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Anyway I drew this last night bc of a convo I had with a friend/mutual 👆🏻
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kykyonthemoon · 2 months
hiiiiii i love the stories you make. Can you please make rafayel x ballerina reader where reader gets taken care of by rafayel after accidently twisting her ankle during practice?? tyyy 💗💗💗💗💗
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Dear Anon-san,
Thank you so much for your request. I also apologize that it took a while to finally get to you. Hope you enjoy this piece, and I'm looking forward to your continued support <3
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His Little Ballerina
── .✦ Rafayel x Female Reader|MC
── .✦ Tags: soft, sweet, physical hurt/comfort, fluff, healing, reader is a ballerina
── .✦ Word count: over 1k
── .✦ Ky Ky's note: This is also my first fic after being accepted into oracleofstars network. Yay!!!
── .✦ Masterlist ♡ Request a fic
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When he came to pick you up at the hospital, Rafayel's face was already so pale.
Long story short, he had just received a text from you stating that you were at a hospital near your place and needed a ride home. You had accidently fallen while executing a simple pirouette, causing your ankle to twist. Rafayel crossed his arms as he watched you sit there with a swollen ankle, his countenance confusing..
"You can yell at me after you drop me off, okay?" You said. But he did not seem any content. You knew he was genuinely concerned about you, especially after he told you over and over that you were unable to practice ballet right away since you were still a bit unwell.
He had met you for the first time after your play. While everyone was praising your charm, Rafayel was the only one who pointed out the problem with your ankle.
For a Lemurian, witnessing your struggle while dancing reminded him of the agony a merman must go through when he abandons his tail to learn to walk on land. 
Therefore, you totally understood his response when he saw you were constantly getting injured on the practice floor. You did not defy Rafayel, but you felt awful for causing him so much tension.
“You only listen to me when you're in trouble, right?”
Even though he grumbled, Rafayel helped you up, holding your bag and pointe shoes on one shoulder. When he saw your few struggling steps, he winced. Then, he leant down and picked you up. 
"Eh? Rafael?! Put me down.”
Your face turned red. However, Rafayel continued to carry you in his arms and walk away. He said:
"You heard what the doctor said; from now on, you must rest and let me care for you. That means I shall become your legs.”
“But… Is it necessary to carry me like this? You can just give me a piggyback ride…”
Rafayel shook his head: “I won't do so. Carrying you like that would make me seem no less like a turtle!”
You sighed and gave up. You allowed Rafayel to take you to the hospital gate in front of a large crowd. You felt so embarrassed while he kept that serious expression on his face.
You expected him to stop carrying you after you left the hospital, but Rafayel walked instead of calling a taxi. You rolled your eyes and asked:
“Are you going to carry me all the way home?”
Rafayel took a short peek at you before returning his attention to the road ahead. “Your place is nearby. We can walk home.”
You shifted your body somewhat uncomfortably. Rafayel's arms closed around you even more. You nestled myself into his neck and whispered: "People are looking..."
At that moment, a child who had just left the candy store noticed you and Rafayel. She asked:
“Miss! Are you a princess?”
Rafayel's footsteps slowed down a bit so the child could keep up. That was when you discovered you were still wearing your tutu with a flared skirt. People from the studio took you to the hospital; however, because they were busy and knew Rafayel was on his way, they departed right away. 
"So, you must really be a princess to be carried like that, right?" The small girl inquired innocently again. 
Rafayel came to a complete halt. He grinned at her and said:
"Correct, kiddo. She is a princess.”
You used a hand to hit him on the shoulder and said to the child:
"No, no. It's not true. I'm not a princess..."
But it seemed that the child ignored those words. She noticed your twisted ankle and asked:
“Is Her Highness injured?” 
"Yup." Rafayel responded on your behalf. “She just fought a terrible monster, and it injured her ankle.”
The child's eyes were glowing, as if she really believed Rafayel's narrative. She spoke again:
"What a pity! So you came to rescue the princess? Are you her prince?”
Your cheeks felt heated. Perhaps it was because the sun beamed in this way. You were ready to urge Rafayel to stop teasing the child, but perhaps he, too, was caught up in this fabricated setting. 
“A prince? I am not a prince.”
“So who are you?”
Rafayel smirked, he said while looking at you, as if those words were just for your:
“I am the God of the Sea. I am her God of the Sea."
“Whoaaaaaa!” The child cheered, and you held your breath as you caught Rafayel smile at you. The sunshine appeared to cast an aura over him. You could only adore him silently, fearing that a single breath might cause him to vanish. 
At that moment, the girl's mother summoned her back. She placed a little bag of sweets on your lap, atop your flowery skirt, and declared:
"For you, Your Highness. Perhaps you need them more than I do. I pray Your Highness gets better soon!"
After saying that, she ran away. You just had time to say thank you, almost like a shout behind her.
Rafayel grinned all the way home, and you felt happy with simply a bag of sugary treats. You poked his cheek.
"See how delighted you are. She handed me candies; you won't be getting any of them!"
“So unfair!” Rafayel yelled as he kept strolling down the pavement while holding you in his arms. “I'm having a hard time carrying you home. How come you're so blind to see it?”
“Then why did you walk home instead of taking a taxi?” You softly pinched his face and noted the way he pouted.
“I'm exhausted, and dehydrated. Yet you're far from being gentle with me after all!”
You giggled and replied, “You just told that kid I am a princess. So you must serve me in the next few days, right?”
Rafayel did not respond. You figured he was reluctant to confess you had him in the palm of your hand, even if this was not something new for either of you.
“If you stay silent, it means you agree.” You said cheerfully. “Come on, my God of the Sea! I want to go home and have seafood for dinner!” 
Rafayel exhaled. “I give you an inch, you will take the whole yard.” However, he still smiled pleasantly. The afternoon sun imprinted both of you on the road, while your shadow just kissed his, on the cheek.
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Mood board from my photo in game & Pinterest.
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
hello hello!! can i request a jax x reader who is ballerina?? i feel like i'm addicted to this kind of dynamic, gives me avril lavigne's skater boy vibes!!
🌻 anon!!
Jax x ballerina!reader
imma be so real i know next to nothing about ballerina stuff, all i know is the outfits and dancing and all that so bare with me SOBS this one is on the shorter side i hope thats alright </3
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he throws a bowling ball at you while you're practicing/j
im sorry i think its funny that he just THREW the ball at kinger i cant get over it but like, also, how?? strong is he?? do they all have similar strength where they can just *do* that sort of thing or is jax just strong, granted idk how heavy bowling balls are or if there's such a thing as weight in the digital world
tangent aside and out of my system for a joke that probably won't land: if your digital body also looks like a ballerina and you happen to have a tutu or any sort of frilling just know that hes going to smack it, poof it, whatever, hes going to fiddle with it just to annoy you or get your attention
while i think he would be more likely to keep his whole "being an asshole and nuisance" thing a one man act, i feel he would probably ask for you to help him with something
be it working as a distraction or as a part of the shenanigan itself
he likes watching you practice in your spare time, before things like this wouldn't interest him but you got him hooked on you and you alone
do not ask him to dance with you, in general. i feel like he would immediately pass
new hc that jax cant dance for SHIT!!!
sometimes he'll listen if you start talking about your experience and training in ballet, actually he's kind of impressed because it sounds like something that requires years of dedication and focus
hey hes an asshole but i think hes still capable of giving people credit where credit is due
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dontbesoweirdkira · 6 months
How many children would each of the Salieri men have? -Anon
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A/N: Okay this is a response to a inbox request. For some reason I cannot find it anymore?? Sometimes my inbox eats up y’all’s messages. I’m so sorry!! ANYWAYS THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING THIS!! I KNOW EXACTLY HOW MANY.
Requests: open 24/7
I know I’ve written before that he wants kids with his wife but that’s delusional ¡Yandere! Sam who’s only doing that to baby trap you.
I think he truly doesn’t wants kids and would be perfectly fine if you couldn’t bear any. I think the true reason why he goes through with it is because of the time that he’s in.
Hotshot mob-boss Sam would need to have children because he’d eventually need to have a successor for the family.
Needs come before wants😪
Plus it’d look so weird if he willingly chose not to have any when he can. During that time if you were married with absolutely no kids by like the second year…*side eyed* (exaggeration but y’know)
Please no more than 2 tho. Only wants a son but would be okay with having daughter if he also had a son.
Would be an okay father tho so don’t worry too much. He’s like a dad that swears he hates dogs and if his family gets one he won’t take care of it but once the dog is around he switches up.
Yeah that’s him, he loves his kids a lot. He doesn’t always know how to show it and he’s kind of both physically and emotionally absent.
He does provide them with everything and if they are giving you a hard time he will defend you.
You cannot change my mind on this. He wants the most kids and has the strongest desire for them.
This man is a hopeless romantic and he reeeeallly wants to have a perfect large family. I read a headcannon once that said Paulie had a very abusive father and the Mob was his ticket out of that. I believe that too and he wants to become the father he never had.
He fantasizes about being the best dad ever and having the whole family work together in his pizza joint. How beautiful his wife would look carrying his kids.
He wants 6-12 kids…3 boys and 3 girls if it’s 6 or 7boys and 5 girls if it’s 12.
Have you seen that scene in shameless where the guy goes “I HAVE A MAGICAL DICK” after finding out his wife is having twins…yeah that’s Paulie
Seriously this is his dream and if he ever becomes a father he’d never shut up about it. #1 PTA dad. He’s extremely involved with his children’s life. He’ll go through insane lengths to protect his children from a horrible childhood.
The original “whatever my wife wants, I’m happy with” man.
I think he’s indifferent about the whole concept of having kids..? Like having kids would be nice….so is not having kids. Doesn’t really care about the societal pressure to have them at all.
He cares about his wife more than any of that junk. If having children would be too much of a strain on your life then don’t worry about it.
To be honest he’s kind of worried to have children because any day he could be gone and now his partner would be left as a single mother. :/
So I’m going to say while he’s actively in the mob he’d be leaning towards a no. But if this is after he’s escaped and you’ve settled down, Tommy is down for it.
Maybe 1-4 kids. Keeping it rather light and traditional. I don’t think this man would handle more than that tbh. Hes certified tired™️ and the more kids the less sleep.
I have a feeling though that he’d have all girls. He’s actually okay with that though. Mobster in a tutu to make his girls smile🤣
I’d say he’d be a normal suburban dad but I think he’s slightly too reserved and dangerous for that.
The family dynamic is super normal. He goes out to work to provide for y’all and when he gets home he’ll help the kids with homework.
We all know Tom is extremely loyal and loving so his kids are his world. They mean absolutely everything to him and he’ll do whatever it takes to help guide them through life.
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kidstemplatte · 1 year
Terzo becoming a dad of twin girls!! Pweaaase? 🥰
dad! terzo w/ twin daughters
(implications of female reader)
this was so fun to write! thank you, anon! 🥺i hope you enjoy and it didn’t disappoint! <3
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he absolutely cries when he finds out you two are having twins.
he’s so nervous. worried he won’t be a good father. these babies haven’t even been born yet and they’ve become his whole world.
you have to eat more during a twin pregnancy. this man FEEDS YOU.
i feel like he can cook. he’s always making you the best (italian) food, making sure you’re eating enough.
he does so much research he ends up knowing things YOU didn’t know.
he’s always nose deep into some parenting book or staying up in the late hours of the night reading articles.
soon he has mastered the art of carrying two babies at once.
he is such a funny dad. so funny. will do ANYTHING to make his girls laugh.
they love playing dress up!
except he’s the one being dressed up.💀
he makes an absolute show of it. he loves hearing his daughters laugh and he’ll do anything to make it happen.
“you know, you kind of rock a tutu.” you say, walking in during one of their makeovers.
to save time getting ready in the mornings, he learns how to do their hair, and before you know it, he’s a BEAST at it and can braid hair in a matter of seconds.
god forbid they get a hold of his face paint.
he leaves them alone for ONE moment. ONE minute. he comes back. they are both covered in black and white paint.
“ay, nononononono, not before school!!”
the girls want to be ghoulettes for halloween. every year.
“girls, what about something else? we can get you any costume you want. anything in the world.”
“ghoulettes.” they’d say in unison.
he spoils them rotten, buys them endless toys, matching stuffed animals, dolls… but in the process, falls in love with a specific brand:
i don’t even know how i came up with this, but i feel like terzo would love monster high dolls.
he’s in the store… mindlessly walking through the toy aisle. vet barbie, pilot barbie, pool party barbie, doctor barbie...
when all of a sudden, he lays eyes on something new. something exciting.
a “monster high” doll.
now that’s cool.
probably keeps two in his office, each of his girls’ favorite characters.
i lowkey feel like he enjoys some of the shows they watch. i can see him rocking with my little pony.
he loves playing with the girls. he loves their imagination.
gets VERY invested in the barbie storylines they come up with. does high pitched voices when he’s acting out the girl dolls and it makes the twins laugh until they’re rolling on the ground.
he also keeps all the drawings they make him, every single one. they’re also on display in his office.
he knows what it feels like to feel unequal to his siblings so he is very careful to make sure they both get the same amount of love and attention. ❤️
if they fight as they get older, he doesn’t get involved. he knows girls are scary when they’re mad. he lets you handle that. 💀
very invested in the school gossip when they get to that age. when he picks them up from school he’s always eager to know what happened.
protective. VERY anti-boy.
“wait, you said… DATING?” he says when the girls mention a new couple one day.
“yeah dad, we’re in 7th grade now.”
“yeah, dad.”
“NO BOYS! not now, not ever. they are stupid and ugly and think about nothing but themselves.” (he knows this because he was one💀)
(you know the scene from the movie “coco” where the grandma says “no music” over and over again? yeah, replace “music” with “boys”. same energy.)
teaches them about girl power from an early age.
of course, their mother leads the conversation, but he’s so dedicated to help these girls understand their worth. that they can be anything they want.
he already considered himself a feminist before having his daughters, but after having them, he is THE #1 feminist.
when they start talking about crushes, you have to explain to terzo that it’s normal and bound to happen one day.
he just loves his girls so much, he doesn’t want them to grow up🥲
but, uh…
god forbid any boy breaks one of their hearts.
oh, he is not above pulling the satan card on a 13 year old boy.
but you know, one quick google search of “emeritus” will do the trick. any boy will be sure to understand why messing with either of terzo’s girls is a death wish.🥰
i hope you enjoyed and this brought some light to your day!!! honestly i’m a little obsessed😭 hope you’re doing well!! remember you’re loved!!!❤️❤️❤️
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natsglorifiedsimp · 2 years
Could I make a request where a few months after Natasha gets her daughter (5yo) back from the red room (bio daughter who she had in the red room) she decides to bring her daughter shopping to get new clothes, and when she turns around one second reader is gone.
She’s panicked and thinks the red room or Hydra top reader again
(While in reality we just mistook some other short redhead for Nat)
She looks all over the mall and eventually she finds us and we’re both crying at this point
Wrong redhead
A/n: I'm sorry this took long hehe but thank you for your request anon, here it is <3
English isn't my first language so I'm sorry if there are mistakes. My ask is open for your feedback and corrections.
Please be kind to my ask inbox :>
To those who want to be added to my tag lists. Simply message me or put an ask or comment and I will add you :>
Taglist: @youralphawolf72 @madelineleong @diaryoflife @xxromanoffxx @lissaaaa145 @fxckmiup @mmmmokdok @sayah13 @karmasgxrl @meurgen @simp-erformarvelwomen @lilaswidowspark @snowdrop1026 @ravensinthedaylight @karsonromanoff @aesthelicca
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"Oooooo, we going shopping mama?" you squealed, jumping up and down in your tutu that she put on.
"Yes, honey. We are." she smiled, admiring both your giddiness and the outfit she put on. You looked absolutely adorable.
"Up, up!" you put your arms up and wiggle your fingers. She picked you up making sure your tutu wouldn't be in her arm's way.
While on the ride you managed to stay calm even though you were bubbling with excitement. This was your first time in a mall. It was also your first time having to witness different people interacting with each other aside from the team.
Your mother hasn't really taken you out since she got you back from the red room. She wanted to stay low for a while and to be careful in case the red room decided take you again.
Every day she was on high alert. No matter how much she thinks you are safe in the compound, she would still call F.R.I.D.A.Y every 30 minutes just to check up on you.
But today she decided she wanted to relax and give you a new environment that would help you socialize more. She wanted you to be a child and have fun.
You didn't know a mall could be this big. Bigger than Uncle Tony's closet. It was big BIG. You couldn't help but wonder how these people could walk around chasing errands when you know they would have sore feet afterward.
Your eyes were everywhere. Soaking all the different people and places you could see in the mall.
Natasha could see the happiness radiating from your eyes. She could tell it was a good thing she went shopping with you.
Natasha picked you up and led you to the clothing station so you guys could pick new outfits that you need. Cause your closet needs a little upgrade.
You started to wander around the stall and examined the clothes that were neatly folded.
"You can touch them, honey. You can get what you think is nice for you to wear." Natasha said, sensing your hesitation.
You looked up to your mom with doe eyes, still seeking her second approval and she nodded in response.
You immediately ran and picked the matching unicorn pajamas that you find cute earlier and picked them up. You also went and examined another set of cute ones and when you don't like it you neatly fold it back how you took it.
You took your time picking out what you liked and ended up picking 4 matching pajamas. Looking up you saw your mom walking to another station and you panicked and ran in her direction not wanting to be left behind.
You followed her around the clothing station and never picked up another set of clothes you wanted to cause you were afraid that she won't allow you to buy more than the 4 PJs you picked out.
Walking past another stall you saw a Black Widow shirt that your mom's face was in.
You tugged the redhead, "Mama! Look! It's you," you looked up to see a different short red-headed woman who was as confused as you.
"You're not mama," you said.
Before the girl could say anything you ran back to the way you were before you followed the girl. At your height and your age, you had a hard time looking for the stall you were in before you followed the wrong redhead. Everything to your point of view looks the same.
Meanwhile, your mom on the other hand was now distressed because you weren't in the place where she last saw you, which is just literally next stall from her.
She couldn't understand how she could miss you being taken or left when she could see you from her peripheral vision.
Her mind races from one idea to another. Maybe you just got lost or maybe you got taken by Hydra again and she will never see you back.
She lowered her head to every stall maybe you were just hiding somewhere. Maybe you thought you guys were playing hide and seek.
While speed walking and whipping her head everywhere she bumped into a redheaded woman and immediately said profanities of apologies.
"I'm really sorry but have you seen a kid? About this height, redheaded, and wearing a tutu?" Natasha asked.
"Are you her mom? She tugged my shirt earlier and thought I was you. I was about to help her but she ran away" the girl explained.
Natasha sighed in relief. That means you were still here just lost.
"Do you know which direction she ran?" she asked again.
After saying thank you to the girl she immediately sprang and looked for you.
"Y/n!" she whisper shouted. "Where are you?"
After scanning every stall for a good 20 minutes she finally saw you on a bench crying and fiddling with your fingers.
Natassha sighed in relief, "There you are"
"I was looking for you everywhere"
You whipped your head to the sound of your mom's voice and you immediately ran up to her and engage her in a hug.
You tighten your hold on her legs and cried. You didn't know how much new place and new people could be this overwhelming. And without your mama, you didn't know what to do in an unfamiliar place like this.
"I wanna go home" you sobbed. Natasha picked you up and gave you a good look.
"It's okay, y/n. I'm here" she ran her hands through your hair. "Next time make sure you're with mama okay?"
"Mhm," you mumbled. "Home" you sniffled.
"I know, baby. But we gotta pay for these and your PJs" she assured. You were still sobbing in her arms not wanting to let go of her after what happened.
"Is this just what you wanted?" she asked. She knew you'd be shy to ask for more.
Your mind immediately remembered the shirt that has your mom's face in it. "Can we buy mama hero shirt?" you asked in between sniffles.
"Mama hero shirt?" she furrowed her eyebrows not knowing what you meant.
"Mhm," you mumbled again.
"Oh, this one" Natasha chuckled seeing her face in a shirt.
"Can we buy that mama? Please?" all your tears were gone all of a sudden and you smiled giddily seeing the shirt in her hands.
"Anything else?"
"Ice cream"
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vanfleeter · 6 months
i’m back to be a menace about dad!jake once again 🤍
I love you. Don't ever stop sending me these 🤍
But imagine with me, shall we? Something similar to this video.
Jake makes breakfast for him and Lily (using my own oc's here). He makes her favorite Mickey Mouse shaped pancakes and mixes together strawberry milk. He wakes her up with a gentle kiss to her forehead, brings her down for breakfast.
After breakfast, he gets her in the bath and all the while she babbles on about how excited she is to have a daddy-daughter day with him and also all of her uncles.
He'll brush her hair out and pull it back into a braid so she can look just like Daddy when he has his hair braided. He'll let her pick out her outfit, which consists of pink leggings, her unicorn shirt, and a pink tutu to match.
She's in tutu phase.
Then he'll help her put her shoes before strapping into her car seat.
She hangs off of his shoulders on his back while he plays a riff that flows with Sam's bass. She'll try to sing the high notes like Uncle Joshy but it really only sounds like she's screaming. But, "Hey, she's trying." Uncle Joshy will say.
Rose, Uncle Sammy's dog, will then come into the living room and even though she's met her a million times, her size still freaks out Lily who clings to Jake and hides behind him, asking him to "keep the big doggie away." "She's very loving," He's gently speak as he pets Rose behind her ear. "She won't hurt you, she loves you."
They'll all eventually retreat out to the backyard of Uncle Sammy's house, toss around a frisbee with Rose. Kick around a soccer ball that Lily can't quite kick up with so Jake shortens his strides and kicks it soft enough that she can keep up. He'll stand in front of the goal, pretending to be goalie but lets her kick the ball into the net before cheering, "Lilian Kiszka with her first goal of the season!" All four of them will hoop and holler, making her laugh loudly and bury her face into Jake's shirt.
Soon the time comes where it's time to head home. It's oddly quiet in the back of the car as Jake drives. Usually Lily will be back excitedly talking a mile a minute about her day, recounting all of the events and making mental notes on what to do the next tome they have a daddy-daughter day. So when he looks in the rearview mirror when coming to a red light, he finds her knocked out in her carseat. He'll smile and chuckle with a little shake of his head.
And when they get home, he'll carry her inside and up to her room for a short nap before dinner. She'll flutter her eyes open as he flicks off her bedside lamp and call out to him. She'll say she had a fun day with him and wants to do it again.
He'll smile and kiss her cheek before insisting that she can get some rest before dinner, only for her to beg to lay with her until she falls asleep. He can't say no when she pouts and bats her eyes. "Alright," He sighs before carefully laying down beside her. He'll hum a little tune, a made up melody he came up with which soon turned into her song, Lily's Song.
Soon he'll find himself giving in to sleep and falling into a slumber with Lily cuddled up against him still with her tutu on.
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cafecliche · 8 months
fic writer meme!
[RISES FROM THE DEPTHS] I'm here!! Thank you so much @uhuraisgay and @englishsub for the tags, and also for reminding me that I've missed Tumblr
1. how many works do you have on ao3? 50 even - which was more than I thought!
2. what's your total ao3 wordcount? 187,448
3. what fandoms do you write for?
My fic-writing impulses come along like cicada seasons, except without any regularity whatsoever: I do a lot of dabbling in a lot of fandoms, I can never really tell if something's going to light my brain on fire. Most of my fic output came from Yuletide for a long while (I loved the grab bag aspect and writing little treats for small fandoms, but then my holidays got busier), and then Yuri on Ice and MDZS were my biggest fandoms by far, especially MDZS. I've written Yuwu recently, and I'd love to write some Trigun, LoZ, or Mysterious Lotus Casebook one of these days.
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
the only way out
The Guests of Cloud Recesses
And the soft animal is our runner-up at #6!
5. do you respond to comments?
I usually don't unless it's a request or a question, but I read and treasure every one.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I am too tender for Bad Endings for the most part, but my canon-verse Nie Huaisang fic after me comes the flood does not end in a particularly good place for anyone involved. (But even then, we know it gets better for him eventually... albeit at the expense of several bystanders)
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I tend to write pretty gentle, occasionally LIGHTLY bittersweet happy endings (that's the cafecliche guarantee baby) but part of me wants to say 'the only way out' (and probably 'the yunmeng accords' series in general) here. I tend to write fic when I want to play around with the emotions or relationship dynamics that can already be found in canon, so 'the yunmeng accords' is probably as close to a fix-it as I'm going to get.
8. do you get hate on fics?
Not usually! I was part of the Great MDZS Anon Hate Train of 2021, but that was the worst I've ever gotten by several magnitudes - the vast majority of commenters are fabulous.
9. do you write smut?
Not yet! It's not off the table, though.
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you have written?
I actually don't think I've ever written a crossover! The closest I've ever gotten was when I look over my shoulder, but even that's 'Wangxian in a Conjuring-esque ghosthunters in love situation' and not really a formal Conjuring AU.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
I've had plagiarism brought to my attention a couple times, but truly just a handful. I still remember getting a message on FF.net that someone had ripped off a line from my Black Lagoon fic. The SCANDAL of it all.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
MDZS is the first fandom where I've gotten translation requests, which is always so cool! To my knowledge, I've had fics translated into Russian, Spanish, and Ukranian.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but brainstorming fic concepts with my brilliant friends is one of my favorite thing in the world.
14. what's your all time favorite ship?
omg ever? Well Victuuri and Wangxian have been the ones that really lit my brain on fire (if I own the Nendos, it's serious) but let me also throw it back to Fakir and Ahiru in Princess Tutu. That is ROMANCE.
15. what is a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I would have really liked to have one more entry to 'the yunmeng accords!' I had a couple of ideas that I really liked, but nothing that caught fire quite enough to dive into it. That said, I am currently working on something short and Yunmeng Shuangjie-related, at the very least...
16. what are your writing strengths?
Emotional through-lines, pacing, and that sweet, sweet catharsis. I'm drawn to particular fandoms when they leave me with an emotion that I need to break down over the course of several thousand words, and I know that shows through in my writing.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Choreography! I'm not a very visual thinker, so sometimes it takes me a while just to figure out how to block the characters in a given scene. I also have a lot of trouble getting into a draft until I figure out the voice, which, when it comes to fanfic, will either come to me extremely easily or not at all.
18. thoughts of writing dialogue in another language in fics?
Yeah, absolutely! (But if you don't speak the language, do your research!)
19. first fandom you wrote for?
[rubs my temples] an X-Men crackfic.
20. favorite fic you have written?
Oh my god. WELL. 'grow' and 'the only way out' I think are the best fics I've written, and 'when I look over my shoulder' and 'the soft animal' are also extremely close to my heart. But 'detente' might be the favorite child. It just gushed out of me.
I think a great many of you have been tagged at this point, so sorry for any double-tags, but: @bluecrystalrainingdaggers @tigerjpg @floofyfluff @vinelark and anyone else who'd like to go for it!
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jullbnt · 8 months
I’m curious, did you draw references from any particular ballets for your LOZ ballet series?
Oh thanks for asking!!
I mainly took references from Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Ivan the Terrible, and also Mulan (the Chinese ballet). They were especially helpful for fight scenes or poses with weapons since I didn’t really know how to make these look like ballet.
I used a lot of photos from other ballets too (I don’t even know where some of them are from), and even a few stock pictures ^^
Finding the perfect references was a huge part of the work. I have a limited knowledge of ballet and can't really make up the poses, and I also had to think about the best way to portray a LoZ story. I started by looking for references, and most of my ideas actually came from looking at these pictures and thinking of the best way to use them. Some of them made me think of a specific scene instantly, the one I used for Dark Link for example (I think it’s a scene from Le Corsaire).
Also for Zelda I tried to find references with dancers wearing long dresses, it’s easier for me than having to transform a tutu into something longer haha
Here you go anon :)
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k1d1c4rus · 6 months
don’t know much about the thing with carr and much about her in gen. but that post you made comparing pete & meagan’s poor choice of a costume to her and pete’s relationship is kinda fucking weird dude… idk just saying pete would only sign her because he sees her as a fetish? (you were probably joking but still kinda off) i really don’t see what’s the problem with her calling herself a deep throat queen just get the vibes that everything is cool till a women choose to use her sexuality as a brand. i don’t know just think about that post. sorry
if you disagree with a post i made mostly in jest pointing out an aesthetic similarity in. i think we all agree. a weird halloween costume (to say the least) and carr's self styled combination of children's tutus and explicit sexual slogans you quite literally don't have to engage with it. i genuinely would like to know what you're hoping to achieve from sending this, because if it's to let me know you're uncomfortable then congratulations, but if it's to make me delete the post? unpost it? change my opinion? you're not really going to get what you want.
carr's brand is 'dilf hunting' and 'hot dads', which she posts specifically in reference to the middle aged men in the bands she is touring with. she's written songs about wanting to be a groupie and sleeping with rockstars in bands who are older than her. I think pete has a very canny understanding of the fact that that this sexualised aesthetic will sell, which is why he signed her. if u want clarification on this front, I don't think he fucked her.
i'm not going to be the one to give you a crash course in choice feminism. I think women can do what they want. I also think it's impossible to make choices that aren't influenced by the societal structures around you. as a female raised person I've said the statement "i shave my legs bc it looks better and thats my choice" and I've then deconstructed where my choices come from and what influences me to make those decisions.
i truly don't give a shit what carr does, the only thing that icks me out is the explicit sexual content combined with the kiddie tutus. there's a whole conversation to be had abt the eroticisation of childlike imagery that is just not something I have space to discuss with tumblr anons on my bandom smut blog. i don't like that so I won't engage with her content.
i dont know shit abt their relationship. the post was pointing out that pete obviously thinks there was something compelling enough abt that aesthetic to dress himself and his (10 years his junior) gf up as a pageant princess and himself as a daddy manager, and like 13 years later he is a record label manager and has signed an artist with the same tutu wearing aesthetic who explicitly refers to him as a hot dad. if you don't see a connection or if the connection makes you uncomfortable, you really don't have to be here.
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laura1633 · 6 months
omg max going down on charles as he wears a tutu… kind of a vision ngl
Glad you like the vision anon!
Charles with a tutu scrunched around his waist, his legs in the air and his little ballet pumps still on his feet.
Or maybe Max lying down on the floor whilst Charles dances over him on pointe wearing just his ballet shoes and a tutu. Max getting more and more turned on until the finale of Charles' routine where he lowers himself down on to Max's face.
I think they would also have a lot of fun with the fact Charles can get into full splits.
I'm so sorry I absolutely can't help or filter myself 😂
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zerozeroren · 2 years
Currently down the princess tutu rabbit hole and I have to ask someone to make sure I'm not losing it
do you remember this fanfic where duck became human again and was taken in by these people? and fakir had to like try and get her to regain her memories of him? I swear there was so much fan art especially of fakir wearing a mask he had to wear and I can't find the heckin fic
Okay first of all HI and welcome to the Tutu crowd
But also unfortunately I'm not the person to ask, being not a native speaker i have only read a very miniscule number of fics, basically only The Curse of The Dragon and all the @an-aura-about-you 's stuff, so I can't help here
I THINK i understand what you mean because I do vaguely remember the arts, but i also might be confusing ot for the famous Bird Kingdom stuff where Fakir obtained an official birdsona so really I don't
I'm posting this here anyway, maybe my Tutu mutuals will remember what you mean, so i suggest maybe monitoring the answers to this?
Tutu mutuals, please help this anon because I'm completely useless now
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compo67 · 1 year
The last three questions of the fic writer ask please, all for Back Pocket 'verse? Thank you so much!
Helloooo Back Pocket anon!
I'm always so happy to go back to the island with Back Pocket verse. :D
75. What scene in Back Pocket Verse took the longest to write? What was difficult about it? 
Hmm. I'd say the first time J2 have sex was the most difficult to write. It was tough because I wanted to incorporate music theory, song lyrics, and smut all in one. I wanted it to be sexy, but cerebral. I spent a long time researching music theory for the fic overall, but that chapter in particular I delved into my sources extra hard. It also took a long while to figure out which song I wanted to include for Jensen to quote as they had sex. I'm happy with how it turned out.
76. Did you have any ideas that didn’t make the final cut of Back Pocket? 
Hmm. I don't remember. I maybe wanted a chapter with Cher, but I felt (and still feel) that she would have been a major distraction to the story. We'll see how I feel about an appearance by her in BP3. Maybe I'll change my mind.
77. Do you have a favorite scene you’ve written from Back Pocket story/chapter?
I absolutely love chapter 9 in RBP where Jared sits on the floor to have breakfast with Jensen. I think it turned the tide for Jensen and proved to him that Jared is capable of thinking of people other than himself.
In LBP, I love chapter 24, where Jared dances to "I've Got to Break Free" by Queen and smut follows. I love that he wears the tutu, love that Jensen lets down his guard, and love that they spend some quality time together.
Thank you, BP anon! It's always a pleasure to get back into BP. <3
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onlyjaeyun · 1 year
they way i almost CRIED reading the chapter😭😭 i read it during my break at work,,, i was smiling so wide, kicking my feet, and trying to suppress my giggles,,, i knew i wasn’t ready for poison to end BUT NOW I DONT WANNA LET GO💔💔
anyways time for some of my own headcanons:
- HOON WALKS YN DOWN THE ISLE (then goes to stand next to hee as his best man)
- heeyn have a girl bc 🗣️HEE IS A GIRL DAD🗣️ would get all the pink stuff, would buy bows and the little headbands with bows on it, anything pink?? hee sees it, hee buys it🥺 the nursery aesthetic would literally be 🎀🧸 emojis and would dress their daughter in the little fluffy bear onesie (hee would call her his little bear)
- while yn is pregnant, hee always lays next to her belly. even in the beginning when she’s not even showing, hee would still lay there and give little kisses because he can’t believe a child, HIS child, is growing inside there
- hee would always be back hugging yn, resting his chin on her shoulder and wrapping his hands under her belly,,, would deffo do the lifting thing where he lifts up yn’s bump to talk the pressure off her back
-when their daughter gets a little older, hee goes full out with the tea party and princess outfits. yn would come home from work to find hee and their daughter with her little tea set out on the mini table, teddy bears as guests (the whole works). hee would have the fairy wings, little wand, and a princess crown on, probs even a pink tutu. and seung is so into, pretending to drink the tea, have conversations with the teddy bear, anything and everything to make his little princess happy (their daughter would also swindle uncle hoon into playing as well because he can’t say no)
- the whole group would organize a family dinner/game night, with a different theme and host each time. and then all their kids get older, they just have huge cousin hangouts because they’re all so close
(can i be 🪴 anon?? there’s more where those came from but i don’t wanna overwhelm this post😭)
NOOOO NONIE WHAT HAVE YOU DONE PLS I LITERALLY JUST FINISHED THE EPILOGUE AND READING THESE AGAIN JUST MADE ME EVEN SADDER 😭😭😭😭 i love every single one of these and you're the reason i actually went with a girl (or did the poll) insteadt of a boy so just know i'm sending you the fattest, sweetest kiss ever. thank you so much for this 🥺🩷
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sweetestpopcorn · 2 years
I think I found my most hated genre of fics under the Daemon and Rhaenyra tag in ao3 with any Aemond/Lucerys kind of fics and any Aemond/OC fics but no. I believe I found something I cannot stomach, in a completely different way, but still makes me wanna hurl. Fics where they basically redeem Aegon the Usurper and make it so that he becomes King without fault. Yo, I cannot stomach this. Baby Aegon Cheeks and Viserys not being King? Targs with Hightower Blood continuing the main Targ Line?😭😭😭 Im biased, I know, but man can I not stand the blood of otto and alicent remaining on the throne no matter the circumstances even if the author makes Aegon TuTu into a saint thats beatified
Hi Anon 😊
If those fics are in the redacted universe - which I can’t imagine them not being 😂 - I can’t understand the complaint about Egg 2 becoming the king.
I mean he cosplays as Aegon III, called Helen an idiot, and Almond Milk a twat. He also you know what 😎 in the same balcony as showTommen k🍡lled himself. I can appreciate his chaotic energy and other things aside, I stan him the most. Go off king!
Also at the end of the day Droopy aka Phantom of the Opera and of the Leprosy was a wife killer who got an end too good for him. Anything that comes after him is an improvement! Also please cut Alicia some slack she had to be topped by Droopy for 20+ years. My girl deserves a break. 😭
As for the real upsetting part, that clearly is the Renada/Matt content 🤢 So my question is, does Matt have the ability to get hard now that Renada is older than 18 or does Renada have to go to Dornishcel for a good old dose of potency? 🤔 she loved Matt so much ❤️ I also have a hc that notViserys is Dornishcel’s son along with Loserys, Jackarys, and Jeffrey.
Also does Renada finally fullfill her dream of becoming a knight and riding into battle? And if yes, does anyone make us a solid and end her? Asking for a friend because I might like that one 🥰
Also also, are Matt/Pentos guy endgame? Cause that’s who I ship in redacted universe. 😊
PS: to be fair to you though Anon, many ff out there was already of dubious quality before redacted and already came up with some convoluted sh:t. I have seen one (like in 2019) where actual Aegon II was called “the golden prince” by the smallfolk so imagine the level 😂 in the same one Rhaenyra slept with any man that came her way and conveniently the author cut out her ever being seduced by Daemon in her younger days because in their words they didn’t want to make her a victim. Hum… Daemon there kind of read like Matt actually 🤔 did Miguel write this? There was more like the full on platter of fics that turned Rhaenyra into the love child of Cersei and Lolita, those who had Daemon r🐻ped and humiliate her (don’t worry he was a great guy when he was with Laena and Nettles) and one of my favs one where the author not only copied several things from me like the nicknames I used but used them for Daemon and Laena. In the same fic Rhaenyra forced herself on Laenor. Yes :) the r is word.
PPS: Were all these people eventually hired to write redacted 🤔 I would think so. Well except that last person cause redacted got me screaming justice for Lana!
PPPS: where is my redacted fic where Lana kills everyone and becomes Queen of Westeros?
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mister13eyond · 2 years
Ohhhhh I love the idea of Living Doll AU! It sounds sort of cute!
THANK YOU ANON... i've been sitting on this ask for a second hoping to talk more about it as I build up the idea in my mind so I'm really excited to ramble about it I think I'm kind of inspired by things like Utena and Princess Tutu, which are very much fairy tales and allegories but also do a good bit of earnest engagement with their own ideas in like. "This is a concept and a symbol, but also, what does it FEEL like to be a concept or a symbol" ? which is a complex way of saying I've been thinking about the idea of Diavolo's relationship to Doppio, how he has some hand in *shaping* him- he has *made* Doppio, to some extent, since Doppio's own gaps in his memory and specific delusions mean that the backstory that Diavolo gives him has really effected his view of himself as a person but also, like, the relationship between an artist and his work? i think it would be in some ways very cute, like... Diavolo is lonely, and he uses that loneliness to fuel his desire to *create*. Each doll he makes is another attempt to fill this void in his life where he wants someone to *trust* and confide in (but is too afraid of others to ever allow anyone in)- and Doppio I think would very much be a doll he made in the image of the kind of person he longs for; someone sweet and open- not jaded like Diavolo- someone who has all of the features he finds beautiful- not his own, which he finds harsh and unpleasant- someone who he can give the soft pretty clothing he cannot wear on his broad frame, someone who he can dress in all the things he'd never wear SO LIKE there's this element of both wish fulfillment and also "what do you do when your work develops a life of its own outside your control? what do you do when it is no longer something that you choose every decision and detail about? when it begins to grow outside you and become something that means something to others- when that work becomes a connection to someone you love, but you must also accept that the work in that person you love's mind is their own, entirely individual interpretation and experience of that work- and you have to be willing to let it go so they can find their own meaning in it?" (which is a lot of Introspection for a monday morning, but I just love the idea of diavolo as an artist battling with this concept)
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