#ACM cladding
mapgubbins · 7 months
Joint Inspection Team funding agreement and indemnity released following FOI request
Post: 5 November 2023
New blog post on my website:
Joint Inspection Team funding agreement and indemnity released following FOI
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scydiahs · 1 year
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Vancouver Exterior Ideas for a substantial, contemporary, exterior metal house remodel
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masked-matador · 2 years
Did you trap a bunch of people in crystals?? /rp
"only a few, they were from some corporation trying to sell acme products, or something. Not that I need any, with my perfect skin!"
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bisexualvampires · 4 months
Live Laugh Leather
happy 3rd wedding anniversary to these idiots :)
(846 words) Also on AO3
Dean knew the rhythm of Cas’ footsteps from the kitchen all the way to their bedroom. Knew it better than the pulse of his own heart; as familiar to him as the scent of the warm coffee that carried with his husband every morning like clockwork. He found himself smiling against his pillow, feeling the early sunshine through the lake house window heat the frosty February air.
So the routine goes; any minute now Cas would pause to bump the door open with his pajama-clad butt, scooting backward into their bedroom, two coffees in hand. Dean would fake the grouchy attitude as if the gentle interruption had pulled him from sleep. As if, minutes earlier, Cas hadn’t waited until his spidey senses told him Dean’s REM sleep was done and he was ready for his daily stubbled kiss at the back of his neck. For the arm that tightened around his waist, sinking suggestively lower until Dean cracked open an eyelid. Falling for the same old trick every day, before Cas would rise his heavenly ass out of bed to start on coffee. Leaving Dean tethered between the land of sleep and this world of dreams.
Same old, same old.
And wasn’t that a hell of a thing.
Dean scooched over to Cas’ side of the bed. The warmth had faded but it was the scent he chased; like rich earth pounded by the heavy rain of a thunderstorm, the charged promise of lightning still to come. Like honey and ether and so like home, Dean could drown himself in it. Smother himself in his husband’s pillow with a smile on his face and a bulge in his pants.
And so, it began.
The gentle clink of the spoon dropped into the sink. The ceramic scuffling on the kitchen countertop. The first bare footstep on the warm wooden floor.
Three years of this, Dean thought, and he knew he could go a thousand more.
A squeaking sound broke the routine, and Dean perked up his bedhead to listen to the audible eye roll and soft sigh that accompanied it. The footsteps and squeaking drew nearer, and Dean propped himself up on an arm to watch the regularly scheduled show.
The ass that greeted him was familiar, but Dean’s eyes bulged out of his head like Donald Duck at the first sight of Daisy. Cas backed into the room, letting the door swing softly shut behind him.
Dean’s husband paused, breakfast tray in hand and a look of genuine surprise on his face that quickly morphed into a feigned innocence.
“Sweetheart,” Dean managed to say with a tongue that now weighed an ACME ton. “Are you wearing leather pants?” He was dreaming, right? Had to be. If the next words out of Cas' mouth were "tell me about it, stud" in Olivia Newton-John's voice that would surely confirm it. A laugh threatened to burst all the way from his belly, born of shock more than anything, because this was Cas. His Cas. In tight leather pants. Like he was Jon Bon fucking Jovi and Dean was eighteen, alone in his motel room and realising some shit. 
But Cas ignored the question, setting the breakfast tray safely on the bedside table. When he turned to find Dean’s gaze still locked on his broad thighs, mouth hanging open like it didn’t know where to start, he placed his hands on his hips.
“The third wedding anniversary gift is leather, is it not?”
Dean glanced up from his stupor, feeling his heart swell like a damn balloon at his husband’s words.
Leather. Anniversary. Right.
How Cas heard "leather" and thought "pants"... actually, he didn't need to know how or why, because this was happening. Somehow this was real life.
Dean licked his lips. Didn’t mean to, but he did.
He’d tell Cas about the new leather couch he’d secretly set up in the Cas Cave later. Right now…
“The salesperson insisted this was the perfect gift,” Cas frowned down at himself. “Perhaps this was a mistake.”
“Whuaa-“ Dean started, tangling in the sheets as he struggled to sit upright. “No, no, they’re – hell of a – gotta tip the guy… god, Cas.” Only the need to defend these pants with his life gave Dean the strength to tear his gaze from them a second time.
He’d expected to find that frown he loved so much – the one that crinkled Cas’ brow, and tugged his soft lips into a flat line. Instead, his husband grinned at him, eyes blazing with that smugness that was the bane of Dean’s life.
Son of a bitch. He played him.
“Happy anniversary, Dean,” Cas said, stepping forward to crawl on his knees across the mattress, caging Dean in between his thighs.
Dean pulled him closer, sunlight glinting on the band of his wedding ring as he ran a hand through Cas’ hair. Three years of this. Already three. Only three.
And he could never have enough.
“Happy anniversary, Cas.” The words were a whisper against his husband’s lips.
The rest, he already knew. They both did.
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blmpff · 4 months
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Hiii @omarandjohnny 💞❣️
I'm currently in my jrock era after a conversation with @mikuni14 <3 so let's shuffle that playlist:
D'espairsRay - Human-Clad Monster
2. the GazettE - FADELESS
4. Girugamesh - chimera
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heavyeditsnz · 1 year
m/aidloid sickfic real
i love a/cme i/ku a lot so i wrote a fic abt her :> pls read :3
CWs: female snz, illness, stuck sneezes & inducing, master/maid (implied) word count: 3k
The blaring alarm clock cut through her sleep and pounded in her head. 
Sweat-slicked hair clung to the maid’s face as she staggered out of bed, a disoriented groan escaping as she stumbled to her feet. The room began to sway as she righted herself, and she clutched the edge of her desk to stay upright. 
“Uuuuh…” Iku groaned softly as she swayed where she stood, one hand pressed against her temple as it throbbed with every shrill beep from the alarm clock and the other hand slamming down on the offending machine. It was only 8 or so in the morning, and here was one Iku Acme, devoted maid to her one and only… barely able to stand. Or breathe through her nose.
Though eventually the room stopped swimming, and the dizzy maid staggered over to her bedroom mirror with a shaky groan. Her head felt heavy and full; her throat raw and itchy. God, she never woke up feeling this bad… She shivered as she looked at herself, clad in only her pajamas (that were now drenched in sweat). Glassy green eyes stared back at her reflection, her face pale and flushed with fever, the rims of her nostrils tinted a faint pink…
“It w-wasn’t this cold l-last night…” Iku muttered to herself as she still went about setting out her uniform to change into. Master would be up soon, and she couldn’t just ditch work just because of a little illness! Besides, maybe a shower would help her feel better.
The bathroom was much warmer than her bedroom, thank God, though the shivering only increased as Iku stripped out of her pajamas and underwear. Beads of sweat began to dot her bust and shoulders despite her continued shivering, and she reached for the hot water knob to turn on the shower.
The warm steam filling the air eased her shivering, and she stepped into its warm rain to freshen up for the day. Though it wasn’t long before her energy had begun to run out; Iku slumped against the shower wall, her cheek resting on the cold porcelain tiling. Jeez, just showering shouldn’t be this exhausting…
Eventually she managed to push herself away from the wall and go about washing her hair. Her head still ached even as she rubbed the shampoo in, the shower steam making her nose run…
She sniffled, but it did nothing to stem the moisture threatening to leak out of Iku’s nose. 
Rinsing out the suds in her hair left her dizzy, and the lingering scent of the shampoo was already starting to bother her. Iku scrunched her nose and sniffled again, maybe if she focused on breathing in the steam then she wouldn’t make herself dizzy again…
So the maid did just that, inhaling through her nose as deeply as she comfortably could while she washed her body. The warm steam helped in loosening up the congestion threatening to block her nose, with the cost of making it run even more. She periodically sniffled and wiped at her pink-tinted nose; the congestion had loosened up for a brief moment, but the shampoo’s scent quickly flooded her nose.
It twitched and scrunched as an itch began to spark, and Iku’s breathing began to hitch before she was even aware of it. 
“Ha’h—...” Her lips parted; the maid’s sudsy hands moving up to cover the oncoming explosion. Iku’s eyelids flickered, then squeezed shut as she finally pitched forward. “Ha’hhISSHEW!” She sneezed into her soapy hands, pulling away to find suds on her cheeks and and snot on her fingers, not to mention she was congested all over again. With a groan and a tired sniffle she rinsed her hands under the running shower, and washed her face before turning off the shower and stepping out of it. 
Her foot hitting the cold tiled floor sent a shiver up the ill maid’s spine, and Iku gritted her teeth as she quickly hopped onto a shower mat. Though that brief bit of exposure already had her shivering again as she reached for a towel to wrap around her body, followed by a second one to wrap her damp hair in. 
Cold, so cold… Iku sniffled again as she stepped out of the bathroom and into her bedroom to dry her hair and get dressed; a thicker, heavier sniffle that did next to nothing in keeping her nose from running. She reluctantly let go of her towel to dry herself off, sniffling as she stepped into a clean pair of panties and clipped on a bra. Put on her stockings, step into her skirt, pull on her sleeves and button her blouse, don’t forget to pin on your name tag…
Her nose twitched, her nostrils flaring and her eyes watering... 
“hI’h-... Ha’h-...” She needed to… 
Iku’s brow furrowed in a mix of desperation and annoyance; why now of all times… The sick maid reeled back as her hitching grew more desperate; her hands feeling for something, anything to cover with. Tissues too far away, using your hands would be gross… “hIh-...hh’- hA’h—!” The itch in the back of her nose slowly blossomed into something much more intense, quickly traveling up her airways and threatening to explode out of her (and all over her uniform if she wasn’t careful). 
The towel she used was closest, so she snatched it up just as she pitched forwards into her hands. “hA’PSHh!! hA’pSHoo!!”
Each sneeze folded Iku at the waist with nearly enough force to knock her over. She sighed softly in relief as the itch in her nose had dissipated, and she sniffled and wiped the now dampened rims of her nostrils with the towel she had used. These towels weren’t to be used for that purpose, as an emergency handkerchief, but it was either that or sneezing into her hands… 
Now that her nose had settled down she sat down to dry her hair. The blow-dryer’s whirring exacerbated Iku’s headache, but she still pushed through in brushing her hair in her usual style; tied up into a ponytail held in place with her favorite onion-shaped ponytail holder. She put on her lace headband in front of it and snapped on her red choker, and stood up and got ready to tackle the day… or crash trying to.
Iku sniffled and rubbed at her nose as she stepped out of her bedroom. All was eerily silent, was Master still asleep? Just down the hall was his bedroom, and she couldn’t hear anything behind it. 
She quickly swiped at her nose again and strolled over to her Master’s bedroom door, reaching for its doorknob and muffling a cough into her free hand. 
She twisted the doorknob and stepped into an empty room with an empty bed. “Master…?” Iku croaked, but he still wasn’t there. That was odd… 
Looking around the room revealed a basket of clothes needing to be washed. Good, maybe her chores could distract from how awful she felt. She lugged the laundry basket out of the bedroom and over to load the washer, measuring out detergents…
“hA’h-... hAh’hSHoo!!” 
She pitched forwards again, nearly dropping the bottle of detergent. Iku sniffled and rubbed at her nose again, trying to soothe the itch building up again, though all she ended up doing was coaxing it out for real. “aH’tSHOo!! hAh’tSHew!! ah- aH’tShoo!!”
She was the only one at home, so sneezing into the open air could be excused, at least for now. Iku hitched again, her trembling fingers reaching up to try and cover another sneeze, but the itch bothering her nose had finally dissipated. With a tired sigh she went about loading the laundry into the washing machine, grateful for the congestion blocking her nose. Detergent always bothered her nose, but thankfully she was too sick to smell it. 
Once the washing machine was running Iku went about cleaning the windows. Cleaning gave her something to focus on that wasn’t the pounding in her head or the itching brewing in the back of her nose. Spray and wipe, spray and wipe… “hAh-? h-hH’aa—! Phew…”
Her nose began to run, and Iku sniffled deeply in an attempt to keep her leaky nose at bay, continuing on until the windows were finally clean. She was starting to feel tired, dizzy, sleepy… Iku sat down on the couch once she finished cleaning the windows, shivering and eventually curling in on herself. 
Iku had no idea where her Master had gone this early in the morning. And even if she did, her feverish mind was too muddled to try and put together a coherent idea. She glanced down at the table in front and her eyes widened, was that…?
The sniffling maid snatched up two, three tissues from the box on the table and blew her nose into them. Even with her being alone in the house she couldn’t work up enough strength to really blow, but Iku still blew into the wad until she could breathe somewhat easily through her nose, and sighed in relief as the pressure in her head let up, if only just a little.
Slowly, as to not make herself dizzy, she stood up and headed towards the kitchen. Fresh coffee for Master and a glass of water for herself… The shivering resumed as Iku stood alone in the kitchen, her pink-tinted nose twitching as the smell of coffee filled the air. Thinking quickly she pressed the back of her hand against her flaring nostrils to try and suppress the urge to sneeze. If Master was out, then he’d want coffee when he came back; just sneezing around his coffee seemed rude.
Her eyelids flickered, and Iku yawned as the coffee pot filled up. Exhaustion was already threatening to pull the ill maid under, but she resolved to at least try and wait until Master got back.
Iku staggered back into the front room while the coffee brewed, gingerly sipping her glass of water between sniffles and swipes at her nose. It had begun to leak again, her irritated nostrils now a noticeable pink. It took two, three ineffective sniffles and a near-miss sneeze for Iku to blow her nose again.
The coffee pot stopped after a while, and she stood up to go get it, swaying and wobbling where she stood. Iku’s vision began to dip and sway again, and she quickly sat back down before she fell over. She coughed again, doubling over as a coughing fit wracked her body and wheezing pitifully once the coughs finally stopped. Maybe she shouldn’t try to stand up. She was barely aware of the front door knob clicking and turning, the door itself opening to reveal…
“Master…?” Iku rasped.
The “Master” in question was a man, an average looking guy carrying a bag of groceries. “Ah, good morning Iku.” He greeted simply as he stepped inside and set down his bags. “The coffee smells great!” Not like Iku would know, given how congested she was.
She started to say something to him, but an itch began to brew in the back of her nose. An overwhelming, powerful itch… now stuck in her throat. Oh no… Her desperate hitching was what caught the man’s attention, the maid’s watery eyelids fluttering as she reeled back to try and coax the itch out. No luck. “H’hheh—... h’hHh—...”
He went over to the couch where Iku was sitting, where he got a full glimpse of how red and runny her nose was, not to mention how pale her face looked. Her lips were parted, the maid herself gasping and hitching as she struggled to dislodge the itch. “ihh—... h-h’ihh—...” She glanced at him out of the corner of her fluttering, watery eyes, hoping for some help…
The man wasn’t slow, and caught on as soon as Iku started hitching. He passed her the tissue box on the table, setting it in her lap once he noticed her hands wandering up to her face. Her eyes still watered to the point that tears were starting to spill over as she tried to coax out the sneeze. “ih’hh—... I-It ihhhitches…” Iku managed to gasp out, trembling hands gesturing towards her quivering nose and hoping Master would get the hint. “It ih-hH!-hhitches ss-so…”
Getting an idea, the man plucked up a tissue and twisted one corner of it. “Hey, look at me.” It wasn’t an order, but it ended up coming out as such and the sneezy maid complied, letting him lift her chin and gently insert the pointed tissue into her left nostril. The soft paper brushing against her irritated sinuses only increased Iku’s need to sneeze, one hand resting itself on her Master’s arm as he twisted the paper around and around. She gasped, her shoulders heaving with each intense hitch. “hA’h—!! hAa’hh—...” 
“Does this help?” Her Master asked before twirling the pointed end around in her nose. She managed a brief nod, and he removed the tissue point from her nose, somewhat soiled from the mucus lining the inside of the sick maid’s nostril. “W-Wha-hh…?” Iku whined, desperate for relief.
“I’m coming back, don’t worry.” He twisted a clean corner of the tissue and inserted that point into the maid’s right nostril, twisting and rolling the point to try and coax the itch out. “Any second now…”
He pushed the tissue point in just a bit deeper. That was what finally pushed Iku over the edge, the stuck itch finally exploding out of her as she pitched forwards into her Master’s shirt. “hHaA’PSHEW!!!” Iku’s grip on his sleeve tightened as she finally sneezed, too powerful for her to try and cover, too sudden for her to turn away. The tissue still hung from her nose as she reeled back again; she wasn’t done. 
“HA’kIISHOO!! Ha’hHSHOO!! hA’hIISSHEW!! Hih’psSHIHh!!! Hih’tSHOO!!! Ah’h— hA’tSHEW!!!” She nearly bumped into him each time she pitched forwards, each sneeze of hers spilling stringy snot on his shirt whether she wanted to or not.
It took a while, but the itch had finally been appeased, and Iku sighed shakily in relief as her nose settled down. The tissue stuck in her nostril was nearly coated in the sick maid’s stringy snot, and a noticeable amount of mess had been forced through her uncovered nostril; leaving a thin trail down her lips and a small stain on her Master’s shirt. She tried to pull the used tissue from her nose as gently as possible as to not spark another itch, but that failed. “hEh’— hE’tSHEW!!”
The man himself had yet to react to the stain on his shirt, however; looking over Iku with a bewildered look. “Bless you,” was all he could manage. That was… quite a display. One that set off many different thoughts in the man’s mind… 
“T-Tha’g you, M-Mb’aster…” Iku’s voice, thick with congestion, broke the man out of his thoughts. Important things first. “I-I—snf— didn’d b’ead to rui’d your s-shiih—...” Iku hitched again; her attempts to speak sparking another, thankfully less intense itch. “hI’h—... hI’pSHOO!!” She pitched forwards into her cupped hands this time, using her fingers to massage her aching nose. “I… d-didn’t mb’ead t-to rui’d y-your shirt, Mb’aster…”
The shirt was the last of his worries.
He pressed the back of his hand against Iku’s forehead as she sniffled and pawed at her runny nose, using his other hand to pluck some tissues from the tissue box in her lap and press them up to her leaky nose. “You’re warm.”
“I w-woke up—sdf— f-feeli’g warm…” the sick maid admitted. She blew her nose into the wad he held, producing a pitiful honk that finally moved the man. He got up and helped Iku to her feet before leading her down the hallway. “W-Whuh…?” she slurred. “Where are we g-goi’g…?”
The man gave his ill maid a gentle smile, and it took Iku a while to realize he brought her back to her bedroom. “Back to bed, of course.” 
“B-Bu’d… b-by chores…” 
“Don’t worry about chores. You need to rest.”
He stayed to help Iku out of her uniform and into a clean pair of pajamas, unclipping her choker and ponytail holder, even brushing the ill maid’s hair into a loose bun before tucking her into bed. He then produced a thermometer, nudging Iku awake before she could doze off again. “Open wide…” he sang, but ultimately just stuck it under her tongue while she was mid-yawn. 
“Yikes, you’re running a fever…” 
“M-Mb’aster…? snf”
“If I had known you were sick I would have bought some medicine! You’re burning up!”
“Mmuh… M-Maahh—...” This time Iku tugged on his shirt sleeve to get her Master’s attention. “I-I deed t-to… aHh-...”
He shut up after that and passed her the nearby tissue box. She snatched off a few, bracing herself for another sneeze, only for the itch to wither away. “hA’ah—!... ha’h?” 
…Well. He couldn’t help chuckling at the annoyed scowl on Iku’s face. “Need some help?” He joked, not expecting a serious response from her, so he was very much surprised to see her nod. “Ca’d you—sdf— do the tissue thi’g a-agai’d…?”
Of course Master couldn’t say no to the expectant look on Iku’s face, so he plucked up a clean tissue and twisted the corner into a stiff point. He gently took hold of her chin again and inserted the pointed end into her right nostril. Iku’s eyes watered on contact, her chest heaving with one particularly heavy hitch as the dormant itch in her nose sparked to life once more. “h-hH’HAah—!!” 
With that he was sure that she was on the edge, so he slowly pulled the tissue from Iku’s nose, wiggling it somewhat to dislodge it, and no sooner than when he had pulled it out she finally pitched forwards into the wad of tissue in her hands. “A’TSHOO!! Hah’tSHIIh!!!” He admittedly jumped, not expecting such a loud sneeze from the sick maid. “Bless you.” He reached out to rub her back as she regained her breath. “Tha’g you…” Iku rasped back. The man sat in silence as the maid sniffled and blew her nose, unbothered by how soupy and thick her nose blows sounded. “Sounds like you needed that.” “Mb’y d’ose s-still hurts…” Iku whined. He chuckled softly.  “Get some rest, Iku. I’ll handle the cleaning until you get better.” 
Her eyes widened somewhat, sniffling as he reached to mop some of her sweat-slicked hair from her face. “T-Tha’gs…” she slurred, slowly slipping into sleep. She yawned as her Master got up to tuck her in, and was already snoring by the time he left the room. 
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The deaths of 72 people in the Grenfell Tower fire were "avoidable", the inquiry into the tragedy has heard on the final day of evidence.
The lawyer for the inquiry Richard Millet said the panel should conclude that "each and every one of the deaths at Grenfell was avoidable" as he launched a scathing attack on the companies and organisations involved in the tragedy, describing a "failure to take responsibility".
In closing submissions on Thursday, Mr Millett accused firms of a “merry go round of buck-passing” in order to protect their own interests as the inquiry drew to a close after five years work, £150 million and 400 days of evidence.
The fire at the residential tower block in North Kensington, west London, in June 2017 killed 72 people and triggered a public inquiry, chaired by Sir Martin Moore-Bick.
Mr Millett highlighted a number of issues at play in the build-up to the tragedy, including poor regulation, inadequate legislation, the influence of commercial interests and “the failure to pay due respect to the idea of ‘home’ as a physical aspect of human privacy, agency, safety and dignity”.
“Those are abstract ideas, but the fire, the last moments of those who were trapped and doomed in and by that building, and the deaths that ensued, are anything but,” he said.
Closing statements have been made on behalf of core participants to the inquiry – which include cladding giant Arconic, fire inspectors Exova, and insulation manufacturers Celotex and Kingspan.
Many of those involved have failed to accept blame for their role in the events prior to the disaster, showing a “lack of respect” for the victims and their families, the inquiry heard.
Mr Millett said: “Expressions of regret for the victims of the fire have been as common to the point of trite as admissions of responsibility have been rare.
“A tragedy of these dimensions ought to have provoked a strong sense of public responsibility.
“Instead many – not all, many – core participants appear simply to have used the inquiry as an opportunity to position themselves for any legal proceedings which might or might not follow in order to minimise their own exposure to legal liability.
“Quite apart from the lack of respect that that stand shows to the victims and their families, it makes your task all the harder.
“A public inquiry is not the place for cleverness, but for candour.
“The public has a right to expect that those persons granted core participant status… will in turn act in the public interest by making admissions against their own private interests where the evidence justifies it.
“That expectation has been largely disappointed.”
The inquiry earlier heard from Sean Brannigan KC, representing Exova, who distanced the firm from the decision to use ACM PE – a type of cladding that has been largely blamed for the rapid spread of fire – on the tower.
But Mr Brannigan said the decision-makers who sought to “cut corners” and prioritise cost over safety by choosing the cheaper option of ACM PE were to blame.
The inquiry also heard from Jason Beer KC, for the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, who said the department “apologises unreservedly” for its failure to recognise weaknesses in the regulatory system.
“The department recognises that it failed to appreciate it held an important stewardship role over the regime and that as a result it failed to grasp the opportunities to assess whether the system was working as intended.
“For the department’s failure to realise that the regulatory system was broken and that it might lead to a catastrophe such as this, the department is truly sorry and apologises unreservedly,” he said.
Concluding the hearing, inquiry chairman Sir Martin said the panel had already started working on its final report and promised to produce it “as soon as we can”.
He said: “I (can) confirm work on our final report has already begun. Inevitably there is a long way to go. We are well aware we need to produce the report as soon as we can.
“We will ensure we don’t keep you waiting any longer than is absolutely necessary.”
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jmaster13 · 2 years
The Case of the Missing Toons
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Dear Jacob,
I was surprised when I heard you wanted to be a detective like me. After what happened to your dad, I thought you would hate toons. Well, I am sad to tell you that I am retiring. That last case took a lot out of me. I'm leaving with Dolores to a warmer climate. However, I will leave the office for you to take over. Here is the key. Good luck, you are going to need it.
Uncle Eddie
Jacob folded the letter up and stood gazing at the door. The name Valiant and Valiant stared at him, searing into his brain. He took a deep breath and unlocked the door, it creaked as he slowly opened it. He took a few steps in and scoped out the room. It was a bit dusty, Eddie hadn't been in there for a couple of months. Jacob took off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves. He needed the office to look as good as new. He cleared out some boxes full of old memorabilia such as photos of his dad Teddy and his Uncle Eddie when they were younger.
Jacob spent a week going through old case records learning what he could about every toon on file. Years of work his dad and Uncle did, he was quite proud of them. But still, Jacob needed to make a name for himself. Since Eddie left, no one knew the office was back up and running. He needed a way in so toons would come to him the way they came to his seniors. When the office was ready, Jacob called his uncle for advice. They only advice he would give is "go see the new head of Maroon Cartoons." Jacob followed this advice and hitched a cab to the studios.
Jacob was nervous, he wasn't sure how he would be able to get in to see the head. When he approached the gates to the studio, he was stopped by one of the guards. "What's your name?" the guard asked, looking at a clipboard. Jacob gulped and took a deep breath.
“Jacob Valiant, Detective of the stars." He said with confidence. "I'm here to see Clayton Ashmore." The guard skimmed the clipboard searching for his name. His finger paused on a name, he looked up at Jacob. Jacob gave a meek smile at him.
"Okay, Mr. Ashmore is expecting you." Jacob's eyes grew wide in astonishment. The gate rose, and the guard waved him through. Jacob marched on through the gate and into the lot.
He was taken aback by all the hustle and bustle that was going on. Toons walking from one studio to the next. Prop guys carrying in crates shipped from the ACME factory. He was in total heaven.
It took him a while, but he soon found Mr. Ashmore's office. He entered the office and strolled up to the receptionist's desk. Her chair was turned away from the door, but he could hear her typing away. He cleared his throat, and the typing stopped. The chair slowly turned around, and Jacob's jaw almost hit the floor. A toon was sitting in the chair. She was stunning, all clad in purple. Her chocolate-colored hair was done up in a ribbon. The final touch was her cat's eyeglasses to make her look like a secretary. She smiled sweetly at Jacob. "May I help you?" She inquired. Jacob stood there, stammering for a moment. She just giggled. Jacob finally remembered his name. "I'm Jacob Valiant." He said with a sly smile. He was trying to recover with a smooth persona. "I'm here to see Mr. Ashmore." The toon looked at some notes on her desk.
"Oh yes, your uncle called and told us you would be arriving." She gestured to the other side of the room. "Please have a seat, and Clayton will be with you shortly." She rose from her desk and began to walk to the office doors, but stop and turned to Jacob. "I'm Lavender, by the way." She said with a wink, "If you need anything, just ask." She knocked on the doors and entered Clayton's office, shutting the door behind her. Jacob sat in a chair, waiting patiently. His leg bounced nervously as he adjusted his tie. Soon Lavender came back out of the office. "Clayton will see you now." She stated. Jacob practically jumped up from his chair, knocking over an ashtray stand. He nervously laughed as he went to pick it up. Lavender giggled again. "It's okay, I got that. You should go in." Jacob nodded and darted past Lavender into the office.
Clayton was sitting behind a large desk. He bounced off his chair and ran to greet Jacob.
"Hiya Jake, can I call you Jake?" Clayton enthusiastically shook Jacob's hand. "When your uncle called and told us you were taking over the business, I was happy to hear that. We need Someone that looks out for toons. After what happened to R.K. Maroon and Marvin Acme, people just don't trust toons anymore." He gestured to a seat in front of the giant desk, Jacob sat down, and Clayton went back to his chair behind his desk. He looked to be a mile away. "When I took over this studio, a lot of the crew members were hesitant to work with toons again. Figures it takes one bad toon to kill two people, then all toons are blamed."
“Three people," Jacob said quietly. "That toon also killed my father." Clayton frowned at that news.
"Sorry to hear that." Clayton adjusted his glasses and cleared his throat. "Anyway, I helped the citizens of Toontown pass a new law prohibiting any toon from physically harming a human. An anvil is dropped on some guy on the street; he just gets flattened and doesn't get hurt or die." Jacob nodded, pretending to understand what Clayton was saying. "So, you are here to let the toons know that they can come to you if they are in trouble?"
"Oh, yes." Jacob perked up in his seat. "I want them to know they can trust me just like they did my dad and uncle."
Clayton smiled at Jacob, he slid a file across the desk. Jacob picked it up. He began to read the file. "I need Someone I can trust too. I am nothing like my predecessor. He was a jerk to everyone and hated toons unless that made him money. I believe humans and toons should coexist." Clayton once more stood up from his chair and walked around it. He sat on the edge of it across from Jacob. "Take Lavender for example. No one wanted her in their pictures. She needed work, and I need a secretary. She is such a good person." Jacob was deep into the file he was reading, and Clayton pushed the file down to make sure he had Jacob's attention. "I just want to make sure all toons are well behaved when in the city, so humans don't start to hate them. That could ruin this business." Jacob agreed and shook Clayton's hand. As he left Clayton's office, he spotted Lavender typing away. She glanced at him and gave him a coy smile. He smiled back and tripped over the ashtray again. This time he fell to the floor with it, and one of his shoes flew off. Lavender laughed hysterically.
The case Clayton gave Jacob was a simple one. Woody Woodpecker went missing a few days ago. His new picture is on hold until he is found, which is costing the studio money. Jacob started by looking in Woody's trailer. Nothing seemed out of place, but Jacob knew that there was something there he could feel it. After all, it was the last place Woody was seen. Jacob closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths. When he opened his eye again, he noticed that his deep breaths blew some mail off the table.
He went to clean up the mess he made when he noticed a small torn piece of paper stuck under the leg of the table. It had two words writing on it, Ajax Corporation. Jacob remembered in the files he read in his office Ajax was a lesser-known brand that competed with ACME. They weren’t in business anymore, but the building still stands. He left the trailer and ran out to the front of the studio. He tried desperately to hail a cab. After whistle and waving didn't work, he stuck out his thumb. Suddenly in a flash, a yellow blur raced towards Jacob. It screeched to a halt right in front of him, barely missing his toes. It was Benny the cab. Jacob heard stories about him, from his uncle. "So, do you need a ride, or are you going to gawk at me all day?" Benny asked brashly. Jacob hopped into Benny and asked him to take him to the Ajax building.
Benny took off like a shot swerving in and out of traffic, yelling at other drivers, and going well over the speed limit. It didn't take long for them to reach the Ajax building. Benny slammed on his brakes, causing Jacob to catapult from the vehicle. "And that's why you should always wear a seat belt, dumb ass." Benny snarked. Jacob got off the ground and dusted himself off.
“Could you wait here for me?" Jacob asked Benny. Benny grumbled but agreed. Jacob snuck up to one of the windows and peered inside. Nothing seemed amiss, except that the building had been abandoned for years. Jacob then walked to the door and carefully pulled the handle. It opened with ease. It didn't squeak or get stuck. It was as if Someone had taken care of the door. Jacob entered the building quietly, staying in the shadows keeping everything in his sights. He soon noticed a light on in one of the rooms. He carefully entered the room. In the middle of the room stood a card table, a folding chair, and a floor lamp. Jacob walked over to the table and saw a few files on it. He opened one, and it was filled papers with gibberish written on them. Jacob opened the next one and found a colored cell of Woody Woodpecker. He thought that was odd. It was sandwiched in between too heavy black pieces of paper. He almost didn't see it until one of the black pieces blew a little bit in a small breeze.
"Wait, we are in the middle of a building," Jacob questioned himself. "Where did that breeze come from?" Jacob looked around the room looking for a vent or something when he was startled by a pair of fiery red eyes lurking in the shadows. The eyes moved closer to Jacob. A figure started to emerge from the shadows wearing a black pin-striped suit and fedora. The face was pitch black, minus the eyes. He couldn't make out any facial features. The eyes glared at Jacob with so much hatred he could feel them burning into his soul.
“What are you doing here?" The figure demanded. Its voice was raspy and distorted. Jacob began to worry that this figure was Doom come back to life. Jacob panicked and grabbed the cell of Woody for some odd reason and fled the office. The figure gave chase. Jacob seemed to be faster than the figure and was soon flying out the door and leaping into Benny.
"Drive now!" Jacob shouted. Benny sped away at full speed. Jacob looked behind them to see if that figure had a car and was following them, thankfully no. However, since Benny was flying down the road, he caught the attention of a police officer. Benny soon led that Officer on a high-speed chase through the city. The Officer was not giving up, so Benny took a sharp turn near the city dump. The Officer's car slid and flipped into the landfill. It rolled a bit before coming to a stop in the car crusher. The machine activated and crushed the police cruiser into a rectangular cube with the Officer inside. The machine spits out the crushed car with the Officer's legs sticking out the bottom with his face in the front. He managed to scurry to the front of the dump, where another police cruiser had arrived hearing the accident.
"Tony, is that you?" the officer asked the cube with a laugh. The face on the cube scowled at the laughing Officer.
"Shut up Denison, and get me to the hospital." The officer stifled his laughed enough to pick up the cube and loaded him into the cruiser.
When they lost the cop, Benny slowed down enough for Jacob to catch his breath. Jacob asked Benny to take him back to the studios. Benny obliged and dropped Jacob off in front of the gates. Jacob was waved through by the same guard. He quickly ran to Clayton's office to report on what he found. When Jacob burst into the reception area, he scared Lavender. Her glasses popped off her face. She quickly placed them back on her nose and looked at Jacob, who was panting. She gasped and brought him some water as he sat down. She plopped down next to him and caressed his hand as he took the water from her.
“There is something strange going on at the old Ajax building." He said after he down the water. Jacob took the cell he found out of his jacket pocket. "I found this in a room that was set up as a starting office." Lavender's eyes lit up with excitement.
"We've been looking for that!" She exclaimed. "Someone stole that off the Cell Wall. But I'm glad you found it and returned it." She grabbed Jacob's hand with excitement. "Also, Woody came back, now we can shoot his next picture." She hugged Jacob but quickly withdrew herself. She felt that it was unprofessional. She composed herself and went back to her desk, where she began typing away.
Jacob solved more cases through the year and quickly gained a good rapport with them. He let them know they could come to him for anything. Some toons took that literally. He was visited by granny almost every other week. She needed him to do odd jobs around her house. Jacob felt she was just lonely and wanted company. Most cases were minor such as a stolen Shloscar, or Little Audrey losing her dog Pal. Jacob tried his best on solving cases and sometimes butted heads with the local police. Especially Captain Tony Cutler. One day, there was a knock on his office door, and a young man in a blue suit entered his office.
"Jacob Valiant." The man stated. "I'm Brett Tucker. I was hoping we could talk." Jacob was in the middle of his lunch. The young man sat down in front of Jacob's desk and smiled sweetly at him. "I don't know if you remember me, but I helped out with that police case you were involved with." Jacob stared blankly at the man. "When that toon was going around terrorizing people? I was a cadet at the academy back then, but I graduated recently. I was hoping maybe you could take me on as a junior partner." Jacob began to choke on his food. The young man raced to his side and patted him on the back. Jacob took a long drink of water and ask the man to sit down.
“What did you say your name was?” Jacob asked
“Brett, Brett Tucker.” the man answered eagerly. He was almost bouncing in his chair. Jacob sigh and rubbed his head.
“Look, Brett, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I'm not looking for a partner." Jacob looked straight at Brett, the smile on his face didn't fade.
"You say that now, but you could use me," Brett reassured. "I know you don't have any police skills, no offense, but I think we could make a great team as we did before." Jacob did remember the man but wasn't sure what entirely happened with that case. After all, he was brought on as a liaison for that case.
"Brett, again, thank you for your input, but I don't think I could use a partner."
Just then, the office door flew open and a white rabbit rushed into the office.
"Jacob!" The rabbit shouted, "Jacob, please, you got to help us!" The rabbit jumped onto the desk and grabbed Jacob by his jacket lapels. "It's a major emergency."
"Roger, let me go," Jacob ordered calmly. Roger released his grip on Jacob and calmed down a bit. "Okay, what is this emergency?' Jacob asked. Roger went into an over dramatic explanation on how toons were disappearing from the studio. They just suddenly vanished without a trace, and more are disappearing every day. Jacob nodded and told Roger he's coming. Brett chimed in that he would join them. Jacob turned him down flat. "No, I told you I don't need a partner. Please go home, Brett." He escorted Brett from the office and joined Roger, who was riding in Benny. The pair raced off to the studios leaving a very determined Brett in the dust.
When they arrived at the studio, the police were there. Jacob followed Roger past the officers taking statements straight to Clayton's office. Roger darted through the reception area, and into Clayton's main office, Jacob followed suit. Clayton was talking with Detective Tony Cutler from PD. Tony glared at Jacob as he entered the room. "What’s he doing here?" Tony asked harshly. Jacob could feel the hatred in Tony's voice.
“I asked for him to be here," Clayton replied. Tony just grunted and went back to question Clayton. Jacob slinked to the side of the room were Lavender was standing. She was holding a handkerchief and dabbing her eyes.
“What's going on.” Jacob quietly asked her. She heaved a huge sigh and explained everything she knew.
"Toons are vanishing from the lot." She said. "Yesterday it was Jerry, the mouse, today it was Porky Pig. Things are getting serious. If this keeps happening, soon we won't be able to shoot pictures anymore." She cried into her handkerchief again. Jacob embraced her to calm her down. Just then, the doors opened again, and Brett entered the room. Everyone had a look of surprise on their faces. Brett just smiled and waved as he casually walked over to Jacob's side.
“Tucker!” Tony snapped. “What are you doing here, and out of uniform?”
"I'm with him," Brett said, pointing at Jacob. Jacob's eyes went wide with shock. He shook his head, vigorously.
“No, Tony," Jacob interjected. "He is not with me" Tony grunted again like a gorilla. He folded his notepad.
“I think I have all the information I need," Tony said as he exited the office. "Tucker, I hope you know what you are doing.” Tony stomped off down the hall. Clayton called Jacob over to him.
"Sorry about that, Jake." Clayton apologized. "I know Detective Cutler is a bit gruff, but he's a good man. I don't know why the police even showed up, I told people not to call them. Can you imagine the scandal if it got out that toons were disappearing?" Jacob nodded in agreement.
“I can imagine," Brett replied. "Investors and sponsors would pull out. People would lose their jobs. The whole studio could go bankrupt." Brett got very quiet for a moment. "And to top it off, no more cartoons to make us laugh." Brett shuttered at the thought. Jacob looked at Brett with concern.
“Okay," Jacob said as he tried to change the mood. "Please tell me everything that happened."
Clayton explained the events that took place that day. "Well, in Studio C, Porky Pig was shooting his latest picture when he just vanished into thin air. It was the strangest thing. Most toons that have vanished were by themselves."
Jacob was taking notes in his pad. Brett was trying to sneak a peek over his shoulder. Jacob noticed and shrugged him off. "Okay, was this a scheduled shooting or a reshoot?" Jacob asked.
"Well, actually," Clayton answered. "The shoot went over schedule that day, but like most Porky cartoons that happens. Every time we shoot Porky, we always allow an extra two hours, because of… you know."
"Because of his stuttering."Brett chimed in. Jacob squinted his eyes and glared at Brett. Brett knew what he was saying. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude." Brett looked at the floor and dug the tip of his shoe in the carpet.
"Anyway." Clayton continued, "This shoot just went over fifteen minutes those extra two hours. Just as they were finishing, poof, he was gone." Jacob closed his pad and tucked it into his jacket pocket.
“I think I need to check out Studio C and Porky's quarters.” Jacob thanked Clayton and Lavender and left the office. Brett and Roger followed him out into the hall. "Kid, are you still following me?" Jacob asked without turning around. Brett froze in his tracks.
"Look, I'm not going to stop, trust me you need me." Jacob exhaled sharply and turned to face Brett.
"Okay, fine. If you want to play detective, so be it." Jacob got close to Brett and pointed his index finger into his chest. "The moment you mess up, you are gone." Brett nodded. "Alright, so, keep close to me and don't say anything, don't touch anything. The props on the set may look fake, but they are real. I took a frying pan to the head once, I saw stars for days." Jacob motioned Brett to follow him. Roger tailed behind them.
The trio tread across the lot to Studio C. There was police tape barring the entrance. Jacob crawled under the tape and entered. Jacob looked around at the set. It was set up like the interior of a house with all kinds of appliances scattered about. Jacob roamed around the set, searching for clues. There was a man shaped hole in one of the walls of the set. The hole was signed “Jackson was here”, Jacob thought that was rather odd. Brett and Roger played around with the props when Jacob saw some scorch marks on the floor and knelt to examine them. The marks didn't look like they belonged there. Suddenly a pair of brown shoes entered Jacob's line of vision. Jacob looked up, and a tall, lanky man was sneering at Jacob. Jacob got off the floor and smiled at the man. "Is there something I can do for you?" The man asked.
"I'm Jacob Valiant," Jacob announced as he extended his hand. The man crossed his arms, refusing to shake. "Okay, I was hired by Mr. Ashmore to investigate the disappearances." The man stood there looking Jacob up and down.
"We don't need some nosy P.I. or his rookie partner. The make directed that towards Brett, who was messing with a toon plunger. Brett saw Jacob was looking at him and quickly dropped the prop. He smiled and wave at Jacob and the man. The man rolled his eyes and gave his attention back to Jacob. "We are happier if the police handle this."
“Who are you?” Jacob asked the man.
“I'm B.J. Whetstone, assistant director on this picture."The man bragged.
"Wait a minute." Brett interrupted. "B.J. Whetstone? You used to direct a lot of cartoons. Then there was a rumor you were hard on everyone, and they knocked you down to the assistant director." B.J.'s face grew red with anger. He looked as if he wanted to kill Brett.
"They couldn't understand my method of directing. However, I will show them. I am currently working on a script that will be the greatest cartoon ever!" Jacob could tell this guy had a few screws loose.
"All right," Jacob said as he pulled out his pad. "Can you tell me what you saw when Porky vanished?"
"I wasn't here." B.J snapped "That no good director C. Jones sent me to get him a coffee right before we finished wrapping. I returned a few minutes after he vanished." B.J. pointed to the scorch marks Jacob was looking at. "Those are from a blast of dynamite we used in this picture. Porky was over by the refrigerator when he vanished."
“What was this cartoon about?” Brett asked.
"Porky was trying to get rid of a mouse that was making too much noise while he slept," B.J. replied. Brett pondered the idea of the cartoon. "That's beside the point. I told Ashmore that were don't need any gumshoes running around the place. The police can handle the situation." B.J. and Jacob went into a silent staring contest. B.J. took deep breaths as if he was trying to intimidate Jacob. “That’s a very strong cologne you are wearing. Maybe you better not bathe in it.” Jacob scowled at B.J.’s remark.
Brett meanwhile continued to play with the props on set. He picked up the hose attached to the vacuum cleaner on set.
“I wonder if this works." Brett wondered out loud.
"Of course it does silly," Roger replied as he flipped the switch on. The hose grabbed hold of Brett's mouth with powerful suction. Brett struggled to remove the hose, but it was too strong. "Oh dear, I didn't mean for that to happen." Roger tried to turn off the vacuum, but he flipped the switch too much, and the vacuum went into reverse. Air started to blow into Brett's mouth. His eyes widened, and his cheeks puffed out. Soon his body began to expand like a balloon. The buttons on his jacket popped open. "Uh, oh!" Roger cried. Brett's body was soon a giant sphere floating off the floor. His hands and feet wiggled about as if he was trying to grab hold of something. All the commotion caused Jacob and B.J. to break their staring contest. Jacob rushed over and attempted to pull the hose out of Brett's mouth before he pops. B.J. casually walked over to the plug of the vacuum and unplugged it from the wall. The hose loosened its grasp on Brett, and he went flying around the room with the air rushing out of him. He fell on the floor with a thud. Jacob went to make sure he was all right. Brett was back in his normal state, though his jacket buttons may need some fixing. "I'm sorry." Roger said, "I guess I'm a bit of a klutz."
Jacob raced off the studio lot, completely embarrassed. Brett followed him profusely apologizing. "I told you not to touch anything." Jacob hissed. "I asked you to do one simple thing, but you couldn't do that."
"Hey in my defense it was Roger that turned on the vacuum, I was just looking at it." Jacob turned to Brett; his face was tomato red.
"It doesn't matter. You should have just stood to the side and listened like a silent partner." Jacob went to the side of the street and hailed a cab. A cab pulled to the side and let Jacob and Brett enter. Jacob jumped right in, Brett was a bit hesitant. "Are you getting in or not!" Jacob asked. Brett sighed and climbed into the cab. Brett kept his head down, trying to hide his face. Jacob noticed this. "Look, I'm sorry." Jacob apologized. "I was just a little embarrassed. Look at the bright side, we didn't have to take you to the hospital." Brett was still hiding his face. "Come on, Brett, I said I was sorry."
Brett looked up at Jacob. "It's not that," Brett said with a pained look on his face.
“Brett, sweetie?” said a voice in the front of the cab. “What’s going on here?” The cab driver was a young female. She had that sweet but angry smile on her face. “I thought you were on patrol today?” Brett let out an even bigger sigh.
"Jacob, meet my girlfriend, Rose." Brett sighed."Rose, this is Jacob Valiant. I'm working a case with him."
"Oh, Commissioner Gray sent you on the investigation?" She asked.
“No.” Brett struggled to say the words in his mouth. “I quit the force.” Roses’ eyes grew wide. She slammed on the brakes and pulled off to the side of the road.
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU QUIT THE FORCE!” She screamed. Brett shrank in his seat. Jacob leaned against the door clawing for the handle. “I told you this detective idea was a bad one.”
“But it’s not what I wanted. I want to help toons. This is my calling.”
“I’ll call you something alright.” She snapped. “I hate to say it but Roy was right about you being flighty. Maybe I should see that bellhop he wanted to introduce to me.” She pointed firmly to the door. “Get out!” Jacob sprang from the cab and raced to the curb. He did not want to be involved in their lovers quarrel. Brett looked at Rose, his eyes were welling up.
"I wish you could support me." He said right as he opened the door. He slunk to the curb with the look of defeat as Roses' cab sailed off down the road. She almost ran another car off the road in her rage. Brett and Jacob stood on the sidewalk for a moment. Jacob slowly put his hand on Brett's shoulder to try and comfort him. He tried to think of what to say.
"Listen, kid," Jacob said after a few minutes. "I know this job can seem like it's dumb to other people, but it does have a good payoff. If doing this makes you feel fulfilled, then don't let anyone tell you differently." Jacob went silent for a few minutes watching the traffic pass by. He finally spoke. "So here is what I propose. Help me with this case, listen to exactly what I say. If you do a good job, we can talk about being partners." Brett raised his head and smiled at Jacob. "Now we need information. I think we need to talk to one of Porky's old friends, Daffy Duck. Good thing we are not far from his current place of employment, the Ink and Paint club." Jacob took off down the sidewalk, beckoning Brett to follow him.
Jacob stopped in front of an alleyway. He turned to make sure Brett was still behind him. "This way," Jacob ordered Brett as he turned into the alley. He stopped by an old rusty looking door and knocked. A slit in the door opened with a pair of very mean eyes looking glaring at them. "Walt Sent Me," Jacob said to the eyes. The slit in the door closed, and a click was heard. The door swung open, creaking along the way. Jacob stepped through the door with Brett in tow. Brett almost jumped when he saw the bouncer was a giant toon gorilla. He stayed pretty close to Jacob as they entered the main room. Brett was amazed at the sight. He thought the club would be some sleazy dive joint, but instead, it was bright and almost elegant looking. Toon penguins were going around serving tables. The atmosphere was light and cheery, everyone was having a good time.
Jacob placed his hands on his hips and smiled. He winked at Brett and went to sit down at a table. Brett ambled over to the table. He looked around, trying to take everything in. Brett joined Jacob at the table. "Okay, what's the plan?" Brett asked Jacob.
"Simple, we wait for my inside girl. She will get us backstage so we can talk to Daffy. Right now, relax and enjoy the ambiance." After thirty minutes, Brett was starting to get anxious. He began to fidget in his seat. Several acts have been on the stage. All of them were toons. It finally hit Brett, all employees were toons. The waiters were cartoon penguins and a toon octopus tending the bar. Brett suddenly felt a light tap on his shoulder. He turned to see Betty Boop, she was the club's candy girl.
“Candy for the gentlemen?” she asked.
"There's my girl!" Jacob announced. Betty winked at Jacob. "Brett, this is Betty Boop, she's my inside girl. Betty, this is Brett Tucker. He's following me on a case."
“Nice to meet you, Brett." She replied. "What brings you, boys in here tonight?"
“I need backstage Betty. We need to talk to Daffy."
"I'll see what I can do." Betty nonchalantly walked over to a door that was being guarded by Bluto. She whispered into his ear and pointed. Bluto nodded and went through the doorway, leaving it unguarded. She looked in Jacob's direction and winked.
"Okay, let's go," Jacob said, slapping Brett's arm. The boys wormed their way through the crowded room to the door Bluto once guarded. Jacob quietly slipped through the door. Brett looked around, making sure no one was watching and followed suit. Jacob led Brett down the hallway, filled with dressing rooms. He stopped in front of a door that had Daffy's name on it. They could hear a commotion going on inside the room. Jacob forcefully knocked on the door. The room went quiet, and the door opened. Daffy stood in the doorway wearing a tuxedo and top hat. "What do you want?!" Daffy asked gruffly. "I'm a little busy."
"I'm Jacob Valiant, and this is my associate Brett Tucker," Jacob explained. "We need to ask you some questions about the disappearance of Porky Pig." Daffy looked the gentlemen over.
"I'm sorry, but I can't talk now." He responded, "I'm having a bit of a problem myself. My assistant is missing, and I can't go on with her."
“Assistant?” Brett questioned.
“Yes, my assistant for my magic act. Now if you will excuse me.” Daffy began to shut the door. Jacob stopped it with his hand.
“Maybe we can help you find someone," Jacob suggested. Daffy paused and looked blankly at Jacob.
“No offense sonny, but you are too big to help. However, kiddo over there seems the right size." He pointed at Brett.
“What, me?” Brett said pointing to himself. Daffy got a sly smile on his face.
“He’ll do it!” Jacob snapped. “As long as you answer some questions after you act.”
“Sonny, you have a deal.” Daffy and Jacob shook hands. Brett began to sweat. He had no idea what he was just volunteered for.
Ten minutes later, Daffy was on stage doing his magic show. He was doing the usual stuff, flowers and doves appearing from the air, linking rings, Brett almost expected him to pull Bugs Bunny from his hat. Next, two stagehands wheeled a long box onto the stage. Daffy stood center stage and addressed the audience. "Now, ladies and gentlemen, I will perform my most dangerous act with my assistant Brian."
"I think he means you," Jacob said to Brett. Jacob pushed Brett on the stage. He stood in the spotlight, nervously smiling. He waved and joined Daffy at the center stage.
“Brett, my name is Brett.” He corrected. Daffy shrugged and gestured to the long box.
“Okay, Billy get in the box."
“It’s Brett!” Brett corrected again.
"Charles, take off your jacket and shoes first." Brett gave up on correcting Daffy and did as he was instructed. The crowd cheered as Brett removed his jacket, he blushed a bit. A stagehand came out and took his jacket from him. The hand then went backstage with it and passed it to Jacob. Brett then slipped off his shoes carefully, setting them to the side of the stage. Brett was uncomfortable, but the crowd was still cheering. Daffy opened the top of the long box and told Brett to lay down inside it. Brett let out a big sigh and climbed into the box. His feet stuck out one end and his head the other. Daffy closed the lid and turned to address the audience. "Now that my assistant is locked in the box, I shall now saw him in half."
“WHAT!” Brett screeched. Daffy moved behind the box and stepped up onto a stool. He put his hand behind his back and produced a giant hand saw. He then placed the saw in the middle of the box and began to work the saw back and forth. Brett panicked and squirmed inside the box. He could feel the teeth of the saw touching him. "Please stop!" Brett pleaded. Daffy either didn't hear Brett's plea or just ignored him. He started to saw faster. Brett felt the saw go through him. After what felt like forever to Brett, the saw came out of the bottom of the box. Brett winced in pain. Daffy then went to the front of the box and addressed the audience again.
“Now that I have successfully sawed through my assistant Kyle, I will now separate him into two pieces.”
"My name is Brett," Brett cried weakly. Daffy pushed the box apart. The audience went wild and cheered. Daffy then plucked a feather from his head. He strutted to Brett's lower half and waved the feather in the air for the crowd to see. They laughed and cheered him on. Daffy then took the feather and tickled Brett's feet with it. Brett gasped for a second. He could feel the feather. Suddenly Brett erupted into laughter. His toes curled, and he wiggled his feet, trying to escape the feathers touch. The crowd applauded, and Daffy took a bow. He pushed Brett's lower half back. Brett was still wiggling his feet. He had tears running down his face from laughing. Daffy opened the lid, and Brett tried to climb out but couldn't.
"Whoops!" Daffy exclaimed, "Looks like he didn't reattach himself yet." The audience howled with laughter. All of a sudden, Brett could move again. He then quickly climbed out of the box, raced to grab his shoes, and bolted from the stage without even taking a bow. This made the crowd laugh even harder. They thought it was part of the act.
Brett rushed next to Jacob, hopping on one foot trying to put his shoe back on. Jacob was holding in his laughter. He looked away from Brett as he handed him his jacket. "Not one word!" Brett ordered. Jacob nodded in agreement, stifling his laughter. Daffy joined the pair backstage after he took his bows. "You did great kiddo," Daffy exclaimed. "The audience ate it up. Maybe you should be my new full-time assistant."
"No thank you!" Brett snapped with his eyes wide in terror. "I like being in one piece, and I don't like being tickled. My brother used to do that to me when we were kids." Brett shuttered at the memory. Jacob seized this moment to start to question Daffy.
"Now that your act is over, can we please ask you some things about Porky?" Jacob pleaded
"Certainly," Daffy bellowed. "Follow me to my dressing room." Daffy sauntered out of the backstage area and into the hallways. He looked as if he was going to greet hundreds of adoring fans later. Jacob shrugged at Brett and followed behind.
In his dressing room, Daffy sat in front of his large vanity mirror. He adoringly looked at his reflection. "You are a beautiful duck." He said lovingly. Daffy then gave his reflection a big kiss. Jacob and Brett gave each other an awkward look.
"Okay, Daffy," Jacob interjected. “Can I now please get some information from you?" Daffy spun his chair around wildly. Daffy did his trademark laugh as he spun around. Jacob sighed and went to stop Daffy's little joy ride. "Daffy Focus, I want to know if you know anything about Porky's disappearance?" Daffy stopped laughing and got all serious.
"Butterball is missing?" Daffy questioned. "I knew something was going on. Just the other day, he told me some strange guy wanted him to come work for him."
“Strange guy?” Brett butted in. “What did this guy look like?” Daffy shook his head.
“He didn’t say. He just said that the man was very persistent and wouldn’t take no for an answer. Porky then said the man threatened him. I didn't believe him, Porky can sometimes be overdramatic. He isn't as level headed like I am." Jacob rolled his eyes. "Is it true that other toons have disappeared too?"
"Yes," Brett answered, nodding. "There have been others." Daffy looked back into the mirror.
“I hope the rumors aren't true," Daffy said to his reflection.
“What rumors?” Jacob inquired.
"There's a rumor going around that Doom has returned and plans to destroy us toons one by one." Daffy's eyes grew wide in terror. "Oh god, I could be next!" Daffy let out a terrified scream and bolted out of the room. However, his dressing room door was closed, so there was a Daffy shaped hole in the door. Jacob shook his head in confusion.
“Let's go kid." He said to Brett. They left Daffy's room and headed down the hallway to the exit. "I think we need to go back to see Clayton tomorrow," Jacob told Brett. "I think he knows something about this stranger." Brett seemed to be distracted. "Hey, Brett, you there?"
Brett looked at Jacob. “Do you think that he could have returned?”
"Who, Doom? Nah, my uncle, melted him with dip. No toon could survive that." Jacob put his hand on Brett's shoulder. "Regardless of a few things, you were a big help today. We will pick things up tomorrow, for now, get some sleep. I need you sharp and ready for anything." Jacob opened the door to what he thought was the exit. Turns out it was a dressing room for one of the acts. They weren't too happy about the intruders and screamed. Jacob apologized and shut the door. "I swear I thought that was the exit." He said with a chuckle. The pair turned to venture down the half some more but was blocked by Bluto. He stood there with his arms crossed.
“What do we have here?” He bellowed. “A couple of peeping toms?” Jacob tried to diffuse the situation, but Bluto grabbed him and scrunched him into a ball. Jacob groaned as his body was contorted. Brett’s eyes grew wide in terror. He turned to run the other way, but Bluto grabbed him by the leg and yanked him back. Bluto then proceed to squish Brett into a ball as well. Bluto carried the gumshoes to the back alley and tossed them into the trash cans waiting outside. Jacob and Brett popped back into their original forms and climbed out of the cans.
"I hate when that happens," Jacob stated as he cleaned himself off. Brett brushed a banana peel off his shoulder. "Well, let me drop you off. Where do you live."
Brett got nervous. "I am currently staying with my girlfriend Rose," Brett said. "But I'm afraid to go home."
"She's probably cooled off by now," Jacob assured him. "Let's go." Jacob hailed a cab, and Brett told the cabby where to drop him off. Brett was very nervous on the ride over. When they arrived, Brett slowly got out of the taxi. He looked up to the second-story window. The light was on, and a shadow was looming in it. Brett took a deep breath and began to march towards the door. He stopped suddenly in his tracks when an angry voice called to him. Rose was leaning out the window. She did not look cooled off.
"So, are you done playing Toon Detective?" She asked abrasively. Brett gulped and waved sweetly to Rose.
"Rose, please." Brett begged, "I wish you would understand. This has always been my dream."
"Dream all you want," Rose shouted. "You just won't be dreaming here." She threw a suitcase at Brett, conking him on the head. The suit case busted open sprawling all his clothes over the sidewalk. "When you decide to be an adult, come talk to me. Until then, Brett Tucker, we're through. " She slammed the window shut with such force Brett thought the glass was going to shatter. Jacob saw everything. He told the cab driver to wait and helped Brett repack his suitcase.
“Do you have a place to stay tonight?" Jacob quietly asked Brett. He could tell Brett was humiliated and didn't want to embarrass him even more.
"I could stay with my brother, but he's on the other side of the city."
“How about the Thalia Hotel? Jacob suggested. “It’s not far from here.”
“No!” Brett gasp. “Her brother Roy is the manager there. It would give him great pleasure to know we are fighting. He doesn’t like me. Maybe I’ll go to my dads car lot and sleep in his office.”
"No," Jacob sighed, shaking his head. "Stay with me tonight. That way, we can at least get an early start tomorrow." Brett smiled and clutched his suitcase handle. Jacob and Brett climb back in the cab, and the driver took them to Jacob's office.
“What are we doing here?” Brett asked.
"The office doubles as an apartment," Jacob replied. He led Brett up the stairs and into his office. Brett set his suitcase on the floor next to the coat rack. Jacob went over to some filing cabinets on the wall and pulled on one of them. Brett was shocked to see that the cabinets were fake, and the wall was actually a murphy bed. "You can sleep on here tonight," Jacob told him. "I will sleep in that chair." He pointed to a big chair in the corner. It didn't look very comfortable. Jacob began to undo his tie and take off his jacket. Brett slumped down on the bed, it was surprisingly soft. He bounced on it a bit like a little kid.
“Can I ask you something?” Brett asked. “What made you change your mind about me?” Jacob was pulling some extra blankets from the closet.
"Well." Jacob started. "I guess I saw myself in you. Right away, I could see your passion, the same I have. I guess I was a bit scared at first."
“What do you mean scared” Brett asked
"I was scared you would get too… I guess the word I'm looking for is cocky and not be professional. That you would fizzle out and quit in the middle of the case or something. However, even though there were some accidents today, you never lost your spark. That was until we got in that cab." Brett hid his face in his hands. Jacob sat next to him. "I know what it's like to have people not have faith in you. Do you think my mother wanted me to follow in my dad's footsteps? It took her a while to realize this was my dream, and she eventually supported me." Brett took a deep breath, trying to hold back the tears. "I may not know Rose, but I do know if she truly cares for you, she'll come around. After all, you have only been a toon P.I. for one day. Wait till tomorrow and see if you still like it." Jacob patted Brett on the back and got off the bed to grabbed a blanket. He went over to the chair and sat down, wrapping himself in the blanket. "Get some sleep Brett," Jacob said while he kicked off his shoes. "I have a feeling tomorrow will be an exciting day." Jacob turned off the light and closed his eyes. Brett laid back on the bed and closed his eyes. He had trouble falling asleep as his mind raced with thoughts of everything that happened that day. The fight with Rose, the case they were working on, how Bugs dressed up a lot as women. Eventually, his mind calmed down, and he was able to drift off to sleep.
The following morning Jacob was up with the sun. Brett was out cold on his bed. Jacob went to make a pot of coffee, the aroma woke Brett up. The two of them sat and enjoyed a nice quiet cup of coffee together. When they finished, they got dressed and left to see Clayton Ashmore.
The studio was a bit different that morning. The hustle and bustling that generally goes on were down to a minimum. They hardly saw any toons roaming the lot. Though there were twice as many security guards patrolling the lot. Jacob and Brett made their way to the primary office. Lavender was leaning against Clayton's door with her ear pressed against it. Yelling could be heard coming from the other side of the door. She let out a startled gasp when Jacob called for her attention. "Jacob, what are you doing here?" She asked.
"We are here to speak to Mr. Ashmore," Brett replied.
"Well, right now Clayton is in there with Mr. Whetstone,” She informed him. Screaming could be heard from within the office. Her eyes grew wide and quickly moved to her seat behind the desk just as the door opened. B.J. stormed out from Clayton’s office and slammed the main office door behind him. Clayton shuffled out of the office a little worse for the wear. He was surprised to see Jacob and Brett but welcomed them into his office. He offered them to take a seat as he went behind his massive desk. The three of them sat in silence for a few minutes. Jacob finally broke the silence with a question.
"I heard a man was going around trying to rally toons to work for him. What do you know of this?" Jacob leaned onto the desk "Please don't lie, I know you know something; otherwise, you would have let the police handle this." Clayton threw up his hands as if he surrendered.
“Alright,” Clayton responded. “There is a guy I don’t know who he is, but he calls himself Big Boss. He came to me a month ago trying to buy the studio, I refused all his offers.”
“What did he look like?” Brett inquired.
"He wears a mask, which is very odd. It's like he wants to be a toon or something, or maybe he is I don't know. Anyway the mask is all black except for a pair of red eyes. Plus, he wore a black pin-striped suit. How could I take anyone seriously dressed like that?" Jacob gasped at Clayton's description.
"I know that guy!" Jacob shouted. "I ran into him before when I first started out. I thought he was Doom resurrected the way he talked." Clayton gave Jacob a confused look.
“Please don’t tell me you buy into the rumors that Judge Doom is back?” Clayton asked. “There is no way a toon can be revived when they are dipped.” Jacob nervously straightened his tie.
"Anyway," Jacob continued in a call manner. "I remember Woody went missing, and I found his cell in the same place I ran into this guy. Maybe those things are connected?" Jacob jumped from his chair and placed both hands on the desk. "Where do you keep the cells?"
"We keep the cells in the main commissary," Clayton explained. "There's a legend that each toons cell must be kept in light so they can be seen. Take out the light, and they will vanish. However, I can assure you that's not what's going on. Each toon that is missing still has their cell on display."
"We'll just have to see for ourselves," Jacob said, and he marched out of the office. Brett scrambled to his feet and followed Jacob.
Lavender agreed to show them the commissary. Brett observed her as she led them to their destination. Brett noticed that she and Jacob were flirting back and forth. He smiled and let out a small chuckle. When they entered the commissary, it was filled with humans and toons interacting with each other. It was a breath of fresh air for Brett. There was no tension or fighting, just people and toons eating lunch and having a good time. Lavender left them and headed back to the office.
Jacob walked over to a massive wall that was covered in cells of the toon stars. There were many stars on the wall, such as Mickey Mouse, Bugs Bunny, and even Popeye. Jacob toured the wall looking for the missing toons. Brett found Porky's cell right away. He stared at it for a while. Something was off about it, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Jacob joined Brett and just shrugged off his theory. Jacob went to leave when Brett grabbed his arm.
"Wait!" Brett cried, "That's it, this is a fake cell." Brett pointed to Porky's tail. "His tail is completely straight. Everyone knows Porky has a curly tail, he's a pig." Brett went down the wall and pointed out little details in each cell of a missing toon that was wrong, and even noticed some in toons that haven't been reported missing yet. The strange thing was that none of the missing cells were of villains, only the good guys. "I think we need to go back to Clayton and tell him what we discovered." Jacob agreed, and they raced back to the office. When they reached the door, they heard Lavender scream. Jacob twisted the knob, but it was locked. Jacob and Brett rammed the door with their shoulders a couple of times, attempting to break it down. After a few slams, the door burst open. Jacob was shocked at what he saw going on in Clayton's office.
Buzz Buzzard and Wally Walrus were in the office. Wally was holding Roger by the neck while Buzz was feeding Clayton into a wringer flattening him out. Lavender was frozen in terror. The two villains saw the detectives and laughed.
"What are you schmucks going to do?" Buzz taunted as he scooped Clayton off the floor. Wally threw an unconscious Roger at Jacob. Jacob caught Roger, but the force knocked him to the ground. The villains took that opportunity to jump through the office window and escape with Clayton flat as a rug tucked under Buzz's arm.
The police showed up not long after and took everyone's statements. Tony was not thrilled; Jacob was there to begin with.
"Why is it when toons run amok, I find you are somehow involved.?" Tony asked Jacob. "I swear if I had the power, I would shut you down Valiant."
"Are you still sore about how I accidentally cause you to get crushed in your car?" Jacob suggested. "If so, get over it." Jacob went to go find Brett. He found him talking to another police officer who had a more pleasant demeanor than Tony.
"Oh, Jacob," Brett called. "This is my old bunkmate Ricky. We trained together at the academy." Jacob shook Ricky's hand. "Ricky, tell him what you told me."
“Well,” Ricky began. “Turns out that more toons have gone missing. They just pop out of existence. And it’s happening in broad daylight in front of witnesses.”
"That's very interesting," Jacob interjected. "But I'm more curious about what Lavender had to say. Tony won't let me near her."
"In her statement." Ricky fumbled with his notes. "She said that when she returned from the commissary with a sandwich. Clayton's door was closed, yet she could hear yelling and crashing. She assumed it was a…" Ricky rummaged through his notes. "B.J. Whetstone. Apparently, they fought earlier, so he maybe came back. Then Roger burst through the door and rushed into the office. That's when they discovered what was happening to Clayton. Then you two came in through the busted doorway and tried to stop them." "Uh-huh," Jacob said with suspicion. "Thank you, Ricky. Brett, we need to go." Jacob grabbed Brett's arm and dragged him from the office. Jacob was very quiet yet focused. He hailed a cab when they exited the studio. He still had Brett's arm in a tight grip.
"We need to see Roger at the hospital," Jacob finally belted. "Lavender was lying."
"Wait, what?" Brett exclaimed. "How do you know."
"She said Roger burst through the door, and it was already broken when we entered. When we got there, the door was locked from the inside. Something isn't right. We need to get to Roger before Tony does and keeps us from him.
Jacob and Brett raced to the Mel Blanc Memorial Hospital in Toontown, hoping Tony hadn't beaten them. When they got to the hospital, they each purchased a bouquet of flowers. The rules to enter the hospital are pretty simple. You must be either injured or carrying flowers to get in. When Brett and Jacob made it to Roger's room, they were relieved to see that Tony wasn't there. The only person in the room with Roger was his wife, Jessica. She was stroking his head like a pet. Brett's jaw hit the floor when he saw her. "Oh, Jacob, it was so good of you to come," Jessica said. "My Honey Bunny is out cold. I know he would be happy to know you visited."
“Do you have any idea when Roger will come to?” Jacob asked. “We really need to know what happened in the attack.” Jessica shook her head.
"No, the doctors didn't say." She bent over to kiss Roger on his head when suddenly she disappeared with a pop. Jacob jumped back when it happened. He couldn't believe what he just saw. Roger laid in bed, totally unaware his wife just vanished. Jacob was now more than ever determined to solve this case.
Jacob and Brett went back to the office to think things through and try to figure out their next move. Jacob was distraught at the events that took place. Toons disappearing, Roger in a coma, Lavender lying, Clayton kidnapped. All Jacob had to do was find this Big Boss. The cab ride back to Jacob's office was long, Jacob had a lot of time to think. During the trip, it began to rain. They reached Jacob's office and were about to enter when a voice called for Brett. Rose was waiting for them with her umbrella and another suitcase.
"I packed up the rest of your stuff," she announced to Brett. Her demeanor was much more pleasant than the night before. "I'm sorry about last night, but I do think we need to spend some time apart." She handed Brett the case. He gently caressed her hand.
"Rose, can we please talk?" Brett asked. "I really think we can work this out."
"Fine," Rose sighed. She stood there, waiting for him to start talking.
"I think we should go in out of this rain," Brett said. Rose agreed and followed him into the building. Jacob was first to the door, he could hear the couple quietly bickering behind him. Jacob went to place the key in the lock when he noticed the door was ajar. Jacob kicked the door in and raced inside. Brett and Rose stood in the doorway, looking around. The office was in perfect condition, but Someone was sitting in Jacob's desk chair. It slowly spun around, revealing a man in a black mask with fiery red eyes. Brett got in front of Rose to protect her. Jacob slowly walked to his desk. There was a hidden compartment on the side of it where he kept his gun.
"So, Jacob Valiant," The masked man hissed. "We finally meet again. You foiled my first attempt to control toons, but thanks to you, I learned and got better in my planning." Jacob reached his desk and leaned towards the intruder. He spoke very sternly, hoping to distract the man from noticing him reaching for his gun.
“I presume I am speaking to Big Boss?” Jacob inquired. The masked man gave off an evil laugh.
"You presume correctly, Jacob." Big Boss drew a gun on Jacob. "Don't bother reaching for that gun, it's right here." Jacob held his hands up and took a few steps back. He noticed Brett and Rose were in the room too, and two large toons blocked the doorway. One was the orange monster Gossamer, and the other was Peg Leg Pete. "I have everything in place for my toon take over." Big Boss boasted. "However, I have one problem, you. You foiled my plans before, and I'm not going to let you do that again." Big Boss jerked his head, and Pet and Gossamer grabbed Brett and Rose. "I think I need a little insurance just in case." Jacob turned to fight Pete, who was holding on tight to Rose. He struggled to free her from Pete's grasp when something bashed him on the head. Big Boss beat Jacob on the head with his own gun. Brett and Rose screamed for Jacob to wake up as they were dragged from the office. Brett struggled hard to free himself. Big Boss dropped the gun next to Jacob and strutted out of the office.
Jacob was awakened by a splash of water dumped on him. He awoke with a shock. Roger was in the office holding a bucket. "Jeepers Jacob!" Roger exclaimed. "What happened to you?" Jacob wearily rose from the floor and took a seat in his chair, his head was still throbbing. He told Roger everything, Big Boss was behind everything, Jessica had vanished, Clayton, Brett, and Rose were kidnapped. Roger listened intently to everything Jacob said. When Jacob finished relaying everything, Roger jumped to his feet. "We need to stop this mad man from enslaving toons." Jacob calmed Roger down a bit and asked him what really happened in Clayton's office. "Well, I went in to see Clayton. I must have just missed you because I could hear your voice in the hall. When I entered his office, he was burning something in his ashtray."
“Why were you going to see him?” Jacob asked.
"B.J. was determined to direct my next cartoon, but was Clayton totally against it. I went to Clayton to smooth things over. That’s when those goons entered the office, and Lavender was right behind them. She locked the door behind her, and the goons made a beeline right for us. They wanted Clayton to sign a contract leaving ownership of the studio to Big Boss. But it turns out that's what he burned. Then they started running him through the wringer. Lavender must have been the lookout. Because when the door handle started to jiggle, she screamed, and the goons got rough. That's the last thing I remember."
Jacob sat there, taking everything in. He couldn't believe Lavender was a bad girl, he just couldn't. Jacob got up from the chair and picked his gun off the floor. "Come on, Roger," He ordered. "We have some friends to save." The two of them exited the building. Jacob was delighted to see Benny the cab waiting for them.
“Where to Jacob?” Benny asked
"To Maroon Studios, Benny," Jacob said as he hopped into the cab with Roger and they sped off for the studio. They arrived just in time to see Lavender leave the studio in her car. "Follow that car, Benny!" Jacob ordered. Benny took off like a shot tailing Lavender's car, yet keeping his distance, so he doesn't get noticed. Lavender pulled into the old AJAX building. Benny stopped in front and let Jacob and Roger out. "Benny, go get the police," Jacob instructed. Benny begrudgingly agreed as he drove off, mumbling that he never gets to take part in the action. Jacob drew his gun and quietly slipped into the building.
Last time Jacob was here, there was hardly anything inside. Now it was set up like a base with crates, boxes, and barrels of cartoon gags and props. Thankfully Jacob didn't see any DIP. He climbed up a ladder to the catwalk and slowly crept along with it. Jacob heard a voice in the distance and followed it. He came to a big room where Big Boss was gloating. Brett and Rose were bound and gagged to chairs. A 16-ton weight dangled above them that was held by a single rope. He didn't see Clayton anywhere. "I know he will show up, it's just a matter of when." Big Boss teased. "When he does get here, he'll have to choose between catching me or saving you from a flat ending." He erupted into his evil laugh again. Lavender entered the room and stormed right up to Big Boss. She slapped him across the face so hard it knocked his mask off. Jacob couldn't believe his eyes for who was behind the mask, it was B.J. Whetstone.
“You told me nothing would happen to Clayton or Jacob!" Lavender shouted. "I can't believe I trusted you. You are a lying scum bag."
“Temper, Temper Lavender.” B.J. ridiculed. “I don’t think you want me to take your cell now?” Lavender stared daggers at B.J. “I promised you a starring roll in my animated movie, I don’t think you want to lose that.” Brett began to scream through his gag angrily. B.J. sauntered over to Brett. “You got something to say pretty boy?” B.J. removed Brett’s gag and stood above him with a smug stance.
"You scum bag." Brett snapped. "You treated toons like slaves, and that's what got you demoted. You should have been fired." B.J. grabbed Brett's face and smushed his mouth together.
"Hold your tongue boy." B.J. growled, "You wouldn’t want to tick me off before your boss gets here." Just then B.J.’s nose started to twitch. An evil grin grew on his face as he looked to his right. "You know, Jacob, I told you that you shouldn’t bathe in your cologne." B.J. released Brett's face and placed the gag back in his mouth. He then walked over to the rope holing the weight was tied with. B.J. struck a match and lit a candle that was sitting next to the rope. He then placed the candle under the rope which slowly began to burn. "I’d say you have about five minutes to save your friends. That is if you can get past my guys." B.J. snapped his fingers, and a variety of villains stormed into the room. "Good luck Valiant." B.J. bolted from the room laughing maniacally. The villains began to search for Jacob by throwing crates. Gossamer placed himself infront of the door so Jacob couldn’t escape. Jacob knew what he had to do and leaped from the catwalk landing on Gossamer. He was soft and furry, so Jacob was okay, but Gossamer was out like a light.
Jacob began to fight off some of the other villains Wally Walrus, Buzz Buzzard, Peg Leg Pete, The Big Bad Wolf, Witch Hazel, and Yosemite Sam. The odds were not in Jacob's favor, and he was easily overpowered. Pete had Jacob in a bear hug crushing him, while the other villains cheered him on. Brett and Rose screamed through their gags as the weight teetered above them. The rope was half way burned. Suddenly a boxing glove shot out of nowhere and clocked Pete right in the jaw. Pete grew disoriented and let Jacob go. Jacob fell to the floor gasping for air.
“Where did that come from?” Pete demanded. He looked in the direction from where it came. He saw Roger was holding a mallet where the glove shot out from and was not alone Woody Woodpecker, Popeye, Bugs Bunny, Droopy the dog, and Mickey Mouse where right behind Roger and they did not look happy. The villains started to cower in fear at the sight.
"Alright guys," Roger said. "Get them!" The toons charged at the villains. While the toons were fighting, Jacob seized this moment and raced over to rescue Brett and Rose. He grabbed the ropes securing Brett to the chair. Brett began to muffle something, so Jacob removed his gag.
“No” Brett barked. “Untie Rose first, then me.” Jacob nodded and proceeded to loosen the ropes around Rose.
The flame was almost through the rope when Rose was freed. She raced out from under the weight and removed her gag. Jacob started to untie Brett when the rope snapped, and the weight started to drop. Jacob and Brett brace for impact, but the weight stopped. Jacob looked over to see Lavender and Rose holding onto the rope. Brett gave a huge sigh a relief.
“Hurry up and free him!” Rose shouted. “This thing weighs a ton!”
“Sixteen tons to be precise,” Lavender corrected. Rose glared at Lavender not amused.
Jacob was about to loosen the last few strands of rope around Brett’s legs when a fist lunged for him. It clocked Jacob right in the side of his face causing him to lose his grip on the ropes. B.J. had returned, and he was mad. B.J. tackled Jacob to the floor, he tried to strangle Jacob. Brett, still attached to the chair, managed to bounce his way out from under the weight. Rose let go of the rope and went to help Brett. Lavender slipped a little but held the rope tightly. Jacob was under neath the weight and she didn’t want to see him crushed. Jacob managed to push B.J. off of him and scrambled to his feet and out from under the weight. He gave B.J. a few uppercuts knocking him back a few steps. B.J. shook off the punches and again lunged for Jacob only to be cut off when the weight landed on him. Jacob gasped in shock. He looked over to Rose, who had her hands on her mouth. The villains saw what happened and hightailed it out of the building.
"Oops," Lavender said sweetly. "I lost my grip." She giggled softly and ran to Jacob. "I'm so sorry for everything that happened. All I did was pass information to B.J., and he promised me the lead heroine in his animated movie. Then he went and hurt Clayton, the man that gave me a purpose. I guess I was not cut out to be in pictures, but I'm okay with that." She looked Jacob deep into his eyes. "Can you ever forgive me?" Jacob smiled at her and scooped her into his arms. He planted a big kiss on her lips. The toons cheered for them. Lavender then showed Jacob where B.J. hid the cells. Once they were back in the light, the toons reappeared right there in the room. Roger raced to Jessica's side.
"Oh love bug!" He exclaimed. Jessica picked him up and gave him kisses all over his head. Bret grabbed the frayed rope and began to pull it, lifting the weight off the floor. B.J. had been squashed into a disc-like shape. Jacob peeled him off the floor just as Tony, and the police rushed in. Jacob handed Tony the flattened villain telling him everything. Tony grunted and passed B.J. off to another officer.
“Smalls, make sure nothing happens to him.” Officer Smalls nodded and sealed B.J. in an envelope. "As much as I hate to say this." Tony mustered. "But, you did good." Tony extended his hand to Jacob, and the two shook hands. Tony gave Jacob a sly smile and tightened his grip crushing Jacob’s hand. “Don’t think for a minute I like you,” Tony whispered in Jacob’s ear. He released his grip and walked off leaving Jacob waving his hand in pain. "Alright, boys, record everything.” Tony shouted to the officers in the building. “I want this a clear case. Smalls don’t mess up."
Jacob, Brett, and Rose left the AJAX building. Rose was holding Brett's hand and laying her head on his shoulder. "I guess you had a change of heart," Jacob asked her. Rose blushed for a moment and shook her head.
"Well, when you got knocked out. Brett was so brave he fought so hard to protect me.” Rose informed him. “I may not like the idea, but I do know I love him." She kissed Brett on the cheek and laid her head back on Brett's shoulder. Jacob smiled and winked at Brett. Without any words Brett knew what Jacob was saying. The police questioned Lavender and she told them everything B.J. had her do. They were lenient and didn’t arrest her. She thanked them and climbed into the back of the toon ambulance that was transporting Clayton to the toon hospital.
"I think we should follow them," Jacob said. Brett agreed with the idea. Rose stayed behind as Benny took Brett and Jacob to the hospital.
Clayton was fully inflated and back to his old self within a few hours. As he laid in bed waiting to be discharged, Lavender confessed to Clayton everything she did. He was about to fire her when Jacob intervened and told him the other stuff she did and how she stopped B.J.
Clayton was mad, but he forgave her and let her keep her job. Jacob was happy for her and told her that he will definitely see her again, Friday night. Lavender giggled and thanked the detectives for everything they had done. She stayed at Clayton’s bedside until he was released.
Jacob and Brett left the hospital as the sun was setting. They were about to cross the street when Jacob stopped. "Brett, there is something I have to say” Brett stared at Jacob blankly wondering what was about to happen.. “You did real good on this case.” Jacob said. Brett gave him a huge smile. “I'm sorry you and Rose got kidnapped, but that sometimes comes with the job. Are you sure you really want to do this?"
"Yes." Brett answered, "Nothing will change my mind. I’ll find a way to keep Rose safe, don’t you worry."
"Well then," Jacob said. "I guess I will have to change the door to say Valiant and Tucker." Jacob extended his hand. "What do you say, partner?" Brett's eyes lit up with joy. He shook Jacob's hand and gave him a hug. "Alright, alright, that's enough. It's been a very long day, let's go home and celebrate." Jacob patted Brett on the back, and the two crossed the street. Suddenly a runaway steamroller plowed over the detectives. The both let out an “Oooof” as the drum rolled over them. Two construction workers chased after the steamroller as it continued to barreled down the street aimlessly. Brett and Jacob were left flattened in the middle of the road. They laid there with shocked expressions on their faces. Brett’s eyes looked to the side he thought Jacob was on.
"Okay, what happens now," Brett asked.
"I guess we have to wait till someone discovers us," Jacob replied stiffly. Jacob tried to get up off the road but couldn’t move. “Well, at least we are near the hospital, they will fix us up.”
“How long will that take?” Brett whined
“I’m not entirely sure.” Jacob sighed.
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From private homes to public landmarks, corporate headquarters to bustling industrial complexes, ALUCOBOND® A2 empowers designs like never before.
ALUCOBOND® A2 is the perfect blend of formability, flatness, stability, and weather resistance combined. Picture it as a second skin protecting the building and robustly embracing the essence of your building's design. Its composite structure unlocks a world of versatility, enabling the creation of awe-inspiring shapes and forms.
Harmony in Strength: The Fusion of Lightness and Rigidity
Due to its composite structure, ALUCOBOND® A2 possesses an extraordinary combination of strength and lightness, ensuring an impressive strength-to-weight ratio that remains unmatched, even for large panel sizes. It’s remarkable ability to maintain shape and flatness, even when subjected to extreme temperature fluctuations is a testament to its inherent rigidity. Moreover, the light weight of ALUCOBOND® A2 facilitates effortless transportation and handling adding convenience and ease.
Rear Ventilated System
With rear ventilated cladding system, ALUCOBOND® A2 offers unparalleled protection to buildings, shielding them from the harsh effects of solar radiations, weathering, industrial pollutants, and environmental hazards. The system creates a ventilated space that effectively reduces heat transmission and preserves the integrity of the structure.
Not only does ALUCOBOND® A2 safeguard the building's walls against extreme temperature fluctuations, but it also allows the moisture to pass through the rear space of the system. This helps in keeping the structure dry, ensuring long-lasting durability and performance.
The major advantages:
Drastically reduce maintenance costs
Safeguard the longevity of the building's structure for years to come
Enjoy substantial savings on heating costs during the winter season
Experience substantial reductions in air-conditioning expenses during summer
Minimize the risk of thermal expansion-related issues
Mitigate the occurrence of unsightly cracks in your building
3A Composites, the parent company of ALUCOBOND®, stands at the forefront of sustainability and is renowned globally for its unwavering dedication to environmental responsibility. Recognized and respected by diverse producers and raw material processing companies worldwide, the company has a solid reputation as a sustainability leader.
Driven by an unyielding commitment to sustainability and a holistic approach that encompasses the needs of all stakeholders, 3A Composites consistently makes decisions of utmost economic, social, and ecological value. Moreover, the company goes above and beyond mere compliance with government regulations, actively engaging in continuous self-improvement programs for environmental protection.
ALUCOBOND® A2 Lifecycle
Embracing sustainability as its core principle, ALUCOBOND® A2 prioritizes the well-being of the environment. Throughout the entire lifecycle of these composite panels, there is an unwavering commitment to eliminating no substances containing CFC. Furthermore, the core material itself is devoid of nitrogen, chlorine, and sulfur, making it an ideal choice for projects that demand eco-friendly materials.
To know more: https://alucobond.in/alucobond-a2
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alutech-panels · 5 months
Decoding the Differences: ACM vs. ACP Panels
In the world of architectural design and construction, two terms that often come up are ACM (Aluminum Composite Material) and ACP (Aluminum Composite Panel). While both acronyms involve the combination of aluminum layers, there are subtle differences that make each unique. Let's delve into the nuances of ACM and ACP panels to gain a comprehensive understanding of these versatile materials.
Composition and Structure:
ACM Panels: ACM panels are primarily composed of two thin aluminum sheets bonded to a non-aluminum core, often made of polyethylene. The aluminum layers serve as protective skins while the core provides stability. This combination results in a lightweight yet durable material suitable for various architectural applications.
ACP Panels: ACP panels, on the other hand, share a similar structure with ACM panels. They consist of two aluminum sheets bonded to a core, but the core material can vary. It may be composed of polyethylene, mineral-filled material, or a fire-retardant core, depending on the specific requirements of the project.
Appearance and Aesthetics:
ACM Panels: ACM panels are known for their smooth and consistent appearance. The aluminum skins contribute to a sleek and modern look, making ACM an excellent choice for contemporary architectural designs. The surface of ACM panels can be coated with various finishes, including metallic, solid colors, or even natural metal appearances like copper or zinc.
ACP Panels: ACP panels also offer a wide range of aesthetic options. The choice of core material can impact the appearance of ACP panels. They are available in various textures, patterns, and finishes, including wood, stone, and brushed metal looks. ACP panels provide flexibility in achieving diverse design aesthetics, making them suitable for a broad spectrum of projects.
ACM Panels: ACM panels find extensive use in applications that demand a balance between strength and weight. Common applications include exterior cladding, signage, and architectural elements. The lightweight nature of ACM panels simplifies installation while providing durability and weather resistance.
ACP Panels: ACP panels, with their versatility in appearance and core options, are well-suited for a range of applications. They are commonly used in building facades, interior wall cladding, signage, and other architectural elements. The ability to mimic the look of natural materials like wood or stone makes ACP panels an attractive choice for those seeking both aesthetics and functionality.
Durability and Weather Resistance:
ACM Panels: ACM panels exhibit excellent durability and weather resistance. The aluminum skins protect the material from corrosion, fading, and other environmental factors. This durability makes ACM panels suitable for long-term outdoor use, ensuring they maintain their appearance over time.
ACP Panels: Similarly, ACP panels offer robust durability. The choice of core material can influence the fire resistance and overall stability of the panels. The aluminum skins provide protection against harsh weather conditions, making ACP panels a reliable choice for both interior and exterior applications.
Cost Considerations:
The cost difference between ACM and ACP panels can depend on factors such as the specific brand, core material, and finishes chosen. In general, ACM panels may be slightly more expensive due to their high-quality aluminum skins and enhanced properties. ACP panels, while still providing durability and versatility, might offer a more cost-effective solution for certain projects.
In summary, According to experts at Alutech Panels, while ACM and ACP panels share many similarities, the choice between the two depends on the specific requirements of the project. ACM panels are recognized for their sleek appearance, lightweight design, and excellent outdoor durability. ACP panels, with their diverse core options and aesthetic flexibility, cater to a wide range of architectural styles and applications.
Understanding the differences between ACM and ACP panels empowers architects, builders, and designers to make informed decisions based on the unique needs of each project. Both materials offer a compelling blend of form and function, contributing to the modern landscape of architectural innovation.
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wallong1 · 6 months
When you first hear the term ''composite decking,'' it's natural for a beautiful outdoor living space to be the first thing that comes to mind. However, did you know that composite decking has a wider variety of applications outside residential homes?
Nowadays, wood plastic composite board is widely used in various types of commercial buildings, conquering architectural studios, hotels, seaside bars, restaurants, public and private areas with its unique charming.
Actually, when choosing a material for outdoor flooring, commercial businesses such as restaurants, pubs, cafes, and offices will look to find the most robust, cost-effective option with minimal maintenance. WPC wood polymer composite is much more prone to absorbing moisture, which means businesses will need to spend more time and money on keeping up with deck maintenance. wood plastic composite panel on the other hand, offers a low maintenance space that gives businesses more time to focus on what they do best.
As a commercial location, there is often a need for some unique design styles. The color and surface diversity of composite materials can match all styles of design needs. You can choose the right composite deck flooring according to the overall design style of the restaurant or other commercial areas. Wallong WPC decking boards are explicitly designed to adapt magnificently in outdoor spaces. They are durable, require low maintenance, and possess rot resistance and safety. Our WPC products combine stylish form with practical function, making it the perfect solution for a range of commercial applications.
What kind of commercial area could Wallong wood plastic composite decking board be installed in?
Since composite decking is more durable than traditional wood, it’s more equipped to handle the usage of these high-traffic areas.
Shopping mall
Docks or marine
Hotel decking
Outside refreshment bars
Verandas and clubhouse
Architectural studios
Seaside restaurant
The promenade
Benefits of Wallong Composite Products in Commercial Use:
Conventional decking for commercial use is guaranteed for 5 years; co-extrusion decking is guaranteed for 10 years; superior wood co-extrusion and wall cladding is guaranteed for 15 years.
Wallong' s products are available in 12 colors. In addition, Custom mold can be allowed for order requirements.
Using the recycled timber and recycled plastic film to manufacture products, which achieves recycle resources and sustainable development.
Scratch Resistance:
By updating from conventional decking, Wallong's decking is covered by Polymer Shell Modified HDPE. If considering the nature of commercial buildings with high traffic, scratch resistance will be a great decorative advantage.
Higher Durability:
Unlike traditional wood, composite material is more durable and doesn’t require as much maintenance. Wallong superior wood co-extrusion series adopting a 360 degree outer shell, physically bonds with the high-density core to create composite decking that resists warping, mold, mildew. That means the decking will hold up and still look great for years after installation.
Including ACME wood, sandblasted decking, superior wood, superior resist wood, conventional decking, and deep embossed decking. Available in a range of colors and inspired by natural tones, our composite decking collections are ideal for commercial application and boasts outstanding anti-slip qualities in both wet and dry conditions.
Composite Deck Boards: Wallong-Compsoite deck boards are available for six types, considering easeful texture and safety, ACME wood and Sandblasted wood can meet high-demand commercial decoration perfectly.
Composite Deck Tiles: Wallong's interlocking deck tiles are raised to allow for water drainage when installed around a pool or hot tub.
Composite Panel Claddings: Wallong’s all-weather, UV-resistant, no fading wall panels are suitable for commercial buildings.
Deck Railings: A commercial deck railing won’t warp, distorted, fade or crack. Above all, it can avoid the back-twisting job of staining and sealing our railing every year, and you can reduce the cost of maintenance of railings
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Aluminum composite panels (ACM) are a type of composite material made from two thin sheets of aluminum bonded to a polyethylene core. They are lightweight, durable, and easy to maintain. ACM panels are often used in exterior applications, such as cladding, roofing, and signage. Here are some of the benefits of using ACM panels: Lightweight. ACM panels are lightweight, which makes them easy to install and maintain. Durable. ACM panels are durable and can withstand the elements. Easy to maintain. ACM panels are easy to maintain and do not require regular cleaning or painting. Versatile. ACM panels can be used in a variety of applications, including cladding, roofing, signage, and insulation. Cost-effective. ACM panels are a cost-effective option for a variety of applications. If you are looking for a material for an exterior application, ACM panels are a good option. They are lightweight, durable, easy to maintain, and versatile.
Please call or fill out our online form to request an estimate or ask general questions about our services. We are excited to serve you!
(718) 517-9178
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alstoneindia007 · 9 months
Explore Alstone's innovative metal composite panels and sustainable solutions. Environment-friendly cladding for a better future.
Read more - https://wfmmedia.com/alstone-is-known-for-impeccable-quality-innovation-in-the-indian-acm-market/
Contact now:- +91-11-41232400
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alcadex · 10 months
alcadex professional aluminium cladding sheet manufacturer, With a professional team more than 17 years of solid experience in the field of aluminium cladding sheet and aluminum composite materials (ACM) 
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aussiemums01 · 11 months
ACM cladding testing | RS Specialist Services Ltd
Asbestos consultancy RS Specialist Services Ltd is an independent asbestos removal specialist. For Aluminium composite material (ACM) claddingsurveys and services visit at rsspecialistservices.co.uk.
ACM cladding testing
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