a dream. Did Otoha really call her what Himeko thought she called her? Not wanting to ruin the moment, she walked back to her room. 
On that day forward, Himeko was never served a single Shiitake mushroom ever again, not while living in the Himemiya manor. 
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115464631314 · 2 months
Tourism in Hungary 2024 | +966 50 112 8411
In Hungary, there are many famous tourist attractions that could arrive in 2024. Here are some of them: https://samatravell.com/%d8%a3%d9%81%d8%b6%d9%84-10-%d8 %a3%d9%85%d8%a7%d9%83%d9%86-%d8%b3%d9%8a%d8%a7%d8%ad%d9%8a%d8%a9-%d9%81%d9 %8a-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%85%d8%ac%d8%b1/
Obtain a Hungary visa with Sama Travel Agency
The currency of Hungary 
The Hungarian currency is the Hungarian plesent (HUF). The Hungarian Reston has been the official currency in Hungary since 1946. The mortgage is settled in several metals, including coins and banknotes. You can use the credit throughout Hungary to provide services and services. You may find some places that accept foreign currencies such as Euros, but Forint is the common currency accepted in all places. You can change foreign currencies to ATMs at banks, market rate offices, hotels and airports.
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0 notes
harunayuuka2060 · 2 years
Malleus: *sleeping*
MC: ..................
MC: He looks so good to kidnap.
Sebek: Wha—
Silver: Hush, Sebek. Remember that he's still sleeping.
Sebek: ...
Sebek: *breathes in* MC-senpai, now that you see that Waka-sama is sleeping, I think it's better for you to leave and come back later—
MC: *dragging Malleus out of the bed*
Malleus: *groans*
Sebek: Se...SENPAI!!!
Malleus: *waking up* Is there a housewarden meeting...
MC: No, pal. But I'm here to remind you that I sent you an invitation to a festival in Scalding Sands.
Malleus: *his eyes shoot wide open* Is it today?
MC: Hoho~. Looks like someone doesn't read their invitations.
Malleus: I'm sorry. You've been sending a lot of them that I started to confuse which one is which.
MC: It's okay~. We still have time to get ready. And oh, don't forget to bring your wallet, okay? We're buying a lot of souvenirs.
Silver and Sebek: ...
Silver: Should I inform father— I mean, Lilia, about your trip?
Malleus: Yes. And uh... I think I won't be back after a week, so he'll be in charge of the dorm while I'm gone.
MC: Oh, and Silver? Would you mind looking out for my fur baby? I can't take him with me after he failed his test.
Silver: Of course. Enjoy your trip with young master, senpai.
MC: *grins* We will.
Ace: It's so unfair~! Why does MC-senpai get to go on a vacation in the middle of a busy week?
Deuce: Huh?
Ace: What do you mean "Huh"?
Deuce: Uh... I've heard from senpai that they're going to bring us along after they finish the errand for the headmage.
Ace: Eh? Really?
Deuce: Yes.
Ace: Al~right!
Grim: *sniffles* *sulking* And they have to leave me again because the headmage didn't give me the permission to go...
Ace: Yikes, I forgot that you're here.
Deuce: It's okay, Grim. Senpai promised to buy you every souvenir they'll find!
Grim: *cries*
Ace: Deuce, you're not comforting him.
Malleus: ...
Malleus: Isn't that the hundredth time someone invited you to the dancefloor?
MC: Yeah.
Malleus: ...
Malleus: Why are you doing this?
MC: Headmage needs some funds. So I'm— *wiggle their eyebrows*—providing fan service.
Malleus: ...
Malleus: And how much have you earned?
MC: Three hectares of land, five buckets of gold, and four camels.
Malleus: *laughs*
Malleus: Not bad.
MC: You think that's cheap, do you?
Malleus: I'm not saying anything. *takes a sip from his drink*
MC: Uh-huh. *then someone approaches them again*
A wealthy merchant: Silk dresses! Sound good?
MC: Yeah! *hooking up his arm*
Malleus: *has to stifle his laughter*
MC: Watch me get rich. *laughs while they go to the dancefloor*
Malleus: *just raised his cup to them*
965 notes · View notes
asknarashikari · 2 months
Aaaaaaaaand… Gavv got leaked… 3 whole episodes of Gavv got leaked… Who’re we blaming this time, Kari? Decade? Zi-O? Legend? Geats? https://x.com/RangerBoard/status/1813089222842339747
[a few thumbnails and a look at the protag but nothing about the show still, but spoilers are on the tweet]
Ace: Oi! what the hell are you blaming me for? I don’t travel to other universes now, do I?
Keiwa: I mean its fair, but you won’t risk someone’s job to do it.
Neon: That is true.
Ace: Oi!
Keiwa: Maybe if it’s Michinaga-san.
Michinaga: Oi!
Ace: Besides, only Tycoon and Sara-san has been to other universes.
Keiwa: One other universe, thank you very much.
Keiwa: Don’t go shifting the blame on me, Ace.
Keiwa: And I was pulled there with the intention of making me mindless soldier, so this one’s not on me.
Sougo: Hey, I don’t travel to other universes too!
Geiz: But you do cause unintentional time anomalies.
Sougo: *pouts*
Tsukuyomi: Geiz…
Legend: I prefer to wait until the Rider is gorgeous enough to meet him, so no, It’s not yours truly.
Legend: Houtaro was just a gorgeously speacial case.
Butler: I concur, Kaguya-sama has been busy fighting off his enemies.
Onodera: I meeeeeean there’s only one guy who could’ve done it.
Natsumi: And revel off of the chaos that it has created.
Tsukasa: Oi! Shouldn’t we be blaming Kaito for this.
Kaito: Unlike you, Tsukasa, I don’t make a habit of leaking the things I steal, I keep them to myself.
Kaito: You on the other hand…
Kaito: You would have been in the perfect situation to just leak things as you'd be placed in a job that that universe deems you to be, weren't you a high school student once, even tho you were way past highschool age.
Tsukasa: Oi!
Somehow I doubt this is legitimate.
Gavv would be in production right about now, and since Gavv would def be doing the usual cameo in the summer movie the cast is probably in place. But the show is 1 1/2 months away from premiering and Gotchard is still probably in production (no wrap photos yet), so I don't think they'd have already 3 whole episodes already done.
Judging from the subs/titles being in simplified Chinese, these were screengrabs from Bilibili, which is a streaming service mostly based mainland China. Idk if Kamen Rider actually simulcasts in China using that service but it's unlikely given how notoriously poor Toei is at distributing KR outside of Japan. How likely is some random Chinese person going to get their hands on 3 full episodes of a show that hasn't even aired in the native country yet?
But on the chance that this is totally legit? Somebody screwed up big time
0 notes
bilungmessythoughts · 5 months
Form of Love
Oh how i love romanticize everything! Karena banyak hal kecil di sekitar kita yang sering diabaikan padahal patut dapat perhatian lebih. 
Se simple, sore pulang sekolah naik motor sama ayah ku terus makan soto, ngelewatin jalan yang rame sama anak anak pulang sekolah, orang tua yang pulang kerja, suami istri penjual tutut yang dorong gerobaknya pulang bareng, liat orang baik yang lagi kasih makan kucing jalanan, buka grup chat yang udah rame sama obrolan, malem malem ngerjain pr yang bikin bingung orang serumah, sampe tidur bersama suara tetesan air ac yang bocor. 
Kadang, yang kita butuhin cuman berhenti sejenak dan memperhatikan. Gimana di satu planet ini, di satu kawasan, di satu sekolah, di satu rumah, there is different people with different story.
Don't you find it exciting? Gimana cinta itu banyak bangeet bentuknya. Mulai dari mereka yang rela pulang sore macet macetan entah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan keluarga atau mencari ilmu. Mereka yang menyisihkan sedikit dari rezeki nya buat kucing jalanan yang mungkin ga punya peran apapun di hidup nya. Mereka yang baru banget ketemu tadi pagi tapi udah gatahan buat ngobrol bareng lagi. Mereka yang udah ngelewatin hari yang panjang tapi masih berusaha bantuin anaknya ngerjain PR. Sampe mereka yang  berusaha nganggep suata tetesan air AC itu merdu karena gamau nyusahin orang tua nya buat service AC.  
I see it all as a form of love.
0 notes
raratraveltour · 5 months
Travel Jember Surabaya Harga Tiket Murah Via Toll Cuman Rp 120 Ribuan
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Jasa Travel Jember Surabaya tepercaya, harga tiket murah, jadwal perjalanan tiap hari, menggunakan armada terbaru dengan fasilitas memadai hanya bisa anda peroleh via rara travel. Ambil HP anda sekarang dan hubungi bagian reservasi tiket kami telpon atau whastapp ke nomer 0812 2509 3894.
Mungkin besok atau lusa anda akan bepergian dari Jember ke Surabaya menggunakan kendaraan sendiri. pastikan semua persiapan sudah dilakukan secara matang. Bila memilih memanfaatkan kendaran publik, layanan kereta api kelas premium serta bus AKAP dengan ongkos yang lebih hemat bisa menjadi alternatif pilihan.
Jika dulu sarana transportasi umum untuk perjalanan dari Jember ke Surabaya memiliki banyak keterbatasan, kondisi seperti itu sekarang ini tak lagi kita temui, Namun demikian anda wajib tetap cermat memilih yang paling tepat dengan situasi dan kondisi. Banyak hal yang harus menjadi dasar pertimbangan demi keamanan dan kenyamanan ketika melakukan perjalanan tersebut.
Untuk keamanan dan kenyamanan bepergian pulang kampung, cobalah menggunakan jasa Travel Jember Surabaya dari kami, anda cukup melakukan booking tiket melalui telfon atau aplikasi whatsapp maka mobil travel yang akan mengantarkan anda langsung bergerak sesuai jadwal yang telah ditetapkan.
Prosedur Booking Tiket Travel Jember Surabaya
Nama Agen
Rara Travel & Tour
Alamat Lengkap
Jl. Perumahan Bumi Tegal Besar. Kec. Kaliwates. Kab. Jember
No Telp
☏ 081225093894
✆ 081225093894
Innova Grand, Hiace, Innova Reborn, New Avanza, New Xenia, Elf Short, Elf Long, Xpander, Calya, Sigra, Pregio
Full AC, Reaclaning Seat, Door to Door Service
Jember Surabaya PP
Harga Tiket
Mulai Dari Rp. 100.000 – Rp 200.000 / Orang 1 X Jalan
Pagi: 09.00, Siang: 12.00, Sore: 15.00, Malam: 21.00
Demi memberikan layanan yang mudah di akses, kami menyediakan nomer kontak yang online 24 jam. Customer support yang bertugas siap memberikan informasi detail tentang jasa Travel Jember Surabaya door to door anti repot. Nikmati bepergian aman,nyaman dan menyenangkan bersama rara travel
Disamping menghubungi customer service kami, anda bisa memperoleh tiket travel dengan mengisi formulir booking yang tersedia pada bagian bawah halaman ini.
Rara Travel adalah penyedia layanan angkutan penumpang profesional yang didukung oleh unit mobil terbaik, driver profesional, harga tiket murah dan kepastian keberangkatan sesuai rencana.
Agen Travel Jember Surabaya
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Saat mendapat perintah untuk menyelesaikan keperluan dinas, sudah barang tentu butuh kendaraan yang aman dan nyaman. Bila perjalanan tersebut dilakukan dengan kendaraan umum cobalah menghubungi penyedia jasa travel door to door dari perusahahan terpercaya.
Selama ini layanan travel terbukti dapat memenuhi keinginan sebagain besar orang yang hendak melakukan perjalanan jarak jauh dengan nyaman. Model perjalanan yang disediakan oleh pebisnis jasa travel ini semakin digemari lantaran memberikan banyak manfaat bila dikomparasikan tipe kendaraan umum lainya. Armada kendaraan yang digunakan senantiasa dalam kondisi prima dan supir yang mengemban tanggung jawab akan sepenuh hati melayani semua pelanggan.
Travel mampu menghindarkan anda dari banyak resiko seperti tertipu calo tiket, terburu buru mengejar jam keberangkatan bus di terminal serta repot dengan koper atau tas barang. Ditambah saat libur panjang, anda harus bertemu dengan banyak orang yang memiliki kepentingan sama. Oleh sebab itu travel adalah alternatif pilihan paling tepat untuk keperluan perjalanan keluar kota tujuan Surabaya.
Tipe Mobil Travel
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Keselamatan perjalanan dari mulai berangkat hingga sampai alamat tujuan adalah tanggung jawab yang harus terpenuhi, karenanya diperlukan mobil travel yang telah dibekali fitur safety kekinian serta tersedianya fasilitas tambahan untuk kenyamanan selama menempuh perjalanan.
Beberapa mobil travel yang sesuai kualifikasi kami adalah Toyota Hiace, Isuzu Elf Long, Luxio, Avanza, Toyota Innova dan Toyota Innova Reborn. Model kendaraan diatas sejauh ini konsisten menjadi pilihan utama karena mampu menghadirkan rasa nyaman bagi semua penumpang.
Jadwal Travel Jember Surabaya
Berikut adalah jadwal travel jember surabaya:WaktuJadwalPagi06:00 WIBSiang09:00 WIBSore15:00 WIBMalam21:00 WIB
Mobil penjemputan kami akan keluar garasi mulai dari jam 2 siang menuju alamat konsumen yang sudah melakukan pemesanan tiket perjalanan. Adapun jadwal travel Jember Surabaya sesuai dengan kebiasaan, setiap armada mobil tujuan Surabaya akan memulai perjalanan selambat lambatnya pada jam 8 malam dengan catatan seluruh konsumen sudah tiba dikantor dan telah menyelesaikan administrasi.
Info akurat tentang alamat jemput yang diberikan konsumen merupakan salah satu faktor penting bagi supir kami. Karenanya kami senantiasa menekankan agar ponsel yang digunakan untuk komunikasi dengan staf kami dalam keadaan standby guna mempermudah proses perjalanan.
Informasi yang valid perihal lokasi jemput yang diberikan calon penumpang merupakan salah satu faktor penting bagi pengemudi kami. Oleh sebab itu kami selalu mengigatkan agar nomer kontak yang digunakan saat menghubungi staf kami dalam posisi standby guna memperlancar proses perjalanan.
Layanan antar sampai ke pekarangan rumah beserta kepadatan kendaraan, membuat perkiraan perjalanan dari Jember ke Surabaya susah ditentukan secara akurat. Namun demikian, konsumen bisa menanyakan estimasi waktu yang dibutuhkan kepada pengemudi kami.
Harga Tiket Travel Jember Surabaya
Berapa Harga Tiket Jember Surabaya? Harga Tiket Mulai 175rb / orang
Harga-harga ini dapat berubah tergantung pada alamat jemput dari Jember dan juga pada jadwal keberangkatan. Jika Anda memerlukan informasi lebih lanjut atau memiliki pertanyaan lainnya, silakan ditanyakan.
Begitu banyak keuntungan dan kemudahan yang didapatkan oleh semua calon penumpang, travel kami menetapkan harga tiket travel Jember Surabaya mulai dari Rp. 175.000.
Harga tiket travel tujuan Surabaya include layanan jemput penumpang dari wilayah Jember dan sekitarnya. Akan tetapi harga yang kami tertera diatas bisa saja lebih mahal yang dipengaruhi oleh lokasi penjemputan, tujuan akhir perjalanan, tingginya permintaan penumpang dan banyak faktor lainya.
Harga tiket tujuan Surabaya sudah termasuk jasa jemput penumpang semua area Jember dan sekitarnya. Namun demikian harga yang kami tertera diatas bisa saja lebih mahal bergantung pada lokasi jemput, tujuan akhir pengantaran, tingginya permintaan penumpang dan lain lain.
Terkadang terdapat informasi yang kurang akurat tentang harga tiket travel yang ditulis pada artikel ini. Untuk validasi, setiap konsumen disarankan untuk menghubungi bagian admin kami atau bisa juga melihat posting pricelist harga travel terbaru yang baru saja kami revisi.
Jasa Titip Barang ke Surabaya dari Jember
Manakala anda sedang membutuhkan jasa pengiriman barang dengan garansi sehari sampai, jangan ragu menghubungi nomer kontak yang tersedia. Kami menjamin paket yang anda kirim aman dan cepat sampai.
Ketentuan harga kirim barang ke Surabaya berdasarkan pada berat, ukuran dan tipe paket yang akan dikirimkan. Untuk informasi lebih lengkap mohon menghubungi manajemen rara travel.
Tak usah cemas perihal ongkos kirim yang harus anda bayarkan. Karena, semua harga dan penawaran tertera diwebsite ini bisa dinegosiasikan..
Travel Surabaya Jember Eksekutif
Saat anda ingin bepergian ke Surabaya menggunakan layanan transportasi umum yang memberikan banyak keunggulan, rara travel menghadirkan jasa travel kelas eksekutif. Sistem perjalanan layanan ini untuk mengakomodir permintaan calon penumpang yang akan bepergian dengan privasi yang lebih mumpuni.
Lazimnya layanan travel eksekutif biasanya memberikan kelonggaran bagi semua calon penumpang dalam menentukan jam memulai perjalanan sesuai dengan yang direncanakan. Boleh jadi, pengguna layanan ini tak lagi harus mengikuti jadwal travel yang biasa kami lakukan. Faktor inilah yang menjadi dasar mengapa layanan ini diminati oleh rombongan dinas instansi pemerintah maupun swasta.
Tipe armada mobil yang dapat anda pilih untuk travel eksekutif antara lain Suzuki ertiga, Honda Mobilio, Luxio dan Avanza dengan jumlah penumpang paling banyak enam orang dewasa. Ongkos tiket akan terasa lebih murah bila ditanggung oleh setiap peserta dalam rombongan perjalanan. Sebagai tambahan informasi, travel eksekutif hanya melayani satu lokasi jemput untuk tujuan yang sama.
Rute Perjalanan Jember Surabaya
Titik Jemput Travel dari JemberTitik Antar Travel ke SurabayaAmbuluGentengKencongTegalsariWuluhanBubutanTanggulSimokertoSumbersariGubengPatrangRungkutKaliwatesTambaksariPakusariMulyorejoArjasaTenggilis MejoyoAjungGunung AnyarBangsalsariWonokromoRambipujiWonocoloSukorambiGayunganJenggawahSukoliloPantiITSMayangKota SidoarjoSemboroSawahanBalungAsemrowoKalisatSemampir SelatanGumukmasPasar TuriSukowonoKarang PilangSempolanJambanganSukomanunggalKrembanganBandara JuandaDukuh PakisPakuwon CityTandesPabean CantikanKenjeranTanjung PerakAmpelLebakWiyungKebraonLontarManukanLidahSambikerepCitraland
Rute perjalanan travel dari Jember ke Surabaya melalui jalur selatan meliputi beberapa daerah yang akan dilalui. Perjalanan dimulai dengan penjemputan di wilayah Jember, dengan penumpang dari daerah paling jauh dijemput terlebih dahulu. Rute penjemputan meliputi Kencong, Ambulu, Gumukmas, Wuluhan, Balung, dan wilayah lain sebelum menuju Surabaya.
Setelah penjemputan di Jember selesai, perjalanan akan dilanjutkan ke beberapa daerah lainnya.
Penjemputan dilakukan secara door to door di wilayah yang tercakup. Jadi, jika Anda berada di jalan utama daerah-daerah yang disebutkan di atas, Anda juga dapat memanfaatkan jasa travel ini untuk perjalanan ke Surabaya.
Keuntungan Menggunakan Jasa Travel Surabaya
- Gratis Antar Jemput
Salah satu poin positif dari penggunaan jasa travel door to door. Anda akan dijemput dari tempat yang dipilih dan diantar sampai alamat tujuan. Cukup #dirumahaja dan biarkan driver kami yang mendatangi ke tempat Anda. Ini adalah realisasi prinsip dasar dari sebuah kenyamanan perjalanan yang praktis.
- Mobil yang Nyaman
Perjalanan ke kampung halaman yang anda lakukan sudah barang tentu dapat menimbulkan rasa lelah. Oleh karena itu moda transportasi yang anda pilih seharusnya memiliki banyak fasilitas pendukung kenyamanan yang lengkap. Khusus untuk jasa travel ke Surabaya rara travel hanya menggunakan mobil yang dapat diandalkan hingga mampu menghadirkan ketenangan diperjalanan.
- Supir Berpengalaman
Kami adalah penyedia jasa angkutan penumpang dengan standar safety tinggi, oleh karena itu semua dirver yang membawa penumpang merupakan person berpengalaman mengendarai armada khusus travel. Penerapan standar tinggi Ketika proses rekrutmen calon driver dan pembekalan pengetahuan rutin selalu di evaluasi secara terus menerus untuk memeriksa kondisi mental dan kepribadian supaya terus dapat memberikan layanan yang optimal.
- Lebih Hemat Ongkos
Dengan beragam manfaat yang didapat oleh konsumen, harga tiket travel yang kami tetapkan cukup murah. Karena alasan tersebut, Harga tiket akan terus dievaluasi menyesuaikan dengan perkembangan di lapangan guna menjangkau semua lapisan masyarakat yang ingin mencoba menggunakan perjalanan dengan jasa travel.
Syarat dan Ketentuan Layanan
Yuk, kita bahas syarat dan ketentuan layanan travel dari Jember ke Surabaya dengan gaya bahasa yang santai:
Tarif yang Berlaku:
Harganya paling murah, tapi sesuai dengan alamat penjemputan dari Jember dan tujuan ke Surabaya.
Ada biaya tambahan untuk penjemputan dan antar ke alamat di wilayah tertentu.
Anak usia 5 tahun ke atas harus bayar seperti penumpang dewasa.
Tarifnya nggak berlaku pas lagi hari besar, tahun baru, atau high season lainnya.
Pemesanan dan Pembayaran:
Tiket bisa dipesan online atau langsung ke kantor kita.
Kasih data yang jelas supaya penjemputan lancar.
Kalau pesan untuk 3 orang atau lebih, harus DP dulu dan datanya diinput setelah DP masuk.
Keberangkatan dan Penjemputan:
Jadwal travel sesuai info yang kita kasih. Jam itu adalah waktu mulai penjemputan dari garasi.
Penjemputan dilakukan bergilir dari alamat ke alamat di Jember.
Waktunya bisa berubah-ubah tergantung lalu lintas dan alamat penjemputan penumpang lainnya.
Penumpang harus siap 1 jam sebelum jadwal keberangkatan.
Perubahan dan Pembatalan:
Kalau mau ganti jadwal atau batalin, harus sebelum 3 jam sebelum jam berangkat.
Kalau lewat waktu itu, ada cancelation fee 100% dari total harga tiket.
Pembatalan berlaku kalau kita nggak bisa hubungi saat penjemputan.
Pembatalan juga berlaku kalau kita nggak ada di tempat saat penjemputan.
Bagasi dan Barang Bawaan:
Boleh bawa barang maksimal 1 tas atau koper kecil atau sedang, atau 1 dus ukuran aqua.
Kalau kelebihan barang, ada biaya tambahan sesuai dengan jumlah seat yang digunakan.
Tanggung jawab atas barang bawaan ada di penumpang sendiri.
Kita nggak bertanggung jawab kalau ada kehilangan, barang tertukar, atau rusak.
Jadi, itulah syarat dan ketentuan layanan travel dari Jember ke Surabaya.
FAQ Travel Jember Surabaya
Berapakah Harga Travel Jember Surabaya? Harga tiket travel dari Jember ke Surabaya mulai dari Rp 150.000, rentang harga tiket dipengaruhi oleh banyak hal, antara lain lokasi penjemputan, banyaknya penumpang dan lain lain.
Bagaimana Cara Pesan Tiket Travel Jember Surabaya? Setiap konsumen dapat memesan tiket via online, bisa melalui sambungan telfon, chat whatsapp dan juga mengisi formulir booking. Disamping itu bisa juga memesan langsung di kantor kami.
Apakah tersedia travel Jember Surabaya untuk Rombongan? Layanan travel door to door ke Travel Jember Surabaya dapat dimanfaatkan untuk perjalanan rombongan dan pribadi. Anda bisa juga memilih paket travel eksekutif yang lebih menyenangkan untuk rombongan dengan harga yang sedikit lebih tinggi.
Jam Berapa mobil Travel diberangkatkan ke Surabaya? Rutinitas untuk semua perjalanan travel secara umum dimulai pada jam 2 siang. Pengemudi yang bertugas menjemput akan mendatangi satu persatu alamat calon penumpang sesuai data pemesanan tiket, bila sudah terjemput seluruhnya, selambat lambatnya pukul 20:00 wib perjalanan ke Surabaya akan dimulai.
Mengapa memilih Rara Travel? Kami adalah satu diantara perusahaan layanan transportasi umum khusus angkutan penumpang profesional dan berpengalaman. Disamping menyediakan jasa travel ke luar kota, tersedia juga paket sewa mobil wisata dengan pilihan armada isuzu elf 19 seat, hiace commuter dan juga bus pariwisata.
Dimana dan jam berapa saya dijemput? Selama masih dalam daerah jangkauan layanan travel kami, anda boleh menentukan sendiri tempat penjemputan seperti dari rumah, kos, kontrakan, kantor ataupun lokasi tertentu yang anda pilih.
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best-fictional-cat · 2 years
When I said they were coming soon I meant soon!
Again, some useful links:
This very useful table which I saw was being updated as the competition progressed and now has detailed results of both round 1 and 2!
The general cat masterpost
Round 1 winners
Poll masterpost for round 2
Round 2 winners
And now...
Round 3 match-ups!
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(they will be updated with poll links when there are polls)
Group 1
Miyuki (Avatar the Last Airbender) vs Catbus (My Neighbor Totoro)
Amp / Anp / Anpu (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K) vs Kitty Softpaws (Puss in Boots)
Chi Yamada (Chi's sweet home) vs Tabby Slime (Slime Rancher)
Cinderpelt (Warrior cats) vs Scourge (Warrior cats)
Group 2
Mae Borowski (Night in the Woods) vs Shoe + Wagahai (Ace Attorney)
Niko (Oneshot) vs Squirrelflight (Warrior cats)
Hong + On (Trash of the Count's Family) vs Jaspers (Homestuck)
Thomas Kincade Brannigan (Doctor Who) vs Baron Humbert von Gikkingen (The Cat Returns)
Group 3
Greebo (Discworld) vs Simba (The Lion King)
Findus (Pettson and Findus) vs Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland)
Felix the cat (Paramount) vs Ghost (The Owl House)
Rosie (Animal Crossing) vs Hiili (Fox Fires)
Group 4
Hobbes (Calvin and Hobbes) vs Jonesy (Alien)
Vodka Mutini / Dr.Meowgon Spangler (Homestuck) vs Puppycat (Bee and Puppycat)
Lion (Steven Universe) vs Spot (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
Midnight (Castle in the Air, Diana Wynne Jones) vs Sakamoto (Nichijou)
Group 5
Fluffal Cat (Yu-Gi-Oh!) vs Salem Saberhagen (Sabrina the Teenage Witch)
Nyanky (Taiko no Tatsujin) vs Amanojaku (Ghost Stories)
Khoshekh (Welcome to Night Vale) vs Catra (She-Ra)
Juan The Small Magical Latino Cat (Monster Prom) vs Bungle the glass cat (Oz)
Group 6
Finley / Jelly Donut (Hustle Cat) vs Nameless evil white cat (James Bond)
Thomas O'Malley + Aristocats (Aristocats) vs Jellie (Double Life SMP)
Tigress (Kung Fu Panda) vs Haru (My Roommate is a Cat)
Pusheen (Pusheen) vs Kuroneko-sama (Trigun)
Group 7
Skitty (Pokémon) vs Bob (Animal Crossing)
Garfield the Deals Warlock (The Adventure Zone) vs Jiji (Kiki's Delivery Service)
The Black Cat (The Black Cat, E.A.Poe) vs Tom (Tom and Jerry)
Lil' Judd (Splatoon) vs Bagheera (The Jungle Book)
Group 8
Plagg (Miraculous) vs Meowth (Pokémon)
Leafpool (Warrior cats) vs Maurice (Discworld)
Xiaohei (The Legend of Hei) vs Puss in Boots (Puss in Boots)
Schrödinger's cat (you know the one) vs Pasty (Neko Atsume)
The polls will be out as soon as they're ready, I'll update you on the exact time when I have it!
Edit: Saturday, March 25th, 6pm GMT
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apchilledmaster · 6 months
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