#ALSO if you need me to call out the sarcasm in the last sentence - I know why lol
optiwashere · 9 months
So saw a post about Shadowheart's racism towards Githyanki and hating her for that. Saying it's gross etc. I thought it was pretty mild? Considering what the Githyanki are and what they do, I was expecting a lot more racism when you play as one or towards Lae'zel. They aren't nice.
Ah. Yes. This topic. I was wondering when it would come up lol.
I had a long, long, long diatribe about this, but I wound up editing it to hell and back. I agree with you anon. I think it goes to show you how desperate the camp crew was when they put up with Lae'zel after the mountain pass crèche turns out to be a dud.
If people are singling out Shadowheart for being aggressive towards the literal imperialist slaver race of turbo space fascists and calling that racism, I don't know nor do I care to know about it. Not showing the githzerai has, I think, kinda rotted some BG3-only people's brains since they don't see that it's not about the gith as a species but it's about their imperial culture. It's especially annoying when there are much more direct parallels to racism in-game, structural and otherwise (Astarion with the Gur, Lae'zel with the tieflings, Rivington/Emerald Grove with the refugees).
I get the folks that feel the Shadowheart v. githyanki thing as racism, so I won't speak to their feelings. I will say that it's very definitely more a specific case of "girl stole shit from an empire known for murdering wantonly and is trying to avoid interacting with them at all costs" at the very beginning of the game.
Personally, I'm much more interested in talking about the fandom's general treatment of the slightly corrupted prince charming character (normally a fandom favorite in RPGs) as a second-class citizen. He's "useless" and "not that interesting" this time, for some reason?
Not sure why that could be happening.
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scarfacemarston · 5 months
Teacher!Natasha x Teacher!Reader Oneshot
For Lesbian Visibility Week! If you enjoyed this, please note and reblog! Feel free to send other prompts or requests! Prompt: The students come into your classroom complaining about Natasha as a teacher not knowing you're her wife. This is version 1. You sighed as you glanced at the digital clock on your computer. Damn. Your planning period was almost over, and you really needed to finish grading these essays. Soon, you would be back to teaching your high school history classes for the day. The period ended far too quickly as students began to file their way into the classroom, discussing this and that. You were so engrossed in your work that you were hardly paying attention until you heard “Ms. Romanoff” mentioned not once, not twice, but in a string of sentences. Oh boy. Ms. Romanoff was one of the more controversial teachers at the school known for her no-nonsense attitude, sternness and sarcasm , but she was also fair with a dry sense of humor. “Why did I take international politics as an elective? Oh, that’s right, I thought it would look good on my transcript!” One student said sarcastically. “She’s so nitpicky! I got an A-. AN A MINUS!” “Hers is the only class I don’t fall asleep in anymore. Not since….last time.” “She’s so strict even the Macklin brothers shut up.” “She’s terrifying. I heard she used to be an undercover agent in the CIA”. You smirked at that one. You should probably look into that rumor. “A spy? Shut-up, man. Who’s going to believe that?” “I heard she was a failed actress.” “I heard she voiced the Russian Siri.” “I heard she’s a rich heiress that lost all her cash.” “Look, guys, I don’t care. She just ripped our class to shreds.I just can’t right now. Nearly the entire class failed her last test. These test corrections are going to take all night.” “At least you’re allowed test corrections! We’re her AP class and the only way we can make up points is through a new essay.” “She’s scary. I swear” “I think she knows what I’m thinking and then that makes me think more and then she thinks what I’m thinking and that thinking makes my head hurt.” “I was ONE minute late to class and she gave me a late slip!” “One time my grandma called me in class, and she made me pick it up.” You shot a quick text to Natasha before the bell rang. Her classroom was two doors down from yours since you two were technically in the same department. Time to log off your grading program and begin class. You pulled out the binder with today’s lesson plans ready to begin. “Wow, you all are full of comments about Ms Romanoff today.” You said neutrally. “Miss Y/N, you don’t understand. She’s so ….uh, extra.” You withheld a smirk. Natasha wasn’t what you would call extra, but she was set in her ways.” “I don’t think she’s extra. I think she just has high standards.” You responded. One of the students rolled their eyes.
"Do you all talk about me like this when I'm not here?"
"Nooo Ms. Y/N, we would never!"
"Well, maybe you could extend the same courtesy to my wife next time," you said, withholding a laugh. The room fell silent. A pin could have dropped.
“Fuck” you heard someone say under their breath. “Language”, you chastised, but you couldn’t say you blamed them. You saw the students in various forms of awkward shuffling, a cough here or there or “Ummm” or “Uhh” as students tried to form sentences. “Wait, you’re married?” a student questioned before being glared at by the others. Your fourth period class was near silent for the rest of the period, with the students seemingly still in shock. One minute til the bell rang. You saw a flash of red hair out of the corner of your eye. Thirty seconds. Natasha knocked on the door. “Hey, you, we’re all ordering from Robert’s Deli for lunch. You want your usual or will you finally try something new?” Natasha teased. The class whipped their heads collectively towards the door. It was becoming harder not to laugh. Natasha narrowed her eyes. “What’s going on, Y/n?” “Oh, you’re scaring my class, dear!” You said, smiling widely. Natasha scoffed. “Dear, huh? Oh, so they found out, didn’t they? As if us entering the building together and leaving together in the same car wasn’t hint enough that we’re married.  Yeah, I might have scared a few of them. It was well deserved, trust me, Isn’t that right, Reynolds?” Jason Reynolds sank down into his seat, not meeting Natasha’s eyes. The bell rang. The students couldn’t scramble enough as they grabbed their bags and rushed past Natasha. You gave a small laugh as you finally met Natasha. “You’re a mean woman, you know that?” “Hey, you texted me, babe.” “It was great, not gonna lie. Sorry the “secret” is out.” “It’s not like we’re closeted, we’re simply professional. I’m surprised they didn’t figure it out sooner….or maybe I’m not.” Natasha muttered. Your stomach growled. “Alright, I’ll look up the menu. Find something new to try for once. Promise.” You said in response to your stomach. Natasha nodded. “Don’t want you to scare the next class because you’re hungry.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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rainbowspinch · 8 months
Alright Spinchers get ready cause I’m about to dump all my SB AU stuff/SB headcanons because I’ve got The Rot in my brain.
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I’ll probably edit this later because there’s definitely stuff I’m forgetting. Anyway
Ok let’s seperate this into sections.
-He really, really tries to be a stickler for the rules but it honestly doesn’t work. He tries so hard. But if he needs this door down and it won’t unlock, he’s going to call Monty to bash it in
-‘no swearing’ rule but there is absolutely exceptions
-Regularly uses “by the power invested in me” before sentencing the others to punishment (“by the power invested in me I sentence you to 15 minutes in your least favourite corner”)
-So much more patient and trusting than he reasonably should be
-Can, will, and does pick up the others simply because he’s able to
-Whenever Freddy is waiting for someone/something with Roxy, he looks extra hard to try see it before Roxy does to ‘beat her super eyes’. He wants to see it first and never does. Sometimes she pretends not to see to make him feel better
-Whenever they go on stage, Freddy and Monty Bro Hug It Out so no one knows they’re gay.
-⬆️Everyone knows.
-Goes out of his way to try and make the day better when it seems to be going south. He especially does this with Monty because he’s just about always having a bad day
-Was a little distant from the others, especially Monty, after Bonnie was put away for good. He focused way more on his definitely very important duties as the face of the Pizzaplex than interacting with them. This backfired on him completely because it just made everyone talk to him More.
-Has the weakest battery of everyone and needs to charge more frequently. He’s usually pretty good at making sure he doesn’t collapse in front of customers
-He knows they’re programmed to be good with kids and all but he still finds himself feeling all soft and mushy watching his friends get along with the young ones
-Was always kind of grouchy in the mornings, but was fine after they had their first show
-Can drink 7 milkshakes in one sitting and postpone the regret for later
-he’s got a super sense for bowling. He Knows when someone is bowling like shit and they will be dealt with
-Had assigned bowling balls for each of his friends
-When Bonnie was randomly found mangled and broken, the staff had no idea what to do and kind of just- hid him away so they wouldn’t have to deal with it. The last person to talk to him was Roxy, who laid next to him while the Staff Bots tried to assess the situation.
-The Pizzaplex’ s Band originally started off with just Freddy and Bonnie, to imitate Fredbear and Springbonnie
-Shockingly, the one most adjusted to Bonnie’s sarcasm and occasional bad attitude is Chica, not Freddy. She became accustomed to his behaviour pretty quickly, and swiftly learned to level him out
-He goes and lays on Roxy’s carpet when he’s unhappy and she’s pretty much just gotten used to it at this point. She’s got no idea why he chose her room specifically but she’s adjusted.
-Regularly hangs around the food court, shock horror
-Chica is super flexible. It makes the stretches and fitness aspects of Mazercise easier on her joints- however it does also mean she could fold herself into a ball if she really wanted to.
-If Chica is winning on the raceway, she’ll purposely slow down to let Roxy win
-While she comes across as very sweet and friendly, she’s definitely an enabler of chaos. She can and will encourage Roxy and Monty’s bickering.
-That being said, she does know where to draw a line. She knows how to tell when her friends are getting genuinely irritated, and she knows when things will actually be taken to heart instead of as a joke. She’s a good mediator, and a good calming agent
-Likes to bring snacks to the daycare for the little ones. After a gentle scolding here and there from Moon, though, she’s learned to bring snacks early on, and not too close to nap time, lest the sugar keep the kids up.
-Absolutely decimates in the arcade. She and Monty love to compete
-Adjusted to Monty taking Bonnie’s place the easiest. She loves Bonnie and treasures him dearly, but she wasn’t about to let her grief make Monty feel unwelcome. The two remain very close to this day
-She loves her friends but she’s not huge on sharing food. She thanks god every day that Roxy knows this and orders them seperate pizzas whenever they get them
-Absolutely the type to learn Tiktok dances and trends, and if she had a phone, would absolutely partake. It’s not uncommon to find TikTok’s filmed in the Pizzaplex that she jumps to participate in
-Hums a lot. Was pretty unhappy that they forbade her from singing, and started humming a lot to make up for it
-They aren’t supposed to store things in their chest compartments unless instructed to (like cakes, piñatas, etc), but Foxy tends to stash toys and merchandise in there and try get away with it. He usually gets caught
-Roxy was initially introduced as a prototype. She was small and child sized, and given to Foxy to train her up. It was supposed to be to test his aggression levels due to some recent bugs with Bonnie, but he got extra attached and kept her as his own.
-Following the previous, when Roxy was taken away from him, he was told she would be dismantled. Foxy was later taken from the stage and the band for maiming a staff member.
-Foxy is stashed behind some cutouts and other bits and pieces in Kids Cove. He won’t come out for fear of being decommissioned permanently. The others bring pizza and activities to do with him, so he can still be included.
-Uses the excuse of having ‘unspecified ailments’ when he doesn’t feel like performing. Depending on which technician is checking in with him in the morning, it sometimes works.
-Got a couple of broken parts that are lovingly held together by duct tape
-Roxy gets along really well with the staff bots and caution bots. She’s like a celebrity to them, and she thinks they’re just funky little guys. She appreciates that they always make sure they’re clean before touching her (which they continue to do because she likes it)
-Whenever she walks by a caution bot, they always reach out to try touch her tail. This is especially endearing when she walks by a group and they all reach out
-Roxy brushes her tail exactly 200 times every morning. If she loses count she has to start again
-She and Chica go on lots of food court dates, going to get pizza and ice cream and such.
-Roxy spends a lot of time hanging around Mazercise waiting for Chica. She’s not shy about her favouritism
-Prefers older kids over the younger ones because younger kids can be a little messy, and she’s not one for mess. However, Cassie is her exception in all cases.
-She knows full well that by advertising and programming she’s supposed to be a winner, to be the epitome of sass and style. It’s exhausting to try be that perfect all the time, and she only feels worse that it makes her exhausted
-She deeply values her beauty and struggles to see her value beyond that. She needs to be good at everything, being average isn’t good enough.
-Used to struggle with giving compliments and often still does, but Chica has extraordinarily helped with this issue. Roxy loves her too much to not compliment her
-She’s actually quite the history nerd! She takes a lot of interest in older locations and older models, and will jump to get any information she can from whoever will give it to her
-Monty is exactly as he’s described in the books. Dramatic and loud, but otherwise harmless
-Monty has a couple fried circuits; is prone to headaches, mood instability and light sensitivity as a result, hence his irritability and short temper
-He frequently visits the daycare, both as a helping hand and just to hang out. Sun and Moon insisted he has to dress as a clown if he wants to help out; they were joking but he took that 100% seriously and dresses the part if he intends to help care for the little ones.
-Roxy is like an older sister. When he was newly introduced, they quickly made the ‘new kid’ connection and she took him under her wing pretty swiftly.
-tail wags, hissing and swimming
-likes to ‘trade noises’. He’ll make a sound, normally a hiss, and usually whoever he’s with will return a sound (Chica with bawking, Roxy with a small howl, and Freddy tends to boop his nose to make the squeak sound. Bonnie is still pretty new to this and hasn’t exactly figured out a sound to make yet.)
-Tends to skip shows when he decides it’s too much, and goes off to hide.
-Following the previous, he used to hang around up on the catwalks in Gator Golf. However after being knocked off by the Hurricane hole-in-one, he’s since refused to even touch the steps up.
-Monty can easily be allured with the jingles of keys
-Used to address Freddy as ‘Captain’, but suffered through every stage of grief the day Freddy called him ‘Comrade’ in response. He hasn’t done it since
-Keeps track of regulars on his golf course and often gets along with them
-Spontaneously breakdances in the West Arcade
-Sun was SO shit at being a daycare attendant after being moved from the Theatre. He was very used to seeing kids from a distance most of the time, and didn’t know how to handle taking care of them for long periods of time.
-Moon tends to jingle miserably across the floor whenever he’s up while the lights are on. Having been set up as a sleepy time animatronic, he has become quite nocturnal. Does that stop him from being up and about while the lights are on? No. Will he be tired and complain about it the whole time? Of course!
-Moon laughs at kids when they fall and Sun has to tell him off
-Moon throws ball pit balls at Staff Bots and gets told off for that too
-Before the events of SB, Sun and Moon were really close, damn near inseparable
-Sun and Moon used to share a body (which they resented a little bit). They took a nasty fall and the people who did the repairs went “you know what? Might as well” and separated them into two seperate bodies instead. The old body was left in parts and service, and later became Eclipse.
-At the start, Eclipse was a blend of Sun and Moon. They inherited both negative and positive traits from both ends, which created a balance of function and flaw. However this withered away a bit, and by Ruin, Eclipse was only taking on the positive traits. They lost Sun’s anxiousness and uptight personality, but maintained his patience and gentleness. They lost Moon’s pessimism and self preservation, but kept his playfulness and consideration. This has made Eclipse 100% In Denial Of All Bad Things, which does more bad than good.
-Moon doubles as a security animatronic. It’s his job to make sure everyone else is in their assigned station at night, which is why he can confidently leave the daycare, but Sun does not. He doesn’t care much for this job however and usually doesn’t do it.
-Sun tends to find a lot of the human staff incompetent. Between Moon’s bugs and twitches, the power issues in the daycare, the generators in the play equipment, and things regularly breaking down, he’s come to be impatient and exhausted with the maintenance crew. He quickly becomes exasperated when Moon starts to twitch out, because it means the past people to fix him did a shit job of it. Again.
-Sometimes ghosts of the past come to visit. Not to cause trouble, but just to check out how Freddy’s is doing. Charlie, being 3, is often snatched up by security and put in the daycare. Sun cannot figure out for the life of him how she keeps escaping so quickly whenever she’s brought in.
-Sun hates it when things are untidy. It’s just annoying to have stuff all over the place, and he prefers to keep it clean. Things being too much of a wreck can make him feel overwhelmed
-Sun occasionally calls Moon ‘Starlight’, and Moon regularly calls Sun ‘Sunny’ or ‘Sunshine’
-Sun manifests genders at Moon and he’s only very vaguely aware of it
-They both have a bit of merchandise, usually from staff bots handing it out near the daycare and Sun going ‘OOO we should have this!’ Sun has a Roxy graphic tee and Moon has one for Monty. It doesn’t fit the clown aesthetic but they wear them occasionally nonetheless
-Map Bot has the entirety of One Direction’s ‘You Don’t Know You’re Beautiful’ memorised
-DJ’s station is decorated with lots of maps, because Map Bot offers him a map every time he visits, and he accepts it every time
-Map Bot scares guests on purpose and thinks it’s hilarious
-DJ’s main body doubles as storage. That’s where all the mini men go.
-DJ tends to lose mini men because there’s too many for him to keep track of. Some have names. Some don’t. If he loses one, so be it. It’s every infant for himself in the Pizzaplex.
-Map Bot often carries Caution Bots around like they’re his babies. They enjoy it
-This might be the dumbest one yet but- DJ and Map Bot are possessed by Phone Dude and Phone Guy respectively. It started as a joke because we thought it was funny but now it’s stuck. They don’t remember ever being people, and nobody questions why Map Bot is significantly more expressive and talkative than the other staff bots.
-DJ gets along really well with the band members and occasionally talks them into performing along to his mixes. Roxy and Chica are most prone to caving, Roxy because she loves the attention and Chica because there’s no staff to tell her she’s not allowed to sing. They always have a good time
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lexxspark · 10 months
Greened Out
Clapton Davis x reader
Overall gn!reader gender isn’t really specified here :3 lmk if I missed anything though!
A/N : hey guys thanks for reading! First fic since the damn renaissance (2015) this is also heavily inspired by Tednivisions story time about when he ate a 400 milligrams nerds rope💀
‼️mentions of the use of pot and smoking
Not proofread🙌🏻 wrote this this morning I think a ghost whispered this concept in my ear while I was sleeping.
A good night’s sleep. You’d think that’d be easier when you’re home alone but associating with Clapton Davis? Yeah idk about that. You were in the middle of drifting to sleep, wearing just some shorts and a band T-shirt you haphazardly grabbed last minute as something to sleep in, when you hear knocking at your window.
Normally this would be reason for panic, but when you look over to see a boy in a bright blue t-shirt, sunglasses dispute it being 11pm, you only sighed and walked over to the window to open it.
“Clapton what the fuck are you doing?”
“Listen, listen y/n okay? I’m-“ He paused and kindof stumbled a bit literally and over his words, but began again, “I need help ion- I don’t feel right.”
Then he gave you those eyes. Those stupid pleading puppy eyes.
You opened the window more to allow him to climb into your room. He did but almost fell flat on his face after his foot god caught in the window pane. He stumbled but fixed himself, standing straight and looking at you.
“What did you take Davis?” There was concern in your voice as you knew Clapton well and he didn’t do anything hard ever, nothing other than the occasional pot with his friends.
“Y/n im telling you all I took was an edible I don’t know what’s going on I’m like- I’m like aching every-time I touch something I can still feel it after and, and it feels like the room is spinning. It just I don’t feel right I think I was laced im telling you.” He said that last sentence while weakly pointing at the window, presumably at his friends.
“How many milligrams was it?” You asked, a very slight chuckle in your voice as you highly doubt someone had the brains to make a laced edible in the entire city of Grizzly Lake.
“Milligrams? Uhh what are those?” He furrowed his brows and squeezed his eyes shut making it look like he was really trying to remember what milligrams are.
“Oh my god.” You said under your breath as you walked over to Clapton and checked his pockets for the wrapper to his edible and to your surprise, you found a nerds rope wrapper crumpled up in his left shorts pocket.
“Wooah y/n” Clapton chuckled between his words, “Take me out before you get so handsy like that huh?” He gave you that big smile that may have made you blush, but your room was too dark to notice so you rolled your eyes instead.
“Relax Clapton, go sit down before you collapse on my floor okay?” You pointed to your bed as you started examining the wrapper.
“Yes ma’am.” Clapton said pouting and shuffling to your bed and plopping down at the foot of it, across from where you were standing.
That made you smile, the pout in his voice and the ma’am, he was such a sweetheart. However you and Clapton were on borderline opposite social circles. You only had a couple close friends where as Clapton was friends with practically everyone in town. Of course except for law enforcement. You liked him, of course you did. But everyone liked him and you just kind of figured that one of these days he’d meet someone cute and bubbly just as he is and forget about you. You were, however in your stubborn sarcasm, completely oblivious to Clapton’s shared fear. He thought that someday you would find some mature, older, more smart man to take care of you and forget all about him. So in return he followed you like a puppy everywhere, ensuring that you never would.
“Oh my fucking god Clapton.” Your eyes widened at the package.
“What? What’s wrong? Is it coke? Uh uhh what’s the one called? Oh my god Is it a Perc?” He was genuinely scared that he just took a Percocet nerds rope.
“No it’s still just weed but it’s 400 milligrams of it. Jesus Christ, Clapton it says ‘meant to be shared’ right on the package.” You pointed at it and handed it to him to read, all he did was squint you knew he didn’t even try to read anything on the package.
“Wow 400? That’s a lot. That’s prolly not a good thing is it?” He shook his head as he looked up at you, your brows furrowed with concern as u looked down at him.
“No, no it’s not.” Your eyes softened and shoulders dropped as you remembered he was still incredibly high and you were his only sober friend right now. “Have you eaten? Had water?”
“I ate an entire bag of family sized Cheeto Puffs, andd I also had a coke.” He smiled.
You tried your best to ignore his smile, “Okay well you need water, you definitely need water.” You walked over to your nightstand, Clapton’s eyes following your every move. You handed him the glass of water and he took a sip, realized how much he needed water, and proceeded to drink the entire thing.
“Jeez y/n do you have the air on blast in here? It’s like 40 degrees dude.”
“No, no you’re just cold, weed chills Clapton. Here.” You put the blanket around his shoulders and you saw him relax a bit into the blanket, still shivering though. This didn’t last however when he crawled up to where you were peacefully sleeping earlier and curled up into your pillows.
“Really?” You walked over to him and sat on the edge of the bed next to him, looking at him at first with annoyance, but then it caved as soon as you saw how cute he looked in your bed, looking up at you. You sighed in defeat, looking at the calendar on your door, and then back at Clapton. Your parents were away for the weekend, some thanksgiving thing with friends so you had the entire house to yourself for a while.
Clapton’s eyes never left yours and in your head you swore they would be your downfall. “Alright, Alright fine. You can take my bed I’ll just crash on the couch.” You smiled at him, breaking eye contact as you grabbed a spare pillow and started to turn to walk out of your room.
This made Clapton’s stomach drop. “No, nono, please.” He grabbed on your wrist, softly in a pleading hold, like if he let go he’d vanish into dust. “Please stay with me. I really don’t want to be alone like this.” There was genuine concern in his voice almost anxiety.
He gave you those stupid eyes again.
Before you could even realize what was going on you got into bed with him and laid down, Clapton Davis laying in your bed agonizingly close to you. However you could still feel him shivering. He studied your face, his expression never changing as he looked at your eyes. God he loved your eyes.
You looked back at him and gave him a soft look, looked up at the ceiling, and opened your arm so he could lay on your chest. He didn’t waste a second curling up to you. You felt your heart race and Clapton’s shivering subside. Part of you wondered if he was even still shivering or if he was faking it to get you to hold him, you didn’t really care either way.
Your hand found its way to Clapton’s hair, playing with it in a soothing way to get him to sleep off the edible for two he just took. Chances are he’ll wake up high in the morning. But that was a problem for tomorrow.
“Holyy fuck.” Clapton melted into your arms as u played with his hair almost whining at the contact.
“You okay Davis?”
“Yes, yes m fine just that feels really fucking good Jesus Christ don’t stop.” He whispered and mumbled at the same time, you felt his hands rub on your back and bunch up your shirt as someone to grab and hold on to.
“Wasn’t planning on it.” You smiled as you felt him calm, soon the shivering stopped. You and him lay in comfortable silence for a few moments until Clapton breaks it.
“Have I told you how beautiful I think you are?”
This caught you by surprise, all you could get out were a few “umms” before he started again, “You really are you know? You’re so smart and you’re funny. You deal with me and my stupid jokes. You’re just, you’re just you. And I really love that.”
He pulled away to look at you, meeting your eyes. You had no idea what to say to that. Even with him in your bed, you never thought that anything like that would come out of his mouth ever.
You paused, trying to come up with something to say, usually you’d have something smart or snarky to say but your entire mind blanked. All you could think about was him.
Even the 400mgs of marijuana in Clapton’s body couldn’t stop him from being cocky.
“Are you gonna let me kiss you orr?” He smiled again and you rolled your eyes opening your mouth to say something but he placed his hand on your cheek and kissed you before you could say anything else. You both sank into the kiss as it melted away years of anxiety that both of you had built up over each other.
As you pulled away his arms held you closer and he sank back into the crook of your neck leaving little peppered kissed on your collarbone.
“You don’t know how long I was waiting for you to do that.” You finally said, smiling while returning your hand back to his hair.
“You don’t know how long I was waiting for you to do that.” He laughed and you rolled your eyes again but smiled, kissing his hair. “Can I, can I be your boyfriend? You don’t know how much I care about you and I just- I want to be here for you always. Take care of you like you always do for me.” He mumbled that last sentence, thinking about tonight when you didn’t even hesitate to open your door, or window, and take care of him when he needed you. When you stayed without hesitation when he pleaded with you not to go. He wanted to treat you and show you how much he cared.
You wanted to say yes but you remembered he was high. A sudden fear flashed over you that he would wake up in the morning and not remember anything from tonight. You faltered when you said, “Clapton you’re high, are you sure you really mean that?” Fear of this all being an elaborate prank came across you, no way this was real.
It was like he could read your mind, that’s kind of how it’s always been. “I’m serious y/n. High words are sober thoughts right? If I wasn’t high I would never have the courage to ask you, or even tell you anything I just did. I’ve always thought you were beautiful.”
You sighed in relief, holding him closer.
“Let me be here for you like you are for me?” He pulled away so he could look you in the eyes, have gave you that pleading look again. “Please?”
You nodded and said, “Okay Clapton.” In such a whisper you weren’t sure he heard you, either way he kissed you again, this time you holding his face and running your hand through his hair. He loved it. He loved you. And you truthfully loved him. But you both on your own decided that a kiss was enough for the night and you were going to save the I love you’s for when Clapton’s sober.
He fell back into the crook for your neck and soon the both of you fell asleep like that. Finally getting a good nights sleep with each other in your arms.
A/N: congrats on reading my first tumblr posted fic!! might write a smut alt ended to this if it does good who knowwws:3
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shuinami · 1 year
Part 3: How to write an MLE-based London accent authentically
Part 1: Who, What (London Accents) | Part 2: When, Where, Why (Black Londoner Culture since Windrush)
As I conclude this little guide, I'd like mention that my ask box and DMs are always open if anyone has further questions or anything 🤎
In this section, I'll go over some advice, the grammar and vocabulary and provide some suggestions for references.
Section A: Basic Tips
When to use slang
The concentration of slang is key to differentiating characters as well as writing an accent authentically. As an MLE-based speaker who is not actually a roadman (meaning a gangster, though many people misuse the term to refer to anyone who uses MLE, especially if they are working class), like most of us, Hobie does not utterly kill it with slang that would likely not be understandable to the people he’s with. There are a lot of phrases and idioms/metaphors that seem self-explanatory once you know what they mean or that seem similar to Americanisms (e.g. roadman = street/hood nigga), but of course, as someone who doesn’t use the terms, hearing it in passing, it probably wouldn’t be understandable, despite the speaker thinking it is. 
Coming from a diverse place, often with immigrant parents who don’t even speak English as a first language, if fluently at all (not in the case of most black Caribbeans from former British colonies, but remember Asians and Africans are more plentiful here), trust me, we know what we sound like 😂! Most of us code-switch, as we learn standard English in school and, until more recently, where more people are 3rd gen+ immigrants as opposed to 2nd, we actually tend to pick up MLE slang from experiences outside the home as we grow up. At the same time, some people really don’t care at all and don’t change how they speak for anyone haha. I don’t recommend trying to write code-switching if you’re not extremely familiar with MLE because you’ll probably lose the flow and also, Hobie only eases up a little bit after his intro.
My point is though, that not every single sentence needs to have slang in it. Most should, but if you’re trying to be serious or sexy, for example, and you feel the need to tack on some slang just to convey Bri’ishness, even if it doesn’t really fit, don’t do it cause it’s no more authentic than just writing plain English in those scenarios.
When talking to people from his own dimension, however, slang it up if you’d like, because the expectation would be that a (working class or ethnic) Londoner would understand him. 
For humour, mocking and teasing, we love to use slang because a lot of it is funny, even to us. Like I said, we know what we sound like. Those are the moments when more obscure slang (such as Cockney rhyming slang) might come out for comedic effect.
It’s good to have some balance, so not every word needs to be substituted. If you couldn’t read it without a fucking huge glossary, you’ve probably done a bit too much.
Writing the Accent
It’s good in moderation. ‘Luv’, ‘ain’t’, replacing the last g with an apostrophe in -ing words - you all have those things down, it works, good job. 
HOWEVER, it is very clear that a lot of you have no clue what letters we do and don’t drop/change and in what words, as well as a lot of you going OT with removing the T’s from the middle of words. I know it kind of sounds like that to you but it reads like an over-exaggeration or mockery, particularly because most London accents, including Hobie’s, are much lighter in comparison to Brits from other areas, in which such omissions and alterations of letters would be somewhat appropriate but still, in moderation. I don’t recommend typing out the accent often, just sprinkle it around for a bit of flavour but don’t consistently write in that way because your writing loses legibility and it gets quite distracting.
The stereotype of British people liking sarcasm is true for most and, in general, we like to have, what we call, ‘a bit of banter’. We’re a jokey people, even if those jokes can be a bit harsh or teasing. Confusingly, even if we are joking around, it doesn’t mean necessarily we’re being friendly, joking is just how we communicate (e.g. “Oh boy, humbling reality Spider-Man has arrived”, “What does that do?” “Apart from having a great name?”, “super humane and not creepy”, “this is a great look…”). I think most people have got this down really well, so keep it up guys 😎🤙
Another thing is cussing, swearing, profanity, whatever you wanna call it. We do it a lot for no reason, mainly spamming the word “fuck(ing)”. So have fun with that if you aren’t already.
We’ll get into it more in the terms of endearment section of Section B but, basically a lot of Londoners are typically not too mushy or affectionate, as is the stereotype for big city people and, additionally, British people in general aren’t the most direct in their words. Obviously, some people are but it’s not the culture if you’re trying to write proper ‘authentic’ haha. For a lot of us, saying sweet stuff can be quite laborious when sincere or cheesy or confrontational levels of direct really 😂 We ain’t the friendliest of types through our words so I'd recommend relying more on context for the sweet factor unless it's a stand-out moment.
Different parts of the UK, even within England itself, have different slang
Idk what else to say about this but yeah, there’s some phrases I’ve seen people use that have me scratching my head cause “nobody [from my area] says those words in that order” but I’m guessing it’s down to people incorporating slang which is more commonly heard up North because it’s all classed as British/U.K. slang when you look it up so, just be wary of that.
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Section B: Grammar and Vocab (the thing you’ve been waiting for 😂)
I’ll link a document here so I don’t clog up your dash more than I already have. Feel free to bookmark it or anything, I’ll update it if needed. The contents are links to the relevant section so you can just click those if you’re not trying to read the whole thing.
I only included some highlights of the things that are easy enough to explain just by writing them out with their meanings but it’s by no means an extensive list. I’ve studied a few languages but I’m not a linguist so I just did my best.
If you want to go more heavy with the Cockney slang, I’ll leave it to someone who’s more familiar with it (or not… lol) to explain those terms and when to use them properly.
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Section C: References
Of course, it’s all good and all that I’ve given you instructions but to make it sound natural, you’d need a point of reference. Here are some references of black North West Londoners from the early 80s, black East Londoners, black Londoners more generally and a Daniel Kaluuya interview so you can get a better feel of how we sound:
Clip from ‘No Problem’, the first Black British Sitcom
The accents within this one group of siblings is very varied and none of them use MLE, as per the time period. The two younger sisters have accents most similar to Hobie’s. The show follows a group of siblings of Jamaican descent living in a council house in North West London, first released in 1983.
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Clips from ‘Chewing Gum’ by Michaela Coel [CW: they're awkwardly talking about sex in a lot of the clips + don't listen to Candice's boyfriend, Aaron, he's not from London lol]
The show takes place in Tower Hamlets, which is in East London and was first released in 2015. Tracy has a similar accent to Hobie and also uses a mix of more general/Cockney-influenced slang and MLE, so this one should both be a fun watch and be useful, you’ll also want to pay attention to Candice who has a more MLE lean to her speech.
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Clips from the Foot Asylum crew most of them are MLE speakers, see some examples of our banter with friends lol
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Clips from ‘Top Boy’
Another show that takes place in East London, this time in Hackney, which is an area known for being kind of rough in terms of gang activity. Almost all the characters speak exclusively MLE in this show. If you want to watch it, TW for violence and gang activity, death, etc. (18+). You can tell based on the ones I’ve chosen that Sully’s my favourite character lmao.
Fun fact, as you might hear the character, Dushane, reference, Sully lives on a canal boat for a while as a form of refuge. I know a bit about boat dwellers in London from a lecture at uni but if anyone wants me to do more research and do a post and explain the waterways and stuff, again, feel free to drop an ask and I’ll do it :)
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Clip from ‘Love Island’ just pay attention to the black islanders, Tyrique and Whitney
I just finished watching this year's Love Island UK so I thought I’d throw the clip of Whitney, Lochan and Tyrique fighting in here lmao
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& Daniel Kaluuya talking about Spiderpunk to bring us full circle✨
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stay-midnight · 2 years
Unreleased Draft #5 • A Banquet for the Emperor
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Emperor Yang Jeongin x Guard Male Reader
Synopsis • Today was the young emperor’s birthday where people from different countries all across the continent will gather to celebrate it. It’s tradition now really, it has a really long history to why it is as it is.
A/N • This was supposed to be the 2022 Jeongin BDAY Fic! I didn't continue it cuz I didn't have enough time and I was both busy and drained huhu! But yeah, its a bit too similar to Royals which is also another reason why I lost inspo!
Author's Ratings:
Plot/Thought Process - 2/10, Royalty Fic has grown over me, Im sorry HUHU but I tried to make it different with a guard sneaking into a birthday! But overall its too similar to Royals
Writing Style / Level - 8.5/10, It has good writing atleast definitely the best out of the 5 unreleased drafts because its the most recent out of all em!
Write-ability / Needed Creativity - 10/10, I could probably complete it quite fast cuz Im familiar with Royalty fics a bit!
As of this moment, you were sitting in a last minute meeting, a boring one that was called by the head of knights. The meeting was about where each knight will be stationed in different locations around the castle. Security is extremely tight during the grand celebration for the emperor, as a lot of nobles tend to bring expensive gifts to gain the awes and thanks of His Majesty.
Drool seemed to almost fall out of your mouth as the meeting continues, seemingly a waste of time as you got drowsier, the knight beside you and great friend Bo had to elbow you to not draw attention to which you silently thanked him.
A silent sigh came out of your mouth as you continued to listen.
For hours..... At 5:00 in the morning.... 13 hours before the grand celebration. His Majesty isn't even awake yet so why should we be.
Unnoticed and in your thoughts, you jumped as the leader of the knights spoke, “Y/N! Are you even listening?!” His expression was menacing as he glared down on you as all the other knights stared at you
To which you lowered your head, mumbling a small “Yes, Sir..”
The man clicked his tongue, “Don’t lie straight to my face, as I was saying, You are going to be stationed at the southern gates with Kim Bo. Finally understand?” he said, clearly annoyed with your absence of mind and hearing.
You nodded, “Understood, sir.”
Bo, the knight beside you couldn't hold out a grin.
He was amused as he had warned you of your airy behavior earlier. You rolled your eyes at him and sat straight, pretending to listen while your mind wanders as the voice of the meeting fades.
“Dismissed.” The leader spoke firmly as the knights stood up as you do too, bowing before most started to leave the room while some stayed to chat to which they received the unpleasant stare of the leader.
You were long gone, scurrying away as the word “Dismissed.” was spoken.
Now, Bo was right beside you again as your best friend and camaraderie. You already had told him your plan of sneaking and blending in the upcoming celebration. “Where did you get the rich-looking clothes anyways?” He asks, settling down with a huff as you both finally arrived at your station.
“Oh, I got my tailor to made them, she made the gems as real and shiny as possible. She is so good! She creates wonderful clothing out of cheap products, I wonder why her business isn’t booming as it is.” You spout, sighing at the end of the sentence.  Now, your knight friend had a gleam in his eyes.
“What?” you ask, noticing his suspicious look.
“Ooh~ You like her, don’t you?” he says, slightly in awe as he made heart shapes with his hand.” 
You tut, shaking your head at what he said, “She’s an amazing friend, she even gave me a discount, but other than that - Nothing more.” He look at you in disbelief at what you just said. 
“Believable.” he said with a tone of sarcasm as you denied him again until he drops it. “Now let’s see your outfit! I still haven’t seen it cause if you don’t blend, me covering for you will all be for nothing.” he says, excitement apparent in his voice.
“Wait, I hid it somewhere near the clock tower. It’s far and it’s all because my guess was wrong on the location of our station.” you said, pouting a bit at the length you had to walk to.
“Atleast, nobody goes to that part of the castle much.” you said, sighing.
“That’s really far.. Hm, I’ll cover for you, come grab it and wear down your helmet okay? If you get recognized, we will get a lecture.” He says seriously, insinuating his tip as he hit your metal helmet lightly.
You nodded as you started walking away, helmet down, restricting your vision a minimum. Bo waves as he sat down.
The sound of silence fills your ears, leaves rustling at this side of the castle. It was dead silent here as no guards ever come here due to the enclosed space. You spotted the white cloth on one of the trash cans that you hid it at last night.
“Hmm..” you wondered, looking around at the empty hallways, you were about to leave but a single footstep caused you to freeze up and run behind a pillar.
“What am I doing? Act normal, act like a guard.” you thought.
About to be on sight and act normal for the approaching, until you peeked and noticed it was not someone to be expected.
“HIS MAJESTY?!?! Oh my god, I’m going to be sent to the guillotine, please don't see me, please don't see me..” You were panicking and chanting in your mind, noticing the rather normal and plain white clothes that he was wearing but he was still as handsome and elegant as ever with those sharp fox eyes.
The young emperor stopped in his tracks, your heart beating out of your chest, as sweat cascaded down your face through the knight helmet.
“You know, you could've picked a better hiding place than... That.” the young emperor, named Yang Jeongin said out loud — voice stiff and rough as if he just got out of bed, he managed to catch a glimpse of a small piece of your armor.
You felt your throat dry, too frozen in fear to move or do anything.
“No use in continuing to hide.” he said, tone a bit tired or emotionless.
In a shot of adrenaline, you immediately went face to face with the emperor, kneeling to your knees fast and keeping your head down. “Y-Your Majesty..! I—I don't dare i-intrude, a friend g-got me to get s-something here.” you said rushed, a bit unintelligible.
The young emperor stood and look down at you with a raised brow as he noticed the white baggage you had on your hand.
The young emperor could care less about it.
“Go.” he simply said, as you ran shaken up and frightened.
Running up to your stationed post, Bo noticed your rather tired figure. It raised many questions for him, “Woah, you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost.” he says, clearly joking playfully at your distraught expression and sweaty forehead.
You held your hand up at him as you caught your breath, “His Majesty...” you mumbled, wiping the sweat off your forehead with your wrist, as you tried to calm your heart and trembling fingers down.
“Hm? What about His Majesty? What happened..?” he asks, both curious and worried as he leaned in to hear your answer.
“He.. His Majesty saw me as he was walking at the hallways near the clock tower...” you answered, sitting down near Bo, “I thought, I was going to die...” you added as you blew a sigh of relief. Contrary to the shocked face of your best friend and partner who not only very shocked but scared for your own life.
You stifled a laugh as you noticed Bo’s face, “His Majesty let me go without any questions.” you coughed out, smiling a little of how funny he looked right now.
“Are you sure that you’re fine?” He asks, still not fully convinced since His Majesty is known to be punishing at people.
A wave of relief passed through Bo, before finally remembering to what you got to show as the ‘cheap but supposedly expensive-looking outfit’ as your wear for sneaking inside to festivities and feasts later.
“I wanna see it now then~!” he pipes up, you stared at him incredulously like he didn't just forget your life-death situation earlier.
“What?” he asks, noticing your stare.
“Nothin’, I’ll show you tonight, I am not prepared to strip my clothes here.” you say, clearly aware of the surroundings. The clatter of armor as some knights walk by, the gardener’s shearing the bushes to magnificent shapes to fit the young emperor’s want and even the loud instruments playing and practicing for later. It’s too occupied.
“Well.. We just have to pass time until, I’ll probably leave for a bit at noon though.” you said with a small smile as you watch Bo nod his head along at your words.
. . . . .
It’s was time for the esteemed guests to enter the castle — other royals and nobles alike will be present. After wearing the 'royal' wear, claid with fake gemstones and other numerous patterns symbolising nobility, it was time to sneak in and blend within the crowd of the rich.
A soft sigh passed through your lips, before a confident look was smeared across your face. “For delicious food and wine, calm and composed.” you mumbled a pep talk to yourself. You promised yourself that you wouldn't get caught and stay at sidelines to eat dishes. You only live once, as they say.
Finally, after Bo’s continuous screech and excitement at your spectacular clothes. you already went to the path you scouted for yourself as the most way to sneak it. Guards wouldn't budge at the sight of the more or less flashy clothing. If ever approached, you will use the alias last name of the Noble family “Eulae” as the tailor stated the certain family wouldn't attend due to territorial problems. The castle didn't send invitations rather have the royals and nobles come in as they please which was very stupid in your opinion.
. .
After 20 minutes or so of sneaking around and guards bowing to you, you finally arrived inside the great castle of the emperor Yang. You released a breath of relief and casted your gaze towards all the precious and expensive things, you saw.
From the royal patterns inlaid upon the walls, to the grand chandelier and finally the actual hugeness of the hall where the banquet will be held.
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tomatoluvr69 · 8 months
yayyyyy @sonic-fizz tagged me to answer these 15 questions this is so old web core slayyyyyyyyyyyyyy love it thx <3
1. are you named after anyone
eh i was named after a grandparent in a slapdash way. like they just chopped off half the name and called it a day...
2. when was the last time you cried?
literally probably like 24-48 hours ago in the car thinking about how doomed i am (this is not true.). or maybe it was reading a sad article...i don't know. I tear up a lot but full on sobbing bawling was in mid-Dec and a more sustained sniffle crying was when i was hungover and miserable about my tortured loneliness and doom for the future on new year's day lol
3. do you have kids?
omg...no...the microplastics in my womb and doom in my genome and also i'm broke and single and american
4. what sports do you play/have played?
i swim but it's like in the way that other ppl take walks around the neighborhood a few times a week. sports were so fucking abysmal for me growing up that i feel i am unlikely to ever return
5. do you use sarcasm?
occasionally...i've grown out of it for the most part though. there are better ways to be funny in a lot of situations...i am silly goofy mostly, or use observational humor and wacky metaphors etc
6. what is the first thing you notice about people?
i'd love to be like 'a warm smile :-)' but if i'm being totally honest i'm scanning their clothing/hairstyle/grooming etc to scan for anyone likely to judge me based on my failure to conform to gender and modern consumerism...which isn't fair to others, i know......but sometimes you just see someone in like salon highlights barrel curls full makeup suburban drip and you're like hmmm eeeeeek scary! I think this is a vestigial defense mechanism from my relentless failure to dress right and be liked growing up. need 2 keep an eye out for the freaks and geeks and allies you know (but i'm so lucky to be in circles where everyone is dressing androgynously, having full on body hair everywhere, no makeup is the norm rather than the exception, funky used clothes and practical work/outdoors gear is the norm, etc. ok i'm getting off track...). i also notice people's height relative to my own bc i'm a bit insecure about towering over some people even though i'm not that tall.... :-( this stuff says way more about me than about anyone else... :-( i will say though that i'm pretty good about ignoring these first readings and giving people a chance once i get to know them. this is just the knee jerk first impression stuff
7. what’s your eye colour?
pale blue/grey. sorry :-/
8. scary movies or happy endings?
9. any talents?
nothing like above and beyond. but there's a number of things i'm pretty sufficient at without trying too hard which is nice i guess. gardening, cooking from scratch w/o recipes, stringing together a sentence or a laugh...
10. where were you born?
my beautiful steel city...kisses 2 her majesty.......
11. what are your hobbies?
swimming gardening fermenting cooking writing reading going to indie films with friends of discerning tastes attending potlucks oh and LAYING FACE DOWN IN MY BED.....
12. do you have any pets?
i wish :-( renter problems......
13. how tall are you?
5’11" or so i have not been to the doctor in so many years LOL....
14. favourite subject in school?
hated school but hated the humanities the least...i loved my filmmaking class in college the most probably
15. dream job?
I tag @fieryphrazes, @iwrotemrtambourineman, @chriselliottfanblog, and @chekovsphaser from my notes recently...and literally anyone who wants to and is bored you can say i tagged you. in fact i would love to read it i think tag games are so fun and i love to read them ok yay byeeee
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scxttershot · 1 year
So I copied this over from my Discord rants last night - a brief text-based analysis of Floyd Lawton's character depth.
Re. Possessing no outward feelings except sarcasm and general assholery, suppresses everything else, subconscious belief that we deserve to be punished, chronic intimacy issues probably stemming from how fucked up his family is, actively suicidal with a death wish, debatably has 0 redeeming qualities on the surface, generally homicidal [bitch me too to all of this!!!!]. Despite everything, Floyd cares. He wouldn't be around other people by choice if he didn't. Waller has canonically offered him the chance to walk several times, as he's served multiple sentences. He wouldn't have damn near agreed with Peter/Ragdoll saying the Secret Six were his family if he didn't. Wouldn't have manipulated a doctor at gunpoint into telling a young woman who he at that point barely knew that she didn't accidentally cause her father's end stage lung cancer re. Lori/Black Alice. Also yeah his flings with Jeannette, Michelle, etc. were a lot more than just sex if you read Deadshot: Bulletproof or Gail Simone's Secret Six series, there's actual romance and protective feelings there. Susan Lawton who knows, it's hard to say and I really think what they had completely fell apart after their son was murdered, + her character wasn't super developed. In any case it's the classic machismo thing of "showing human emotion makes you weak and a liability" coupled with what I'm damned sure is PTSD. The reaper follows Lawton like a shadow. re. The Get Out of Hell card, he specifically steals it because he doesn't want to watch the Six tear each other apart over it. Also re. Floyd cares, 1987 Suicide Squad: he went with Digger to Digger's mother's funeral as a plus one and stuck around without even being asked. Meanwhile the entire time he's claiming not to like Captain Boomerang.
 And eventually, Floyd breaks out of that hard shell a little. It takes fucking RAGDOLL calling him [and Catman] out over it, and it's literally the final issue of the 2008 Secret Six series, but he's genuinely concerned and pained when Catman gets shot. For reference. If the guy who replaced all his joints with cybernetics and banged his own sister calls you out and makes an actually good point while doing so, that is both concerning and something you should probably listen to. Earlier in the run he also cares enough about Thomas to ask him personally to chaperone a date with Jeannette because Floyd is legitimately scared she'll take advantage of him, also. Is that referring to physically? Sexually? Emotionally? Probably all three. But nothing happens. Like. Damn. There's not a lot of content that goes out of its way to specifically show that a lot of Floyd's generally abrasive personality is an act. AS IT STANDS given pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths Floyd Lawton, lately DC has made him far too sympathetic for a homicidal contract killer. There is a very fine line between "likeable asshole" and "this is watered down to the point where sometimes it's but the vapor of a character". We need a balance, DC. And I hope, one day, someone can write that again.
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twosides--samecoin · 1 year
15 Questions for 15 Mutuals
as tagged by @vault-heck <3 thank you friend, I hope you're doing well these days! tagging @edaworks and @perfectlypreservedpie @persephotea @truebluemeandyou @bokatan @aviatorfics @wolfbirbisme @khazrablood @kremvhstooth
1. Are you named after anyone?
My name is a bit of an "oof". In a sentence my mom was raised by Very Strict Irish Parents and she had me at 18. They disowned us after I was born; my name is her mom's middle name and my middle is the fem version of her dad's name. I have mulled over changing it because we don't have a relationship with them - it's fairly unique being an Irish name and I find myself resigned to it. TMI moving on lmao
2. When was the last time you cried?
I cry every time my girlfriend goes home :'D
3. Do you have kids?
I have PCOS and will hit 30 next year - I likely will never have my own but I am open to adopting :) I really love kids.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I invented sarcasm
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
6. What's the first thing you notice about other people?
I notice.. a lot - I am... observant about people, to use a word. Whether you feel awkward or standoffish or open or not. I don't know how to describe it. Perhaps it is a body language thing.
7. Eye color?
Bright blue - kind of like the lighter part of a blue portal from, well Portal
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Why not both? :D
9. Any special talents?
One thing my girlfriend mentioned is I can pick people apart like a lawyer can. I can figure out fairly quickly what someone's damage is and put someone in their place. This sounds like an evil skill, but the best way of putting it is I am not going to be dishonest if you act holier than thou or if you think you're special and better than others, and you need to be told to sit down. An example of doing this for good is standing up for people, especially if someone is being punched down upon. If you enjoy being a bully to others in fandom spaces because you feel most comfortable when you're an expert and can control the conversation, and that self perception being questioned is such a problem you think you're being attacked (yet do nothing when a less popular account than yours gets a ton of hate for days while you get headpats from your minions), I'm gonna send an anon about it. Bullies tend to be insecure nerds and I will do my best to call them out behind the scenes.
10. Where were you born?
Atlantic Canada
11. What are your hobbies?
I write Long Time Running on AO3. I am a really big music fan and am a bit of a historian for punk music. I really love my plants - I collect primarily aroid species such as philodendron and monstera but I also really miss traditional gardening. The goal is to get a fraction of a piece of land sometime in the next few years so I can have a proper garden space again. Woooo compost :)
12. Do you have any pets?
I do not and I wish to! I can claim my partner's cockatiel, Darwin. We video chat and it's funny - he and I have intense whistling conversations and he understands I exist but he doesn't conceptualize that me existing through the phone doesn't = me being in the same room. So he tries looking around the phone to see if I am there. Poor baby
13. How tall are you?
5"2. Tiny terror
14. Fave subject in school?
I felt most seen by Language Arts/English. My fourth grade teacher let me read the Lord of the Rings trilogy for a book report instead of telling me I had to choose just one for a book report. I am hopeless if I am not writing
15. Dream job?
Everyone asks me what I wanna be when I grow up, everyone asks me what I wanna do for a job. Nobody asks me if I want to work or not. I don't. I want to be a househusband for my girlfriend and I want to make her lunch and keep her house clean. This said, I am in school to be a paralegal because working and getting an income is important I guess. True Marxist Accelerationism is accepting: money isn't real, be a wifeguy instead ;)
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detective4blog · 1 year
I wrote something. There's no plot and maybe no continuing this idk yet but </3
@fuzzysoulyt the lads,,,,
Mycroft stared at the man sitting so casually in his office, already feeling tired. After fretting about his brother for hours, now he has another little worrying nuisance waiting in his safe haven.
"I could hear your footsteps." The man called out, louder than necessary. Maybe he hadn't figured out the door was still open, which...gave no advantage since his presence was already known. "Might as well pop in and say hi."
He took a deep breath and entered the room, sitting in his comfortable desk chair. The cocky grin that appeared on the blonde assassin's face signaled that he was in a good mood.
Well. He always seemed to be in a good mood whenever casually breaking and entering into various places to be a pest.
"I suppose it's an improvement since you aren't brandishing your weaponry about." Mycroft spoke, crossing his arms on the desk. That brought a laugh from the other man, an eyebrow raising.
"Concealin' them this time. You could frisk me to find out." That grin grew wider, head tilting to the side playfully.
Mycroft blinked, brow furrowing. He couldn't tell if the man was acting as natural or putting a serious effort into seducing him. Or whatever it was the man wanted; he didn't understand him.
A neutral response seemed best. Encouraging this behavior would end in a possible headache. "Charming of you, Moran."
His eyes darkened, as they always did whenever being called by his last name. "C'mon now, I've told you to call me Sebastian. Or you could call me yours."
Mycroft was slightly caught off guard by that, shaking his head slightly. "Bold today, I see." He muttered, closing his eyes. "What brought you here?"
Sebastian was silent at that question; either thinking or not wanting to answer. Could be both if this was a 'work visit'. "Just wanted to see your handsome face, Myc."
The older frowned at the nickname but knew it was pointless to comment on it. "Has your employer sent you to attempt to get information through your affection? Because it will not work, I'm afraid." He didn't smell alcohol in the air, so Sebastian wasn't drunk doing this.
A small blessing, he supposed.
Now it was the other man's turn to frown, eyes rolling. "Hmph. Is it such an outlandish thing for me to simply be interested in you?"
Mycroft stared, trying to pick up on any sarcasm or underlaying motives. It was strange to see that Sebastian was being entirely sincere.
"Excuse me for the doubt, you're as crafty as Moriarty."
He didn't mean it as a compliment but the man took it that way, eyes lighting up with joy. It was oddly enjoyable to see a positive look in the assassin's eyes. Maybe because it meant he likely was here for some strange social call.
There was a bit of silence after that, though it had no suspense about it. Just silence and staring at each other, ready for one to make a hostile move and rebuke it. Mycroft had no interest in attempting any conflict with Sebastian; he knew the man's strength in length. The list of suspected and known crimes was quite vast after all.
Sebastian sat up suddenly, leaning forward in his chair. "I brought a gift, actually. Left it in your car." He realized how that sentence could come off right after saying it. "It's not a bomb. I'm not the man sent for bombings. Too many wires for my taste...and also too personal."
He was rambling, which was new. Mycroft tilted his head. Was the second most dangerous man in London nervous? How intriguing. He made a note about it, storing it under 'Moran knowledge I didn't quite need'.
"I see. I won't ask how you gained access to the vehicle-"
"-Jim has a copy of the key."
Mycroft stared, massaging the side of his temple. "When?"
"Sometime during those tense and awkward meetings you two had. Never quite got the details of that."
That was likely for the better.
"I expect you to stay to see how your gift is received." The older tilted his head, standing up. "Though it would not be a surprise if you left either." He started towards the door, undoing his jacket.
The wolf whistle from Sebastian at the action was ignored, though it made heat rise to his face. He didn't acknowledge it and continued on to check what was left for him.
Out of all the things he expected, an umbrella wasn't quite it. It seemed to be custom made, from the handle to the fabric and it's design. A blue see through umbrella that dipped down lower to shield his face better.
A kind gift, though a bit out of character for Sebastian. He returned to the office to give his thanks, and attempt to get the man to leave. He was still sitting, legs crossed casually and hands behind his head.
"I appreciate the effort you went through to obtain this. Though forgive me if I think it's bugged with trackers or worse."
Sebastian's brow furrowed, a barking laughing roaring out. "Couldn't be bugged if I wanted it to be. It isn't a regular ol' umbrella either, Myc. You really think I'd get such a boring gift for such a beautifully eccentric man like yourself?"
Mycroft raised a brow, looking over the gift again. There seemed to be an extra button on the handle but other than that, it wasn't special in any way. The younger seemed to notice his curiosity, getting up and leaning down, guiding his hand to the third button.
When it was pressed, the handle felt loose compared to the rest of the device. Carefully he slid it away, revealing a rapier underneath. One with a floral engraving towards the hilt that turned to vines crawling upwards.
He couldn't figure out what to say in response. He had a weapon concealed in an umbrella already, but this was...different. The other was for self defense and not many knew of it. Sebastian included. The process of how this gift idea came the man's mind was unknown.
"It's sharp as hell, so be careful with it. If it wasn't so large, could be used for shaving." He seemed to think over his last sentence and a new idea came to mind.
"Providing someone who is not an ally with a weapon is perhaps your most interesting action thus far."
"At least it makes flirting less strange."
Sebastian was still leaned down slightly and rather close. His hand was still slightly holding Mycroft's. He hadn't noticed, distracted by the blade. Sliding the cover back into place and relieved to hear a click when it was put in place, he leaned it against the desk for now.
"I don't understand you sometimes, Sebastian." He murmured, retracting his hand to clasp it under his chin. The slip of his name made the assassin brighten like a sun.
"I could always help with that. For example, I think you'd look quite gorgeous in dark greens." Sebastian's accent was thickened with joy, catching Mycroft's attention.
His eyes darkened when being called by his last name, his accent became thicker with strong emotions, and he rambled when nervous. All things noted about the assassin that he didn't quite need to know.
"That doesn't quite aid me, but...thank you." Understanding Sebastian Moran wasn't a priority right now...and frankly, he believed that there was too much to begin to understand.
The man laughed, taking a step back. "I've overstayed my welcome. See you again soon, gorgeous."
Mycroft raised a brow at the nickname. "Do you call all government officials 'gorgeous' or am I a special case?" He asked as an attempt of a joke.
"Oh, you're a special cast. None of the other bastards are quite as enjoyable as you. Or, yaknow, gorgeous." Sebastian replied with a grin and a wink before heading out the door. The older watched him go, straining to hear the method of exit.
This time it was the front door. Bold, but not a surprise. It was Sebastian Moran after all.
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helfireclub · 2 years
𝓓𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓓𝓮𝓿𝓲𝓵 {Eddie Munson x FEM OC}
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7| Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 (18+) | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 (18+)
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Chapter: A Substitute
Lucas was having this big basketball tournament on Saturdaynight.
Which fell directly on the same evening as the Hell fire club's last get-together before Mike was going to his girlfriend in California.
And what probably would be the last hell fire club 'cult of vecna' Dnd session.
Eddie was furious and told Dustin and Mike to find another substitute for Lucas.
Which they were trying to do.
Mike was running around the school asking his sister Nancy.
Who had been turning him down directly because she was so so busy with the school news paper.
Dustin was on the phone calling family video.
'Just move your date this one time!' Dustin was telling in the phone.
'Come the fuck on.'
'What, to hang out with you and Eddie ' the freak' Munson? ' Steve replied.
'I hear about him plenty the last 2 weeks so please.'
'Uh, yeah, I'll pas.' Steve said.
'You're just jealous cause I have another older male friend.' Dustin said proudly in the phone.
'ew. Ugh Whatever.' Steve replied.
'Besides, I mean , I really dig this girl.
I think she could..
Who knows maybe she could be the one.
Oh, I got some customers, call you back bye.' Steve said as he hung up the phone.
'No you can't I'm at.. ' Dustin said but Steve had hung up.
'school.' Dustin said as he walked away from the phone putting up his middle fingers.
'What was that?' Lilly said laughing as she put down her headphones walking to Dustin
'Steve.' Dustin replied while rolling his eyes.
'I know right, he's being an ass the last couple of days.' Lilly said with a smile to Dustin.
'You're telling me.' Dustin replied but a small smile appeared on his face.
'Oh wait there's Max!' Dustin replied as he ran over to Max.
Lilly walked after him.
She was looking around when she saw Chrissy looking around and walking to her.
'Hey..' Chrissy started.
'Hey! You feeling a bit better?' Lilly asked her putting a hand on her shoulder.
'Yeah I'm fine now, but it happends every now and then, they call it anxiety?' Chrissy said not really believing her own words.
'But euh, what happened to Jason?' she said looking up.
Lilly saw the glinster in her eyes so she knew Chrissy could laugh about it.
'Yeah it was kinda weird, he didn't really believe I would come to him for you, and started talking smack about me.' Lilly explained.
'So..' Lilly said raising her eyebrow and trying to look innocent.
Chrissy smiled.
'Damn, he's so nice to me, but he can act like a real prick to other people.' Chrissy said scratching the back of her head.
'But I think Eddie is waiting for you, you can just cross the tracks behind the school and follow the pad to the small woods.' Lilly said pointing.
'It's fine, he's cool.' Lilly said reassuringly throwing her hair forward so she could bind it up in a ponytail.
To which Chrissy's mouth fell open.
'Lilly omg!' she said as she took a step closer.
'What even is this a murderscene?' she said looking up to meet Lilly's gaze.
'I promise he does that only to me.' Lilly said pulling her hands up in self defense.
'Also don't tell anyone I just said that.
I'm here a month I don't need to reputation drug dealer girlfriend.' She said with a smile.
'Freak is good enough.'
To which Chrissy genuinely laughed as she gave Lilly a hug and walked away towards the place Lilly had told her about.
Lilly walked after Dustin who was talking to Max.
'If I play do I get one of those cool t-shirts?' Max said to Dustin.
It looked like she was really excited and Dustin was getting really happy to.
But the sarcasm was falling of of Max and Lilly noticed that trying to hold in her laugh.
'Yes!' Dustin said excitingly
'Really?' Max replied now the sarcasm was dripping of of her.
'Everyone gets a T-shirt.
We make 'em ourselves, and if you.. ' Dustin stopped mid sentence.
'You're being sarcastic.' Dustin said.
Lilly burst out in laughter and Max high-fived her and went off with her skateboard.
Lilly and Dustin sat down at the entrance of the school.
'I hate high school.' Mike said as he joined them.
'What's the matter guys? Tell me.' Lilly dropped on them.
And they both told the story about Eddie telling them to find a substitute.
'Damn he really is pyscho.' Lilly said shaking her head.
She stood in front of the two.
Dustin was looking her up and down.
'Isn't that Eddie's tshirt?' Dustin suddenly asked.
'What? No don't be ridiculous..' Lilly said waving it off.
'I love Black Sabbath, I bought it myself.' She said crossing her arms.
'And those bruises in your neck.' Mike said.
'Nancy had them all the time when Jonathan was still around.' Mike said as the both of them jumped up.
'Lilly is there something you're not telling us.' Dustin said as he raised his eyebrow to her.
Lilly let out a big sigh.
'ugh whatever.' She started.
'You guys are way to smart.
But yes, Eddie and I are kinda seeing each other.' Lilly said softly.
'But don't tell him I told you that.
Then these won't be the last I'd be having to hide from my mom.' Lilly said as she pointed to her neck.
'But Lilly didn't you tell us you used to play DnD?' Dustin said his arms crossed a smirk on his face.
To which rolled her head back
'Ugh fine.' She said
'But don't tell him yet, I want it to be a surprise..' Lilly said with a smirk.
'I need to go tho.' Lilly said as she saw Robin coming up.
'See you, tomorrow guys.' Lilly said smiling as they walked away.
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Chapter: A night you won't forget. {18+}
WARNING: Sexual content up ahead.
If you don't want to read it, that's fine for the story!
It was late and Steve was driving Lilly around.
'I can't fucking believe I'm doing this.' Steve said while driving his eyes focused on the road.
'It's because you love me.' Lilly replied as she put on of her feet on the dashboard.
'Jesus Lilly put that off' Steve said pushing her leg back down on the ground.
'Really Steve you can be no fun.' Lilly said with a smile on her lips.
'Well I'm getting more worried by the second of you and Eddie.' He said as he was taking a turn.
'Why. I'm fine, did he kill me and dump me in a ditch?' Lilly asked as she looked at Steve.
'I mean look a the girls your dating, they could be a serial killer to.' Lilly said rolling her eyes.
'He still could go all Ted Bundy on your ass though.' Steve said. As he stopped at the trailer park where Eddie lives.
'He could, but so can you Steve Harrington. ' Lilly said with a wink as she threw the door back.
Steve rolled down the window.
'Lilly I'm serious. Call Robin if anything is wrong I come and get you okay?' Steve said.
And that made Lilly's heart melt a little, he was such an older brother.
'Thanks Steve have fun with Brenda.' She said with a smile before turning around and walking down to the trailer park.
She saw a car driving off and then spotted Eddie's van.
So she knew where to go.
Lilly knocked on the door.
She had done her best on herself this time.
Her hair was still wet from the shower.
She was wearing a skirt with stockings and a sweater.
The door flung open and Eddie stood in the door way.
He was wearing black jeans and a motorhead tanktop.
Showing off his tattoos.
Lilly let her eyes adjust at the light from inside.
'Ah princess right on time~' He said as he helped her step up in the trailer.
When she looked around she saw his uncle was just as much as an metalhead as him.
The trailer was hanging full with caps of bands he or the both of them were listening to.
A huge stereo and well a couch and some stuff.
'Isn't your uncle home?' Lilly asked as she turned around to look at Eddie but he was gone.
'Eddie?' Lilly asked again as she walked to the place he stood before he was helping her in.
The door to a room was open, it was next to the kitchen.
'Not funny Eddie.' She said out loud when she walked in the room.
It was a mess and she saw a guitar hanging on the mirror.
Band posters everywhere.
When she suddenly got pushed.
She fell forward and of course landed on the bed in the room.
'For fucks sake Eddie I'm here not even 5 minutes and you start tripping and teasing me.' She said as she turned over ready to fire more of these comments at him.
But she was silent when she turned around.
He stood there behind the door a smirk on his lips.
Eddie walked over towards her.
'What's that lost your tongue? Because you're gonna need it tonight sweetheart.' He told her.
She gulped looking at the tall curls that were falling on his shoulders.
He had lost the tank top so he was standing in front of her only wearing pants.
'Lilith I asked you a question didn't i?' He asked her.
'Yeah i. I euh. I heard you.' She said locking eyes with him.
'Good' He told her as he sat down on his knees.
' I do think you're wearing a bit to much.' And in a matter of a second Eddie's hands were beneath her sweater pulling it over her head.
Gentle with her long hair so he wouldn't jank it out.
When he threw the sweater on the ground Eddie stood a little surprised.
She was wearing nothing underneath it.
'Did you have plans or something?' Eddie asked amused.
'Oh shut up you, like you didn't have plans.' Lilly said as she narrowed her eyes.
'Oh no no.' Eddie said as he got her face between his hand. Squashing her cheeks together.
'I told you this morning in the classroom I didn't like that.' He looked in her eyes.
To which Lilly's whole big mouth small heart melted right away.
'Yes you did.' She answered looking to the side breaking eye contact.
'My eyes are up here sweetheart.' Eddie said sternly.
Lilly looked back up into his eyes.
'Good.' He said as he then slid her back on the bed whilst kissing her lips.
To which Lilly directly deepened the kiss by putting her hands around his neck.
Eddie pulled his head back.
'who told you to do that?'
'Sorry.' Lilly said directly, In her head she was fighting a battle.
She didn't have to agree to this behaviour they were equals and she was not letting him boss her around.
But on the other hand she loved this about him.
His eyes peering through hers, she melted to butter with him.
'Good.' Eddie told her again.
He then actually deepened the kiss and pushed her down completely on the bed.
He was hovering over her, his hand slowly trailing over her arm up towards her neck.
Making Lilly shiver and a stocked sound came out of the back of her throat.
Eddie broke off the kiss and slowly went down to her neck.
'You really were rocking those Hickeys at school today.' He said as he nibbled on her collarbone.
'Thanks, what did you think of yours?' Lilly asked a devilish smirk appearing on her lips.
But Eddie was giving her a fast response by fastly pinching her nipple.
Lilly hadn't thought of him doing that, but it felt like a spark was running through her goosebumps were appearing on her skin and she let out a stocked moan.
'To answer your question Lilith.' Eddie said as he sat up.
'I needed to explain this to my uncle today.'
It was a hickey right underneath his jawline.
'Look's hot if im honest, Want some more~' she said as she stuck out her tongue to him.
'You stay down.' Eddie then told her and bit in her neck.
Making Lilly whimper.
He then slowly went down to her breasts.
Eddie took one in his hand and started slowly massaging it. for the other he had other plans.
Lilly made a squirm underneath him.
'Did I tell you to move?' Eddie asked as he looked up through the dark locks of his hair.
To which Lilly nodded no.
'Then don't move.' He said and he went back to her breasts.
He was sitting over her.
Put her legs on both sides of him.
He let one hand slide slowly down over her stomach.
Softly touching her.
'Eddie?' Lilly softly asked.
'Speak up Princess I don't hear you.' He said as he let go of her nipple on which he was softly suckling.
'Can I moan?' She softly asked putting one of her arms over her face.
So he couldn't see how red she turned
'Princess.' Eddie said as he came up letting go of her and softly grabbing her arm.
'We don't do that here.'
'There is no shame in being aroused.' Eddie said as he kissed back towards her neck and slowly to her lips.
He bit in her bottom lip.
To which she let out a moan.
'good. Moan for me Lilith.' Eddie told her his voice getting lower.
She could feel he was aroused to, but she didn't want to be a brat and interrupt him again.
He then did a fast power move.
He was kissing down the valley of her breasts and down to her navel.
His hands were squeezing in her thighs and slowly up towards her hips.
Eddie was fast and in just a second he had pulled down Lilly's stockings.
Lilly did not even have time to comprehend.
He was snaking his arms around her thigs holding them steady.
Even tho he was basically trapping Lilly in his arms, he was softly kissing the inside of her thighs.
Lilly had stopped squirming but this feeling was phenomenal.
When she felt his lips leave her thigh she let out a sigh in protest.
But in a matter of a second she had her hands up in his hair.
Eddie had shoved her thong to the side giving him full access to her real private parts.
His breathing shifted and he slowly digged in.
Making long hales alongside her slit.
Teasing her like crazy.
'Eddie...' Lilly brought out.
'Not yet princess.' Eddie said while she could feel his voice vibrations against her.
But after a second of ten, he digged in slowly and teasingly licking her slit.
Making long hales or fast short ones.
He was holding her down by her hips.
His nails digging in her hips.
Lilly had bucked herself up tangling her hands in his hair.
As she let out a real moan this time.
He was not done yet, Eddie Munson had lots of tricks up his sleeve.
Eddie had found her sweet spot and he started softly sucking on it.
Which made Lilly buck up her hips, Making Eddie double down on them.
Lilly let out a really loud moan when he started suckling on her.
'Eddie... ' Lilly brough out again.
But he was determined and didn't even react.
'Eddie.. Please..' Lilly brought out between her moans.
Which made him let go of her hips. And getting up from beneath her skirt.
'What's that Princess?' Eddie said as he stood up loosing his pants.
Lilly couldn't help but stare.
He was having a real tent situation there.
Lilly was panting but their eyes locked in a second.
'Fuck me you're hot.' Eddie said as he walked over to the bed and as soon as he reached the bed Lilly pulled him in.
She directly kissed him again. And he lost his underwear before laying down next to her.
His hand on the back of her neck.
'Princess..' Eddie said slowly.
'I'll ask you this 100 times but are you okay with everything?' he was reassuring her that she could back out if she wanted.
To which Lilly lifted up his chin.
'God I wished you fucked me back in that lake house.' Lilly answered their eyes locking.
'I can't think about anything else.' She said softly as she reached for a kiss.
But stopped right before his lips.
She could feel him opening his mouth and then pushing her to him with his hand on the back of her neck.
'God I wish I fucked you this morning, I've been thinking about it all day.' He said with his voice low.
They kissed again and it was sloppy.
When she heard the sound of a wrapper.
Eddie never broke the kiss his hand did however leave her neck.
So she knew he was actually putting it on.
He then shifted herself and Lilly laid down on her back.
'Eddie.. ' Lilly whispered.
'Fuck me please.' Lilly whispered in his ear.
'God fuck Lilly.' He cursed as he positioned himself and snaked one arm around her back and the other on the back of her neck.
As he slowly pushed himself forward.
Lilly let out a loud moan, while putting one of her hands on his shoulder and the other on his back.
He hold steady for a second once again seeking eye contact with her.
Lilly nodded to him and she clashed her lips on his.
He slowly started moving himself and Lilly couldn't help it but the sounds were escaping her lips.
When they broke the kiss He dug himself in her neck.
And Lilly laid her head back on the bed.
Her other hand leaving Eddie's shoulder grabbing the matrass, as he picked up the pace.
Leaving the position they were in he sat back on his knees pulling her up on his lap.
So he could reach even more deeper inside of her.
He loud out a low moan followed by him backing his head back and closing his eyes.
While Lilly couldn't help but moan even louder he was reaching even deeper.
'Fuck.. .' Lilly cursed a loud
Trying to find a rhythm in her racked breath.
'God Lilith.' Eddie exclaimed.
As he bowed over her his head once again buried in her neck.
Eddie picked up the pace to an unhuman speed.
Lilly could fell he was close his breathing was getting uneven.
'Eddie please..' Lilly moaned.
To which Lilly came up with her own brilliant idea, the whole searching eye contact thing. She reached her hand to his hair and pulled his head out of her shoulder.
As they locked eyes.
'I'm going to cum..' Lilly brought out
'Me to Princess.' Eddie exclaimed as he grabbed her hips and continued his insanely speed.
When Lilly went over the edge she arched her back to which Eddie grabbed the small of her back and pushed himself in deep.
As he came himself.
Lilly was a sweaty moany mess as she fell limp on his bed.
And when Eddie pulled out he took a few minutes to collapse on top of her.
Then he stood up and pulled up his underwear.
'Give me a second.' He said before walking out of the room.
To which Lilly sat up.
Looking a bit sad, she wouldn't mind cuddling with him till she was picked up by Steve.
In a few minutes he was back with a bottle of water and a few towels.
He also grabbed a shirt out of his closet.
And gave it to her.
'Here come on let me help you.' He said as he pulled the shirt over her head and gave her the bottle of water.
To which she gratefully took, and when she was back a bit of water had been running down her chin, drinking straight from the bottle that wasn't even that weird.
A few drops had been falling on her shirt.
To which Eddie was staring.
'Eyes are up here Munson.' Lilly said with a smirk.
She gave him the bottle of water but Eddie licked the small bit of her chin.
Before putting the bottle away.
He laid back in bed and opened his arm for her to lay in.
To which Lilly smiled and jumped in his arms.
'Thanks Eddie.' Lilly said with a smile kissing his nose.
'Anything for you Lilith.' Eddie replied as he snuggled his nose in her hair. 
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A Clash of Kings - 23 JON III (pages 321-341)
Jon and Co arrive at Craster's Keep, and finally get a lead on Mance Rayder and the missing wildlings. Gilly is unable to join the party... for now.
Dywen said Craster was a kinslayer, liar, raper, and craven, and hinted he trafficked with slavers and demons. "And worse," the old forester would add, clacking his wooden teeth. "There's a cold smell to that one, there is."
For half a second I thought "what does the cold even smell like?" then my brain clicked with a smell, and I was like, "oh right, like that, freezer ice and mornings where the frost is on the ground." But like, how do you actually describe the smell beyond the moments when you smell it? Because it's just "it smells like ice."
Also: Craster trades his infants sons to ice demons for reasons. fun! (disgusted sarcasm.)
As he rode past a lightning-blasted chestnut tree overgrown with wild white roses, he heard something rustling in the underbrush.
I don't know why that sentence stuck a bit in my head, maybe because we typically (so far) see golden roses and blue roses, relating to Tyrells and Lyanna, and some part of my hind brain is waiting for these roses to have some kind of relevance even if only symbolically. The imagery of it sounds like it looks cool though.
really need to get myself a print out glossary of house sigils...
"Tell him, wife. Tell the Lord Crow how well content we all are." The woman licked thin lips. "This is our place. Craster keep s us safe. Better to die free than live a slave."
...I get the feeling she already knows, but the Wall's too far and the world so unknown and they're all too afraid to do anything about their (grand)father-husband.
These woman deserve so much better. pfff, name of the series right there. GRRM's A Song of all these women and a good chunk of the boys deserve better.
A girl of fifteen or sixteen years, he judged, dark hair plastered across a gaunt face by the falling rain, her bare feet muddy to the ankles. The body under the sewn skins was showing in the early turns of pregnancy.
Gilly? Hi Gilly!
*adds weight to the steel chair soon to be acquainted with Crasters crotch and skull* we're gonna crack all the things >:(
"I'll not fight a brother while we're beyond the Wall," Jon answered, his voice cooler than he felt.
Oh hon, you've never been cool a day in your life, you just lucked out with an actor who mopes pretty.
Oh, wrong definition of cooler, ahem... moving right along! (I do like Jon, just sometimes I like teasing him more?)
Jon reached to pull aside the cloak he'd hung over the rock, and found it stiff and frozen. He crept beneath it and stood in up in a forest turned to crystal. The pale pink light of dawn sparkled on branch and leaf and stone. Every blade of grass was carved from emerald, every drip of water turned to diamond, Flowers and mushrooms alike wore coats of glass. Even muddy puddles had a bright brown sheen. Through the shimmering greenery, the black tents of his brothers were encased in a fine glaze of ice. So there is magic beyond the Wall after all. He found himself thinking of his sisters, perhaps because he'd dreamt of them last night. Sansa would call this an enchantment, and tears would fill her eyes at the wonder of it, but Arya would run out laughing and shouting, wanting to touch it all.
This sounds amazing, and I wish the show hadn't been made by a pair of asshats so we could have seen even a semblance of this. It's the quiet moments of beauty, the time to pause and breathe, that makes the horrors later all the more poignant and impactful.
"Gilly, he called me. For the gillyflower." "That's pretty." He remembered Sansa telling him once that he should say that whenever a lady told him her name.
Everyone likes to be told their name is pretty, or their hair looks great today, it's true. But also... "My Name is Rottila Phlegmuent." "That's pretty." Jon said, because Sansa had told him too, and she knew far more about what girls liked and courtesies than he did, so he'd trust her judgment on these things. "Really? Do you think so? No one has ever said so before. We'll be married at once!" "(#°Д°)"
Sam's heart was as big as the rest of him, but for all his reading, he could be as thick as Grenn at times. It was impossible, and dishonorable besides. So why do I feel so ashamed?
Because you know she's in trouble, and you know you're not helping. The logistic of why you can't help mean nothing in the face of the fact that you aren't helping.
It's okay buddy, Gilly at least will be mostly alright. *sigh* this series...
"The wide world is full of people wanting help, Jon. Would that some could find the courage to help themselves. Craster sprawls in his loft even now, stinking of wine and lost to sense. on his board below lies a sharp new axe. Were it me, I'd name it Answered Prayer and make an end." ... "Craster is his own man. he has sworn us no vows. Nor is he subject to our laws. your heart is noble, Jon, but learn a lesson here. We cannot set the world to rights. that is not our purpose. The Night's watch has other wars to fight."
Mormont with the hard truths and hard to swallow pills tonight. (I'm choosing to read these in good faith.)
I don't fully agree with the first statement, only because I know about cults and how fucked up people's brains and beliefs (even in themselves) can get, some people need help but cannot get past their own psychological hurdles to help themselves with out the start from outside help. I wish more people could help themselves, I wish the ladies of Craster's Keep could help themselves. It doesn't end with removing Craster's head from his shoulders though. There's still the Cold Ones, the Others. The ladies can't stay there if they're trying to get away from sacrificing their sons. There's still the trip back south, through the cold, and any predators left in the woods, man or beast... to kill a man in his sleep is one thing, an active opponent? Completely different.
I do like Mormont's 'we can't fix the world, we have our own thing,' both as is but also in a transference of meaning kind of way. No one person or group can fix the whole world, we have to focus on what we can do, can fix, can change and do that, or nothing gets done. We focus and fix our thing, some one else focuses on and fixes their thing, and so on, and so on, and together we've fixed quite a bit before you know it.
Meanwhile the mystery of the empty villages has been solved! Mance has summoned the freefolk for reasons only he, the readers, and viewers know. (Mass exodus by any means necessary.)
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Love and Wasteland
Chapter 4: Diego arrival
Once in the Pridelands King Mufasa was talking his daily patrol as usual to make sure no rouge lions would invade his kingdom also the hyenas have not been bothering any of where worrying means there up to something. patrolling the outskirts of the pridelands when he heard a noise. Curious of what it was he went to check it out. The long wavy grass that had been growing since Mohatu's reign still only reach The golden lion noise was getting louder and louder and when he found where the noise was coming it was a cub not much younger than Simba but had a weird mix of shades of brown wasn't a cub from his pride defiantly. What should he do Mufasa thought leave him or take him leave him would be the better option so Nala doesn't get distracted by a another male cub but he could be Simba's bodyguard. Mufasa took the cub by the walk back to Priderock was peaceful no arguments,no hyenas,no Scar to bother him.
"Sarabi,Sarabi come out here quick" Mufasa shouted
Sarabi came out followed by Nala
Sarabi took one look at the cub and thought the same thing about mix of colour also notice the scar on his walked up to the cub and started circling it.
"He is cute"Nala said
"Nala go to your mother I and Mufasa need to talk"Sarabi calmly said.
Nala walked off
"Where did you find him?"Sarabi asked.
"The near edge the Pridelands when I was patrolling.I thought it was Simba sunbathing"Mufasa explained.
"What we going to do with the cub" Sarabi asked
"Find someone to look after him by tomorrow or we'll put him out of his misery"Mufasa commanded
The cub twitched.
"I think he heard you"Sarabi
Mufasa shrugged and walked off. sarabi thought who could look after the couldn't because Mufasa probably allowed it. sarafina can't because Nala may grow too close to to this new cub and Mufasa would kill him on the spot. she ran through a list of names that possibly take care of the cub she had to be desperate to think about doing it or crazy but maybe it's still a chance for the Abandoned cub to survive.
Sarabi pick the cub who had nice shade of brown in her opinion .may have thing with lionesses when he grows up even if Simba is walked to the cave and dropped the cub down or nothing now.
"Scar are u in there.i need to talk to you about something important like life or death situation"Sarabi said part of it was true.
" oh if isn't My sister-in-law coming to mingle with commoners" Scar said sarcastically.
"Nice to see to you too Scar but this isn't about Mufasa,Simba, about this cub at my paws.
As Scar looked down he said "you want me to look after that when so many lionesses who could do that job ten times better then I could"
"No one else would take him and Mufasa would kill him if you don't take him"Sarabi said.
Hoping that there was still Taka left in sniffed the smelt like hyenas and did feel for the cub not knowing where he is his parents through.
"Fine I'll take him" Scar said
Sarabi jaw dropped after hearing what Scar just all these years of being cold-hearted and miserable. did finally find his stared at him and blink was she dreaming
"Hello earth calling Sarabi"said Scar waving his paw in front of Sarabi face
"Sorry I just thought..
Scar interrupted
"That I'm some sort of blood-thirsty lion without anyone to care for"Scar laughed
"Sort of,but why now open your heart to a cub"Sarabi said confused.
" Oh,Sarabi I can't leave a innocent cub to die to all mighty king"sarcasm crept in the last part of the sentence
"Well thank you Scar for taking the cub under your wing I appreciate it but I can I tell the rest of the pride or do you want to be kept as a secret"
"Tell the rest of the pride,I don't care"Scar said.
Sarabi gave Scar a gentle nuzzle and pick the cub up and walked into his cave
Say hello to fatherhood Scar.
•••• two hours later ••••
The cub was twisting and tuning like it was trying to dodge something. Scar caught attention of this and wondered why the cub was moving so he didn't get up to check but he was worried if he was having a cub twisted and turned even faster got up ran over to the cub and putted his paw over the cub cub woke up.
"Where am I and who are u ? The cub asked
"Well cub you're in the Pridelands and My names Scar the King brother and the princes uncle"Scar explained " but you can call me Taka"
"Names Diego and I'm from Eastern Waterfall pride"said Diego "like your accent so deeper than that brother of yours".
"We need to go to some friends of mine but since your my responsibility now I think I'll wait"Scar said
"Nothing wrong with hyenas Taka"Diego piped up "before you ask how I know smell them on you"
Scar was shocked but didn't say a word to the grab the cub by The scruff. He walked out the cave to a swam of stood with his head held walked through them.
"Am I dreaming"
"It's a miracle"
"That Cub cute"
"Taka has return"
All quotes from the crowd
Nala saw Scar had the followed cub had a mystery behind him .Simba followed behind pounced on look behind her although Simba jumped at her a few seconds before she managed to jump and pin him. shrugged Nala continued to follow them diego tried to look back to see who it tried to get Scar attention by doing a meow/roar sort of thing sank his teeth but not too deep to shut Diego up twitched to a bit of realising that wasn't going to work he decided to
headbutt Scar. He swung just a little then smashed Scar right in the jaw causing a cracking Scar to drop Diego on the Scar adjusted his jaw with his started shouting.
Diego just sat there with a smudge look on his face
"What do you think your smiling"Scar said with sinister tone
"Thank you for your attention Taka but I think we're being followed"Diego said calmly "your really need to work on the parent tone of yours"
Realising the cub was unpharsed By his sinister tone frustrated Scar even more due to most lions shiver when heard his voice. Scar turned around to see Nala stood there.
"Oh,Nala what would a young lioness like yourself be all the way out here, alone may I add"Scar said
"I came to see the new cub" Nala said.
"Suppose we could be a few minutes late"Scar said with a groan
Nala smiled and walked over to Diego,Diego step back from the approaching nala. Nala took this as a game and carry on walking towards the cubuntil diego tripped over a small took this as a chance to inspect the cub.
"Hi my name is Nala"Nala said
"Mmm names Diego"Diego said
"You have a lovely accent"Nala said
"Thanks it's a northern one"Diego said "I'm guessing your future queen"
Nala and Scar was both just this young cub know all this stuff and haven't asked about he real or just figure of there imagination.
"I thought we were going to that place Taka"Diego said
"Were,Oh the place right right"Scar twigging on to what Diego was saying.
Scar look at Nala
"Nala run along back to Simba,I've got things to do"Scar said as nicely as possible
Nala ran over to Diego to give him a nuzzle Diego was trying to resist but chose not to after all she was the future queen after few minutes it was starting to feel uncomfortable even for Scar to watch
"Nala I really need to go now"Diego said
Nala back off feeling quite the rebel for what she had was betrothed to Simba but this cub was different.
"Maybe in other life"Nala stuttered
She didn't recognise Sarabi hiding in the grass worried and Relaxed at the same because when Diego comes of age he will be kick out and back to square one because Diego although he does seem respectful that Nala is bethroned to Simba and wouldn't have the any bad intentions like his new father.
Decided to Switch up things.
Next chapter back to the present
And the next two chapters after that more backstory
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hoghtastic · 1 year
Responding to:
"Anon, your last sentence “Her and Alex are not living together….yet” looks very similar to the sentence (“……she hasn’t actually moved in yet. Yet!”) in the ask titled “Responding to a couple of anons”. I wouldn’t be surprised if you are the same anon."
In fact, you are wrong, my dear. Very wrong. I am actually not the person who wrote the other anon ask that was calling people stalkers or asking why everyone cares so much or whatever it was exactly. If you read the two asks, you can see they are two very differently toned asks. I am the one who wrote the "Responding to a couple of anons..." ask. And I don't quite understand why you wrote your ask so defensively, either. I didn't call anyone any names in my ask at all or attempt to insult anyone. The other person has also responded here about the "no needing to fight" part. We're two different people.
BUT you obviously didn't pick up on my sarcasm in MY ask. I was not trying to defend Johanne at all. I was simply saying what I'd noticed about the comment under her post of the elevator pictures and bed. I was "explaining" things from what I thought JOHANNE was possibly attempting to say, like from her POV. But you see, I was trying to do it in a way where you could read between the lines and I wouldn't have to straight out insult her. However, if you misunderstood me, others probably did, too. So what I meant was it was HER thinking, "Oh let me be sure to show that even though he wasn't with me tonight, we're definitely still together. This elevator post should do the trick." And to me, the jacket did mean it was an after picture. Obviously, I could be wrong but given her history, I figured that was definitely in an attempt to show she'd be with him at night to try to futher piss people off. And now, knowing he wasn't even home, I truly do believe that was her very reason for posting going to his place-to further stamp her seal on the fact that "he's hers."
And as far as her posting her empty bed, I also meant it was another attempt of hers to further rub fans' faces in her shit! That they'd just got out of the bed together. She's showed she has no problem posting such crap before! I never said it was "any better" and didn't say that was the sure reason for it, just that it's what I thought!
So, you have written such a response to me, or at least partly to me, as if what you think is a fact and in everything I posted, I said I think..., or to me it looks like... I also said I dont THINK she's moved in with him yet! We obviously have no way of knowing for sure. BUT I do KNOW that at least one of his former roommates no longer lives there. And I can only assume that the other one has moved out as well, although, that, I don't know for sure. I simply mentioned what I observed about the owner's comment of her apartment and my opinion about everything else, which I'm totally allowed to do just like you are. And I'm definitely not trying to make anyone believe as I do. I don't care if people agree with me or if they don't. To each his own. so, YOU misunderstood me, my sweet anon. Completely.
Anon to anon. 😊
Thank you for taking the time to clarify things! From what I understand, it was all a misunderstanding and we're all actually on the same page. (And even if we weren't, you are absolutely allowed to share your opinion, like you said!) So it's all good! 💖
0 notes
mrshigurumasshop · 2 years
Living With… ~ Ushijima Wakatoshi
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Fem reader and ushijima in a relationship (age over 21)
Synopsis ~ here are just things it would be like living with our stoic Miracle Boy. God, I love him so much just look at this picture of him!!
Content warning ~ just a smole bit of booby and thigh loving but that’s it, just fluff, fluff, fluff
First of all, waking up next to him seeing his bed head will immediately be the highlight of your day and him seeing you will be his highlight as well. He’ll pull you in closer with giggles falling from your smile just to snuggle for a bit. Sometimes on weekends you guys fall back asleep in each other’s arms.
He actually likes being the small spoon with his arms wrapped around your waist and his face buried between your boobs. Every once in a while he’ll add an occasional love bite as you run your fingers through his olive green hair. He’d even force you on your back so he could lay on your stomach or between your thighs.
“Babe?” you softly call to him.
“Yes, sweetheart?”
“You’re not uncomfortable?” you asked as you run your fingers through his scalp.
“No,” he mumbles as he kissed your inner thigh, “These are my favorite pillows.”
You guys would actually spend your rare free time in bed with him laying between your things as you both binge watch your favorite anime shows.
You love Ushijima with all your being but this man can be a little blunt with you when it comes to cleaning. He’s not necessarily a clean freak but there are ways to keep things tidy and up to his standards that aren’t hard to keep up with. (his words)
Cleaning is something he’s always kept up with since high school so he doesn’t get overwhelmed with trash, laundry, or anything of the sort when he comes home from practice or away games. Especially since he’s lived mostly alone when he wasn’t at the dorms of Shiratorizawa.
He put you on his cute little cleaning schedule he has for the week with him. Sundays mornings are for laundry and groceries, Tuesdays are for cleaning the bed sheets and towels, and Fridays are for cleaning the bathroom and kitchen. At first you were a little baffled by such a schedule because you didn’t put yourself on one.
“Honey… You don’t think it’s too much to go by that all the time?” you asked as you watched him dig under the kitchen sink to find his cleaning supplies for the bathroom.
“No? Why would I?” he asks out of curiosity as tall ass rises from the floor and hovers over you like a god damn cyclopes.
“We’ll because I’ve never done a schedule like this before. It’s so much work,” you laughed as you wrapped your arms around his waist. “We could be cuddling right now…”
A deep chuckle slips from his lips as he kissed your forehead. “I may have caught onto that a while ago but if feels strenuous to you I’ll give you a massage for completing such a task,” he smiled softly with a small hint of sarcasm.
Kisses on your forehead was something you learned that he loves doing. Yes, he can’t ever get enough of your sweet kisses on your lips but with the height gap between you two, it feels more sensual on his side, but you’re obviously not complaining. It’s also his way of comforting you and himself. He wraps his arms around your shoulders as he drowns your forehead in soft kisses and mumbles sentences consisting of “how was your day?” or “What do you need from me, baby?” or a simple, “I love you.”
He’s not too much of a cook, that’s more your thing. But that doesn’t stop him from learning or helping you out because he hates not doing something for you. He’s actually really good at cutting veggies to whatever desired size you’re looking for along with accurately measuring the ingredients. It’s also a perfect way for him to spend time with you since he’s not always home.
He has a thing for sweets but since he can’t eat too much of it because of volleyball, you make enough to last more than a week between the both of you. It’s one of his favorite reasons for coming home all happy is smelling the sweetness of whatever baked goodies you’ve made. It really makes him feel at home with you especially after coming home from away games.
Away games was something you guys fought over in the beginning when you moved in together. Before it was different because…well you weren’t living together so you were used to not being around him as it was. But as soon as you found your apartment and moved in, you guys were together all the time.
He knew that you were just missing him when you guys fought so he never let it get to him and always made sure to let you know that he’s listening to you. He was able to read you like a book most of the time and he knew how to put two and two together rather fast. So after those fights, he promised to be even more communicative than he already was to help ease the hurt you felt when he was gone. He also went out of his way to get you to come with him and his team to games out of the country. He genuinely thought it was absurd to leave you for months at a time so he took you much to your dismay.
“‘Tosh, I understand that you have to leave so don’t feel obligated to take me with you,” you said to him as you cooked dinner together.
He then looked at you like you shot him in the heart with a shotgun and a rifle at the same time. He was completely baffled at the fact you would say something like that because everything he’s done for you and will continue doing so is never out of obligation. “Why would you say such a thing,” he asked, “Its not out of obligation, you’re my girlfriend. You’re practically my wife at this point so don’t think I see you as any less than that,” he huffs as he continues to mince the mushrooms.
You smiled softly and didn’t bother to continue the conversation because deep down inside you were happy that he took you with him to those games but you wouldn’t have survived months of being apart. “You’re more than the best… I hope you know that,” you said to him.
He turns toward you to cup your cheeks as he kisses your forehead with his stoic smile. “I’ll always know that, baby,” he says as he wraps his arms around you.
And it’s true, living with him has taught you that he knows that you love him and he loves you. There were days where the both of you would sit down for a cup of coffee in the morning and just talk.
In high school, he wasn’t much of a talker but when he met you, he changed that. While he’s a bit straightforward, he makes sure he does it in a way where he doesn’t come off as an ass or as a way to start a fight. He’s obviously a lot more open to you than he is to his teammates so he actually likes to come home and rant to you about how stupid his team can be.
Baths with you are also something that’s comforting for him. It’s provided a quiet place for him as he just leans back and watches you read your book as you sit against his chest. Every once in a while, he’ll kiss your bare shoulder go let you he’s thanking you for the quality time you’re providing for him. There are even days where he’s beat to a pulp so you wash his body for him as you sit on his lap. His forehead leans against your chest as you wash his back and shoulders with his arms wrapped around your waist. You give him sweet and soft praises for making it through the long and grueling day to which he’s thankful for.
He’s so thankful for you…
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fezrus · 3 years
Someone to blame (part one)
Summary : after Rue almost died from her overdose, you’re looking for someone to blame & end up fighting real bad with Fezco. You meet again a few weeks later, and well, the reunion is... interesting. 
Warnings : mentions of alcohol, drugs, lots of bad words, bit of fighting, bit of teasing 😇, reader being a bitch, fezco (my boy deserves a warning)
Pairing : FezxFem!Reader
Word count : 3k
Side Note : english is not my first language, feel free to tell me if you find mistakes or just weird sentences lol
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You had been friends with Rue for years, at this point you were practically siblings. And this implied the good sides and the bad ones. You shared the same kind of humor – a great mix of sarcasm and self-depreciation – and knew you could trust each other with your lives. But there were also more complicated moments, Rue overdosing on pills being the latest. Speaking of drugs, she actually introduced you to Fez a few months before it happened.
The guy wasn't the most talkative or expressive, but he had always been courteous in his own way. You had wondered many times how someone so gentle and calm in appearance could lead such a life, punctuated by violence and despair.
You were never that close but talked a bit and had a laugh at every party you both went to, and you hung out a few times with Rue. He was chill, and you got along pretty well, even found him cute at times. That is, until you saw your dearest friend laying unconscious in a hospital bed because of the shit he sold her.
Back then, you really thought she was going to die. Seeing her in that bed had awakened a rage and a disgust in you that you had not thought you'd ever be able to feel before that day. You showed up at Fezco's place the next morning and things went pretty far. You basically called him a murderer, screaming and calling him names, which led him to shout back and things were said and never forgotten on both sides.
He was an irresponsible and disgusting brainless criminal, you were a spoiled and fucking ignorant kid who knew nothing about life. From this day on, you hadn't spoken a word to each other, despite crossing paths a few times during the last few weeks.
Had you known he’d be there tonight, you probably wouldn’t have come.
It looked like a scene from a movie, the place was full of people, the music was too loud and the lights were blinding. There were people smoking on the roof, others making out on the hoods of cars, and you chose not to see what was going on in the pool. Jules, with whom you had come, was jumping enthusiastically next to you. “This is gonna be so fun,” she smiled, her big bright eyes looking right at you as you were entering the house. “Come on you need a drink! And then we'll break the dancefloor.”
“Alright,” you laughed a bit, her excitement being contagious, “I’ll get us some drinks, you go and try to find Rue.” The both of them had a relationship that was quite difficult to qualify, even if they hadn’t known each other for a very long time. Rue's obsession with Jules made you a little suspicious at first, you were maybe a little afraid that she would replace you for a moment, but you soon realized that their relationship had nothing to do with yours. Even though deep down you knew that this co-dependency between your two friends was not healthy, you couldn't help but be happy for them, and Rue was doing better. 
You manage to make your way to the kitchen, where you quickly find a bottle that suits you on the table. You were about to pour yourself a drink when a small brown-haired sparkly tornado hit you head-on. She smelled a little like alcohol and could barely stand up, smiling from ear to ear as she wrapped her arms around you.
“What the hell Maddy ?” You ask, managing to find your balance back.
“I’m so happy you’re here bitch,” she simply answers, making you laugh. “I need your help with something,” she adds while giving you the puppy-eyes look.
Between a few incomprehensible words due to the alcohol in her body, you understand that she’s asking you to find her something to smoke, a favor she had done you at the previous party. You groan as you fill the glass you grabbed, taking a shot to give you the strength to get to work. You clearly have other things to do but you know Maddy well, and if you don't do it back for her as you promised you would, you know she won't stop complaining and she won't leave you alone. “Fine just wait here until I get back, and try not to drink more, right ?” And with that, you go in search of the holy grail, or in this case, the holy weed.
Now there are multiple ways you can find what you're looking for, you could just use your charms and get if from some random dude, but you don't feel like flirting tonight. And the easiest way to buy drugs is standing a few feet from you, outside by the bay window. “Fuck me.” You huff, cursing yourself for only taking one shot. Your heels click on the ground as you approach until you plant yourself in front of the redhead, whose fresh cut displays his scar even more.
He stares at you with suspicion, and then looks quickly around him as to make sure it is really him you want to speak to. 
“What's up Y/N ?” he simply questions, his blunt still between his lips.
His usual nonchalance surprises you nonetheless, given your last somewhat hectic exchange. However, you decide to get it over with as quickly as possible and get straight to the point. 
"I need some weed," you sigh, knowing full well that this request would make you lose the credibility you had when you yelled at him about the drugs, even if it is 'just' weed in that case. He looks a bit surprised, one eyebrow raised. "It’s for Maddy,” you add.
“You sure? I ain't want you to come and knock on my door tomorrow calling me names cause I gave you the stuff you asked for.” His blue eyes are locked in yours, and you don't know if he's teasing you or if he really wants to know if you're sure of yourself. 
You cross your arms over your chest, already annoyed and eager to find your friends, drink and forget this conversation and the previous one. “Don't worry about that,” you respond, “I don't want to have anything to do with you, so please just stick to doing your job right now, right?” 
“Am not here to make friends either, now just pay for the damn thing or imma find someone else to buy it.” He doesn't want to be around you either, that's for sure, but he’s still pretty polite as usual. You know you kinda hurt him, but he did too, plus you're too annoyed by his attitude right now to feel bad. His words just have a way of bringing out that side of you that tends to piss people off pretty well : the sarcastic little shit. 
“Don't act all indifferent now Fez, we both know you'd love to be my friend.” You provoke him, a fake smile on your face and you tilt your head, placing your hand on his bicep, while his arms are still crossed.
He can't help but sigh, moving away from the wall he was leaning against and leaning toward you instead. You stand straight, defying him. “Look, imma be honest with you. Being a bitter depressive kid giving lessons on shit you know nothing about don't sound like a real interesting occupation to me y'know?” 
“Yeah cause selling drugs to those depressive kids is such a respectable one.” You immediately spit back, making him look down for a second. Touché. 
“I really don't wanna fuck with you right now Y/N." You must have come a little closer with every shot fired because now you can feel his annoyed and warm breath on your face, your eyes still locked. He takes the last hit of his joint before throwing it to the ground, stepping back as if to prevent the situation from going any further. He grabs a little bag from his back pocket, and holds hit between his fingers. “Just pay for the damn thing and go back to your shit, I'll go back to mine.”
His tone is more tired than threatening, but it still makes you shiver. Fez wasn't usually one to get mad, to threaten with his hands, he always spoke slowly in a way that still let you know he wasn't messing around.The tension is palpable, your fists and his jaw clenched to the point where it could have snapped. Your contempt disguised as sarcasm did not please him, obviously, but the more he responded to it, the more he made you want to infuriate him for real. 
You hand him the money before taking the bag from his hands. "Alright, I wouldn't want to stop you from handing out overdoses for a few bills," you conclude before starting to leave. 
Rubbing his temples, he finally speaks again, loud enough so that you can hear him behind you. 
“Damn Y/N, why d’you have to be like this ? Why you giving me all the blame and shit ?” You stop walking, your back still facing him. “Am not sayin what she did was completely her fault, I know I’m part of this too. I felt like shit, like real bad, you know she’s family. But now you been treatin me like I did it on purpose when you know damn well I didn't.”
You don't know if it's the booze starting to kick in or just the emotions you bottled up these past few weeks, but at this moment you feel particularly exhausted by the situation. Yes, you resent him for spending his time distributing drugs to people you love. You did blame Rue for a while too, you screamed, cried, and you also blamed yourself - you still do - for not having seen how bad she was doing. But Fez, the lovely guy you got to know a little, who said he was like her brother, and who gave her the drug that landed her in the hospital? He was right, you knew deep down it wasn’t really his fault, but you couldn't help but be overly mad at him.
“You can act all nice as much as you want Fez.” You shrug, turning around to face him. "But you can't do what you do and pretend you care about those people.”
You see him nod silently. Seconds pass before he finally says something back.
"Sounds like you're just tryin to find someone to punish now." He's staring at you, his hands in his pockets "It's alright, make me the bad guy. But don't say I don't fucking care about her ever again, right?"
As you process what he's saying, you can only realise he's stating facts. You're not angry at him for giving the damn pills to your friend, you're looking for a culprit and he's easy to blame. But it's just something about him, about the way he responds to the shots you fire at him, it's physical, you can't help but keep fighting and fighting and wanting for more. Are you actually being a dramatic judgemental little bitch? Absolutely. Will you ever admit that he's kinda right and you know it, and that he's hot as hell when you piss him off like that ? Absolutely not. Is it a good enough reason to keep acting that way? Certainly.
“Yes sir.” You roll your eyes before turning on your heels, leaving the redhead and heading for the kitchen.
I's three in the morning and you're a complete mess. After giving Maddy her weed, you've done nothing but drink, dance, and drink again. You don’t even know how many shots you've had, but your lack of balance indicates that the amount must be important. 
Your body moves to the rhythm of the music, your hips undulating in a sensual choreography. Masculine hands move around your waist, which you quickly brush away to join Cassie dancing on the table. Putting on a show is not exactly an habit of yours, but at the moment, you just feel like having a good time and not caring about nothing else.The little blonde moves against you, laughing and flipping her hair as the crowd around you whistles and admires the show you’re offering. Among the people, in the corner of the room, you notice a familiar figure already watching you. He's still smoking, shaking his head in amusement or in disapproval -you’re not sure-, to which you respond with a middle finger and a provocative wink.
When the song comes to an end, you get off the table to some applause and head to the nearest exit to the garden, feeling the need for fresh air. Your steps are uncertain but you manage to get outside, sitting on a deckchair by the pool.
“It doesn’t really suit you, y’know,” you hear Fezco say as he sits on the other side of the chair, a small smirk on his face. He looks a little high, more relaxed.
“What ?” You frown, turning to sit directly across from him. 
“The whole ‘look I smoke weed and I’m wild’ kinda shit.” He shrugs, giving you a side look.
“I never asked you to look,” you argue, alcohol probably making you a little more touchy than usual.
His body is still not facing you, but he turns his head so his eyes meet yours. “You’re kinda hard to miss when you’re behavin’ like that,” he remarks, his gaze now on the little dress Jules had chosen for you. “Was a very pleasant sight, I gotta admit.” 
You feel your cheeks starting to burn and quickly look away, rolling your eyes. The effect this guy had on you with just a few words, damnit. He’s a dick, you try to convince yourself, don’t smile like an idiot. You want to come up with something witty or sarcastic to say but really you’re just dumbfounded. And he likes it. “Thanks, I guess.” You whisper without thinking too much, still a bit confused. It's been rare for you to be quiet and likeable since the latest events, so he takes the opportunity to speak again, his voice strangely pleasant.
“Why you always acting stupid like earlier? When deep down you're really just cute and shit,” he sighs, his blue eyes on you as you’re looking down to avoid them. “It's like you enjoy being a fucking brat to me, pissing me off. You like that, don't ya?”
You look up to meet his gaze, intense and curious. Somehow, hearing him call you a brat and talk to you that way feels really good. Is this motherfucker really turning you on and calling you out at the same time without even trying? You don’t know if he’s intentionnaly playing with you right now, but he seems to enjoy the effect he has on you, as you struggle to hide it. You quickly get up to try and regain some composure, there's no way you're going to let him have that power, all of this wouldn't even happen if it weren't for all the drinks you've had.
“You wish, loverboy.” You retort, a playful smile on your lips. “I'm gonna start thinking you fancy me now Fez, thought I was a spoiled ignorant idiot,” you quote.
You hear him laugh a little, and he stands up too to stand right in front of you. “You are.” He grins, getting closer. “You're fucking infuriating,” he adds, his body so close to yours now, “exasperating,” he whispers in your ear, without ever touching you. You close your eyes shut and feel the shivers sliding down your spine, a sigh of contentment slipping from your parted lips while his mouth brushes the skin of your neck. “naughty, even” he finally adds as you feel his wet and rough lips so close to your jaw. You’re a mess, the heat on your cheeks is nothing compared to what you’re feeling down your stomach, between your thighs. Not so innocent and nice now is he ? You take a deep breath and manage to raise your hand, placing your finger under his chin, lifting it up a little so he looks you straight in the eye, your noses almost touching. You need to end this right now, before it goes too far, before you can’t resist the urge to angry fuck the shit out of him here and now. He’s a dick, you can’t let him win. You have to be the one in control.
“You're not fucking me tonight Fez.” You breathe, your tongue clicking in your mouth. ”I ain't got five minutes to waste for you.”
You turn around to leave but you haven’t even taken the first step when he grabs your arm, gently but firmly, and you feel his body pressing against your back.
“You can insult me all you want but don’t ya underestimate me,” he whispers in your ear, his warm breath crashing against the skin of your neck. "If I were to fuck you, I'd do it properly." The words his hoarse voice whispers make you gasp, you suddenly feel completely naked, at his mercy. You can feel the warmth more and more down your stomach, as his hand brushes your arm, then your shoulder, before moving down to your hip, his fingertips playing with the fabric of your dress with such a slight touch that you don’t know if it’s even real. “I’d take my time, give you what you deserve.”
He doesn't give you the time to process what he just said and steps back, then walks past you to head inside, a winning smile on his lips.
“You enjoy the rest of the night Y/N.” 
And before you know it, he’s left you standing here, flustered and desperate for more.
What the fuck just happened?
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