#AI transformation
gravidasomnia · 2 years
Someone requested an edit to that otherwise unremarkable pic of two blonde pregnant girls in bikinis that really blew up compared to everything else I've posted. I can't listen to every suggestion but image editing is something I've wanted to experiment with for a while so I had to try it out. AI Art isn't just a image fabrication tool but a powerful image filter and transformation tool. Here's the results from messing around with the just the hair and/or face:
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And trying a completely different look over the whole pic:
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Of course sometimes the problem with technology is it will do exactly what you tell it to do, such as ask for Strawberry Blonde Hair 🤣:
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On a serious note, it also has potential to change images in ways that can constitute abuse and cause real damage. I know there's already a shitstorm among artists and other creatives over AI-using fraudsters flooding various art and writing monetization platforms with lazy-ass convoluted plagiarism, well there is another shitstorm coming as this technology gets misapplied. Please don't fuck with that shit by using AI on personal pics without consent, and don't ask me to either, my answer won't be polite.
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gingerbredman1989 · 3 months
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Before and After Transformations: what a difference 10 years makes!
Ideogram AI 1.0
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omgdannidolphin · 7 months
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AI thinks I’m a bad bitch haha
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Is this anything
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digitaljainy · 16 days
AI in Digital Marketing: Revolutionizing the Industry
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AI integration in digital marketing is revolutionizing the field in today's fast-paced digital environment. Companies are using AI-powered tools and technology to improve client engagement, expedite marketing management, and produce better outcomes. This blog examines how artificial intelligence is transforming digital marketing and how this will affect the direction of digital marketing services going forward.
To read more about how ai integration helps in digital marketing
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usaii · 2 months
HR's role in advancing AI transformation for future-proofing Energy organizations | USAII®
Gain strength in the energy sector with massive AI transformations undercurrent. Reap astounding returns with the best HR policies in place to guide energy organizations to success.
Read more: https://shorturl.at/rzL46
HR leaders, AI in talent development, AI Transformation, AI strategy, AI platforms, AI transformation roadmap
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anmelweb · 3 months
Unveiling The Future: Exploring The Boundless Potential Of AI Software Development
In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, AI software development stands at the forefront of innovation, poised to revolutionize industries and redefine human capabilities. As we embark on a journey into the future, it's essential to delve into the boundless potential of AI software development and its transformative impact on society.
AI software development encompasses the creation of intelligent systems capable of learning, reasoning, and making decisions autonomously. Leveraging advanced algorithms and data analytics, AI software unlocks new possibilities across various domains, from healthcare and finance to manufacturing and beyond.
Enhanced Efficiency and Automation: AI-powered software solutions have the potential to streamline processes, automate repetitive tasks, and optimize workflows. By harnessing the power of machine learning and predictive analytics, businesses can achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency and productivity. AI software development empowers organizations to automate mundane tasks, freeing up human resources to focus on higher-value activities and strategic initiatives.
Personalized Experiences and Recommendations: AI-driven software applications have the ability to analyze vast amounts of data to deliver personalized experiences and recommendations. From personalized product recommendations in e-commerce to tailored content suggestions in entertainment platforms, AI software development enables businesses to engage with customers on a deeper level, enhancing satisfaction and loyalty.
Predictive Insights and Decision Support: AI software development equips businesses with predictive insights and decision support capabilities, enabling proactive decision-making and risk management. By analyzing historical data and identifying patterns, AI algorithms can anticipate future trends, identify potential risks, and recommend optimal courses of action. This predictive intelligence empowers businesses to make informed decisions and stay ahead of the curve in an increasingly competitive landscape.
AI Transformation Across Industries: The potential of AI software development extends beyond traditional sectors, with applications spanning healthcare, finance, manufacturing, retail, and more. In healthcare, AI-powered diagnostic tools and predictive analytics hold the promise of early disease detection and personalized treatment plans. In finance, AI algorithms are revolutionizing fraud detection, risk assessment, and investment strategies. Across industries, AI transformation is driving innovation, efficiency, and competitiveness.
Ethical Considerations and Responsible Innovation: As AI software development continues to advance, it's essential to address ethical considerations and ensure responsible innovation. From bias in algorithms to data privacy concerns, ethical dilemmas abound in AI development. By prioritizing transparency, fairness, and accountability, developers can mitigate risks and build trust in AI-powered systems.
In conclusion, the future of technology is intricately intertwined with AI software development, unlocking unprecedented opportunities for innovation, growth, and societal impact. By embracing AI transformation and harnessing its potential responsibly, businesses can pave the way for a future where intelligent systems augment human capabilities and drive positive change across industries. Websites like Anmel provide insights into how AI software development is shaping the future of technology, offering cutting-edge solutions to address complex challenges and drive meaningful outcomes.
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as-rethinking-norms · 3 months
Rethinking Foundations: Navigating the Inevitable Collapse of Medieval Institutions in the AI Era
The Outmoded Edifice of EducationThe traditional education system, a relic ensconced in the annals of the industrial era, is ripe for an overhaul. In a digitized world where information is perpetually at our fingertips, the essence of learning must transition from the passive intake of information to fostering critical thinking and emotional intelligence. With AI’s ascendancy, we’re compelled to…
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whereserpentswalk · 8 months
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performix · 4 months
Learn the secrets of AI from Soumitri Kolavennu, the SVP and head of AI research at U.S. Bank as he shares his insights and experiences on how AI is transforming various domains and industries.
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AI Transformation
This is the age of AI and it is not ordinary at all. Imagine AI as a magician pulling strings and making all things in our lives magical. The changes brought by AI range from revolutionizing healthcare systems to changing economics in totality. This exciting blog is about AI’s compelling benefits and questions as it traverses the top five sectors experiencing stunning changes.
Origins of AI
The history of AI goes deeper than just contemporary civilization as it is evident in mythology and folklore where stories of mechanoid figures or even intelligent machines are abundant. The quest to develop true AI started in the 20th century though.
Early Foundations (1950s – 1970s)
It all began with the coinage of the term “artificial intelligence” by John McCarthy in 1956, signifying the formal initiation of the existence of AI as an academic discipline. This was a period where many pioneers like Alan Turing, John von Neumann, and Herbert A. Simon formulated theoretical bases for AI through the introduction of concepts for example machine learning and symbolic approach.
Among the major accomplishments of early AI is the invention of the Logic Theorist by Newell and Simon in 1955 who succeeded in proving mathematical theorems. The Dartmouth workshop of 1956 was also remarkable as it was the birth of AI as a research area, with participants seeking to create an intelligent machine.
The AI Winter (1970s – 1980s)
A period of time between the optimistic progressivity of the 1950s and 1960s and a phenomenon commonly known as “AI winter” characterizes the following decades. This was brought about by the failure to meet preliminary standards in addition to an obvious shortage in However, progress in AI systems began to lag down as it was understood that these early systems were not going to match the high expectations set.
The AI Renaissance (1990s – Present)
The revival of AI was witnessed in the 1990’s decade and continues to thrive in modern days. AI research has been rejuvenated through advancements in computer hardware and algorithmic discoveries. Recently machine learning especially deep learning has become a leading paradigm helping to solve complicated tasks and mimic some aspects of human thinking.
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fernanda2024 · 5 months
So #AI #writers for #communication improvement is #interesting I will give example.....
This is my writing......
I would think that there would need to be people who could expertly expose such a thing for people to understand that they are reading other people's minds, considering that the mind reading would go on in ones own head. Many would surely think that they've started to go crazy. The physical throat makes a physical voice but inside our own heads, how would we not get confused as to if it is our own or another's thoughts?
Some might seek to hide away, or avoid certain tasks or places, knowing that they have horrible or inappropriate thoughts when in possible positions or places. One would become the others judge and then in turn would also expose their own faulty thinking. Hatred may become worse when lies do not work to hide true intents and desires.
The lusts and perverted thoughts of some may also increase sexual immoralities and in turn also envies amongst some and exposures of criticism on another persons physical appearance could increase vanity to horribly selfish or damaging body modifications. Murder would surely occur more often when inflamed passions or adulterous activities cannot be hidden. I would imagine that orgies could become common therefore destruction of faithful relationships could occur.
The destruction of marriage and also a likely difficult and stressful work life. I'm sure that even the police and judges and doctors all too would crumble their own supposed good citizen personas. Prisons might flood in exposing all the white collar corruption that exists in businesses. Every fear that a person has within would become evident to others. Such things can be used to blackmail others into corruption.
I could go on and on about how awfully hard a time that people would have. In my trying not to be biased I suppose that there would be few who would whole heartedly become mindful to their thinking and seek from their hearts to try and become better people. I believe that they should do that without fear of other humans but in fear that their souls will be judged and all that is in darkness that they think that no one will ever know will be brought to the light. Maybe the scenario is already here.
The twisted, vile, selfish, perverted, manipulative, lying, hateful, corrupt, greedy, prideful, addicted, and all kinds of other ugly sinful thoughts of every human on earth! Yet also the good, peaceful, suffering, depressed, selfless, humble, honest, joyful, loving, sharing, and courageous humans qualities to empathize with in thought or to admire in their shining light as humans. All humans have weakness and yet also strengths.
we may receive. I think that this world has become severely corrupt in that how many will be able to forgive their fellow humans for horrible thoughts? Person against person I see it as in the end. Just like Jesus said. A mother will be against her own daughter and husband against wife and son against father and the best friend cannot even be trusted right before Jesus comes. Selfishness will be rampant, pride common, and lustful ways have become the norm.
I realized that God knows every secret that a person has done Jesus mentioned that the heart is wicked for such reasons since he knows our hearts. When we look at our own desires inside our minds... Our own intents for action or inaction, speech or silence, our plans and our pursuits, our choices to do what's corrupt or to do what is closest to good. We must consider that God knows and we must UNDERSTAND that we must seek first changing our hearts. Jesus said that there will be those that hate the light though. They will fear it for it will expose all the evils that they have done.
Jesus spent much of his time rebuking on those who looked religiously clean on the outside. He called them HYPOCRITES. The Jews first and then the Gentile nations were. The acts of those who believed Jesus, as they helped spread the truth, came much after his death. But they all came from his teachings.
Jesus rebuked the religious who judged his own disciples. Clean on the outside in the sight of others they were. The disciples seen not washing their hands before they ate appeared as unclean unto God, but ONLY IN THE EYES OF THOSE WHO JUDGED WITH WHAT THEY SEEN OR HEARD. Woe to them he said, also knowing the pride that they had inside their hearts. JESUS SAID they were filthy on the inside. Matthew 15:7-9 Jesus says Isaiah prophecied truth that hearts were far from God even though they spoke of him using honorable speech. They spoke nicely but did not teach or worship correctly in that THEY TAUGHT DOCTRINES THAT CAME FROM THE COMMANDMENTS OF HUMANS.
Such of their groupings lived as UNCOMMITTED MASSES that were trend followers and in whose hearts they held elitist views that were driven further towards abandoning God with each daily pursuit acting towards serving their carnal pleasures as they lived lukewarm in their tepid faith. They were confused in their thinking that they were right in serving themselves first before God almighty.
Charles H. Spurgeon said something like..... God's will is above human folly. For that is of no effect, the humans waste ot pursuits on a calendar and clock that God controls with all power. JESUS COMES WHEN THE TIME IS PERFECT. God controls all with success. Even all that folly tried to frustrate in failure.
They, seeing themselves as teachers, judges, and scribes, were known to be God's chosen people and were considered amongst one another as full of the understanding of God's wisdom and were workers who did God's will. The Pharisees chose the front places in synagogues as if they were in front or above those under their instruction and judgments. They wore tassles large and in clear sight, and had showy clothing compared to the other Jewish people.
So in these times this message surely applies to a
whole new type of Pharisees. They are of the Gentile churches! The Christian and Catholic churches!"Denominations" are loaded across the earth with various worldly ways of which Jesus warned all not to conform to. There were two Denominations, or say three, back in the time that Jesus walked the earth. They were Pharisees. Seduces, and common Jewish believers of whom which included those WIDOWS and ORPHANS as well as the elderly.
Pharisees were exposed by Jesus as having their hearts pleasure in gaining admiration and respect in the synagogues and marketplaces. Jesus said to good disciples that whoever wants to be the greatest must be the least and a servant to God and his fellow humans. Yet many who come together to speak God and Jesus name on their lips with praise and who proclaim God's power, their hearts are far from him as an ot prophet had spoke even before Jesus arrived.
Many do sermons with hearts of judgment against one another which is against the instruction of Jesus to forgive all again and again. The later apostles warned the early churches to be kind and gentle and peaceful amongst EACHOTHEr and to refrain from busybody speaking ill of others. The women were to focus on modest living and to not decorate themselves for pleasure. The envy and the pride IS IN THE CHRISTIAN CHURCHES. In the Catholic ones it is extravagant robes and repetition of vain prayers that some repeat in Latin as tradition. Those who speak the Latin keep themselves as if they are more wise than the neighbor whos name is not to pretend to hold capture the virtue of dead saints, apostles, disciples, or whomever they've made their own pope kings of with the world renowned events of them burning incense up as giant chimney after they hold their idol filled vote as it's televised across the earth
This is AI
The concept of mind reading would indeed require skilled individuals to help others comprehend and navigate such an experience, particularly in distinguishing their own thoughts from those of others. The internal nature of this phenomenon could lead many to question their sanity. This could prompt some to withdraw or avoid situations where their thoughts might be perceived negatively. Ultimately, individuals might find themselves judging their own thoughts and struggling with the unmasking of their genuine intentions. In such a scenario, falsehoods would fail to conceal true feelings, potentially exacerbating feelings of animosity.
It seems you're discussing the potential consequences of unchecked immoral behavior. Increased sexual immorality and envy could lead to damaging body modifications and a spike in murder rates. Faithful relationships might be destroyed, leading to a stressful work life and societal breakdown. Moreover, white-collar corruption could be exposed, leading to potential blackmail.
It seems that you're reflecting on the human condition and the duality of our nature. On one hand, there's the struggle with negative traits like selfishness and hate, while on the other, there's the beauty of selflessness and love. It's a complex interplay between darkness and light within each person. The idea of seeking personal growth without fear of judgment from others, but rather from a deeper sense of accountability to oneself and one's own morality, is also a powerful notion. It's a thought-provoking exploration of our collective humanity and the potential for both growth and moral scrutiny.
In a world filled with corruption and a lack of forgiveness, the words of Jesus echo through time. The breakdown of trust between individuals, even within families and friendships, is a stark reminder of the prevalent selfishness, pride, and moral decay. Jesus's insight into the human heart highlights the hidden secrets and the struggle with wicked desires. It's a call to introspection, to acknowledge that God sees all and to seek a transformation of the heart. However, Jesus also acknowledges that some will resist this change, fearing the exposure of their wrongdoing.
Jesus often confronted those who appeared religiously righteous on the surface, labeling them as hypocrites. His teachings laid the foundation for those who would later spread his message, following his death. He chastised the religious elite for judging his disciples based on external actions, emphasizing that true impurity lay within. Jesus warned against the pride and hypocrisy within their hearts, citing Isaiah's prophecy that their worship was misguided and rooted in human doctrine rather than divine truth (Matthew 15:7-9).
The uncommitted masses often followed trends and held elitist views, drifting further from God as they pursued their carnal pleasures, maintaining a lukewarm faith. They believed in serving themselves before God, but as Charles H. Spurgeon suggested, God's will surpasses human folly. Despite their pursuits and the passage of time, God's control remains absolute. When the time is perfect, Jesus will come. Ultimately, God prevails over all human folly and frustration.
In the past, the Pharisees were seen as God's chosen people, holding positions of authority and wisdom. Their outward displays of status and adherence to religious practices were notable. Today, a similar mentality can be seen in certain Gentile churches within the Christian and Catholic denominations. While Jesus cautioned against conformity to worldly ways, it's important to recognize the diversity within these denominations, just as there were different groups in the time of Jesus. This includes consideration for widows, orphans, and the elderly.
Jesus exposed the Pharisees for seeking admiration and respect in public places, rather than serving God with humility. He taught his disciples that true greatness comes from being a servant to God and others. Despite outward displays of praise and proclamation, many hearts remained distant from God, echoing the warnings of prophets prior to Jesus. This highlights the importance of genuine devotion over mere outward appearances.
It's important to remember the teachings of Jesus and the later apostles, who emphasized forgiveness, kindness, and humility. The focus should be on peaceful and gentle interactions, avoiding judgment and busybody behavior. Rather than indulging in envy and pride, the community should embrace modesty and simplicity. It's crucial for all Christian churches, including the Catholic ones, to prioritize these values over extravagant displays and traditions that may lead to division or a sense of superiority. Instead, the emphasis should be on genuine virtue and compassion for others, fostering a sense of unity and humility.
In both past and present times, many people experience envy and covet the respect, possessions, power, status, appearance, or abilities of others. Some harbor a sense of superiority in their private thoughts, echoing Jesus' warning about appearing clean on the outside while harboring inner filth in their hearts. This message is particularly relevant to a new iteration of Pharisees in contemporary Gentile churches. These individuals are admonished for neglecting the vulnerable, such as orphans, widows, and the fatherless, while prioritizing their religious obligations. It is essential to remember these teachings and extend a helping hand to the oppressed.
The teachings stem from God the Father in heaven, with the Holy Spirit, described by Jesus as the spirit of truth, guiding those who wholeheartedly believe and strive to fulfill God's will. Jesus expanded the concept of sin, encompassing not only murder but also the internal hatred towards others, and not just adultery but also the internal lustful desires. He emphasized that one's true treasure aligns with their heart's desires and cautioned against prioritizing worldly possessions over seeking the kingdom of heaven.
Wow..... Quite impressive!
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gingerbredman1989 · 6 months
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Bing Image Creation
More AI Before & After transformations
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jaideepkhanduja · 6 months
Revolutionizing Contact Center Performance: Ozonetel's AI-Powered Insights Unveiled in 2023 Report
Revolutionizing Contact Center Performance: Ozonetel's AI-Powered Insights Unveiled in 2023 Report #ContactCenter #AIRevolution #CustomerExperience #OzonetelInsights #AutomationInBusiness #OmnichannelCX #IndustryAnalysis #AIInnovation @ozonetel @Google
In the dynamic landscape of modern business, the convergence of artificial intelligence and automation has ushered in a transformative wave, reshaping the very foundations of contact center performance. At the forefront of this revolution stands Ozonetel, a trailblazing omnichannel and AI-powered customer experience platform provider. The culmination of their groundbreaking endeavor is unveiled…
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skyvexxon · 9 months
Please check out my other videos I have to offer.
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