icharchivist · 2 years
me: i’ll probably make a summary of my thoughts every 10 or so chapters, whatever feels natural.
me 5 chapters into awakening moon: i need to write down my thoughts NOW or i’ll die.
uh. so. hello icha!! I’m on break rn which is why i’m able to do this haha. this is just about the first five chapters of awakening moon… um so actually i was stuck at a relatives place for a lot of new years and ended up? just reading the translation for all of act 1 that was on the wiki as well as alex in wonderland bc those were the two i didn’t rly take notes on? I think also the azuma and sakyo hot spring event i didn’t do notes for… but everything else i had some notes so i thought it’d be good if i could review act 1 a little in preparation. and gee golly am i GLAD I DID. bc 5 chapters in and im being proven sooooo right abt all my thoughts.
this’ll come in handy when talking abt other characters, but most relevantly I was rly able to pick out some hisoka moments i hadn’t noticed earlier… firstly when winter first finds hisoka, he actually doesn’t want them to call the police—I mean i’d get why but also i think he probably instinctively is wary of the police? which i have to think adds to his assassin points, which is my imaginary tip jar for pieces of evidence that point towards hisoka being an assassin. These pretty much also just go hand in hand with hisoka having any time of… nefarious sort of career pre-amnesia, so being a spy or involved in some type of espionage or something feels… appropriate. some assassins do spy stuff as well! but assassin is the guess thats most fun for me to say. lol. pretend it’s a catch-all. um next hisoka, when asked to play a character, asks for really specific details like age and background, and then izumi describes him as acting very… realistically? and later when they’re doing their play she notes that hisoka has gotten a bit more expressive in his acting! I think that sense of realism really works well with his role in sympathy for the angel—hes the most bluntly realistic about everything, it feels, so i’d imagine his more understated nature of acting fits well there… i’d also say that for someone who probably has no acting experience, doing espionage or something like that would train you in some specific kinds of acting! which is maybe why hisoka needs those extra details—it’s more like a cover story, then, and why his acting has that sense of realism—it’s acting that needs to exist in the real world, not the kind of acting that is Performance.
also tasuku asks if hisoka did martial arts, because his footsteps don’t make any sound… assassin points. I think there’s this part where izumi almost gets hit by something on stage or something like that and hisoka saves her? and tasuku says like are you a ninja? and homare mentions that hisoka moved so fast that he couldn’t see him… assassin points. I’ve mentioned the lie low and recover stamina thing already… as well as how when izumi approaches him from behind he pins her to the wall immediately. umm but i forgot that he specifically disappeared because he had a cold! so he didn’t want to… show any weakness, i guess, and just ran away. that felt very assassin to me. I’m basing this off of killua of course, since he also has a sort of “run away when you’re weakened” philosophy. and also!! when they’re talking about their type in romantic partners, hisoka wants someone who’s independent and not clingy. I imagine that has to do with like… as an assassin or as a spy i bet he traveled a lot… so he couldn’t really get attached to people, unlike how he is with the winter troupe. like at first he didn’t even want to get a futon bc he needed to be able to sleep anywhere. probably had to be used to roughing it for whatever assassin work he was doing. and finally… hisoka had memories related to the ocean, where he was like. he said he probably washed ashore from there? and chikage’s always been doing a lot of overseas business trips… i was making connections.
anyways. I bet that hisoka and chikage were both assassins or doing the same kind of work, and that chikage was april and hisoka was december (and chikage is maybe wearing hisokas jacket?? since it says dece right there) AND when he introduced himself!!! He said his bday was april 15th!!! so you can imagine the VINDICATION i felt when chikage confronted hisoka and went "What's the meaning of this, December?” LIKE I CALLED IT. I NOTICED THE DETAILS!!! Unrelated but google tells me hisokas bday is december 3rd? google could be wrong but i didn’t want to check further for fear of spoilers but ah. if that’s true I share a birthday with hisoka!!
wanted to get that out of the way non-chronologically… putting a pin in that, I’ll talk some more abt it later. anyways the actual chapters in the order they came. those thoughts.
getting fully voiced lines again!!! oh my god!!! I checked and i got through sardine search in june of 2021 so dear god, has it been a while. I feel like i notice so much!! the tone of the voices and everything… its so good i missed it. love being able to pick up random words here and there with my “acquired through knowing the translated title as well as the original of japanese songs” knowledge. and MIZUNO GOT TO SEE ROMEO AND JULIUS… and tsuzuru looks so happy to hear that!!! crazy. crazyyyy. Imagine never having read clockwork heart and reading that and being like “who’s that” instead of LOSING MY MIND.
it makes sense that they’d try to recruit a single person instead of doing an open audition, since that would be a little tough if at the end u were like. ok we’re taking One Person. sakyo was also like its nice since u can trust the person which is so funny to me. I mean good caution since the whole godza spy thing happened but also its like. I know you’re going to recruit chikage and im squinting at the screen like… is he someone you can trust? since i think he’s an assassin. also his face just makes me think of like… a sly tanuki, lol. but this also provides good context as to how all these act 2 members kind of already relate to the act 1 charas! its story convenience since u don’t have to establish a dynamic from wholecloth with a whole “first meeting” bit, but it’s also convenient in-story itself since having some familiarity with the person would probably make them easier to trust! a neat thing that works from a watsonian and doylist perspective lol. also whoever joined spring HAD to know itaru, since itaru would have to like. give up his solitary gamer pad (which imo is the more accurate term as compared to man cave)
masumi not answering his phone and saying he doesn’t know the number… considering it was? a secretary? That izumi called at first, I bet it’s his parents. I’m also like on my knees BEGGING for some more masumi developments this episode. (it’s… episode for each troupe season, right? and then chapter for each individual bit. that’s what i’m doing, at least). but oh my god i’m with tsuzuru here. masumi you should be answering sakuya’s calls. the masumi & sakuya dynamic is actually really interesting to me, though! like first off until we did this year forward (which, considering the anniversary event was just before this, seems like they’re retconning that the first 4 plays took one year and instead are going with that these first 12 plays took place in a year…? I think? I’m confused abt the timeline but I refuse to search it up lol) and this is how I realized sakuya’s actually a year older than masumi… it’s cool to see he went right into theatre! he does love it after all. but he still wakes up masumi who’s cranky in the morning haha. usually with these two and the play they did, I would’ve thought it’d be a dynamic of like… cheery guy and cool guy aren’t close at first but slowly the cool aloof guy gets attached but ah… it still feels like masumi didn’t really get that. attached. it’s a very interesting situation to me, because they definitely spend time together and care for each other but they don’t necessarily feel… close? it’ll be interesting to see if that develops. nocturnality’s description of the troupes is, once again, on point—spring troupe is really like a family more than just a group of friends. speaking of that though I’ve been talking to my friend about a3 and he asked me, like, autumn was described as comrades for the same cause, right? what is that cause? and I had to be like… um, acting? because I didn’t know how to say it any better haha. since it’s acting for everyone, too… I think there is a certain flair autumn has in the way it feels like they’re challenging each other a little bit—exemplified with juza and banri, but it’s present with others, too. still I wasn’t sure how to word it?
it’s nice that juza is w/ omi and tsuzuru and banri is with kazunari at uni!!! good they’re not in the same university because… that would be a lot. the moment citron mentioned chika-usa I was like. ah. chikage. like I literally even Just saw him in a bunny outfit… if I didn’t get it from the chika bit I’d get it from the usa bit now. it’ll be exciting to see that reveal since I think he and izumi can talk curry a lot! also he can help with blogging which is nice
then began chikage’s introduction of which I was mentally yelling in my head “HES TRICKING YOU. NO PERSON CAN BE THAT POLITE AND PATIENT AND PERFECTLY GENIAL AND MILD.” I’m just saying like he’s tooo normal to not be faking it. he’s literally itaru’s coworker and we know how that guy appeared versus his real self. so when he says like “I’m a huge fan” about the blog and I go “no. you’re just stalking hisoka.” but like his self-introduction is so normie and at least my personal evaluation of his audition was that he was realistic but not dramatic? A thing which matches quite well with how I think hisoka performs… though again izumi doesn’t really detail that far in about his style, this is just me evaluating him. but yeah wow I wonder why you’d be good at acting, chikage… ever done any espionage? his coin cg looked nice! but I’m just saying… quick with his hands doing magic tricks… hisoka can be so quick you can’t see him, too… also if ur fun party skill inherently involves deception and misdirection as magic tricks do… then I don’t have to trust this pleasant person mask you have. also the way chikage tells sakuya “you seem like you would be the first to go down in a battle” wow I bet you’ve been in some life or death battle situations. being an assassin and all. although, I love the way citron agrees.
izumi: (he's already won them over. I'm glad he's fitting in so well!)
me, banging pots and pans together: ITS AN ACT!!!! ITS AN ACT!!! like he just sounds sooo cloying. like hes being patient with children
and when hisoka appeared izumi saw chikages smile slip!! I thought it was fun to see homare nagging gently at hisoka to introduce himself tho lol… I wish they’d done the coin game. I think hisoka may have guessed correctly. but the way hisokas like well I don’t have anything to say abt myself except my name and homare is then immediately like *gasp* let me list all my hisoka facts!!
and THEN when chikage approached hisoka in the night. THE VOICE CHANGE. HE DROPPED LIKE AN OCTAVE I FUCKING KNEW HIS POLITE VOICE WAS HIDING SOMETHING. I realize amnesia’s hard to believe but god if ur an assassin or whatever in some mystery organization u should be able to believe in amnesia.
this line though: "...All this time I thought you had died together with August." but hisoka doesn't even remember what he said when he was sick! I do remember him apologizing, though… he’s got survivor’s guilt for sure i bet. I was very alarmed by how hisokas yknow. normally gentle and soft voice got very distressed at this part tho! especially when he said his head hurts… I wanted to hug him.
"...Then remember this. My name is April, and I'm here to avenge everything you took away from me." hmph. called it. but also. inigo montoya much? and those flowers WERE threats.
ch 4 starting out with the title reading "yume nikki" gave me immediate flashbacks like. I know it just means dream diary but I will always just think of the game only. hisoka’s flashback though… it was so well written. the emphasis on coldness really got me—it makes sense that at the beginning, he’d even sleep outside in the cold! but wow. he grew up like. starving and without a home. "my hands, my face, my body... everything's cold." and "they weren't like me. they must have had real homes." i am weeping. I am inconsolable.
veryyyyy cool to get hisoka stuff in spring, though. i'd hoped, but wasn't sure since it was the spring play and not the winter one. perhaps that'll all reverse with winter since guy will join then and citron can get hi emo time then? the ch doesn’t say who those two kids who talk to hisoka are, but i’m guessing they’re august and april (with the kid that keeps insulting hisoka being april)... we’ll see about that. and they’re inviting hisoka to join the Organization. Hmmm. okay. while i’d love to point and say “and HERE’s the assassin club!” it’s probably a bit more realistic that these people are… multi-talented in their dealings. organization to me implies more than just like assassin-for-hire but like. actual plans so they r um. maybe. …a. what’s the mundane version of a big evil organization? a terrorist agency…? a shady intelligence guild? it doesn’t rly sound like a yakuza/mafia deal. well anyways that’s what i maybe think hisoka is a part of. that’s 100% the kind of group that would take in kids off of the street. probably some of them do assassinations in em.
the "if you stay here like this, you'll die." / "nowhere else... to go." exchange made me lose my mind. Whenever there is ever a piece of media where some character goes like “if you keep being this way, you’ll ruin your life” but that way of life is the ONLY way that person knows how to live, even if its ruining them… that gets me. and then the "how many times have I thought I might die, yet ended up living? living on, all alone." line from hisoka… like this is before august died but i imagine in the period after august died and he hadn’t joined mankai yet… that was true again, wasn’t it. AND THEN THE GINGERBREAD. THAT’S WHY HE FROZE UP DURING THE CHRISTMAS PLAY!!! BECAUSE THAT WAS THE FIRST FOOD HE WAS OFFERED BY THESE TWO… it is funny that they reeled him in with a snack here… it’s the same in the future, only it’s just marshmallows. still, for a kid surviving out on the streets... sweets are probably like a precious delicacy, huh… since they’re not particularly filling. they’re just nice. a step above plain survival. and then hisoka’s told that they’re family now… thinking about how he says that winter troupe is the place he belongs, later.
back to the present i love how when yuzo comes in citron so pleasantly says"oh, yuzo! have you lost your day job?" pfft. makes sense that chikages articulate. hes probably practiced his voice a lot since this one is miles away from his threatening voice, ahah. Also love how hes like “ive dabbled in kabuki!” and no one can tell if he’s telling the truth or not. like i said. he’s suspicious. yuzo agrees with me seeing as hes like chikage’s too calm around everyone. I thought the interview was funny! like tsuzuru, you’ve managed to somehow precog everyone’s character arcs and personalities well enough, but this time you need to interview the guy? yet you parallels a weird amount of tsumugi and tasukus life with sympathy for the angel without knowing shit about them? yet you absolutely hit upon azuma’s own baggage with nocturnality? Considering chikage seems to joke/lie about a lot of things, it is fair… he’s a pretty mysterious character. Has to be since he’s hiding the fact that he’s an assassin and stuff. I muttered to myself for soooo long about the curry thing though i was like what the fuck is an ultimate curry. curry isn’t even one thing in india. at least in the part of india where i’m from, even our stir fries get called curry (by my family at least!) but then chikage was like. oh its fun to mess with u guys so. okay. hisoka seeing chikage and spring and immediately running off tho… i bet that entire exchange hit him hard especially bc chikage was just like. kind of mean and not helpful lol. excited to see how that goes. i hope winter gets to take care of him since he’s Going Through It right now… i still think whoever is ringing masumi must be his parents. its nice that chikage and izumi get to bond over curry! it'll be interesting when the blog thing gets revealed. itaru seemed weird after he had to explain what a stan was to masumi which is like… i wonder what thats abt. he did mention a little that he had a bad time of it in high school during alice in wonderland so i wonder if thatll ever come up. or mb hes just worried abt chikage seeing his gamer pad. who knows. uh. well. that’s my thoughts on the. first five chapters. I don’t think i’m going to be able to Stop reading this so. I hope ur okay receiving something like this every day-ish.
HI THERE! HELLO THERE! WELCOME TO ACT 2!!!!!!!! I see awakening moon is already having its power on you, so cool.
Chikage time!!!
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And ohh that's so cool you get back to previous events. Makes some elements clearer in mind, esp with Hisoka mister subtle exposition backstory over here.
Congratz on noticing all those little details about him on the reread :3c those things still leave me obsessing. Esp the way his acting is described like, that's such an unnatural approach to acting you can't help but raise an eyebrow.
And god yeah. yeah. Hisoka is so weird in the early chapters when you pay extra attention to him it's so much. Another thing from the backstages that might interest you is in Tasuku's New Year's SR (SR - [Careful of Holiday Traffic] - "The Gunslinging Cleaner") where they're all cleaning the dorms, and Winter is doing the bathroom, and Tsumugi and Tasuku end up playing up with the spray bottles to have a pretend fight based on an old play of theirs and it has Tasuku, realistically, get back into his role like he does so well. And Hisoka catches on to that and when Tsumu leaves, he thinks, hey, that was funny, actually funnier that what we're doing, and he takes up two spray bottles as well to play a dual gunner and start to wrap Tasuku into it again. Anyway during this whole bit there's a mention of how Hisoka's way to move feels very natural as he's playing someone who's /using two guns to fight/. Bringing it up so you can add it to your assassin jar.
ANYWAY. CHIKAGE. APRIL. HHHHHHHHHH. You were pointing it out so much in your asks and i was just. pointing while doing uncomprehensible noises, and had to try my best to just go "cool theory! not saying anything tho!" like i wasn't losing my mind because "YOU GOT IT. YOU GOT IT!!!!" (on the April front at least, i'm not confirming anything else LMAO). Chikage's build up was done so well i'm SO glad you caught on the details hhh!! And yeah Hisoka is indeed from Dec. 3rd and omg!!!! twin bday…. I share my bday with his seiyuu personally so we're really onto something here.
The full voice really is so cool!!! And yeah i feel you so much, there's so much characterization in the voice work, the random words we know from song, and even realizing how much they improved since the early day. Always a chill up my spine.
AND YEAH. YEAH THE MIZUNO NAMEDROP. OH MY GOD. holding your hands. See this is why i insisted so hard on you reading all the events, and i'm so glad that you did it. I've had friends who skipped the events because they wanted act 2 so quickly and i was just. no. you don't realize Chikage has been built up, you don't know about Mizuno you dONT- like they legit mentioned then "idk who mizuno is" and i'm just GNHHH. Mizuno!!!
Yeah the audition thing makes sense. esp since now they're popular so it's harder to filter who really would want to make a good actor. not that it means they're actually recruiting a trustworthy bunch bUT. Chikage's face like a sly tanuki so true bestie. His face is up to no good and i love that about him. But yes agreed it works very good on both a wastonian and doylist perspective it's really neat. And YEAH Itaru stamp of approval (to share his gamer pad).
oh god the Masumi's plot. man. (and for the names we improvise as we go, it works out that way). but YEAH Massu you should answer at leAST Sakuay's call gdi!!
ok so for the timeline it's a little weird. In the VN, Sakyo gives them like, a year to revive Mankai first and then one play a month, but it doesn't work with what act 2 says that it's been one year only. In the anime they actually retcon it for real by having Sakyo giving Izumi only one month per troupe, so, it actually fits what the timeline is saying by act 2: that all of act 1's main story and the events all happened in the span of a year. And it makes sense bc at One Play A Month, 3 plays for all 4 troupes gives 12 plays, which makes a lot more sense in general. So Sakyo's original ultimatum has been completely retconned everywhere else at this point.
BUT YEAH SAME i didn't realize Sakuya was older than Masumi until act 2 where the age gap really is pointed out, with Saku leaving High School while Massu is still in. That does explain why Sakuya felt so much "big brotherly" to Masumi too. I do love how he still takes care of Masumi, Sakuya is like. It took me so long for him to even start allowing me around, now i'm his friend nonstop no take back. I think Masumi is "more attached" but it comes from the place of how abyssal his attachement was to start with. Like, Masumi was clearly keeping everyone away before (he didn't even call Sakuya by his name before, that's why Sakuya is overjoyed the day Masumi actually calls him Sakuya) and he's sloooowly letting his guard down but it's not. radical just yet. But yes it does also play on their Nocturnality description of, as a family it doesn't have to be tight and close bond for the love to be unconditional in a way?
And omg about the description and friend. And yeah, so, i think the Japanese term for them is specifically "Nakama" (compared to Spring's "kazoku" (family) and Summer "tomodachi" (friends)). And Nakama is really like. a group of friends or coworkers you're close in with the idea of you're sharing the same goals and ideals. Like, Nakama is used a lot in anime, it can still be close friendship but it's usually in the context of, there's a background that put us together yaknow? and i think "comrades for the same cause" is the best way to translate the idea but as a result this might sound a little clunkier lmao. I think it's, yeah, the goal is acting, but the means to do it is the competition they have against each other to help each other out too. And they come from the same background of intense regrets and moving past that. Brothers in arms if you will. But yeah it's tricky how to word it, it feels natural to describe them that way, like, when Azuma says that it makes sense, but it's a little tricker than that and it's hard to explain without the full picture.
AND YEAH it's nice for the uni repartition. At least the bloodshed isn't spread there LMAO. AND HELPP. Chikage, assigned bunny immediately on first read. The curry alliance would be too strong if Izumi gets an ally. To follow.
CHIIIKAGEEEEE. "he's sooo normal he's totally faking it" is so funny, it's so true. Tbh i do feel like it's the thematic of Spring Adults like. Putting on a front so people Don't Ask Questions about you. Chikage just saw the patern and went :) sup :) god it's really so funny to me Chikage pretended he really liked the troupe only because he had tunel vision on Hisoka it's so much. his Coin CG looks sooooo good. and eheheh :) and YEAH CHIKAGE'S COMMENT ABOUT SAKUYA I FORGOT. No chill. BUT YEAH CITRON. THIS IS SO FUNNY. The chaos of Chikage saying batshit insane thing and Citron just nods in the back YOUR REACTION LMAO. the moment we all go "NOOO IZUMI YOU'RE SEEING IT WRONG"
oh boy so now. the Hisoka scene. God i was thinking about this scene so much the other day it still drives me insane. Maybe Hisoka would have guessed correctly yeah. And YEAH HOMARE JUST LIKE. "leave it to me, i know so much about you" is so soft. I wonder how Chikage might have felt like, man. This person really knows Hisoka uncomfortably well wtf. but yeah i love Hisoka's "ex-feral homecat behavior" who mellowed to everyone but will be warry of newcomers regardless and will just go into silence for it. all while Chikage is just. :))).
BUT YEAH CHIKAGE APPROACHING HIM. GOD THIS SCENE. I think that like, logically amnesia is easy to believe but emotionally, it must be very hard. Like, Chikage thought Hisoka was dead and facing that he's still alive while August isn't must have been a shock. Plus, personally i can't stop thinking about the fact that Chikage learnt he was alive from hearing about Mankai, Itaru probably passed fliers to Sympathy for the Angel in the office and Chikage probably just. fucking froze thinking he was seeing a ghost and was stalking them ever since. And then you think about Hisoka's roles in the plays and think about how Chikage might have interpreted them. Like, Hisoka's first role was one of an angel that was categoric about letting the person Tsumu's character loved die. He was all about keeping the balance on how if someone has to die, they have to die. The second play has Hisoka investigate a murder while being emotionally distant to it, and the third play has Hisoka play an immortal who, by definition, is surviving other people. and i think it's fair that, in grief, Chikage saw all of those as, oh, he's using his experience to mock what happened. I have more to say esp about MMMBM's play and the way Chikage might have reacted to it but. we'll come back to that later. But what i mean is that i think that, emotionally it was hard to process, Hisoka himself looked like he was handling himself fine, and hell, Hisoka loves his troupe and i think eventually it might have felt like it for Chikage too whichh could def feel like there's nothing wrong with Hisoka and he is really just, moving on.
BUT YEAH it's still. OOF. so mean esp since Hisoka JUST DOESNT KNOOWWW and he has been scared for so long about his past and Chikage basically came back and told him "you have good reasons to be scared of your past and now you'll suffer for it" is just. God. So fucked up. Chikage master at mishandling his grief.
Hisoka did talk about August and apologized when he was sick, clearly, survivor's guilt yes. god Hisoka is usually so distached from everything and nothing really affects him PERSONALLY, at best he worries for others people but everything else he manages to deal with on his own, but god. when Chikage starts to confront him he's so distressed and i feel so bad for him i want to hug him so bad.
me: loving liar characters and digging Chikage's deal from the start VS "if you're mean to Hisoka you will meet my sword" moment for the whole first chapter, so many emotions.
but YOU'RE SO RIGHT about the Inigo Montoya feels to that. And yeah, the flowers were def threats though, once you're done with Awakening Moon i'll share the meaning of them because it still drives me bonkers.
LMAO for yume nikki, the way things change our perspectives i swear. Hisoka's flashback god. it was so much. Sweet boy. Sweetheart. It's just. gnhhh. Everything about this part is so emotional and it's terrifying.
And yeah eheheh. Actually, if you get to see it, the chapter's icon for each of the troupe, in act 1 are colored fully with the troupe's collors: first spring is pink, first summer is yellow ect…. but, once you enter act 2 it's amazing how it's like. spring is pink with some blue. summer is yellow with some autumn. ect…. it's like, even graphicwise they tell you, the other troupe linked too closely to this rookie cannot be footnotes, they're also part of the main plot. and yeah that def sets up as Guy being also a Citron plot doesn't it :3c ehehe.
And yeah the kids. those kids. goodness. yeah. For the organisation i won' talk too much about it but yeah it's def not mafia/yakuza, to me it sounds also sounds like something international (see why Hisoka talks a perfect english) but, yeah. def sounds like a shady organization for sure who's exploiting children who have nowhere else to go. Which makes it pretty grim for Hisoka, but also for the implications for August and April since they were there even before Hisoka. Weep.
and guuhhh that exchange is just. god. holds hisoka in my arms. Hisoka's past being unveiled is so tragic like, you get why he forgot everything, it's ust so fucking miserable. Just suffering and surviving, all alone. AND THE GINGERBREAD YES. YES!!!! also how in the whole Christmas event, it was snowing outside and Hisoka kept zoning out looking at it. Just before the play, he was late backstage because he was completely captivated by the snow outside, and THEN Gingerbread on stage. I think the combo of the two triggered memories in Hisoka without him really registering it yet. It was a cold snowy night and he was offered gingerbread, and this was enough to connect the two. BUT YEAH it's funny they reeled him with a snack, it's really just. Wild kitty approach. And yeah Hisoka didn't change a bit, snacks are the way to his heart. But yes, exactly like you say. The fact it's because those sugarly snacks are delicacy, something he probably couldn't eat before when it was all for survival, so, he probably has those as comfort food on the literal sense of the term of how, it's the one thing that brought him salvation out of the street, it's the one thing that tastes like a home, so Hisoka indulges in sweet and sugar as much as he can. not just survival anymore. idk to me it recontextuatlize his marshmallow quirk from "manchild" to "this is literally the only thing he knows to consider as comfort". Esp considering early in Mankai he was refusing comforts like, a futon because he must be ready to sleep anywhere. It fits with the idea that he used to be homeless and probably had to get used to not be picky about where he fet to sleep. Marshmallows was the one thing he was always selfish about and now he's actually working on his comfort, but yeah, that really puts a lot in perspective on that regards. And yeah. a family…. they were a family. Whatever happened to August made Hisoka lose this family and now he has a new one though…
AND HELPP. I love Citron, he's so funny. god i love your reasoning on why Chikage is so good at everything. "of course this two faced bastard would know that". I LOVE how you can not trust anything that comes out of his mouth. Silly little liar man. Yuzo is so perspective, thank you my dude. And YEAH GOD THE INTERVIEW. So funny. Tsuzuru: can psychanalyse everyone in the company / Tsuzuru: oh no this guy lies so much i can't figure out what to do D:. AND HHELPPPPP being from the country that allows you to see through Chikage's bullshit, this is brilliant. He's really just out there, lying for fun.
And yeah man :( poor Hisoka i feel so much for him i want to hug him so bad. Chikage could have. like. actually communicated smh. but nooo. In Winter we trust.
Looking forward how hte Masumi's plot evolve and yeah it's nice Izumi finally has a curry ally. Might be sus as hell but he's also a curryhead so all crimes are forgiven. Oh Itaru. I guess it's also just that, Itaru learned to be himself with the Spring Troupe but now one of his coworker is there and it's a thin line on walking to like, reveal a side of himself he only revealed to those kids to one of the people he was the most likely to hide it from yaknow? Like suddenly feeling exposed and all. And i think that, like. The rest of the Spring Troupe knowing about his true self is fine as it is, even if Itaru didn't trust them, it's like. Who are they going to tell it to. But with Chikage, Itaru has to test first how much he can trust him and maybe be worried Chikage would talk about it at work. Might explain Itaru's uneasiness.
I'm totally okay receiving this everyday-ish, as u know, i'm a huge fan of reading your thoughts and of this specific chapter as it is, so i'll be thrilled. Can't wait to see more of your thoughts :3c
Take care eheheh
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mikobeautifulheart · 7 months
JJK MEN Pretending to be your boyfriend/saving you from creeps. PART 3
INCLUDING: Nanami and Toji
TW: Creeps that touch you. but donn' worry they don't get that far. Also like cursing once.
reblogs welcomedddddd
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You and Nanami worked at the same company in the same department under the same boss. One day you were left at the office finishing up a few more documents.
Nanami stood up from his desk.
"I'm going to get some documents, do you need any?"
"Oh uh, no, thank you though." You said. You knew Nanami was a hard and efficient worker but his nature was serious. However it seemed that you had made some sort of...connection? It was like a friendship but not exactly. It wasn't romantic either but it was close.
You finished one of the documents you had to do before going to the printer to pick up the copy before walking over to your bosses office to leave it on his desk.
"Oh helllloooo" your boss said as soon as you waled through the door.
You thought he was acting strange until you spotted the empty bottle of whiskey on his desk.
"Here are the documents you wanted" you said before placing them on his desk.
"I wouldn't say wanted. Hey how would you like a bonus?" he asked you.
You knew what he was implying, but you wouldn't do that for a few extra dollars or with your boss, you wouldn't even consider having sex for money regardless.
"No thank you- i'll be taking my leave now." you said, turning to walk out the door.
But your boss was one step ahead and moved fast enough to close the door before you could escape.
"Please open the door" you sighed in frustration\
"Now don't be so hasty now you can leave just after you do a little task for me-"
"Don't touch me" you said as he grabbed your wrist pulling you toward his desk.
"NO" you screamed in desperation.
Suddenly the door burst open. There he was, Nanami, there in the door way walking toward you freeing your hand from your drunk boss.
"Don't ever touch my girlfriend again." He said looking at your boss sending him furious death glares.
"Are you okay" he asked you.
You nodded looking up at him in relief.
He walked you out of the office and helped you into his car.
"I'll be right back, I need to get my bag."
Lets just say nobody ever saw your boss again.
You just quit being a sorcerer to escape from the miserable world of curses and murder. But you couldn't live off doing nothing, so why not take up a few odd jobs in your profession. You hated killing, people and curses so you only took up specific jobs, mainly spying and getting intel for bounty hunters and other organisations. You didn't mind your job but you always carried a small gun with you because your job was still dangerous, just incase you needed to fend for your life.
Tonight one of your long time clients, Toji, requested a meeting to arrange your next job. The meeting was casual at a bar where you two sat at the end of the counter on stools casually talking about the mission and requirements. While you were talking a loud drunk guy was behind you babbling on about your body. It was disgusting but you figured when the meeting was over you'd just leave and it would end there.
Your phone on the counter buzzed and you looked down to see a wealthy clients name. Toji looked to.
"Eh its okay, go answer it" he said while the bar tender put another drink infront of him.
You nodded and walked outside quickly before picking up.
Near the end of your call you heard the bar door open behind you and close.
"Understood, I can get the job done in 2 days. Yes. Yes. I'll get back to you when the job is done."
When you hung up you felt an unwelcomed hand squeeze your butt. You jumped with a squeak before tuning around to see the drunk guy who was talking about you before.
"What do you think your doing?" You said hands on your hips in anger.
"Comon' babyyyyy you should come home with me-" he said clearly drunk but still sober enough to pull out a gun on you.
You put your hands up slightly then slowly moved them down.
"Can we just talk about this, put the gun down and we can figure something out" your left hand slid down your leg to reach for the gun you had.
"Or you could just come with me and nobody gets hurt..." the man said, he pointed the gun upward and sneezed sending one bullet flying through the air. He points the gun back at you before he closes one of his eyes to aim at you.
A gun shot rang through the air and you squeezed your eyes closed bracing for the pain but instead his body hit the ground.
"No need to get your hands dirty doll" Toji said putting his gun down looking at you.
"I think..." you said
"HEY THAT BITCH SHOT HIM" A man yelled outside the bar looking at the man on the ground bleeding out.
"OH YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS" He yelled pointing his finger at you.
"That bitch is my girlfriend and I shot that damn pervert you idiot." Toji said staring at the man.
"And if you touch her, I wont be so forgiving" he said while making a gun sign with his hands and pretending to aim at the mans head.
"Bang." He said mockingly while laughing.
"Come on lemme' drive you home" He said putting his arm around your shoulder walking you to his car.
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AUTHORS NOTE: I'm making the next part with Sukuna and Choso. That's probably all I will write for this series unless you guys have any one else you want me to write it for. have a nice whenever <3
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moonlit-dreamers · 9 months
*sighs loudly* so i Was going to draw them but turns out my own design is too difficult for me to draw. but i'll be making this post anyway bc this au has been cooking for so long i might as well!
Featherless Flight AU
aka dca avian au where these fucks r BIRDS
(disclaimer this is a sun x moon au. it also deals with heavy themes such as child abuse, death, violence, and. ya know. wutever tws come with the apocalypse (also these will not be talked about in detail in this post))
nothing robotic in them. just feathers, blood, and bones. a lot of that stuff may be lost or break throughout their story! but lemme at least tell u wut they look like (without having my own drawings OTL (i only have a ref for their faces (which im not confident of)))
a quick note for both of their designs, they r both Fully Covered in feathers, including their arms and faces (yes they have arms And wings). the only places that dont have feathers is their lower legs and hands. they have anthropomorphic legs. and their face shape is also similar to a barn owl, as shown here (ignore the lack of mouths, idk wut to give them)
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suns design! he has the coloring and general design of a sun conure. hes full of bright reds and yellows, tho the green is replaced with a bit of blue. he has multiple crests around his head that fluff up similar to a cockatiel but theyre in a way that make it look like rays. in the drawing above is wut they look like without their crests raised; that is their default. suns feet r grasping feet which r 2 toes in the front and 2 in the back. sun has high speed wings so aes a lot faster. (if u dont know wut any of this means i recommend u look it up, im a bird nerd) sun is also specifically an omnivore (them having different diets is actually plot relevant)
moons design next. moon is the color of a hyacinth macaw tho his anatomy is closer to an owl. he has one large crest on his head like a cockatoo. its also colorblind! since its anatomy is based mainly off of owls, for moons ability to see at night means he can see less colors. and bc hes more sensitive at night his eyes r always half closed in light, making it look sleepy despite being fully awake. moon has raptor feet with 3 toes in the front and 1 in the back. xis claws r also much larger than suns. moon has passive soaring wings which is better for longer flights. and moon is a carnivore :)
theres also an eclipse but their design is an enigma to me even in my own mind
but back to sun and moon! if anyone is curious moon uses he/it/xe pronouns while sun uses he/it/ae pronouns. they r both aroace and love each other deeply (qpr babyyyyy). sun is genderfluid while moon doesnt give a shit (agender).
sun is more bubbly and energetic. very much high energy bouncing off the walls. hes the kind of optimist where u cant tell if their "bright side"s r trying to help or be condescending. its a master at back handed compliments. heavily a perfectionist and will reach the point of screaming fits if wut he doesnt isnt perfect. ae has a lot of self image issues. ae hides a lot of aers lack of self confidence and doubt behind a wall of "im the best", tho that wall can crash very easily. a bit of a flirt, but mainly bc he just enjoys seeing how ppl react. he takes compliments from everyone but moons compliments r always the best
moon is lower energy and calmer. at least, he acts like it. hes more reserved and if it wasnt for sun he wouldnt have any friends or talk to ppl at all. he fears abandonment and sun is the only person who has stayed with him this whole time and is the only person he truly trusts. is very aggressive towards anyone it doesnt know. despite being shorter than sun (hes 6ft while sun is 7ft) it definitely does a good job at intimidating ppl. over time when xe becomes comfortable with someone xe will eventually calm down and show a bit of a softer side to them. when xes actually calm and likes someone xe can be a bit... chaotic :)
im honestly not sure where ill start their story since ive already thought about their childhood but i also wanna write about their adulthood as well. the story of their childhood mainly deals with the abuse they went through, then with adulthood theyre shoved into an apocalypse bc... y not :) (btw the apocalypse is mainly just bc ive been enjoying apocalypse aus a Lot lately and wanna write one. the child abuse is for their development and to show y they act the way they do. while it will be fun to write their development, i am by no means saying abuse is okay and this topic will be treated carefully and seriously.)
oh theyre also nd as Fuck
but yeah. these r my babies! i hope to at some point start writing the fic so i can show it to u all, but im already in the process of writing another fic, which will be coming out soon!
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silviakundera · 9 months
silvia's drama watching queue for 2024: a somewhat random assortment of stuff that was rec'd and for some reason feels it might scratch an itch
in progress - started & I swear I'm gonna finish
* Empresses in the Palace - I'M DOING IT BABYYYYY. 9 episodes down. Yes, the emperor looks like your grandpa and so far has the personality of stale toast. But as long as I don't imagine him naked (no, grandpa, no! it's time for your nap!) then it has this vibe of those Masterpiece Theatre productions I watched as a preteen and I already am recognizing tons of famous tropes (some elements of Job of Imperial Concubine already 3x funnier). Also I appreciate a horror story with a high body count and we have 3 victims already 👌
* Derailment - Modern cdrama that I know is great. I'm 3 ep in, just gotta be in the right mood
* Legend of Fei - Wuxia; got distracted halfway through last year but love the 2 lead actors. Not their best work but still.
* Fireworks of my Heart - what if china did a modern Persuasion adaption but he's a fireman and she's a nurse, basically. kinda. idk man, it has those same vibes for me. I like both lead actors (yes I'm on the YY Can Act Sometimes, When He Feels Like It defense squad. fight me). I'm like 1/3 of the way thru, need to be in that melancholy romantic wallow mood. But mmm I do love second chance + pining.
* Secret Romantic Guesthouse - a wild kdrama appears! Historical drama about saving your inn from debtors by finding a missing royal & turning him over to be murdered. you know, just girlboss things. 💁 Some mystery, some romance. I like the FL. Not much slapstick humor or people screaming at each other so far, which will make me tap out. 4 episodes in and it's quite watchable. I'll probably finish.
not started
* The Left Ear because why not? teens being realistically messy 👌
* Go Ahead - so this may sound strange but I've been holding back on this one a long time, until my work hours were less insane & I can focus. Universally beloved, one of the top cdramas. I'll sink my teeth into this Modern in 2024.
* The Blessed Girl cause it sounds like my jam
* Fake It Till You Make It - modern romance that I've seen rave reviews for. Pretty confident I'll love it.
* Gone with the Rain cause dangermousie's posts seduced me. Costume drama.
* West out of Yeman/Parallel World - multi-verse modern with a lil sci fi? I love multiverse and time travel \o/
* Wonderland of Love - historical romance with generals and some court intrigue, a happy ending. On paper, my kind of stuff. But will I make it thru 40 ep depends on how much I vibe with the otp
Choice Husband (12 eps romantic comedy, then turns into blood and manipulation? sounds intriguing)
Moonlight - modern workplace drama, editor/author. Reviews are mixed but I have affection for how cdrama scriptwriters will obsessively research a topic in the style of an AO3 fic writer. I expect to learn more than I ever wanted to know about the toils of being an editor.
Marry My Husband - I don't watch many kdramas but I turn up for tropey reborn every time. If they deliver on the promise of a ridiculous but entertaining romance revenge then I'm there.
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I've been browsing the WoJ website, as one does, and realized just how excited Mr. Author seems to write Mirror Mirror Marcone, and now I'm very excited for that book too.
Do you have any theories about how that will go? Will Marcone be a good guy? 👀 Omg what if he went from the army to law enforcement. Imagine what that man could do in SI. ⚰️
YOU HONOR ME WITH THIS QUESTION HOLY SHIT (so very genuine; you are my beloved Dresden Files mutual) but bear with me because this is gonna be a long post. I have toooo many thoughts. God I'm sorry. /jov
BUT GOD. YOU HAVE HIT THE QUESTION I REPEATEDLY THEORIZE WITH MY PARTNERS. OUUUGH. There are SO many ways this could go I am gonna be SO very real and I love every single one of them bc it keeps my brain shoomvin'!
But considering WOJ has mentioned that this particular universe is ours but gone to shit MUCH quicker due to one of Harry's earlier decisions "Mirror universe Harry is different by one choice. One. And everything else just follows after that." WHICH MEANS. WHICH MEANS EVERYTHING STAYS THE SAME. UP TO THAT CHOICE. (I can't remember how early, so it could be a pre-books decision, or it could be a in-canon alternate decision) so Marcone depending on how early in the canon it is, I see a couple different options!!
NOW OBVIOUUUSLY. There are an ABSURDDDD Number of choices Harry coulda done EXTREEEEMELY DIFFERENT!!!! However. one that comes to mind-- at least if he's talking early series!! and from the sounds of it, he is, because he says everything goes to shit a lot fucking faster than our timeline-- is in Fool Moon.
Marcone gives Harry a choice in the Fool Moon garage; sign on and become an employee of his, or die by the people he's trying to protect Harry from. Marcone ALSO gives Harry the choice to stay off the case in Book 1.
Now Jim has said he's very excited to write Marcone; so I imagine he's not fucking dead but. What if this series of events leads him to Nicodemus instead of Monoc? What if he becomes a knight of the Denarius THAT FUCKIN EARLY so he could better protect Chicago?; ESPCIALLY SINCE HARRY HASN'T KINDA LED HIM THROUGH TRIAL BY FIRE AND SAVED HIS ASS ON MULTIPLE OCCASIONS (as does Marcone vice versa).
But if Fool Moon has the changing point, then we've got a different route; Harry working for Marcone. That now begs the question of-- Would that have made everything gone to shit that much faster??????? Maybe !! As a consultant for Marcone? And telling him all the BULLSHIT that the White Council does? That the Red Court is doing? In his city?? Our evil Harry might be Marcone's enforcer-- as Mister Jimothy mentions, "If [Harry] was Lawful Evil I’m pretty sure he’d be Marcone’s enforcer."
Or might have been, at one point, in this particular universe. Either way, a very DELIGHTFUL choice of thought, but probably not where Mister Butcher is gonna take it.
Option 2; Marcone is FBI/Special Investigations -- LAW ENFORCEMENT TIME BABYYYYY!!! LAWFUL EVIL MAN STILL ON HIS LAWFUL ACT BUT THIS TIME IN THE MORE LITERAL SENSE! (/very jovial) I see this one happening if it's a complete Star Trek Mirror Mirror moment; he's still a powerhouse, he's still an ice-cold mf, but he's more of a deadly serious Fox Mulder, especially if the same event took place that made Marcone-- well-- Marcone! I'd see him being the same type of character, but more on the ground this time around; like he was in White Knight type beat; manpower and in-the-know folks taking down monsters to protect the citizens. Maybe he'll be giving our Harry a helping hand!! Especially if Harry is being framed for, you know, MURDER, as it's being told to us. Maybe we'll be having a soul-gaze, and because (I PRESUME) this universe's duo has already shared a soul-gaze it's a "Oh. Yeah no you're not lying. What. The fuck. Okay." OR, he's one of our main obstacles! BOTH ! AND!!!! Considering that Mister Butcher mentioned that we'll maybe be seeing something related to Marcone's capital n Name in this book... Definitely a possibility.
Option 3; He's literally just a guy! -- Less likely of the options? Yes. Still an interesting thought experiment? Also yes! This is ALSO based on this specific WOJ;
Q: I read the short story from Marcone’s point of view, “Even Hand,” and I noticed that John Marcone is not his real name. Is that going to be significant? Sure is if somebody tries to cast a spell at him using the name “John Marcone”! That’ll be a big deal. But we’ll have to see how that works out. Actually, the character that’s really interesting is the Mirror Mirror universe Marcone, and we’ll get to him in a few books.
Maybe! He's not John Marcone! Or, more accurately, he's the Marcone we see in Helen Beckitt's vision! Maybe he's still that charming motorcyclist who works for the mob! Probably VERY aware of word on the streets about Harry, and in Mirror Mirror, we'll see him go "huh. what the fuck." about our Harry! because THAT'S not the guy everyone dreads! This is a fucking goober! Powerful goober-- but tall, lanky ass, goober! Built his own paranet perhaps, due to the fact that Harry is not a "good" man in this universe.
I very honestly don't know, there's so many variations of these, ever so slight changes, and I am CHOMPING on my theorizing bit.
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akaiitori · 8 months
Attack Dog - Rendering Breakdown
OK here's an attempt at explaining how I go with illustrations. This isn't necessarily an 'effective' way to paint, but rather it's a process to maximize my personal enjoyment. I encourage you to do the same! Find those steps you have the most fun with, and exploit the hell out of them.
For this post, I'll be going step-by-step for this illustration
1- Sketching
A Mess. I don't like making lineart unless I'm super in the mood for it. In this case, I couldn't be bothered to spend a lot of time in the sketch. I often use 3D models as a base for paintings because, if I'm making a painting I only want to paint, not to stress out on anatomy.
2- Blocking values
I only start painting with colour if I'm certain about what I want to do. In this case, I wasn't. When it comes to visual information, values (light and shadow) are more important than colour, so it's easier to block those out first than trying to improve the values in an already coloured piece.
This is a very insightful video if you want to see if a greyscale-first process could be useful for you. Marco Bucci's content in general is a treasure.
Here's a link to the head model used for light reference
3- Paintinggg hell yeah babyyyyy
Not much to say here except, look at a lot of reference. I only limit my canvas to one or two reference pics to not get it super crowded, but I'll always have more pictures open on my browser, tablet, etc.
There's this little app you can use to compile reference pics. I don't use it because the act of opening it is too much work for me but, it's a neat tool.
The main brushes I use for rendering are the following:
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Regular round brush with pen-pressure opacity.
Custom triangle brush. It's just a triangle with some texture layered on.
Clip Studio Paint's textured paint. Unmodified.
Custom square brush. Same as the triangle, but it's a square.
Clip Studio Paint's gouache brush. Unmodified. Good for blending.
"Fur block-in" from this pack. Excellent for blocking in feathers.
"triple line" from this pack. Very good for adding texture.
You don't need this many brushes, but I like the variety to keep things interesting. I'd say that only #1, #2 and #7 are essential to me.
A quick trick I used for the muzzle was to make the wires with a white brush, on a layer with border effect.
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I considered explaining how to shade feathers here but, it was making this post a little too long. Even more than it already is. But, let me know if a guide on drawing feathers is something you'd be interested in seeing!
4- Colours
For this one I kept it simple. I liked the values and I wanted to have a very stark contrast with the red blood. I made some quick tests with gradient maps trying out different palettes, using gradient maps and overlay layers.
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While I enjoyed #1, at the end I went with #5 as it worked better narratively. The clinical white and silvery shadows give a stoic indifference to the blood, which fits with Blackbird's character.
The muzzle and situation on itself aren't a canon event happening, so it also felt more fitting to keep a more stylized 'colouring' rather than actually putting in the character's colours and scene. For this colouring, I only used a single gradient map, but it's not rare if I end up using several, placing masks for areas of different colours.
When it comes to colouring greyscales in character colours I follow a different process, for which I'll use another illustration as an example.
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(this is Loketh, he belongs to my partner)
So, for this drawing I also started with a grayscale, but started adding colour in much earlier.
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1- Black and white base render
2- New layer with a flat colour, put it on overlay. This will serve as a base for colouring, kinda like glazing on a canvas for a traditional painting
3- Adding character colours, in a new layer on overlay mode. You can do this in a single layer, or make new layers for each new colour. Just keep it loose, no need to add all detail yet.
4- Colouring the shadows. I used a gradient map adjustement layer, set to overlay. Made the lights green, and the shadows purple.
5- Flatten and paint! Now this is the step to add all intricate colour details missing from step 3.
5- Post-Processing
This is a term more used in 3D renders, where it refers to colour corrections and final tweaks. Things like adding depth of field, motion blur, vignette, any final filter.
For almost all my art I'll add a grainy noise layer and chromatic aberration, I just think it looks neat. You can also add paper textures or flat colours on top of you image and set that layer to overlay, it helps to tie everything together.
I hope this was useful, and remember to just have fun with it :)
Further reading:
Marco Bucci's youtube account
Jason Rainville's blog with breakdowns of his illustrations
Sinix Design's video on colouring skin
Anatomy For Sculptor's 3D models for muscle reference (cw nudity)
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ieatyourbeauty · 1 year
**Enemies with Benefits part 4**
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(breedin kink, P in V sesuals)
Recap: so Soap and Spider are Enemies with benefits after a drunken night of fucking they make a deal to continue this partnership Soap and Her have been catching feelings with each other oh and Ghost found out accidently womp womp. So what happens when Soap's ex messes up his mood and its up to Spider to get his mind off things.
part 1
part 2
part 3
funny Ghost and Spider
Soap is blue
Spider is purple
and if you see yellow dats me
(lets skip a week shall we? )
Spider had noticed that Soap was an even worse mood than before, she wonders if she did something wrong then one of the soldiers says his ex is coming back since she's engaged to another soldier.
Spider: really?
Soldier 1: yeah I think her name was ...Tanya? Taylo? it was a T name.
Soldier 2: yeah heard the dude went on a awful mission one time he came home she was fucking someone else in their bed bro.
Spider: yikes.....that's awful he's a nice guy I don't get why someone would do that.
Soldier: I thought you hated him spider
Spider: I ..don't... its complicated I don't hate him we just get on each others nerves sometimes.
Soldier 2: oh yeah I've been hearing you guys get all up in each others nerves at night.
Spider: jesus christ! did ghost tell everyone!
Soldier 2: I never talked to ghost.
Spider: god fuck yall.
Both the soldiers start chuckling and spider rolls her eyes, she now knew the reason why Soap was acting so weird with everyone including her why didn't he talked to her she thought about it a plan had hatched in her head she just hoped it would go well.
(lets turn the lights off its night time babyyyyy.)
Spider walked around the hallway at night in her shorts and soaps t-shirt (that she said she would give back but never did lol) cause she couldn't sleep because she hasn't seen soap all day he had been distant with her everyone else was knocked out, she had heard a noise in the mess hall kitchen she was curious and entered the mess hall following the noise further and going to the kitchen area she found Soap drunk on his ass trying to make some food along with the bottle of booze he had on the table. she finally said something snapping him out of it.
Spider: hey Soap..(oh shit hes sauced up more than usual)
Soap: Eugh.. What? oh Spider its you.
He said, clearly annoyed, she walked towards him he made a mess out of the kitchen whoever had mess hall duty was certainly not gonna be happy tomorrow, Spider muttered under her breath.
Spider:....I guess were going by our call names again.
Soap: huh...what was that?
Spider: huh?...nothing...I heard your ex is back.
Soap had given her a irritated glare, Spider was determined that this plan as stupid as it is was gonna work, she just had to piss him off enough for it to work. She took a deep breath and opened her mouth lord help her.
Spider: you getting drunk cause your ex is here with a new man? Didn't she cheat on you when u went on missions some of those you almost fucking died? Hell from what I heard you caught her fucking someone else in your bed why do you care about her this much? Soap!
Soap was taken aback by the comments, His rage was very noticeable, He was clearly not in the right mental state.. he stormed over to Spider, lifting her by her hips and putting her on the kitchen table, before he got in her face.
Soap: Don't. Speak. Of. Her. Understand, princess?
He snarled, before backing off, and letting her go, He took a long drink of the alcohol sitting it on the counter beside her, he stood across from her with his head down, looking at nothing in particular. Spider blushed from his force but she takes a breath to calm down but she grabs the bottle taking a drink out of it burning her throat she coughs and looks at Soap with a determined look.
Spider: come here soap.
Soap: What?
He asked, he wasn't happy with this, It's almost like what he really wanted was to break someone's nose, or kill someone, The man was clearly not in a good state,
Spider: now Soap!
she demanded Soap walked towards her going standing between her legs his hands on her thighs him breathing heavily she looks up at him and she caresses his cheek her face being stern turned to concern.
Spider: just....listen to me please?
He took a deep breath, his shaking was clear.. It seems like what was needed was for someone to be in charge.. And she seemed to fit that role just fine.. He nodded slightly, waiting for her to continue.. To do what it was that she wanted to do.
Spider: I can make you forget about her.....use me to forget about her Soap.
Spider blushed saying this not ever being this forward but she hated seeing him like this. Soap looked at her slightly blushing, He nodded slightly, and moved his hands a little further up her legs, Spider already feeling a heat at her core. He still didn't say a word, and was just trying to relax, He did not want to do anything violent.. His mind was in a place that it normally wasn't.. But if this was what it took.. To take away what was going on in his head for now. Then he was up for it, Spider Kisses him softly on the lips, if using her body would calm him down she would do it over and over. After a little while, Soap eventually got lost in the kiss, His hands went up her back as he pushed himself against her.. He was slowly forgetting about what has happened, But still not completely.. He pulled away for a moment, just so he could speak
Soap: are you sure?
Spider: shut up...it's fine if it's you...only you.
There wasn't an ounce of hesitation as he kissed her back more passionately, The tension between them was very clear as he put one hand on her waist and another between her legs teasing her clothed pussy already feeling how wet she was Soap smiled into the kiss. Spider moaning softly she kissed his neck and whispered in his ear.
Spider: not here....bedroom...your room..
Soap shivered slightly, He nodded, And quickly followed her into his bedroom, Not wasting a second more for some small talk. they were quick to take off their clothes Soap sitting behind Spider her legs spread he's teasing spider's pussy with his fingers her whimpering and moaning while her juices dripped down her leg his fingers wet with her he loved her voice, he whispered in her ear.
Soap: I love your voice....so quiet so cute all for me.
Spider: f-fuck it fe-feels so good soap.
Soap took his fingers out of her wet cunt, her eyes wet from overstimulation she was panting.
Soap: open your mouth I want you to taste how good you are.
Spider did as she was told opening her mouth he stuck his two fingers in her mouth she licked and sucked on his fingers tasting herself on his fingers.
Soap: good girl that's my fucking good girl.
Spider: lay down....i want to make you feel good too....lay down please
Soap: of course my pretty girl.
Soap laid on the bed his dick was fully erect with precum glistening on the tip, Spider looked feral at it she touches it softly licking the tip before going on the length of his dick with her tongue she was lost in her lust she heard soaps soft moans she moaned when she deepthroated his cock earning a loud groan from him, she looked at him gripping the sheets his eyes rolling to the back on his head she bob's her head up and down on his shaft gagging on his dick she finally gives herself time to breathe she hears his whimpers which sound so cute to her. Spider uses her hand to jerk him off lubricating him with the spit she used he was panting like a horny dog she smiled.
Spider: no no your not...allowed...dont waste your cum I want every single drop inside me soap.
Soap was taken by surprise by the sudden command, as his breath hitched, as his hands tightened.. he looked at her for a moment, trying to process what she'd asked him, before he shook his head in agreement.
Soap: Yes ma'am..
Spider straddled him aligning his prepped dick to her waiting wet cunt she eased on it earning a gasp from her and a groan of pleasure from Soap.
Spider: it's too big...ahh I feel every bit of you inside me s-soap.
Soap: God your fucking gorgeous Josey.
happy tears came from her eyes as she was riding him her called her name again not spider ...Josey.... just something about him calling her name sent her over the edge her movements were fast bouncing on his fat cock she laied her chest onto his still riding him she felt his hands cup on her ass and he started to thrust up her cunt at a rapid pace earning a loud moan from Spider.
Soap: thats right Josey cum make a big mess on my cock I'm close too.
Spider: y-yes yes yesss
Her pussy squeezed around Soap's cock tight her mind melted by the pleasure after that he painted her walls white with his cum. Both of them panting and sweaty, she got off of him and laid beside him while they both catching their breath.
Spider: .....so....another.. round?
Soap was speechless, as he caught his breath.. that had been a really wild first bout.. He laid there for a few seconds, trying to gather some words.
Soap: Y-Yeah.. another round.
he panted, as he sat up, and started to kiss you.
Soap: Definitely.. another.. round...
but now this time, he knew, that he'd be the one to take control. He grabbed his belt from the floor he demanded her attention.
Soap: arms behind your back..now.
Spider put her arms behind her back as Soap tied her wrists up with his belt she laid on her belly. He smacked her thighs so she would spread her legs, teasing her cunt slapping it with his dick.
Soap: all fuckin tied up for me
Spider: god ur a fucking tease Soap.
Soap: and you enjoy it.
His cock enter inside her aching cunt slowly he took his arm and put Spider in a headlock kissing her cheek and whispering dirty words in her ear, while he thrusted inside of her hard and slow every move of his hips earning her moans getting him going.
Soap: you're such a pretty slut for me Josey...say it your my own personal stress relief....say it
Spider: i-I'm your fuck toy.....I'm your stre-ss relief...S-soap...so fucking big....
Soap: thats my girl ....my pretty fuck toy you can take more of me cant you?
His thrusts became faster her cunt getting tighter around Soap's cock as she bites his arm from the pleasure she's feeling inside he smiles.
Soap: so cute when you fight your pleasure, that just makes me want to go faster.
He said, Not taking an ounce of the force off his movements, in fact he goes faster like he said making her mind going blank its like he's trying to get her pregnant hes going so deep inside her she tries to remember if she took her birth control....though lets be serious their kids would be pretty cute, Their minds must have linked cause Soap thought what she would look like round and pregnant with his kid her big tits filled with milk he wouldn't mind lil Soap's running around he thought it would be fun...at least with her.
Soap: I'm gonna fuck a baby into you.....J-josey would you like that?
Spider: n-n-o yess fu-fucking breed me!
he chuckled when she screamed that he could tell she was getting close to orgasm as he.
Soap: as you wish princess.
Soap smiled taking her out of the headlock and using his hand to hold her head so he could kiss her deeply all the strength and I dare say love he had..
Soap: I.. Love.. You..
Spider.....(did he really say that?)
They climaxed together he came inside her pussy so much that it was leaking out of her mixing with her pussy juices, they were breathing heavily, tears in her eyes from cumming both of them panting like they were animals mating. (cause they are lol)
He got off of her undoing the belt from her wrist. she sat up on the bed Soap pulled her back on his chest one playing with a tit teasing her nipple and the other hand holding hers.
Soap: Are you okay?
He said, In a soft.. almost affectionate tone, she smiled and nodded her head confirming she was fine...she will be sore tomorrow but thats fine. She joked around with him.
Spider: y-yes I'm fine...geez with how much you came in me Im starting to suspect you want me pregnant with your kid.
Soap: And even if I did? Isnt that what marriage is for.
Soap was joking, He knew that neither of them were ready for that.. But he still liked to tease her, But he had to make sure it was obvious that he was only joking. She was joking but ...she imagined him being a dad to her kids she blushed maybe one day she thought and put a hand on her stomach while holding his hand.
Spider: I think you would be a good dad one day.
Spider could not believe she said that aloud also Soap's face got really red at that thought, Soap laughed a little bit, When he noticed her hand on her stomach, He looked at her a smirk growing on his face.
Soap: What if you're pregnant now, eh?.. I mean.. We are not protected...
Spider: I'm on birth control dum dum.
Soap: oh.. Of course.. You had me scared for a second..
Spider: did my plan work....did you forget about your ex?
Soap: Who? ....oh her....maybe I need a little more convincing
Spider smiled as he kissed her neck giving her love bites that will probably show up tomorrow they laid down spooning, Soap put his cock back inside her pussy she whimpered her cunt still sensitive and pink from the pounding it took they were both falling asleep.
Soap: such a good fit for me....lets stay like this for tonight.
Spider: feels good..feels full...good night Soap....
Soap saw her falling asleep she looked cute like this he thought so peaceful between his arms, he started to fall asleep as well.
Soap: good night Josey....
The sun was just starting to peek above the horizon, Spider and Soap were both still in a state of undress, as they both lay down next to each other on the bed, His arm rested over her body A loud Knock could be heard, And an even louder voice..
It was the voice of his ex..
(and that's where I'm ending it for now holy shit I'm tired I need to still do editing and a bunch of other shit.)
Soldier who unfortunately had mess hall duty: WHO THE FUCK FUCKED UP THIS KITCHEN LIKE THIS GOOD GOD
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etherealzx · 2 years
Aaand it's me part 2 ahaha
Okayokay so maybe an nsfw for la squadra where the reader just keeps teasing them all day, and so when they get home y'know, a classic ajsjsj (and I would love if reader and the la squadra members are already in an eatabilished relationship by the way) thank you so so much :)
i'm living for the la squadra thirst 😍 i'm thirsty for all of them
also sorry that some of these are longer than others oops
Teasing Them (La Squadra x Fem!Reader)NSFW!
warnings: nsfw and sexual content below the cut!
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☆ Risotto ☆
You had been getting on his last nerve all day. Even despite his calm and collected demeanor, you could tell he was starting to get annoyed
All day while the two of you had been out running errands, you had been teasing him. You had been doing everything you could to get him worked up, rubbing circles in his thigh, bending down to pick things up in front of him, and making suggestive comments
He's not stupid, he knew exactly what you were trying to do. Right now he may be acting nonchalant, but he had your whole punishment planned out for when you got home
As soon as you walked in the door of the base and shut it behind you, he grabbed your throat and slammed you against the door
"You've been teasing me all day, puttana. Don't think I didn't notice. I'm gonna give you exactly what you've been begging for all day. On your knees, now." He growled, making the heat pool between your legs
He fucks your face hard, with the force of all the pent up aggression that had been building up all day
He loves to see your tears rolling down your cheeks and hear you gagging on his cock. To him, it's the perfect punishment for teasing him all day
☆ Prosciutto ☆
You were driving him insane. All he wanted was for you to be patient while he tried to get some work done, and you couldn't even do that.
He had been sitting at his desk in his office, trying to work on some paperwork for Risotto, until you decided to come in and interrupt
Normally he didn't mind if you sat in the room quietly while he worked. He actually enjoyed the company. But today was different. You had walked in the office wearing some very skimpy lounge shorts, trying to distract him
You had been leaning all over his desk and giving him those puppy-dog eyes, and although he usually found the sight adorable, right now it was getting on his nerves. He had very important work to do!
"Tesoro, what have I told you about bothering me while I'm working?" he says gently, yet sternly.
"Babyyyyy, can't you just take a break real quick?" You whine, making him even more irritated
"On your knees. Now." He growls, pointing underneath his desk. You quickly follow his instructions
"Damn slut. Can't even wait for me to be done with my work. Now you're gonna stay down there with my cock in your mouth until I'm finished." He spat while he unzipped his trousers and pulled out his already hard cock
He warns you not to touch yourself while you suck him off either, or else you're really gonna get punished
He keeps you down there for at least an hour before he's done
He's a man of his word, and you learn that pretty quickly
☆ Formaggio ☆
The two of you were on a mission together, hunting down a stand user from a rival gang
Since you had been spying on this person, it was critical that you stay quiet and not be seen
You knew the mission was serious, but your boyfriend just looked so good today. I mean he always looked good, but today there was just something different
You couldn't help yourself from touching him any chance you got. Grabbing onto his arm, climbing into his lap, and running your hands all over his chest
"Babe, what's gotten into you today?" He asked when you gave a particularly intimate kiss to his neck
Normally he would love you acting like this, but right now just wasn't the time. You two were on important business, it was no time to be messing around. Not to mention, the two of you had already been warned by Risotto about being too distracted when you went on missions together.
"y/n, baby, I love you but this is gonna have to wait till later. We could seriously get killed if we're not careful here." He said sternly.
You knew he was right but you still couldn't help yourself, continuing your comments and touches
You could tell he was getting irritated
"Babe, I told you to wait. This is important," He said, grabbing your wrist tightly.
He was getting so annoyed because you were really turning him on. He wanted to finish the mission successfully and make it back with a good report to his capo, and you were making it so hard for him
Eventually, he couldn't take it anymore and snapped
His grip on your wrist tightened, and he dragged you into an alleyway
"You wanna act like a slut? Then you'll get treated like one." He picks you up and slams your back against the brick wall
He moves your panties to the side, and fucks you hard, taking out all of the day's frustrations out on you.
"I better not hear a single peep out of you." He growls, slapping his hand over your mouth to silence your pitiful moans and whimpers while he fucks you
☆ Ghiaccio ☆
He hated when you got all needy like this
Well, he secretly liked it, but it got on his nerves when you acted like this around the other la squadra members
You had all been in the main lounge-area of the base, watching a movie together
You were, of course, sitting with your boyfriend, Ghiaccio. The two of you had one of the small couches to yourself, and were cuddled up under a blanket as you watched the movie
However, you weren't really interested in the movie. You were much more interested in your blue-haired boyfriend sitting next to you
He was watching the movie intently, clearly interested in the plot
You decided it might be fun to tease him a little bit
You started to rub on his thigh with your hand under the blanket, moving teasingly close to his dick
He turned to you and angrily whispered "What the fuck are you doing, troia?"
You played dumb, cocking your head sideways and saying "Hm? What do you mean?"
This pissed him off worse. "You know what you're doing. Quit." He spat
You could feel his dick already getting hard in his pants, which fired you up even more
His face was turning bright red, and his brow was furrowed in frustration
"I'm going to my room, your ass better meet me in there in less than 5 minutes." He growled, excusing himself from the others and going to his room
You waited a few minutes to follow him, not wanting to raise suspicion from the others
Once you get inside the room, he slams the door shut, pressing you against the doorframe
He grabs you by the wrist and throws you down on his bed
"You wanna act like a slut? Fine. You're gonna get used like one." He hissed. He grabs your pants and rips them right off of you, along with your underwear
Normally he would take time to prepare you, but right now all he can focus on is punishing you. How dare you try to embarrass him in front of the others like that???
He shoves his cock in you forcefully, completely using you to take out his frustrations, yelling insults in your face as he fucks you
☆ Illuso ☆
You had been clinging onto him all day, and he normally found it kind of cute, but today it was driving him nuts
He was already aggravated by a mission from the day before that went horribly. He had let his target get away, and failed to kill them like Risotto had ordered. He was furious at himself for making such a major mistake.
You had been trying your hardest to cheer him up, clinging to his side and giving him words of encouragement
Unbeknownst to you, however, this was only making his frustrations grow. He hated how you were all over him, trying to comfort him like he was a child.
He's definitely the type to want alone time when he's angry. He has to take time to sulk by himself in the mirror world and process his emotions.
So when you just won't leave him alone, it makes him angry. He feels like you're feeling pity towards him, and that's the last thing he wants
"Illuso, baby, why don't I make you some tea? You've had a rough day and--" You were cut off mid-sentence by him standing up abruptly and grabbing you by the wrist
"Y/n, I appreciate you trying to make me feel better. But please stop treating me like a child. I'm perfectly capable of handing this myself." He growled, making you tremble in fear
"I'm sorry, Illuso," you whimper, "I just wanna make you feel good after yesterday..."
"If you really wanna make me feel better," He says, "Then get on your knees and get to work." He has the most shit-eating, cocky smirk on his face while he says it
Fucks your face with the force of all of his built up anger
Cusses under his breath while he uses your throat, hands in your hair
Loves to see your tears and drool running down your face
It really does help him blow off some steam. Maybe he should use you like this more often!
☆ Melone ☆
Honestly, it takes a lot for you to make Melone angry or upset with you. He worships the very ground you walk on, and thinks you can do no wrong
However this particular night, you were making him insanely jealous, and in turn, angry as hell
Risotto had decided to have a little party at the base for team bonding, and to celebrate another successful mission
You had been having fun, having a few a lot of drinks and talking with your teammates
This isn't how Melone saw it though, as he sat on the couch and watched you. He saw it as you flirting with them, and them trying to get in your pants. He knows how men can be, and his teammates are no exception.
He couldn't stand it. The way you were leaning into them as you talked, smiling innocently and laughing at their stupid jokes. What the hell was so funny? Why were you having such a good time with them? (Granted, he also had a bit too much to drink, which was making him angrier and much more possessive than usual)
He got up off the leather couch, making his way over to you. He grabbed you by your wrist without a word, guiding you towards the bathroom.
He turned to his confused teammates before saying "Please excuse us for just a moment." In a snarky tone
"Melone? What's gotten into yo-" The bathroom door had barely shut behind the two of you and his lips were already slammed into yours
"Shut up. I see how you laugh with them. They all just want to get in your pants, can't you see that? They don't love you like I do," He snarled, making his way down to your neck and biting down hard
You yelped in surprise at the feeling. "What are you doing??"
"Im leaving my mark on you. I want them to know who you belong to," He growled, continuing to attack your neck
You'd be lying if you said you didn't find it extremely hot when he was jealous and angry like this
He slides your skirt down your legs, thrusting his hand down into your panties. He rubbed slow circles around your clit, making you moan in pleasure. You quickly tried to silence yourself to prevent the others from hearing
"Let it out, dolcezza. Let them know you're all mine. I want them to know exacltly what I'm doing to you in here."
He took his hand out and pulled your panties down around your ankles. He took out his hard cock and lined it up with your entrance, slamming into you, making you howl in pleasure as he fucks you senseless against the bathroom door
You know that all your teammates can hear everything, but in this moment, you can't even be bothered to care
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ivyithink · 16 days
oh my gosh i neeeed to here more about your thoughts behind the reversed ages AU art!!! i love it & am very intrigued
First of all, thank you so much, I’m so happy you like it!! Also, no idea if you’re the same anon who have already once gotten a whole little essay about this self-indulgent little au of mine, but just in case: there are quite a few of my thoughts about it on this ask (and in the tags), in case you’re curious/haven’t come across it/I mention some of them here in passing!
Now, about/around that last piece in particular!
- my pose doodles inspired it, like I said, kinda giving shape to the idea (that I vaguely had before) of louis being the first one to develop a crush in this au, unlike the canon
- they’ve been friends for some time by that point + louis is the reason for lestat’s turning, claudia didn’t want him
- after lestat’s turning they are practically joined at the hip, though not without some fights, especially in the beginning
- lestat doesn’t notice being crushed on by his bestie because 1. he has a lot going on right now/generally quite self-centered + he’s a teenager/very young adult c’mon; 2. louis’ actually pretty good at all that repression business, that’s going nowhere, unfortunately
- claudia notices immediately, smokes a pack of cigarettes and rage-fills half of her latest diary with curses and complaints
- lestat actually loves louis a whole fucking lot too, obviously, just not like that atm; considering their circumstances, he sees louis as a permanent fixture in his immortal life (same as claudia, though he’s much less happy about that), and so doesn’t really have any reason to think too much about the intricacies of their relationship
- louis doesn’t act on his feelings (internalized homophobia babyyyyy), and it all gets so so sooooo much messier when he starts fooling around with jonah eventually, and lestat truly falls in love for the first time with nicky (because again, I definitely wanna keep this bit of storyline, it’s too good, The Drama, the feelings)
Mmmmm, enough for now, me thinks. Here, have a doodle as a reward for reading all of that!
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Translation from Ukrainian!
Claudia (out of frame): LESTAT. Why did I hear about two vanished priests again?
Lestat: What, is it my fault that they fit all your criteria perfectly?
C: … I will lock you in your coffin and drown you in the swamp.
L: Yeah, right.
Mental conversation between the lads:
Lou: Just promise her this is the last time.
Les: This is 100% not the last time.
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cupidspup · 1 year
Take A Break Pt. 2/2
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A/N: This part of the concept thing leaves off of the last part so if you haven't read the last one the beginning of this one may be a little confusing at the beginning :p -Puppy
Prompt: You and your caregiver take the day to spend together [heart] In this part you really start to get in touch with your little roots!
 C/W: parental type names (daddy/dada/mama/mommy/baba ect.)I'm going to try and switch up the names for the sake of being a little more inclusive! 
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You start to finish up your apple snack, savoring the cute shapes and a little sad that you won't be able to take them in much anymore. Your caregiver apparently notices this and ruffles your hair. "Don't worry sweetheart, I can cut up some more fruit for you another time if you'd like." They give you a warm smile and you can't help but light up at them. You just love your caregiver so much you can't help it! "Hehe thankie papa!" You smile wide at your caregiver and they grab the last apple slice. 
 "Open wide, little one!" they say with a loving voice. You squirm happily and allow them to feed you the snack, your chest pings as you feel yourself regress even further. "There's my good boy/girl/baby. Now, let me go and wash this plate while you go get your stuffies hm? I bet they're dying to get some playtime with you sweetheart!" You nod happily in agreement and run off to get your favorite stuffies. It doesn't matter how many or if you make a mess. Right now is your time and messes can always be cleaned up later. As you run back to the room your caregiver calls out to you. 
“So, little one, what are we doing with your little friends today?” they say as you set up your plushies one after the other. As you make your plushies sit up in a circle you think of a scene for you both to act out with them. It is a very important job after all. How can you play with your caregiver if there’s no story? Finally you settle on a oldie but a goodie.
 "Oh babyyyyy! Hurry back soon I'm gonna put your cartoons on!" right when they finish calling for you, you're already at the entrance of the living room ready with all of your little friends. "M ready mama! Can we watch [insert cartoon that you like here]?" Your caregiver chuckles and pretends to think for a moment. "I dunno cutie, someone didn't use their manners when they asked. Can you?” You giggle in response, the teasing already giving you butterflies. “Babaaaaa!! Pleeeeease can we watch it?” You bury your face into the stuffies in your arms, the teasing overwhelming yet perfect. “Good job sweetheart! Using their manners so nicely for me!” They quickly switch the channel to the show of your choosing and sit on the floor with you. 
“We gonna play house! N dis one,” you point to your favorite stuffie in the circle, “is the mommy! N dis one is the daddy! N dis one n dis one n dis one are da babies N-” as you ramble and assign roles to your stuffies your caregiver sits and listens. Your caregiver always loved it when you spoke. Hearing you ramble about just anything makes your caregivers heart swell up with joy. Nothing makes them happier than seeing you so deep in your regression and so comfortable to be yourself. Just as you finish assigning roles you give your caregiver their respective stuffie. “Here you take dis one! You’re gonna play this one n m gonna play dis one okie?”. Your caregiver smiles and nods in response, getting into character as they play with you.
Playing with your caregiver is something you’ve always enjoyed. Even though you were shy about it at first it was still fun to do! Sure it took some time but a the end of the day, there’s no one else you’d rather have as your playmate than your caregiver. And they felt so, so honored that you’d choose them as a playmate. Getting to play with you and fulfil your playfulness is one of the things they loved most about being your caregiver. Seeing you become so carefree and happy is what made all of the work worth it. As you both play out the scene, your caregiver makes sure to be interactive with you. Leaving not a second of silence or awkward pauses for you. They understand that in order for you two to play without any trouble is for them to reciprocate your playfulness! Playing is never boring or embarrassing with your caregiver around. Your caregiver melts from your cuteness as you play. Your favorite thing about playing with your stuffies is when your caregiver makes silly and cute voices for your little friends! You love the personalities that they do it makes everything much more fun! Soon enough you start to get tired of playing with your fluffy friends and little yawns start to escape from you. Today has taken more energy out of you more than you thought.
“Hey baby boy/girl, is someone getting tired?” Your caregiver says as you start to slow down with your playing. Your cheeks start to heat up at the mention and you start to pout a little.
“Nu-uh! M not sleepy!” you exclaim at your caregiver, though your droopy eyes and slow movements say completely otherwise. Your caregiver puts their stuffie down gently and moves to face you. “Sweetheart you’ve done a lot of stuff today, it’s okay if you need a little bit of naptime to recharge. Your toys will always be around, cutie. We can always keep playing when you wake up.” You start to fuss at the mention of naptime. You don’t wanna nap yet! You just started playing didn’t you? Or at least it felt like it. You try and fight back with your caregiver but you can’t help another yawn as you rub your eyes. Okay maybe a nap doesn’t sound too bad right now. Pouting as you speak you finally stop playing and move to your caregiver’s arms. “You promise we keep playing after naptime, mommy?” Your caregiver smiles and nods, rubbing your back gently as they lift you up. “Of course, prince/princess/princex. We can do absolutely whatever you’d like after you’ve taken your nap. Now, do you want baba’s help with some pj’s? Or can you do it all by yourself?” You take a minute to think about it before clinging onto your caregiver. They chuckle and pat your back softly. “Haha okay, I’ll help you little one.”
They carry you and set you down on your bed and turning to grab a onesie for you. “Alrighty honey, which onesie would you prefer for me to give you?” They hold up a few different color options, all being footed onesies to keep you nice and cozy while you sleep. You point to the one that is your favorite color and make an affirmative sound to tell them that’s your choice today. They put the rest of the onesies back and lay the one you’ve picked out on the bed next to you. “Excellent choice my little one, you’ll look so great in this one!” With a kiss on your forehead they help you into your onesie, tickling your tummy quickly before zipping up your onesie.
“Does my baby want something to drink before they take their nap? A bottle or a sippy with some milk maybe?” Immediately you perk up and nod. Drinking from a bottle/sippy always makes you feel perfectly small! “Mhmm mhmm yes pleas, baba!”
“You got it cutie, you sit here with [insert favorite stuffie’s name here] while I go get that for you little one.” They hand you your favorite stuffie and you cuddle them close. The feeling of their fabric on your face so nice and comforting to you. Before your caregiver leaves the room they kiss your head and ruffle your hair, uttering a small “cutie” as they leave. While they’re gone you settle into your bed, bringing some more of your friends in with you. You yawn and sigh after, even though you want to do work like you had planned earlier you have to admit one thing. It’s nice to regress again after not doing so for so long. Seeing your caregiver be so attentive and so happy to look after you brings you so many butterflies. ‘Why did I ever stop regressing in the first place?’, you think to yourself. As you make yourself comfy your caregiver is back in the room.
“Awe sweetheart don’t fall asleep yet! I’ve got your drink right here!” They hand you your bottle/sippy and you gladly take it. You give them a sleepy smile and take some sips. Your caregiver then gives you a kiss on your cheek before turning to leave, but you won’t let them leave that easily. How could you possibly go to sleep without some cuddles from your caregiver? Whining at them with a pout you make some grabby hands at them and they turn around. “Oh how silly of me! How could I have possibly forgotten my baby’s bedtime cuddles? Scoot over, my sleepy baby! Mommy’s coming for ya!” And true to their word, they climb into bed with you and snuggle you close. They softly pat your back as you sip on your bottle/sippy, already drifting to sleep.  The sound of your soft snores and cooing fills the room. And of course, your caregiver has you safe and comfortable in their arms. Naptime is always safe with them around.
“Good night my sweet thing. I’ll be here when you wake up and we’ll play whatever your little self wants. I love you so much baby. Sweet dreams. ♡”
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moonjxsung · 5 months
hi baby! i hope you get some motivation to stop bedrotting (i still haven’t yet)
those new ji pics!!!! what is wrong with him! does he know the effect that he has on stays?! bias wrecking everyone fr. it’s also giving perv!bestie!hanji taking pics in front of his conveniently placed mirror while you’re trying to listen to a new album. and he’ll literally just take a million pics and make you choose the best ones, “accidentally” sliding back to a pic of his bulge in front of that same mirror, making you flustered. he’s a menace though. he’ll tease you instead of fully apologizing. then he’ll lay down beside you, asking to cuddle, eventually pressing that same bulge to you. eventually begging for you. jisung is literally the definition of “please baby, just the tip. it’s not weird or anything.” and how can you not? have you seen him?😭😭😭😭
i’m in love with this man.
and i’m not even going to start with the new minho pic with soonie, or the new jeongin pics, or hyune’s magazine cover. i’ll never stop yapping😭
anyways, flowers for you, this pic is so just cute💐!!!
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i hope you have a great rest of the week! take care bb! i love youuuu🫶🏻
HI BABYYYYY bedrotting as we speak!!! I need to go buy groceries and clean my apartment for Ateez Coachella set tomorrow but good GODDDD I am still so tired 😭 I stayed up so late doing a presentation for my work and then this morning they called me to let me know the format of the meeting was changing and they wouldn’t need a presentation deck anymore 😀 like…… oh ! thanks guys I could’ve been writing that whole time
HELDPDODOAKKEKFKRRKKWKELRR PERV JISUNF BLURB???? I CANNTNT BREEEAATHWJENDNDN one time my ex asked if I wanted hand pics bc he knew I rly liked his hands so I was like ya sure! And he sent me a pic of his hand and he was only wearing boxers and was visibly hard under them and I was like ohhh this was his plan all along and I feel like that’s SO Jisung 😭😭😭😭😭😭 he would taunt you about his new mirror and be like do you want a mirror selfie and then of COURSE he’d find some sneaky way to get a shot of his hard dick in the mirror and he’d act totally oblivious about it 😭 GOD “just the tip” fwb Jisung lives in my mind rent fucking free I can’t wait to write perv Jisung I promise it’s queued you guys 🚶‍♀️
I LOVE UUUUU THERE’S SO MUCH NEW CONTENT LATELY COMEBACK IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER IM SO DIZZY 🫶🫶🫶 also the ONEW PICCCC WHY IS HE SO CUTIE 😭🫶💗💖💞💓💕💘💖 blessing you w Minho abs bc I had a dream about him like 2 nights ago and he is chronically stuck in my head now 😀 I LOVE U BABYYYYYY
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navysealt4t · 2 years
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clovexei · 11 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! (ू•‧̫•ू⑅)♡
AHHH I haven't seen chain-mail like this in forever, thank you for the flashback and the reminder to cultivate mental happy space!
1. D&D! We're ending our third campaign this week after 2.5 years of these characters, and it's been hard not to get emotional about it. We started this campaign in the middle of COVID lockdown, and it's been wild how much life has changed for all of us since then. I love that I've been able to play with this group for the last, like, SIX?? years and we all mesh so well as a group and we're all wrapping up this story together even as we plan for a new adventure. It's such a lovely time and I'm very happy I found them.
2. The Lord of the Rings! My step-mom caught the LotR bug, so we've been crying on our Sunday night calls about how perfect Samwise Gamgee is, and my dad always is so excited to share LotR film trivia, and the LotR brainworms are back, babyyyyy. There's something so comforting about leaning on such a familiar story these days--especially one that emphasizes the importance of small acts of goodness in times of utter darkness.
3. My new coworkers! They're weird and queer and delightfully funny. They asked if I'd gotten my hissing cockroaches yet, and when I said no because I was going on vacation for two weeks and didn't want them to die while I was gone, they told me to bring them to work as library pets and got VERY EXCITED about the prospect of library cockroaches. BLESS THEM.
4. Cat-Like Tread from The Pirates of Penzance! Every once in a while, I discover a song I like and then I listen to it and nothing else on repeat constantly for the next 20 days or until I finally mellow out about it. The chorus on this one and the energetic choreography are just SO DELIGHTFUL that I'm still stuck on it. Whenever I have to do a lot of writing at work, I put my headphones on and play it on a loop in the background for two hours.
5. Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom! I haven't been able to play it much recently, and I'm dreading the temple I'm at currently, but I love collecting plants and catching bugs and getting Link new little outfits. I also love yeeting myself off cliffs, running into combat with a stick welded to another stick, and scrambling through ponds to catch fish with my bare hands. This is the Barbie Horse Adventure/Bear Grylls combo experience of my heart.
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illegal-spiegel · 2 years
if u ever have the time I’d love to read some of your HCs about what spike would be like with his newborn kid/the mom since I was kind of obsessed with your pregnant reader hcs🥹 love your work!
Read previous parts to this here or specifically this one!
well, you heard the man!
he wants to be there for his kid!
so bc he knows absolutely nothing about children other than they’re annoying, they cry for everything, and they’re a pain in the ass
he gets lots of baby and parenting books
after reading a few books, he learns something
he’s not going to be a good dad
he’s going to be the best dad, god dammit!
you’ve never seen him so fired up and focused before
this man is dedicated
definitely the type of s/o that is constantly worrying and fretting over you (he already lowkey did that before you were preggers, but now it’s like he’s on overdrive)
he legit thinks you’re made of glass, on god
he basically becomes super clingy and won’t leave you alone for two seconds 
sit him down and talk to him all you want about giving you personal space, it’ll just go in one ear and out the other 
“Okay, babe. I promise I’ll give you more space.” my ass
he goes on any and all missions with you, even if it’s just to get more food or to seal a deal with someone 
it doesn’t matter. He’s there, babyyyyy
okay but like he actually becomes like super sweet and it kinda scares you bc normally he’s...well, Spike
Mr. I-Don’t-Need-Anyone-Or-Anything is now Mr. BaBy-WhErE-ArE-yOu-GoInG-dO-YoU-NeEd-HeLp
okay but no fr he’s so sweet tho 
grabs anything and everything for you, rubs your feet, presses his ear to your belly, will literally travel across the universe for you if you told him there was smth there for your unborn child 
he’s really hoping for a boy 
don’t get it twisted though. In front of the others, he acts all aloof and as if he doesn’t care
they all know better though
they even pull pranks on him 
“Spike, (Y/n) needs you in th-”
he’s already gone
you always grow confused when he suddenly appears panting and looking frantic 
“What is it? What do you need? Are you okay? Is the baby coming?” 
ah, so it was Faye again 
“Babe...I’m not going into labor for another six weeks...”
just stops dead in his tracks and sighs, realizing he’s been bamboolozed once again
Faye - 7, Spike - 2
he takes you to all your appointments in the Swordfish
every. single. one. 
he never misses one 
he even goes so far to play music for your unborn baby and reads to you both 
stop im literally going to cry
yeah well, imagine his fear when you actually do go into labor 
it’s actually kinda a funny story (not to him tho)
he was out on a mission by himself (bc Jet promised to keep an eye on you) when it happens
when he gets a call and sees Faye, he instantly rolls his eyes
“What is it?” 
“(Y/n)’s going into labor!” she screeches
his heart rate instantly spikes (haha-) but he quickly calms down
“Haha, very funny, Faye. Now fuck of-”
“I’m not kidding!”
“Sure you aren-”
“Babe! Get your ass here or I’ll kill you myself!” 
his eyes go wide at the sound of your voice, his hands instantly jerking his controls to the right to turn himself around 
“I’ll be right there! Just hold on!” 
“Don’t tell me what to do!” He can’t help but smile at that. You’re always so feisty. He likes that in a woman. His woman
“There’s no time for you to meet us here. We’re taking her to the nearest hospital on the Hammer Head!” Jet calls somewhere off screen
“Yeah, right, okay! Uh, just send me your coordinates when you get there!” 
he makes it there practically as soon as you arrive
he definitely broke some laws just to get to you 
“I’m here, baby. I’m right here. Deep breaths,” he says softly to you, pushing your hair out of your sweaty face
he’s there for the entire thing, offering you whatever you need to make the experience easier for you 
imagine his surprise when you have a girl instead 
he cuts the umbilical cord and holds his baby girl in his arms 
he definitely doesn’t cry shut up Jet
“Uh, can I hold the child I just spent hours pushing out of me now?” 
“Yeah, yeah, in a sec...” he absent-mindedly replies, holding the baby to his chest and cooing at the sweet bundle in his arms
sigh, is definitely that parent that spoils his kid. You can’t tell me I’m wrong 
will buy any and everything for his baby girl don’t play 
he will let you pick the name for the baby (it only seems fair after what you had to go through to bring the little bundle of joy into the world) 
if you want his two cents though, he thinks the name Roxanne or Dani would be cool 
if you joke about naming her Faye, he will literally walk out on protest ✋
no matter what though, he’s going to be there for every step of the way with taking care of your baby <3
⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰
More with Spike Spiegel 
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Tag List: @nojamsss03, @katsuhera, @sunflowersenshi ✦ if you would like to be added or removed, comment or send an ask. Also, remember to tell me if you ever change your username so I can continue to tag you :)
⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰
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necronatural · 3 years
any theories on why madatobi is so popular? to me it makes no sense. very little canon interaction (I mean not that this matters) and also like (and this goes to show how little Im aware of the fandom lmao) I always thought izuna & tobirama / madara & hashirama relationships would be more popular bc of the in text structure theyre given… so the prevalance of madatobi absolutely came out of left field for me. have to say I wish I was still ignorant
enemies to lovers babyyyyy
they're very, very, VERY good character types for the juiciest enemies to lovers tropes; tobirama is a mean little cunt and a realist while madara is a boisterous bastard and emotionally driven. fundamentally they go great together. for people who love E2L hashirama doesn't really 'click' because he doesn't believe they are enemies until madara starts attacking the village which isn't really a great jumping-off point. as for fandom archetypes people prefer balls of sunshine with loudmouths when they're not enemies or the loudmouth is a lone agent :( rip king you could have friendzoned him so good
the problem for me is that the text does not support it to the point it's comedic its like
1. madara already has a senju he has a fraught frenemy relationship with that canon made really really gay at least on his end even though i dont think hashirama will ever love him sorry king. sorry. hes gonna friendzone you man.
2. while their personalities go well together socially madara and tobirama are both the types of dudes to talk past people; they don't have any chemistry they would obviously just not pay attention to what the other is saying... its like...boring enemies
3. the battle is one of obligation the stakes aren't personal they don't even fight each other ever. imagine like idk enough iconic enemies with weirdly detailed pasts together... uh... ok forget that hashimada are homoerotic for a sec but imagine cloud and sephiroth battling to the death and sephiroth decides to hook up with tifa or barrett. like man. are you sure?
ok pre-game events sephiroth/barrett would be like crazy... um... i guess tifa in this case since she's younger and not a structural element
4. just give izuna madara's fanon personality are you crazy. he doesnt have a personality you can do this. this is why izuna is treated like a spare tire you took away his purpose (to stand next to tobirama)
5. in order to escape the antichemistry of the context they exist in people defang their dynamic and make tobirama the victim, make the uchiha the heroes, or both in order to get the awkward non-enemy thing out of the way so it's a more digestible "tobirama doesn't trust uchiha and the uchiha don't trust tobirama but they're willing to work together" kind of setup. which is good but it demands a softness that undermines the power of their cunty archetypes a little. i can't fuck with it but that's my preference i've said before i only read character stuff so "softening archetypes" sounds evil to me
every time people ask me about fic stuff i sort of cringe at how picky i am LOL...its fic...and i act this way. read more books maybe. anyway
6. people wont let them be toxic unless it's for sexual sadism reasons. i follow madatobi artists and fic writers all the time and they're all people who get that if you crash against someone you have no chemistry with specifically because you have no chemistry with them and you need that. and you discover you are capable of developing chemistry as you throw shit at each other. the magic fucking happens.
also full madatobi aus like modern aus or whatever tend to be waaay better but i love how fucked up founders era is so i won't read modern stuff for a ship i dont like LOL. and youkai aus are better but like...the prose in these trying to make tobirama seem ethereal always inventing a new kind of racism for albino people. buddy you wouldn't do this to jiraiya. stop
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vad-hander · 3 years
Pairing: Jaebeom x reader
Genre: Series | Eventual Smut | Angst | Fluff
Warnings: break up, cheating, strangers to lovers, mentions of drinking
Words: 3.3k
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
You opened your eyes in fear. Your head was about to break in pieces and it took you forever to work out where you woke up.
It was your bedroom. At least you woke up in your bed, you thought happily. You tried to sit up, feeling as if your head weighed thousand kilograms. You looked around trying to remember how you got home, pointing out as well that you felt completely fine except for the headache, just in case anything could’ve happened to you physically.
Jaebeom, you remembered that you were with him last night. You gasped, lifting your blanket off your body to check what you were wearing. A shirt.
You tried hard to remember if you changed clothes yourself, doubting it highly. He probably did it for you. Did he see you naked? You felt the heat of embarrassment on your cheeks. What if he didn’t leave and is in the living room now…?
You tried to stand up, noticing a piece of paper on the table. Reaching out to grab it, you read “drink water and take the pill, I’m sure you’re dying from hangover right now. ;)” your eyes moved lower to the corner of the paper “p.s. I closed my eyes when you changed clothes, I promise.” you chuckled and grabbed your head in pain right after. You took the pill, gulping the water hungrily. You plopped your body on the bed, grabbing your phone to scroll mindlessly. Your fingers automatically found contacts, scrolling through the phone numbers you had, pausing on the letter J, seeing how Jaebeom saved himself as “Jaebeom, the guy from the bar”. You opened the chat box , thinking what possibly you could text him. Should you even text him first? Your fingers automatically typed “thanks for getting me home.”, deleting it right after. “hi, it’s y/n, thank you for taking care of me.” you typed another message, thinking for a few seconds if you should send it. Quickly exiting the chat, you lowered your eyes on the letter J noticing “Jeno👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻”. Your fingers quickly opened the chat with him, feeling the fear of seeing whatever message from him. But the chat was empty. The last message was sent by you and you felt even worse now noticing how it was read after you caught him cheat “Jenoyah, babyyyyy, happy birthday my love. I’m so happy to have you in my life and I wish you all the best because this is what you’re deserving. Can’t wait to see you and cuddle you to death, birthday boy <3”. He didn’t even try to reach out to you, he didn’t even try to apologise. You threw the phone to the bedside table, turning on the bed to hug your pillow and hide your face in it. You shut your eyes, feeling like tears could flood your pillow any second. Jeno is a cheater, what if he cheated before? Now you weren’t sure he didn’t do it before. Jeno didn’t even regret it. He didn’t try to contact your or explain anything to you. He just disappeared and now you had to pretend he never existed.
You rested your body against the mattress of your bed, suddenly getting a flashback.
/You moved your face closer to his, losing the balance and dropping your palms onto his thighs. Jaebeom’s arms caught you by wrists right before you smashed your face against his.
“I think you’re a bit too drunk now.” he chuckled, helping you back into the stool.
“Isn’t it a great day to get drunk?” you smiled wildly.
“It’s a Saturday, just a normal Saturday, at least the last time I checked.” he spoke to you seriously, covering your drink with his palm when you tried to grab it.
“I guess you checked too many hours ago. Today we’re celebrating my sudden freedom, fun, right?” you giggled hysterically. “A great day to be thriving, I was dedicated and loyal this whole time. Turns out it’s a waste? I could’ve slept around even while I was in a relationship, turns out it didn’t matter.” you spoke into nowhere, focusing your gaze on the wall of bottles. “I really wish I knew so I didn’t feel too hurt and too surprised right now. Do you know that it actually hurts? Do you know how much it actually hurts?” you turned back to Jaebeom, finding his beautiful brown eyes with yours. He blinked, blinked multiple times and kept quiet. You felt as if he gave you a chance to speak, a chance to get everything off your chest and he was the only person you could talk to right now and you felt thankful in the deepest sober part of you, you were endlessly thankful to Jaebeom. “Am I this useless? I met Jeno three years ago through a friend and he immediately became someone I always wanted to have in my life, someone I’d like to travel the world with, someone I’d die for and I was ready to die when he straight up ignored me for three years. First he was acting like I never existed, like no girl existed and I asked everyone around if he had a girlfriend but he didn’t. And I guessed it just wasn’t the time for him, I patiently waited and we became friends, we became close. We were so close he even asked me to get him with my friend, and I did because I could never say no to him. But they never fit, I knew they wouldn’t, maybe that’s why I was too keen for it, I hoped he’d see that we actually fit. And when they broke up in three months he came to me. I thought he came to talk, to maybe I don’t know what I thought. But he just asked for another friends phone number and then I just broke down in front of him. I told him that he’s mean and blind, that he asked me for all those things when I liked him so much and even loved him by then, and showed him all of it the whole time. And you know what happened?” you asked him feeling the tears in your eyes. You wanted him to answer this time, and he felt it, speaking.
“You began dating?” he cleared his throat before speaking. You nodded and pursed your lips.
“We did, he apologised so many times, he said he never thought I’d like him like that, he said sorry so many times I couldn’t believe this was even happening in real life. He stayed the night, and then the other, and he stayed all the nights there were, and days too, we’ve spent every day together. In a month he said we should tell everyone we’re together, I thought I was in heaven. He treated me nicely, he treated me the way I wanted him to, but to be fair I had nothing really to compare him to. But I waited for so long maybe I was blinded by it to see signals?” you chuckled and your eyes noticed that his hand let go of the glass, and you grabbed it, quickly taking a sip. “In five months I was barely seeing him, he just began disappearing, constantly, I’d only see him twice a week, I was scared and I told him I am, but he apologised again, and said he just got busy with life. From then up until today we were seeing each other regularly, yes, sometimes like the night you saw me for the first time… but we’d come home and he’d tell me I’m the one… and that mattered to me, and I guess it shouldn’t have. Because even with spending time with me he found time to cheat…” you gripped onto the glass. You looked Jaebeom deeper in the eyes, seeing sympathy, compassion? “Why am I giving a speech to you?” you chuckled suddenly trying to switch your mood in a click. “I’m sorry I’m like that.” you wiped the tear.
“It’s okay, we all need to get things off our chest sometimes, and I was the one who told you to do it. You needed it, I hope you’re a little bit better.” his fingers found the back of your palm, caressing lightly. Both his and yours eyes fell to where your hands met, raising back up to look at each other.
His burning touch and even more burning gaze made you want to do questionable things. Things you weren’t able to allow yourself to do yet in the morning. The movement of his fingers made your insides tickle and you slid off the chair you were sitting on. You felt your body get excited when you turned your hands around, laying your palm on top of his. The heat rushed over your body and you were scared he’d notice you turn red if you’ll get any closer. The amount of alcohol you consumed was the only thing that kept you from getting a stroke when your fingers ran up his hand, feeling up his soft and warm skin. Your eyes traced your fingers because you were too scared to see Jaebeom’s reaction, not feeling him move or tense up. It felt as if he froze. When your hand got to his biceps you wrapped your hand around it, finally lifting your eyes to meet his, that immediately moved to meet yours. He turned his body towards you, spreading his legs more for you to stand between them. You moved your hand even higher, feeling your fingers get under the shirt and having to let go of him for a second to rest your hand on his shoulder. You felt your heart beat in your ears, only thinking how he said he liked you. Maybe it was your turn to take chances? Not wait and sulk until someone picked your hopeless self, but to take your life in your hands, be wild, bold, young and alive? Jaebeom suddenly laid his palm on your waist, pulling you in closer between his legs, forcing you to hook your hand around his neck. His other hand found your cheek, rubbing it with his thumb. His eyes burned into yours and it felt like you stopped breathing at all. You leaned in but stopped, being too scared even though you had nothing to regret or be afraid of. “Do you like me as a friend or as a woman?” you didn’t find anything better to ask before you’d embarrass yourself.
“I like you as a person.” his fingers moved to your hair, brushing it behind your ear.
“What is that supposed to mean?” you replied before you could think.
“What do you want this to mean?” you felt his fingers run down to your neck, caressing it lightly. If this didn’t mean he liked you what did it mean at all.
“Kiss me.” you said baldly, watching his reaction. His eyes smiled with satisfaction, and he pulled you in closer, leaving only 2 centimetres between you. Your second hand wrapped around his neck too, and the electricity between you two made it impossible for you to keep yourself on your feet. Your mind focused on him only, you could not hear or see anything around you except for Jaebeom. He lingered, running his eyes all over your face, stroking your hair. Finally, he got closer and you shut your eyes in anticipation. You could smell him close to you, unconsciously brushing your fingers trough his hair. You felt him leave a warm kiss on your cheek and move away. You opened your eyes and your first intention was to smile, but then reality hit you and embarrassment took over you. You were wrong yet again in reading signals. He didn’t mean it and he was just kind to not reject you completely. You felt tears form in the back of your eyes in a span of a second, pulling your hands in swift motion from him.
“I’m sorry.” you mumbled and felt your face get red. “I’m too dumb.”
“No, no, don’t run away.” he protested, grabbing your hands and clipping you between his legs.
“You don’t have to make excuses, I’m okay.” you chuckled pitying yourself once more.
“It’s not that, I’m not making excuses, you just broke up with your boyfriend, you’re trying to make me someone you’ll regret sleeping with when you’ll get sober, and the last thing I want is our relationship to die like it was a stupid drunk hook up.” his hand got back to your cheek, and he pulled you in, forcing your drunken body to fall against him and hug him. “Let me take you home, you’re too drunk, I’m scared you’ll pass out soon or will do something silly. What if you’ll try to kiss someone else instead of me?” he chuckled and you felt his fresh breath on your face. Did he not drink at all? You wondered. “I don’t think that someone will hold back, I’ll get jealous and will fight.” he moved his face closer to yours again, making you think he’d kiss you. “Let’s go home.” he just whispered.
“I’m not drunk.” he chuckled and nodded “I’m serious. You can kiss me if you want to, I won’t regret, I swear.” you might’ve sounded a bit too desperate but you were drunk and you could’ve just told him it was alcohol if he’d reject. You really were as desperate as you sounded by now, feeling no shame only knowing if he’d let you go to bed like that you’d lose hope in yourself completely. “I won’t go anywhere without that.” you brushed your hair off your collarbone. Jaebeom laughed loudly at that.
“Because you won’t remember?”
“No, because I’ll have written confirmation I won’t be able to brush aside.”
“You’re carrying paper with you for such instances?”
“No, but I have a pen.” you painted with your finger, reaching out into your bag and taking few seconds to find it. “Here!” you showed it to him.
“Okay, and what and where are you going to write?” his eyes sweetly looked at you and your insides did a flip. His fingers moved on your waist, while his other hand got back to your neck. You looked around, trying to find a piece of paper.
“Here.” you grabbed Jaebeom’s hand by fingers, laying it on the bar and running your fingers through inner side of his lower arm.
“My arm?”
“Your arm.” you nodded.
“What are you going to write?” he chuckled.
“This.” you sighed, beginning to draw words letter by letter on his arm.
“I, Y/n, want Jaebeom to kiss me, sober or drunk.” he read out loud when you finished.
“Want a sign or is it eligible enough?” you lifted your eyes at him.
“Eligible enough.” he chuckled and grabbed your face in his hands. “Are you normally this cute or am I able to enjoy your cuteness only because I never met you sober?” both of his hands were drawing small circles with his thumbs on your cheeks. Your eyes trembled because of his touch, almost closing when his finger ran over your lower lip. Your hands wrapped around his neck and you felt him push you in and lay his lips on top of yours softly. He didn’t move for a second, slowly moving his mouth against yours in a moment, not pushing or pacing, just making your heart beat out of your chest. His tongue slipped into your mouth when you opened it inviting him, and a low groan left your throat accidentally, letting him know you enjoyed it very much. You weren’t planning on being too open about it, but the drunken state of you broke your plans and he pulled you in closer, wrapping his hands tighter around you. You tried to run your hand down his chest, to wrap it around his body, but Jaebeom made it impossible with the way he held you. Your tongues moved in unison until he pulled back, pecking and licking your mouth multiple times before finally letting go. You held in a disappointed moan, killing the will to hug him once again as well./
You did what? No, you didn’t. You sat up immediately. You grabbed your phone, not knowing if calling him would look as if you were pushing boundaries and asking for more? We’re you in position to do any of that or were you meant to wait until he’ll text you first? You pushed the phone back off, hiding your face in your pillow. You groaned loudly in disbelief. You wrote on his arm that you wanted him to kiss you. Were you out of your mind when you wrote that? Oh, you definitely were, after all those drinks you definitely were out of this world. Your fingers ran over your lips, reminiscing on how his lips felt on yours. It felt nice, but you couldn’t remember for sure. And now, the only thing you wanted is to kiss him once again when you’re sober to remember it vividly./
Your phone made a sound taking you back to reality.
from: Jaebeom, the guy from the bar
“I hope you took the pill and feel better.”
You read, sighing loudly. He texted you in the morning… that’s o positive sign, right? It definitely is, you quickly opened the chat, texting him back.
“I did”
“thank you for the pill, and for everything you did too”
You texted him back quickly, seeing him reading it immediately.
from: Jaebeom, the guy from the bar
“You replied”
“So you really don’t have any regrets”
“Or don’t remember a thing”
So he did remember, you should’ve guessed he did, but you couldn’t remember how he got you home.
from: Jaebeom, the guy from the bar
“I took a picture of your message in case you forgot.”
“Want to see?”
to: Jaebeom, the guy from the bar
“no, thank you.”
“how did I got home?”
from: Jaebeom, the guy from the bar
“do you want to see me?”
“with me, I drove you.”
“I thought you guessed that by my note.”
to: Jaebeom, the guy from the bar
“I did, I just thought you ordered a taxi.”
you only replied.
from: Jaebeom, the guy from the bar
“so you do see me as a mistake?”
to: Jaebeom, the guy from the bar
“no, no, I told you I won’t regret”
“I liked it”
“I mean, hanging with you.”
“I liked your company.”
from: Jaebeom, the guy from the bar
“I liked kissing you too.”
You choked on air.
“let’s meet tomorrow?”
“I want to see you sober.”
“tell me what time you’re free.”
You didn’t read his messages, taking some time to process his words.
“don’t ignore me, I know where you live. You even told me the code. I’ll find you and will make you go eat with me.”
to: Jaebeom, the guy from the bar
“aren’t you working tomorrow?” suddenly you realised you didn’t know if he works, how old is he, what is he even doing in life.
from: Jaebeom, the guy from the bar
“I’m on freelance, I can find time for you.”
to: Jaebeom, the guy from the bar
“I’ll text you in the morning, okay?”
from: Jaebeom, the guy from the bar
“Can’t wait to hear from you.”
let me know what you think ❤️
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