lexsssu · 9 months
Again (Uchiha Sasuke)
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TAGS: Sasuke/F!reader, yandere, obsession, dirty thoughts, breeding kink, oneshot Ao3 ver. | Ko-fi | Commissions (OPEN)
“Kaa-chan told me to remind you to eat and to give you this! She said it’s your favorite.”
Gingerly taking the bento being offered to him, something flickered within Sasuke’s lone visible eye which disappeared almost as soon as it appeared. Even without opening it, he was already sure of its contents. 
You were the one who made it after all.
“Please give her my thanks when you get home. I’ll drop this off myself once I’ve cleaned it,” the Uchiha makes sure to use his left hand as he receives the lunch box, a small shiver running down his spine as a brief image of you happily preparing this meal for him appears in his mind’s eye.
“Will do, Oji-san! And thank you again for today’s training session. Please come visit us at home whenever you can. Kaa-san always looks forward to your visits. She always says you don’t visit enough,” Shinachiku’s soft laughter reminds Sasuke of how much he takes after you than Naruto.
From the shade of green in his eyes, to the way his smiles aren’t as blinding as Naruto’s and yet exudes the same strength and softness yours does. Shinachiku Uzumaki is his father’s son, but no one can ever deny that he is also his mother’s child.
He could’ve been your child.
All of them could have been yours.
If only you hadn’t been so weak.
If you simply had the power…then perhaps she’d have been yours.
Not Naruto’s…YOURS!!!
When both he and the young genin separate for the night, him to his lively home filled with the happiness and laughter of family, Sasuke on the other hand retreats to the lonely Uchiha compound. He is all too used to the dreary atmosphere of the place he once called home, his steps never faltering as he entered the main house’s kitchen and sat himself at the dining table.
Inside the 3-layer bento were several onigiri with various fillings, namely umeboshi, salmon, and bonito flakes. A tomato salad that definitely was one of your own homegrown ones (because he has never seen, smelled, and tasted any tomatoes more delicious than yours). The tomato soup was still warm and felt even warmer as he ate it as slowly as he could, savoring the myriad of flavors contained in such a seemingly simple dish. 
Though he wasn’t fond of sweets, the avenger couldn’t ignore the slice of strawberry shortcake you packed for him. The first bite of cake reminded him of the sweetness of the youth he spent with you despite his hyperfixation on killing his own brother at the time.
If he’d known the truth that early on then perhaps he wouldn’t have wasted all his time chasing after Itachi.
Naruto wouldn’t have had the chance to take you for himself if Sasuke understood that you were worth much more than his misguided revenge. 
Even though Naruto left for training with Jiraiya, the blonde was more than happy to regale him with tales of how the two of you would do your best to send each other letters despite how they constantly went from place to place. Somehow, you always found yourself to him, and he to you.
It made Sasuke sick.
Don’t even get him started on all the flies that buzzed around you while he and Naruto were gone.
Despite most of the original rookies having settled down, the Uchiha was very much aware of how these same men gravitate towards you before Naruto went and made his formal claim. 
That know-it-all Nara, the arrogant Hyuga, even Gaara of the Sand were almost always seen around you.
Hell, even that damned swordsman from Kiri who’s now currently its Mizukage was too close to you. Don’t even get him started on Haku who’d more or less become your guard dog ever since you saved both him and Zabuza all those years ago during that mission in Wave. 
As much as he despised their attentions on you, he knew deep inside of him that all of them saw the very same thing in you that drew them all in like moths to a flame. 
And he HATED it.
Hated that they all coveted you when none of them deserved to have you.
Sasuke’s last thought as he closed his eyes was that of you.
Always YOU.
The Sakura blooms you gifted him smelled so nice…It was a good thing he placed them on his bedside table, because he could close his eyes and pretend that it is the scent of your hair. 
He could pretend that it is his hands that run across the soft pink strands as you sleep.
He could pretend that he is the one who feasts upon your delicious cunt each night. His cock forcing your soft and pliant walls open again and again as your nails drag across his back, leaving angry red lines that serve as proof of how much he pleasured you. That it is his potent seed that fills your womb to the brim, globs of semen dripping from your pussy as he makes sure to pour loads and loads of his love within you.
Wouldn’t that be perfect?
Not only will he revive the Uchiha clan, but knowing that you carried his seed and nurtured them within you…he could burst from happiness just from the mere thought of it.
Sasuke falls into a deep sleep, soothed by the images of a reality that could have been.
“Even though Sensei told us not to have breakfast, I still think the last thing we should do is train on an empty stomach. So I made us all some breakfast and even lunch!” 
Sasuke is once again presented with a bento filled with onigiri, but this time the hands holding onto the container were more slender as slim digits softly yet firmly gripped the lunch box. 
“I’m not sure which filling you prefer, but I have different fillings with me so you can choose which one you like best,” ever the thoughtful person you were, you selflessly offered the last Uchiha the food despite how antisocial he’d been towards you despite the time you’d spend together as classmates at the academy.
In his first life, Sasuke simply scoffed at your attempts of kindness towards him. Batting you off at every opportunity as he believed himself above such camaraderie when his only goal in life was to enact his revenge.
Not anymore.
Without saying anything, the raven-haired preteen grabbed the Okaka rice ball just before Naruto could take it.
“Hey, what’s the big idea, teme?! I was gonna get that one!”
“...Tch. Then you should’ve been quicker, dobe.”
“Why you little…!”
The sound of your tinkling laughter and Naruto’s disgruntled mumbling was music to his Sasuke’s ears.
He may have managed to get you the first time around, but not this time.
Uchiha Sasuke didn’t know who or what had flung him back into the past, but Indra knows he won’t ever make the same mistakes he did before.
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How About Me?
Prompt: Arranged Marriage
Words: 4826
Mei Terumi.
Anko Mitarashi.
Kurenai Yuhi.
That was only the beginning of the long list that the elders had presented Kakashi with just five minutes before he was supposed to call it a day and head home for the night.
A list of ‘acceptable marriage candidates’ according to Koharu. The fact that Mei, the Mizukage, was on the list at all told Kakashi all he needed to know about their desperation to marry him off as quickly as possible.
Giving it one more look over, he placed it down on his desk and shoved it back toward them. “No.”
Homura was the first to respond, rage burning in his eyes as he snatched the list off of Kakashi’s desk. “You’ve barely even looked at it!”
That was a lie. Kakashi had examined it three times and struck each person off one at a time, with very good reasons for why he would never marry them.
“You are a bachelor, Lord Sixth,” Koharu insisted. “A young bachelor. It’s unbecoming of a Hokage bot to have a partner.”
“Lord Second,” he spoke calmly, reminding them of their very own Sensei who had reigned as Hokage, a bachelor. “Lady Tsunade.”
“Lady Tsunade was in her fifties when she took the position of Hokage,” Koharu argued. “And her partner has been long dead. No one expected her to move on.”
“Yet you expect me to marry for, what? To make the village look better?” It all seemed tiresome to him. Even if he wanted to marry, why should he do it because someone else demands it? “Is Marriage not meant to be a Union of love?”
“Not always,” Koharu continued to argue. “Lord First married Uzumaki Mito to form a treaty with the Uzumaki clan. The love they had for each other came after.”
That was new information to Kakashi, but it changed nothing. While an arranged marriage may have worked for Lord First, it simply was not for him.
“There must be one person on that list who would make a good match for you,” Homura insisted. “Anko Mitarashi is a talented Jonin and a student of Orochimaru.”
“She is also more likely to stab me in my sleep than to marry me,” Kakashi counted. “Anko has no interest in marriage with anyone. She has made that very clear.”
Koharu glanced at the list in her partner's hand. “Kurenai?” She suggested. “She’s also a high-ranking Jonin and-“
Kakashi held up a hand to silence her. “Kurenai, like Tsunade-sama, has already lost the man she loved. I would never dare to think of stepping into his place.”
Even if he were to try, Kurenai would never allow it. She had plans to spend the rest of her life with Asuma and the Akatsuki had ripped those dreams out of her hands. There was no one in the world that could replace her lost lover in her mind. 
“Shizune?” Homura continued to press. “She spends all day by your side already.”
Kakashi cringed at the thought. While Shizune was a much better match for him personality-wise, he did not fancy spending all of his time at work and at home with her. The two of them would surely get sick of each other within a month, and that wasn’t even touching on the fact that he’d have to deal with Tsuande-sama if he tried.
That was a match better left untouched.
“Mei,” Koharu tried once more, sighing when Kakashi shook his head. “It would be beneficial for both of our villages. You’re always talking about building stronger bonds. You’ve even washed your hands of old traditions and beliefs, against our advice, in order to strengthen the bond between the five great shinobi nations. Surely a marriage union between the two of you would create an even stronger bond between Konohagakure and Kirigakure. I am certain that she would be open to the union.”
All of that was true but it still wasn’t a good enough reason for Kakashi to marry a woman he barely knew. Even if she would be more than happy to marry him.
“If I am going to marry,” he began, pushing his chair back and standing up. “I would rather it be because I have a genuine bond with the person I am to spend the rest of my life with, not because they find me handsome.”
It was nothing against Mei. A woman who could find beauty even in someone as mediocre as him should be admired and respected. That still did not change the fact that he had no interest in marrying her.
“Now, if you two are done pestering me about this,” making his way around the desk, he narrowed and walked straight past them without concern for the stuttered protests that left their mouths. “I have plans tonight and it would be rather rude of me to be late for them.”
With that, he was gone. Leaving no trace of his presence save for the two elders standing in his office yelling into the open air with promises to continue this conversation when they saw him again.
Kakashi still couldn’t believe that this was the most important task in the elder's mind. To see him married off as quickly as possible as if they had the right to bud into his personal life. 
Suffering through their long-winded discussions about the ‘importance of upholding the old ways’ was bad enough for Kakashi, but now they made it a point to interrupt him at every opportunity to talk about marriage.
He’d once felt sorry for Gaara when his own village elders attempted to marry him off with claims that it would be ‘for the good of Suna’, but now Kakashi understood his struggles all too well. Except, unlike Gaara, he didn’t have the respect of his village elders.
In fact, he was sure the two of them hated him and the feeling was quite mutual. If he could eject them from their positions and choose others to fill the spot he happily would. Unfortunately, it seemed that as long as the two of them were alive he was stuck with them.
Another unfortunate setback of being Hokage.
“Lord Sixth!” Stopping in his tracks, Kakashi frowned when he found himself faced with two very excited-looking women standing directly in front of him. It would be easy enough for him to avoid the three of them and continue on his way, but a good Hokage would stay right where he was and chat with them. 
Kakashi was growing rather sick of being a ‘good Hokage’. 
“It’s good to see you, Lord Sixth,” one of them stepped forward, long brown hair falling in front of her face. “I was just on my way to dinner, would you like to join?”
“No,” The second woman stepped forward and shoulder-checked the other one away. “Lord Sixth wouldn’t you rather go for a nice walk around the village with me? I was thinking of stopping by the river for a relaxing read.”
“Well, you see-”
“Oh, he’d much rather go to the bookshop with me,” The third stayed back, but just one look at her told Kakashi that she was not one to be pushed around by the other two. There was a determination in those bright brown eyes that only a moron would ignore. “I was thinking of picking out a new book to read, and I was hoping you might have some suggestions.”
His eyes darted past the trio, searching for the quickest escape. Perhaps a distraction would do him best at this moment. Something to get their eyes off of him for just a second so he could make a swift escape.
“Tell them, Lord Sixth,” the brunette reached out and grabbed hold of his hand. “You’d much rather go to dinner with me, right?”
“Well, you see,” his eyes examined the area, searching for anything he could use as a distraction. “I was just on my way-”
“To meet with me!” A familiar voice called out behind him. A wave of calm washed over him when it reached his ear and all three women glanced past him to see who it was joining them. Kakashi didn’t need to look, though. He knew that voice better than any other sound in the world.
It was the voice that had called out to him on countless missions throughout his life, always with the same energy no matter what sort of danger they may have found themselves in.
“You?” The second woman frowned. “But Lord Sixth would much rather go reading beside the river with me, isn’t that right?” She turned her gaze towards him, but Kakashi paid her no attention. Instead, he looked to his right just as Gai’s wheelchair came to a stop directly beside him. 
“That may be,” Gai smiled at the trio. “But Lord Sixth and I have already made plans. If you would like to have some time with him you’ll have to schedule ahead. He’s a very busy man you see, with lots of people who like to spend time with him.”
Lord Sixth.
Hearing those words from three strangers did nothing to Kakashi, but when they came from Gai’s mouth they felt like needles piercing deep into his ears. Unpleasant to listen to and downright insulting coming from the man who had called him ‘Rival’ all of their lives.
Seeing his opportunity, Kakashi turned back to the three women and smiled. “It would be rather rude of me to cancel pre-made plans, wouldn’t it?” he asked. “If you’d like to make plans with me that’s fine, but it will have to wait until another time.”
Dejected, the women huddled together and walked away with their heads hung low. 
Another near crisis averted,
With that taken care of he turned to face Gai. “Thank you.”
“Of course,” his friend beamed. “Though, this is getting rather out of hand, don’t you think Rival? It feels as though there is always someone trying to ask you out whenever we’re together.”
That wasn’t a lie. Wherever he went Kakashi found himself being approached by people he didn’t know. Some of them would ask for autographs and photos, but these days it felt like more than half of them were there to try and ask him out. As if all of Konoha had suddenly decided he was marriage material.
Perhaps the elders weren’t so wrong to worry about his status as a bachelor. 
“They’ll figure out soon enough that I’m not interested,” he assured Gai. “They can’t keep trying forever, right?”
The look on Gai’s face was not comforting at all. A mix of skepticism and disappointment left Kakashi questioning whether he was ever going to escape from these endless attempts at asking him out.
“Maybe I should get married.”
Gai choked when he heard Kakashi’s words. “What did you say?”
Shaking his head, Kakashi pointed down the path in front of them. There were still three blocks between them and the restaurant they had made reservations at and if they didn’t hurry they were going to be late. 
“Fine,” Gai agreed, understanding what he was saying without words. “But you’re explaining that comment when we settle in for dinner.”
Satisfied with that agreement, the two of them began walking toward their destination. 
Kakashi had barely stepped inside the restaurant when the owner appeared in front of him with a warm, welcoming smile and directed him towards a seat in the back right corner of the tiny establishment.
There were no words exchanged between the two of them except a simple ‘thank you’ as Kakashi pulled back the second seat and shoved it against the wall so that Gai could claim his spot.
Once his friend was settled in, Kakashi made his way around the table and fell back into his seat with a sigh. The stresses of his workday melted away when his nose picked up the smell of grilled fish.
“I think I know what you’ll be ordering,” Gai chuckled on the other side of the table. “That look says it all.”
Unashamed of his predictable nature, Kakashi picked up the menu on his side of the table and carefully tucked it away behind the flower vase that sat on the left of the table right against the wall. “At least I won't be spending the next thirty minutes debating which is better, the Salmon sushi platter or Korma curry.” 
Gai gasped at his accusation. “I do not spend thirty minutes deciding!”
“Sorry, I must have miscounted at our last dinner. Forty minutes.” His words are instantly rewarded with a gasp and the most dramatic chest grab he has seen since he was ten and insulted Obito’s goggles.
“You would insult me, Rival?” Gai gasped, the palm of his hand pressing hard against his chest as if he were trying to stop a gaping wound from bleeding out. “Your best friend in the entire world, and you would insult me like this?”
The show was entertaining, but Kakashi was more interested in eating than he was in listening to his best friend lament about broken trust and shattered friendships as if Kakashi had actually hurt him.
“In that case, you won’t mind if I order the Salmon sushi platter for you? Perhaps with some Cucumber Nori and dragon rolls?” He reached across the table and place a hand over Gai’s menu and stared at Gai with a playful twinkle in his eyes. 
His teasing was instantly rewarded with a sulk. “I was hoping to get curry.” 
“Curry then,” removing his hand he fell back against his seat with a sigh. “The perfect choice for you.”
There was nothing in the world that Gai liked more than curry, and there would be a complimentary plate of Tempura for him to devour as well since Kakashi wouldn’t touch the stuff. The harsh texture of deep-fried bread alongside the tender squishy food inside always seemed to overwhelm him making the treat impossible to enjoy.
“See, that didn’t take me forty minutes to decide.” Gai grinned an impossibly wide grin. 
Without missing a beat, Kakashi responded to Gai’s smile with a mischievous grin. “You would have taken forty minutes if I hadn’t provided you with a challenge,”
A chopstick flew through the air, aimed directly at his forehead. Thankfully, with some quick reflexes, Kakashi was able to catch it before it even touched him. “You know it’s true.”
“There must be something better to speak about,” Huffed Gai, his smile suddenly returning to his face, telling of an idea that had suddenly struck him. “You were going to tell me what you meant when you said ‘maybe I should get married’” 
Kakashi’s stomach dropped.
Of all the things for him to say, and all the people for him to say it in front of, he’d really put himself into an impossible situation by letting those five small words slip past his mouth. 
There was no escaping this conversation and he knew it, but if anything that information only upset him more. Tonight was supposed to be a relaxing night with his best friend, not a continuation of a conversation that made him want to bash his head against a wall.
“I know,” he waved a hand in front of his face, physically dismissing Gai’s insistence. “It’s just not the most pleasant conversation to have.”
“Well, perhaps I could help,” Gai offered. “You know you can trust me, right?”
There was no one in Konoha he would trust more than Gai, with Yamato as a very close second. His friend had pulled him out of trouble many times over their lives, but today was different. With no enemies to physically fight back, Gai was out of his element. 
Still, Kakashi knew it wouldn’t do any good to avoid the conversation. Gai was a stubborn man who was more than capable of getting whatever he wanted out of Kakashi, even information. 
Well, not all information, but still. This wasn’t a conversation that would put the village in danger or cost anyone their lives. If anything, it might alleviate some of his stress just talking about it.
So, with a tired sigh, Kakashi levelled his eyes on Gai. “The Elders have been pestering me these last few weeks.”
“That’s not really new,” Gai snorted. “They’ve been pestering you since you your inauguration finished, demanding you change your decisions to fit their old-style way of thinking.”
No truer words have ever been spoken. Koharu and Homura seemed to have a special place in their cold corrupt hearts for Kakashi. A spot that was filled with hatred for a man who had been a dutiful shinobi of Konohagakure. Ever since he was a kid the two of them always seemed to hate him, and that hatred had only increased when he was named as the Sixth Hokage.
Though they at least had the decency to try and disguise it as worry for the village’s future.
“Well, it’s a bit worse this time,” he continued. “They’re determined to marry me off to someone.”
Gai stared at him as though he’d just slapped him in the face. An expression of horror and confusion mixed perfectly so that he was sitting there like a very confused puppy. 
“M-Marry?” he finally managed to force the word out, his voice sounding more like a frog’s croak than the cheerful, upbeat voice that Kakashi was used to. “They want you to marry?”
“That’s what I said, yes.”
The next few minutes were filled with silence. Kakashi stared off into the distance, examining the activities around them, and Gai processed what he had just heard. It would have been easy for Kakashi to go into more detail. Provide information on who had been suggested to him as marriage candidates, or even tell him just how long the two elders had been pestering him about the topic.
There was nothing to be gained from that information, though. Gai had received an adequate answer to his question and after a bit of thinking, he was bound to drop the topic since there was nothing that either of them could do about his situation.
It was simply a game of waiting, and if he was lucky the elders would die in their sleep and he’d never have to hear another word about ‘marriage’ again.
“What about me?” Gai spoke suddenly, his words spoken so confidently yet still leaving Kakashi feeling winded from the sheer force of them.
“You?” he wheezed, struggling to understand what was happening at this moment. “You want me to marry you?”
Puffing out his chest, Gai huffed. “Give me one good reason why not,” he insisted. “The elders want you to get married and we both know they’re not going to give up that easily. It’s not like Gaara’s situation where his village elders are willing to listen to him.”
The truth of his words wounded Kakashi. Not because he actually cared about how much Konoha’s elders respected him but because of just how right he was. There was nothing that could make those two change their minds once they’d made a decision.
They wanted him to marry and they weren’t going to stop pestering him about it unless he caved, or they finally had some mercy on the village and died.
There was only one reason he could think of to say no.
“What about you?”
“What about me?” Gai repeated his question back to him, a deep frown settling onto his face.
“What if you want to get married to someone else?” The thought of taking Gai away from the life he wanted, the life he deserved, didn’t sit well with him. For years Gai had stood by his side, always the dutiful friend dragging him out of trouble, and Kakashi had always accepted that help without hesitation.
This was different, though. It wasn’t just a fight Gai was jumping into in order to protect him or an enemy's attack that he was kicking away.
It was a marriage.
A commitment to spend the rest of their lives together no matter what obstacles they faced. He couldn’t ask Gai to do that for him. Not when he still had a chance to find real happiness with someone far more deserving of his love. 
“Well, I don’t,” Gai shrugged his shoulders as if it was nothing. As though he wasn’t just handing his future to Kakashi without question or concern. “I don’t want to be with anyone else.”
“You can’t know that for sure,” Kakashi insisted. “We’re still in the springtime of our youth, right? You could still find someone to fall in love with.” 
Leaning forward in his chair, Gai offered a soft, calming smile. The same smile he would always plaster onto his face when he could tell Kakashi was panicking, and then without any hesitation, he spoke words that seemed too good to be true.  “I know without a doubt that there is no one in this world I would rather spend the rest of my life with.” 
Gai wanted him.
He was willing to marry him, even if it meant giving up his chance at finding someone else, all because Kakashi needed an easy way to get the elders off of his back.
It seemed like a miracle. A gift from the universe after a lifetime of pain. One which anyone with any intelligence would grab at without question.
“Why?” The question fell past his lips before he could even think to stop it. 
“Isn’t that obvious, Rival?” Gai stared at him with kind eyes. Not the eyes of a friend, or even the eyes of an eternal rival trying to look out for him in the only way he knew how.
No, these eyes were different. They held a different emotion behind them. One Kakashi had only ever seen once before when he was very young, looking into his father’s eyes.
“Why me?“ he clarified, too many thoughts swimming around in his head for him to even try to make sense of. “I mean, you have a whole village of people who fawn over you.”
“As if you don’t,” Gai snorted, jabbing a thumb over his shoulder towards the entrance of the restaurant. “Or did you forget about the three girls who were just trying to ask you out not even five minutes ago?”
“T-that’s different!” Kakashi protested though he knew that wasn’t the case. Even if he didn’t understand why so many people were interested in him, going so far as to interrupt meetings and Kage summits just to try and ask him out on a date, there was no denying the facts of the situation.
People were interested in him. They wanted to date him, and they went to extreme lengths to try and do it until Homura and Koharu were pushing for him to marry just to put an end to it all. 
“We both have other options,” Gai continued as he settled back into his seat with a sigh. “There are a lot of people who would date us if we gave them a chance, the problem is we won’t do that.”
It sucked hearing it out loud. Like a parent scolding their kid for being ‘too harsh’ and refusing to play with others.
Gai was right though. Ever since he was a kid Kakashi had shoved off the affections of others. There was a long list of women and men who he’d turned down over the years, always trying to be nice but never unable to lie to them.
He simply wasn’t interested.
“But it’s different,” he whispered, thinking back over all the years he’d spent with Gai by his side. How he’d never pushed his friend away, even when he wanted to. Even when he thought it would be safer for Gai if he just moved on and forgot about him. “You and me. We’re different, aren't we?” 
“We always have been,” Gai confirmed with a chuckle. 
Marriage. The idea didn’t sound so bad when it was Gai he would be vowing himself to for the rest of his life. Somehow, it already felt like they’d gone through it all. Protecting each other from danger, sharing a bad, and telling each other their deepest fears and worries. They were all things the two of them had done many times over the years.
Getting married felt like the next logical step. He’d just never thought of it before.
“This weekend,” Gai decided without even pausing to think. “Is that fast enough for the elders?”
It would have to be. There was too much for him to do before the weekend. An outfit was needed, as well as invitations to the select few people they would invite. No doubt their teams would be there, and Yamato would never have time to get back to the village.
There was no way Kakashi would let him miss such an important event in his life.
“This weekend,” he confirmed with surprising ease, his heart pounding inside of his chest as he processed what was happened. “You and me, rival.”
“Forever,” Gai confirmed with a fond smile. “After dinner, of course.”
Morning came all too quickly for Kakashi’s comfort.
After a fun night out with his best friend and future husband, the last thing he wanted to do was drag himself out of bed and go to work.
That was exactly what he did, though, and as soon as he claimed his seat and started to relax the doors to his office swung open to admit the last two people he wanted to see.
“Lord Sixth,” Koharu spoke firmly, leaving him no opportunity to shoo them away. “We’ve looked over the list again and made a few adjustment.”
For some reason, Kakashi was not surprised by this statement.
“A new list, hmm?” He settled back into his chair and made a show of thinking it over. “That’s rather… kind of you,” ‘kind’ was the last thing either of them were, but Kakashi had to be polite. They already made his life difficult enough, they would only get worse if he was rude to them. “However, it would be a waste of my time to read it over.”
“You must,” Homura insisted, the perpetual scowl on his face pulling his growing wrinkles a little further down today. “We will not leave here until yoy have decided on someone to marry. We have been linient enough on this topic.”
He refrained from laughing out loud at the use of that word. Clearly the man had no idea what it meant or he would never have dared to use it to reference the constant pressure he and his partner placed onto Kakashi.
“Still,” he continued. “It would be rather pointless for me to look through that list when I have already chosen who I will marry.”
“You can’t just-“ Homura stopped suddenly, his brain catching up with what Kakashi had said. “You… chose someone?”
“To marry?” Koharu added, sceptical of what she had just heard.
“I have,” Kakashi confirmed. “The wedding will take place this weekend. I assume you two will want an invitation?”
Perhaps he could convince Naruto to play up the knuckle headed goofball role for just one day. A special treat for the two constant thorns in his side.
Homura narrowed his eyes. “Who?”
“Gai.” Kakashi answered without hesitation.
Koharu’s jaw dropped. 
“Gai?” Homura seemed doubtful, as if he expected Kakashi to suddenly announce that he was joking. Playing a good old trick on them.
Tricks weren’t Kakashi’s thing, though. At least, not in this case. Not when it was way more fun to tell the truth.
“Gai,” he confirmed, waving towards the pile of paperwork that sat in the middle of his desk. “Now if you’ll excuse me I have quite a bit of work to complete today, and Gai wanted to go browsing for a wedding cake this afternoon so I really should get to work.” 
The two of them stood there for a moment, their eyes shifting between him and each other. Most days he could expect a quick, sharp response from them that was guaranteed to give him a headache, but today they were surprisingly quiet.
A pleasant change in his opinion. 
“Lord Sixth-“
“No,” he cut Koharu off quickly. “You asked me to choose someone to marry, and I have. Unless you can think of any reason for me not to marry Gai, that does not include attacks on his personality,” he added swiftly when he saw Homura open his mouth to speak. “Then everything is dealt with and I will see you at the wedding this weekend.”
Blissful silence enveloped his office as the two elders took one last look at him before doing a one hundred and eighty degree turn and storming out of the room.
Today was going to be a wonderful day. That much he was sure of. 
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electrasev5nwrites · 1 year
Ninja Daily: Vapors 74
“Are you even paying attention, Konoha nin?”
“Of course,” Aiko lied, blinking to focus her gaze on the intimidating mammoth of a woman who had come to represent Nadeshiko. ‘Is it really that obvious when I’m watching my seals move? I need to ignore those for now.’ Her lips threatened to twitch into a frown, but she kept her face locked into pleasant detachment because the dour woman was still glaring at her. ‘Even if I can’t figure out what the hell it is that Sai’s doing.’
She had two seals on him now. As the seal next to his sword seeped and blended with his chakra signature from constant proximity, it was beginning to develop the distinct flavoring of his own energies.
That meant that he was one big beacon for her attention, even if she hadn’t been wondering about what had happened with them the night before.
“In any case, I don’t see how we could possibly commit to a location until we have seen them for ourselves,” Aiko pushed, causing Mei to roll her eyes yet again.
The Mizukage had only stipulated that they choose a location within Water Country for the meeting they were planning, but had been sensitive to the fact that no country would want to be trapped within a foreign capital with allies, wild cards, and their long-time enemies. It would have made security easier from her perspective, but also have brought her people into contact with a large amount of outsiders with varying agendas, so Mei had gracefully conceded the point.
It was still necessary to account for certain logistical problems with their location. Security, housing, food, and a certain amount of entertainment were expected at something like this, especially since Mei was trying to impress. Tokiwa thought that they needed to hammer out what they required before selecting the most appropriate location, whereas Aiko thought it made much more sense to select a location and tailor their plans accordingly. She was prepared to be stubborn about it.
‘I’m not about to get stuck working in some town that ends up totally sucking.’
Aiko narrowed her eyes at the older woman, radiating immovability.
“Why don’t we go on a day trip to the two closest locations?” Mei finally prodded, looking bored by the stand-off.
Of course, when it was the Mizukage’s suggestion, Tokiwa was willing to go with it, Aiko pouted. As she stood, Mitsuo’s nails scratched and skittered at the floor, betraying his eagerness to go for a run. Mei’s aide for the day winced, but didn’t dare say anything.
Perhaps it was impolitic, but she felt better with someone at her back. She couldn’t have Kakashi or Yamato as guards this time, so she had summoned her puppy. Despite being a friendly, gentle sweetheart, the fact that Mitsuo had shot up another four inches in height from paw to head was enough to put wariness onto the faces of all but the most determined of dog lovers.
‘Pakkun picked me out an intimidating partner.’
Still wasn’t sure why, precisely. Mitsuo had made it clear that he felt lucky to get a summoner and that there were more than a few puppies his age whose parents had been miffed that Kakashi had never had puppies of his own. She was very fond of her partner, but if she’d picked, it probably would have been one of the smaller dogs to whom human speech came much more easily (the larger dogs’ wide throats and elongated mouths made it much more difficult for them to mimic the sounds and pitches that came naturally to human speakers).
The prospective locations were all relatively close to Mist. That was lucky, since it apparently wasn’t properly dignified for the Mizukage to go sprinting out in the middle of the workday and Tokiwa ended up being their only traveling companion.
‘You would think that working with her one-on-one (Mitsuo really wasn’t a diplomat…) would be enough to warm her up to me. There’s no point in being so formal and distant…’
Perhaps she’d been spoiled by unconventional acquaintances. All the powerful and important people that she knew and worked with (excepting Danzo, of course) didn’t exactly hang on formality. Many sensei wouldn’t have allowed her to speak back, and most shinobi went their entire lives without talking to three Kage, much less ones who let her refer to them on first name terms.
‘Okay, so Tokiwa isn’t cold and annoying. She just doesn’t want to be my friend, and that’s fine. I don’t really want to be hers either.’
There was something very unnerving about the older woman. It couldn’t all be attributed to her detachment…
‘It’s probably her weird face,’ Aiko decided childishly. ‘Just looking at her sends a chill up my spine. There’s just something not right about her and I can’t put my finger on it. She looks like no one I’ve ever seen.’
But… that wasn’t quite right. Aiko stopped dead in her tracks, unintentionally falling slightly behind Tokiwa before she blinked herself back to the real world and jolted forward. Realization hit her with a sickening suddenness.
Tokiwa looked Western. In this lifetime, she’d never seen a Western face. It didn’t matter what coloring people had—be it Sasuke’s black hair and dark eyes, Ino’s blond and blue, or Sakura’s unearthly hues: everyone she had ever met had similar facial characteristics and builds. But Tokiwa was different: taller than almost every man Aiko had ever seen, and with an unusually long face with a more pronounced nose, jawline, and cheekbone structure.
‘I forgot what a Western face looked like.’ Involuntarily, she shivered. ‘What else am I forgetting?’
Terrifying. What was she-who was she, if she couldn’t rely on her memory?
“I hope no one comes looking for me in my suite in Mist,” Aiko muttered to herself. She wasn’t worried enough to feel even the slightest bit guilty about shedding her clothes and burrowing into her own bed in a cami and panties, though.
She had just come back from her first debriefing with Tsunade about what she’d been doing in Water Country, even though she hadn’t had much to talk about. Really, she’d gotten more surprising information than Tsunade had, when she’d thanked the Hokage for her butterfly hairpin and gotten a confused look in reply. That left her list of suspects at like, zero. That afternoon, she’d allowed Tokiwa to pick the location for the conference so they could begin planning. It had been foolish to get over-involved in minutia that didn’t actually matter long term. No matter where they had the damn thing, they would have to tailor their plans to the benefits and drawbacks of the locale.
“Mitsuo, not now,” she mumbled into her pillow. When he whined again, she struggled out of her cocoon enough to pin the hound with a soulful eye. “Don’t do this to me, dude.” He gave an argumentative yap, leaping agilely up onto the bed and trodding insistently on her legs. “Ow, fuck! Get off.” She kicked.
Her friend hit the floor with a doggy grin and a scitter of claws, sliding sideways across the floor until he connected with her rug.
“Oh, fine, you jackass,” she snapped irritably, throwing off the covers. “I’ll go to stupid practice. Even though I could instead be taking a nap.”
The distinctly canine laugh was a little too much for her ill mood. Luckily for him, his wagging tail had just cleared the door when her pillow thumped against the hallway wall.
“You’d think I’d already done enough for the day.” With a long-suffering sigh, she struggled into a red skirt and a blue sweater. “I mean, it’s not like I’ve been involved in diplomatic liaisons, Konoha’s political processes, and covert operations in the last twenty four hours,” Aiko grouched self pityingly.
She might actually go mad from overwork if she didn’t get a real break soon.
The tiredness in her bones aside, she dully followed her ninken out the door. He apparently had a relaxed sense of time, and she didn’t have it in her to care right now. The first place that he led her was to a sushi restaurant, where he nudged her into ordering him a roll. Apparently, he liked tuna as much as she liked sweet potato.
‘Or maybe he’s just not picky at all.’ Her eye twitched, and she did her best to ignore the watery eyes pleading for more scraps.
It didn’t work well at all.
“Can I have another roll, please?”
Once he’d scarfed it down, he gently pulled on her skirt with his teeth.
“I’m coming, you bully,” she muttered resentfully, leaning back to drop her money on the table before the hound walking backwards could force her to make the choice between a ripped skirt and following him out. If she went limp, he might actually drag her bodily across town. So she hustled. “Please allow me a little bit of dignity,” she whined through her teeth, taking a swing at his nose, barely brushing the wet appendage with the tips of her fingers.
He raised one ear in a gesture she didn’t want to think too much about, but released her skirt to lope at her side.
“You’re late!”
She nearly jumped out of her skin. “What?” Aiko asked, bewildered by the vehemence in that statement. How late was she-
Late enough that Kakashi had beat her there, apparently. Ah. That was late. ‘Well, too damn bad. No point in complaining about it. I have bigger shit on my plate. I came, didn’t I?’
That sounded a little too hostile. So she settled for a half-truth. “Yes, I laid down for a nap. I had a dream where I remembered what I had to do for the week, but then I forgot it all in the next dream. So I had to go back to sleep in order to remember the first dream and get here. I hurried as fast as I could.”
Okay, so it was less than a half-truth, but being overworked made her a bit contrary. Naruto and Sasuke looked more horrified than her idiotic excuse really merited, however. Kakashi… was beaming.
“It happens to the best of us,” he nodded sagely.
“That’s the dumbest thing I have ever heard,” Sasuke snapped, making a fist.
Before Naruto could manage to properly express his dissatisfaction, the peanut gallery piped up with a dubiously sincere, “I quite liked it.”
At that, Naruto and Sasuke managed to give a first-class bitch face in unison. It was a bit hard to figure out who said what, because “who asked you, jackass” ran into “Why are you only nice to her?”
“Nice is a stretch,” Kakashi mused, scratching at his chin. “His nickname for her isn’t any kinder than yours, Naruto.”
Sai looked downright shocked. “What do you mean, Kakashi-san?”
Crickets chirped. Naruto, who was responsible for the genjutsu, looked unduly pleased to have finally had a reason to demonstrate an auditory genjutsu.
In a sharp contrast to Naruto’s detached delight at the awkward situation, the silver-haired Jounin looked a bit pained. “Sai, please don’t tell me you had no idea the nicknames that you’ve chosen for your teammates are rude.”
“What?” Sai tilted his head like a bird, blinking slowly. A faint line of concern appeared between his eyebrows.
Sasuke groaned. “You’re serious?” he added flatly, fisting a hand in his hair compulsively as if resisting the urge to send Sai flying out of the clearing at such an impressive velocity that he’d never have to deal with the older teen again. “Don’t act like you’re unaware that you’ve been insulting all of us from the day you met us.”
The root agent looked a bit stricken. “I read that nicknames were meant to be commentary on a person’s personality or appearance, humorous because they are either an inverse or an exaggeration of literal traits,” he explained with a hint of strain and big, dark eyes.
The lost tone tugged at her heart strings. “Don’t listen to them,” Aiko soothed, giving a nasty warning glare to the other boys as a group. “I like your nicknames even if the boys don’t. They should be able to have a little humor about their flaws.” She fixed Kakashi and Sasuke with a glare for upsetting the least socially capable person in the area. Really, they should have some sympathy. “If you are all done chatting like ladies in a hair salon, we could move on with practice.”
At her self-righteous tone, Mitsuo gave another whuffing laugh and a whined comment she couldn’t entirely understand. From context, she’d think it was “fine talk, coming from you after I had to drag you here with my teeth,” but it honestly sounded more like nonsense words to her.
Judging by the smugly amused flicker of emotion of Kakashi’s face, it had been the first thing. Damnit.
Still, he was kind enough to shoo the other boys into getting on with practice. She had apparently missed out on a second day of genjutsu training, which unfortunately meant that they’d all had an opportunity to learn one more than she did. That put her at a distinct disadvantage when they all paired off and were restricted to fighting with genjutsu. Mitsuo got bored and went home within minutes of watching them stare at each other.
Kakashi was the overall winner, of course. That was expected.
‘He’s sort of the master of the mindfuck. Still, this is impressive.’
Her teammates seemed less pleased to discover that they had been in a genjutsu since they had arrived for practice and were in fact in training ground four.
‘I have no fucking idea how he managed that. I mean, I wouldn’t be hard to trap right now, but presumably the boys aren’t nearly as tired as I am.’
“Show-off,” Sasuke sniped, ruffling his ridiculous hair.
Naruto had crossed his arms to pout, but unfolded them to raise a finger at the older man rudely. “You think you’re so tough, huh!”
“Not really.”
The boy’s eye twitched at the disinterested tone and the way that Kakashi was actually beginning to walk away, reaching for the pouch where he kept his book. “Stupid sensei! I can do better than that dumb trick. Watch this, you old jerk! I defeated the pervert sage with this illusion.”
Kakashi turned and looked genuinely interested at that point, but Sasuke whitened to an unhealthy degree. That was the only reason Aiko clued in to what was about to happen before—
“Sexy no jutsu!” Naruto roared, disappearing in a cloud of smoke even as Kakashi pushed up his headband in obvious interest. Naruto wasn’t one to brag about confirmable things like that, after all. She could just see him thinking that he would steal this technique.
Aiko cringed, face-palming even as she began to giggle uncontrollably. Oh god no. Didn’t the Sharingan have perfect recall? She had to peek out from between her fingers though, in some sick, vain hope that he hadn’t- he had.
‘I am way too tired to deal with this shit. Kakashi and Sasuke are just going to have to cope. At least he put some clothes on me this time.’
It wasn’t much comfort. It appeared to be a teal version of the bikini she’d worn to the lake with her peers all that time ago, though the cloud version of her was considerably more… Well, it was bustier. Those were a solid D, not her smallish C. The bikini was the same size as the original. It was… ah, it was interesting.
The most atrocious problem, as far as she was concerned, was everything happening below the hips. Why were her legs three inches longer than they should be? What was wrong with her real legs? Self-consciously, Aiko glanced down. That might have been a blessing, because she managed to miss the exact instant that Kakashi realized what the hell had happened and froze like a block of ice, unable to look away until his mind caught up with what he was seeing, fingers still scrunching his headband around his temple.
“Impressed, aren’t you,” a voice that sounded unnervingly like hers cooed in the way she did when trying to butter someone up. The simulacrum delicately turned an ankle up and laced her fingers together, demurely blinking up at Kakashi through her eyelashes.
Legs aside, a fair bit of it was reasonably accurate, though. Those were her delicate wrists, the correct curve in her back, and the proportions of her shoulders and neck were just right. If it weren’t for the expanded chest region, she would have said that the torso was entirely accurate. And of course, that was definitely her face turning to wink at an alarmed-looking Uchiha, which changed the angle she was viewing her own body from.
‘Damn, I’m a sexy bitch. Is that really my ass?’ Aiko put a hand to her hip, swiveling and straining to see for herself. ‘Maybe I should get a mirror.’
“Mou, what’s the matter?” Naruto purred, slinking to Sasuke (who looked stiff as a board) and draping Aiko’s body over him like a mink coat, turning to nose into his neck and running her nails up his chest.
Sasuke made an undignified ‘meep’ sound, appearing desperate to escape but not mentally capable of fighting his way out from under Naruto.
‘Haha, kinky thought. Maybe Naruto is going to end up being the one on top, when they eventually stop ignoring all the unresolved sexual tension.’ A satisfied smile curled across her face before she realized that the other Jounin was struggling for words.
‘I’ve never heard his voice sound quite that high pitched before,’ Aiko noted, looking up to check that her doppelganger was still making poses and kissy faces whilst inappropriately invading Sasuke’s personal space, threatening to untie the bikini top. No wonder he’d looked displeased to know the technique was coming, if Naruto used it to tease him.
Kakashi cleared his throat and tried again, with admirable dignity for a man who’d just squeaked, Sharingan eye squeezed firmly shut. “What on earth are you doing, Naruto? Did you really think that was going to stop me in my tracks? It’s not much of a genjutsu if I know it’s real.”
“To be fair, you looked pretty flummoxed to me,” Naruto pointed out practically, going back to his real form with a puff of smoke and a wink. Sasuke relaxed a bit, gaze still darting between Naruto and Aiko as if he expected her to start screaming (or worse, leap at him herself). “Besides, I said it was an illusion, not a genjutsu.”
“He was probably taken aback by all the inaccuracies in your technique,” Sai criticized idly, putting a hand to his hip. “That’s not what Washboard looks like in a state of undress at all.”
Numbly, Kakashi seemed to lose his grip on his headband. It flopped back down all the way to his nose to cover both eyes and he didn’t bother to retrieve it for a long second while everyone else in the clearing looking at each other, wide-eyed.
Suddenly, the situation wasn’t funny.
‘Someone should take me out back and shoot me dead right now. And then teach Sai social skills. It’s not cute. I take back every time I thought it was because it was backfiring on Naruto and not me.’
No amount of cringing would actually make her disappear, but she couldn’t just Hiraishin away from the awkwardness either. Who knew what Sai would say if left to his own devices? Would it be better or worse if he clarified that he’d seen her half naked on a mission together when she got a four inch gouge carved into her side?
Naruto appeared to be broken.
“Why do you- Why does he know-” Sasuke looked irrationally upset, turning first to Sai then to Aiko with an accusatory stare. “I thought you had better taste than that.”
“It’s not what-”
For better or worse, that was when Naruto regained his head. “Sasuke, would you help me?” The group at large recoiled from his calm tone. “Hold him. So I can kill him.”
“Okay, that’s enough of this! It was nice practicing we should do this again sometime goodbye I’ll see you later” Aiko chirped out in one breath, blurring the words together in her haste and flash-stepping to Sai’s side, grabbing a fistful of his shirt, and Hiraishin-ing to her apartment.
She didn’t want him maimed, after all. This also got him away from anyone who he might accidentally scandalize further, if that was even possible.
The older teenager landed on his ass with a thump, but went completely limp and docile in response to the look on her face instead of hustling to his feet. “Washboard?”
“Yes, Sai?”
“Have I said something wrong?”
She buried her face in her hands, just too tired to scold him. He didn’t even know what he’d done wrong. So cute, and so hopeless. “A bit. You implied that we’re having sex to my little brother. He’s never going to let this drop, you know. Not that I would be ashamed if we would, but oh my god I don’t want to have Naruto bugging me about anything like that.”
There was a moment of silence, and then slim fingers tugged her hands away from her eyes.
“Sorry?” He tried hopefully.
She snorted, managing to keep her face in place for only a moment before she broke down into giggles. “For future reference,” Aiko managed to start sternly, before she had to shake her head and try again. “If you see a girl in a state of undress, you shouldn’t talk about it. Okay? People will get the impression that you’re bragging and you don’t respect her very much.”
“I understand.” Sai looked mildly pleased to be able to claim that. “I will remember that, and no longer hint as to your past or future indecency in public.”
“Hey now,” she pouted, reaching out to ruffle his hair. He caught her wrist, so she pushed him with her elbow playfully. “That wasn’t the nicest way to phrase that. I guess it doesn’t matter, though.” When he released her wrist, she snaked it around his upper back to pull him into an awkward hug. “You’re adorable, Sai.”
Bang bang bang
“I know you’re in there!” Naruto hollered, still sounding a mite upset. “Let me in, Aiko. Sasuke says you want to give him a talk about birds and bees and that’s a bad talk!”
‘He doesn’t sound like he’s in a particularly rational frame of mind… I really should sit him down and tell him that it wouldn’t be any of his business even if I was banging half of Konoha, but that sounds like it would be awkward and uncomfortable. I could just avoid him instead until he cools down. Yes. That’s a good plan.’
“The window?” Sai asked a bare instant before she nodded, already on her feet and rushing through the apartment.
He found the boy exactly where he had expected to, sitting cross-legged and grumpy in the hallway between Tenzou and Aiko’s apartments.
“Ungh,” the teen grunted noncommittally in reply, still pissy about having failed to find his sister to find out why the hell she had made such a bizarre life choice.
Kakashi cleared his throat sternly. “Why did you invent that technique?”
Blue eyes blinked and finally focused, now that the topic was interesting to him. “Well, you see the pervert wasn’t paying any attention to me, so I thought that he would if I were a pretty girl and I wanted to make a point about his lack of attention and unsuitability as a ment-”
“Naruto.” The strain in his voice was a little more audible than he would have liked. “It’s a ridiculous technique, but I’m not surprised in the slightest that you came up with it. My question is why you used your sister for it.”
‘And why she hasn’t killed you,’ he thought a bit darkly.
The teen looked at him like that was the dumbest question he’d ever heard. “I wanted to make a pretty girl,” he said slowly, like Kakashi had suddenly stuck his fingers up his nose and Naruto didn't want to acknowledge it. “I tried to make it what I would look like as a girl, and I realized I’d probably look like Aiko.”
‘That’s not exactly how genetics work,’ he thought despairingly, but didn’t even try to educate the blond. It wasn’t relevant, and Naruto was still babbling with an unnecessary amount of hand movements.
“I looked at my face, and it was too broad and I have baby cheeks and then I realized I was putting way too much thought into this because Aiko is one of the prettiest girls I know and when I thought about making it Ino I felt weird for some reason-”
Now that he’d started talking, he just wouldn’t stop. Kakashi had quite enough to try to avoid thinking about now, thanks very much, and he didn’t need to spend five minutes wondering if he should be explaining puberty to Naruto, since the twit apparently hadn’t figured out for himself why thinking of Ino nearly naked affected him more than it did to think of his sister, who he obviously had no desire to fuck because he didn’t consider her as a sexual being. Aesthetically appealing, yes, but not sexual.
‘I know she’s an adult, but that wasn’t good for my heart.’ He slouched, a little pained. How awkward, to have seen one of his subordinates in such an intimate light, even if it wasn’t really her. That wasn’t professional at all, and she was too young to be doing… that sort of thing, prancing around almost naked. Well, okay, she wasn’t, but he didn’t want to see it. God, Minato-sensei would probably have cheerfully bludgeoned him to death for unintentionally ogling his fifteen year old daughter. With his Sharingan. So that the image of Naruto using the technique to recreate a fidgeting habit that he recognized—Aiko tilting her hip as she ran a hand down her side to reach for a weapon—was burnt into his brain.
It looked a little different in lingerie. It could never be un-seen.
Kakashi cringed, feeling like he was about to be scolded. He hadn’t even done anything wrong. He’d just looked a little, that was all. He hadn’t touched. He wouldn’t even have looked if Naruto hadn’t sprung that on him. Unconsciously, he put his hands in his pockets as if to symbolize keeping his hands to himself.
It was going to take some heavy duty brain bleach to pretend that hadn’t happened and manage to actually look at Aiko again when they had to work together. And Naruto could just do that awful technique at any time…
Luckily, he knew a way to nip this in the bud.
“Naruto, if you don’t want Sai to think about your sister naked, do you really want to show that technique to anyone else?”
There was no point in letting Naruto know that there was zero chance that someone as awkward as Sai had managed to seduce his sister. Really, Naruto should have known to trust Aiko when she’d started to deny the accusation, but his alternative to using the easy target was saying something about Sasuke looking at her, and that would only lead to paranoia on Naruto’s part. Or worse, the realization that there had been another man in that clearing. He didn’t need Naruto shrieking accusations at him in public, thank you very much. Jiraiya would kill him if he thought he had been taking advantage of his goddaughter while she was under his protection.
“That’s different,” Naruto protested crossly, brow wrinkling. “Sexy no Jutsu is funny and makes perverts bleed out of their nose because they want to touch the illusion. I just don’t like the idea of… perverts… touching…” He trailed off, tan skin whitening more than Kakashi would have thought possible.
‘Ah, there’s the missing puberty,’ he noted cheerfully. ‘He must have been avoiding considering that for a while now.’ Duty done, Kakashi gave a half-wave and fled.
In, out. In, out. Aiko just concentrated on breathing steadily for lack of anything else to entertain herself.
‘Not that watching old people read isn’t thrilling…’
Danzo flipped yet another page, slowly and steadily working his way through the second set of scrolls. He had initially been more interested in Terumi Mei’s profile—that made sense, as she was the one Aiko was currently working with. But he might have changed his preferences. After he had rushed through that notebook, he had turned to read the one on Gaara.
It was taking an inordinate amount of time. He had already given her orders to spy on everyone from the Mizukage to Tokiwa.
‘This is probably another idiotic discipline thing,’ she groused, keeping her face smooth and free of irritation. ‘Danzo is stressing the power dynamic between the two of us by making me stand here.’
It must have been an hour already since he had started reading. ‘I just want to go to bed,’ she felt like crying out. She did know better. Showing weakness like that would just end with her either punished or downgraded in usefulness. She couldn’t have that. She would get done with this mission when she had enough information to help Tsunade pick up the pieces of Root after Danzo was removed from power. No sooner. The more he trusted her, the less she would have to sneak around him to gain information.
Not that she expected him to exactly entrust her with the keys to his kingdom, of course. She would settle for letting her go to sleep, though. A girl could only have so many of these late nights before she ended up as pale as Sai.
‘Not that I’m much darker,’ Aiko thought self-depreciatingly. ‘It won’t take too many more of these late nights until I look like a vampire too.’
That name did cause her to look up, if only because no one ever said it anymore. Around her, at least. Ino probably hadn’t completely forgotten the girl who had been her best friend for years.
“You have a more than professional relationship with the Kazekage?”
‘Is that his super awkward way of asking if we’re friends?’
There was no point to lying. They weren’t exactly bosom buddies, but it would be a bit thick to deny that they knew each other on a personal basis. Many people could verify that.
“Hai, Danzo-sama.”
“Hmm.” The old man delicately pieced through the notebook on Gaara again, seeming to come to a decision. “This provides a unique opportunity to gain more nuanced information. You will seduce the Kazekage, if he is even capable of such weakness.”
‘What. The. Fuck.’ Aiko wheezed lightly, feeling as if someone had just suckerpunched her in the gut to knock out all her air. ‘That’s disgusting! What is wrong with this man?’ Her heartbeat was beating a violent tattoo against her chest, mouth agape and eyes so wide that the whites were probably showing. Her distress was probably apparent even behind her mask to a man like Danzo.
Its not- it wasn’t like the idea of flirting with Gaara was disgusting. She’d done that before. He was attractive, intelligent, and powerful. That was the combination that revved her up, to be frank.
‘But he’s basically ordering me to whore myself out. That’s not—that’s not my job. That’s not who I am. There’s no honor in that.’
Danzo gave a mocking little laugh. “Calm down, child. Have you really no experience?” He shook his head sadly. “Such a thing used to be a standard part of the preparations for shinobi life. Your body is your best weapon, be it for taijutsu or for less obvious applications. Do you really think that such a thing is unique? That sensei of yours used his pretty face for those purposes too, once upon a time.”
‘Oh my god, ew. He’s talking about Kakashi having to whore himself out for this awful hole in the wall town. That’s far too undignified for someone so powerful and-’ Aiko halted in her train of thought. ‘Why… why would he know if Kakashi really had that kind of mission? He’s not the Hokage.’
That disturbing thought bubbling in her head, she couldn’t even focus enough on her current situation to panic. It probably helped, even if she was now remembering that Kakashi had once upon a time been a vulnerable, unguided genius in ANBU, a very familiar scenario.
‘But he couldn’t. He wouldn’t.’
Surely she would know if Danzo had gotten his claws into Kakashi. He just wasn’t the type, that was all, she tried to convince herself. He would never allow himself to be used that way. The man he was now would… not… But he wasn’t always that man, was he.
‘It’s not like I can ask him,’ she thought bitterly, bowing her head slightly. ‘He wouldn’t be able to say, even if he abandoned Root. And Danzo won’t say a thing beyond what he just did.’
“It’s about time you had the rest of your ANBU training, isn’t it?” Danzo mused quietly. “Bring that up to the Hokage when next you see her. That is all, Sakura-chan.”
She didn’t even remember leaving Danzo’s side. When Aiko came back from the red hot whine of panic, she was mechanically stripping her ANBU uniform in exchange for plain blue slacks and the standard issue blue shirt. “I have to know,” she mumbled to herself, not bothering to put back down a single one of her weapons and searching out Kakashi’s seal.
It was the middle of the night: about four a.m. Kakashi would certainly be in bed. Even he had to sleep at some point.
She didn’t care. Aiko found his signal and pulled on it, going from the dim light of her room to pitch-black visibility in an apartment she’d never even seen before. About a second later, she was flat on her back with about 180 lbs of startled shinobi on top of her, taut muscles pressing her wrists together and a thumb into the underside of her jaw.
There was a sniff.
“Sorry, I thought I felt a chakra pulse,” she lied evenly, even as if he leapt back like her flesh burnt him. He’d been sleeping. He wouldn’t know that she was lying. Kakashi had lived through things she couldn’t even imagine : he would have PTSD that would make her cry in a corner. If he never had nightmares, she would eat Smaug. He could easily have sparked chakra in his sleep and never even know.
She flipped to her feet and ran a hand through her loose hair, fingers tangling in the wavy strands. “Well, you appear to not be in any particular need of assistance,” she said dryly, giving a loose wave, eager to flee his presence.
There was no denying or ignoring what she had to have been subconsciously blocking out before. In such close quarters, the sickly feeling of Danzo’s chakra clinging to Kakashi’s jaw had been unmistakable.
He’d been Root. The seal hadn’t been as refined as the one on her own tongue, and the chakra signature had faded in the many years since it had been given, but Kakashi had been Root.
She felt oddly betrayed.
Kakashi was left blinking one red and one gray eye at the spot where his former student had been only a moment ago. “Odd,” he mused, feeling unease trickle up his spine that he couldn’t quite explain. It was more than a bit out of character for Aiko to appear in his bedroom in the dead of the night. He felt a bit guilty for pouncing on her like that, but he had been rather surprised to see… or rather feel her in his room, as he’d only known who it was when he’d knocked her over.
Convulsively, Kakashi moved to put his hands in his pockets for a reason he couldn’t quite articulate—and had the unpleasant realization that he hadn’t worn real pants to bed. Boxers didn’t have pockets.
And he felt even more awkward than he had a moment ago.
‘Maybe I should start sleeping in full uniform.’
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guideoftime · 11 months
▴ — @mythcaels ;; Sheik & Neji. Starter Call.
   God he’s so lost. 
   It’s not normal for Sheik to leave Kirigakure. It’s not normal for anyone in his tribe to leave their home. So used to being the ones required to protect the Mizukage, no matter what even in the service of their own lives, they usually kept around. Sheik, as one of the best members of his tribe and one of the only remaining live members, didn’t get sent away. So the fact he was, and to Konohagakure at that too, was very confusing. And very overwhelming. He really sucked at having to talk to people. 
   He keeps getting strange looks, he realizes it’s probably because he’s rapidly out of place, but he had been given permission to enter and his ID verified at the check in point. The idiots working that front point (Izumo and Kotetsu?) had been incredibly useless and just waved him in the direction of the Hokage Tower. That was–about an hour ago? How did he get so lost? Sheik had taken a turn here, a path here, he can see the Tower and yet somehow–where even was he right now? 
   Konoha was a very warm place, warmer than Sheik was used to and he kept tugging at the cowl around his neck to try and cool himself off. He wasn’t about to remove the mask, even if it started choking him to death. He clenched his jaw tightly and dropped his hand down to his side, reaching into his uniform to grab the scroll he was sent here to deliver. All this work to deliver a single scroll and he didn’t even know what it said. It’s none of your business, the Mizukage said, yet they sent him. 
   He’s got a headache. 
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   He exchanges that scroll for the one he can read, with directions, and unrolled it to see if the Mizukage said where he was supposed to go. The instructions are rather simple, and reading it doesn’t help, but while he’s standing there trying to find his way–he feels someone watching him. He paused, slowly rolled it back up and spun around to look behind him. He hadn’t even realized he was near one of the Clan locations, but now seeing a pair of milky white eyes watching him made it very clear he was. The symbol above them, he recognized it from his lessons, but those eyes–well, they’re hard to mistake. 
   Sheik will take what he can get. “Hyuuga?” He tapped the symbol on his own uniform. “Sheikah. I didn’t mean to wander so close. I’m,” he waved the scroll uselessly. “Lost.”
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sharkfinx · 1 year
[ TEND ]: sender and receiver tend to one another’s wounds in the aftermath of a fight ((Kisame is Haku's sensei AU GO~ @rather-be-the-hunter))
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New rules, a new Mizukage... Like any soldier raised in Kiri, Kisame never doubted his leader no matter who it was. His loyalty was to the country, not to any person in particular. Disagreeing with their decisions was allowed (in secret at least) especially since it was something he never did before. Training someone else? For him that just left under Fuguki’s fin after exposing his betrayal. Surprisingly, it was more pleasant than he thought. Haku, even during her grief, was an excellent student and quick learner. Zabuza had made a good choice at least once in his life. Yet she still had a lot to learn, just like now. After they tracked down and killed another missing nin, they failed to notice a trap on their way back. That mistake was also his fault, that was too used to doing solo missions that didn't warn her fast enough. Quick on his step, Kisame shielded Haku from most of the kunais that were launched at them, missing just barely a few.
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“ Ara ara, dressing up like a porcupine wasn’t in my plans at all, nee.” Kisame grabbed one that was stuck over his arm, and without any kindness pulled it off. His skin was sturdier than normal people, even if the pain was the same. If anything—losing a bit of blood wasn’t nothing, unlike Haku.
“Yuki san. How's your status? Hurt anywhere?”
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cezulian · 3 years
I’m bored lets talk about how in one of the games Mei makes a bunch of Konoha men fight her to see if she might be interested in them but when she beats their asses she becomes disinterested and how two of those men were Kakashi and Gai, the latter of which she was into because she’d heard rumor of him doing battle like a “savage beast” and then lets also talk about how she and Kisame grew up together and how Kisame also tends to gravitate towards very pretty and smart and fiery-in-more-ways-than-one ninja with Kekkei-Genkai, troubled pasts, who are too strong for their own good and personalities for leadership to combat his personality for being a loyal follower
#KisaMei#KisaIta#bc I am never going to stop being OBSESSED with this#girl they had a NASTY BREAKUP I am TELLING YOU#There could have so easily been like any scene with Kisame and Mei in canon#it would be the punniest fight ever and it would level a whole town#or they could have had an interrogation scene#wherein which they keep hinting that they knew one another#but like not subtly#just like ‘well well well you’ve certainly...grown up’#and its kind of flirting but largely hostile#which is just Kiri nin flirting#also Kisame would have just list Itachi he’d be on the rebound#Not that he’d bother her or anything gross he is too polite#and Mei would be like so sick of dealing with these other Kage#putting her down bc they think Akatsuki formed in Kiri when she had NO CONTROL BTW#AND WASN’T EVEN MIZUKAGE YET#she’d be regressing too#just two people who used to date#on opposite sides of the law#both in really bad places looking to make bad and sexy decisions#in an interrogation room#ngl mostly I’d just like to see a conversation go on I didn’t mean like sex-sexy#just one of those things that has like an old friend vibe but also they hate each other#but there’s a little bit of an energy that’s like *sigh* maybe we should have just gotten married and been unhappy haha#kind of defeated and commiserating but like#don’t forget if I see you out on that field I’ll kill you and idk if I’ll feel bad about it at all#and I only have 30 tags available but it’ll be ambiguous and a stark portrait of#what a childhood of being a shinobi in a wartirn country#filled with prejudice does to its people as they become adults
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rayshippouuchiha · 3 years
So, I was thinking about the natural disaster concept at work today (didn’t know it was a full AU yet) and my brain went “but make it extra angsty”.
So, have a thing that’s basically me trying to remember what I was thinking 8ish hours ago xD
(free to use for you or any of your lovelies since I’m good at coming up with things but horrible with follow-through x’D)
No-one outside of Uzushio ever really understood.
They didn’t understand how Uzushio wasn’t a place, wasn’t just an island and some buildings, now left to ruin and ghosts.
Uzushio was alive like the ocean. Uzushio was a kind and cruel thing, lively and terrifying but it loved its children, its people. As much as something like it could love.
The people of Uzu called it a spirit, a god, a home but it wasn’t really sentient the way the little sparks were. All Uzushio knew was the roiling depths of the deep darkness and slowly eroding land and light steps on its surface.
Loved the short, bright sparks it made last a little longer, that ran on its waves and laughed and jumped out of the way of sudden whirlpools. Never afraid but always cautious because not all of them could spend eternity under the waves without losing their spark and becoming little more than driftwood to be found washed ashore or filling the bellies of fish and gulls.
And now it’s so lonely. Now, all of its children are nothing but skeletons that it still protects, still hoards because all of them, gone as they may be, are still its children.
So, when it feels it, feels the bright spark, Uzushio reaches. It’s been so alone for so long and here’s one of its sparks, alive and coming closer and closer and this time Uzu will keep it safe. Even if it has to wrap every last wave and whirlpool around it so no-one can harm its last spark.
Uzushio reaches. With hunger and desperation and possession. Reaches with the full might of the dark and the deep, and the waves never stop. Reaches further and further where the little misguided spark is running from it, from the safety, the home Uzushio is offering.
The waves don’t stop. Not for the Mizukage, not for the Tailless Bijuu, not for any of the many, many shinobi that try to stop them or even just redirect them.
The waves don’t stop.
Not until it has that little spark cradled beneath the waves where Uzu can keep it safe and secure.
——– (and yes, I’m implying some Uzu shinobi could breathe underwater)
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hinahaikyuu · 2 years
adult sleepover. Surprise Route 
these are a little shorter because I wanted to leave the ‘ending’ open for your interpretations.
pt. 1 | pt. 2
@hai1q @tsukina​ @moonlit-mizukage​ @kitsunekanojo​ @hoperenae​
all works owned by @hinahaikyuu​— please do not plagiarize, copy or modify my works.
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The room was silent, the boys reading there letters and looking at each other. 
“Is it... none of us?” Lev looked sad almost, and you shrugged your shoulders. He was wrong, and it took him a second to figure it out only after Kenma said something. 
“Not all of us are here.. there is only six of us.” 
“Then who else could it be!?” Lev laid back into the pillows with an exasperated sigh, you laughed sitting on the couch. 
“Got my hopes up it was me.” Kuroo teased, falling off the sofa when you reached over and shoved him off. They all had good points, and good memories with you, it was hard to see who it might have been, even narrowing it down to those who weren’t in the room. There was the chance, that yes, the crush, the current still, crush was there and it was one of them. You wouldn’t have said anything if you weren’t ready, but it was a fun thought and a good trip down memory lane. 
Kenma started the movie as Lev reached over to turn off the lights. How they talked you into a horror thriller, you had no idea but it worked in someone's favor. Lev sat between your legs, cowering under a blanket even in his twenties, not that you were any better. 
The moment that the door in the movie swung open, so did your own door. The sounds of screaming and panic filled the room before the light in the entry way turned on, revealing another of your nekoma alumni. 
“Hey pretty girl.. didn’t mean to scare you.” Fukunaga stood in the doorway, taking off his shoes and setting a plastic bag on the counter. 
“Shou... you scared the shit out of all of us. I don’t wanna die just yet.” You smiled, your heart racing a million miles an hour. You stood and walked over to the new member of the party, looking into the bag while he slipped his arms around your waist, completely ignoring the room full of guys. 
“What? The chocolate gets attention before me?” He pouted, and you moved what little you could with his arms in a vice around your waist.
“Yes. Always.” He spun you around, pinning you against the counter while you crossed your arms in a huff. You could see the boys behind the chef looking at you two in disbelief and confusion. “Come on princess, gimme my kiss.” you caved, leaning forward and giving the part time comedian what he was looking for. It was when you shared a kiss with him that it clicked and the whispers stopped. 
“It was Shohei!?” Inuoka collapsed forward, landing on Lev with a thump before you and Fukunaga broke your little kiss apart. 
“Was what me?”
“The crush from high school... that she still has a crush on..?”
“Oh.. you guys have no idea? I thought the whole thing was obvious.” 
“Don’t be coy.” You teased, lightly smacking his shoulder, he smirked in response. 
“No.. it wasn’t be back in high school. We’ve only been together for a few weeks, was going to tell you guys tonight all at once.” He grabbed a small box from the bag and took your hand, leading you to the pillow fort in the living room and sitting you on the ground between his legs. 
“So who was it?” Kenma looked at you, and you shared a look with Shouhei. After giving him a nod, he spoke.
“It was Akaashi, then I stole her heart with my awesome jokes.”
“Shut the fuck up Kuroo.” 
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tomuraxashes · 2 years
Missing cash
HashiMada x young Sasuke, Akatsuki version
This almost a fanfic lol😁
~A. K. A. they are missing their money~
Also in canon we know Kisame actually knew Madara when he was in his fourth Mizukage phase.
So my headcannon for this one, that after he was betrayed by his own clan and village (and lover), Madara valued his new people (for use)’s loyalty.
Sometimes, in a kinda weird way, just like givin the shark seafood 😶‍🌫️
Pein: Itachi, I understand your situation, and honestly I would not mind you spending that enormous amount of money on your old home, but please next time inform me before
Itachi: What?
Pein: Don’t play dumb.
Itachi: I would not dare but still don’t know what you mean.
Pein: Sure🙄. So those thousands from our band account are just randomly gone and those bills from various renovation companies I received online are totally not connected with the fact that the Uchiha compound is brand new.
Itachi: The Uchiha compound is what?
Pein: Huh?
Kisame: Pein. It wasn’t Itachi.
Pein: Sure thing. There are like plenty of people out there wanting to do this kinda stuff. I got you were always together but it’s not like shadow clones don’t exist, he could do like thousand of things to..
Kisame: It’s not that. I got a food delivery today
Pein: So?
Kisame: Seafood.
Pein: Oh shii.. so it’s either Tobi being schizophrenic again or I do not even wanna think about the other option.
Tobi: I didn’t send that also Im out of town for a while. Maybe from the galaxy as well. Jashin have mercy for y’all.
Kisame: So he is really back huh?
Pein: Fuck.
Itachi, cluelessly: Would anybody mind to share?
Kisame: I.. uh..Itachi. It’s - complicated. Anyways, want some seafood?
Pein: Also, my apologies for the earlier. I know you did nothing.
Itachi: So you are telling me.. that someone renovated the whole compound of my late clan, from the Akatsuki no bank account and even had the balls to send the bills here, and you firstly thought - logically - that I was the culprit, yet because Kisame got seafood (?), it’s clear that I wasn’t, and I suppose you know for sure who it actually was.
Kisame: Yup.
Itachi: And based on Tobi just outed themselves.. and I am apparently in the possession of his secret, that who he pretends to be, so.. it’s kind of .. fishy now.
Pein: Oh fishy it is..
Part 2 on the way
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chanfictions · 3 years
May I request a Mei x fem reader drabble?  Where R is a elite jonin and guards/accompanies Tsunade when she goes to the Kage summit. R overhears Mei get annoyed with Ao or another kage and rages over not having a husband. And a flirty enamored reader intervenes a says, I can't help you find a husband but how about a wife? With naughty teasing and propositions?
This didn't go quite as planned, though I still like how it turned out. I struggled to get in the mindset of a jonin that would overtly hit on a Kage at a summit like this, so I took a slightly different route. I hope you still enjoy it, though!
Mei Terumi x !femReader - drabble
The Five Kage Summit.
Being chosen out of a sea of elite jonin to accompany the Hokage for such an important event should have been enough to make your head spin with honor and delight. Danger lurked around every corner with who knows how many would-be assassins dotting the trail all the way to the Land of Iron. Only shinobi of a certain skill caliber could be trusted with this task, and you were one of them. 
You had a singular focus: get the Hokage there and back in one piece. At least, that should have been your singular focus. Instead, after arriving in the snow-swamped mountains, you found your mind adrift again, thinking about a certain someone who you knew would also be in attendance at this event.
Mei Terumi. You nearly sighed audibly, almost letting her name slip softly from your lips as heat crept through your cheeks. The gorgeous, fiery, strong, single Mizukage had been occupying your mind for much of the trip. You met her once at another similar convention of Kage on a different protection detail, and boy were you smitten. She epitomized the 'strong, independent woman' archetype, welding jutsu that could literally make the hearts of men melt in a fiery sea of lava and steam. You admired her, both for her strength as a shinobi and just for being one of the most attractive beings to have ever graced the earth. To say you had a crush on the woman would be a laughable understatement.
With a light stretch of your arms, you stifled a yawn as you made your way back to your quarters. Your shift was over, and it was time for some very much-needed sleep. However, you paused upon hearing a bit of a ruckus up ahead.
"Ma'am, that wasn't what I meant!" A man with a patch covering one eye stammered while quickly backpedaling out of the room.
"Ao, get out, or die."
In the doorway stood the object of your quiet obsession, wearing a saccharine smile as acrid fumes all but steamed around her body. Whatever had just transpired between the two left Mei quite literally fuming and ready to make good on that seemingly playful threat. Apparently being quite aware about the Mizukage's intent to follow through, Ao scurried around the corner out of sight without another word.
You swallowed hard, feeling sweat begin to coat your palms as that gorgeous, ginger creature turned her blazing sights on you. It took a concentrated effort to not completely devour her with your eyes. "Good evening, Lady Mizukage," you stammered nervously, trying to pretend like you hadn't heard anything.
She let out a quiet sigh, the forced smile pulling at her lips began to drop as Ao turned the corner. With her single visible, glimmering orb focused on you now, she paused for a moment. "Good evening… I'm sorry, have we met before? You look so strangely familiar. Your headband - are you one of Lady Tsunade’s bodyguards?"
With a blush staining your cheeks and heat creeping into your ears, you smiled nervously, adjusting the metal atop your head. Your heart thumped wildly in your chest. Oh gods, she's talking to me. "Y-yes, that's right. We met at the last summit. I'm off duty at the moment, though. Excuse me if this is an intrusive question, but is everything alright? You seem upset." You chewed your lip, deciding to abandon your previous plan to play dumb.
Mei sighed again, a forlorn look beginning to overtake her beautiful features. "Oh, it's nothing someone like you would need to worry about, dear." Her eyes scanned you for a moment as though searching for something, before looking away again. "So young, you have plenty of time," she breathed despondently.
Blinking curiously, you tilted your head as you made your way toward her door so as to lessen the volume of your conversation. The closer you stepped, the faster your heart beat. "Time?" You inquired in confusion. "For what, exactly?"
The Mizukage turned away with a mournful exhale. "Marriage. A husband. A family."
You giggled quietly, but quickly tried to recover so as to not be offensive to the clearly distraught woman of your dreams. "Oh, Lady Mizukage, I'm… not looking for a husband." Your face flamed as you bit your lip, a suggestive tone creeping into your voice.
"Heavens, why not? A beautiful young lady like you would have no problem finding a husband," Mei seemed confounded, blinking away the light mist of tears that seemed to be clinging to her eyelashes. She focused on you intently, fully taking you in, and now seeming to have found what she was searching for.
"Well," you continued as you looked into her entrancing gaze with a coy smile pulling at your lips. "Because I'd rather have a wife."
"A wife?" Mei mused, looking at you curiously with a new spark in her eye, seeming to be seeing you in a new light. "I suppose I hadn't fully considered that as an option." A soft, flirty hum hung in her throat as her magnificent stare seemed to penetrate your uniform. "Why don't you come in and tell me more about this little proposition of yours. Or better yet, perhaps you could show me."
Your heart fluttered its way into your throat as she caught you in an intense, lustful storm, reaching out and grasping your wrist. Your eyes flicked both directions along the hallway as you took a moment to sense if anyone was aware of this conversation. Canoodling with the Mizukage during such an important summit could be political suicide, but the danger of such a thing gave you such a rush. "Lady Mizukage," you breathed.
"Come in, or die," she smiled teasingly, the curl at her lips now a genuine one as she gave your arm a playful tug and pulled you into the room, locking the door behind you.
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leportraitducadavre · 3 years
Naruto re-read VI
Chapters covered: 28-34 (fourth volume of the manga)
Site used: https://manga4life.com/manga/Naruto (official translation of the manga)
Disclaimer: This is intended as a list and simple observations of the topics that particularly interested me in the aforementioned chapters, in that sense, do not expect a linear -or totally deep- analysis.
Tumblr’s update doesn’t allow me to attach more than 10 pictures, therefore, many of them will be LINKED. Apologies.
34) The presentation of the three main characters has changed,
Before Sakura was presented solely on the basis of her crush on Sasuke and her dislike of Naruto, now, she's granted the title of “the brightest of Naruto’s classmates”. Her apprehension to Naruto has been erased, but her crush still remains an important definition of her character. Naruto and Sasuke’s presentations are intrinsically the same -different wording.
35) Kekkei Genkai are feared -therefore, those who possess them are prosecuted/killed. The idea is introduced by Haku in Chapter 29. While what he says is solely linked to Mist -Konoha had two clans with kekkei genkai (now, one), the weariness towards those with such bloodlines might be “universal”. Tobirama’s reason for discriminating against the Uchiha was because of how their doujutsu developed and evolved, and nothing of his weariness was overcome by those who came after him. Kakashi is particularly accepted because he has the Sharingan but not the blood/chakra of an Uchiha, he’s not part of the bloodline.
Furthermore, Sasuke is directly mentioned in the exchange, and Naruto links Haku’s words with Sasuke’s goal: To kill someone (Itachi who killed his clan by the fear it installed in the power-ups: they were accused and punished for controlling the Kyuubi without a shred of single evidence, Itachi even canonically states later on that there’s “no hope for this clan”, meaning, those who carry the bloodline).
36) Iruka is the person Naruto cares for the most, at this point, he might even be more important to Naruto than Konoha itself. That notion is cemented (but it might be a lie of Kakashi), in chapter 34, where Kakashi states that Iruka is Naruto’s hero.
37) An interesting point to make: Kakashi states that Konoha (therefore, he), knows about Zabuza’s attempt to coup and kill the current Mizukage -alongside his wish to raise funds to do another coup. Therefore, Konoha must be aware of the bloodline cleansing that is happening in Mist, a genocide on such a large scale can’t be kept secret that long -furthermore, there’s no indication that the murders are happening quietly either since those who possess kekkei genkai are pushed to hide their bloodline.
Meaning: Kakashi and Konoha claim to fight for “the right thing”, but they do nothing -nor military, nor diplomatically, to stop such massacres; they are still pretty much in touch with the Mizukage that carried out/ordered such killings. Kakashi downgrading Zabuza for working for Gato is absolutely comical because not only is he working for an authoritarian regime but also downgrades someone that (even as despicable he is), is actually trying to do something.
Kakashi (and probably Konoha), can’t differentiate between a person’s ambitions from their ideals, they might seem equal on the surface, but their intrinsically different -which is one of the reasons Kakashi would never stand against Konoha, he can’t differentiate between the two. One means an individualistic goal, the other one is founded on the possibility of a communal achievement.
38) Sakura recites one of the shinobi rules -those were written by Tobirama. Kakashi and Naruto were judging Inari’s cowardliness with the perspective and internalization of the same rule Sakura is now reciting. Inari is a civilian and can’t be judged by those premises; Naruto is excused by his age and experience. Kakashi isn’t. While I’m on it, that same rule seems to be the one Sakumo broke and the reason why he was shunned away; it seems to be also the rule Danzo took by heart, essentially proving that Konoha (and Hiruzen) aren’t opposed to that mindset. Hiruzen creates a feeling of loyalty and magnifies it in order to exploit it - while Danzo decides to erase all perception from an individual, merely making his soldiers live to achieve a particular goal.
39) Naruto’s speech to Zabuza (here and here) about the way shinobi apparently need to be emotionless in order to complete every mission or becoming strong is a direct contradiction to the rule introduced by Sakura herself. The way Kishimoto wrote those scenes means that their clash of ideals is on purpose, even Zabuza admits that shinobi are human beings and they aren’t able to completely erase their feelings (yes, that also contradicts the Curse of Hatred that is later on introduced).
40) Kakashi knows the problem of the belief system that puts value on shinobi's lives and yet decides to endure it (1, 2). (I won’t go in detail here because there’s a full meta on Kakashi and his character coming).
41) Sasuke literally rejects Sakura when she asks him to go out on a date.
Then, in the next chapter when she tries to ask him out again (albeit not that directly as in Wave), he tells her that she’s even in worse condition than Naruto.
Furthermore, Sasuke acknowledges that she’s trying to flirt with him and rejects her regardless -meaning, he’s showing no romantic interest (she might not know that it wasn’t Naruto who tried to kiss her back in chapter 3, but she is more than aware that Sasuke knows about her intentions and still continually rejects her, her insistence is unrequited).
42) Since her value is tied to Sasuke’s perception of her (as we mentioned before), she gets particularly violent towards Naruto. Now, I’m linking the panel where she actually punches him because he hinted that they were sentimentally involved, but she previously displayed verbal aggression towards Naruto for no real reason other than being rejected (and downgraded) by Sasuke.
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deaththesyd · 3 years
More Than Enough
Ah! Finally, I have managed to finish something! I hope this one doesn't disappoint. I really do feel proud of this one.
Summary: Standing here, watching the storm envelope this small space of theirs, a home that was just for them, being held and loved by the man who had forced himself into her heart was a dream come true. She could sip her tea as he littered her exposed skin in hickeys, bruises, and the faintest of bitemarks.
"Kisame!" Startled by his sudden presence behind her, the feeling of his large hands on her waist caused her to jump back into him, only to be met with the firm muscle of his chest, and his amused chuckles. "You could have said something! I could have dropped my damn mug!" She chastised him, still clutching the ceramic of freshly brewed tea so tightly her knuckles turned white.
She had been standing in their living room, watching as the grey clouds moved swiftly with the wind, threatening to unload the rain they carried down upon the land. He must have snuck up on her, mischievous as always, or maybe her thoughts had her so occupied she hadn't been able to notice his approach. Did it matter which it was? Not really, not when his chin rested on her head, and his large form engulfed her from behind, wrapping her somewhat chilled body in his comforting presence. Sipping her tea sweetened with honey, the warmth of the liquid was just enough to hurt going down, but the taste of faint spices was worth it. And if she didn't drink it now, it would surely be too cold later.
Outside, the clouds made well on their threat, and the first teasing droplets of rain fell. It started so gradually, but she seemed to blink and then the sheets of water were replacing the cute drops that had run down their window. The steam from her tea tickled her chin, as the man behind her moved to press sweet kisses starting from her scalp and down the back of her neck, sweeping the hair that blocked his access out of the way.
Smiling pleased to herself, she indulged in another long sip from her mug, as the rain pounded against their shelter, and Kisame's hand returned to her waist, his thumb teasing at the bottom of her shirt, tracing circles onto her skin. The heat from the tea wasn't the only thing that had her feeling warm, as his gentle trail of kisses turned more sensual against the side of her throat, and his heated breath accentuated the lingering buzz for each new mark he gave.
"I'm glad you're home with me, and not out there," she said, leaning her head to the side to give him better access, relaxing as his lips drew closer with each press to what they both knew was her sweet spot.
Another low chuckle rumbled from his chest, the movement shaking her along with him. "Hm, me too," he agreed, his voice low and gravelly below her ear. Despite how warm she felt now, his voice sent a shiver up her spine. Just when his mouth circled around a spot that had been bruised by hickeys so many times prior, a flash outside startled her, making her flinch, and causing his sharp teeth to scrape at the sensitive skin. Hissing at the unexpected pain, she stood tense, allowing him to pull away to survey the damage. A loud rumble of thunder nearly drowned out the low apology he whispered into her ear. “Wasn’t expectin’ you to move there, Squirt,” he uttered gently, before he lapped at the small scrape along her collar bone, easing a sigh from her lips in response. Now that she was expecting it, the next flash before her eyes didn’t catch her so off guard, and by the time the next clash of thunder bellowed out, his apologetic kisses and the rough calluses of his hand finally reaching up to her bare chest had drawn more than a few whimpering sighs. Apology more than accepted.
He was taking his time, making sure to find everywhere he could get a reaction, whether it was a hitch of her breath, or her simply adjusting to better allow his mouth to work. It had only been a short while since he had returned to his village and reclaimed his house, only a couple of months since the war, since the Akatsuki were officially disbanded. It didn’t feel real yet, that she didn’t have to worry about him being an outlaw anymore, that he didn’t have to slink around in the shadows completing illegal missions just to support a group whose goals had never truly made sense to her. Though he was often run ragged by the tasks given to him by the Mizukage, and his mood was often soured by the lack of freedom he had now, this was stable, and they could adjust. Standing here, watching the storm envelope this small space of theirs, a home that was just for them, being held and loved by the man who had forced himself into her heart was a dream come true. She could sip her tea as he littered her exposed skin in hickeys, bruises, and the faintest of bitemarks.
This was nice, but she wanted to put her mug down so she could return some of his affections. Looking towards the shelf just beside the window, she was calculating if she could reach it without having to move, when she noticed a problem. “Hun,” she gasped out, just as he pinched at her sensitive nipple, her urgency misunderstood as lust.
“You like that?” He teased, before nipping at another hickey, causing her to jolt at the stimulation.
“No! No, yes I mean, just-ah!”
“No? How about this?” His rumbling laugh blending with the almost constant thunder, while he teased at the delicate flesh, his rough fingers always so good against her skin.
“You feel good, but the roof is leaking!” She managed to get out, even as she could feel every bit of friction against her bud sending pulses of pleasure down to her clit. Abruptly, he stopped and released his hold of her to inspect where she motioned.
“Damn it,” He muttered under his breath before leaving the room to search for a fix. Sighing, she followed suit, placing her mug on the shelf and heading towards the bathroom for a towel to soak up the growing puddle. On her way, she passed a bucket that had been placed the day before as a short-term fix for another weak spot in the roof. For now, that was handling its job well enough. Returning, she found Kisame knelt down, placing a large pot under the steady drops of water that had managed to sneak its way in. “Looks like next I’m gonna have to do some roofing repair,” he grumbled, fed up with the neverending list of home maintenance they had to take care of.
Stooping down to join him, she lifted the pot and replaced it after laying the towel down, watching as the puddle of water seeped into the cloth. ”Ah, the joys of homeownership,” she sighed, standing up and placing a soothing hand on his broad shoulder. “We can tackle that task together tomorrow, no need to stress about it until then,” she said reassuringly, “I’m very much fine having to deal with a leaky roof if that means we officially have a place of our own,” she said sweetly.
Sighing, his large hand engulfed hers and took a hold of it, he stood, winding around to face her. The lack of frustration she had with the situation seemed to help him shake off the bad mood he had been put in, as he smiled lovingly down at her, bowing his head enough to kiss the back of her hand, before grabbing her by the waist with his other hand to pull her to his chest. Turning her head, she looked at their clasped hands, smiling contentedly. “I Don’t have a clue what I’ve done to deserve ya, but I sure am glad you’re here with me, Sweetheart,” Kisame said, the smile she couldn’t see audible in his words. Giggling, she gave his hand a squeeze as her free hand traveled to his ass.
“Since I make you so happy, you should probably get back to what you were doing before,” she suggested playfully. Laughing at that, he let go of her hand, and grasped her ass in return, picking her up without warning, forcing her to frantically clasp her hands behind his neck and lock her legs around him with a surprised squeak.
“If that’s what my woman wants, that’s what she’ll get,” he said with a devilish smirk, Normally, she would be upset at being picked up like that, but his hungry lips were upon hers before she could think up anything to say, and the feel of his tongue gliding upon her bottom lip was enough to melt any anger she had felt. Clinging onto his lips and his body, her eyes were closed, but she felt each step he made blindly towards their bedroom, and it wasn’t until her back hit the mattress that her eyes shot open.
Shoving him away frantically, Kisame was confused, but only for a second, as a cold droplet of water landed on his neck and trailed down his neck under his collar. The wet spot on the bed was small, but that didn’t matter, they had a leak directly above their bed!
“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me!” He growled in frustration, the mood thoroughly spoiled now. His hand went to the back of his neck, and she rolled off of the damp spot, both for her comfort, and to give her enraged partner his space. The pelting rain was as loud as the thunder, but the sound of a single splat on his skin once again was deafening. He was up off the bed in a flash of lightning, and by the time the thunder roared again, he was coming back into the room with another pot. Without warning, he shoved the bed with her still on it, scraping wood against wood paired with a surprised shriek. Harshly, he placed the pot down and turned again to leave the room. Scurrying off the bed, she removed the dampened bedding while he thundered around the house, just finishing collecting the material in a bundle when he returned and threw the fresh replacements on top of the mattress. They landed with a less than satisfying ‘fwump’. Leaving the room with the soiled laundry, she took her time putting it into the washing machine, and when she was finished she returned to the living room, remembering her abandoned tea. The mug was cold now, and the liquid inside was surely the same, so she took it to the kitchen. After dumping the contents of the mug and placing it by the sink for later, the lights above shuddered and suddenly, they went out. She groaned as a loud yell of frustration sounded from the direction of their room.
Standing in the pitch black, she waited a moment, hoping the lights would come back on the same way someone would say ‘sike!’ but the longer she stood there, the clearer it was that the power was out. Sighing in resignation, she stumbled around, using the wall, and Kisame’s mutterings as guides back to the bedroom. As much as she hated his bad mood, it certainly was helpful in giving her direction in a place she hadn’t yet memorized. Feeling her way into their shared room, she lingered at the doorway, just able to make out the outline of a shadowed man rummaging around, most likely searching for a light source. Kisame had the better eyesight between the two, especially in the dark, but her memory wasn’t clouded with frustration and rage, and she could remember exactly where they had put away the lighter last time it was used and managed to walk over to where it had been placed without tripping or stubbing a toe. Flicking it on, she caught the attention of the helplessly searching giant, and let the flame go out with the slightest smell of burning oil, as she tossed it to him, knowing that he could catch it with ease.
With a grumbled “thanks,” he lit the wick of a sweetly fragrant candle that was settled upon the nightstand that hadn’t been moved in his little temper tantrum before, bringing a soft flickering glow to the room, and making the location of another candle of the same scent easier to locate. Still standing where she had retrieved the lighter, arms crossed, hip jutted out, she watched as the man tiredly flopped down upon the half-made bed with a defeated sigh. The storm outside wasn’t letting up, but the flared energy he once had was quickly doused as there was nothing left to do anymore. He lay there, staring at the ceiling, as she waited from across the room. “Minnow,” he called the pet name quietly, her signal that his temperament had truly settled and that he no longer required space. Without hesitation, she joined him, sitting beside his head and bringing a soothing hand to stroke his hair.
“I’m sorry,” he breathed, quieter than normal, “this is all such a mess and I owe you so much better than a leaky roof and a damp bed and a disappointing lead-up.” A large hand reached for the one stroking his head and brought her palm to his lips. He didn’t speak aloud, but the movement felt like he was making vows to himself and to her, she could easily guess what they were. Since the beginning of their relationship he had been making promises, ones that she knew he would always keep to the best of his power, and yet he never seemed to feel what he did was enough for her. He was so wrong.
Gently tugging her hand away, she felt for just the lightest moment his grip tighten anxiously, before releasing her. In moments like this, it was always so evident just how fragile his belief could be. Their trust in one another was strong, but he never seemed to be able to let go of the doubts that her love for him was only dependent on what he could provide. Part of her couldn’t stand it, how a man like him could cling to someone like her, that even after all of the fighting, the Akatsuki, the war, he didn’t believe he was enough as he was. That part of her was the one that brought her fingers to flick his forehead. She was gentle and soft, and of course, that was a surprise to him, so when he looked up at her confused and hurt only to find her stern gaze, he didn’t seem to know how to react.
The other part, the one that knew just how he felt, that knew that the hurt she felt watching him like that wasn’t something she could lash out with, returned her hand to his head. “You’re enough for me, and I’ll remind you of that for as long as we’re together,” she promised, allowing her gaze to soften only when the look of defiance on his face gave out. Kisame lay there for a moment, before shifting awkwardly, and crawling his way into her lap, burying his face in the softness of her stomach and wrapping his arms around her. Reaching for a pillow, she propped it behind her, settling into a more supported position, before tangling her fingers into his hair and rubbing his shoulders, giggling at the hum of content she felt buzz into her tummy.
“Remind me,” she heard his muffled plea come, and she couldn’t help the fond smile that spread across her lips.
“You’re more than enough for me, Kisame,” she said with a slight giggle, but the words were not a joke. “You always give me everything you can, and even right now I”m spoiled.” He gripped the fabric of her shirt, and she knew he wanted to protest, so she kept going. “You’ve been so busy dealing with the aftermath of everything, that you haven’t had the time for anything else, but still you make sure I have my favourite tea, and you treat me with a candlelit bedroom, and even though you’re tired and stressed you always make time for me,” she said, dragging her nails against his neck gently, earning a pleased shiver from him. “Yes, the house is leaking, and yes, I was very much looking forward to a bit more than a few kisses, but both of those can be fixed. We can figure out roof repair, and maybe not tonight, but hopefully for the rest of our lives we can have plenty more ‘fun’,” she reasoned, shaking along with the laugh he made at that last bit. When his short laugh ended, she continued. “You’re not a failure of a partner simply because we didn’t get our way tonight and you threw a bit of a fit, and you never will be because all you do is care for me and make sure I know just how loved I am. You’re so good to me, Love, you’re enough.”
It was then that she noticed how much quieter it was. No longer was there thunder, and whistling wind and the pounding rain had turned into a gentle pattering. The smell of pears and honey wafted from the melting wax, and the cold of the house seemed unable to penetrate the space around them for the meantime. Kisame’s breathing was steady and gentle, and despite the way the night had turned out to be, she felt quite content. This was their home. And it was more than enough.
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honeypirate · 3 years
I don’t knowwww what this is but I love this senbon user.
Genma x femreader
Part two here
Your feet land on the road a little ways away from the gate, jumping from the treetops and landing silently.
You’ve been gone for awhile, on a deep undercover mission that kept you away for a few years and you were ready to finally be home again.
You get to the closed gate and feel your heart skip when Genma appears in front of you
“State your name and business” he says and clicks his senbon against his teeth.
You place a hand on your hip, fingers messing with your headband around your waist as a belt as you smirk “I know I’ve been gone a while Genma, but I didn’t think I was that forgettable to you” you raise your hand and cover your heart “my heart actually hurts”
You watch the recognition enter his eyes as he smiles with the senbon in his teeth “y/n. It’s so good to see you” he says and pulls you into a hug. “You too Genma” you say into his neck, closing your eyes tight so you don’t cry.
“Sorry about the gate” he says as he closes it again behind you both “we’ve had some assassination threats” you say a soft oh and nod your head “no worries. I’m happy to be home I gotta tell you. I should find a place to stay” you scratch your neck and laugh softly “since all my things are in storage” you go to turn but he grabs your hand “can I find you later? To catch up?” You smile and nod “I’d love that”
After debriefing with the Hokage you found an inn to stay in not far from where your things were stored then you went to go buy some food and new clothes that weren’t from your mission.
You had a few bags in your hand as you walked the streets of the village, a small smile on your lips and a light heart as you familiarized yourself with your home town again.
“There you are” he says as he hops from the room of the buildings to standing next to you.
“Nice to see you again Genma” you said with a soft smile and a sparkle in your eye that make his heart race.
Even after all this time his feelings for you remain unchanged.
He takes the bags from your hands and offers you his elbow, which you take with a small laugh and a “thank you”
“Have you eaten yet?” You ask, looking up at him your chin brushing his shoulder. He smirks at the way his skin comes alive at your touch and the way his stomach fills with butterflies as you easy fall back into your old closer than just friends ways.
“No I haven’t. Where would you like to go?” You notice the way his eyes soften when he looks at you and the way his usual smirk seems more genuine. “Take me to your favorite place” you say and he laughs with a nod “you got it”
“I’m so glad this place is still here” you say as they place two bowls of pumpkin soup down on the table. “I’m pretty sure we’re still in business because of Genma here” the owner says from the back and you laugh “I bet. I’ve seen him put away a lot of pumpkin soup before” you wink at him as you blow softly across your soup to cool it down.
“Tell me about your mission” he asks as he takes another bite and you smirk “well. I guess it isn’t really classified anymore” you say and wipe your lips with a napkin
“I had to go undercover and infiltrate the growing army of rouge ninjas that were in the north” his eyes widen slightly, he’s heard stories about them and even tho they were a lesser version of the Akatsuki they were still a tough group.
“I went through the ranks until I was the right hand man of the head of the group who turned out to be a girl. She was an amazing person if she wasn’t so absolutely crazy.” You take another bite and he leans forward a little “that’s where you’ve been all these years? It makes sense as to why the missions involving them suddenly stopped” he says and scratches behind his neck
“After I made my way to the top, they were planning on wiping out the village hidden in the mist . I sent word back to the Hokage who told the Mizukage, I worked hand in hand with them to take down the entire army and now I’m here” you shrug and he’s looking at you with shocked eyes.
“What?” You ask with a laugh and he just chuckles “nothing I just.. I always just thought you’d be my cute little best friend from daycare” you laugh and run your hand through your hair
Before you can respond a member of the ANBU appears beside your table “the Hokage needs to see you both right away”
Your hands run down your face as you sigh deeply “so she survived and then escaped and is coming after me?” The Hokage nods “I’m placing Genma as your bodyguard and for now you’ll go into hiding, to one of the safe houses” you scowl, wanting to protest, to say how you can take care of yourself, but you honestly didn’t even know if it was the truth.
You nod once “yes, lord sixth”
Genma beside you tenses his jaw and nods once, he won’t lie, he’s excited to spend so much time with you, he just wishes it was with better circumstances.
“How long has it been? Since we were Chunin I think” he says as the gates close behind you
“Since we went on a mission together? Yeah since I was placed on your team because my team was all out of commission. You iced me out for the first day because you thought I was cute”
He gasps “I did not!”
You laugh and chase your head “yeah sure. So you ignored me but stared at me the entire time for the first day but then your excuse the second day was” you imitate his kid voice “I had something in my eye”
He can’t help but laugh with you, his cheeks dusting a little pink “it was true. I had something in my eye” he sticks with it and you just sigh and shake your head “yeah it was awkward 12 yr old feelings” you say back and he just scoffs, sticking to his original story.
You get to the safe house around nightfall, a small farm house on the outskirts of a smaller town that consisted of a small market and a couple shops, guessing that less than 200 people lived around here.
You flick the light switch and wait in the doorway as the lights flicker before staying on, a low light cast across a small living room with a hallway and an attached kitchen. Genma checks the house and secures it as you kick off your shoes and look through the kitchen.
“We will have to hit the market in the morning. Maybe we could go back to that ramen place we passed” you say as you meet him in the living room.
“There’s only one bedroom since were supposed to be acting as a couple, you can take the bed and I’ll take the couch” he says, twisting his senbon in his mouth and avoiding your eye as he tries to not imagine sharing a bed with you.
You laugh “that’s not fair though. How about we Rock Paper Scissors or thumb war or something else?” You can see the pink on his sheets and you’re pretty sure he’s thinking of the same thing you are, sleeping in the same bed.
“Yeah okay. Thumb war” he says with a nod, still not looking at you. He knows he could lose it easy and still give you to bed.
You cross the room to him and hold out your hand, he finally meets your eye as his finger slick with yours. His fingers were warm against your usual cold fingers and you could feel his calluses against your skin. “Ready?” You asks, eyes locked on his and a small smirk on your lips.
“Go!” You say and his longer thumb reaches for yours as you dodge it with a giggle, your left hand reaching out to hold his bicep as you dodge his thumb, he’s feigning trying to win until your thumb locks across his and for a second he forgets what he’s even doing, he’s too caught up in the way your eyes sparkle as you look at your thumb, your laughter that hasn’t changed since you were a kid. All those times you would joke together as kids and hanging out when you grew up. Meeting you again after your days in the ANBU, then seeing you again this morning, the way his heart has only beat for you his whole life.
He gasps softly when you squeal, looking up into his eyes with a grin “I win!” You say and his cheeks flush, your hand still on his arm and your fingers still locked with his, “congrats! You get the bed” he says, throat a little dry.
“Now let’s clean up and head to dinner” you say, dropping his hand. His hand feels empty without the feeling of your fingers against his but he swallows hard and shoves his hands in his pockets with a nod, pretending that your grin isn’t making his heart race.
There’s two bathrooms, one downstairs and one connected to the bedroom. You get ready in the bedroom bathroom and him in the other.
You know you’ll bathe later but for dinner you still want to look good. You’re supposed to sell that youre married to Genma so you dress like you would if you were going out with your husband.
You take off your headband and wash your face with cool water before putting on a little makeup and fixing up your hair. You change into a dark green dress that hits just above your knees. You spray a little perfume that you just bought before your mission, then head down the stairs.
You smile when you see him, sitting on the couch and twisting a kunai in his fingers as he waits.
“I have something for you” you say with a smirk as your reach the bottom of the steps.
“What is it?” He asks and stores his kunai before looking up at you and gasping softly, his eyes widening as he takes you in, his eyes slowly moving down your body before landing back on your face
He stands and walks to you “you look good” he says in a whisper and swallows hard, his cheeks blushing and warm.
“Thank you. So do you” you say and nod as you look him over, he’s changed out of anything that would give him away as a ninja. He’s wearing a dark shirt and dark pants that you realize are just a little bit fancier than you would have guessed he’d own. You look nice, like a couple that would blend in with the village.
You hold out your hand and open your palm, showing two matching rings “whataya say Genma? Will you fake marry me?” You smile softly and he takes the ring from your palm “I do” he says with a smirk and you chuckle as you slide the ring down your left hand finger.
“One more thing” you say and reach up, untying his headband and running your hand through his hair as you fix his headband hair. You hand it to him and he smiles softly “now we look like any young couple who moved to the country” he puts his headband in his bag and then held the door open to you “shall we?” He asks and you nod, taking his arm with a smile.
ꕥone month laterꕥ
You’re weeding your garden you have out front, the small sprouts bringing joy to your heart. So far they haven’t been able to find her so for now you’re still stuck here.
Genma is fixing a leak in the roof, the sound of his hammer reaching your ears as you wipe your dirty hands on your apron. You place the weeds in the compost pile at the back edge of the yard as Genma climbs down the ladder.
“All fixed?” You ask with a smile, your sundress flowing against your legs in the breeze and he feels his heart hammer against his ribs. You looked like the prettiest housewife he could almost picture this being his real life.
“All fixed” he says with a grin, a spare nail still in his teeth instead of his usual senbon. He had sweat lining his forehead and his hair tied back in a low bun, his face looks a little sun kissed and you couldn’t stop your mind from wandering to imagining him as your househusband.
Your cheeks feel warm and you wipe your hands on your apron again before taking it off and walking up to him, folding it and using a clean space to dab his forehead “let’s go inside, I’ll make something light for lunch” he clears his throat, grateful for the sunburn on his cheeks that he knows won’t show his blush. “Sounds good” he says with a semi strained voice, trying not to show how flustered you made him.
That evening, after dinner and bathing, you head downstairs to find Genma but pause when he’s nowhere to be found.
You find the door open but before heading out you grab his sweatshirt he had over the side of the couch and throw it over your head.
You take a few steps off the porch and hear a soft whistle, pulling your attention to the roof. You feel your heart skip when you turn and spot him laying against the roof, the moonlight glistening off his usual senbon he still used at the house.
You appear beside him and sit down, pulling your knees up to your chest and tucking them inside your sweatshirt.
“Isn’t it funny that we went from being apart for years to being thrown together for who knows how long?” His voice was a whisper but it felt loud because of how alone and quiet you where on this little farm.
“I’m sorry you got dragged into this. You probably have a girlfriend back at the village who’s gonna hate me when we get back” you say as you rest your forehead on your knees
Yes you’ve lived together for a month but you haven’t brought up relationships because then you’d have to admit the feelings you had for him.
He laughs and leans up, his elbows around his knees “no ones gonna hate you” he says and you meet his eye
“So then she’s really nice? That’s good. I always hoped you’d end up with someone nice” your voice was strained and he tilts his head, his tongue turning the senbon
“No” he says and you raise your eyebrows “so she’s mean? I didn’t expect you to be ..” he cuts you off with a laugh “no I mean.. no she”
Your eyes widen a little then you laugh “ohhh so you have a boyfriend. Well if you’re happy that’s..” he groans and falls back, his arms above his head exasperated.
He takes his senbon from his mouth and then lays his arm back down, looking up at the stars as he says in a monotone voice “I’m sorry I should have made it more clear. I’m not dating anyone”
You feel your cheeks heat up as your soul fills to the brim with embarrassment. “Oh”
You wait until your face cools off before you lean back and look up at the sky with him. You look up at the stars for just a moment before you decide to make a move and adjust your body, scooting up to lay your head against his arm.
“I’m glad” you whisper and pause for a moment “that no one is going to hate me when we get back”
You were glad he wasn’t dating anyone. Glad that he was single and that your feelings have an option to be reciprocated.
His heart was racing in his throat, his fingers holding his senbon in a vice grip as your hair tickles the skin on his arm.
Over this last month all of his feelings from childhood had returned with a vengeance. He thought that maybe they were the same feelings but as the days progressed he’s learned how much stronger they have become for you. How he’s been desperately yearning to kiss you every night here.
The way your hair is crazy in the mornings, the way you yawn and rub your eyes as you drink coffee, the way your eyes sparkle in the sun as you work in the yard, these little sides of you that he feels lucky to be witnessing.
He loves the way the house smells like your shampoo after you bathe, the way you laugh at his jokes even if they aren’t very funny but your laughs are always genuine.
The way you hold his hand and kiss his cheek when you go to town makes his heart race every time, he won’t ever get used to the feeling. He’s a ninja but how hard he’s tried to dig out all his feelings and do away with them, he can never seem to do it. You’ll give him one of those looks where he feels like he’d do anything for you, your smile and the way your eyes soften when they see him, and he can’t do it. He knows this is an act but he can’t help but wish it was real.
“Y/n I need to tell you something” he says and as you turn to look up at him, you sense chakra. He’s caught it just a moment before you and he’s pulling you to his chest, throwing his senbon. the sound of it hitting a kunai making your palms sweat as you quickly get your shit together.
“It’s her” you say and then she appears on the ground, looking up at you both with her hands out and a smile.
“I’m just here to talk” she says and you feel a chill down your spine “you don’t talk, Mina! We both know that” you shout back and she just laughs.
Genma goes to attack and you watch as it goes in slow motion, one moment he’s throwing a kunai and flying through the air, the next he’s pinned to the ground by another Ninja who was hidden in the ground, popping up from your garden and holding him fast. A little part of your heart twinges with sadness for your baby garden.
You move into the defensive, not knowing what to do next since you didn’t have any weapons with you expect for your jutsu. You didn’t what to do, Genma was trapped and you had to fight her with no weapons and who knows how many people she had in hiding.
“I’m seriously here to talk so you can come down now” she says with an excited lilt “don’t do it!” Genma shouts but it’s cut off by the sound of his agonized groaning “i think you should do it!” She sings and you don’t hesitate in jumping to the ground and walking through the dirt path towards her
“Take me and let him go” you say and she laughs hard, wiping away tears, “how about I kill you first and make him watch” she says and then immediately throws a handful of Kunai your way.
You gasp and dodge them easily, not seeing her move through the dark and and cutting your arm with the kunai in his hand.
“The ritual is compete” she says with an insane laugh and you feel your body become frozen, paralyzed.
Your eyes look to her and notice how her skin has changed to black, covered in white symbols where bones would be. “She’s like Hidan” Genma says in shock as you watch her cackle in front of you, her arms out wide with the kunai still in her hand.
“Do you know how much trouble I went through to find you?” She asks and then brings the Kunai down into her thigh making you gasp when your thigh starts to bleed from the deep slice.
“Don’t worry tho, I’ll make sure to miss all your vital spots until we’re done talking”
Your heart is pounding with fear. There isn’t much you can do right now, you know you can’t get out of this and Genma is detained. You’re going to die.
“I’m sorry Mina” you say between deep gasps of air through the pain “I was just following orders”
She cackles and you can feel her hatred coming form her in waves. The Kunai comes to her neck and you watch blood trickle down the side of her skin before you even felt it start to run down your own.
You gasp when she slowly pushes the knife deeper, the wound in your neck flowing more. “Maybe I’m done talking now” she whispers out and goes eerily quiet as she stares at the blood coming from your neck.
“No.. stop!” Genma is fighting against the other ninja, struggling but not getting anywhere.
“Genma” you whisper out but he stills when he hears your voice “it’ll be okay” you say, feeling your eyes sting but refusing to cry in front of her.
“Mina just go. Why are you doing this? You could run. You could go live the life you’ve always wanted and hoped for. The little farm you told me about. You can go do that you have been given this chance you don’t need to use it for revenge. You can be happy”
“Shut up!” She shouts at you, her eyes overflowing with tears
“I wanted that life with you!” she says through gritted teeth and you gasp softly, your heart racing. You never knew that’s how she felt for you.
“But if I can’t have you” she says, eyes wide and crazy, the tears suddenly stopping and turning to crazy chuckles “then no one can” she finishes her sentence in a quiet calm voice that’s even more eerily sounding than her laughter.
She raises her arm back and then screams as she brings it down to her throat with all the force she can muster! Your eyes widen in shock and you gasp, expecting to have it be your final moment but feeling relief flood your body when you hear the words from Shikamaru in the dark “shadow possession, complete”
Turns out Shikamaru and a few ANBU had been tracking her for a week. They would have caught her sooner but Kiba was on a different mission and couldn’t help.
The fight was quick after that, you don’t really remember most of it. Once Genma was free he was by your side and holding gauze to your leg while you held one to your neck.
“Thank you” you whisper to him as you sit in the dirt, watching as he dresses your wound.
“This is all my fault. I let my guard down. I was thrown off by seeing you in my sweatshirt. You look so good I got distracted. I’m sorry I let you get hurt” his eyes were on his hands and your leg as he finishes tying the bandages, you’re pretty sure he doesn’t even know what he just confessed to.
Your hands take his into your own, the wound on your neck stopped bleeding and isn’t more than a scratch.
“Genma” you say softly and wait until he meets your eye. His senbon was back in his teeth and you heard the gentle grinding sound as he bit down against it.
You reach up and cup his jaw “I worry about your teeth” you joke and he rolls his eyes, relaxing his jaw before looking back to your eye.
“We should get going. You should see a doctor about that wound” Shikamaru said, coming back from taking care of Mina and her accomplice and sending them off with a couple ANBU.
Your eyes don’t leave Genma’s but you drop your hands “okay. My leg isn’t too bad so I can pack up my things real quick. Could you help me?” Genma nods immediately and picks you up into his arms bridal style, carrying you back towards the house.
As you stand on your good leg at the bathroom sink, Genma goes to clean up his things. A quick sweep of the home since you kept it spotless normally in preparation.
You look at yourself in the mirror and sigh, brushing your hair behind your shoulder as you look at the cuts on your neck.
“Do you think they’ll scar?” You ask when he appears in the doorway, his pack over a shoulder.
“I doubt it. They aren’t very deep. If they do scar it will be gone in a year” you scowl and look away, going to grab your small bag if things to add to your pack on the bed.
You go to hop your way out but he drops his bag and puts his arm around your waist, easily taking your weight as he helps you back to the bed.
“Shikamaru will take my bag, I’ll carry you back” he says and doesn’t wait for you to say anything, just turns and crouches, waiting for you to climb up.
You chuckle “I’ll be fine” you say and he clicks his senbon before leaning back and grabbing your calves, gently pulling you so you lose balance with a gasp and fall into him.
“We’re ready” Genma says, not even ten minutes after Shikamaru said it was time to leave. You’re scowling but holding on to his shoulders tight.
Genma throws his pack to him and he catches it in silence, putting over his shoulder. “Let’s go”
His hands are firm against your thighs as he carries you and you notice how he never forgets about your wound, is always gentle with you whenever he has to adjust or move you.
“It’s gonna be weird not living with you” you admit with a small chuckle and his hands squeeze your legs gently “oh yeah. I bet you’ll miss having fresh coffee made for you in the morning and never having to wash a dish” you laugh and playfully slap his shoulder “and you’ll miss my cooking every meal!” He chuckles and nods “you know it. You’re a queen of the kitchen” you feel your cheeks warm and are grateful that he can’t see.
“We’re here” Shikamaru says and you feel your stomach fill with relief until it gets taken over by worry when you realize you still don’t have anywhere to stay. Shikamaru heads off to talk to the Hokage as Genma brings you to the hospital to get looked at.
“I’ll be here when you’re done” he says as he sets you on the exam table and your eyes widen “you will be?” He raises his eyebrows with a smirk “of course I will be” you feel your cheeks warm, the mission was over so you just expected him to go his way as you go yours. You nod, feeling your eyes sting again with your feelings as you smile shyly “thank you Genma”
A few medical ninjas heal your leg up and disinfect and bandage up your neck when you exit the room, true to his word, Genma is sitting on the chair across the hall with his head relaxed against the wall behind him. His eyes are closed and you can tell he’s sleeping, his senbon hanging in the edge of his lips.
You crouch in front of him and smile softly as you look him over. His messy hair and his recreational clothes, he was missing his headband still and has dirt on his cheeks.
You reach up and softly run your fingers through his hair, smiling when his eyes flutter open. “Good morning sleepy head” you say softly and he takes a deep inhale, a soft smile on his lips as he meets your eye. “Good morning beautiful” he says and rubs his eyes.
“Wanna get some breakfast?” You ask, fingers still moving slowly through his soft hair. “God yes” he says and you laugh, standing with a groan before offering him your left hand, which he takes without hesitation and stands.
“How’s your leg?” He asks, lacing his fingers together with yours and making your heart flutter. “It’s fine. Nothing major was hit, should just be a bruise now.” You want to ask why he’s holding your hand. Want to point out how he doesn’t have to do that anymore since this is your village and you’re not pretending anymore, but you don’t. You don’t ask. You just savor the feeling knowing it’s probably the last time.
You yawn hard as you sit across from him at the table, waiting for your food to be delivered as you sit quietly with him. You both looked exhausted, exactly like you’ve been traveling all night. You look up from the picture on the wall you were zoned out staring at and feel your cheeks warm when you catch him looking at you.
“What?” You ask with a small chuckle and he just smiles “nothing. Just looking” he says and it makes your heart flutter. “Would have thought you looked enough over the last month” he chuckles “not nearly enough if I’m being honest” he admits quietly and you chuckle at the softness.
“Stay with me” he says as he takes a bit of his pumpkin soup. “What?” You ask, choking on your own spit.
“Stay with me while you find your own place. Your stuff is still in storage right?” You feel your cheeks warm as you wipe off your mouth “yeah that’s true but I don’t want to impose I can just stay at the inn” he shakes his head “no. Stay with me. I have more than enough room” you laugh “I’m not gonna be able to change your mind Huh?” He shakes his head with a small smile “I insist”
He takes another bite of his soup and sighs “it’s not as good as yours” he says a little sadly and for some reason it fills your heart full of pride. “I’m sorry I ruined your favorite meal” you say and he laughs, running his hands through his hair and sticks his senbon back in his teeth. “It just means I’ll need you to make it for me now” he says and you laugh “anytime. But just for you” you say back and you feel as if your heart could burst.
After your meal he takes your hand again in his, lifting it and using his thumb to twist the fake wedding band “I guess we should take these off Huh?”
You nod “yeah probably. Since the mission is over” he sighs and slips yours off before he takes his off and puts them both in his pocket before he takes your hand again, your pack over his shoulder.
“We don’t have to hold hands anymore either. And I could take my pack..” your voice sounds as sad as you feel but you doubt you’d even be able to hide it.
“Oh” he says softly “yeah. You’re right” he hesitates for just a moment before dropping your hand and shoving his roughly into his pocket. He doesn’t give your bag to you though, which makes you smirk, your hand moving behind your back to hold your elbow.
The first night at his place was nice, you insisted on taking his couch and he couldn’t find a good enough excuse to change your mind. You helped clean off the dust and air out the apartment before he went out to stock up on fresh groceries as you shower.
When you get out the shower you wander around his bedroom, more or less snooping. You open his closet and hum in approval at the collection of comfortable clothing he has as well as his nice fancier clothing. You take one of the comfy jackets off a hanger and throw it on before you continue your trek through his apartment.
His apartment was spacious even though it was one bedroom. His room was large and open, a bed in the middle with amazing light when the sunrises. It has a couch at the end of the bed, a large bathroom, and decent closet. It had a sliding glass door and a small balcony that had a chair and table.
You sat on the side of the bed and opened the top drawer of the bedside table.
Exactly what you expected from him, a kunai and a box of condoms that were a particularly larger size than you would have assumed he would have.
“You big snoop” he says with evident laugh in his voice as he catches you with condoms in your hand.
You gasp and flail, the box hitting the headboard of his bed and falling behind you on the bed as you just sigh and hide your face in your hands.
“That was funny. You shoulda seen your face” he says with a laugh and you just keep your face hidden, your cheeks hot under your palms.
“God Genma you scared me” you say and he just laughs and sits beside you on the bed.
With a low groan, he leans slowly behind you and grabs the box of condoms. “If you wanted to know what size condoms I use, you could have just asked” he said with a twirl of his senbon and you let out a squeak that makes his skin tingle.
You decide to try and tip the scale of his cockiness so you quickly move, throwing your leg across him and pushing him down to the bed with your hands.
You lean in close to his ear and his hands move to grip your thighs “would you have told me... or shown me?” You ask, teeth connecting to his ear as you bite him gently, smirking when his breath hitches.
You lean up, sliding your hands down his chest and looking down at him with a smile for a moment before you take his senbon from his mouth and stick it between your teeth before you wink and slide from his lap to your feet. Walking out of the door with a satisfied hum and a swing of your hips.
You walk down the hallway into his spacious and homey living room, your toes appreciating the soft rug as you cross the living room to the dining room and kitchen, towards the brown paper sacks he must have left on the table.
“Oooh you got melon. I love melon.” You say with a smirk, twisting the senbon around with your tongue as you make eye contact with him as he comes across the room.
“I know you love it” he says and stands beside you, placing his hand on your low back as he leans down and takes the end of his senbon into his teeth and you smile, letting him take it from your mouth.
You know the condom moment made the air more tense between you, but you really liked it. It felt real, like the mission was just a show but now this, this!, is real flirting! Real feelings!
“That wasn’t very nice what you did in there” he says and you laugh “I’m sorry Genma. Did I get you worked up just to leave? How rude of me.” You say as you cut the melon.
“Maybe don’t dish out the teasing if you can’t handle it back” you say and offer him a small bite of melon. He rolls his eyes and leans down but instead of popping it into his mouth you quickly put it in your own with a grin
“Hey!” He says and you chuckle “what are ya going to do about it? Huh?” You tease and he places a hand on your hip and pulls you to his chest, a little squeak leaving your lips making him smirk.
“I wanted a taste” he says his voice low and his eyes playful. you smile, your hand on his chest can feel his racing heart and you reach up, taking his senbon as you say “then take one” his lips hitting yours less than a second later.
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britishassistant · 4 years
Too Many Bridges (I Dig Canals) 1
He was twenty-two when he died.
His mama hadn’t wanted him to move out to West Texas, crying that it wasn’t safe. His dad had soothed that he’d be fine at UTEP, the first one in the family to go to university, a business major, doing them all so proud.
His little sister had said they’d all dealt with much worse in high school, where the teachers screamed at you for speaking Spanish until you could barely remember a word.
His short older sister just snuck a dumb Homestuck backpack into his luggage, filled with the latest volumes of Boruto. He’d liked to read them while eating shitty convenience store ramen at 2AM.
Then he’d run out of cup ramen in his senior year, gone to the 7-11 at 1AM to grab some more, and made the mistake of glancing at a cracker junkie shaking from withdrawal.
Last thing he knew, he was bleeding out around a knife while the druggie tore through his groceries, crooning, “C’mon, c’mon where’s the hit, where is it, I know you’re hiding it.”
He’d only had the strength left to flip the racist fucker off before he finally drifted away.
He wakes as a baby.
The only natural response to this is to begin screaming.
What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck?! Why the fuck is he a baby?! Is everyone a baby when they go to Heaven?! Or wait, his butt’s kinda damp, is this Heaven at all?! Is he in Hell?! Was him flipping off that cracker enough to get him sent to Hell, after all he’s done?! All the masses he’s been to?! For the love of Christ, what’s going on—
A woman with white-blond hair and a tired face leans over him, muttering something harsh-sounding in a foreign language.
A loud and angry sounding man’s voice shouts something from somewhere he can’t see, which startles him into crying harder.
Then a large and callused hand slams down over his mouth, practically smothering him.
The woman’s face looms over him, wrinkled and shadowed like the face of the devil himself, poisonous green eyes glaring at him.
“Damare, kuso gaki.” The devil-woman hisses.
He whimpers.
His hair is green now.
Like a dehydrated shrub left too long in the heat, spiky-dry and almost yellowing at the edges.
And his eyes are purple. As if the green spiky anime hair wasn’t enough to humiliate him.
He misses his mama and his dad and his sisters but thank Jesus they’ll never see him like this.
At least his skin color’s pretty much the same as his last life. If he ended up resembling that fucking junkie who murdered him in any way, shape or form...
Well. All he knows is it wouldn't be pretty.
His new name is Meiun Nobuo.
The devil-woman who would rather smother him in his crib than let him cry apparently gave birth to him.
The deadbeat who cursed him with this eye and hair color and returns most nights stinking of alcohol and rotting fish is the sperm donor.
He misses his real family.
They live in a dock town.
Their house is farthest from the shore, so the scent of rotting fish guts and seagull shit is vaguely bearable. It’s bigger than the fishermen and farmer’s huts and market stalls that make up the rest of the village, with a curved asian roof.
He thinks the sperm donor is in a relatively high position in the village, perhaps an official of some sort. Probably inherited, because he seriously doubts anyone with a brain would elect that drunk deadbeat to any position of authority, but who knows.
He used to think the same thing about the government in his past life, and look what happened there.
Ragged official looking people buzz in and out of the rooms he’s not supposed to enter all day every day. Some of them smile at him if they notice him, lips spread sickeningly wide and eyes sycophantically crinkled.
Others look at him like he’s a nuisance, worthy of only their ire.
As if he asked to be reborn to this fucking paltry excuse for family when he had a perfectly good one back home
The devil-woman isn’t from around here.
That much is obvious in the way she’s constantly ill at ease, snapping at the slightest inconvenience, acting like everyone’s out to get her.
To be fair, a lot of them probably are just for the chance to have some peace and quiet again.
He privately counts himself among that number.
She’s always grumbling about how much better it is in rain, but regardless of the weather her shitty attitude never seems to improve.
She also starts trying to poison him when he turns four.
When his rice tastes weirdly bitter he spits it back into the bowl.
The devil-woman slaps him across the face.
“Eat.” She hisses, forcing his head into the bowl. “I didn’t destroy my body for you to bring shame to the Dokuso name like this. Your great uncle was already immune to neurotoxins by the time he was your age. The least you can do is eat.”
He tries to struggle, to scream for someone to help him, but the devil-woman just forces his head down farther until he swallows every last grain of tainted rice.
His body won’t stop shaking for the rest of the day, every gasp of air feeling like it’s scraping his lungs raw.
It becomes some kind of demented pattern.
He’s poisoned, he suffers, his body adjusts, he’s poisoned again in a new way, rinse and repeat until he seriously finds himself contemplating whether his last death was better than this.
The look of dissatisfaction the devil-woman always wears, as though he’s somehow not doing this (or dying) fast enough for her liking, weighs the argument a lot.
On the days where he’s in less danger of throwing up his guts, he has lessons with a tutor, because of course he fucking does.
Death, taxes and homework: the three constants of existence.
The tutor calls him a prodigy with mathematics, even if his grasp of kanji is shaky.
The deadbeat uses this as an excuse to push some of his work onto a five year old with some garbled line about “carrying on the work of our forefathers”.
He hates this.
He hates it so fucking much.
He prays every night, asking Christ why he’s being tormented like this. He hasn’t got an answer back yet.
He’s gonna make a break for it as soon as he’s old enough to do so. He’s still too young to be allowed out of the house, even for festivals. He also doesn’t receive anything like an allowance yet either, though he suspects that’s more due to the fact that the sperm donor is a cheapskate.
It’s fine. It’ll be fine. He’s already got access to some of the accounts, has proven himself to be a dedicated worker beneath suspicion.
Nobody’ll suspect the kid “carrying on the work of his forefathers” if money begins disappearing, not when there are so many greedy adults around. It’s foolproof.
He’s just gotta wait until he learns where he is and how he can get away.
He can do that. It’ll be fine.
“The daimyō has declared dōjutsu users enemies of the state.” His sperm donor complains one evening. “The Mizukage has authorized the use of deadly force to subdue them.”
The devil-woman sniffs, says something nasally and contrarian back but he can’t hear her over the blood rushing in his ears.
His mouth is dry. He can’t breathe.
There’s no way—there’s absolutely no fucking way—the tech here is way too primitive, he must be hallucinating, going through withdrawal from not reading his favorite manga for so long.
There’s no way this place could be the same world as Boruto. Besides, Chojuro would never authorize a-a genocide like that, Kagura-kun would be so disappointed in him—
But Kagura-kun’s grandfather wouldn’t have had any problems with it, would he?
It’s not until the devil-woman whacks him over the head and screams at him to get up that he realizes he’s on the floor.
He climbs shakily to his feet.
He endures the scolding quietly.
He goes to his room when dismissed.
He shuts the door behind him and slides down it, trying to muffle the sounds escaping his throat. They could be hysterical laughter or sobs. He really isn’t sure.
Because of course he’s been reborn years before any of the good characters of this series or plot developments that he can clearly remember will make their appearance.
That’s just his fucking luck.
He presses his forehead to his knees and screams.
This revelation helps along his plans, at least.
If he’s in Kiri, then he knows he’s probably on one of the many islands that make up the...peninsula? Archipelago? Fuck, geography was never his strong suit.
But yeah, he’ll need to charter a boat to get to the mainland so he can disappear.
He briefly entertains the idea of becoming a ninja for Kiri, maybe growing up to become one of Chojuro’s aides and Kagura-kun’s mentors. Getting to meet Boruto when that arc comes around.
But no. Or at least, not yet.
Going there before Terumi Mei has had the chance to overthrow Yagura isn’t a good idea, what with the whole “kill everyone else you studied with to become a genin” thing they’ve got going on. Also the people claiming to be his parents might track him down and have him sent back.
Fire Country is probably his best bet to vanish. The ninja there actually care about the populace.
He might even be able to go to Konoha. See Boruto and Sarada and Mitsuki grow up firsthand.
The thought leaves a warm feeling in his chest even as his limbs tremble from the effects of the latest venom for the rest of the week.
It doesn’t last.
Of course it doesn’t.
It’s one thing to know that certain people in the community are slated for death.
It’s a different ballgame entirely to see a mob barge into the sperm donor’s office, howling for blood.
He can only hear the words “kekkai genkai filth” chanted like a curse before the deadbeat is nodding his head and rising, grabbing a huge ass sword from where it’s been gathering dust on the wall.
He tries to shrink back, tries to let the throng pass him without drawing their attention, but a hand grabs his collar and yanks him away from his little table, away from his calculations, and drags him along with the frothing crowd of people with hate in their eyes.
He’s squashed near the back of the herd, but every time he tries to get away there are hands and arms to yank him back into line, hands of men or women or—Jesus, or other kids.
He’s eventually funneled through the doorway of a tiny farmer’s hut, pushed into one of the walls by the crush of people, and he looks up and there’s—
Oh God.
Oh God.
Oh Jesus in Heaven have mercy.
He can’t look.
It’s awful, it’s too much, he can’t look, he can’t, he gags, averts his eyes—
He sees the girl in the corner of the room.
She’s crying, mouthing “Mama” to herself over and over.
One of those murderers has seen her too.
The man takes a step towards the girl—
“Stay the fuck away from her!” He yells.
He can’t remember moving. All he knows is he’s now in between the girl and the mob, knees trembling and adrenaline pounding in his ears.
His voice is all shaky and squeaky, not intimidating at all.
He’s scared.
Jesus Christ, he’s so scared.
These monsters just killed that innocent lady for their dumb fucking witch hunt.
What’ll they do to this girl if they get their hands on her?
One of the villagers steps forward and growls, “Outta the way, boy. You don’t wanna get hurt for that thing.”
“Fuck you, asshole!” He screams back.
“Meiun, discipline your fucking brat before we do it for you!” Someone else in the mob shouts.
The sperm donor is pushed to the front and begrudgingly holds out a hand. “Don’t be stupid Nobuo. Get your ass over here, now.”
“Listen to your father!” The demon-woman shrieks from the safety of several people away.
He laughs. He can’t help it. “My father?! You want me to acknowledge that drunken excuse of a sperm donor as a father?! Get real, you fucking hag!! You and him wouldn’t know what real fucking parenting looked like if you fucking murdered it in cold fucking blood!!”
He points at what’s left of the lady. “Because guess what? Looks like ya did!”
“How dare you—” The deadbeat’s gone dark purple.
“No, how dare you?!” His hands are shaking and Christ, there’s no way this can end well, but his mouth won’t stop running. “That lady was a perfectly fucking nice lady, a loving wife and a good mom and you assholes think you can just come out here and murder her for what?! Having something that you don’t?! Being a genuinely good person, like you aren’t?! You’re all just JEALOUS FU—”
Pain explodes in his temple.
He tries to raise his arms, tries to fight back, but the man’s swinging too wildly, he can’t stop the blow to the gut that knocks the air out of him.
More arms appear from nowhere, shoving him to the ground, pinning him down, jeers and taunts about how if he loves kekkai genkai filth that much he can join them, see what happens to them.
The knife glints evilly in the light.
He doesn’t wanna die again.
Jesus Christ, he doesn’t wanna die again.
There’s cold for a moment behind his right ear.
And then there’s nothing but agony, red and sharp and pounding pounding pounding and Nobuo is screaming screaming screaming.
Until his throat feels like it’s going to give out.
Until he knows he’ll die like this.
He doesn’t wanna die he doesn’t wanna die he doesn’t wanna die he doesn’t wanna die he doesn’t wanna die he doesn’t wanna die he doesn’t wanna die he doesn’t wanna die Christ—
The sensation is sudden and painful.
Like he’s been punched in the chest again, but in reverse.
Something erupts from him, with enough force to leave him breathless.
The jeers and ugly laughter become screams as pained as his own.
“Shit, he’s one t—?!” is the last thing he hears before a sound like glass shattering over and over overwhelms all other noise, even the terrified shrieks for mercy.
Nobuo’s eyes roll back into his head.
He blacks out.
The right side of his head throbs.
He whimpers in pain, curling in on himself.
“A-are you alright? Are you hurting? I tried to patch you up as best I could...” A soft, sweet voice murmurs.
He cracks open his eyes a sliver to see a dark-haired head with a pretty face hovering over him. The pretty face looks worried, almost scared.
“What...?” He tries to ask, voice croaky as hell. “Where...?”
“Ah, I, uh, took you and ran away after you got those guys off you.” The pretty face explains, averting their eyes for some reason. Their kimono is torn in places. “You-your e-head was bleeding really bad, so I tried to fix it, but I don’t think I did a very good job...”
His hand lifts to the side of his head, feeling cloth sticky with what he can only assume is blood.
And feeling nothing beneath it.
His breathing hitches. He tries to stop it, tries to gulp the panic and fear back down, he can’t cry, he’ll get hit again if he cries, he can’t—
He lets out a sound that can only be described as a wail, shoulders shaking.
There’s movement and he flinches, oh god, he doesn’t want a hit, not now, not when he’s already dealing with this—
Small, thin arms wrap around him, trembling. A head of soft hair buries itself in his other shoulder, and a low voice begins sobbing “I-I’m so-sorry, I-I didn’t, I co-couldn’t stop them, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” in his remaining ear.
A small part of his brain notes that this is the first time he’s been hugged since he woke up as a baby.
They cry for a long, long time.
Finally, when it feels like he’s gonna have a head cold for a week at least, he shrugs his shoulder minutely.
The girl looks up, face blotchy and red.
“You’re that girl, right? What’s your name?” He croaks.
The girl tenses and pulls away a little. “I’m Haku. I’m eight. A-and I-I’m a b-boy.”
“Oh. Sorry.” He rubs the back of his neck, feeling his cheeks flush. Where does he feel like he’s heard that name before...?
“And you are?” Haku prompts.
“M-Meiun Nobuo.” He states with a grimace. “M’ six.”
“Ah...then Official Meiun was...” Haku’s eyes begin to fill with tears again. “Y-your father, and, and your m-mother—”
“God no.” He snaps. “That man impregnated that woman to make me, but father and mother are the last things they can be called. Real parents don’t pull the shit they do on their kids.”
He folds his arms across his chest. “This may’ve sped up my plans, but you did me a favor, taking me with you. I was planning on running away anyway.”
Haku lets out a confused sniffle.“Where were you planning on running away to?”
“Fire Country.” He might puff out his chest a little. “Their ninja actually care about people, and they don’t hate kekkai genkai there.”
“Kekkai genkai...th-that’s what they kept calling me and m-mama...” Fat tears begin rolling Haku’s pretty face.
He shakily slides an arm around the older boy’s shoulders. “Y-you can come with me. If you want. I-I don’t exactly know the way, I was hoping to get some more geography and funds first, b-but I’ll figure something out, I swear.”
Haku takes a few deep, shuddery breaths. “I-I don’t either, but I know how to get to the next village, if that’s okay?”
“That’s great! That’s way better than what I can do!” He assures, giving his traveling companion’s shoulder a pat. “...d’you, like, wanna start going now, or...?”
“Can we stay here for a moment?” Haku asks. “J-just until I can check your head’s okay?”
Meiun Nobuo nods carefully, leaning more against the older boy. “Sure. No rush.”
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bredfaith · 4 years
headcanon dump for hidan (2/2): persona version:
his favorite food is ribs. like, seriously, he could eat ribs every single day and never get tired. they gotta be swimming in barbecue sauce and so tender they're falling off the bone, though. failure to make them correctly Will result in your immedate demise
education in yugakure wasn't exactly the best, and considering hidan didn't give a single fuck about school, he isn't the brightest tool in the shed. he is, however, very knowledgeable on the human body. where pressure points are, what every organ and body part is and where it is, what certain things can damage a person quicker or bring them the most pain and where to hit to kill someone before they even realize they're dying. in all reality, he would've made a great medic. y'know, if he wasn't so into murder.
doesn't speak like everyone in yugakure, his dialect much different than everyone else's; loud, mean, aggressive, even when he's in the greatest mood. (he basically talks like he's from new york city because i'm from new york city and you can't convince me he don't sound like that)
believes that immortality = invincibility, and while there hasn't been anyone able to really take him down, he isn't the smartest when running into a fight. he's like a god of war game, hacking and slashing whatever he can and honestly hoping for the best. though, in addition to this, he has the capability of using his brain in a battle and making decisions that actually work, but he's arrogant and confident in himself to the point where he doesn't feel like he has to think so hard
feelings aren't really his thing. he likes moving around with an air of disinterest. you'll never mean anything to me, he tells himself, this will never matter. he does a pretty good job with convincing himself, and no one wants to be around him long enough to prove him wrong, which has only helped him solidify these thoughts
despite many little complaints, he ultimately respects jashin more than anything or one in the world. he finds some parts of jashinism to be weird, time-consuming and annoying, but he never skips a prayer or performs a ritual improperly. it's a testament to his loyalty, and how no amount of complaining or cursing will change the absolute care in which he does something that actually means something to him
money has absolutely no value to him. except to buy himself some ribs
he still visits the valley of hell regularly, sitting at the shrine of jashin and recounting sacrifices (all of which he remembers, even if he pretends like he doesn't). the scythe is an artefact, a piece of jashin torn away and sealed by the shodai mizukage before he'd found it, and despite him not knowing any of this just yet, there's a pull he feels to keep this slab of bloodied stone updated. as if it were watching him
hates the cold. will complain loudly and annoyingly if he's in a place he can't be shirtless because of the weather. so used to the heated, humid airs of yugakure, even too strong a wind can put him in an awful mood
wounds heal on their own, especially during/after a ritual, but if a limb is completely severed from his body, it has to be sewed back to him. the limb won't succumb to rot so long as it's in his general vicinity. he could also, technically, take limbs from other people and use them as his own. i'm pretty sure one of his fingers is not really his own*
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Where our Paths met
A naruto love story
A NarutoxOC story because I got inspired to finally, actually write a fanfic of my own and publish it, by a wonderful writer;@bonemarroww. It is going to be here and wattpad, and also Ao3, and in the future, there will be links to Ao3 to read all the chapters that are currently out.
Summary: Akina Seto. A terribly ordinary girl who was at the wrong place at the wrong time. A girl who just wanted have a family to call her own, friends to hang out with. A girl who didn't want to be so ordinary anymore. When she moved to the Village Hidden in the Leaves, she knew that this would be her chance to shine. This would be the place she would meet new people and become someone she was proud of. And maybe she gets help along the way by a hyperactive boy who wants to be recognized for his efforts, and become Hokage someday.
Chapter 1: The first step
The day was clear, with few clouds in the sky. The wind was subtle but not unwanted, moving stray leaves from the trees to the ground, causing them to crunch under Akina's foot as she walked the path laid before her.
    She had been walking for days now, trying to find her way through the geography of the land. Though she had a map, it didn't really help that she didn't understand it at all. But, she knew she was going the right way, the wind was telling her so, in its whispers, telling her to keep going on this path and in a days time she will be in front of the gates of the Hidden Leaf village, her new home. A new beginning, a new start. The thought made Akina smile to herself. She really needed the change of scenery, and even more a change of lifestyle.
  In her old home, there wasn't much, just a small town, a part of the village Hidden in the Mist. The town didn't really have a name, nothing worth mentioning. It wasn't even on any maps, that is how insignificant it was. It's even more irrelevant now since it's been burned and raided and looted a couple months ago. This was the reason why Akina left, and decided to find solace at the Hidden Leaf Village, to make a new life for herself. It definitely helps that she doesn't know who her parents are, and the people of the village were strangely wary of Akina.
   She remembered a vivid memory of the village elders telling her to never interact with anybody, to stay and hide, especially when the new moon comes. She never knew what they meant, and to this day she was still confused on the new moon bit, it always confused her. She did get oddly weak on new moons, but nothing bad would happen. And since nothing bad ever happens, she never really thought of it seriously. But then again, the new moon was out when the village was burned and raided, and Akina couldn't really remember what happened...It's like there was a barrier set on her mind to make her not remember, and it hurt to try.
   Her brows furrowing in frustration, Akina walked on, trying to figure out what happened, but just ending up with a headache. She sighs and relaxing her muscles. The tension of trying to remember becoming too much for her mind. "I probably shouldn't push myself so hard..." Akina muttered to herself, setting her backpack down to grab a drink of water from her canister. With a few swigs down, and a refreshed mindset, she put her backpack back on and started to walk faster down the path, a renewed vigor, wanting to get to the village earlier than in a day.
    Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and Kakashi stood in front of the Fourth Hokage. Naruto yawned, Sasuke looking bored, and Sakura glancing from the room to Sasuke to seem inconspicuous, but failing. Kakashi shook his head, then gave his attention to Lord Fourth. "Seeing as you called us here, I'm sure you have a mission for my team and I?" Kakashi asked. Lord Fourth cleared his throat and nodded.   He fumbled for a few seconds to find the right file. When he did find it, he gestured for Kakashi to take it, which he did.
  "This is a simple C rank mission, you four are to meet up and escort a girl around a year or two older than Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura. She is coming from a very small town in the village Hidden in the Mist. Unfortunately, the town was burned down and raided recently, and the only survivor was her." the Fourth explained. Kakashi nodded as he read along the explanation.
   "Understood, we will get ready immediately. Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, you guys get your things ready and meet me in front of the Konoha gates within two hours." Kakashi commanded the three genin.
   "Why are we leaving so early?!?" Naruto sputtered, "we barely got back from the Land of Waves a week ago! And I haven't even been to Ichiraku's since we've been back!"
"You know, for someone who wants to become Hokage someday, you sure do complain a lot." Kakashi sighed in exasperation.
  "Yeah Naruto, stop complaining so much. Can't you be a little quieter, like some people." Sakura chided in, referring to Sasuke who wasn't paying attention to the conversation.
"Sakura! Why are you taking his side?! You just side you were tired to, ya know!"
   "Yes, but I know when to be responsible and suck it up, unlike you, you idiot!" Sakura jabbed. She huffed and looked in the opposite direction of Naruto to indicate she was done arguing. Naruto slumped his shoulders in defeat and sighed. Kakashi chuckled softly and rubbed the back of his head, bowing politely to the Fourth.
"Sorry about them, they never learn." Kakashi said. The Fourth waved a dismissive hand.
   "No matter, just make sure to get her here safely. And Kakashi, I need to have a word with you privately." the Fourth said, indicating for the genin to leave his office. When they were signaled to leave, all three bowed and turned to leave, quietly closing the door behind them.
    "What did you want to discuss with me?" Kakashi asked curiously. The Fourth Hokage folded his hands underneath his head and settled his chin on top of them and looked at Kakashi with a serious gaze.
    "I know I said this was a C rank mission, but there is more to it than I originally thought. You see, the one requested this mission was the Mizukage herself." Lord Fourth said. This made Kakashi intrigued. "She wouldn't give me a lot of detail as to why she requested us to escort young Akina to our village, but what she did say was that this girl is extremely special for reasons that we don't know, that the Mizukage wouldn't disclose just yet. But if I am assuming correctly, this girl is the last member of a very long and very powerful bloodline, and the Mizukage wants her to be protected at all costs, so we must do our jobs as shinobi of the Leaf to make sure she is not harmed." the Fourth said. Kakashi nodded sharply.
   "If I may ask, what clan could she be from?" Kakashi asked. Lord Fourth hesitated for a few moments, debating on if he should tell Kakashi or not. He looked to his advisers, making eye contact with them. In the end, they all agreed to tell him.
"She might be the last living member of the Seto clan."
  Kakashi gasped, his visible eye practically bulging out of his head. "The Seto clan? I thought they were exterminated more than fifteen years ago."
  The Seto clan. Once revered as gods of the natural elements long ago. It was said that they evolved so much in there ninjutsu that they didn't need to make hand signs, and their taijutsu was on par with the Leaf's own Hyuga clan. And in some branches of the bloodline, their genjutsu was just as terrifying as the Uchiha's genjutsu. They were a force to be reckoned with, and many people were scared of them, as much as they admired them. But with power comes the people who wanted them dead. The clan was soon executed by their own village, in fear they would do something to the people. It was a tragedy many tried to forget.
   "Yes well, rumors were spreading around the land that a woman escaped, and apparently she was pregnant with who you are assigned to meet today. Though she probably doesn't know anything of her heritage and blood, and I want to keep it that way. Don't say anything, not even the your team." the Fourth warned. Kakashi nodded sharply. "Good, you may leave now." the Fourth said, dismissing Kakashi. He bowed lowly and quickly, then in a puff of smoke he was gone. The Fourth Hokage sighed and rubbed eyes, hoping to any god that would listen that they would all be safe on this journey.
    When the two hour time limit came to an end, Kakashi jumped to the front gates of Konoha, and saw his teammates already there, packed and ready to go. He landed next to Naruto and waved in greeting. "I see that you are all ready to go." He said, smiling through his mask.
 "You're five minutes late Kakashi-sensei!" Sakura exclaimed, her hands on her hips.
 "Oh, was I? I didn't notice."
 "Yeah, well we did!" Naruto said, siding with Sakura. She nodded her head in agreement. Kakashi chuckled, not really knowing what to say. Sasuke rolled his eyes and sighs.
 "Do you ever shut up, you dolt?" Sasuke said pointedly to Naruto. Naruto glared right back and cracked his knuckles.
 "What'd you say?!?" Naruto yelled out, winding up his arm to hit Sasuke square in the face, but Kakashi caught his hand before he could.
  "Now now, teammates shouldn't fight each other. Besides we need to get going." Kakashi said. He let go of Naruto's fist and pushed him along so they could finally begin their search for Akina Seto.
  In the first thirty minutes of the journey, it was pretty quiet, with the occasional muttered insult from Naruto towards Sasuke, to which Sasuke ignored. But when thirty minutes became six hours, things started to get a little tense.
  "Sensei! Where are we even going?!" Sakura cried out, tired of all the walking they were doing.
  "Well, we are following the path that leads into Konoha, to see if we run into her while we walk down the same path." Kakashi explained.
 "I understand that, but we've been walking for six hours straight and I haven't seen another living soul at all!" Sakura complained. Kakashi rolled his eyes and sighed. He really didn't want to walk either, but what else were they supposed to do.
  As Kakashi was about to answer, a scream was heard throughout the forest, startling all four the shinobi. "What was that?" Sasuke muttered to himself, carefully taking a kunai out of his pouch.
   "I don't know, but it could be the girl we're looking for!" Naruto yelled out and dashed off the direction of the scream.
  "Wait Naruto, you can't ju-- oh nevermind. Sasuke, Sakura let's go!"
  As Naruto ran through the trees, he came to a sudden halt to see a girl with snow white hair hanging upside down from a tree with a rope. She was also surrounded by three ninja. Their kunai were out, and they were laughing maliciously. Before Naruto had a chance to consider going down there to help the girl, there was hand holding him in place. He looked over to see it was Kakashi, with Sasuke and Sakura following quietly behind. Naruto whispered to Kakashi, "Who are they?"
 "Rogue ninja it seems." Kakashi responded back quietly. "Okay, on my command, we'll all go in and surprise them. Knock them out and then get to the girl." Kakashi whispered. Naruto nodded, along with Sasuke and Sakura. He nodded and gestured for them to move out.
 Naruto quickly jumped out with a kunai in hand, and promptly kicked one of the ninja in the face causing his head to move in an unnatural way, and instantly knocking him out. Kakashi made quick hits to the second ninja, stabbing all his vitals points and also instantly knocking him out. Sakura and Sasuke made quick work of the last rogue, them both hitting him in the face on either side, at the same time, knocking him out too. "Well, that was fast." Naruto laughed out.
 "Yeah, for rogue ninja, they weren't that strong. They didn't even sense us." Sasuke said, putting his kunai back in his pouch.
  "You guys have a point. They were pretty compared to most ninja that go rogue. I wonder..." Kakashi concurred, trailing off into his own thoughts. The genin seemed to do the same, perplexed as to how they won so easily like that.
 "Uhm, not to interrupt your brainstorming, but do you think you could help me get down from here?" Akina said from her position upside down. Naruto heard her first and gasped loudly.
  "Oh right! Sorry about that!" Naruto threw his kunai at the rope, successfully cutting it, causing Akina to fall. Naruto made sure to catch her, then slowly drop her to the ground. Akina patted her clothes down for any dust and rubbed her hair down, making it less of a mess than it was when she was upside down. Naruto looked at her more closely. She was really pale, her eyes a deep blue, but yet red at the same time. Her eyelashes and eyebrows were also white. Everything about her screamed fragility. She seemed like the personification of snow. Yet, Naruto got the feeling she was strong, very strong. Maybe it was the way she held herself, or the gaze in her eyes when she met Naruto's.
 She smiled and bowed, then bowed to the other three. "Thank you all for helping me, I was quite in a bind there." Akina said politely. Naruto chuckled and put his hand behind his head in a casual pose.
  "Aww, no problem, what are ninja for!" Naruto said confidently.
 "Yes, Naruto is quite right here. But, are you by any chance Akina Seto?" Kakashi asked. Akina blinked up at him and nodded suspiciously. Kakashi's eye crinkled, signaling his smile from under the mask, and held out his hand to her. "Oh good. My name is Kakashi," she shook his hand," and this is my team, Sasuke," Akina shook Sasuke's hand,"Sakura," she then shook Sakura's hand, "and Naruto here, who cut you down from the tree." Kakashi finished as Akina shook Naruto's hand.
  "That's right, Naruto Uzumaki! Amazing ninja and future Hokage!" Naruto said loudly, a big grin on his face. Akina couldn't help but smile back at him.
  "Well, it's nice to meet all of you. My name is Akina Seto, wandering traveler, trying to find her way to Konoha." she said to them.
 "Yes, we were actually asked to meet you and escort you the rest of the way to Konoha." Kakashi said to her. "Now that we have found you, let us lead the way to your new home."
  "Thank you very much." Akina said gratefully. She looked around and quickly found her backpack behind a tree. Putting it on, she looked to the group and smiled, indicating she was ready to leave when they were.
  They set out again, going back Konoha this time. As they walked, Akina felt eyes on her and looked to her left to see Naruto stealing glances at her every once in awhile. She seem confused, was there something on her face? No, she didn't think so. Maybe something else...But, oh well. She smiled when she met eye contact with him. Naruto blushed a little in embarrassment at being caught. To distract himself, he started to talk with Sakura. Akina watched them interact, interested in how this blonde boy acted. He was pretty rambunctious for how small he was. She smiled to herself. She hoped when she got to Konoha, everybody acted like this. Loud and open. This would be her first step to a bigger, better life.
Author’s notes: I hope it wasn’t too bad, I really really tried on this. Also for my oc, you can totally replace her with yourself lol.
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