#ADORE - para
chicacrazy0 · 2 months
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hiyuki · 2 years
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ꕥ EI ♡ MIKO ꕥ
▷ Genshin Impact 2nd Anniversary Birthday Fan Celebration
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artsymephy · 3 months
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Aww bebito
Wanted to show the og sketch🥺
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falleafs · 9 months
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ugh my fav drawing so far, i love them sm. This was also a color study at first, but ended up being a complete illustration lol.
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broken-clover · 3 months
Will be quite honest I went in expecting that A.B.A.'s story mode would be a tired rehash of the same 'haha this obsessive woman is dragging around a guy who's clearly uncomfortable isn't that funny even though if the genders were reversed everyone would immediately recognize it as creepy' plot ala Johnny's with May based on the snippet I'd seen but color me surprised these bitches are actually working their shit out. Nice.
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lavendersartistry · 2 months
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anyways, the Bobby chibi art is done! Aint she lovely?
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techtow · 4 months
Understanding Social Justice: A Simple Guide
Social justice is the view that everyone deserves and gives equal political, economic, Cultural and social rights and opportunities.
Social justice is a term that resonates across various conversations about fairness, equality, and the well-being of communities. In this article, we'll delve into the concept of social justice, its definition, types, and why it holds such importance in our society.
Defining Social Justice:
Social justice is a principle that seeks fairness and equal opportunities for all members of a society. It revolves around ensuring that every individual, regardless of their background, has the chance to thrive, with their basic human rights protected. Essentially, it's about creating a community where everyone is treated with dignity and respect.
Example of Social Justice:
Imagine a scenario where everyone in a community has access to quality education, irrespective of their socio-economic status. In this context, social justice would mean that no child is denied educational opportunities based on financial constraints. Ensuring equal access to education is a tangible example of promoting social justice.
Types of Social Justice:
Economic Justice:
Addressing disparities in wealth and income to ensure that economic opportunities are accessible to everyone.
Racial Justice:
Focusing on eradicating racial discrimination and promoting equal treatment and opportunities for people of all races and ethnicities.
Gender Justice:
Advocating for gender equality, dismantling gender-based discrimination, and ensuring that all genders have the same rights and opportunities.
Environmental Justice:
Recognizing and rectifying the disproportionate impact of environmental issues on marginalized communities.
Why is Social Justice Important?
Equality and Fairness:
Social justice ensures that every person, regardless of their background, is treated fairly. It strives to eliminate discrimination and bias, fostering a more equal and just society.
Community Well-being:
A socially just society prioritizes the well-being of its members, acknowledging that the collective health and happiness of a community contribute to its overall success.
Preventing Exploitation:
Social justice works to prevent the exploitation of vulnerable individuals or groups, ensuring that power dynamics are balanced and that no one is taken advantage of.
Strengthening Democracy:
A commitment to social justice strengthens democratic principles by promoting inclusivity, civic engagement, and the protection of individual rights.
In Conclusion:
Understanding social justice is pivotal for building a society that values equality, fairness, and the well-being of all its members. By addressing various types of injustices and actively working towards creating an inclusive community, we contribute to a world where everyone has the opportunity to reach their full potential. Social justice is not just a concept; it's a shared responsibility that can shape a brighter and more equitable future for all.
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duckapus · 5 days
Pokemon/WarioWare crossover because why not throw yet another Anime Rewrite AU that I say I'll write a fic for and fully intend to but never do on the pile? (i have issues...)
Five years before the start of the series Delia and Ash find a girl around Ash's age with red eyes lost in a park who can't remember anything about herself except that her name is Ashley. Fallers are a bit more common in this timeline than others (though still pretty rare and not yet well understood) so when the authorities investigate they realize her situation pretty quickly...particularly how near-impossible it would be to get a 5-year-old who seems to be from a world without Pokemon (Fallers typically remember what Pokemon are and can name ones they're familiar with, so the fact that she only refers to them by general terms like "cat" or "bird" and is confused by a lot of their behavior is very telling). Delia, of course, agrees to take her in permanently after they break the news to her (she'd already been looking after Ashley during the investigation because of course she would).
So now Ash has a not-actually-a-twin sister. She still manages to become a witch-in-training since she's still got her massive potential for magic and witchcraft is canonically a thing in the Pokemon Anime. She even manages to summon Red and make him her familiar at seven. She's a bit more outgoing thanks to being raised in the Ketchum household instead of growing up more-or-less alone in that haunted mansion, but at her core she's still the grumpy little witch girl we know and love.
Anyway, she and Ash both plan on challenging the Indigo League, though they're going to travel together at least for their Kanto Journey (...yeah they're definitely gonna stick together even after that 'cause this is still meant to be a canon rewrite), partly because they know ahead of time about the Starter shortage and they figure that as long as at least one of them gets a Pokemon they can help the other catch something on Route 1 so they don't have to wait a month for a new set to be available (what, you really think Oak would've left them in the lurch for a whole year if the shortage had been real and not a Timeline Preservation Measure? though given how big a head start that would give the other trainers (particularly Gary) it still makes sense why 10-year-old Ash acted like it was the end of the world).
Of course, their alarm clock mysteriously breaks and they oversleep and end up with a Pikachu who hates them and an Eevee with absolutely no thoughts in its fluffy little head.
Anyway, things are mostly normal for a while aside from Ashley and Red being along for the ride, up until Power of One, where they encounter Wario. Apparently he ended up in the Pokemon World because he found some sort of magical artifact during one of his treasure hunts. Notably, he isn't Amnesiac like most Fallers, and he's not from the version of the Mushroom World that Ashley originally came from, as evidenced by him recognizing her on-sight even though she would've disappeared before ever meeting him. Anyway, he helps them beat Laurence III, then decides to claim the Hikokyu as spoils of war and fix it up to use as the local WarioWare HQ. So he's settling down in Shamouti for the time being.
Meanwhile, back in the Mushroom world, the WarioWare crew and the main Mario cast are trying to figure out what happened to Wario. They eventually manage to create a pipe that goes between Diamond City and Shamouti at some point midway through Johto...and find out that he ran off to Johto with Melody to challenge their League because he found out that Pokemon Battling, especially official League matches, gets you prize money, and he needed funds for replacement parts to get the Hikokyu up and running. So Mario, Peach, and about half the crew are off to fetch him. They don't finally catch up with him until the Alto Maire incident. Ashley's part of the search party, so she and the AU's main Ashley (and both Reds of course) end up meeting and it's a bit awkward at first. They end up going by Ashley K (for Ketchum of course) and Ashley M (for Mushroom, since she doesn't have a last name and Ashley W would be too clunky to say, plus she wouldn't be caught dead naming herself after Wario) for the sake of convenience (the Reds follow suit, of course).
I also have the idea of having the Hikokyu set up shop in Orre after it's been made skyworthy again and fully converted into a second game studio, then having the WarioWare crew stumble into and run roughshod over Gale of Darkness's plot with their own brand of glorious mayhem while just trying to introduce their games to the fresh new audience the Pokemon World provides.
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americana709 · 8 months
Cuando los antiguos se enteraron de que Clockwork había encontrado una forma de jugar con el bebé fantasma sin que el los eche de su guarida inmediatamente siguieron su ejemplo.
Danny no entiende porque un día los otros Antiguos comenzaron a mandarlo a misiones ¡demonios! ¡ni siquiera sabe porque lo envían a él! ¿¡no que lo querían muerto!?
No es que realmente le importe, las misiones son realmente divertidas de cumplir.
Desde recuperar técnicas de combate amazónicas pérdidas.
Evitar la extinción de una planta que convenientemente se uso para medicina unos cien años después.
Y evitar que un artefacto que causa desastres naturales termine en las manos de los humanos
Hasta el momento su favorita fue cuando tuvo que irrumpir en una de las galas de la Liga de la Justicia y lanzar les polvo de 'vete a dormir' a la Batifamilia mientras grita "¡¡POR EL NOMBRE DE NOCTURNE, DUERMAN CARAJO!!"
Es divertido y entretenido ¡y la mejor parte es que después de cada misión cumplirá con éxito Clockwork le da una de sus magníficas galletas que le ayudaban a dormir!
La Liga de la Justicia sigue bastante curiosa por este extraño adolescente Inmortal que aparece en diferentes momentos de la historia y ayuda/arregla en momentos de completamente aleatorios, ahora ¿que necesidad había para mandar a dormir a la Batifamilia de esa forma? ¿Quien carajos es Nocturne? ¿Y por qué Constantine y Zatanna no paran de reírse?
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kevotsuka · 6 months
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Algunas fotos de Dani cuando corria en la Movistar Activa Joven Cup, luego en el Campeonato de España de Velocidad (CEV, que luego paso a ser el FIM-CEV y actualmente el JuniorGP) y de 125cc y 250cc.
Como ves, Dani corrió de azul con e soporte de Honda y Repsol, pero el sponsor principal del proyecto es Telefonica/Movistar y sus colores son el azul
un jovencito tan apuesto en azul! espera, él es tan lindo que necesito un momento para recuperarme alguna vez 🥺
y los brackets me están asesinado, realmente adoro ver jovenes con brackets jsjsjsjs 💞
gracias por esto, atesoraré estas imagenes con todo mi corazón (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥
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hiyuki · 1 year
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▷ Tensei Oujo to Tensai Reijou no Mahou Kakumei ▹ED Only for you | Cover Art + My edition
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kuramirocket · 11 months
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salsflore · 4 months
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just finished xianyun’s story quest
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rad-hound · 2 months
Para-Medic: Maybe you don't realize this, but now that you've got him started talking about James Bond, I'm going to have to listen to him lecture for a whole hour after he gets off the radio.
Snake: You have my sympathy.
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[Pra Todos Verem: Uma foto do Xerxes de 300 de Esparta, com letras que dizem "motivos para votar Xerxes no Torneio Sexyman Brasil". A palavra "Xerxes" está em letras rosa neon, bem maior do que as outras, e cada palavra de "Torneio Sexyman Brasil" está em uma das cores da bandeira brasileira. Xerxes é um homem de pele bronzeada, careca, usando uma tanga dourada e diversas joias em todo o seu corpo e rosto, além de uma capa preta com lantejoulas. Fim da descrição]
Meu querido povo brasileiro, conforme avançam as batalhas em nosso torneio, aumenta a responsabilidade de nosso voto e também a ferocidade de nossos oponentes. O destino da nação, mais uma vez, está em nossas mãos, e conforme se inicia a categoria Rodrigo Santoro já estamos vendo os nossos adversários, não, inimigos, formando alianças contra Xerxes, se utilizando de fake news, manipulação psicológica, e outras estratégias sórdidas contra o candidato mais digno do título de sexyman
Por que tanto ódio ao Xerxes, vocês se perguntam? Simples: Xerxes assusta o status quo. Em uma rinha composta de um hetero top, um agroboy, um twink padrãozinho e um pássaro, Xerxes é o único candidato que ousa ousar, quebrar padrões, abraçar completamente a estética queer e anti-status quo, e trazer consigo as minorias
Senhoras e senhores, as próprias críticas ao candidato Xerxes são suficientes para revelar a natureza preconceituosa deste conflito. Nossos opositores afirmam que Xerxes não é brasileiro. Pois eu afirmo: xenofobia é ruim [aplausos]. Odiar estadunidense e europeu está sempre liberado, mas Xerxes é persa. Persas e brasileiros sempre serão irmãos, e a sua exclusão de nossa sociedade é nefasta e vai contra os princípios de qualquer pessoa preocupada com os direitos humanos. Peçam desculpas ao povo iraniano
Nossos opositores afirmam que Xerxes é um vilão. Eu respondo: vilão para quem? Para a sociedade espartana, marcada pelos seus ideais de hipermasculinidade e machismo, senso de moda ruim e abuso de menores? Sim, de fato, para eles Xerxes, com sua tanguinha LGBT, maquiagem de qualidade, e exército composto por mulheres, pessoas gordas, e pessoas racialmente diversas é o inimigo. Eu urjo todos a considerarem em qual lado desse conflito você deseja estar. Não se enganem: Xerxes é diversidade, não vilania
Nossos opositores afirmam, por fim, que Xerxes não tem cabelo. E eu pergunto: até quando permitiremos que essa vergonhosa perseguição ao povo careca se prolifere no cerne de nossa nação? É justo excluir e humilhar os outros simplesmente porque eles têm cabecinha de ovo? Novamente, é necessário que pensemos, povo brasileiro, quais os valores que desejamos seguir. Abaixo o cabelismo!
Mas basta de falar sobre nossos inimigos. Vamos falar sobre Xerxes, pois Xerxes se garante por si só, diferentemente de outros candidatos que precisam manchar a reputação do nosso Ney Matogrosso persa para avançar na competição. Conforme afirmado anteriormente, o comprometimento de Xerxes com as minorias é registrado de longa data: mesmo em 480a.C, muito antes das pautas identitárias estarem na televisão, Xerxes já promovia um exército sem discriminação e marcado pela diversidade, com a presença de mulheres, negros, pessoas gordas e pessoas com deficiência. O próprio Xerxes em si é, é claro, também canonicamente LGBT, e vivia abertamente enquanto um homem não-hetero com orgulho, dando pinta, desafiando a ordem heteronormativa e hipermasculina e criando um império marcado pela tolerância. Esses são os valores de Xerxes, e é por isso que a sociedade espartana está investindo tão fortemente em fake news e propaganda para eliminá-lo da nossa competição de sexyman
Um voto por Xerxes é um voto pelos boytoys, pelas putas, por homens de tanguinhas curtinhas na praia mais próxima de você, pelo combate ao cabelismo cultural, pelo fim dos padrões de gênero e de beleza, pela putaria generalizada liberada em toda a nação, pelo povo LGBT, pelos irano-brasileiros, pela valorização do ouro nacional, pela ousadia & alegria, e por um futuro belo e próspero
Não caia em fake news. Vote XERXES no torneio sexyman Brasil. Nele você pode confiar ✨
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sapphicluxanna · 8 months
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sometimes staying up an extra five minutes on a weeknight is worth it 🍀🤍
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