#ALSO I AM ROOTING FOR YOU! i hope that you have fun and find joy in creating narratives!!!
brother-emperors · 10 months
I adore how you manage to tickle these very intimate emotional moments from tiny detached throw-away sentences describing historical events. You're a master at filling in the deeply human blanks of history. I hope to one day be as good as you are at extrapolating emotion and nuance and momentary life from the often very broad strokes history is written with.
a couple years ago, I got ahold of M. L. Clarke's The Noblest Roman: Marcus Brutus and his Repuptation, and the way the book closes rewired something forever in my heart
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it shifted my focus from being a spectacle enjoyer to wanting to sit around these figures like machiavelli writes about doing and ask them questions and see what reply is given, which also made the political spectacle more interesting
and a huge part of it is that one of my favorite genres is romance, and erotica is fun too. its a genre that is character heavy and reliant on intimacy and I LOVE character driven narratives. my favorite kind of stuff from my other two beloved genres, horror and mystery, tend to be focused on character moments, driven by internal and external arcs (OCN's the Guest, you'll always be number one in my heart forever and ever).
even though I'm doing circus stuff with historical figures, the fiction aspect of it is HEAVILY influenced by those genres because that's a lot of what I read and also enjoy writing. I'll never be good at writing dense political fiction spanning across a huge world (the thought of attempting anything on the world building scale of ASoIaF makes my brain hurt, and Im also not interested in doing that), but my god will I pick a guy and spend months in his ribcage imagining situations and wondering what he liked to eat for breakfast.
this was!!! really nice to read!!!!! thank you so so much, anon
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imababblekat · 13 days
Bayverse TmnT X Reader; Jealousy HC's
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Anon Request, "Hello, I'm your fan, how are you? Can I ask what the Tmnt's reaction would be to seeing that the girl they like is the best friend of one of their brothers? and see that they have a lot of fun together. How would you handle jealousy and insecurity? Could you talk to her about how you feel about it? (PS: the girl is also in love with him). 💙❤💜🧡Greetings from Buenos Aires! I am writing to you with the translator. Notice in case I have any spelling errors.🥲🥲🥲"
A/N: Oh! Well hello! Thank you very much; I hope you enjoy the request ^-^
-Regardless of which brother has a crush on their friend, they all truly appreciate that the person of their interest gets along well with their brother/s.
-Which makes their feelings of jealousy and/or insecurity very conflicting, and each handle it differently.
-that being said. . .
Leo’s probably the most relieved that his crush gets on with his family, their safety always his top priority, but at the same time he can’t help but feel that he’s lacking something with how close they seem to be versus with him
Such as he wishes that he could be more of a social butterfly like Mikey, scientifically wise in the way Donnie is, or even more of a fun risk taker like Raph
Leonardo thinks that his role as leader makes him come off as some sort of serious kill joy to his interest, and it truly does bum him out, wishing that he could step out of his introverted shell and not be so stiff around them
It would take a deep talk with Master Splinter for Leo to take the chance to talk things out with his crush, his father’s statement replaying out in his mind that he sees the whole story from his point of view rather than a few sentences on the page his son is so tunnel versioned on
Raph won’t ever say it aloud but he appreciates the bond his crush and brother/s have; till he realizes he’s caught feelings for them
Absolutely the most conflicted about the situation and is also the one who comes off as the most jealous, though everyone thinks he’s just being more of an ass than usual
In reality he’s masking over his deep rooted insecurities
He sure as hell isn’t wise and all mystic like Leo, or a magnet of hospitality like Mikey, and there’s a reason he’s the brawns of the team while Donnie is the brains
Raphael hates the notion that he’s intimidating to his interest; he already felt like a freak to begin with, but to feel like the non desirable one amongst his brothers is a new low he didn’t know was possible
Takes a miracle and a half to get him to speak his mind to his crush, meanwhile everyone around them is dying because of the obvious pinning from both idiots in love
Donnie finds comfort in the fact that the groups friend gets along so well with his brother/s, which is why it’s so frustrating to him that he also somehow really hates it
It was never an issue before and he quickly comes to the conclusion that its because he’s formed a crush on the groups friend
Tries to reason with himself that the feeling will pass but when it doesn’t is when it really starts to become a problem
Just because Donnie is the most intellectual member of the group, doesn’t mean he’s immune to in-depth emotions and is very quickly drowned in envious insecurities
Things like why can’t he be cool and collected like Leo, or as whimsy as Mikey, or as impressively strong like Raphael
He only ever even thinks about saying something to his crush after Leo has a talk with him on why he shut himself in his lab for a week while unintentionally giving his crush the cold shoulder; Leo’s statement that they were very concerned they did something wrong being what pushes Donnie because despite his overwhelming emotions he can’t sleep with the fact he made them feel so hurt
Mikey absolute adores that closeness of his brother/s and crush! Mans just keeps collecting a bigger family!
Which is why he doesn’t particularly hold anything against his bother/s for the attention they get from his crush, but more so gets too deep in his head about himself
Mikey knows he can be a lot, that he can be annoying and loud and forget others personal space
With his brothers, he’s used to it, knowing they never truly mean anything negative they say to him, and while his crush hasn’t ever said anything horrid to him, there must be some reason they spend all their time with his brother/s versus with him
Turns out it is because he’s lot, but not in the way he thinks!
It’s Raph who talks some sense into Mikey, the former being the first to notice something really bothering the youngest, and despite making a promise to their friend not to say anything, Raph admits to Mikey the reason behind his crushes apparent avoidance
It’s because they actually have the biggest crush on him as well, but unlike Mikey in all of his excitable nature, they’re much more shy and reserved
The news absolutely breaks Mikey in the best of ways, dude is on cloud nine and trying his hardest to resist running out into the lair to grab his crush into twirling hug
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daniigh0ul · 2 months
simblr story recommendations pt 1/?
hi i have been reading a ton of stories in this community for the past several months and i thought it'd be fun to recommend some of them to you all! these are sorted by genre with a small blurb for each! i also included if the story is still being updated or if it's a finished story! :) i didn't include content warnings because most, if not all, have warnings listed on their pages, ty! this post is long but i didnt want to put anything under a read more cut so !!
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@madebysimblr the princess and me status: complete
cordy steele is in college and not taking it very seriously when raina comes into her life. while they may not get along at first, it is a pleasure and a joy to watch their friendship form and grow with them. this story made cordy my favorite from coffee's SIMnematic universe, and i hope she will become yours, too. :D
@earthmoonz wifey status: ongoing do you want to read about a queer relationship forming while both deal with their grief with the backdrop of crime in london??? then read this!! it is so cinematic and well-done!!! i am rooting for max and lena til the end
royalty, baby
@nexility-sims 1992 status: ongoing
follow leonor as she navigates grief in the public eye--this is a prequel/spin-off of n's main story, which is also very good, and reading both gives you extra context and i fully believe 1992 is worth the read for the cinematic nature of it as well as the wonderful prose. if you support women's wrongs, i highly recommend you read this.
@armoricaroyalty the house of st. fleur status: ongoing
do you want to watch a family push each other's buttons while navigating royal life? do you want to support women's wrongs and become apart of the Worst Man's hate club? then this story is for you!
@bridgeportbritt simdonia status: ongoing
follow along as bria wu marries into royalty life and all of the ins-and-outs of that new life as she navigates her family life, her relationship with her new husband, and as her kids grow up and navigate their own relationships and lives. the drama is so good and it's such a blast to read!
slice of life/legacy
@lynzishell star sign legacy status: ongoing the story starts with phoenix as a teenager, and follows him into his adulthood--we follow along as he navigates love, loss, anger issues, and a little bit of trauma go a long way, but what i really love is how the relationships form over time, whether they be romantic or platonic and now i am too invested in phoenix and the people in his life!! and i hope you will be, too! @elderwisp tessellate status: ongoing this ensemble cast are navigating their twenties and their relationships, but secrets and tensions lie underneath--will anyone get what they want? girl i don't know but it's fun to watch everything unfold and it's beautifully edited so 10/10 do recommend @honeyjars-sims safe harbor status: ongoing do you want to follow along as three siblings navigate their young adult years while dealing with trauma and the complicated experience that is navigating your early adulthood? then read this !! there are drag queens, a nightmare, and love--romantic and familial and platonic--and i guarantee you will become invested in these's characters' lives. @hannahssimblr lucky girl status: complete
evie is probably the most relatable girl you'll ever read about. she's insecure, she's in love with a boy, some of her friends suck, others don't. as we follow her through her young adult years, we watch her navigate her love of a boy, her naivety and later, her wisdom, as she grows up. and will she get the boy in the end?? you'll have to read it to find out !! @sirianasims the duchelli legacy status: ongoing i think my favorite part of siri's storytelling is reading about her sims navigate their family relationships--usually in the form of a parent getting their act together for their kid(s)!! but there's also space travel, romance, friendships, and general chaos and it's such a fun read so i highly recommend it!!
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Ok so I'm a very new F1 fan - started watching this year; I used to sit and watch races together with my father and brother in the 2007-2012 period just to spend time with them, not because I was interested, but I still retained some information from back then - and now I started out as, and still am a Charles fan.
And considering just how popular he is and all of the jokes about "Ask her about her favourite driver, bet she'll say Charles Leclerc" I thought the main reason people supported him was for the hype.
But to see a blog run by someone, who has so much knowledge of F1, the car structure, the history of the sport, someone who has watched for so long...and that blog is about Charles Leclerc of all drivers? That fills me with such joy and relief. Because I know for myself, that I'm not a fan of him for his looks or popularity, but sometimes I feel a little insecure about supporting him since I lack experience and knowledge in the field of watching F1, considering how new I am to it, so I can't always really defend my reasoning behind being his fan ("I just think he's good" doesn't really hold up that well as an argument)
So it's really nice to see someone so immersed in sport be openly supportive of him, since you have such a huge pick of drivers to make your blog about and curate your space with - current and past generation(s), legends of the sport. And yet it's about Charles.
That to me is basically like getting approval by an older sibling for a good pick/ good move made in a game. Like maybe my choice to like and root for him isn't as stupid as everyone makes it out to be. Maybe he isn't just popular.
So sorry for the ramble, but I just wanted to say thank you for your patience in explaining concepts to the community and for being unapologetically yourself on this app. Your blog is very enjoyable!
Omg thank you this is truly the sweetest thing <3
I could write essays(and I might) about sexism in this sport. But I want to say that you don't need a "valid" reason for a driver to be your favorite. They can be your favorite because you just think they are neat. And it's also not a bad thing if you do find them attractive or that's what first got your attention. People gatekeep to create this idea that you need a reason that they deem "worthy" when you don't. It's a sport you like, enjoy it however you want to have fun.
If you want to say Fernando is your favorite because you think his sunglasses are cool then more power to you.
And you don't need to understand all the history and car stuff to be a good fan.
People like to gatekeep and create this idea that you need to know certain things or you have to like a driver for X reason, but if you like him for X reason then you aren't a real fan. It's frustrating.
Popular isn't always a bad thing either.
I'm a Ferrari fan, I support the driver who is skilled who is bringing glory to my red team. Charles has been doing that consistently since he joined and that is why he has my support. I have been impressed with his skill on track every single year of his career. I like quality driving, I like quality driving in RED, and Charles does both of those things.
Charles is a skilled driver, and you should feel happy supporting him and watching him drive because it's truly amazing to watch.
I am very glad you have joined us in our support of Charles and his career at Ferrari, it's an exciting time for him and for the team! I hope you are having fun!
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khayalli · 7 months
How do you art. My ability has left me and a block has taken its place
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(This is my second time trying to do this, tumblr I will blow you up PERSONALLY)
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First off I am giving the biggest hugs!!! Art blocks suck and I'm sorry to hear that it's bringing you down :(
I think the best thing to do is figure out what's causing your artblock. Everything I'm about to ramble about is personal experience so if it doesn't apply throw me another ask or DM! I'm always happy to talk to people!
In my experience, artblock usually comes from a very mental place. Creative have a bad habit of equating their worth to what they create/the quality of what they create.
You are more than content!!! Your art is a wonderful thing about you, but it's not your entire worth as a person. So if you fail, or you suck, that doesn't mean that you as a person fail/suck. So if that's in your noggin, start niggling that little bitch out. Yeet it into the sun!!!!! She's useless and adds nothing to the conversation!!!!!!!!
Don't be afraid to create bad art, either. I can't express to you how many aborted files I have in my folder because I thought "it's not good enough. Scrap it"
But my biggest leaps of progress come from me being like "this sucks, but I'm going to finish it anyway" you learn WAY more with bad art than you will with good. Analyse and deconstruct after you've finished creating, not during. Have fun while you're doing it. Fuck around and find out. Get manic with it. Cackle into the abyss. Create with the joy of a 5 year old that has no idea what notes/reblogs are and just loves this silly purple guy.
Ability fluctuates as your eyes get better at spotting what's good/bad. Your art probably isn't bad. Your eyes are just much keener now at picking these things up! Your hands just haven't gotten the memo yet.
SO! Here are some actionable ways you can break art block, or at least create a little bit:
Make art that sucks and learn to be uncomfortable with it. Find joy in shitty art. I'm a lot happier now that I do this!
Finish it or post it anyway!
Speak to your creative friends, or fandom friends! A lot of my inspo comes from them because they inspire me all the time. Bouncing ideas off eachother helps a lot with idea generation, and staying excited about it.
Prompt generators and those expression memes! They take the thinking part out and you can concentrate on just drawing
Art trades, or even collaborations! Having someone else there always adds more motivation
Pose studies, a lot of my stuff is just pose studies that I warped into hot turtle men. It's another one where I don't have to think, just create.
Writing down those ideas you get at 3am so that when you're stuck you can go look at a list
I hope this helps a little. This sort of thing is hard to deal with, and I understand how frustrating it is when you want to draw but you just can't seem to (I went a year without picking up a pen, shudders). I promise that with gentle effort and genuine kindness to yourself, it can get better! I'm rooting for you!!!
(Sorry for how much I rambled on, this is something I'm very passionate about and in the trenches with also)
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dropintomanga · 1 year
The Most Joy I've Felt in a Long Time
23 years ago around this time, I was diagnosed with clinical depression and contemplating suicide. Although I got help, I didn't feel like I got better in terms of being resilient in the face of adversity.
Fast forward to today and I'm feeling the most joy I've felt in a very long time. Maybe this is the very first time and I'm in my '40s.
I sometimes felt that drowning myself in anime/manga/video games would get me motivated. In some ways, it has. But I learned over the past 2 years how much I needed to be around people to feel that life is bearable.
In lieu of Suicide Prevention Month, I read this TIME article about the state of mental health care in the U.S. (NOTE: it sucks). Therapists are either very shitty or burnt out. The mental health system is being asked to do more than what it's supposed to do. Everyone knows and is talking about mental health, but things have gotten much worse.
I wish a lot of people who talk about "awareness" realize what people who are emotionally suffering really want. This is a quote from the article linked above.
“I had a rough upbringing. I had a lot of people take advantage of me. I was bullied really badly in school. I needed more than pills. I needed guidance.”
Life is fucking hard and we're all expected to know the answers by ourselves. Who can blame anyone if they start having thoughts of suicidal ideation as a result?
I'm not going to pretend that I have all the answers to suicide prevention, but I do know that being around people who actually care is a solution. And also more importantly, having an actual honest and VERY vulnerable conversation about how we all can be prone to severe emotional distress to the point of suicidal ideation. Because when I hear people say "Nope, that won't ever be me." when it comes to falling into a painful state just like those already in pain, a part of me will go "You REALLY sure about that?"
Maybe that's why I feel a lot of joy right because I knew how vulnerable I am and took gradual steps to make life fun.
I just hope people out there with a history of suicidal ideation can find some joy or have already found it. You don't have to go all big to find those moments. Start small and somewhere, preferably in a safe space and/or with someone who loves you.
I will never blame you for feeling the way you do and I'm rooting for you to be socially resilient in the face of it all with joy.
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bropunzeling · 3 months
old ship you want to revisit (write or read!)
new ship you plan to read and/or write about
fic you want to see in the world but not write (c'mon, people, why haven't you got on this yet??)
fic you want to see in the world and have plans to write (as vague or as detailed as possible)
fannish wish for this summer
something you're looking forward to this summer, fandom or not
[thing - food, artist, character/ship, etc] is underappreciated! Tell us what you like about it and why we should give it a try!
[coming in late as we watch euros]
old ship to revisit - i was never hugely into them at the time of their youth, but reading a really good nate/jo fic set during the past season that addresses past youthful fears and urgency and new adult worries and deep feeling could be REAL good imho
new ship to read or write about - technically i have written a fic for them but im still thinking deeply about brady/quinn and all the vast potential that long-distance friends to lovers has to offer. also same sitch but matthew/sasha could be SO romantic and tasty. idk i find the particular bravery of making the leap from friends to something more so compelling! also a mo/timmy summer boyfriends concept continues to rattle in my skull like a ping pong ball.
fic i want to see in the world but not write - i continue to find future fic hard and scary to tackle myself, so i WOULD love someone to write a very tasty 70k break up/make up future fic for any of the ships i am into, in the full "we were something and then we weren't and now fortune and free agency has thrown us together again and neither of us know how to handle it" kind of way
fic you want to see in the world and plan to write - it's seattle au! i'm not the first to think of the basic premise in the loosest sense, but i do think my version is going to be perfectly calibrated to my sensibilities (rooted in place, lots of oblivious yearning) and i hope other people will like it too 😊
fannish wish for the summer - we land someone wildly unexpected in free agency. matty and shane throw out some pitches again. fun uncle matthew pictures (technically that's fall but whatever)
something you're looking forward to for the summer - never thinking about wedding planning again, because i will be married (and i guess the actual getting married part too haha!)
unappreciated thing - i watched the five hour rant about fourth wing and it brought me much joy. you, too, can also feel joy about a really poorly conceived book being ripped to shreds.
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ae-azile · 5 months
I really appreciate the voting pools you are doing for every upcoming chapter:D. It gives me a taste of what I can look forward to the next chapter of Progression. I love this story so much. I fear that Korn will make some real trouble now. And hopefully he won't get between KhunArm too much. Because yes, Porsche won't have this ship ruined for him:DD. Also I think that Korn won't like developing VegasKinn ship either (i.e. power cousin combo). If that's something he will try to break (again), Chay won't have it. It's his OTP now and Korn won't ruin it. Your writing is amazing and I can't wait for more.
I'm glad you enjoy the voting polls! Meant to make this last one have a week limit but forgot to change it. But they are fun to compile and sometimes hold me to keeping certain plot points that I might delay otherwise.
Korn is...ugh. I will say that he loves his sons in his own way, but he values his own perception and control too highly to truly listen to them and adjust his own views and behavior. In this universe, I have Tankhun getting kidnapped at 17 years old. He was highly valued and Korn's pride and joy up until that point, and then was completely traumatized by everything that happened to him during his kidnapping. I think Korn's mixture of guilt and disappointment that he never bounced back from it made it so he distanced himself from his oldest and went lax on the level of support he needed back then. Khun changed so much from the experience, and I think that was not expected. But it also made Korn more controlling and protective of Tankhun in his own way. He has not viewed Tankhun as capable in a long time, and this extends to normal life milestones that Tankhun was robbed of. He has been so brave and productive these last few years, both secretively and not so secretively, and it has gone mostly unnoticed by close to everyone (except for Arm, and maybe Pol). It probably saddens him greatly, but he knows it has been for the best because the good developments might be halted by his father, should he find out. This upcoming chapter, he may be proven right. It's integral that he has everyone else in his corner at this point. His next steps need to be a strange mixture of bold, deliberate, but also very planned.
I mean, after all, he can't let Porsche down. ArmKhun is his OTP! I think if drama occurs with Korn, he is going to be a mixture of pissed off, supportive of his ship, and extremely involved. He wants them to stay together, and being an active player in making sure that happens will be interesting for him lol. As for Chay, I know he doesn't want the relationship between the cousins to be affected by Korn or his decision to step out of retirement.
The reconciliation with the cousins will probably be kept quiet for now, but I don't see Korn liking it much either, not unless he can keep an active eye on Vegas, Macau, Pete, and Fern. He has been comforted by the knowledge that they are busy with new ventures that don't really affect the major family's, and the fact that Vegas and Pete are busy with fatherhood might be a positive in his eyes. They won't risk the baby's welfare by stepping out of line, and the baby can be used as potential leverage if they do. I don't think it will come to that, but I think Vegas has no desire to get involved with Korn again for this reason, as well as the fact that he views Korn as the root of several different traumas.
I do hope to explore some of this in the new chapter! I am behind schedule right now due to two deadlines at work, but I am currently writing an emotionally charged conversation between Kinn and Khun now. It is way overdue and some resentments are coming out, but it will hopefully be good for them and their bond in the scheme of things! Thank you for the ask!
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elvendorx · 2 years
What are your thoughts on “golden retriever” James Potter? It’s not a reading I typically leans towards. I think James is probably a warmer person on the surface than say Sirius, but he’s also a dick. Not to mention, he’s a pure blood while the Potters aren’t the Blacks I feel like he’d still have an certain kind of air about him you know? I just don’t think he’s a big silly goofy guy and it’s a reading of him that sorta confuses me. (Nor do I view him as being as preppy as most people seem to) Thoughts?
I want to say that all reading are valid. Love what you love, and if you love “Golden Retriever” James then by all mean enjoy it to its full out extent.
Hello, and thanks for this question!
As with a lot of fandom, I see where the roots of "golden retreiver James" come from but I think they lack nuance in the way they're explored (not to sound catty or snobbish). I am staunchly against any whitewashing of James or Sirius (and in general) and I think that “golden retriver James”, whether intended to or not, functions as a dampener on the unpleasant corners of James' personality.
I think it taps into two aspects of James' character well in two senses: one is the softeness he has specficially around his friends (and probably parents, as we’re told he’s been pampered). I have this vision of James as a bit of the baby of the group, he's probably the most naive and idealistic of the four and I also think he's the most well-liked, so the Marauders let him get away with things they wouldn't tolerate from the others and they're more protective of him than the others. And I can imagine in the dorms, one on one with his friends, he's softer, sillier, he's the one with the fun ideas and the excitement and the energy. You can see his playfulness in the whole show with the Snitch in SWM, but his pointing out of Snape to Sirius is very much predatory rather than playful or innocent or fun like a golden retriever.
Secondly, "golden retriever James" as the image he fosters publicly is more believable - but he also doesn't exactly hide his meanness and his enjoyment of bullying Snape, there's a whole crowd there. But James does perform to that crowd and he doesn't shy away from looking silly and amping up this impression of himself as a loveable fool - "Go on, go out with me" is putting himself on the line, I think there's a hopefulness there but he's obviously going to play it off as a joke as he seems to know (like surely he has to know) it's not going to go his way, and then the whole playing dumb/innocent "Well, it's more the fact that he exists, if you know what I mean" - he's also not shying away from his complete dislike of Snape, so that goes against the "golden retriever who loves everyone" image. He only tones down his performance when told to stop playing with the Snitch by Sirius and he's poorly covers up that he's upset when Lily doesn't buy into the act, so "golden retriever" as a cultivated image that James consciously puts forward is the nuance that the archetype needs, imo, and is brings together the light and shadow that we see of his personality.
In terms of James as a pureblood, for sure he has that air of entitlement and self-assurance. I don't see the Potters as traditional purebloods, I think they're lowkey intended to be a bit weird and "new money" but whilst still accepted (a bit to the right of the Weasleys, maybe) so I've never seen them as having a house elf, or a manor, or balls or anything like that, but the attitude and all the privileges, absolutely.
As you say, people can read and find joy in whatever reading of James they want (just might not be actually James Potter as he's written in the book, but whatever) but I think "golden retriever James" is one of those examples that happens a lot in MWPP characterisation where one aspect, or one comment, gets blown into the entire personality and taken as gospel. I think there are shades of a bouncy, goofy side of James there but they have to be reconciled with everything else we know about him - a lot of which isn't necessarily pleasant, and that's what makes him an interesting character but one that it is difficult to completely draw out without spending a lot of time on it.
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lavenderwaterfall · 1 year
Hi there! If it’s not too personal for you to share, is there anything you can share about your experiences with Psyche? Share whatever you’re comfortable sharing, but a few specific questions are:
How does she make her presence known to you?
How is she helping you grow?
How does she tend to communicate with you?
I’m asking all of this because I feel drawn to work with her myself, and discussing others’ experiences with deities is helpful for me. Thank you!
Hello Anon! I'm so happy you've reached out to me about this and I'm so excited for you that you feel drawn to work with her!!! I adore Psyche and am always willing to talk about her and my experience and help with any questions you might have. In my shortish time working with her I've discovered just how kind and gentle she is (at least in my experience.) While she does have motherly tendencies I've always said she gives me more caring older sister vibes. Someone you can more closely connect and relate to and have fun with, but will also be there for you when you most need her and give you the advice you need to hear in a gentle way. I always feel at peace and just a great comfort whenever I'm worshipping or doing devotional acts for her.
It's kind of hard to describe how she makes herself known to me. The best way to describe it is just gut feelings or just a download of emotions? For example, the first time I lit a candle for her and officially introduced myself I was a stumbling mess who really didn't know what she was doing. Despite that, I felt a sense of pride and a sense of appreciation that deep down I knew was her. She was proud of me for reaching out and she appreciated the effort and the intent behind my actions no matter how many times I messed up my words or just felt awkward and didn't know what I was doing. Occasionally she'll give me actual words. She has a very distinct voice in my head that I know is not my own. Generally, though I know her presence is near by the peace I'll feel despite what chaos might be going on in my life at the moment.
Along with the above, I do tarot readings with her for more specific or detailed communication. She has her own deck she communicates with and I search out communication by how her candle reacts to different things. For how she's helping me grow? As the goddess of the soul and her name being the root of the word psychology, I heavily relate her to mental health. That's the biggest thing she helps me with. Especially as someone who has really, really bad anxiety she's helping me find a sense of inner peace and comfort with the world around me. Along with helping me take care of myself. A lot of my devotional acts to her are self-care acts or things that uplift my soul and bring me joy and happiness.
I hope these were the answers you were seeking from your questions. If you have any other questions or want me to elaborate on anything I will gladly do so! I love answerings anons and talking about Psyche
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ssreeder · 1 year
ALSKFJG to be fair Reedy i for one am not complaining about the length over here, there's a thrill to each update. Idk if I've mentioned before that the first thing i do when I'm scrolling through ao3 is to set my filters tl show only complete works. I'm not strong enough to deal with uncompleted works, but at the same time, if i go on too long like that, i end up missing the thrill of just... Going along for the ride, checking when there's an update, hyping myself uo when there IS and I'm not ready to deal with it, taking a moment to breathe after i read it, get lost in the possibilities of what's to come until the next chapter comes out
Like... It is fun, to be able to enjoy a story to it's fullest extent, and there's a certain joy that can't be replicated by reading it all in one sitting, a joy that comes from having to sit with what you have and *wonder*
And BOI am i fucking wondering what's going to happen, i have a ticking time bomb stressing me out constantly in the form of a somewhat unhinged but ultimately baby 14 year old called Azula, and meanwhile zuko is sneaking into sokka's bedroom and I'm just here sitting watching reading knowing that's just BEGGING for trouble bc WHAT IF SOMEONE COMES IN, and also toph absolutely knows bc she literally can feel the extra heartbeat but she minds the business that pays her
I hope it's that, anyways, and not toph waiting for the moment to bully sokka, which i WOULD appreciate but... I wouldn't wish to be sokka for that if that's the plan. And talking about bullying. JET JET JET JET. You've got me over here stressed out for jet waking up bc like... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH. PAIN. I WANT HIS PAIN. I CRAVE HIS SUFFERING. I NEED TO SEE WHAT HE'LL DO NOW. Reedy what have you done to me. You have me rooting for jet. In a twisted backwards way but still
And katara deserves the world, she has no idea what's coming and god will she hate it but she's doing her best she deserves some vacations. They're not coming tho. Bc as soon as jet wakes up to cause problems on purpose she'll probably find out zukka is a thing and she still doesn't like zuko so the poor girl is bound for whiplash and then the water tribe is getting into ba sing se but not for long! Because Azula is a menace and she's out for blood and i oove her but that kid needs to be adopted soon before she burns the world (is she going to get adopted? Puppy eyes over here begging for her to be adopted. She'd look great in water tribe blue) (i know that's not what this story is about but a guy can dream ok?)
Anyways. This is what you do when you leave me to think about the future of the story for too long. The possibilities are simmering in my brain
-Fragile heart
Hahaha - well we are officially on this journey together pal! Im glad you hopped on before we got to the end lol.
Im confident a certain earth bender knows that a certain highly strung fire bender is sneaking in through the window at night. Im sure she is just waiting for the right time to commence the teasing.
Jets awakening won’t be next chapter but the one after that! (I couldn’t fit it all this next chapter haha) but it’ll be a mess I can assure you that.
Katara isn’t getting a break anytime soon! & no I’m sure she won’t be THRILLED to find out about zukka mostly because her interaction with Zuko doesn’t go so smoothly next chapter ha……. Oops
As for azula…. Hmmm….. we’ll see ;)
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kateees-stuff · 9 months
“It is never too late to be what you might have been.” —George Elliot
Hi guys! I am Erika Baconguis, 18 years old from 920 Betina Visayan Street, I am very happy to share with you my ambition to become a lawyer. My path to the legal profession is driven by a passion for justice and a deep-rooted commitment to positively impacting the lives of others. From an early age, I have been fascinated by the complexity of the legal system and its ability to create a just and equal society. As I embark on this path, I hope to immerse myself in the study of law, hone my skills as a lawyer, and ultimately contribute to a world where principles of justice prevail. Join me on this exciting journey as I uphold the values ​​that underpin the legal profession and strive for a better future.
Let me share my achievements and credentials.
-Champion Dart (2023) 🎯
I am someone who finds joy and relaxation in some exciting hobbies.
One of my favorite things to do is immerse myself in the vibrant world of TikTok.
You'll find a wealth of fun and creative content there.
From hilarious skits to impressive dance moves, TikTok always captures my attention.
I too am experiencing the exciting world of online gaming at Digital Playground.
Whether it's exploring virtual worlds, strategizing in multiplayer games, or simply enjoying an immersive story, gaming offers me an exciting escape and an opportunity to connect with friends in a digital environment.
These hobbies not only entertain me, but are also a great way to relax and stay in touch with the ever-evolving trends and technologies that are shaping the digital age.
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readerbookclub · 2 years
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Yours Truly - November Book List
This is a list of epistolary novels--those composed of letters. We’ve read one of these before (The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society, anyone?) and I thought it would be fun to read another! I tried to find a group of books that cover a wide range of themes and genres, so I really hope you like it! 
As always, please vote for which one we should read using the link at the bottom of this post. 
Dear Committee Members, by Julie Schumacher
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Jason Fitger is a beleaguered professor of creative writing and literature at Payne University, a small and not very distinguished liberal arts college in the midwest. His department is facing draconian cuts and squalid quarters, while one floor above them the Economics Department is getting lavishly remodeled offices. His once-promising writing career is in the doldrums, as is his romantic life, in part as the result of his unwise use of his private affairs for his novels. His star (he thinks) student can't catch a break with his brilliant (he thinks) work Accountant in a Bordello, based on Melville's Bartleby. In short, his life is a tale of woe, and the vehicle this droll and inventive novel uses to tell that tale is a series of hilarious letters of recommendation that Fitger is endlessly called upon by his students and colleagues to produce, each one of which is a small masterpiece of high dudgeon, low spirits, and passive-aggressive strategies.
Meet Me at the Museum, by Anne Youngson
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Please be aware I am writing to you to make sense of myself ... When the curator of a Danish museum responds to a query about ancient exhibits, he doesn’t expect a reply. When Tina Hopgood first wrote it, nor did she … Professor Anders Larsen, an urbane man of facts, has lost his wife, along with his hopes and dreams for the future. He does not know that a query from a Mrs Tina Hopgood about a world-famous antiquity in his museum is about to alter the course of his life. Oceans apart, an unexpected correspondence flourishes as they discover shared passions: for history and nature; for useless objects left behind by loved ones; for the ancient and modern world, what is lost in time, what is gained and what has stayed the same. Through intimate stories of joy, anguish, and discovery, each one bares their soul to the other. But when Tina's letters suddenly cease, Anders is thrown into despair. Can this unlikely friendship survive?
On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous, by Ocean Vuong
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On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous is a letter from a son to a mother who cannot read. Written when the speaker, Little Dog, is in his late twenties, the letter unearths a family's history that began before he was born — a history whose epicenter is rooted in Vietnam — and serves as a doorway into parts of his life his mother has never known, all of it leading to an unforgettable revelation. At once a witness to the fraught yet undeniable love between a single mother and her son, it is also a brutally honest exploration of race, class, and masculinity. Asking questions central to our American moment, immersed as we are in addiction, violence, and trauma, but undergirded by compassion and tenderness, On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous is as much about the power of telling one's own story as it is about the obliterating silence of not being heard.
The Incarnations, by Susan Barker
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Who are you? You must be wondering. I am your soulmate, your old friend, and I have come back to this city of sixteen million in search of you. So begins the first letter that falls into Wang’s lap as he flips down the visor in his taxi. The letters that follow are filled with the stories of Wang’s previous lives—from escaping a marriage to a spirit bride, to being a slave on the run from Genghis Khan, to living as a fisherman during the Opium Wars, and being a teenager on the Red Guard during the cultural revolution—bound to his mysterious “soulmate,” spanning one thousand years of betrayal and intrigue. As the letters continue to appear seemingly out of thin air, Wang becomes convinced that someone is watching him—someone who claims to have known him for over one thousand years. And with each letter, Wang feels the watcher growing closer and closer…
The Color Purple, by Alice Walker
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A powerful cultural touchstone of modern American literature, The Color Purple depicts the lives of African American women in early twentieth-century rural Georgia. Separated as girls, sisters Celie and Nettie sustain their loyalty to and hope in each other across time, distance and silence. Through a series of letters spanning twenty years, first from Celie to God, then the sisters to each other despite the unknown, the novel draws readers into its rich and memorable portrayals of Celie, Nettie, Shug Avery and Sofia and their experience. The Color Purple broke the silence around domestic and sexual abuse, narrating the lives of women through their pain and struggle, companionship and growth, resilience and bravery. Deeply compassionate and beautifully imagined, Alice Walker's epic carries readers on a spirit-affirming journey towards redemption and love.
Please vote for which one we should read, here.
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1tarot1with1k1o · 1 year
hi klo!!! thank you very hosting such an amazing game!! I thought it would be fun too, to do an exchange using my intuition. take all the time that you needed about the latest game. we understand don't worry 🫶🏻🫶🏻
I chose 3 topics for you :
future spouse
future wedding (both with "black and white" and colored pictures)
my intuition gave me glimpse of picture that you would take with your future spouse, sooo I decided to show you that
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for your wedding, I have to say this topic was easier for me to do. when I first read your post and the topics, the images of you having fun with your bridal dress immediately came to mine. the pictures also in black and white (hence moodboards on the left) your wedding is definitely will be a fun one! people (and obviously the newly weds) having fun is the theme! also I head "vintage" and "whimsical". I also put the colored moodboard version for you on the right!!
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for your future spouse I feel like he is a so call "rockstar" type of guy. likes to play some guitar. I could see him loving leather jacket. someone who rides a motorcycle too. I feel like he has a soft spot for you. opposite attract I feel like. oh he definetely is a cat person.
pictures on the right are pictures that you would take with your future spousem I feel like you would say "you should smile more. I love when you smile" oh he would be so flustered about it. oh I heard "don't look at me with those eyes" and he would get all dndosmsosm then you take the picture of him he is definitely someone who is romantic, likes giving you flower, taking you out for dinner. oh and I feel like he is your hype man (as he should!!)
it was incredibly fun to do an exchange for you! thank you for giving me the chance to use my intuition making moodboards about bits of your future. oh I am so rooting for you and your fs!!
now I would like to ask you for 3 topic moodboards please, if that isn't a bother!
future spouse (my preferred pronouns are he/him)
future wedding
and future children please!!
thank you so much once again!!! i appreciate that you took your time to to moodboards for me. looking forward to see those moodboards ♡♡♡ hope you have a fantastic day/night.
Hello sweetheart!! Thank you lots for being understanding, and also for participating in this game! <333
The wedding moodboards look so fun!! Also, the themes you mentioned seem fitting for the kind of wedding I’d like to have, which is great! (One little detail that I noticed, is that some of the pictures kinda look like they were taken on a single use film camera, and ever since I saw a bride giving out film cameras to every guest, I also really wanted to do that at my own wedding. It’s really cool that you chose those pics haha).
Oh it’s cool you felt that about my fs! It’s the first time someone calls him a rockstar hahah. I did get told he might have an artistic side, and that he might play guitar and the piano, but I never heard him being described as the “bad boy” type 🤣 I love it. Ah also the “oh he definitely is a cat person” made me laugh. He better be 😤😠 lol.
I can see those being the type of pictures I would take of him, yes. And the description?!?! 😭 I adore it so much <333 Your description of him sounds amazing ㅠㅅㅠ you got me all giggling and curling my hair because of the things you said about him.
Of course it isn’t a bother, sweetheart!! Especially after the amazing info you gave me <3
Here are your moodboards:
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I felt so so much love and admiration while putting together your moodboards 😭 You’re the definition of soulmates and everlasting love <333 I also channeled a message from him. He said “your love is healing”, which I thought was the perfect description of your relationship. It will be so healing, empowering, and healthy. It’s truly admirable 💞
For the wedding day I just felt pure joy. I didn’t get much about the party. I mostly kept on finding pictures of the ceremony itself, as you can see. But like I said before, your relationship will be so healthy that you will have no doubts about wanting to marry one another. It’s an obvious thing, like “ofc I’d marry them, why would I not??”. So much love and safety, fr
For future children, I felt like you’d likely have 2-3 kids, and probably mostly girls. I got the impression that they will be almost complete opposites especially as kids, but they will have an unbreakable bond between them. When they start to grow up, you might find yourselves hanging out “singularly” from time to time. By that, I mean that for example you will go shopping with one of the kids one day, then you’ll go swimming with the other one another day, and you’ll bake cookies with the third one a different day; (probably because like I said, they will have different interests, so you will try your best to respect their preferences, and their own schedules). It feels like it will be a beautiful and very close family. You will know how to work through your issues and you’ll all help one another in times of crisis. No one will ever be left out or made feel less than others. Which is quite rare in numerous families, so props to you two in advance for your great future parenting skills haha. But yes, since you’ll have a stable relationship with one another, you’ll set really strong foundations for your family to grow on. And I love that for you!!!
Thank YOU for the amazing exchange, and I’m also rooting for you and your future spouse. I seriously loved doing your reading. I couldn’t even convert the amount of love I felt from you two into words. It’s a bond that really goes beyond everything. I hope to hear from you soon <33333
Stay safe and healthy 🫶
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hotdogdynamitezzz · 2 years
Hi lovely! 💞
I hope by the time you answer this you're feeling better and you recovered from your sickness 👐 (btw, take your time to answer if you're not feeling completely well yet!)
This is my ask for your Valentine game and i'd like to choose option 1 (prediction for my love life based on my Solar return chart) 😊
(This is my 2022 solar return chart, my birthday is on August, and honestly i am so excited for the 2023 just by looking at my new sr chart lol, but for now, i'm gonna take this 2022 one haha)
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Thank you for your time,
Take care 💖 and
I wish you a great day!✨
Hi Lovely!!🥺🥰 I've recovered tysm. Of course I will do your Solar return💐💗
Your 7th house starts in Scorpio at a Sagittarius degree with Pluto in the 9th house conjunct your Midheaven. Automatically I see some travel romance or a big change in career this year. Pluto is retrograde tho so these changes will most likely be delayed including romance.
Your 5th house ooooohhh👀👀 this one's fun. It starts in Leo and contains a stellium of Moon in Leo, Sun in Virgo & Mercury in Libra. You also have moon conjunct sun! It looks like the main focus of your year will be on your passions, hobbies, what makes you feel happy, potential hookups & crushes. The ruler of this house is the Sun in Virgo at 3° so anything with writing or painting, using your hands basically to create art will bring you joy. You will be much more aligned with your hobbies this year and really focusing on them heavily. I'd say you'd actually perfect a lot of talents this year and would be willing to share your hobbies with others more freely with Mercury in Libra. You'd definitely take a lot of inspiration from art and aesthetics this year that's for sure.
You might attract some turbulent crushes but also fun ones with Mercury in Libra here. I'd also say if you do develop a relationship with any crushes it would be a very heartwarming and protective one where you both feel in tune with another. Kinda like a Sun & Moon person with that conjunction (someone who embody the sun, the other embodies the moon <3). That was so cheesy I almost died cuz that's my dream connection LMFAOO. BUT BASICALLY you'd gain a lot of inspiration from your romantic feelings this year and could channel it into art. You will be very self focused this year tho with that Sun & Moon conjunction in the 5th house. It's all about finding what makes you happy and feel joy this year.
Venus is in Leo 4th House at a significant 18° (Virgo degree). This degree can symbolize sickness sometimes or just a lot of problems and chaos to manage or organize. I'd say with Venus in Leo that speaks about learning how to let your style & love shine or let your sensual side run wild. In the 4th house this is our family, emotional roots & home. With Venus in Leo at 18° someone in your family might have heart problems or get sick this year but Leo is a nice sign for overcoming problems as it's the sign of courage and strength. You might spend more time loving your family this year and desires will come out of enriching your emotional experiences. There could be some nice things rewarded for your family this year? Like gaining money or more likely luxurious items. There also might be a spotlight on your love life within the family this year. Like your family may criticize who you're with and your decisions in love but out of an overprotective nature. I would say you're attracting potentially a childhood friend or someone from the past romantically this year.
If you were to get into a relationship it will probably be introduced through family and be quite a passionate and protective relationship. Look out for LEO'S A LOT. I SWEAR almost every planet and house having to do with love has major Leo themes. Also look for Scorpios & Sagittarius.
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missmyloko · 2 years
Getting To Know Me - Part 6
On The Tenth Day Of Fun I present... more about me! I’m still holding out hope that we’ll see this year’s kanzashi design before TTDOF are over so that I can highlight that, but for now, we’re going to learn a bit more about me ^^ Today I want to take a dive at something that most people find some joy in: sports. I think we can all agree that, no matter what, we all have a favorite sport, whether that’s something major that gets large media coverage or something a bit more minor that you wished got the NBA treatment. This could be anything, from swimming to volleyball to gymnastics. But for me, it’s baseball. And not just any baseball, but Major League Baseball (MLB).  Since it’s January I’m currently in baseball withdrawal, but damn if I’m not keeping up with the latest trades and rumors. However, that’s not entirely what I want to focus on. I want to take a look at my favorite team: The Toronto Blue Jays. Yes, it’s normal to grow up loving the home team, but when your home team is the home team for an entire country, what’s not to love? (okay sure, when I was growing up the Expos existed too, but they don’t anymore, so there’s that). They’re a young team with some excellent acquisitions (minus a few, but not everyone can be a gem) and hopefully will be playoff contenders again in 2023 (and maybe not choke this time). I think that everyone says that about their favorite team (minus the choking part), but it really holds true for the Jays, especially for their star shortstop, Bo Bichette. I am a huge Bo Bichette fan. Like, so-huge-I-own-socks fan (very comfortable and officially licensed might I add). Sure, his field playing could use some work, but nobody’s perfect. His hitting is only improving with each season and his nomination for a silver slugger was definitely well deserved this past year. It also helps that the guy is extremely easy on the eyes (look him up if you don’t believe me).  So yeah, when I go to my next game on July 1st I’ll definitely be rooting for the home team and a certain shortstop in particular. OK Blue Jays, Let’s Play Ball ^^!        
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