Also Merry Christmas!! (Almost)
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lgbtlunaverse · 5 months
The world exists in such a baffling state of simultaneous sex-aversion and sex-hegemony. Every social platform on the internet is trying to banish sex workers to the shadow realm but I can't post a tweet without at least two bots replying P U S S Y I N B I O. People are self-censoring sex to seggs and $3× but every other ad you see is still filled with half-naked women. Rightwingers want queer people arrested for so much as existing in the same postal code as a child and are also drumming up a moral panic about how teenage boys aren't getting laid enough. I feel like I'm losing my mind.
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cowboythewizard726 · 6 months
woah-ho-ho-dude don't mean to alarm you or anything but has anyone ever told you that you've got some pretty beautiful majestic gorgeous eyes right there just a pair of completely absolutely striking ocular organs you've got in there man like jesus those are some pretty stunning irises dude like wow man
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rainbowpufflez · 3 months
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Team RR Campfire
And if you’re wondering where Cyrus is
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He’s currently avoiding literally everyone
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god-i-hope-so · 4 months
If Lou's idea of a gay couple is also inspired by Frank and Bill from The Last of Us... it's so over for us.
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m0rbs · 8 months
If you could only show someone one episode of any Star Trek series what episode would you pick? :)
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That one where Spock's tits are huge and it looks like he just forgot to wear his binder
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corviiids · 3 months
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the second of february, a poem about a two-headed calf
(translation of my handwriting: but tonight he is alive / it is a perfect evening / and there are twice as many stars as usual)
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pinkrose05 · 5 months
Sungenti & Robinhill would go on the most terse double dates in history. That's it that's the post.
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medi-bee · 1 year
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These are the guys who have total martial control over the center of the galaxy? are you sure?
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tswwwit · 4 months
(for a proper idea of my emotions, please picture this said while crying happy tears)
after who knows how long waiting for a new reincarnation to appear, taking the time to let cult dipper settle in and calm down, bills hard work and dedication to manipulation finally paid off! he gets to finally cuddle and sleep with his husband again!
You know Bill's mentally giving himself a pat on the back and congratulations for his own cleverness. Getting this flighty little traumatized guy to hold still for a hug has been a whole ordeal; it's about time it paid off!
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The people complaining about Wish are the exact same people that were complaining about The Little Mermaid and every other movie that starred people who were not white. Y’all scream until you’re blue in the face about us making our own characters, we make them, and then you’re still screaming into the void. Like we knew you would honestly, but what exactly is wrong with Asha being Mediterranean??? She literally lives on a nonexistent island that lies between Spain and Northern Africa and yet it’s a problem. Then to top it off some of y’all are actually out here defending King Magnifico with your whole chest! The man is granting the wishes that best suit HIM. Not the people of Rosas. The message is literally that no one should get to do that, Asha recognizes that, and yet y’all are completely missing it. Be freaking fr. We knew about this movie before we got the sneak peek at D23 last year and we knew y’all would do this because this is the exact thing that happened with Moana, Encanto, Turning Red, and Elemental to name a few. Y’all are predictable and it’s getting old. Y’all also seem to be getting mad at the fact that people are calling Asha a princess, which has been confirmed by Disney, despite her not being royalty…We have characters in the Disney Princess lineup that aren’t exactly princesses. Y’all will be fine 🙄
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vaguely-concerned · 1 month
more for the garashir fairytale grab bag AU I am never going to actually write: garak knows exactly what would break his curse from the start, he just never tells anyone for the longest time b/c he's so sure it could never happen
(it's asking forgiveness, of course. he thinks it's tain's forgiveness he needs, and tain is fucking dead and knew he would be by the time garak woke up so it seems the perfect unbreakable parting fuck-you revenge curse. and garak would expect nothing less from his father than that, so he's resigned to dwindling away painfully. enter julian bashir and his fierce force-of-nature compassion (and also secret illicit immense magical powers) with a steel chair!!! to go 'OH YEAH??? we'll see about that', as you might expect. oh. OH necromancer-ish julian calling tain's ghost up to ask him about what the hell he did and how to undo it, ala his gambit to go see him the wire? and the knowledge he gains from that is what confirms garak's suspicions as to what is Up with this handsome young healer mage because it could be known only by those long dead. cue east of the sun west of the moon part of the narrative once julian understands his game is up and runs away??
anyway getting some true love's kissing in by the end of it all is just a nice bonus it's not needed like strictly magically for either of their situations lol)
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ssaraexposs · 5 months
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westonsims00 · 4 months
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𝘓𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘢 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘱𝘭𝘦?
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yellowocaballero · 2 years
I said a little bit about this in a comment a few hours ago (hey kenny) and I actually really felt like saying more.
For all that gay people/Tumblr people/AO3 peope/waves hand are really, really into found family they are actually pretty allergic to conceptualizing familial relationships outside of nuclear family roles.
I see a billion posts on Tumblr about how friendships can be just as important as romantic relationships, if not more, but nobody ever actually writes the friendship as important as a romantic relationship. Or friendships are interpreted as romantic, or friendships are sidelined for the romantic relationship. It's always a weird disparity between what people say are important and people actually find important for me.
So when we do step out of romantic relationship and into gen relationships, we typically enter the trope world of #foundfamily. But the same kind of flattening of characters for the sake of shoving them into yaoi ghost archetypes honestly also really happens with family relationships.
There is always a dad. There's always a mom. There's always siblings (frequently the canon female love interest). Maybe an uncle? Ex-wife if we are feeling sexy that day.
I really rarely see people interested in #foundfamily relationships outside of those boxes. It is overwhelmingly, entirely American-centric. There's no recognition of the unbelievable diversity and breadth of human relationships, or the very many ways there are to love somebody. In fanfic, if there's a much older male character emotional close to younger characters, he's dad mode. And the relationship then follows the character and story beats of the father-child relationship intended to draw out those fuzzy family feelings. Damn, I read found family stuff to get away from the intense claustrophobia of the fandom's favorite ship, I'm not here to get family yaoi ghosted here too.
I think you can create a very unique and engaging relationship if you're wiling to engage with the unknown and uncomfortable. Make a path without the paint by numbers story beats and character arcs. Please stop letting tropes rule your writing instead of construct it.
Write stories about love. Write relationships about loving each other. Just start from there, and don't worry about anything else. Create a relationship that is its own. Let it breathe. It can stand on its own two feet. It'll be a richer relationship and a richer story.
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(For Sanzu fans xD)
Because I know all of you are dying to see Bonten Sanzu in the brilliant full color edition, so.... TADAAAA! All his panels!
(for now, we will have more of him having beef with Takemichi in the next volume and seeing his heart break because of Mikey doing THAT and remembering him to another Sano doing THAT)
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(He looks so happy taking his drugs and killing people, such a silly guy xD)
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