deathfavor · 1 year
@yeonban​ said: ❛  Oi,  Seiroku.  Where  do  you  think  you're  going?  ❜  Soma's  voice  resounds  through  the  halls,  having  followed  the  other  inside  the  building  sheltering  their  wounded,  and  he  sounds  almost  incredulous  at  Seiroku's  presence  here,  on  his  way  to  the  injured,  as  though  in  spite  of  his  profession,  he  wasn't  supposed  to  be.  ❛  You  won't  find  anyone  in  there.  They're  all  off  for  the  day,  you  know.  ❜  The  statement  isn't  exactly  accurate,  there  are  still  one  or  two  medics  tending  to  the  severely  wounded,  but  he'd  made  sure  the  shifts  would  be  evenly  distributed  so  that  they,  too,  would  get  to  indulge  in  the  rarity  of  the  festival.
Those  shifts,  however,  did  not  include  Seiroku,  and  Soma  planned  to  keep  it  that  way.  ❛  And  that  goes  for  you,  too.  Quit  trying  to  work  and  go  enjoy  the  festival.  ❜  It's  baffling  that  he  even  has  to  say  this,  and  he'd  have  most  assuredly  penned  the  doctor  as  a  workaholic  if  not  for  the  growing  confusion  in  the  air.  The  general  had  meant  to  leave  after  delivering  the  comment,  body  already  half-turned  towards  the  entrance,  but  he  remains  silently  staring  at  Seiroku  instead,  and  after  a  moment  longer  he  turns  to  face  the  other  once  again.  ❛  ...You  do  know  there's  a  festival  happening  today...  don't  you?  ❜
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  The place felt more like a ghost town than somewhere a large band resided with the empty streets and hallways as Seiroku made his usual path to the medical wing. (Strange – the idea of a usual path.) It made Soma’s voice all the more audible and engulfing when he called out as the black dog came to a halt mid-stride. Had the tone been any different he might have been concerned. But it sounded confused and astounded, which in turn only made him confused as he turned around to face the general with a puzzled expression. What was he doing? The same thing he usually did. But why was it suddenly causing this reaction today?
  “…Off for the day?”  His brows furrow – and the implication that he should KNOW this makes him frown slightly. Why would he know this? SHOULD he have known this? He could always make the excuse that he wasn’t sure if it applied to him yet it would hardly be effective given how involved he’d become. At least the matter of a day off explained the emptiness to some degree. It was vexing to him as a strategist to not know this fact though.
  His confusion only deepens at the grand general’s next sentences. The nice thing was that the man in front of him tended to be quite expressive which made it easy to read. But on the other hand, such clear expressions only rub salt into the wound of his own ignorance.
  “  Fest..ival…?  “  The word comes out almost like two separate words, the explanation for everything delivered upon him like a hammer striking metal. That’s why the day was off and everyone was gone. It wasn’t just a day off, but a rare occasion. Shock settled clearly onto his features in response to this news.
  It is a rare event in which Seiroku is thrown entirely off his rhythm. He almost always remained composed and calm even in the most chaotic moments, polite and mannered regardless of another’s behavior or actions. But now it feels like he has been thrown into the middle of a whirlpool with nothing to hold onto. White hot embarrassment erupts into a raging fire in his chest, ears turning a bright shade of red, a red that started to creep forwards to his cheeks. (And the stark contrast between all white clothes and long black hair did nothing to hide the red – if anything, it simply made its appearance all the more noticeable. The face veil certainly didn’t help hide anything.) It was one thing to be outmaneuvered as a strategist or be caught by surprise from something unexpected. He could handle that with his signature calm or with quick reflexes and adjustments, and even admire or appreciate and acknowledge someone else’s skill. It was another matter to be because he didn’t know something. Especially when everyone else seemed to.
 Should he have known? He can’t remember ever going to a bushi festival. Had he ever been to one? There were no memories – if he had, then the void from the surgeries must have eaten that memory, but he’s certain he’s never been to one.
  There is nowhere to hide. Not when Soma is staring at him so intently, the confusion and then genuine shock seeming to have held the general in place to look at him. It’s mortifying. Seiroku can’t remember the last time he’d felt so ignorant and embarrassed, especially in front of someone else. Maybe when he was still receiving his education and messed an answer up. It’s disgusting and appalling how small his embarrassment makes him feel. It makes him angry with himself to want to hide, though nothing but his embarrassment shows on his face. No wonder Soma had been so baffled by him being here.
  “  I-  “  Silver tongue fails him as he uncharacteristically struggles to speak, and it feels like he’s burning from embarrassment.  “  No.  “  Seiroku finally admits. The fact this memory would be preserved in that damn black crystal too- “  I wasn’t aware…I’ve never been to a festival.  “  That much was a truth. He’d been too focused on education, and then if there had been one in his old band, he’d probably been forced to work through it. And naturally he hadn’t attended any since joining the obsidian eight or even prior to that when he’d turned his back on the bushi life. His head turns to stare at the wall as if it was suddenly very interesting; anything to try to soothe the wounds of embarrassment.
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lazywriter-artist · 2 months
Are mantis and crab forklift certified
I think at heart they are, but both are far too strangely shaped and large to traditionally operate a forklift
But I could definitely see them operating one by perhaps by some sort of other means if the opportunity became available.
But sadly my boys just don’t have access to the custom fitted forklifts they would like 😔
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Dreaming about pulling up in their whip
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cordelia-cardale · 19 days
That sneak peek in the Featherington house with Portia, Prudence and Philippa is simultaneously so funny and actually quite sad. Sad because these girls really have no idea what they’re doing. They’ve just been thrust into marriages and now they’re expected to produce an heir although no one really explained to them how it’s done. It makes me excited to see how the portrayal of young girls in that society will be shown this season and I’m hoping we’ll get a few good scenes.
Funny because you know that the moment Colin and Pen get their hands on each other, they’ll just win that baby race without even trying, just by being their charming, extremely horny self. And I’ll just sit there applauding their dedication
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melverie · 9 months
So I've seen some discussion about the way Mammon talks in 24-11, and how some think Asmo forced Mammon to speak this way while others think it might be because of a issue with the translation. And since I speak some Japanese, I figured I'd break down what's actually going on here
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If you don't want to read through the Japanese grammar explanation, just skip to the last section, but for everyone else I'll try to break it all down. Just keep in mind that I'll simplify some things to (hopefully) make it easier to understand for those that don't speak Japanese
Right away, here's the dialogue above in the Japanese version + written in Romaji for those that can't read Japanese:
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understanding sentence-ending particles
(not really relevant to Mammon's dialogue itself, but I think it'll help make the function of 「です」 ('desu') and 「ます」 ('masu') in the next section a little clearer)
Sentence-ending particles serve to indicate the overall tone a sentence is meant to have. There are a few of them and each one gives the meaning of the sentence a different nuance
The two easiest examples to understand this concept are probably the following:
the 「か」 ('ka') particle basically just a spoken question mark; turns any sentence into a proper question
the 「ね」 ('ne') particle literally functions the same way as 'isn't it'
ちょっと寒い。 ('chotto samui') -> It's a little cold.
ちょっと寒いか。 ('chotto samui ka') -> Is it a little cold?
ちょっと寒いね。 ('chotto samui ne') -> Bit cold, innit? It's a little cold, isn't it?
the auxilary verbs 「です」 ('desu') and 「ます」 ('masu')
Similarly to the sentence-ending particles, these two change the tone of the sentence and are placed at the end. Both make the sentence polite, and depending on what the sentence ends with, you use one or the other. If it ends in a verb, you add 「ます」 ('masu') at the very end, and if it ends in anything else you use 「です」 ('desu')—you cannot use both back to back
Which finally brings us back to Mammon's dialogue
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As you can see, he goes a little overboard. Since 「やり直す」 ('yari naosu'; 'to redo') is a verb, the first use of 「ます」 ('masu') is correct, but everything after that is just overkill and wrong but it sounds very cute (The way Mammon speaks here actually reminds me of how half of my classmates used to speak the first few weeks of uni lol)
But yeah, it's definitely not Asmo forcing Mammon to speak differntly since all of the brothers are talking more politely. And given that they're all under Asmo's charm and serving him, it makes sense that they'd adopt a similar manner of speaking as Barbatos. It's just that Mammon is the King of Casual Speech™, dancing gracefully between 'still acceptable' and 'straight up rude' more or less gracefully at least, so obviously he'd struggle with switching to a more butler-like speech style
It's the same with Beel actually. He's usually the type to just cut straight to the point, which is why he also slightly messed up when speaking politely. To me the original Japanese version reads more like a cute little joke that's in line with both their character, that unfortunately got lost in translation since English just doesn't have an equivalent
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vincentsleftear · 1 month
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soup-scope · 1 year
we finally got canon ages for some of the redacted boys!!!
Samuel Collins- 29 *when turned* (technically 44 ig)
Vincent Solaire - 20 *when turned* (technically 43 ig)
Avior- Coalesced 36 years ago
Gavin- Coalesced 33 years ago
Aaron- 33 years old
David Shaw- 30 years old
Asher Talbot- 30 years old
Milo Greer- 30 years old
Lasko Moore- 29 years old
Elliot- 29 years old(???) (timeline just states he was adopted 29 years ago)
Huxley- 26
Caelum- Coalesced 24 years ago (caelum is still very much mentally a child tho. don’t be weird)
Damien- 24 years old
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kicktwine · 9 months
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#tumblr is still my doodle archive#my art#venitas#ffxiv#kh#sprawl au#ooooo veni you are so creature#first of all. Bunny. Bnnuy. I would like to consider the bunny. Sorry for trapping him he’s doing plot in my brain#I drew vani a while ago but I should have made him a catboy. I will next time I draw him#second of all back in pic order#ari is trying to be kind but violence is extremely fun for him. He loves it. He loves to gloat and he loves to cackle#if he’s allowed at a target for his pent up rage and aggression he gets weird#second of all I’ve been thinking about gender as one does. And what it would look like 5000 years in the future#so like in sprawl. there’s an entire timeline of gender studies and anthropology that leads from our time#through where the entire notion COMPLETELY fell apart; through where there was a resurgence of ancient gender roles#back and forth and in circles and where new things sprung up and fell and debates about the validity of self went nuts#Xion knows a lot about it bc she will claim trans as a label vanitas also knows a lot of things because he Doesn’t consider himself#trans. vens confused he was literally never taught about any of this. unity(divine) has its own… kinda messed up way of doing it#he got lost somewhere around the advent of gene augmentation and nonhuman drag (she didn’t have to go into that detail she just thinks it’s#really cool)#(Also that was really early —)#Anyways. vanitas is also getting his sense of touch back up there. xions a miracle worker#transgender is even a slightly archaic term. it completely died for about a thousand years and then came back with a retro wave
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mysteryboy1249 · 7 months
Y'all who was going to tell me that the "Subaru" in "Okiya Subaru" is legitimately the same kanji as the car brand? And while in disguise, Akai drives a Subaru??
Imagine Akai needing to find a name after faking his death, and a la "Edogawa Conan" naming style, looks at this new car he got for his cover and is like excellent that's my name now. This headcanon now lives rent free in my head.
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faunandfloraas · 1 month
It is kinda funny seeing people talk about Seungmin lately because he definitely has gotten more bold and confident for sure. He's also just getting opportunities to be perceived as an individual on his own as well for the first time in a while but it's still jarring to see people be like Aw he was always such a quiet goodie two shoes little nerd and it's like...... he was the one to leave and seek out his own vocal coach and blatantly talk about it, which of course lead to I.N and Lee Know also doing the same, he was the one to go on bubble and tell off sasaengs who used to camp outside their old dorm for invading members privacy but also because it effected other residents and staff at the complex, something that i'm certain upper management wouldnt have been happy about, and he wasn't curt or nice about it either. like he's never actually been a wallflower, he's always had a pretty strong backbone and seems to stick to his principals, its not really new.
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fanficlerontheroof · 1 year
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lskamil27 · 14 days
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[ WEEPING ROSEMARY ] ✦ TAA-DAHH! It's been a year since the demo first came out, and since the full game is still in the making...
To celebrate the year, I decided to give the sacrificial offering of my senior thesis PDF of 55 pages of game progress / art / characters !!
If you want to download, here is the [ link ] !!
And because people on twitter voted on it, below will be some of progress that has been made towards the final & such:
Will give a heads up, that some things are censored out & hidden, either through color or black silhouettes! As well as not ALL progression being shown here. This is so not everything is spoiled to you all, so when the full game is released, the gameplay is not ruined.
Character ✦ Progress
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Map ✦ Progress
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Assets / UI & CG ✦ Progress
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Writing ✦ Progress
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With now everything shown, I hope you guys enjoy and have lots of fun with what I've shown!
Progress has been slow for me the past three months since I've recently taken up a new job that I'm starting to finally settle myself into, so hoping that means more days of productivity!!
I don't know the date of when I'll be able to release the full game, but I want to say thank you to everyone who have been so patient and kind! I'll be doing my best!!
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kenobihater · 3 months
this is the funniest thing to happen in any star wars game ever. nothing can top this in terms of comedy
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insanesonofabitch · 7 months
Sometimes I feel like a clown for destiel truthing in the year of our lord 2023 but then I see people destiel denying in the same year and that’s like. That’s worse.
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kindahoping4forever · 8 months
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Calum @ The 5SOS Show Tour Lisbon - 23 September 2023
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milkbreadtoast · 8 months
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This meme is ancient but I randomly saw it again and i needed to do it..... (not sure abt some of the charas but just wanted to fill up space dmfbn)
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lynne-monstr · 1 year
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Episode 17 | mystery-solving trio
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