#AI content creation trends
atumblogger · 8 months
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jcmarchi · 1 month
The Multimodal Marvel: Exploring GPT-4o’s Cutting-Edge Capabilities
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/the-multimodal-marvel-exploring-gpt-4os-cutting-edge-capabilities/
The Multimodal Marvel: Exploring GPT-4o’s Cutting-Edge Capabilities
The remarkable progress in Artificial Intelligence (AI) has marked significant milestones, shaping the capabilities of AI systems over time. From the early days of rule-based systems to the advent of machine learning and deep learning, AI has evolved to become more advanced and versatile.
The development of Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT) by OpenAI has been particularly noteworthy. Each iteration brings us closer to more natural and intuitive human-computer interactions. The latest in this lineage, GPT-4o, signifies years of research and development. It utilizes multimodal AI to comprehend and generate content across various data input forms.
In this context, multimodal AI refers to systems capable of processing and understanding more than one type of data input, such as text, images, and audio. This approach mirrors the human brain’s ability to interpret and integrate information from various senses, leading to a more comprehensive understanding of the world. The significance of multimodal AI lies in its potential to create more natural and unified interactions between humans and machines, as it can understand context and nuances across different data types.
GPT-4o: An Overview
GPT-4o, or GPT-4 Omni, is a leading-edge AI model developed by OpenAI. This advanced system is engineered to perfectly process text, audio, and visual inputs, making it truly multimodal. Unlike its predecessors, GPT-4o is trained end-to-end across text, vision, and audio, enabling all inputs and outputs to be processed by the same neural network. This holistic approach enhances its capabilities and facilitates more natural interactions. With GPT-4o, users can anticipate an elevated level of engagement as it generates various combinations of text, audio, and image outputs, mirroring human communication.
One of the most remarkable advancements of GPT-4o is its extensive language support, which extends far beyond English, offering a global reach and advanced capabilities in understanding visual and auditory inputs. Its responsiveness is like human conversation speed. GPT-4o can respond to audio inputs in as little as 232 milliseconds (with an average of 320 milliseconds). This speed is 2x faster than GPT-4 Turbo and 50% cheaper in the API.
Moreover, GPT-4o supports 50 languages, including Italian, Spanish, French, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, and Gujarati. Its advanced language capabilities make it a powerful multilingual communication and understanding tool. In addition, GPT-4o excels in vision and audio understanding compared to existing models. For example, one can now take a picture of a menu in a different language and ask GPT-4o to translate it or learn about the food.
Furthermore, GPT-4o, with a unique architecture designed for processing and fusion of text, audio, and visual inputs in real-time, effectively addresses complex queries that involve multiple data types. For instance, it can interpret a scene depicted in an image while simultaneously considering accompanying text or audio descriptions.
GPT-4o’s Application Areas and Use Cases
GPT-4o’s versatility extends across various application areas, opening new possibilities for interaction and innovation. Below, a few use cases of GPT-4o are briefly highlighted:
In customer service, it facilitates dynamic and comprehensive support interactions by integrating diverse data inputs. Similarly, GPT-4o enhances diagnostic processes and patient care in healthcare by analyzing medical images alongside clinical notes.
Additionally, GPT-4o’s capabilities extend to other domains. In online education, it revolutionizes remote learning by enabling interactive classrooms where students can ask real-time questions and receive immediate responses. Likewise, the GPT-4o Desktop app is a valuable tool for real-time collaborative coding for software development teams, providing instant feedback on code errors and optimizations.
Moreover, GPT-4o’s vision and voice functionalities enable professionals to analyze complex data visualizations and receive spoken feedback, facilitating quick decision-making based on data trends. In personalized fitness and therapy sessions, GPT-4o offers tailored guidance based on the user’s voice, adapting in real-time to their emotional and physical state.
Furthermore, GPT-4o’s real-time speech-to-text and translation features enhance live event accessibility by providing live captioning and translation, ensuring inclusivity and broadening audience reach at public speeches, conferences, or performances.
Likewise, other use cases include enabling seamless interaction between AI entities, assisting in customer service scenarios, offering tailored advice for interview preparation, facilitating recreational games, aiding individuals with disabilities in navigation, and assisting in daily tasks.
Ethical Considerations and Safety in Multimodal AI
The multimodal AI, exemplified by GPT-4o, brings significant ethical considerations that require careful attention. Primary concerns are the potential biases inherent in AI systems, privacy implications, and the imperative for transparency in decision-making processes. As developers advance AI capabilities, it becomes ever more critical to prioritize responsible usage, guarding against the reinforcement of societal inequalities.
Acknowledging the ethical considerations, GPT-4o incorporates robust safety features and ethical guardrails to uphold responsibility, fairness, and accuracy principles. These measures include stringent filters to prevent unintended voice outputs and mechanisms to mitigate the risk of exploiting the model for unethical purposes. GPT-4o attempts to promote trust and reliability in its interactions by prioritizing safety and ethical considerations while minimizing potential harm.
Limitations and Future Potential of GPT-4o
While GPT-4o possesses impressive capabilities, it is not without its limitations. Like any AI model, it is susceptible to occasional inaccuracies or misleading information due to its reliance on the training data, which may contain errors or biases. Despite efforts to mitigate biases, they can still influence its responses.
Moreover, there is a concern regarding the potential exploitation of GPT-4o by malicious actors for harmful purposes, such as spreading misinformation or generating harmful content. While GPT-4o excels in understanding text and audio, there is room for improvement in handling real-time video.
Maintaining context over prolonged interactions also presents a challenge, with GPT-4o sometimes needing to catch up on previous interactions. These factors highlight the importance of responsible usage and ongoing efforts to address limitations in AI models like GPT-4o.
Looking ahead, GPT-4o’s future potential appears promising, with anticipated advancements in several key areas. One notable direction is the expansion of its multimodal capabilities, allowing for seamless integration of text, audio, and visual inputs to facilitate richer interactions. Continued research and refinement are expected to lead to improved response accuracy, reducing errors and enhancing the overall quality of its answers.
Moreover, future versions of GPT-4o may prioritize efficiency, optimizing resource usage while maintaining high-quality outputs. Furthermore, future iterations have the potential to understand emotional cues better and exhibit personality traits, further humanizing the AI and making interactions feel more lifelike. These anticipated developments emphasize the ongoing evolution of GPT-4o towards more sophisticated and intuitive AI experiences.
The Bottom Line
In conclusion, GPT-4o is an incredible AI achievement, demonstrating unprecedented advancements in multimodal capabilities and transformative applications across diverse sectors. Its text, audio, and visual processing integration sets a new standard for human-computer interaction, revolutionizing fields such as education, healthcare, and content creation.
However, as with any groundbreaking technology, ethical considerations and limitations must be carefully addressed. By prioritizing safety, responsibility, and ongoing innovation, GPT-4o is expected to lead to a future where AI-driven interactions are more natural, efficient, and inclusive, promising exciting possibilities for further advancement and a greater societal impact.
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marketingprofitmedia · 2 months
How to Create Passive Income With Ai-Powered Children’s Storybooks
Create passive income by developing AI-powered children’s storybooks and selling or licensing them online. Monetize through regular sales, subscriptions, or ad revenue.
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The key is to offer unique stories which adapt to the reader’s responses, creating an immersive experience. Utilizing platforms such as Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing or establishing a dedicated app, authors can reach a global audience. As digital media consumption continues to rise, parents and educators seek out innovative educational materials, positioning AI-generated storybooks as a lucrative venture. By establishing a robust online presence and employing strategic digital marketing techniques, you can attract a loyal customer base, ensuring a steady stream of income with minimal ongoing effort.
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The Rise Of Ai In Publishing
Imagine a world where books come to life with the help of AI. That’s what’s happening in publishing today. AI is changing the game for authors and readers alike. Stories can now be personalized and crafted in ways we never thought possible. This rise of AI is making it easier to create passive income streams, especially in the world of children’s storybooks.
Innovations In Storytelling
AI-powered storytelling introduces a new era in children’s books. Interactive experiences now captivate young minds like never before. Let’s explore this innovative world:
Personalized Endings: AI can create multiple story endings. Kids feel the thrill of unique outcomes each time they read.
Character Customization: Children choose and name characters. This builds a personal connection with the story.
Language Learning: Stories adapt to include new words for language skills. Kids learn while they enjoy a magical reading journey.
Ai’s Role In Content Creation
AI is not just a tool for innovation; it’s now a creator. In the realm of children’s books, AI aids content creation by:
AI FunctionContent Creation ImpactWriting AssistanceAuthors receive help with grammar and story flow. Stories become polished and more engaging.Image GenerationCustom illustrations are crafted at the click of a button, bringing stories to life in vivid colors.Interactive ElementsStories gain puzzles and quizzes. These elements make reading fun and educational for kids.
Identifying Opportunities In Children’s Literature
Exploring the magical realm of children’s literature opens doors to incredible passive income possibilities.
Dive into the world of kids’ stories and discover how leveraging AI can unlock earning potential.
Gaps In The Market
Uncovering hidden niches in children’s books is akin to finding treasure. Look for:
Underserved genres: Seek out themes or topics less common yet in demand.
Age gaps: Find age groups that lack variety in storytelling options.
Cultural diversity: Offer tales that embrace different backgrounds and experiences.
Languages: Tap into the need for stories in multiple languages.
Trends In Children’s Preferences
Keep a finger on the pulse of what captivates young minds:
TrendOpportunityInteractive StoriesCreate engaging experiences with choices that shape the tale.Educational ContentCombine learning and fun to attract parents and educators.PersonalizationDevelop stories that can be customized to each child.Augmented RealityIncorporate AR to bring narratives to life in a new dimension.
By identifying these opportunities and capitalizing on them with AI, creators can craft stories that not only enchant but also generate passive income.
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Building The Foundation For Your Ai Storybook
Welcome aspiring authors to the exciting journey of bringing stories to life through the power of Artificial Intelligence. Crafting an AI-powered children’s storybook is an adventure in itself, one that begins with laying a solid groundwork. This foundation is crucial for creating a passive income source that entertains, educates, and inspires young minds. Let’s start with the basics and build our way up to a magical AI storybook!
Choosing A Theme
First things first, selecting a theme is like picking a destination for your storybook adventure. The theme serves as the backbone of your AI tale, guiding the plot, setting, and characters. For a children’s storybook, consider themes that are enchanting, educational, and relatable to young readers.
Adventure in Outer Space
Secrets of the Enchanted Forest
Life Lessons at Summer Camp
These are just a few ideas to get the creative gears turning. Think about what captivates the imagination of children and embark on a theme that unlocks a world of possibilities.
Crafting A Diverse Character Cast
Next up, we create a cast of characters as vibrant and diverse as the world around us. Each character should bring their own flavor to the story, promoting inclusivity and representation.
CharacterRoleUnique TraitZara the BraveHeroineLoves to solve puzzlesLeo the InventorSidekickInvents cool gadgetsMr. WhiskersMentorWise talking cat
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Credit: m.youtube.com
Leveraging Ai For Personalized Stories
Leveraging AI for Personalized Stories is a game-changer in the world of children’s books. Such technology allows for unique narratives tailored to each reader. Imagine storybooks that address your child by name and incorporate their interests. This is not just a dream anymore; AI makes it possible for every story to be as unique as the child reading it. Engage young readers like never before with tales crafted specifically for them.
Customization Tools
Create magic with AI-powered storybooks using advanced customization tools. Start by selecting story themes and characters. Build an imaginative world with options that mirror your child’s world. Choose a protagonist with the same name or similar traits. Decide on settings familiar to the child or fantastically exotic. With AI, each book morphs into a private universe where every plot twist feels designed just for them.
Choose protagonist names
Select favorite themes
Personalize character traits
Custom environments
Interactive Experience Creation
Beyond names and traits, enrich your stories with interactive experience creation. AI integrates puzzles and educational challenges relevant to the story. Children interact directly with the tale, making choices that influence the outcome. An endless combination of options means no two adventures are the same. Kids stay hooked. Learning becomes fun. They grow through play and storytelling.
Integrate interactive puzzles
Include educational activities
Offer choices that affect the story
Provide a variety of outcomes
AI-powered storybooks offer personalized and interactive experiences like never before. They captivate young minds, making reading an adventure uniquely theirs. Customization tools and interactive experiences empower kids to be the heroes of their own stories.
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Monetization Models For Ai Storybooks
Exploring the ‘Monetization Models for AI Storybooks’ reveals effective ways to turn smart, AI-crafted tales into streams of passive income.
Subscription Services
Subscription services offer readers a treasure of stories. They pay regularly to access new AI storybooks. This creates a dependable income for creators. Here’s how to shine with subscriptions:
Set clear plans: Offer monthly, quarterly, or yearly options.
Provide perks: Subscribers love exclusive content or features.
Keep content fresh: Release new books consistently to keep kids excited.
With the right books, children will eagerly await each update. This model builds a loyal audience. Loyal readers are assets.
One-time Purchases
One-time purchases are simple. Parents buy a book and own it forever. Here’s why this model works well:
Easy to understand: Pay once, enjoy forever.
No commitment: Perfect for those hesitant to subscribe.
Sample your service: Lets families try your stories without pressure.
Creating combinations of popular stories can lead to special edition sales. Bundles attract purchases. Kids love collections!
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Credit: clydedz.medium.com
Marketing Strategies For Success
Embarking on the journey to create passive income with AI-powered children’s storybooks requires savvy marketing strategies. These strategies are vital for success, turning a great product into a commercial hit. Let’s explore how to capture the hearts and imaginations of both parents and children for your AI storybook adventure.
Social Media Promotion
Make waves online with social media promotion! Showcase your storybooks where parents and children spend time scrolling: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Vibrant images and engaging snippets from your books will spark curiosity. Here are some social media tips:
Create captivating visuals: Post colorful and immersive book scenes.
Interact with followers: Respond swiftly to comments and messages.
Use hashtags strategically: Help your content reach a wider audience.
Run contests and giveaways: Engage users and spread the word.
Share testimonials and reviews: Build trust with real-life feedback.
Partnering With Educational Institutions
Forge powerful alliances with schools and learning centers. This partnership can give your AI-powered storybooks a stamp of educational approval. Here’s how:
Pitch to educators: Show how your storybooks can aid learning.
Offer samples: Let the quality speak for itself.
Propose co-branded events: Fun reading sessions or book fairs.
Provide discounts: Encourage bulk purchases for classrooms.
Seek endorsements: Earn recommendations from teachers and librarians.
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Credit: www.udemy.com
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
How To Use Ai For Passive Income?
To generate passive income using AI, you can create AI-powered content for blogs, develop smart tools or applications, and trade using AI-driven investment platforms. Always monitor performance to optimize revenue.
Can You Make Passive Income From A Book?
Yes, you can earn passive income from a book by self-publishing or securing a traditional publishing deal, thus receiving royalties from its sales over time.
What Is Passive Income With Ai Storybooks?
Creating passive income with AI storybooks involves leveraging artificial intelligence to generate children’s books that continually produce revenue with minimal ongoing effort.
How Do You Monetize Ai-generated Storybooks?
Monetizing AI-generated storybooks can be done through direct sales, subscription models, or by placing them on platforms that offer royalties or pay-per-read schemes.
Can Ai Create Original Children’s Stories?
Yes, AI can craft original children’s stories by using natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to generate unique content.
Embarking on the journey of AI-powered children’s storybooks offers a new frontier in passive income. It merges creativity with technology, helping writers tap into a lucrative market. As we’ve explored, the right tools and strategies can turn a simple idea into a steady revenue stream.
Let’s transform storytelling and financial growth together by embracing this innovative approach.
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Thanks for reading my article on “How to Create Passive Income With Ai-Powered Children’s Storybooks”, hope it will help!
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Source : How to Create Passive Income With Ai-Powered Children’s Storybooks
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jobsbuster · 2 months
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kajmasterclass · 4 months
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tayyat1390-blog · 4 months
I've been missing in action lately. I'm sorry about that, but I have another freaking sweet product to help you with your content creation to help you make money!
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clothinglennyco · 5 months
AI in Social Media: The Future is Now and It's Unbelievably Cool (and Slightly Terrifying)
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AI in Marketing: Crafting Compelling Prompts for Automated Content
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Welcome to PART 2 of ‘My 6 Online Business Income Streams Explained,’ where I’m taking you behind the scenes of my entire content marketing strategy to get me closer towards my HUGE goal of building a $1M Solo Online Business in 2024. As I explained in Building a $1,000,000 Online Solopreneur Business in 2024 with ChatGPT, part of my plan to achieve this goal is creating 6 separate but connected…
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jcmarchi · 1 month
Fredrik Danielsson, Principal Product Manager at Tiny – Interview Series
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/fredrik-danielsson-principal-product-manager-at-tiny-interview-series/
Fredrik Danielsson, Principal Product Manager at Tiny – Interview Series
Fredrik Danielsson, principal product manager of TinyMCE, an enterprise-grade WYSIWYG rich text editing component.
Fredrik is an ardent software and web app designer turned product manager, who revels in the detail. With 20+ years’ experience working across web design, UX/UI, design, marketing and software development, he specializes in web apps and services that serve the precise needs of the enterprise sector. Over the past 5+ years, Fredrik has shifted from being the product designer to product manager of TinyMCE as it’s iterated through versions 3 to 6. He’s played a crucial role in helping to bring the codebase of TinyMCE into the modern world and focusing on creating scalable components that can affect notable improvements in users productivity, content creation workflows and efficiencies.
In his current role as the principal product manager of TinyMCE, he makes sense of how other designers, developers and engineers utilize and customize TinyMCE within their own software projects. He’s constantly exploring ways to bring the user experience into the core of the editor and collaborating with the engineering team on novel ways to implement complex features in a simple form.
Can you explain what WYSIWYG is and the benefits it offers?
The term as we refer to it dates back to the beginning of the web, when the way to publish content online was to write HTML. I remember there were classes for people to learn how to “author” HTML, but to no-one’s surprise, the idea of teaching everyone to write HTML to publish content online didn’t fly. As word processors before the internet had shown, users much prefer to see what the document looks like as they create it, so the concept of the what-you-see-is-what-you-get, or the WYSIWYG approach to writing HTML became the norm for how non-developers write their blog posts, essays, news articles, poetry, chat messages and everything between.
Can you share the journey of TinyMCE from versions 3 to 6 and the challenges faced during these iterations?
The first version of TinyMCE was released in 2004, so 20 years ago! The main challenge has been keeping up with the ever-evolving tech landscape. The web development community loves new and fresh, so making sure TinyMCE works well with the development and design trends is important to us.
How do you balance the demands of modern web design and user expectations with the technical limitations when updating TinyMCE?
As we prioritize our customers, we work hard to implement the latest trends, meeting modern expectations. If a feature is needed, the team builds it. Our limitations typically revolve around bandwidth availability rather than technical obstacles. If anything, the biggest challenge is keeping up with the ever-evolving needs of our customers as new technological advancements continue to pop up.
As TinyMCE serves a wide range of enterprises, how do you ensure it meets the diverse needs and scales of different businesses?
Most of our customers face the same functional problem regardless of their industry. At Tiny Technologies, we attack problems from a functional standpoint, so whether you’re a student writing a school essay or a scientist documenting research findings, the right rich text editor is crucial. Where TinyMCE excels is its wide array of features and configuration options, empowering developers to quickly and efficiently address their problems and accelerate the launch of their web applications or SaaS solutions.
How does TinyMCE leverage AI or machine learning technologies to enhance user productivity and content creation workflows?
From my perspective, AI is quite vertical, solving well defined problems quite well. So with our wide array of customer needs, our goal is to leverage the popular tools from OpenAI, Microsoft, Google and others to enable developers to create and integrate their ideas into the TinyMCE content creation workflow.
With your extensive background in web design and software development, how do you see the role of WYSIWYG editors evolving in the next few years?
AI will change how we create, edit and review content. Maybe not at the fundamental level, but previously mundane and time consuming tasks can be automated in a fashion that was once unimaginable. For example, a 500-word essay can be quickly generated, improving reviews and suggestions significantly, with humans making the final touch-ups.
What advice would you give to developers and product managers looking to create or improve their web-based content editing tools?
Be both picky and flexible. Think about the content creation workflow and explore how TinyMCE can integrate into it. Much of the really great user experience lies in the configuration details. TinyMCE is not only a ready-made component, with all its options; it’s really a content creation framework and it pays to dive deeper into how it works. But as you learn what you can do, also be open to adjust some requirements and expectations to really take advantage of the capabilities.
With generative AI transforming the world, how will this type of AI be applied to future versions of TinyMCE?
There are really two aspects of generative AI and TinyMCE: content creation, where both creativity and efficiency can be greatly improved, and the human interface of the generated content, which is the important role TinyMCE plays. In some workflows, TinyMCE might not play a part in the content creation process because it happens elsewhere, but for that human review, to tweak the content, TinyMCE is also the go-to tool.
Thank you for the interview, readers who wish to learn more should visit TinyMCE.
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digitechmediaa-blog · 6 months
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jobsbuster · 5 months
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dipnots · 1 year
ChatGPT: Understanding the Advanced Language Model for Natural Language Processing (NLP)
ChatGPT is a powerful language model developed by OpenAI. It is based on the GPT (Generative Pre-training Transformer) architecture, which uses deep learning techniques to generate human-like text. One of the key features of ChatGPT is its ability to generate highly coherent and fluent text. This is achieved through pre-training the model on a massive dataset of text, allowing it to learn the…
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ghouljams · 5 months
Bruh the fact that anon still sent that ask about C.AI even after you'd made your stance on AI perfectly clear? Wildly entitled behaviour in the askbox today omfg. It just saddens me so much that the ART of writing has been reduced down to nothing more than "content" people "deserve" to be given for free precisely when they want it. That people think they have a right to an author's ideas and thoughts and creations rather than simply appreciating how kind it is for someone to be sharing these things with us. I'm so sorry that you and many of the other creators on here have to put up with such horribly entitled people.
I don't want to keep harping on the ai discourse, but it's very disheartening to see this trend of using ai to replace artists. I think I've mentioned before but I tried using the c/ai thing for about 2 days before I started this blog and it was just not good. The ai can't contribute new ideas to a story, it can't remember what's already been said, it can't riff, I found no redeeming qualities to its abilities. All in all it left me going, "Fuck this I can do a better job just writing fic" when I hadn't written fic in 4 years.
I think there's an aspect of entitlement, but I think there's also an aspect of just... never having experienced the real thing. I view a lot of the c/ai shit as tiktok teens who have never role played before giving it a try with the worst possible partner. The people that really fight against the anti-ai crowd are people that just don't appreciate the effort that goes into art, and don't see art as anything but a consumable. It feels a lot like the 1984 "book machine" that just churned out slop for the mass market consumer and was run by people who didn't even read.
Idk I think being an anti-recast BJD collector, I see a lot of the same arguments for ai that I've heard about recasts and it always boils down to "well I want it now and my desires should come first" which just.... grow up. Interact with human people I am begging you.
Anyway this is all over the place, but yeah it's in my pinned now right up top that I hate ai. Please don't send me pro-ai asks I am just gonna start blocking.
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